Agenda 12/01/2009 Item #16E 4 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 1 of 118 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Report and ratify Property, Casualty, Workers' Compensation and Subrogation Claims settled and/or closed by the Risk Management Director pursuant to Resolution # 2004-15 for FY 09. OBJECTIVE: To gain approval from the Board of Commissioners for Property, Casualty, Workers' Compensation and Subrogation claims settled under the authority of the Risk Management Director during FY 09. CONSIDERATIONS: Resolution 04-15 grants limited authority to the Risk Management Director to settle certain damage claims against Collier County and to authorize the payment of investigation and adjustment expenses as presented to the County's Risk Management Program. Authority is delegated as follows: .."'" Claim Tvpe Delegated Authority Bodily Injury Liability- Premises, Auto. Non-litigated claims less than $50,000 Operations - Non-litigated claims less than $75,000. Property Damage Liability Claims- (Note- A $75,000 limit is sought due to high Premises. Auto. Operations valued vehicles and the potential for multiple vehicle accidents.) - Errors, Omissions, Professional Liability, Non-litigated claims less than $50,000 Employment Practices Liability Property Losses to County Owned Full authority Property Full authority subject to the provisions of F.S. Workers' Compensation 440 and subject to approval by the Judge of Compensation as needed . Employer's Liability Non-litigated claims less than $50.000 . --_. Subrogation- Bodily Injury and Property Full authority to pursue non-litigated subrogation Damage recoveries. Subrogation- Workers' Compensation Full authority to pursue non-litigated subrogation recovenes. Pursuant to the Resolution, claims are settled and paid pursuant to the loss verification procedures contained in the Resolution which include the completion of claim forms, documentation of evidence, valuation, and the determination of a finding of liability where applicable. Closed claims are also subject to review by the external auditor. A listing of claims closed during FY 09 is attached. The report may include those claims and/or settlements previously approved by the Board of Commissioners. ...'..... ,-,. ,"_."_._-,..,,,-,.,~. - [ . , ,."".w"...".<_,.".__".~..,., Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1. 2009 Page 2 of 118 Typically, settlement reports are presented for the previous quarter only. However; due to the recent transition to the STARS Enterprise risk management information system and to assure that all claims are presented to the Board, staff is attaching a report for the entirety of FY09 by "last closed date", which includes the fourth quarter of FY 09 to assure that due diligence is performed. Staff will resume quarterly reports at the completion of the first quarter of FY 10. A valid public purpose is served through the delegation of settlement authority to the Risk Management Director to settle routine, administrative and minor claim matters in order to promote the efficient use of resources; to promote the efficient administration of the program; and to allow for a timely response to claimants and/or their representatives. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are budgeted and available in Fund 516-121650-645920 (Property and Casualty Self Insurance Fund) and 518-121630-645928 (Workers' Compensation Fund) for the payment of covered claims and settlements. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this item. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners accepts the attached Settlement Reports and ratify the actions taken therein. PREPARED BY: Jeff Walker CPCU, ARM, Director, Risk Management Department. Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 3 of 118 - COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16E4 Report and ratify Property. Casualty. Workers Compensation and Subrogation Claims settled and/or closed by the Risk Management Director pursuant to Resolution # 2004-15 for FY 09. 12/1/20099:00:00 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Jeffrey A. Walker, CPCU, ARM Director. Risk Management Date Administrative Services Division Risk Management 11/9/20099:44:10 AM Approved By Jeffrey A. Walker, CPCU, ARM Director - Risk Management Date Administrative Services Division Risk Management 11/9/20099:51 AM Approved By Colleen Greene Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney 11112/20098:46 AM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date 11/1712009 2:57 PM Approved By Len Golden Price Administrator- Administrative Services Date Administrative Services Division Administrative Services Division 11/20/200910:10 AM Approved By Laura Davisson Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11120/200910:43 AM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director ~ Management and Budget Date Office of Management & Budget Office of Management & Budget 11/20/20091:44 PM -,~~ ..'.--....,- ,-,- . -~.,-,. "'~_., n....._... ',C", ,"'__'~m Agenda Item NO.1 GE4 December 1; 2009 Page 4 of 118 Collier County Government FY 2009 Closed Claim Report All Lines Valued as of: 11/3/2009 MedlBI/Camp E)(peJl88 IndIPD/Coll "~""Y Deductlble Legal ""'" Totalll'lC:' .. Em~oyeQ Name. '.',,, M,', Claim NumbeC: . . tncurredTotal Incurred Total, Incurr9clTotal InCUrT6d Total Incun'edTotai incurred Total Incurred Total Incurred Total , . Cost Center Date of loss:' Date Report 10 Status Paid Total Paid Total Paid Total Paid Total Paid Total' Paid Total Paid Total Paid TotolJ' Coveraoe Carrier Cause EmaloverAccDesc. Coverage: 10 - Worker's Compensation 1006180902992 160.00 595 0.00 0,00 000 000 0.00 16595 0000122240 6/18/2009 6/18/2009 613012009 160.00 5.95 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 165.95 " JE 3 Emplo)98 alleges that while he was lnlhe'Mlslelllvalormechanlt:a1 roomlnparklnggarage#2,aparticle flewlnto his lefl eye. 1009050802256 20C.00 1785 000 000 000 000 0.00 22385 0000163615 91512008 91B/2008 911612008 20600 1785 000 000 000 000 000 22385 " JC 33 Employee's right sho~ h~el slipped on the plastic chair mat causing her to sprain her right knee 1008150903193 0,00 95.00 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 95.00 0000122240 8/1512009 8/1712009 8/2812009 0.00 95.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.00 " JE 51 Employee claims hel:lustalned a hemialiflinglumlture. 1007170903115 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 . 0000163630 711712009 7/17/2009 712812009 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 " JC 92 Empjoyeewasslur1gbybeesor wasp while working on a traffic sognal cabinet 1008110903196 476.49 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 000 0.00. 476.49 0000100510 8111/2009 8/1312009 9f1412009 476,49 0.00' 0.00 0.00, 000 000 0.00 476.4~ 10 JE 37 Employee reached ovemead to get some blnders Off a bookshelf and felt a pineh In her lower back. 1007210903150 325.00 1785 000 000 000 000 000 34285 0000156342 7/2112009 7/28/2009 9111\i2009 325.00 1785 000 000 GOO 0.00 000 342,85 " "E "0 Employee developed right kmJepaln afterkneehng 10 pick upspilledjlJice contaIners 1008200903218 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000253214 8/2012009 812012009 8/24/2009 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00, 0.00 000 10 JE 52 Employee sprained his leftwrisl while cutting alack. 1009110802319 0000253212 10 JE 9/11/2008 39 l0091206Gi320:::,>t:,:.,:' _ . ""'"'",;Y;fflH'1;\^c;,-", e:,: 0OOO14461Q,,;-:<:,,'~':;:li'tf::;: 9/1212008 10'-.' ::;~;,'{:,:'i!JeJ~<f"51" " "':;':';:::'~;:::'''':;;':H1;;01?:\:' " '" __, """",,,_,.1',,__'-.,;;''__,'"-.',,'__' "., '".'~,yit".;~;;':,'~:;'t,,';';,,;;>'" 1009080802271 0000108010 10 JE 9/8/2008 39 1009150802321 ??oo253212' 10 , 9/1512008' 31 -,.- 1010220802445 0000192330 10 JE WI22/2008 3 1010270802446 0000163647':: 10 " ",,, JE" 1012712008, 23 1010270802454 0000182901 10 JE 10/2712008 37 l00916l?~:,',,,, ,,',> 0000144610"\'::-::';"'>':",'...-,91161200' '0 1 0 ,:~':(:~:~-;,:,,~:j~'*',;~:~:51:*~,:: , /'.."412-~'-.,;,A,__-,,,_ ',., ';'~:"?';B1r:>;;;<:-->'::,:, ",,':<,;-,;:~;<;:'.":l:",:,:;'''' .' .' ". "'>' ",'" "",~.,-" '--".;"'e';>':~ """," .:f::; ,:,:~::'.~;~-'i' 'j' ",';,.,.":, ~- 9/11/2008 2/17/2009 Employee was crossing over a guartl rail arld trippe<j. Asa result. he injured hiS light wrist and struck his left knee on the guard raiL ." , 9112J2008:,,'-- 21612009:::--",:;:, Employee strailled hiS back while" IIf1lngequlpmel1t. 9/9/2008 9/2412008 The chair an employee was attemptlrlg to gellrlto rolled CnUSlrlg her to fall omo the floor. 9115/2008 10130/2008 Employee lost his balance wh~e 'Stamling beside a hole where worK wasbeingperformedlindhlsrighl foot lancledon al'Ock; 10130/2008 11121/2008 Employee was weedeatlrlg and removed his salety glasses to rub his Iighleye & fell soemlhing in his eye, 11f4/2008 11/24/2008 Employee was stuck in the righfleg by a thom fmm a bougainvillea planl,' 1115/2008 1126/2009 Employee was reachirlg to cut a branChwherl he felt pain irl his righf knee. 'C:.' 9/16f2008,-S~/, 9/2312008',' . Employee was preparing to load a::' strelcherilllOanambulance. Whiie',:" the head ofthestretcherWesbi:llng'~',;:; loadedbyaflrefighler.thefootoflhe.,:"" streldlercollapsed. causing palnin.. theemployee:sbaCk.'" , ", ..,-~..- , ""---' FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 000 O.liO 0.00 34100 34100 202.00 202.00 000 000 139,00, 139.00 1,763.73 1,763.73 366.09 366.09:' . '^." . --"" "',', 000 0,00 0.06:. 0,00: 2975 29,75 17,85 17.85 000 000 17,85 17.85' 35-105 35-105 30,73 30.7~., " "," 2 --',,' '------, Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 5 of 118 000 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 000 0,00 0.00 "" 0.00).:;: 0.00:;: 0.00: 0.00',,: ",,"-', ',C<',";'.<;:'; o.ooX,.-.Y....", ::>;'.':,-;:,".e~: '/\>,,' ,.. .Y';,.~:'"', 0.00 " oN _,0.00:: :---',,',,/{ii "}/~:';.~ ::,t'~.;~, ",:" ,"" ,,-,,--,--, ",,", .::":,', '.",": ','." 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 000 0.00' 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 000 000 0,00, 0,00 0.00, 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00/: 0.00 000 000 ODO 000 0.00 000 0.00 ODO 000 000 0.00 0.00 370,75 370.75 219,85 219.85 'if' 0,00 0,00 156.85, 156.85 2,11778 2,117.78 396.82 396.Bi: "c.O: ,~" ----, . c. 1009140903265 0000122240 10 JE 911412009 35 9/1412009 9121/2009 Employee bent down to open a gate and strained his lower back FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 000 000 000 1006230903043 0000100130,'- 612312009 612312009" 613012009,' 10 -,,:/fj;:~"i'J( .IE:'" 'c' 4O,'~;";;~i::~::<?"L: Employoe'SflPpedonthefiOOr~:_,:,., :'}":!r:>:;il'i\':'\\-"''-''~'>:,'';~''\;:Jfi0_,,t::;i;,:,:' ~ liO a rlbtion'clittirig C8remOfly,{~,<o' . ,_:,::'~,'~\:t;]lt~EV:\:,'-:n":'~'~'::;~r.~]j0~;:~'>;~m:\:~jfiS;'~~l>0;>:';:;: '.:',:7" " 1008210903224 0000156361 10 JE 1008120903184 0000163620 10 JE 1008310903230 0000163620 10 JE 1009060903249 0000253214 10 JE 1009020903248 0000182901 10 JE 1009160802330 0000155410 10. 1010140802397 0000253212 10 JE 1010150802398 0000182901- 10 :' JE' 812112009 " 8/2612009 813112009 Employeeexpenenced pain in Il;S righl arm lifter usmg a pole saw and hedge trimmers, 811212009 23 811312009 812012009 Employee was removing a fishing Hnethat was langled around e weedeatarand a fish hook stuck him In hlsrightll1omb. 813112009 61 8131/2009 91212009 Employee ex~eri!!nceddlzziness, musclp.cramps headache & sp<Jtty vIsion whileperlomling swale maintenance ""'009 23 916/2009 9/1812009 Employee was turning olr II vaI'J9 & It crumbled In his halld. cutting his righl Index finger. 91212009 92 91812009 911812009 Employee was stung Qn the back arld both legs by wasps wtlile Irimmirlgsea9rapes 9/1612008 32 9/1812008. 10/2912006 Employoo tripped on alhresllold and spralrled her righl ankle. , 10/1412008 " 10/16/2008 121912008 Employee slipped anCllellwtlile shuttirlgoffwater, 1011512006_: 19 10/1712006 1013012008 Employee was applying pine straW mulcl1undarashnJb&abrarld1 frnm the shrub sHd under his glasses & scratcMd hIs lefleye_ 11370 11370 000 000 392:,59 392:.59 7,18 7.18 44953 44953 000 000 000 0.00 0_00 000 000 000 000 000 364_85 364.85 36.45 36.45 2.17570 2.17570 172.74 172.74 199.43 199.43 13,41 13.41 3 000 000 0.00 0.00,' ",,- 000 000 0_00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00' 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0,00 0.00 0_00 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 0_00 000 000 000 0_00 0.00 000 0.00, 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 0.00 000 000 0_00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 0,00 0.00 Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1 2009 Page G of 118 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 239.85 0.00:'_')'*"_;<',_ 239.85 _',;,..,," "; ,,,",'J'.-,,''"'":,'''' '" ,,' .,;~t-'-~~:r._:::~.' ;~)';:~:~)\:{:i>i":"S:,>~:M -, ,,::" '-':':;;;iti:U: --'-'-', '.' . '" 0,00 000 113,70 11370 0,00 0,00 399.n 39977 000 000 449_53 449_53 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0_00 0,00 0_00 0.00 000 401.30 401.30 000 000 d 2,348.44 2.34844 0.00 0.00 212.84 21284 1010160802400 0000178975 10 JE 10/16/2008 91 1 oo7220e0204If''':,,~''''''~' Yr' :c!;;-"'::" c", ':<': :':,;{~;/;~,>;_"\"":.'''k,,<,::;;<::.'' 0000210130,:.';_"",::_",~<" 7I2212OO8J)'.'>,';-' 10 ,.",. J'''''..,.,. 92" "'.' '." "--,,'..,',, -'.' ..,.,:-~",,'!. '. .',,::,:.:'::.""/,,;:;':: , " ;~::::~~r"::i::-,i',:}:':':::7~~:~;"':':" ". iL: ";'" 1009160802331 0000156361 9/1612008 10 JE 1 1005080902888 0000156344 10 JE -51812009' 19 ' FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 10/20/2008 1/2912009 Employee's was lraveling on county business in herperoonal vehicle and wasstl1.Jck from behindwtllle stopped behind a van. 3.933_24 3.933.24 0,00 000 000 0_00 0_00 000 000 000 0.00, 0,00: 0_00 000 0.00 0.00, Agenda lIem No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 7 of 118 0_00 4,145_70 0_00 4,145_70 000 000 7,11818 7,118.18 212.48 212.48 ,""""" 'f;_.-.~:, _,......., 7i22/200S-"", 211712009,. Employee was bitten by en inse'c! ...mIIeloadlngandunloadlng.,,',' 0.00.'. 0.00' 0.00 0.00':- 0.00',', 0.00'_' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00,_ '.; '.' 000 000 000 000 0,00 0.00' 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 147.90 147.90 , 1006170903011 31932 5398 000 000 0,00 0,00 000 373_30 - 0000156342 6/1712009 6/22/2009 613012009 31932 5398 000 000 000 000 000 373.30 10 JE 23 Empioyee laceraled her left 3rd firogerwhiJe using a bread slicer_ 1008160903015 0000158364 10 JE', 6/16J2009_ 23\" v- ,,", " , ',", 1006230903024 0000163620 10 JE 6/23/2009 . 1006300903061. 0000163630" 10 6/30I2OOg,:- 39:: '-- ,-~- '".'".; 9/19/2008 11/412008 Empioyee was tI1rown against a sleering wheei when thelractorhe was operating came to a sudden stop, 5.54054 5,84054 945.42 94542 332.22 332.22 5I15l2OO9 512012009 Employee was erecting a slide arKl struck his left leg wtth a hammer M1l1e driving in a slake. 136,00 136,00 0.00 000 11.90 11,90 612212009' 613012009 Empjo:,oeelaceraladhl5righllhumb' while worklrg on a ball tank. 353.32 353.32 000 0.00:,' 46_64 46.64 , , , --' 612412009 8/1712009 Empioyee was walking backwards whilecarryingguradrailandSlepped in a hole, 1,355_B3 1,355B3 000 0_00 67,30 6730 71212009 6/28/2009 Employee tripped Oh some lest i:yIindai'Sandfell,Strlklng-hlsnect,' head andlefl calf, 471_81 471.81 0,00 0_00 36.69 36.69'- 4 -_...~"~- _..---- __..._.__,__.____._.'n 0,00 0,00,' 0.00 0,00'" 000 000 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00, 0_00' 0.00 000 000 o.oif 0.00 , "..-- 000 0,00 399.96' 399.96 0.00 0_00 1,423.13 1,423_13 0.00' 0.00,,_' 508.50 50&50, .,,'.' " -.'....,.... '.-.,_'".A.:;:,:...._ " ," "-... , ,'~, .-"" 1007020903062 0000311910 10 JE 1008280903240 0000253212. 10 JE-". -'--'..-.,... 1009030903243 0000253212 10 JE 1001010902570 0000144610 10 JE 1008250802128 0000144610 10 JE 1009250802358 0000253212 10 JE 1010310802447 0000144610 10 JE 1006100903018 0000156100_ 10 JE 1006290903047 0000163620 10 JE 1007100903075 ??oo156363. 10, JE 7.1212009 " 8I28J2009 54. 9/312009 23 1/1/2009 7 8/25.12008 " 912512008 1 10/31.12008 " 6/10/2009 51 6129.12009 92 7/1012009 1 712.12009 7/16/2009 Employeeshppedona rug, 1w15ting her back_ 8/28/2009 9/1412009 Employeeslralned his lOwerbllck ,,___~I_~~ming8valve.,,_ 9/4/2009 9.11412009 Employee was struck in Ihe left eye byabfanchwhilereadingmeten;, 1/1/2009 1/27/2009 Emp-loyeelwistedhlsanklewhlle rvnnlng to escapa an oXl'gen lank malfunction. 8125/2008 9i9/200B Empioyee inhaled smoke wl1i1e extinguishing a car fire 9/26t.2008 101 61200B Employee was putting up a tailgate and jammed his right thumb, 1 0131.12008 11/2~,/2008 Employee's nght index f1ngerw8s dislocated when il becilme tangled in astraponastretcher 612312009 8/1212009 Employee fell pain In his back after moiling several pieces ofeqtllpment. 6/30/2009 7.'25/2009 EmployeewBsstungonlherighl middle firlger by a bee 7110/2009 8/712009 Employee slruck her head on an awning pole. FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 23694 11,37 236.94 11.37 000 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 324,00 324.00" 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00, 000 0.00' 0.00 0.00 " -." 000 0_00 ...--' 7983 7983 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 28300 283,00 23_80 2380 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 15400 15400 1190 11.90 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 172,00 172.00 17.85 17_85 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0_00 0.00 54660 546.60 4247 4247 000 000 000 000 000 000 1.334,43 1.334.43 53.44 53_4-4 0_00 0,00 0_00 0.00 0_00 000 16100 16100 11.90 '190 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 200.00 200.00 11,90 11.90 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 5 000 000 0.00 0_00 0,00 000 0.00 0,00 000 0,00 0_00 0.00 000 000 0_00 0_00 000 000 0_00 0.00 Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 8 of 118 000 248,31 000 248,31 0.00 000 324,00 324.00 0,00 000 79,83 79.B3 0,00 0.00 306.80 306_80 000 000 16590 165_90 000 0.00 189,85 189,85 000 000 589.07 589.07 0_00 0.00_ 1,387.87 1,387.87 000 000 172.90 17290 0,00 0.00 211.90 211.90 1006250903082 0000182901 10 JE FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 6125/2009 53 98260 17,85 98260 17,85 000 000 10090909032Sf_ ,- ,;,,, ,,' ',. ,,_ ',' ".,', 'm" 0.00 ""', 0.00 0000144610 _:;:'<0,:,." 9I9I2009h,';~< , 9i9r.W09.':~*,,;'W:9J1'812009::;;f,';~il';:;i' O.go",,~_:.;,{~ti;;'::i, O.OO},:.:}_ 1Q >1-''', J'~'i!: ti~:',i~1i~i1:.~1\~~iz~, ::'Ployee,."""",' '~fe~,""...~~,~rrJ&:t:.' '><~;':':','Y";;I:,;I.l:':~:;i::~,:~;.;jhF' , '''''" !!,.."".,,_,y ,,,,~,,, '" ,......" "'R.. UI ...... ".... u"" ."". *" ,,,,,"",,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,w,_~',,'" ,';"t,;' '" ;fi'i~_,,,,*(,,':-,".;..,~,t_-.,,,'~l~" b"",","ft-<E...''''-"kl "" ~,;Y!A "::::,,,,;':~,'",';:'>c",\FS>,,<-' " ,'- "?~ -"^' ~"''''>'',.,' ~ .....",'" I>UI IYI onUI '" .., "'. "--",__,,,",,_,,,,_,0",":'_4._"_" , '1~~Ji~ ,,~ :'~~.0(;"'>:' ",.: ,F';Lt:'j;'K.i;{ nna..~'_~,\ ,,~ ,.... F J+;-: y;(,;."~~:::yt;~<"'}:,;:~.l,j,'.,,,:~;>?,'.::-,:,,;j;;,,<<: ,,' " .,;, " '; -.' -' ,J' '........'-0,"".' . ,,'~' .-, . ',' '._ ,," ,~...-"4,, ,,;;.~""::~.~ o~:~,J, :_""" ,,,~>tB';''',~, "', . 'q" <,;;';;"'. 1010210802413 0000253212 10 JE 1007230802052 0000163620,:', 10 JE 1008280802176 0000182901 10 JE 100831080218{ 0000144610 10 1/1512009 7128/2009 Employee's right shoulder hurt after carrying a trash can on~. 10121/2008 23 32800 32800 1165 1765 1012112008 1013012008 Empklyeecuthisrightwristona crossbar as h€ WilS pulling outa storage file cabinet drawer_ 712312008' 33 2,95014 .2,950_14: 97,05 97.05' 7/2312008 8/29/2008 Employee slipped snd strained hiS ankle while wolil.lng with wood eater, 812812008 3 197,00 19700 595 595 812912008 9118/2008 While employee was operalin9 a gas- powered hand blower, debris entered hislefleye_ 1,098.50' 1,098.50,' '\.!' .31.;>5, 31.25 8/3112006"'1 . .91912008~'::,_" Employeesllpped&fef1whlle, -, walkll'{ldowriwet,metlllstaJrS. ' 1010020802366 0000122240 10 JE 1007140903086 0000163647 10 JE' .'~" -.,,"~~ 101212008 101212008 1012912008 3 Employee was cleaning a truck and he bumped the handleofa ~pray bottle oontaining ulinal cleaner and it sprayed into his left eye, 155.51 155.51 2428 2428 '''''''',,' 327.17 327.17 26_16 26.16 '"'. 7/1612009 614/2009 Employee cut his lefI upper leg Yillh lhetrimmei'shewasusing. ",,' 6 --_..,~-,--,_.",--., 000 0,00 0_00 000 000 0,00 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 , 2009 Page 9 of 118 000 1,00045 0,00 1.00045 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00:' 0,00'" 000 000 000 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00, 000 0,00 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00, ,"" . 0.00_" 000 000 000 000 0,00 0.00, 0.00 0.00; ..,.",,,-..-,,.,-.- 0,00 0.00 000 0,00 0.00,_ 0,00' 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0_00 0_00 000 345_65 345_65 0.00' 0.00' 3,047.19 3,047.19: < 000 000 20295 20295 0.00 000 '1,129.75 1,129.75' -< 0.00 0.00 11979 179_79 0.00 0.00 353,33 353.33 ..' 1009090903253 0000163620 10 JE 9/9/2009 06 919/2009 9,11812009 Employee was bil bya dog while he was walking with a measuring wheel "T ~~:~~~:~2~57',,?};, ii~~.ir~;;:,"'.QI11~:' ,9/1e;200s..'; , , 10 ~<'!:~'i:~.Jg~~~":,_.~i&:Fiili~0di~,":, .EmpIo)'eecut her rlghllndllX finger ',,'F;:5~-:('.*t(,':;~:1;<f::;\1&,;P~:1'tf~t;;;',: on a pIeoeofbroken glase,:: . ' :\.::f1L',f.,';<?:;,):::;,ttJ2I:H;;:~\f\{i:T;:;. <.:,/;;;,.,. ',", 1005180902918 0000138911 10 JE ~-'/1 8/2009 92 100622090303.2 0000156315 10 JE 1006240903034 0000233313 10 JE 6/24/2009 g, 1006190903036 0000122240 6119~9 10 JE1 .", ,., 1010230802435 0000144313{l 10123/2008 10 JE 81 1001240802055 0000210125, 10 JE 7/24/2008. 40 1009300802313 0000163640 10 JE 913012008 50 5121/2009 611/2009 Employee was slung byan Insect several limes 6/2412OO9 1/612009 EmployBeaxper1enced an allergic reactic:lnaflergetllngbltbyanlnsect. 612512009 7/2812009 Employeecamemoontactwith poison ivy ~nd developed a rd8h on his face and left arm 6/2512009 7/6/2009 Employee5Uuck his forehead against Ihe for1t5 ofa forklifl 1012812008 4130/2009 A patient coughed blood into Ihe employee's ra~e 7/2412008 8122/2008 Employee was walking into the control room which was being mopped,hesUppedinlhedoorway and lriedtobreak his fall wtth his teft ,~. 913012008 5/14/2009 Employee felt back pain while exiting a County vehicle FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 0.00;' ODD 000 000 000 000 000 61,00 61.00 5,95 5.95 000 0.00 188.62 18862 31.64 3164 000 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 0,00 0.00 2,203.01 2,20301 4165 41.65 0,00 000 557,48 551.48 47,60 47,60 0,00 0.00 000 000 9500 9500 ODD 000 7 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00: 0.00, ODD 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 0.00' 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 000 0,00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 ODD 000 000 000 0,00 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 10 of 118 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 \~, "'f,;; "Y' 000 000 0,00 0.00 ODD 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 0,00 000 S.'. 000 0,00 ,>' ....~ ''-' 000 000 12.95 72.95 22026 22026 000 o. --., 2,24466 2.24466 605.08 605.08 95.00 9500 ,.~.- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 101008i:l802383:;:';:'' , .':.:. .:;',;,::",.>:,.::;",,-,/'?:":':"::-,';:''-Y::$,L:'',' ......24048...,. OOOO''''~'';-.;;:.';':'-~3;'":',',::' 1018/21J0' ";::::'<'1~''!-," '.''''- ':+0:;;';:,~,;i'1'--~;':'~"0""';''''~'';'~\"4/+;;i,.,.)--" "'40'''' "'",;;::;; . '",_......" . .... . . ..x'"":""':"'.: <NW=UY'-.",xc'i'''-.. <N.,,,,,,, 'J",\,'9,~ i::",:";",,...,;,,>,.. ..,. .;:"'.__:"..~[ 10' . i".":'").'"i..__'''':J''''''',''!"';''' ~.. .. " " . ". ;It; " ~ .~iiM , """ "'"--- .-.,,:.--:,;;;;; ....:. .'-:-:';:' 32+:::{;;,y/y-::::~:i;,.,:" 'ElTlp1~~P6d'overa staCk tit~}:,;::J,j'~)?#{-:":_;;::,p,;::~~~;'-';:>,::: ;'~:.'C:7-~~;j7_~-)t:.:\.'-;-,':',:,,\., "':"".-1r-/::-'r '" delivery cratDllBnd fall;'i:V,!;(;,/: ',c,', "..,/ '-- '".', ;;:",,,,,\'!;J':/' ." - . ",' "'~... '--," ""-.'''''"'--- ""_""""',-..~.','''' " ,." 1006030902941 0000253211 10 JE 1006290903059';r 0000178975-':>,,' 10, ,:,::;:d(:" J~~ ,,_.:/:;::,;:;-;,;0''"' ":S-'C""".',",',_.,' 1006290903060 0000163617 10 JE 1006250903064 0000182901 10 - 1007180903104 0000122240 10 JE 1006250903067' 0000156315', 10 ---JE- 1007100903079 0000138911 10 JE 1009210802341 0000144610',--" 10 JE:' 1006230801967 0000182901 10 JE ---....,--- 61312009 90 ...c' 612912009, 51"""'''--'':: ..c...."','" --',' 6/2912009 " 612512009:- 999 7/1812009 32 6/2512009 104" 711012009 " 912112008__ 1 6123/2008 8 ._---' 614/2009 612412009 Employee had lime splash on both his legs while cleaning aslurryp~, "",'.",<",..'." ,.", - '. ....'-- ,71112009,;':~:::):' 7/1012009<' EmpIDyeestralnedhl!lrstloul~El!'::' whllenftlngboJ<e$":~'t:.;' ' 7/1/2009 7/10/2009 Empioyee was struck on Ihehead by a gate arm when she tried to go undemealhn 7/212009'_ 7/28/2009 Employeealloges ha contracted pI1l!lirTlOnlafrom mowing In Ihe rain;, ).'" 7120/2009 8/18/2009 Empioyeebumedhisthighona pressure washer when he fell on it after tripping on the hose 71812009, 7/28/2009 EmploYeeWll5skiingwllhasiud6f11 and\\t1enhejumpedovertliewake, he,colllde(lwtthher: ,7" 7/14/2009 7128/2009 Employee was exposed to poison ivy, 9/2212008 9/29/2008' EmployeestnJck hiS head agairisla cabinet door whllB car1ng for a pallenlon a boat. 612412008 8129/2008 Employee jumped from a riding lawnmower and sprained his lell ",00 "~..,~..... 402,56 40256 000 0,00:: 15800 158_00 0,00 0,00 34533 34533 138.99 138.99, 12_66 12_56 1,164.79 1.164.79 1.22102 1.221_02 "~-'.' 27.14 27.14 0.00 000 595 5.95 0_00 0.00 7,72 772 25.93 25.93 6,60 6.60 11.90 11,90 55.40 5540 B 0.00 0.00:" . 0,00::"" 000""'" . "./:'c ,,!'-'..,j" ;'.".-':'- .'-, 000 0,00 000 000 0,00 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000- 0.00, , 000 000 000 000 0.00 0_00 0.00 000 4000 40.00 000 0,00 -"".-_._-"..'~' 0,00 000 Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 11 of118 000''''''/:' 25238.' :.. ,.".,...'.;...",.:".. '4 b.OO~:::;2j::-,,:" 252.38' _,:::;~::,~i'-"t);.,~"C"'--' ,,,,._,;': - .."." ,::,,'.':: ,..- ":.:.~' "'..------,.. 0,00 0,00 000 0_00 0,00 000 000 000 0.00' 0.00 0_00 000 0,00 0.00, 000 000 0.00 0.001 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 ODD 0.00 0.00 000 0_00 0.00 0.00 000 000 . 000 429,70 000 42970 0.00. 0.00 000 000 16395 163.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 353_05 353,05 0.00' 0.00 164.92' 164_92, 0_00 0_00 '. 19,26 1926 0,00' 0_00 '1,176_69 '1,176.69' ",.- -'\ '~, .,. 0_00 0_00 1.31642 1,31642 -_.--,~- 1009220802343 0000'108010';:$.'. 10 ,. JE 1006120601969 0000156342 10 JE 1008080802094 0000155410 10 JE 1007310802095 0000163(;20 10 JE 1010060802368 0000233351 10 JE 1010060802377 0000233351 10 JE 1007310802076 0000156380' 10 JE' 1007310602077 0000144610 10 JE oS. . ..,' 9122J20>"" , "-c"" '" ..... .. ,......,- ,'", 6/1212008 54 61812008 51 7131/2006 , 10/612008 92 101(;12008 " 7/3112008 21 7/3112008 " '';:'"'-- -'>'.',.:' , ,,,;;: 912312008''1)\:;-:'''' 101112008..' Employ88wasattemptlngto$lllnl '. Chalr!tla! WIIS on \\tIeels & the chalr-. mcwed.causillQhlnitofsll,striklng h11h6ildonthecomeroratable. ,:;:j 6/1312006 711412008 Employeelwlsled her neck while putling a box on a shelf 6111I2OO8' 9/1212008 Employee strained her lefI wrist when 8l1e hel,oed to 11ft a large, dead animal. 811112006 8112/2006 Empklyee spraine-d hiS right ankle after stepping into a hole. 101612008 1013012008 EmploYeeWll8binentiyantsonooth her legs aftersteppillQ on an ant hilL 10/6/2006 211712009 Employeealledgeshe developed a headache after inhaling something. 7/31/2008 8/2612008 Employee'5 right hand was caught betw8en atop dressing machine and a ToroutiJllycartcausing a laceralionthat required 5 s~tches: 7/31/2008 1211712008 Em~oyee'5 rig~floot slipped atter closing bay doors Which caused ~lim to fa~ and ~e landed on ~lis rig~f 1\nee&hJnd FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 4,835.38 '4,835.38::' ,;,;", '".' 39200 39200 1,169.50 1,169.50 25700 :!5?00 56.65 58.65 000 000 246.35 2-46.35 842.12 84212 29.75 .., "29.75jV ;',':;-:,:'ji/:': ,,-- 'j 0.00 ..::;:~:, ., Ci.oQ: ':' ''', I',",' '" ""","'".'-:C,:"'-;c' ',:.;t1,-:,' ,~.~ ,. . 'M " ,'.:- " 17.85 1785 78,60 78.60 1785 17.85 5.95 5.95 000 000 42.05 42.05 6140 6140 9 0,00 000 0.00' 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 coo 0,00 0.00 000 000 0.00 O OO\~:,-:' . . --" ":;-',C"',",':",' ,."...'."'1".. 000 000 ,," ....'-' 000 0,00 0.00 000 000 0,00: 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 , 2009 Page 12 of 118 0.00' o.oar-::'_,.' 4,865,13, ooo;::;f\;:::;;.t'{'0:oi{fL'~>4865.13' , '." ;~,,'---,"!1:?,: :t./i::~:.;:-,(,/;.:v:;r : ' ".".. ',-"'h''''','' -'/i,,;i ,.'Cj;' '.q'":/,,,,,,: ",' 000 0,00 000 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00, 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 40985 -40985 1.248.10 1,248.10 274,85 27485 64.60 64.60 00 oae 288.40 268.40 903,52 903.52 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page13of118 ~:~?;.*r?~a~~ E=~~i.~;;~~';;~;~::" '.;:;;f:'~4k.~~:~~~:; .~:~;";r':.~~~~;Y.~;h;1~,;.:.' :~~f}:;:~;i 1006230802136 34,65 595 0,00 0_00 000 000 000 40_60 0000144360 Bl2312006 Bll61200B 91612008 34.85 595 000 0,00 000 000 000 4080 10 JE 92 EmployeewassleepingalOchopee Station and wl1en he awoke, he had bug bttes on his anns & legs_ 100019080211 000021013(1:>' 10, '"' C,.", ..0...,....,..,_ momos' 911212008:'- Employeeslralnedhlelowerb!lck, while movlng a desk. , ' 35369 353,83," 0.00, o.of 0.00" ' if' 0.00' 0.00 p.OD -384.69 384.69 1009240B02384 0000253212 10 JE 912412006 900 1011312008 1012912006 Employeeslatedhedidnolknow when or where he conlracted lI1e rash on his left hand, 50_14 50.14 7.37 737 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 57,51 57,51 1010070802385 0000122240 10 JE,::,:::: . 10(712008 11/2412008 EmployeestrainedhisrlQhtelbow _, willie pulling the back doorofa truck, to close tL 291.04 291.04 45.07 45.07 0_00 0.00 0,00 0,00 000 0.00 0:00 0.00; 336.11 336.11 ; ,-'i;' 101712008 sa-, .. ",L,e,:, 8/2012006 8/25/2008 Employee was stung on the Sl1oulderlbackbYilwasp_ 351,16 35176 Bl2Q/200e 92 3261 32_61 000 0,00 000 000 ,..,- ,..- " "',~ 'I: - 1008200802122 0000253212 10 JE 0,00 000 000 0_00 000 000 38437 384,37 1008140802113 ??oo122240 10 JE ,", 8/1512008 91412008, Employee fell 10 the ground while geltingofflhebackofatruck,:-- 372.59 41.B1 000 0_00 0.00 000 0.00. 414.40 372_59 41,81, 0.00 000 0.00<,' 0_0.0. 0_00 414.40. :"." 65322 53_55 000 0,00 000 000 000 706,11 65322 5355 0_00 0,00 0,00 0_00 000 706_77 811412008 49 .. 1006130801955 0000156363 10 JE 6/131200B 62 6/16/2008 7/141200B EmployeesteppelJinholasheslrom a smoldering fore while on sea turtle patrol. 1006300801986 00001222-4D;:,,">;,'. 10 ""-'iF",,~ JE-\" .. "i;::'f:T::::;::,:'" 613012008" ~~K: 61301200S_ 21612009 EmployoeslrainadhlabackwhUI:l lillinga 12'iaddai:. 0,00.' 000 0_00 0.00" 0,00 0.00. ~. 000 0.00" 000 o..oo~" 0.00' 0..0.0.::- 0.00 000 --\" ~ ;. ;/ ,'.^ " ',';),' 10.07010801992 0000138915 10 JE 11112006 50 71112008 71171200B Employee strained his back wl1enhe missed a slep down ill a dark hallway. 1.20690 1.20690 13469 13469 0_00 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 0_00 000 0_00 1,341,59 1,341,59 10 ~. ~."_... ..~.__._~..~"....., ,-",,,.--,"".--' --,-..- ---.,. 1008130802120 ,,"_ ,. ..,.,"...._", ".<"-":.."'0""::"- 0OOO253212':""""i_.\~_'" 10 ''',~ . JE~:;'. ,",<c:.t';:.';::..'_.., ,~,,,,,'- "".,-"-,,,;:,,.,",:-\- "," ,j,,. " ", -'.' 1008190802121 0000156363 10 JE 1008050802099_, ??oo138911' ",,"',;;';" 10 JE "'..,' . 1008080802107 0000138326 10 JE 1008030903159 0000144610 10 JE 1008100903175 0000156332 10 JE 1009010903235 0000138935 10 JE 1008050903162 0000233351 10 JE 1008190903208' ??oo122240 10 ','" 811312008:',:', ~f!;>-:N':::!'>":' "<<t:.'"",, "",.."., ."",-., . 8/19/2008 '" &'512008__ 91,~ ,':' ' 818/2008 2 8I3l2009 " 8110/2009 " Qf1l2009 " 815/2009 " &'1912009 JE,,_;~ '51 '".." 81~4121)[i8Xftii:; 3J19n009 ,- " ' Emplo~_dirV8iOpedpaii1inhlslen': shoulderanClhand.......IIeJlftlngCOfl8!l, Bnd UPS out ofB worl<vatl; ,--- '. 8/2112008 9115/2008 Emplnyee heard & felt his leftkflee popwhefl he bent over to attach a trailer to a truck hitch 8I11f2008" 1012912008 The CountyvehlclebElingdI1venby theempk.l~wasstruckfromthe - rllilrbyilcl"zen'svehicle. B112/2008 91181200B As employee was stepp'ng off a sidewalk, She slepped on a large piece of 'M)(ld mulch afld fell ta the groufld S/312009 8/12/2009 Employee's lefl plflky finger was c:aughlbetweefl two 02 tanks. 8111/2009 8/1712009 Employeebelievesh~madecomac! with a plaflt that caused afl allergic reaction 9/1/2009 9/1412009 Employee'sleflkoeepopp&doutol Joint when she tumed \0 walk away fmmhllrdesk. 8/5/2009 8/31/2009 Employee scraped her upper left leg agaiflst a door 811912009 812812009 Emplo~feltpalnlf1hjsleft shoulderwhllellfllflga25lb, ba!Jof row. FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 4,216.28 4,216.28:< 297.84 29784 2.603.59 2,603.59: 1.46139 146139 181.40 181_40 000 ODD 000 0.00 10400 10400 345,79 345.79 232.66 232.66>," 253.19 25319 131,64 131.64 10343 10343 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 11 4,476.00, 4,476.0Cl, "''''., , 000 000 0_00 0.00 74600 74600 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 0,00'" f'-' ""'. 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 oeD 000 0.00 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 Agenda Item No 16E4 December 1; 2009 Page 14 of 118 0.00' ':.'. _, o.OO,>,,~':: 8.924.94 000";';""" "000..,..,,:.,;..;."1\'},"'892494 . '":" ~'. j .p. c/. _,;::t':".:;~.';4.',_<r... _..' '..',:' -'.,'" .,\':., .''''-'"'"F".,':o\'.--.'''.... - :':'"" ':~-'!_:\:: ,::. -~~(':;,:;:::-:/:'-::,-,': :':',":};:;:,:"', -...::.-,,,;;,:::,,,.'-"'.'--' """". ':l~:~{;.Jj~';:';:?~~::':';i\ ' ,\'.co;'~\i~L;':" :"<":;~:~;).f:+j'i:,;''t' "",- .. '" v","'" , ",'.'~ ..,.,.' 000 000 000 000 55103 55103 2,735,23 2,735.23 0.00 0.00," x.>', ..... 000 000 000 000 2.31082 2,310,82 000 000 0.00 000 181.40 181.4(' 000 000 . ODO 000 000 000 0_00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 , 0,00 0.00 000 000 10400 10400 000 0,00 0_00 0.00 345.79 345,79 ~,-- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 1006040902957 0000121710 10 JE 61412009 11 61412009 613012009 Computer towerfett over, hilling the employee'slefltoot. 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 15 of 118 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 9li ".;.'." 'Ce.-;.."....,.',".""., . =;~~~;:i~':iy::;:;tt;f';~1.~~';y~:.;t-:,-- 10'<"':;:~.'-"'":''' Je"'''''."..,..- "'i:i;i'X{;;.8lY'''-'''''"" "-::;f:~~:j:I~::~~~;~i~111~:I~~I.', _ :i:;~t)~{;~L,;", ~,.:",.',' "" ' ",' 9I10l:20\l8:'s~A::;;: '216l2O(j9',,";'i>>Tj,.::.. ,_ ',.;',:-" EmploYfle'aaiched her teft arm on'{;;;;<:.::,.,;, .' BloosepleOflottormic:!lonacounter.'jj>",- ~~1}~r:;,0;' '; "}:rj~2:;,,~:':',, ";';>;";' 000 006"/'/'. . _,;.:t-'<~> 000 0.00<: 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 10265 10265 1010230802426 0000138911 10 JE 10/2312006 6 10/2412006 11/24/2008 Emptoyee'S feet received blisters auetoboolsnolflllingproperly 91195 9095 1190 1190 1007300903151 146_00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 146.00 , 0000118986',: 7/3112009 611012009 146.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 146,00 10 Ernployeew!lliSllJrlgonlherlgl1l, hl.lndbyawaspwhlletrylngto, un~sgale; 1006150902975 19000 2380 000 000 000 0_00 000 213_80 0000144610 6/1512009 6115/2009 613012009 190110 2380 000 000 000 000 000 21380 00 JE 39 Emptoyeewas pushing a streIcher up an incline and his legs became caught, causing him to fall onto a concretefioor_ -"" 1006150902990:: 516,53 3020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 ??oo156100;:-,:' 611512009- 611812009""- 7/17f2009 516.53 , 30,20 0,00- 0.00 0:0(1- O.QQ.:"" 0.00, 10 JE 32 Employeelripi>edonatmand tracturedherrighlSlhtoli. , 1006110801921 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0000311910 6/11/2008 6111/2008 21612009 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 00 "' , Emptoyeesleppedinaholeata Countyparllingloll.lnafelL 1009260701254' 5.658_33 731_54 0,00' 000 0.00" 0.00 6,389.87- 00001 9/2712007,:.'..> 5/24120082- 5.658.33. 731.54 0.00 0.00, O.()(b 6.389,87' 10:' Employee W8sallemp~ng to 8c00t" ,,' back while &itling Ins folding chair:' and 11 fulded under her causing her. IofananCrsheinjUre4herrlghtwrtsl,. '-,-?, , ,'.', "'.*, , 1012100701463 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 0.00 0.00 0000253212 12110/2007 12/10/2007 2117/2009 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 0_00 000 10 JE 92 Em>>oyeewl.ls stung bya bee on lhe abdomen area. 12 -- ._-,_..._-- - --^ ----~._-~. .,..- ....,____..-_.o_,..w_....._ - --~..-~-~_.,.".._.. --,.- 1002270902732' 0000210155 10 ""'J!: 10D4020902858 0000155410 10 JE 1011250802485 0000253212 10 JE 1011070802462 0000182901 10 JE 1011280602487 0000144610 10 JE 1011200802499 0000156315 10 JE 1001130902592 ??oo155410 10 JE .', 1001200902618 0000313218 10 JE 212712009 50"'-" ',. ,," 412/2009 51 1112512008 " 11/7/2008 5 1112812008 91 11120/2008 1 1/1312009 39 1/2012009 6 511/2009 7128/2009 Employee telt pain in his lefl shoulder after lifting a deceased dog onto a streIcher 11/2512008 1/2312009 Employee was s\nlck on the moL1lh bya piece of pvr:; pipe and chipped a Iooltv 11"1212008 11/2412008 Employee's right knee became irrilated after several days of cl'mbingon&offarid'ngtrencher 11/2812008 121812006 Employee was Injl/red when the ambulance she was hi was InVOlved In s vehicle 8ccident arld rolled over. , 12/4/2008 12/1212008 Emptoyee was waxing a slide and slruck h,s head on a cross beam when hecl'mbed to Ihe top ot Ihe slide to get more wax, 1/1312009 4/3012009 Employee had a dog ona leash and lI}ilmpedonhlm, causing him to fa" and injure his rtghtlmee:. 1/20/2009 2/19"2009 Employee sprainHd her nght ankle while walking on a gravel surtace FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 664,00, 664.00 91900 91900 3.374.17 3,374,17 91997 91997 8.302,92 6,302.92 47800 47800 4,086,94 4,088,94 000 ODD 3570 35.10'. . ,. :ym009'":;,, 3/2612009 ;:, Employee felt hi8 right knee twisI whenhe stepped down to Inspect a' valve, then fell onto a concrete VlIIYl1, ,::-, , .., '- ";' ,', pftc1.8trtklngthesameknee:'tJ:~.;; ",,' '/' - -, :' "" ":, -;''''',',dt:;' J'''^"''::'>:'''~.''i';;;'',;t:~j'"":,, ',,:', . j , ',7 "~.,";l,,S:',~';'''',';-:'~,,1'':,',''-:'r'-'''':'---:'''':':'j,~'',':',_''---,, "'",::n'--:::[':,:;;',~'!;; _".i::,' ,;:.:'F 23,50 2350 30.66 "'.66 7825 78,25 101,15 101,15 1785 1785 187.D7 187.07, 000 000 13 0.01) 0.00' 0.00 0.00, 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00:": ''-,' .", "" 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 935.42 935,42 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 658,44- 688,44 0.00 0.00. 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 16 of 118 0.00"':':: '699.70 "A. O.OO:~'Y 699.10' ..' ,C'." , ' 0,00 942,80 000 942,80 0.00 0.00 3.404.83 3.404.83 000 000 998,22 998.22 0.00 0.00 9,339.49 9,339.49 000 000 495.85 49585 0.00 000 4.964.45 4,964.45 000 000 000 000 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report tOOi1""''''''''''-19:it'"~~'<,':E:'S'.,;:',;-'''''''''''-~''''';,;", "';:;;:<;:',,, " ",' _ " , - "''''''~1~::i'v)\:':;::':'''''''''''-''';;:);!i,' ;'<1";"","'1"":':;/<;$>;';""---:_ 00001~t,t~'1;,':Wi_4b,;,1f1912009,,_,p,;,.,:;;;;1f~9I2OO9i,4(t,<21171200e" to;:,;,;:',;;;,\::;,," JE'";'i.":,,: ':'5t.:n:;'+":f;:::"-" Emplo)"lfl strained her 10'<'Ief "', ,",-;:;;J-'i~' - ,::-:;"~',:, . :,", ,.,..", ',,, af1erllftlng!lfllledbankers boX.:j/' ,;c, ':-' ,,:^rb"h:' --,,',' ..:, .,:::;. ,,:~";,:s;\:,~ ,',',' , ",,,~__, ,"'No 'Cl.OO:"'_,,i-,. o,oCi;';':""- '"" Agenda Ilem No_ 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 17 of 118 0_00',,' ""': O.oli'j;:-, 0.00 O,OO::'!' ;'.;',.,,0 0.(1);\\);-:<'-:' 0.00, ,-,,-,' -"-,, 1003020902735 0000233351 10 JE 31212009 51 3/3/2009 3/19/2009 Employee fell a pillch in his lower back while laking lubes off a vactor truck. , "-" '",,,,',', %'", ",,'C ",,0- 8" 50 2975 000 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 901,25 8'1 so 2975 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 901,25 1002260!i02721'::--: '-,' ,'1,1,:" 0000144610::;k~i:; 10,::;::<",'-;+;{'JE '_"""M' 212612009: 53, ---.-:;;,:-(':;1":;:;,'- ",' ",n"'..",,':.-...,,, 212612009" 3f1912OO9 EmpfoYeestmfnecrhlsfowerback whflecarrylnga paIlent ' 204,00;'"'' 39,90, 0.00:''- 0.00 0.00," 0:00:" 000 "" '," , 204,00 39.90 0.00 0,00'" 0.00;' 000 0.00 243.90 , 243.90' ; ,~ 1012020802503 0000122240 10 JE 1212/2008 5 121512008 12/1812008 Employee stra;ned his lower back climbing upand down a ladcler_ 30270 302.70 2476 2476 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 -'"'' 32746 327_46 t0121708025<< 281.00 17.85 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 298,85 0000156332" <- 12117/2008 1211712008' 12/3012008: 281.00 17,85, 0.00' 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 29B.8S 10 J' 40 Emplo~ slipped while standing on a wOtstep bumper and fell. striking hfsrtghtsideagalilStataligate, ~. 1012010701450 41813 59.25 000 000 000 000 0_00 47738 0000144610 1211/2007 12/112007 12/1212007 41813 59.25 000 000 000 000 0_00 47738 10 J' 32 Employee tripped o\lera retaining clolhancl fell onto hlsleflshoulder, 1001210902628 4,004.24 252,30 2,07732 , 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00001~J::;", 112112009, 112212009 3/3112009" 4,0G4.24 252,30 2,077.32": 0.00 0.00, 0.00 0,00 10 J' 51 EmployeestralnellhfshackwhlJe Ifftlng heavyftams in the shOp. ,'", '.,,, 1004140902820 710,89 1785 000 000 000 000 000 728_74 0000122410 411412009 4/1412009 51112009 710,89 1785 000 000 000 000 0,00 728.74 10 J' 23 Employee cut his left thLlmb wl1i1e "'moving rusty metal, 1005090801895":--" 3,079_90 205,23 000 000 0,00" 0.00 0,00, 3,285.13 00001 5i9I2008'i- 5i2llI2008 1012912006, 3,079,90 205.23' ',0.0\1" 0,00 0,00, 0,00 0,00 3,265.13.- 10 5 Employee injured his Jeflshouloor: whIf~&ttemptiriglotransferfronia, . fadl:1ilrloascaffotll. 14 . .' --..--- -""'" --- -'--,~---~-,-----. ""'-'~--"---' -----" - FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No, ~6E4 December 1, 2009 Page 18 of 118 1005200801896 15.91010 1,035,91 000 000 0,00 0_00 000 16,946_01 0000155410 512012008 5129/2008 71212008 15.91010 1,03591 0_00 0.00 000 000 000 16,94601 10 JE 66 A~lunteerreceive-dacalb~eon herlighl wrist wllile handling Ille animal, 1001180801561 0,00 000 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0000233351 1/1812008" 1/1812008_ 21612009 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 JE ~1, Employeestralnedhlsllrm~lle carrying a push camera Intovahicle. ,...... ., .. 1003140801700 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 0000313211 3/14/2008 3114/2008 2/612009 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 W JE " Employ.eefel1 pain in her shoulder afterliflir"lg a jug of water 1003120801701 1,87701 9999 0_00 0,00 000 0_00 0_00 1.977.00 0000182901 3112/2008 311412008 312512008 1,877.01 99.99 0_00 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 1,977.00 10 JE 51 Employee fell a paininhls upper back while picking upa log. 1011050701390 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000163615 11/5/2007 11/5/2007 2/1712009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 10 JE " Emptoyeetripperlon the vertical lip ofsidewalllandfellwhllewalking 1001280902632 12665 3015 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 156_!f 0000163628 1/28/2009 1/28/2009 2124/2009 126,65 30,15 000 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 156,80 10 JE 23 Employee was trying to get up from a sQuattiog posllion using a machele andhlslllfthandslipped,cLJt\inghis pinky finger, 1005150902902 26100 2875 000 000 0,00 000 -000 28975 0000253212 5/15/2009 5/1812009 512712009 26100 2875 000 000 000 000 000 28975 10 JE 23 Employee cut his leflmlddle finger on a cutter bladewhnn ~ slipped while cutting a piece of poty pipe 1005180902903 257.00 3470 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 291_70 0000122240 5/18/2009 5/18.12009 6/1512009 257.00 34,70 0,00 0.00 000 0_00 0.00- 291.70 10 JE 21 Eniployim'slllftpirikyflngerwas , pinched agalnsl a shelf by the dI1Uh1i waIluslfll. 1005200902904 4,364,85 12431 98964 000 000 0,00 0.00 5.47880 0000163620 512012009 512012009 7128/2009 4,36485 12431 98964 000 000 000 000 5.478.80 10 JE " Employel! sltppecl on a wet surlace causir"lg pain Ir. his rignt knee 15 ,o0422080ja12(1:~,:'.\}~'i'h'" '\Y'",":;:-":-,' ,-.", >X'~,~'- ,:,:'_ oOCKI23335t,:i;,t,:~WJl;!~~t~I~hY:' 4~~~008~;;!c~'::'- 'Br.i8l200If 10'::;-"'--'""<:~'"JE-,;'I"J!t"'t9f:"::{;~:t::~"',;;.;".-,,'"', COunty vehicle Was stnJck bY' . <~':i::i}:{'?4;;v;:,6\~}r;':~;!;:;?:f\;_i~~;:1;~';: another vehiCle 'IAlileSIDppedfor ;L,:;:;::i;i;::57~~:~~ ;'0;"1"":~:f:::~-('ji;X';;::r_ stop sign at the i~~icJn~f;~hO~" ;;- -"--"""'''''''~' -ow,"<:vJ.,m;,..,b. Street &. CarollnaAwkr.;"~,~h;.. T .,-,- , ;;,_:,L.:l:ibh'biiY," __ ':((~l'l~,w;JJ::i';i~*v\>,;c;;.. ,'_''".' 'i.,ri"..;;,ti:'\:Li'f;:,:':?--,: _, .' , .;--: _.,";;':"~,;- -'; ::';'1. ,f',_""'?'W.':.)).> ;'1f-;,~0'''''<~.''''''';,;';'":,,,,,,'',;:i_;:,;:.t .'(+;<0;;; ',;;;,' -,-, .;;....;<,,-...... ",...,. -;... ""'''''''''~'''''''''7''''''''''''"''-''''-''-'''"""" """" ""',,,,,....,,, ";:"i.";"''':',.:::,~:,\. ."1';;.~:::"..,::'M';,;",.';.","':':,4""'f,'.:';.;';;-"):,;,,, ',;" ,:,__-'," "_'...,'"'-"" ,', ", 1012140701492 0000144610 10 JE 12114/2007 " ','''' , -," . 1001270902638 0000182901 10 JE 112712009 92 1003100902749 ??oo155410:;;: ~' 10 '311012009..' 49 ,;;,', 1003100902750 0000144610 10 JE 311012009 52 1003100902751. 000023331,2;:.:" 10" Je:,', 3I1012()OO: 52---- __ , 'C',' 1005210902922 0000138327 10 JE 5121/2009 4 1005270902923"'" 0000156363, 10 .. JE: 5/2712009 23 -, -,.-",-.,,--,---. ,,','..',._,---- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1.. 2009 Page 19 of 118 9,674.1~f~":;:F:O': '3.1~1.21.rB:,;; 2,600.14.',' 9674.11:'.-,o'\i'-' 3191.24,~--':';;"; 2 600.14__ " ",--."-.',',,,-,, " , ,,"'.',',"~"'" , '. "" . ,--' ~, 12114/2007 11124/2008 Employee was jn the rear of ambulanceatlendingapalientwhen the ambulance was slruck bya anotr.ervehicle, throwing John tnrward iOlo bulkhead. 1.47910 1,479,10 000 000 000 000 12J2J2008 12/17/2006: Employeefell'NhllewalklngClown , the stairs !rl1heAdmltilslratloli Bulldlng: 140,00 140.00:' 11,90 11,90 000 0.00, 0.00 0.00'" 0.00 000 0.00 0.00, 0.00 0.00"" 151.90 151.90 112912009 212412009 Employee was bitlen by an msect while ra~ing CDrclgrass debris, . 30215 30215 331.90 331,90 2975 2975 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 0,00 311012009 3127/2009 Employee feli whlle walking Clown' the stairs in Ihe parking garag8." 369.89 369.89' . 565,60 56560 36.01 36,01 000 0.00'" 0.00' O.Oil:<:' 0.00:' 0.00 0.00, 0.00' 0.00 0.06:'- 405.90 405,90 , . 311012009 3125/2009 Employee Slrained his back while pulling a patient onto a bac~board. 513.04 513.G4 000 0.00 52.56 52.56 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 311012009, 4/2312009 Employee was struck on Ihe leftwrlsl byaratchllthandle, 8,584.56 8.584.56 '.'" " 71.83 71.83' 0,00 0.00' 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.656.39' 8,656.39 ,,:1 000 0.00. 0.00 0.00 , 0.00;-,\:.:,. '"'",,, /,>/?/"'",' "., , , .~ 512812009 61412009 Employee steppecl in a shallow hole whilewal~ingalongaswale 42,00 42.00 47,95 4795 595 5,95 000 000 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 5/28/2009 7116/2009, Employee's rigrrtihumb was pierced by a needle, 2,762.93 2,762.9i: 23.80 23.80 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00". C':,:--' 2,786.]3, 2,786.13" 'ii 16 ... ,.-,"-.----.,"-' ,,-"- .~..._,,_.~,-,,_. -.-,_., FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item NO.1 GE4 December 1, 2009 Page 20 of 118 1004280801814 956,02 3570 000 000 000 000 000 991,72 0000233351 4/2812008 4128/2008 12/31/2008 95602 35.70 000 000 000 0.00 000 99172 00 " 87 Employee had sewer water erlter his right eye wtlerl he cut a cable strap irlawetwett, 1001210601591 000 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0000155410 1121/2008 112112008,;":' 2113/2009,:' , 0,00'. 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,'" , 0.00 10,' . JE 19_i~ Emplo~ Jammed his celtphone clip: ,. Inltlh/riabdomerlafterbendlng . ,:~ ~-,.>., 1003240801720 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000121710 :i/2412008 312412008 216/2009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 00 JE 00 Employee'S left loot (big toe) was struck by the reslroom's door alter it tell off ilshirlgesas she was opemng it 1003250801721 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 000 0000253212 312512008 312512008 21612009 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 00 " 91 Employee'svehlcte(frorltlefltire) was struck b~ anolt1er wtllle traveling North 011951. 1012040802521 100725 6740 000 0,00 0,00 000 000 1.07465 0000233313 1214/2008 121412008 1/28/2009 100725 6740 0,00 000 000 [JOO 000 1,074,65 00 JE 52 Employeeslrainedl1isrightsl1oulder when he putled a manhole lid 1012310602646 340,58 5.95 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 346.53, ??oo192330 1213112008:' ~212009 2/2412009 340,58 595 0.00 0.00 000 O.OCl 0.00-" 346.53 00 JE,:' 23 Employee cut hiS lower rlghl thigh 011 ," a blade from a hedge trimmer whlle trtmmingvegflta~on, 1003060902759 3425,40 21474 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 3,64014 0000108010 3/612009 3/12/2009 4/2112009 3,42540 21474 000 000 000 000 000 3,64014 00 JE 39 Employeelellwi);lewalk'ngtolim supply room. 1003240902789 21,298.46 186,29 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 21.484,75 0000233351 3/2412009 3124/2009 9121/2009 21,298.46 186,29 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 21,484.75 10 --: JE. 52 Employee developod a sharp pain in h1sforearmS,wnst& palms while trying to turn a plug valve wiIh a wrench, 1003260902790 51646 36.01 000 000 000 000 000 5;'2.47 0000163620 3126/2009 3126/2009 4/2712009 51646 36.01 000 000 000 000 0,00 552.47 10 "' 11 Emptoyeewasusing a shovel to remove a manhOle c.over and while he was pulling his handundemeath the cover, il fell onto his fingers 17 '-.., 1006260801999';' oo0015631!i''''::';'':~: 10 ""'''''''~;'.'''''''JE ,',,,:,:+,,"., ""'~'r':I<'"'''' .,:.,......... '-"., ",- 1007010802001 0000144610 10 JE FY 2009 Closed Claim Report ",';,,:.', ','~"""''''',..._1-, ,,219471 '137,65 'W";"~=~~~~I~:.,:::~i'~~~1:;!:'il~~;~':'~'{~~~::X;: ::_1_3~~~.;;;-lz~:;"-';"~,. SeatiI"V,falHng onto her right tme8i;. -C:~"3;,4i:"">" ,^-- ;'-'-' " , ".'''., '''''''i''f:,'.--' ,,,,,,", ",n ,:;;;'''';\.'';'..J';':;''.'''''~' ,,", ' , :' 71112008 50 Gonzales, Jorge 71212008 7114/2008 Empklyeetwisled his right foot when he stepped down onto the bumper of the ambulance. 1 0090208Q222tf.:':<: '~:;.',;7:r':/i7?:':::~'::'-:':.:,:i _ ..... ,.'__ <;":',<:--;..;>';:." .t.,::;;;..~o__,..-:.':,~:.;": 0000155410 "'""..~".,,,. 91212OOB"""""" , . ;;[,';' <;<>" '"-,y:"'<i.;/ij":',, 10 .JE..v-.j. 52,'jlt<',,,":'_""""',';1' '- "',-, ",.,. .,..,,;.....'.;;-.. -,:::.,'..,",-::;".....' " 1009020802227 0000155410 10 JE 1005270902931 0000156343 10 JE, -"-" 1005200902912 0000210120 10 JE 1006120903000 0000233351 10 JE 1006090903016 0000163647 10 JE 1007070903066 0000233313 10 JE,' " ....0.': - .,/".:- ,','- 9/212008 2 512712009_ 8 .--'. 5120/2009 4 611212009 E ,,-'.'-" 619/2009 " 71712009;: 1,-- -._-,-._- ';!:'~n:;J,r:',,,,, .--- 91212008,\:," 101312008. ".,. , ErnployeeWl!lSpadormlngsurglll)'" ona dog and strained atenOOn In herlefthand.'" 91312008 911212008 Employee stepped on a nail. 512912009. 61812009'<. Emplo)'ll8Jumped down off a junglft 9yrri'imdsprainedherr19htankiEl~':: fool '.._c 5/2112009 612412009 Employee's teft leg fell inlo a hole Ihalwasooveredbygrasslweeds 611812009 613012009; Employee fell pain In histeftfoot afterclimblngstepsrepea1edlytO tIO~bleshootapump,,', 6/2312009 6130/2009 Employee developed a rash after tMmming and picking up crown-of, tllOmbu~hes, 71712009' 8/1812009 ,Emplo)'ll8wasPUltlngamegalu9o/l a shell and slruck another mega lug, , smashjnghi~fingerbetweenboth lugs," -...._~,_.~',.. 000 0:00:\>, Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 21 of118 0.i!O''-':f'P::,2,332;3Ei' Ii oo~{,:;'0a;:''',2 332 is' ;,.~, \"';":i;:';',,~:, -';Y" ----' ...'-'..,',"... 1,27721 1,27721 23.80 2380 0,00 000 609.69" 609.69::/::" ,,43.85'- "43.85.-':::';" 000',.. . "'..."; 0.00':--\',; ;,",,"",,", ..,...,.... ',,,.,,,..' __...n........ '"",,,., 2,38520 56,30 000 2.38520 5630 000 1.547,23 17.85 0_00 1,547.23 17.85'" 0,00 6,06827 6,06827 139_93 13993 000 000 431,35 431.35 54.32' 5432 0.00 0.00 ~" ". 352,11 352,11 28.06 2806 000 000 459,51 459,51" '.% 0.00' 0.00 26.14_ 26_14. " 1B 0_00 000 , 000 000 0,00 0,00' 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 0,00 0.00" -"'---~--- 0.00 6.{)(t} "",..,.." 000 000 000 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 . 000 0_00 000 0_00 0,00" 0.00, 0,00' 0.00: -"."..,-., . ':--j) ""--""," .j .,'; 0_00 000 1,301.01 1,301,01 0_00'>\:- " 0.00;'-:: 6$3,54 653,54 ';>' .. 0,00 000 2,44150 2.441_50 0,00_ 0,00,",' 1.565.08 1,56506 , 000 000 6,20820 6,208,20 0.00 0.00', 485.67,' 485.67 000 0,00 0,00 000 0_00 0.00: 0.00' 0.00 0,00 0_00 ",:, 380,17 380_17 000 0.00 485.65' 485_65 I' FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1_ 2009 Page 22 of 118 1007080903070 617,82 39,71 000 0_00 000 0_00 000 657,53 0000210154 7/812009 719/2009 8110/2009 61782 39,71 0,00 0,00 000 0_00 000 657,53 10 JE 91 Employee was traveling easton GOlden GateBlvd,andwhenhe stoppedbehlndaWasla Managemenlvehicla, he was struck lromt>ehindbyanothervehlcle 1005200902917 4,643.12 444.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000182901 512712009 &'281200' 4,643.12, 444,33~ 000 000 0.00,' 10 Emplo)'&8 feI1 pain_in hls right knee , " YotlenhebelttloreachBlraYof ,,-'- f\owers-beinll unloaded from atnJck: ~< 1010200802428 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 0,00 000 0000144610 10/20/2008 10/2012008 216/2009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 10 JE "' Employee strained his le~ le9 w~,ile lifting a palientfrom the bed 10 tile Slrecher 1010300802436 271.00 17,65 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 288.65 0000122240 1013012008 1013012008 11/24/2008 271.00 17,65 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 288.65 10 JE 11 Employee was struck on lhe side of Ihe head by a piece of lumber. 1012110802534 000 95,00 000 000 000 000 000 95,or 0000163620 1211112008 12116/2008 1212912008 000 9500 COO 000 000 000 000 950 10 JE '" EmployeegavetlMJdifterent descriptions , He was raking the media aM tripped over a black pipe , Employee fell pain in hisnghl loot after warning on a lawn mower & walking on grass 1004010902803 1.076,69 48.45 0,00 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 1.125,14 0000173441 41112009 4/212009 4130/2009, 1,076,69 46.45 000 000 000 0.00 000 1.125,14 10 JE 13 Employee pusheclopen Ihe door of a DlIlIdozerwilh his elbow and fell pain in hlSnecl(. 1003160902766 104.00 5.95 000 000 000 000 000 10995 0000144610 3/1612009 3.'1612009 :,/2512009 10400 595 000 000 000 000 000 109,95 " JE 3 A metal shavtng was blowninlO the employee'seyewhilchcw~s checking an oxygen tank_ 1011080602460 339.11 144,27 000 0_00 000 0_00 000 483_38 0000144610 111812006 11/912008- 11/21/2008 339_11 144.27 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 483.38 " JE 6 Employeelwistedherleftanklewhile walking 10 ambulance. 19 ~ 1011260802491 0000108010 10 JE '01215080254q~~::>;i' OOOO~~h;)#<:;)!AL;';: 10>'.i;:.._'-;:O::7V" JE.-.-C'.:';<", ,.,.""..,,,.;.....;,,,)., ',c....t.,,' .~' {~" ',/iT " 'J ',.,,'-, ~ ,., ' ,"""-,,," .. ,',;'/;<">/L",':;,--,-::;;,; --:~;-;;::~~lr_::.:,_:;'~:j<,: 1012150802541 0000108010 10 JE 10021507Cios4S:, ??oo233313:-' 10 JE 1005210801872 0000144610 10 JE -. 1002010801599,' ??oo144610 10' -"'.i.e:'- 1005160801873 0000233351 10 JE 1009070701239': ??oo233351 10 11/2612008 32 12/1512008 87; 12/1512008 50 2115/2007,' 13 5/2112008 50 2/112008 51 5116/2008 95 1001060902582 0000155410 10 JE ~" 1/612009 66 12/212008 1126/2009 Employeemppedonabagof shredding and fell agail1S1 a oolJnter_ 12/1&2008'Y,. 611512009":",,.. Emplo)tle'Srlghleyeendfacemade,: contaclY.ttnwastewater'lotlllei:}-- peoo;ml~ malnlenaiiceon t.iiF> Stallo~~:10U2.>,':'-:' r';',,;', "".. 1211512008 12/2912008 Em~oyeefellaflersteppingdoWfl from fhe curb 2/1612007, 3/31/2009.. Emplo)l8ewas struck 00 tile left side , of the face by an alrbag that, deployed In the vehlcle he was driving" 5/21/2008 101112008 Employeeslrained left kfllffi while stepPing out of ambulance_ 21512OOa,' 9/1812008 Employee fefi a pop followed tiypaln InherrighlwriSlanerliftlrgii- backboard from fhe truck cabinet 5/1612008 21612009 Em~oyeedevelopedrashonboth hands and wrists afterweafll19 I1Jbbergloves, 91712007 2/17/2009 Employ&etwisted his wrtsIafter.it hose slipped from hiS grasp while fl wasbeingremovedfromatn.Jck. 1/612009 1/2712009 Employee was bitten on Ihe left hand byacatll,adoplionwhenshepulit on her lap, ,...--------- ,-~-~ FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 29766 24_59 29768 2459 833.23". , 833.:?(j<< 'r ',"i;'>": ..".Y:"",< 445,90 44590 6.1Hi.15 6,119.15, 1.226.43 1.226.43 5,103_02 5,103,02 000 000 0.00 000 424,24 42424 35.70, 35.70.. , ,'" 36,01 30,01 203.95 203.95 9073 9a73 225.53 225.53 000 000 0.00 0.00 3253 3253 20 000 000 0,00 0_00 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 Agenda lIem No_ 16E4 December 1 , 2009 Page 23 of 118 000 322.27 0,00 322.27 O.Oel 0,00;;- 0,00 000 000 0.00 000 000 9,010,90 9,010,90.; 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 0,00, 0.00 0.00,:, 0:00," 000 000 000 000 0.00 0_00 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 0_00 000 ~--.__._.._.....- 0.00'\ ~ 000 000 0.00 0.00, 000 000 868.93. ,"_ 868.93' ",,:;;}iti;::i.i:"';;,:,o,::.% -':':::!:::<~E\~":'i,~;,~~:m '".,...,.." . ,'..<'......,...,.,,, ""';:"~"y,j;,<:!t --,.."..""...,",, 0,00 4B1,91 0,00 4B1,91 0.00 0.00' 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 1,31716 1,31716 14,339.45 14,339,45' 000 000 0,00 0.00 , 000 000 000 0_00 0.00- 0.00 '.';, <1 '-','iI ,,"- ".--- ;',';.0' ---:7 456,77 45677 - FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1_ 2009 Page 24 of 118 1003240902798- 0000163640':-,,; . 10 JE ... 1011040802458 0000511010 10 JE .' . - ..,'" --,......,..-- 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 -....-.""""..-,....,,., 0.00 O.OIL,~,:~'i<<,'O.oo 000 O.OQ ", 000 0.00'- 0.00 0,00. -';.;4>:'i'0.';Ti~""" ,- . (I.OO~<-. .."-",,, , 0.00 , _..''C" -"""---.-.F;;;c:."c;_.;: ' -., 1:\,,- . . ',_.c.--, , :'...ji'.".' ''-' . . "'- ,,".- 1.40834 26290 000 000 000 000 0_00 1,67124 1408 34 262 90 000 000 000 000 000 1,67124 3124/2009-' 21 ""'-'. ,'3124/2009,;:',,: <lhf2009,' ,-- Employee's right hand was caughlin - COun1)iVllhlcle doorafterwind bleW- llstlul'" " ,','-' 1114/2006 34 11/6/2006 212212009 Employeelwistedhisleftanklewhen he lost his batance while Iifling bags 1012080701470, 0000155410 10 JE '2!BI2OO7 6 1211112007::' 5J29J200a Employee was bellincl a 00g when It ' sUcklenlystopped walking and she hyperextendedherrighlkneelryillg, tokeepherselffromfamng. 5,540.06 5.540.06 6,79454 6,794_54 6,000_00 6,000.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 0.00'" 0.00,"-, 18,334,60, 18.334.60 , -): 1001170902601 6932.52 2,600,10 8,98314 000 000 000 000 18.51576 0000144610 1/1712009 1/1712009 4/3012009 6,93252 2,60010 8,98314 000 000 000 000 18,51576 " "' " Employee was transferring apat'enl from a stretcher to a hospital hed when he felt a popinhi~ leftwnst 1002090902676 193.00 2565 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 0000144610 21912009 219/2009 3119/2009 193,00 25,65 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 10 JE 50 Emp/oyeefe/tpaininherleflllfp areawtlllesfepplngdown outof- , Truck #21. 1011130802461 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 0,00 000 0000233351 11/1312008 11/1312008 3112/2009 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 10 "E 2J Employee scratched the back 01 his left thigh on the edge of awel well 1011060802463 273_11 43.32 0.00 0.00 0_00 0_00 0.00 316.43 0000253212 1116/2008 11/612008 12/10/2008 273.11 43,32 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 316.43 10 JE 40 Employeeslippedonwet#57 stone anClfelL, 1011140802468 18400 595 000 0,00 000 0,00 0_00 189.95 0000163620 11114/2008 11/17/2008 1112412008 18400 095 000 0,00 000 000 0_00 189.95 10 JE 96 Employee experierlced an alte'llic reaclion on several parts ot h,s body thalhebetleveswascau~ed by lallnderingol his uniformlrom an outside source 21 101117"~4"',::.:.: ""'_.:".,_c"_..c._ __". ",:;';;'~<~"...-_:i::"i'<, .,'......: . ,',",_ ",\;., "" '. """.......... .:~,.~:. ::":~,.""1':.,." 'c_:-: ',':- .::""'-"-'~-::.:. ':"':'. :.: e',';',: ,- "':--:-, ":: :',:::' ','-','-':':.", "-:::'ihr: :....,.,:..:,; ,>>:,'i. 0OOO13fi91-~ ,,~~j,~i~~V:f1;"'~-,i17i200ejj:t(rti/11117QOO8)!lf'/'1 ,'t2412008Zt'd~',';A'\,t;'~*i::>; 10';""c_'-~:;, ""'''''J E~""':';'*"'" ..it-'4',:;'-;.,'__,,:, ~;'""~;;-'-" em' ......;.... '''p'''':;;:'';:'" .._. ...;..;:: ,,' ,,:-:','::;:v"-'~'.:.?-.':\ F"",,- ~~:1Bi~X?2~:i~:Tf~:V'l~~~'1~,j~:,_; ,~~:;-;~'~~~~:stri;,hei7A\~:,'V::i:::,':,::';::(-:i;,< .- ,'~:;+;ili;;_Y0'~~j!Ji~~-:e}b~~;Jt,;~~;;itT::L, ~~ "'],~~~~C~\ ,,:.;_i,;;:',';,:',;~, ,;C'::;;;:",' "~_ _ 1012280600393 0000253212 10 JE 12/28/2006 999 1009070600i33;::,I:';' "'-~', ',",", <, " " <- DODO ..013,~'''''',-',',T~' ," ""'/2006'" .-"'-- 1""", "\,y,,.tj.'~,,';" """ ,,;:,\ 10 ,@;,( Je<::\:if ~19':,':" '",' .::.",,;-!~ '" "~>'{I-" :',,{' "'.'." , ,- , , '"','" __",,.c_.',,',','- , ~ :'::{"-::,:- :' :";- :': --'-"",.:;-':,;D,:F,' ,,,,,. "'<i~\ FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 25 of 118 228.~, 228.95 1212812006 2/17/2009 Atlerworkingon anRP2 alldsellJice line,lheemployeewenthometo sleep, He woke up v.Oth back pain, . co '\;L ,;;. ;'?" 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 0_00 0,00 0_00 0_00 0_00 0.00- 0.00- 0_00'- 0.00 o:oif O.OO?} 000 0.00-: , 0.00 917/2006 2/1312009; EmployllEl was mowlng grassanll mO\\lercaughtabrar.ct\&l'hl8nthe- branchwasreleasell,lt9WUT1gbad\ '., , & slruck him DnlhebackDftlleoeck:,Ci': 1005030801841 0000156315 10 JE 51312008 , - 1002040601626 -"~.,,, ??oo155410' 10 Jj;:''-- 2/412008,' 66 1011290701444 0000138931 10 JE 11/2912007 32 1001130902610'"'' 0000163620 10 ",,'-je. 1002190902715 0000138915 10 JE 2/1912009 32 .~". w,_.._._ . ,--~" ,',',:, . 5/3/2008 512812008 Employee jumped offltle diving boardalld hiS left kneestruGk him in lhe moulh, chipping some teeth & causing a laceralion under his lower lip. 73867 73867 762,47 762.47 23,80 23,80 000 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 0_00 0_00 0_00 000 2/812008 511212008 Employee was puned by a dog when sne tool<: II out of the cage. 3.754.20 3,754.20 0.00 0.00 3,938.23' -3.938.23', 184.03' 184.03 0,00' 0,00 0.00' 0.00- _0,00 0.00 0.00 000 11/30/2007 1212112007 Employ-ee tripped on her own shoes; she put her righl hand oul to break her fall and dislocated a flnger_ 419_62 41962 557.09 55709 137.47 137.47 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 0,00 0_00 000 0.00 1/2212009 112912009' Emploj'&estateshewasuslnga chalnSaWandlhedeMsanleredhls boolanctwor'ked its way Into his lell ' m,. 93.00 595 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00" 98.95 93.00: 5.95 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00' 98.9$ ''-;; ',. .. ,'~, , ",. , '<,~ 2/2412009 413012009 Employee fell on hiS knees after lrippillgonconslructiondebris, 63100 631_00 666_70 666.70 3570 3570 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 0,00 000 000 22 "'-"--",~"~-'-'''''-_. -"._--._-,-"" FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 26 of 118 1002100902719, 378_60 25.62 000 0.00" 0.00 000"::"'" 404,22 ._'..--" . .. ..~' "-" //'(1' """''-'<' 2a4I2ooll/~:;:i'-- 311912009'-- ,'N' 0000163620':::t~;> 211~_~_;:,:' 378.60 25." 0.00_ 0.00,,--' 0.00''- 0.06::::<;':", 404.22 "" 10<1' ;:. """""JE''':u,,:',',- .112";):~-.1i~":' -,~,_ Emp/oyeeW88stung on Iherlghl, ,....>:r--,.. '-'i;;,;'';'itr;:::;'0f:;';:' :;- -',-,--,'-'. ....,.','" ,'" -..,,'..... ..--:,,:',..-', :""":4-:" harlclbyabeeVotlHeCutling ,", '-.'- ,,', .,.. ''''--':'-:0-- ,'''' . veg..l..~n., "'1 "". . . .,,;'i" . ',,,". C' ....... "'o' '0-".'-'.1:. 1003060902746 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 0000311910 31612009 3/612009 311812009 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 " "' " Paper Shredder expelled flames In employee's lace While tynng focl€ar a paper Jam 1003180902778 1,432,59 76_81 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,509.40 0000121640';::,:" 'q ..., 3118f2009 3120120011 4130/2009, 1,432,59 76.81 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00', 0.00" 1.509,40 " JE~-~"':' " "" Employaeslralnedherlef1.shoulde( whefl she lifted a case Into lheback seatofaCoontyvehicle.," 1004070902810 41100 4165 000 000 0_00 000 000 45265 0000156175 4f7/2009 4f7/2009 413012009 '" 00 4165 000 000 000 000 000 45265 " "' " Employee was pushing a cart wtlen awtleelcameofl,lh-e cart fell over ar)(/struck hermfhe right leg 1011120602465 28800 11,90 0,00 000 000 0_00 0_00 299.90 0000210154 11/1212009 11/1412008 1112412008 28800 1190 0,00 000 000 0.00 0.00 299.9f 10 JE 92 Employee was slung 0fI lhe right llaoobyabee, 1010130600381 000 0,00 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 0000156180 1011312006 10l13/2000 211312009 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 10 JE 19 Employee dropped DVDcase Slle tried to grab itand it punctured her wrist. 1009280600378 000 0,00 0_00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0000122240 912812006 912812006 21612009 000 0.00 0_00 0.00 O.OQ 0.00 0.00 0,00 10 JE 92 Employee was stung by a home! Or) Iherlghleyelid.whi1elhmwing gartlage in a lrash clln. 1Q10060600383 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0_00 0_00 0000163640 1016/2006 10IG/2006 211712009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 " JE 90 Employee's veh;clewasstruck from fhe rear While stopped af a stop light 1002050902675 2,56313 14U6 0.00 O,OQ O,QQ 000 0_00 2,704.49 0000156381 21512009, 2!6I2Ol)9 813112009 2,563,13 141.36 0.00 0_00 0.00 000 0.00 2,704,49 10 JE 2 Employaewasexllinglhefleldhouslt & siepped on a mckwith his rlght foot. lwlstinghls right leg & causing him to fali. 23 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 1004070801766 0000156381 10 JE 41712008 " 4/812008 10/1412008 Employee attempted to tI1rowa bag of trash Into a dumpsler, but it struck lheedgeandcameback,strlking himintherightshoutder_ 17,847,86 17.84786 268,02 268,02 5,19682 5,100,82 0.00 000 0,00 000 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 27 of 118 0,00 0_00 23,312.70 000 0,00 23,31270 1012300802574::.'-::;::(" "~<,::'/~' ,',' '--,-,C,\., " ooo61~:3620,,~:'-\)!::4!::':;<1213012~::\C"""--" '1~1iiOOl1'~:;-' 11211200'9" " 10":':"'\I:_~:J~~2.;;,t 21;;:L%iJ;,,:Lk';2:; Empki)tlEli~ercaughl~' '_~-~~\i::l~:'~~~i~;~E"i\i::1:::g~i~~:1fF,1~11DmkJc1le~~,:~ his rtght h~~~ In ,;"C"'__,'::'-"', ,-,__ ',M-:".'~':'<~"'\"'>-';';-:'-:;'l'il,:,,,,:,:,'^::-'i-,." vehleledoot"'.\>,:":,, .'__.-'" -."'" '" :,o;;:!;~:, '.:,:.;},.:_-,f,;; ,c.>: 'S':<;;;,:/Af1i;9::;':;';:::' ':'c;."_,O:_ ,,:" ';,__~c;"'~,~,:;J,2, 1001050902575 0000163620 10 79.38 79_38 24,75 24,75 0_00 0,00 000 0_00 0_00 000 000 000 0_00 000 104,13 104,13 JE 1/512009 23 1/512009 1/26/2009 Employeehadal1ailel1terin between his light naii& thumbwllile rottirogup atarp, 1002070902709 ??oo144610 10 JE: 21712009, 87,_ 211612009:" 8/3112009 An employee was splashed in the righleye by blood ofapatienl. 296,SO 296.SO 11.90 11.90 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00, 301140 308.40 . 10030S0902743 0000108010 10 JE 3/512009 21 3/612009 4/112009 Employee ctosed a safedoororl his left thumb, 302,00 302,00 2975 2975 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 0,00 000 331.75 33175 -- 1003120902762 0000192330 10 JE 311712009 8/29/2009 Emptoyeewas opamting an ATVtQ, ; Inspect 811 lnigatlon plpellne Whenhe'-j hlt!ll1 erosion dilchv.t1ich ~ausedthe ATV to pitch down & forward,: throwlngtheemployeelJffandonll:i theground,- 19.806.57 19.8GB.57 96.00 96.00 1,224_00' 1,224.00' 0.00,_ 000 0.00:' 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 21,128.57 21,126.5r' 3/1212009 44 " ",. , ',', " ",- 1010260600384 0000122240 10 JE 10/2612006 23 10/26/2006 2/6/2009 Empjoyeescratched his face 011 a trailers winch handle_ 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 24 -"---~--- . "-,~----~--- ,-,,-~_.__._""'- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1. 2009 Page 28 of 118 1010260600386 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (j.d(i'-:">'c"~' .. 000 1012612006',,' .'..,.....,......,...." 00(l()100510::i' . '"1012612006 21612009,' 0.00"", 0.00 0.0(1 0.00:,' 0.00:' 0.00:': ,', o.oo:':",~?,;:;"::;? 0.00' 10" JE 51'::,' Emplo)<<istralnedlowerbaCkwhlle.. . . ,... .", .... > c flfling I:x>>lIlS..., ,,': 1010310600387 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000163628 10/31/2006 1013112006 2117/2009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 " Do 1 Ernployeestruck his hand on a tree branchwhileloaoing branches inlo a 'ruck 1012170600389', .,,' 0,00, 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0:00:,' .. 0.00,,' 000 . 0000156314 1211712006',,: 1211712006;; 211312009 0.00 000 0.00. 0.00' 0.00"" 0.00' 0.00 .. 0,00 . , 10 DE 3 : The emplo~ W8s1nspecting a chlorinesupplylinewhenlt1eline .", bofst lIrKl chlorine sprayed In employee'seyet;. 1003100801685 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0000233312 311012008 3/1012008 21612009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 " DO " Employee strained her lower back whilemovmgboxes, 1004300801826 0.00 000 000 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 ??oo122240 413012008 413012008 21612009 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 000 0.00 000 000 10 DE 23 Employee Incurred a punctuffl wound on his left hand when he came Into w1refel'lGing while holdlng IwoWalls. 1012110701471 288753 26861 0,00 000 000 000 000 3,156.1. 0000155410 12/11/2007 12111/2007 6116/2008 288753 26861 000 0.00 000 000 0,00 3.15614 " DO 39 Employee was pushec! over by Ihe dog she was taking loa kennel 1009010701240 1.369,10 4165 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 1,410.75 ??oo144610 9/112007 913/2007 312012008 1,369,10 41.65 000 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 1,410,75 10 DE 87 Employee had blood enter his mouth. 1004160902824 13503 2166 000 000 000 000 000 156,69 0000253214 4116/2009 4l17i2009 4/27,'2009 115.03 2'.1;6 000 000 000 (100 0.00 156,69 10 DO 87 Employee had a rear:hon to poison IVY while perforrnlng a diver c!ownloadatmorutorlfl9well10 1004200902832 2,92114 177.70 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.098.84 0000233351 412012009 4/2012009 8/1012009 2,921,14 177.70 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.098.84 " DE 52 EmplOyee strained his back pulling a hose oul of a well. 25 11127/2006 3112/2009 Employee fell at point where you musl step down after exiting the elevator. ,?'...\"'-'-;7!t0"""""';s::''''''''''''-'''''',c::.; "",/,,(,%jlJ'~,'i'(:,;'I,;::\:yt(;,'i::;,:::;:'jl;;:':: '; ,'''' ',111612llOlJ~:,0i'>"'11241200B;~"'~> "'. - Ernpio~'wastaPplngon8~lilg: 'a1r.Qlffu:seJ:atiemp6ng 10 siO'p'.:~~;'t':-., rlOftJe::whenthe un~fell, sinking him abov8,h~ligtlleYd">':J?;,;':; _n "',';', ~-,." '-"-",,"' 1011210600390 0000100130 10 JE 1112712006 39 100112080155:J,. 00001 10" 1002210801650 0000156110 10 JE 2/21/2008 .. 100408080179f- 0000155974 10 ,JE 41812008: 39 1010040701308 0000163620 10 JE 101412007 " ~. 1007200601123, 0000138915'- 10 ' JE '7/20/2006." 92,' -i. '''.- 1011190002470 0000163620 10 JE 11/19/2008 " 10111008024?1 0000122410' 10 ,'::: >0' F'i' " 1001020902590 0000156349 10 JE 1/212009 23 ..~" -,-_.,~-,..-- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 2/2112008 2/1312009 Employee's righl arm was strucl\ by a falling heavy bool\ while she was shelving them, -,' , , ...., 4tS,2OOa:'~: 2/1312009.,: Emplo)Ul stepped In a dip l!nd felJ whlJeW<llklngto hercar.,,' , 10/412007 2117/2009 Employee was struck on the back of his lefl knee by a person 7/2012006 21612009," Employaewasstungbybeewheri he opened a pennltoox,' ' 11119/2008 12/2312008 Employe€struckhisleftmiddle finger while using a hammer. 11/1012008,;\,4120/2009;:-;' EmPloyee's right tliumb was caught between an engine tiloekanda starter,While~rklf'l90Jl,a~lclil,,- 1/1212009 2/2212009 Employee was struck in the hp/Jace byapieceofexerciseequipment. - ".,>-~-- 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 0_00 0.00 Agenda !tern No_ 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 29 of 118 000 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 000 Cl.OO 0,00. 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 _,_"",:,_',~.633:~ o.CiD,;"':'.:' 633.00 ',:':\;:R~:,::~;;t::(-: ,:::./; ",-,'; ..--_.,'.~', "'iiiP..'::::;'::l:' '. ' """'1.' \'/)'.<<, ':, ,,,,,-',......,..--. 000 000 0_00 000 0,00 0.00 0_00 0_00 000 0.00 0,00, 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 000 0.00 0.00' 000 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00' 0.00 0,00.-- 0.00 . 0.0<1 29900 29900 34,70 3470 000 000 000 000 0_00 0_00 0.00 0_00 33370 333_70 5,003.47_ 34841 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 5,351_~- 5.003.4;:. 348.41, 0.00; 0.,00 0.00 0.00 0.00>..", 5.351_88 ~;,;,,, ;>",. 1.106,34 1.10634 30_22 :\022 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 26 '-'.,--- 0,00 0,00 000 0,00 1,13656 1,136_56 .. ___~~~___W' FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 30 of 118 1002180902702 14960 35.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 184,80' 0000163624-' 149_60:- o.ex)';." . 184.00 211812009' 2/1812009" 3/1912009 35.20 0.00' 0.00 .. 0.00 0.00; 10 JE" 92'- EmplO)'ll8w8IIblltenonlllelelt ". .. . c',e.," bieep by fin Insect while shovaUng: '..- . .. _"0''"-", :~;,'~"",,';' ".'- .. "-.,- ,.'.j'" 155316 135,66800 74,85130 74,59937 135,11867 0_00 0_00 0.00 285,11867 0000182602 11611998 1/6/1998 612012006 135,668.00 74.85130 74,59937 135.11867 000 000 000 285,11867 10 JE " Whilesprayil1{l the eclge of lake, a utility vehicle rollecl over causing employee to slicleto righlside. bruising back & lower right side_ 155317 55,413.18 21.432_55 20,51007 000 0,00 000 0,00 97,355_80 0000172930 8/24/1998 8/24/1998 6/26/2006 55,413.18 21,432_55 20,510_07 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 97,35580 10 JE , Employee injured his krtee when he Jumped Irom alll)Ck. 155324 429,71992 56,59901 443,32712 779,64010 000 000 0.00 929,64605 0000144610 811211997 8/13/1997 412312009 429.71992 56,599,01 443,32712 779,64010 000 0,00 000 929,646_05 10 JE " Whileiifling a pallellt, lheemployee Ie It a suddell POP;1l Iler back wh,ch resulted;nseverenervearlcld,sc dilmage 263608 20,804_03 15,908,91 14,628,00 000 0,00 0,00 0_00 51,340_94 0000210152 4/26/2002 4/2612002 9/26/2008 20,804.03 15,908,91 14,628,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 51,340.94 10 JE '" Emplo)l8lltrippedonuneven _~mentandfellonherknees, 285214 80,68612 58,31555 30,73908 000 000 000 0_00 169,14075 0000210151 111412003 11/5/2003 212612009 80,68612 58,31555 30,739_08 000 000 000 000 169,14015 10 JE " Employee was loadirlg and unloadingnewgarbageoolltamers for dehvery 10 customers when lhey felt pain m thel'iower back 1008140600186 0.00 000 0.00 0_00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000253212.'; 811412006, 8/1412006, 2/1712009 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00, 0.00' 000 '0 JE, " Employeeculthemiddlefingel'Ofl .",< his left hafJd when the lag he was :,':t', "-.. holding was struck with a hammei'. 1001050701075 111.27 2347 000 000 000 0,00 0_00 194_74 0000156332 715/2007 7/13/2007 7/27,''1001 17121 2347 000 GOO 000 000 000 194.14 " JE " Aboard fell on employee's let! ~and wllilehewasdfivingatraclor 27 5,57585 ,,' 670.26>::::<:'.- 3.0i3.50'~:f:'2;;'i'.c:,,::7;_ ll.Olf':n:T~X';:>;:(' ,7'" '7,.85'-"~)::,~;4,\'- '-7-i:J';";:;;W~}",)T'3 0:',--.5if"~:~{;;f:"0- "';;,,$.:&:1;',:,;"" /.~.._ ,.' ',' ','0."''''',,', ',," . ,~y!.t!!cl\,~,,' , '" .JJ":E\B";":-;:: '!l95\;;'~"'-;"""': :\,.~,-.,,,,:,,..,,'"" 70". ':;7.'.'",: '-'''"''_'.~,;,;';4,r;::'''~1i<'.'''''.'.~''::'''-;-:,", ,~,.- ,.-..,.-.'<,,'.:-~J,$'."I-'!Jt' '~'."r'.;"': ',',..,., ,-~:;~;-:~:-,::.' - :;~';'-::'.;-;::"-:: :::?!t:':-,:~'~-Ji~~~g;t)1v:?r~~~f~1:i@;.j:_+:;lff;)~;-:~[~>t,::,::!, "C';, "f;;:::,~,,\::_:, ~ _ :,~ ," i ,:c:~-~::J~~~~/;:";-~;!lT"~-I~;r ,~'~~ :..,'" '~<;, ,;;:,,:,;;r;. . ""'., ' ,~ " "" ,"" ";i fr, ~ "'-'. "0 " ,'<, ''0.'' . :::'_..,"';'~~',;,~' ^,~'.' 'C'" ^' '/v~.,' ~.'r ~\' ,. "-.-, ,...., 'v. '_',. .' .,..... ...1."..,'.....,'_";"......,'((<-;"......,....--:., '." "",'''---'' ',..,," '1'-..... '''c' ".'~' ''"^'H>~'"'''' ..".... :....0-, ",...." '"AX:,': ','..,'i::.;j">;':,:,: -,;',,'--;.:,"":>0.>0:02>:;0.',;'-,;;- 000 000 000 0,00 0_00 000 000 000 1005180700928 0000156344 10 JE . ".... 5118/2007 97 5118/2007 2/1312009 Employeemadecofltactwithpoison irywhile removing trash in wet lanct areas. 1006050700961, 0000253212 10 Je- '.',' -".. 61512007 " 61512007 2/6/2009 EmplOyee was 'M:lrklng In SawgrBSS aml had an allergic reaction: 1007260600125 0000233352 " 7126/2006 , 7126/2006 2117/2009 Employee deveioped a sty on his right eye resulling from expnsurelO cemenldusl. _.. 1007260600126' 0000122240 " 7/26/2Q06 2/6/2009 Emptoyeefeftpalnwhllesqllllttingto mpairafocklrithejall, 712612006_ 38:: , 1007280600127 0000101540 " 7/28/2006 " 7/2612006 2/1712009 Employeelellinlh-estairweltol Building F_ causirlg pain in her lower back area, 323281' 0000233351:, 10," 41412006 81312006 EmployeefellpSlnwhl168hoveling, , _dirtandlumlng,valves:_ 313338 0000108010 10 JE 91912005 19 919/2005 2/2012007 Employee was slruck by a vehicle as she was crossing the COUflty parking 101. 1006200701027 00001829(11-'->:,', .- 10:',-,~ ".iE~/.\' ,:C? ,,' 6I20120b7:', f1T~:, 6/2012007, 2/612009 EmployeemadecolllactwllhpolSon' '''Y. 1006260701028 0000192370 10 JE 612612007 39 6127/2007 7/2712007 Employ€e was stepping down from a 2 foot Slepladderwhen he lrippedon a fueling hose and fell from the containmenlarea I;mdingon his hip_ ....- ~'--'""-'...- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 0.00' 000 000 0.00,' 000 0.00 0.00 0.00: 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00, 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 6,736,28 6.736,28, 547,36 547,36 0,00_ 000 0.00: 0,00"' ";:C", '/" .....,.." 45.18667 45.186,67 1,684_18 1,68418 7,496,05 7,49605 10,00000 1ll.000,00 000 O.QQ,: 0,00' 0.00; 0.00 000 ",,-., 60385 60385 3653 :l653 000 OGO 000 0_00 28 '''-'-<''~ """........"....- Agenda !tem No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 31 of 118 O oo..,.'.".-''''.-.-........._~'v--,. oo""..",.,....,.~~.- '000" '''''-''~'"'''-'''.--." ':11'" ..' :'" .:';: . ,:;0. .... ~.~-:'" .','_'\ ~ . .~ . . :;,'."_}'::... . . 1 '. o dl'!1'ij~;;t,;;]'*D.oO~:!~;i'i<~;;/~':": 009~~'ii'" 9\ 3196t . ~ '/ :"'-:~;:':::i;1::':)ij' .-,.::,-~;~,~:}....::~i::,;, .'-'''~J::1--,(,0r;r''-' "~__.,.;, ,.} '~r~.::i~r~'tJi~r;-jj:;~I~:,p~~~;::~.E::"t,:!.-(::?r~itIJ/;"!~:;'::::':'f~ "::,i;'?::;l'b;';":;<:;;:Hid:'';::l:'i'';::;~~.:;~1:':j\(!:K:";':::;:>~ :.[t:;:':"\:~1;01f.::.:tW:'i~:0..j:":r\'i<':"Y:;,::::;"";,::,-,!;:.,:o;.:"-"~s, ..i}t~..>,;"..} ,'" _n" ',,'.:; ,,,", ",".:.': 'r" " 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 000 000 0_00 0.00. 0.00, 0.00... 0.00>>:' i'-:;." " ""'..,-- 0_00 0.00 000 000 000 0_00 0,00 0.00 000 0,00 0_00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00';' 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0_00 0.00 000 000 0,00 000 54,366,90 54,36690 0.00 0.00 0.00 (i,oo;;., :.,'''' 0_00 0.00. 0.00 0.00' I 7- Y! ;'~ 64038 64038 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 ------- I' FY 2009 Closed Claim Report " 92::;:":."."',.[. ".';..::";,::.~..,, ., .' "'.-':,c.,:_L'L::.;,,> 9f29I200e" 2117/2009:':;.';~'i,-:::.+:;>;;:::7> Employee was stlJl1l! byuacldle;' ,::',::,'!M:;,','5':._:" backbugonlefthand..,-:__ - " , ~,Y,-:: ..,. ."." -.,'....,... Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1. 2009 Page 32 of 118 , -.....,.,..,', :,', ._,'.".,...,....,.-::,." 0.00;-- . "," 0,00 ',' " 0.00"..,..0;,'.:'__.,_ 0.00 oo';.:~., ""-'_'1 0 oo,r;{,: ~:~H-' :". OO....ifi-::;,:;:s,:;.-,i:;"C( 00 n. ,,";:- .-t,\ . ~.~;J-:~,~;,,,,,_o. ..,~<\t,,,'/;_~,;.".:, O. -:. ,,;:.,:}r;1' ~-" .::~f!):;-~:,~;:~Y~';Hf~-j;[T?'~:;~;~~~~];C~"- '::;;' , - ',"', .-,' "-",, "''0<''.~,.. .."..,,, "':.. 1009290600379 0000253212, 10," JE_"" ':;;:'... 0.00 0.00' 0.00- ooo:r;"\?:"'.':- "., '. :"~,,;il":'..:''-',: '" - ,"," '~. e,.',.','."_;""" 0,00, 0.00" 1012190600391 0000157110 10 JE 1211912006 97 1211912006 211712009 Employee made contacl wi poison ivy, 000 oeo oeo oeo 000 0,00 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 0.00 000 000 000 1001070700410 0000144610 10 JE 1f712007 92. 11712007,:;' 2/612009 Employee BwDlIe at Stafion #61 with an lnaectblteofl her left cheek: 0.00 000 000 000 0.00' 0,00' 000 0_00 000 0.00, 0.00 ,'i, D.IXC: 0.00_:., 0.00,' 0.00, 0,00 "'- 000 0_00 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 1007190600123 0000253212 00 711912006 23 7/19/2006 2/1712009 Employee was Sl1.Jck inthe left leg by a thorn when he walked inlo the bush, 1007250600124 0000253211 " 7/2512006 52 712512006 2/1712009 Emplol'OO lelta pull in his wrist while he wa5 opening a gale thatwll$ not wor1dngautomaficillly., 000 000 000 0.00 0_00 0,00 000 000 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 000 1007140600054 0000156314 " 7/14/2006 2 711412006 3/2512009 Employee was lileguarding atlhe Turtle Castle poot nearest the lily pad fe~ture and handicapped access chair He stepped barefoQt onlo the groundmounled H20 hose access panel. The hous;ng and hose bob have sharp parts_ 000 000 0,00 000 000 0,00 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 1007180600055 0,00 000 0_00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0000253212 711812006 7/1812006 3/2512009 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 92 The employee WilS shutting olfa meterboK and was stlJT1Q on lhe hilndbybees. 1007050500056 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000156342 7/5/2006 715/2006 312512009 COO 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 " 52 Ernployeewas lifling a Pilf1 of com from Ihe walk lhru and discovered fhat the pan was joo fuil and she iost hergtip_Thepanhadover60 pieces on ii, 29 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 33 of 118 i1.00.:'L:"Y18.45t.21. tioQ";11t"Ji7"1B,457.2! :'<L:!,::1;~~~);;'i~:j;,;:,j'+'c,:,'::,:}f' '.'"':'{,,,,:'--" -,;-,,~:, .'.. }::~~~~~l~~~t~~:"~81200e~~z~ilij~':'~:,r:~~:~~:=li~~::~~=:~;;~f','~':~~,~:~Jif:;#ii}~A",.~:~;2;;~f~H~;;4t?~~:~'~~-:;;',:;~y~;:, ri::..~:,~:;_:~:::: :,j . Employee fell 'pain' \ftr'hlle pushlng"":'1lt:".'(;-:y,;~---~;'~"';""i'::'~"':'''v;)(f,)k-,__-:',F;;:,' ,~ji;,~\,;t f ;k',j'.F-i'i",!€";{f':'1,}I;',;)"\:,, ""7>'>' ::-',:-:<:(ff";''-)''-''#'''',~';:r:..,..:"":,:,,,,L' ;,:-,': "::",-:':," c: ",',' ", if"'"" -' "" '"""" ," . ':,",'j.-, ;:-iL;:r:::;;~;:;0;;.;\-;,:':~,;:".~!;:':ti'-,\;,'~t);.'.(~~"'f';\':;:,'ice::!,; ~::::~\c!.{,}';:r<"rilhi:jf:r: :;/_!"",::c,''':\ ~;"'.~::'\2T0:;"c";:;J~.':_>!\?{::):>:'~':~' '_V" '.- " and,puIl1ng on awatervalve.;",\,:"."",,,,,v" ""/,_,,"'4"'I-"-"""-":"-:i"<'-"'<<"""" ',";',':,~" ''''''_ <1";' ";,'I::,;",'"'' ,,"'_:,"1'.'_'0;',/<""""___ "0<,, '_'r'.'m...._ _';" ",,''''''' vv' ~~~":};~~~~,,;::,\7'i,2~?: .\"L/ ... . ,,,.-,' ,,',"-'.' ",,', _ "^, "J'''' """,,_ 3':- '-" '.. _'" 8/2112006 2/1712009 Employeelwisledhisleftwrislwhile puUing a cable, 100t100701A,9f' , .x~:':.i:;: ' ,,:';l;;4]i'I'::,,:::':7f~~E:.i' :,,::~' "'..> ::', __, _ ',_ 0OOO1~891~,;;JJf"~ 7'1~9k"\'!L'-:;"'71t:19120or~,';-" 2J 612009, ": 10 ;~~,:~~;-U'~:d~,?:}~E'1~.'J:~,~~1~Jt;'~f::'-~~~~"2_beisa& he_' 8121/2006 " 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 0,00 0,00 000 000 - """".\:!, ') 000 000 1008210600187 0000233351 10 JE 000 ODD 1004050700756 0000156314 10 JE 0:00:' 0.00 4/5/2007 2/13/2009 Employee tripped and lell as she was slepp;ng onto a sidewalk on her way to wor1<. 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 0_00 0.00 0.00 4/512007 32 0_00 000 000 000 0,00 0_00 1004230700824 0000163620, '12312007 " JE 91 .'j, 1005120700902 0000156140 5/12/2007 " JE 00 - 412412007-, 31612008. Employee was rear-ended whije sllling at a stoplight. 25,368.15 25,368.15 4,812.49 4.812.49 5.973,00 5,973_00 0_00 0.00 000 0.00, 0_00 000 0,00 0.00: 36.153.64 36.153.6i ",.. 5/1512007 612712007 Employee's lelt ring finger freezes in abentposilion due to repetilive motion afld will oot release fDl 30 miflutes_ 6,022,40 6,02240 36027 360.21 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 6,382_61 6.382,61 1006150101003' 0000163620 10 JE 'W' 0.00 0.00 0,00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0,00' 0.00" 0.00 O.OG' 0.00 000. 0.00 0.00 6I1Sf2007, 2J1712G09 .WhlIilhammaling. employee, ml8liod the stake and hllhiS righi shin. . 1002240100659 0000156344 10 JE ,--,-,..... 2/2412007 00 212412007 2/1312009 Employee lelt pain in her lower back while she was handing out arm bands. 000 0_00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 1004130700630 -T'-',. ,:;,,',,'J' """;,,,J "," '--" 0000121143 ...:,,?;;~' '4J1312007j:.-';,;;;.--:, 4113/2007,,;' 21612009', '^' 10, JE">)4-' ,53",,-,,.-;A>,. CoJllPUlers~pp9doUtofemployee'l ,'-,:--::-,::',,:,jCS~;j;!~L;~:: ;;flf;:i ,,,, ~,'~ whlle catr;hlfl9 n emplo~e,,:':' ,.r ",.,~,:;tb;'<,~},: ..". BpfamallhlS leflwrlst,.' -', ,- :"<7!:X,):~,j. ~{d';: ',,-- """,,,^,,.f._ ;',""u" 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00, 000 0.00 0.00" 0.00' 0_00, , 0.00_ "",' ":N' ,." .. 1006260701034 0000122240 10 JE 6/2612001 32 612612001 21612009 Employee tripped i1nd lell in a Horne Depolpar1<.inglot. He stained his light ankle and cu1 his leflknee, 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 <--, ",,; 0,00 0_00 30 ._~,_.. - ----, ,.....~--_.-- , . ". 1008300600196 ??oo253212;:" 10 ,,'c\ir'''''<,'/''''JE':" :,'-,.'-""-',,- 1007100701072 0000253212 10 JE 1003010700650" ??oo156332' 10 JE'," 1003220700662 0000163647 10 JE 1006280701039 000016362Q 10 JE 10G4250700B36 0000178986 10 JE 1006250701032 0000233352 10 JE 1006260701033 0000313213 10 JE 10G4280902859 ??oo138911 10 JE.. 1012170802543 0000163620 10 JE 'Moi2006;~..jet,:)::'(' 92",,~;,-,;,,-,-.,,'~?f;t;';,,: .,'.":~2;),',:';~-~>?", ---,---",--'. ",--"--'--'" 711012007 " 3J112007c'. 51 3/2212007 50 612812007 49 412512007 3 6125/2007 50 6/2612007 49 4128/2009, 23 12/1712008 " 8/30/20rIB3:"j;:" 211712009:;~;,;~::.,: ;', EmplO)'leW8ll8I1R1gbybee8 ," ~:';'i: '!.#":,';. ' - -, ';:" ,,,j,:',--, 711012007 2117/2009 Employeebumed her fingers Drl her left hand w11en she tnpped and slopped her faU by grabbing th!! lop ofa hot stove 3/1/2007:' 2/1312009, E.mployeefellpalnlntlI6bacl<.v.tlen he picked up a 5 gallon bucket of "'or. 3/22/2007 2/1712009 Empklyee telt a puli inh;s left leg w11itegetting down Off the back ofa truck. 612812007 2/17/2009 Emplo)'l:lE!twisted I'lis knee when he fell offa wall. 4/2512007 3/12/2009 Debris blewinlo I!mptoyee's lett eye 612512007_' 2/1712009 Emplo)'l:lE! twisted ankle wtJl!e going downstairs. 6126/2007 2/1i/2009 Empioyee stippM arJd fell while walkjrJg fo the Par1<ing Gdrage 413012009 5114/2009 EmplOyee laceraladhia n\lht middle nnger,wtJllec;anyingabr"okenTV' duririg t!lectean up In the Esliltell ,~ 1211712008 12129/200B Employee was strur.kOrJ the he<Jd by !rli) metal lid of the com:mle ,trUGlure hewa,cleaning FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 0.00. 0.00: 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 (:00 000 0,00, 000 coo 11,94505 11,945.05 2.94468 294488 0.00, 0.00- 0.00 -- 0.00::'-' 000 000 000 000 0,00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 000 ono 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 145.53 145.53, 475,02 475.02 2975 2975 000 000 31 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0,00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00''-'\ - ,-- :-~':;,,' "..oJ""n'''''''' ""',;;';_,C:"'" 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 0_00 0,00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0_00 0.00 000 000 0.00.. O,OO?~-:::' ..i,. ':~'<;;. 000 000 0.00 0.00" 000 000 0.00' 0_00 000 000 000 0.00 000 0_00 000 0,00 000 000 Agenda Ilem No_ 16E4 December 1; 2009 Page 34 of 118 o,()~U:"~';'<:';{"~" 0.00 ~,OO;;E:;g!;0r~~:' . a.oQ, ::iJy:;,'~::~.:;~~,--:::~>;:,;'r "T 000 000 0_00 000 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 ',-- 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 00' DC 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 0,00 0_00, 12,565.60 12,565.60 "",,,' 0.00 000 2.97463 2,97463 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 11f712oo7 1 000 0.00 000 0,00 Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 35 of 118 o,oo:_'::::,'~~/:.' '(tOQ_~:'?>~,~ 18;732.69 -- .:, OO"'d"','.'_"Y.'L":' "'.' :.OO":bq'{j:,'::~'1' .,;''-;'.80' , . "'''"''-~'''''' ,,_.-, ".' .;x.._ ""b ",.":>\"':>,,{::,r";3j~;!::':0:,t'i,;i;<':);:t! ::':dii,:,/>:;:':'-"<,"'"'",,,,-,;;z,,,,",,,,,,,,,-,,- ""M -', ";;,-;. ""':'';2'<'':;':'\::::1:':::':':'':<':;',;:-,-'-':'.:;:''.-:: :,"..,.:.;>.,":.:-, "L<',,: ,"",. .,,, ........... ~'.. ""j"":,,,,;;.... ,:;;"_,,,:t-;,:::;<~:,=_ ,<.-Ji;;:l 100 2 080 10...'....-.-,"""';',.'".-- :.-' ;"",-,-,"-""",,,,"--',,,""""':_.,,:~'..,'.., '.'..," '.";'.',.""" "', - "";'-" "9' ".;.:.",.;..;. 1 1 16 "";'-'.43:""'':;,,'-:':1.'',,'': '''':C:';''O'-':'';;';':,:';'_''.-'.,'C':-:,'/:;N<-:./.'.;,t..._,,;-..,." :'''- ";,', ;,',,' " ,,'. ,):'h:~<:: oOO4~,~~~:i:%~Z:ft--1i:i1i200iW~l,,~;,;r":2f5t2OOi!UtH:~"5iMO@J~L:;::,;:~,:::,:>.<;:~v., 1,B9?93~;:;;!, 10.tj:,~f{~~'-;,J~,~~/,;li",~,~X'#:;!-~':!.S:1~t.; . Emplo~ has pain 111 he;r right hll~~::::,_::;1<~:~7~/' ,\_o'.::.:"}/,';~;:t.. ,;' '::.p~r~;~tI~~~~i~'~'~',~I,;~~i~j~~y:.,--~.,;;;~,~_eves ~'~m U81~""~'~+It;1:":__:~.'!::::;"~'.2~tj~;,;,:,, 1011070701392 0000163620 10 JE ,~:~~:~~~:;:. iii~'{:~~~ri:~,~~;:'i~'MtL"..~:~i:~.,#:J?l[;''"'~:~;~~tld~;; ,.-. ".,-~"',.-,- -,,', . ....."lj",,,., ",;; ''''';'''''':!'''' ,-'.;>, -'-'''''$~'' ....,,--"'.,__~o.,,'".'.-,,'-,..,::.","0.w,'., \'i:;::;::;;,+,/,::-::'4r<:~:'l;}('.,--;.,}, .-:,':;':;: :;:':'}':l::,j\-\:i;:r,\t;::,::~~,;'-;'r7!j< ,,'(/f;"\\'~-,:, ",";",.,~""i:;~;';t::;;2{.d'1fi-",*"":".:.;,,.,t, ':':,:iT":;.rt;t/w,.~",/:,,,,.,- >C" -- .'.;,"',. ~*'fJ,'"',',,;-- :':"'''':::'.','':';:;-'-':,J-:~.-.-,;.;-::.+:,,;,''_::'''.'':' -;"'".-.,'" "..'".-",';,,?;":''- '''"".-- ...,;, ",- '1 " ".; ,"V''.,':,'''' -,." "j':';:"", ""- i,;".", '''-'""'-''.oc_ _ '''--"q. ,....', 11f712007 211712009 Employee hil lhe left s:de of his rib cageagainsllhesideofalruckwhile liflingacompaclorintolhelruck_ 0_00 000 0_00 000 0,00 000 ""'<<.-... 0,00 0_00 0,00 000 0_00 000 -.......".-__r;.'., 1 01004070133Q,,: \;',~' [>;"~: ,-..,.,...,""--.,..... 00002532 12,i;'r.;;;;::,:j',", 'I'''",.~'"v. 10-,,:~'::>t,:LJE':.,.-.->' 1012190802552 0000253212 12/1912008 10 JE 91 1014/2007'i 2/17/2009 ..' Emoplo~ was stung bybee&. 1211912008 1126/2009 Whilesitling al a stop lighl, amployeewasrear-endedbyanother vehicle_ O.oO',?> G,ojf'f 0'01):." 0.00, 0,00 0.00 ii iio"'~: 0.00 . .." " O.DO}';;-: 0.00' 0.000;\', 0.00 O.OO^: 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 212,0{) 17,85 0_00 000 0_00 000 0_00 229_85 212.00 17.85 C 00 000 0_00 000 0_00 229_85 1012280602564: ??oo144360 10 .IE,; 12/28/200B 49 12129/2008 112612009 'Emplo)1lElfeIlOffaladder~ile- worll;lngon a bay door" 355.25 355_25 35.70 35.70 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00" 0.00 0.00, 0.00 0.00 390.95 390.95 21212009 2/2412009 Employee came in conlact with poison iry when picking upplanl debris, 5865 5865 595 5.95 000 000 600 000 000 000 0_00 0_00 C' ,:,,-,,->; .." ",'''~ ~~-- 1001290902649 0000156361 10 JE 112912009 97 000 000 64_60 6460 1004200902839 0000311910 10 JE 412012009 " 4120/2009 4/3012009 Emplo~slippedonW!ller,gojng do'NOonto tefl knee and right leg eKlendedstralghloul 367.86 367.86 24.82' 24.82 0_00 0.00 000 0,00' 000- 0.00 0.00 0_00' 000 0.00 392.68 392.68 ..., . 2/1512007 6/2712007 Empioyee slipped & fell Off a lowboy trailer, during rainy conditions_ 17.15951 17,15951 675.74 67574 4,39704 4,39704 0,00 000 0.00 600 0,00 000 1002150700499 0000163620 10 JE 2/15/2007 40 000 600 22.232,29 22.232.29 1005070801851 446A9 35.70 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00' 0:00 482.19 ??oo108010:",'+;-':"," 517/2008' ,.", 5/81200B 511612008 446.49' 35.70 , . 0_00, 0_00 0.00' 0,00 0.00 482.1ll' 10 ..;'" JE,/_' 51.', EmplO)1lElfeltapain In herlawei', --" '-,' back when she pushecl ona box Ihat:" ,':.-;:b she plilced 011 a Iopshlllf. "","8 .~' .r -",,, ...... 1005290801919 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0000144610 5/2912008 5/2912008 21612009 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 000 600 10 JE 51 Employee strained lefl knee while lifting boxes. 32 --.". ,-,...,..- "'''~. '~-..- I' ---. FY 2009 Closed Claim Report .,.,',,- "C'".. _<'I, ",'.,c,",""'-",.""'.'",-,-',,,,.'.,""" .... .-.'.'-...'......., ,. 11312oo82dS"_:::''2J6I2009. ' Empl~a~liiedherbacll,WilIe\~,' llfIin9,~a1I})IJ'lSlnalldoulofgofl(;art.. ",.-,.,'- .~ ''';;//...:'_!!.,__;C'''-,__'''',.""" ."..._ Agenda Ilem No_ 16E4 December 1.. 2009 Page 36 of 118 0.00 0.00, 0.00,' o.oo~ - 0.00;;''7'_: ::~:~ 0_00 ;-":__"~':;:~:;~~~J.~-;-:~ri~:~'~fX:;..~+:::,~:~~!:)rr~;;::;,d:I '~,:(.:\~:;~t:X4~t.:,..f~:~;~;'~i:J:,;'~1~,_~,'00- "',,,;, ,,-,.'n ''',-'.-" ....- --..,......".,..- ._ ,,:::-:,,::c:t::' '."".'.-'.!,' 1001030801533 ,_ .'.... __, . . .. '. "-,, ",~ " . ,-. ."'... ". ", ' 00003"9'0' ...-:i:':.\'.."..:.,.-'.".........,/3/2. ",^,;".''''''';::~''''.,; . "."re~"::,:"',:,'''; UVO,?";";~'f"'<;' 'O:'::.<,~"c,;','V' 'E'''',.!;:.:..,,;' 5"."..;-..,.!,;'J(;",,-,::,;tc.; '. --' ....-._'-~..." ... .. ."..-..... ,-"--"",{."",,,,,,,-, .' :'::-}:"\x:;-; ',^":'::;";"X:"e'.":'::::'~>:'X{~~;-""- , 1002020902650 0000108010 10 JE 21212009 " 2/312009 311912009 Employeeslippe(lwhilewalkin9ina halJwaylandingonherleflside 300793 3,007.93 95.57 95.57 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 3,10350 3,10350 1002020902651 56.10 '" 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 62.05 ooOOl2224Q "<'.',_~n'_ 2J2I2009'- 21412009:;::"", 2119/2009,,__ 56,10 5.95_" 0.00 0.00 000 0.00' 0.00' 62.05 '''':';;;;-:~'''''':;'' .- .".' ...:,::t.-".... .'-'.' ~"':' 92;::.<:'" Emplo~WllSbiltenbyanlnsect., . 10,...--,,' (".,--JE,-,,; ,'-" --.'-,',!!-,.. ." . whileworklngunderatraUer, ,,',',-'"'''.''' ,.....-.,.....'.-- 1003090902835 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 0000156349 319/2009 412112009 4/30.12009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 10 "' 999 Ernployee,,'ieges he contacted a rash on Ihe back of his head & neck, possibiyal1erlJsingcontaminated exerclseeqlJipment 1004210902844 276.24 18,83 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 29507 0000253214 412112009 4/2212009 511/2009 276.24 18.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 295.07 10 JE 21 Emplo~pir.chedhlsleflringnn!lllr while lOwering a unlflange fitting dov.T1aplpe,callSingalaceratlon. 1012110802529 17333 1923 000 000 000 0_00 0.00 19256 (lOOO122240 12111/2008 12/11/2008 12/19/2008 173.33 19.23 000 (lOa 000 000 000 192,56 10 "' "' Employeebumedh;snghtarmona steam pipe when he ilccidentally . leane<1onil 1002070801637 2.370,83 340,72 0.00 000 000 0_00 D.OD 2.711_55 0000138915 217/2008 211212008 4/812008 2.370.83 340.72 000 000 0,00 000 000 2,711.55 10 JE 39 Employe-e lrippadon a siring 1I0e aM fell 0010 a concrete sidewalk, 1,160,196.74 269,900.48' 656,743.04 926,237.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,086,840.26 Total by: Coverage. 289 Claims .- 1,160,196.74. 269,900.48 656,743.04 926,237.87 0.00 0.00 0.00' 2,086,840.26 33 Coverage: 120 - Pollution Liability 5306290701081 0000156349 6129/2007 120 JE ^" Total by CoVerage ':;2 Claim....' -..- _..,/_~,--~.."--'-'-^ _..._----.. -_..... ,,~ 7/2/2007 1/912009 1000 gallon chemical lank sprung a leak emplying 500 gallons of proouct Into a containment tank (this tank alsooevelopeoaleak within 12 hours ot discovery of 1st leak), COllier Courlly Gowmmerif' '.....'J"}.'.. ' 9I22i2Qo$,;:0j!-t, 4/212008 Abelowgri>ijndfue!slorage leaked In 10 ground and water Caxamtiils Pass;' ' FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 000 13Q,416.28::22. .. '..~".,' 130.,416.ia;:lt/>f ".,',.. ,."...,'. ";,'.\\:T,D'F-"}. ;.>>;Ci\-':: ,., , ,:v'" 130,416.28' ,:': 130416.2$" . ..._~--_.'~----" 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 92.~""",...". .. 25.846. <>:S,}',::.'" 25.846.92'::'~r::'" ",.,'."i. 0.00:..,'/' 467.60 """",..' -Mi':;':'" 0.00,:0;;C:,'.:, .467.60 ',','"::, :'?i" ~:"::'~i~':'>;'_" ',- '/iL':;' ,....,/:. 25;846.92 25,846,92" 467.60 467.60" 0.00 0.00 34 _.--......---_._~" 0,00 0,00 000 000 0.00 O,QIJ'.:,'" - 0_00 0.00,' ':"," 0.00' O.Op' --"-~",-",,-,,," Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1. 2009 Page 37 of 118 0.00 0,00 0_00 0_00 0.00',,;; 156,263.20: '0.00,>;:::_156,263:20' 0.00,'- 0.00-,' 1--- --;',' 156,263.20 156,263.20 '-^"'"-~-- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Coverage: 150. Contingent law enforcemenlliability 1509030802220 Angiolillo, Vincent 0, 0000106010 91312008 91412008 11/712008 150 JE The claimant allegeslhal he was falselyarresled,falselYlrnprisoned and discredited as a cand,datefor fhe office of Collier COLJnty Sheriff 151121080252f"i""",:,,,:,,: :' 000010601().;'~;A~0,4;:"11121/2008,;:,:,,,:+' 150""""""""-"'..;\M"'''-''",,'<!''''''''''''''W'' ,,:/;(',t'.;;:L:,. :~:':'(~I' i",~j"""~'~0;S:r::i'~;~;'>, ': ""_""'--".J"'--''''''--'''''j:''''=Jf.'''~'''''''---'''K'' :;0',\\:':-\:;;",;\:;~-'b~-;, ':?\';';J:tf-' ,ifo:-t,:':'~,;'!:""": ~,-ih'J"--""""'fy?:'" ''''''''''''~';' "....,.. '"''',''''' 7,;;l?>;'~:}!T:'}\"::;(~i,~g,:5f':-":~:'\":" ':,-,:,.';. .t,'., ",', 2103080601698 0000611010 31812006 150 JE 1511210802525. 0000106010. 150 11/2112008 ":,,' , "- Total by Coverage 4 Claims Ponce, Maricela 121412008' 1/912009 ACOIJlerColinySherill'8vehlclfi":" made: a a.turn In front of cl8Imant" cauSlrgan accident Clalmwas; , refemKI 10 the Shertll's Fund for re~et'ltalion!ll1~handllrl{j._ ,. Tonm;, Charlie 31612008 1/512009 Wmngful death as a resultofa shooting during anencounterwifh Coll.erCounty Sheriff's office Deputy BnanCohen EMS personnel were at the scene following 1I1e sllooling & pronounced Torres dead Rua,Migual 121412008 1/912009 A ColllerCouny Shertfl's vehicle made a u-tum In fronlofclalmanl; causing an acddent Claim was referred to the Sherlffs Fund for represell/atlon and handling. 000 000 0.00, 0.00< ". 000 COO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0_00 0.00 0.00__ 0.00 0,00.- 000 COO COo 000 000 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 000 000 000 000 000 0.06" ,.,'" 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 Agenda Item No 16E4 December 1_ 2009 Page 38 of 118 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0,00>: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 000 000 0.00, 000 0_00 001 0_00 0.00 0.00, Coverage: 21 . General Liability Bodily Injury 2106130801953 0000156381 21 JE 6/13/2006 .. :.~,:,,,,,,::y,,~:,,,",.,: '.:'. ~,,-,,'.~: .:"~'.' :~," 2108110802206\"-""ki,Anv.",i'<"'o;,..".;",, - ''-'- ,......'",~,".'- .,. .., ,,,,,,,-", '-.i,'.ji' 0000156313 "'''->;<:;'6I11/2008':'i,O;::Y:;: .,.f,", ..__.."1..,,,,,...,,, 21 JE "':,',\;32 "":',,::'.-'::' 2102240700663 0000163620 21 JE 212412007 2101090600051 0000156363' 21 7t9J2006' 2104130700781 0000156332 21 JE 4/1312007 " 321565 0OOO10001~:,- 21 ,--, Benfield,Parker 6/1312008 412012009 Claimant fell while harrging off the tall monkey bars that are alleged to be impropeo1y maintain-e-d with insufflclentgroLJndcover. ,~elk. S~~:-i:; . ':--::':'':~L:<';J:' 91212008},'g':,::..:612412009':;;.:;\:", While playiiigbiisketban,dalmant, trippedoveranolherp!aYer'5legand fell.strik!nghlsheadOrlthegoal': post.';;' " Dean,Margaret 312012007 1/2612009 Claimant was walking on VandertlHt Beach Road from the lighthouse Restaurant to her car wheo she allegedlysteppedloadentmthe sidewalk & lell.fracluriog her right anmandfractLJrirrgbooesinher head. JohoWallmei" 7119/2006 .- 113012009,:,,, ClalmaotcuthISl1ghtlegooa-' . d~playboardatTJgertallaeac!:l::,:-' Employee disputes lhis'S,atinglhat, the cut was lhesizeofaiTio&qUitO.' ... .... .- bite and she feltlt was lmpo5S1biefor"~ 'Mr, wallmedo have cut himselfllke~. . ". ""'-"V"'''' ,hetoldhet;,<:__'," ,,'" ,"', <,\".." , Ada Maricooda 4/18/2007 7/112008 Claimant slipped and fell on soapy water caused by palrons using soap alatleachshower lemma. Estelle "'3J1/200G:';i'Z';", 5/4/2008 +~ ~ C!aImaotallegeslOjuriesdueiOa, slip ard fall while W~lklng doWn';,- vineyan:lalvd,caused~, '. ,. accumulated mud on the sidewall~<_ , This claim settlement was approved by the BCC., . :.::' ""'~,,-~, .~_..... FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 5,00000 5,00000 o.OO,":l,,' 0.00,',." . ~ ,.,.. 000 000 0.00. 0.00',' 0.00 0.00 O~oO 0.00'" 000 000 000 0.00 0,00 000 0.00',. ,0:00.,:;, , ..' 000 000 1.986,51, 1986,51"\,:'" . '"H''' ......, ;::'.C.'.:L' :)i" "';"'" 36 000 0.00 000 0,00, 000 000 0.00_:: 000 000 000 -',O.OQ,' ,"',. 0.00 ,.~>. 000 000 000 000 o.61r .~O.OO,'-> '<; ',.... '~-,. 0.00 000 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1. 2009 Page 39 of 118 000 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 000 5.000,00 5.000.00 0.00 0.00; 0.00: 0.00, --, o:o(f"- .0.00' '0.00 "";";"'0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00" ':',0,00 0,00" 0:00' 0,00 0.00 ,c;;, ""'. ..-t', 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 0,00 0,00 1,986.~t 1.986.51:, ,:.\4, "..,\%0, ..".,'/'li ;-''''''.W '1. ,- - FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda lIem No. 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 40 of 118 2105180700941 Richard LaCasse COO OCO 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000163620 511612007 611/2001 101612008 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 " J' Claimant alleges he was riding hIs bicycle on Route 951 "ndfello" becausefherewasa21nchllpon fheoikepath 322591 Gayon,OsvaldQ 9,500.00 2.022.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 11,522.25 0000100010 3/1512006 4130/2009 9.500.00 2,022,25 ,0.00 0.00 ',...... 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,522.2~ 21 Claimant alleges being slnJck In the .. eye Wttha magnetometer lly a sllCurltyguan:luponBl1teringlhe . courthouse: Claim was approved by . ".' theBCC. :., . .. . 332716 Pecar.Gerald 9,00000 3,63866 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 12.63866 0000144610 518120G4 5/2212006 1211612008 9.00000 3,63866 000 000 000 000 000 12,63866 21 J' C099 Clalmanfallegesmjuriessusfamed to his neck while using an EMS strefchertllatmalfuncfiol1ed SeltlmfmtwasapprovedoylheBCC 2110180802508 DiGlovanni,Janel 45042 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 45042 0000156390 10118/2008 10/18/2008 312512009 450.42 000 000 000 0.00 000 0,00 450,42 21 J' 32 Palron tripped on wind screens wtllle playlngloonisandfelf,injuringl1er leltilrm. 2112230802566 Sheeran, Richard 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 00 0000233351 12123/2008 12123/2008 613012009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 DOG 21 J' 12 Claimanlwas struck on his right kneebya metal nng. coming from a manhole. 2102230902120 Hawkins, Ann 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 ??oo156110 2/2312009 2/2312009 9/14/2009 0.00 0,00 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 21 JE 40 Whllewalldngonlhepatio,apalroll i1llegedlysllpped 011 some borries that hadfallon 10 lhe ground i1lld fell, 'r injuring hllr shoulder and light leg. 210B010600160 CarolWjlliams 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000156314 8/112006 8/17.'2006 8120/2007 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 21 J' Claimanlsllppodclnd IHII on the sl€ps to the overpass al Ih" Lazy Riverand.<;LJsta'nedinJuries. 37 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 41 of 118 H p......,.., :,~,..'''' "~.,', ""'"000'''''' 000 "~,, 000<,""""'0000, , 000'" '000 ooo'i!Vl'-e~ o. 1liz8k, ..""..8 ,~.", , ,,", "" -", . '- . ':\1' ')') ~"~". " .0", ''''';< ',,;&'-,,,,. ')W~" ""/t"'''''''' , '0" ,'''"". '), )>~" "",' ". .Ii .~ ,'. . . .', .,' ':;'='..':0'1", "-' I f"'i~~' "'""y' .. '''", '1"""" """"1"" . ., j" 'H ,1D11:;1/4II,Io',~',11{20J200 :i'ii:,iF~UJ,':)0j",O.oo.8fuY;S':; O.OO~,h', O.OO~:,),3\.'.$t 000";,, ',~s.*~ 0 ;tI,;j;,t, 0.00' "CI.,. /;: 000 'I pnJ.~f!8?6; 2001, acoordlng1Oili'';' ,~"," .€,". ~;::1:>W)l1Y&,.l';::'Ji.)> " .<t' 1:_ ";', .: \':'j;~ "':'::~;:;",< ,0<':' ;0.1,':<~',ih~"5!ffi: ~"~~,';,4-'::i:" " >_:''" . .': .,~ ~ _....~...""'_"_..."'i'.' ''''''''~''~r' "'I ",' "I""". """~';I".".~"&"".,d;",, _"~,, ~ ',,,, g.....'...,'.......'" ,.......",,'" ",.",""'.'h,~'" . ,,,..~.,.--.,, ,"'" .-'.'J>~ ..~''<. I" ',~' . . .. I""" ." 1 ' ,.".. '''', .,,, .(''' 'T. .,", ~,\ ", H, '" . .' 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",'," " ,'''' j"-4'J"""'!;~~'\",!I; ,.t:''".,,~j 1"'\-" ,,_'::, ,'1 ~~ j'r ~::<:",}~,'"'Y{l," S'.,ji,,1;7b.<"'F' w,. " JA"""<'* """,,.) J02"'o/!"""'i!f 1fif';:0~.","~/..PS"e'c'" ,_, ")00 "',' ~"S"-'ifl:V '.' V"" "ij!S \ '. ''<t , '$., "?; Sl' .__, ,. ~',' " . - '0"!f;''''\'''' .~, '" .-;;:, , '""&'.!'. ~,'ii1',W""", "~i"'~ .. ,'I ",.""-;F"",,,"~" '..'\;" ,.,,::"',,\~_>>0'lf: W '0.".'/' '. '" '"'" '....',. ",1<" ~'''0 ',,,~'v',''''''''''''' '... ... J;:i.;,:'t\:0~r:'J, "':", .,;,+,~\;h",::,,~:::t':..':" .., .,.,." ,,(.}'I" i, '?'f"'\^</,\,. v".. ,17+, ,.. <'c.'- ,~~:"!I.;:~\:,;ii.,' ,,~'. ~"" ","'''' ".c,i:;:~;;;<':!(";;:b,:i.::~::> ,'t.:',x ^,,' ,,',2,;,,;_ .." ::>:, },;:;/: . Benflekl.Parker 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 6/13/2008 1017/2008 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 At the start of ski camp,claimant was reminded several limes dLJring lhe day where to enter the waler, He disregardedlherulesandasa reSlJIl.ClJlhisfoot 2108060701934 0000156361 21 JE 6/612007 2103060902752 0000156332 21 2111040701406 0000156363 21 JE 11/412007 2103050801674: ??oo321216 21 JE 31512008 2106290701345 0000156349 21 JE 6129/2007 Sheffield. Ronald 311112009 3130120!;l9 ClBlInar'lltrlpPed on Ihe nylon & metal rriflltjn:Qwh1ch was Installed by." , Parks & Recreation dlJrin9th& buildirlQ'Of.COndos81Ihallocalion. 000' 0,00' 5,000,00 5.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 O.Olf' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00:-- .."., 5.000.00 5,000.00 ,." , Perez, Eaward 11/14/2007 2/2412009 PerPelerScheinerolBruceL, SCheiner,claimanlallegeshewas IhroWfloutollhetramwllenlhe dnverslartedmovingqlJickly Thlsis alieged to have occurred at approximalelyll,15a,m.on 11!4/07 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 Keinisch'.1ielga 3I6i2008.;~ 613012009 Ao easel fell and slruck claimant d'W'IngJurY.selel:tion.StrlklngherOIl' lhelJpperback/neck. 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0.00: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06' 000 0.00' 0:00' c ,"c, . , 1,303.10 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 1,303,10 1,303.10 000 000 000 000 000 000 1,30310 Gary Thomtoll 10/18/2007 4129/2008 The claimant soughl medical assislanceasaresullolachlonne leak allhe Immokalee Sports Com~ex(sesolJrClaim#5J. 06290701081), 38 -~-~.~ .~. . -~--- .......~~---, -" , .. FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 2102040602389, . . SUA InsurallCl.l Company 0.00 ooo012i24t:!~;f*~';~:i:~X,.,. ~:~:;~t';i';;~..,-10ti~'i;J%;:211712~i'.'+':'~~;,jf:::-.:~,~"' 0.00 21 :::"t,JEtd~;t;):: 44)i^3?0'.y.,;'f7;iJ-i' N'?"fI8n,Planer(....no~for~6.k:,:{::',~':,','~':~:;,,: -...' " ";~:'_:,:-;,;:;U;~;."~:\~,?,:tf~,t~~.t'~'!:~/:;t:$, ~ :~~:: ==~~'/r?;:" ,"~':: ,,~: ",',;-' {;,c,' ',';.,::;tJl:,:~:t.,~;,:'~'(':,.W:f~:;:~:"~l{ passengeralde, the cart accelerated ".';,j, .......,;,.'~i";l..";;'--.';~":7:":":,~',;I.',..~i'f,,h;.-,:.,Iiii8YerH, threw Norman ,"""y,,)...--..,., ""'"'-^''-IC'0'v/,,:r'''''''''''~''_''.''''' ....:.,.".. . "Sc)<.,."f'!Y),:"!_"";;'",,:i.-'''''' ,,.;, ~'T'.A,',,,;:.:.~~.":~'.'" ."._. ...__ ,_. - ,'..." ,0", ,-",-"'k'~""',,f...,",.,~v""'.,_,.,r.""'" - lU'....;." ............. ...,<" ,..... .' ."."'~. ',.,_..~._.,.,"".~,.""w,.,.,' ',_.,_.,' ..." ,. .. .... - ',-' .;:; :,",,cd ;,',',.':, ;,I/."i;1/,i'!:;;:-",.';L0:",;-t'U:.--:~' :,j;i;i~i!"",:;::;'L{": ;-.:''''.'i. ,,' .."..,,,.:,,,,,, ",-"x~""",,^,,.....,,,),,,,,,,..il'~" -.~",..",. ~ ... '_".0' ..,., "....., :.':~"",:'\;'. "''''iIi; "-,'. ."'~:,:': '.;' 'r:>'" ';:,p-l-;.':~~':.~,'. ;-',:.1;-::O:"f"'-'>;'o;'c ,',.:;"__ ,.'. ".;,' },;&r:'~~!i5,*:r"": :ir<"f),+:cf}"J" \~'::)-""'j;"".""i.' t" ""',,": Totafby Coverage 20-.C'lalm'. ".: / 0.00 000"""::" . .,::. "'''-'- 0.00 0.00 .,." "' ,~,tt":- ;,.", 7,647:42'-- 7,647.42 0.00 0.00 39 Agenda Item No 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 42 of 118 000 000"" OOO"'="~"'- 000 .,' :'i' ',-' ,',,,>,,' .,''''i;.<i1lf",(, " oix",>';,''''-;, 0.00 ~;,"~ ;1;" o.OO"~~~~a.{i 0.00 ~"" '" " .' ';- >t0Y,,\ ,~r,\!:' 'i1fu~ *'3"",:, 'I ~ '- ,,, ~\::::,,-,~I(,:., lJI'#J:. ,f" '^ '.<....,: '>.' . ". ~;w;.", . <"" ,...,<c,,, d 'ii 'i,,'.J, " . " .' O',~;,,,. ~r,'rtt _.""..,," j' , .' ,'" .' ,,'~,,~ /\/..; '\1!i'j";"":" )Sv ~ '~;" .' >,' ~ ,_~ v,'";K"~'Wl>I' ,Y~'"",_"" ',"n.T, "",~' ",:,\: Y"\~"'{\';;'''f':';lt;r'''' '{r;,,-~.''(i4 ,.R$. -'''Y'''';,'''''.' ,,' ,", -- Z"A ..1:'1'1,. '~.~~"'-." -,,';:;:c".' ,11.::'.:'."'.. '~Y~', .'f, ,"" "",;:-\,'-\:'11.':; .'"Y . Y ":,,.: :' ..".... - ". . "'''' '".' ~ ,d':-:;;l'1'j .., 1;;''' ." '~ ,,' ,.-' ~."JJA,f:, ,^ 'r.../,:,::,(.;,;;J,...r'~:".,;;i.;':'c~;"!f',' , ,~., ,', "",.";',,. '.. ''''''', '~"Y">;")'.:,' ;:l'b'1j:'" "''''Cj''ty,y,;., "" . "':,',. ..." "',[n\.~''''i.-J.'''~--''~ '., "'. ;':W'''-: ,:::'~ ___...;:r.'.... ".:.," ..::.";"!.~:'., /">.'_~.......,~;,,,,,,,;,,,,v~' ,;U'." .,....,x. " ..... ~,' '",~"'., ..." .. '.. ''''''''''''''''''''''IF.. y,,-"".'<o.' "''' '.J.. "/>:;;:f>~"i\ ':~, -",,~i,',;':,':;rg:,\:i,h;'\tl'"'/;\;."YP!',':,';!;~' ,i" 0.00: 0.00"" " ", 0.00:,''',,' 37,900.94 0.00, 0.00 0.00", 37,900.94, FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 43 of 118 Coverage: 22 - General Liability Property Damage 2205120801938 Greenwood, Michele 000 000 0_00 000 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 0000233351 5112/2008 611312008 11/712008 000 0_00 0_00 0_00 000 0,00 000 0.00 " JE Rools inlhe lateral line caused a back-up into Ihe clalmanfS home, TheWastewalerDepartmenl removedlherootsandrepalredthe line. 2205170802067- Monfort,Janina' 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000'" 6.00' oooci253212:.::- 5/1712008': . 71312008<','-, "7/1OJ2001{,:''':' , ,0.00 0.00, 000 0,00-' 0.00', 0.00 000":;, 0.00 Jlf-. TheCouitiyWasaskedtotUmofflhe:: '"' . . ;,~, ,:::,-S; " ", ""C'."",,' "--,. waterillclalmanfspropertylii.Jt of;:, ',,-/ ',,- turned off Ihe-wrong address. The -"';', '''c_,__ clalmanrsplumoorlhenallefleqlycut ' the Unewllhoutvertfying lhewater , had beentiimedoff& floodedll1e property. -':, ,,-,-, 2206090801937 LeFrancois, Lorraine 000 0,00 000 000 0_00 000 0,00 000 0000144610 61912008 61912008 12/212008 0_00 0,00 000 000 000 D,OO 000 0,00 " JE Customer slates EMS crew damaged (scralched) herCorian _. countertop while atter>ding to her husband on a medical can. 2208190802123 ??oo253212 22 JE' 811912008 LaPointe, Raymond 8/2112008 10/2212008 Walerundersyslempre9SUrefrom broken serviceJlne propelled dirt, rocks & debris onlo claimanf, vehICIe:,_ 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00, 0.00 0.00; 0.00 0.00 0.00: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. .' "--; ,-r:"'i ," '", ,~ 8/19/2008 . Green, Sharon 8119/2008 11/1212008 Claimant e~perienced a sewage back-up into her shower and balh tub due 10 e~tensive flooding and power loss at lift station 30801 duringtropicalstonnFay ,-" 2208190802342 0000233351 " JE 000 OJlQ 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 0_00 0_00 000 000 000 000 2209300802363 0000163620:;::- " 91300008 Harris,JarTick 10/112008;')', 10/612006' Clillmani'stirewaspunc\uredaft9l' nJnnlng~a3l4.'22"rebafwhile driliingbyroadconstructlon&lteoA' Nortrt Santa Barbara Slvd bY'" CaloosaElamenfary: 000 0.00, 0.00 000 000 0.00 0,00' 0.00: 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0.00:,,-, 0.06" 0.00,';:< 0.00,: "" -':>:2,., o:~q: ';,<<",';;1- i;vY-" ',":'\;;~~ ",,:;~:::7i;~ ",'-, , '~'; "'. ,..,"' 40 --.'.. ---,~-- .. ~-,_..,. _U~.__,_ , . FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 44 of 118 2207300802078 AniJaran,Luis 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000163620 713012008 7131/2008 10115/2008 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 22 JE Claimant's front wheel telt inloa s.nk hole, requiring a tow truck to puUIt '" 2206050902955 MarcOnI,Suzanne 0.00 0,00 250_00 000 0.00 0.00 000 250_00 0000156314 &512009 113112009 0.00 '0.00 250.00 000 O,(Xf 0.00 0.00: 250.00 22 Patrondroppedherdlgltelcamerntn,' . tile tadpotepoot afterstipplng on 11- mot .;"'; 2205260902956 Winans,Rebecca 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000155410 512612009 61512009 6115/2009 000 0,00 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 22 JE 21 Employee was al a residence altempllng to rescue a Macaw, leaving the Counlyvehicle paflled at lhefronlgate. The claimant fned 10 squeeze her vehicle in between lhe Counly vehicle & the fence. clamaginghervehicte 2204210902959 Emhart! 0,00 000 000 000 O_OD 000 000 0.00 0000163620 412112009 611112009 812712009 000 000 0,00 000 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 22 JE Emharq alleges Ihatwtlilethe Road Mainlenance Department was trenchtng ditches fur the rainy season,theyclItimEmharq600palr Cable.'", 2209050802243 TaraS,Greg 000 0_00 256.15 000 0,00 000 000 25615 0000105010 9/5/2008 9/512008 101812008 coo 000 25615 000 000 000 000 256_15 22 JE 1 A treetimbsfruckclairnanrs windshield as he was entering the property appraiser's parkmg 101 2209090802299 Bryant. Mary Francis 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0_00 000 0000163620 9/9/2008 91912008 11/1712008 000 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 22 JE 699 Claimantslruck a pothole on lmmokalee Road@Jone'sMiningat the flashing lighlheading easlbound and damaged herfmntpasseoger tire & r1m. 41 Shaw, Jon 91912008 11/1012008 Claiman! e~perienGed 11 sewer back- up in his home alledgedly due to a bmkenpipe. 2210290B024~O-,>,,_ '- ., ',:,:> G,-,~i~~'o.t.lI::"t}.t~tr~j';.-;~:~E;,)t\::+.:,f_-:,.::;-;'.).;":1:,_ 0000163620:'0':;/"':2:'_>._ 10J29J200B -i"-;,:L " ~"",4.U " ,', .''''''. <>I ~...u':'''tS ", ;c;',:', _ _ 22':-:_:~;'-;!:[:.:')"JEk4\ - 699 ,- -r ;; -,::;.~\' ElliplOyeewas mOWIng grass ann ;;;\iiA<co," ;';' :~,'r{;.t,'~...j~,:2,? =:'"o:;Ei5:f:>';t - ">\:,,:,': !!011liI~M\ '--' ';- -'{;':';/,,-,';-_.'--' ,<:::- d_ ,t:0tg,'1:,'.' . "-;":">" :;;:,:0J,~.;::r' 2208100602300 0000233351 22 JE 811012008 L360 2206190802038 0000156344 22 JE 611912008 2204220802032,', 0000138915 412212008 22, JE>" - 2203250903042 0000121110 22 JE 3/25/2009 29 , 22 2209220802405 0000163620 22 JE 9/2212008 9 - _._---_._,.._'--,.,-'~,.._,~~ FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1. 2009 Page 45 of 118 000 0_00 0,00 0_00 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 000 000 000 0,00;'[;;: ':"',,- Gamy. Donn 6/19/2008 11/2512008 Employee's vehicle was allegedly struck on fmnt bumper by a sand pm drag machine, 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 Colina,N8I1CY 413012008 10/7/2006 Claimant alleges thaI the County lnspectorlailedlClcatGhbulldef's ElrTol5whicl'lresulledlnwater damage to her home: ", ,,,,',,,..->,- -, ,'"' 0.00 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ", , COX, Michael 6/26/2009 712812009 Apleceofrebarstick'ngupfhrough aconcrefe parking stop snagged the wtJeel housing molding. breaking the fastener 000 000 000 000 11656 11656 0,00 000 0_00 0,00 000 0,00 000 000 116,56 116,56 CC Y. ViWlderbllt Bay Construc~oll, lnc:'i'::~,':i; , ",'"':,~':''' 1011'712008 12/112068-" ~ ThYsser:Ki'uPp ElevatorS, was WI:lldfllllahydl'allIICllnewl'llchcaught '011 I1re & setorrthe sprinkler system, ' Causing watl'ir daniage 10 the first&, 8eCOndllo0n0:,,;.- 0.00 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0_00 0.00 0.00' D,IX)" 0.00 000 0.00- 0.00 0.00: 0,00,- , . ',' . ---"',' ,".. Embarq 1011512008 6/30/2009 Embarq alleges that Road Maintenance damaged their facilities while cleilning out a ditch_ 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 0,00 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 42 -----'-~. r ~-- - . -"~~.'~---- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report ~5190902929 0OO0210120:'.~o: 22 ,: JE .. McEndree, Michael 511912l:lo{l::"; 511912009:', 8/26/2009 L359,-i '.n COunty employees removed multiple 'M' limbs from a Mango tree be)ofldthe - "':0 ,~:::::" ,," property line arid back to the trUnk of, ' no'" ~ __ +,~, _ p __ thelree&lhetowner.bIllIevesllla 'C',,':,',,:<,.-i. ",'.',," .'--P;;,<.."r ,J; -', .. ;6i:;'.-;,fig;L;':::';:~;:-~",~f,!-B~;~:'~-:;:;:f,:_",,,1;~1~:::(~:~~~~{i>, .., ;,..,' ""n."_"__..""..,"O,.... ";. ___ "w,,,,,^_,,$;':_,.<t.-M'" __ 'fl",~......-,_" '.d....'.,_~, 000 0.00:, 0,00 0.00" 2.000.00, 2.000.00 '..., -.., -" ,'.': 2205280902930 0000163620 22 JE Stringr'eld, Britlany 512912009 613012009 Claimant alleges she struek a pot hole and darnaged the passenger sidefrontrimothervehiGle, 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 5/28/2009 4208060600169 0000173442 22 JE RobllrtBay 81812006 6115/2009 ClaImant alleges the wind blew a stop sign downancl IIslruck his prtvalevehicleeausingascmtct10n the drIve~1i door, CCv. H&RTrucking 41612006 811812009 Claimant alleges that the Util'ly Dept tailed to propeny repair road. A MitGhell&Starl;subeontraClorFI S!ateUnderground,washiredto repair a sink hole. ThetrueKwas damaged was delivenng equopment al the requeslol FI Stale Underground 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0_00 0,00 81812006 323376 0000100010 22 JE 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 8/22/2003 e999 000 O.OO~:": ..,,,......,., ".,"" 000 000 Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 46 of 118 2,000.00 2.00000 0.00 ,"'.~",' ""~"."--^ 0.00:,,\,,;',.+'.'- -.""-".' ....'I,.:'J~'r:..~- ',:,...","" 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 0.00 000 000 322570 Gianotti. Charles 0,00 000 0_00 0,00 0,00 000 000 0,00 0000163620 1130/2006 311712006 8/1112006 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 22 JE. e999 Ciaimantalleges hltling protruding cement from ebul nose In IIle m_. . 2212170802624 ComcastCable 000 000 14.258.07 000 000 000 000 14.258,07 0000163620 1211712008 112712009 7114/2009 000 000 14_258.07 000 000 0_00 000 14.25807 22 JE 20 A Comeas! cable line was damaged when a Counlyemployee neglecloo to lower the boom in!o Ihe truck and strucklhecableswhendriving Ihrough the intersechon 2203030902196, Bush,DorislBeach&TennlsClub 000 0,00 998_57 000 0,00 0.00 0_00 998.57 0000253212 3/312009' 312412009 7/1612009 0,00 0.00 998_57 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 998.57 22 JE, L352 Claimant alleges water from the fiushing sl8tions in LeJyBarefoot fiOWlldthrough the storm S6Werend l>acketlupontotheirproperty. 43 0,00 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0,00 000 2203120801760 0000233351 22 JE 2211190802554"<","\;''''; 0000233351 \~\)~;, ; ,J., 22' "'JE.;'" F' 2208220903227 0000163620 22 JE 290296 0000163620" 22 JE --, H... 2202180902813 0000233351 22 JE 3/1212008 'v. , 1111912008- L360:; 'f C,'" 812212009 8122/2003"'; 211812009 2206140701728_ 0000163620;._' 6/1412001 22 .,>', JE'- "',,' 2212050802530 0000122240 22 JE 2212150802532, 000016362(1'- 22' ,", ,", "", "",'_-'~""'-'" .,,, 12/512008 '" 1211512008', 12 ,...., De FaziO, Louis 41712008 1117/2008 Claimant called a plumber inslead of calling the County wtlen he had a back-up at his home Heincurreda cosls from the service company and wishes 10 be reimbursed ." McCoririet,'~iR , _" 121212008'i-"(::;'4I2OI20119'":"" CUlIlomere.perienced'abaCk~Up", aOtt.contactedRoto-Rootar'belol1i,' oontactlngtheCounty.' _,.'H Bourland,James 812612009 911412009 ClaImant alleges thaI his right honl rim was damaged & the fronl end knocked out of align men 1 when he struck a hole near the while line at the edge of the roadway_ H&RTrucking 412312004 9/29/2009' Clalmanl alleges lhata roadway_ cotlapsedamageda~cle,'i' Blrdsall,William 4113/2009 812112009 Customer experienced a sewage back-up and conlaCled Roto-Rooter beforecontaGtingtheCounly, Embarq .' "',-, 3J2412.0Ci8>;:",212412009 An Embarq bur\ed cable was.; damagedbyCountyemployees" wtllledigglngwtthaGracleAJlai ,3906ExchangeAvenue. ," --". Oavis, Ron 1211212008 1,/23/2009 EmployeemovedamOlorcycle belonging to Ron Davis back without disengaging the gears, causing damage to the heel & loeshifter, GllIni, JOhrl& VirginIa 1211512008_" 112712009, ", EmplOyeeWll6cultinggrassona riding mowerano a piece of wood; fleW out ano stnick tiiewind6hield of -----,----'"'-.- ""'h~"' _,.__ FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 000 000 000 0,00':- 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 110,00 110_00 000 000 000 000 0.00, 0,00' 0,00 0.00 0_00 000 000 000 0_00 0.00 000 0.00: 44 000 000 0.00 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 0_00_ 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 1,531.53 1,531,53,: 0.00 0.00 ".... ,',c' 52678 52678 000 000 250.00 250_00: "; 000 0.00,' 000 0_00 0,00:" 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 0_00 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 0_00 0,00 0_00" ,", 0_00 000 0:00';-' 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00' 000 0_00 0.00 0,0_0:' Agenda lIem No, 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 47 of 118 0,00 000 0,00 0_00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 O,llti' 000 000 0.00' 0.00, . ".. 739,95 739.95 ,." -...t',,' ,,,.', '."" "J~r ~'."'0 'C;,':;;- 0.00 0,00 110.00 110.00 "" 000 0_00 1,531.53 ,1.531.53 526_78 526.78 250.00 250,00' -....~- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 48 of 118 <IJ.'<">'>"'ll """I~I". ,C,"';'_',_ :<. 45 2212070802533 0000163630 22 JE 121712008 9 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 , 2009 Page 49 of 118 0,00 000 0.00 0_00 R<lin.Sus<ln 121812008 1/2312009 CI<limant alleges she ran over an objeGt in the ro<ldway that Cilme trom an ol/l!rtlead street light th<lt h<ld been previously struck_ 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 000 0_00 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 " 92. ~'.~.:~'\'1'~"2.",,,%:.",,"I;'.""::.'.c:~' Sto,......p,. ;;;.,'"~''''' 032109027 . :,~itlfli':',,"';' :\:;'i",:.W.~:;:tl(ito}"-'::", .. .'.N. '1>.. .., ...." ""'r'''-' b-or'....--..'-'~.,...,.'"'~4''''l'' -,'"",.,' 0000163620_;'\@.:'. ':.:3I2112OO9~'!'tl:;:t,i...3I2612OO9';)';:' 22:;,:';'->"';:"'~'JEtr,:":' -.";;;i;SU,,!fS'j:U.....nwdil"" 'the .:;;;;:,"'"i,C-)';-'" 'i~f:7~M'\\+;- '~~""I' . .' ':;':":;::1,;'::\ ~~;!?pi;,C\ilrman begart, ,.:n-,,:,-f.W:;'. _, ,..kI:,:,K'll!e:. p",,,o B-a--. ':--."-$f"""" -. ."",..,..,'".;,.,"......",.. ~7 .." ".Q'f'Slf..<0G: 'i~"" '".~';;:(~:'V'."anottietVGtiii:recioiningCl6Se ,:~,:'~;~~~L;Jt:i'~~:.iK;#l~ "~;-:~;(,j}j" Malie1at!.,He moved to the right. jUst: ,_, :"'0+:::i:1t':~1!.;(":~~.;~t>_;.;)~;+'r/,:>'{ offlhe edge .01.lI1e paved hlghway& L., ~ J.',.,.._":~>,;::.:,.'".:::::.,.,.',"~. ,<, '-"--_"m,,~2-' ,,,",.. ,"",C'. '.'ff',~t'::..'Yi;"'j: .>.";,, ".....-' "'" "'"n . "'1:1 . 'c' "c''''''':';,,{,-,;;,->-..;;:t;:,:y;.\i,<i,;' --'--:::':;~':'r'::t'_'._, wlieeis:,,":: .':...:>,-.. '. ':....;<>-; "".." ..., ",,,.. """,', 2204030801749 0000163620 " "' 4/312008 2210150802500' 0000163620 ;"\:4V,-- 22 .,-', ,.., JE~'':;;': ~\y" ".;;,.'.;.-. , ,;-);;,' 1011512008',' .- 84'. "', 2209280600234 0000253212 22 JE 9/2812006 2204020701640:,,'.,::,.. ";,,.<<:-:;-:t , ....... "~;"'"";,,. , ""',""';;':~ ..,...,:.';.:: 0OOO2~12:iRi:::t~4:.;'-:;:':,~~::i::~':,;<-,:':;;' 22 . ",..... ,"_:. JE;"'H;/':;'.-:,"--!if':~--:r..-"_\""~"';'::,-~:" ,:;/;,:>j;~"-::'~!if;1t:!,t,\~;::<i.~;:::.;:2;;:-;;"i';:~,;" , '<':'~'V";j:::;::t;/';TY': ';: :';:1'j~;-.; 'i.'" '..,... '''',,- ""."''-'''' '''';;;:<:f5:;/ \" - ':0~'(~,,>:: Y:;:-;:r:~;'><;' '" " ..,''',- ....-..---- Roberts, Bill 41312008 1115/2009 A rock from a County rnower slruck a passing vehicle between two windowsandshatteredthembolll. "".' 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 0_00 000 000 0_00 000 . EMBARq- '11'11912008'~ 413012009 A Col,lntyexcavatorl':lltandpulllld _ oown an EMBARQ line wtth the boom during operalion, 248.80'- 248,80' 0_00 0.00' 0.00 "0.00 0.00 0,00 Phillips, Susan 9/2912006 6/30/2009 Ciaimantallegesthatshewas driving on VineY<lrds Blvd with 7 Salvador Dali prints on her vehicie's frontlloor&centerconsolewhen water from a hydrant {Water Disl. was lIushlng) sprayed inlO her car 000 000 000 ,0.00, 0.00 0.00' _"i',: , ),' ':0 !- 0_00 000 000 5,006_00 000 0_00 000 5,000,00 " 000 000 000 000 5.00000 5,000.00 Embljrq',;:~",_ 1/28f2008.' 1DJ7/2008- '''' Embarq alleges '!hat comer Couoty , amployeescf.!magedanEmbarq' bUrl&dci:lppercabledurinij ~riatttiecorriei-o(', Vlll1derblllandAirportRoads. 0:00 '''0.06,'' 0_00 0.00,/ 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 0.00 46 .". ~--^ '-'. - 2202030902672 0000173441 " JE 2/3/2009 9 3207240701124 -,,--.,., 0000163620:,;'/.;;" -,-'." ;, 22'-;,->,"'-';/""-- .JE; '._,' .' 4,'::r::'~'$;~;";i:f;~;f<;,t,- ';i::',:','<L,;;,:tCi';,2.Y' . .., "''''_c.'',,',_ 2201060902578 0000156363 22 JE 2211040802598 0000163620 22 JE 2203200902823 0000233351 22 JE 2201070801548 0000163620 " J' , . 2203230902852 0000163620 " JE 7/24/2001. ,',,'.,;, ,',..., 11612009 1 111412008 9 3120/2009 11712008 312312009 9 Muller. Keith 2/4/2009 711712009 Employee was exchanging cardboardboxrecyclingcontamers and the container fell ahout 1 toot. damaging Ihe ~"rb Mary McCook 7126l2oo7>;":.:,_ 5/1612008 Clalmanr'~hlcleallegedl~stn.ick8" manholecoli'erlhatbecoolei-.;---""", d1Slodg8c1aoonlppedover.iilrlklnil<' ' her carand mar passel'l98rside tirej !tlenwentlnlheojjenmanhole.' Bums,Douglas 11612009 31412009 Do~lasBumsallegesheslruckan unknown object (he thinks ilwllS a piece of rebar) when retum,ngfrom nighlfishing, EMBARQ 1/1612009 7/1412009 Employee damaged an EMBARQ cable line while cleaning ditr.;hes. , Hunt. Dale & Anne 4117/2009 7/2812009 The Hunt's experienced a sewer back-up due 10 roots getting inlothe I,ne and they contacted a plurnber beloreoonlactlngtheCounly Wilk.Megan 11812008 4/11/2008 Mega[l Wilk alleges she was driving on25Ihandmovedtnwardlheedge', oflhe road to avoid an oncoming truck; this caused <lamage 10 her relirpassengersiderim:.' Embaltl 412812009 613012009 Countyemployee(s) cut an Embarq 50 pair & 100 pair cable while working in the area of Palm Springs Park due to a bad locate. FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 000 . , 000 000 0,00 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 000 484.30 48430 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 47 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 50 of 118 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 ",,".' 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 '.,,.. 000 0,00 000 0.00 000 000 0,00 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ---- 000 000 ""-"-' 484.30 484.30 000 0.00 0,00 0,00 000 0,00 000 000 --- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report :~~~~:~'i '::~:1~~~~'-: ";'"~. IT~~;;' 313120iJg,}~',.~,:~ ^ /: ~.;: 22 -;'"vt" JE" 12~~~i~i-' " ClalinantallegeslhataCourflV'- . . , ,... , '4',,, _, .h">}_.. " _ " ',,,,' ):'\hyo ,,-j:::'~,"~ ,<,C mowerthreWamckarlClstruckthe " .. g ~~'.."'~' "',-I~;::;"'-';"..'li~7 " ""I:"; ,'- ,..,. ,"'-' '"""1\ ".~"-,, """s..erdoiorOl"her2Q07To.....ta " '. :',""".'I'\J"'p "',O~ 3;_J_'h~,,\ ..- 1~ .' '_", .' . t ""', """t< ,:m,;:'Il'"~""" '!'; '..1&,' ...~.....v ''''''"'4'''' , " ,'", " ,;','. " ~,.,,:., ,ie' ",;1;AX', X;;:;'~%i :,1 '-'''';\"\,,, ':""''':>''J_' ;.,"_ C - J'",;, "" - , "",' , _"'~ '".' " ",,_,- H"'I'.',t ~ , ~ ",""Y:;'hibiT.~-,.~ ,"', ~;, ," 2204270902864 Guilmette. Kenneth 000 0000163647 4/2712009 4/2712009 613012009 000 22 JE 11 A lrond fmm a royal palm tree fell onto lhe windshield ofclaimanl's vehicle, ~auslng ilIa shatter, 2204300902665' 0000163620,,'\ , 22 JE- 2201260902629 0000156363 22 JE - 2206180802630' 0000233351 22 JE;" -n 2202280902755 0000162543 Z2 "' 220420090290CI 000025321 22, ',', 4J3Cl120ClQ , ',,:-:;'i'\~ j' . , ><, 1/26/2009 32 " ;,,'" 2/28/2009 L359 -" '-'.-. 4I2012OOtl,: '. ,_~ L35lI::":;D::;':,:'~;~ ":'.k:-,.-:.",,," "i,:'S::I;:;.;< ';;;' ,'..c.;__ ".;, ,;,/;;' ",- -.'."" "!',.., Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 51 of 118 BUS:Ch,Krls:!lne: 5/1/2009/,'-, 613D12009._ _ ClalmantstnJCkasewerlnJet'areaon- nre'.northwestcomer. Shealleges Ihls 1$ due to adlp.ln lheaspllalt ",'" Dembicki, Joyce 1/2712009 6/3012009 Claimanl aliedges she tripped on the ramp leading from the beacll 10 the 2nd palting areB_ !;:MBARQ , '. , 1/28/2009-::'':'.7(1712009, 2 Embartt pOOJ'lB cables were damiigedwhllll a CoLmtyaqlJipment.. opei'ator was dfgglng a trench to lnslallalleWsflWllrsarvlce:-', Unknown 313/2009 3/2712009 An unknown vehicle ran off th€ road arKl ran over several bushes Morlarty,Frank 512C1/20Cl9\,::::'6124/2009<.' ",., Ct8lmanlallegEl8WaterDiStrlbulion--'- crews damaged hiS piping whll8:.;;:,'_',: ' Installing a backnow pnwenter at his residern::e: ' --_..- . ."'-,.,,,. 0_00" 0,00-;" 0.00, 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 0.00./' O.ClO 0_00 000 000 000 000 , 48 0.00 0.00' 000 000 0.00 0.00 79554 79554 0_00 0.00_ 0,00: O,OCl 000 ooa 0,00 0,00 '''k_ ..... 000 000 0_00 0.00' '__"._T~_~~_""'_ , 0.00' 0.00" 0.00'" 0.00, 000 000 0_00 0,00 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 --" 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 0.00' 0.00 0.00 ',:-' 0.00 'q.' "'''. 'f' -':";!;. "'~' . 000 000 000 795.54 000 000 000 79554 0.00, 0.00.-' 0.00 0.00 _"'_..~_<O~____ 0.00_ 0.00 , ~ 000 0.00 ',; FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1. 2009 Page 52 of 118 2207020701799 Embarq 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0_00 0000163620 71212007 7!2J2007 613012009 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 000 22 JE 637 Claimant alleges Collier County employeesnegligenllydamaged (Gut) Embarq cables whlie working 4205280801888 Sarictiai$. 0,00 85,00 60760 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 692,60 0000100010, 512812008. 512812008 7/15/2008'-, 000 85,00 607.60 000 000 0.00' 000 692.60 22 JE Emplo~wa8 driving ttimugh the - , ,,', gate when the arm came down befortlshe had cleared It, and It.' "'-. slnJckthe IOOfofhervehicle.: , 2205180902921 DesJardin. RObert 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000253212 5/18/2009 5118/2009 81412009 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 22 JE Claimanl alleges several of his fish died after he added CountySlJpplied walerlo his pond_ 2210040802394 Mueller, Kathy 0.00 000 0,00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0000163620 10<"412008 101912008 6124/2009 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 0_00, 000 22 JE 1 Clalmanlalleges damage to lefI& right front tires and right rim aft6rthe passenger side front tire slrur;ka manholeoover. 2209020802224 Slone. Nancy 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 00<" 0000253212 91212008 9/2/2008 11113/2008 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 OC 22 JE '352 Claimanl's water healer slopped working and she believes II is due 10 lhe walermain bre1lk on 8114108 which caused service inlerrupt,on for severaloolJrs_ 2206230903039 Forbis,Ron 000 0.00 182,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0_00 182.00 0000233351 6/2312009 6124/2009 1/28/2009 0_00 0.00 182,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 182.00 22 JE L360 Customer experienced a blockage In his service latellll & conlacted a plumberwrodiScoveredlt1e:.- . , blockage was on the County's side of , . lt1e sel'lllce connection, .'" . ..', .. , . 2205230902934 Vergo, Joseph 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000163620 512312009 611/2009 6130/2009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 22 JE 1 Claimant alleges he strlJck a large Gulintheroaddamaging2olhis "" 2206150903019 Ward,Debra 000 0.00 2,200,00 0,00 000 0.00 0_00 2,200,00 0000233351 611512009 612212009 8/1812009 000 0,00 2.200,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 2,200.00 22 JE L352 Cialmantexperiencedmpeated sewer back-ups ather residence. 49 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 2210230802441 0000253212 " JE Wells,Sarah 10/29/2008 6124/2009 Claimanlallegeshervehiclewas struck bya mck while lhey were lIushing a 24' water msin on Vanderbilt Beach Road 0,00 000 10/2312008 " 2208.210B022f?3:-,).0~~.:,':'I"'-':"'_ . ".'''.:;;'_ ,Whtte, 13ary ,~ '._ 0.00',,' 0000233351m:~;:ii&~~'''''''~:- ',8f21i2008,:::-:I:;;-;:': 91812Q08"g~~.,c "612412009 :t,,,-,:,:,,'i:;i:);>:,:}:o: 0,00: """":,, ....... -:>:-,"",":,-',',;:;,--",-, JEI~, -,s'L3SQ"':--"',"':",:'\,),..;.- C.'""'.....'_ ."'n__"'.~....-...._......>-",,__":"/"" i'," '" -"".-:--' ~~'\::[J:~;~~;:,t;,n$~~~t~~L~:'];"::(~Js~~.:i"p uifp";i:ri~~::!F9ffi)~':-:}:\~'l~~ :iBt~~;.t/.L,:::'-,~""; '. "-~-~1::.""-YY' ,"'., ..--, ,"lO, ,~!;";'::L>,i- 'd, "__ _ : <: .:~:;:'~il';-~'~~:~:.~~:,'f:~~'i~.;t,~-:)_:}i,;?- :- ,;~A,: '; ,r;,;:'~r~:':-' ", '12';'::,:~-: . 2202190902942 0000233351 " JE . Hogluf'ld,Brelt 5/2212009 712812009 Claimanl experienced a back-up due to a clog in his line, Barl18r,Jim 8128/2008 1012012008 Whilereplacil'l!laserviceline, employeasculhomeownelSlnvlslble" fence, 0,00 0.00 2119/2009 699 0,00 000 2208130802158' 0000253212 " JE 8/13/2006 549, , Totar by Coverage 66 Claims 0.00 0.00 ,,"- "" ''',,-.--- - . .".~"- 93,00 9300 485,38 48538 000 000 000 000 Agenda Item No 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 53 of 118 0,00 0,00 578_38 000 0,00 578_38 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 494.00 494.00 50 54299 54299 000 000 113,95 113.95 0,00 0.00 36,682,04, 36,682.04 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0_00 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 542_99 54299 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 113.95 113.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37,176.04 31,176.04 I.... Coverage: 23 - GL Bodily Injury EMS Med Malpractice 323901 0000144610 23 JE 112712006 L999 l.opeZ, Estate Of, DIana 4119/2006 11/2412008 Plain1iflwaSin>,'(llved,namllover crash on Alligalor Alley. The Plaintifl's lawsuit alleges thai she died of injuries due to lhe failure of EMS 10 transport her via t'lelicopter which resulted in t'lerdeath, SetllementapprovedbytheBCC Total by Coverage , Claim FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 110,00000 110,00000 1'0,000.00 110,000.00 29,54792 29,54792 29,547.92 29,547.92 51 000 000 0.00 0.00 39,54792 39,547,92 000 000 0.00 000 39,547.92 39,547.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 54 of 118 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 139,547,92 139,54792 139.547.92 139,547.92 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Ilem No. 16E4 December 1. 2009 Page 55 of 118 Coverage: 31 . Automobile Liability Bodily Injury 3110010701624 """,~ 'Y;):~:{':, oOrvily,Sarall 0000163620::~\"" 1011f200!{.,c:'. 111 31:;;ft;:\~'{,' JE):;Clslmantwilsa "j\Y2'.r'~~/-'> ,"autii'mobiie that :!'hJ~'llit:"'f~:', : CoiJniYvehicleas II ',":"';7'''' ;r'-'., ~,." J,l InterseCtion and '""-",,,4"--,,,..... ,",,,,,..,,,,,,,.,,",,'t!i.,,-,,..t,,,, ,'"-,.",,,, . ,'''':0:' xi:" ,',,,, Y-.'0"i:&'::;""~:};~;ii,Y,'::;': artght~nd tuin ,:,., ::::~~::;ff't';~Ii;if5,:~?,,~i.~~:it:'?1:~'.;'I,;,:\"1f\:ti;'f':';l~T;:i:::;!?:-"::.:: 3110010701623 0000163620 31 JE 101112007 Dorvily.Huguette 1011/2007 1115/2009 Claimantapproachedaninternection intending to make a right-hand tum onto COtlierBtvd A COLJnty employee behind her did not~topln time,rear-efldiflghervehicle, 4,000.00 4.00000 0,00 0,00 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 4,000,00 4.00000 3110010701625 0000163620 31 . Dorvify,Serena 1011/2007 1/1512009 Claimsntwas a passenger In an, : sutomobllelhatwasrear-endedbya Counlyvehlcleasltapproachedan " IrrterseclionsndaltemptedtDmake a rtght~~d,tull1' orrt~,coIUeralvd~ 4,000,00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 4,000.00 .4,000.00 '," ,'-' " 3111150802476 0000144610 31 JE 1111512008 " Antoflelli,JLJdi 11116/2008 6/2412009 Ms Afltoflelli is GOmplainingoflower back & kfleepain foliowing a vehicla accir:len\ in\fOlving a County vehicle. 000 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 '11/151io08"" 9L SlBley.Joho 11/16/2008', 6124/;W09: Mr. Staley Is complaining of neck & baGkpainfollowlngavehicle ,.';A. 'accldentlnvolving a c:oumyvehlclB. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3111150802474 0000144610,' 31 >.;"'.je." 3111150802475 0000144610 31 JE 11115/2008 " Sta~y.Ellzabelh 1111612008 6124/2009 Mrn.StafeyisGOmplainingofneGk pain following a vehicle aGciaent involving a COLJntyvehicle 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 52 -- ___ "'_'e"~*_' .-,^,,,..,.. ~--._~-,"_.'- I" FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 3107280600398 St.John. Susan' 0000163617_"" ''''::':'' 712812006::'; 12120J2006:}:{i 217/200Yc' 31 .,_ JE:iti:'::,i!::;<j,":'X:~;'~:,'~,;;::::<X:,Clalmantwas a passengatln 8 van .--,,,---,, ".' ,\.",,,"1.}.)'~,,,,"'.'c''''''''~ "__.'w,"",_ ,,,' , , , , , .,',',;. M:e' .'~," "f(~~;':':'",,^,'i":':;,,;-""""i."2,0i"-'" llWIlIild bYl.)'OllB Transportation. Heft:' ,:~~:~~~~)I:":;I,'""-~~lfI1~ ~_~.;,,~7...' s~J:_'ui.~;.k~i)l~~~('):-'J;/ '1" ~':!i". '=,_ .....,.,_ ~"v.." <, ". '4. i, ',' '::.:~..b'Sb~ ~~ -~'!t" lW~rdurtngan8ccldent.-;"- -.,-" .. . ~-",-~",:\r~'. " ~5~J:':CI8~WasrefemldlDl.rn.'~"':';';,,,' -..; . . 1,'''''. -' :,'~';""xr'li<,,~ "((,("")l;~<,,,, .~!!, " < "-"""""';"', '':'':;0'",,\:; ~. ,,. ;;,,' ,,' '" "'-"':',>-"", ,A, ,~,',,,' '~il:',: ,Tnmsportalbn/(g'x':;l.'f"',"'~":'" ':',~;i':,,::r'i'., " ,'(,;" 'r:"" '::.tY" ~O'", :f~,',F(' x,';';."'~;,'Ii>;';' .-"" "''''''"'~'''''';:''''''''':'':,''',' ,~.';;!'i: '" "".. ~ ' , ~"...,,,,,... "^,',""'''-'' ~.~~, ."-'-""""~'.'~'""?'-';Wii1t'v."""'-' ..-.-. '"..." ," \\1&~~:':t,;'i;\';i~,~i~;;:~X'iffr,1t:<:'1:-':\~;;Br,fi~!f":~~lY;/i4~,,:"!,j,~:: '\,:,":::." ,,_ ''::';:>':\'~~: ":'," ',,:::,:<:4i-'-re:;,,:>~,''',)::;:Xi~ !;:l;j,:;t; '-:;-'~:>:;?"'~}';.:-('::tf;;/;..:,'{~~::tZ;'-, ,," ' , ,..,,'/:-" ..".. ;;.~- 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 0,00' .> Total by Coverage 000 000 ,.v ',-',:: , ,,-;,c--- .. "-"""" ,",",';,' ':ik-:< '^'" ~.. ,.;.-,.- '~~'''.''.'' /<c,> ',".\- -_"e', ;..'.,. 0.00 0.00 53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ", "", O.oij"'''' 0.00 0.00' 0.00 -y.. ,f: 12,000.00 12,000.00' FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1 , 2009 Page 57 of 118 Coverage: 32 . Automobile Liability Property Damage 3204240700821 0000253212 32 JE '..o.'__' ,'" EmestThompson 4/2512007 111512009 Employee was backing vehicle and slruckaToyolapick-uptruckowned byClaimant NO damage to the Countyvehlde. MlI~LandOn 11912009' 3131/2009- ClalmlllntWllllsloppedlnlheleftli.Jm ume eastixiund Qn Oavls when an EMS ambiJl<lnce rear-tlllded a vehicle behlnd his and caused II 10 strtkehisvehicle. 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 000 000 0_00 412412007 320109090261,4 :" 0000144610;'- 32 'JE "'>'." -,,..,,,:.,,.,',,"" ;:~J:-.t:'i::':;'>:;;:' , 11912009,'2/"-- 91 -"'--'-'" ,:;."..- 0.00'" 0.00,:, 87.00 '87.00,:- 1,625.67-:' 1,625.67:- 0,00 0.00':-' O_DO..:~""" 0.00::: " e.: 0,00, 0.00. 0.00. O.DO, 1,712.67 1,712.67, '. ..,,, , , 11512009 91 .' DBI Services Corporallon 3/1712009 612412009 Damage was caused to a fence & arrow boards owned by FDOT resulting from a County vehicle thai droveovertherighlsideotlheon ramp and rolled, 000 000 000 000 3,23100 3,23100 0_00 000 000 000 0_00 000 '. 3201050902763 0000163628 32 "' 000 000 3,231_00 3,23100 2203290902840, Peb~etiiOOkeLakes MaslerAssoc. 0,00 000 305.98 0,00 -0.01)':, 0,00: 0.00 305.9$ \" ""''''. ..-- '. -..-.,,'''.., -'..... " .." ;- :,,,:,,,,~,:.,- - ....-..".., ".''''',''-- ".....,., 0000144610, 3liil2oo9;,:::" 6130/2009', 0.00 305.98 0.00;'" 000 305.9$ 32 JE EmployeetriedlOfollowanofher . , I vehiclethrOughlhegateinsleadof . walling for.lhf:Igate arm 10 lower, then raise again, damaging lhe gate arm,::;,,,;., 3206060801911 Ferrer, Judy 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000156390 61612008 6/9/2008 1017/2008 0 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 32 JE AnUl1OccupledCounlyvehiclemlled into claimant's vehicle while parlled m lheMission Hills par1<ing lot 3205280801892 OneSOiiR;e',' 000 85.00 2.417_22 0,00 0_00' 0.00 2.502.22 51~:;'''' " ^,', 0000233352 512812008_':' 11f6/2008", 0.00 85,00 2,417.22/ D._DO,' O,OQ,__,', ,". 0.00 2,502.22 ..,' .. '. 32"< ,,' A :fooIfocus oWned by DneSolirCt!' , . "',.Y"'-"':. -.,., >, ,__.w_, . .,'......',,'-' ~'.-,'A -was SlruCk'bYa County vetilde Yf11en, " ,""".' ,":.'''''' (,'-.0" ~.brakGrelea5edcauslngiltoroJL . , ...., , lntotnepar1tedOneSolJfCevehlcle::'- "" .,," , ',"" ..' . -''.CY' 3212020802504 Martinez. Nanna 0_00 8900 816.59 0,00 0,00 0,00 0_00 905_59 0000155810 12/2/2008 121212008 5.'31/2009 000 89.00 816.59 000 0,00 0,00 000 90559 32 JE 1 M, Martinez'svehiciewas struck 0, a Countyvehicie while parked and unallel1ded m Iheparking garage 54 - -'-'-'-" . ---~, -....,---.-",....- ,.-.-,..-...,-- I' - FY 2009 Closed Claim Report ;,: COlller County Sheriffs Office 4/1/2009<>'. . 8/21/2009 ~,' . Robert Hill80n (Shel1fJs Olllce) w8lif ' stoppedatalrafflcllghtonOlMS,,-' ., BIvQ.'M1enaCountyEMS' ,~" arnbUlance,'IoIt1lchwSs lOlling to8," , BlOp,'StfuektheSl1erttri!vehlcle, pustilngltlnlothevehlclelnfronlof' the,arnbulance(LandonMlller'}., 0.00 0,00 0.00' O.IXL, 0.00 O.QQ:', 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 58 of 118 0.00 ''','.'' 0.00 0.00'.__ 0.00: 3201090902B04 0000144610, 32 JE:' ,,', - , 11912lXl9:.;i;:: 91, ',," ':"-;,;>;.," " y. . "" " ",',", :',;.;', ,'i' '-,,-.',' 'i '''.', 000 8500 1.470.69 0.00 000 000 0,00 1,55569 000 85,00 1,47069 000 0,00 000 000 1,55569 3205060B01B42 0000163620 32 JE 5/61200B Hancock,William 5/612006 111412006 Clalm,mt's Toyota pick-up truck was backed into by County asse\ #960039 wt1ile at the lammll, No damage 10 the County vehicle, per Fleet 3202240902713 0000253212 32 JE 2/2412009 30 Countryside Golf & Country Club 212412009 7/1612009 Employee damaged the entrance gate when he followed anoltier vehiclethmugh Inslead of waiting for the gate to close & reopen for him. 0,00 0,00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0,00 000 0.00' 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 3202160700530 0000253212 32 JE 2/1612007 EriC Nelson 2/1612007 812/2007 EmployeewastraveHPlgPlorthbound onGOOdletleaPldwastumlngonto VaPldertJiltRoaoExtenslon He looked to the lefl and look his foot off the brake, rolliPlg forwardinlo n'8 car in froPlt of him driven by clairnant 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 000 3207090802024 McCoy,Rosemarie 0.00 000 102.82 000 0.00 000 000 102.82 0000144610 7/912008 7/1012008 1111112008 0.00 0,00 102.82 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 102,82 32 " County ambulance was attempting to back out of Ms. McCoy's driveway and slnlck a pvc; inigatloni:ap. ~. 3210310602450 Kreynusll,Stephen 000 101.50 69498 0,00 000 000 000 796.48 0000155410 10/3112008 11/512008 311812009 000 101.50 69498 0,00 000 000 000 796.48 32 " 30 Claim an! was traveling westbound on Golden Gate Parnway behind a County vehIcle when he decided 10 change lanes to go around it. The Countyvehicte also changen lanes as the claimant was pass,ng and struck his vehicle in the rfght side 55 " FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 59 af 118 '-0020902943'1f'I\:",,,,,,,,,"~,""_~.~,~'f',,~'C:.'r.m.1." .>0<"'" ,_,,,',;1#ili::,g:::;,";~~:,:,jY\'(,,:,~;%pnJ~.: 00001636~'021{'0~:r:1jir - 6J2f2009,:~'K~:'{:;:f:>: 32 -,c+.,,'-,,;,,;,;'c', - 'jE'''~~'..c': 91'''.J><.';''''o.,-,,!h;o-.' '/i;><:/'<:;,,;;,:);):~:;j_i;/_,'_,,,:~~;,;;~":::;:,:"A' ,.>. ";;i"-'-"'?'i'~'~n:d1;:;'-"'- ",",.,.:;..^~~'t' :;\?yv~~.<)'1&H\:flr' . ,-".. 10~jll_" ".,. .' "0-">'"""'+:>:-"':"';> --,..",-,", "r".f>,".:"-:.'"-""",.,,,,,.. .' '}':-'c';;''''''', _"._."""~.",,._~,...,L." 3209270B02355 0000156314 32 Rea98;""B~::;:',,~ ,~'~ ; l f~, :".,'.~ ~~ ~.', '. ,O.oo;~li\?~~\XS;O'~f~hW/<;:~:!4~9:~:[j'L. -, ;" O,OO~r:,~, :<:', o.Ol),:i'".~~.'}Gf O.~Q:T~;;E;'~'2;\. 0.otL,,~1~7:,,1,429.2~ 6I3t2009~'ff.lP0 7/1612009 ~~."'-(."'.. .'; 0.00",,;.,':.::,1:",-,'''--,';. O,OO{,:>~/~,_. 1,429.28:1':':" , "0 (l(J' r'- <, ;,n 000" ';""" 06Qj'/iOf:;/,';Y" O.ooJ}')<,~ '1.429.2$ Em~'_ hackmg Into the 1SO(r " : ':"i;"-':';:')\1",' ",,,',:~,' ,'" ';"':'t~,,'l:-!.",:';/' !, ",; , '7.\:1." :e-;J. ' ',_&;; <"I :;,""-;,, \"';"'(;::0{A'Y~i;<5" ,t", ,~.. __ ~ ,~'- ,," ,".''', ,i!'~ "'~', ", '.;2. ",',. "L\:"~)t:'."\S:,' "-'n'h' '.'::1"~-"~-" ;, ':;,' ,,/;!; ........~'8nli'anceWhenBeIlyR"gBn _ ',' , '," ,",,,,,, ~J' ,(,,~, '"0''' ~_"~ _'''-''''''''';' ,,<>0> 'P' 'j ""''';'''] ...-jwnI_I_...____ ......'~ ,\;':i-,"~, .,;;'\ ,': <i. "~", ",' -",. " ",:"J;;, _,,: :,;," '#'i~,~4-&iY'i\',;,,-_"\"+'~"'"'I'''',_ '-;':,,,"~:'<)';J;'~^,~0"J, ,I' J>j, "'."':~. "'::"'. ...."'" ...,.U........,........""-"""""'4-""~''''~.'' ,,~" ,.. ," '\' ,,"... ,Utr:~,..~Jt,,'t,!N':,;;".~"dO< :;..;m, ')';',"" -.;, ",n'~-'''' < ~-~, ''''~ <,.__ ""'" '~~" "m','___",,' __u, ""e'" "!,."",,,",O'..u..,,_..,,~,~, .'N.I,.... 'U<m""^~,r,O"X"" '-rVehI ->'--")~'-'"'''"' M'''l''IC'j' ," -", ,,,, ,~--, "0'" '!li"'~"'""""c_"-',,,,,,,, 'W' '<" ~'" "~,.,, , "\"" 'r ,.'''' ., '';',;,,,,,~,..c.---_,:,, X'4\',"!'_,,~'''",'. '-, ',',,~.. i.',.",t\<U-i"'-""'''''!';f.'' __ ',',Xq,., ",X-";e '?';'#fl""~'''''f''''''''''" "~, , "",,",' """" '. "~" ";'q,"",.""" ",,-.,.,~ ",r ,e, " !~,';.:l~X[;r.{,_;:j;~, ::"".;it?:)..?,,,, ~~;',,:, " ',~,:','Fz!">,~,,, ,:" ...' :;, ",\",~~./,."" ,_:,!'_:::,.~;~tC,&f0~t!:~i:,,':;:L~:,,'+::.;::1:,"-!:r:4"';" " ' ,,0, ..;,..', '"" "" ;,', _""""'''''''''',"=1<'''''' ",...<~ ,,,,"''''',,,,,..,'''' "".'",." .."..b''''~~00".., ^.. ,"'",",'.,'.,n "~"""""'''''''''''' ~",__, "~,''''~,,O' "'""""_''''''''*'"''.''"''''"_'=_"~,_'"..,,,>>__,..,....''~",,~,,,,,,.., '" "" "."."".",,,..,,",,,,,..,, ,..,'~, Albenga.Louls 9/2912008 12/9/2008 Mr, Albenga was passing a John Deere vehide wher> it drifted over and collided.,.,;th his vehicle 0.00 0,00 139.00 8900 813.47 813.47 0,00 0,00 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 902.47 90247 "' 9127/20013 '" 7125/2008 OlSon,Ka~naHozuhl 713OJ2008 1/2912009. C131niantwaSat a compJetestOp witti Ii gr8flri arrow llnd Ihe County vehlc\ebehlndherstruckherrear bumper;:) TlOmbjey,Theresa 7130/2008 1/1512009 Ambulance drove onto a tennis court localed in the back ya'doflhe claimants home arld damaged a portkln or Ihe concrete. 0.00; 0.00 1,893,58 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.893.58 0.00 0.00' 1,893.58 0.000:" 0.00, 0.00 1,893.58 ,". 3207220802350, ??oo155410 32. 7122/2008. 30 ",.. 3207250802081 0000144610 32 JE 0.00 000 000 000 1,305.00 1,305.00 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 1.30500 1,305,00 --'", 3203170802356. Easl Naples Fire e6niro1 & ResclJEI 0000144610, 32 " " __ '__,"'f ".,' ",' ""'(:r' "','- 4/2212008 " 1011512008:~<!.'-"\T;__ The bayooorwas strucll. & da~aSed{' when an EMS employee accidentally: closed the dOor ashe was entBl1ng , the bay~:E' '.',", ,..,',,;' "',''', 'I"''' . 1.807.00 0.00 '0.00 3207220802070 0000155410 32 JE 'i i'- 7122/2008 Davila, Sandra 713012008 612412009 Employee opened the driver door to enlerAssel#020049andanolher vehicle driven by Sandra Davila begantopulllorwa'd,Thedriver door made conlacl wilhthe right s!c!e of Ms. Dallila'svehicie 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 "-' 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 56 .-"-- "'-""'"---''''-.''.',"''' , . FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 60 of 118 3206040902938 _'"" 'Long'Nancy:., "",, '" ,,",', ,'. 0.00- ??oo144610;:; ,y.-.,.:;;--- 61412009 ~;~;i:,'tif.4I2009~;~fg:,;,:-6/3I)/2009007t1'tltl~}::';~~>;~'/ - o.OO";,,:'~' , 32 ' JE}'?;:;'t:,' 1 ..,', >1*.';...,CIalmll1l'tmallboXWBSatnickbyan"!?,,,>'-',\,W'f '~_' '\ ',--,-, ,;-~~:;':"{'~Y;;f:i.(i:- .....:;:;j;.;..;;:.;.:,.-.';~ 'b"I",T'~"~~ ,,- ':':,\:::' '"i)'-t~r , _" " -;- ,:",",:' ""c',' ~"'.'- ""~......-1"":"'''' ---' .. ........" ,': :'-'", ',,', ',,",', ',_ _. ';j.\':~;::-y:JtL:':~l:'-:;!:~~j;~~i5;-::it+t:': inll:i;~,~ residence; anti 'Iot1lin ~::,.,:::':-/';<<"';~"~ '[!::~',~[ ",,-,' -. - ~~, <-0,<,;;" ,'4(,' ~;."..- '.'h~, .N.'""1h.-~ ...-- he -'-......','t', ., _.",,~,,: ''''', "::_..':'_~;-~:.-:~; '. " " ',,' .,,,~:L, '-' ~ "".., """ .,-,"",.. ,.......... ......, ."""'" '. '" _ .' '",__""...-" _ ..,_,.. ",_e, --" - " : ~ ,., '~\,' , .' ,,,; tJ; ~ ;"=~",~',t .",;,_ ,,, ; . ", ,'" :''1',:.-,,-,;>,', '- "V''' ,~, '-", hBrm...""""",.... ""/" '" r' ",.,.",. '-. -, "" ".- "0 ~~ ' ,,- '-'''''''"" !Jj"!liiiA"\(" ".. "'J: ' . 'I "" ,_ 'c', ',' ~ s"o . '" " '. " ". '. r" ~ _ " v. ",'<', ". ".""",' ,,:!, '" ,1' . ' ~ ,,' ", - p- ,- C "l -U -~..- "'''''I),l';4"'' '"". - c ",' " _ _" ,_; 0, . ::},"w ...:J",tt>. "1;.'J,,,...,,-.,O:<\1'. "'_" ." _h " , ' 000 000 000 000 '--,- 0 OO"'-'''''-~-'''-''''.'''' 000 ' , "",";'":_,'<i,,,, . ._:-',._,,,,,._,._____,:,,.,,__ . , o OO'~:';;:ii,d:;:;'i:"'O Oiii,'i:?';'l~y~C'OOO.j-~;{oE!,j:~,:i( " 0 oef ,._-:",^',:E"!t"""""~",,~,, "'?'.';~;'~"'~":-,,;'1!?it:'.J:~,Q,,--, _' ,,- , ":;::::t;t-:;::'EK-:;;;:;ii.F.'2;;:'?";;7r;',,~-;S;':f'::.i-l,\:;:';::;:j-,"":':':,,;i'~ - co,.. --- - - ,----" 'i"--""-.n ,',--.',--','.'1"',-'0'''"',' ----~.,,"",,'. ..--",__".-"+__,,,<,,-,,,,-,,,,.~.,,,,.'/,,,,,__ ", '"" ",~,:,,," "" ' ," "'\';j;'f)h,,'-"~:;;-'J:'~'::::~l~J;j:~;:?t:~~>G:{';";;''!';::;:<:.I;;~-;,~~:~t~;:~:;,,_--.-- "-; ,..",",."',- "', :',"":--:';:,,-.', .'K""'""" 1, ;'",\~",.;."%ti";",', ,", );';'-'r.,.,<""~....u!'i ,W'W-'-'N",;~;""",,_,:,tt ,'i;;''-:W) "".-, __ '-"";C~'l!,::-:' "','" , "., , "'., -~..,.y,1t"', '7 ,Y,'7' ',.,"{;, ,"'1' ";;:,f.."'i"~,t,",..n'" "U , .~:,,;,:.t'<'_,; "';';, '" "_",,,:.:~ C',', ":;',,';,; '~;~'";'';'.i__ "i,~:t"et::;1~0.',!";f~,,:,\',:,:.:o0t\X,,<:;::::,;1 :04:GJ~lt}S'X:::'}>~ -.' ,:,~.~ , ~ "" --,',Q" '(:'>:.::J:::',__"".;{:ff:.:;:"~~~:~;:f:~,::,lt~M~~,. R~~5~~~,~.;:'~:'i;:.~:;,::::'::~~~ 0,00 '-" "(""',,;'.',:< " 0.00_,;",_;"", >d': .::,:'"'''' 0.00_ ''''",--,,,''',' o 00 """'"_';i-",~,:",' ,...':"..:,;.r0r:"~j:.::>, 3207070903173 0000253212 32 .(E 71712009 " GO,JppUSO, Nancy 7/812009 8/2912009 Ms. Gruppusowas backing 01I1 01 her driveway the same tIme a Counly emj:Noyeewas backIng up and both vehicles collided 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 0_00 0_00 0_00 000 000 000 3206040902944 ??oo233351 32 "JE.: 61412009 91 ChauDang,DiW'lfle 614/2009", 712812009 Clafinant'svehiclewas backed lnto bya CountY Yehicle at Greenlree Plaza;,:.' 'u, Eh~rs,ElJQer.e 7/22/2009 811812009 Mr. Ehlers was trymg 10 maneuver his vehiclearuuod a stoppedvHhlcle that had flashers activated ~1 the same lime a Counly Hmployee was ooiog lhesame ~ndthe vehIcles struckeacl1otl1er 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 511.26 51i.2a 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00, 0.00,- 0.00:' 000 511_26 511.26 3206220903120 0000173442 32 "' 612212009 '" 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 0_00 000 000 000 3206250903040 Mimsquero, Joseph 000 000 2,145.19 0_00 0,00 0,00 0.00 2,145.19 0000156332 6125121009 612612009 713112009 000 000 2,145.19 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 . 2,145.19 32 JE,: 91 Clairnanr5trucll was pai'Ked io the parking lof& a Countylrucll & trailer , attempted to_pull ouloflhe pai'King lot when the trailer crank made ''-' contadwllh1t1eclalmanfsbumper. ,-" , n.",. 3205140902887 Mar/inez, ", 000 8500 1,61217 0,00 000 000 000 1,697_17 0000233351 511412009 5/14.'2009 7/28.'2009 000 8500 1.012.17 000 {l00 000 0,00 1,697.17 32 "E 90 Employee was tumlng Into the Lift Station andslruck a par1<ed vehicle 3204180902826 Bui'Ke,Meclodie 0.00 60_00 6,299_05 0,00 0,00 000 000 6,359.05 0000156313, '. 4118f2009' 4/2012009 8/2612009 0.00 60,00 6,299,05 0.00 0.00 0,00 0_00: 6,359.05 32 JE 91 Melodle8utke'svehlclewasslruck , by a County employee >Mto was backing Assel#CC2-306 10 a PUblbl pai'Klng lot. , 57 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page61of118 3211150802472 Staley, John 000 000 5,579_15 000 000 0_00 0_00 5.57915 0000144610 1111512008 11/1612008 612412009 0,00 000 5,57915 0,00 000 0_00 0_00 5.579,15 32 JE " Mr. Staley was heading north on 9th SlreetN when traffic stoppBd abruptly, He swerve\l to lhelellto avoid striking lhe vehicle In fronlof hiS and was struck by ASSBI #010142 who was lrying to avoid collisionaiso ,,_,d,_'_", 0.00' 681.50 ' 34,060.10 ,0.00 0.00 0.00. 34,741.1"' 0.00. Total hy CoYe!ag~, 2(Claims, . 0.00- 681.50 34,060.10 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0.00 34,741.60 58 ,,"-_.~._""-'-- -- ....,,-_._--""^' '''-''-.''--- 1-'- ---~_., FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 62 of 118 Coverage: 41 - Auto Physical Damage Collision 4109010903250 00001 41., 911/2009 100 ColHer County Governmenl 91812009., 9/1812009 EmployeeweSback11llesssf #010015&openedlhedriver'6door - 10 gel l:I bstlervlew & slruck a Toro mower/'~; ,,,....,.<-'.'_"_f' '>'" .",~,..~., '""--,, 1,510.59 1.510.59" 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00'" 0.00 0.00_ --U10.59 1:,510.5~ , -"j, . . ,-..--.- ',,,.,,.,.,,...,,'0'0 91312008 90 ','P" Collier COunty Government 911212008 111512009 Employee went insloe McDonald's 10 ha\le lunch anowhen he retumed 10 thetruck,nefouno;lMobeenhilby anolher\lehicte, which left the scene 000 000 000 000 1,39141 1,39141 000 000 000 000 '--.-"- 4109030802288 0000253212 41 JE 0,00 000 000 000 1,39141 1,39141 4105140902911 Coltier county Government 0.00 0,00 876.19 0,00 000 0.00 0,00 876.19 0000163630 5/1412009 5/15/2009 5/31/2009 0.00 000 876.19 0,00 000 0.00 000 876.19 41 J' 105 EmployeeW8S making a ....Ium IfI , ralnycondlllonsandlherearoflhe tnJckslld,strlklnglheCUl'b. 4106290903054 Collier County Government 000 000 1,96745 000 000 000 0,00 1,9674:' 0000233312 6/2812008 6/29/2009 7116/2009 000 000 1,96745 000 000 000 000 1,%74 " "' 90 EmployeewastJacklngoutofa parking space and struck a protrusionfromanolher\lehicle 4108060802105' Collier county Government 0,00 000 000 0.00 0,00 0_00 0,00 000 0000144610 8/612008 8/8/2008 1/15/2009 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 " JE', Emplo~was backing Asset #CC2- 300 to make passage space for engine 46 and slrucl\ a small tree. 4107250802079 Collier County Government 000 000 53960 000 000 000 000 53960 0000144610 7/26/2008 8/1/2008 10/9/2008 000 000 53960 000 000 000 000 53960 " Je '" Ernployee arri\led on scene to offef medical assistance. Helate.- retumedto the vehicle. butallegHdly d,d not nolice lhe patrol carpilrl<ed close to his passenger side Upo' lea\ling, he struck the patrol caron thedn\lersside 59 ,"" 4107240903180~'"" ,- ". ";"i;?;1;' ~ CoIllerCountyGovemment "',' 00122240 \)L'>I:~h .. 7"I2"'''/2I)''0''''''";';;:~: ,,',' ,,';"":;"';;~q" "'212009"'i.,'::~;'::-,;ti;b~;:,~", 00 ~".l, .'l';,. , ,~ ,<;'f"""'<~,n.._. ,..... ........'.~,;..:".:;N/~':.~.~:,'.' -41 ;'''r:g//:0~e,:tjZ:'r',,:_1~';i~}~:)'t~::~: Emplo)lile ~ked 859M #CC2--225.::;"''/:''':~, ':";;,:-,,,,-L';:.',;7",,',.: !';':'.~,o:,',-,ty!.t';..~,~,:~,,,,-s~.:: IntDtaII gras9 and struck a boulder;::," ',,_, -.,. ,-":",::"'X:',:>:+;';P;\;:-::;;.-:,C'".''''"':- . .,;" '., ,','~'0 ,;""::;,',.,,i',,":"_ --{,"><:-.:.'.;.');Jf.~,.,,'.;.U-\';;;'-,~,:,. 4107240802057 0000163630 41 JE 7/2412008 Collier County Government 7/2412008 111512009 Employee drove up onto a sidewalk, misjudged the curb and the tire slippedoff,strikingaoorlGretepole which scralched !he passenger side rearferlder_ 410-4300902935" 0000163620-; 41 JE 4130/2009- 13 ., Ceimer Couilty GoVernment 5/4/2009:.'>, 611512009,: Emplo~ was iOadlng dirt Wlth'a.' GradaI.ontri asset#060066 and 'tnrcll.lhecrane,damaglngihe'-' motor & top portion of the l:Issembty l:Ind kOOcking II loose from the bed ot lhelruCk;" 4105200902946 0000163620 41 JE 5120/2009 91 Collier County Govemment 5121/2009 6"812009 Employe€ was making a left-hand tum onto Vanderbilt Beach Roadarld lhe vehicle in the nextlum lana drifted over, slriking lt1evehicleon lhefendergul:Ird.Vehicle2s1ates 1tlat the County vehIcle struck her vehiclewhiletuming, 4107290903147 0000210155 41 JE,; Collier County Government- 7/2912009' 8/1812009, AS employee was fuming a Comer 011 1I11men:icllrOad,ttiepassengersld\l rulllllngbo;arostruckl:lll:lrgeboUlder:, ,,1)inilOlllhuideoflheroad.< .' '1/.,:.,.:.,::,,,..''-'':';/-"..- . , ""H'i-';-,"";:S", '/+::-"'Z;'-- 7/2912009 '199 ,,,,. C..' 4108200802334 0000138915 41 JE 8/2012008 999 Collier County Government 911112008 10/912008 Bumper damage occurred while vehiclewl:Isunoccupied_ Coi~m-CourityGOven1mell( ",' 11116/2008 .1115/2009: Employee was heading north (If) 9th,:: StraetN.whenlrafficstopped , 'abrUPUy, He!Wel\'edto.theleftto'" avoklaoollislon,bUtslruck:lherear ofcll:llmanfsvehlclel'otlenhe'.,_, swefVed in the same direction l:IS lh.e employee. 4111150802473 0000144610 41 1111 91 .-.......,..~"---~'"- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000' " ,.'......;::',.,:..'.:''.',.-,. O.OO~fri0:;1,:::;,; "';.".',"::;H"'s,~",'.c,"""'<f' .;,::'",,,,,,,,;;.,...,,, .,.,'"....",......,., "'i.-:n.-;,::;.;:;r ,'.;" ,..,." " 2,06380 2,063.80 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 63 of 118 0.00 0.00 0.00, ;..d, -"x. "'.""''-.'' 0.00:;1';',:, o.oo:::r~;;::>:' "_,,._f,'''' .';' -..... '-'..' .,'" 0,00 000 O.oo'r; ;,/;:;~;';/,..o.oo.",,-::~:~, 0.00\ :,:;)::' ri.oo,'~!',~(ir&i,:',0.oo0~'>1:n;::i. '\O;o.od~',..__, ' ,.Y, .. .j;. ,...,"~ ';Ji'_"~__'i: " ':~.. "\ ." .'F;' .;'..'h.,;;. ~ ti:;,/<11'3,'....' ',< '" . ';;':".::.;t';:x<:', '-',:"..~qi!.'-,<:,"';'.7:i0f"ilry.-:>ii.::,:'::;".':)':"::' ",':,.',:;,,'i)';:.:.;r;:.: " '- .,: '::'~'f&%\\niL;;':~" ,'" ,.. ',"M",,-,, ,'..,....-.".. ,:, ""'.;__.-, 0.00,": "''-' , ".",'''....-\(.,c O.,',;,..y,........+' '-0.0;',.:,..:",.-..'.',-,;,;,;. , :..".:;.....".".'.",<'+0.::.' 000 000 0,00 000 . ,I; "".~ .."....' ~ ,'" ","" 000 000 000 2,06380 000 000 000 2.063,80 ',--,' 000 0,00 1.721.38 0.00' 0,00, 0.00 000 '1,721.38 0.00 0,00, 1,721.38 0_00.' 0.00 000 0.00 1,72,.3~ c "" 0,00 000 3,666.91 3,666.91' 0_00 0_00 0,00' 0,00 C' 000 000 0,00 0.00 000 000 0.00, 0_00 60 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00' 000 0.00' 0.00' 000 -0.00 0.00 0.00 , 1.20860 1,20860 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 3,020_53 3,020.53 000 000 0_00 0,00' 0_00 000 000 000 -3,666.91 3,666.91: 1.20860 1,20860 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 3,020.53' 0_00' e.oo 0.00' 0.00_ 3,020.53 C_..,' '". I' -....._- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No, 16E4 Oecember 1, 2009 Page 64 of 118 4101120902595 Collier County Govemment 000 000 130,69 000 000 0_00 000 13069 0000233351 1/1212009 111212009 1115/2009 000 000 13069 0,00 000 000 000 130_69 " " , EmployeewasbackingassetllCC2_ lB4 into MaslerStation 316,00 and slruckaraisedmanhole,damag'ng lhebumper, 4101130902596 COllier County GOvernment 2,371,28 0.00 0_00 0.00 0,00 0_00 0.00 2,371.28. 0000144610 1/1312009 111412009 1/31/2009 2,371.28 0.00 0,00, 0.00" 0.00 0,00 D,OO 2,371.28; " Je 105'~ , Employee was backing TJUCk#11 ' Into \he Stalion bay and slnJcka , woodenslgn,diImaglnglhefront . ~ passengerOOOr&fender.: 4106110700982 Collier County Government 000 000 3,82500 0_00 000 000 0,00 3,825,00 0000138911 6111/2007 611212007 1/1512009 000 000 3,82500 000 000 000 000 3,825,00 " ,e County Asse11lCC2--D61 was blockedbyan suv that was parked in the wesl lane, unoGCupied_ Employee tned to go around Ihe SUVandthelruck'snghtfront bumper made contact WIth the right rearqtlarterpan~olaMercedes 4112170802625 Collier County Government 0,00 0,00 1,74394 0,00 0,00 000 000 1,743,94 0000163620 1211712008 112712009 21612009 0.00 0,00 1,743,94 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 1.743.90\1 " Je 20 Employeefalledtolowerlheboom . Inlo lhetruc:il and pulled down a Comcaslcable line whlle driving lhroughthe interseclion, causing minor damage to the vehicle. 4112020802627 Cotlier County Government 000 000 98195 000 000 000 000 98195 0000155810 12/212008 1/27/2009 21612009 000 000 98195 000 000 000 000 !l8195 41 "' "3 Employeewasbat:kingasse1 #010060inloaparningspaceano s'oeswlped a parned car, 4112190802553 Collier County Govemment 000 0.00 1.085,93 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1,085_93 0000210130: 1211912008 12/19/200e,.' 1/612009 000 0.00 1,OB5,93 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 1,085,93 " 'JE- 91 . .~ Employee was backing into a parking Sp8cewhen a vehicle folll1Winghlmattemptertlocut behind him andranlntolhedrlve~a sidllrearcomerpanel. 61 Collier County Govemment 21412009 3110/2009 EmployeeenteredpaT1<inggarage #2, which has a 8'-2" clearance, ina vehicle 10' high and struck the top of the truck. 4102030902651::::':::;~, ",,-' , 'C:OlileiCOuiiiY'GOvemmenf,~_':.'_"" 0,00, 0.00 -,'" 1.081.20,':' 0.00" a.OIL>'-' 0.00.., ~,' 0.00 -: 1,08120 ??oo155819 ;j0~di"i, 2/3/2000 J; ,;:{.'~ '214i2OOii:;:;1;&\:F',:" 3110i20oo~t;\?(:r:;'>l;ti~':[',;:,,:;:{ o.oo;l;;;#:':::,i,;\~':: O.OOt/;.;;;;;.. M81.20:c:.;T':-',~" , O:~:?t:;, .,' '.'_'_ i;l.Oo.-'._;_,)j,jj_;~':, o..oo;i~~: :~.'.:.~...,0,:?O1 ?i~~.,:rOB1:2Ci. iY! ts1':.' /'i'" '~4'';1'' '\r: ,"",,~ ,;X, .... .,..,.w,,'_~.',,""_" Ii......:.... 'of' -'...'.:c';;---'}''''S' -G->"""'" jC . ""i'~"";"'- ,';- ,,":-';;;;('1,"' " .........,~.; ,;-,." . ., ,._...._.......,,'... . ,.".... '" ;0;' .,w,. ., ..~";IH" ~ ." _~ . 410F\:fli.'b.," JE'"Svf( 10 ,. ~,:;''i''''" ~~, Etnpl()yeewaspu~"'lI'out """ ~ -:'",'>'e' ';,j\'.T '\,",- ; ~ \ ' "'''<{ * J "'"ff~ /< :;'''4 " , .. " -"aA\J,';',_ f.:.,.f.',i~<<.f """,,,:,,'>,,0X'-"'~X-""'''t''G;'''A>!~'",,_0;;l..:,___i' 7':~*~~:~~~I~r~~~r;f;t~~'~~ ..:= ::a~~::: ~~m:::~F;r*:+ ,: ~.~/ ,:,,~ ' ;;;1),' '~i:;-~~~~:~~;;~)!'Fi:t~,:.. ~ ~~ ~ -,.-:~-':..-:::<_ ~'/~d;;~X-'~:,::~.i; }'-};:::;~:.:[tl;0~)t;:--',:'::;it}Rr:fj~{t*j2':~\~~1~1';~G,~ . ~.'':>J,B;;'\ft,'1,,';::,l~tih '.:,,\. ~~",;;(' ;-" striklng s'plilnletlrolumn,.. . ':',' " _, ' .,-j';','. /, /, .',.. ,;,';' '..,' ;i;0~:;:.qA_,\~ "<:;",?:'f:IW~;0A~:,:,:'-\q:;:;:f:'i(~'/,it~t;:;-Y~~;?;<~':~;:\:~,>'. 'if't. '- '_,'J C "c ~ ,. __ . . .. '. .. .' __,' '" __.,' """ ," ',_,~,.._,__",__...~""._",._,, >r...., "--",'_" -_. """""""~i'...~,.",,, '" __.,' .''','''' ,," 4102030902653 0000122240 41 JE 2/312009 '05 4104280B01821 0000138911 41 JE 4/2812008 999 4106120B01940 0000144610 41- JE 611212008' " 4110240802816 0000156361 41 JE 10124/2008 10' 4106060801912 0000156390,,' 41 JE 616/2008 ,'" ,.,', 4102110902682 0000253212 41 JE 2/11/2009 91 410115090277.4' 0000144610 " ,,,,., 'h"__ <.,,', . ,..~ FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 65 of 118 000 000 3.66587 000 0,00 3,66587 000 000 0_00 000 3,665_87 3,66587 0_00 000 000 000 Collier COunty Govemment 4/29/2008 111612009 On Monday, April 28, 2008empklyee retumedtoworkalldnotlcedlhe vehicle had a small dent & streak of wtlite paint on ltle passenger side rear bumper. Il is not known when or how the damage occurred, 000 0_00 0,00 000 624.72 62472 000 000 0,00 000 0.00 000 000 000 62472 62472 Collier County GOvernment 6113/2008,' 7/1112008 .. Employee was operating a vehicle " and call1lht Ihe edge of ltle step-up '0110 la19;rock whlle1umtng.: , 000 000 0,00 0.00 3.945,10 3,945,10' 0.00 0_00 0.00 0,00. 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,945.10 3,945.10 ",!:?:, '-".,-- "">"(~ -'.~ "".", '''' ,.... ...,:,.;;: 000 000 -0;: Collier County GO\lemment 4115/2009 4/2312009 Employeewa5backingAsset #060023inatightareaandstrucka tree,damagingthelailgate, 0_00 000 000 000 1.72766 1,727.66 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 1,727,66 1.72766 COllier County GOyemment 61612008,:-,,1/15/2009,....,., Employee parked Asset #970031:- :' outside a grocery store and....n~li . . lnslde:lhevehlclerolledlnloanolher vehlcle~ No damage 10 Counly vehlcleperFle~ 0.00 000 000 0_00 000 0.00 000 0.00 0,00' 0,00: 0,00 0.00:':' 0,00 000 .." '....... "! ....,," ",.. Collier County Govemment 211112009 313112009 While employee was slopped in the westbound right tLJm lane, the vehicle behilldher was strllCkin lhe rear_wtlich pushed it into the County vehicle_ 000 0_00 000 000 1.23938 1.239.38 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 1,239.38 1,239,38 Coilisr COunty GOvernment 3i2O/2009:LL. mo/2oo9 Employee Was 6xitlng residence In.. Tlllck#4 and scraped the 1ef18lde' , rearoooragainstlhegat8; 0.00 ,,0,00' 0,00.' 0.00-' 1.550,30 '1,550.30 o.ciO' o,cio,-:' 0.00" 0.00'" 0.00 0.00- 1,550.30 1,550.30 ,,~ ,.:;!, " 62 ,>-~~-~,-~~, I" 4103230902775 0000122240 41 JE 4112020802505 ,.....-".,." 0000155B10:"~;;:~j,,+;,; 41;;~'::~:~;t~~',~~:~;:;:-\:; ,'"":,"",:'-,,;,'_T:.,_;:';.'.-v,,y;.--,.".-;', - '{;~~]i::M::{ili;~t,,' 4101090902591 0000144610 41 JE 4102240902716 0000233313 41 JE 4103190902771 0000155810 41 JE 41112808lJ2490 0000144610 41 JE 41122308lJ2587 0000253212 41 JE 312312009 00' " ..,.....", 'd'_,'''' 1212J2OO8~-':',:::'",,, "''--~''.'::-' t;';:;:,,;:.;;;, :':'.-.\.N~~"'" ,...._~,..,.' .", "'-"-' --"' "~i: 1/9/2009 " 212412009 105 3119/2009 1 1112812008 " ,,'.' 4104040902846 000025321~.i,~ '-.,' - 41412oo9",/, 41 ," ':j,'-':\:'-',:: JE ,,,,, '''13''','''''''''''' - ''';';'' ,:'~:":-~_... ," tl:?:i:::~:,;{,,':":",~;, '''\;:::. '._, -''. -',,", ,''',' ,.,' 12/23/2008 " CollierCoLJntyGovemment 312312009 7128/2009 Employee was moving a trailer. and wtlilebacking, he caught the edge of a ground transformer COllier County Go-..ernment. 12J212008:,:L,::i 12/1512008. EfttployeeStruckspat1ledvehlcte:" while making a !urn In the park~' .- ,..-......&;:::::.,' '. . '" -......",-" """'-""'- Collier CoLJnty Government 11912009 1/26/2009 Employee was rolling to a stop and IltS foot slipped off the brake causing him toslrike Ihe vel1iclc In fmnt 01 ~1I'" push~ng il mto another vp.l1icle Collier County Government 2/2412009 312012009 As employee was pulling OUl oflhe GIade9 Water Tank Stallon, the light tllnopened andSlI1.lCll tha side of thll walerlank.> Collier County Govemment 311912009 4/7/2009 Emptoyeewas passing ltlroughthe parl<ing lot and scraped the passenger side of the vehicle against the gale Collier County Government 1112812008 812012009 TlUc:lI #28 was traveling west on Davts B/v(I_ when II was struck by an.. - unmai'keasherlfl'sdeputyvelllcle .- thalW<l$ traveling north on Klngs Way and caused1he ambulance to overturn" '" Coliier County Government 1/12/2009 2126/2009 Employee was traveling On County Bam RoadappmaCl1ing atraff,c signal when he looked dOwrl ala work order and stuck the vehicle in fmnt of him, Collier Collnty Government 4/412009 4lZT12OO9: Employee was drivl~ asset#CC2-:" 332 throuah a gate (oriIy the right';':0' sidEi of the gate opened up) and lhe<,' ..-.' ....... .. ~closedonthetruclr.,slriklngthe.~ tllnhar'lllJL"" - FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 0.00 000 0_00 0.00'; ,'" 000 cco 1.41615 1,416,15 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 76050 76050 . 0.00 0.00 1.400.21 1,40021 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 000 1,75658 1,75658 2,966_70 2,966.70 197,726.00 197,726_00 000 000 896_62 89662 -~,. , 0.00 0.00 000 O.oo~ ' , 63 000 0_00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0_00 Agenda Item No 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 66 of 118 000 000 76050 000 000 76050 ,<,,, 000 OOQ, 000 000 000 000 000 000 1,40021 1,40021 0_00 0,00 0_00, 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.416.15 1.416.15 "", '..- 000 000 0,00 000 0_00 0_00 1,756_Sf 1,7565, 0,00 000 0.00 000 0_00 0.00 ., 000 000 000 000 000 000 89662 896.62 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.0.0..':" 0.00, 0,00< ".. :'-'" 0.00 0_00 " ,<<-' 4101050902579 0000163628 41 JE 1/5/2009 91 Collier County Govemment 1/612009 1127/2009 Employee was traveling on the ramp to 1-75 and drifted off the left side of the roadway, overcorrecled. then wentofllhe righl sIde ofltle roadway and rolled the vehIcle '00011200908210 1,~1~rt~~~~,~;F-"219122:'::"'0~'~ol~~;,::,,:~p,,~~lerOl2OO8' ' CoU~~,Govenimairt 4f:,;;,;~;.\.,,,.~d~)':)J~::t.;:'~':ii'i"'1OS"J,:i:!\:s~:hl~;,:: E?ri~Dyee pGiiiJd ll58et ,::~!;X:l;""c",,,:,,,,',~:':i.\::~:;i,~,,.:')!'::~;f'iS~,;;,,~".:> , ' '" ~':"'E:.?T','::"1"f"~"7*~');";;'J'Y&::' .;r.; :;:;,' lhe righl8houlder In front of':: ,+"":"f"',;:J,:\~,,!,,,,.'t"fj')t:':',',iJ~ c, ,;t.>,;", /'fJ8ldence& placet{ve/11cle~" :':;'i:u"":<~;::;E'r;;;;;1~t~";:::,,,..,:,,,,,;,;;~:r'i,\s:' , "",' . "':'/:'~""";:;',:"::,T,':J;tJ/:~: '}\~.':,;~ ,'"':"",,,,':,.. He Ihen extlecl the vehicle,to speak. , """';"'.'<: ";',gfy)'z,.:..", ",;~\: --- -'-"wllhttleresldent,thentumedlOfind:-' ';?':::'~";i.~:";':,,::'::::~;:':;:/,;::: ,-",..,";-' ' Ih& W!lhl~'rolllng 0;Jwn the street &' , ':~'/f';:," CI'SlIhedmtoatree.,' ",,;,.., FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 000 124,75 124.75 13.460_00 13.460,00 3.65900 3.65900 000 000 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 67 of 118 000 000 13.584,75 0_00 0,00 13,584,75 4103050902754 0000144610 41 JE 315/2009 '"' CollIer County Government 31512009 5131/2009 Employeewasdrivingaroundlhe corner of an apartmenl complex and stnJck the left side of ambulance againsl cement poles -- 4102270801673 0000144610, 41 "'.'7'1\", JE..'" 212712008 Collier County Governmerrt 212812008, 1/1512009 Employeil struck lhe passenger side. mlmlr against a column when plllllng.' , into the EmergancyRoomdriveway .i ~ ;-- ";';',,-- 4102110902725 0000233312 41 JE 211112009 '"' Collier County Government 2/26/2009 313012009 Employee was backing asset #CC2. 446 and struck an atloveground meChanical valve COllier Courity Govemment' 6r.Z712008 11512009 Employee was drlvill\l lhrougha constructionenbanc;ewtlenlhll vehicleskJddedlOtherightandthe' running llOaro'was caughlona large rod<. 4106260801996 0000210153' 41-' 61261200& --"' _ ,.-.._,-----"',,--- '""n ",,' 000 000 0.00 0,00 2,31780 2,31780 000 000 000 000 0,00 0,00: 000 0,00 000 000 2.44269 2.442_69 000 000 000 000 0,00' 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0_00, 0,00 0,00.. 0,00 0,00 , "-, 64 000 000 000 000 2.317_80 2.317_80 0.00 0.00, 0.00 0,00' "} ',.','K' :,'0( ,-':" '-".-".-'< -;:fff , 2.442.69 2.44269 0,00 0_00 0,00 0_00 0.00 0.00; 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1'-"""''''-' ,_W,__ 411205080255{) 0000253212 41 JE .',. 1215/2008 91 ., >.' ~""',,, ".... " 4102020902655 000025325{) 41 JE 4107090903012 0000163630 41 JE 21212009 91 71912009 , 4107080903073 0000138911 41 JE 4107150702415 0000144210 41 JE:'" 4109020802265 0000144610 41 JE 4111040802452, 0000144610 41 JE' 718J2009 00' 7/1512007 00' 9/212008 '" 11/4/2008 00' Total by Coverage 49 Claims .--,-" "." Collier County Govemment 12/5/2008 S/29/2009 Employee was ,n wesloound lane on Immokalee Road stopped at the light Once the light lumed green, IheempkJyeeproceededSacar from the left tum lane veered Into the westbound lane,slrikinglhe County vehicle, Collier CO.unty Govemment, 113OI2oriii~::i:i;:" 2/1812009, Empklyeewas backing 1l8Set. #030637a'ld struek a tree,.. damaQlngthe paasengersloo door andmli-itir.'" Collier County Government 21312009 3/10/2009 A pnvate vehicle was back'ng out nf ItleirgarageandmtolheSlreel and struck a parked COLJnty vehicle In tile driver's side door Collier Counly Government 71912009 7/28/2009 Ernployeewasreplaclngsignsand while driving down the sidewafl(, he slnJCktherlghlfronIOOormimlr:' agalnshpole. ---. , Collier County Government 7/812009 713112009 Employee struck a fire hy\lrant while operalingasset#050212 Collier County Government 1012212008 11/1012008 Emplo)'ee was backing 3Sset#CC2- 015 and caught the di1ver's door on apieceofequipment. Collier County Govemmenl 9/2/2008 1012/20GB Employee slruck a tree while backing Truck #11 damaging Ihe nghtreardoor. Collier County Govemment 1114/2aa8, 11/13/2008 Employeewas pulling out of patients driveway and scraped the nghlstde Of the vehicle againsl a gate pole. FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 000 0.00 0,00. 0,00 000 0,00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 0,00 000 11,028.73 11,028.73 000 aDo 0.00' 0.00 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 3,091.45 3,091.45 65 68985 68985 3.035.26 3.035.26 000 000 0.00 0.00 ,I',,; 1,90930 1.90930 493.35 493.35 87148 87148 1,831.68 1,831,68 265,968.76 265,968.76 ,;." 000 000 000 0,00 _c~ 000 0.00: 0.00 0.00, 000 000 000 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 0,00 3,659.00 3,659.00 0.00 0.00 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 68 of 118 000 000 68985 000 000 68985 0.00 0.00,"'" 4101300902641:C:<",:~,..:,:<;':'; "':'. ,'.:' ooo0122240.:!/:%{~;S,;'<1'1r3012009 41 " ./".' _~'d JE"jc;WE'~105""'; . ""<"\':':."<.:,..;"'.,.'.i'::i'i:>:'L~..-, ,......,. ... .......... ......""c.".., "":.,,;,,.t:!;,;&;.;.,..--;;,-::,:~~,,-,.-,;,,; ":":;"\".:-,,'I'""fr.,<--:O,'f""."" .:t';,':::':,.":'o')"':I;':-: . 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00, 0.00 0.00 '--.' 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 ..", ,', 000 000 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 '\', 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,035.26 3.035,26 000 000 0,00 0.00 1,909.30 1,909.30 493.35 493.35 87148 87148 1.831.68 1.831.68 280,088.94 280,088.94 .~ FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 69 of 118 Coverage: 42 - Auto Physical Damage Comprehensive 4207040903065 Collier County Government 512.77 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 512.77 0000122240 7/412009 7/612009 1/2812009 512.77 000 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 512.77 42 "' " Employeefoundabrickhadbeerl thrownlhroughthefrontpassellger wiooow_ ",-'-,' . -".,.., 42071409030B4':,:,:L'.;;;;\\::0F:~;7r:: ,::': ' _, Collier CcIunly Government," - 249.19 . 0.00 0.00"7 249.19,: .-,'.;,',.,._.,,'.L'f"'.''"''" """-::<-'::"'/;', ;<-- 0ciQ0l3B900"'V:',::~:,-: 7f1412OOS!,;Jo/j.; 711412009;:::,-",712&2009:),' 249:19' 0.00 0.00'\/;;':",',; 249.19 ""_',d_ 42 .. JEv;,\' 19::<;';.\."h',;;~.:" DuringSlOlJtlllemalnlenanCllOflt1e_ ".' i~,,;',/~,> ' , "..'.f\-;,' "",,,,,-,-;;,,;.},,\:..,..,.,' veNcle,FleetdiscoveredeCfackln- ,....,. ;-: !~;;~ :,;,><,;, ~ ,.... --..tc , ttie'.....ndshleld.'. .- -,,'" . . 4209230802354 Collier County Government 90978 000 (tOO 000 000 000 000 909.78 0000233352 9/23/2008 9/2312008 10/212008 90978 000 000 000 000 000 000 90978 42 "' 11 The rear winoow of the vehicle was tJ.roken when it was struck by the p<Jmpthattippedoverwtlileinthe truckt>ed. 4210020802370 Collier County Government 290.57 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 0_00 0_00' 290.57 0000144610 10fZ12008' 10/2112008 290.57 000 0.00.: 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0,00_, 290.57 42.. Truck #30'swindshield was stnJckby ,. -" .. a golf ball as Illraveled southbound . on Tamiaml Trail N. at 100thAve. N, - 4208260802164 Colher County Government 138 0_00 000 0,00 000 000 0_00 '" 0000163630 8126/2008 8/2612008 1/31/2009 1.38 000 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 '" " "' 9 Employeewasdrivirlgovertorepair a sIgn & did not see Ihe drop-off and Ihepassengersidestepmade conlactwith the pavement and broke 4209300802357 Collier County Government 2.638_26 0.00' 0,00 0,00 0.00 'p.OO 2,638.26 0000156390 9/3012008., ,1012112008- ;: 2,638.26 . 000 0_00. 000: 0.00 0.00 2.638.z€l' 42 EmployeedlscoVereddllmage'wthe_ ,--. , ".IjP"t,' ", "7~:; '<''' , ;," "'1;( righldoor\\t111e pertonnlng_a vehicle,';,' ,y:.--- inspection. The person who is '"'' .,', responsible fur the damage did not ->.,. "--,--y".; ;{:;':. reporllt ':'"< J~' ."., , ""'". 4209170802391 Collier County Government 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 0_00 0000155974 9117/2008 912212008 5/112009 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 " "' 999 Empklyeetook Asset#010021to Napies Car Wash and upon reluming 10 the office, noticed a large painlchipon the trunk_ 66 ~,-, - ~._~-~.. ..__.~.~,,~- 1- "---- 4208190903209,,~ 0000163620-~ ' 42 JE -.", '_" _,"",','h 4206020902961 0000233351 42 JE 4206080902947 0000233351 42 JE --,--- .... " 4206130902974 0000173441 42 JE 4206090902964 0000173441 42 Collier Counly Governrnent '.....,. ,.....-....".., 8I191200lf-t<""-:'" 811912009:, 9114/2009 ,"_'" ""...,-it::.(:c'.-'." 11,-,:,"'. ',,",,, Y;;'C:, .." Asset #Q201S1 was par1led next 10 ,," '''''''I.-/',;.''--._W-'''',, '" ';",i.f,:"<1,~;'.~:"- ari excavator to fuel up. When !he ",/<".' <",,--,.',- , . ','''1:':''''1;'\ bOOrnwasrotBtedtoaccesstllBfu8I,"'- " , "'" . ~ ~ '\1'"",,' . ~'! ;til! t:; ,.~f~'$~j', truck, ltalruck a dead tree, causlnglt-- -"',~,:,:..... -'''t.",,} to faft andslruc:ll IhB vehicle.', ," .. ,':y!c',;,,,_',-,,.<.'>.'_'''' , :,---,;,J::-:} ---'..'.V' ,"'" , ,:"",:.:,::E,,,,,-3i.i~'L;;~':J;::-':" 6/2/2009 " Collier County Government 6/11/2009 612412009 It is al(eged !hat this vehicle was lelt alFleetforanoilchangeon6l2/09. lhenpickMupon6/9/09 On 6110109 damage was discovered on the right rear step bumper ~W2009 " Collier Counly Government 6/8/2009 6/12/2009 While performing a vehicle inspectlon,ernployeenolicedthe palIssngersldebrakellghtcoverwas -... ,:"", 6113/2009 13 COllier County Government 6/16/2009 613012009 Employee was pulling a 10yd cardtJoardtJo,fromnexllofhelru(k and it struck the passenger side mirmr. pulling it from 1I1edoor COllier CoUllty Government 6/1012009 611512009 Employee was loading a 55 gallon drumlnlotllBbackolassel#010014 andRmllad,breaklnglhBrear window'.._ 4206130903020 0000156332 42 JE 4201130902597 0000144610 42 JE 6113/2009 " Collier CoUllty Government 612312009 712812009 Employeewasunlockinglheveh.cle door & noticed fhewindshield was cracked Collier County Government 1/1312009 511/2009 Employee was driving easl on VanderbUt Beach Road when he heard a 1000 "boom",then the sound of glass breaking. The passenger side rearwinclawhad shaltered. .1f13/2009 999 . FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 4,303.92 '4,303.92.' 0,00 0.00 ',. ,0_ClO, 0.00' 000 '(i.DOL,'. 0.00, 0.00" . . . H" -"', ""." 37743 000 0,00 0.00 37743 000 000 000 0.00 000 3481_89 3,48189 0,00 0.00 000 000 0_00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 0_00 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 67 000 000 0,00 0,00 000 0.00 0,00 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0_00 0.00' 0.00- 0.00,' Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 , 2009 Page 70 of 118 O,OO':~::: 4.303,92. "0.00. "4,303_9'i :'~' ~'/:~:~f::+:;<;i<':)~ ',':t 0.00 000 000 000 37743 31743 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 .." 000 000 3.48189 3.481.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,",-' 0_00 0_00 0_00 0,00 000 0.00 000 0_00 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 4212190802549 0000173462 42 JE 12119/2000 19 Collier County Govemment 1211912008 1/2112009 Employee noticed damage to the rear bumper. 1,92847 1,92847 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0.00 000 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 71 of118 0,00 1.928,47 0.00 1,92847 420405090281t,~< 00001<<",>;L:;;",~,;;;"", ..., . "",.,'."','-',-,'~''- 4~;.:,":{2tiif,Ut'7~~< -- , _",..~c,.."",.""",,,~., '~.".- '",.",."~.".,"" ,','~t-;'.'/:;'[;'''''';;,",'$' ----','-"',,~.-~..,""'.,;v.' _,,,,;",",7:;.~',,', '_",_~,':...,:'~ ,-"'C:-:,:':''',.:''::,,.,,''I-"''_'.. -. i ."'--',,,~ '-,'-~t:r:~;~}::\,,'jf':':~~;;::}:tYj#:~~~$~~::':~J::'i'%';;~::' ",~,,,,,,,,,,,.',:'.'_',,*.,,,',c;;',.,-, ",~__-"~,",.,,.:-;.. ......o.c.,.., 4204080802784 0000156313 42 JE 418/2008 999 Co!lIerc6.~tyl~vBmrnent,:~, ,.." '" _ . O'~i~!;i;~:s:;,;;';, o,oo',-"'';':;;,-j,;.,p.oo,,.:; ,,0-OP.,' o_o~';_,,' O_OO":~:,'.,,,,__"'" ~.OO,~:' "":',' -" o.~: 416/2OO9.itf:~'. 411012009p.,.w 'ir ,; ,,: .." O,llp;'-iiJ:/:;,f^~. 0.00 ""';'."<)'';::$', 0:,00;:::;- >::,~ ,0,00:':; "'":::..". o.~;::;.o;;,'""", 0.00, :::;,,\~}J:", ,:fl.oo, ;Vv;;;t, C {l.OO. Asset#03Ol;l21 w8sparlledlnthe-,"" ,". .. ,,_. .,,,-,,,,,,,,:'Lt,'';:J''''';-:; "" ';;;"~;:'!(:'+.0;,(". ".';'::'&' ,- "., ,y_c' ,';'., . ,.!;\:,,<O',~.,.'...t 'c/O<_,' ""'-'~ <''', ,",0" /';2',; 1':' _'~;- , . ';"',-"NVt""""i,":r.',-;!: :.L '"-~,,-,.,~. Air",;~' "'." '." .. " '; .., c- J;' L 1 ... e '"f'i'S;'%,,,,,,r.c''''''' 'i.fl!C';;'-" miilnieriancealll~"Aijemplo,yijl'; ;,r,J," '"!;'-,-t'::'~"Vi~i;>";', ;'~,L:;-"",~;;~.s -;. };' ~~, ,,'<.' : .., ..~".. ,~;.' ~E"Yt1->f~~;:";}'".P ~.;m~'4,&.:i;;:;J"~c: '~'0 ~ L:'f: , dl~,~rearv.i.ndo\PI ~;-:, :c?:,;v'~k],!,',,;j:::;:::0,',;,:,':f;:J:_:f_;j:i;;i:,'7;Lg.~~~:i}'T~q;"'/;\;::";;;':':-:' 7;1~:t:::::;.f,~~;,~r~~;' " :"~::~'{:V:~_:~';t:~.L.- >!~'l"~,~ ",:' \ ~,;~~~ ~~,~~rr'~;;,..,;,~~_,~::!i~::;'I-';i1:~(~,~~~"l~~~:;:}:J~y~~~1!~'~~,:;.!:..):~:t0If-~:~:;',~:,;f:n~..::~:-:, '" ' "', :~: ::~~:,{::,~~H::,:, c(':'", ~:1~ ':~~,;:~"'> ,{C:~~,:~ ,~~ Cottier County Government 769.85 0,00 000 0,00 000 000 000 769_85 3124/2009 4110/2009 768.85 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 769_85 Uponretuming fmm vacation, empioyeenoticed damage to the passengersidednor, Collier County Govemmeni 11/21/2008'<.;( 12131/2008 UnknO'Ml_ The vehicle was taken 10' Aeei for "C. malntenancejmd,-, daniagetOthepsssengerslderear: femlerwasdlscovered,': ' 4211210802531, 0000163630:" 42, ,.-:,;,,-,-:','JE ';'Y"'. ,." " , 1.099.00 0.00, 0,00 0_00 0,00 1.lf99.00 0.00 0_00 0,00- 0,00 . " 4,094,59 000 000 000 000 000 4,09459 000 000 000 000 000 1.099.00 1,099.00 ,.",-- 4202120902693 0000163620 42 JE 2/1212009 57 Collier County Govemmem 211712009 5/29/2008 While attempting to dump a load of limemck from thetruCk,thetruck body would not rise ttwas discovered that the lifting assembty was bent 0_00 000 4,094_59 4,094,59 4201060902571' 0000163640:',';, 42 "''':c:' JE Callier cOunty Govemment '-1/612009_;;;'; 1115/2009-' Left lllde.wtndow of vehicle broken. - cause unknown..'; 270.00,' 270.00',' 0.00,: 0.00' 0,00 0,00 o.ooL, 0.00 0,00:: 0,00, 0,00 0.00 0_00,' 270,00 270.00 ",,'-\',,' 4201170902612 0000144610 42 JE ,,',':"" ';',; ';,:.-'> f"<- ,iJ,.:'\ --."" -'''. 1/1712009 13 Collier County Govemment 1/2212009 5/2012009 Unknown. the rear bumper on the p<lssenger side was tound to be pushed in about 1-2 inches_ 28000 280,00 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 28000 280.00 ;,.,', "Collier COunlyGovemment 1012912008 1/2612009 Employee waS turning OnloJ'u'ng'""" ' SIvd.\\ot1enapic\(.uptnJck'. ,,.'t,':,,,"'_'" . ..... .,.-'.-..-...JeP"....'.... acceler8t~rapldlyv.t1lle turning9,~;:~\. WUsonandthrewgravelontotf1eo,'S~:,,> oocll:ofasset#CC2-031. b'reakir<l'\':>.-<'" thEl,~tallighl:~ ' .. ,'h~ :'c";c' '_F . o_Od 0_00 0,00 0.00 0_00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.91 63.91 4210220802611 0000210154, " 68 , _..~.,'...-..._. -.- .-"-.-----., .,,~--,-_..- 1-"--- - 4202190902717 0000144610 42 JE 211912009 19 .. 4212300802569 0000233351 " ,'.,", JE 12130/2008 14 4202090902673 0000144610 42 JE, 21912009 L359;.' ,..' . . .. 4201280801586 0000233351 42 JE 112812008 4201060902580 0000136911' 42 . 4210130802542 0000163620 42 JE 10/1312008 B 4201040902599, 0000144610 :,~ "':' 42.: JE": 1/412009, 19: Collier County Government 2/19/2009 5/2612009 Damage discovered to the dnve(s side rear bumper by Fleet during an inspection_ TimeorGausel1Ot determined by EMS CoWer County Government 219/2009; 2/13/2009 Employee roported thedrtvefs side rearf8d BrTlergency light was mlsslrg Ii's lens cover. Collier County Government 1/29/2008 1/5/2009 The gauges in asset #020090 would not work. so ernployee lapped on the plastic breaking the plastic c'.'." CoI~er County Governmoot 11612009;> 112112009 While employee was driving M OOrtttJoundonCampl<eaisRoad, a buzzan:lfl$wlrltolhefrorllofthe truck Md,damagecl the gJ1!. . -'-~- Collier County Government 1011412008 12122/2008 Whileoll~oadingalraGtor,itslippeCl off ramps striking the marker lighlon the right side of lhe trailer, bendrng the light bracket. Comer County Government -1120f2009: 112712009 Empioyeediscoveredd3magetolhe_ ,frontgn!l_& pa,ssengersiOe ~ghl ''-'.. FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 coo 0.00 0.00', 3,795.86 3,79586 273_03 273.03 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0,00 0,00 000 000 0.00 0.00.,_ 000 000 0,00 0.00 000 000 0_00 0.00, 000 000 0.00 000 69 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 273.67 273.67 21229 212.29 0,00 0,00 . 000 000 000 000 4204030902809',',,"'_:::,-'_ -" ColllerCOuntyGovemment ::;:. :::0:',:::::-/" ,-, . "" ;,;",.,..;:~'-"- , "i::, ,;:;, , '" . ' 00OO2~~~::>"','xG':,tl:, 4~:4-f'-"5~',:;,;~, 4I6I2ClOlt1t"?"- 5/512009. ',", ' 42..-.'i"i;.;,;'';.:-,.. JI!%;}~L" HJ.~~;4:,tr:i,,,,',;;;.. TomPerc::hoWc of Reel examined the - "".,..".' '."',,"' ..,"',....'...".. .""~..,,~..'-"(V'T''""'... --, --',~""".... '-. -,- ........., ",,, ,,\:,.~:,";,:::i,',':"~'-'''::;;,~i~J:., w"'.Y;"',;Ali;;<-i.::;:i,L"II8hIcIO. part of e malntel\llf1Ce ",' ':'~':;;:;'I~,~:'i;'f~r!J~:r~';?~~'~?':::::';{'20~X;:;Z'~ ~ dIeCowiedtiamage1o: " " ".., ',.:"-~\'c'/"~,~>'K'_:o:~:"'-,;';'7{-7"_f",;"i-."'" 'ltliirearllip..up burri~' " _.11:,_,,"" '-'.::-~--\''''::::"7j,r,,-'','' '-\ o')';';::':?-;:,,:' ..:' .:':' ,'...,.' <r:,;,;;: Collier County Government 1213012008 2118/2009 Right lire eJ<jlloded wt,;le statIonary 0.00 0.00,-' 000 0.00-, ,,:{., 0_00 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 0_00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 0_00 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0_00 0.00, 0.0(1, , "~Po', 000 000 0.00 0.00' 000 000 0.00 0.00:--' 000 000 0_00' 000 Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 72 of 118 000 000 0_00 000 0.00 0.00 . "j 000 000 3,795.86 3,795,86 0.00 0.00 273.03 273.03 0,00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 273,67 273.67 . 000 000 212.29 212_29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 4203120902B66 0000122240 42 JE 3112/2009 " Collier County Government 4/2312009 5120/2009 During a moming inspection Of the vehicle,employeediscovered damsgetotherearbumper. 3140 3140 000 0,00 000 000 0_00 0_00 000 0,00 000 0,00 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 73 of 118 000 31.40 000 31.40 4204080902869-"""';f'~,\'" _r,-, CoHlerCountuGovomment, 0.00.:::' 0.00: oooo15581iYFi""1ii1'f~:;jr~ ~;a,i009';;!"_'1:: 4/17f2009.'~}' 51812009ji.'~::~ -~:~,c<L.~ o.olf;d~,~w o. 2 ' ., "'~ JE """ 1.- .",(', .,''','01 E. dd...." "."~H'=' ~~", ...,-..",-~ !Jew ~ 4" .,,-.,Cf> -,~. ."..~,._" m,-w" "'.. . '"'.,~ " ',H'''lYf,'' .~7,"" ~,,' - 'X""" .n\"~""\'U"1"" ,-~ "" "',',' ~ ,.,J ':.#';""l""".~,;~..";;Q,,, , ,,"t',.' !.,. !:,~,~,,A.j*,1t''",, "';'"'':''ITf'' >-:0 #031037 and no~cedthedr1\ter'a" ,.~"H e5:tt:;' ~ ",q L"'. Of: 4 ,i'..., ~h .xt'""'1ililm~:\' ? Ii",,' "h,' ,_ ',"_ ,,& "; V';~Z;_'Lh."""",_,"",":;1 ."" "";'M'~HI,0 f.'" """""'",", , "'d.m.-w-Vi'--',,,,"" ""'~ " 'k_ .~ """'. ' ~ c:'~"'""',','_:~l,R.".;';'. ,,"~". ,""""""'''' 0'/",1 "',/"", ' ""; u ",I c<tf~tW,~1,~:;,\?;;Ht,..,--,~,- ',",'" .-~:iJj(?,'~:\:i, A-'~;-: ,r ",""f, ,::';'fl ,\: -, ,'/':;i;',k,~':~",'&;,' ,"li;,;':'/' ';.;.fl, ,,-t/t27:";'?~:,(:, '~",,\0;,', '", ;-' ",,__, 4205270801898 COllier County Govemment 000 0000138911 5/2712008 5/28/2008 1/1512009 000 42 JE Scralches were discovered on lhe rightsideofAsset#20000004afler being parked all day beside a handicap parking space, ", ODD';>> o.ot;'. ":,-:~,:~,~~f!,~:,;~; 0,:' ,., .", ,--" /1"- '!t"'N : --'<, ,. , , -".' "-'" " Ad , '. x",/.r. . ",. ,- '-"',';c: _'nO, 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 4203040902753' 0000122410 42 "'" " JE ',...s?'"",}. '" J; . '-;:'>c" ,,:>+'<,,.- 'i'-- ,".', Colliet eountyGovemmen~ 234,00 000 0,00 0_00 0,00, 234.00 31412009, 311812009 234,00,; 0,00 0,00 0:00 0,00'" 234,00 WhUeemployoowasinstallingaplpe' rack In the bed OfSSSBI#010046,1he. .-',\" drill bltgrabbect hartl & puued c.,' throughthebect,c.etchingtherlgl11 ,;:. loweroomer: of the rear cab glass & -,-- shatterecl the glass; ,~ .." , Collier COunty Government 245.00 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 245,00 3/1112009 3/2512009 24500 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 24500 Employee nOliced a crack in the windshield w~en ~e approached the ve~icle, Collier County Govemmeni 3,207.02' 000 0_00 000 0,00 O.OQ' 000 3,207.02 12/51200$-';' 12/31/2008 3,207.02 000 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 3,207.02 ''':;'>./> Oam~e found by FI~ when lakan In for service. Collier County Gcvemment 1,812,93 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 1,812,93 12/512008 12131/2008 1,81293 000 000 000 000 000 000 1_812.93 Fleet discovered damage when taken ,n lor service, eoilier County Govemment 700.94 000 0,00 0,00 0,00, 1/15/2008' 11/1012008 700.94 0,00" 0.00>" - 0_00 0,00 EmpJoyeenolk:edthattheexhaust," ,,', stack. on asset #020002 wasbentf'.- ,.." He believea il may have bilen strucl( '''', byllloWhangingtreelllanch..' "" 3/4/2009 B4 '"' 'y'''', '-"""'- 'C"--;" -'".....-,-- ";~".""J".., ' , ,-::'" 4203070902757 0000233351 42 JE 317/2009 " 4212050802559 0000156349 42, JE. 12/512008. 999, 4212050802560 0000156349 42 JE 12/5/2008 '9 4201140801595'-- 0000233351 42~ 70 ,- " ~, --~~ .."..,.,.-."..,,~~.~~. -,_.- ',",,- ,.... .~,~, 1.'- ...._~___..o__&> FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 74 of 1 18 4205050902927 Callier County Govemmenl 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000233351 5/5/2009 51512009 5129/2009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 42 JE " While employee was performing a vehiclelnspeGtlon, she nohceti clamagelothepassengersitie mirror 4207080802q2.o"..,. ':. ".2,',."..'-. Collier County Government 541-71 0.00 000, 000 0000 .o-f~-W""" J81008""'~ 71912008',;:;;'",c':;., 10/212008 541.7k_ 0,00 0,00'.';;; 0.00' '.,,,.,~<,. "..."....,." '. _1~1-'-,:"'" :'<;%."l":Cf;;:"L.~. .,__~~:i,:_<o:::-;: 42.,.......,;;--"j-JE.%5,.,.,,~.r.....,.,".....-,'.Hn...... TlUck#34 strUCk a G&8r while drMnQ':-- ..c> , .....,.,.,'....+'.. "C-:I' ""'_'__'F'.V'''''~"..'.._'''_','' , .. ::)..',.,.;".':.,~:';,~.,,+ :X7(,'",',<;r';"""':::",L~_:':_,"':1"';" on state Road 29;:' , ,. ''''-'''1'0-- """'-'"~',,-. """~"-"'"-""'"~,,,_.. ............w '5'_ v"';..>;~",~'';''~)';'';;;::''''"'_':",c.~';:o;,,'i:..;._,~:..';;C'.;," , "''-.>._~- ,,,,,',' 4209120802429 Collier Counly Govemment 89914 000 000 000 000 000 000 89;114 0000155810 911212008 911212008 11117/2008 899.14 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 89914 42 JE 999 County vehicle dlivers sidehres wcre flat and the passenger Side was missing Appilrently it was vandah~edwhile par1led 4205180902891 Callier County Govemment 000 0_00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 000 0000156363 511812009 511812009 512612009 000 0.00 000 0_00 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 42 JE ..", TlleiwlndowwasShalleredbya ShOvel !hat was wedged betwaen, the le8Twlndow& truck case; 4205150902892 CollIer County Govemmenl 62000 000 000 000 000 000 000 62000 0000144610 5115/2009 511812009 61912009 62000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 62000 42 JE " Fleet discovered clamage 10 the rear bumper,drive(sdoorandmirmr, 42062509030n Collier County Govemment 1,417.86 0_00 0,00 0,00 O.OQ, 0.00 0.00 1,417.86 0000155410 612512009 711412009 8110/2009 1,41786 000 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,417.86 42 JE,' 66 Employee wasdnving on Everglades Blvd. S wt1ell a dear ran out of the woods and into the van. "", 35,049.90- 0.00 485,96 0.00 0.00- 0.00 0.00 35,535.86 Total by Coverage 44 Claims 35,049.90, 0.00 485,96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 35,535.86 71 Un~nQwn 814/2008 412012009 The handrail at lhe Naples Scalel1ousewasdamaged.llisnol known who is responsible for the damage. 510819080215f-;~,~" ,':" -}:::':~~~':>:'" C::oilierto4ntyBCC':_." ,r. : ,._.;: 00002 , 1~W6J':/ii;::::v;,;;;:;:;BlW/2Q()8i"" J'Ls'0:.,(::'l:, 8119f2008,~,;~::-419l2Q09i,:":,'",,;:,,'i;';;; 51.."-'-'-:"-_"0,..-..,-, <-' JE"""""~""'- "..',..~"" ","0\..., C_..... d'~'-_,.-kl"'.:..":....--., ,~\,'_'_';..k.,;;_;, ,:;F//,"!(~~'('>-~h",,"~:;;:,~,, "..,,'........, "'" ".;,' -,:;T'r-~!';J~;;M~~?~t:~~\;::.;;,;,:1:';BTjt:~~~<:~::' ,~ndF\\i~,~ due to TroplCll!,'::::;:,"" :.- ,-, '.:,t,"':".:,:.:""""" ",,,,rm 8y;-,,,, -,', f.,.;..';, -,..,;,.("" . ,.. ',- " Coverage: 51 . Property Buildings 5107280802087 0000173431 51 JE 7/2812008 999 5106260801993 0000106010 51 JE 6/2612008 85 51070508020o.f 0000192370' 51, " JE 71512008 q,',.,. , ~.. 5108190802338 0000253221 51 JE 8119/2008 5108190802149" 0000100010,::'--_:';"_'- 51 ;",i<:<,' JE "",..<'.'" ~ , . --." ".,-- ,.." 811912008 "';,;,.} 5108190802294 0000156310 51 JE 8119/2008 5108190802218:' 0000155810 51..., '-JE 811912008 L350,: 5108190802276 0000155410 51 JE 811912008 - FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 75 of 118 000 0,00 0,00 0_00 12500 720i00 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 000 000 72500 725,00 ','0_00.,', 0,00'..,; Nooo 11112008 11/17/2008 Li9htningcauseddamagetolhe main ouls<de air unit(MRU-l) ,;,--", , ,'" ,> 22,908,20 22.90820 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 000 22,908,20 22.908,20 MoI\e(,Marta 7n12008 112012009, Employee back6dal1 aircraft tug Into ehangarooor.,.., ColllerCountyBCC 9/212008 1/29/2009 Walerleak in the switchgear room lrom Tropical Storm Fay ",- qolliei- COlii-itY ace_ 811912006.,0;",.1/1612009" WataI', leak coming In from wuulows., 0,00 ,0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0_00 000 0.00:" 000 0.00,;,; 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00, 5800 ~800 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 5800 5800 ,',--, O.OQ;, , 0.00 0.00 0,00:" CI.OO' 000 o_o<f 0~0(j .".- 0:00' .,.. 0.00 0.00 000 0:00_ ,,', O.DO;: 0.00,;"::; 0.00 ',.,.> '., " 000 0,00 000 0_00 0,00 31800 000 0,00 000 000 0,00 318_00 "".- " '. Collier County BCC 8!20/200B 4/712009 Water intrusion due to Tropical Storm Fayoncarpet. COllier County BCC 8/2112008, 4/7/2009 Walerleak coming from In from' ceiling,', . " CollierCountyBCC 8119/2008 3/9/2009 Water needs to be extracted lrom Ihe tech room 318.00 318.00 000 000 102_00 102.DO 000 000 000 0.00 0.00." 0.00;,; 0.00 0.00, 0_00 0.00, 102,00 102.00 000 000 000 000 52200 522.00 000 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 522_00 52200 72 ,...~~-~.....~~-~~ ,--- - 5108190802636 0000144210' 51. JE' 5108190802740 0000106010 Sl JE 8119120011,,;,>:::,;;':- L35[L:l{: ""t:c" " ,:~,;~.\ -"''',,' ",^,.!, 8/1912008 COUier County BCC" 911112008-,L':::<.31912009 Water1ntruSl(in81BldgFduelo Tropical Storm f'ay Collier County BCG 8119/2008 4/9/2009 Generalordamaged by rain lrom Tropical Storm Fay_ CollierCOi,intyBCC: , '",'''-.' , Bl26J2008~tJ',<,4J 912009, SurwIIlancecameradamaQeddUlil_' ll?TroplCllISIormFay: ",; 51081908027~,:\;":_;::;;\:::O;:':\::'7i' 00OO12224(l';:J#A%>~~;-&;:' ai19i2008"':;::~~:1'L.. 51 ',:,:;-',:: 'JE;;;}-';;,iZ;;"",{",;:_~::,~,':i;#r'::"'f.7 ';'~2<,~,~'i!o:.:r:;?::;Il; ;'(:",f,:<:~,{i':'::,::~i~Y:" - ,"-,-...,," """,",.',. ",,- 5108190802626 0000210151 51 JE 5108190802306 0000192330 51 JE 5108190802314 0000611010 51 JE 5108190802178, 0000104010'-' 51 JE 5108190802144 0000122211 51 JE 811912008 .,912OO1l 8119"2008 .'912OO1l 8/1912008 < Collier County BCG 9.11112008 3/912009 Water'nstrusiOfl through tro[]t door and windows Cotlier County BCC 812112008 41712009 Carpet needed waler extraction due III tropical Storm Fay. Collier County BCC 8/2112008 31912009 Carpet is wet and waterextraclion ,s needed_ Collier County BGC_ 8/1912008 41912009 Watei"extractionllel'ldedinseveral places 1Il building due towaler IntItslon during Tropical slorm Fay. Collier COllnty BCC 9/1112008 2112/2009 Water needed to 00 p.xlractedbidgw due to Tropical Stonn Fay FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 132.00 132.00' 000 000 "",':: 000 000 384_00 "'<OIl 000 DOO 1,066,00 1,086.00 56843 56843 0.00 0.00.'- 0,00 000 0,00" 0.00 , 000 0.00 n_oo 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 73 0,00 00Ci' , 0.00 0.00. ..' 1.573_04 1.57304 o,on 000 1,690,17_' 1,690,17 0.00 0.00'" ,"':"" '.". 68400 68400 000 000 0_00 0,00 0,00 0.00 78_00 78.00 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 a,on 000 000 000 0.00" 0.00 '''' 000 000 0.00, 0.00':,' 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 000 0.00 0.00- 000 000 Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1" 2009 Page 76 of 118 0.00""'" 132.00 b,il()J::..,:,_.;,;",',_.132.0I)) "',Y'>"f.::~'''::':'::;l,','',.i'J ,-.-";" -.,." 000 ",< 0.uui6'.--- ',t.. _ ...~';+i" "'," 000 000 ",' ,,', 000 000 1,573,04 1,573.04 0.00 _:,,;' ,_"'._' o:O~:;~i:;"', 1,690.17, oOO,,;,,:''-';:','!:;:--::c.-.:: OOO,J.i>-,,~','- 169017 "":::;,~F",.r~:: :!f:'-i~~,,;'+:~:t1?~::~tJ;,;:'>"': 'n ;,:;:,,-';,;:.- "'":,,,,-;""''- "0 ,'"";,,.,_, 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 000 0_00 000 000 68400 68400 0_00 0.00 ""00 "'.00 ", <' 000 0_00 7800 7800 0.00" 0.00" ",086.00 ",' " 1,086.00 000 000 568.43 ~68,43 5101 040902648 '~".,,' c,,,, - "::~:." :,,' ,C ,', """"",,,,,:,,,,,,:,..<C',,,,,:, ,"'.".-."<."i',""',':" 000014461QS;:,:'<i1;'YiJ::~:"1/4f2Obg1:';:',":;,0:,.,r ' 5~::':~;,~~,:,B:T,:~t:'1;~':,:\{~};?:~~);',r~i!"'::""'i::':', +,'",,~.." :c,,;/-"', '..',,'.' '," 5108050802613 0000253212 51 JE 81512008 68 5108190802!24,:\},:" :C", 000012221,1jp:,;j:\:.:;i..;;' 811912008/:', 51JE::,,:, L352':::":i' """" Total by Coverage 20 Claims ",.~, EM~::,:>a~',r"" "" 0.00 '1/19120051".]!iVV 211312009 I.'/:b~.> -.' j:r'~ 0.00, Truek#36s'lrucktheslde column of ~t ',"K,,"" "ttie6ayentral'lCe..: ,'::, ',J;;,": ."" "''''",'''',c ',",," , '''''',,'''i'''. Collier COunty Water Distribution 11712009 1/31/2009 A fire was started on ttleroof of fhe Carica Re-Pump Station wllen fhe generator exhaust slack overheated FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 1,488,29 1,48829 , ,,,,," 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 COllier Couniy BCC 000 0.00 4,088.80;;'" 0,00', 0,00,' """""""'.'"',",,,' ,4.066.8('-', 0;00,' 8Ii912OO6';::'~" 'If 9/20011 0,00 0,00 0.00-" SUrveIManoeCameras~tO'be' repaired. ,,', 21,484.12 0.00 9,361.01 0,00.. O.OD 21,484.12 0.00 9,361.01 0.00 0.00 ",-, ,-- .." , ,-~,-,,"'-, 74 ""',' Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 77 of 118 o.oll::;Tl", 0.00: O.,~::f\_:~#;{,:,:, O:~; 'J"", ." '",' ''> 000 000 000 1.488.29 000 1488.29 0,00 4,088.80' , 4.08B.oo, 0.00 0.00 " . O.OO;~::';> , ":':"""'/':>;"',., , :,',":"<":",\", "." "c';:; ": , 36,845.13 36,845.1~ 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I' Coverage: 52 - Property Contents 5202220700558 0000163620 52 JE 2122/2007 5205210903068 000016363Q",: ,...):< 5/21J200?J;' 52,' ". '--,..--., JE"'--.."., I'''''''' . .,. ,"c~01$!<;"~:_,,:;i:-:2:... ...",... '>'A/:<0~-';->:'~_,,' ,),:,:o::':\'{.;?:?::Cf':,:,: ":,";:';::::;::,":"-"" .'. 5210260802444 0000144360 52 JE 5204290801930 0000233351 52 JE 5207300903155 0000156381 52 JE 5207170802090 0000253212 52 JE 5203040902777 0000163630 52 JE 10/26/2008 699 412912008 7130/2009 L336 711712008' 31412009 L359 Inmate 212512007 1116/2009 Inmate was GLltling a large branch with a pole saw, the branch began 10 fall,fheinmateran&tnebranchfell on the pole saw Unknown . 5/2612009 612812009." A cOlmtyowoed laptop computer">:,,-' was stohm from an empioyee'",' , ~vehicie. ....., ThDmas,Da.,.;d 1012812008 1211012008 While disembarking frum a boat, employee dmpped a portable radio into the water Wastewater Department 4/29/2oo8 11/312008 T ablel computer screen was cracked dllling transpOrt between Shirley Street & Mercantile Avenl.lEl. It was lound In this conditiOfl by an employeawtlen Itwas lell on hls desk. Responslblepartynot revellled. Colljer COunty BCC 713012009 911412009 Two mowers and a kar1 were stolen and lalerrecoverud byCCSO Cline,Eric 712912008 11/612008 A hand-held radio lhalwas In Ihe console 01 a tractor an employee was operating fell oul and was run ~~, Traffic Operations 312312009 411012009 Employe"lefl iI hand-nel{J radIo on the backola lift truck ana wilen he pulledoffthecurb,theradlolelloff andwasrunoverbyasemi FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 0.00 0.00.,. 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 75 000 000 000 000 000 000 1,299.00 1,299.00, ,.-,---...,." '.' ...".c,', )~:,,; 000 0,00 0,00 0.00:: "'. ^ 3,45250 3,452.50 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0,00 000 76539 765..39 000 000 000 000 2.057,46 2,057.46 000 0.00 0,00 0,00 2,31175 231175 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 78 of 118 000 0,00 000 000 0,00 1,299.00 1,.299.00: 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 3,45250 3,452.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 , 76539 76539 0.00 0.00 2.057.46 2,057,46 0.00 000 2,311,75 2.31175 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 5205270902988'::'<"::'" 00001~~#:1<(E(1i:',:'o:'" 52 .,,,",,\.,,, '. ",ryJ.-""~'"'''''''': '.c;<.:,:j" ,'-,', ',:~:!,/~', ' :,;-::1.";'::"':;(0B:*0~_\',W; , , """"'''-'-':':~:':J-':'''''''''i,'\~'' ,,>::;r:-':'i,::-;:i';<';~9'. """""""'}'e'"'l,.....".""J __"""""~""J"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,:>Jj.~"t"'C:':'<.'~,.:::,"w.",. ",,-,_,'" ,\"t,' -, '""','" , ",Pi':;;;: ,J,,",', ,.",'"," '"""KU: :'." 5I27~~"5(;~~-fl' 8Z~~,:},::*~"r:~7A~~ri~:'~;;~~;~i~*g:+\:,,:::.;,':: OoaO~' .~.. -:,:4 ~:~~ ; 'fv,.';!.';-'il'1r;; "WO/t""'''f's '''''Pia ,', '--"'''bij''1ih'K.c'~'''''1" , " ,j'...- ',;:;.::Z %' ~" "'1'!t':I%:~;:N:;~~:~'~'5;~0'mi\~;A;;':1il!:Jl{,*,.," ""\';~"::';i' inters8ctk:mof4tnStrgetNw~e~,-;;:"",?'.J4t:.,}-" ;f)';;, ,.:' ali!iiMiI8VM'wa.iet""'300',.' rdst6'r': '{:Ji~ ik.::,.th;,i..c; .'l':""" , "....." .,",1'" '~~,. ~q,,,'-50, "'_of-o-" fJ.,..,(1';;'".,l""~"-" '" ,~'A_ ",,,,'- u." -.....,l' ""'7:;:jN1~' ;;l~' ~ ::.' w",,",^ "t,'~ "emplo,..1oOked8i'Oiiiid a~ \Iot1lio.M,:r~:Ii'~';~ :+--)L," " .;,~& " ,~ "j"'- '~'!;a -, "'- -'"a tater and nol}te~ ttwi laiIer level ~~'R' ;.v~, '!it ~" "" S?I-L" ,,'i.:", beeOstolen;~:t:~',?:~:,::,~~0k;,{~t::~;'W?if:;: '_";_')~:\~;" -''','',',',--',. ','." , ',"" ',,'., ,--, ',,' 1,100.70"" ,;;;:,."," "'XC-..;y",.- :,c,:!.i,..;,,1,'1go~70lh~i', \">'.-\;;\;'j".--._:""'nht'015,.;-','.';.:.''-- '.~I", ",-.~"",8:',-""'A";'i:('<_\'_:-i{",: '::;-. -.'?"/t:.., '""''''.,..,'---,,,-,--, (4,;''-'','';:'';.>.!,_',' ';""'~"""~"'"'' "",---,-,'.."." J"~:~';"'.'.':";--f:' ,,-;:,i);;,i'V,l:" o"''''o.'"~"",, """; ";:~t~,,;, ','. "",,,1,,,,,~,~, ,',>i";:'::i:::/ 0.00':'2< '" y. O;OO,:'kj,~;, ;;~;i~it:f?J:r~~~t:,'( ",;";""''''': -';:;;i;i2ti\ii"n-' ;lli:"jj;"~,8,'" ,(,;';~,;"",~ :'" "',- "--1"<: ""Y;,;,-:; ."",,,.,, ;~'.',~'Yi "- -' '''''''..,.-:, Ji!\''' ,",,~~::,C;i1Ji-1--r;/::;-/ >>:.j" :" ,~ 'iD;':;:,'._" 000 000 ;/, Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 79 of 118 o,~:l~';fT:';"",:,o.oo'~':TI;:;;;.. 0.00:/ '1.106.70' , ":''':'''~':>C,''-- ',"{(" -",", : "~" ..:::",', 0.OQs~0;ffl;:: 0.00 T;q )f'b", o.oo:\.--&h '1,:100:76' ",'-' '''''''--''""'w:'i;,f.c"~;m"-- , ," m,,,,~T"" --'- ..".,'",'" ,---..-" I :Jr;:':~:ij':"T~"~:';:i'~;:i~~;~rt~~~;:~?:1~~,'.r~tl.'~; ')f':,,~}f:~, __ ".". ;".1~. ','"'y,J'~''h''''_i''''>''''''' _..."g k""~ --, "',,--/ "",,--"""'--'~,"""'''' """""1'" ,''7 ""'cf,--,-",,,,,';'_,""c-;"K"':';::.'.t;:,,':i,,,"I ;':"c',:,;1: s''':i<'~:''~~i1~i0EJ(:;~'\rii:r~:E~,!d@;:-:',~, _/;~7'l11 "'''''+~JkiJ:k-- ';'",,'_'m' ,,,,,,$,,,,m J"""-"'i.,,1f! :~y"'~~ ~c:~'~:~;51~ 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 1,600,56 1.60056 ,,,,', :','C';:";;':;" )'/V,iyl';:,,, '0'"'''''__''''':'~'''''__''' '''i:''':';;:':'' , ""'--/0-,\;,,' ;;'U>Ch<1;'-; :',t<'".,z'tf;),;','-, --,.....;--;'....",,-- 'm"'" ' ''':t,:'~'' "',' '."', ",,, '.--;' 5208210903254 0000122240 52 JE 8121/2009 eo Nooo 9/112009 9/1812009 TheJCloonlrols(localedinsidelhe building} were damaged due to a lightning strike. 000 000 000 0,00 1,60056 1,60056 Total by Coverage 9 ClaIms 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 12,587"36 12,587.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,587.36' 12,587.36 ...._, 76 ..... --"~-'_._".'-''''_--' .._~- - FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Hem No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 80 of 118 Coverage: 53. Property in the Open (signs, fences, and -. "c'-"":<':9""'" . ".,..'-., . . . . "- .- 5307230802062,,::,,:, '. CCv.Thalp,MaI1t.- .- 0,00 0_00 0,00 0000156381p;L::~~,'~'~7123t2OOa_~.~: 712812008,.,'' 311112009"', ,_,t ~'O,OO' o.DO'-.- 0.00 "",-".' f'1~:';>t#;""::-",'-~;"'-'-Wh",","",,,"_'__mlli"-/F ,.";.'._, c~ 1/.'- '" ',. ""~!f ~1';&"'>'li:''','''''dv",,~ ....'.... -1tJt"""" tf,A' ."", '",..,," "'," ,,'~~~; ,^'"M~;)V''''' ','::'.,0;.>;17",.:" "'Id ".Th.._.':", .-," ,,_, """-?",' 'w'\.:.*w', ., .' ,,"- .eo. c; ""~lC~'~~''''''. s~mercampc," ren ,.,8 ,_-/',.- ~ ", " '~_"'" ,,,, '..", "~~- .,' ", ~~. "-'''''''. ,,,~_,,,,~,'''t.. ' ; ':,!~'i: '; _ ,,_ ,,_ r..- ';"_<," . (,,'.", \,-.1,." '. """~'''''4'c._,____;~~.."_...,._",...."""".",,~.,~,..,, ,~. _,_ , ,-"I. t' . ~.-.. p' . _.w ,>-" ..u...... ." ..,u,," '~~.'~ " ,,, _." ,:Ji.' .!."",:!:":,.:t'o'''~;,[':''; "'..! ",,, "" .<<.'",. ~~,. "",", ,,,-,," 0.Q'",-, u.""-' v""""'"'_~ ........';,."c",.~'. h' ."1<,,,,~"< "'." " 0'_' .. .>:'~ '~"''''''-' ,~"",..~,, , D.........""''';b,\;''''~'l''' If";", ".-, 0 " " . ,'"~0'~""'T~~,.-~lb,1"'"._""t_;_:,,'."'!l._:,-):.~,y,;';*'T,,' _';.-.;.:_i".t~i.' ,".,;'" ,..,-, , ;', " . _" ,;ii'. 5308070903238 0000140480 53 JE Bf7/2009 85 5308190802372 0000163630 53, JE" el19/1008 l147,:, , 5310060802418 0000163620 53 JE 1016/2008 85 5310220802419_ 0000173431 53 'JE,"" 1012212008 105 , ;'. 5307290802174 0000156381 53 JE 7/2912008 DO 5308190602191' 0000156381'- 53 '.~",.- JE"" el19J2008 , 5308200903242 0000156314 53 JE 812012009 85 000 ,,~ 91212009 9/14/2009 lightning struck one 01 the three antennas,reql1irirogreplacement , 000 0,00 6,20000 6,20000 000 000 000 000 6,20000 6,200,00 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 COllier COlR11y acc 9J412008 1t.29/2009 Traffic Signs and sillnals W8I1t_ damagBd due to TlOplcal Storm Fay: 5.446.28 5,44628 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 5.446,28 5,446,28 '-,f' Road & BricJgeMaintenance 1012312008 1/31/2009 The fronl enlrance gate opener and associated componenls at Road & Bridge are InoperatJle fOllowing a lightning strike Solid Waste Management 10123J2008 112112009 The lendfill gate opened. a truck ' starteillO drivethlOugh,then the gat&&tarted10 ctosewhile the truck,u wasgojrlllthlOugh,damaglngthe gate.,', 3,28100 3,21)100 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 3,28100 3,28100 996.00 99<00 0,00 000 0,00 0.00,_ 0,00 0,00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0,00 0_00' 996,0' 996.0 Unknown 7/29/2008 112112009 8 pieces of alum,num bleacher braces wertl stolen trom the East Naplesfenced'nmainteF1ancearea 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 CollierCounly BCC el2112008 4/9/2009 Ughtfixturnilndilslgnwere damil!led by Tropjcal Storm Fay, No~ 8/2612009 9/14/2009 A lightl1ing strike cllusedbumed wiring ill electrical boxes 4.039.69 4,039_69 0,00 000 0,00 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0_00, 0.00 0,00 4.039.69 4,039_69 000 000 000 000 1,36463 1,36463 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 1,36463 1,36463 77 -"", Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1 , 2009 Page 81 of118 53121708027~7",.,",_" ,_:-,-c:-\ _ '-;;";'1-";-- Van1leleten.Peul'," , ': ';" '/'i0:'t,:;, 24,275.80.,':"""" ' '0.00_':-;:'''- 0,00" 0.00- 0.00' 0.00'\' o.oo--~ 'r 24.275,60 0OOO1636~1;l:.0,.-~~0;{;t!',t's: 121i7pooart:~::;i;~' 1r27f2009:-~Y6~<4J20;2009;:M;!~\:,~~~'@], :24,275.8(;>(:::~::' ,;,~~: o'~f~~i;:\-;., ,,_ O.OQ ,;~ :~:::~l- 0.00 . :.' ~_j.'ii:';~ - -o.oc(SH;l?':~{; o.oo\,~' 1~: ',: _ 15'09~~:J~~': ,24p5:a6~ 53,',,~ -",' JE '" 0" ";;:-'~'Jif,;:..,,,,.,,":c;: , Em............dama'ed"._...--..~n..."f:t~. ..-,<,- ,'r'",'< ;' ,"~''',i'- K')"_';1'~"':' '<,j" "'Ie' '"".' ~ ,,-':'''' .;.c" ,0"/3..1< '''''o:fI1?t:. "L' \~ ,~_ ,,"f m',. ,_,-,',',.'__~'," ,)"11\:"",, ;-,-~~-;f'i -'.' , "w --" ,:,', '"'_O$::::;;:,<~,_,:" ""'7~,~, _ UY~'IU<IU ,~."-'.vi;---f t -,.- c',." ,:'",-':'" ; ,',',>;",; -,f.,'("'.',.,f-;,' ? 'j' "j, ",.:>:'-:. ~.,' ,'.. .. ,M t . (,,,,i::'-<:-.--;- ,;..::(' '_$' ~ "-" _______._0 ~ _ " __,'J. ','g t"'''', ",.'h, --'~--"~"-'-"'---"" whanheneglecledtolowsrlhe'V'^~"- -~ ,-.-, -"",'j)" 'e!:' """ '. y"rlo-~<~" _,,~"_, ' :~,,->;::r,;;,<;.:,:,,:>,~v<:-',_':-_'~;;-"-'~;~ ,_ -'<. 1., I, ," ,,-,~;-:>,~,'~ -;:-::i5<-,<':i~,'; "'-:~',:,l;":,-:;:~:':;'- "', ':,' ' '" ' :,; ",' _,,: , ...,..: ,;:'f:~:~', ':. -- ':. ~i,;~i;(}'-,~-:,,:;"Z';f.: )/~" _;~:-::'-- -:; ::,,,,,<\:>Z/!:: n'''" j '" 'A,_ ,.".___"",,,,,,booI\1lntolhetniCkbeforedri'.'1ng.,,,,, _,_,_",<:,,,-,,,,!,,,-, "~I .' _""'t";'-""'__"''''~~'"'C'"__.,,,,,,;,,;~.. '>'~;;~l;"i:>,~:;~::'("':--;Y:'T{ffi -',':'; ;,:';['-::08::"';'.-;-''''-'',',;':.: "~)'\'.R;,-t),~:-<<;,:;' Ihro:...... tn8inlerSectlon"".:'.!,",,'r: ,,':~'.1'.,>> _.._;,.. ,'- -,',;;,,/' :,,',;,j:-:~ ,'U.,',,'" _S:',j,;,- ,:":;:',,;'-0\+;-'1:.-',':[','" :,i''',:' --' :,>)\, ':' .,'__ ,"__'",. _" - >"" ,', ,')" _' , ", " ,'" " , -".",- ,''':' ,- ,Co' , "~ i!' ,'.. "l!'.' , _ , _ . _' . " .' "", ' '." ';;' ',~'__; -,,- _" ,- ''-' :_', . ',,"_,', " . " , , " ,. -, ...... .. '" ,"", , -,", :.:-;"-"';,::Z'--;", :"-',.;",,:;,, " ." ----,,,""^,' ",. ",'."-"'" ''",."" ,M,,- "],' ."_ ,';,,)-_._'" _~' ,,,. ,,'" _ ,'oX 0<'; , ,'-',"C\'- u, ". " '" 5302110902686 Unknown 000 0_00 730,81 000 0,00 000 000 0000122240 2/1112009 211212009 313112009 000 0_00 730,81 000 000 000 0_00 53 JE 636 An attempt was made to steal a 15' aluminum light pole at the rear of the Health Center_ FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 73081 73081 5308190802689- 0000156160"'- 53 JE,' 811912008 Coliler coUnty acc' - - " , - ' ~'" 811,9{2008,~;. .:: 41712009,'_;''-- ,:', Taking down and rell'lStalling the golf' ball nettlng fcii"prolecllon of damage ceused by Troplcal,Stonn FallL:, , 1,603.41 ,/ ,1.603.41,: , 0.00.,,- 0.00 ':~' . " .'" "'0:">' ," ::_",.;,.-,,-- 0.00, - , ' ",O'~?:_(,-i, '," '1 ,,', 0.00',: .'., - 0.00,:,--:,;: 0.00_':' 0.00 0.00: 0.00, '.\, 0.00' 0,00 1,603.4f 1,603.4;t ,..,- , " ''!'~ , -,' ''<,' ",,- " , ",,,, P' 11/2112008 9 Unknown 12/8/2008 113112009 12 pathway light posts and light flxlures were vandalized, , 5311210802537 000015<1380 53 JE 91166 91166 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 911_66 91166 5303030902738_:,:-,-- 0000156361'/>-,.-' 53 JE''":':'" '~ "','" "z"- ,--" ","--~ ,),,,,,, , , unknown:, ' , 314/2009,' 3/1812009 A vehicle stnick Ihe Sugdel1 , Reglorial PaIltsign, CSUillr.gdamage :- , ;:. tlthesuPPortstructure$,lhanned:,' the ~"nne' _ ,- '. "..~,;,I ,V'." ~ , """".. ",""..'- 'g,,;-;, --, ,,'," "'-'-~'" 0,00; 000 0.00, 0,00,-' 412,03 412.03 0,00,' 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 '0_00'- 0.00,,': :?';, 412,03 412.03 31312009:',':','" 105_ 0,00 000 0.00 000 0,00 0_00 ',' ", ,Ii; ,. ..." ','f .., ",'1"1 -, , '-. - (,':~" ie" n,".,-._';",M "'--:;:;";"''-'-''-' "":'-,:,-",,':'!!. -," .,", (--,,-- ,:.:~,-:,:',;,,-<'i ,:::--I:"'-,Ip,',-."" "'.';,S/ ",,,' '.(_' ,_ ~" ,,__ C':,,,::_':;,', " -',,-'," ',"<;. " - ;';'-U0,, ',: '''.'''' A , " ;~", ,- , 'C," ,,-- '''' ",,,,,,,, "-'-,',;'" , " --, , '''''''. ':J'.':,."',' "" "-- H ",' '," .... 8119/2008 Collier County ace 811912008 41912009 Boundarynetllngaroundtheball field at Max Hasse was damaged by TroplcalSlollTl Fay, , '_,'I,i_: 20,023,80 20,02380 "",,- '!':' " -- ,,-- _ 'w,' ,d.,_." 5308190802742 0000156395 53 JE 000 000 000 000 , 000 20,02380 000 20.023,80 5305030701153' 0000163630' ,~. ,', 53 " "J' c'" , CC '/. Wray Snook. Daniel' , 'I ' 817/2007' ,. 11/5/2008 ::/: , , --- "',,"" MaryMelslerwesdrtvtrlgnorthbound " -'onTamlamiTraUfromlmmokelee, ' ROad. Anolhervehlcle,whlchwal' ':", IravetingSOuthbound,tumadlaflln '"-,' front of Ms, Meister and she sWerved- ' ID the fighltO avoid a collision and 0' ItnJcka IIghlpo!e.- ' " 0,00' 0,00 120.00 120.{l(r- 0.00 0,00 .."- 0,00 0.00 0_00- 000 0.00' 0.00\ 0.00 0,00 120,00 120.00 '..c__ 51312007'" :>" , "," -- ,,,,,,,", -' :"'.,:"..,>;:;;'",,-' , -:ox:"...',' '"" ',,',"" ",..' ",' '0<"';'- -" , ';<.' " "'", f,.. , , '" , ",' " "' -',' '--, "'.' ,~. , ",'" ,,";;' .1..--..),'," - :,.!l:T<r~t:-#~~~:~, ".. ~ ',''J "-~ ';;:iiic.':,"",'" ""'-""';,/"'Cr"i,"'e" " ~:'::~S~~;-;:0' " '".. ~ , ,,'~' >," , ,',,' '-,,--,' ,,<'" """.- ___""e "":+' -1;",' ,..,.>", "",\"', :,:--:> "'-" ,- , ','~'" "," " , " "; ',:.\ " ,-,,:,--' -,'-- n__n '" , p , ,'-~~-, " -""\ " ^ ,\,,' , -'o:( ''',' ''',' '" , :..-"p ',,', ---," '--"'~- iil , :':,;: '"-' ",;','C ',', 78 - --,,,-- ==----'_. I' 5303250902788 0000173442 53 JE 3/2512009 999 5310170802427:':-- .~--- 0000163620'-S:"',y,-;>'.,, 10N71200e 53 _i-'- JE'i/+;' 105"""" ,"::,":',;-)il\:.:,~;:J;!~~ft2'~~m~~~I:';~i::l;,'_ ' , !.::;~~:t';\:?i::~1;i:~;W~:;~~1;~i:f{"ci2_,;; ," ,;" "":""-:~~,;:I{;;::~,;:~:i;:1:;;'~'" ,0';" -'_,i,'_ 5305110902897 0000122240 53 JE 5/1112009 '9' 5309170802349 0000156332';:,;:f;:;j,~:-'" 9/1712008'., -'-.'.,-, ',,-- 53 '.<5',,: JEt':{/; '85;'.;"::-<' . ............iD?:r~ ,.:-,~;-,:,h:!;;'.;+"i,:}";,}y.',:':; " ,', 5306140802353 0000140480 " " 6/14/2008 es 53063OOB02068 ' , . 0OO0182701Y:S:0..'r;;'.-, 613012008 ';,;,',,' ","i":'" "--":,-__)",-,:,,,.:.~,,, :'~'"..,,,,,..., 53', ,"''''~'''--''--' JE''''-'''''~'''''^"'''''1''''1" '-',', ;"c'",,__,:,_,{"_,". ,~, ,',r!";;."';",,T;-.',,~' .:'_", . ," .y,,,,,,,,,.,,s"_'-''W''1'i'"~_'"'"''''''''''''"''''''''' -,':<,:,~:;;;,,:;t:<T:~:it;:t[i:,:~';;';'.~: j~>:,,:~;: ., ,',; ","",C':',.',' """"''(l:' ".,,;,', ,-",:":'."0:,',-; '.~,,\ ,';":1. ",c,''''''""''',,, 'i."'_'~e"'~___',_, '" ",'-"',."" ',-,\!:i.t,:%,:,;,;-;;,+:;.,",:;:;-t',:'i":;:;',:"~" ,:.-,~';',)>-, '.,. ::';: 's': 'fi:- ;".F:::., ':~\';,,' '--;- ": ,~, ~:- : .,' ~, Tot~b)'C~rage 21, Clalma:::'+;:' UrtkrlOWfl 312512009 3126/2009 Art lJnknown person struck the entrance gate while ltIe building was closed The gate will not open or ctose with one person CCV, Gnfllli, Gerald ----.' ~ 1012212OO8::'-'" -1/151201;l9 Gerald Grfffln was turning left onto_ Palm Riwr fiom the eastbolJndturif , iane~flmmokaIee.Hewastravellng, ..., tOolastiO-maketilEitumanClJosf - Coritroloftl'l8Vehlcl8, tikIClded;. " '.<::0:" flJdeway5'overthecurb,aflClSU:UCk' theWanor~,br1Clge;: Gomez-Acosta.Uriel 511512009 911812009 Employee was backing asset #030637 and strllcka concrete picnic bench None 912312008' 212412009 A poWe,.p8'nel was s1iuck by liglllnimv.tllleltwasde-energlzed::' and'v.f,l3il tile County energized the " flystem,lIcaughlonm-e:',_ -',"',;';'i,-",--,''-~;;'';''',:'' -..,,",'.~:':,:'" __.-:;.-' , 'i"..,,~ ""_'."".' .,' " '-""" ,,'," '''..,..<>'''','-.",,,, ,'--. ,- ,,,,,-,-,c,, ,"," ''-';Y'''''-,- , tnformationTechnology 912512008 611512009 The radio lower was struck by tightnongandaportlonollhetllwer i1rm was vaporized Unknown 112112008 101212008 A pHvate,vehlcle (driver unknown at lhls~meJdroveinll:ianddamageda Ilghtpole,:'" ' ""--'-< "":',.',' "," FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 6,240.01 6,240.01, 000 0,00 000 0_00 000 000 000 000 -,.. 000 0_00 0,00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 82 of 118 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00: '" , ,", 'f" 000 0.00 0.00 0.00, 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 .'" ... ..", 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 6,740.01 6,740.01 500,00 50000 0.00 000 000 000 . -'",-.' ,,,- "", 14,10000 000 000 000 000 0,00 0,00 14,100.00 14,10000 000 000 000 [Joo 000 0,00 14,100_00 2.962_40 2.962.40 83;880,05':' 83,880.05_' 0,00 0.00' 0_00 000 000 000 620.00 620_00 8,707,41 8,707.47 0.00 0,00 79 0,00 0.00 0.00' 0.00, 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 2,962,40 2.962,40 , '0.00'- 0.00 93,207.52 93,207.5~ FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Coverage: 54. Trees Plants and Shrub Replacement 5408190802367 0000163617 " JE CollierColJnty8CC 9/2612008 1/29/2009 Trees,Planls, and Shrub ReplacementinClJrTeddlJeto Tropical Storm Fay, This isa C1lJplicate claim which is closed_ 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 8119/2008 08190802621 'c"";'''''''''',,'''~' C lIierCo ntySCC ,.-,,, 124980 " 000 ',:"",_", 00' ~00138900%\t!l1~~t;~G'~~~rl&b~;:~~,ii\iJ' 81~~~;;~:'}:""'JJ' 9i~(j~:~,::-,~:\~fj'i,\tt,w:\.~;~;2~?:~j,~:.~t;':'",_~,-, ,o,:.B~,,::,~:"':;:': "" "~/' '~:oq{ .,;"'i.~L~~,.", 54,~c:'Y0fj::~::t-'! JE:t'\~Jji;gf.i~l':"i~\;~if':;f~ Clue 10 TropIcal S!imnFay. five trees>";;"":"""~':"";'''';''''^'',;'4/>P:~.''';;_'-',; '" -;""')" "".""", '" ",';~;:~~,i~:~;;:'."l~~f:i~,:-i~~t:~;0i:f~,:?~1~~~;}r~f:i:;~ediO bll restaked~,: ' ';('" ' -:'f;t}/r{",~f:!~:-f-"::'~-;E5,ij,::,Jt:'~:l'~~~:;<,~,t~L '-: :1;_.:J",~~,~ ,'>, Total b';a~~~'~~"';: cii~'i~;' :.:i'::~;1-'+;::}:__,,, " ,,':. - ..a::::'G '. O:OO"N""'cJ:;~ 0.00 0' 80 ....., -~.- "'---_..'_.,-,._-'- 000 0_00 0.00 0.00,.., ""',' , '-,"n;,'" 'J.;!,,,,;'" "':' ' O.DO'~<' O.~O 000 000 '.-c" "'j;,~, ':':---:"'" Hz',:;..") 000 0,00 0.00" 1);00, Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 83 of 118 000 000 0,00 '''' "'-i_, O.OO:;::j:-/ji.'; --,,;''''~-';:,- ""t, f-'/;-'l' " -,;''--','''~'-- , '-,;,':, '0" ,'.--i:;} 0.00:;'."'-";' o.oq:' I --- 0_00 000 1.24..9-80, 1.'249.80 .-" '",;: -- --';----i -""'/ ", " '0':,';:', 1.24UQ' 1,.249,Blt -, FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 84 of 118 Coverage: 56 . Inland Marine Contractors Equipment 5606120902970 0000156332 56 JE 6/12/2009 '99 None 611212009 6/30/2009 During transpOrt, a mck or debris struck\tlewmdow&crackedlhe glass Fleet discovered the damage 61800 61800 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 61800 61800 561013080243-1) ""',' ':."", ", " , Noi18,,'" _, 000016362O';Y^$::,,,;,0~,Q;;: 1o/1~,~~L~-1W1m~::\' 3i10f2009j,:~>::<.". 56', ""N.'.' JEj':<<::;;>: 1161;fX~:k(j}';j~:: Whll8 employee was trying to pck up , , .:,...::,:';,i::l): ,:~::)C':~:%::r::.:' . ~ -_~2"r __:.:.::T:i,:;", :e:n::~::o~~Z,e~ " , '::,::~:~,t '''.f, V'" tra~,tDlledlritoloaoerblx:ket.:, 0,00 --__i'''. o OO.i;~,"";" ',,"',d" ',\'"',''''',-."',,, ".,:;:,;W" ';~';I', 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00),\'; """ 5612160802561 0000163620 56 JE 1211612008 , Maycrofl, Keith 12/16/2008 5.'1212009 While loading a grader (assel #CC2. 320)ona lowboy trailer, employee opened lhe right side door 10 check hiS alignmenl and it slruck ~galnsta hre,shattering the glass & damagirlg tllecloorhinge 000 000 000 oce 533.22 53322 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 533,22 53322 5603120902764 0000192330 56 JE, 3/1212009 91 Kenney, James 3/1712009,,: 511412009 EmplD~ was operatlng an ATV to lnsped:an mgation plpeline when he hlI an aroslon dltch which caused the ATVtoftlpendoverond. 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 447.14 447.14 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00' 000 0.00" 0,00 0.00 447.1 _ 441.14 5603120902795 0000163620 56 JE 311212009 44 d.. Hollingsworth 311812009 412012009 Employee was operaling a backhoe andasheappruachedthebaf'lk,lhe machine fell if'lto lhe ditch and the tlreslruck the concrete rnitered end 000 000 000 000 08<09 ~84 09 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 584,09 ""9 5603220802516 U""""" 000 0.00 6.324.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 6,324.00 ??oo156380 312212008 312512008,,, 3/1812009 0,00' 0.00 6,324.00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 6,324,00 56 JE L336'" ArilKlknownporsooenlf,lredlhe malr1len3nCeyardf,lndstolef,lridjng , lawn mOoM,r that Was pBflled':- - undemoolha polebam. , ',<"'--' .;c, 5605070902878 Leyva. Fausto 000 000 876.67 000 000 0.00 0,00 87667 0000156344 51712009 51712009 712812009 000 000 87G.67 000 000 0.00 000 87667 SO "' 68 Employee was relueling a pressure washer before giving pt ample time to coOl down after use and it caused a fire, damagpng the pressure washer, the golf cart il was in, and a canopy 81 . ..,.._"-~_.__._-. FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1. 2009 Page 85 of 118 82 I."" --,~". . 5605070902978',... OOOO'6~""-",,,.'::,,",,;:\:;'0i< 51112009' ',-' .. .>u.<.u..".".,.":,._,,.,"... ...' ,'" "".- ";'.." "JE-.:;N.r"\'''V'':..J-"''x .....' ", ,;'.:\.~_:,,~,;:":;~' :W't9.h _,.;.........:..,.:-..;.'..j:""e.j;..yo '...~.." > 5605110902977 0000163620 56 JE 5/1112009 "' 5605140902894. 0000156343' 56 'JE" 5114/2009 "'36. 5605070902877 0000156344 56 JE Sf712009 66 Total by Coverage 11 Claims FY 2009 Closed Claim Report d.'. , ",- Unknown...::;;.., /._ .,,.. :.-:._,.,....,."" .: 0,00 "...' - 51B12009~~!'-'1lI1412009j;:i~;~<''~'0:i:;::~\,;:S: :;/. .. O.OO_'~:i:;::d!:::~ Assel#CC2~74 (~WiiI:~'t(;:f::~:r:):7~>;t",~/{,;..,;::;_:'-_ .. vaelaIizedYo1'lllll ~""'ed.............I1t.:G:'\';i'"';:,,"~:- .." ',. .. .... ~,- ~.y..~.. ."" ~,.. -- '/:iBr:t)tl,L~':;L)J~:gti:,,:",-:::': :,. .. - _',' " . ,,"" '.":. Collier County School Board 511212009 6124/2009 Asset#CC2-321 {John Deere traclor} was par1<ed on Wilson Blvd, Nwflenaschootbus,tra\lllling southooundonWilson,droveover the Mge of the nght rearstabihzer, fiatteningthetrre Minor damage to the stabilizer 000 000 Unknown 5118/2009' 512912009 Mower CC2-347 was discovered missing Irom Ihe shop area, 0,00 000 Leyva, Fausto 517/2009 7/2812009 Employee was refueling a pressure washer before giving it ample time to cool down al!er use and it caused a f;re, damaging the pressure washer, the golf cart it was in, and a canopy 000 000 618.00 618.00 0.00 0.00 83 ".-" , 000 oeo 000 0.00 0_00 000 716.68 ,',...,......';;:"i};:':';:;":.: '. .'" ,.,--.'-~ ';;1'-.:':.'"'' ~''''''''''''''\i,,:0,:,_,,;,".,;.\ ':,~~ ':"C,'.",. '''..,' '. ',".,".- '_'\y'.",,--, '.<c.'.;"'-'--"" ,.,-'- " "', ",..'" "',~ ".'.C' 000 oeo 0.00 0.00- 1400.20 1400.20 12,064.50 12,064.50 0.00, O.O(l'-'iS-".., "",""',' - ..~', "t,., , ,! ~ ," 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00, ":;::',:'," , Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1 , 2009 Page 86 of 118 000 716.68 o.oO:~;:::,~'%7l~;;', 716.68' - ,;,.;t."'_",,.;" "Co'''.! 'r. _"",' "--', 000 000 ".,f "",'iJ, 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 oeo 000 1,400,20 1,40020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 12,682.50 12,682.50 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 87 of 118 Coverage: 58 - Debris Removal Stonns 5B0619OBi1263If~':;;;:~rf~~!:;,:':' ',''','' Coliillr COunty 8ccT,,< ",,'- . -, ,~,' ''-' - 2,587.7~j ,,' 0.00, j',;"':::- O.oo'""<{:"'~:' 0.00 ',' o.(l(i'::L:::: ;eJr;: 0.00"" ~2:r;t~'" 0:00>' i,:'); ,2.567.79. -, ,- :~;:,:";'t>:"-:,<",._",,,, '>'::~, ' ,J;;,,'.""" ",.,:: ",,"",',' ' ">;:",',t~',,> ,,; ',,:':'\:"<r,:,- "'m, "",-",>>,:,</!", "_;":_:t":-j~:'i,,,,,,,,,;,.,,:.J ,'" 000012221'1:~"~",,y,.,::_; 8119/2008",.;"", 81191200IL;-",;; 211212009.'';- -- ;;,:" ,::",': 2_587.79,.'>",c;:",~. O.OO;'~Y:L;f ;C'" 0.00,-;;<1",:[;" 0.00:,;,',-:"".,:;" 0.00,,'1;;:,:-"';',,):, O.OO,"','","$:i:}/~, O.OO,~":>,(,, ,2,587.79' 58,::1;,~SJ~:~i~~I'~"-';~3~'2\~;~1\ty,::~:::~, 1.rind8eape debMs dean-up 1Inc!::;::;::',:';:')i!)'.2,f:,,-:':t;,<':;**[!'~:;;~:h::",::,::,;,:,:j~'~:~:}~g;:ti\~;;i;~,'~;"::;~:~0~-;:'\s::,;;,:;;~)>:,.j",t'~::it~,V!;j&f;;:$J;0i~,;;iji~:)L;E\t'f'l0~'%4~1;JN!;r\#;~@4~ ,,'::".fi'::f$i[~~l$'*\-::;!<~'~.'!"":' SlI't6raltrees'wer:e ra-staklldduu to'":,\,-'?,)):;:""":'.::,:iS<'''!il:''V<;o:-%,:~:;;ih:'',,:;';,~:~_/'';7(:\;';':\':;,;.'it".,;::>::<,'/.;<;\:':;;':::'''~;'_::n",L:'.T.;R!';;:,::-:t:t'i':<S;:'?.1'~\";:;+;:;~';jt;t;c'~2;>:if~."::'<;;:+~"'>'~E~ -'..:1Y0,:~'~it~~:', :,:.1';'i~;,",4{odli!5I:~'t/ ,7Z(f"",;,;,> ",-'-,:;,::t'!'-:"'-,;:',:,":,;~,"'i,"~r___'-::~,,',;<L"::':',",-;":,;', ',:.:~"'~;, ''',::",f.'--'',;.. ,:," '-:';," ,f,,'.'',._...:, ;::' ::,'; :"" ':, .: "',:/.',,:;-;J,:',"':iY -' ":'::',:'" :..,',',:,. ..',' ,c. ..., ;;-:~,;' ':,\_,"i,,/.>,,:-:rJ::,:-::->;;;..\-;;,.::.'i:,,:"';'""~':."':_;,,~:,;;;-0":" "">:~:',';-;:/1ff 5808190802756 CollierC0Ul11yBCC 000 140,23 0_00 000 0_00 000 0_00 140.23 0000156313 811912008 812012008 4/912009 OJlO 140,23 000 000 0_00 000 000 140_23 58 JE Mise materiais purchased for clean up from Tropical Sform Fay 5808190802158'"':" 0000'00....'-'-;'..,;.',-. " ......',,~,'.;!-"f,. 58 ,}.':;;t'-";JE":',; .-,,":'y;Y--/.< ':{':" ,;;\,j:!:1:%\\:~.._-4(','T , "'""",~,, ,,' --'" 811912008.,,' --'",,' ',-->,' , ,"---, 5808190802656 0000144610 5B JE B119/200B L350 .,~- 51108190802100'::': ',,;-,,;..-.., 0OOOl56381.:hf ;'.':..-, 58;~_:::~\.ii-~t,~:,;Z:~J;t::;:;~. ~; ',;'!?Jt:,b<;:~~':'i" ,':-', ",';:C,:j::.;' : ',,: ':,-\;:iY:,;:';,1'r;,'>", 5808190802635 0000156363 58 JE B1191200B L352 5808190802634>:' oo00156363~2~;j: 5B.":;:},';':/" lji'\'.,-.'i./Y'-: ''',0,'-",.. ','..',,;,'-'~' ,-" 811912008-' L141 "",,"" 580B190802633 0000155410 58 JE B1191200B SB0819ci8026!i9":"'= '-- ,"yJ:' ,'i~>-, ' ""~:ii.x/,,,.' 000010013<<).:.:.-;:.-:...." ..,Bl19/200B~.:;..,,_ 58'_'::':'~"j.,i';:\~'~.,~~~;'~',Nir\::":':"','::;\::':;.f~'~:i\C " ,;-:':" :i~!:;,;.:)Ji;,;;<<G':~;;;ht:~:''.--::' ."';,:;,Y:,'Y;;<i,'" 'c~;:-;;;';:~::::":,:,-~;&k:i:"-, ,':', - -',' ,~)' \>i.:,;:.c;~( ,""""",',.." 5808190B02623 0000156110 5B JE 8119/2008 5808190802728' 0000156390.' 8/1912008,,-, . -~-'---~-'-- Collier County BCe 8I201200B/\,\ 4/9/2009 MlscmateriafSpun::has6dforclean' upfromTroplcalSlormFayst ---- , " NCRP.'- 0,00" 0.00:' 287,07 2B1,01 ;",. CoflierCountyBCC 8/221200B 8131/2009 Several trees were kflOCke<J down ancl debris clean-llp was necessary, , 000 000 88015 88015 000 000 88015 88015 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 Comer County BCC Bl2.11200a:',i 411/2009 Several trees were knoCked down bY ' I$h siom'l. debris clean-up n96ded. :.'. 000, 0.00: 0.00 0.00." 619.03 619.03':- 000 0.00 000 0.00" -_;,,619.03. ":,,,,619,0~; ". " .-,:>M\:1';;~:::;~ ,'':'<:(:%\ 0.00 0,00'" 0,00, 0,00, "" /-'r,';.....:', ''',:;h,:,.>';/r,,'':V''::_;'.'; ~':l;:i~:fci~:';':"'': ,~:':, -"',",'",""" :':':,,",,-,'-,,/,",'::\!i/:, :i~,>'~:,,:72::\:;:_ , , , ,< ',.\.- '<"'","..",,,,,,,,,, "',,:,.'::V,),; , --::" ",,, "--' .",,- ',', Collier COunty BCC 8/22/2008 319/2009 Landscape debris removal due to TropicalSlormFay CoUier Councy BCC llI22f200B:' 3/9/2009 lanc1scapectebrtsremovaldUllio"- TmplcafStormFay.< COllier County BCC 8/22/2008 419/2009 Landscape debris cfean-up caused by Tropical Storm Fay_ Collier Cou1ny BCe 914/2008;,;;( 41 9J2oD9'\{ Landscabll debris romovat and trees ~dUll,lv,Tropfcall:;10rrnF~y,-,: 82961 829.61 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 829_61 B29_61 0.00 0.00 364.60 364,60 O.lXL,:" O;OO;;~/ , ," " -"." , 0.00'" ,> O.OO'~: 000 0.00 364:00' 364.00, "Y' "';::o'",,,:;:4F " -.:% 2,123,24 2,12324 -'.,' ',--, 000 000 2.123,24 2,12324 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 """ 483.14 483.74 000 0,00" 000 0.00, 0,00 0.00'" n.00 ,>"",,, ":-',:j' ";0.00:".,, ",;',"'" . -","' ",' , ..~:'/ ",'" CoffierCountyBCC BI2212008 31912009 Several lrees needed to be removed due to TropicafStorm Fay 1.49786 1.49786 0_00 000 000 0.00 000 0_00 000 000 0,00 000 000 0.00 1.497_86 1,497_86 COUierCountyBCC 8I19/200B 4/9/2009 485.00 485_00 0.00' 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-- 000 0.00, 0_00' 4B5.00 4B5.00, 84 '.'_'~_M I .-~---.-,,- " " ",,'0-.,-,._- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda lIem No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 88 of 118 LandSC<lpedellfi5remO\fEIddueto T1'tiplcaIStormFay.,_ ____'W'.",_,'" ,_.h" "-""- ":"_'M,_;;",;,:":.;:'.',''';;;;6.,:'~;'':_'',C..:''-;,''_, 85 5006190602726 0000156363 58 JE 8/19/2008 '3", 5-'90'02664:":;:<~'fY',cr;:''.I', '.', <>V<> ,', ," ", "","'c' :~::.."",~, '" ::':','c-'. 00001561AAi:~;~?id.:,::;,:-:", w'19iio0li,:;::c-'-;:\:';~: 58S;;-lh-'1ff'p:;;:-JE.i:;:'",YN;:' "9i:'A~::,'t:i3l ,:-;r';!';r...y,-";,:"c,,-.:,;;v.$;"'-<;"<;~""1fk$:;'i{t'-'ii'\" -"'-"""'%:-':>;""";"+>:.c(':'c--":/,~,:,,,,,,,,",,,:',,:",-"',,, -,' '""""''''';'''''''<"~,,",.,~',,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,.,,,,'''d,~'~' """" 5808190802663 0000156150 811912008 58 JE L350 5806190802641' ??oo156180 " 5608190802659 0000156140 58 JE 8/19/2008 '3"' 5808190802661 0000611010 58 JE' 811912006, L350< 5808190803097 0000233351 " "" 8/19,12008 L147 5808190802741 0000156395,'-' 58 8/1912008 5808190802364 0000163617 58 JE 8/19/2008 , ..'. Total by Coverage 20 Ciaims_ _.<- Coll;er County BCC 8120/2008 3/912009 Trees were reslakedand two others removed due to Trop;cal Storm Fay, FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 1,08074 1,080,74 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 UUO DUU 000 0,00 000 000 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 . 2009 Page 89 of 118 0_00 1,080.74 0_00 1.080,74 Ctl.III~'~'i?""'_B9~c;t~~,~:;{;,:':j(l:';:~~L":',::-~,:; ,:,,' o.(Jj)\;':-'c};;", <.,0.00'>;';'0:< 1.429~H>"!,. " 0,00" ~" 0'!X!"; "0 . 0.00 .:~~,-' '0"> ow" ~>:A' 1,429.~~ """'.......wi', \'.'12912" '"....':;:.,-;p:;s).,"\"'1:,.,,,-'~ ,,',,:,"" 000":":,,,.,~0;,,,- ','::' 000",:;;\\'-,,-,:,,:;, 142"'''"''''>'':'''' ""M~ 000"";-"" "."" 000 .'."'y,, ~~ 000 -'" "~; 0<' nn1:<'.. ,; 1 ~ ......~' ,.,:1,,:,1' ",,, U\I,!';,J~~4::'1N/--"",,,' };"..:, ,;, c,:__::::,~',1\'::.-""...'<,; '", ";:\"':__..:!;;",.-,:'....,, <>.~.:~..".-__..'.-.t::..-..," "",';' ti"J:."':".", ';'*'~;/, . ".'-1f"~", O''''l._ .~if; ,429~ T -"..__" ......'.. ""'l:f0':~" ,--,,,,,,,,,,,,,"j.',~,,, -- ',-,',',' ",,--,~, "....--',...,y,..,""''\l''--''..,,'''''., ""''-''''',:",,' .', "~"--(,,,.,,,,,~ ,',''"''''''.'''''-'',,", g",,, ..",; I"'.. c1Id;,' < """ " , ' llllll,...-. '."',J.e';,;", ";(-:;P:," -;f.-:'":",;"-~",":,,,,':.>'~"''-f\>;'','t.,:-,, :,:"";:,,,,-,-,~;.':,:--,c"" "<j,,:,,-,--.J;,'::::',:_~f"+<;;" /:'::'-:--',"-<~4-;:;,,';:,,/':;,:'_':.r,;__J"':,"':' ,,t,,,, ,:,; "-;:'1,/,, ,,~, "" " , '1 """W"'''''''' '! ,,'" ""'''''''''''''..-""" ""-",,,", "",~,,-,"'-'-"--':"', ,,,,,,,,j,::,,,..,,~,.,,,,^,,,,,--,,,,,\-,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,-.'-,;,,,, ."...'''__'''';'rV ,,,,,,,,,,,c_._,,..,r," """,,,,,;,,"':""'''',''7'''''''''''._''_'.'''''''' ":""~,,,,_,,,",,,,,,,_',,,4:,>''-.,_'''' __ ".,3: ,,$:,', "'{~$.,"li'. -~~~~ ~,p;'~q2-!;;:::Ct:.):,:':~:.';<':,:,J:t:"~';1:;:;::>:;::~,:t~;::.:,;::Ei:::',:\..,;'-';::,;,;::::'::';~'}Jj!;;:::X:~:~~':<Q,~;i;;S427;.~tL::.;:,::::';:; "~;.t{':F:i':;:,L"..~':">;c:~{z':t:;;"pi:~..;.,::,:,,l,.,;::;;,~:i\.t.!;..:,: ,; ,;~~i CollierCOuntyBCC 83032 ODD 000 000 0_00 0_00 0,00 830_32 8/2012008 4/912009 830.32 000 000 000 000 000 000 83032 A tree knocked down by storm and debris dean up due to Trop,cal Storm Fay. Collier County Bec,,:'- 8/1912006;"_>:211212009,,,, LanclscaPedebrls !13moval and some:" lrtlestobe'Slrlllghtened8Odre--;,;;,'";,,,("" stak8ll due to Tropical Storm Fay;,c- "". , CoWer COllnty BCC 8/22/2008 8/3112009 Severa; trees were knocked down by Tropicalstmmfayanddeblis removal is needed Collier CoUrlty Bce 8122/2008:;' 31912009 Laodscapedebrisdean-upduetb Troplcal~tormFay. Collier County BCC 8/1912008 7/29/2009 DebriRemoval due to Tmpical Storm Fay Coiller County BCe ' 612012008, 41912009 Debl1sremovalwasneededua\tl:.- storm,', ,'"",, ,....,/,,' Collier County BCC 9126/2008 1/29/2009 Landscape debris clean.up incurred due to Tropjcai Slorm Fay at various countylocalions, --~,-~ ~_._-~_._. - 3.076,20 3,076.2{J', 0,00 000 778.97 778.97., U.oo 000 0.00, 0,00 000 000 11,529,83' ,11,529.83 000 0,00 ;";,C' ,-,,'" "",'M 0_00 0,00 2.251_50 2,25150 0.00 0_00 0.00' 0.00;;- 000 COU 125.00 125.00 79.35,' 0_00 79.35 000 ".., n 307,909_00 000 307.90900 OOU 311,023,89 311;023,89 5,304,91 5,304.91- 86 0,00 0,00 UOO 0,00; ',/" ,', """ .; 000 000 Uoo 000 0.00 coo 0.00 0.00 0.00:: 0,00 0.00 0.00' ",-- , 000 000 000 0.00 DUO 0_00 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 0.00'; 000 0_00 U.oo 000 U.oo 000 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00" 0.00, 0,00 0.00_"_ 0,00 000 2,251,50 2,251_50 0.00' '0,00'" 778.91 116,91- ,-,"." - ",'''-- ,',"""" "'p;- U.oo 000 125.00 125_00 ,79.35 .,79.35 0,00 000 307.909,00 307,90900 O.OQ 0,00 327,858,63 327,858;63 , ' FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No.1 GE4 December 1 , 2009 Page 90 of 118 Coverage: 591 - Extra Expense 5908190802328 """-'~:""':':'T:: Collier County BCC 0.00, 267,446.33 0,00. ',' 0.00 0,00 O.OD: O.DO 267,446,33 OOD02333~\', "':;\);',.,:.,811912008;,:J"" ai25J2008':' 112912009" ~ . 0.00 267,446.33.","" 0.00 0.00., 0.00' 0.0(1' 0.00" 267.446.~, 591,/ ,>":',., ,',JE"iji/:'::.\:<' . Extlabl.5lneB8 elq)ElflSewas,,,~.~. ',' '~"r .. ,'~ ,~""".,* "'1)",' .', ,",', I',' ~'" v ;, ",'- ~ ':. , ~ ~ "' ,', , "';^,40',;,,"';~:''':',~r'''" "",_;". ""'1 ~,"~'~ ........ ~ _. by bU" - .-.~",.- """'-'~"'^':",l'j1>" '""H"':'.o"",''y'''~ , '''c~-'''''' ~""~'n",'. '"/"m,"'''-''''<f.!!'' 'bl'~~f~'"",,'''?' "" -,," ....,,'.,",;,r:,,;!~~,'.'_ .......rred 0011... ng pumpllti " i,,'h;',".:~ 1.i'j\;' '., dJ.'';.,-,~ >;;~~"'[\,,{<>, ~ ,'-..-::"r<i! "~'w', " ." ", c' _ .~ ". '",",J;~' '~"'. ;, Iiio"i'':ik,,'' :.,;;-....iI'"'kti,i$jr t.w '>, '>/:r!.;;; 0 ","5 ~"\ " . ".",~,..,,",-~, """~"~-<"r:c'~'''<'~''''lJr'''<-I:) p ""_c~. 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',' ,...", , Clalm.__. --- _._-'""~.,~~--_. FY 2009 Closed Claim Report 000 000 0.00,' 0.00, 11.751,90 11.751.90 ,11,751.90 11,751.90;, 88 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00:' 44,254.69 44,254.69 0,00 000 44,254-.69 44,254.69 , 0.00 O.OO~, '--.""-,, 132,502,79 132,502.79 132,502.79, 132,502,7~, Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 91 of 118 0,00 000 o~oo 0.00:; I' 144.254.69 144.25469 ,'144,.254.69, 1,44.254.69 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Coverage: 63 . Public Officials Inv Cond or Eminent Dom 6006220400843'. 0OOOl00010'-'::;~'h.. . ...":. .."'......."""'.. ,;~,'i.- ,..,.....:.".. "'~LlI'''''''':' 63"/0,::0"?'jE:;~;,i/:.:'/,'0,\iK;j1\';:,:::;o:<;, , '::?::;~'g~j~:~M~J:::!r;.8.-1>{.?;1,:1t~Y':::jh',':"~ ' """""'"':''' ."""""".'''"' --,............. 6301010300513 0000253212 63 JE 111/2003 6307030802129 0000100010 63,' JE" 7f312oo8 6306050801928 0000100010 63 JE 6/5/2008 6311090702130 0000100010. 63:',' 1119/2001' ":',"':; .'.'c';'" 6312030702140 0000100010 63 JE 12/312007 '"' LUckyStrlkeM.K..il"lC. 41412OC11jf 111712008, Plaintlrtli.'iifijeSth8tCountyl'f;lfu$ed" fulsaUeCertlflC8l8sofOcicLlpanc:y', fora3-storyCondo.:-' ":_".',.,.'-'._'........:",,,...oc':.. " " 0.00,:, 0.00:,:' --,.'.:; Bator, Casimir & Deborah 2/512007 11/7/2008 A well was placed near the plilintiff's pmpertylAl'hich is alteged 10 snr.roach well onto lheir property 000 000 Rodrtgue.z.Nestor 7rJ12OO8, 10127/2008. John'&EltzabelhLamb halie allegedlypavedadrivewliyonland lhat Ms. Rod~9uez owns. Cjvale,Frank 6/912008 312712009 Frank Civale was issued a permit to milkeupgradesloanexjslingguesl house and Collier County assessmefll impacl fees as lllough thegues1 house were a new slructure 0,00 000 000 000 CC v. Raybum. Robbie 1119J2OO1' 1012912008 comer co'unty sued In orderu:r acquil'epmpertyfortheconslructlon ,oflOaCfl.Wy.lmprovementsand'--' defendarltasserlsthepetltioner18' atlemplingfulakehllrproperty wIthoulpayfng fun oompensatlonltl , vloliitionofFloridaandUS.,:- Co~6ni",,' ", 0.00 0,00 "......"..,. ',.,.,',. CCv. Pascal Murray 121312007 10/2912008 The County sued in order 10 atqujre property (Parcels 122FEE snd 123FEE) for the COnSlnJctlon of roadwayimprovementsloSilflla BartJaraBlvdExtensionandlO Improve lhe treatmenl & controlo! stomlwaterin lhe Easl Naples areS. 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 603.33 603.33' 0,00 0.00 0.00. 0,00" 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00. 0,00 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 89 0.00, 0.00,. ,....,(j'" :'::;""". 000 000 000 0.00, 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1: 2009 Page 92 of 118 "'t'... '\ 0,00 000 0.00 000 0,00 000 0:00 0,00 --" 000 000 o:do.;~:t::-""', 000 '0.00:;:", 0.00 '7ii;,';0g:::,~;1:'h':z;:j['\::i~;;:',~ , ....':;,..Y.u:.,..,-,.,....'.... '-..''''^ ,..".~'"~}:~iZ:';r";,,;;~:, ;~; ''''':':., 0,00 000 000 000 000 0.00:' 603.33 603.33 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 ,J 000 000 000 000 "~,- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report , ,iLoD:~~ (1.00;! o,lXf7<:,'C:-'l> O "!l';$y<;t':'iiY,>C '. .. ~~""':i:~.-'-:;:"'" ';',1;,'0'-,,-:Si~::~.,tTt "'.,'l';.''''.'____v::-''~:;.'' ., ..,.._7;-':"-"''''",,-',''C''': ;;\i""'~-'i,.i'N>"+;".',-:: _e,.::i};:-~t:'~:,;-YF:0<,-,'~': """"'k"""'-+~'" ":t1:;,,; '-.,' "~'c,.~ 1!;i'_:j+~:",t~U~t~;~: ~-i:,gi>~i':i:~b;i:;'t.:':,\ "'_'"",,'_",7-,,,,__.,_ 'i.!.!J1,w':/i7-0W:*,', '!IA'.';;: ..,,"F':~~,. _. ;'-'.-Ai';'-0...,?/F,;'.\',,_'"'U;",; .,..........'t'fl'NibI\"._."_,...,...j. <~::t/;:::;H~i;\t;<:Z\.;;-:..i.t ".., ''-':: ",,- .,... \~-':4'.." '.' - "'c' 0.00,; '~~::'~:'>"" 0.0 0,00 0.00 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 93 of 118 O'''9i;''''fh'~" : 0,"" :-:..:.-,e'c'''X.l'j'', ._~~ tI -,~i;"-""'H:..liiC' 000 ":<;:q~:~%-:/~-;):i4.. j''''~'r.r.-,tt-''',F'~'' ",__i',..,.""..-_...",."," _ "",,-_',..;::_.,,'}_e . 'i'i,;:,;:~~ :,ji<':\o/4 :~ 4;i~!, "'.'---"-'- '4~: "" ,," 603;>>: , 603.33 ","''''.."/,'"..,!, , -",,':'~;'.;;,,", ":~:" :'l\;:' , , '," -:'!.::'*'~";.,,:"'"" l).oog~':::,2~~';; o,oq,".-\' ,;,..(, D.OO,)!\' -"'-- (1.00 :i;~;}';:,.:::: y ~' "' 90 ....---..----.-- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1 , 2009 Page 94 of 118 Coverage: 64 - Employment Practices Gender Oiscriminati 6406090801952 Anderson,Kim 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000144610 61912008 6/18/2008 6130/2009 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0,00 64 JE Employee is claiming sex discrimination --.."...-- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 Total b)i C_overage1 Clahri' '" , 0.00 ".-- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00'_, 0.00,,- 0.00 a.oq_ 91 FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 95 of 118 Coverage: 67 . E&O- All Other 67022602018nE"~,j:;""!;':r::';i/T;~}Fi:,:'."""" Metclllf~EddY, inc:,'" ,,' ,". ';"'T o,cK!/ift:>,: 00002s7150ti:~2:'t~Jj-~L, 'w~a~,,;'~:~:;''2k6l2002::::~;;:?, 11/1m0D8>,'.'(;Z> \1:...;', 0 oClL"",~'< 67'<:<':<~ ~-t\+<'JE::."'< ':;;;;:CI!;:;":;:':iti~fI'ili1f;{~L, Metcalf:& EddiEi Is suing the COllllll\?: ~:':~(::~l0~;): ~:j;:*:6~:~::" "--,"i'~\l'''''~,'''i4Ai', ~,;:,':1.~;'1:~,~,_;",1]:d+:'Jrcl;tf A.:..:"":;'w.",", ""~'-'D'~ct''-'',,:':'" ::: L,!'~:__"",---/,,"" _~"'~":'_" , :,-,:,,:,'_L:'~':,"i;\!\i";,~~'" ,/:r-',~',~:'",; ',f-:'!'\l''''~-::;~::'''' "'^''''l'.." ,__,""'''''''' ,'" "...."c.::;;,-.-',,'," -,,' ---' ,,'.,--,' I--,t, ',"::' :":1~;:e,,:F;>,,;l;':':;: ~~'9ii:;:;.(J::;'\l2-:-:\*;!j~,~/. 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The omployeewas a single employee at lhe Naples City Hall satellrte office 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total by Coverage 1 Claim 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 93 .'"- FY 2009 Closed Claim Report Agenda Item No_ 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 97 of 118 Coverage: 80 80021308016"- ??oo2333112;- 8O'5';\i;~zW:" "'-ii","'.""0 . ,.",;;cy. :uk',__:" ';~J,i~~ ,.:}!lit",;;,. ""'Qt.: "^." ':,.",:%:14~i~: ,,",,-_,.; :.-,'i!'- ~\' "F!':'::";.,-;".,:::r ~"'"'''-''''.''' :"<;m:;i~;~_ '.5:S;;;:'?;;hN'f;, Total by C;o,.-entgl!, " ",-- 'H 0.00 0.00 0.00..;,,1'>;," ,:'j" 0.oO::~;~:ri,:,:'~:2:"'o:oo-;U*;iJi';;;:C-- 0 'dbt';:;<::,':.:r:f:: -o.oO';,;df'it~:":;'H 0.00 '.'!~fr~~);c--:" o.liQ' O.oii;ie7;Y;;,:i:;,o,Q!i~;,i41i~it:::o,0ii;r~ii;:..: o:o4t~,;~t~r "O:00:'i:f~J;~~7jrC, o.o~~:~~!!:. 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'.C'" ,~ ,-+- jO' ,,", ""r ;",,,, "",;, . 410107060153e 0000144610 41 JE '"...' 117.'2008 CCliRodnguez,Meria 1/1012008 Reoplln8d Truok#22 was "Md,ngW<lstbaund on Jelfer.on Ave.wilhllghts.!.sirensactivB'Bd I..on",do RDo"guezwasproceed'ngno.ihbaunoDnEs""m~la end wasslrucl< onlMe rog'" ,ida of his vehrc;" "ythe ambUlance m t"" cantarollhe Intsrsection 000 ODO 000 COD ',,<;33.69 ,53369 7,53369 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 7.533SS 7.533.69 411021060028S . 0000144010" 41;- ",;'?j,i" . ,..,,,....; '::^:"l; ,j'~, "':', "}C':",,;... JE".....,...,;.,.,,- ~ .':;; ,.\',;~.;.; l" ._',-,If.!. .-' ;'; >J'?:t.t~::?:7Y:::' '''':J..');__>'.-),.'-',- ;( ...'."A,. CC~.Sai8s,Merco 10/2212000.-',,' RltOpo>18d AColliltrCOuntyi"nbo..""".........pOndinsNBor! "SCIulh1stB\rQIIn.l\'lfIrgencymod..nd'bl~ia WlI8lfllvellngSBlr1theNBII"",undtum.dlnfroill' .... ofthllamb.-ulllrlC8,Wkingthel.ftfrunlsidsoft.... .mbulllnOl.. ' 000 000, 310611 310.89 000 0.0(1 310.69, 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0,01)' 310,$ 310.89 ,',.. "'-- , , ':~; ','1.'.". ....... ~'l:t;', , 5405090801893 0000156313 54 JE 51912008 Va~no~wick, R.ymor>d 5112/2008 2117.-'2009 Raymond Vannonwlck dro.e nonhoound ae'"ss II", gres..MoulderatGoldanGBleCommunityParl<, struck some shrubl>ery, than on'"red Ihe perl<ing lot anostrucl<2perkedw>h.eles 000 COO 000 000 000 000 84.93 04.93 coo COO 000 COO 0.00 0.00 000 000 5611020701395 CCv.t"'joIC8mp/Mln 000 000 2,952.15 000 000 000 ". 2,1152.15 " 0000156343. , ,,'1J212007 11fl/2OCl7 101612008 0,00 000 2.1152.15 000 0,01) 0,00 0.00'- 2,952,15. " """f', JE;": A nolllh8dbeen cut In the f\lflOll10 Ihe"",inlll"",.,.. :.c' . b~ldlng.nd2JohnDee", gatorutjl~y""hlcl.send 1CuahrrlllnWllutolen;lholY""'flIl9lt1rfound d.IlI'!!iIl'ct. 5308310802361 CCv.Gallin, CI)'Je COO 000 000 16358 0,00 000 000 0.00 0000156363 8131i2008 9.'3012006 11.'21.'2<)08 000 000 000 16358 COO 0.00 000 000 " " '" CI)'JoGBtllnaroV<ll1i"""l1Ic1e,ntOI""2ndenl",nce 2 gata al lOoVondomilt B..ch perking lot and broke \hearmgata Hi.veh,clewasmovingwhilahewa. looking.\theooolhetlarxJal'rt, Agenda Item No, 16E4 December 1. 2009 Page 101 of 118 ,".'-" c."_ _'~'r'"~""' ....,';)- 4112110802557 0000156381 41 JE 12J11/200B " CCv,Campl>ell,C"101 12J1B12008 511BI2009 Employaew....topp.dinthalaftturnbay .....tboundonTamlamiTr..iIE..ndw.sreer-e'ldad t>y..nothervehicle 0,00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 778_95 778,95 000 000 000 000 000 000 53021009ll2701!l' ''''''X'T'' 000016l13113:~'7,,: 53/'/'_/,(:'jit,C .,':,.,:)+;,,;;' .. ,,'i~',.-:'" .;' ,~:;.- , "'--''-{ 2i'1oaOOll- 105: co v.WII'.mll,c8m" 2fi11200l"','r,5f2{lI200ri' S8m..n1hBNaWsome~.elOOng!hIl",,'hhd ."Ollllrl8lClpiMgnond'ler-.<,';,,' .., 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 000 138_mf 138,00_:' . 0,00 0,00" 0.00;'" 0.00':" 0,01l':' 0.00 0.00 0-00_', 5307150602378 0000183820 53 JE "..,', 0-'.'. ',,- 711512008 '"' ce v. ViIdO$Ia. Fe~pa 913012008 1111912008 FelipeVildo.iawa.tr.vel,ngwe.lonS.R 90""h,nd anolhervehicle Thevehlcleinfranlofhirn.lowed totum inlo the BPStalion &F.lipeswarvadlothe I..ft to avoid hinorlg lhe vah,clB, bu1 S1fuck~.nywey. ceusingrttorunirrto...ignposl 0,00 0.00 000 0,00 000 000 131.00 131_00 . 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 0,00 - 53lK1010802$74" 0000163(120- " CC"',:VIII, Nlnoiii4" ' G130120061012<l12Oot! ';': A~BlngoWlio~velini:leal1boi.mdonUS41& _..~rnPting1otUmleft",~tD..pri""1eroe<f,but WIlsi'''V.ling100fulllhd.stnJokogytlrdreli&etop aigi",'" '" ",,' 000 0.00 O.~ 000 0.00, 000 .... 000 000 0,00 ., 0.00, 0,00 0,00_ 0,00 0,00 5300230602396 0000163820 53 JE 612312006 '" cev Swanson. Erik 10/1612008 111512006 Erik Swanson w.. traveling north an Irnrno!<lll.. Ro..d, H. attempl..dto make a right hand turn onto Stockad~ Rood ar>l wr.enh.. appliad the brake, it woukl not resporxJ & hew..nl.~.'ostopthe vehic",_strikinga stop sign 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 141.29 141.29 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 530823ca0232t' 0OO0163tl2i:i),~",i 53 - -0;;><":.iE :',',}jid ''''---'''','.;, .."....'".....' "_:".C",:,'. '-.:''1'''\--'' ., " ,_:""', siiiiiii,Giiorg.y,':'_", , ' .. ........,.../0:. - "C' .'.:.:T":" " , 6J23J2OOllJ(':!i?""'0>:6!1112008;':,,:,'J, 11f7/2001l. ... ), :,,; 105/"" ""--.,;0'.;;,'.:, 'SoI1llyLecnvll_otra,,"~ngaullx>und In a vehk:lii::::.., ,:,;:;~ '''''''''~;//!':\';:, .."..........d by Geot9aS.inlll on US41 who'-n lh8fronr:"'>':1<' '''''''' ,,,,. paOlengat\...blewoL4""l.tIlinghlmwl"'....lofI'~::\,i .."".' i/' roe<f,81~ng.a~~~ <'j .. .,>L---<'" "",.f.t,,'_" 000 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 "o,oel: 1.314.01 , 0,00 0_00. , , 5306100801967 0000163(;20 Gambo.. Pil.le, liotbi. 611012008 611612006 2'1712009 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 62439 624_39 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 3 .'_'_'~".H'"".",,,., ---,,~,,- " "' L.,rj),sGamooePilelaw..,ravellngeas'MUS41 .r>ds_rvedt<>.lIOidBnonr;;omingv.n,cl&(whic~ we. pIls5inganotharveh'eJe),entered lho unpaved e""ulde,&.lruckaguard,ail Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 2009 Page 102 of 118 " 5303280902908 0000163620 53 JE 3/28/2009 '" cc;;..s.il~amboolh'- '''.' 0,00 0.00' 0,00 1,B03.~' 0.00'" 0.00' ""-...~ 0,00,3:::: u -,,:, tI.oo,;;:/: '" ............;:;. ""^""""'^",:-.,/L".,~,.",.,.;;" i. ~ .,-,.. '~':"'~.':_ ,....,;... ...,.., ,,,,""';0';'.,.'3....'. "H" '''''''~d,,, ""..' ~''Vo '" i:,''€'.'\'~' "';:~~~",,_,',.. "",............. ,~".........",~l<=i.')$_"'I "'"""~''';",*/",' ,~.#,.~_ """"M'I!>""~~. _' ;l:f;r..'",- _, :~_:4,":,~-.'-" '[~""t'/i:1': ~I"-;,'"j..' ,,' \~t.;.jJ$Jl'~";, ~.;;pr"" 1"', .." """,.._d.........A'....._ClIm.'.,'.=i""'''''''.~'rn'}',"9\ ,~'''''i/Fr.:1:1'!!"'"C,--.z;:.U"='j;..- .....;.~....V> "",0, "." l'!nTfi..,~__ .,' 'd3.o" .".~ ""H' "",:IS;;)!',; -.. ~ >" '."-" _wu,_, Ho "tc~:"" :?J!!'%lMi:wt'.'B,''''''",,,,,,:f\W '~k'&hg ," ~'>~if,.3Ji;~~!l.::, ;l<\',m'i\1i:'~"~'" ,{ ''ij;Y ;f; '"~:t,;:~,w--"0t,,,,<'" ~.:'W!'...'~1t'_~:t"h .n~ )::"<;''/$\ . _101llIu...ll.lumi:lnkl na.'lI<>'l%i'=.."v. 'Hi'I'~,,~"_.."...n,...r,""'iiJj;_"""-';-"'~"';:?'''>''o>.'' .,>,.,", ,,~,"1i;H_~_,..._.._ .,~ .,:\'i.' '" ~_"",",,"'"'''''''''''' "....",'....-"':;;;; _.,,~.,;.t':r;~j..,:a~;tf~.,"-?:-,.,'.'f. '''''"':-dll';'~t;d .,"', ,--~\~><~',,"'" \;t'4"o;;~"",~'\,;J~~""'_ C>;l",":~ '" ...........1I,"iI'.~. ntI.....lX>n\n:Il. .';fIIy...JO;......'_.,_.::"" ;",I,;c" ""d'c" '"~Z,.,',""" ,.~' '~f~ J,e,~\._.. ,"~'" \0!\\~,'m;'1' S"" "Y!^".' . ~'!".-_ ",. -. "'-" ,.. ,'."'" -', ,~. ,',','(... .. -,-".. 'f," ,.";<..,,,~ "'^._. \ii, ",'" k ,,-,- ....... ,!),~, .'. .i.''''~ _,"oC 'JI', " _ ,Jl\>I, . , .w, ~..._-...-~._-"-._' ...-'....;~""" "'"~'"'''-'>< ,...,'.,.~.."~...,._,,-~,','''~,.,, ""~'" '^,~, ,-,,~ '0"',,'-'- .",:-~!... n ''''.--,<''':-.' p,;,"_,:>",~;..-~~, ",,,., ." "." ~',I '::'''''';,:,','. ,1"'..1: . .'~'~ ,'"." :'~ - ":'"~''!.'"l'-":O''' ,~'r~~.;-,,',., "~",,,! ",' "i:":.''''':~.;'''";.!<,''" _n'.,., "_;,.,"-;'"~..<;".:'7.:}:' '.:!:.:"~;;.'-;::-_'.l"".:, .. ':~::~>r3jTttt-,,:;,,'J: :.~';":,,,,:.,,;- '-".;.1&1' ,-~ .~ '~~' ., "'(w~~l , ,~ti~'1 -", <,,;;'y:-~:f-:. -..;:. ~':;~ ',:" ':;;;t:;.:.,,~;:~, ".co'", ".......JE":"'~;-~;.::"'.'.:.~.,,,'::~>:-:.~:;,,";:\-:' "-;i,1'!Tii-;;<:;~;_\;:;>~L2:).-, '-'ft .t,)},: >. - ';, :,'-~r.(tm ~r"'':- '. ':, . -,' ".~, " :. ~. " i:.. ',"'" ','t': , " ' , ;""':~,''''!_i'X!' ;" "':', !\i,.~",,\-:,?gtl2')'" ,;,-,t;."'-,;".'.-:;':r;"~-"'-.',.1J: '.':,:,,_~^'''-~_f...':lIr''~. , ' " "'~'", ;<C '/;!^ , "';'.7-",,',"::~J~<;;:-"~~C:..r~'i:'~i:;-;!:,;-:i!'," - ' '~-"- .., CCv.Tucek, Sarah 000 000 0.00 178.25 0.00 000 000 0.00 511812009 613.'2009 COO 000 00-0 178.25 000 000 0.00 000 5arahTuce.wostra.elin9 eastbound on P'fle Rloge Road enddrnve ove,e medien, strlk'flgairalfic sign.5hewaschergedwothDUI , ":. , -',', 53061101103063 0000163620 53 JE 8111/2009 10S- CC v.ofang& Enlerp<1.... 8123/200\1'_;,,: 7120/20011 A....hia._.tra....llngnortf1easlonCllerlotlllsu..el pu1inC....t"'lIercal'l)'i"llahomea-d.prnd,.".. . IlimmlrlgIMctiIne. The ....hicl!Ilumed 11Ift onto New MerkAtR..-dllindthetrfmmlngmllchinefelll>1f1he traller-c.llusir4l.",.ddamaga'&8noU8p/II. 000 0,00 0.00 ,," 0.00 '.00 730.77 730.77 '.00 0_00 0,00 '.00 0.00 '.00 000 0,00 53052~090301~ 0000163520 53 JE 5i2~/2009 " CCvA,velill.....ds,Jo... 6'-19-'2009 9/11/2009 Jos. Avellaned!! we. Irevel,ngs851oound on lmmo""....Road inheevy'ein. Heklstcont'olof lhe veh,c1e. C'O"~d ,nto lhe wes100und ie"e & sln.,cksnothef""hiclo A lhird v.~'GIe wo. 1~V<lI..d In the cr\lsh & struck 0 guardra'l 000 J.OO 000 000 0.00 000 699.72 Gg9.72 000 000 00' 000 000 000 000 000 5305260802\l15 CCv,Knin.......diceISuppJie. 000 0_00 0.00 285_18 0,00 '00 '00 0_00 0000163620 512612008 511120011 6/9120011 ,,, 0,00 001;1 265.16 0.00 '00 0,00 000 " "' '" JorgeMltI1llOWIIS1",...HngllastonUS41whtlnlhe' ,",NolIIinfrontl>nhim..lowad\(lfllllllellleflt~m. .!- Jmg8tr\sd lGp....sth!l vahlclll,..lrlking It. lhen rolled and stnJdt a g""rd.-D. ' ~ "",'," ,.., 5303110902848 00, Enckscn.Kelherine 000 000 000 1,lg710 0.00 0.00 000 000 0000163620 3111-';>009 412112009 815,'2009 0.00 0.00 000 1.19710 000 000 '00 0.00 " " '"' KalherineEricO;sonwsstravellngeestbcur>dan \.1541 & a~emptedto pass" va~1cle. bul cealize-d the'ewasonC<Jmi~9traffIC& lost tontrnl oltne .ahic", & sln.>c~o 9",,'ors;1 53010201102831 0000163620 ""'000 Twomey,Wllliem 4J21/200ll 515120011 000 0.00 '00 000 ,,, ,." 4,562_42 4,562,42 '00 '00 0,00 000 000 0.00 0,00 '" 4 " KenyTwomliywasmskingsrigtrt1umtosoeoutk en ColillrBMl"cut''';rcas 3 la".. ofttalflc & .v.~icI&thlllWll''''Ir.northbouncltumlllne. c...-dbliclc 5303180701150 0000163620 53 JE ".,.~" ".",.. " 3/1612007 1012012008 KevinLogicoj;C8droV8lalha@d~ofjhedrivew"yl" Joenie"s BIU8 CrabCsfe and into \he westbound ls""ofUS41 inonsU"mptto""'kesu-tumsnd arove onto the pathof.notherv8~icle, which .tn.JGk 8 guerd'sil 000 0,00 5307060701147,' 0000163t!2G,_ " '" ,.= Fe....IS"''''' 711012007 6117/2OOl1 FSMfBll,,:e,wn "",king. u-turn from _tbound Olvistileulbounclo.vl5whensn.108lcontrolcil" lhIlvehlcll,strlkingsg1.Wd..n. 0,00 000 0,00 0,00 000 0.00 855.57 855.57 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 5305300802563 0000163620 53 JE 5/30/2008 '"' CCv.J.ndro,Ricl1ard 11712000 111612009 Riche<tlJarojrowsstraval,ngws.l0nUS41.nd .uff&radan8bdomjnalaortican8ury.smw~icn causedrumlolos8conlrolofhisv<lh,"leaMst,ikea guardrsil 0,00 0,00 000 000 000 000 93A52 93862 0,00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 53103001lO2501 0000163620, " 53 JE "'''''''''' 'OS CCv,'HelT8f11,Roy 12/:312006 12123J2006 RoyHerrefllwaslrawlingoouthonSolllhsthSlnllll when ha......cI'o8Q dOWJl to p;.,k up hls 01111 phofl8 & lcatoontrolofhie...hicle, c",shl"ll Into a g""rdrall. 0,00, 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 4,936.23 4.Q36.23 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 5303250902845 0000163620 53 JE 3/25/2009 ''" CCv.Annorat,Ophny 412312009 511212009 OphnyAnnorslollegesonunknownvohiolecu1ln ;ronlofhiminthe4000blockofGoldenGSleSlvd E.forc'nghimto.e>jdenfys_l\Ioofftheroe<1& strikelheN.E.comerofabridga, 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 484.67 484.67 0.00 000 0," 000 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 53010909026lM 0000163620, 53 JE 1/1112009, "" CCv,Sozzord.Dsvld 112112009 918120Cl9 SryoonEnqul.twe.inI....lingnorth..ctQsslhe Chokolosk&B8t1dgeYt/hion.....hiclet"'...Ungsoulh drlfledtoth5cenlllrlifl8ceueing8ryanlojarkthe whe..llolhetlghl:h5loslooolrolofth5118hkila, jumplOdoverCl.lrtling&atruoktheguerdrail. 0,00 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 22,000,00 22,000,00 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 O,OC 53122tl0802fi67 0000153620 53 JE 1212012006 ''" CC v.Alvarez, Peom 1i2912009 4.'3012009 Ped,"Alv6(eZwsstra""lil1gw"5\lxJu~d onU$41 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 3.330.62 3,33062 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 , "".. -...-.---,.--.-- 1- "'-.---..---- andpa""ad...verelvah,clasinlheeasloound..ne, Helr.enabruptlyculbackimolrafficand.lruck. 9lJ!1odrail. Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 104 of 118 5311160802602 0000163620 53 JE 1111612006 '" , CCo M.rq""lNaY"',Wiffrado 112112C109 319120011 Wi~,"doMetquelNeyr.w..tr.veiingw"lbound onUS41.t.veryhogh,alaofspeed,lostconlroloJ hiS voh'cle end OIrucke guerd'.il 00' coo 000 :00 5310020602494:':;' .' "".." "_" CC-"'.YaeqiiiH;P.lr1oK ,..v",.V:!;:" - .,......" ."".....".. OOllO:e~~;~:!!':::~'i};.1~;';;f:~rL{1~" 11~l!:'jJ1512OOll:'X';'.~i:,<:;J~\,':'::,_._:;: 5~ ,,:n<i('i~; J",l!:/~-;,.,,}~:.j:'.t~"';;;,\~0i~'fi - Patri<lkV..'WUIr8WRniWllaiOfi:US4l"aiii' ,. "-,{j~1I~1;1}~~~it~0.~~~~t,~f;;~~~~;;{_~f ~~dt~~$~;igE\~:,;: 'f ,- ""'."- ~'""f,~"','.'7'o,' & thadrliillr'bitconttOl,atrild"llGuaodrai, -" .' n,.";.":,,, ", ""-'\::,:-1,;';'.",,,,, " '". N ~),;;:l:::-'- "":3]g~;@~1i;t' ",,-..,_..'....,"', "...._,4:;1;'" .. ';;;:;::..j;).;;" CCvWiJ'.mo,T8'ry 3,4115.53 3,495.53 ii'U '.... ",--,;-;;'ir.~. '.,. ',!-"" 5312050802546 0000163620 " "' 1215.'2008 '" 12.'1812006 1115.'2009 1erryWilli8m,wBsobserved'r<'adin9by.5henfl who attempted 10 stop ~,m. Mr W,lIiams ,efused to stopendeche""enswed H.attemptedBlen.""fld tumomoConvner;ClIIDn"",bLJtcouldnotM9oliale lhetum.ndslruc..padesrienpola 0.00 000 000 coo 000 000 1,096.69 '098611 0.00 COO 0.00 0.00 -.."." 0,00 0.00 000 000 5310230602547 000016362(1: " " .. , CC v' GoeImlmen, Tim , -, -,'",." '-'.... . 12tlenooe~~_>,,1{15J200g . ':. ,"~ - TIm GOioiafniji,_treveling wutcm US41 and 'fiirllll:lJA,j-,o.;i;.nuulcn;-=,eedthec.nt8,Jill8, slfikiilg.......hit*l!lIwllng..stcnUS41_Mr: GOetziIIrrian'.wh....nmliodln.ck:id<wi.. diflir:tiorrttl.nStNcir.llJUlrdrait- " ,,~";:: :...;.'f(.':~;;J.'ti..':;y: '..-'.. '.', :";~....~',;.:{;t>~:',.,;";,,.,:.',:.'>.:~ ,"," ".""!;',~,~~"....,...m,.!..,, 'J; "':~:;~:~:3;;'i;E@::i;~':)';;<;'- ';;' 0,00 000 0,00 727,n 000 0,00 000 0,00 000 000 000 727.n 0,00:.- 000 0,00 000 .... "{", -.., , , "c'" ~~,': ~: ,--,,,"':- . -...'.. 0.00 000 000 339.16 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 COO 000 33916 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 :,,'lll123120OO:, '_1_Ofj,:;' ,,'" .., .'., I.::~,:' 53041509029ot! 0000163620 53 JE 411512009 L326 CCv5efeil.,Johnson 51712009 7117/2009 Johnson SBfe~e sprey-p""lfed 9'alfill on tha roBdw.y,nJronlofepnvele'BSldBnCll 53021(l()!l~~,05: --o;i'\' 00OO16362~!--i',:::':,~'" '" :ii.; 53" ,";;;';,;"~ ;e\:"K ;-::,>Yi-",;,::0:'-";:,~;; -...",,,.......,,,...' ...."'.\C"'.....'--..,.....,, ':'_'::':\'Y c";,;::," ",:-.' " CCv.Pollt;cii,Ertk- ,,_ "'.......>.'l:-:.<....,.. '.. '--':",,',,"'. )t..:):...,. ' 5I4I2OlllI".",:~:711~";..:.:,,,','<",.' , ErtkJ:>oIk.clkw..tra....li"g nOrthbound tIIlT.mlliml_ Tran N. tindtHir.:i... c_ringlr.lrUmiaio~....' ;',:; 'drlft&dcW'lhtc8nterpcriionoftha_d'.i1dstruCk',' lhernedian&.trallicei\ll'';'i~' ' , 0.00 0.00 a,oei, 0,00 0,00-':' 0.00,. 45i211" 462.2ll' 000 0.00':: 0.00 . ",';0.00;;.;.' ~" ....... .".. ,;;":.'41;\;:/.-;".'" .-:;:,'.......,':;.;."..,.", ..., 000 -OOC,' :.", " 6 Agenda Item No, 16E4 "'.^ December 1,2009 "'.'''", oooPage1O%1lf11B 5310050802493 CCvFajardo,Carmen 000 0.00 000 ',52713 0.00 0.00 0000'63620 '01512008 "13012008 2117/2009 000 0.00 000 ',52773 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 " " ,~ Maykel Lopez was t",veli"9 Msl on US4, approaoh'ngmdemorkaf51 ata veryh;gh ,ate of speed, Heloslcontrolofthevahicl@an.dSlrLJck@ guard'ail 530'09070056\1 CCv,Baptlst8,l.mell&J&8n 0.00' 0,00 000 '85.54 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 000016362(t. '212712007' 41l4i200Q 0.00 0,00 000 185.54 000 0.00 0,00'. 0.00 53: ,TWowhiolll._..irtYolwldlrlahea~ncolliDon;. . ,;wh<m_....edlndall'lllgelDtnal'i9nt~/""""lyand lhouldltDflheroadwljy,,: '" 'r: 530'250801757 CCv, Wisniewski, Michael 000 000 000 8,703.88 0.00 0,00 000 000 0000'63620 1/2512008 311112008 1012712008 000 0.00 000 8,703.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 " " MichaeIWisni<>wskiwaslravellng@astonLJS41and foranunknown,@asonl@fttneroadway ", v@hic",c@mebookonlotheroadwayoven.,rm'd& struok an oncoming vehicle, pus~i"giti"loa powsr pole & damag'ng g""'draH 53'2200602656 0000163620 53' JE,' ,"'.... "" CC v. ShoellUl!<er, Jonalhan 1/29/2009 SI22J2OO9 JonathllnShoemllkerWBStrllwlln9W<1slboundon US41.rodfell......p,tha""hic:lel/lllv.ledtolhe righl&elruckthe9Uf1rd....11. 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 '.92',90 1,921,90 0.00 0.00 0,00 ',00 0,00 '00 0,00 0.00 .-. 530229060180' 0000163620 53 JE 2129,'2008 CC v Penclas, EI~sr\e 41'512008 1012712008 Mr.Perideswast",velingweslboundonUS41 behindMs Fleurime. Ms Fleurrm<lSlowadfortrafl,o in hontofher, but Mr. Pe"clesfailed to slow, st,iking he,vehlCle. The,mpactcausedMs.Fleu"melo lose comrol& sha 0011<<1..0 wrt~the guar<J",ii 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 000 ',066.63 1,06663 00' 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 000 53012508011169 AtlBsPilo DIMng, Ir<:, 0,00 '.00 0.00 2,689,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0000163620 ,""""'. 5f1tlJ2008 8/612009 000 '.00 0,00 2,689.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 000 " "' StepMn Rimes Wl$lfllvBllng .....slon US<ll wren Ilnother vehicle /a~ed Ioyiald \ha righl-of-wey & med..anlmpmper....chsngeinfronlofhlm. Mr, R.....881..,*,toward.U.Iofllonvoldhjttioglhll ,," Olher...ehida&lIIrtiokllslgn,.ll>enltOm. Iond.""I''"'';> . ... 5305230701054 CCvLeyva GabrieliRediends/Sentry 000 000 0.00 3,05884 0,00 000 000 000 0000163620 5/2312007 7/212007 8151200g 00' 1)00 000 3,05884 0.00 0.00 000 000 " "' Crtizan'svah,cleslruckaguerdrailafta'aooll'slon wilnanothervehlcle 5305030700942 CCV.N8pIIUSunri'8,lnc,(HarglB,Mik$l 0.00 0,00 0.00 1,102.03 0.00 '00 '.00 0,00 DOOO163620 .51312007 511712007, 12/2312008 '.00 '00 0.00 1,'02,03 0.00 '.00 0,00 000 7 .._._~_._-_.. "".._._....,,^_.'M..~__ I' '-..-'.-- 4109290602371 0000163620 41 JE 9/2912006 " . Collief Counly Go""mm"nI 9/29/2008 11/512006 Emplo...." w"s wartir>g 10 tum r>ghl Dn'o Col>..., Blvd Andw""n""mov8dforw8rdslighlly""wo''''8'_ 0""8d 000 000 000 297.01 297.01 297.01 29701 000 000 000 000 297,01 29701 000 , CoIUiirCountyG~mm.rt'. . '. -r 0.00,' _,< 000 < 0.00 - 6532 "f<'-' 0,00 ' . 000 -. O,OO,'~'-; '; . {I.OO \_, . ,. . .". ." ~ ^ .. ' . . " ' . ". . ., Z;K'il .. (;"", c.", ,- .~. ~> ','" ,., 'j ,-,,\t" "I' . "., '~'.H'< + ' ):\:;' et1712DlXl...;re>' :&I1212lXl8f'f',;;.?tk:'0%.' ,;r:-~"-'~Jv. :~c O.O(b~A>j:>' O.DD,' ~::J>, :0,00.; "':,;; 85.32 :d\.jt! ~ (l,OO~. :.~.t.J (l,OO~~,~'~. '0" o-oo.,~~.~"" .o.OO<,\): !. EmployM.....llmvtiilll'JI$fUSI SOlilh.ild.. "",;, .:-~lt.~" f 'I"~: '":;,".(?,":,.t~ wh.4f'i<'~~'~-~" '..~';~~"w", ,," :'\i1',~-\,i;'i,'i:;~~, ~ ~'"" ,,'. :,\.>,<;;'U;:':;:";~~~" -;':s.:il\!"~~!ff'''I'" ':I'. \'. ,~ ".......... ....... '"'.....,"'. ~".'"',-'_~'".~''''.!,.'''''''i''', ~.,',"..'''~''~',"'-.h.'-:t:.,," ''''"''''' , .7.~~~1\.:'~~J" ~"'""._' , \ "', "''''b. ',.,,'" ,,,,,<;" "."'.,~ ,.,,,,,,. ""',. ,,_ ,,~,,"',y,.,_.~_ ,_'~_.N, _"". ",. .lI1ImJihlClto ,tt.wl-Ocls ',,,".,,," J"~N,,,~..<:_.*..,,{','i.: ~.,..,,"' O,"N ".,"" l' <-"""~-r;/"""~, ~'1",.._J1'i\\!o'!1'~;'~"1~"" ~,!;J;, U"_. r"' -~, ,.V,'<.,'",,'.~:,\\', ",''Yti':~',''\,;I!.''A''''~:~:.'''''''''''''.;'i>" ""'"",'>.,':-'-'>:;' "-;, ,.;",,'c" 't<.~~,"";t-''.'~'n;, "," "',;,:"e~ _"""_irlthe"'Ir.~..,o><-,.I'" ~. . ~~"~~U~'.'-"- -,..,-" I"~ ,.".".-r_ .,~!., ~,.,"", . d. ..~, ,_ '<'1"'.1&, 'l; ,:<, BK,_,-";O;:,, ".t,">~;'" J'L>~..~. ^' ~ ,,", ", 'I"'~ ',. .,....,~,,~. ~.__.r~;.....~. ,." ",-,,",,'.".. """","~.,,,,,~,.,,,.~...~ ~~""..,".~'~l."w"'.'''''''~..w".~ . ',' ....., , ."".~-, ~~ ~ .. '''''''''IN-'~' ,....~..,.. ",v~, .. ~, . "~, ,'_' ~.' f'"'r. ' ~ OJ,'''. ~~"' ,.,_ ',,,',.'t,.'i, 1~'~,,~..-~' ,:. ",",..':","'^" .''''-'' ,',''',' /,.',...,".:t'c',' ,.,.,. . _"",~J.^;:r."";1, .'..' " ..,,, i' I" ."" ." ,,, ,. 4' ,,_ ,_ h. , ~ , " ' .' ,. ".. ,'. 0> : ' "', . . '. . ~ ' ""., '.' ~ , , " , "I r .. .,<" ..' .. ." .'.,' .., '.,,'" -.'" , .;",'iYd ';,,;,'.\:;;,1;,,1' '>"'''.~''.f. ". ". ""':h'."~'~'.'." '.',\"::/".>0" ","- .;.,;':c.., 5907310602097 0000163620 59 JE 7f31/200e APACFlonda,lnc Bi4.1200B 12/1B/200B E"1otoyeeswerareQuiredtooI8.nAtnc.'pil' caussdbyAPAGstGolda"G.,oBivd&;,thStreet ,W coo 000 000 000 000 1e066 19066 " ClOO 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 59OS270a01941 APAC Florid., l...c. .' ~.; OOOO163620~,: .\~"" Sl2712Oll8'J;;Fi~ ,",u 6/1112OOa 12/1812003..." sg .". JE',. /,:w:l~,...',". , Em" _. WII..';;:';;umIoCieln.':"ok.". "'" ,- '{1-""--"'0 ~" .... . . _:)' '\ :. " ''''d;<-lif'%1JJ" >"',.,__. ca....G.byAPAC.IGoldtlnG8I8BIYd.& 5th Z , "": <,1" ,~":",,,~t', SW;.,,,,"c~<;-,,:,.;,,,.;: ... f ' _'M q\.. ;(.;.n ~;lfj!)' ~ ....~,i!-.~"",.. ,.,,,., . {',,, ,< ~,'\,.'" 01" ,~,'"',,,,,, y:.;;r;.:;:.'.o;!. "~,.j) ~C'.W ,'" "'<". " "".,.,.".~ "'.'_ ~ _, ''',. "."'.' .;, _0" ~'" ' ..;~~ ',.....~,,,~.:",, c",^ ,.., ,..". ,.',i'..," 811212006 APACFlorida,lnc. 8120f2(J06 12118/2008 Rock spill (cl8St">-Up) 0.00 0,00 ,,0.00. '.';.' .".,,;:'~::>: ,~.':';.;U". '::er;,'.; u...., ',::::{J o 0,00 0.00 0.00 ~" 0,00';:.'" ,." O.OO;"i,:~.':':'i' O.On,,:,:::, '""," ,. ~.. '~""., " "''''.' ~- , ".., , .'~ ~~, ><- , ,* , , . ,~~",j'"., '.r") ",'?' ,,,' , \~,;;, ".o;i ''''"'''' "'1 ,-," ~'.."'" \ . '1"~" " u~ ,,. _, '.t, ';,W ',,',1 ,.~'" :~~"\;.,.' ',' '0":?'1'">,, ,'":.'~ $~""7JtM <,,' ,,:'"""."'. . " ," . \. ", ""~.,~....',,,,~"," "., "" ~N .' ,'''~',. h~_.;~,y.t:t;?):<-",,-:,-",,~ , .:,';'~i:',~:.:',~;.:'i:':s1.1;5J.J2;:'"j:~:;1?:'ifi;:)I:a:,: ..:'~ , 5908120602126 0000163620 59 JE 000 0.00 :.;,:c.,<:': :',.. .X: "...,~. '". 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 5906040601977 ??oo163620' " ;: APAC Fklrida, In~, 611812006' 1211612003>..' Emplol""""""f'lrequir'edlocfto.n"mcktlplll aoull'84 by APAC II Goldton G3la 81Yd. & 5th SIr...1 SW; ,/' 000 0,00 0,00 0.00. 0," 0,00, 0.00 O,CO" 000. O,OG," 'i 6/412008' 5\100260802012 0000163520 59 JE 6/2612006 APACFlonda,lnc 711)12006 12/18/2008 EmployeesW<l'" r8qwr8d to cleana rocksp,1I c8usadbyAPAC8lGold8nGs!eBlodll.51hSI'881 'W 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 ~ 00 55lO616060209a 0000183620' " . u 611lS12OO8.,:....,....: .J.e{f;: 1k#5:<':,:t:".\:;:~ ~,".. :0:.1.:::'dT ", , --,~, ,':;~:;\f':;Z;{)'t:: ;\,~'!" '.~."~ B&IC;,mr.otOos,Incl.'..'.' an!2OCie'::', 1rz1/2009~';: ..' .,.,.. COurty.;;;pi.;yeal......f'lf'lq~lo.....-n'~.load", 'ollOCks,lhIll,apl1lad,:,irtnlhl'.lORYMYdUllI''-'" ' oolliaion:.:,'O/-;"';:-:'\'."';..:'.?5:' " ,,,,,,;?:,,'':i:''3:::'.::''',,f.:~:i\' ,. ,'r >.. .,'",.... 000 .O'.~; , 0,00 , , /N' , '....,":,. , " '-,:,; , "'. 000 45994 000 0.00 000 0.00 800 ~59.!M GOO 000 0.00 coo c., ;:, 5903230902807 0000163620 59 JE 3123/7009 CCvAmable,Ric.erdo 3!27i200g 4/22/2009 R,cardc Amabl. "pilled rockMth. roadway requ,"ngd".nup byCo~nly personnel 000 000 000 0.00 5902280902765. 00001&3620' ,...,." CCV, Iba""z,Juan Rasendlz 3I18/200S1' .4121/2009 0,00, 0,00. '00 0.00'" '00 0,00 1,446.52 1,446.52 OOG, 0.00, 0,00. 000 000 0.00" "'0,00 .0,00 8 5904270902889 0000163620 511 JE 4/2712009 APACFloridD,Inc. 5Il12OO\l 6/3/2009 Emplo,..uwe", "'qu''''dto cluna fOck spill csu98d by APAC DtGoldan Gala Blvd & 5th Strael OW 000 0,00 000 000 000 000 19066 19066 000 0,00 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 511512006 'T"'~"";~"~"-'APAC FlOrfili:, ~%""7';'''?',,{'>'~'''1;J';:'_,','';':''_~'_''_''-~;':'''''V bOiC;,-;: '--""!~'n,W':..11'_''''-I!i1!i't' .- "~;JMrS;:ii,*~','\'r~1;;li)01;JW!;:; I{<':}.~'r',':'-" \. ' ,"",_ -;', '..3.,,00ll':,,: j.."""}':""'*,'''#'i'''''.'''''::>;;;\_";'', fi.~\'if;::RIiIik.""""fRlllliill-APAC-d1;mp ,,-t<<";:hi~'~ct;j\' >'f:i'tlir'{.'''i,:-'..1;-"' ""\1"".- ~"'..,"'- , '1II'?Wi$'i'l~\"<p; \,&;~~fr;~', !'ft~:lllhb'e-;:.orrtg'f30li:letn'~;1j'~J'1l:~~~~~~~~::'~~"'t '. :ct1;'rs.'", C1H....... l>>llIOI1r11. "'"'' !, ,-". ". -~,'_"'''~':!..''_-''~'.'.~,:':': ".,,' "14.""''",'' ,,-;,,,~,~,,", "", -'. ,,," ",' "-"",,,j,,..h '" ,.,-_-",,_,.~". I,"~ ,."0,"", ',"1' "_._"",,_,, """/., :,'-.:011>'" "'''t':''''~ "-,.,, R1 ," ".. "'" ":<, :,,,-,. , ",,, ' " " "'''H\7''~'''' ''OIl!>; 'd - - """':',.::.' ~ - ,,-<"': )r"}~' % ,%~:,\" ,'" . -. - ,'''''f ,:~_....L"An ;,ic;;:,;f~,,}:_, "J' APACFlorid8.loc, 513012006 12/18/2fl08 County..mpklyaes....racslledtocleB1'1uparDck sp<11 csCtSed by on emplo>",a 01 APAC , 59051508016911 0000163620 59 JE 000 000 '00 000 "1 "'""'''"I,H,." "". ,,,,~,-,- ""''''''''W''''>''" """',.,.".'-" '.22.6 ",,:',-,:', ,".- O,uu',',:",,\o;c' 0.UU/;:',0":'-': 0."".-,,:.., '" " .,~" ,,,,,,S,,,,, ,',- -- "'''''0'' ,,' ''''!it' ,,<< 1'.. -- ,,, ~,. "i1.2.60::;,::,"" ~",,,,, 00"''''-''''-'-' ODCI~'" -~'" Cl .",._,,, !::' -~~~_~~:t;;;c',:O~ ' >,,-,<'~:'-,d'!: ,,' ,,'.'li,,:,,::;:.f~~E';.*'~' "'.~"',.'.,...,'" "">,,,,-,,-,,,,m,, "'""'m-"""__" '" "'''',,",' "''<--'''''t''''')'pl;~" ,."."a",.",_"'_,, r,',._ "";"',"j , ,>,'::"/o',"-'-""i~1" ;0" """'.',:,';:i_''''''_"{:,,,, ""'"'' ",,,'~'-,,,, t,. ".., _''-A_,_'''.", ,"" ___~"",,' '''''1'''''' ','A-',,"'" ""'\"',"-""'_'0' t":;-","-"<"''<'''~l',.", _"",,",;,'i,',, -",",,:;'-'1 - ',' , "-""~,_,,,~',;>'_,/il,_,,.-,~:'ii.' ":<,,,,,,: ,._" ""'''..,,'''''' "e"... , _ ~"", "", " ""., _,,",- "~" ." , ;'-:',:i' "''''''/';'!':' ~~, 0,' ,'0t.;;J<;:-- ,""" -- "" ,'-~ i...' , '", ",!~<:;>?i:'- :,.-' ",,".' . '<t' , --,.)ii,""'1 <- .... ...,. ,-".."..." ",.'i,,"-, ~, '~.- ... ,::"",".. r"'--.o:oo~C'Y',:;;~'::;:i . ,,,,"~',, d ,,'''' "".. ".~ 0, <;;,,,,J-(l;~ "';C/;;:;:L';,;'~ --,0"',:70 ,.~:;,,!-h-;'~ m' "., ''','.'il.- -,"-'., > "c,''','" ., ,""i, " 000 000 21260 21260 000 00' 000 000 000 000 000 000 - SflO3260801763, '4,"':::;':' CCv.SWtfUddrig,lflQ, 0,00.>" 0.00 O.OQ: OOOO-illmo'S't1y,~, ~i+~;;;'-,~'- 41iWXiii-~':"::_::_1112sJ2008' :':"n' o.oci:}i:.>::':-', 0.00":':,:;:, ,t" 0,00" sg ,"','f"'"Je::I>\ '~. ~;t'__"<<r.1f"J,~": TIll"'"'~Mn..l--&&lllmoveddlrtfromlN ~: ' (4" ''-:<:;:';':'_;::;',1-:'''-'> !;/~""> ",,' " -'-' '" ,^~.i "'"" ,,'. .........,.. ,. .- "' ",~ '" ,<'" ",_", /"_, "'"''' ,'4 ^ ^ '''?S",J'f1-'t4<"", ,,~,~ " ~.,:, ~. raadlwyf'oJbw!ng."a"",darrtlrlwMngS\Il '--".S'-' 'K';" , '. ,,!, '.;. -'.1 -ti, ~/V ,,~ "'" Y~'3'''".ii, i",~.,i"l~rt'~':" ;':!iC,M"" "'.-."" , ~^""" .'''''' i "'^ '"'^.,,",,1 ix- -"",, diiU' 1 \1-" '{ ~""" \"_'~" " "=,. '.,' "" 0 , _""''-,_<~o,^,,,, .J.'- >.0,__,,,,,..,-- .., ., ,.,/1-;;;,'-",,' ,,'_,,' ,."., ""'..." 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" ----~;.J '-",..; ",,"', ':vi'C 5307260802410 0000163630 " CC 0 BI~cl1, ,~ , 000 '" 0'" 000 000 1.12B73 1,12673 0"" ""0 000 000 0"" 000 0> 712612008 "' 81121200a 2/1712009 Ana Birtch W8S trBvehng nonhbo~ncr 0" Coll'er B'vd sr>d while meklng a I.ft tum ante 131hAoe one did not se~ anMC(Jml~g v~hlcle &" ",'uo' he' y"llIe", ".USlng It to stnk~ 9 street 1'9ht coo 53Oll250Bll24OB 0000163(130' 53 JE """"" \0' CCv.F~nnosa,L"anrl!l 1OJl6J2008:.__~ ,111312006 Eric: F.rmo.._81la....U"ll ~flon Golden Ga. 0"" 000 000 1,70a.00 0,"" 0"" '" 0"" 1,708,00 ..', ,,'" ----, 0."" 0.00 ,."" 0.00. 0.00 0.(lQ 0,. 0,. 10 ,--, PB'kweywholnhelostcon!mtofhisvehicltlgoing era~nd e lumontM _I ",edWllY, IItnldng e light poloi-, "" Agenda Item No. 16E4 Decembed, 2009, Page 109 0(11,8 5~10130602477 0000153630 53 JE 10/13/2006 '" '" ceo Imode,Mena 11/~1/2006 1216/2006 Re,"akJoR"yeswes\revellngweslooundmt~right lumlene of Rad,o Road when he e'pe'ienced e loS$ ofconciousnessduetodiebeliccomohoet,onset\d slrucka.10I'S'9n 0,00 0,00 000 000 000 10925 109,25 0,00 0,00 000 000 000 000 0_00 000 GOO 53()1100902ll69 eC~,McOoweU,MallMw 0,00 0,00 000 2,656,59 0.00 0_00 0.00 000 0000163630, 111012009 219/2008' 5/1912009 000' 0,00 0.00 2,656,59 0.00 0_00 0.00 0,00' " JE,' '''' Matthew McDow&II wn t..""fing north ot\ US41 and aIlempted to makae leftlum into 154S5US41 N" butw..I"VB~ngtoofB5tto ""gOti8\ol thaturriarJd struck a lighl palB, . 5301120902616 CCO,OlaZ,ViBoimir 000 0,00 (100 54625 000 0,00 000 000 0000163630 1.'1212009 112312009 2119/2009 000 0,00 (JOO 5~G,25 0,00 0,00 000 0,00 " "' '" RelnaldoPerez-Rod'igueow8straoelingno<1t"'esl onCR85oal'proechmgengnlhaoocurve'n ~"vylogoondnio"s HewB5un8bl.tomakstne lum,loslcontroio,lhov@htcto&ra"olflneoppo"I@ s",so,lhe r"edway, strikin9 se""ral road "gno 5311160702535 0000163630 53 JE 11/18J2OCl7 " CCv,Berbo$8,Edmundo 121412008 611812000 Edmundo B.moee....st"'VBlng northbcunc!on CofNBrBlvd_.nc!,.,nlholradligti.@tTraIlRidgll wl1enBnotne'VBhlclewntumingontoT",iIRidge. Mr.B.rbo$8stNcktr..rightsldeoltr..ollierce., ceuslngKto O\ll!lrtum & strike e tmfflc slgroel pole. 000 0_00 000 0,00 0.00 000 562,07 5fl2.07 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0_00 5306080802665 CCo, Remi"'z, NorbelisBalmacede 000 000 000 8,49945 000 000 0.00 000 0000163630 53 JE 61812006 '" 112512009 3111/2009 ApM,erbywitness@dNorPellsRemi",zsllikaallghl po.. thon pe'kthe vehida In a church parking lot aoowalkaway Howaslale,appranandad 0.00 0.00 000 6,499,45 000 000 000 000 5301030801541 0000163630 53 JE ,,.,.. Cell,Masters,Thomes '14I2OOll 11I1Q/2008 GeoII",yMe8lalllwesirev@linge@stt>oundon V@rJderblKBuchRoad&wl1ileettempling'lotum rightomo LivingstonRoed,he Ioetcontrolofnill vehicle,drnlleo\#llracurb,thenlrtruckelightpol@, 0,00 000 0.00 0,00 0,00 000 3,500_00 3,500.00 000 0.00' 0.00 0,00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 530~200801802 ce"spero,Joseph 000 0.00 000 10.76928 000 000 000 000 " ----.--,---.-- --._.",--".','---- 1---'--...--- 0000153630 53 JE 412012008 4121.'2008 1012012008 JoS&ph Spemwut'aveling South on Colllllr Blvd & T,,,,, Mciver was trBveli"ll north on Collier Blvd. At thoointef'M<:tion,Ti"""",deeleflwrnomo R.ttle...,eM, end 10 evood colliding w~h het Jo...ph vee,edoflthern.d,striking.ttaffiorontrnlboX 000 coo 000 1078928 000 000 Agenda Item No. 16E4 oQecember ~o..2009 Page 11D'OT11B 51080ll0600358.:- Eri>enu.1T;;deO.' 0,00 0.00 OOOOl63630/E:E;L~ -:';- e.w2005,'!:b';';-'~'~: ~;;;~)L ll/1312OO7-'; .'.. n.".'.. 0.00 0.1X!_~ 51-::. <""".;~JE',,~-tY~.c:,,",.,' 'If\'t):'''''~i EmlI....(t;;~:w..l~mi"<l'''nI<l42ridSlrHtSW;:,' ", . .. ,.;;.>:::';t~~S' , i '''U'_'''~',_" ~'. L-""-ASW.---,~..~ .,~..., '. _ _, ,,",',,"..,.,.-.....,-,,' . ~,~. <"". ~".-. "",.",g,.." ,................P...,"",..,~"_, ,~,d..., _'^"~')~""" 1."-",',,,,,,~t""\JC~""""t"''':''''''''-'''\r4.<ir'" .''''_ ~'''''~" , _ '" ",'<:,' ,"-:":,~,...'.. '-' _,.,.~~", ,."., .J/;~~'" '~'~"""""-'-~' _ M"' ",,,',,,",'.'- .-,- .,,' ." '.~"'CA,,"-, 'M',~~.,~ '..,"" ~"" ~'''.'''''^'''''''' 'P', ""-'''''.''''-'ll('"^" '~~.",'> '-."".', '~' , "'<~,,,", ~ '" "-"', , "<" . , '",'--~~ .'m'.,"""~', -":'\-0 0;" '.;/t:c',..,." ',' >, '" ""'.' __'"' .., _. '_._.' .", ,-)'-o.,"1,~,.;... ~,-"__;,, '_M'~1;."~ 't.$ ",' ~,,,1,,,",,,,,.-,,, ..C. '. .,' " _ ,. .,!,~, . ',' "~" 1'r,",,~~ .,,'-- ." ";=Et\-",,,,~.-,,_,,,_:.-..,,,' .<I,{.._~',,,,e' 'i"" ,'.. ,"i.. 5109020500178 CC" Oakley,J,mmy 0.00 85.00 0000163630 g,'212005 9/712005 ReDr>e""d 000 8500 51 JE A vehid. owned by Jimmy O.kley, bu!d"ve~ by p..rceRhonAnthony,st'uckeslreetlight ","'mainedbyCollierCounty, 0.00 0.00'-" 210.00 210.00 O.OO."~<.>:..;'. ...:____. 0.00".',0-(-",:;;."" ,,'O.'b'/' --. ,.,,":', 0.00"" 0.00 000 4,31377 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 ;,~:;:g:!2\;i:-},:':,:-: ".' '..... ~;. . .,---"" "."''''..''.''''..'' .-,-.":.,:~.,>:~,:;,:,..~,,, 5307300601211 0000163647 53 Je-- 71301200l! CC".K..-.tT"chflOlogie. 6/2512007_'''; 1/2012009 An unmerked.~ndergrcUtld service'nIl In ccnduK WIIal1!uckbyKenlTechno"'-llie'whlltltnll1ch;ngln lherignl-ol.....y.' 000 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 O.OCl 0.00 0.00 5306170B02030 00D01G3647 53 JE {J.':7/21Xl8 CCvRodrig'-">z,Martha 5/2412008 1ti13,'20D8 M"nhB Rod~guez wes trav~llng ea<toou~d on M.,n 5t",.t & ren. ",d light, sinking a vehl~le traveling no~hoour>don9thStr...1. Tho impactoeused Ms RodrigLJ<lz' vehicle to o.ertumand flip O\lftr Inlo the ","d..n, knoc~ingovera decorative light pole coo COO 0.00 CDD 000 OOD 7,u1533 7,61533 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 4210120701337' CC".K~n1Technolo--giu 000 000 1)96.95 1)96,95 0,00 0.00- 000 1,296.95 0000163647;,,: 1011212007 1C1r19J2007;, IUOpensd 000 '00 1)96.95, 0.00, 000 0,00 0.00:'" 1.296,95.:' " ,,' I<tIntlnduatn.,w"petforming.blI"'andwhotn , - they ",iioutthebortng.lite....s10 bspullsdIillolhs, ,'> boffl, tIi8 lT18chlriii opellllorh~ "cut'lnsI8ad of"pulf" ..,.:Hh"'lWiStediM.lee....Bkti.rubbllrbend& "" , ~CO'"r.asaet#020086onthoo1ightltde. ." ~, , "",: 5412110702019 ", Fogle Amy Lee 000 0.00 0.00 790.75 0.00 000 000 000 0000153647 12/1112007 41412008 2124/2oo9 000 000 COO 79075 000 000 0.00 000 " "' Amy Fogel W8St"'valittge,,"boundon 10"',em, TraiIEaslwh.lOen"rgumentenSlJedwrth,ho passenger,CharlasFogel Hegr.bba~;M'teer<"g whoel. forcing the vehicFe off 'he roed, sl';k'~g IandsOllping& 'mg.;,on 5410040802439 0000163647 10/412008 CC., ThlIlh,T",nVuong 10/13/2008 121151200a 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0,00 000 2,689.17 2,68B.17 0.00 000 0,00 0,00. 000 0.00 0.00 0.00, 12 "", Agenda Item No 1GE4 54 "' ". H.,;.ngMinhTranwooatrav.HngaouthonLMngstoll December 1 , 2009 Rl>ldwhent.lolllconlrolaf1hBwhickldt.o&\(Ira~: Page,111 of 8 .ndalidlnloaRllKilflli,81riklng.,a"",lItr..""" "".-.,,:<, ',,', +....""' ", ,:/';"'-(-;. ",', '<', 5403120702365 Feldi, Merle... 000 000 000 1,63339 0.00 000 0.00 0,00 0000163647 311212007 6/2512006 312612009 0,00 000 0.00 1,633.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54 "' '" Mic.l1ael Murphywaslrsvali"lleasloound on Pine RldgeRoad&a.netumedontoLivingolonRoad, h6lostco"'rol,.punoulandstr""Klend.copong& ..ng"llOn, 5405310801969 Srown,R""sel 0,00 0.00 0,00 1.417,00 000 000 0,00 0,00 0000163647 5131/2006' 513112006 11/5/2006 0,00 0_00 000 1,417,00 000 0_00 0.00 0,00 54 "' JOMlphHennnsywoosl111veHnBaouthonAirpoTl Road end.",tconlrolofthe vshlole,$Irikinglhs medlan.ndepalmt_, 5408240602417 CCv.FernandaZ,G..naro 000 000 000 940.00 000 000 000 000 0000163647 6/24/2008 1011012008 11/712008 000 000 000 94000 0.00 000 0.00 000 54 "' ,~ Jua~ Sa~l,ago wes t",v..ling wast on Goldan Gale ",W ale h'\lh rate 01 speed and st,uckanolher vehiclel"'velingmtha...mBdFract'OIl,nlhalear Juan losl comrol of hi. veh;cle end struck a treo 5401250702362 0000163647 54 JE 1t2512007 '" CC v_Pier..., Jeen 612512006 1111912008 JB9n PiemlWMlravelingncrthbound on Llv"'!lsk>n Road&wr...n....wmodlellontcLivingslonRoad, hili vehicle flShtsiled & he Ioalcontrololhio vehiGIe, Tnevehlcletnenwell\intoll1e""ntermed",n, "triki"lllend$coping, 0.00 0,00 000 0.00 000 000 1,933.311 1,933,3B 0,00 0,00 0.00 0_00 000 0,00 0.00 0,00 5405310802406 0000163647 54 JE 5/3112008 '"" CCvZieglor,Eriko 10/13/2006 1111912008 ~nkaboglarwaSlr"volin9southbound on US41 & ""eradslight~inlotho c..nlerta,,., lo..void..noth.., vehicle com'ng inlo her lane. Sho lost conlrolofher vehicleandswervedsideways;nlolham..dl..n, demeg'n9Ialldscap'ng 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 00" 1,191,50 1191,50 0.00 000 000 0.00 0,00 0>0 000 000 5401200902707 0000163647 54 "' '''''''''' "" CC v,o" Los Senlos, Ab;gell 212D!2OOll 3/20/200Q Ablgeil De Los SentosweB n..8dingweslon Redio R08dwnenh6rielll'll.rtir8"blaWout,CIlLlll;ngtn. V8hfcklto......."'9in\l)1h&median,.lriki~.tr&&_ 000 000 0,00 0.00 000 000 1,900.00 1,900.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0_00 0.00 540412090317B 0000163647 54 JE CCvRot>on"on,Trevis 0.00 COO 000 0.00 000 000 2,726.61 2.72h61 0.00 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 '00 4;1212009 ''''' 811012000 91112009 Tra"'o Roolnsonwa" Irevaling north on llvlngSlon Roed&wI1..nhocameuponthe,nlars..c!ionol Pc"il""" Ci'de, the vahid. "eeredofl'towartlslh.. m..d,"" & ,wlpe~" palm 1'0" & than "truck? m"fa palmlr...." '3 .~~._._-_.~- I"" . -~t;;;;,*~,~~,;:,~;::.: CC--~,_C.~;L)th.~:'V;C~,j,.,;:::-:ly;::~:_.:-,j;;-:r,,:;~_;~;'(',;,::/, '0.00:,:"",-,/,:':> 0.00::" -.', _.' 0.00'''',''', _ 1,561.00:':'>;:,'-''','<'' O.OO!",::'_:>., <''''-''''''''~ it'- '~4'o';:;~:"ri""""' ""'':'''.'5IioOi.,-, ., "'W~"( , -'~.'n' ;"-~~;',,:;,.1'-:'000-:t1.';Ji0- - ':"OOO,~,A;"f).".':. .-;.,.. '~.._;'_..!:~.. 700-';-/'1:f:;;,J:""'-'000'~:"~'-';"":" , ,r ..... ......." ~. "" . . ';;4"_,;:, . ~'~" ~,'., J:''i'::'''''''i~__O_,J,"'1(:_.1 . -;,,_,.,_,,_.,::':,_.. . ,'':-:'1'"...,,,,:.1 ' .,'- '" "";;~iiiiiiWJliOi.'_i!m.l ricililicmCt:iilllirtl~'~q;:Bf>J:!i\'l';;'i - "b:, ,,~.ioi;l!!-- '" _"'E';;:::tZ~'1'-:;:':_~~,~:::;;::':_.:-:-:f!i','"t;'';;,~,-:::";;"':-";--;i::~"::f::,-,'<i~; ,"' - . ""'_.....~, ,,,,c'. ,",'.'."^ ,"_'.' . .lng..M. ,,' . "~"""d" ,,'_" ...,-;il; \,.~'_"'<-~""" '<~""'" ",.~ J1{t'"..,.I0',J"?+",,,..,, "".",.,",,,,,,,, .",'....',.....", ..,' . ""t.,,,,",,,.,,,,,. .: ,,' _~.. ';";;',..i" .?j,,:,,:: .. :c,.~;~,::=:rl7.~~J:r~~:-!~~',W!'T~;~""t":~:;~"'Y:7.'?-:;'f:'?;:'71t;~;'-"(;"\'-~"''- ,". "':',":_:",,:,;"':-c,:~,:,_ -""Y" '--':'>"~'~"'.'''' ,", , -, "d,:t:i,,/-:>n'-B:,:;-" ~f;'::;'~'~~j;\~::'i/6,stnJcli'-ir6,.m,x"" ,jjt'A'",>;",,~,,;;,,-,;,_,; ;~':: "\f"i/< " ";,--';1'~IY :":~,,,,';)'k~'W:;",,,;;,.~).~ ~!":"i';-';li~';':1"c..; .i:,if,,,,-,o,r-,,v'" >:;.'IbJ;,r,'~-;;'~'-i,:".:s~:-':)'!"'-..:,i-:;--'-"~~":;;':'" :.J4' /' "G" ' r_" ,',"',.S;,; ''''-i!' <:.:/!,;{oj;iB\p;?;':d/ ;-)~':'f;<:"':'if~?j)5:'1'<::';',c_'~'i:~;'l~:;Hi;,:::-t,q::-,:.;"-~-:~';"_;-::h":;,,,,'::':~:-:>::':'1:-)~'" ", ," ,,," "Ii:' i .,';' . ",,\'::::;:\-:;::.2[3,';;'.;;:;;i2," ''"'~,:3'l..,,'' '::;<,~:;f-:j,,::>",",::,:.i:~,'p:;,,--,:, :~:~:. _ ,:_ .';.' .;';: ::' 5404030902695 Sue",,,,, Me~ha 0000163647 41Ji2009 511112009 6.'19.'2009 54 JE 105 Mariha S""rez we, tre"el,ng ",,~hbound whenlho passenger gr>lbbed the sleerir1Q wheel lor<;'ng herlO rnekeesharprigntontoGoldenGelePerkwey cousinghor!oWikeepalmt"'e&irrigebon 000 COO 000 0.00 54011W9026il3 0000163647, 54 JE_ Robef1S.Robert 51712009, 6/H112OO>I,_ Robert Robeits'wao trllvellngs.:.irthtIound on_ T.miomtTlJlijN.whllnhoI8HedtollowfortnlfflC 8ho8d.ndBlrud<.vehicle, puIIhing~into the medilln8ndd.megingillndacapir.g&IMiglrti:>n, 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 11HI12009 105" 5402060702946 0000163647 54 JE Steinleldt, Jennifer 6.'312009 6"-1912009 JennirerSteinfeldlweslra"alin9we,lpnu'loon S..geteD,iV<lwoonsoobecamadts!r.ctednye phoneconve",atiMSheweshav'''Q"umpedloo med..neurtl&slruekapBlml",e 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 21812007 '" 5405010002913 0000163647 " " CCv,8ingl1em.5andnl 5I1512oo9, 71101200ll MIeh&e18ingiwmdl:lnotSloplntlmeforaoother' vehlcl8. 8Il'iklr1g ~ & ""usil1\l ~to d~Y<I onto iI medl.on.dtITMginglllndsCOIping8ndirrigation. 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 511/2009 105" 5402160703025 0000163647 " "' CCv.Hert:Veh,elesLLC 611712009 811212009 Mi""aaCadelellegesnewa.l",velingea;lon DMisBlvdwl1enhoowervedtoBvo,danother veh,olelnat"lolaledhisnght-cl.wayands!'uck londscopmgBoolrngaiion 000 "0 000 2ilB/?007 '" cOO 5405170902003. 0000163114'l'<;',".~', 54', "':"JE""-' "'''''''.'" Saliy,JustioPaulD8vid, 611112009 7/1012009 Justin Sanywaldrlving too fsslfol-Ml coridllic,:,,' 8ndloltcont",:lofh$_vehic18.~ndatruck. pIllm - I.....g, , 000 0.00 0,00 0,00 5/1712009. ". '>405270802525 0000163647 54 JE CCvBleke.Harns ~ 2/5./2008 ti15-'2009 Ch"s Han-" was lu<n'"9 aBs'ilound "r'I"P'''e R'dge 000 COO 000 CaD 5/2712006 "' 14 000 0.00 733.50 733.50 0.00 "0 0.00 0.00 1,363.60 U63,60 0.00 0.00 000 COO 1.160.00 116000 0.00 000 000 0,00 ',706.56 1,706,56 0.00 000 0.00 000 55000 55000 000 coo 000 0.00- 635,33 635,33 000 0.00 000 coo 66313 66313 "0 1100 Agenda Ilem No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 112of118 0,00:":'::", -,":--0.. '+,',~',x':>C::;;':o;QO:~Y1C,::i- o.<<i':i{if')~f:i:i.OQ '/o:Qo-~'~' ~Z,'~Lli]t ......"',t:...~^,,.,';.Ij\"'..., .~.."." """",,,", __".".""___,,,c, J'~\t" '1' ,'. .','''',..."" ...... '''-'')::''Z'::\j;i-','-;%::;; . . },.:;,_~";;,,,ii:Y:'};, '''; ,,:::,:::ci.L~:tW~;':i!~,]((\:t~~i];-; ..,__~, ,.-,':'::{Y~:;~}~4~'-/:::f;,'~"'_:~~T;; "'~~ 0.00 coo 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 000 "'0 000 0.00 000 100 """y,-- 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0_00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 """ 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0", 0,00 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 Road from a.OElD" Trail.ndtht! vehicle s~undlJE! towBlcornlnionsarnl,anontolhernedian, d''''''gingiond.r;:ap<ngandinig.tion Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1 2009 Page113of118 54072711802412 0000163647 " " 712712006 '" CCv.Richi.r,~vid 8/21/2008 1n512ool1 Oavid RichWr."...~~ingl-75.ol.l1htollo onto Pi.... Ridge Ro.d & whon he""". b",klng, his Cflrwen! no..IId.dUllloWlltoondlticrmandn..dn""..on!o themed..n,artkln{/lInd'C8ping&im(l8~on, 1l.1l0 0.00 000 1l.00 0,1l0 000 1.526.32 1,526,3<! 0,1l0 0.1l0 0.00' 0,00 000 0.00 0.00' 0.00 5410240602479 0000163647 54 JE 1012412006 '" CC v GilMoora, EliZElb.th 111512008 112712009 G...ciaG.arc.. Gilwa.travalingweslonPinB R;og. Road when lraffic was oom'ngto a sto~,GraGi. stt.mp1.d to stop, blJt 10.1 control aroj s~'dd.d aCross lha m.oJSn, damaging landscaping 000 000 0,00 000 "0 0,00 1,30859 1,~08 59 000 000 0,00 {100 0,00 000 0,00 000 5406140602478 CCv. D;"9l'r, Kllvin 0.00 000 000 1,301.28 0,00 000 000 000 0000163647 8J14J2OOlS 111121:2006 12/512006 000 0,00 0.00 1,301.28 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 " " '" NIcl<yDingerwtl..xilingl!18,....rdriV<lofT..rgel.nd mIlde e right 1001 011lo sol.l1hbcund A;rport Road. The"",daW8",....-\and NiokyaWli.dln<> muoh glla,CIl\l6inlllhevehiclelo.pin,strlkingleroj.t:ap<ng lnlhelm"dian. ,.'-, 5410160802924 CC"Raono.Patar 000 0,00 000 67000 000 000 000 0,00 0000163647 10/1612006 5r.?7I2OO9 61912009 0,00 000 000 67000 000 000 000 0,00 " " "' Paler Radno was t..."allng aast on Da"'. Slvd on Ihains<da..ne&driftadtothenghlslnk'''9at1nlh.r vahiele, ""USing ~ to r..hIB,; 8. strike 1.r>dscapin9 8. irngaliofi 5407160602564 CCv,MamhQU,R..becca 0.00 000 0.00 838.01:1 0,00 0,00 0,00 000 0000163647 7/164'008, 1171200$l 2/1712009 000 0.00 000 838.09 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 " " W, ReDacm MIl'.hell weSl",veli"ll ooLJlhbound on UvlngstonRoad&IO$1oontrololh..,,,,,hlcla, Ir.veli"ll onto the madien.nd d..magod 1sr'l(/S(:Bplng. 5405150602706 CC",S..inIJa.n.Angalo 000 000 000 956.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0000163647 5115.,'2006 2/1012009 3.'2312009 0.00 0.00 000 95iiOO 0.00 0.00 000 liDO " "' '" AngaloSa,nIJaanwastravelingnortnonA,irpor1 Road in Ihe "'ft lane Anothervahfclelr."eiing,n lha same dJraclion allagadly swerved Inlo A,ng610's lane & slruck hos front passengarsodetite caus,"'il hlmtod~va onto lhe median 8. stnks landscaping 5406260802409 0000163647 " "' '""""' ". CC". HUbing, Suzanne 1011312006 11/54'008 AnlhonyDiiTe wa. traveling eutbouroj on Gokl..n Gata Blvd. in lna o<Jlsld. illne when ha dropf'Eld his ,. 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 745,00 745,00 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 0,00 000 0,00 15 ".,-,-=,~--,-", 1-----'-" 5412300802606 0000163647 " " 5412D40802605 0000163647 " " 5410060802556 0000163647 54 JE 5406130802555 0000163647 " " 5408160502768 0000163647 54 JE: 5409060702007 0000163647 54 JE 5410240802095 0000163647 54 JE 1213012008 " 121412008 '" 1CI6/2008 '" 611312008 "" 8.'15;2005 '" 9ffi12oo7 '" 10/24./2008 '" """pnone,H.......cneaaownlJJp'Cl\nupa"".,'" conIra)ofu......hk:le,aweNedtalhektft,d"'.....ove' a "",dilln&81n;ckalnll: CCv.o..lla"'lla,Fadem:o 1112/2000 3117/2009 Fed..riooDella"'tte_stra.e"ngt1O~honPepper Circlewa~'r>gtomakee"9hltumonlo Rettle'""..._ HemmockRoed Helumedinfrontofanoncom,"9 veh,de&ceuudecollis.,n,forc'nglneolner vehideintoa"",d",n,slrikingelree 000 !l00 GC v. O'Neill. Patrick 11612000 319f200ll Pell'lckO'Nelllellegashfl wut",wling north on Ai'l'OI1Roadw!lenanotherwhidaClJlhimoff,!hen ""meta en ebrufll Slop if1lronlofhim,c...,,,,ing him 1o._""'enddri~onlOlhemedian,etrik.ing._, 000 000 CC" Lsllemerod. There,., 12/ll/2Q08 2117/2009 Wali<ensLellemendwes1favehngsQuthon L,,,ingslon Road whena",,'her .elllCI.. bega~to passhim,nea~ysidesw,prnglheveh;cle Walken. swervedtD"vDklco~taCl,str"ok&ILJml.>Mthewrb and struck 21re"s 000 e,oo CC v. DeRosMtt, Robe~ 12/16/2006 1115/2009 Robe~o..Ros.ellweslra~lingea.tboundOf1Pine RklgeROIldinlhelellwmlene,butconlinued drivingetmight b&ceu,., his cell p""""...ng,Slfiking all1la,lendllCllping,arl<l a sign poal 0.00 000 CC".Alsnder,Fred 3/3/2009 4/5/2009 Fred Alllnoerw"s Iravellng nort~bo"nd Dr15eyshore D~ve&etlemptedl<1tumwestontoBeGcsA""nl1<l, buln"..edIM'O.dar>ddrove'"w'lhe,idewslk and inlo a Iree & b"shes coo 000 GCVNU<:c40,Ehsabelh 5I11l!200ij 6/1912009 EI....bethNucclowesuhsWlle<lsf!erY\Qrkingthe night.hlfte\NCHandfs1tuleepe\thewheel,drt>V<I onlosf'l'l8dianendslruck8lt8e. 000 0,00 CC".Mac1<ie,Ashley 1/26;2009 3;9.12009 Ashley Mackie was IravslLng soulhoou'ld on coo 0.00 000 COO COO 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 ODD 0.00 0,00 0.00 000 000 000 COO 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 16 95970 95970 ODD 000 518,00 519,00 000 0.00 3.785.41 3,785.41 000 0.00 2,201-24 2,201,24 000 0.00 2,54500 2,545.00 000 COO 460.00 460.00 0.00 0.00 2,685 9~ 258593 000 800 Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 114 of118 i.' 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 000 coo 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 LivlngstonRoadwhPnanofflcarobsarveda\lllhlclo swelVatothelaft&/l,shIPy's\lllhlc4Pbeg;ntoslide aroJdrweo\lll,ecurt>,sltikrngat..." Agenda Item No. 16E4 December 1, 2009 Page 115 of 118 5411300802744 0000163647 54 JE 11r.l01200e " CCv Callis, Amanda 2120120011 3/2512009 Amanda CallIs was ua\lllllng nonh On Airport Road ar>dloslcontrolofthavehlcIPw\1IIPmaklngalalt tum,st'ucl<lhacurbondrollado""r,dsmsglr"lQ land.caplng 000 000 000 000 442_00 442_00 000 000 0_00 000 000 000 - 541103OB02586 "-" . CC'v. Hoslie,.MeHardylCasimlill ,." ..",,, 000016364h:,'__','.' 1113120O\I '" l/812O()g-.~:~:: 4181200Q.- , '>"," , . ,_ 54 :,,^,'^ Je':,2.,,..19llilJ"{"'1,~:' 'Jonat~nCetiin!nlw.alr&VtIlingIODUihonGoOdlelili' .,.. ,;~"" :;~_~. ,:,;i;, ;:"'~}SJf. ".;;::,,,_Road,,,,-Jo<<oc:utlRlloltreV1lhlde;WhlCna~,_,;;', _::,', , " j.) ',[~}7 :r,W,4i'::':"'''''' ,''';;;I;0;o'~'~ ~ .a,iclfIW\I~.and Intolha m.dlan, d.nw;ling :;": '" ':':(;'.'1"" _ """,, ",., ~"7." "'.'" ;;&;,,,,,,~,,, o_~._ 0 '. "'''''',' ,-", " ",'. '" '" ~ " "u.:,~,; '-"""~;;:""-""""""'&",J:0:i:r,i1!\" ,.._ ng..:',,",~__!<;;/.';o' '-' ";' ,._'-"" 8",it"\"J'v,i''''''.;c''''''---''' '''"iiD.-'",", t' \,..'" '" ''''''\- ,-",*,,,,,, ,,-"- ,,--- ,,'0"."'*';;;;__""""_.., '.,'-",;. '- '_..:: ,,~1" ~",'V;'FV"f!' ':~ '.',c' -'.",\,,\., ','" ",", ''-t' " ,r..,,,; '" '''~ '" ,), -" "'" "" _ ""8'" ." ''''..,'" "'" " i ".;,~",-.',J;;jA"I:;:'"",-,',;,..,;:,;_, ", """~>:0",, "",,;;;.,-;,!, ~.:,^_""",,,, ,';'"!',, ,,' 5405300e02539 CCvKotY"ski,F...deric 1000'63641 5130/2006 12";/2006 1115/2009 54 JE 105 KnstinKOIYMkl_SlumlnglaltlromOr~nga S.,,,"om Dr",a onto Airport Road ~nd de>! tow~t cond"'on.,.na.,.tC;Clntrolofthe""hlc~&slidonto lhPmedlen,stnklngtsndscaping " 0,00 0,00 "-!-,"""""v"_,, ",,, "" ""',..'<~, -,'" ~'", ~F!! -"k'-''',' "" '..v ,I, <-,,,,,,:,"," '<''-',;, ,,,,,,._...,,,,.,\1'';1',,,,,'''-"1' ,-.- ~:~:;5;i[~,:~;-<,~'" ,,:\'i, -,'" 0,00 0,00" 000 000 2,270.00 '2,21-0,00,,: " , 000 0,00:-' 000 '"" , 000 0.00.: ',,,} '-', 000 0,00_ """ _\t,--,; "1',,"', ,-';'". '''f",-",.-..'' 11; ^',~^ "'1'';' -,{' ,;,\ 000 ll_OO 000 O,llO ",-' , ^' -',",,' , ",,"'" ".,c, 'r"- ~('<-5 :, " "~:",,,, ""',",,,,'., "''','','- '^ "--' ",' .1.1;0" _i':" " '.." , "W'c- ~',,;" , ", , 000 000 1,39600 1,395,0{) 000 000 000 0,00 000 000 000 0_00 ",,, -'-' .." '" !>412Cl3ll702767' _, CCv,Ecl.o.verrtel,lgnttcio 0.00' 0000163647' 12/312tXl1:i',_ sat2OOEI' 3119/2009 ,_ : ,'" 0.00, 54.; MY'"' JE:,': 105,"A<-~7.<..;:.. J9""c:loEchevem.we&lravel"'llu~toI1Gold'n,-.' '" :::~:%"jf";;,:,, _,,_. ',i'}< ..: ~ :'J{::,,,*",,, ~" !~~ f:Xr~i'/!" ; am BlVd." 1M insldoo Ill... & 'I1Other\ltlhICllIlnthe ' :' "," ," f;::);;1~,~~ ,.:i.:", '.", '~'ffl-~J1')' "i<"t-i'r<ji<'., otUldlilll","",de.nlmP",~,lII...eha"ll' -,);;;. ~ ,..~r{!!'"?>:-.,"-'. -. '(.-"=_ ,:----',Mu.,"~,,'r'.~'..'.<", ,"' '" ' "Ii"" ,:w,~' -''-'i'.''-'-'' . ;"',",/,,;<~\ ..f~,.'\{(j;;"'[' ,1:' "Cllusinglinac;:bjgYllartollie18ft,inl~"r."Ill>ntQu;.:' ,_ .';:~,,\),,"":.~i;i' :; "\~"A-r;'7 _ -1r<"~;.-ru<t:- ~ . 'i. medlin.andOVllrla1'lCle..O., &1"'~-lkli'l. i'p" ~ ,~,,-,:~:: :: '::r':<#\if<';;~,''<''", _" '7 '~"1t:i@;;.-",,,,,'-d~,;,''''''',"",,L'-l.:'';'' "..... '''-'''l!'''''- ""'" ""';:T::;'Ii'W"'" I' . -,,'-,'." ',.-'~--:' "'<!l'1",:"..-'"!\,"";\",-N',,,"-:' .~-~ ""~;}/", I,' M ')!,1''O't., "" "'i <1$;, .,. ',<":~: ',":', , ' '\' ,"..,' ..,,,,,,,,,,.,, "~,, '''';W'''''.';'',., ,,,,,c>*', ~'f ,. "'," ,. "0JOA\_"",,,"""" ,::':,,\^cccc,.':><',':,::,,'''' . ,~,-" .'''''''.." ,",,- ,," ". ,'" '<" '" ,,.,.. ". ." ~ '.' ",' '" "'"...." .". ......... .- ''''. ,,,,,,,,,,,,.-,,.,,",,..,,- ,-,..,.., ". ') . .,,, "." ." ,'0 ' u, '""_~""__"' -,. "t....-.,,,, '_'h,,' ,,"' "" I' , .. '>" , ',r",'.: '(;",,'" <,:',,-. ,;,~; , :",,;_" 'J1<<.. ";, '\' ". ~" -" : '0',,'~' '.M.',,' ;';.c:,,,, ,;',;;,,"', ,,' '" ,_ :"",;:;:"",,;;.., ',;", .., __w" ,,<, 5401250702860 USS Leasrng Ltd 0000163641 1125/2007 51112009 511B1200Q 54 JE '05 Jame,Schne~wastrevel'''9southboundon LlvlngstonRoad,helostcontrolofthevel1jcle& struck the median_damaging landscaping & ''"901ion_ 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 355.00 355.00 000 (l,CO- 0,00 000 ,,'''' "', ',"' '" ,"'; , ',,' , 0.00, 0_00' :,;'- , 0.00 _, ',0,'.\':"""",,-, ..,~ ,.:~:. ."..,..,~ '..- .J__ "_ ~:e:<'.<..:'" .... ',T~,"<i"" ",..",~',;', '>' ;0:;;;""-',,~', :.'" ;(-;',.~.:.t';,y~:,: ='-" -- "'~'-;",,"'''''''''-- ",~:,,~.: ;,7>':..:'.: :"'>:7'; :,1Ct__,' ',' :',','<0', ,. '''''''-'''''''''-+\'''---'''';i:{'''''' ,,'1',"'<', ,_i'''-';-''-','..",:n:'''','..'/if''....'' '1" ';"'\ ',',~~5,;~t,:;,"~~,:~'::.:,:;.;< ,,/;' }', ,.-(':",,-:',;';; -";;';'!:'.(,\,:~ ,~;, '", ", ::~'::':,~'~-':' /'," :':;'~'l;~:,l:'~:~' ,+,< ';, . -"" '. '"( '.;'-' ..:''-;Vil, -.C' ",},,' "..'", ",', 000 000 , --""- , --'/' j'''' .'t' '",' ,:~--":-,",, ,- " ""', , ,'" .... ','; " <'"':: c~",. "',d '\' '-.. ''',,' , '", ", ,-' ..",. ."-" ,,,' "'.- , ," .""w , 000 000 0,00 '00 98724 98724 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ~A~ ,.,.,~.........""~""..",. ,.''',.... Cc c ".~ S~I..L'- j''' "'- ~ ~ ~721u'-"r..':,..,:p,,,'_:, ,,', ":"',,; v. "w""'''. ",..y V ,,__.. ',. '>,'",,_ 0,00- '~'O';'A>,,',., 0.00' 000016~f--~1(Bt:,':7d1'a_oo,t7::,~~ ~~ :', MI2oos:; ; j.,:41101i0dtJ_~;;;&:J';' .'-;:;+< ~':<,\,:/:r,'t!"" o.9t'~JY~:i:,'~~' .?.og~ t;:,?>;: ,< 0.00 ',',C" 54 "","",Jit'0"'i"105"'~"tt_'*":"€2r EZBqulelM.nd"-ZWII~tlllveilngweatboundonOavla '"",,,,,,"--,..---, "",,,' "0"~"~"", . ' :~.\;C{:~;';;tJ;,~et..?,ii,1;;~,)::<:..@A~,~/:.~': Bli'd: lenth. roa~"nd -wok a rie .ndi-;t;.':.,...,x::;;.r~,Pl:::t'\~5:\:': ," '!(f"~f" ;," " 1 ;:.:',:', ;,,~ ";" ';,,:,-, -, ',:~', c,~,- ,-!c,,/!L~~_"',-\'-' ,.,."'4'Mt.!h;,, , ~, "~,".",, '",C_"" "" _ ," ," ,;' .-i'""',-''-:',, ", ...X__:Ji.j:",_, -"~', '", ., f\ ,~:;:, '0':',:" _ ,_ '. '1 ,,,,;t{j;;';,,,,,,, ",""""-j;;~-~~'".,,,,,. _..,....""-4"~"'k'" ,'''r''',:-:'' 'eO" --'..:'1'~".'q'"-'~,,''AC'''','''',','',.,.''' ,.4<" ,,' " ,-, '_', ,~:'.-,;;" -::;"'- ,;;,",:;~,' r, ,c,"'",,,,!,, " '" !":;':':',:'~ .;s.; ,"' --n,,'-,",'--c,c",_', :--"";,",o'iliq,;;,;,?,,,; j .;eo,,"' ocr, '''" '>. ';',"", "."..,,0," ,~" "'" _,. ''4q..k~'''''".,i~";<.''""'"".-k,,,,. ',~,__,<- ,,-, ),"-""'-"'" _'7;:"." -',,''''"'''' Z:::; -. '( ~('" ',,',>-"-,~.'\':'.:::,,':,,',"',,-1;', -O,<-:,}:''-: '- :';'~Y:'\:::',':.:f.c'~';:: " ).-):;<~;__" ":,_:,;,-:;<+'>~i!:::g':>', ," -' ,,'-;;: 0,00'"," ,".' " ' '00"""" -.: ",.,,:};!j;~~::: <"." , ,M", "__"7"1., 0,00 000 -"~;'t!lc ,'~,/"J'X' "'"'''''''' '.""""""'" """'-!;:l,j01' " ,.,,",.. ''',I ">.'",~, "" '''I'M] ':-<.~:;,;', , . 't.,.~ '''>':;;i'' ",,' J'.'" " ~A, ,,':.F__',; ..,,-y!p_ -",--' 0.00'__, """-C.OCP_,,'t' ,. - " , ,~' ,,- " ",,,~ " O,OO:::::.~,~ ",""",,' O.oo',j1:.';~_.-: ," ': -j',',". '_:","1'" ,,~~'" ''ii, ,,~',,'-;:'''' :~ttf:~}{~'::;:' :~ ,..~ ,,:1', "",_',,,-:j,<,,,L ' , ";',,,'.,',,,""1,"_"':'''-:''''\ "''',;:','''",".:y!';',;:';-',: ,'~/" , " ,.,>.-' , ,co, c ~:-'" <'Yii' ,..',' , ..,,' 17 '_-~~,_.__.- r-' 540122080:W91 0000163647 54 JE 1/22/2008 "" CCv Weber,TMo"",,' 2ill/2009 3/11/2009 T~oma. WBbe, we~ trevalong soutMbound on U S 41 thentreveled onto !he median, collidingw~M sevarallraBsandsMrubbery 0.00 GOO 000 coo 000 2,145.00 2,145.00 000 000 000 000 Agenda Item No, 16E4 oQecember Aoo?-009 0.00 Page 11 ~rif 118 000 ".,.'''' ,',,- cC>v, Ne8lor, Keny"':;,,s,,:::v - <.. .- . . '~' 0.00 ""'/200" --,"~"x;,,' ~;"",,;.';;,;;:,;'-:"i";:~,"c i,'."'_,~<j:'", "_;'::;,)'.'~;(,*>-f;c:'" ""'. .'. ''"'''ip'. ."" '~~"-""""''-.''-''''.j''';;;'''''''':'~'''':':-'\r''''-''''''.. :z.ne ~;~'iiWV.WI1llnc:;rth:~~ U'S4;"&""'~;- ~ /"" ';~":t'*~ -..-',........."..:......: ~'" .. ""~". '.-"" :" ,-,-.co~~-tht~_",lf!ftt!-,!'M~cI'll!!,"- - .~-tlImo~..lIond_..~llillnWdjarJi ," _, " ~" ':'r"."'~.;:.'~',;)!f;C'Si'i;;;~" j;'::itt~01!im:\9i;:"():':,y" ". '. ,: .. .. -,-,f"- ._'-"'__ . ,;,I'.'$/xl'-,'O\1I,p;.,";;,_"tirhw' "I-,,,,,t"-c;!~'1t;'B~';<,:.:':,-,"":':-"''-''-;_''''''io,''',, 'c''-'r"'',',"', ""iii''''-'~"''''''"",\,-,,,,,,~,:,,,,,;,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .,,+.-, Tr_"''''_'''''''-'~'''''e' ..,., ."....,__.._.;'...,A,'",._"..,.." -.f/: ;4':,;,;,~;:-';:';,;::.)i;>'\T~:i'J:":'.:.;,\\':1...;', '..!!:';({':';::,:~~.":t_:;. ..':X;~" :,::\c",:; ":;;:}, ,;",' :Y:::', : CCv.Paccionelll,A.T 0.00 10.'15/2006 2.'1512008 5.'121200e 000 AT Pacc",ne III was he.ding ea.toound on WhippO'will La"".rld lost control 0' hl8 vahie"" wMi", lun""gonroPine Ridga Roadarld rBni'1tothe meoi.n, than s!rueka pa'm Iraa '. ,. "c' ~' ,~ O~~." 0_00. 1.43000" O:(l(l"",:,;",;':i'_O,~, '?,,;,::;;;'\'.. O'llCl':.i'>l'\;);~O:~~,;:,:,-;,-,-'.. .:<. {I.llO, ~''.i,.. ODO,i;; 1.430.00,;:1",,,,, O.OC!'_:i'f::;,,~:::-,:(l.OO::,::'_~:f'J-G'~,;::O.lIO;i:;':','j;;;+:it::',0.M;~:):::';:1~ Il""'~'::;'; ':"". "., '""'t .,.", "., ,-",-, ",;""',">""'.."",.,, "".,',',' "";;'''Q.n;''"~",,,\C,,,...-<,,,,--..,,.,...,,. ___,,~~..---. ..."..+ '"'1 ~1~1I" \;;..-:.t'~'; --"~ ':.,:"t "";;""'-' '''-''';':::''-':'':'.,:IT-::',-\;,j-''''-:'>\0;~''-,.,:,.,..:/':J"~;';W,"i'_"'r,; ",F':C';"{:';""';:;0V'~C"t. '",k, ".J'~T '"",-' ~'w.:"".-:c.c;"'-,"'f:-,,,,,]:,:,""";':.,1.;}t:-,.;;",",;4:,r-<"::,';;',~;;:<f?',C)';Z;;-ll;\:"""".::..-q;rf,~'-' ..":~~. ""\"",,,W.t':."A.:,,;~r;;;_.. ,.-Pf:,':;:7-. "e". iF',r.""~]'>"""~'''''''~'^''''W",,,",,_t:..# ,_~.^."*-'''.,,.".._,..-. ','.".,. .,-.:"..,"-,...-.~~~ .~'-"''''1W.~':--4t-''"''!i"~'''''~.'''''''''~" _ :iJ:f.ii;'. ,,,ji'"";;1&,,;,,~~:~...~;r,r,;!.w;1'f-;j')i,,,c:~::.,,,~io'\/:c ,:-:"<~;:"'J'iO:':;_iS:~;:'S'~;::-'-:,,";;':,",\ .' "~-;:C~1;&;t:~;:"~:;;;''''',~~,-i'T-'''f f\"" 'ffi"":'\'ti'i1'#'"'~''l'''-'.''''' ,..., ....,.".,,, '1'''.-..,.,....,.."".."...,,,(;,,....;,"., "'-"J .t...-.,'.""....)\\,.",.". ''''~'''''''' __.."w",,' --~.x~.~~..-'-. ,.. ': . ~,.:~:n~~t'..g?f::,:;1f};~2i:;~1::~H't:~:"':,':1::::,:~':i\:!i'" :0,:': of;-:,,:~,~':;::::,!f':.~;";:)<:>~' ::>;-':C:'~t ;,{:'~;;~~:i,;' fi!'::~,'?:;?:~;'.;T :":'~;;>: _,'::i;' ":, .:,~, ~r' 5410150601710 0000163647 54 JE >00 000 000 115B20 :,15820 ".-' ," '-,__'-"oc"",""" COO 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 C.OO 540214OeQ1781 ','.;, 0OO0163847'::.-':~<.',........211~.,:..,". -"~ ..'",...A;..; -J'''-'''''''- ~ ',"'-; .....-.,-,..',.,,,..,^., \,,,"-.,..-...,,,..-......-...,,,,... '.: -'.:":"':;'*':"";';'-';'''''':';,r;~''-,~,,;',}''';:__:'"'i':'.is,,',..' '.. " ,,,.. :_','0,""""":,,,'~;::'('~f>-':': :-",".-.;._'n'",:;.:",-:",,-,S"~",, -'oy>",,, , ",,,,,,,,,",'''~''''''''',,';Y,,,, .....,.~"__ e__,.,"'.. ""''','''' , g,"~~~~iiI~~;it.Xs;1~j01'2i:J2ZiW~:;~_~:;:)- '''A""-",;;.,;r;;:;~,,,.,,j>'iK'''_+o,",,.,,.,,,,..-,,_..,..<-:-- "..;.!~!\;t-t~~'i;;:;~,f,~:'::'!!:;\~Q~,,'f};";;:):S',';'c~'',':'./~. "'- ,:~0:;i,"~~\;::7' -; -:' j::i;/::- ";"~'" ;'c':~> ,....,,,,,...,.., -'."-"'." ,.__"''1,r;;,;,:..,'..:..... ,;..:,.:t'"", '/:-;;~;':,'(,::;;.;;J.;'X ,~",' ';' CCv,Ke,.,kila,Robln 0.00 411012008:;::'>' }1201200g'. .. .. '._ 0.00 JOIlhUllKe...Iiu-_tr.~Ii;.g'northo;lflL~inQeton_':(:<J;,;,;" ,,"'" Ra.d &lIltemptellto d.~ "1llIlI. bU; .......~'::",,1_::,::,':::'/,' 7,-,,,"-::;;,...: lnIwlmgf....r1hlnllili....hialelnfrcintdftOnl&':i";:c~,:';':;c-"'- 'c'Y,";::__, airuck.1hI...rofFrerikB"'l>'"""n.....hlcl,:ja.hWi;d~, " ;:::!:,;~,:" ...-f a...~;.\cqt~I&~~~~p;iig!-':;,:r::-. ",<>,V",-,.,,;"_ 0.00 0,00 000 000 1.:;43.10 1.:;43.1~ 0,00 0.00 ',00 'hi,: ,. (;;' ",,; ~ ... "'- n,.:.';,;'" ''',''-- ,.,',,'- :;;;:"~,:'i,::;:,rF:r;_ 'i,:,:;,:yt~!~;';- ,',Y' ...,',"" -".w," -'-"'"'' , .".." ...., d., '.'"'' '" . , ...'", 5310310802511 0000106010 53 JE 10.'3112008 '''' Colliar County Sllanifs Office 1219/2008 121231200B ASllanifoveh'olawesallemptlngtoDeckouloflhe Salleypo~attheJBilcenterendWuck&dam.ged thBgale 1B90.04 '890.04 coo '" '" 0.00 1,890.oo 188000 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 1,890.04 1,8g004 4112030B02514 '<:',,',: ciooo10BOll);,' 12131200a 41<,"';-:,'><JEi:-'c\' 116""'~' ;:::(;~f:i{i1;:~'~';::;' :~{L:\:,f',:~::-:,: ....,..,"t-:..."..,:.:' ... Yi;/":;r'-.""", ",:" ;,> "'_" Call." Countl'Gevemmllnt 121JJ2l108....., lr.!ll/2009,. _,.,. Avehk:l8o~d byAutcV~~ bIIckad ~.:.., ...rked COUnty ...hi"~~ ;'.': ':':f';\\"--- 000 O.~" 0,00 0.00 , 0.00 0,0\1, 1.263.15 1,263.15 0_00 000 0,00' 000 000 , 000 0.00 000 2,741,00 0.00 000 000 274100 ',', """.-'-"'~ - 5310140701415 0000182901 53 JE 10/1412007 '" " , 10/1712007 Donald 10i2012COB 2.741.00 2741.00 000 0.00 000 000 3,152.15 3.15215 Do~ald Sp.on..r was travelin9 norther ClM,mont P8rl<wayand attar passing through the Int~rs~oj,{}n 01 shadow ie"e laM, IIla v~hic", la~ tne roaDway and struck. concrete utility p<>1~, Ih~n .trucka palm Ir.e 4103240902786 ,-,., ..' ColijercOuntyGavem....."" 0000210130:;i;',:ii;;,i,(;\'~-LJ.;;:-:-:,':'c 3124f200;i<:""4J3r2or:>>j,-'(~,>; :',:"-'':;g,'' 4f"'--i::,,~:'~"\':'- 'j;::~t). 115"; ",' ....J> ':. ~, John B.i"I..~'~d.dmto CD~;;~.U'05016~:,;/J . "':\ .. "........,"'N _ '".' ". . . .... - -;;"''%~\:''t';{~~,'..S~:''(:.:0'"'" ~'/c;\.rj:.; Wnic:h....S.glI1ypllri<adnfrontol107M1id~i:"- ,_.,,,..,,.r,,,^,~,..~.,,,,.._> "d,,^ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,. AVfJ .mbellghllion&.....ri<edwl\flCOnll8,....- -, ,,- .<,;,~~k'~;C,_,:';}r:):e::; ""::,:~S''':.'~: :': ";";:::-:' "~i":'c,,,::""'A'i':::'''::;:': , 000 1.148,~ 1.1'48.46\':': , 0.00 ','" -<__,-"'i'" -.<.~~ .,..-' , ';:":' 0.00 1,148_46.".. "e~i:!;~;:;fj.,),146:;CS'i~ ,', .t;~-.:~."':-;;t:,:!,-:':..".'",: i': ,,;.- :'.o';;.:";,'''',;;~5i'''i'k; ,..,: ,_-",'__;'.'; >,-,:;:;;:~','--;;'rd:::",:' :;'.'".. '0/::.<-1.' "." ",,-. :'" ,...." -..,::'''' OoD-;'~; ',',.. '" '. ~,,. .." Cif,;;;;~~}~;E~2 ;":f; " :!':.,;~;-,:,;~';f&~~\::;' , .,-.... .....".. Ooo,",::/.o";.-u- ,,:. M'^'.""''',\'. .. , 'i, ""r";-:,,, '"CO"~: ,..., ,,"" 18 000 0.00 000 0,00 000 13,B9986 000 13,699.86 '~'- "', N.,. ,,-,',, ~- " ,',,, ._"" ---... ~-~.- ,,,, Agenda Item No. 16E4 December. l.2009."",. "o-~o Page 111o'W'11EFA0.; 000 0,00 '. ".",~--".. -; """'.';'W'''''' -,.",.", --'''-',-''v_='_'''m~''''!.,-,~"",__ '-~,' --, - - - ". , :,~, _.' -,:_:"!::""L-:Si\iiL:'Jt:ii~!;';:':_-:';'St(~-,':'~LC':':;:', ":';;4.-"':> '-:P..: ,,__,,-~:_ 530alS08l.l231l2 cc. K8~tT8chnolog..a 0000233351 6/15/2006 10/1412006 31212009 53 JE 13 Kent Tecl1nol<>gre.w". performmg 8 d,radlDr\91 bo", on C R 951 snd 81r",,~. CQunty 12" fo'ce ma'n. -',' ..,-' -.,., '""."''>-'''. ',,,,,' " " c', ''''...''_ d --,I:-::",:'::'-~" :'--~ ~ 000 0,00 000 000 4/1912009 '0; '. Comiiul":'-:';~-,:']C,-, ,,,. ",";'., - .,'. '" '000"- - ood--<'~:'-" OO6'~.':;'- 1107500'."~'-' 0.00 000 1'"",,!,!'"""'-"':"-Iil1I;.o:J''':';:~':,,''''~':::'''00'''''''''.'';:'; ~ :,:1t~'" ,:.": .;$\,:,1,',:'-,":,;;; "':oo.:/'J ,', 'i,;:" ,:,...,;j,);:,.'!i.:''P: O'M>''--"'~'; ""7""'--:\ '.~, " ,""....1", ',' ,'00' . '" "''' ,,;re'?>,'.,;':::';,,",', !fu".J~ :,"-,W'~~,;,1,~' "-'. 'PG)""'fI'~" .......,-'."'". ".;;r" ...~~:t;:"\>, " ;,"", _c."J}",". ,"" '....,;,;.;;:;~'" ""... '" ,{ "IL'"'''I~'''''"'''lif'''~t;'A'Vj..''' c'att'"" '"""';"~', *"\-t"''':,",'''<:'''^'''~r'~ '''''"''''-''''''1'''''''' ,', "i"" -.~""".~ ,_I'lg,.,C11 ""m.~'.-*""."',' "." 0f'.-:1::'~:'''''''~r;' "i':"~-" \.ip... ..:.;."'~"."~!,,',,;t,,..,'<.!_"' .nf:~4/',' '-,');';';-,,:;'__'''y.',-:''S- " 0. ,,'" " -',~w~ '--."^''',.."' "'-' ,,-<J:'~'''-'w;:;:n''''"''- 'M, "--.~,-\".~,,,.,,-, ..",' ',r.;';;':.f;''''''J(>l'\-~-'''' ::c- n_Qf.n8",~vltyli"'i~'.?,:X"J'];;'",:-"o.itfJ~"'''''~''1i''*' !<:~. ' ,",~. "'!i:0ff.&-!~>~->!"":"';"~"~;Ili'" , " 'i.''''''''''''~C':::'''i:l!I:'' ;""'~ ffi{~'P;.,~.',.'$x.~;;:X',/)''''=!'t_; ",a 'J,q!,,"',-.'A :':'j;:,,',', ,,' """'id,,,-?"':,,~ ";i'Q:" '=."01ikr\1i'.r'~')"r,J*,' FT.!J':;~/"" , ",,-, ;,,,,,;,,,~,?i:i?'t~ ;0'\1Ii\( "~';":'I',:,',e ,__~ 7::l2":,;':;:~I?~')~~; ~..;;,;t, -- A1~;:VT,,' ,:f!~h'f'9.\:t~""0:iY'i41, J/F)'':<.:,,,,, ,-".-..: "' .J);j." ,~~~<".~ ~.~: :'t,::!,~-5',!":"!:U',"'i, lff..,,,--': "'-"""--"" .,,,--,,-"..--,,~,,'I',,,. __,..,__,'~,,'.,.., .,.,.",~p",,,<,,...,,,~,,".., ",~',",. """"'~"'''''.. ,f,.,,,...,., , "",",,,,:~.:rw.,'..:..,,:, "~""!;',' "<,,:.,, .",'-'''' i,'--;";....<'c """"""'...k,,,"-',-0.:,,,,,,,,',"'; ~;"'.""__'. ^'" , '~:,-,,,,,'< ,",'J0',', cCv.PlJente.E$lher 000 000 0,00 19,53902 000 0,00 51512009 511112009 000 000 000 19,53902 000 000 ArmondoMoY"wa.lraval'ng.o<Jt~boundonW6S1 Ave whenhelo.teomrolofl~&vehlele."tnk,ngan odo' control un~, i. 5304190902873 0000233351 53 JE ,,' 000 000 5301290902745 0000253212 53 JE 1I2ll12OO11'",,,;.,' "."i',', 106,,' --,. ';,?,!,,,,, CC;,..~atl!l1lfi,Michll"l ;",~',"';...,7I1OJ20CKl:.,:: ';" ltnd""y~.rIane_Ire:.....llngw...lbcu""on', Pine Rldge Rcad (lexllng on r.rphone)and lefttl.' ,""",,' _dwel',flrMngonlO. Rkl.,...flc&81ruekB County , ,.t .:......_.,.";", .', ';,,, ", C'''' ,. . ,;,;,;:-":,:j>~;",..,,,. .~.._ ,.,. "d,'''''., , ' , ,," .,.""_"C.., ", c'.,'~:, ,,,, -" " . ' .- "c "".'",~''''.~.'' .. ~"'^,.'...'.v it__, .. ' ,', ...,'0.,,,.,,,,--,, '''''~''$__'I\-'''' ,," o",:;:,g::;X, ,F~,{__/.;;::i:':;::~':,,""" --" "c,,,;\,.... ',",y",",,,,,,,'''',,::, ,r',,' John Allen Ruggles 1111/2007 41612009 Ad",nkdnve,renofflhe roadaoo .truckl~emo.ler mel~rfortho COndO"81Gu~WIOOs Easl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 14,000.00' 14,000,00" o,oq 0.00 0,00 0,00:, 0,00" 0.00 0,00. 0,00 " ..," "",,' ',,-'!',;; " ~i' ',' , '.-- .f~ , ',~;:- "., , ',<, fL.,";" ,'ct, ,.,;.\":":li:;-.+':',,,," ",';::~::~;:'j;;;,.,,,"': '. , , , ,',,,, Jd , , --,',', , '.' " , , "... ..", ". , ." ',,---- ,- 5110130600397 0000253212 51 JE 000 000 000 000 000 000 1011312006 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.,00 000 000 000 ,',---- , ';" ',',; ColIlGr COllfllyGo.....mmonl 811012009 .'- ..'~j< tl/11120011'.;-.,;, Reopene.d. " , . ' III ." --;" Employeaparbd.saet#OOOOOSlnthB'ItI.dto....d ",,,, .. ,-, "" ,~melerwllhflB&hB"'&......Y"8ctlvated;BnothBr' y '/~,;rt., 'vehi""'strueklhllleftr69,of-!hlltnJck. ",' 0.00' 0,00'; 0,00 0.00' 6,421,85 i3,421,es, :J! 6,421.85' 0,00," 0.00 0.00' ',.-' 0.00 0,00- 0.00' 0.00 ! '"" 6,42185"" 6,421,S;;: 4106100902962 0000253212 41 JE . ,',' , '--' U" , , " ~ , "', ,---';". , ".'.. '. ",', --',;;' " , ,>,'-1" .'" . ", , >,;. , __'C" ,",,' . 10/1312008 " ColflOr CoU!1ly Governmanl 10113.'2008 1211512008 Employaewas.toppeoalaredfoghtaastbaundon Dev..SIV<J Thedn.erofahOlharvahlcle epproachlhglhe'rrte",ect,onlumedaroundduetoa crymg""byinl~obeck5aaland3Iruckth. Co"my \/eh,efelnlhore8f 000 000 000 000 000 000 491.29 49129 000 000 ,,'. 4110130802437 000.0253212 41 JE 000 000 000 000 000 000 42032808017?t,:,,' 'C.i:.\::~;c;:,::~.:';,::-:;':-' .CoIIIBr'COlliityGovem.....m:---' .. ''';''''-~v,'%':J."..",,~,j,. ,"^",," " " 0000253250':~, '..-.'f;';, ~f~''l.,}~~:< 312e12OO8'-',:- 4/212008' '^' 42",",: :.,,',,: JE'",", "j-1:i:k'-",:""":-j~,";",;: :'::': FlVil'lgd.bil8fnlmllnea,;,yconstruotionen. ',' ,;'-'., {. ":",::--;:"",,: "cci<:lartlllliucl<.uel#Ol0007,mlhlldrillllr'efronl: ,. ,,,,,"~,,, "t','"" ' ~'O<" " j ',' :-". :'.;"" ',":~:;"rt:";i;;"<::~~;' BldB d;,r'ti"ll tI. hoed & Cn.'ol<l~thIl lalt hMdtli/i1t;' ,." ,N" ;,J:,,,,:,, ,.'." !Umslgrtal....m~fy&1hapteolicgnU.roundlha" ,,,' '-".: ~,:",'7:'::~' Mlldllghl. '.' "-::.',.,;-",'j:',)!.-'";"",,,, 1,4111.1~ 1,410,10" 0.00" 0.00 0,00, p,od' ".. 1,073.14 1.073.14'" ..>", "","" ,f'",,, ',"'-; "", ."'.~, ',~"" -:1,:J'-(1 " I'"~ --,;,. 0.00 O.OCl '," 0,00' 0,00,. " 0.00,,' ,,00 ,,( ,';,:!:;,.'" , ",o,-\i1';.:'J~,;};,:/:":; ",'(.:,.",.."/' ,," ,',.,,, :::,:,,--, ,';>>.;.;';"';',.. '.-.J,',' r':''- ",',.>", ..:.",. .",;" '<,;" '::,. , ,~ .:i;4111:10?"--'."'C*, '1,419.10.:,::: ';"__::':.'~ ;' ,,: ' " ,:,~, "-.,,,.',. ".'..', ,,' .<"..,~:";; ""',, ',~\\Li,-,;,''::'~:':: '?,:'J~ ",,,"f:;J:--,.,, ...--.""" ':<;:'+9:';"" ':",,:~* ':', f:, :'n~::'~) ";'.;:,,\. "\"Y .,' Si:';:~ ",<;'/-",,~,,-..':' .:'-;.-,0: __ ,,'.? ':,~ ", ';-.. .,~ ','--. ,',,'" , '.--,,"", , ",' ,,~ "",,, . '" .,C', ,',-, ",\> --,,, ,,' ',',----' ';-' '" ',,%: ,," ~ ,J- ",'", , .--,-- ',' 4106180801971 Coll,e' Counly Go.ernmenl 000 000 000 35506 000 000 000 000 19 -,.~,~_.._, 0000155974 41 JE 6/16i2oo8 6i2Ci2008 11,'5.'2008 Employ<lowo..toppedetal'affiolighfe'C"va'~od Ava Alruckpullingel",il&'weslurn<ngoffEd,son MloCI&""land EmployaenolJcedthobackrloorto 1r.aIr.ilerh.dswungopenandHS"Wed!Mdnvo,s sld~m'rroras'fpassed DOD 0,00 0,00 35506 000 000 Agenda Item No_ 16E4 oQecember L.,2009 Page 118''Of 118 4101050902593 0000156140 41 JE '''''''''' " CCv,Beckw.h,Cralg 11512009 Reop".....d Emplo)'Mwasr...dlngaouthbol.Jldinllter1ghttum .11II on Coronedo Pelkwaywilh. 9'"n~nld wh811 . mlInOna bicjocle CI'OUIOd in front GfMr (,.,j p"....alrlan lighl) end was struekbytM emplo)'M, 000 000 000 000 1.566,8(1 1,566_80 000 000 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 000 0.00 1.568,80 1.566,80 4108280802339 Ccll>er County Govemmant (JOO 000 16770 ;>4913 000 000 0,00 167,70 0000182602 8i28i2oo8 8,'29.:2008 lOl15,'2(]D8 ~JO 0,00 l"nO 24913 COO 000 000 16770 " " 00 Whd" employ<lB wa. ",oPP"u al ~ SIO~ light " "Iil~y Iruck was ma~i~g a ,,"Ium & 1M "ghl '"ar of lhe lrudstruc"lhelanre.rquarte'pon@loflheCounty vehlclo, 5306280601976 C@ldwell,And,ew 3,297,70 000 0,00 3,792,36 0,00 000 000 3,297_70 0000182701 "'''''''' 5/:2912006 101612006 3,297.70 000 000 3.792,36 0.00 0.00 0,00 3,2Q7.70 " "' Ar>dnowCeklwellwestrllVBlirtgllO<.IIhboundon US41_ H,.tlemple<l 10 mekfl. righlhend lum onto Gu~ParkD"""bufW8su""blelocompl@telylum fhewneel@ndatnJckloocum.Baprinkler,thenB I'Qntpole, 53021309025El4 Angela's Marble & Tile 000 0.00 000 6066 0.00 000 000 000 0000173435 2,113/2009 2/1312009 5118.'2009 000 000 000 COBB COO 0.00 000 COO " "' '" A "slk hghf AII~", 5G~lohouse wo" struck by ~n empiol"'e....ori<.<ngonoonolrorAngela'5Marblo& Tila 4100220903021 Collier CoLmly GovBm""'nt 0.00 0,00 2,388_33 000 0.00 000 0_00 2,386.33 0000173442 OW"'" 6.22."2009 R@o~""d 000 0,00 2,388.38 000 0.00 0,00 0.00 2,368.36 " "' " Employea wu t'i'nQ 10 mlIMUVarBrOund Bstopped ""hiclew~hflashema"flvata<l..ndthe""hi"le bahindhe'lrilldtodothe""mBellh~....""'time, stnkingfMCountyv~hicl., 9,347.84 85.00 63.096.38 312,393.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 72,529.22 Grand Totals: 149 ClaIms 9,347.84 85.00 63.096.38 286,159.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 72,529.22 11/312009 15212PM ?O