BCC Minutes 01/16/1979 R Naples, Florida, January 16, 1979 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier. and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having. conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel John A. Pistor Thomas P. Archer ABSENT: C.R. "Russ" Wimer ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk: Harold L. Hall, Ch1af Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer. Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk; C. William Norman. County Manager. Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utility Director. Dr. Neno J. Spagna, Community Development Administrator; Clifford Barksdale. County Engineer. Frank Wilcox, Purchasing Director; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board. and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett. Sheriff's Department. AGENDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONBRS FINI\L MJlI:NDI\ January 16, 1979 REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BO,MD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA, WILL BE HEARD AT 11100 A.M. UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS". 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS OF AWARDS 6. OLD BUSINESS DOOK 045 ,.ACE: 172 ,&OOK 045 PACE175 JAnuary 16, 1979 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES AND ADDITIONS Commissioner Archer noted that the following scheduled public hearings would not be heard due to their not being advertised: 1. Request by St. Elizabeth Seton Church for vacation of 53rd St., S.W. between Blocks 204 and 205, and vacation of easements between individual lots in Blocks 204 and 205, Golden Gate City, Unit 6. 2. Request by Deltona Corporation for vacation of a 12 ft. drainage easement and acceptance of an alternate drainage easement, Marco Beach, Unit 11. County Manager Norman advised that the fOllowing proposed resolution would be presented for Board action: 1. Resolution of the Board of Collier County Commissioners approving and endorsing the appointmont designating Miss Collier County as the official County Hostess during her reigning year. As requested by the County Attorney. Mr. Nonman added the following proposed ordinance to the agenda: 1. Proposed ordinance amending amendment to Ordinance 78-66 re Contractors' Licensing Board - to be a~o~ted under emergency provisions. At the request of the County Engineer, Mr. Norman asked that the following item be included in the agenda: 1. Minor change in wording to the $10,000,000 Road Bond Issue resolution. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissionor Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the agenda with the aforementioned changes and additions be approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS - NONE RESOLUTION 79-7 DESIGNATING MISS COLLIER COUNTY (JEAN MARIE DAVIDSON) AS THE OFFICIAL COUNTY HOSTESS DURING HER REIGNING YEAR- ADOPTED At the request of Chairman Brown, Commissioner Wenzel read the proposed resolution approving and endorsing the appointment of Miss Collier County, Jean Marie Davidson. and designating her as the official County Hostess during her reigning year. Following the reading of same, Commissioner Archer moved the adoption of Resolution 79-7. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. January 16, 1979 Miss Davidson was present to received the proclamation and the congratulations and best wishes of the Board. ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." * ." ." ." ." ." ." ." * ." ." * * ." ." ." BOOK 045 PA~F176 January 16, 1979 RESOLUTION 79-8 REQUESTING THE FLORIDA DOT TO UNDERTAKE STUDIES TO ASCERTAIN THE FEASIBILITY OF IMPROVING S.R. 951 . ADOPTED County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that the resolution being presented to the Board is a request for the Florida Department of Transpor- tation to undertake studies to ascertain the feasibility of improving S.R. 951. Mr. Barksdale stated that the resolution does not address the question as to whether or not the Board is supporting the financing of the road by tolls, bu~ rather requesting the DOT to proceed with studies, including obtaining an approved EIS, a traffic and revenue study, and the preliminary engineering and design work. At tho request of Commissioner Archer, Mr. Barksdale read the proposed resolution, adding that. if the Board adopts the resolution, the motion should include authorization for the Chairman to sign same, and authorization for the County Engineer and, as suggested by Commissioner Wenzel, Commissioner Pistor to serve on the Consultant Selection Committee. Foll~fng b~ief dis~ussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved that Re~olut1on 79-0. as outlined by Mr. Barksdale, be adopted, and that Mr. Barksdale and Commissioner Pistor be appointed to serve on the Consultant Selection Committee. Commissioner Archer seconded the motion which carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. * * * * * . * * * . * * * . * ~~~~ * * * January 16, 1979 BOARD AUTHORIZES PURCHASE OF NINE VEHICLES (BALANCE OF BID 1344) FROM VARIOUS VENDORS, AS RECOMMENDED BY PURCHASING DIRECTOR, FOR USE BY MOTOR POOL; DIS- CUSSION OF MOTOR POOL DEPARTMENT TO BE SCHEDULED ON AGENDA FOR NEXT BCC WORK- SHOP SESSION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 14 and 16, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication previously filed with the Clerk, Purchasing Agent Frank Wilcox advis~d that proposals were received for Bid '344 until December 13, 1978 for furnishing and delivering nine vehicles for use by the Motor Pool. It was noted that the bid covered furnishing and delivering twelve vehicles - however, purchase of three vehicles was awarded during the previous week's Board session. Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox referred to the Executive Summary prepared by him to explain the assignment of the new vehicles and the reasons why the particular type models were selected for purchase, as directed by the Board. Following brief discussion regarding the purchase of three super compacts to replace three four-door sedans for use by Engineering, Zoning and Building Departments, Commissi~ner Wenzel moved that that portion of Bid 1344 be awarded to the various vendors at the prices listed on the bid tabulation sheet, as recommended in the Bid Review Committee letter dated December 27, 1978. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. Following Mr. Wilcox's explanation that the four station wagons being purchased will replace three station wagons and one four-door sedan for use by the Parks & Recreation. Agriculture, and Motor Pool Departments, and that the , two utility vehicle~ will replace two older vehicles for use by the Building Department Inspectors, Commissioner Archer moved that that portion of Bid 1344 be awarded to the various vendors at the prices listed on the bid tabulation sheet, as recommended in the Bid Review Committee letter dated December 27, 1978, and that the Chainman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements for all nine vehicles. Commissioner Wenzel seconded the motion with the comment that at the next workshop session he would like the Motor Pool Department head to attend for discussion of the operation of the Department, noting he has received some complaints. The motion was carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. 800K 045 P^~~ 180 &OOK 045 PACE 181 January 16, 1979 Responding to Commissioner Archer. Mr. Wilcox stated that the expenditures just approved will total approximately $11,000 under the initial budget which was previously approved. ORDINANCE 79-2 AMENDING ORDINANCE 78-66 (MOBILE HOME INSTALLATION) &t REPEALING THE EXISTING "GRANDFATHER" PROVISION AND CREATING A NEW "GRANDFATHER" PROVISION~ DECLARED EMERGENCY AND ADOPTED County Attorney Pickworth explained that Ordinance 78-66, which created the Mobile Home Installation Contractor category provided that an individual was entitled to the issuance of a Certificate of Competency without the necessity of taking an examination if he could establish that he possessed an Occupational license on the date the Contractors' Licensing Board Ordinance, No. 78-02, went into effect. Mr. Pickworth stated that it has come to the attention of the Building Department that a number of affected individuals did not possess these licenses until after January, 1978, which was the date the original ordinance was adopted. To solve the problem, continued Ml'. Pickworth. and to meet the original intent of Ordinance 78~66, an ordinance is being proposed which will pennit such contractors to be "grandfathered" in if he has an Occupational License on the effective date of that ordinance. He went on to explain that the License in question is a very limited license which will pennit the mobile home park operators to make "hook-ups" in his own parlt, noting that complete inspections are still required by the Building Department. Commissioner Archer moved that an emergency does exist regarding the matter. The motion wa~ seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. Commissioner Archer moved that Ordinance 79-2, as titled below. be adopted and entel'ed into Ordinance Book No.8. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. ORDINANCE NO. 79- 2 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 78-66 BY REPEALING THE EXISTING GRANDFATHER PROVISION OF ORDINANCE NO. 78-66 AND CREATING A NE\'l GRANDFATHER ?ROVISION FOR ORDINANCE NO. 78~66: PROVIDING FOR AN EI1ERGENCY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. January 16, 1979 REQUEST BY ST. ELIZABETH SETON CHURCH FOR VACATION OF 53RD STREET, S.W., BETWEEN BLOCKS 204 AND 205, AND VACATION OF EASEMENTS BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL LOTS IN BLOCKS 204 AND 205, GOLDEN GATE CITY, UNIT 6, ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD JANUARY 16, 1979 - RE-ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON FEBRUARY 6, 1979 Commissioner Wenzel moved that, due to the fact that the subject request wa not advertised, the request by St. Elizabeth Seton Church for vacation of 53rd Street, S.W., between Blocks 204 and 205, and vacation of easements between individual lots in Blocks 204 and 205, Golden Gate City, Unit 6, originally scheduled to be heard this date, be re-advertised for public hearing on Februar) 6, 1979. Commissioner Pistor seconded the motion which carried 4/0 with Com- missioner Wimer not present. REQUEST BY DELTONA CORPORATION FOR VACATION OF A 12 FT. DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF AN ALTERNATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT RE MARCO BEACH UNIT 11, ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD JANUARY 16, 1979 - RE-ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON FEBRUARY 13, 1979 Commissioner Wenzel moved that, due to the fact that the subject request was not advertised, the request by the Deltona Corporation for vacation of a 12-foot d~ainag~ easement and acceptance of an alternate drainage easement re Marco Beach Unit 11, originally scheduled to be heard this date, be re-advertise for public hearing to be held on February 13, 1979. Commissioner Pistor seconde . the motion which carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. PROMOTIONAL PAY INCREASES, RETROACTIVE TO OCTOBER, 1978, FOR TWO ZONING DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES (PROMOTED FEBRUARY, 1978) - APPROVED. BUDGET AMENDMENT RE SAME TO BE FORTHCOMING. REVISIONS TO PERSONNEL POLICIES TO BE PRESENTED TO BCC WHEN COMPLETED County Manager C. William Norman explained that in February, 1978 when the Board approved the reorganization of the Zoning Department, approval was given for the promotion of two employees who were being assigned to new positior with increased responsi~ilities. Mr. Norma" said that the Board's records indicate that action was deferred on implementing promotion pay for the employeE until the current year's bu~get effective in October, 1978. Through an oversigt continued Mr. Norman, this promotional pay was inadvertently deleted from the subject Department's budget for 1978-79. It is being recommended, said Mr. Norman, that a 2% promotional increase for the affected employees be approved. retroactive to October, 1978, noting that this increase will be consistent with the Board's policy that no employee would receive over 10% increase in one year. &OOK 045 PAc;:182 &OOK 045 PA~t183 January 16, 1979 Commissioner Wenzel voiced concern over the possibility of promotions being made in order to give salary increases and said that, in this case, he could not vote approval until the Department is reorganized. commenting on his knowledge of complaints received regarding the Department. Commissioner Pistor voiced concurrence with the comments ma~e by Commissioner Wenzel; however. he said that, under the circumstances, the Board has no choice but to approve the recommendation, noting that he has reviewed the existing employee1s handbook in this regard, which has been approved by the Board. Commissioner Pistor moved for approval of 2% pay increases for two Zoning Department employees retroactive to October, 1978. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 3/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting in opposition and Commissioner Wimer not present. It was Commissioner Pistor's suggestion that a workshop session be scheduled for the purpose of discussing some of the matters contained in the employee's handbook. Mr. Nonran stat~d that his office Is working on a rewrite of the Personnel Policies which will be completed in approximately two months, at which time, as directed by Chairman Brown, the revision will be brought to the Board for review. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall commented that there is a definite need for as milch clarification as possible on matters which impact the budget - prior to budget preparation. He also stated that a proper budget amendment will be prepar~ and presented to the Board reflecting adjustments to the necessary accounts on the action taken by the Board regarding the pay increases. BOARD AUTHORIZES REFERENDUM ON APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF THE NAPLES PARK LIGHTING MUNICIPAL TAXING DISTRICT TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 27. 1979 County Manager C. William Norman recalled that the Board created by ordinance the Naples Park lighting Municipal Taxing District on September 19, 1978, and that. subsequent to this action, a petition containing 578 signatures was received requesting a referendum vote of property owners to approve or disapprove the action taken with regard to the lighting district. As contained in the Executive Summary on the matter dated December 29. 1978, January 16~ 1979 the referendum must be held soon enough for the results to be available before the end of March, 1979 in order to prevent delay in the installation of lights within the district, and a date of February 27, 1979 for subject referendum is recommended. Mr. Maurice N. DeGraves, Naples Park resident, requested clarification of the boundaries for the district, whether or not the Vanderbilt Beach area is to be included and, if so, would there be an impact on their district. County Engineer Barksdale noted that the district, as proposed, is that area from 91st Street to 11lth Street, Tamiami Trail westward to Vanderbilt Drive. County Attorney Pickworth explained that in the event the district is amended to bring in other areas, a public hearing regarding this would be necessary. Mr. Perry Kaetzel, Naples Park resident, suggested that it might be simpler to start over again regarding the formation of a district in view of the fact that the district might be enlarged to include the Vanderbilt Beach area, and urged that a referendum be held in order to permit everyone to be affected to have a voice on the matter. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Archer moved to accept the staff recommendation that a special election for purposes of conducting a referendum on approval or disapproval of the Naples Park Lighting Municipal Taxing District be authorized for February 27, 1979. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wenzel. Mr. William Harper, Naples Park resident, voiced his support of the recom- mendation as written in the Executive Summary prepared by the staff and indicated that the Board of Directors of the Naples Park Area Association are willing to waive the cost for the use of their hall as one of the polling places for the referendum, and to further reduce the cost for the election, stated that he has received offers from volunteers who are willing to work at the polls. Regarding the other costs involved, Mr. Harper stated that no official position has been taken in this regard. however, he said that it is his personal opinion that since the voters are County taxpayers, any over-run in costs should be taken care of by the Contingency Fund. ~oox 045 PM;,184 &OOK 045 fA~,185 January 16, 1979 Upon call for the quest10n the motion on the floor regarding the referendum carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. RESOLUTION 79-9 AUTHORIZING APPLICATIONS FOR LEAA FUNDING RE YOUTH GUIDANCE VOLUNTEER PROGRAM COVERING PROGRAM COSTS FROM 3/1/79 TO 2/29/80 - ADOPTED Following brief explanation by County Manager C. William Norman, Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Resolution 79-9 authorizing the Applications for LEAA Funding for the Youth Guidance Volunteer Program, covering Program costs from March 1, 1979 to February 29, 1980, be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . * * . * . * * * IJcSIIUcH',)' .1.0, J.';JI ';J 8. That if such grant be made. the App1icant or Officia1 designated in paragraph 4 above shall maintain such records necessary and furnish such information, data and documents as required by the Florida Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance to support the implementation of the project genera,lly descri bed above. 9. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and roll call vote as fo"ow~ . Comissioner Archer Comissioner Pfs tor , Combs i oner ' Wenzel Comissioner Brown Comi s s i oner Wimer DATEP' January 16. 1979 Mottoned ~nd a,ye Seconded and aye ~e ~e A~sent ~nd not ~ot~g BOARD OF COUNTY COMNISSIONERS COLLIER, OU~TY, F40RIDA BY; ATTEST: '~,\t9"Aat J.,~,~:AGAN, CLERK {;.".... 41.1 .r..... f'..... ." ,. "~ . nd legality. " : ~ .,.: , :, ): " ~ . ~';, "'. "\\. .) ~ ';'"0 '.f. ,....\~./ . .~' , "0," . ~'.. "~ . . . . .. . ' ' ,,',\ > 'I?;'H ':\\,. MOK 045 PAC, 188 ~OOK 045 PA~,193 January 16, 1979 BOARD AUTHORIZES APPROPRIATION OF $500 AND APPROVAL OF TRAVEL FOR COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE TO ATTEND CONFERENCE ON "PRODUCTIVITY IN GOVERNMENT" SPONSORED BY MICA TO BE HELD JANUARY 17-19. 1979 IN LAKE BUENA VISTA, FLORIDA County Manager C. William Norman stated that the "Productivity in Governmen1 Conference being sponsored by Management Improvement Corporation of America (MICI for which expenses and travel authorization is being requested will enable the County's representative to learn of the programs and concepts developed by the organization to improve local government productivity. He stated that Purchasinl Director Frank Wilcox is being recommended to attend and to report back to the Board regarding the applicability of the concepts for Collier County. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that he has reviewed the program and, in his opinion, there is much to be gained by the County and that the investment in time anrl manl for a representative to attend would be a worthwhile investment. Brief discussion followed regarding the selection of a County representativl to the conference. Commissioner Archer moved to accept the ct~ff recommendation and to approve a County representative to attend the subject conference to be held January 17-1! 1979 in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, and authorize the expenditure of $500 re same. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 3/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting in the negative and Commissioner Wimer not present. Mr. Mike Zewalk questioned the wisdom of having the Purchasing Director attend the conference with Commissioner Archer responding that his motion was to authorize the expenditure of funds and travel noting that it is up to Mr. Norman to make the decision as to who will represent the County at the conference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS: 10:05 A.M. until 10:12 A.M. . . . * * . . . . . . . . . . . BOARD OFFERS SUPPORT TO THE APPLICATION FOR COUNTY-CYCLICAL FUNDS BY THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL OF COLLIER COUNTY. INC., AS REQUESTED To accommodate the representatives, County Manager C. William Norman reques' that the matter to be discussed by the Economic Development Council of Collier County, Inc. be taken up at this time. There were no objections voiced. January 16, 1979 Mr. William H. Harper, Jr., Executive Vice President of the EDC, explained that he has been advised by the firm contracted to prepare grant applications towards obtaining sufficient funds to prepare the Overall Economic Development and Employment Plan for the County that a possibility exists that the needed funds can be obtained from Counter-cyclical funds. He requested that the Board endorse and approve the request to apply for these funds adding the comment that the County would have to be the applicant in the event such funds are available. Commissioner Pistor moved that the Board approve the application by the EDC for Counter-cyclical Funds as requested. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. RESOLUTION 79-10 AUTHORIZING THE fDOT TO ACQUIRE RIGHTS-Of-WAY fOR 1-75 INTERCHANGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - ADOPTED; CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE RIGHT-OF-WAY CONTRACT WITH fDOT; fILING OF THE MAPS Of LOCATION AND SURVEY lN CLERK'S OFFICE - APPROVED County Engineer Barksdale, referring to the Executive Summary prepared by him, stated that the Board is being requested to: 1. Approve the Florida DOT Right-of-Way Resolution and filing of the'Maps of Location and Survey in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. 2. Authorize the FDOT to perform acquisition-engineering functions. and, 3. Execute agreement with the FDOT to contract the undertaking of necessary road improvements and providing for the use of Secondary Gasoline Tax Funds and/or General Services Bond funds. To further explain. Mr. Barksdale stat~d that these actions are necessary to complete the engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and the like, relating to the 1-75 Interchange and the required connector roads at Pine Ridge Extension. between AirpJrt Road (C-31) and Isles of Capri Road (C-9S1). In response to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Barksdale stated that County funds will not be used to buy rights-of-way for 1-75 - only for the connector roads. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Willler not present. that Resolution 79-10, as titled ~OOK 045 PA~ 194 ~O~~~ January 16, 1979 below, be adoptedi that the Chairman be authorized to execute the Right-of-Way Contract with FDOT. and that the filing of the Map of Location/Survey in the Clerk's office be approved. . * . * . * * . . * . . . . . * . . . * . . . . . * . January 16, 1979 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN, AFTER-THE-FACT. SUBGRANT APPLICATION FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY FUNDS RE WARNING AND REGULATORY SIGN REPLACEMENT AND INSTALLATION PROJECT Following brief explanation by County Engineer Barskdale, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer absent, that the Chairman be authorized to sign, after-the-fact, Subgrant Application for Highway Safety Funds regarding the Warning and Regulatory Sign Replacement and Installation Project.. .Complete application on file in ~lerkls office. . . . . . . . . . ", ", . ", ", ", ", * ", . . ", . . BOOK 045 PACEZ04 January 16, 1919 RESOLUTION 79-11 RE-ADOPTING RESOLUTION CONCERNING $10,000,000 BOND ISSUE DELETING DOLLAR AMOUNTS FROM PRIORITY LISTING - ADOPTED County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that the Board is being requested to re-adopt a resolution with regard to the $10,000,000 Bond Issue to replace a previously-adopted resolution due to the fact that word has been received from Tallahassee suggesting that the dollar amounts be deleted from the attached "Exhibit A" because the total amount is more than the Bond Issue and could cause some questioning at the bond validation hearing. Commissioner Pistor moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Resolution 79-11 be adopted, as recommended. * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * aOOK 045 PA~r:206 January 16, 1979 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR PROVIDES acc WITH REPORT ON REVIEW OF VARIOUS SECTIONS OF COUNTY FOR SUFFICIENCY OF EMERGENCY ACCESS AND EVACUATION ROUTES Community Development Administrator Neno Spagna advised that a review of every subdivision in the County has been made and it was found that only three subdivisions are a major concern with respect to ingress and egress for evacuation in the event of an emergency. The areas of concern and the status of possible improvements detailed by Dr. Spagna are as follows: 1. Marco Island - The improvements there will be the four-laning of S.R. 951 sometime between now and 1985, and the eventual four- laning of S. R. 92. The problems there, said Dr. Spagna are ones of funding, together with the direction to be taken once the residents are off the Island. He said there is nothing that can be done now other than to work with the people preparing them and keeping them in a state of readiness. 2. Vanderbilt Beach area - The biggest problem there, sftid Dr. Spagna, is what will happen once the people reach U.S. 41 with traffic moving in both directions. c:,~ 3. Golden Gate (3'a~1 - Internal circulation is the major difficulty, said Dr. Spagna, with only five of the proposed bridges having been constructed. noting that it is questionable at this date as to whe~her c:" not tt.e bonds posted are sufficient to cover the remaining construction of bridges. Concluding, Dr. Spagna said that at this point in time the best thing that can be done is to let the people realize that, in the event there is a need for evacuation of the various areas, that it be done in a cautious, safe and calm manner, with the Sheriff's Department forces assisting in every way possible. During the discussion which followed, City Councilman Wade Schroeder and Mr. Mike Zewalk both expressed concern over the "bottleneck" now existing in the Seagate area and the worsening of the problem when the Pelican Bay area is developed. Also, it was noted by Mr. Barksdale that the developers of Golden Gate have recognized their obligations to finish constructing whatever bridges have already been bonded. RESOLUTION 79-12 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN RE COST OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOTS 19 AND 20, BLOCK 9, UNIT 2, LELY TROPICAL ESTATES _ ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Resolution 79-12 to provide for BOCK 045 PA~t 212 ~o~~m January 16. 1979 the assessment of lien for the cost of the abatement of public nuisance on lots 19 and 20, Block 9, Unit 2, Lely Tropical Estates, be adopted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * . . . . . . . . . . ,BCOK 045 PA~c Z15 PROPOSED FEES FOR CONNECTION TO THE PELICAN BAY WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS - APPROVED January 16, 1979 Utility Director Irving Berzon reported that he has reviewed the fees being proposed by the Pelican Bay Improvement District to be charged for connection to the Pelican Bay water and sewer systems and from his review of the District's Financial Report in this regard, as well as conferring with their consultants, stated that he finds the proposed fees consistent with their method of recovering the costs. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the proposed fees for connection to the Pelican Bay water and sewer systems be approved, as recommended by staff. Mr. Berzon pointed out that the rates themselves and other cilarges connected with the matter will be brought back to the Board within the next few weeks at which time the entire matter will be discussed and resolved. STATUS REPORT RE "::!01" FACILITIES PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL AREA BY JOINT VENTURE ENGINEERS (RUSSELL & AXON. AND SMALLY. WELL FORD & HALVEN. INC.) - ACCEPTEO Utility Director Irving Berzon provided the Board with a brief summation of the progress of the "201" Study for the Coastal Area of Collier County since the selection of the consultants for the Study {II May, 1975 to the present date. noting the difficulties encountered by the consultants in completing their portion of the Plan. Mr. Berzon said that the consultants have requested the opportunity to make a presentation of the events which have transpired in order for the Board to be fully aware of the facts and circumstances surrounding the status of the Study at this time. Mr. Donald J. Smally, Consulting Engineer, extracted certain portions from the Status Report, dated January 5, 1979, prepared by the joint venture engineers (Russell & Axon, and Smally, Wellford & Nalven Inc.) regarding the "201" Study to review the sequence of events to date, noting that, although the Board has adopted the Development Plan, approval of the Plan by the DER and EPA have been hindered due to the fact that no resolution has been reached on the local level with the City of Naples. Mr. Smally said that this approval has not been forth- coming due to the report currently being undertaken by the Collier County Conserva January 16, 1979 on the water quality in Naples Bay which could result in a new wasteload allocation figure by EPA which could further delay the program six months or longer and require costly revisions to the "201" Plan. Lengthy discussion followed concerning the alternative available such as the method of disposal of treated waste by deepwell injection, the method favored by the City of Naples, but which, as pointed out by Mr. Smally, is not cost-effective and would not be approved by the EPA since the most cost- effective disposal method must be used to obtain funding. Mr. Smally concludpd his presentation by stating that if progress is to be made there must be some meeting of the minds with the City of Naples; or, another possibility would be to separate the City out of the N201" Plan which he said would be a complex issue due to the Federal Regulations regarding duplication of funds between the incorporated and unincorporated areas of the County. It was Mr. Berzon's suggestion that the Board accept the report by the consultants and that since there is a large financial commitment involved, that no further action be t~ken until the Conservancy's Report has been completed, reviewed and evaluated, which should be within the next two or three months. Commissioner Wenzel moved that the subject Status Report be accepted and that the Chairman schedule further discussion on the matter when additional information has been received. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. STATUS REPORT ON NAPLES AIRPORT LEASE FOR MVI STATION AND SOLID WASTE TRANSFER FACILITY BY UTILITY DIRECTOR - COUNTY MANAGER TO PURSUE FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS WITH AIRPORT AUTHORITY AND/OR ACQUISITION OF AN ALTERNATE SITE FOR PROJECT Utility Director Irving Berzon explained that the Naples' Airport Authority" position with regard to the leasing of airport property now is that the Authority has to be a money-making enterprise, self-sustaining, without partiality shown, and that the rents and fees must be non-discriminatory. Therefore, said Mr. Berzl the only accommodation to be given to the County will be that they will accept the County's impr~vements, i.e. new MVI Station building and improvements as well as Transfer Station facilities, for the rental for only that period of time that neCK 045 P/,~c 216 ~OOK o 4.5 PA~( 217 January 16, 1979 it takes to pay these improvements back. It is estimated that the period involved when the cost of the facilities could be applied towards the rental would be between sixteen and eighteen years, continued Mr. Berzon. After that time, he said, the County would pay its share of the rental. The possibility of the abandonment of the inspection program was discussed with Mr. Berzon suggesting that the matter of the leas. bl re-evaluated. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Mr. Berzon's suggestion be followed. Commissioner Wenzel observed that the matter of whether or not the Utility Director should continue with the solid waste management program as part of the water/sewer management duties should be discussed in a future Workshop Session. Upon call for the question the motion carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not in attendance. Commissioner Archer stated that some consideration should be given to locating the transfer facilities on other than airport ground and the County Manager was directed to pursue this suggestion as well as the matter of re-evaluating the lease with the Airport Authority. ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's advice that the bills being presented have bten processed following established policy and that funds are available, Commissioner Wp.nzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from January 10, 1979 through January 16, 1979: FUND BCC Payroll BCC Payroll County Warrants Road & Bridge #2 Assessment & Utility Clearing Federal Revenue Sharing CETA Grants & Gifts Systems Development Clearing WARRANT NOS. 55295 - 55364 55482 - 55484 002964 - 003179 7 14 - 20 1 5 6 4 January 16, 1979 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-31 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR RENOVATION OF PERSONNEL AND SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICES - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,635 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Budget Amendment 79-31 to appropriate funds for the renovation of the Personnel and the Supervisor of Elections offices be adopted in the amount of $1,635. * * . * * . . . * . * * * * * * * * * * * . * * 800)( 045 PA~, 218 Januar,y 16, 1979 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-32 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS TO MODIFY IOO-WATT BASE STATION DONATED TO CIVIL DEFENSE DEPARTMENT BY NAPLES POLICE DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $300 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Budget Amendment 79-32 to appropriate funds to modify the 100-watt Base Station donated to the Civil Defense Department by the Naples Police Department be adopted in the amount of $300. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * mO~~~ Januar.y 16. 1979 BUDGET AMENDMENT 79-33 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS TO PURCHASE A BINDING MACHINE FOR THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $600 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissfoner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Budget Amendment 79-33 to appropriate funds for the purchase of a Binding Machine for the Planning Department be adopted in the amount of $600. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . * . BOOK 046 PAc,222 January 16, 1979 BOARD APPROVES DISTRIBUTION OF PAYMENT-IN-LIEU-OF TAXES, IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,044, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SCHEDULE RECOMMENDED BY FISCAL OFFICER Fiscal Officer Harold Hall requested Board approval of the proposed Schedule of Distribution of Federal Funds received in Lieu-of-Taxes in the amount of $100,044, copies of same having been previously distributed to the Commissioners. He explained that under PL 94-565, Section 3, Federal Funds received by the Board of County Commissioners are required to be distributed to local governments and school taxing districts which incurred a real property tax loss due to the Federal purchase of land. Mr. Hall said that the proposed distribution of funds is in accordance with the Federal regulations and has been reviewed with the finance officer of the School Board, who is in general agreement, and recommended that the Schedule for distribution be approved. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the SUbject Schedule of Distribution of Federal Funds, as prepared by Mr. Hall, dated January II, 1979, be approved. Mr. Hall explained that the amount of funds received each year fluctuates. and that the distribution was arrived at by meeting with the School Board Finance Officer and review of the matter with Property Appraiser Sam Colding regarding the taxes lost from the prior year. . . . . . . . ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." . Note: At this time, Chairman Brown relinguished the ChJirmanship to Vice- Chairman Wenzel for the balance of the meeting due to his inability to continue speaking. ." ." . ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." . CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION ON THE 1978 TAX ROLL Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the following Certificates for Correction on the 1978 Tax Roll be approved and that the Chainman be authorized to sign same: ~OOK 045 PA~, 224 eOOK 045 PAc,225 January 16, 1979 mL. 1978 Tax Roll 294 1978 Tax Roll - Royalty Interest 33-1978 30-1978 31-1978 32-1978 29-1978 Qlli.Q. 12/19/78 12/18/78 12/18/78 12/18/78 12/18/78 12/18/78 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN PERMIT NO. A78-P-89 (DNR) FOR COASTAL CONSTRUCTION AT TIGERTAIL BEACH. MARCO Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. that the Chairman be authorized to sign DNR Permit No. A78-P-89 for Construction Seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line for construction of a post-supported, wooden walk- way in Tigertail Beach Park, issued September 21, 1978, for complet~on on or before June 21, 1980. .. .. .. .. .. . .. * .. .. .. * . * * .. .. .. * .. .. .. BOOK 045 PAc,227 January 16, 1979 RESIGNATION OF JOHN M. FAULKS FROM WATER MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD - ACCEPTED; APPROPRIATE LETTERS AND CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION TO BE PREPARED Commfssfoner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the resfgnatfon of Mr. John M. Faulks from the Water Management Advisory Board. as contained in Mr. Faulks' letter to the Board dated January 10, 1979, be accepted, and that approprfate letters and certificates of appreciatfon be prepared. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN BUREAU OF l'HE CENSUS' BOUNDARY AND ANNEXATION SURVEY (AS OF JANUARY I, 1979) Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 wfth Commissioner Wimer absent, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census' Boundary and Annexation Survey, as of January I, 1979. . *:' . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . BOOK 045 PA~, 231 REQUEST BY EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT FOR Bce.s APPROVAL OF PROPOSED SPECIAL ACT LEGISLATION TO ANNEX BALANCE OF FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 - APPROVAL DENIED FOR PRESENT January 16, 1979 Mr. James Billman, Chief, East Naples Fire Control District, explained what is being proposed by the District in their request for the Board's approval of Special Act Legislation for expansion of the District, referring to the various colored sections of the map displayed. The request is prompted, . said Chief Billman, by a desire to upgrade the service to the annexed areas, and to provide for completion of long-range plan for the District. He pointed out the need for decreasing response time in certain areas which he ~aid could be accomplfshed by relocation of stations and/or construction of new stations possibly, noting the need for a concrete basis on which to plan. Discussion followed the presentation by Chief Billman covering such matters as current millage being levied in the District, possible increase in millage, impact on other districts, and the like. County Manager Norman observed that the motivations of tIle East Naples District ar6 high with respect to their planning needs. however, Mr. Norman said that there is a lack of the kind of fnformation needed before decisions can be made. He noted that he has been in contact with the State Fire Marshal's Office and has received confirmation that the Marshal will be in the County on February 9, 1979 to conduct a meeting wfth all of the fire depdrtments to discuss the development of a long-range plan for the whole County. Following additfonal discussion, Mr. Norman stated that it is his recom- mendation that the request made by the East Naples Fire Control District be denied at this time and. as contained in his Executive Summary on the matter dated January 11, 1979, urged that all County Fire Departments cooperate with one another and the County staff in wo'rking for the creation and adoption of a master fire protection plan, as previously mentioned. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 3/1 with Commissioner Wimer not present and Commissioner Brown voting in opposition, that the request of the East Naples Fire Control District for Board approval of Special Act Legislation to annex the balance of Fire District No. 1 be denied for the present. January 16. 1979 PRECINCT NUMBER RE DEPUTY SHERIFF LUTHER L. BROWN FILED FOR THE RECORD (PRECINCT NO.9) Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the following information be filed for the Record, in compliance with Florida Statute 30.08 as provided by Sheriff Rogers: NAME OF DEPUTY SHERIFF: Luther L. Brown VOTING PRECINCT NO.: No. 9 . . . . . . . '" . . * * * * * . '* 'There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 11:45 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DI ICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ,,\\~'I\U Of , .J \J , "' .' " _ V{. ~, " , . ~.. ~ :::- . .", t r " .. . '" .. · fiTTEST: , C" ;'WILLIAM J. RIrAGAN. CLERK .. I " " .' .' . . ,_..1._ --. '~'~~1,. 1./ r<.U 17.<. . ,., ~OOK 045 PA~cza2,