BCC Minutes 12/18/1979 W Naples, Florida, December 18, 197? LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and frr the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Doard(s) uf such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 3:10 P.M. in Workshop Session in Building "P" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CllAIRMlIN: Clifford Wenzel VICE ClmIRMAN: Thomas P. Archer John A. pistor C. R. "Russ" Wimer David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: Harold Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; C. William Norman, County Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board; and Darlene Davidson, Deputy Clerk. AGENDA *1. Revie'... of Lethal Yellowing Program; voluntary va. m<lndatory 2. Discussion of Agenda Preparation * Deferred until a later date STAFF DIRECTED TO CONFORM TO ORDINANCE #75-16 REGULATING THE PREPARATION OF AGENDAS Commissioner Archer stated that he agreed in general with the memorandum sent by Mr. Norman, dated December 14, 1979, in res~onse to the comments he has made regarding the preparation of the agendas for the Board t>leetings; however, he does not agree with the alternatives set out within said memorandum, nor does he agree that it cannot be accomplished as he has requested. lle said that while he was Chairman of the Board for approximately a year and a half, the complete agenda package was available to the members carlier than the t>londay preceding the meeting, as it has been of late. lIe noted the many complications that arise when BOOK 050 PAGE 502 December 18, 1979 BOOK 050 pm 503 the complete agenda package is offered to the Board as late as Friday preceding the meeting and also receiving additional items as late as ~riday prior to thJ Tuesday meeting. Included in these complications is the inability of the Commissioners to contact the proper staff members and discusB ccrtain subjects that are relevant. lIe said that in order to do his job as a Commissioner properly he necds morc timc to study the itcms on the agenda. He also allowed for certain timcs whcn an emergcncy has to be connidered, but clar- ified those as cmergcncics and not items that were simply late on arriving. lIe suggested that the staff prepare the complete package and make it availab~c one week ahead. Chairman Wenzel agreed, noting that this is the way it is supposed to be done. During discussion regarding agenda preparation, it wao brought out that a certain amount of criticism has been brought forth con- cerning the addition of so many things to the agenda. It was the consensus of the Board that only in a case of a real emergency are items to be added. County NdlhltjCL Nonllan ugrccd to do as r"''1"",ql:ed and make the packages available to the Commissioncrs one week in advance. It was also the consensus of the Board that adherence to policy would take cooperation from all stafE members, as well as the County Manager's office, and will take better planning on the part of all the members of staff. County Attorney Donald pickworth suggested that ali items that come up after the agenda has been completed will be decided as to whether or not thc Board will hear same at the beginning of thc Regular Meeting. The Board concurred. Conunissioner Archer stated that he wanted to sce a "cut-off" time for any item on the agenda set for the Friday, two weeks prior to the Tuesday meeting, thus allowing staff until Tuesday to prepare the agcnda and havc it forthcoming on each Tuesday afternoon for the following Tuesday's business. Mr. Norman agreed that he will do everything possible to prepare and have available a complete agenda package on each Tuesday for the following Tuesday's meeting. * * * * * * Hearing no further business for the good of the County, (;hairman Wenzel adjourned tl.e Workshop at 3: 15 P.M. ~oox 050 rACE 504 *