Backup Documents 12/01/2009 Item # 5A 5A' Hi COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA ENERGY AUDIT AND GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORY CY 2007 JULY, 2009 TWENTYF][FTY, llC, "--- -_.~- '..-- --~-"'.....,,- . , ~ o ,- -+-> ~ S ;...; <2 ~ .- Q) ;...; o S ;...; o ~ The point of contact at Collier County is Skip Camp, Director of the Department of Facilities Management, who may be reached at; (239) 252-8380 SkipCamp@colliergov.net 5A :; , c()('fi~r County ~,\.,,:..;:~.;;>'.':'J-,l~~;\:;.. ',';/' '" ',', .,.:._",<.:r:'_:"'~"_ ..i~,':,h ';-' i: This work was carried out by Cloe Waterfield of Twentyfifty, LLC. She can be contacted at; (239) 248-710] cloe@twenty-fifty.com www.twenty-fifty.com twentyfifty~ Sustainable. Profitable For more information on ICLEI, (International Council [or Local Environmental Initiatives), please visit; www.iclei.org/us (510) 844-0699 -.-----..---.-.-"'----... '-Ii f'J'n:11i.:':I':t:.-::, S~L~ j;.l>;j,. Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5A This Executive Summary provides key information regarding a recent energy use/greenhouse gas inventory performed for Collier County: government operations and the wider community. Greater detail on methodology, findings, and recommendations may be found in the substantive chapters following the summary. Background This report presents the results of an energy use/greenhouse gas inventory for Collier County, for calendar year 2007. This is an accounting of both energy use and the amounts and sources of emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) for the community as a whole, encompassing the area within the County limits, with a detailed look at Collier County government operations. Since the vast majority of emissions derive from fossil fuel energy used to provide electricity and to power our vehicles, this work is an energy audit. However, as emission sources also include methane from waste disposal and losses of refrigerants such as hydrofluorocarbons in cooling systems, the broader tenn, greenhouse gas inventory, is also used. Results are presented in terms of standard GHG units, but their magnitudes directly reflect the relative importance of differing forms of energy use in the County. The purpose of the inventory is to better understand the ways we use energy in Collier County so that effective policies and programs can be implemented to reduce costs and environmental impact. The inventory provides a baseline against which future energy use and emissions reductions can be measured. The project was funded by Collier County Audubon Society, The Conservancy of Southwest Florida and National Audubon's TogetherGreen grant program and utilized the software and protocol provided by ICLEI, the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives. The report and its findings are ,imely and relevant because: I) Understanding patterns of energy use can lead to saving residents/taxpayers money. 2) It is widely accepted that fossil fuel energy use contributes to global climate change, the extent of which will be critical for low lying regions like Collier County. Assessing and reducing emissions demonstrates responsibility to present and future residents. 3) Increasing numbers of state and federal programs (and grant opportunities) require municipalities to address climate change. By following the established ICLEI protocol, Collier County joins twenty four communities in Florida and hundreds nationwide willing to take action and thus demonstrate responsibility and accountability. Methodology Raw data collected are summaries of electricity use, traffic counts, natural gas, propane use and gas flared at the landfill. Although the methodology applied does not capture or precisely locate every source of emissions (for example data on energy use by Collier County Public Schools were not available for detailed analysis) it does provide a very close approximation of the total proportional picture of energy use and resultant emissions for the County. Energy use is attributed to respective private and public enl1tleS (including County government departments), and the software converts units of energy (gallons of gasoline, kilowatt hours of electricity, therms of natural gas, etc.) into greenhouse gases produced. Calculations follow accepted international standards as used by the Environmental Protection Agency. There are six major greenhouse gases; results are expressed relative to carbon dioxide in metric tons (MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent gas (C02e). ~ SA Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The ICLEI protocol gives results for two components: the entire community (i.e what powered Collier County in 2007) and what proportion of that was used to 'run' County government during that period. The government analysis is more detailed and allows County leaders better understanding of the energy costs of the services provided, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate leadership on the issues. Community Analysis The community inventory covers energy use within the absolute county limits (2,025 square miles of land area) for the estimated 330,656 residcnts in 2007. Data from incorporated municipalities (City of Marco Island, Everglades City and the City of Naples), are included in the total number as they lie within Collier County. However, apart from the City of Naples (where additional data was available on electricity use for homes within the City) the numbers are aggregated and are not identified by town or sub-division. Sub-sectors and results: During 2007 total emissions were 5,034,125 metric tons (MY) C02e. energy use), varied by sector as noted below. The emissions (taken as a proxy for Waste 1% Residential Electricity, natural gas and propane use in all private homes: 1,568,263 MT or 31 % of the total. A higher than State average use of electricity (related in part to cooling needs) is considered explanatory for this high pre portion. As ,educing end use of electricity also saves residents' money, developing programs and measures to reduce electricity use is a key recommendation of the report. It is estimated that if all homes lowered use by 10%, a reduction of 3% of the County's total emissions would be attained, and more cash would be in residents' pockets to spend in area businesses. Many ways to save energy are free: turning off appliances, turning up air conditioning settings etc., but people frequently forget or may not know or think about it. Developing targeted media campaigns and workshops to help educate residents as well as hands-on residential energy retrofits should be a priority. Expansion of the successful County government program "Be Green when Green makes cents" program could be considered. Transportation 42% Residential 31% Figure fa: Communi~y Analysis Overview Commercial 26% Commercial Electricity, natural gas and propane used in all business establishments within the County limits. 1,300,304 MT C02e, 26% of the total. The commercial sector includes schools, all government facilities, hospitals, shops and offices. Again, the financial advantages associated with increasing energy efficiency are stressed (approximately 25,000 businesses are located in our County, but many are closing in the currently depressed economy). Creative, market focused solutions such as a Green Business Program, should be developed to assist Collier businesses maximize profits, both from reducing unnecessary waste and expanding market opportunities (such as "green" products and services or renewable energy applications). Recent focus on the County's economic future (Economic Development Council's Project Innovation program) highlighted the need for creativity and diversification in Ollr service and construction based economy. Increasing demand in the II Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SA'. green business sector is also in evidence, and resident surveys (City of Naples and Pelican Bay) show a widespread desire to be more 'green'. By helping existing establishments save money and promoting a welcoming ethos to innovative, sustainably-oriented new companies, the County will become a much more attractive locale, perhaps particularly so for younger residents or returning college graduates. Transportation Fuel used in all vehicles driving on Collier County roads, including residents and those passing through the County on interstates and highways, 2,1 11,036 MT C02e, 42% of the total. The geographically driven reliance on automobiles is illustrated by the scope of this sector, with higher than national averages (transportation is typically 30% of emissions) but in line with other parts of Florida and California. Efforts to reduce vehicle miles traveled (and fuel use) include higher fuel standards, mass- transit opportunities. promoting walking, biking and carpooling and traffic signal optimization to reduce idling times. All are underway in some fom in Collier County. This focus should be maintained and expanded as the community grows. Evidence here and from the government inventory (high employee commute numbers) shows the negative impact (in fuel use and concomitant costs) when communities sprawl. Promoting expansion of alternative fuel use, currently minimal, is also a recommendation. For southwest Florida with ample sunshine and flat terrain, a logical start would be exploring solar electric vehicle options. Waste Methane emissions from land filled waste collected from the whole community, homes, businesses, and government: 53,417 MT C02e, 1% of total emissions. While a small proportion of the community inventory, waste emissions are a significant component (23%) of the government inventory. Waste reduction for commercial entities can save money. Tougher recycling goals are being considered by the State of Florida. New technologies exist to make money from waste (Landfill Gas to Energy) or dispose of it better (g~3ification systems fm sewage sludge, poten:ially eliminating trucking county sludge to Okeechobee). As some of these projects are in the discussion and/or planning phase, this report recommends enhanced action at the government level to see them corne to fruition for the benefit of the whole community, sooner rather than later. Evaluating the results based on fuel source showed that most of our 'power' is purchased from electric utilities or oil companies. Government Analysis The government analysis is a more detailed energy accolmting exercise for the buildings and operations under the County manager's control, where managerial oversight can effect reductions in energy use. For Collier County, the scope was expanded to include co-located constitutional offices (Tax Appraiser, Sheriffs Department, Clerk of Courts and Supervisor of Elections). Key facilities include: offices at various government complexes, libraries, parks, and jails. Government operated services include: waste collection and disposal, provision of potable water, collection, treatment and Transit Fleet 1% Refrigerants 0% Employee Cotnm..lte 18% Buildings and Facilities 21% Slreetlighting 2% Vehicle Fleet 6% Airport Facilities 0% ~. Water Delivery Facilihes - 15% r--- Solid Waste Facilities 24% ------- , VVastew ater Facilities 13% Figure Ib: Government Analysis Overview III Collier County Greenhouse Gas inventory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5A disposal of wastewater, providing public transportation (CAT) and street and traftic lighting. Government operations are analyzed in detail given the greater ability of County leaders to implement change and to identify the best focus areas for energy and emission reductions. It is important to repeat that the figures for government energy use exclude those from Collier County Public Schools which were not made available to us (the numbers are included in aggregate in the community analysis, but are not eXplicitly analyzed). Total government emissionsjor 2007 were 176,377 MT C02e, 3.5% of/he total communitv emissions. It is important to note that the community inventory includes these sources from government, within the appropriate sectors (i.e government buildings fall into the commercial sub-sector, vehicle fleet and employee commute are within the community transportation result). This is also true for cities such as Marco Island and the City of Naples. ,:7.) Buildings andjacilities ';r' Electricity, propane and natural gas used to power the many large and small buildings and offices that are part of County government, 35,554 MT C02e, 20% of the government total. Larger complexes and groups of facilities (such as parks) take a larger share of the energy use, namely government center at Airport Road (30% of building emissions), Collier County Sheriffs department (20%) and parks (25%). County staff have paid vigilant attention to energy use and cost, enacting climate control policies, installing water conservation features and occupancy sensors to name a few. As work efforts are ongoing and expected to remain a priority, no additional action in this sub-sector other than continuation of the good work underway, is recommended at this time. Street lighting Electricity for street lights, traffic signab some outside lighting and signage that are 'owned' by County government, 4,459, MT C02e, 2.5% of the total. All traffic signals have been replaced with high efficiency versions but regular street lights are using 80% of the energy in this sub-sector. Switching to high efficiency bulbs as funds permit, or removing lights from service if appropriate, is the recommended course of action. Airport Facilities Electricity, propane and natural gas to run the three County facilities, 179 MT C02e, 0.1% of the government total. Results showed that the lmmokalee facility, larger and busier, uses proportionally much more of the energy. The Naples Municipal Airport (NMA) is not included (as is not under County management). [Fuel sold from all airport (including NMA) facilities is included in the community transportation sub- sector since it is provided to airport patrons, i.e is used by the wider community]. Water delivery facilities Electricity used to extract, treat and deliver drinking water to Collier County customers, 26,801 MT C02e, 15% of the government total. A significant energy cost is associated with the provision of potable water. As both energy and water will become more critical issues in coming years; the County should continue and expand efforts to enhance water conservation. Waste water Electricity to run two sewage treatment facilities, pump sewage to the facilities and irrigate County maintained landscaped areas (with reclaimed water). Also, emissions of nitrous oxide that result from sewage treatment. 22,379 MT C02e, 12.6% of the government's total. IV Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SA f~ Further consideration of the fate of sewage sludge shows that emissions are even greater than those shown here when transportation to and emissions from the final disposal site (Okeechobee landfill) are taken into account. Collier County should evaluate and proceed with any technological solutions to reduce these emissions. Drinking water and waste water combined account for nearly 30% of the county's energy budget Solid waste Electricity to run the facilities and fugitive emissions of methane from the County owned landfill, 40,880 MT C02e, 23% of the government total. Methane estimates are based on the amount of landfill gas flared, reported annually to the Department of Environmental Protection. Methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and is produced in landfills as a function of waste burial and decomposition. It is typically burned or flared which converts almost all if it to C02, but about 25% of that produced is considered to escape the flare. Approximately 40% of the landfill gas is methane, which is the number added to the inventory. C02 is not counted, as it is considered already part of the global carbon budget. Methane can provide power and a planned project with Waste Management was evaluated and found to be of significance in reducing the government's overall emissions. Vehicle fleet Gasoline, diesel and propane used to run government owned vehicles, 11,412 MT C02e, 6.4% of the government's total. Results show that police and emergency vehicles make up 50% of this total. Fuel cost is clearly a major consideration for County managers such that all efforts to maximize efficiency should be promoted. Many municipalities include hybrid, electric or alternative fueled vehicles in their fleet, partly to demonstrate the applicability to the rest of the community. Collier County should continue to explore feasible options, iricluding the potential for compressed r,~tural ga' vehicles, in concert with othel large fleet operators. Employee commute Gasoline and diesel used in the drive to and from work for the 1906 employees accounted for in 2007, 33,114 MT C02e, 18. 6% of the government's total. The commute share is higher for County staff compared to other recently inventoried municipalities due to long driving distances reported. However commencement of the Department of Transportation funded Commuter Services program may help alleviate both fuel use and cost by helping staff find carpooling and ride matching opportunities. Transit fleet Gasoline and diesel used to run the CAT buses, amounted to 2,715 MT C02e, or 1.5% of the government total. This is a small proportion for a valuable service. It is also noted that CAT staff are pursuing grant opportunities to purchase hybrid buses, a positive move in terms of fuel usage and visibility. Refi'igerants Coolants such as hydro fluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons, used in air conditioning systems for government buildings and vehicles, 479 MT C02e, 0.3% of the government total. Refrigerant use is estimated by considering what needed to be topped up during the inventory year. Coolants have very high global warming potentials, relative to carbon dioxide. v Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5A Ij In summary, assessing overall government energy use results suggests the following prioritized recommendations for government operations: I) Move forward with the Landfill Gas to Energy project along with other waste management projects. 2) Continue work on County building retrofits and work collaboratively with constitutional offices (in particular the Sheriffs department) in this regard. 3) Expand street lighting replacements to high efficiency bulbs. 4) Explore the potential for alternative fuel vehicles particularly in terms of vehicle sizing and selection and pay vigilant attention to staff driving habits. 5) Promote the commuter services program. Projected Emissions and Reduction Targets The results have shown us which areas to focus to maximize energy savings. Next steps in the ICLEI program are to establish a reduction target, develop programs to reduce energy use and carry out the implementation and evaluation phases. To understand how aggressive targets would need to be to make any significant difference, emissions are projected, based on estimated future population trends. Collier County has always ranked high in terms of population growth rate. The recent economic downturn has slowed the pace at which ultimate build-out numbers are reached, but it is still a community that anticipates and plans for considerable expansion, notably into eastern regions of the County. Population estimates used for this report are: 2007 - 331,000, 2020 - 400,700, 2030 - 472,000, 2050 - 617,853. Since more people would, all things being equal, be expected to use more energy, care in establishing an energy reduction target is lmportant, to ensure it is feasible. Most municipalities establish a tmget where emissions are 10-20% below the baseline amount in a decade or so following the initial inventory. So for Collier County, after factoring in additional emissions expected on the basis of population growth, tangible reductions to make a goal of a 10% reduction (from baseline) by 2020, 20% by 2030 and 50% by 2050 entails avoiding emissions of 503,413 MT by 2020, 3,156,540 MT by 2030 and 6,886,662 MT by 2050. The following table summarizes the projections: Year Population Emissions in MT C02e Reduction Actual GHG reductions (projected on a business as Target needed (MT C02e) usual or no-chanl!e scenario) 2007 330,656 5,034,125 Baseline - 2020 400,700 6,098,654 -10% 503,413 2030 472,000 7,183,840 -20% 3,156,540 2050 617,853 9,403,723 -50% 6,886,661 It is commonly accepted that to avert the most dangerous, feedback loops associated with global temperature rise, emissions from the United States would need to be reduced 80% (from 2005 levels) by 2050 with the goal of stabilizing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration at no more than 450 ppm (currently 380 ppm) and keeping global temperature rise at less than 20C (currently 0.80C). The targets VI Coliier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 A .11; 1 suggested for Collier County are more conservative, although they approach the common goal. These targets are presented since it is felt highly unlikely the County would consider adopting a more aggressive approach and, as discussed below, external factors will come into play (such as national fuel efficiency standards) which will likely produce additional reductions over and above those stemming from local efforts. As a clearly at-risk community, it will be up to County leaders to adopt a lesser target than other communities. The important thing is to adopt a target, for environmental, political and financial reasons. Planned Reductions To assess the feasibility ofreaching the stated goals, expected reductions are evaluated. Projects or issues known of at the time of writing were evaluated to estimate anticipated savings. 1) The energy outlook for the United States is expected to become less carbon intensive, including more use of renewable energy and higher vehicle efficiency standards. These external, market and political forces are real, but not clear cut enough to enable estimation of their impact on Collier County. 2) Construction of a landfill gas to energy project at the county landfill is expected to generate 4MW of power, negating the need for 35,040,000 kWh (the equivalent of 21 ,000 MT C02) per year of traditionally sourced power. This is 11.8% of the government sector emissions, 0.41 % of the whole community. 3) Collier County recently applied for approximately $3 million of allocated funding from the Department of Energy (DOE) to implement 'energy efficiency and conservation projects'. Projects should show reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and creation or retention of jobs. Eight project requests have oeen submitted to the DOE: 1. Facilities Management Energy Efficiency Retrofits 2. Parks and Recreation Department Light Fixture Retrofits 3. Public Utilities Energy Savings Retrofits 4. Public Utilities Renewable Energy Solar Photovoltaic Panels 5. Traffic Operations Traffic Signalization Improvements 6. Collier County Master Mobility Plan (MMP); as savingsjrom this project will only be realized in the future, i.e are contingent on population and infrastructure expansion, emission reductions are applied to the forecast scenarios. 7. Children's Museum of Naples, green infrastructure elements 8. Development of a comprehensive green building code inspection training program for 23 employees of the Collier County Building Department; this project is not evaluated as it is unclear how inspection related traininii would encouraiie the installation of the targeted systems (.r;;olar hot water and photovoltaic systems). Reductions that could be achieved if all eight projects are funded as proposed, amount to 4,283 MT C02e per year, or 2.4% of 2007 government emissions and 0.085% of community emissions. By 2030 this is increased to 2% of the community emissions (in a business as usual scenario) as reductions from the Master Mobility Plan materialize. So, with construction of the LFGTE project and implementation of the DOE projects, the reduction target presented (10% by 2020) looks feasible for government operations, with 2.4% from the DOE projects and 11.8% from the landfill. [Government could indeed afford to set the bar even higher to achieve a 15% reduction by 2015]. VII Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5A'1 However, with government facilities and operations comprising only 3.5% of the County's energy budget, it is clear that if the rest ofthe community is not targeted, we will fall ~ short of meeting goals for the County as a whole. DOE projects initially amount to a tiny fraction of the community emissions, and only 2% by 2030. Additionally, those estimated reductions derive from vehicle mile reductions that are projected with implementation of the Master Mobility Plan (MMP) and hence are predicated on additional growth. There is no doubt that a strategic, encompassing and objective consideration of future infrastructure needs and siting is crucial. However from a GHG reduction standpoint, prudence must be exercised in asserting reductions from additional growth, unless many aspects of that growth are low-energy. It is also noted that ifestimates of projected sea level rise are accurate, and global action does not succeed in stabilizing global temperatures thus maintaining the physical geography of the county as we know ii, i/ is likely thai Collier will become a much less al/raetive relocation destination approaching mid-century Hence it is something of a double edged sword. We might have a better plan, but if we fail to include measures to protect the climate, that growth may not materialize anyway. The Master Mobili/y Plan should be revised to provide an oppor/unity to implement other energy reduc/ion efforts as well as to include an exercise in vulnerability and adaptation to sea level rise (managed retreat in worse case scenarios and/or budgeting for coas/al protec/ion). It shouldjiJrm a Climate Action Plan for the en/ire County In summary, Collier County plans to grow. Without significant changes in energy usage it will use even more power and produce more emissions while the potential impacts of climate change threaten that same expansion. The Master Mobility Plan offers an opportunity to take a bigger picture approach and should be revised as an opportunity for County leaders to get both issues right. Examples of Additional Programs To consider what else might be done, best practice examples from other municipalities were consulted. A number of Energy Conservation and Efficiency Strategies were reviewed (provided by lCLEI, these reports were required by the DOE as support for funding requests, they summarize the municipalities' energy efficiency programs and grant applications) and the applicability of similar programs in Collier County, considered. All of the strategies in other jurisdictions reviewed included projects or programs targeting the community sectors. Key examples which may be transferable: . A Community Energy Retrofit Incentive Program in Sarasota County to provide full energy audits and financial incentives for improvements on residential and non-profit properties. . Training of a work force of professional contractors experienced in energy efficiency upgrades for the residential sector from the City of Durham, North Carolina. Also, development of a community outreach program to reduce energy use from residences in the City. with a specific objective of reducing energy use by 20% from 350 homes. . Providing weatherization for low income households in Kansas City, Missouri. VIII Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 A 1~'lp Expanding and applying the ideas to Collier County yields the following key recommendations: I. Develop a County program to provide hands on assistance in energy efficiency for residents along with a targeted education campaign. Re-train staff on energy efficiency in departments which are experiencing slow down to keep jobs intact. Include creative ways to spread communi1y knowledge along with select financial incentives. 2. Develop a Green Business Program (perhaps in conjunction with the Ci1y of Naples) to incentivize energy savings efforts in the commercial sector. Reaching the Targets Table I showed the actual emission reductions needed to reach a conservative reduction target. For 2020, this is 503,413 MT. It is shown that the planned government projects would amount to 4,283 MT for the DOE projects, 21,000 MT for the LFGTE. Successful programs in the residential and commercial sector (using a broad goal of 10% electricity reductions for discussion purposes) would achieve a further 274,553 MT, bringing the total close to 300,000 MT. But, new projects are still needed. With cooperation, creativity and (like the "Green makes cents" program) the understanding that every little bit helps, goals are achievable. Collier County government is a living example of the success of efficiency drives. As noted in recent media (McKinsey, 2009) Americans waste $130 billion a year on unnecessary energy use. Strategies and programs are needed to stem this loss for Collier residents and businesses. Farther in the future, as population grows, the going gets tougher. Hence it is critical that growth in the COlm1y not only be planned effectively but include programs over and above those described here, encompassing such measures as low energy construction standards and application of renewable energy. As such programs become more a,lordable and maii1stream (and as rhe country as a whole transitiuns to a cleaner, greener energy outlook) we feel this is achievable, if locally encouraged. Recommendations and Next Steps A summary ofrecommendations and next steps for County managers and leaders is as follows: 1) Establish the following reduction targets: 10% by 2020, 20% by 2030, 50% by 2050. 2) Collate a summary of the baseline inventory, all energy savings related projects, together with additional programs (including but not limited to those described below) into a comprehensive Collier County Climate Action Plan. Identify within the plan how GHG reduction measures tie into other Coun1y and regional efforts (such as the Master Mobi1i1y Plan, Coastal Management Plans and Land Development Codes). Include an assessment of the impacts of climate change and energy management in existing plans and codes to ensure the Coun1y anticipates and budgets properly for all potential changes in Collier County through at least the next forty years. 3) Pursue the LFGTE project along with other waste management projects. 4) Continue government based work: i) building energy retrofits, ii) street lighting replacements to high efficiency bulbs, iii) alternative fuel vehicles, and iv) promote the commuter services program. 5) Continue the community focused transportation programs such as traffic signal optimization. IX Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6) Establish new community oriented programs to include: i) a community focused "Be Green when Green makes Cents" program, or equivalent and ii) a Green Business Program. (Additional programs could be described within in the planned Master Mobility Plan and potentially be funded through additional grant monies or other sources). 7) Carry out an energy use/greenhouse gas emissions re-inventory in 3-5 years to measure progress. Collier County is clearly one of the most vulnerable in the nation to the potential impacts of climate change but, with leadership and assistance, residents and business owners can save money, while doing our part to minimize the problem. This is clearly a win-win solution for all and potentially crucial to the future of our community. 5A x 5 Ail 5A Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PART I: INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background on Energy use/Greenhouse Gas Inventories 1.1. I Data Sources 1.1.2 Units 1.1.3 Scale 1.2 ICLEl's Local Government Operations Protocol and Clean Air and Climate Protection Software 1.3 Limitations and Exclusions 1.4 Baseline Year 1.5 Climate Zone PART 2: COMMUNITY INVENTORY 2.0 Community Inventory Background 2.1 Community Inventory Overview 2.2 Community Inventory: Sub-sector analysis 2.2.1 Residential 2.2.2 Commercial/Industrial 2.2.3 Transportation Air Transportation Marine Transportation 2.2 .4 Waste 2.2.5 Refrigerants 2.3 Community Emissions by Source . PART 3: GOVERNMENT INVENTORY 3.0 Government Inventory Background 3.1 Government Inventory Overview 3.2 Government Inventory: Sub-sector analysis 3.2.1 Buildings and Facilities 3.2.2 Street lighting 3.2.3 Airport Facilities 3.2.4 Water Delivery Facilities 3.2.5 Waste Water Wastewater related emissions Methane Nitrous Oxide Biosolids 3.2.6 Solid Waste Government, Scope I emissions 3.2.7 Vehicle Fleet 3.2.8 Employee Commute 3.2.9 Transit Fleet 3.2.10 Refrigerants PART 4: PROJECTIONS 4.0 Introduction to Projections 4.1 Population Estimates 4.2 Population Projections 4.3 Impact of Planned Projects on GHG Reductions 4.3.1 National Energy Outlook I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 27 28 28 5A 11 4.3.2 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) 4.3.3 Landfill Gas to Energy Project 4.3.4 Summary of Planned Reductions 4.4 Emission Estimates 4.5 Proposed Target Reduction PART 5: CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS 5.0 Introduction 5.1 Summary of findings 5.2 Applying the Results 5.2.1 Observations from the Collier County inventory; 5.2.2 Additional Ideas 5.2.3 Recommendations 5.3 Action Items 5.4 Climate, enerh'Y and Collier County through the next century 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 33 33 34 35 37 37 Figures aud Tables Figure 1: Overview of scopes and emission sources Figure 2: US Climate Zones by County Figure 3: Employment by major indllstry, EDC, 2009 Figure 4: Community Emissions by Sector Figure 5: Community Emissions by Major Source Figure 6: Government Emissions by Sector Figure 7: Emission Estimates, County-wide 2 5 6 7 13 15 31 Table 1: Community Emissions Table 2: Community Emissions: Residential sub-sector Table 3: Community Emissions: Commercial sub-sector Table 4: Community Emissions: Transportation sub-sector Table 5: Community Emissions: Waste sub-sector Table 6: Community Emissions by Source Table 7: Government Emissions Table 8: Government Emissions: Building sub-sector Table 9: Government Emissions: Street lighting sub-sector Table 10: Government Emissions: Airports sub-sector Table 11: Government Emissions: Potable water sub-sector Table 12: Government Emissions: Waste water sub-sector Table 13: Summary of waste water related emissions Table 14: Government Emissions: Solid waste sub-sector Table 15: Government Emissions: Fleet sub-sector Table 16: Government Emissions: Employee commute sub-sector Table 17: Government Emissions: Transit sub-sector Table 18: Government Emissions: Refrigerants sub-sector 7 8 8 9 II 13 15 16 17 17 18 19 22 22 24 25 25 26 Appendices I II 111 IV Background on Climate Change Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Calculations Data Sources References vii XI XIV 5 A 'III List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Organizations / Projects ARRA BEBR CAFE CAT CCP CCPS DOE DOR EDC EECBG EECS EIA EMS EPA FDEP FOOT FPL ICLEI IPCC LCEC LEED LFGTE LGOP MMP MSW NCH NOAA NR WTF ST APPA/ALAPCO WBCSD WM WRI WWTP Types of Emissions CH, CO, CO,e GHG HFCs LFG N N,O PFCs SF, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Bureau of Economic and Business Research Corporate Average Fuel Economy Collier Area Transit Cities for Climate Protection Collier County Public Schools Department of Energy Florida Department of Revenue Economic Development Council Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategies Energy Information Administration Emergency Medical Services Environmental Protection Agency Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Department of Transportation Florida Power and Light International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Lee County Electrical Cooperative Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Landfill Gas to Energy Local Government Operations Protocol Master Mobility Plan Municipal Solid Waste Naples Community Hospital National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration North Regional Water Treatment Facility State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators/Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officers (now National Association of Clean Air Agencies, NACAA) World Business Council for Sustainable Development Waste Management World Resources Institute Waste Water Treatment Plant Methane Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide equivalent (combines greenhouse gases of differing impact on the Earth's climate into one weighted unit) Greenhouse Gas( es) Hydrofluorocarbons Landfill Gas Nitrogen Nitrous oxide Perfluorocarbons Sulphur hexafluoride Measurement BOD CACP CY EF FY Gt GWP kWh MGD MMBTU MT MW MY ppm SCFM VMT 5A ~ Biological Oxygen Demand Clean Air and Climate Protection software Calendar Year Emission Factor Fiscal Year 1 gigatonne (109 tons) = 1,000,000,000 tons = 1 billion metric tons Global Wanning Potential kilowatt hour Million Gallons per Day One Million British Thennal Units (thousand thousand Btu) Metric ton Mega watt Manufacturing Year parts per million Standard Cubic Feet per Minute Vehicle Miles Traveled Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 5A"1 Part I: Introduction and Methodology In this section . How this project came about . What is an energy use/ greenhouse gas inventory? . About the ICLEI protocol and software . Data sources and units . Limitations . Setting the stage: baseline year and climate zone 1.0 Introduction This report presents the results of an energy use/greenhouse gas inventory for Collier County, quantifying emissions from government operations and the community at large for the calendar year 2007. With an understanding of the main sources of energy use, County managers can best design effective policies and programs to reduce costs and environmental impact. The inventory provides a baseline against which future energy use and emission reductions can be measured. Funding support for the project was provided by Collier County Audubon Society, The Conservancy of Southwest Florida and National Audubon's TogetherGreen grant program. It followed a similar exercise at the City of Naples in 2008. The inventory was performed using the software and methodological protocol provided by ICLEI, the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives. Over 500 municipal ICLEl members across the country have commenced the process of accounting for and reducing greenhouse gas emissions using this framework (ICLEI, 2009). In November, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners unanimously accepted an offer of technical assistance with the inventory and Collier County formally joined ICLEI in June 2009. A greenhouse gas inventory goes beyond an energy audit and takes into account additional emlSSlOn sources such as those resulting from waste production, transportation and refrigerant use. County government has made significant progress internally in trimming energy use in its own infrastructure and cutting costs but little attention has been paid to energy use in the wider community. Results from the City of Naples project, and other lCLEl members, show that government activities typically comprise approximately 3% of a municipality's emissions. Understanding the source of those emissions is a prerequisite for doing anything about them. While the audit assesses energy use, results are expressed in units of greenhouse gas emissions. Inherent in the rationale is that greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global climate change (see Appendix I) indeed an inventory is considered a key first step for any effort to address climate change, as captured in the edict "what you can measure, you can manage". The inventory is prefaced on widely accepted scientific data on climate change and projected impacts, summarized in Appendix 1. However, as solutions and recommendations of this report focus on reducing energy use and thus on economic savings for all County residents, there are benefits to a greater understanding of emission sources no matter one's point of view on the issue of climate change. twenty fifty -- www.twenty~fi1ty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2 '~5 A 1.1 Background on Energy use/Greenhouse Gas Inventories An energy use/greenhouse gas emissions inventory is an accounting of the amounts and sources of emissions of greenhouse gases attributable to the operations of an institution or entity. For Collier County, the inventory measures emissions for the community as a whole, encompassing the area within County limits, with a more detailed look at government operations as a subset of the community emissions. Therefore, it is important to note that the community results include emissions applicable to governmental operations. These two main categories are further broken down by sources and sectors: Sources are the fuel or energy that is the basis of the emissions. In this inventory, the main sources considered are; electricity (created at power plants by a mix of fuels), natural gas, propane, diesel, gasoline, refrigerants and landfill gas. Sectors are the categories of the community or government operations which contribute the emissions. In the community analysis the sectors considered were: residential, commercial, industrial, transportation and waste. In government operations the sectors considered were: buildings, airports, wastewater, water, ports, vehicle fleet, transit, employee commute, streetlights, solid waste and refrigerants. CO, SF. CH. 11/,0 HFC. PFe. ""'" '-:-1 !1=:;]~ . .. ~. ~ ~~'----- --- -- Scope of emissions is described for the government inventory and is characterized as follows; Direct (scope 1) emissions includes direct fuel consumption on-site, or operationally controlled, fuel used in County owned vehicles, fugitive emissions of methane at the County owned landfill and emissions from the use of refrigerants in buildings and vehicles. Scope 2 emissions are those resulting from purchased power, i.e the fuel was burned by another entity to serve a demand generated by the inventoried entity. Scope 3 emissions refer to fuel used for the target entity's purposes but not in entity owned vehicles (for example travel in planes and public transport), employee commute on public transport or in employee (not company) owned vehicles, and emissions resulting from all other sources and activities (for example purchasing of resources and goods, waste decomposition at other (not County owned) landfills and outsourcing of services. 1. 1.1 Data Sources Figure 1.' Overview of scopes and emission sources, WRIIWBCSD GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, Chapter 4 (2004) Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative, 2009 The raw data, from which estimates of GHG production are made, consist of information on energy use (electricity generation and fuel quantities) as well as quantities of disposed solid waste, treated waste water and use of refrigerants. Details on where data were obtained and how they were manipulated to be of use in the analysis are provided in the results section. Data sources are provided in Appendix 111. N umbers were collected and organized appropriately for entry into the Clean Air and Climate Protection (CACP) software. This program contains conversion factors to translate energy used into greenhouse gas emissions based on a regional profile of electricity sources, average fuel efficiency numbers, and data on greenhouse gas and criteria air pollutant emissions as a result of energy use. Note that, per ICLEI guidance, the analysis of criteria air pollutants is not presented in this report. twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas inventory 3 5A 1.1.2 Units There are six major GHG's that result from human activities; carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydro fluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons. They each differ in the amount of heat they can trap and their residence time in the atmosphere. For example, methane is 21 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. To make the GHG inventory report more useful, the software program translates greenhouse gas emissions into one standardized unit of "carbon dioxide equivalent" (C02e), which takes into account the strength of the various greenhouse gases and their differing residence times in the atmosphere. 1.1.3 Scale Setting boundaries of scale, ownership and control of the emISSIOns is the least precise part of any inventory. Most protocols go with the reasoning tbat if you have operational control (i.e. can make a decision that would materially affect emissions) you own the emissions. If you have part control (say for leased assets) you own that part of the emissions. It is complicated, and prone to double counting, so the best approach is to be clear. Almost all the methodologies described make the following criteria an essential part of the approach, here reproduced from EPA Climate Leaders program (EPA, 2005). Any GHG accounting procedure must exhibit: . Relevance: appropriately reflects the GHG emissions of the entity and serves the decision-making needs of users. . Completeness: Accounts for and reports all GHG emissions sources and activities within the chosen inventory boundary. Discloses and justifies any specific exclusions. . Consistency: Uses consistent methodologies to allow meaningful comparison of emissions over time. Transparently documents any changes to the data, inventory boundary, methods, or any other relevant factors in the time series. . Transparency: Addresses all relevant issues in a factual and coherent manner, based on a clear audit trail. Discloses any relevant assumptions and makes appropriate references to the accounting and calculation methodologies and data sources used. . Accuracy: Ensures that the quantification of GHG emissions is systematically neither over nor under true emissions, as far as can be judged, and that uncertainties are reduced as much as practicable. Achieves sufficient accuracy to enable users to make decisions with reasonable assurance as to the integrity ofthe reported information. As there are many inherent assumptions, estimates and limitations it is crucial to explicitly describe what is being measured and where those numbers came from. Once boundaries are established, data are collected. Direct measurement of GHG emissions by monitoring concentration and flow rate is not common. More often, emissions are calculated based on a mass balance or stoichiometric basis specific to a facility or process, in other words data on fuel and power use as well as quantities of waste produced. Inputs are then categorized by emission scope, which can again vary a little between protocols. Rarely is it possible to identify and account for every last pound of emissions. However, the focus on accuracy gives a guideline that upwards of 95% of any emission source is included. An error or deviation over about 5% is considered a material error (see EPA, 2005). While issues of boundaries and ownership can be subjective and open to interpretation, an audit is a scientific exercise and the application of mathematical coefficients to perform the real inventory work of calculating emissions is more straightforward. Almost all protocols use the standard default values for GHG emissions (and global warming potentials) provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory tl5A Change (lPCC, see EPA, 2008). Coefficients (GWP's) were revised in the fourth assessment report (Bindoff et ai, 2007) however the EPA still reports (for the national inventory) using values in the second assessment report, for reasons of consistency. The !PCC is an international entity and for electricity related emissions, local knowledge about the fuel mix utilized at power generation plants is required. The EPA uses a system called eGR1D2007 (see link), which has since been adopted (for consistency) by ICLEl. Knowing your region and the year in question will provide a value for emissions per kilowatt hour (or other unit). 1.2 1CLEI's Local Government Operations Protocol and Clean Air and Climate Protection Software In 1993 ICLEI launched their successful Cities for Climate Protection Campaign along with methodological guidelines and GHG accounting software, designed for municipalities. The first version of the Clean Air and Climate Protection Software (CACP, 2003) was developed by Torrie Smith and Associates in conjunction with STAPPA/ALAPCO, and covered emission relevant sectors in community and government modules. In late 2008 ICLEI released detailed guidance for performing the government portions of the inventory, the Local Government Operations Protocol (LGOr, 2008). And, in April 2009, an updated version of CACP was released. Key differences between the earlier, 2003, version: . Electricity coefficients now correspond to those used by EPA (eGrid). . Air and marine transportation are included as sub-sectors. . Government generated waste is no longer specifically quantified by mass, although if data is available it can be analyzed. . Landfill emissions, where a government agency owns the facility, are quantified by volume of fugitive methane emissions. . Fugitive emissions from the use of refrigerants are assessed. . Vehicle classes are now defined by three sizes (previously twelve) and by manufacturing year. . Emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from wastewater treatment facilities are quantified. Much of the data for the Collier County inventory had been collected prior to release of the new software and was re-worked to correspond to the later version. 1.3 Limitations and Exclusions While the inventory is a quantitative analysis based on real numbers and established methodologies, there are, nevertheless, various inherent assumptions, generalizations, and omissions that make the results a best estimate of greenhouse gas production for the study period, not a complete picture. The inventory includes information on the majority of emissions from energy use, transportation, and waste but excludes emissions from certain other sources such as agriculture, deforestation, paving, and community landscaping operations (such as landscaping equipment, mowing equipment and other uses). The ICLEI protocol does not recommend the calculation of the greenhouse gas impact of tree protection because the remainder of the natural sector is not calculated and the information on the positive benefits of protection efforts would therefore not be within the context of the broader land-use/land-use-cover-change context. For instance, the effect of land clearing for development would likely have a significant emissions contribution, so it is misrepresentative to present the positive benefits of natural sinks when the full accounting of the land-based emissions is unavailable. This report does not address marine transportation (no major ports are located within the region and based on prior experience data on vessel fuel use is difficult to obtain and provides only patchy coverage) or fuel use by contracted operations. twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 5 'SA Based on energy use and number of employees, key entities in our region for a focus (both materiaJly and nominaJly) on GHG reductions are City and County government, CoJlier County Public Schools (CCPS), Naples Community Hospital (NCH) (and other large medical facilities). CCPS has its own governing board and NCH is a private company hence a detailed investigation in the context of this report is neither possible nor valid (data are included in the broad context of the community inventory). It is hoped that those facilities wiJl eventuaJly foJlow the example set by the City and County and take measure of their impact on climate change and energy use in our region. More specific analyses of other incorporated towns and cities would also be worthwhile trom an internal cost savings perspective and to complete a detailed picture of energy use and reductions for our region. 1.4 Baseline Year Contracted staff commenced the inventory in late 2008 and in June 2009, Collier County joined ICLEI. Baseline year selection was calendar year 2007. The City of Naples used 2006 and while ICLEI recommends going back as far as possible in baseline year selection, data coJlection becomes increasingly harder as records are archived and stored. 1.5 Clirnate Zone Collier County is located in region 1, the hot humid climate zone, per Department of Energy (DOE) revised climate zone maps for energy efticient buildings. ~- fr:?:~:: ",. .....,._"'"-~ "'"__"...."'..M... "'~..,....""'"- "_.,,-><,-'-,"--,, Figure 2: US Climate Zones by County, source http://resourcecenterpnl.gov/cocoon/morjlResource Center/articlell420 twentyfifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas inventory 6 5A \1 Part 2: Community Inventory In this section . Overview of the community analysis . Results per sub-sector, calculations and discussion . Results by source 2.0 Community Inventory Background The community inventory provides an estimate of greenhouse gas emissions produced within Collier County boundaries, both by residents in their homes and by businesses and agencies as they carry out their operations. [It is important to remember that the government analysis is a sub-sector of the community analysis, all government specific emissions therefore are included in the overall community number]. Key demographic facts ofrelevance: . Collier County covers approximately 2,305 square miles with 2,025 of those land. It is the largest County in Florida by land area (Palm Beach County covers 2,386 square miles with 1,974 square miles of land). Approximately 68% of the County is within public ownership (parks and natural areas). Incorporated municipalities include the City of Naples, City of Marco Island and Everglades City. (The government analysis described in this report is for Collier County government only, energy and emissions associated with other government institutions are summed within this community analysis but are not separately defined). The permanent population for inventory year 2007 was estimated at 330,656 (see section 4.1). Approximately 136,000 home units and +/-20,000 businesses are located within the County (FPL, 2009, EDC, 2009). With a service based economy and little large industrial or manufacturing types of business, an industrial sector is not separately defined in this inventory but is included with the general commercial sector. . . MTlintl.LDg~m" -:-.:-t<;,; G-c".~m"",E-~l ;1.,,;1 C.tln;;:fI..;~i!:irl ~<i;j, , 1011;. . '71'oi. 4" -:-rj.tl~, L!'..'S.lrt'i1.f"'C 'r"'-'H:.O'1.;;ftiDT'; ;oJ!"",.! UtT,~~!' ,..jt'~>J'b1'7~" "!:,>!Ii \lIl'T,td'i'!>;;.>e ""~~d,"" 2~) E,:il.lt:a:i[l~, ~,;r,,;! ~te;;:,~er, ~~".,I(:e! ':'JI. P,.,f,j~,t-:f,!, 3-:or".lic€'f, '\'i.....~.....,Ol<~::;.,~. .',~:i L."llit~!: l'\t-. ~ r "Ij. Figure 3: Employment by major industry, EDC. 2009 lr<ftlm:iit~'"'''' '1,% F'Ir:...!",(;IiiI".:l~j-,l"tii<!: ~% twenty fifty - www.twenty~fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 75A 2.1 Community Inventory Overview Waste 1% Sub-sector C02e MT % Residential 1,568,263 31.2 Commercial 1,300,304 25.8 Transoortation 2, III ,036 41.9 Waste 53,417 1.1 Other (refrigerants) 1,104 0 Total 5,034,125 100 Transportation 42% Residential 31% Table 1: Community Emissions Commercial 26% Figure 4: Community Emissions by Sector GHG emissions from the County as a whole for 2007 were just over 5 million metric tons. Note that this figure is inclusive of emissions from hoth Collier County government facilities and all other municipal operations. Over a third of emissions are attrihuted to the residential sector, chiefly the electricity we use to run our homes. Transportation emissions are higher than the national average (30%) hut less than the City of Naples inventory showed (some potential reasons for this are discussed in section 2.2.3). While ICLEI has refined both the protocol and software for the government analysis, the community inventory takes a fairly broad approach to emissions analysis. A revised community protocol is expected later this year. Hence these numbers can be considered at the low end of County emissions; further work on assessing refrigerant use in particular would be warranted as this source was not covered other than that used for County government operations. The overview gives County managers a baseline numher from which energy use/emission reduction targets can be formulated and perhaps most importantly a sense of the proportional distribution. It is clear that without a focus on end-use residential energy conservation, efforts to reduce emissions will he limited. twenty fifty - www.twenty~fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 85A 2.2 Community Inventory: Sub-sector analysis 2.2.1 Residential, Scope] (natural gas and propane) Scope 2 (electricity) % residential Sub-sector Source C02e MT % total sub-sector Electricity 1,540,132 30.6 98.2 Residential Natural Gas 4,433 0.1 0.2 Propane 23,697 0.5 1.6 Subtotal All County Residential 1,568,263 31.2 100 Table 2: Community Emissions: Residential sub.sector At 98% of emissions. electrical use in our homes is the primary source of GHG emISSIOns in this subsector. Unlike colder climates where heating needs drive demand for oil, gas and other fuels, a small proportion of homes use propane or natural gas for cooking or pool heating. Almost all homes in south Florida rely on electricity for cooling purposes. Data on electricity use were provided as a summary of residential account kWh's used from FPL and LCEC. Numbers were County-wide, no breakdown by zip code was provided, although FPL differentiated between City of Naples hanchise codes and Collier County. Using a population of 330,656 for Collier County (see section 4.1) and 22,000 for the City of Naples, shows that the City has 6.5% of the population but is accounting for 10% of the electrical consumption in the residential sector. We can postulate that this may be related to the number of larger homes, comparatively, within the City but no firm conclusions should be draw" 25 clearly a nwnber of. significant sized communities with larger than average homes are located in the County as well. However, there are a greater number of smaller dwelling units spread through the County than within the City of Naples itself. The discussion of home size is not intended to attribute responsibility in any way but serves as a reminder that electricity used to cool our houses makes up about 50% of the total usage. FPL notes that every degree lower than 78'F adds 10% to the bill. For all residents, a minimal exercise in awareness-raising could help homeowners not only save money but reduce the County's total emissions. 2.2.2 Commercial/Industrial, Scope] (natural gas and propane) Scope 2 (electricity) 0/0 commercial Sub-sector Source C02e MT % total sub-sector Electricitv 1,205,398 23.9 93 Commercial/Industrial Natural Gas 39,612 0.8 3 Propane 55,294 1.1 4 Subtotal Commercial/Industrial 1,300,304 25.8 100 Table 3: Community Emissions: Commercial sub-sector While the CACP software differentiates between commercial and industrial sectors, experience from past inventories showed that utility companies do so on the basis of consumption, not on an activity related basis. As only a handful of business operations in our region would be considered industrial in the true sense of the word, and given that those operations (cement mixing, a fertilizer producing company and wallpaper manufacturer, EDC, 2009) are small enough that they would not even meet the FPL criterion twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 9 5 A ;1 for industrial classification (although a large high school, would) this inventory does not differentiate between the two and all non-residential energy use is classified as commercial. As the community inventory encompasses the government numbers, Collier County government is also considered under this sub-sector for this module. Commercial energy use (again mostly electricity) accounts for 25.8% of the total county emissions. A comparison of electricity summaries shows that business accounts within the City of Naples are about 20% of the whole (based on kWh only). As noted in the Naples inventory, focusing on business energy use and implementing programs, incentive or recognition schemes is good not only for reducing total energy use but also for the local economy as monies saved can be spent elsewhere. With upwards of 20,000 commercial accounts Gust trom FPL), there is a great deal of positive work that could be done in this sector. 2.2.3 Transportation, Scope 1 % transportation Sub-sector Source C02e MT % total sub-sector Transoortation Roads Diesel 330,031 6.6 16 Gasoline 1,720,788 34.2 81 Subtotal Roads 2,050,818 40.7 Transnortation Air Aviation Gasoline 5,150 0.1 0.25 Jet Fuel 55,067 1.1 2.75 Subtotal Air 60,218 1.2 Subtotal Transportation 2,111,036 41.9 100 Table 4: Community Emissions: Transportation sub-sector GHG emissions from the community transportation sector are derived trom data on vehicles traveling on Collier County roads in 2007. Knowing how many vehicle miles (VMT) were traveled, the CACP software uses a transportation feature to convert VMT into an estimation of gasoline and diesel used and hence GHG emissions. The feature uses a standard fleet composition based on percentage of vehicles on the road that would be heavy trucks or small cars etc. This is a national average and Florida may differ slightly. As the community transportation numbers capture all miles driven on Collier roads, the government quantities from the fleet, transit and commute sub-sectors are not added as would be included in the FOOT counts. The transportation sector covers fuel used within the County, a proportion of which may be from vehicles passing through, not County residents. For 2007, FOOT report an average daily VMT of 9,475,648. This is based on a surveyed road length of 1,660.00 miles, including a variety of street types (rural, highway etc). Converting the daily number to an annual total gives 3,458,61 I ,520 and 2, 111,036 MT C02e, 42.2% of the total community emissions. As noted this methodology estimates fuel used, not fuel sold within the County. For most municipalities it is difficult to obtain good data on fuel sold within the geographic boundaries. However using FOOT data also means incorporating any limitations, exclusions or errors inherent in that data and does not capture additional uses of fuel. For example, it was not possible to collect information on marine fuel use or construction related use or that used for contracted operations such as landscaping work. The Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) does provide data on taxable gallons of fuel sold per county by fiscal year. By way of comparison, the numbers for Collier County (using 75% of FY 2006 data and 25% of FY 2007 data) were entered into the CACP software, using the category light trucks MY 2005 for gasoline twenty fifty- www.twenty~fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 10 5A ~" and heavy vehicles all manufacturing years for diesel sales. Note that these are taxable gallons therefore would not include government or not for profit use. Government use is captured by other methods and it is unlikely that non-profit use is significant. DOR data shows; Gasoline 143,897,587.88 taxable gallons sold Diesel 17,708,983.76 taxable gallons sold Emissions using VMT methodology ~ 2,171,254 MT C02e. Emissions using fuel sold methodology: gasoline 1,273,856 MT C02e, diesel 179,819 MT C02e, total 1,453,675 MT C02e. Adding Collier County fuel emiSSions from fleet and transit (commute emiSSIons would have been purchased by staff as taxable gallons) adds 14,127 MT C02e, bringing the total to 1,467,802 MT C02e. This exercise shows that using miles traveled instead of fuel sold gives a greater quantity of GHG emissions attributed to transportation in Collier than may have been used by County residents. Compared to the 2,111,036 MT estimated using road survey methods, this captures 69% of the emissions. However, while of interest, the important point to remember is that maintaining inventory consistency between regions is paramount and almost all lCLEI members use the vehicle count method. For some communities the methodology may prove less favorable, for example the City of Naples while home to 6.5% of the population of the wider County, is considered, as it is an urban area, to have 26.3% of the FOOT large urban category of road lengths, so takes that proportion of the miles and hence emissions. This equated to 16% of the total County road lengths so Naples with 6.5% of the population took 16% of the transportation emissions. These methodological idiosyncrasies do lend weight to a sales or consumption based approach where possible. Air Transportation All County airports provided data on fuel sold in 2007. Facility based emissions for the three Collier County Airport Authority facilities were also assessed. Fuel use was considered a community emission and a sub-sector of the transportation sector as fuel was provided to residents and business and not used for government operations per se. If the fuel was sold in the County it was considered a Collier emission regardless of where the fuel was used en route. Marine Transportation Given the difficulty of obtaining data from the variety of mobile fuel providers and marine facilities in Collier County, this source was omitted. The CACP software has been revised to include port facilities under the government analysis, but there are no commercial scale port facilities in the region. Rather, a number of small marinas many of which sell fuel, plus mobile fuel providers and sales at gas stations to boaters. Due to the variety of sources any data collection would be no more than a piece of the puzzle and based on the Naples inventory, not enough of a component to justifY lengthy data collection efforts. twenty fifty - www.twenty~fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 115 A "It'l 2.2.4 Waste, Scope 3 (note that landfill methane emissions are scope I for Government operations) 0/0 waste Sub-sector Source C02e MT % total sub-sector Waste :Communitv Biosolids Food Waste 6,714 0.1 12.5 Waste: Communitv MSW Paner Products 3,814 0.1 (out-of-countv ) Food Waste 830 0 Plant Debris 1,412 0 Wood or Textiles 747 0 Subtotal Communitv MSW 6,804 0.1 12.5 Waste: County Landfill Paper Products 22,368 0.4 (methane emissions) Food Waste 4,870 0.1 Plant Debris 8,279 0.2 Wood or Textiles 4,383 0.1 Subtotal County Landfill 39,900 0.8 75 Subtotal Waste 53,417 1.1 100 Table 5: Community Emissions: Waste sub-sector Collier County Solid Waste Department provided data on amounts and disposal methods for County generated solid waste for fiscal year periods. In researching final disposal locations it is clear that much waste is recycled or diverted but that some waste characterized as diverted is actually landfilled at out of County locations, it was therefore considered worthwhile to estimate these amounts and properly assign the emiSSIOns. These emissions are part of the cvmmunit} inventory. To get an accurate picture of how much waste is landtilled, whether here in Collier or out of County, a variety of information sources was utilized. The DEP Recycling Program compiles annual reports for all Florida counties on quantities of waste landfilled and managed. Annual reports from DEP (MSW, 2007) show that for calendar year 2007, a total of 360,796 tons of MSW was landfilled and 561,948 tons of MSW was managed. Collier County, while reporting in fiscal years, track tons buried in the County landfill. They show that for FY 2006, 278,384 tons was buried and for 2007,268,192 tons. Using a proportional approach where FY 2006 covers the fLrst 9 months and FY 2007 the last 3 months of calendar year 2007, gives a total of 75% * 278,384 + 25% *268,192 = 275,836 tons buried at the Collier County landfill for CY 2007. [These tons are contributing the methane and carbon dioxide emissions via decomposition that the inventory accounts for as a government scope 1 emission]. Based on DEP data, that leaves a remainder of 360,796-275,836 = 84,960 of MSW, including approximately 24,000 tons of biosolids, which are landfilled elsewhere. Biosolids and some waste from the Immokalee transfer station are trucked to the Okeechobee landfill. Other wastes go to the Waste Management facility at Pembroke Pines where recycling, reuse or final landfill (at the Glades facility among others) occurs (Beth Ryan, pers.comm.). Using the proportional approach again to estimate the CY contribution of biosolids gives: 75% * 24,503 + 25% * 24,324 = 24,458.25 tons of biosolids disposed. The composition of this waste material is treated differently from MSW and per discussion with wastewater personnel is considered 100% food waste for CACP input purposes. This gives a C02e of 6,714 MT. The remainder, 60,501.75 tons is considered MSW and reported as landfilled based on DEP reports. Using the same percent composition as the City of Naples inventory for 2006 and assuming that waste is twenty fifty- www.twenty~fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 12 5 A ~ ~ ., buried in a managed landfill we see that this waste is estimated to generate 6,804 metric tons C02e. Little detailed information on treatment and disposal of this waste is available. DEP reports that this tonnage originates from Collier County and is landfilled. Default values are used assuming a managed landfill with a 75% methane recovery factor. Section describes the methodology used to calculate fugitive methane emissions from the County owned landfill. These are scope I (direct) emissions for the government inventory but as they were generated by waste collected from the whole community, they are added to the community module for completeness (as an indirect, scope 3 emission). As the CACP software does not allow data to be entered under the community waste tab as a direct amount of methane, the amount of waste needed to generate that amount of methane was estimated. For 39,900 tons C02e from methane this figure is 354,810 (tons) of waste. Note that the actual amount buried in CY 2007 was 275,836 tons, the number is higher because methane is being produced from past years waste deposits. While waste is a small proportion of the total community emissions, it is 24% of the government's inventory. Additionally, the numbers for biosolid disposal and MSW that is shipped out of the county do not reflect haulage related emissions which are considerable. Sewage sludge for example is trucked 145 miles one way to the Okeechobee landfill. A proportion of this is transportation on Collier County roads, which would be captured in the community transportation sub-sector, i.e. eliminating the need for this haulage would reduce fuel used in the community transportation sub-sector. A number of projects to modernize waste management and waste use are at the planning, permitting or discussion phase at the County. The findings of this inventory suggest that, to effect reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, a continued, heightened and proactive approach to seeing them to fruition is recommended. 2.2.5 Refrigerants (Scope 3) Coolants used in air conditioning systems or refrigeration are powerful greenhouse gases. While fugitive emissions (i.e leaks and losses) are small, the global warming potential of the substances is so high they become significant. This source was assessed for the government analysis but not the whole community The numbers in this sub-sector are thus scope I government emissions carried over, details are provided in section 3.2.10. twentyfifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas inventory 2.3 Community Emissions by Source Source C02e MT % Diesel 330,031 6.6 Electricity 2,745,530 54.5 Food Waste 12,414 0.2 Gasoline 1,720,788 34.2 HFC-134 399 0 Natural Gas 44,046 0.9 Nitrous Oxide 689 0 Aviation Gasoline 5,150 0.1 Jet Fuel 55,067 1.1 Paper Products 26,183 0.5 Plant Debris 9,690 0.2 Prooane 78,991 1.6 R-404A Blend 16 0 Wood or Textiles 5,130 0.1 Total 5,034,125 100 Table 6: Community Emissions by Source 13 5 A'.. Diesel 7% Jet Fuel 1% Natural Gas ~ 1% Electricity 54% Propane 2% Gasoline 35% Figure 5: Community Emissions by Major Source Comparing key sources of GHG emissions shows that the energy that 'powers' Collier County is mostly purchased from electric utilities "r oil cQJ'lpanies. As noted, with little demand for heating fuels, the residential and commercial sectors are largely reliant on electricity. These numbers show what was used and do not consider what was not used for example where homes or businesses have photovoltaic or other renewable energy technologies. Nor was the small amount of biofuel use in our region quantified. As more renewable energy technologies become affordable and more widely used we may see the electricity number reduce. twentyfifty ~ www.twenty.fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 14 5 A "I Part 3: Government Inventory In this section . Overview of the government analysis . Results per sub-sector, calculations and discussion 3.0 Government Inventory Background The government inventory provides an estimate of greenhouse gas emlSSlOns from Collier County facilities and operations (excluding Collier County Public Schools), for the calendar year 2007. The government inventory provides a more detailed look at GHG producing activities than the community analysis. The ICLEI program has established this system because local governments are likely to be able to directly implement major emissions reductions within their own operations. Also, governmental emissions reductions programs and resulting cost savings can set an example for the rest of the community to follow. The additional detail and quantification on government operations facilitate the identification of the greatest opportunities for improvements. As noted in section 1.1.3, setting boundaries of scale and emission 'ownership' is the first task. ICLEI's Local Government Operations Protocol (LGOP, 2008) strongly recommends that inventory scope include emissions from any facility or operation under the 'policy relevant' control of the County Manager ,i.e. someone with the authority to mandate operational control, for example establish and implement a climate control policy. However, this approach omits some key services providers (and energy users) notably Collier County Public Schools, Collier County Sheriffs Department, Fire DepartmeiJs and constitutional offices (property appraiser, tax collector, Clerk of Courts). The situation is further complicated because several of those entities are housed within Collier County facilities, and for those located at Government Center, share electricity meters and other utilities. The approach taken was developed in consultation with project managers (Skip Camp and Damon Gonzalez) and ICLEI. All entities physically located at Collier County facilities were included, the premise being that officers would be willing and able to institute any related energy savings policies that may ensue from this work. Key facilities that are included in the inventory are as follows: . Government centers at Airport Road, Horseshoe Drive, lmmokalee and other satellite offices. . Constitutional offices (Sheriff, Clerk, Tax collector, Property appraiser). . All County parks and recreation facilities . Airport facilities under Collier County Airport Authority . Libraries Services: . Waste collection and disposal . Provision of potable water . Collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater . Transit (CA T) . County department and constitutional office fuel use . Street and traffic lighting twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas inventory 3.1 Government Inventory Overview Sub-sector C02e MT % BuildinQs and Facilities 35554 20.2 Street li~htin~ 4459 2.5 Airnort Facilities 179 0.1 Water Deliverv Facilities 26801 15.2 Wastewater Facilities 22379 12.7 Solid Waste Facilities 40880 23.2 Vehicle Fleet 11412 6.5 Emolovee Commute 31518 17.9 Transit Fleet 2715 1.5 Refrigerants 479 0.3 TOTAL 176377 100 Table 7: Government Emissions 15 5A Transit Fleet Refrigerants 1% 0% EfT1lloyeeCollTTUte Buildings and FaciliUes 18% 21% Vehicle Fleet 6% Slreetlighting 2% I Solid Waste Facilities 24% Water Delivery Facilities 15% Airport Facilities 0% Wastewater Facilities 13% Figure 6: Government Emissions by Sector Government emissions are those resulting from running County facilities or providing service to County residents. Overailthe government sector emissions are 3.5% those of the whole County. While Collier County Public Schools has yet to carry out an inventory and may be another significant energy user, it is likely that County govemm~nt is the largest single managed entity in our region in tenns of GHG contributions. Over half the government emissions are utility related (lighting, water and waste totaling 54%) with 28% alone from the provision and treatment of water. In terms of GHG's it is more 'expensive' to provide drinking water than it is to treat and dispose of it. Clearly this service carries a high financial and environmental cost which, as concluded from the City of Naples inventory, should be a factor in evaluating future expansion as compared to enhanced conservation. The employee commute represents a signilicant portion of government emissions at just under 18%. The reason is the high driving distance reported by respondents, with 25% noting daily round-trip drives of over 40 miles. As the survey was administered by Commuter Services in preparation for a ride-share and carpool matching program, it is possible that the survey was preferentially completed by staff with more of an interest in reducing their costs. Without full participation (the response rate was around 30%) this is difficult to confinn. twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 16 5A 3.2 Goyernment Inyentory: Sub-sector analysis 3.2.1 Buildings and Facilities, Scope I (propane/gas) Scope 2 (electricity) C02e % Govt. % Building Buildin~s and Facilities Source MT total sub-sector Clerk of Courts Electricity 127 0.1 0.3 Coastal Zone Management Electricity 20 0 0.05 Collier County Museum Electricity 80 0 0.22 Collier County Sheriff Electricity 6,901 3.9 Natura! Gas 5 0 Subtotal Collier Cou;;N Sheriff 6,906 3.9 i 19.4 Community Services, Horseshoe Dr. N. Electricity 1,362 0.8 i 3.8 CRA Electricity 20 0' 0.05 Domestic Animal Services Electricitv 397 0.2 1.1 EMS Electricitv 604 0.3 1.7 Extension Service Electricity 121 0.1 0.34 Goyernment Center Airport Road Electricitv i 10,384 5.8 29.2 Government Center Immokalee Electricity 479 0.3 1.34 Health Electricity 889 0.5 2.5 IT Electricitv 166 0.1 0.46 Libraries Electricity 2,280 1.3 6.4 North Collier Government Center Electricitv 638 0.4 1.8 _Owned properties/generators Electricity 290 0.2 0.8 - Parks' . Electricity '8,609 , 4.8 ' 24.2 Property Annraiser Electricitv 328 0.2 0.9 Tax Collectors Electricity , 508 0.3 I 1.4 Transnortation Electricity 923 0.5 2.6 Utilities Offices Electricitv 424 0.2 1.2 Subtotal Buildings and Facilities 35.554 20.2 i 100 note: a number of departments report small amounts a/propane, less than 1 MJ are not recorded here Table 8: Government Emissions: Building sub-sector Allocating energy use for the various County facilities and buildings was achieved through analysis of utility summaries obtain from Florida Power and Light (FPL) and Lee County Electrical Cooperative (LCEC). Facilities Management staff (Damon Gonzalez) provided input and a facility list which was compared and cross refererlced with account summaries. Best effort to match facility with account was made, although where electrical meters are combirled, a department by department analysis is not possible. The best example of this is the Government Center at Airport Road with three main FPL accounts but a great many different departments and divisions. The results show (Table 8) three key energy users: Governmerlt Center, Collier COUrlty Sheriff and Parks. Clearly the rlumber of separate facilities urlder each divisiorl explains the usage. While some natural gas and proparle usage was reported, the numbers are so small, typically amounting to less than a metric ton of C02e, the CACP software does not register it Orl summary reports. twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 17 5A Facilities Managers have already demonstrated an aggressive and successjitl approach towards energy conservation in County buildings. This analysis points to a couple of additional suggestions: 1) Coordinate energy savings efforts with the Collier County Sheriffs department. 2) Continue (see section 5.3.2) to pursue lighting retrofits and energy conservation programs at all County Park facilities. 3.2.2 Street lighting, Scope 2 C02e % Govt. nals Source MT total Electrici 24 0 Electricit 3,549 2 Electricit 885 0.5 % Street light sub-sector 0.6 79.6 19.8 4,459 2.5 100 Table 9: Government Emissions: Street lighting sub-sector Energy use for street lighting was determined from electric summaries. Accounts are clearly coded accordingly from both utilities (FPL and LCEC). Data show that 2.5% of the total government emissions derive from powering this sector. Traffic signals have been replaced with high efficiency versions through the County and in the City of Naples. Street lighting, at 80% of the sub-sector, remains a significant cost. The City of Naples has piloted a program at 12'h Ave South which showed significant savings using a high ~fficienc): bulb.. It is recommended that Collier County pursue funding opportunities to retrofit traditional bulbs with modern high efficiency options. Or, continue, where appropriate, efforts described in recent media reports, whereby non-essential lixtures are simply turned off (Naples Daily News, 6-30- 2009) Amending appropriate Land Development Codes to include preferential or mandated low energy versions for new road construction should be considered. 3.2.3 Airport Facilities, Scope 2 Source Electrici Electrici Electricit C02e MT 20 129 31 179 % Gov!. total o 0.1 o 0.1 % Airport sub-sector II 72 17 100 Table 10: Government Emissions: Airports sub-sector Under County government auspices are three airport facilities, the table above relates to power usage at the buildings and associated amenities (obtained from FPL and LCEC). Aircraft fuel is considered part of the community transportation sector, as while the airport facilities provide it (and hence can document amounts) it is used by airport patrons. The data show a disproportionate share of emissions at Immokalee Airport. Staff were consulted to verify the accuracy of the account allocation which was confirmed. The facility is larger and busier but could also perhaps benefit from a more focused approach to electricity usage. twenty fifty - wlNW.twenty.fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 18 SA 3.2.4 Water Delivery Facilities, Scope 2 C02e % Gov!. % Water Water Delivery Facilities Source MT total sub-sector North Water Plant Electricitv 10,005 5.6 38 South Water Plant Electricitv 10,365 5.8 38 Potable Convevance Electricitv 6,431 3.6 24 Subtotal Water Delivery Facilities 26,801 15.2 100 Table II: Government Emissions: Potable water sub-sector This sub-sector covers energy used in the extraction, treatment and delivery of potable water to over 160,000 Collier County customers. At 15% it is a significant contributor to the government inventory, a fact which highlights the price of water from both environmental and energy standpoints. Note that revised ICLEI methodology now separates potable from wastewater treatment. Data used in the analysis were electric summaries. The two County plants are located within the FPL service territory and are fairly straightforward to identify. To separate conveyance accounts for drinking water and sewage, staff at the North Collier Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant were consulted and the account classifications double checked. For the majority of the County's water-sewer network, the electricity used for conveyance is used to 'pull' sewage effluent back to treatment plants, our flat terrain prevents any assistance from gravity. Potable water is held in large tanks where enough head is maintained to keep a certain water pressure negating the need for much additional assistance. The two plants show "n equal split in energy use. Note that this utility is run by County government but the end users are the community as a whole. Therefore while pursuing any means of energy savings technology at the plants themselves is worthy, reductions in GHG emissions might best be made, or at least assisted, by end-use reductions in water use. Collier County and other local agencies (South Florida water Management District, Department of Environmental Protection), have well established educational campaigns to heighten awareness of water conservation. It is recommended that the additional knowledge afforded by this inventory and the City of Naples, regarding the energy cost of water be added to those campaigns. Utility staff provided a summary of quantities produced for 2007; North Plant: 4,530,630,174 gallons South Plant: 4,540,016,440 gallons Quantities are very close, explaining the even split between emissions. Dividing the total emissions by the . gallons of water they enabled gives a per gallon carbon footprint. 59.069.404 lbs C02e = 0.0065 lbs per gallon 9,070,646,614 gallons water Achieving reductions in the water sector could reduce the energy footprint per gallon while at the same time help residents (and ameliorate future needs) save money by providing educational tools or other incentives towards water conservation. twentyfifty"- www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 15 A '- 3.2.5 Waste Water, Scope 2 (electricity), Scope 3 (process emissions) C02e % Govt. % Waste water Wastewater Facilities Source MT total sub-sector North Collier WWTP Electricitv 8,896 5 39 South Collier WWTP Electricitv 6,182 3.5 28 Waste water conveyance Electricitv 6,222 3.5 28 Nitrous Process emissions Oxide 689 0.4 3 Irri~ation Electricitv 390 0.2 ' 2 Subtotal Wastewater Facilities 22,379 12.7 I 100 Table 12: Government Emissions: Waste water sub-sector The County runs two sewage treatment facilities, the North and South County Water Reclamation Facilities with service areas of 78 square miles (24 MGD) and 58 square miles (16 MGD) respectively. Service is provided for around 56,000 accounts and 230,000 people. The remaining residents of Collier County are either on septic systems or served by other facilities such as the City of Naples, Ave Maria, Orangetree, Immokalee, Goodland and Marco Island (note that those facilities would be included within the commercial sector of the community analysis although process emissions are not evaluated. Numbers here refer to operations under the control of Collier County government). In 2007, staff estimated (Jon Pratt, pers. comm.) that approximately 5.4 billion gallons of waste water Were treated, and almost all of the treated effluent was put to' beneficial use as irrigation water, a small remainder (no more than 5%, Jon Pratt, pers. comm.) is disposed of via deep-well injection. Customers include golf courses, residential communities, environmental mitigation areas, County Parks and roadway medians in Collier County. Wastewater related emissions GHG emissions from sewage treatment are associated with powering the plant and are emitted (fugitive gases) from the treated effluent and resultant sludge (process emissions). The burning of fossil fuels used to provide electricity to run the treatment plants would count as a scope 2 emission for Collier County. Conveyance of sewage to the plants for treatment is carried out via a 700 mile system with over 700 lift stations and pump stations. Powering this conveyance is an additional scope 2 emission. In the LGOP (2008) electricity and emissions are differentiated between the provision of drinking water and distribution and treatment of wastewater. Of the nearly 800 FPL accounts assigned to 'water', the vast majority of them are used to pump sewage effluent back to the treatment plants. Wastewater is treated to remove soluble organic matter and pathogens. GHG emlSSlOns related to wastewater are methane and nitrous oxide. Note that carbon in wastewater is considered biogenic, i.e part of the natural carbon cycle, as such this is not an addition to an inventory. In contrast, methane production is a function of treatment methodology (Cakir and Stenstrom, 2005) and is produced when wastewater is treated under anaerobic conditions (either deliberately or accidentally) (EPA, 2008). Nitrous oxide is also a function of the nitrification and denitrification process employed. Nitrogen in incoming sewage is typically in the form of ammonia and amounts are related to the protein content of customer diets. Guidelines for estimating these emissions are provided in the EPA's 2009 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (1990-2007) (EPA, 2009) and ICLEI have revised their CACP software (in twentyfifty'- www.twenty~fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 25 A ,.~ ~ 2009) to better characterize this source. ICLEI provide a Wastewater Emissions Data Tool (excel spreadsheet) to estimate methane and nitrous oxide emissions from sewage treatment. Methane Methane emissions from waste water treatment processes result from anaerobic treatment. Collier County employs aerobic treatment (forcing air through liquid waste with a system of blowers). ICLEI (LGOP, 2008) notes that the EPA does include guidance equations for estimating methane emissions from aerobic systems hecause it is assumed that some accidental containment under anaerobic conditions may occur, with methane as an inadvertent byproduct. The correctiun factor employed by the EPA is 0.3. However ICLEI notes that EPA assumes all plants (being subject to periodic regulatory oversight) operate as planned and permitted therefore they du not include these emissions in their national U.S. inventory. To estimate what these emissions may be for Collier County the EPA equations are used with a smaller correction factor of 0.2 (we have no reason to assumc the County's plants are poorly managed and this analysis is presented for interest's sake). Emissions from Centrally Treated Aerobic Systems (EPA, 2009) = [(% collected) x (total BODS produced) x (% aerobic) x (% aerobic w/out primary) + (% collected) x (total BODS produced) x (% aerobic) x (% aerobic w/primarv) x (1-% BOD removed in prim. treanl x (% operations not well managed) x (Bo) x (MCF-aerobic not well man) x I1l0^6 Where: % collected = Flow to POTWs / total flow % aerobic = Flow to aerobic systems / total flow to POTWs % aerobic w/out primary = Percent of aerobic systems that do not employ primary treatment % BOD removed in prim. treat. = 32.5 % % operations not well managed = Percent of aerobic systems that are not well managed and in which some anaerobic degradation occurs Total BODS produced = kg BOD/capita/day x U.S. population x 365.25 days/yr Bo = Maximum CH4-producing capacity for domestic wastewater (0.60 kg CH4/kg BOD) MCF-aerobic_not_well_man. ~ CH4 correction factor for aerobic systems that are not well managed (0.3) The first part of the equation is omitted as we assume 100% of wastewater is collected and all treatment is aerobic (note that the equation was developed to assess national emissions from a variety of facilities). For the second part at a treatment amount of 5.4 billion gallons and incoming BODS of200 ppm; the equation is modified to use: = (total BODS produced) x (1-% BOD removed in prim. treat.YI x (Bo) x (MCF-aerobic not well man) = 20,439 kg x (-31.5) x 0.60 x 0.2 = 2,448.9 kg CH4 = 0.002 MT = (x 21) = 0.042 tons C02e Note that BODS of200 ppm is equivalent to 200 mg/I which is 3.785 mg per U.S gallon. For 5.4 billion gallons this amounts to 20,439 kg. The GWP for methane (21) is applied and we see that emissions are a fraction of a ton therefore can be considered de minimis, they are not included in the County totals. Nitrous Oxide ICLEI's excel tool was used to estimate nitrous oxide emissions. Two sources are considered; at the plant itself (process emissions) and those resulting from disposed effluent. For Collier County where twentyfifty - www.twenty~fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 21f 5A nitrification/denitrification processes are employed (a modified Ludzac Ettinger process, Jon Pratt, pers.comm), process emissions are given by: Annual N20 emissions (metric tons) ~ Plotal x EF nit/denit x 10-6 Where: Ptotal = total population that is served by the centralized WWTP adjusted for industrial discharge, if applicable EF nit/denit = emission factor for a WWTP with nitrification/denitrification [g N20/person/yearI (Value given as 7) 10-6 = conversion from g to metric ton [metric ton/g] 10-6 With a population of 230,000 served, these process emissions are thus estimated at: Annual N20 emissions = 230,000 x 7 x 10-6 = 1.61 metric tons x 310 (GWP N20) = 499.1 The tool also estimates process emissions that are related to the discharged effluent. To use this tool you must have data on the nitrogen content oftreated sewage. Collier County routinely and frequently tests effluent to monitor total nitrogen. Annual N20 emissions (metric tons) ~ N Load x EF effluent x 365.25 x 10-3 Where: N Load = measured average total nitrogen discharged [kg N/day] EF effluent = emission factor [kg N20-N/kg scwage-N produced] value provided as 0.005 365.25 = conversion factor [day/year] 10-3 = cor:versivn [rom kg to metric ton [metric ton/kg] 10-3 Average nitrogen discharge was provided by NR WTF managers (Jon Pratt, pers. comm.). Staff report that average effluent N content is 6 ppm (note that incoming sewage is around 35 ppm mostly as ammonia). 6 ppm is 50.0152936241bs per million US gallons. With 5.4 billion gallons treated (and disposed) in 2007 this equates to 270,000 Ibs or (divide by 2.2 for kgs) 122,764 kgs over a year, 336.3 kgs/day. So. total annual emissions ~ 336.3 x 0.005 x 365.25 x 10-3 ~ 0.614 metric tons N20 x 310 (GWP N20) = 190.34 MT C02e Biosolids A significant source of WWT related emissions is the off-gassing of methane and nitrous oxide from produced sludge. As this material is treated (and disposed of) as a municipal waste, emissions are included in the community analysis, waste sub-sector, as a scope 3 or indirect emission. The discussion is included here as this source is clearly waste water related. Unfortunately, little academic research is available to give standardized coefficients, amounts vary considerably dependant on disposal method. The EPA (pers. comm.) and ICLEI (LGOP, 2008) are undertaking further research to refine emission estimates from this source. More specificity regarding landfill methodologies is also needed as calculations available at this time do not take into account variability in waste disposal such as methane recapture. Spreading biosolids on pasture land as fertilizer will yield a greater amount of methane than burial in a contained landfill where methane is captured and either flared to carbon dioxide or used to provide energy. However, significant GHG emissions from landfill disposal of wastewater solids may be difficult twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 22 5 A I to avoid, because the material is highly and quickly putrescible and prone to emitting methane before gas collection systems are in place and functioning (Beecher, 2009). Collier County disposes of 24,324 tons of biosolids per year (Collier County Solid Waste, 2009) which are trucked to landfill at Okeechobee. This managed facility (Waste Management) utilizes flaring to convert methane to carbon dioxide. Using CACP to estimate GHG emissions from a managed landfill with a waste composition of 100% food waste, (considered representative for sewage sludge) and an estimated methane recovery factor of 75% gives an estimated 6,714 metric tons of emissions from landfill disposal. Trucking emissions would be captured in the County inventory in the general community transportation sector, knowing volumes (24,324 tons) and distances (145 miles one way) however, we can estimate the haulage related emissions for sludge disposal at approximately 500 metric tons C02e. [The trucks used can transport approximately 25 tons per trip. With 24,324 tons to transport this necessitates 973 trips of 290 miles. A 5 mpg this would use 973*290/5 = 56,434 gallons of diesel. Approximately 10.15 kg C02e (0.01 MT) are emitted per gallon (LGOP, 2008) equating to: 572.8 MT C02e. Using CACP for the 282,170 vehicle miles traveled in a heavy truck (diesel, all MY) gives 457 MT C02e.] lCLEI's LGOP has been revised to include assessment of waste water treatment related emissions. The guidance is specific in terms of what are considered 'owned' emissions and the discussion above includes additional processes that are not summed in the County's total inventory. A summary is provided below; Process/operation Sector/Source/Scope Metric tons C02e Conveyance of sewage to County Electricity, Government, scope 2 6,222 plants Operating two County facilities Electricity, Government scope 2 and propane, 15,078 -3cone 1 Process emissions: methane 'Accidental' handling under anaerobic 0.042 conditions, de minimis (not included) Denitrification of sewage converts ammonia to Process emissions: nitrous oxide other nitrogen compounds, Government, Scope 499.1 3 Effluent disposal emissions: nitrous N20 resulting from effluent disposal, 190.34 oxide Government, scone 3 Biosolid disposal: emissions related to Community waste sub-sector, scope 3. 6,714 landfill 01'24,324 tons/vear Biosolid disposal: haulage Transportation emissions from trucking sludge (500) to disposal site, not included Table 13: Summary o{waste water related emissions 3.2.6 Solid Waste, Scope 1 (methane emissions) Scope 2 (electricity) C02e % Govt. % Solid waste Solid Waste Facilities Source MT total sub-sector Solid Waste Electricitv 980 0.6 2 Methane 39,900 22.4 98 Subtotal Solid Waste 40,880 23.2 100 Table 14: Government Emissions: Solid waste sub-sector twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory ISA The County contracts with Waste Management for trash collection and manages the Collier County Landfil] facility and recycling centers at Carnestown, Marco Island and Enterprise Avenue as well as a transfer station at Immokalee (the now closed lmmokalee Landfill). Emissions related to running the solid waste facilities are from electricity consumption (scope 2) and amounted to 980 MT C02e. This does not include administrative offices located at Government Center on Airport Road. Government, Scope 1 emissions The LGOP counts emissions from a landfill that the municipality owns and operates as a scope 1 emission. Methodologies have been revised such that emissions are calculated based on known quantities of landfill gases released (the previous software required estimation of County generated waste quantities). Thus methane resulting from all waste buried at the County landfill will be included in the government module. These estimated tons of C02e are also added to the community inventory as, while under government control, they resulted from activities in the wider community. Staff at South District DEP provided a copy of the ]andfill's 2007 Annual Operating Report (DEP, pers. comm.). It is shown that in 2007, 1522 scfm (standard cubic feet per minute) of LFG was burned, (equating to 800 million cubic feet) over the year where 40.2% of that gas was methane. ICLEl provided the following equation from the LGOP to estimate fugitive methane emissions (i.e those that are not converted to C02 in the flare) from landfills. GHG's emitted (metric tons C02e) = LFG collected x CH4% x {(I - DE) + [((1 - CE) I CE) x (1 - OX)]} x unit conversion x GWP Where: LFG collected '(milhons cubic feet) CH4% = Fraction ofCH4 in LFG; default is 50%, Collier value shown at 40.2% DE = destruction efficiency of flare; default is 99% CE = Collection Efficiency; default is 75%, as shown on DEP annual report OX = Oxidation Factor (some escaping methane is oxidized passing through soil cap); default is 10% Unit conversion to convert million standard cubic feet of methane into metric tons of methane = 19. ]25 (0.0423 lbs of methane in a standard cubic foot) GWP = Global Warming Potentia] of methane (21) GHG's emitted = 800 x 40.2% x 0.309 x 19.125 = 1900 MT CH4 = 39.911.24 MT C02e Using the total estimated waste for CY 2007 that was buried at the Collier landfill (275,836 tons) and percent compositions corresponding to the City of Naples inventory gives 31,019 MT C02e from CACP. Actua] methane emissions accounted for from the landfill are higher (39,911 MT). This is due to the established nature of the facility (over 20 years) because methane builds up over time, so CY 2007 emissions were emitted into the atmosphere in 2007 (based on known amounts of gas flared) but may be derived from waste deposited some time ago. The LGOP offers more definition and refinement than past methodologies. Summary Government Scope 1: methane emissions from County landfill 39,900 MT C02e Government Scope 2: emissions from purchased power at solid waste facilities 980 MT C02e twenty fifty - www.twenty.fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory !'iSA 3.2.7 Vehicle Fleet, Scope 1 % Govt. % Fleet Department Source C02e MT total sub-sector Airports Gasoline 35 0 0.3 Clerk of Courts Gasol ine 19 0 0.2 Collier Countv Sheriff Gasoline 4,539 2.6 40 Domestic Animal Services Gasoline 159 0.1 1.4 EMS Diesel 951 0.5 Gasoline 213 0.1 Subtotal EMS 1,164 0.7 10.2 Extension Services Gasoline 16 0 0.14 Government Ops. Diesel 11 0 Gasoline 1,174 0.7 Subtotal Government Ops. 1,185 0.7 10.4 Health Gasoline 91 0.1 0.8 Libraries Gasoline 30 0 0.3 Parks Diesel 18 0 Gasoline 364 0.2 Subtotal Parks 382 0.2 3 Solid Waste Diesel 95 0.1 Gasoline 52 0 Subtotal Solid Waste 146 0.1 1.3 Supervisor ofElecti~~~ Gasoline 2 0 0.02 Tax Collector Gasoline 3 0 0.02 Transportation Diesel 1,158 0.7 Gasoline 829 0.5 Subtotal Transportation 1,987 1.1 17.4 Water-Sewer Diesel 243 0.1 Gasoline 1,409 0.8 Subtotal Water-Sewer 1,652 0.9 14.5 Subtotal Vehicle Fleet 11,412 6.5 100 Table 15: Government Emissions: Fleet sub-sector Data on fuel quantities used for 2007 was provided by Dan Croft, categorized by the divisions shown in the table, and tabulated per vehicle type. Sheriffs fuel was obtained from Michelle Owens as a total use number, no details on fleet composition were provided. The revised CACP software differs from previous versions in size class inputs. Only three (passenger vehicle, mid-size and heavy duty vehicle) size classes are described but fuel (or miles) should be entered according to manufacturing year. As data had been provided per earlier formats, in consultation with ICLEI staff, where year was not known, 2005 was used. The difference in the calculations is so minor and relates to criteria air pollutants rather than total C02, that this approach is appropriate. For Sheriff's fuel, not knowing the fleet mix, the passenger vehicle category was used, MY 2005. At 6.4% of the government total, the fleet related emissions are relatively low (compared to other known inventories). The Sheriff and EMS make up over 50% of the sub-sector's emissions. twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory ~5A 25 3.2.8 Employee Commute, Scope 3 (indirect emissions) C02e % Govt. Emplovee Commute Source MT total ~iesel 228 0.1 - Gasoline 31,289 17.7 Subtotal Employee Commute 31,518 17.9 Table 16: Government Emissions: Employee commute sub-sector Fuel used in the commute to and from work by the 1,906 County employees (in 2007, Ofelia Tallon, pers. comm.), is considered an indirect or scope 3 emission (because County management do not have direct operational control). To quantify miles driven per day, assistance was provided by the FOOT's Commuter Services Program which commenced at Collier County in March 2009. Participating employees are offered assistance in locating ride-sharing or carpooling opportunities. To tailor the program, the first step is to administer a detailed electronic and paper questionnaire to all staff to better understand both driving habits and demographics. As this portion of the inventory data collection relies on an all-staff survey with some but not all of the same questions, the two objectives were combined and Commuter Services added the inventory relevant queries (miles driven one way, days per year and vehicle make and model) to their questionnaire. The survey closed in April and a total of 465 responses were received, a response rate of approximately 30%. Careful extrapolation of the data was carried out to give a best estimate of fuel usage for the commute. Remember that the survey is administered in 2009 but the inventory period is 2007, thus we apply averages to the non-responses given a workforce of 1906 in the study year. Emissions from the commute equated to 18% of the government total and average one way driving distance was found to be 14 miles. The large geographical area and sprawling community demographics along with a high proportion of staff working in one location (at Government Center) account for the high numbers, although preferential survey response by those driving longer distances may have artificially increased the reported driving distance. 60% of staff drive a passenger or small car, 35% a small truck or SUV and just over 2% a heavy duty vehicle. County government is an employer of significance at 10% of the County's total employment for 2007 (EOC,2009). 3.2.9 Transit Fleet, Scope I C02e % Govt. 0/0 Transit Transit Fleet Source MT total sub-sector CAT ~iesel 2,636 1.5 97 Gasoline 79 0 3 Subtotal Transit Fleet 2,715 1.5 100 Table 17: Government Emissions: Transit sub-sector Collier County runs a fleet of20 passenger buses for public transportation. As a proportion of government emissions, this is a small fraction. twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory liS A 3.2.10 Refrigerants, Scope 1 I C02e % Govt. % Refrigerants Refrigerants Source ' MT total sub-sector Buildinlls HFC-134a 277 0.2 58 R-404A Blend 16 0 3 Subtotal Sui/dinzs 293 0.2 Fleet HFC-134 186 0.1 39 Subtotal Refrigerants All Sectors 479 0.3 100 Table 18: Government Emissions: Refrigerants sub-sector The revised version of ICLEl's LOOP and CACP software includes calculating the fugitive emissions from refrigerants in HV AC and refrigeration equipment and fleet vehicles. As direct measurements are not available, the most accurate estimate of what was lost to the atmosphere is considered to equate to what needed to be replaced. Hence, staff provided numbers of pounds of topped off coolants. Note that the greatest use was of R-22 a source not included in the CACP input fields. This coolant is considered by the EPA to be on a phase out scenario as it is an ozone depleting substance. The County used 1,500 Ibs of R-22 in 2007 which were not accounted for. While refrigerants only account for 0.3% of the government total, the OWP of each coolant is high. twenty fifty - www.twenty.fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas fnventof}' 27 5 A Part 4: Projections In this section . Background on population estimates used . Impact of planned projects on GlIG reductions (national energy outlook, EECBG funds and Landfill Gas to Energy) . Emission estimates . Recommended reduction targets 4.0 Introduction to Projections The purpose of estimating future energy use/cmissions is to consider what might be an achievable reduction target for Collier County, and how aggressive an approach would be needed to adhere to a target. Whilc the audit gives a baseline number, obviously it is not static, particularly in fast growing regions likc Collicr County. The analysis offers an opportunity to plan for growth that is less energy intensive and includes more consideration of environmental impacts. Thc CACP software includes cells to enter data on growth rates for fuel use and household numbers. Howevcr, at the time of writing, and on discussion with ICLEI staff, thcrc are so many variables and unccrtainties at the state and national level rcgarding encrgy use, its is difficult to knowlcdgably predict fuel mix and efficiencies in thc future, A basic GHG cmission projcction can be madc using the per capita approach. As we are not thcrefore including improvcd standards in such issues as vehicle mileage, or less dependcnce on fossil fuels by clectricity utilitics, or advances in wastc'to energy tcchnology, this will be a worst-ease-scenario, or business-as-usual, estimate. 4.1 Population Estimates The most recent US census data available is 2000, and literaturc searches show a variety of c10sc but varying estimates for County population in 2007. Numbcrs cited: Collier County (County website) 2008: 332,314 EDC 2006-2007 Markct Outlook: 338,433 Burcau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR), 2008 estimate: 332,854 The U.S. Census Bureau 2007 estimate for the county is 315,839 Collier County Planning Department, estimate for 2007,333,858 For the purposed of this study the mean is used at: 330.656. 4.2 Population Projections With the recent economic downturn, care in projecting population growth must be exercised and it has become increasingly harder to extrapolate further than 10-20 years. Goals are to estimate likely emissions County-wide in target years 2020, 2030 and 2050. They can be considered the worst case scenarios and are provided to gain an understanding of the extent of emissions reductions measures needed to stay within targets. A number of sources were consulted to arrive at logical figures. twenty fifty - www.twenty.fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas InvenlOry 28 'SA . The Long Range Transportation Plan (Collier County, MPO, 2006) referenced in current Department of Energy applications, uses BEBR mid-range projections; a Countywide permanent population of 597,400 by the year 2030. . However, in April, 2009, the BEBR provided revised projections with a 2020 mid-range estimate of 400,700 and 2030 mid-range estimate of 472,000. . Appendix D ofthe Everglades Plan (2007) provided some extrapolations, based on data from the 2000 US census. (This document also provided a conservative estimate of a sea level rise of approximately 24 em occurring in southwest Florida over the period through 2050, to date little consideration of how that rise may affect population growth has been made). Numbers provided: 2020,479,300; 2030, 583,200; 2050, 862, I 00. . County Planning staff reference the Collier Interactive Growth Model, which projects a build out population of 950,223 with 90% build out in the year 2045 (855,200) and full build out not occurring till 2080. Data released in May 2009 from Collier County, show a 2020 population of 400,700, consistent with BEBR data. It becomes apparent that while two years or so ago, continued rapid growth was set to push Collier County towards build-out population levels by mid-century that may no longer be the case. BEBR estimates have been revised down (more or less by 100,000 for each reference year). County staff (Mike Bosi, pers. comm.) note that the CIGM will be revised accordingly as is expected to follow a downward curve. While little published data is currently available to predict numbers in 2050, we can make a conservative estimate based on the apparent trends. Mr. Bosi assisted with this effort by considering the mid-range BEBR 2030 estimates against the 2035 BEBR medium, to see the growth rate over five years, then running it out for 15 years past the 2035 projections. This gives an estimate for 2050 of 617,853. Data used in the projections; 2020 - 400,700 (BEBR, 2009, Collier County Planning) 2030 - 472,000 (BEBR, 2009) 2050 - 617,853 (Collier County Planning staff) 4.3 Impact of Planned Projects on GHG Reductions As we attempt to place a number on future GHG emissions from the County, it is important to include consideration of any known projects or efforts that will reduce energy use. Best attempt to do so has been made, but the discussion does not purport to be exhaustive in this regard as additional projects may be separately underway that were unknown at the time of writing. 4.3.1 National Energy Outlook It has been noted that the described projections of energy use/emissions presented below do not take into account new federal legislation or national energy standards. For example the Energy Information Administration (ElA) (2009) report in their projections through 2030 that appliance efficiency, fuel economy standards (CAFE), and tax policies enacted in 2007 and 2008, slow the growth of U.S. energy demand such that energy-related C02 emissions in the 2009 reference case grow by only 0.3 percent per year from 2007 to 2030, as compared with 0.8 percent per year from 1980 to 2007. In 2030, energy- related emissions (U.S.) total 6,414 million metric tons, about 7 percent higher than in 2007. Slower emissions growth is also. in part, a result of the declining share of electricity generation that comes from fossil fuels-primarily, coal and natural gas-and the growing renewable share, which increases from 8 percent in 2007 to 14 percent in 2030. As a result, while electricity generation increases by 0.9 percent per year, emissions from electricity generation increase by only 0.5 percent per year. The U.S. economy is generally expected to become less carbon intensive. twenty fifty ... www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 29 ~ 5 A At the time of writing, a federal energy bill is being debated at the Senate level. The situation remains unclear and while it is noted that we expect the market to adjust and offer consumers better options for low emission lifestyles, it's very hard to put a number on that. Thus, these external factors are not applied to the quantitative estimates for Collier County presented below. 4.3.2 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) Federal stimulus monies have been allocated towards a number of energy reduction projects for Collier County government. This provides an opportunity to refine a target reduction, knowing what the County may reasonably be able to achieve with expected grant monies. Note that apart from the Landfill Gas to Energy project (see below) no other planned energy savings projects are evaluated at this time. County facilities managers have demonstrated an aggressive attitude towards cutting costs, and it is very likely that reductions exceed those described below. In June 2009, Collier County applied for funding from the Department of Energy (DOE) to implement a variety of projects under the Energy Efticiency and Conservation Block Grants program. (EECBG, 2009) A component of the larger federal stimulus finding program (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, ARRA), $2.7 billion are being distributed to qualifying communities, based on population size, to "develop and implement projects to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy use and fossil fuel emissions in their communities". Local entitlements are as follows: Collier County $3,036,000 City of Fort Myers $753,000 City of Cape Coral $1,407,000 City of Bonita Springs $179,600 Lee County $3,046,000 Non-entitlement communities such as the City of Naples (under the population threshold) will be able to apply for competitive funding which will be distributed by the State of Florida. The EECBG required applicants to submit a completed or planned Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy along with details on how each proposed project would reduce GHG emissions and create jobs. County staff completed the strategy and submitted a suite of applications. As the present energy use/GHG inventory was underway at the time of submittal, County projects were not selected based on findings of the inventory nor were estimated reductions applied towards an overall reduction target. As the inventory allows an objective and broad look at energy use and emissions county-wide as well as giving a sense of what areas need attention, it is appropriate to assess the potential GIlG reductions of EECBG projects at this time. The DOE note that following contact by the awarding agency, the County can submit revisions to their application. Based on findings of this report (the significance of residential and commercial end-use electrical consumption) some additions and/or changes to the initial application are recommended to maximize GHG reductions in Collier County. A total of eight projects were submitted to the DOE, briefly described, along with proposed GHG reductions, below. The projects have been characterized by inventory sector to enable estimation of where reductions will be made. Where data were available, calculations of projected emission were made, for standardization purposes, with the CACP software. In most cases, materials provided by County staff included estimates of kWh saved but not how the energy use was calculated in the first place. As full details were not always available and to err on the side of caution, these calculations are conservative twenty fifty .- www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 30 , 5 A estimates. All estimates are for annual savings and were evaluated using the CACP software. Further details and calculations are provided in Appendix II. I. Facilities Management Energy Efficiency Retrofits: 657 MT, which is 1.8% of 2007 building sub-sector government emissions. 2. Parks and Recreation Department Light Fixture Retrolits: estimated at 86,983 kWh or 53 MT C02e, again a reduction from the building sub-sector (0.14%). 3. Public Utilities Energy Savings Retrofits: and: 4. Public Utilities Renewable Energy Solar Photovoltaic Panels: are considered both related to water delivery facilities, and entail a total reduction of274 MT or 1% of the sub-sector. 5. Traffic Operations Traffic Signalization Improvements: 3,299 MT, 0.15% of community transportation emissions. 6. Collier County Master Mobility Plan (MMP): as savings from this project will only be realized in the future, i.e are contingent on population and infrastructure expansion, emission reductions are applied to forecast scenarios, anticipated savings in the community transportation sector are 143,677 MT C02e, for 2030 7. Children's Museum of Naples, green infrastructure elements: total potential GHG savings are 41.52 MT C02e/year. As the museum is currently under construction these reductions are not applied to the baseline County inventory, but can again be considered inforecast scenarios. 8. Development of a comprehensive green building code inspection training program for 23 employees of the Collier County Building Department: this project is not evaluated as it is unclear how inspection related training would encourage the installation of the targeted systems (solar hot water and photovoltaic systems). At the time of writing, emission reductions that could be reasonably achieved if all EECBG projects are fWlded as proposed amouut to 4,283 MT C02e or 2.4% Gf 2007 government emissions. Since all government emissions amount to 3.5% of the total of Collier County emissions, the eight proposed projects would result in a reduction of 0.085% of community emissions. By 2030 this is increased to 2% of the community emissions (in a business as usual scenario) as reductions from new projects materialize. 4.3.3 Landfill Gas to Energy Project The County is also proposing a landfill-gas-to-energy project in conjunction with Waste Management to capture currently flared methane at the County landfill. At least five Caterpillar G3516 generator sets (LFGTE Agreement, 2008) are projected to produce a maximum 6MW of power which, once a power purchase agreement is negotiated with FPL, will be fed into the grid (or used for direct government consumption). Staff at Waste Management (Michele Lersh, Leslie Wong, pers. comm.) confirmed that there are no plans to add a synthetic cap (and reduce the 25% of fugitive methane emissions) so while direct (scope I) methane emissions will not be reduced, a reduction in FPL generated electricity can be reasonably expected. [Note that while the County's contract with WM does maintain 'ownership' of any renewable offset or carbon credits from the project, to the best of our knowledge these numbers have not been explored. It is recommended that Collier County maintain a close eye on the rapidly developing carbon markets to maximize revenue generating potentiaL] WM staff also confirmed that the power generation estimates were based on projected emissions (specifically EPA landgem spreadsheets). These modeled numbers differ from that reported to the DEP as actually flared. Hence the expected 6MW is considered the top end of potential power. We estimate twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas inventory 31liJ'5 A electricity offsets using 4 MW generated (the conservative number also accounts for transmissions losses and equipment downtime) as: 4 megawatts is 4000 kilowatts, and as landfill gas is produced 24/7, in a year this would generate: 4000 x 24 x 365 = 35,040,000 kWh the equivalent of21,000 MT C02, or 11.8% of2007 government emissions, 0.41 % community emissions. 4.3.4 Summary of Planned Reductions By 2010, considering that all DOE projects are funded and implemented and the LFGTE project is up and running, GHG savings would amount to 4,283 MT (DOE) and 21,000 (LFGTE) MT per year, or 14.3% of the government baseline emissions and 0.5% of community emissions. By 2030, if the MMP takes effect, these savings can be applied to the community sector giving an additional reduction of 143,719 MT. Assuming no other projects are initiated, reductions (from the business as usual projected emissions number for 2030) would be 169,002 MT or 2.5%. 4.4 Emission Estimates Figure 11 depicts expected trajectories of County GHG emissions; note these are whole community numbers, not specific to the government analysis. 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 ~ ~ 7,000000 c .s 6000,000 u E .. .s .. N o o 2: 8u~::a;usual / ~- ~ _..r--~r /~:~---/5: Planned reductions 1: 8asellne 5000,000 4,000000 3,000.000 2.000000 1,000000 o 3: Conserv~ive 4: Agr~~ive 2007 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2036 2040 2045 2050 Year Figure 7: Emission Estimates, County-wide Line 1: this static line represents the baseline emissions for 2007 at 5,034,124 MT. Reductions are considered from this baseline number. Line 2: the business-as-usual trajectory illustrates no change in energy use practice, The EIA (see above) describes some slowdown of emissions per unit of energy used but also note it is very difficult to predict what will happen, particularly given the unsettled state of recently proposed national legislative attention. Data presented thus show what is considered the worst case scenario, twentyfifty'- www.twenty~fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 32 '5 A Line 3: shows a conservative approach to GHG reductions, with a proposed 50% reduction from baseline (2007) by 2050. This approach is the recommended course of action for Collier County given its substantial probable future population growth, and the likelihood that federal and international efforts will provide the necessary extra impetus to meet scientifically suggested targets (i.e 80% by 2050). Line 4: is the aggressive approach to GHG stabilization. It is suggested that for atmospheric C02 concentration to be limited to a level at which global temperature rise is less than about 2'C, concentrations should be at or below 450ppm, which for the US, means a reduction of 80% by 2050. Line 5: shows the difference from the business-as-usual scenario with planned GHG reduction projects (DOE and LFGTE). 4.5 Proposed Target Reduction County government can, through the realization of these planned projects, assert a strong leadership role and meet an aggressive reduction target. 15% by 2015 would be possible (mostly due to the LFGTE project). Community emissions, however, will continue to rise, checked only by better transportation planning, (although those savings are contingent on growth which itself entails additional fuel and energy use). Note that government emissions are only about 3.5% those of the whole community. Suggested projects and endeavors which might serve to reduce community generated emISSIOns are provided in Part 5. Given that County government is not only well placed to realize reductions and concomitant cost savings in terms of overall county energy use, it is considered that the best focus of attention, with the 'bar' set fairly high (by government projects), is the community sector. The 'conservative' scenario (line 3) in the graph below sets a target of a 10% reduction (from baseline) by 2020,20% by 2030 and 50% by 2050. (This is ir, line with similar discussions at the Ci~y ofNap:es). n.e difference between line 2, business as usual projected emissions, and line 3 (conservative reduction) gives a sense of how much emissions would have to be reduced or avoided in reality to make those targets; 503,413 MT by 2020, 3,156,540 MT by 2030 and 6,886,661 MT by 2050. Put ditferently, in 2007 the per capita 'carbon footprint' for each County resident was 15.22 MT, in 2020 this would need to be 11.3, in 2030: 8.5 MT and in 2050: 4.07 MT. So while some assistance may come from the 'outside', if the County is serious about reducing emissions it does not appear that that 'help' will be enough and programs and endeavors will be required at a local level. Florida residents have a higher per capita electricity use than the rest of the US. As described (and illustrated by the inventory source comparisons) this is largely related to our reliance on electricity for cooling purposes. The Department of Energy (DOE, 2009) show 6,529 kWh used annually per Florida resident (4,594 kWh pp/yr nationally). Data generated for this inventory show that in 2007,2,545,754,772 kWh was used by 330,656 residents, 7,699 per person. Regional climatic differences clearly have a part to play but if Collier County residents could reach the state average it would entail a savings of 1,170 kWh per year, a ]5% reduction and collectively 234,047 MT, almost halfthe goal (10% reduction) by 2020. Can each person reduce their electrical use by 15%? A one degree upwards adjustment on AC settings can save 10% of the bill, lowering water heaters by 10'F can save 5% of their annual operating costs (33.924 kWh and nearly $4,000 per household). There are many ways to trim usage and cut costs, the problem is that often people simply do not know what to do. twentyfifty - www.twenty~fifty.com t 5A Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 33 Part 5: Conclusions and Next Steps In this section . Inventory summary . Applying the results . Procedural issues: re-inventory, action plan development, policy and land development code implications . The outlook for climate and energy through 2050 and beyond 5.0 Introduction While any action or direction to promote GHG reductions will be the decision of County leaders, in this section the major findings of the inventory are summarized and considered in the context of best practice examples from around the country. Ideas that are considered appropriate for Collier County are suggested. 5.1 Summary of findings The emissions profile from the community analysis of Collier County is similar to other municipalities in south Florida, with transportation a significant component, heavy reliance on electricity as a fuel source and, with over 30% of emissions from homes and residences, the sense that consumer education may hold part of the key to energy use and GHG reductions. 'Ownership' of emissions from the County owned landfill has increased the government proportion of whole to 3.5% (municipalities typically comprise about 3% of the total) The additional detail in ICLEl's revised LGOP and 2009 CACP software allows better understanding of the spread of government sector emissions and show that water (potable and waste water) and solid waste service carry a significant GHG 'cost' to the County. The comparatively smaller contribution by County facilities is likely in part due to past efforts to trim on-site utility bills and should be commended, as should adoption of the Commuter Services program, which may serve to reduce the 18% of government emissions attributable to employee commute. Projecting emissions through coming decades, while not an exact science, shows that as the region plans and expects more growth, GHG emissions will continue to rise, significantly so unless local policies complement those from other political (and market) sources. If the planned reduction projects described are fully implemented along with additional measures suggested below, it is feasible that the County could meet a reduction target of 10% (from baseline) by 2020, 20% by 2030 and 50% by 2050. 5.2 Applying the Results To consider how the County might set about reducing emissions, we first evaluate planned projects, consider what areas need further attention, and then present some ideas. 5.2.1 Observations from the Collier County inventory; . The proposed LFGTE project has the potential to significantly reduce waste sector emissions (and government emissions overall) and should be actively pursued along with any other improved waste management projects. twenty fifty - www.twenty~fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 34 "SA . Projects requesting funding from the DOE are focused, for the most part, on energy savings from internal governmental operations. The inventory shows that the vast majority of GHG impacts are from private homes and businesses, along with the transportation sector. A focus on community- wide projects and efforts would not only havc greater impact on total emissions but be of more direct fiscal benefit to County residents. Examples from other regions are presented below. . A considerable portion of DOE requested funds are for the proposed Master Mobility Plan (MMP) to allow better planning of growth in the eastern County. There is no doubt that a strategic, encompassing and objective consideration of future infrastructure needs and siting is crucial. However from a GHG reduction standpoint, prudence must be exercised in asserting reductions from additional growth, unless many aspects of that growth are low-energy. Jt is also noted that if estimates of projected sea level rise are accurate, and we do not succeed in stabilizing global temperatures to maintain the physical geography of the County as we know it, it is likely that Collier will become a much less attractive relocation destination approaching mid-century Hence it is something of a double edged sword. If we plan better but fail to include measures to protect the climate, that growth may not materialize anyway. The MMP should be revised to provide an opportunity to implement other GHG reduction efforts as well as include an exercise in vulnerability and adaptation (managed retreat in worse case scenarios and/or budgeting for coastal protection). This will require considerable coordination between a variety of state and local entities. 5.2.2 Additional Ideas Considering then that emission reductions should be focused on reducing energy consumption in Collier homes and businesses, ICLEI staff provided a number of 'Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategies' (EECS) for the purpose of generating best practice ideas. The EECS is required for receipt of DOE funds; mumcipalities must layout their energy reduction goals and describe efforts to attain thern. [County staff completed a strategy internally for Collier County focusing on EECBG projects]. Summaries of strategies to generate some ideas are: Sarasota County, Florida A GHG inventory completed for Sarasota County in 2005 produced findings similar to those in Collier County; residential building emissions (30% of the total) were of particular concern, representing a higher percentage of community emissions than the national average. Sarasota County's strategy thus focuses in part on reaching the goal of a 20% reduction in energy use from municipal buildings but also implements a Community Energy Retrofit Incentive Program (CERlP) to provide full energy audits and financial incentives for improvements on residential and non-profit properties. Through a combination of rebates and a revolving loan fund, the County hopes to help residents not only identify how to save money but reduce the barrier of upfront costs. The program will also save and create much needed jobs in the construction sector. The third component is a broad reaching education and awareness campaign, using various media avenues, and a targeted door to door campaign in select low income neighborhoods providing the information above as well as hands-on suggestions of simple energy improvements that could save residents money including distribution of compact fluorescent light bulbs for immediate use. City of Durham, North Carolina Strategy components and goals are summarized: (1) Reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from city-owned buildings through Performance Contracting, with a specific target of20% reduction in the buildings included in the retrofit program. (2) Reduce energy use through some specific, high-prottle, quick payback upgrades (3) Establish an energy management system and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategic Plan for city facilities twenty fifty -- www.twenty~fihy.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 35 ~ 5 A (4) Train and foster a work force of professional contractors experienced in energy efficiency upgrades. IS professionals will be trained in energy efficiency techniques to greatly impact residential energy demand. (5) Develop a community outreach program to reduce energy use in and greenhouse gas emissions from residences in the City, with a specific objective of reducing energy use by 20% from 350 homes. Home installations will be paired with neighbor-to-neighbor training on additional easy, no or low-cost efficiency upgrades. In addition, contractors will receive training in proper assessment and installation, thus creating a knowledgeable workforce. Utility bills from all participating homes will be monitored before and after upgrades are complete to calculate energy savings, financial savings, and C02 equivalents avoided. The City will also collect information on further energy efficiency measures taken, including home retrofits and energy-efficient behaviors, to assess the impacts of the education program paired with the retrofits. Durham also plans to use funds to create a Sustainability Manager position responsible for implementing, revising and monitoring the programs described. City afTallahassee, Florida The City runs its own electrical utility and hence focuses efforts on electricity demand programs including: piloting new rebate programs, targeting commercial and residential customers, refining the SmartMeter program (using the technology to improve energy audits and refine rate structures in an effort to motivate energy efficient practices). Kansas City, Missouri The conservation strategy highlights the reliance on fossil fuel sources of energy and summarizes objectives for energy, vehicle use reductions and expanded renewable energy capability by 2020 in the city's Climate Protection Plan. A great many programs and projects spanning all sectors are proposed to achieve the following GHG reduction goals: 10% below year 2000 levels by 2010, 20% by 2015, and 30% by 202(" Also noted in [he strategy is the concept that the City, while accepting thal'external factors will assist in GHG reduction efforts, will not rely upon state and/or federal actions as significant contributors to achieving the City's reduction goals. Programs to achieve the goal include: energy efficiency enhancements in municipal and Citywide facilities (retrofits, construction training programs, weatherization for low income households, waste to energy projects, traffic signal synchronization, development ofa Green Impact Zone (and Climate Sustainability Center). City of Sarasota, Florida With a relatively small allocation under the block grant program ($598,000) the City is proposing to divide the funds between municipal and community focused efforts. For government facilities, projects include electric vehicles, solar hot water heaters and lighting retrofits while at the community level, the City will partner with Sarasota County in the development and implementation of the community energy audit and education program described above. Additionally, a training program is proposed to prepare workers (focusing on those from low income neighborhoods) to perform advanced water meter retrofits. The summaries presented are a small fraction of municipalities utilizing EECBG lunds are and are not necessarily, therefore, reflective of all. However it is noted that all communities assessed recognize that to make meaningful cuts in energy use, programs which effectively target the resident population are crucial along with the creation of jobs. The reduction targets reviewed are typically more aggressive than that proposed for Collier County, even for those communities which are far less geographically vulnerable. twenty fifty - www.twenty~fjfty.com ~1<5A Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 36 5.2.3 Recommendations Both from a scientific basis (results ofthe inventory) and socio-economic standpoint (putting tax revenues to work equitably for all tax payers) it is crucial to include programs that help residents reduce their energy use. Some suggestions for either revision of the existing application or new programs are as follows: ]. Given the slowdown in the construction industry one of the best examples may be from Sarasota County (potentially revising project 8 of Collier County's proposal, regarding training of code inspectors), whereby County, or other construction, staff are trained to conduct and implement energy awareness site visits, audits and/or retrofits targeting sectors of the community that may not have the ability to pay but are clearly the most at need. This could entail expansion of the "Be Green When Green Makes Cents" program underway in government facilities. Three simple suggestions for reducing building energy bills are: replacement of lights with energy efficiency compact fluorescents, turning down temperature settings on hot water heaters and proper management of climate control (AC settings). Considering logistics and potential savings, it is estimated that participating households could save at least 10% of their annual electric bill, so for the entire residential sector, 154,000 MT or 3% of the community total. There are approximately 140,000 homes in the County. A six month door-to-door program, with 4 homes helped per staff member per day, with a ten person team, could reach 250 (days) x 10 (staft) x 4 (homes) = 10,000 homes. Employing creative ways to expand outreach (such as the neighbor to neighbor training noted or addressing community groups or associations) could make the target of reaching all homeowners possible. These are relatively simplistic suggestions and calculations. The underlying theme is to keep staff in depressed industry sectors employed while at the same time help community members to reduce their operating costs and reduce emissions county-wide. Building codes for new construction could be revised to encourage LEED construction techniques and the application of renewable energy technologies (for example solar hot water systems). 2. ]n tandem a comprehensive and wide reaching media education campaign focusing on energy management and efficiency specific to our region, and targeting all sectors could be developed and implemented (we note that an educational component is part of existing EECBG applications via exhibits at the Children's Museum but suggest a plan to meet broader audiences). A recent report (McKinsey, 2009) found that Americans waste $130 billion a year on unnecessary energy use. Strategies and programs are needed to stem this loss for our County residents. 3. Rather than provide upfront cash incentives, the County could provide free energy saving devices (lightbulbs or home energy meters for example) only to those households that provide evidence they have implemented behavioral elements to reduce consumption. ("The cheapest and easiest kWh to save is the one not used", Jeb Bush). 4. The business sector at 26% of emissions needs to be similarly targeted. A number of municipalities have implemented a Green Business Recognition Program; the City of Naples is planning to commence development of such a program later this year. As a voluntary program this is a market based approach that will incentivize businesses to reduce resource consumption and gain from growing consumer awareness and desire for environmentally and socially responsible products and services. Costs, for the County are staff, consultants or out-sourced program managers, but it is again (with creative linkages and awareness raising) a strategic way to reach broad sectors of the community. 5. Transportation related emissions are the highest sector proportionally, but one of the hardest to target because of our geographically driven reliance on automobiles. There is no single solution to reduce fuel use. Expanding mass-transit, promoting walkability and bike paths, traffic flow improvements, planning twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 37 SA for more compact and condensed communities, sidewalk improvements and reducing employee commute are all underway at the government level. Apart from a few propane powered County fleet vehicles, minor, private use of converted vegetable oil powered cars and recent news that CAT plans to purchase two hybrid buses, there is fairly minimal use of alternative fuels in our community. Many other municipalities, as shown above, are expanding electric powered vehicles (locally the Pelican Bay Foundation is exploring conversion of its tram fleet to solar powered hybrids), but in general, regarding alternative fuels, it is accepted that technology is limited, costs are high and most projects are exploratory in nature. With these challenges notwithstanding and continuing the programs noted above, additional transportation related elements to promote are: includc employee commute criteria in the proposed green business program, enhance attention to markets and technologies with regards to alternative fuel (for example compressed natural gas and biofuels), continue and expand low cost incentive programs (for example, bicycle helmet or lights give-aways) and continue the transportation related programs underway. 5.3 Action Items The approach prescribed by ICLEI follows a 5-step procedure whereby participating municipalities make a commitment, assess their energy use/emissions, consider how to reduce them, implement the mechanisms (develop new or amend existing policies etc) to make those reductions a reality and finally, assess the results. With this framework in mind, next steps are: 1) Establish the following reduction targets: 10% by 2020, 20% by 2030, 50% by 2050. 2) Collate a summary of the baseline inventory, all energy savings related projects, together with additional programs (including but not limited to those described below) into a comprehensive Collier County Climate Action Plan. Identify within the plan how GHG reduction measures tie into other County and regional efforts (such as the Master Mobility Plan, Coastal Management Plans and Land Development Codes). Include an assessment of the impacts of climate change and energy management in existing plans and cndes to ensure the County anticipates and budgets properly for all potential changes in Collier County through at least the next forty years. 3) Pursue the LFGTE project along with other waste management projects. 4) Continue goverrnnent based work: i) building energy retrofits, ii) street lighting replacements to high efficiency bulbs, iii) alternative fuel vehicles, and iv) promote the commuter services program. 5) Continue the community focused transportation programs such as traffic signal optimization. 6) Establish new community oriented programs to include: i) a community focused "Be Green when Green makes Cents" program, or equivalent and ii) a Green Business Program. (Additional programs could be described within in the planned Master Mobility Plan and potentially be funded through additional grant monies or other sources). 7) Carry out an energy use/greenhouse gas emissions re-inventory in 3-5 years to measure progress. twenty fifty -- www.twenty~fifty.com Collier County Greenhouse Gas Inventory 38 '5 A 5.4 Climate, energy and Collier County through the next century The need to address energy use and be prepared to adapt to physical changes in our environment is considered imperative at many levels (almost all the scientific community, local state, national and international political leaders, all national public scientific institutions, many large corporations and much of the public). Economic analyses of the cost of climate change (Stanton and Ackerman, 2007, Stern, 2007) point out that, much like buying an insurance policy, small, timely, anticipatory efforts cost a fraction of the 'big fixes' potentially required at a later date if preventive action is not taken. For Collier County where considerable real estate and infrastructure is located in low lying coastal regions, and an economy where tourism and continued population expansion are critical clements, this holds especially true. The Securities and Exchange Commission recently directed 'at risk' institutions' including insurance companies to address how climate change may affect their business (New York Times, 7-13-09). For many who have watched home insurance rates rise or had policies cancelled in the name of reducing liability, this is a frightening prospect for Florida homeowners (and consequently local leaders). Why then, given the apparent urgency and understanding, has progress to date been so slow? The action needed to slow or stabilize atmospheric GHG concentrations entails adjusting how we use energy. While this is not a simple fix, our county is clearly one of the most vulnerable in the nation to the impacts of climate change. By 2050, predictions of average temperature range in southwest Florida range from l-5'F warmer than 2000, and sea level rise 5-16" (Beever et ai, 2009). Its fate at the hands of climate change depends on action worldwide. Yet as a supremely vulnerable area it is critical that Collier County do its own 'part in trying to influence its future, This report is a start, not a solution, but hopefully provides something of a signpost as to the direction regional leaders should take to re-tool our energy use. Namely focus on direct end-use energy use reductions and etIective mass-transit and transportation policies. With leadership and assistance, residents and business owners can save money while addressing the problem. This is clearly a win-win solution for all and potentially crucial to tne future of our community. twenty fifty- www.twenty-fifty.com Appendix I: Climate Change and ICLEI 5A ApPENDIX I: BACKGROUND ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ICLEI PROGRAM Background Climate change is considered by the vast majority of the world's scientific community and nation states to be real, underway, related to our use of fossil fuels and as having the potential to dramatically and transform society as we know it. Climate Change Overview The connection between atmospheric carbon dioxide (C02) concentration and temperature (the greenhouse effect) has been understood for over 100 years (Arrhenius, 1896). Indeed life on Earth is made possible by the warming effect of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The sun radiates energy primarily in the form of visible light and about a third of the energy headed toward Earth is reflected back into space by the atmosphere and the planet's light-colored surfaces (the albedo effect). Most of the remaining two-thirds of the sun's energy is absorbed by Earth's surface which re- radiates the sun's energy in the form ofheat. Much of this heat energy passes back through the atmosphere and escapes into space. Some bounces off atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) and returns toward the planet surface. The result is a warm surface and warm lower atmosphere. This "greenhouse effect" makes our world hospitable for life as we know it. Without greenhouse gases, earth's surface would average - 20F (-190C) instead of the prevailing ambient 570F (WC). Figure I: The Greenhouse Effect In the period since 1750, known as the industrial era, atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations have risen exponentially. Charles Keeling documented rising atmospheric CO2 in the famous 1950's measurements at Mauna Loa (Keeling and Whorf, 2004). The most dramatic increases have been in the last 50 years. For the past 10,000 years, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have stayed within a narrow range, between 260 and 300 parts per million (ppm). As of 2005, global CO2 concentrations were 379 ppm, a 35% increase since 1750. Methane (CH4), another greenhouse gas, concentrations doubled during the industrial era. As a consequence, the heat-trapping ability of our atmosphere is now greatly enhanced (Solomon et aI, IPCC 2007). Average global temperatures have risen 1.440F over the last century (IPCC, 2007). Sea level has risen 6- 8"; a warmer planet is melting ice caps and oceans are expanding as they absorb much of the heat (IPCC, twenty fifty ~ www.twenty-fifty.com Appendix 1: Climate Change and [CLEf u5A 2007). Scientists such as Ben Santer at the Laurence Livermore Laboratory have produced models that show this level of warming would not be evident without the contribution of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels (fingerprinting studies) (Santer et ai, 1995). Natural sources of greenhouse gases include volcanoes, aerosols and water vapor (Karl and Trenburth, 2003). The 1ntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that post-industrial increases in greenhouse gas concentrations are not due to a natural mechanism; increases in greenhouse gas concentrations are from human activities. 49 billion metric tons (Gt) of C02e were emitted in 2004 due to human activities (IPCC, 2007). "1..0 F_?'-.... b) '~';:;~'.I'. ,,'. v~~.:;;, 0.) \ S6(i~. n~t(),".ta:t"'~ ,u,<~)el __ n,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~!C) 1::P <3& a) '" 40' S. 3.9.4 - I ~ <;1 30' <5 " 6.20 . 35E .. c) 1970 1980 2000 2oo.l 1990 o GG; ~'r," 'O.'\~" -c,'; ,,><! ",'<I ,!l'~' ""-..":-"', c: ~G..' ';1.0', 1o-,<,re,IJ!t<)o .1<:0:.;0', "",: C,'," CH,h;c,'~,n"'" '~'JSIO~'I<1.""rg:.' . N.C'o:,"",,:'<"llu'~,'OC~Ih.''1i :; '",;':>',<" At a national level, overall, total GHG emissions rose 17% from 1990 to 2007 (EPA, 2009). In 2007, the primary greenhouse gas emitted by human activities in the United States was CO2, representing approximately 85.4% of total emissions. The largest source of CO2, (and of overall GHG emissions), was fossil tuel combustion, primarily from coal fired power plants. OJ I'~""'~ Figure 2.' (a) Global annual emissions of anthropogenic GHCi-sfrom 1970 to 2004.5 (b) Share of different anthropogenic GllGs in total emissions in 2004 in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents (C02- eq). (c) Share of different sectors in total anthropogenic GHG emissions in 2004 in terms oIC02-eq. (Forestry includes deforestation.) (IPCe, 2007) r.,','" "N~,,'~"M'"''''''''',l''''' ~,a';'" i ,~oo.ll",., 13.5.... ,.,O~ ,:.(l~ ,,~(, "' .,.~{, J:: ..00 ;:, s.oc ~, ~. J~C ~K ,~ ~:9 .'C' = ,. ~, " "'J( lO~ , .~o~, .~~ l%l ,~~: :~9: 1<,<<4 1""5 ,~,.. '!I!<- ;!oS~ 1~9~ ,:xl(; ~c'n :oc.: ;:Dn~ ~w., := 2{i(',f, :,~(,-, F'gMlO' E,s-3' C,lfnl.'.;;j,,!e C~ar.gl! ",Ar,TtlJ3i J S Gl",el"!\()"~,, Ga~ Em'~"Dn!I Relat,..,;. 10 1~:'tD Figure 3: US. GRG emissions (EPA 2009) In summary, it is clear that the release of greenhouse gases from human activities, most notably burning hydrocarbons, is a key element in recently observed warming. A greenhouse gas inventory quantifies emissions, comparatively, so that they can be managed and hopefully reduced. Impacts of Climate Change in Collier County A brief summary of the anticipated effects of climate change include (see Pew, 2009); . Continued global temperature rise, Continued rise in global sea levels (related to temperature rise as oceans warm and expand and glaciers and icecaps melt). Mid-range projections are for a rise of 2-3 feet by 2100. . twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Appendix 1: Climate Change and ICLEI III 5A . Changes in marine and terrestrial habitat zones (for plants, including agricultural species, and wildlife). Further loss of coral reefs from bleaching and more frequent harmful algal blooms like red tide will occur, all exacerbated by rising temperatures. . Alterations in marine species lifecycles and distributions as CO2 is absorbed by the oceans leading to reduced Ph (acidification). . More intense and sporadic rainfall (tlooding in some locations, drought in others) with additional pressure on aquifer water resources (from continued saltwater intrusion as seas push inland). Water will become more expensive as it becomes harder and more energy intensive to extract and treat it. . The potential of climate refugees, forced to flee inundated coastal areas. . Spread of vector borne disease. Estimated Sea LE'YE'l Rise- 20:'0 Figure 4: Potential sea level rise. 2050 (from Beever et ai, 2009) CHAAI.O. TE._--1 I For Florida, particularly low lying tourism dependant coastal areas, the ramifications are potentially very serious. Governor Charlie Crist has described Florida as the most vulnerable state in the nation to the effect of climate change. The Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council and Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program released a draft climate change vulnerability assessment in June (Beever et ai, 2009) which asserts that not only is climate change already underway in our region, but that of the study area (Sarasota, Charlotte, Lee and Collier Counties), Collier has the greatest area and percentage of total land vulnerable to sea level rise. The report identifies alteration of hydrology as the region's most critical issu". A report from Tufts University (Stanton and Ackermann, 2007), estimated the financial loss to various sectors of the Florida economy at $92 billion by 2050. Legend CONTOUR ; ~~" :~:: ~.~':,::- Addressing the Issue Local, state and federal governments, recognize that solutions lie in our ability to cut energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to levels which would stabilize atmospheric CO, concentration at or below 450 ppm (currently 380 ppm and rising) (!PCC, 2007) a level which is considered to keep warming within 2"C, minimizing the likelihood of large scale melting of terrestrial ice sheets and other positive feedbacks (various, see Pew 2009, Shepherd and Wingham, 2007). The following discussion is not intended to be exhaustive but gives some sense of action at varying political levels. International Efforts The U.S. is one of 192 countries that signed the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994, which requires regular reporting of GHG emissions (Gillenwater, 2008). This international treaty is aimed at stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would 'prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system' (IPCC, 2007). The U.S. twenty fifty - www.twenty.fifty.com Appendix I: Climate Change and ICLEf IV 5 A Environmental Protection Agency is the agency charged with providing national GHG inventories for reporting purposes (EP A, 2008) The UNFCCC is a framework or umbrella treaty; the real work required by signatories is spelled out in a series of protocols, most recently at Kyoto in 1997 which the U.S. did not sign. A successor to the Kyoto protocol will be drawn up late this year in Copenhagen (see UNFCCC, 2009). The new protocol is expected to not only include the U.S. but to address developing countries in a manner more equitable than Kyoto. National Developments The Obama administration has made public commitments to establish a national climate policy. Developments to date have been: 1) the 'endangerment finding' that CO2 is a pollutant "with measurable harmful effects to human health', by the EPA (open for public comment as of June 2009, and to be addressed and potentially regulated under the Clean Air Act) (various media, see New York Times, 4-18- 09) and 2) drafting of an Energy Bill (American Clean Energy and Security Act) passed by the House in June and being debated in the Senate at the time of writing. Legislation is not expected to be finalized until late this year or early 2010. The bill will set emission limits for utility and manufacturers requiring over-emitters to purchase credits and under-emitters to be able to trade offsets (Brown, 2009). The Kyoto protocol required signatories to establish a cap and trade system (to reduce GHG emissions by 5.2% of their 1990 levels by the end of2012) (UNEP, 2007). While Kyoto was not ratified by the United States, a number of voluntary carbon trading mechanisms have been established. For example: the Western Climate Initiative (established in February 2007) which comprises seven U.S. states and four Canadian provinces (WCI, 2009), ten mid-western states in the Midwestern Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord, (;V\W Accord, 2009), and the Regional Greenhouse Gas 1n;tia;ive launched on January I, 2009, with nine Northeast states in a cap and trade emissions program for power generators (RGGI, 2009). The voluntary Chicago Climate Exchange has a wide membership of corporations and municipalities which trade carbon offsets or renewable energy credits; a demonstrable reduction in GHG emissions from the status quo must be evident (CCX, 2009). Also of relevance in terms of GHG emissions is a ruling (again by the EPA) that entities emitting over 25,000 metric tons of CO,e per year are required to report those emissions. Local Action Many local governments, including the city of Naples, have signed the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, a non-binding pledge to assess and reduce their impacts on global climate change (Mayors Agreement, 2009). Over 500 signatories have taken the next step and joined ICLEI (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) (ICLEI, 2009) which provides guidelines for municipal level inventories and reductions of GHG emissions. While climate change is a global issue, it places communities at varying degrees of risk. Local governments must therefore consider adaptation techniques and incorporate impact risks into infrastructure, water, development, and hazard mitigation planning. Local governments also oversee many activities that determine community energy use and waste generation. Thus, local governments can greatly impact local emissions. The severity of probable impacts from climate change necessitates urgent action at all levels; local governments around the world are leading the way. twentyfifty'- www.twenty~fifty.com Appendix 1: Climate Change and lCLEl v SA In addition to the benefits from working to reduce their contributions to global climate change, municipalities can also benefit from GHG reduction measures through: o Reduced Costs: Energy efficiency improvements will result m reduced energy bills for government and citizens alike. Reduced energy consumption also reduces a community's vulnerability to fluctuations in the market price of energy. In an era of rapidly rising fuel prices, this alone is considered reason to act to improve energy efficiency. o Improved air quality and public health: in addition to greenhouse gases, fossil fuels also cause a variety of negative health effects from other pollutants, including sulfur dioxide (S02), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ozone (03), particulate matter (PM) and carbon monoxide (CO). Collier County in particular has a high percentage of older citizens who are especially vulnerable to the impacts of these pollutants. o Community Leadership: Demonstrating vISion in sustainable community planning, globally- minded tourism, future-protecting economic development and taking action for the best interest of its citizens. o Co-Benefits: Many of the available options to reduce emissions also achieve other goals set by the community. Public transportation, bike paths, and walkable communities reduce vehicle emissions while improving a community's livability and promoting active lifestyles. Green building achieves energy efficiency goals while also improving indoor air quality and worker productivity. o Economic Development: By inspiring a transition to a low emlSSlOns society, climate change leadership will result in new opportunities for business development and technological innovation. Businesses that provide "green" products or services have already flourished in Florida due to green building incentives; this expanded program will strengthen that sector of the economy and allow room for others to grow. o Incentives: taking advantage of monetary incentives for climate action such as energy related stimulus funding. Also, should mandates to reduce GHG emissions be issued, our County will be well on its way to complying with future guidelines. ICLEI and Municipal Climate Action The U.S Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement was launched by the Mayor of Seattle in 2005. For more information see www.coolmayors.com. It recognized that the U.S., with 5% of the world's population, is responsible for 25% of global GHG emissions and urges governments to meet or beat the target of reducing emissions to 7% below 1990 levels by 2012. Today 802 cities have signed the agreement, (including Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers and Cape Coral) and many are taking steps, in the absence of federal legislation, towards that goal. Cities can achieve the goals laid out in the Mayor's Agreement, by joining ICLEI and commencing their milestone program. So far, 24 communities in Florida join Collier County in ICLEI including the City of Naples, Key West, Tampa, the City of Sarasota, Gainesville, and Miami-Dade, Orange and Sarasota counties. A study of approximately 100 ICLEI members in the year of 2005 showed that by following CCP action plans, these governments and their communities cumulatively saved $535 million in 2005 fuel and energy costs. Additionally, this group cut 23 million tons of GHG, which is equivalent to eliminating the emissions from 4 million cars each year (ICLE1, June 2007). This movement by local twenty fifty .- www.twenty.fifly.com Appendix 1: Climate Change and JCLEJ VI 5 A municipalities presents significant opportunities for information sharing and collaboration on emissions reduction strategies. The campaign utilizes software to help cItIes estimate their current GHG emISSIons, forecast what population growth might add in the future, and analyze the savings and cost benefits of strategic changes to reduce their emissions. As a member of rCLEr, Collier County is provided access to the software and the assistance and ideas of the network of other progressive cities, towns, and counties across the U.S. which have already started. Through the CCP, communities around the world are following a systematic and standardized process to assess their GHG emissions and to develop a target and plan to reduce them. The Cities for Climate Protection Campaign sets forth five milestones: The Five Milestones: 1. Energy use/Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory: The inventory calculates how much the community and its government are contributing to global emissions in a base year. This report represents the completion of that first milestone in Collier County. It sets the foundation for future climate action by allowing for a scientific assessment of options and a benchmark against which to evaluate progress and quantifiable results. 2. Set a Target: The next step is to assess the options for action and set a reduction target for the community and for government operations. In setting a target, a community should consider goals which are as ambitious as possible but achievable given the powers and resources of the local government. 4. Implementation: Enacting the plan's policies and measures involves actions by both the government and local citizens. Typical policies and measures implemented by CCP participants include energy efficiency improvements to municipal buildings and water treatment facilities, streetlight retrofits, public transit improvements, installation of renewable power applications, methane recovery from waste management, "greener" building codes, and education and outreach programs within the community. .'-. Mdke I Commitm~ . ~~~~ ,. , ~~i:~~~~S I Milestone 2 , '. r Set Target/Goal \ _.- r" Mileston~~ I Mo.nitor/Evaluate ! l_ Progr".~~ \r 3. Local Action Plan: The Plan describes the policies, and measures the local government will take to reduce GHG emissions. The community engages in the development process to establish ownership and to inspire action. Milestone 3. Establish Local Action Plan 5. Monitor and Verify Results: Through a regular evaluation of progress and reassessment of goals and actions, communities ensure their programs are effective and continue to reflect the goals of the people (ICLEI,2007). 'I Milestone 4. Implement Local , Action Plan "---- Figure 5: JCLE!'s Milestone Program twenty fifty - www.twenty~fifty.com , SA Appendix II: EECBG VB ApPENUlX II: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION BLOCK GRANT PROJECT Ev ALVA nONS 1. Facilities Management Energy Efficiency Retrofits A variety of retrofits are proposed at County buildings, most are expansions of existing projects. While kWh savings estimates are shown, the analyses and estimates that lead to those projections (such as existing versus proposed bulb wattages or assumptions with regards to savings that occupancy sensors might entail) were not made available. i) Expansion of chiller system 132,298 kWh and replacement of one unit 280,000 kWh, 246 MT ii) High efficiency lights, occupancy sensors and software to monitor occupancy combined savings shown: 680,092 kWh, 407 MT iii) Conversion to solar carts 6,404 kWh, 4 MT Total savings for facilities retrofits is 657 MT. which is 1.8% of 2007 building sector government emissions (35.554 MT). 2. Parks and Recreation Department Light Fixture Retrofits Lighting retrofits are proposed at two community parks. Lighting vendors were consulted to determine the kW savings. While lamp replacements are the same wattage as existing (1500 per fixture), the technology adjusts the energy draw to power up lighting capacity more smoothly resulting in a reduced overall kW draw. At Immokalee Community Park 162 lamp fixtures will be replaced wi',h a total of 116 lamps. The existing system uses 162 x 1.62 kW x 800 hrs (per year) = 209,952 kWh. Proposed system uses 116 x 1.564 kW x 800 hrs (per year) = 145,139 kWh Gulf Coast Community Park: 48 lamp fixtures at two baseball fields will be replaced with a total of 32 lamps. The existing system uses 48 x 1.62 kW x 800 hrs (per year) ~ 62,208 kWh. Proposed system uses 32 x 1.564 kW x 800 hrs (per year) ~ 40,038 kWh Total energv savings are estimated at 86.983 kWh or 53 MT C02e which is . (These calculations are less than staff show in application materials, no additional information was provided on how the original estimates were made). 3. Public Utilities Energy Savings Retrofits Lights: 2,100 light fixtures with 5,213 replacement high efficiency fluorescent lamps that will provide an energy savings of 407,328 kWh per year, 244 MT. Occupancy sensors: 89 rooms located at four different plants that will provide an energy savings of 41,235 kWh per year, 24 MT. twenty fifty .- www ,twenty~fifty _com Appendix II. EECBG Vlll SA . " ~I 4. Public Utilities Renewable Energy Solar Photovoltaic Panels 42 fixed tilt ground-mounted 200 Watt PY solar panels at the South County Regional Water Treatment Plant, which will then be connected to the plant's electrical system. 9,905 kWh per year, equating to six (6) metric tons of C02. Proiects 3 and 4 (in the absence of detailed proiect information) are considered both related to water delivery facilities. and entail a total reduction 274 MT from 26.801 MT or 1%. 5. Traffic Operations Traffic Signalization Improvements i) Install signalized 'smart' intersections with minimal/no stopping, based on vehicle demand, at eight intersections on a 3.6 mile stretch of Immokalec Road. Using a source trom California, which shows a 7.80/0 increase in efficiency, we see that: 3.6 miles/20 mpg x 42813 vehicles/day ~ 7706 gal/day 7706 gal/day x 7.8% x 200 days/year =. 120,213 gallons/year = 1,062 MT C02e (CACP, light trucks, MY 2005), application materials give 1,057 MT using EPA calculators. ii) Study (using consultants) and implement (County staft) a new signal timing plan for 18 miles on three east-west connector roads. Assuming average fuel use is 0.0465 gallons/mile (DOE "Transportation Energy Data Book"), # vehicles x 0.0465 x miles = average daily fuel consumption (prior to optimization) lmmokalee Road (from US 41 to Collier): 31,549 x 0.0465 x 7 miles = 10,269 gallons Vanderbill Beach Road (from US 41 to Collier): 16,860 x 0.0465 x 7 miles ~ 5,488 galbns Santa Barbara Blvd (from Green to Davis Blvd): 22,998 x 0.0465 x 4 miles ~ 4,278 gallons Total daily fuel consumption, 20,035 gallons, therefore annual (for weekdays) is 5,209,100 gallons. Assuming a fuel savings of 5% fuel efficiency improvement due to reductions in overall delay on a given link, gives a total 974 gallons saved per week, 253,240 gallons per year. Using CACP software, for light trucks MY 2005, shows an equivalent C02 savings of2,242 metric tons (application materials give 2,231 MT using EPA calculators). Total transportation related savings from baseline GHG emissions is 3.299 MT. This is 0.15% the total community transportation emissions for 2007 (2.111.036 MT). 6. Collier County Master Mobility Plan (MMP) Transportation is clearly the most significant oC GHG sources in our region at 42% of total community emissions. Any effort to reduce vehicle miles traveled and increase efficiency is commendable. This project is a planning effort to "help guide Collier County through its next phase of growth efficiently" by optimizing infrastructure siting and new roads. As that growth is anticipated but not actual, emission reductions are applied to forecast scenarios. Emission reduction estimates were made based on the planned growth being more fuel efficient. Project consultants (CH2M Hill) estimated a 10% reduction in total County vehicle miles traveled through implementation of this plan in 2030. Original estimates used an erroneous YMT number of 4] million VMTper year in 2030 (YMT for 2007 was 9.5 million per day, or 3,458,611,520 per year) this number was subsequently revised to 43 million VMT per dav in 2030 (Adam Ahmad and County staff, pers twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com Appendix II EECBG IX 5A comm.). This estimate was based on data in the County's 2006 Long Range Transportation Plan with a projected population in 2030 of 597,000. As shown in 4.2, population projections are somewhat reduced based on the current economic downturn. The inventory allows better estimation of GHG emission reductions. To evaluate the GHG reduction efficacy of this measure, because the changes will only be realized once the addilional development is in place, we use the year 2030 and a business as usual estimate of emissions at that time. Project consultants (CH2MHill) estimate a 10% reduction in all County VMT. However, the plan focuses on development in the eastern County, rightly asserting that unless infrastructure (hospitals, government centers, commercial, parks) is sited adjacent to new homes, residents would drive a disproportionate distance to reach needed amenities. In 2007, approximately 75,000 or 22% of the County's population was located east of County Road 951 (Mike Bosi, pers. comm). Population is projected to reach 472,000 by 2030, a 42% increase overall from 2007) and it is estimated that at that time demographics will shift such that approximately 36% of the County's population will be located in this region. VMT reductions would apply almost entirely to those areas, and in EECBG application materials an estimated 10% of annual VMT would be eliminated. In the absence of the final development picture it's very difficult to project savings. To take a mid-range stance, for the purposes of this exercise we estimate that savings would equate to 10% of the annual transportation related GHG emissions [or 50% o[ the County's population. Assuming a population of 472,000 in 2030 and in a business as usual scenario, 7,183,840 MT C02e per year, 40% of emissions [rom the transportation sector would equate to 2,873,536. If 50% of those emissions are from the eastern County and we can reduce them by 10%, it equates to a savings of 2,873,536 x 50% x 10% = 143,677 MT C02e. 7. Children's Museum of Naples Funding is requested for construction of a variety of projects at the planned Children's Museum of Naples. The facility is planned to open in late 2010. Savings are estimated: Two solar hot water panels, each at 24,000 btu/day = 17.52 Mbtu/year = 5,133 kWh = 3 MT C02e Six 4xl0 PV panels @ lOw/SF = 2.4 kW system* = 3214 kWh = 2 MT C02e *(http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/codes_algsIPVWATTS/versionlf) One 5 kW wind turbine rated at 400,000 btn/day = I 46Mbtu/year = 42,778 kWh = 26 MT C02e Four 500W turbines at 80,000 btu/day = 29.2 Mbtu/year = 8,556 kWh = 5 MT C02e A rainwater harvesting system projected to save 180,000 gallons per year: in 2007 4,530,630,174 gallons of potable water were produced from Collier County's North facility and we attribute 50% of the 'potable conveyance' emissions to this water (the remainder to the south plant), giving a per potable gallon related emission of 0.0064 Ibs (for treatment and delivery only). As wastewater will still be treated at WWT plants, these emissions are not eliminated. Total GHG savings based on not using potable water from County facilities are estimated thus at 180.000 gallons x 0.0064 lbs = 0.52 MT C02e. This assumes that rain supplies the full projected use o[ I 80,000 gallons each year. twenty fifty ~ www.twenty.fifty.com Appendix II EECBG A live or green roof is planned for 1,161 square feet and savings are estimated at 7,484 kWh per year equating to 5 MT C02e. No details about the assumptions inherent in these estimates of kWh savings are available. Total potential GHG savings are 41.52 MT C02e/year. As the museum is an still under construction these reductions are not applied to the baseline County inventory, but can be considered in forecast scenarios. 8. Development of a comprehensive green building codes inspection training program for 23 employees of the Collier County Building Department. Application materials estimate that "approximately 400 of each system (Solar Water Systems and Photovoltaic Systems) will be installed throughout Collier County in the short term". This is projected to save each home that installs the systems, 3,500 and 4,500 kWh respectively. As installation of these systems is subject to markets and private homeowners, these reductions are not applied to the baseline County emissions, but can be considered infarecas! scenarios. twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com x 5A 5A Appendix 11/ Data Sources Xl ApPENDIX III: DATA SOURCES General Information and Background Skip Camp, Department of Facilities Management, Director, 239-252-8380, SkinCamp@colliergov.net Damon Gonzales, Department of Facilities Management, Facilities Manager 239-252-8380, DamonGonzalesia!co 11 iergov. net JohnTorre, Director, Communication and Customer Relations, 239-252-8011, iohntorreia!colliergov.net Electricity Florida Power and Light, Kate Donofrio, FPL Government Account Specialist, 239-434-1254, kate donofrioia!fpl.com LCEC, Trish Dorn, Key Account Executive, 239-656-2164, Tricia.Dornia!lcec.net, Colleen Humphries, Key Account Executive, 239-656-2206, Colleen.Humphriesia!lcec.net Natural Gas TECO Peoples Gas, Lance Horton, Director, Business Services, 813-228-4561, lehortonia!tecoenergV.com Propane Community Analysis: Department of Revenue tax receipts at http://dor.mvtlorida.com/dor/taxes/colls from 7 2003.html Further infonnation from the Bureau of Liquefied Gas Inspection at http://www.doacs.state.tl.us/standard/lpgas/. John Antonio, 850-251-6851 Government Analysis: Collier County Transportation, Dan Croft, 239-793-5655, DanCroftia!colliergov.net Coliier County Facilities Management, Damon Gonzales, 'r'acilities'Manager 23<;-2:;2-8380, DamonGonzales@collierQov.net Community Transportation Traffic data at http://www.dOl.state.tl.us/planning/statistics/mileage-rots/public.shtm Gordon Morgan, Florida Department of Transportation, 850-414-4730, gordon.morgania!dol.state.tl.us Department of Revenue tax receipts at http://dor.mvtlorida.comJdor/taxes/certgallons07.xls Air Transportation Collier County Airports fuel sold: Robert Tweedie, Airport Manager, Collier County Airport Authority, 239-642-7878, RobertTweedieia!colliergov.net Facility electric accounts, Debi Mueller, Office Manager, Collier County Airport Authority, 239-642- 7878 exl. 36, DebiMueller(iiJ,colliergov.net Naples Municipal Airport, fuel sold, Ryan Frost, Director of Airport Operations, Naples Airport Authority 239-643-3773, rfrostia!tlvnaples.com Vehicle Fleet Collier County Transportation, Dan Croft, 239-793-5655, DanCroftia!colliergov.net Collier County Sheriffs Office, Michelle Beatty, CCSO Fleet Office Coordinator, 239-530-5690, mowensia!co 11 iersheri ff. net Employee Commute Commuter Services, Lauren Henry Lane, Commuter Services Outreach Coordinator, 1.866.585.RIDE www.ComrnuterServicesFL.com.LaurenHenrv(Q)urscoro.com twentyfifty - www.twenty-fifty.com SA ~"r If$, Appendix III Data Sources XII Refrigerants Collier County Facilities Management, Kurt Jokela, Senior HV AC Technician, 239-252-8380 Waste Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Total Tons Managed by County, 2007 at hup ://appprod.dep.state. fl. us/www rcraJreports/WRJRecy cling/2006A nnualReport/ A ppendixA/4 A -1 . pdf Collier County Solid Waste, Beth Ryan, 239-252-8480, BethRvanla1colliergov.net, Jodi Walters, JodiWaltersla1colliergov.net, Sheree Mediavilla, 239-252-5375. ShereeMediavillala1colliergov.net Waste Management, Fernando Casey, District Manager, 239-776-5565, fcasev2la1wm.com, DEP, Sherill Culliver, South District, Environmental Manager, Compliance and Enforcement, 239-332- 6975 ext. 142, sherrill.culliver@den.state.fl.us Transit Collier County Area Transport, CAT, Michelle Arnold, Director, Alternative Transportation Modes, 239- 252-2440 MichelleArnoldla1colliergov.net, fuel usage provide by Dan Croft, see vehicle fleet. Water County totals provided by: Collier County Water Administration, James Price, Technical Support Professional, 239-252-6246, iamespricela1colliergov.net Waste Water Data and background information provided by: Collier County Wastewater Department, Jon Pratt, Manager, North County Water Reclamation Facility, 239-597-5355, ionprattla1colliergov.net Population Projections Collier County Comprehensive Planning, MiKe Bosi, Plannmg Manager, 259-252-6819, MichaeIBosila1co lliergov .net County Staff Numbers Ofelia Tallon, Interim Compensation Manager Board of Collier County, 239-252-8715, Ofe I ia Tallonla1co lliergov .net EECBG Background information provided by: Collier County Grant Coordinator, Marlene Foord, Administrative Services, 239-252-4768, marlenefoordla1colliergov.net Details on park lighting projects, Vicky Ahmad, Collier County Parks and Recreation, Vicky Ahmad@colliergov.net and Lewis Gilbert. Musco Lighting, http://www.musco.com/contact.html. 954-629-9235 Details on MMP, Claudine Auclair, Principal Planner, Transportation Planning. Department, 239-252- 8192, ClaudineAuclairla1colliergov.net and Adam Ahmad, CH2M Hill Staff Engineer, Transportation Business Group, 239-596-1715 Ext: 59222, Adam.Ahmadla1Ch2m.Com Landfill Gas to Energy Project Collier County, Dayne Atkinson, Project Manager, Public Utilities Engineering, 239-252-5337, DavneAtkinsonla1co Iliergov. net Waste Management, Leslie Wong, Director, Greenhouse Gas Programs, 713.328.7183, LWongla1wm.com twenty fifty - www.twenty-fifty.com 5A Appendix IV: References XIV ApPENDIX IV: REFERENCES Arrhenius, S., 1896, On The Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air Upon the Temperature Of The Ground. Philosophical Magazine 41: 237-76. Beecher, N., 2009 Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Biosolids Management, Biocycle, March 2009 Beever J.W., Gary W., Trescott, D., Utley, J., Cobb, D., Beever, L.B., 2009, Southwest Florida/Charlotte Harbor Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program Technical Report 09-2. Available at htto://www.swfroc.org/contentJABM/VulnerabilitY AssessmentT ACDraft 20090630.odf Brown, S., 2009, Suddenly Greenhouse Gas Regulations, Biocycle, Vol. 50 Issue 4, P76-79 Cakir, F.Y., Stenstrom, M.K., 2005. Greenhouse Gas Production: A Comparison Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Technology. Water Res. 39,4197-4203. CCX, 2009, Chicago Climate Exchange htto://www.chicagoclimatex.com/ DEP. Z007. Florida Climate Change Website. Available from: htto://www.deo.state.tl.us/climatechange/ DOE, 2009. See htto:/ /aoos l.eere.energy .gov/states/residential.cfm/state~fl#elec EDC, 2009, Economic DevelojJment Counci of Collier County, Market Facts. Available at htto:/ /www.enaolesflorida.com/contentother/ contentotherdetail. asox?ContentID=3 207 &Categorv ID~866 &m=3#Downloads EECBG 2009. See httv:l/www.eecbrz.enerrzv.rzovl. eGRID2007, See htto://www.eoa.gov/egrid/ EIA, 2009. See htto://www.eia.doe.gov/ EPA, 2005, Climate Leaders GHG Inventory Protocol Design Principles. Available from htto:/ /www.eoa.gov/stateolv/documents/resources/design orinc intro.odf EPA, 2008, Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Sinks: 1990 - 2007, htto:/ / eoa. gOY / cl imatechange/ emissions/us inventorvreoort. html Everglades Plan, 2007. Available from: htto://www.evergladesolan.org/om/oroiects/oroiect docs/odo 30 sgge/oir final/docs 30 car mam 071- 78.odf Executive Order 07-127. July 13,2007. Florida Governor Crist issued EO 07-127 to establish statewide GHG emission reduction targets: reaching 2000 levels by 2017, 1990 levels by 2025, and 80 % below 1990 levels by 2050. Details are available from: htto://www.flgov.com/odfs/ordersJ07-127-emissions.odf FPL, 2009, Kate Donofrio, pers. comm. twenty fifty - wwvv.twenty-flfty.com 5A Appendix IV: References xv Gillenwater, 2008, Forgotten Carbon: Indirect C02 in Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, Environmental Science and Policy, Vo!. 11, pages 195-203 Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative, 2009, WRIIWBCSD GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, Chapter 4 (2004). Available from http://www.ghgprotoco!.org/ ICLEI 2008, Local Govcrnment Operations Protocol Version 1.0; Available From http://www.iclei- usa. org/acti on-center/too Is/I gO-protoco 1- I ICLEI 2008, Local Government Operations Protocol Version 1.0; Available from http://www.iclei- usa. org/ acti on-ccnter/too Is/I gO-protoco I-I ICLEI June 2007. ICLEI USA Fact Sheet. ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability U.S.A. Oakland, CA. Available from: http://www. ic lei .org/ documents/USA/pressreIlI CLE IF actSheetJ une2007. pdf ICLEI. 2009. Cities for Climate Protection: How it Works. Available from: http://www.iclei.org/index.php?id=1 120 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCe). 2007. Fourth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2007: Synfhesis Report, Summary For Policymakers. Availahle from: http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/svr/ar4 svr spm.pdf IPCC 2007. Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. An Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This underlying report, adopted section by section at IPCC Plenary XXVII (Valencia, Spain, 12-17 November 2007), represents the formally agreed statement of the IPCC concerning key findings and uncertainties contained in the Working Group contributions to the Fourth Assessment Report. Available from: http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/svr/ar4 svr.pdf Keeling, C.D., and WhorfT.P., 2004, Atmospheric C02 From Continuous Air Samples At Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, U.S.A.. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. http://cdiac.ornl.govltrends/c02/sio-keel-t1ask/sio-keel-t1askmloc.htm!. LFGTE Agreement, 2008. Collier County, provided by Dayne Atkinson Mayors Agreement, 2009, htto://usmcfrors.on:/clilllaknrotection/ McKinsey, 2009, Unlocking Eenergy Efficency in the U.S. Economy. Available at: http://www.mckinsev.com/clientservice/electricpowernaturalgas/downloads/US energy efficiency full r eport.pdf MW Accord, 2009, Midwestern Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord http://www.midwesterngovernors.org/govenergvnov.htm New York Times, 4-18-2009, http://www.nvtimes.com/2009/041l8/science/earth/I8endanger.html New York Times, 7-13-2009, http://www.nvtimes.com/cwire/2009/07/I 3/13c1imatewire-sec-turnaround- sparks-sudden-Iook -at -c1imate-6 51 02 .html twenty fifty - www.twenty~fifty.com Appendix IV: References xvi5 A Pew, 2009, htto:llwww.oewc1imate.org/global-warming-basics RGGI, 2009, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative htto:llwww.rggi.org/home Santer, BD, Wigley, TML, Barnett TP, And Anyamba, E, 1995, Detection Of Climate Change And Attribution Of Causes, In Houghton, JT et al. Climate Change 1995, Cambridge Univ. Press Shepherd, A. and Wingharn, D. 2007. Recent Sea-Level Contributions ofthe Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets. Science, 315, 1529- I 532. Stanton, E. and F. Ackerman, 2007, Tufts University, Global Development and Environment Institute and Stockholm Environment Institute-US Center. Florida and climate change, the cost of inaction. Available from: htto:!1 ase. tufts.edul gdaeIPubs/rolF1 oridaCI imate .htm I Stern, N, 2007. Stern Review on The Economics of Climate Change. Executive Summary. HM Treasury, London: htto:!/www.hm-treasurv.gov.uklsternreviewindex.htm Trenberth, K.E., p.o. Jones, P. Ambenje, R. Bojariu, D. Easterling, A. Klein Tank, D. Parker, F. Rahimzadeh, J.A. Renwick, M. Rusticucci, B. Soden and P. Zhai, 2007: Observations: Surface and Atmospheric Climate Change. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. Available from: htto:llwww.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-reoort/ar4/wg I/ar4-wg I-chapted .odf Twilley, R. et al. 2001. Confronting Climate Change in the Gulf Coast Region. Union of Concerned Scientists. Available from: htto:llucsusa.org/gIIlfI UKWIR, 2008, htto:llwww.ukwir.org/site/web/news/carbon-accounting UNFCCC, 2009 http://unfccc.int/2860.oho WCI, 2009, Western Climate Initiative: http://www.westernc1imateinitiative.org/ twenty fifty --- www.twenty-fifty.com " ~^ /, " j ~L2 f-- . ~ <(u: ci 0 ci 0 o:(/) 0: (/)- <t a: <(w 0: <(w . ) <( (/)0--' l.n <( "'1 (/)0--' w waJn. w WaJn. I - <( a: I - <( a: t::wZ t::WZ ~ t:l > I _ <i: t:l ;; > I _ <i: z F}-~ I Z c...; FI-:::! 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