BCC Minutes 03/27/1979 R Naples, Florida, March 27, 1979 . . LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that th~ Board of County Comm1ss1~ners in and for the Coun~ of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of . such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the fOllowing members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown John A. Pistor C.R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Archer ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagant Clerk~ Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officeri Debbie Pantanot Deputy Clerk~ Donald A. Pickworth. Coun~ Attorney. C. William Nonmant County Manager~ Richard Woodruff. Assistant County Manageri Clifford Barksdalet Coun~ Engine9r~ Mary Morgan. Administrative Aide to the Boardi Carl Clemmer. Zoning Director. and Depu~ Chief Raymond Barnett. Sheriff's Department. :;". AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA MARCH 27, 1979 . . REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA, ""ILL BE HEARD AT 11:00 A.M. UNDER . "PUBLIC PETITIONS". 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3 . APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 13, 1979 S. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS OF AWARDS &OOK 04.6 PAGE 01 .' March 27, 1979 FINAL AGENDA APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS County Manager Norman not.d a typographical error on the Agenda under "Requests for Advertising," Item 9-1 in that the date should read "April 24. 1979" rather than "April 27. 1979" as shown. He requested that an item be added under "Coun~ Manager's Reportll Item 10-B with the Assistant County Manager provfdfng a status report on the HUD preapplication for the Community Block Grant for Immokalee Housing. Mr. Norman also noted that an item is to be added under "Public Petitions" wheretn Hr. Mark Henning requests to address the Board with regard to a delinquent water/sewer bill. Fiscal Officer Hall requested an item be added under IlClerk's Report" for a Budget Amendment for action previously approved by ,the Board. Commissioner Pistor movedt seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0. that the Final Agenda be approved ~ith the additions as noted. MINUTES OF MARCH 13. 1979 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by.Commiss10ner Wimer and carried unanimously 4/0t that the minutes of March 13. 1979 be approved as presented. FIVE YEAR SERVICE AWARDS PRESENTED TO VERNON "TED" HORGAN. VALDEMAR PRINCE; BRUCE FOSTER; ANNA PRYSTASZi AND JOHN ASKEW~ TEN YEAR SERVICE AWARD PRESENTED TO JOY MUNSEY Chairman Brown presented Five Year Service Award Certificates to the followi employees: Valdemar Princet Engineering~ Bruce Foster. MVI Station. Anna P~sta! Electionsi John Askewt Road Department. Vernon "Ted" Morgant Agriculture. was nc present to receive his Service Award. Chairman Brown also presented a Ten Year Service Award Certificate to Joy Munsey. Building Department and he expressed his appreciation to all above-ment1o employees for their dedicated service to the County. PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING APRIL 1-7. 1979 AS MENTAL HEALTH WEEK IN COLLIER COUNTY ADOPTED Commissioner Archer read into the record a Proclamation deSignating the week of April 1-7. 1979 as Collier County Mental Health Week and moved for its adoptio &OOX 046 rAGE 05 eoox 04B PACE 06 ': Harerr 27 t 1979 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carrfed unanimously 4/0. . - -1\ t.~. ,-' Chairman Brown presented said Proclamation to Mrs. MOran and Mrs. Irwin of the Naples Women's Club. March 27. 1979 ^NNU^L REPORT OF ASSISTANCE GIVEN TO COUNTY FARMERS BY FMHA AS PRESENTED BY COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF I'~OKAlE~ - ACCEPTED Mr. George Cochran. County Supervisor in I~kalee for the Farmers Home Administration. submitted an Assistance Report to the Board which outlined the activities of the FmHA during the past fiscal year. He noted that the total FmHA investment in Collier County durfng the past year on all outstanding loans is in the amount of $3t694.140 (report on file with Clerk'~ office). Mr. Cochran noted a change of procedure in that the District office in Ft. MYers is now responsible for processing and servicing facility loans. Mr. Cochran stated that in the future he hopes to keep the Board informed of the activities of his organization as it relates to Collier Coun~ as well as keeping County residents informed of same. Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried, unanimously 4/0t that the report submitted by the Immokalee County Supervisor of FmHA be accepted. .... RESOLUTION 79-43 VACATING A PORTION OF SEAVIEW COURT. MARCO ISLAND. UNIT 22 BY D CORPORATION -- ADOPTED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF FIVE FEET ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY PORTION OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BE DELETED FROM THE VACATION REQUEST PENDING NEGOTIATION OF SAID DELETION WITH DELTONA. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT DOCUMEN ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Legal notice having been published in the Marco Island Eagle on March 8. 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk. public hearing was opened to consider a request for vacation of a portion of Sea view Courtt Marco Island. Unit 22 by the Deltona Corporation. County Engineer Barksdale stated that the Water Management Advisory Board and the Utility Director have reviewed the petition and have recommended approva' with the follOWing stipulations: A. That a turn-around or cul-de-sac be provided for at the end of the dedicated section of Seaview Court. B. That an easement be provided for ~torm water drainage from the end of the dedicated portion of Seaview Court to the outlet of the drainage faCility. C. That easements be provided for water and sanitary sewer extensions in the portion of Seaview Court proposed for vacation. eoOK 046 r,i(;f. '09 .60CX 0 46 rA~t 1Q March 21, 1979 He further stated that the purpost of the vacation 11 to maintain a private access to a condominium project and that Oeltonl has provided the Engineering Department with a drainage and utility easement document. He noted that Deltona has assured the Engineering Department that the roadway will continue in accord- ance with approved constructfon plans~ therefore, Mr. Barks~ale recommended that Stipulation A as shown above be deleted and that the vacation of the requeste easement be approved and that the drainage and utility easement document be accepted and recorded in the Official Records of Collier County. Mr. Ray D. Hunter. resident of Marco Island, spoke in opposition to the proposed vacation stating that it will take away the beach access that he now enjoys as well as the other condominium projects in the area. He read portions of Ordinance 76-20 which pertains to public beach accesses and charged that the Commissioners would be in violation of said ordinance if this vacation were granted. He then submitted a letter to the Board (copy on file with the Clerk's office) addrgssed to the president of Deltona from the president~ of Sea Breezet Sea Breeze South and Sea Breeze Wes~Condominimum Associations requesting that Mr. Hackle meet with their committee and lawyers to discuss the situation. He , " noted that Deltona's president has not as yet responded to the letter. Commissioner Pistor commented that the existing public beach on Harco Island. Tigertail Beach. fulfills the requirements of Ordinance 76-20 to which Mr. Hunter refers without consideration of the residents' beaches. Mrs. Charlotte Westman. resident of Sea Breeze South, also spoke in opposition of the proposed vacation. She referred to the minutes of the January 17t 19/8 Regular Session wherein a petition was submitted to then Chairman Wimer with 327 signatures of owners of the Sea Breeze Condominium projects requesting that the existing access to the beach not be taken aw~. Mrs. Westman noted that this petition should have been brought up at the CAPC hearing for Petition SDP-78-8C by Deltonai however, the petition was omitted from being presented. She requested the petition be presented at this hearing Ind proceeded to read from said petition whic~ requested that the Board consider amending Deltona's request in order to provide for the continuation of the existing beach access. March 27. 1919 Hr. James Connolly and Mildred Brown, owners of Sea Breez. condomfniUms, ~oth spoke in opposition to Oeltona's request and stated that when they bought their property, they were both verbally assured by Deltona's salesman that access to the beach would always be provided. Mr. Douglas Hannah. resident of Sea Breeze West, spoke his opposition to the proposed vacation of Seaview Court. Mrs. Vivian Harned. owner of an Aquarius condo, mentioned that she had also been told that a beach access would always b. provided and commented she felt that original owners of Deltona properties are now being "cheated" of certain right! they were assured they would have when they bought the property. Mr. Robert Kelly, Sea Breeze South, spoke his opposition to the proposed vacation and read from a letter from a prospective land owner of Marco Island stating that all public and private beach accesses should be maintained and not taken away from existing land owners. Mr. Mike Zewalkt North Naples Civic Association. expressed his concern on the matter in that he feels that whatever happens in Marco Island now could .. affect North Naples in the future and stated the Association is definitely opposed to giving up any beach accesses. Mr. Bob West. Vice President of Deltona and architect for the projectt stressed the fact that the Board had previously approved the site development plan for the project in question and that the vacation of Seaview Court will in no way affect the beach access presently existing. He referred to a displayed map to point out the locations of the Sea Breeze condominiums in relation to Seaview Court and the be~ch access. It was determined that the beach access presently used is located at the southeast end of the proposed new projects. Commissioner Archer suggested creating a variance to delete 10' off the setb~ck requirements on the southeast property line in order to maintain the present access. Mr. West again stated that the site development plan has already been approved and is almost ready for construction. After a brief discussion. Commissioner Archer moved to close the public hearing. The motion died for lack of a second. eoox 046 PMr. 11 )OOK 046 PAGE 12. March 27, 1979 Mrs. Westman again made some brief comments concerning the location of a waterway on the displayed map stating that it had been previously determined there would be no such waterway and she also brought up the matter of the number of TORls Deltona has received for the donations made of beachfront park sites. Referring to the matter of the Bayside Waterway, Commfssioner Pistor stated the Corps. of Eningeers has ruled that there cannot be any such waterway in an area which has been planned for beach access. Commissioner Archer again moved to close the publiC hearing and the motion died for lack of a second. He then requested a recess be called in order to study more closely the location of the existing beach access with relation to Seaview Court. . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * RECESS: 10:22 A.M. until 10:28 A.M. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .." At this timet Commissioner Archer suggested that a 51 walkway be put in " along the 'proposed property line to be used by the nearby residents as an ~ccess to the beach. In response. ~r. Barksdale commented that the legal description of the vacation could be changed in order to move the vacated portion of the roadway 5' past the property line to maintain the public access. There being no other persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Arclaar moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0. Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the publiC hearing be closed. Referring to the matter of the residents' petition that was never presented at the appropriate times, Commissioner Wimer directed the staff to locate said petition and to give to the Board in writing why it was never presented. After brief discussiont Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor that Resolution 79-43 vacating a portion of Seaview Court in Marco Beach Unit 22 be approved with the stipulations as recommended by staff with the exceptio '~'~~'T::~:~~I"JF'?;",' "'., ':~i:;:~~~h'.;27;tl979' . r " ,'~, t'~~i~~/I~":; ,. j ~\ the legal description be changed d.leting'S' o('t". roadway past the . - .' ,i .' ~ , southeasterly portion of the ~ '-"perty 11n. fn order" to mafntain a beach . . "'. .~j. ' ' walk and that the drainage and utility easement document be accepted and recorded in the Official Records of Collier County. The motion carried 3/1 with Commissioner Wimer dissenting. Commissioner Archer stated he will contact Mr. Hackle, President of Deltona. to negotiate the Changing of the legal description of the vacation request. * * * * ,.. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~OOK 048 P^GF. 13 -.. March 27, 1979 PETITION A-79-1-C BY J.W. ANDERSON ~PPEALING DECISION OF THE ZONING DIRECTOR THAT A GREYHOtM~ BUS PASSENGER FAC1LITY IS A PRINCIPAL USE IN "GRC" ZONING DISTRICT - APPROVED IN FAVOR ~E.~ETITIONER Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ~~rch lit 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication ffled with the Clerkt public hearing was opened to consider Petition A-79-1-C by J.N. Anderson appealing a decision of the Zoning Director that' Greyhound bus passenger facility is a principal use in "GRC" zoning district. Hr. Carl Clemmer. Zoning Director, stated that the petitioner wishes to construct a Greyhound passenger facility on Parcel 7 and the west 51.80 feet of Parcel 8. Keys Development (unrecorded) in Lot 28, Naples Grove & Truck Company Little Farms 12 and referred to the displayed map to point out the exact locatio: of the proper~. He noted that the subject property,is zoned "GRe" which does nl have a bus depot as a prinCipal use and that "Hiscellaneous uses" such as motor bus or truck or other transPt)rtation terminals are a principal use in the "CI" Commercial Industrial District. Mr. Bill JOli2St rep'r'esentins the petitioner and contractor fOI' the project, ~ stated that the project is actually a "passenger facility" and not a bus depot noting that there will be no facilities for parking buses for any length of time nor are there any facilities for the repair or maintenance of the vehicles. He noted that under the classification of "CI" zoning, it provides for terminals to store or unload trailers and he does not feel that a passenger facility falls under this description. Hr. Jones further stated that "GRC" zoning allows for services vital to the communi~ and he feels that a passenger facility, as proposed. is greatly needed in this area of the County. He explained the matter of ingress and egress of the depot stating that the buses will not go against the flow of traffic but it will be designed wherein the buses must exit with the flow of traffici the entrance of the buses to the terminal will be from the rear. In response to Commissioner Pistor's concern about what the extra traffic would do to the condition of the roads. Hr. Jones explained that there will probably be no more than 10 buses per day, if that many, entering the area. M:^ 046 T..:;r 19 .800A 046 fACE 2Q March 27, 1979 Mr. Mario LaMendola. architect for the project, and Hr. Louis Smith. I~presenting the builder for the project. made comments which reiterated Mr. Jones' previous statements. Commissioner Archer expressed concern over the fact that the buses will be entering the proper~ from Pine and Terrace Avenues. Hr. Jones commented he feels it is a better approach rather than the buses having to cross over three lanes of traffic on Davis Boulevard to enter to property. There being no other persons registered to speak on the matter. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0t that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by COIII'I11ssioner Pistor. th~t Pet';tion A-79-1-C by J.W. Anderson appealing a decision of the Zoning Director be approved in favor of the petitioner. The motion carried 3/1 with Commissioner Archer dissenting. STATUS REPORT PROVIDED ON ADVANCED L.IFE SUPPORT PROGRAM BY AMERCIAN AMBULANCE SERVICE Mr. Jack Maguiret American Ambulance. briefly provided the Soard with a status report on progress being made with the Advanced Life Support system now being utilized by Amerfcan Ambulance. He stated that in the few months it has been in operation, there have been eleven (11) "documentedM.saves, that meaning that without the use of the ALS. those eleven patients would have died. He then went on to describe in detail each of the cases. Commissioner Pistor referred to the fact that the Coun~ Manager had sent a letter to Mr. Maguire regarding the existing contract agreement in that an opinion audit is required before drawing up a new contract. Hr. Maguire responded that he has sent a reply to the County Manager's letter with respect to that matter. A discussion was briefly held concerning the matter of the equipment lease agree- ment. The Chair directed the County Manager to compile the necessary information regarding same and report back to the Board within a few weeks. . . ',- . '" , March 21, 1979 Dr. Robert Tober briefly provided the 'Board wfth the procedures used by himself and the paramedics when u\.lizing the ALS system. He referred to a diagram prevfously dfstrfbut~J to the Board which,showed progress made ory a patient experiencing a major cardfac arrest usfng the ALS stabalfzation system. He cited a few other cases in whfch the patfent would have died had it not been for thfs system. The Board expressed their apprecfation to Mr. Maguire and Dr. Tober for presenting them with the progress report on the ALS system. PUBLIC PETITION BY MARK HENNING RE COUNTY WATER SERVICE DELINQUENT BILL COLLECTION - STAFF DIRECTED TO CLEAR UP MATTER WITH PETITIONER Hr. Hark Henning. resident of North Naples. explained that he has recently purchased a house and it has been discovered that there is a lien against the property for a water/sewer bill which was never collected from the previous own I Mr. Henning stated that he was informed of this by the County before his title search was completei however. in the meantime. his title insurance company and lawyer have not discovered such a lien filed with the State. He questioned the ethics of making him responsible for another's unpaid ~ill and referred to Counl Ordinance 7S-S which gives the County the right to shut down his water service if he does not pay the bill. He further stated that his attorney has informed t that a lien cannot be filed against the property after the closing of the deal. Again referring to Ordinance 7S-S. he cited two violations of the ordinance fn that it states that service may not be re-instated if there is a previous debt on the property and also that any deposit being held by the Coun~ may be placed against such debt. He noted that the Coun~ provided him with service with the outstanding bill and alsot that he was informed the County is planning on return the deposit to the previous resident of the proper~ who owes the debt. County Attorney Pfckwortht reading from the statutes. quoted a portion whic automatically gives the Coun~ the power to enforce the payment of a previous owner's debt onto the next owner. He explained thfs protects the investors righ and such a lien may not even show on the title abstract. eo:x 046 :,',:E 21 .BOOK 046 fACE 22 March 27, 1979 After dfscussion. it was determined that this matter could be cleared up wfth further investigation by ~hv staff as to the deposit placed by the previous owner. PETITION R-79-3-C. GATH. INC.. REQUEST FOR REZONING OF PROPERTY FROM "A" TO "RS-2" LOCATED IN S25. T48S. R25E. SOUTH OF IMMOKALEE ROAD. EAST OF FOUR SEASONS SUBDIVISION - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC ~EARING MAYS. 1979 Commissioner Archer m~vedt seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimouSly 5/0t that Petition R-79-3-C. Gath. Inc.. requesting rezoning of property from I'A" to "RS-2" located fn S25. T48S. R25E. south of Immokalee Road east of Four Seasons subdivision be authorhed for advertising of, public hearing May 8. 1979. PFTITION SMP-79-2-C. GATHt INC.. REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN 525. T48S. R25E - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING MAY 8. 1979 . Commissioner Archer m~ved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0. that Petition SMP-79-2-C by Gath, Inc.. requesting Subdivision Master Plan Approval for_proper~ l~ated in 525. T48S, R25E be authorized for advertiSing of public hearing May 8. 1979. PETITION R-79-7-C. DELTONA CORP. REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RO" TO "RS-3" FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON A PORTION OF TRACT A. UNIT 13, MARCO BEACH SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT THE END OF S. BARFIELD DRIVE AT CAXAMBAS WATERWAY _ ADVERTISING . AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING MAY 8. 1979 Commissioner Archer movedt seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0t that Petition R-79-7-C by Deltona Corp.. requesting rezoning from "RO" to "RS-3" for property located on a portion of Tract A. Unit 13. Marco Beach Subdivision located at the end of S. Barfield Drive at Caxambas Waterway be authorized for advertising for public hearing Hay 8. 1979. PETITION NZ-79-2-Ct PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR AHENDMEhT TO SECTION 29t MHRP OF ZONING ORDINANCE 76-30 - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 17, 1979 Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0. that Petition NZ-79-2-C by the Planning Department requesting amendment to Section 29, MHRP of Zoning Ordinance 76-30 be authorized for advertising for public hearing April 17, 1979. March 27, 1979 PETITION NZ-79-3-C. ZONING DEPARTMENT REQUESTING AMENDMENT TO SECTION 38. E-ESTATES DISTRICT TO AllOW FOR REDUCTION OF FRONT YARD SETBACK ON CORNER LOTS LOCATED ON COUNTY STREETS - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 17. 1979 , Commissioner: Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0. that Petition NZ-79-3-C by the Zoning Department requesting amendment to Section 38 of the E-Estates District to allow for reduction of front yard setback on corner lots located on County streets be authorized for advertising of public hearing April 17. 1979. PETITION IZ-79-2-I BY IMMOKALEE AREA PLANNING COMMISSION REQUESTING APPROVAL TO AMEND SECTION 11.9. PARAGRAPH 6, ORDINANCE 74-15. I-HHSD DISTRICT. IMMOAKLEE AREA ZONING REGULATIONS - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING ~~Y 8. 1979 Commissioner Archer movedt seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0. that Petition IZ-79-2-I by Immokale~ Area Planning Commission requesting approval to amend Section 11.9. Paragraph 6. Ordinance 74-15t I-MHSD Districtt Immokalee Area Zoning Regulations be authorized for advertising of public hearing May 8. 1979. " ' REQUEST BY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR NORTH NAPLES FIRE HYDRANT DISTRICT - ADVERTlSING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 24. 1979 Commissioner Archer movedt seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0. that the request by the Engineering Department for approval of the Final Assessment Roll for North Naples Fire ~drant District be authorizec for advertising for public hearing April 24. 1979. REQUEST BY BAYCO OF COLLIER COUNTY. INC.. AND ISLANDS OF THE SEA, INC.t FOR VACATION OF A 7 1/2 FOOT ALLEYWAY ALONG THE EASTERN BOUNDARY OF LOTS 3-12. LOTS 38-48. BLOCK 1St COLLIER CITY SUBDIVISION - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 24. 1979 Commissioner Archer movedt seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0t that the request by Bayco of Collier County. Inc.. and Islands of the Seat Inc.. for vacation of a 7-1/2 foot all~ay along the eastern boundary of Lots 3-13t Lots 38-48t Block 18, Collier Ci~ Subdivision be authorized for public hearing April 24t 1979. &OOK 046' PAC~ 2S BOOK 046 ~ACE 24 March 27, 1979 ORDINANCE TO REPEAL COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE 78-47 WHICH CREATED THE NAPLES PARK STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT - A~VrRTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING MrtIL 24t 1979 Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0, that the ordinance to repeal Collier County Ordinance 78-47 which created the Naples Park Street Lighting District b. authorfzed for advertising of public hearing April 24. 1979. COUNTY MANAGER DIRECTED TO REFER REPORT RE COMPENSATING GOLDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT FOR SERVICES EXTENDED TO PORTIONS OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES TO GOLDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD. GOLDEN GATE FIRE ASSOCIATION, GOLDEN GATE CIVIC ASSOCIATION AND GOLDEN GATE ESTATES AREA CIVIC ASSOCIATION FOR THEIR STUDY AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE ~OARO County Manager Norman referred to a report prepared by his office which would provide a contractual method of paying Golden Gate Fire ContrJl District for fire protection services which are being made available to certain portion of Golden Gate Estates. He noted that the report proposes that a 16-section area comprising Golden Gate Estates be considered for incorporation int~ Fire Control District 11 and serviced by Golden Gate Fire Control District as part of their - service area. Commissioner Pistor movedt seconded by Commissioner Archer. that the staff recommendation be accepted and that the Board direct the County Manager to refer the report to the Golden Gate Fire Control District Advisory Board. the Golden Gate Fire Association and the Golden Gate Civic Association for their study and recommendations to be considered by the County Manager before making a final recommendation for action by the Board. Mrs. Don Bisbee, resident of Golden Gate Estates, requested the Board allow the Golden Gates Estates Area Civic Association to partiCipate in the consider- ation of the report. Commissioner Pistor amended his motion to include the Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Association and Commissioner Archer his second. The motion carried unanimously 4/0. March 27. 1979 RELOCATION OF SWITCHBOARD FROM BUILDING "0" TO THIRD FLOOR OF BUILDING "F" AT A COST OF $lt955 AND INSTALLATION OF TWO EXTRA CONDUITS COSTING $200 _ AUTHORIZED Assistant County Manager Richard Woodruff noted that in October. 1978 the County'Manager undertook study to determine actions that could increase the prOductivity of the County Manager's staff~ on. recommendation was to move the switchboard operator from Building "D" to the Manager's office and utilize the operator as receptionist and switchboard operator. He commented that at that timet in order to hold down the cost, a standard five-button phone was installed rath~r than transf~rring the switchboard. Since that time. he continued. problems have been incurred and it is now advisable that the relocation of the switchboard would be cost effective. Mr. Woodruff stated the telephone company has given an estimate of $lt805 for the cable and th~ ~intenance Department estimates $150 for the conduit in order to make the transformation (total cost for the transfer from Building liD" to Building "F" is $1,955). He also suggestec that to avoid a continuation of digging up and replanting the area tQ"install two additio~al co~duits ~hich will be needed within the next year st a cost of $100 each. Mr. Woodruff stated that the Board should authorize a budget amendmen from the Contingency Fund to the Maintenance budget to cover the above costs. Commissioner Archer movedt seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0t that the Board authorize the relocation of the switchboard from Building "0" to the Third Floor of Building "FIl at a cost of $1.955 and also authorize the installation of two extra conduits at a cost of $200. BOARD APPROVES CHANGE FROM PRESENT LEASE-PURCHASE PLANS TO PROPOSED INSTALLMENT- PURCHASE PLANS FOR WORD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT~ CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE NEW CONTRACTS County Manager Norman explained that recent Changes in equipment prices as w as equities accrued under present lease-purchase plans for the Word Processing equipment have resulted in an opportunity for saVings by converting the present lease-purchase plans to installment-purchase plans which will result in an approx savings of $15.000.00. He further explained that the contracts may be dropped at any time with 30 days notice by the Board~ and, the Coun~ will have total owners at the end of the installment period if the contracts are not discontinued. BOOK 046 PAGE 25 ~~~~ March 27. 1979 Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commiss1on.rArcher and carrfed . . . , I u~animously 4/0. that the Board ap~rove the change from, the present Lease- , .,t'e,., . Purchase plans to the proposed Installment-Purchase planl,for Word Processing equipment and that the Chairman be authorized to execute the new contracts. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'OOl 046 rAcE 84 ASSISTANT COUNTY MANAGER PROVIDES REPORT ON IMMOKALEE STOCKADE AND RECOMMENDATION FOR CORRECTING EXISTING DEFICIE~CrES; CHAIR DIRECTS THIS MATTER BE DEFERRED FOR WORKSHOP SESSION NEXT WEEK March 27, 1979 Assistant County Manager Richard Woodruff stated that during the past few monthst the County Manager has been coordinating the efforts of the personnel of the Stockadet Health Department, Sheriff's Department as well as several private agencies to devise a program that will result fn substantfal improvements to the County Stockade. He commented that the Health Department cited 31 problems and health hazardSt all of which has since been corrected except for the following: Inadequate walk-in cooler/freezer Inadequate food service facilities and dining area leaky roof throughout bUilding Boiler malfunction and lack of hot water Inadequate outside recreational area He discussed in detail the nature of the above listed violations and gave thr following cost estimates of same: $ 9.600.00 35.000.00 300.00 25tOOO.00 3.400.00 $73.300.00 Mr. Woodruff st~ted that in addition to the aforementioned violationst the Walk-in Freezer Dining Facilities and 'Storage Area Chlorinator for Water Supply Fenc~ a~d L1g;iting for Security and Outside Recreation Miscellaneous Equipment and Exppnses Stockade has communications problems and in order to correct such problems the tot cost estimate for Communication Equipment is approXimately $7.778.00. He noted tt Purchasing Director has recommended the replacement of the presently used van assigned for transportation of prisoners for a twelve passenger van (with air conditioning) in the amount of $7.300.00 wfth the trade-in of the present van. Mr. Woodruff then commented briefly on the "M,yers Act" which sets forth the standards for the treatment and servicing of intoxicated persons and authorizes the local law enforcement agency to detain such persons for their own protection and he noted that presently detention of intoxicated persons has been in the Immok jail which has been proven to be an unsatiSfactory arrangement. He further stated the Coun~ Manager is presently conducting a study of the possibili~ of utilizing the Stockade for the detention of persons held under the ~ers Act and he should be ready to'submit his findings to the Board within 30 days; said report will outl " March 27 t 1979 the MYers Act. the need for a detox-program in Immokalee. the cost of fmplementing such a program and specific rec~l~nJations re same. Mr. Woodruff presented the following recommendations in order ~o correct all violations and problems outlined in the report: 1. Board to authorize the hiring of an architect to prepare construction drawings and cost estimates for a new storage room area and conversion of the existing storage areas into I dinfng area. 2. Authorize the staff to prepare specifications and advertise for bids for a security fence with remote gates and lights and fenced recreational area. 3. Authorize the staff to prepare specifications and advertise for bids for communications equipment. 4. Authorize the staff to prepare specificiations and advertise for bids for a twelve passenger van with air conditioning. 5. Authorize the staff to prepare specifications and purchas~ a water chlorinator. 6. Authorize the transfer of necessary funds from the contingency fund into the appropriate StOCkade account to cover all expenses identified. In response to Fiscal Officer Hall, Mr. Woodruff stated that all,of the recommendations for improvements must be met in order to meet State requirements. ~ Mr. Hall then expressed concern over the fact it is being recommended to fund these improvements through the Contingency Fund and commented such improvements should fall under the category of Capital Improvement Planning program and requested that if the Board should decide to go ahead with the recommendations that he be directed to come up with another funding program other than the use of Contingencies. The matter of funding was discussed along with the possibility of Obtaining grants for these improvements. Mr. Norman pointed out that there is $50,000 budgeted for this year for impro~ements to the Stockade provided for in the bond issue for Capital Improvements. Chairman Brown determined this item is to be further discussed in a Workshop Session at a later date. CHAlro~N AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT FOR REMOTE TERMINAL ACCESS AND EXCHANGE OF COMPUTER-BASED SYST~MS WITH THE CITY OF NAPLES Commissioner Wimer movedt seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimousl 4/0. that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest. an agreement with the City of Naples for remote terminal access and exChange of computer-based systems. ,,^' n~~ ..__ ~~ ,BOOK 0(6 fACE 40 March 27. 1979 EXCAVATION PERMIT FOR STEVE KRIST TO CONSTRUCT A lAKE IN S17. T51S. R27E _ APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Utility Director Irving Berzon stated that Mr. Steve Krist is requesting al excavation permit to construct a lake for ~e purpose of providing approximatelJ 9500 cubic yards of fill material to be used on-site to raise the elevation of the property and that the applicant states that none of the fill material will be sold or removed from the site. He further stated that the Water Management Advisory Board and himself recommend approval of this excavation permit with the fOllowing stipulations: 1. That the proposed swale to the lake be eliminated. 2. That a belm approximately 18" in height be constructe~ around the perimeter of the lake. 3. That the depth and width of the drainge swale around the entire property be increased from that shown on the plan. 4. All applicable provisions of County Ordinance 73-12 be adhered to. 5. That the requirements for a Performance Bond and permit fee be waived in accordance with the provisions of County Ordinance No. 73-12 based on the applicant's statement that all excavated material will remain on-site and will not be sold. 6. That the applicant will comply with any new administrative requirements which become a part of the revised Excavation Ordinance. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor. that the excavat permit be approved with the stipulations as mentioned. Commissioner Archer expressed concern over the stipulations waiving the Perfonmance Bond and a discussion followed regarding same. Commissioner Pistor commented that the proposed revised ordinance will not have such a provision wai Performance Bonds except for those platted subdivisions which will have a bond placed on it as a requirement of Subdivision regulations. Commissioner Wimer amended his motion to delete the stipulations waiving the Perfonmance Bond and stated that if this presents a hardship on the petition he may come back before the Board. Commissioner Pistor amended his second and t motion carried unanimously 4/0. ~ }~~ .. .I , i~ ( \ " March 27, 1979 EXCAVATION PERMIT FOR JAMES H. AND JOANN COLLINS TO CONSTRUCT A LAKE IN S10. T505. R26E - APPROVED W~ STIPULATIONS Utility Director Irving Berzon stated that an, application has been recei' from James H. and Joann Collins to construct a lake for the purpose to providl fill material to be sold commercially~ the estimated amount of fill to be r~ from the site is 4t181t234 cubic yards. He further stated that the Water MIni Advisory Board and himself recommend approval of this permit with the fol1owir stipulations: 1. That a water quality monitoring program be established and approved by the Utility Director. 2. That the continuation of this excavation shall be subject to maintair adequate water quality. 3. That all applicable provisions of County Ordinance 73-12 be adhererl t 4. That the application will comply with any new administrative requiren which become a part of the revised Excavation Ordinance. 5. That a Performance Bond in the amount of $25tOOO be posted with Colli County prior to the issuance of the excavation permit. 6. That an Excavation Permit Fee estimated in the amount of $10.462.50 b paid to the County prior to the issuance of an excavation permit. Mr. Bcrzon noted the depth of the lake'~s to be 20' and the reason for su is due to the dimensions of the lake. In response to Commissioner Archert Mr. Tom Peek'of Wilson. Miller. Barto Soll & Peekt Inc,. stated that this excavation is 'not closely located within a , aquifer areas or any permitted public water supply systems. He also stated tho the petitioner has agreed to the above stipulations. Commissioner Archer movedt seconded by Commissioner Pistor;,andcarried unanimously 4/0t that the excavation permit be approved with the stipulations i mentioned. RESOLUTION CWS-79-9 AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS IN THE SOUTH HALF 01 AREA "8" (EAST NAPLES) ADOPTEDi CONSULTING ENGINEERS,,! UPON APPROVAL BY THE FMHJ AUTHORIZED TO PROCE~D WITH THE PREPARATION OF FINAL pLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0t that Resolution CWS-79-9 authorizing the construction of sewer in the south half of Area "B" (East Naples) and authorizing the update of the application on file with the Farmers Home Administration be adopted; and. that aOOK 046 PAGE 4f tJ ~1 1\ BOOK 046 PACE 42 March 27, 1979 the consulting engineers., UpGI1 approval by the FmHA, be authorized to proceed with the necessary preparation of final plans and specifications. * * * * * * * * .' ,; ". ~ .... * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .. * " ( \ r- .. . Mar~h 27 t 1979 PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF THE FUll APPLICATION FOR THE IHMOKAlEE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT IB-79-DN-12-0242 . AUTHORIZED Assistant County Manager I !chard Woodruff noted that th~ Board had previousl adopted a resolution regarding a Community Development Citfzen Participation Plan and had authorized the staff to file a Community Development Block Grant applicat for a designated project area in Immokalee. Since that time, the County has sub. mitted a pre-application re same to HUD and during the previous week, Chairman Brown had received an invitation to file a full appl1catfon for the Small Cities Community OevelopmPnt Block Grant for the Fiscal Year 1979 in the amount of $490, which must be completed and submitted on or before May 1St 1979. Hr. Woodruff stated that if thp. Board desires to go ahead with the full application, it will prepared by the staff and brought back to the Board for their review and approval before submission. Commissioner Pistor movedt seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0, that the staff be authorized to proceed with the preparation and submission of tt full application for the Immokalee Community Development Block Grant.,IB-79-DN-12. ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills being presented have been processed following established procedures and that funds are available. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor. that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from March 21t 1979 through March 27, 1979: FUND BCC Payroll County Warrants CETA Captial Improvement Intragovernmental WARRANT NOS. 58386 - 58591 005293 - 005489 9 3 4 Fiscal Officer Hall explained that contained within the routine bills is onE of the first of the bills from CH2M Hill for engineering services performed on tt County Water System Study and said bill in the amount of $16tOOO is being paid fl the system development charges. Upon call for the question. the motion carried unanimously 4/0. aOOK 046 'ACE 45 ;1 BOOK 048 PACE 48 March 27. 1979 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-64 INVOLVING TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR RENOVATION OF BUILDINGS "B" AND "C" . ADOPTED IN THE !MOUNT OF S2.708.QO Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commfssioner Pfstor and carried unanimously 4/0, that Budget Amendment 79.64 from COntingencies for the renovation of Buildings "B" and "C" as previously approved by the Board be adop' in the amount of $2.708. * * * * * * ~ * * . * . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . .... '. .t '., .\' BOOK 046 PAGE 48 March .2~ , ,1979 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-65 TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO PROVIOE MONIES FOR MERIT INCREASES WITHIN APPLICABLE DEPARTMENTS - ~DOPTED . .~. }......j.,, '.', ; , Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 79-65 transferring funds from Contingencies within or between various departments to provide monies for merit increases within applicable departments as previously approved by the Board be adopted in the amounts as shown below: * * * * * .' * ... ,." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * " "'...:.' . March 27, ,1979 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-66 TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO PROVIDEif:'OR BUDGET ANALYST POSITION - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF S8.566 ,," ,.,. '" , . ..,'. ;' , i' .J{(',.~,;~l~r..,... ColIInissioner Archer IIlOVl I, .econded by ComiItssfoner P1stpr and carried unanfmously, that Budget Amendment 79-66 .PP~p;f~tfng funds for the Budget Analyst position as preViously approved by the 8o~rd be adopted in the amount of $8.566. h "'7"'" "'~"'I''''',iol;:~.tij'''''''' .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. '. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. BOOK 048 fACE 59 ,< \ . ,,;'-- r March 27. 1919 , BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-67 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS'FOR PARr-THE CLERICAL HELP _ ADOPTED IN THE OOUNT OF $3.000 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pi.tor and carried , . , unanimously. that Budget Amendment 79-67 from Contingencies to appropriate funds for part-time clerkcial help be adopted in the amount of $3,000. * * * * , , " * .:to. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * aDDK 046 rACE 61 "i( . \ '\". .,~;:~ :j~~~~~~~i~~,': ~". . , . March 27, 1979 \ 'j' " "" BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-68 TRANSFERRING FUNDS PREVIOuSLY'ALLOCATED PER BUDGET AMENDMENT TO MORE APPLICABLE LINE ITEM - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $150 , ' " ",; ~~ \ " , Commissioner P1stor moved," ~econded by Commissioner Archer and carried i' ',~. , I unanimously 4/0, that Budget Amendment 19-68 transterring funds from Library Subscriptions account to Office Equipment and Furniture Account be adopted in the amount of $150.00. ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ;:;.. ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." '* ." ." ." ." ." ." aOOK 046 PACt 63 i I, ;~ I~', ~~': (, i),', ;' h, ~' 'l,:;,~:...\,'~...... , \ , Mar~.~,"~,~979 ,,1 ',"l":"'l~':~'("'" ". . BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-69 TRANSFERRING FUNDS FOR PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE FOR JUDGE BROUSSEAU . ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF'S1.oo0 I" .', i~,'h,".': ' Conrnissioner Pistor mo"~d,' seconded by ~issioner Arch,er and ,carried unanimously 4/0. that Budget Amendment 79-69 trins'.rring funds from Continger for purchase of office furniture for Judge Brousseau be adopted in the amount of $1.000. '. ~. t " '- j', .. " ~, ~, * * .. .. .. .. .. 'I:; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. * * * * aDOK 046 PACE 65 i , \ " March 27. 1979 DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE SATELLITE GOVERNMENT CENTER IN NORTH NAPLES AREA .' COUNTY MANAGER DIRECTED TO C~"~LE INFORMATION CONCERNING AVAILABLE LAND AT AFFORDABLE PRICE AND CONVENIENI LOCATION AND BRING BACK RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD ' Commissioner Wimer referred to his memo of March 9, 1979 to the Board of County Commissioners in which he requests the Board to consider acquiring a suiti land site to construct buildings necessary to open a branch office of County government in the North Naples area. He noted that due to the traffic situation and unsuitable roads it is difficult for North Naples residents to reach the courthouse complex more so than from any other pOint in the County (such as Marco Island or Immokalee). Commissioner Pistor concurred with Commissioner Wimer's request. commenting that establishing branch offices in North Naples would prove beneficial in the event of a gas shortage or rationing. He also noted that the County Manager is presently preparing an estimate of how much additional space is gOing to be required for the growth of the County offices. Conmi::sion81' Archer- commen'tad that he would like to see cost t!stimates and also commented he is not in favor of splitting up departments such as Building or Zoning; however. he is in favor of establishing branch offices necp.ssary for public convenience. i.e.t the Tax Collector's office.' After discussiont the Chair directed the staff to produce information on available land and cost estimates for the development of plans in establishing the possible satellite government center in North Naples and to come back to the Board within three weeks with recommendations. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER TO LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION REGARDING PROPERTY TAXES ON MOBILE HOMES Commissioner Pistor movedt seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0t that the Chairman be authorized to sign letters to the four (4) members of the Legislative Delegation regarding ad valorem taxes for mobile homes placed on rental property. aOOK 048 PACE 67 BOCK 046 ~ACf 68 March 27. 1979 RESOLUTION 79-42 TO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR RE FISHERY MANAGEMENT OPTIONS FOR THE EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK AND BIG CYPRESS PRESERVE AREAS - ADOPTED Commissioner Wimer moved, secvnded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0. that Resolution 79-42 supporting the Fisher.y Management Options suggested by the City of Everglades regarding the Everglades Natfonal Park be adopted. * * * * * * * .,.. * ';', ~ "- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ...." , ; ~..... . "', " , March 21, 1979, CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO 1978 TAX ROLL Commissioner Wimer moverl, seconded by Commissioner Archer and c~rried unanimously 4/0. that the following Certificates for Correction on the 1978 Tax Rolls be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to Sign same: 1mh ~ 43 - 1978 44 - 1978 45 - 1978 March 23, 1979 March 26, 1979 March 26, 1979 BOMD AUTHORIZES FORWARDING OF TIlE 1978 VIr SISTER CITY SURVEY TO APPROPRIATE LOCAL COMMITTEE FOR COMPLETION Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0t that the Board authorize the forwarding to the appropriate local committee the 1978 VIP Sister City Survey which is to be completed and returned by April 30t 1979. COMMISSIONER ARCHER TO PREPARE PRELIMINARY WORK ON ALL COUNTY ORDINANCES WITH THE GOAL OF ELIMINATING OR REDUCING THOSE WHICH ARE UNNECESSARY AND !Q,PRING REVISED ORDINANCES INTO WORKSHOP SESSION FOP CONSIDERATION . , Administrative Aide to the Board Mary ~rgan reff~red to a memo from Commi Wimer dated 3/16/79 to the Board suggesting they begin to workshop all county 0 (existing) with the goal of eliminating or reducing those ordinances which are really necessary for the health, safety and welf~re of the general public. Commissioner Wimer suggested the staff be directed to prepare the prelimin work as such to accomplish this. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0t that Commissioner Archer be deSignated as a committee of one (: begin the preliminary work on those county ordinances to eliminate or reduce th( unnecessary existing ordinances (to go as far back to 1968). BOARD DIRECTS THAT THE AUTHORS OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES INFORM THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE INTENT OF THE ORDINANCE SO THEY MAY CONSIDER IT IN WORKSHOP SESSION IF DESIRED BEFORE ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan referred to a memo from Commis Wimer to the Board regarding their previous discussion concerning whether or not is the Board's desire to have each proposed ordinance scheduled for a workshop session prior to advertising said ordinance. aDOK 04.6 PACE 73 BOOK 046 PACE 74 March 27, 1979 Commissioner Pistor moved th&t each proposed ordfnance be brought into Workshop Session for consideration. The motion died for lack of a second. There was some discussion among the Board and staff determining if the Bo~rd wanted to make such a policy as the aforementioned motion stands. C0m- missioner Archer suggested that the author of proposed ordinances advise each member of the Commission of his intention and what goal he is trying to accomplish with the ordinance draft~ and. afterward the Board may determine if it wishes to workShOp the particular ordinance before advertising. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimouslYt that the author of proposed ordinances will. by memo. advise the Board of his intention when preparing an ordinance in the preliminary stages. REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FROM MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT FOR EXPENSES INCURRED WITH THE RELOCATION OF THE 2ND HELICOPTER - WITHDRAWN Commissioner Archer m6vedt seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously ~/O. that the recommendation of the County Manager bs accepted in that the Board withdraws '"their requiSt for reimbursement from the Mosquito Control p.~~~rict for expenses incurred with the relocation of the 2nd Helicopter. BOARD APPROVES NOMINATIONS OF OFFICERS FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR & EXPOSITION. INC.. AS SUBMITTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF SAME Commissioner Pfstor moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0. that the fOllowing persons nomfnated as officers for the Collier County Agricultural Fair & Exposition. Inc.. (nominations submitted by President of same) be approved: George M. Frazer, Jr.t President Audrey Johnsont 1st Vice President Allen Mottt 2nd Vice President Linda Cardillo, ReCOrding Secretary Anne Goodnightt Corresponding Secretary Donald AshleYt Treasurer Gene Brisson. Acting Past President BOARD AUTHORIZES ELECTIONS OFFICER TO ATTEND CONFERENCE SPONSORED BY COMPUTER ELECTIONS SYSTEMS. INC.. TO BE HELD JUNE 29-30. 1979 IN SAN FRANCISCO Commis~ioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 4/0. that the Board authorize the Elections Officer (or designee) '. ...., March 21 i 1979 to attend a conference sponsored by Computer Electfons Systems, Inc. to be held June 29-30, 1979 in San Fr"ncisco. e~at a cost of $56.00 pe~ day. COMMISSIONER WIMER INFORMS BOARD THAT THE PROBLEM OF INSUFFICIENT STORAGE SPACE (SHORTAGE OF FILING CABINETS) HAS BEEN RESOLVED In reference to the shortage of storage space in terms of filing cabinets for easy access and for orderly mafntenance of records, Commissioner Wimer stated the problem has since been resolved with the Clerk. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED ANDIOR REFERRED There being no objectf~n. the Chair directed the fOllowing correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as listed below: 1. Letter dated 3/16/79 from the Fla. Dept. of Community Affairs regarding receipt of modified 701 applicatiOn and advising that certain inadequac1e' must be corrected before 3/31/79 for certification deadll~e in order to be eligible for 1979-80 701 funds~ xc to Dr. Spagna~ filed. 2. Request for confirmation of population estimates for Collier County as of 7/1/77 to be utilized in conjunction with the revenue sharing account; xc to Fiscal Officer and Dr. Spagna. Filed. 3. Copy of lptter dated 3/14/79 from Hr. James L. Garlan. Chief of the Engineering Division of the Corps. of Engineers re Mr. Richard Weinffeld" inqUiry; xc to Ors. Spagna and Hannic. 'Filed. .., 4. DER Permit DC11-5905 dated 3/14/79 issued to Beacon Bowl for construction of subject pollution source. xc to Utility pirector. Filed. 5. OER Permit CS52-11-5893 for application to construct sewage collection/ transmission system for Victoria Park Two with 69 single family units. xc to Utility Director. Filed. .. 6. Letter dated 3/19/79 from Senator Scott indfcating that he has introduced Senate Bill 123 which provides for the continuation of the Big Cypress Basin Board; filed. 7. Memo dated 3/19/79 from the County Manager re information recently rece1vI containing the final flood determination for Collier County by HUD; referl to staff to make format report to the Board. Filed. 8. Letter dated 3/19/79 from Nancy Bisbee to BCe re the MY Home project and possible construction or a facfllty in the Golden Gate Estates area indicating her objectioni filed. 9. Petition containing 277 signatures of residents of Golden Gate Objecting to the MY Home project. filed. 10. Letter dated 3/19/79 from So. Central Fla. Health Systems Council. Inc.t transmitting information re federal grant programs aimed at delivering health services to those in need. xc to Dr. Cox and County Manager. Filec BOOK 046 PACt' 75 DOj~ 046 PACE 76 :f?l~;:'l:.~,;~;;""', March. 27. 1979 11. Letter dated 3/19/79 from Fla. Mental Health Instftute in Tampa. HRS. District 6, regarding the Community Network Development Project. which is a program gt~red to facilitate an individual's re-entry into the community through the peer support system; xc to County Manager. Ffled. j.-. 12. Copy of the February 1979 reports forth. Parts and Recreatfon Department; filed. . .. BOARD APPROVES CONSOLIDATION OF EVERGLADES CITY AND NAPLES 911 CENTERS , Based on the recommendation by Deputy Chfef Raymond Barnett, Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0t that the Board approve the consolidation of the Everglade. C1~ and the Naples 911 centers. * * . . * * . . * * * * * * * * " There being no futher business for the good of the County, Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by ~ommissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 4/0. that the meeting be ddjourned - Time: 2:30 P.M. . . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICI GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRIC UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~~~u J ~~ 'MTEST.: I t'. .. /.;WILLIAKt ~W.~ :~w~ .~ /:" . . , , , . . , .... ". , ,Ill.' . " Sf'.' "