Backup Documents 09/29/2009 Item #16E 3 16E3 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST & ROUTING SLIP " TO ACCOl\1PANY ALL ORIGlNAL DOCUl\1ENTS SENT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COl\1MISSIONERS OFFICE FOR SIGNATURE 'Prim on pink paper. Att:1d1 to origin.:U doc:ama:tl: Original dornmmrr mud be hand delivered to the Boan:t Office..1'hc-comp~ roudag slip ;1l1d orlginnl ,4,.,..".",.."" ate D::I be.furwa:rded.lo the Boa.rdOflia: only~t!:lcBoaxdlw CltaLaction.Ol1 dJ.e item.) . , ,', " , " ,ROUTINGSLIP ' , , ,<AmpL= rottting lines #1 tbrongh #4 iU ;ppropmue fur additional si~ d.atc:s, and/or iaformatiOl1 need.c:d..1f the M",m"",r is :r./rc1dy complctl: with the ' dOll of the nm,.,.."",' s . dnw 1 line throu routin line #1 throe #4, !.etl: the c!u:l:kllst; and forward D::I Sl1C' Filson (line #S). ' Route to A.ddressee(s) . Office Initials, Date (I.i:st ill rautin order)' : ", _ 1. PRIMARY CONTACT, INFORMA nON ('I'ba primary c:QI1CICt is the bolder of the original documene pending Bee approvaL Noni:m1.Iy the primary conCl.Cl: is me P=OI1 wbo cre:ucdIpn:pare me executive SIU:IIZJW1. Primary canracr iDfcrmaliOl1 is ac:cded in rb.c evene OIle of the ~= "bovi:, including Sue Fi1soI!., need. to C:OI1C1.Cl: sraiI for addiliOlll! CIl' missing iufarmaliol1. AIl arig:inal dO"'.....P"Qts nced.ing t!:lc Bee Ol.airmuI's sigIlllturc:ue to be delivered to the Bee offiCl: aaly after the BCe has act1:d to Ippl'Cve me i&em.l Name of Primary Staff Contact Agenda. Date Item wu ved b the Bee Type of Document Po rfDt"W \". ~:- 2. -'-- -"...'.----.---...,. , ---- ---:--;-"-~~~-- 3. 4. 5. 5;:nl"] r:;h..,I. Executive Manager /1fr.J fl1 rrlHa l.... 6. :Minutes and Records Board of County Commissioners Clerk of Court's Office umber of Original Documents Attached Phone Number Agenda Item Number INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Init:iaJ. the Yes column or mark "N/A" in the Not Applicable col~ whichever is . ' 1., Original tfQMl'Il~ has been signedl'mitialcd. for legal nifficiency. (All documents to be signed by the Chairman. with chc exception at most ~ must be reviewed and signed oy the Office of the County Ar.rm:ney. 'I'bi:J includes signature pages from ordina.aces, r=olutioas. etc. signed by the Coupty Attorney's Office and signature pages from contracts. agreements,. etc. that have been fully ex::cuted by all parties except the BCe 0Wrman and CIerk to the Board and ssibl State Officials.) 2. All handwrltten.strike-throagh and revisiolJS have been initialed by the County ~y.' s Office and all other arties e t the Bce Chair:rnan and the Oerk to the Board 3. The Cha.inpan's signature line date bas been entc:rcd as the date ofBCC approval of the document or the final oe tiated contract date whichever is licable. 4. '"Sign here" tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's si' and initials are r 5. In Ii10st cases (some contracts are an exception), the original document and this routing slip should be provided to Sue Ftlson in the BCe office within 24 hours ofBCC approva1. Some ri~1ml"!nts are time sensitive and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain time frame or the BCC's actiOIJS are nullified. Be aware of our deadlines! 6. The docament was approved by the BCe aD CI).G C (enter date) and aU changes made during the meeting have' been incorporated in the attached document. The Coun Attorn 's OffiC2 has reviewed the es. if a liable.. · f:J- 'lzCJ 0' ~:;(5:Z - efl / 7 / (p E-~- / Yes N/A(Noc (Initial) Iicable) c1fI0 -- , ~;1,1 l: furm:sI County Forms! Bee FonmI Original Doc::um=s RDnring Slip WWS Origim.J 9,03.04, Revised 1.26.05. Revi=:! 2.24,05 16E3 ~ AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT is entered into this 29th day of September, 2009, by and between MARK BAIN, ESQUIRE/PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ON BEHALF OF THE ESTATE OF TESSIE COllUCCIO, Seller, and COlliER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Buyer. Buyer and Seller entered into that certain Agreement for Sale and Purchase dated effective as of March 24, 2009 (the "Agreement"). Subsequent to entering into the Agreement and pursuant to provision 3.01 of the Agreement, Buyer and Seller wish to append the Agreement with the following additional terms and conditions: 1. The time for Closing of the transaction shall be extended for an additional period of ninety (90) days, up to and including October 21, 2009. Except as expressly provided herein, the Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller remains in full force and effect according to the terms and conditions contained therein, and said terms and conditions are applicable hereto except as expressly provided otherwise herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Buyer and Sellers have hereto executed this Addendum the day and year first above written. Mark B in, Esquire/Personal Representative on behalf of the Estate of Tessie Colluccio , " , .. ,t,'Q ~'Att.st ..,._,':,' ...~ 9f\at~~~\~'L~/ 't/~~ ,.' ,~"_$,.,f APPRdV,ED AS'.To.~ORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIl:NCY: .f)CC .4ccKf2.tJ (tjJo/.J:!'/:I<) q ~,nota.. /'1< /1/ ,~ It.,. j;: .3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLlEI/lRNTY, FLORIDA ~d~ BY: DONNA FIALA, Chairman AS TO BUYER: COLLIER COUNTY " Inu~ Jennifer ~hite Assistant County Attorney