BCC Minutes 11/20/1979 R Naples, Florida, November 20, 1979 lET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Coll ier, and al so acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special dis~ricts as have been created according to law and having ~~nducted business herein, met on this date at 9;00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following member5 present: CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Archer John A. Pistor C. R. "Russ" Wimer David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Edna Brenneman and Darlene Davidson (11.20 A.M.), Deputy Clerks. Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney (9:10 A.M.); Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Dr. Danny Crew, Planning Director; lee layne, Planner; C. William Nonnan, County Manager; Clifford Barksdale, Public Works Adminis- trator/Engineer; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board; and, Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA November 20, 1979 NOTICE: ALL PERSONS SPEAKING ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO THE ITEM BEING BEARD. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMl'l"l'ED TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE BEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS" AT 11:00 A.M. 1 . INVOCATION 2 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3 . APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS OF AWARDS . A. Proclamation of "Youth Appreciation Week". SOCIAL SERVICES I : "~ ~:- :"~.;'.).' ~,"~~~1:;",.)~-~ - '-- . .' ,:..;:~,!~ 0 "050 "Sl' ga' , '" .0, " . '~""''''''l ,,. ,", lOOK . ,'A.~#~";~',l \' '," '" '';1'~' ~'....;,:,\,:," " . ''''~' ._~~:""" "", "', 6. '.,. '-: ( ',. ! ' November 20, 1979 ,'~;~ !~' Following the readirg of same by Commissioner Archer, Commis- sioner Pistor moved that the Proclamation establishing the third week in November, 1979 as Youth Appreciation Week in Collier County, as promoted by Optimist International, be adopted. Commissioner Archer seconded the motion which carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * itDDK, lXlOl1CE11la. ~~...':" ., ," ..1 N b 20 1979 " .~ '''''ii.~ ,.......111 ,;. ovem er , " t ~. ;.:.b ~"-Jt'l""''''' "'" ,. ." .;"r\f1ll ~.1.~ ,,~, tJ ... . .' : . , ... : ..~. . -.'j ~.." . ~"r .,. _ - J '~r~...:~~t, . ..:~. ~f,..r.'''~'''''' , ~'.' ORDWANCE '79:'94 REPEALING ORDINANCE 79-66 TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR, AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30 - THE COUNTY"S ZONING ORDINANCE - ADOPTED Legal notice having beer, published in the Naples Daily News on October 19, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, puhlic hearing was opened to consider an ordinance repealing Ordinance 79-66 to correct a typographical error contained therein, and amending Ordinance 76-30, pursuant to the County Attorney's recommendation, and as petitioned by US Homes. There being no persons registered to address the matter, Commis- sioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved that the corrected Ordinance, as num- bered and entitled below, be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 10. The motion was seconded by Comm~ssioner Archer and unanimously carried. ORDINANCE 79 _94 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE 79-66 TO CORRECT h TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONrNG REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED hREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-25-1 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSI- FICATION FROM "GC" GOLF COURSE AND "RM-IGH" RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY GROUP HOUSING ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: A PORTION OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 12, T~iNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE 79-95 CREATING A HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY IN COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED; NOMINATIOflS FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE AUTHORITY TO BE SUBMITTED WITHIN TWO WEEKS Legal Notice having been pUblished in the Naples Daily News on October 31, 1979, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance to create a Health Facilities Authority in Collier County, pursuant to Chapter 154, Part Ill, Florida Statutes. Noting that the County Attorney was not present, it was requested that the public hearing be continued until later in the Session, pending the arrival of Attorney Pickworth. November 20, 1979 Later in the meeting, Attorney Pickworth noted that the matter of establishing a Health Facilities Authority was previously discus- sed by the Board, at th€ request of representatives from The Moorings, Inc., and called upon Mr. Howard Weston to provide details conc~rning the proposal. Hr. Weston, representing the investment banking firm of Arch Roberts and Company, explained that his firm has been retained by The Moorings. Inc., a non-profit organization from Naples, for the purpose of assisting them in the financing of a combination retirement/health- care facility in the community, for which a PUD document has been sub- mitted. Mr. Weston explained further the purpose in establishing an Authority which he said is to help such non-profit organizations finance facilities which is accomplished through the issuance of tax-exempt bonds secured solely by the revenues of the projects to be built. He said that there are no obligations incurred by the governmental body which creates the Authority and provided the Board with the names of other counties throughout the State with which his firm has been associated in similar projects. He said that in view of the present chaotic situa- tion in the money markets, that, obviously, the particular project under discussion would benefit immensely from the cheaper financing available through the issuance of tax-exempt bonds but added that other projects coming along in the future would also be able to take advantage of such financing, assuming the Authority is created. Chairman Wenzel, noting the presence of former Mayor Harry E. O. Heineman, City of Naples, in attendance, welcomed him to the hearing and asked for his comments on the proposal. Mayor Heineman declined the opportunity to address the Board, stating that his views in support of the Authority are well-known. Hr. Fred Allen, Vice-President of The f100rings, Inc., stated that the establishment of the Authority would enable the project to move forward at this time. Regarding the legislation which enables the Authority to be established, Mr. Allen said that it contains language which seems to encourage the counties to consider the proposal favorably &oox 050 PACE 196 . ~~/..~:,., .I~~ . c. . 1.- ",,~;~'ijd.!rl'''' ; I .;f.) I'...' " , ~~.' ...~". .,- ~ ~ .J_,,~~<iww,~""-':- ~ .u:_~~ :<:in.. . ~ -- November 20, 1979 would be perfonni ng d!' extremely important servi ce to Collier County. Mr. John Kley, also representing The Moorings, Inc., although registered, rt~clined the opportunity to comment. Mr. Mike Zewalk, of the North Naples Civic Association, spoke in support of the creation of the Authority which he said will provide impetus for the establishment of the greatly-needed facility in the County. Attorney Pickworth observed that the proposed ordinance "tracks" the model ordinance other communities have used to establish the Authority and, responding to Commissioner Wimer's inquiry, said that he does not favor restricting the Authority to the project previously mentioned. He said that there could be legal problems if an attempt was made to financing one specific project. The Statute under which the Authority is set up, said Attorney Pickworth, specifies the type of projects which can be covered. noting specifics such as a non-profit organization, a Certificate of Need from HRS, and the like, which he said offers certain measures of protection for the public in that it is not to be used as a vehicle lu rUllcJ cOlTlllercfal profit-milking vcntu:"c~. There being no additional persons registered to speak, COlTlllissioner Archer moved to close the public hearing and for adoption of the Ordinance, as numbered and entitled below. The motion was seconded by Commisioner Pistor and unanimously carried. Regarding the appointment of members to serve on the Authority, Chairman Wenzel asked that the Board members, and, also, members of the organization represented, submit nominations to the Board within the next two weeks. ORDINANCE NO. 79-95 AN ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 154, PART III, FLORIDA STATUTES RELAT- ING TO A HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR FINDINGS AND DECLARATION OF NECESSITY; PROVIDING FOR CREATION OF THE COLLlE~ COUNTY HEALTH FACILITIES 'AUTHORITY; PROVIDING FOR MEMBERSHIP; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT AND TERMS; PROVIDING FOR OFFICERS; PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION; PROVIDING FOR POWERS; PROVIDING FOR AREA EMBRACED; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. L"___,.J November 20, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-170 ESTABLISHING A 45 MPH SPEED ZONE ON RADIO ROAD (C.R.856) BETWEEN AIRPORT ROAD (C.R. 31) AND A POINT 2.0 MILES EAST OF AIRPORT ROAD - ADOPTED Following brief ..~:planation by Public Works Administrator/Engineer Barksdale, as contained in the Executive Summary dated November 5, 1979 as prepared by him, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that Resolution 79-170, establishing a 45 MPH speed zone on Radio Road (C.R. 856) between Airport Road (C.R. 31) and a pOint 2.0 miles east of Airport Road, be adopted. ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." BOOK 050 PAGE 198 'r/fil.;.' '" ,- l!f~t- .-~ ..' '.. ,,;,1 ,J>':c.,.. , ;';.. :.~..-. .... ---'~.~ '1I--..1~'l(!-~ -'t~~'-'g"~"'-'''''''''''''''''____;L,~ . rH '., ,......, '-::!It ~~ 14-~~,b,d;~~ ;~' -=-t~~.,~~~"",.~ ,:, ,,',::.-:~~-,~'::::>,~.~'-":~;;'S-~~~ i t~'_ND' ;9.~9. .EQUESTED BY HA~N B.D:::be~C:O;D::79 Ii '..',* FOR EXCAVATION IN S12. T52S. R29E - APPROVED, WITH STIPULATIONS Public Works Administrator/Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that a request has been r!ceived from Harmon Brothers Rock Co. for the expansion of an existing rock mining operation in Section 12, Township 52 South, Range 29 East. He said that the Water Management Advisory Board reviewed the request for Excavation Permit No. 59.89 at their meeting on November 14, 1979 and recommended that it be approved with the following stipulations: 1. No pumping shall be permitted as part of this excavation. 2. Corps of Engineers and DER permit shall be issued if required. 3. Some form of dust control shall be required (truck traffic). 4. Any damage to roadway and entrance due to truck traffic shall be repaired at petitioner's expense. 5. Since excavated material is to be hauled off site, applicant shall pay permit fee and post required bond. 6. A 3' perimeter berm shall be constructed around the excavation"area. 7. That all app11cable provisions of County Ordinance No. 73-12 shall be adhered to. 8. That the applicant will comply with any new administrative requirements which become a part of the revised Excavation Ordinance. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that Excavation Permit No. 59.89. requested by Harmon Brothers Rock Co., in Section 12, Township 52 South, Range 29 East, be approved. following recommendations and stipulations of staff. EXCAVATION PERMIT 59.92. REQUESTED BY FEDDIE L. HURLEY, FOR EXCAVA- TION IN S13, T52S, R29E (COPELAND) - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Public Works Administrator/Engineer Barksdale reported that the excavation permit being requested by Feddie L. Hurley is for a proposed lake excavation of approximately 177' x 571' with a depth L ,I \, _..,_ I November 20, 1979 of approximately 37' for property located in Section 13, Township 52 South, Range 29 East, west of Copeland. He said that the applica- tion meets all of the requirements of the Excavation Ordi~~nce and is being recommended for approval by the staff and the Water i~nagement Advisory Board with the following stipulations. 1. No pumping shall be permitted as part of this excavation. 2. Since no fill is to be removed from the site, the bond and fee requirements shall be waived. 3. A 3' perimeter berm shall be constructed around the excavation area. 4. All applicable provisions of County Ordinance No. 73-12 shall be adhered to. 5. Applicant will comply with any new administrative requirements which become a part of the revised Excavation Ordinance. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that Excavation Permit No. 59.92, as requested by Feddie L. Hurley, for excavation in Section 13, Township 52 South, Rang~ 29 East (Copeland), be approved SUbject to stipulations set forth above. WATER WELL PERMITS NOS. 65.246 and 65.247, REQUESTED BY COLLIER COUNTY CONSERVANCY, INC., TO BE LOCATED IN S17, T51S, R26E - APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Public Works Administrator/Engineer Barksdale reported that an application has been ffled by the Coll ier County Conservancy, Inc. for two 6" Water Wells to be located in Section 17, Township 51 South. Range 26 East (Rookery Bay Marine Station). He said that the wells are replace- ment wells for potable water supply and explained that 6" wells are ne~ded not for water quantity but to accommodate the sand and the con- struction methods in the subject area. The application has been reviewed by the Water Management Advisory Board and is being recommended for approval subject to the following stipulations: 1. That a copy of the driller's log be submitted to the County Engineering Department upon completion of the drilling operation. 2. That a water analysis regarding water quality be submitted to the County Engineer. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that Water Well Permits Nos. . .. . 65.246 a~~, 6.~'~~7.~.as,"'J'f-~; ~~~. ..., 0"" :/::~i~,..~;t. " .. ~ ';,,>..~ .~ ..:'" ~..~~~ . .. ,f"". ....... ."~.. BOOK 050 'Acr202 I I I-~ t I I ! . .~. _;'<0. . .~~.:':"~,"<'~':-?:~~'?".~-_. ~_~:-:=~~~_."":':':".,-''''.~::''....; ~;.:. -~~r--"~.n...~ .ea' ---. . .' ~'o,or O~,OPACt 28~A. ,\.~..?!.",. ...., ...':/ ""~ , 'r;~r-J;,...:,... J " .. ,; 't".......~ ~}i(i~h ',., "., ' .,~'':j~.' "J I ".'., .' November 20, 1979 requested by the Collier County Conservancy, Inc., in Section 17, Township 51 South, Ran~e 26 East, be approved with the stipulations noted above. RESOLUTION 79-171 ACCEPTING DER GRANT OF $70,000 FOR PARTIAL FUNDING OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES CANAL INTERIM ACTION PROGRAM - ADOPTED: CHAIR- MAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN GRANT AGREEMENT;CH2M HTLL AUTHORIZED TO PREPARE FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND BID DOCUMENTS; MATTER TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO THE BOARD FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF BID PROCESS Following introductory comments by C. William Norman. County Manager. Mr. William Vines, Consultant to the Golden Gate Estates Study Committee, stated that a plan of action has now been completed with regard to the first small resolution or reduction of some of the water management problems existing in Golden Gate Estates. As contained in his memorandum to the Board dated November 9, 1979, Mr. Vines said that the engineering details of the Interim Action Program are set forth in the report prepared by CH2M Hill, dated 'November, 1978, same having been distributed to the Board in January of the current year. Mr. Vines explained briefly the substance of the materials furnished to the Com- missioners, inCluding a history of the Golden Gate development, particu- larly with regard to the water management facilities. Mr. Vines illustrated on the map provided the relatively modest adjustments to the canal system in the easterly outlying sections of the Estates being proposed. One of the pOints brought out by Mr, Vines was the fact that there is nothing in the Program which will cure that area which is regularly flooded and he also noted that there is no proposal to create additional flooding despite misinformation which has been circulated to the contrary. Mr. Paul Kruse, representing the newly-formed Golden Gate Residents and Supporters Coalition, stated that his group is saying "stop the canal" explaining that what is meant is that the canal should be stopped until some studies have been made on it, noting that the millions of dollars spent to date on studies have been spent in one direction only and that is toward flooding the canal. He suggested that there are alternatives 1. . J November 20, 1979 to plugging the canals, as is being proposed, and with further study these can be brought out. Among the concerns expressed by Mr. Kruse was the possibility of underground water flowing toward the west due to the porocity of the rock. Consulting Engineer Ted Smallwood responded by explaining the type of soil involved and said that he does not view Mr. Kruse's concern as a critical situation. Noting the reference made to the Naples Bay Report by Mr. Kruse, Mr. Smallwood said thnt the Report addressed the plugging of the flow going into the Bay of Naples and that the Program under discussion has no effect on that flow. He noted that the Program was conceived before the Report was made public or knowledge of the Report was known and has nothing to do with the recommendations made in the Report. Mr. Kruse continued his comments at some length and concluded by reiterating his request that the Program not be implemented until some of the questions he raised are answered. Chairman Wenzel commented that Mr. Kruse's knowledge of the situation is correct because he had recommended the very Program, the earth plugs and raising the dams, and said that he offered to do the engineering wor~ for nothing - over twelvo years ago; however, at that time they were told that, legally, they could not do anything, which, is why nothing has bnen done over the yedr). Mr. Norman pointed out that the matter being heard was not for the purpose of discussing the Naples Bay Study since the GGESC has no con- nection with the Study and is not the issue being heard. The following persons addressed the Board seeking further information regarding the Program and expressing individual concerns: 1. Mrs. Nancy Bisbee 2. Herman Verrett 3. Mrs. Mary Kruse 4. Ellis Moss 5. Fred Schwarz 6. Bruce L. Cooper 7. Mrs. Frances Martin 8. Ms. Deloris Jackson 9. Ms. Shirley Moore aoox 050 nCE 204 . ' , I' j.; ~ '': ;ft; , .:': .; ; ,. " : I'~;~ ,.4 ;,,~~,., 'i-i' " ...,~.~ ':";"',~:~....,., ...:..,~. ...~..~.'.._' ,.... \ 1-)1 #. t~... ~ "I ' ", ''', .. ".A'..",.....,~~/.J,l .'.. :~r; '. . -z .~r"~.'.l '~.::""'" ,~ I I I I I \ , '~OOK; 'D50.~;~~ 205 ';~.'.~~. ,: . :,p,. ",." ',~,'''''~'.'~T'~'' .11 'j!i!il,.~"*' ." November 20, 1979 ':,,1i~JoWl'~T~~~~:~~':t; p',.. .' <,:..~\r:':"":~~f.,;AmongYthe' questions raised and re$ponded to by the members of the )b. f.,i, ' !'.. ':~"~" . staff and the consultants were: the powers that a government has with resr':ct to individual property rights when taking such corrective measures as proposed; whether or not a building moratorium in the sub- ject area is in effect or contemplated; whether or not there will be increased flooding over what is currently being experienced; the inability of obtaining building permits in certain areas where percolation tests are unsatisfactory, and the options offered by the developer in this regard; the alleged lack of open meetings for the purpose of dissemination of infor- mation regarding the Program. Registered but declining the opportunity to speak were Ms. Trudy Kleiner and Ms. ~ra Cooper. Noting the concern expressed by the majority of the speakers, Com- missioner Wimer inquired of the staff members and consultants present if putting in the weirs and dykes, as proposed, will increase the flooding in Golden Gate Estates ~ow'or in the future, commenting that Mr. Vines has stated that it would not. Mr. Smallwood said that the Program will not increase the flooding frequency in the area and is only intended to retard the runoff in the area for the dry season. County Engineer Clifford Barksdale, responding to the same question, said that, in his opinion, it will not. Utility Director Irving Berson said that he has worked on the Program from its very beginning and voiced agreement with the other individua in that the ProgrAm is only intended to increAse the hydro period, or holding back the water for longer periods of time, but not in any way to affect the flooding. He said that it will not improve the flooding condit~on nor will it aggravate them. Mr. William Walters, Chairman of the Golden Gates Estates Study Committee, also responded to Commissioner Wimer's Question by stating that the Program will not increase flooding. He said that the reason is because the waters will be contained within the canals 1; except in those areas where they're outside the canals anyway without the November 20, 1979 structures being in there. He said that his Committee is very concerned that there be no increased flooding, and is recommending that the Program go forward based on this fact. Dr. Neno Spagna, former Community Development Administrator, expressed his knowledge of the Program, having sat in on may of the meetings during which the Program was discussed, and the answer was consistent that it will not flood any of the areas that aren't normally flooded during high levels of water. To answer a question posed by one of the speakers from the audience, Attorney Pickworth said that no one can predict the future as to whether or not the government might at some time be interested in purchasing properties In the area for a preserve; however, he said that he would be inclined to doubt it since, in discussing the matter with people at the federal level to explore the possibility. he has received the information that they are not Interested. Concerning the possibility that damage to properties could occur and who would be responsible, Attorney Pickworth replied that, to whatever extent "our" acts are responsible for damage and to whatever dollar value the damage caused by "our" acts, the County will have to make that "good", Commissioner Wimer expressed his concern that the correct information was not dlssemln.sll!u Lu Lh~ dlJproprlate people and asked that Mr. Walters notify the appropriate persons when meetings will be held so that they can be represented. Mr. Walters said that if the names of such individuals are provided to him, he will see that they are notifed and urged to attend the meetings. It was Conmissioner Wimer's suggestion that, if it is the desire of the residents and property owners of the affected area to delay action on the Program until a meeting is held in their area for further input of informa- tion, he would be in favor of such meeting. however, he added that he is in support of the Program which he said is designed primarily tc benefit those individuals. Commissioner Archer moved that Resolution 79-171 accepting the DER Grant of $70,000 for partial funding of the Golden Gate Estates Canal &OOK 050 rA~ 206 .'t',.; - .' ... ": ,.~~. ~.,..'~'., 'I~" ~, ,..' . W\..:'" 'f."~?".. '~', '. ~::;~,~"to-{\,. ..,.,~' ."",.,I!'.~"""-' ", . " ""~:'I.~- ,- ,:...t...~~ ',:t' ~~: :...: ":,~.:...-:-,..~:~::~~-'~~ I I I "";.,, ~ ' ri;:"'rol~~~:~-'~ :':~,':~,)OOK":,, O~5., ':l,~~CE.. ."'t'):,'~~. ,~~,' -".'~'" ~;t,~,~.:';: ,t ~~~"j'~ll'\", ' ~ , .. "J' 1\ \ ..j'\'~.,"' ,..~;J.1'~,~~ :, '.;~;/:" .'" Interim4 Action Program be adopted; . .,- ~ " !II!_ Or:' .," November 20, 1979 " ", that the consulting firm of CH2M Hill be authorized to prepare the necessary final construction plans and speci~ications, to be brought back to the Board after the bid process has been completed and before any action is taken; and, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Grant Agreement. The motion was seconded by Com- missioner Pistor. Chairman Wenzel voiced his opposition to the motion, commenting that Collier County. in all the years he has been in the County, has been a gold mine for professional study groups and, with the profes- sional services cost being 14+% of the total project cost, he could not vote for it. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1 with Chairman Wenzel voting in opposition. . . . RECESS: 11:10 A.M. until 11~25 A.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Brenneman was replaced by Deputy Clerk Davidson. . . . . . . . . . "Ii,,' .,"r'>' . ,-,..',-., ,.... ' , 'ii1~;~: 050~.:t~tE ~t1~~~~A". 'Jjj-, .~~~~ ,~.~~;,.,~.~ ....:f ~.:.,~... ~ .v' .~.~' ;,~:-,;.;,. ~l'" , CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR MAG CARD READER . FOR WORD PROCESSING CENTER ! November 20, 1979 ,. I I I I I I I Mr. Gene Willett, Adr.inistrative Assistant to the County Manager. said that the request is for a mag card reader for the new OS/6 420 processin ine in the Word Processing Center. He said that the initial cost for the fiscal year 79-80 is $342.50, which can be absorbed in the Word Proces- sing budget. He added that the total cost would be $4,159.36 which would be payable over five years, or may be paid any way the Commissioners' prefer. He said that he could address the alternate means for payment at the upcoming budget discussions for the next fiscal year. He clarified Commissioner Archer's question on whether or not this was to be an initial lease agreement by saying that it was a lease/purchase agreement. Commissioner Wimer moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the Lease Purchase Agreement for the Mag Card Reader for the Word Processing Center as , recommended in the Executive Summary. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous 5/0 vote. ." ." * ." * * r' '., "'---, November 20, 1979 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE~ P~RMITS FOR AMERICAN AMBULANCE SERVICE, II/C. & GOLDEN GATE FIRE ASSOCIATJO~ INC. County Manager Norman said that the matter of the issuance of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity is routinely carried out by the Board. He said that it is a condition of the State's granting a license to the afore-mentioned Ambulance Services within Collier County. Hearing no objection to same. Commissioner Archer moved to follow staff recommendations and authorized the Chairman to sign the Emergency Medical Services Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Emergency Medical Service permits for both American Ambulance Service, Inc. and Golden Gate Fire Association, Inc. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0. * * * * * * . ; ,'J,~<, '. _;,111 .\".:..'~'~:~:;", '; ;~(~\.~~):;" ',{ aOOK 050 PACE 214 November 20, 1979 fINAL PLAT FOR LAKEWOOD UNIT 6. RE PETITION FP-79-11C - APPROVED Planner lee layne explain~~ that the subject plat is for Lakewood Unit 6. and that the Engineering Department has reviewed it and found that it is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations. Chairman Wenzel asked that it be clarified as to whether there will be any artificial drainage or pumping necessary or is it would be taken care of by natural flow? County Engineer Barksdale said that none would be necessary. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0. that the final plat for Lakewood Unit 6 re Petition FP-79-11C be approved. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN GRANT APPLICATION RE CONSTRUCTION OF FISHING REEf AND AGREEMENT WITH COLLIER COUNTY ANGLER'S ASSN. RE SAME Pursuant to recommendations of staff as detailed within the Executive Summary, dated 11/15/79, and prepared by Rollie Rice, Parks and Recreation Director, Commissioner Archer moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the grant application through the Florida Department of Natural Resources and the agreement re same with the Collier County Angler's Association. The FlCPl':lItivp Summary outlines the purpose of the qrant as a means of financial assistance in the construction of saltwater artificial fishing reefs by pr':lvidin~ fllndt; fnr png1npprfng Ilnd transportation of reef material to an approved reef site. Also outlined is the ceiling figure of $20,000 for a reef project including funds for advertising, transpor- tation, etc.. and up to $1,000 for project engineering. Among other facts within the summary are the eligibility requirements and the grant program backqround. The Executive summary details the proposed plans that the Angler's Association of Collier County has for the afore-mentioned reefs, including a complete explanation of the agreement between the County and the Associa- tion. Commissioner Wimer seconded the motion for the authorization of the Chairman's signature on the aforementioned documents and . " unanimously 5/0. BOOK 050 PACE 220 ,1:~ .:., '&OOK '~~ f~~\ .' -.:' ',' ~ '. . .\ , ',.'.,: "lii~3t' 05.0 .'ACE225~.. l~/ ,. , r'1tl~.r.',"i '.,/' ." <""J:~>L """I>~~~~'~'!'" ,,::". PAYMENT OF ROUTINE BILLS AUTHORIZED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and November 20, 1979 unanimously carried 5/0, that the bills be approved for payment as wit- nessed by the following warrants issued from November 14, 1979 through November 20, 1979, same having been processed following established procedures, with funds available: f.llliQ WARRANT NOS. 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 General Fund Interest & Sinking Golden Gate I & 5 Collier County Fire District Special MSTD's Collier County lighting Victoria Park Drainage Federal Revenue Sharing Aquatic Weed Golden Gate Fire Ochopee Fire Control District Kelly Road Water Sewer District "A" Assessments Fire Hydrant Assessments Collier County Water/Sewer Utility Division ' Municiple Service Taxing District Grants & Gifts Immokalee Lightinq Capitol Improvement Revenue Certificate County Water Supply Systems Development Clearing BCC Payroll BCC Payroll-CETA County Warrants 1 1 4 1 2 3 8 6059-6506 251-365 1592-1799 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 80-10 TRANSFERRING FUNDS WITHIN SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET TO COMPLY WITH PROPER OBJF.CT COOE-AJ.'PRUVI:.O iN IHI:. AMUUNI OF $1,200 Clerk William Reagan said that the budget amendment before the Board has been recommended by the Finance Department to facilitate the transferring of funds ($l,200) from Object code 401 to object code 349, within the Social ~prv1cp~ budget. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment No. 80-10. transferring funds to comply with proper object code within the Social Services budget, be approved in the amount of $1,200. :,' &OOK 050: rACE 227.{i&f',~ .' ~~~:?" "~~~,m~:,':~,~,~~,~i. November 20. 1979 , ,.~.I'~ t .... ~. BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 80-11 PROVIDING FUNDS TO PURCHASE A CART FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION-APPROVED IN THE AHOUNT OF $90. Clerk Reagan explained t~at Budget Amendment No. 80-11 is for a transfer of funds ($90.) for the purchase of a rolling cart for the Community Development Division. He said it provides for the transfer of $90 from Contingencies to Office Equipment & Furniture. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0. that Budget Amendment No. 80-11 be approved for the amount of $90. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. . . * * ,~.. "'.'" , . ,~,'~I~" '-,,; ',. . November 20, 1979 ,;;~:';'..,)\~j~~~1f~.:."', ,'. <~~'/;'~FFI;.ATIVE V;;~S'TO BE CASl ~OR CONVERSION FROM FEDERAL MUTUAL TO .. FEDERAL STOCK ASSOCATION BY NAPLES FEDERAL SAVINGS AND lOAN ASSN. Clerk Reagan said that the County has received a "Proxy" package from Naples Federal Savings an~ Loan Association regarding the upcoming balloting for the proposed conversion of said institution from a Federal Mutual Association to a Federal Stock Association. He said that the County, as a depositor, was entitled to some 800 votes on the proposed conversion and has been requested to indicate either affirmative or negative response on the "proxy" forms by Naples Federal Savings and Loan Association. He said that staff and he had discussed this and last week had decided not to take any action, however, he ha9 been contacted by telephone and asked how the County would vote. He said that the N.F.S. & L.A. indicated that because of the amount of votes allocated to the County it would be useful for the County to vote on the matter. Commissioner Archer inqu1red as to Mr. Reagan's recommendation and Mr. Reagen replied that he had no recommendation, one way or the other. He said that he wanted the Board's feelings on the matter and that the out- come of the vote on the aforementioned conversion would not effect the County, either way, but that the bank had indicated to him that the conver- sion would help Naples Federal Savings & Loan to acquire more operating cap1tal and thus. aid the construction industry, i.e. future home con- struction, etc. Chairman Wenzel stated that he felt that Government should not take part in this type of decision and that it was his feeling that the County should split the ballots in half, thus, canceling out the County's vote. and leaving the decis10n to smaller stock holders by voting 50% "for" and 50% "against". Commissioner Archer said that hopefully, the benefits from the con- version would outweigh the non beneficial results. He moved that the County cast its ballots in favor of the plan of conversion. The motion was ~econded by Commissioner Pistor. After a brief d1scussion Chairman Wenzel called for a vote on the motion to vote for the conversion from a mutual to a stock association. The motion carried 4/1. Chairman Wenzel cast a negativu vote. November 20. 1979 COI~ISSIONERS ARCHER AND WENZEL APPOINTED TO SERVE ON CANVASSING BOARD RE EAST NAPLES SEWER REFERENDUM Hearing no objections, it was the consensus of the Board that the offer to serve on the Canvassing Committee re East Naples Sewer Refer- endum by Commissioners Archer and Wenzel be accepted. It was noted by Ms. Morgan that they would be joined by Judge Hayes. UTILITY DIRECTOR REPORTED ON PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING RE EAST NAPLES SEWER DISTRICT HELD 11/19/79 Irving Gerzon, Utility Director. reported on the Public Information Meeting re East Naples Sewer District that was held last evening, 11/19/79. He said that it had been a most informative meeting and that several pertinent questions raised by the public regarding the said sewer district were cleared up. The meeting lasted over two hours and covered many questions regarding the implementing of the district, said Mr. Berzon, and he added that the referendum regarding the proposed loan from the Farmers Home Admin- istration was clearly defined. He said that he was surprised at how many people were confused as to the intent of the upcoming referendum. He noted the help he had received from Dr. Cox and Ted Smallwood, and said he felt the meeting was very successful. CcKrIFlCATES FOR CORRECTION RE 1979 TAX ROlL- APPROVED tOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the following Certificates for Correction on the Tax Rolls be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to sign samt!: 1979 Tangible Personal Property !!Qh 1979-60 through 1979-76 1 through 10 14 through 19 23 through 26 29 through 32 54 through 61 66 through 70 82 through 94 96 through 99 101 through 105 DATED 11/13-11/151' 11/2-11/5/79 11/6-11/7 f79 1117 -11/8/79 11/7-11/8/79 11/12 11/12-11/141' 11/8-11/1417' 11/8-11/1417< 11/14-11I1S( " , y,,", " 800X 050 rACE 220 ',l, MOK\ U~UrAcEP31 ';, \. . " "~~~{-'t}t '51'~Jl~~? ~....,', ,;'~Jr;~ }~~~:~.j~,~t~'tf~:~~::::"', , HEARING RE VANDERBILT LAGOON BOAT DOCK DEFERRED UNTIL DECEMBER 4, 1979 .. " November 20, 197 Ms. Morgan noted that the attorney representing the developer of the proposed Vanderbilt Lagoon Boat Dock is not able to attend the hearing re same, that was to be held today. She said that he has requested the hearing be deffered until December 4, 1979. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ant. carried unanimously 5/0, that the hearing be set for the BCC Meeting of December 4, 1979. GENE WILLETT, THOMAS SIEMIANOWSKI AND JOAN SABESTIANO NOMINATED FOR APPOINTMENT TO CETA AOVISORY BOARD AS ALTERNATES Ms. Morgan said that at the time the Board made its recommendation to the Governor for appoirttments to the manpower planning advisory board, the provision for alternates was not clearly defined. She said that she ha~ since been advised by the State tha~ the BCC needs to recommend people who can attend meetings should the regular members be unable to attend. , She said that the following people have been contacted and that they have agreed to serve. 1. Alternate Public Re~resentative Mr. Gene Willett, A ministrative Assistant to the County Manager. ? ~lte~~ate A~e~ Representative r. omas iemianowski, colTfer School Board's CO\lrdinator of Community, Adult and Vocational Education in Immokalee. ~, Altprnate Client Representative Joan Sebastiano, Secretary for City of Naples, presently a CETA participant. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board approve the above-mentioned names for nomination to the Governor for appointment to the CETA Advisory Board. EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE ID AMI3415-APPROVED Pursuant to a letter from Aubrey Rogers, Sheriff, recommending gain time in the amount of 60 extra days for inmate No. ID AI 13415 for exemplary conduct and personal adjustment, Commissioner Archer moved to approve said gain time. Commissioner Pistor seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 5/0. November 20. 1979 STAFF DIRECTED TO PREPARE A FEASIBILITY STUDY RE USE OF lOW PRESSURE SODIUM lIGHTS WITHIN COLLIER COUNTY Ms. Morgan referred to a letter dated November 14. 197q from C.B. Trudeau. District Sales ~~nager of lustra lighting Corporation transmitting brochures describing a low pressure sodium light. She highlighted some of the features of same and noted the firm's claim that use of the low pressure sodium light will result in a 90% reduction in energy consumption. There was a brief discussion on the pro's and con's of the use of the low pressure sodium light and also of the feasibility of conversion to such use by F.P. & l. Commissioner Archer noted that in talking with representatives from F.P. & l. about use of the light, it w~s indicated to him that the cost of conversion would far outweigh the benefits of energy conservation. He said they also told him that F.P. & L. was under contract for future supplies of lighting equipment to a manufacturer that did not make the low pre$sure light. Engineer Barksdale asked that the staff be given the opportunity to study the light and its potential uses and prepare a feasibility study. Regarding the firm of Lustra Lighting's request for the Board to I urge F.P. & L. to use the light, it was decided to wait until staff com- pleted their study before making any recommendations. Chairman Wenzel requested Mr. Barksdale to consider usIng the sodium light in future lighting districts if conversion within existing lighting districts is not feasible. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following corrcspondcncc be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated: 1. Copy of letter dated November 7, 1979 to William Reagan. Clerk of the Circuit Court, from State Board of Accountancy, re Review of audit for American Ambulance, indicating that review requested is a legal matter without their jurisdiction. - Filed. 800K 2. Letter dated November B, 1979 to Mr. Berzon, from Frank Pettengill. North Naples Fire Control District, re check of fire hydrants and resultant problems with hydrant near bridge over Vanderbilt lagoon, and requesting a meeting to discuss same. xc Mr. Serzon. Utilities, and filed.. ,~.'~ .- .~'~.~... ...~ 3. Copy of letter to D.O.T. from County Engineer. dated No~~r 14~~ 1979 regarding the status of Phase III of the transit stud{ and ;:.~~ 050 PAGE 232 ~~u~~:~~~a~~~/~~u~~: :~~a~e~=~:~:~~~~lJ~f n:~ ~~c~a~\~i:~~ :.~/ November 20. 1979 17. letter dated November 8, 1979 from Collier Mosquito Control District transmitting their Annual Cert1fied Budget for FY 79-78, also, rescheduling the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissiri,ers for CMCD to December 11, 1979 at 3:30 P.M. - Filed; xc Mr. Hall. 18. Letter from Or. Maurice Friot dated November 7, 1979 requesting the BCC reconsider their decision to terminate the palm inocu- lation program. xc County Manager. filed. 19. Copy of letter from County Manager dated November 13, 1979, to CETA (Dept. of Labor) transmitting cost allocation ~Ian as approved by the BCC last week. Filed. 20. Public Service Commission Notices as f0110ws: (Filed) A. Docket No. 770671-CI-Investigation and order to show cause re oil overcharge - Florida Power Corporation. B. Docket No. 790909-CCT-re application of Three Transpor- tation, Inc.. for a certificate to transport storage tanks, etc. C. Docket No. 790874-CCT re Application of A-I Dahill Moving and Storage Company, Inc. for an extension of Certificate No. 592. D. Docket No. 790887-KC re Application of Star Transporta- tion Co. for a Certificate to transport General Commodities. E. Docket No. 790873-CCT re Application of William A. Edwards Moving and Storage, Inc. for a certificate to transport household goods. F. Docket No, 790571-EU declining Block Rate Structure; Docket No. 79-B59-EU Coordinated decision making affect- ting the demand for electricity in Florida. I G. Docket No. 780793-EU Peak Load' Pricing; Docket No. 790859-EU Coordinated Decision Making Affecting the demand for Electricity in' Florida. 21. Departmental Reports: Monthly reports received from (a) Animdl Control, and (0) Hu1ld1ng Maintenance. ~1Ied. There being no further business for the good of the County, Chairman Wenzel adjourned the Regular Session of the Board of County Commissioner's Meeting. Time: 11:30 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COt1MISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARDS(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICT UNDER ITS CONTROL .' HIEST: .."",\\, WILt~~:J. REA~N,/ t ftf;~ " '. , . , . :'.. } ./~ .~ If ": It'' \ 050 . , . ,Y";:,) eoox,: ' fACf 234.. ~~~~V,~,'~; , " ':~:: ~~.~~:.. '-;',', ~r~.'Jf'1:-'t~.'~. ': ~,.: ':.\,,: . ...'..' ;ll,O.,.. .,>"..1..; ''lj~'-'''~ ,,' . ,1<', : ~ .', '-.;',;:1" "~.. ~ i::~r~:fi. 1 ,(',1~:'.."';'.'4