BCC Minutes 04/10/1979 S · t ., I " '. , . Naples, Florida, April 10, 1979 . LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collit~, and 'lso acting t; the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 11:15 A.M. in Conference Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel John A. Pistor C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer ALSO PRESENT: C. William Norman, County Manager. Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer. Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk; and Mary ~brgan, Administrative Aide to the Board. AGENDA. 1. Mental Health Clinic - Presentation of Evaluation Report for 1978 2. Advisory Board Policy (Continued from 4/3/79 Workshop Agenda) 3. Appointment to Manpower Planning Advisory Board *Note: The agenda was not followed in sequence. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED POLICY REGARDING APPOINTMENTS TO ADVISORY BOARDS; DRAFT OF POLICY TENTATIVELY APPROVED, AS MODIFIED. OFFICIAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN DURING FUTURE REGULAR SESSION It was noted by Adm)n1strat1ve Aide to the Board Mary Morgtn that the purpose of drafting the proposed policy was to establish a procedure for the orderly proce: of applications and resumes received from individuafs desirous of serving on one o' the Board of County Commissioners' many advisory boards. She noted that certain areas ill need of further clarification with respect to a policy for the staff to follow with regard to appointments to such boards have been addressed in the propo: policy, copies of which were made available to the Commissioners prior to the Work~hop Session. BOOK 046 PAGE209 ..., W-"O" . &OOK 046 PAGE 210 April 10, 1979 Following brief discussion, Commissioner Archer moved that Paragraph I - Purpose, and Paragraph II - References and Definitions, Subparagraphs A. through E. be tentatively approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown not present when the vote was taken. Commissioner Archer moved that Subparagraph G. of Paragraph II - References and Definitions be tentatively approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown not present. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown absent, that Paragraph II - Policy, Subparagraphs A. through E. be approved tentatively. Following brief comments regarding the membership requirements for each advisory board, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown not present, that Subparagraph F. of Paragraph Ill, stating that Advisory Boards shall be composed of five members except in those inst~nces where othert/ise provided by County ordinance or Board motion. be approved unofficially. The matter of membership appointments was discussed with Mrs. Morgan pointin~ out that Subparagraph G. of Paragraph III addresses this matter, noting that the Comnissioners can choose either of the two options - one being to appoint a member to the advisory bOdrd, except in those instances where contraindicated by County ordinances. the other option being a recommendation for appointment subject to confinnation and subsequent appointment by the Boal'd. Utiiity Director Irving Serzon observed that the validity of the appointment may be challenged in the event such appointment is not given Board approval. Commissioner Wimer moved for tentative approval of Subparagraph G. of Paragra ill. optional paragraph one which states that "Each County Commissioner has the privilege of appointing one member to the advisory board except in those instances where contraindicated by county ordinances". The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown absent at the time of the vote. April 10. 1979 Following his reading of Subparagraph H. of Paragraph III which addresses the matter of an advisory boare' l1lember residing in the district of the COl11llission making the appointment, Commissioner Pistor moved for tentative approval. The motion was seconded by COl11lliss1oner Wimer and carried 3/1 with COl11llissioner Arche voting in opposition and Commissioner Brown not present. The subject of alternate memberships on the various boards was discussed, as contained in Subparagraph I. of Paragraph III of subject Policy. Mr. Wade SchroE former CAPC member, stated that, in his opinion, alternate members are desirable due to their fumiliurity with the Advisory board's work in the event the appointE is named to fill a vacancy on the particular board. He added that there may be difficulties encountered if such appointments are ma~e from specific Commission districts. Commissioner Archer agreed, suggesting that the object of the adviso boards is to obtain the best possible member regardless of where he physically li adding the comment that it is the Commissioner's responSibility to make the appointment and, if necessary, to go outside his particular district to make such appoi.ltment. Following additional brief discussion, Commissioner ristor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the action taken regardi Paragraph III. Subparagraph H.. be rescinded. COl11lliss1oner Pistor subsequently moved to accept the optional wording of subject Subparagraph H. which states that "Each Commissioner will retain the privilege of making a nomination for appointme to the advisory boards although his appointee might not physically reside in the Commissioner's district". The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0. The matter of whether or not alternate members are necessary was deliberated briefly following which Commissioner Archer moved for tentative approval of the optional wording in Subparagraph I.. Paragraph III. which states that "Unless contraindicated by county ordinance, advisory boards will not have alternate members at all". The motion was seconded by COl11llissioner Wimer and carried 3/2 with Commissioners Pistor and Wenzel voting in opposition. eo OK 046 PAGE211 . ,-. MOK 0(6 PAGE212 April 10, 1979 It was noted that Subparagr~~hs ~. K, and L of Paragraph III, all pertaining to the duites of an alternate member, are inoperable due to the action taken to discontinue alternate memberships, where appropriate. Later in the session, Commissioner Wenzel moved that all subparagraphs pertaining to alternates be deleted and that the balance of the proposed Policy be approved tentatively. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0. It was noted by Commissioner Wimer that all alternate members on the various boards will be retained and that when vacancies occur such member will have the opportunity to move to full member. and, from then on, there will be no alternate members. t1rs. Horgan stated that the revised policy will be brought back to the Board for official action at a future Regular Session. ADtHNISTRATIVF AIDE TO THE 90ARD APPOINTED TO SERVE ON THE MANPOWER PLANIUNG ADVISORY BOARD TO REPLACE RICHARD WOODRUFF. OFFICIAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN DURING REGULAR SESSION APRIL 17. 1979 County Manager Norman reported to the Board that he has asked the Adm1n1strati Aide to the Board Mary Morgan to consider serving on the Manpower Planning Advisory Board to replace the current County representative who has resigned, contingent upon Board approval of the appointment. When asked if she would be willing to accept the appointment, recognizing her already heavy workload and responsibilities, Mrs. Morgan expressed her willingness to serve if the Board 50 desires. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the Board's Adminfstrative Aide be unofficially appointed to serve on the Manpower Planning Adivsory Board, with official action to be taken during the Regular Session of the Board on April 17, 1979. PRESENTATION OF ANNAUL EVALUATION REPORT BY REPRESENTATIVES OF COLLIER COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC Mr. Mfchael Geraghty, Director of the Collier County Mental Health Clinic described briefly the purpose of the Annual Evaluation Report for 1978, as prepared April 10. 1979 and distributed by him, following which he introduced Hs. Donna Baltakis, Program Evaluation Coordinator, fl a short review of the Report. Ms. Baltakis referred to the Summary and Review Statement of the Report to capsulize the work of the Clinic during the year 1978 which covered 'such matters as, 1. Cost of Service 2. Patterns of Use 3. Availability of Services 4. Awareness of Services 5. Acceptability of Services 6. Accessibility 7. Effectiveness of Consultation and Education 8. Impact on Catchment Area Residents 9. Impact on Inappropriate Institutionalization 10. Utilization Review and Peer Review 11. Citizen Review 12. Public Disclosure 13. Mission Fulfillment 14. Evaluation Plan 15. Evaluation Budget Ms. Baltakis responded to questions from the Board pertaining to the additional caseloads being encountered because of the increase in population. the necessity to serve everyone in the County whether they are residents or not. the proposal for establishing a female detoxification center, and the like. She emphatically stated that people are being helped and expressed her desire to serve more citizens and to keep the waiting list for help to a minimum. Following the presentation, the Commissioners expressed their appreciation to 1 representatives of the Clinic and affixed their signatures to a statement signifyin! their acceptance of the presentation and the Report. *Copy of the Report on file in the Clerk's Office. * * * * . . * . . . . . . . . . * There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 11:55 A.M. ~om~~