Agenda 11/10/2009 Item #17F ,A,genda Item No. 17F ~~ovember 10. 2009 Page 1 of 93 .~,-- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CU-2008-AR-13786 Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. represented by Gina R. Green, P.E. of Gina R. Green, P.A., is requesting a Conditional Use No.1 expansion in the Estates (E) zoning district pursuant to Collier County Land Development Code Subsection 2.03.01.B.l.c.l. The proposed Conditional Use will expand an existing church by adding a 13,100 square-foot multi-purpose building to be used for a gymnasium, classrooms, youth fellowship and a kitchen for a 5.23 acre property located on the east side of 39th Street S.W. and on the south side of the future Green Boulevard extension, in Section 14 and 23, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of Adjustment and Appeals (BZA) consider an application for a Conditional Use expansion of the Estates (E) Zoning District to pem1it the addition of a 13,100 square-foot multi-purpose building to an existing Church facility and to ensure the project is in hal1110ny with all the applicable codes and regulations in order to ensure that the community's interests are maintained. CONSIDERA TIONS: - The petitioner is proposing a Conditional Use to expand an existing Conditional Use allowing a 300 seat church and church related facilities. The expansion proposes to add a 13,100 square- foot multi-purpose building. This multi-purpose building \vill contain a gymnasium, classrooms, offices and a kitchen. It \vill be used for Sunday school classes and youth fellowship. There m"e no anticipated daycare or weekday school activities. The petitioner states that the number of church members will not increase as a result of the proposed Conditional Use. The original Conditional Use (Resolution Number 91-135) was approved on February 5, 1991. It allowed for the construction of the original church and church related facilities. The original Conditional Use was later extended on January 28, 1992 (Resolution Number 92-49). As previously mentioned, the proposed Conditional Use for church uses proposes to expand the current church by adding a multi-pul1Jose building. The multi-purpose building will host between 100 to 150 children for educational classes on Sunday and \Vednesday during Church worship hours. These worship hours are between 8 a.m. and I p.m. on Sunday, and bet,veen 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Wednesday. There may be occasional special pro&'1'am5 such as recreational sports activities. Tbe Conceptual Site Plan dated July 24, 2009, depicts tbe existing 6,524 square-toot Church, 38 parking spaces, 2 loading spaces, water management areas along with the proposed 13,100 square-foot multi-pU1110se building that is part of this Conditional Use application. The .--. Conceptual Site Plan also depicts 15-tclOt \vicle landscape buffers along the north property boundary and along tIle street right-of-vvay boundary. Preserve, wetland and natural areas Page 1 e)f 1 CU-2008-AR-13786 10-14-09 :"'aenoa Item NO.1 iF f~'JvelTiber 10, 20CJ9 Page 2 of 93 depicted along the east and south property boundaries contribute towards the 15- foot wide landscape buffers. Along the east property line there is also a .97 acre 170-foot wide FPL (Florida Power and Light) easement. Along the south property line are .26 acres of preserve area. In the south east corner of the site are SF\VMD (South Florida Water Management District) JUlisdictional wetlands. Site ingress/egress is depicted from 39th Street S.W. Water and sewer service will be provided by a private well and septic system. To date, along 39th Street S.\V., one otber Conditional Use to tbe south of this Church bas been approved for the Golden Gate Assembly of God. Another Conditional use to the north of this subject Church has been approved for the Assembly of Christian Churches. FISCAL IMPACT: Tbe Conditional Use by and of itself will have no fiscal impact on Collier County. Tbere is no guarantee that the project, at build out, will maximize its authOlized level of development, however, if the Conditional Use is approved, a p01iion of the land could be developed and the new development will result in an impact on Collier County public facilities. .- The County collects impact fees prior to the issuance of building pennits to help offset the impacts of each new development on public facilities. These impact fees are used to fund projects identified in tbe Capital Improvement Element of the Growth Management Plan as needed to maintain adopted Level of Service (LOS) for public facilities. Additionally, in order to meet the requirements of concUlTency management, the developer of every local development order approved by Collier County is required to pay a portion of the estimated Transportation Impact Fees associated with the project in accordance with Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances. Other fees collected prior to issuance of a building pennit include building pem1it review fees. Please note that impact fees and taxes collected were 110t included in the critelia used by staff and the Planning Commission to analyze this petition. GRO\VTH IVIANAGEMENT PLAN (G,~lP) IMPACT: Future Land Use Element (FLUE): The subject properiy, as identified on the Future Land Use Map of the Golden Gate Area 1\1aster Plan (GGAMP), is within the Estates - Mixed Use District, Residential Estates Subdist1ict land use desii:,'Tlations. The "Conditional Uses Subdistrict" in the Estates -- Mixed Use Dist1ict within the GGAMP contains specific provisions for Essential Services Conditional Uses (CUs), CUs on Golden Gate Parkway and Collier Boulevard, Transitional CUs adjacent to Neighborhood Centers, Transitional CUs [as buffers between residential and certain non-residential uses], and Special Exceptions to Conditional Cse (CU) Loeational Criteria [for certain excavation activities and temporary model homes]. The subject site does not qualify under any of the provisions in the Conditional Uses Subdist1ict. ----~ As previously stated, a Provisional Use (PU) for the church was approved on February 5, 1991. The Ce1iificate of Occupancy \vas issued on August 13, 1992, fl)r the Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church (4,698 square feet). The PU previously approved for the subject prope1iy did not Page 2 of 2 CLJ-200S-AR-13786 10-14-09 AGenda Item No, 17F FJovember 10, 2009 Pag3 3 of 93 ....- include the requested 13,100 square-foot multi-purpose accessory structure. Accessory uses are authorized for pennitted and conditional uses both in the Grmvth Management Plan and the Land Development Code, because the existing use was authorized thTough the previously approved PU (now called a Conditional Use (CU)). The GGAMP was adopted on the same date the original PU was approved for the subject site, but per State law, did not go into effect on that date. That original PU \vas approved pursuant to the Future Land Use Element (FLUE), which had no locational restrictions for Provisional Uses. Two longstanding staff interpretations of FLUE Policy 5.9 (General Plan Interpretation GP-37-1 and GP-42-I, rendered in 1992 and 1993, respectively), both based upon a previous Board's interpretation of that policy, would allow for additional development to occur for the same use (church) or related use (e.g. church-operated daycare), so long as it is located on the same property (same legal description). This interpretation has been implemented on numerous occasions by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Staff has bas concluded that this petition is consistent with Policies 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4. For a complete analysis of GMP consistency, please refer to the Staff Report. Furthermore, Staff has concluded that this proposed Conditional Use mav be deemed consistent with the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. .-.. Transportation Element: The Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the petitioner's Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) and has made the following detennination: the adjacent roadvlay network has sufficient capacity to accommodate this project within the 5 year planning period. Tberefore, tbe subject application is deemed consistent with Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element oftbe Growth Management Plan (GMP). Existin2: Impacts: The traffic analyzed in the TIS for this church expansion does not represent a net increase in trips. The TIS confinns that the additional multi-pUl1)Ose building square footage is an ancillary use to the church and does not expand the total seating of tbe worship ball. Long Range Transportation Plan Compliance: This site is located along the future Green Boulevard Extension corridor. As such, the County has requested that the applicant reserve (for future purchase by Collier County) an 82-foot wide future right-of-way along the nortllem portion of the propeliy. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IMPACT: No affordable housing commitments have been made. - Page 3 of3 CU-2008-AR-13786 10-14-09 i;genda Item ~~) 17F r'Jovernber 10, 2009 Page 4 of f13 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Environmental Services staff has reviewed the petition and has detennined that it will not have any adverse environmental impacts. Therefore, Staffrecollli11ends approval. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: Pursuant to Ordinance Number 2009-32, the EAC did not review this petition because the site is under the size threshold (10 acres) to require an Environmental Impact Statement. As previously stated, a .26 acre preserve area representing 10 percent of the existing native vegetation on site would be located adjacent to the south propcliy line. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: The ecpe heard petition CU-2008-AR-13786 on September 17, 2009, and by a vote of 9 to 0 recommended to fonvard this petition to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) with a recommendation of approval subject to the following conditions: 1. The Conditional Use is limited to what is shown on the site plan, identified as "Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church Conditional Use," prepared by Gina R. Green, P.A. Civil Engineering, dated July 24, 2009. The final desib,'11 must be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations. The Department of Zoning and Land Development Review Director may approve minor changes in the location, siting, or height of buildings, structures, and improvements authorized by this conditional use, so long as these minor changes remain consistent with all applicable development standards. ,- 2. The uses shall be limited to Church related uses. Day care, weekday private school and retail church store uses are prohibited. (Note: these uses have not been presented in the Traffic Study and therefore have not been analyzed as part of this Conditional Use.) 3. The Church has agreed not to expand worship service trip generation into the multi- purpose building and it shall not increase the seating capacity of the multi-purpose building (educational classes shall not be precluded by this stipulation as they are considered pati of the worship service trip generation shown in lTE 8th edition). 4. The County shall not be responsible for the construction of a noise wall along the future Green Boulevard extension adjacent to the Church. If a noise wall is sought by the Church, it shall be at the Church's expense. 5. The conservation easement referenced in Exhibit B of Resolution Number 91-135 is no longer required. ,,-.. Because the ccpe approval recommendation was unanimous and no letters of objection have been received, this petition has been placed on the Summary Agenda. Page4of4 CU-2008-AR-13786 J 0-14-09 ,lI,gellda Item t~o. 17F t'Jovember 10. 2009 ?age 5 (if 93 ,"""_'0 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: Before you is a recommendation by the Planning Commission for approval ofa Conditional Use expansion authorizing the addition of a multi-purpose building in the Estates zoning district. A Conditional Use is a use that is pennitted in a particular zoning district subject to ceriain restrictions. All testimony given must be under oath. The attached report and recommendations of the Planning Commission required are advisory only and are not binding on you. The Petitioner has the burden of demonstrating that the necessary requirements have been met, and you may question Petitioner, or staff, to satisfy yourself that the necessal)' criteria has been satisfied. In addition to meeting the necessary criteria, you may place such conditions and safeguards as you deem appropriate to allow the use, provided that there is competent, substantial evidence that these additional conditions and safeguards are necessary to promote the public health, safety, welfare, morals, order, comfort, convenience, appearance, or the general welfare of the neighborhood. As a fmiher condition of approval of the conditional use, you may require that suitable areas for 'streets, public -rights-of- way, schools, parks, and other public facilities be set aside, improved, and/or dedicated for public use, subject to appropriate impact fee credits. Approval or denial of the Petition is by Resolution. The proposed Resolution was prepared by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action. (HF AC) ,-' RECOMl\tENDA TION: Staffrecommends that the Board of Zoning Appeals approve the request for CU-2008-AR-13 786 Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. subject to staff's and the CCPC conditions of approval as follows: 1. The Conditional Use is limited to what is shown on the site plan, identified as "Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church Conditional Use," prepared by Gina R. Green. P.A. Civil Engineering, dated July 24, 2009. The final design must be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations. The Department of Zoning and Land Development Review Director may approve minor changes in the location, siting, or height of buildings, structures, and improvements authorized by this conditional use, so long as these minor changes remain consistent \\'ith all applicable development standards. 2. The uses shall be limited to Church related uses. Day care, weekday private school and retail church store uses are prohibited. (Note: these uses have not been presented in the Traffic Study and therefore have not been analyzed as pari of this Conditional Use.) ~. 3. The Church has agreed not to expand worship service trip generation into the multi- purpose building and it shall not increase the seating capacity of the multi-pull)ose building (educational classes shall not be precluded by this stipulation as they are considered part of the worship service trip generation s110wn in ITE 8th edition). Page 5 of5 CU-2008-AR-137R6 jO-14-09 Aoenda Item No. 17F ~Jovember 10, 2009 Page 6 of 93 4. The County shall not be responsible for the construction of a noise wall along the future Green Boulevard extension adjacent to the Church. If a noise wall is sought by the Church, it shall be at the Church's expense. 5. The conservation easement referenced in Exhibit B of Reso lution Number 91-135 is no longer required. PREP ARED BY: Nancy Gundlach, AICP, Principal Planner Depmiment of Zoning & Land Development Review Page 6 of6 ClJ-2008-AR-13786 10-14-09 .... ~'::::""'" ... '\J..L.-.- ,';c,snd3 item No. 17F F~ovs'mber 10,2009 Page 7 of 93 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUt"TY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 17F Meeting Date: CU-2D08-AR-1373G Unity Faith r\~issiDnary :::2piist Church, Inc, represented by Gina R. Green, P E, of Gina R. Green, PI~, is requesting a Conditional Use I'~o, 1 expansion in the Estates (t:::) zoning dist:'ict pursua:lt t::J Collier' C::Junty Land Developnv~nt Code Subsection 2,0301 ,8.1.c, 1, The proposed Conditional Use,iiill expand an existing church by adding a 131 DO square-foot :"ulti-purpose bui!di!lg to be used for a gymnasium, classrooms, youth fellowship and a kitchen for a 5.23 acre props.ty located on the east side of 39th Street S,W, and on the south side of the future Green Boulevard extension, in Section 14 and 23, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County Florida 11/10/2009 9:0000 ,.c,r\~ Prepared By fJancy Gundlach Pr.incipal Planner Date Community Development & Environmental Services Zoning & Land Developrrent ?e\dsw 10/14/20092:23:49 PM Approved By Non;1 E. Feder. Ale? TranS;Jort2ti:Jn Div!s1on A.dniinis:r2tor Cate Transportation S0r'/;ces Transpor~2tion Servic'~;s ...';d!Tli~1. ~O/1~!20C9 5:23 PfJ! Approved By Judy Puig Oper3t1Gns /.:.n2!yst C~a~e Corr,rTIu;-lity DevelG;Jrne2nt 6t Environmental Senr!Cf:S Com:71unity De\-'e:::'pn~ent & ~nv!rJnrnen~2! Sentic:c:.'s ,J,dlr;;n. 10/15/20098:45 t.M Approved By Nick Casalang;Jida [/IPO Dir2:tor Date Tr'ansportation Services Tiarspcr.t3tt~n P!anning 1 0120/2Q09 7: 54 ,A M Approved By Ray 8eHoV'~ls Chief ?:an[~tr 8ate Corr;fTIu:1ity Deve!o;:wilont & E:r1vir(jr-~r:1enta! Services ~. L21'i::1 De\/.:;;.~T:rns ~~ PC:1 "ev,! i O,'27/2ClC9 2:55 Fi\fj Approved By JOS0;1h K. SCh:~l[U CGnlr:lUn;~y Dsv2Jcptn;~;-it g E;-jV ;rc:nr:')2nt~-:;i ~. '::;-vic:e sL :;r';.: r'j'::;,trDtor D2'>? COintnunity D~Ve~;Jpnl.2nt & D':;-\'elc:~m-2nt [;~ Envir::::Hi;1"1S'nt3! Sc':.vices c;;\ ::cln:11C:;~-1~.,~~~ SSiVlC;:;S j.;,:ji:li~~. ';C~/2e/2009 10:57 p,f\;l Approved By S: USe:;; lS7:-e:1s'S, !~!:? ::c.r:;ng !-:n;.:.-; r~:?;'/~::-:;f~i-,-;",<:r';c =: :rc::':':clr :::2te JeveioGtnent & E:1v:r:H;in8nta~ Se;-\dc 2'S & L;~ nd ':s\lEL:.i;:'~-,1'.:<1: R::::',: r:;;\,t:,! -; C/2f:/20DS 1: 1~; P it'1 .." ,-.,.,."",,,\.. - r--.-..--.... 6-.. 6. .........-,-.,..- . ..--.-.-..." T-r--o. ., ~ __,...--,\ ~~r-" ~ U.b"'" .... ..../~ -- p,genda Item No. 17F November 10, 2009 Page 8 of 93 Approved By Heidi r. Ashton Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 1013012009 1 :50 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 10130/20092:15 PM Approved By OMB Coordinator OM8 Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 10130120093:54 PM Approved By tJiark Isackson Budget Ana!yst Oate County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 10/30/2009 5:27 PM Approved By Leo E, Ochs, Jr. County M2nager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 11/2120094:49 PM ,';oenda [lem r'~o. 17F AcfEN15A'LrE'M 9_A009 l-'ag03 ~ of 93 er County STAFF REPORT TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION HEARING: SEPTEMBER 19,2009 SUBJECT: CU-2008-AR-13786, UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH PROPERTY O'VNERJAGENT: Owner: Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. PO Box 990639 Naples, FL 34116 Agent: Gina R. Green, P.E. Gina R. Green, P.A. 3310 1st Avenue N.W. Naples, FL 34120 r / REQUESTED ACTION: To have the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPe) consider an application for Conditional Use No. 1 of the Estates (E) Zoning District, as provided for in Section 2.03.01.B.1.c.1 of the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC), to permit an expansion of an existing church by adding a 13, I 00 square-foot multi-purpose building to be used for a gymnasium, classrooms, youth feIlO\vship and a kitchen. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject 5.23 acre property is located on the east side of 39th Street S.W. at 1620 39lh Street S.\V., lying in line v'lith the extension of Green Boulevard across the CR 951 Canal and Collier Boulevard, and approximately 330 feet north of 17'11 Avenue S.W., in Tract 165, Unit 27 of Golden Gate Estates and in Section 14 and 23, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. (See location map on the Jollo'wing page) CU-2008-l\R-13786 August 25. 2009 Page 1 of 11 " - ~ z ?" Ii; w wQ ~ ,.... '" ~ " I::~ , N ~ (/)0 w ~ :::> ~ 0 ~ .J ~ ~ > '\ / I I \ 17 > ~ I ; i I . I I " I I ~ I 'M'S 133W.S l-iLGr '" I '\fN'f~ :! '" J (1;6 -'~';>) OijV^3'1flOB ::J3mo:> !' l::: (L~6 -'l;I'::l) O~'M:n:"lOa .,moo I I~ e L 1\ I 'L() III I I I IJ I 113 :> ~ ! <> I " 5 8 -' co ~ o i" g I > I I I 0 :;:)c; w N :;:) '" ~~l HEIEffiH " ::> Q. ~ ~ 1:9 ::I'H ~ ..- i VI ~ ~ ~ I w I ~ +g ~ ~' ~ e: +~ I "~: ~ < LL , I ~ 'M'S l33w.S J.SI'( ~ ~, ~ 11';"\?'S Ol.lON I - -~ ~ ~ ~ E. < ;; a; :'" r- ~ ~ :?~; ItI ';= ~5 ~ I> ~ g ~ ~ ~ a. ". E!l t;z - ~ ~ ~.. ~~ o. ~2 ~ UJQ . ~ r -,~ ~ -' :> 00 g U:O rL.J ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ I "0 g :: E'i. ~ ~~~ I ~ ~, I N~~ ~ r ~;, - ~ z ~ .' ~ ;: ~ ~ 0 III r' J\ . . ~ VI ~ ..-.. ! . )!! . E < 1 0 ~ !! ,;; ;;~; ~N P"'l~... 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P j;.i? - ~o~~~~tE~E1 H8:s.~"(. ~~ ~o.~~~~~~~ ~~;g ~ Q .~ g. -g ;ff~tZ~~ct~~~ <l <a z Q <;- Iii ~ z z ~ :;; i= '" ~ :g iii 51 ~ ~ g l= ;:: ~ ili < ~ ;0 '" ~ :il ~ ~ ~ Z 7- X ~ 0 I!J " ~ a "' l> " Vi ~ $ ffis ~ Sil "i <'>w ~ ~ ~ z~ " w 0< S w w "u ;'i :0 I ~~ " " ~J..l '" ~ ~ ~.:D ~ ~ ~g - -- .., ...-:l <'l <l I ~<7-'"^: 7:7\7 +-8 [] \.j, ....:...:...J ~0<~ ~"'.<lotOlI~lV>ll":)J..l'iJ;"'OlPllNV" !1;IH..... \<:1[101..( llHll), "1'rINV':JiC{: ~:;. Agenda Item No. 17F November 10, 2009 Page 12 of 93 PURPOSE/ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The petitioner seeks a Conditional Use approval to expand an existing Conditional Use allowing a 300 seat church and church related facilities. The expansion proposes to add a 13,100 square- foot multi-purpose building. This multi-purpose building will contain a gymnasium, classrooms, offices and a kitchen. It will be used for Sunday school classes and youth fellowship. There are no anticipated daycare or weekday school activities. The petitioner states that the number of church members will not increase as a result of the proposed Conditional Use. The original Conditional Use (Resolution Number 91-135) was approved on February 5, 1991. It allowed for the construction of the original church and church related facilities. The original Conditional Use was later extended on January 28, 1992 (Resolution Number 92-49). As previously mentioned, the proposed Conditional Use for church uses proposes to expand the current church by adding a multi-purpose building. The multi-purpose building will host between 100 to 150 children for educational classes on Sunday and Wednesday during Church worship hours. These worship hours are between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Sunday, and between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Wednesday. There may be occasional special programs such as recreational sports activities. The Conceptual Site Plan (see previous page) dated July 24, 2009 depicts the existing 6,524 square-foot Church, 38 parking spaces, 2 loading spaces, water management areas along with the proposed 13,1 00 square-foot multi-purpose building that is part of this Conditional Use application. The Conceptual Site Plan also depicts 15-foot wide landscape buffers along the north property boundary and along the street right-of-way boundary. Preserve, wetland and natural areas depicted along the east and south property boundaries contribute towards the 15- foot wide landscape buffers. Along the east property line there is also a .97 acre 170-foot wide FPL (Florida Power and Light) easement. Along the south property line are .26 acres of preserve area. In the south east corner of the site are SFWMD (South Florida Water Management District) Jurisdictional wetlands. Site ingress/egress is depicted from 39th Street S.W. Water and sewer service will be provided by a private well and septic system. To date, along 39th Street S.W., one other Conditional Use to the south of this Church has been approved for the Golden Gate Assembly of God. Another Conditional use to the north of this of the subject Church has been approved for the Assembly of Christian Churches. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North: East: South: West: Undeveloped, vegetated site, future extension of Green Boulevard, zoned Estates Single-family residence, zoned Estates Single-family residence, zoned Estates 39th Street S.W., a 60-foot wide right-of-way, then the 951 canal, then Collier Boulevard, a 6 lane divided right-of-way. CU-2008-AR-13786 August 25, 2009 Page 4 of 11 :' rl;::'''-';::' ";::..-,., r'I.~ 'I 1'- '.....:::l'-'I.'....--- t,L......, I 1 \1.__):.... Novsmber 10. .0'0 9 ?3g9 13 of 3 AERIAL MAP GRO'VTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) CONSISTENCY: Comprehensive Planning staff has reviewed this request and offered the following comments: Future land Use Element (FLUE): The subject property, as identified on the Future Land Use Map of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan (GGA!vlP), is within tbe Estates - Mixed Use District, Residential Estates Subdistrict land use designations. The "Conditional Uses Subdistrict" in the Estates - Mixed Use District within the GGAMP contains specific provisions for Essential Services Conditional Uses (CUs), CUs on Golden Gate Parkway and Collier Boulevard, Transitional CUs adjacent to Neighborhood Centers, Transitional CDs [as buffers between residential and certain non-residential uses], and Special Exceptions to Conditional Use (CLT) Locational Criteria [for celiain excavation activities and temporary model homes]. The subject site does not qualify under any of the provisions in the Conditional Uses Subdistrict. A Provisional Use (PU) for the church ,vas approved on February 5, 1991. The Certificate of Occupancy \vas issued on August 13, 1992 for the Unity Faith [,vI issionary Baptist Church (4,698 square feet). The PU previously approved for the subject property did not include the requested ] 3,1 00 square foot multi-purpose accessory structure. Accessory uses are authorized for CU-2008-AR-13786 August 25,2009 Pa,;e 5 oi 11 Aaenda Item No. 17F November 10, 2009 Page 14 of 93 permitted and conditional uses both in the Growth Management Plan and the Land Development Code, because the existing use was authorized through the previously approved PU (now called a Conditional Use (CU)). The GGAMP was adopted on the same date the original PU was approved for the subject site, but per State law, did not go into effect on that date. That original PU was approved pursuant to the Future Land Use Element (FLUE), which had no locational restrictions for Provisional Uses. Two longstanding staff interpretations of FLUE Policy 5.9 (General Plan Interpretation GP-37-1 and GP-42-I, rendered in 1992 and 1993, respectively), both based upon a previous Board's interpretation of that policy, would allow for additional development to occur for the same use (church) or related use (e.g. church-operated daycare), so long as it is located on the same property (same legal description). This interpretation has been implemented on numerous occasions by the Board of Zoning Appeals. FLUE Policy 5.4 requires new land uses to be compatible with the sun'ounding area. Comprehensive Planning leaves this determination to Zoning and Land Development Review staff as part of their review of the petition in its entirety. FLUE Objective 7 states: In an effort to support the Dover, Kohl & Partners publication, Toward Better Places: The Cornmunity Character Plan for Collier County, Florida, promote smart growth policies, and adhere to the existing development character of Collier County, the following policies shall be implemented for new development and redevelopment projects, where applicable. Policy 7.1: The County shall encourage developers and property owners to connect their properties to fronting collector and arterial roads, except where no such connection can be made \vithout violating intersection spacing requirements of the Land Development Code (LDC). [The subject property is not located on an arterial or collector road. The conceptual site plan for this application provided an 82-foot wide "Right-oI-FVay" reservation along the northern property linefor thefiiture extension of Green Boulevard (Rural Major Collector Road).] Policv 7.2: The County shall encourage internal accesses or loop roads in an effort to help reduce vehicle congestion on nearby collector and arterial roads and minimize the need for traffic signals. [The conceptual site plan ident{fzes that the two existing access>-vays on to 391h Street S. W. will continue to be used, and that an internal looped circulation pattern 'will be provided through these two accessways. ] Policy 7.3: All new and existing developments shall be encouraged to connect their local streets and their intercOlU1ection points with adjoining neighborhoods or other developments regardless of land use type. [To the east and south are properties zoned Estates (E), and each is developed with a single-family dwelling. To the west are a street and then a canal. To the north is a property approvedfor a church use through PUfor Assembly of Christian Churches. It is staff's opinion that providing an interconnect to any (~fthe abutting properties is notfeasible or appropriate.] CU-2008-AR-13786 August 25, 2009 Page 6 of 11 /ke'lda item r~o. 17F f:Jove:rber 10. 2D09 Page 15 of 93 Policy 7.4 The County shall encourage new developments to provide walkable communities with a blend of densities, C01111110n open spaces, civic facilities and a range of housing prices and types. [This policy is mostly not applicable given the existing and proposed use. The site does provide open space, as depicted on the conceptual site plan. The conceptual site plan provides for internal sideH1alks fi'Oin the parking area to the existing church and the future 13, J 00 square-foot multi- purpose accessory building. No sidewalks have been provided along 39'17 Street S W, as well as, no interconnecting sidewalk has been provided benveen the existing sidewalk and a sidewalk along 39th Street S. W l'v'o deviation is requested fi'om the iDC requirement to provide side'walks; therefore sidewalks will have to be provided as required by tlte Land Development Code. ] Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes that the proposed conditional use mav be deemed consistent with the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. Transportation Element: Transpoliation Planning staff has reviewed the petitioner's Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) and has detennined that the adjacent roadway network has sufficient capacity to accommodate this project within the 5 year plmming period. Therefore, the subject application can be deemed consistent \\'ith Policy 5.1 of the Transportation Element of the G1'o\\1:h Management Plan (GMP). Existing Impacts: The traffic analyzed in the TIS for this church expansion does not represent a net increase in trips. The TIS confirms that the additional multi-purpose building square footage is an ancillary use to the church and does not expand the total seating of the \-vorship hall. County Road 951 Impacts: The first concurrency link that is impacted by this project is link 32.1, Collier Boulevard (CR- 951), between Green Boulevard and Golden Gate Parkway. The project generates 4 p.m. peak hour trips on a weekday, resulting in 1 p.m. peak hour, peak direction trip being distributed on CR-951. This single trip represents a 0.04 percent impact on CR-951. This segment of CR-951 currently has a remaining capacity of 363 trips, and is currently at LOS "D" (Level of Service) as reflected by the 2008 AUIR (Annual Urban Inventory Report). A Sunday analysis of the church expansion has been included in the Traffic Study as well. The project produces 77 Sunday peak hour trips, 20 of which compose the peak Sunday impact on CR-951 in the north bound direction. As a requirement of the concentrated weekend trip generation, a preliminary analysis of operational conditions was performed. The potential . -. h '. . f 17th " S \" .... 9th S S \' T reqUIrement tor Improvements to t e ll1tersectlOl1 0 i'\ venue ~. iV. at.:l treet. IV. was identified in the report, and \viIl be investigated in detail at the time of SDP application. No subsequent links beyond this segment of Golden Gate Parkway m'e significantly impacted, thus no further analysis was required for p.m. peak hour impacts. Long Range Transportation Plan Compliance: This site is located along the future Green Boulevard Extension corridor. As such, the County has requested that the applicant reserve (for future purchase by Collier County) an 82-foot wide future right-of-way along the northern portion of the property. CU-2008-AR-13786 August 25,2009 Page 7 of 11 Agenda item No. 17F t'-lovember 10, 2009 Page 16 of 93 ANALYSIS: Before any Conditional Use recommendation can be offered to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA), the Collier County Planning Commission must make findings that: 1) granting approval of the Conditional Use will not adversely affect the public interest; 2) all specific requirements for the individual Conditional Use are met; and 3) satisfactory provisions have been made concerning the following matters, where applicable: 1. Section 2.03.01.B.1.c.1. of the LDC permits conditional uses in the Estates zoning district. The request for Church related uses are permitted as conditional uses in the Estates zoning district, subject to the standards and procedures established in section 10.08.00, conditional uses procedures, of the LDC. 2. Consistency with the Land Development Code and the Growth Management Plan. This request is consistent with the Growth Management Plan (GMP) and, with the conditions proposed by staff, this project will be in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Land Development Code (LDC). 3. Ingress and egress to the property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. Ingress and egress to the subject property would be limited to two existing driveways onto 39th Street S.W. The minimum parking requirements for public assembly places contained in LDC Section 4.05.04, Table 17, Parking Space Requirements, are 3 per 7 seats or 118 parking spaces. The adjacent roadway network will have sufficient capacity to accommodate this project within the five-year planning period. Sidewalks are required to be provided along 38th Street S. W. and along the future Green Boulevard in accordance with the LDC. Also, pedestrian access has been provided on all four sides of the Church building and the multi-purpose building. The Fire Code official's office has no objection to the ingress/egress, and will review the Site Development Plan (SDP) upon its submission to ensure compliance with applicable fire codes. 4. The effect the Conditional Use .would have on neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic or odor effects. If approved, the proposed addition of a multi-purpose building to the existing Church should have minimal impact on neighboring properties in relation to glare, economic or noise effects. Activities at the subject property are generally concentrated inside the church and multi-purpose buildings. To mitigate for any noise or glare impacts to the existing and future GU-2008-AR-13786 August 25, 2009 Page 8 of 11 .'c:',q8ilda item r'~o. 17F Fjo\lei~iber 10. 2009 Page 17 of 93 neighbors, the applicant will provide a 15-foot wide Type B landscape buffer along the north property boundary. Adjacent to the east and south boundaries a IS-foot wide Type B landscape buffer along with 28 to 211 feet of native and wetland vegetation will be provided. Along the right-of-way a 15-foot wide Type D landscape buffer will be provided. 5. Compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the district. As previously noted, the proposed multi-purpose building will be located on the same lot as the existing church. Due to this location, and the provision of the required vegetative buffers, any impacts on surrounding neighbors would be minimized and compatibility with the surrounding properties insured. Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations as outlined in this staff report (should not) be recommended for approval. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: Pursuant to Ordinance Number 2009-32, the EAC did not review this petition because tbe site is under tbe size threshold (10 acres) to require an Environmental Impact Statement. As previously stated, a .26 acre preserve area representing 10 percent of the existing native vegetation on site \vould be located adjacent to the south property line. NEIGHBORHOOD INFORlVlATION MEETING (NIM): Synopsis provided by Cheri Rollins, Administrative Assistant and edited by Nancy Gundlach, Principal Platmer: The meeting was duly noticed by the applicant and held on July 23, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. at the Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Naples, Florida. Nine people from the public attended, as well as the applicant's team, Gina Green, P.E., of Gina Green, P.A., and county staff. Ms. Green presented an overview of the requested Conditional Use (CU) expansion, which is to add a 13,100 square foot multi-purpose building directly behind the current Church building. Of those in attendance, two residents, Keith Vv'a!sh and James Wayne had concems with the vegetation removal that would occur along the east property line adjacent to their propelty. They asked if all exotic vegetation would be removed, and 1\1s. Green responded yes. The property owners further expressed their concern that they would be losing their screening when the exotic vegetation is removed. Ms. Green responded that the church would replat1t what the code requires and that she could not commit to do more at this time. Ms. Green recommended that M1'. Wayne and Mr. Walsh meet with the church officials directly to determine what could be done with the buffer screening. The meeting ended at approximately 6:30 p.m. GU-200B-AR-13786 August25,2009 Page 9 of 11 Agenda item No. 17F Novenlber 10, 2009 Page 18 of 93 COUNTY ATTORNEY OFFICE REVIEW: The County Attorney Office has reviewed the staff report for CU-2008-AR-13786 Unity Faith Mission Baptist Church revised on August 24, 2009. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval for Petition CU-2008-AR-13786 Unity Faith Mission Baptist Church to the Board of Zoning Appeals, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Conditional Use is limited to what is shown on the site plan, identified as "Conceptual Site Plan" prepared by Gina R. Green, P.A., dated July 24, 2009. The final design must be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations. 2. The uses shall be limited to Church related uses. Day care, weekday private school and retail church store uses are prohibited. (Note: these uses have not been presented in the Traffic Study and therefore have not been analyzed as part of this Conditional Use.) 3. The Church shall not expand Sunday worship services into the multi-purpose building and shall not increase the seating capacity of the multi-purpose building (educational classes shall not be precluded by this stipulation as they are considered part of the Sunday trip generation shown in ITE 8th edition). 4. The County shall not be responsible for the constmction of a noise wall along the future Green Boulevard extension adjacent to the Church. If a noise wall is sought by the Church, it shall be required to be at the Church's expense. CU-2008-AR-13786 August 25, 2009 Page 10 of 11 ;~cerid3 [tam r\~o. 17F FJovsT!ber 10. 2009 Pag'3 19 of 93 PREPARED BY: ~ V, /;; Pc <;; - 2-0 - 0<'[ RA YM91 D V. BELLOWS, ZONING MANAGER DA TE DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ~ Y/Yl ./?~ ~/2-~ ~c; .:/SUSAN M. ISTENES, AICP, DIRECTOR DATE DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVED BY: !'t~4i H K. SCHMITT, ADMINISTRATOR / DAT ifMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION Collier County Planning Commission: , ;V ~PJJts MARE P. STRAIN, CHAIRMAN (~ r \ 1 ~o 7 DATE Staff Report for the September 19,2009 Collier County Planning Commission Meeting Tentatively scheduled for the November 10, 2009 Board of County Commissioners Meeting CU-2008-/\R-13786 August25,2009 Page 11 of 11 LLon r--OGJ ~Ol.<- .N 0 _0_.", (:) N ([) ~cn ~.D m ~Eo.. 'O([) r- > - 0 ~Z <( I ~ -I !~l ~ ~ II 1:1 en 9 I~----j\ I i I i ! \ l__: ."''"5 133t1l S H16r I I I I :~ " ~ CL IJ.J ~ N ~ <( <! ::> ~ ~ ~ / . , / I I I I I I I I I I "3mOO / WNV:) ml'~A31n08 1131110:) I 1 I - ..1,,- ----=-L- ~\~ 1II11 ~ '" ~ if. ~ (Lt;€ -"~J) Ql;"v",\)ln08 ~ II III11 i 1III1 I > I i=rIJ N"S 3JV'~d]~ H10" I i i I~TTTTTTI~ ll~~w []JJ I~i IIJJJJ' ~ I ~~, !: ~ M"S 133~IS ISllr ~ I ( 131 I o :::I ;:; a.. ~ _.if I L~ ~ o o I, \ I -~ i I 9 :l '~~ i I z ~ " if +~ ;.) i+ ~ U. "J 3lif)S 01 lON / - ~ ~ - w - w ~5~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " < ~ < w^ f- Z ~ ~ - 0~ ~ 0 0 C ~ Ul ~ --, ~ s 8 0 0 a: n.. 0 -' a I " < > E w~ g . w ~ ~ ~~ ~ 0 ~ ~ < 0 ~ " z 0 i 0 D 0 ;; 8 0 ""J~.... LO Z :;,;:0 ~ s t;.... eoi' 3 > ~ ~\~ j~~ ... ~:!':: ~~5 ClHv/\31nOsl N'Ii!)Ol <'j ~~ ao .33~ o V'Z fr> (:!Ja) sa~"'.dNV\ ~'~ .> ;0~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 8"> aW/dlil08 ;: ~ ::: ::ll:J\1^_'llnCa 'e!311"IO:) 11')6.-'el:J; W f- ~ l3 ;;; I 1 C) Z z o N col CO I'- C") , 0:: <( , CO o o ""I ::JI 01 'It 1 Zi o f- f- IJ.J a.. CL <( ~ z o 1-, <(I o o ---l f\C12wJa item No. 17 F~ovember ! O. 200 Pa~19 21 of 9 ~-- / ~, / ' .-".\:0:.--'.'0 " ~\~~l~!~r.c~'~~. .."...:......,."" I ! .I \ / "~ / -~/"/ Ms. Danelle Carrel Collier County Intake Team 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida September 24, 2008 CU-2008-AR-13786 REV: 1 UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Project: 2008020019 Date: 9/25/08 DUE: 10/23/08 RE: Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church Conditional Use Submittal Collier County, Section 14, Township 495, Rmlge 26E Dear Nrs. Carrel: Please accept tius letter as a request for review/approval for the above referenced project. The project site is an 5.23 acre tract that has an existing operational church. It is located at 1620 39th Street SW in Section 14, Town- ship 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. The church proposes to build a 13,100 square foot multi-purpose building that will be used as a gymnasium, classrooms, youth fellowship and a kitchen. This is an accessory use to the main sanctuary of the church to allow for Sunday school and youth fellowspjp. The location of the proposed building will be directly to the east of the existL.'1g church. The existing ,,'ell will be used as service to the church. A new septic system ",ill installed to provide sewer service to the new building. Please find L~e following items included with this letter. 1. Twenty (20) Copies of this Cover Letter. 2. Twenty (20) Copies of this Application. 3. One copy of signed Addressing Checklist 4. Twenty (20) Copies of the Pre-application Notes 5. Twenty (20) Copies of Conceptual Site Plan 6. Two (2)Copies of the Warranty Deed. 7. Notarized completed Ov,TIer/Agent ,bu"fidaviLs 8. Five (5) Copies of Aerial Photo \'1/ FLUCCS Codes ::9'\t" I'RO r'E!l:i~ION:'. L CIVIL ENGr"p<ER 9. Statement of l~tility prOvisions (wim all required attachments and sketches) 10. Seven (7) copies of Traffic Impact Statement 11. Four Copies of Historical & l'J'chitcctural Survey Waiver 12. CD of electronic copies of all documents :md plans 13. Two (2) Copies oftl1e Boundary Sun'cy. 14. Review Fce Check for $5,07300 for eli, $500.00 for TIS. Please call me uyau have an)' questions or need additional infoflTilltlon. Sincerely, ! . /i!.... / . . I....~ ,'/ ,MI') c vZ;,jOq lr,~ _ ~ J./~ /'---' I ,/ / G.R G n E nna 1. rcen, 1-. . (i) Agenda Item No. 17F 2800 NORTH HORSESH0&lDf6VEl 0, 2009 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 Page 22 of 93 (239)252-2400 FAX (239) 643-6968 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONiNG & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET -J r -.... APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR: CONDITIONAL USE PETITION NO (AR) PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROCESSED ASSIGNED PLANNER I CU-2008-AR-13786 REV: 1 UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Project: 2008020019 Date: 9/25/08 DUE: 10/23/08 '----- ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF -- APPLI~~~T INFOR~~t1o'N =-__~~~~ - ==.=J C~ NAME OF APPLlCANT(S) UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH, INC. ADDRESS PO BOX 990639 CITY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP 34116 TELEPHONE # 239-353-6604 CELL # FAX # E-MAIL LEONUNITY@AOL.COM NAME OF AGENT GINA R. GREEN FIRM GINA R. GREEN, P .A. ADDRESS 3310 1ST AVENUE NW CITY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP 34120 TELEPHONE # 239-348-0500 CELL # 239-229-6238 FAX # 866-720-4823 E-MAIL ADDRESSGGREENENG@AOL.COM BE AWARE THAT COLLIER COUNTY HAS LOBBYIST REGULATIONS. GUIDE YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY AND ENSURE THAT YOU ARE iN COMPlIANCEVVITH THESE REGULATIONS. ~ ~h..__.. .....,,-.... r"-'_h "'. .t'<. ,,- ..... .........- r.-"'r. ,....,........, ,,..., .....,_.,.. t I ....r J t t ~ I^", r ,....,...., I....""'r> -~... ,,- ,-.-- ASSOCIATIONS Complete the following for all registered Association(s) that could be affected by this petition. Provide additional sheets if necessary. Information can be found on the Board of County Commissioners website at http://www.collierQov.netllndex.aspx?paoe=774 NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MA[UNG ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF MASTER ASSOCIATION: MA!L1NG ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF CIVIC ASSOCIATION: GOLDEN GATE ESTATES CIVIC ASSOCIATION MAlUNG ADDRESS P.O. BOX 990596 CiTY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP 34116 1~--"'='''~'.'''''''''''''=~~==~--'''''''''''''''''''"~-=='''"''''~='''''''''_=O==W'=_'_..:.c===-'-~--=='''''''-====---=" =-"--===-.,....~==-,-:=--~=~--"""""'~-"'._"-~"""'~----,----,.. . "-~ ~ DISCLOSURE OF iNTEREST INFORMATION ---. ___u' ---,~.~.~... li"""".=--...c.="""'-",...."--~"".,'"'""-=~.~===""._~~~=-.",;~=='~"""'.",.=----_. - .~-_._.- ,...,=;---- --~='----.... ...'\....v.~ a. if the property is owned fee simple by an INDIVIDUAL, tenancy by the entirety, tenancy in common, or joint tenancy, list all parties with an ownership interest as wet! as the percentage of such interest. (Use additional sheets if necessary). Name and Address Percentage of Ownership . '".r., ;...... . .<,./'--.~, ~."""""" T.' .,.., ,,- ",.-. ..... ,,- r"",.., .~ .-.., "-,~,~.,,,. .. ,./'- Agenda item 1\10. 17F f\lovernber 10. 2009 b. If the property is owned by a CORPORATION, list the offiSers 2Laffd,3 stockholders and the percentage of stock owned by each. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Leon Williams, President Willie J Hall, SR, Vice President Clive Plummer, Vice President Berwyn Meadows, TO Kelven Clarke, Treasurer Willie Warren,TD o o o o o o c. ff the property is in the name of a TRUSTEE, list the beneficiaries of the trust with the percentage of interest. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership d. If the property is in the name of a GENERAL or LIMITED PARTNERSHiP, list the name of the general and/or limited partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership ~"""'t_."""I_/t.'r'...,..n'""'f_,'r,,,,,,,,,....,............r--~'''''''''T'"I.........t''' lu'.r ,'i.. ,Jr.... ...1.-,...'......."... ..,.'....,t"n -,1, ~nn ~'~-"'"_'"'_17 . -'W~-""'''~ i\genja lL::m t\h 17F f~ovembsr 10. 2009 Page 25 of 93 e. If there is a CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, with an individual or individuals, a Corporation, Trustee, or a Partnership, list the names of the contract purchasers below, including the officers, stockholders, beneficiaries, or partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Date of Contract: f. If any contingency clause or contract terms involve additional parties, list all individuals or officers, if a corporation, partnership, or trust. Name and Address g. Date subject property acquired [ZJ yrs.fmos. leased U Term of lease ff, PetWoner has option to huy, indicate the following: Date of option: Oat'S! option terminates: \ or Anticipated ciosing date: 7/29/1991 .h..-".....~-',.,.."..r~-...~, r..',-...,- ',r-J""~''- ,..,-,'-, ,....,~,.,'",-.,..,...~...,' ..,.,... '/0 ':^'"' .r1^~,lr.,...""r h. Should any changes of ownership or change~ in contracts for P~11~~~~~~Ji6~~ subsequent to the date of application. but pnor to the date of the fi~P\li>~3 hearing, it is the responsibility of the applicant, or agent on his behalf, to submit a supplemental disclosure of interest form. ~ROPERTY LOCATION J Detailed leoal description of the property covered bv the application: (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page.) If request involves change to more than one zoning district, include separate legal description for property involved in each district. Applicant shall submit four (4) copies of a recent survey (completed within the last six months, maximum 1" to 400' scale) if required to do so at the pre~application meeting. NOTE: The applicant is responsible for supplying the correct legal description. If questions anse concerning the legal description, an engineer's certification or sealed survey may be required. Section/Township/Range 14/49/26 Lot: 165 Block: --- Subdivision: Golden Gate Estates Unit 27 Plat Book 7 Page #: 16-17 Property I.D.#: 37996000006 Metes & Bounds Description: n/a SIZE OF PROPERTY: 330 ft. X 690 ft. = Total Sq. Ft. 227,700 Acres 5.23 ADDRESS/GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: 1620 39th Street SW east of , Golden Gate City in line the with extension of Green Boulevard across the CR 951 Canal and Collier Boulevard ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE Zoning Land use N Estates Vacant Residential S Estates Improved Residential E Estates Improved Residential W Road RNv, Canal Road Right-of-way, Drainage ) ",,""'r" ~ ,-1_O.j ,..,.....h ,... ,n' U- fIr ~ ""lI.l.- r-_,... .-"". ,,,,,~l"""'''''' I .....r ~ /..- ,I /"...... r I....^ I....,..,....,,. (o..:.~ ~- Does the owner of the subject property own property contiguous (q1j~~~~!~~~%t~ property? If so, give complete legal description of entire contiguous property. ~~$f.>~J3 is inadequate, attach on separate page). Section/Township/Range I I Lot: Block: Subdivision: Plat Book Page #: Property 1.0.#: Metes & Bounds Description: r- ,~~~~~ON~~_YS~~~QUEST-DETAIL~_ ~ ... =~~--.J Type of Conditional Use: This application is requesting a conditional use allowed per LDC Section 2.04.03 of the Estates zoning district for Reliqious purposes (type of use). Present Use of the Property: Religious purposes EVALUATION CRITERIA Evaluation Criteria: Provide a narrative statement describing this request for conditional use. NOTE: Pursuant to Section 10.08.00. of the Collier County Land Development Code, staff's recommendation to the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission's recommendation to the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be based upon a finding that the granting of the conditional use will not adversely affect the public interest and that the specific requirements governing tile individual conditional use, if any, have been met, and that further, satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning the following matters, where applicable. Please provide detailed response to each of the criterion listed below. Specify how and why the request is consistent with each. (Attach additional pages as may be necessary). a. Describe how the project is consistent with the Collier County Land Development Code and Grov.rth Management Plan (include information on how the request is consistent with the applicable section or portions of the future land use element): This site was previously approved for a conditional use as a church and has operated as one since the early 1990's. It vvas designed and approved in accordance with the Land Development Regulations in place at the time of permitting and construction. This proposed addition to the site is an accessory use to the main church to provide areas for the congregation to be able to have feliowship outside of tile sanctuary in the form of Sunday School, athletic and recreational fellovv'ship and a ktichen to provide suppers and . "",.....' ._ . .....,...._... r--..n r.,'J>.' I.~ I... ~ ~.~ ,_ .. .... r. ,.. '-" .,---.' ,-,....... .' "...- ~ !, . :......... ,.. i.-,,,, I......n..... r meals as part of this fellowship. The parcel lies within the Golden Gate ~~t~~~~~~ Pao'" ?R "T Y3 Use Subdistrict on the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan1GMF'r This designation permits residential development at a base density of 1 unit per 2.25 acres and allows for community facilities (including churches). Therefore this site is consitent with the GMP and the Golden Gate Master Plan. b. Describe the existing or planned means of ingress and egress to the property and proposed structure thereon with particular reference !o automoti.ve and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access In case of fire or catastrophe: The site presently takes access from (2) existng two-way driveways that create a continuous loop thorugh the subject property. This allows for uninterupted flow of traffic through the site and access to all sides of the existing church in case of fire. These points of access will remain for the future building. Both have stop sign & stop bars to allow for safe access from the site. Existing and proposed sidewalks are provided to allow safe access from the parking areas to the buildings. C. Describe the effect the conditional use will have on neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, economic impact and odor: The proposed multipurpose building will be placed to the rear of the existing church. This will minimize the impact to the residential unit that is to the south of the site. The existing 170' FPL Transmission easement and the 30' natural area along the easterly property line of the site will provide a considerable buffer between the proposed multipurpose building and the residential units to the east of the site. The lands to the north are vacnat and Collier County Transportation has earmarked this area as future road right-of-way for Green Boulevard. There is no economic impact due to the nature of the improvement. This is a church and will only be used intermittently through the week. There should be no more glare than is presently produced on this site for parking lot lighting. Approved waste facilities will be used for the expansion therefore no additional odor should be caused by this expansion. d. Describe the site's and the proposed use's compatibility with adjacent properties and other properties in the district: The site has been a church with an approved Conditional Use 90-26 since 1991 with an extension (92-49) with no adverse impact on the neighboring community. It is located adjacent to a major arterial roadway. Another church is located to the north, on th,s other side of the vacant lot. There is also another church located approximately 2 miles to the south on this same road. The church to the south has additional buildings that are used for multipurpose activities. Throughout Golden Gate Estates, churches has been built to .. .........' ,..- l....t_~ I ,.._~ ""'''' ,,,... ,.,... R/l/..- rr-n r_lfl"'.............. A I I ,...r , Il ~ 1....."\ r I......... /"'.....^ t" provide service to the surrounding community. feedback form the neighboring residential units. c/~)J~ 0-rV~ ~ If 0 g;1 r"'1:. t. 7 F To date there has b....er.J;g~1~r~&,l~Dt)9 Page 29 of 93 e. Please provide any additional information which you may feel is relevant to this request. The site is located in the pathway for the future extension of Green Bouldevard. Meetings have been conducted with the Collier County Transportation Planning department and an 82' Right-of-way Reservation has been delineated on the plans. The site has been redesigned to accommodate this extension of the roadway. The Transportation Department has agreed to pay fair market value a thte time of acquisition to the church for the right-of- way that is need to extend this roadway. Deed Restrictions: The County is legally precluded from enforcing deed restrictions, however, many communities have adopted such restrictions. You may wish to contact the civic or property owners association in the area for which this use is being requested in order to ascertain whether or not the request is affected by existing deed restrictions. Previous land use petitions on the subject property: To your knowledge, has a public hearing been held on this property within the last year? If so, what was the nature of1hat hearing? N/A Official Interpretations or Zoninq Verifications: To your knowledge, has there been an official interpretation or zoning verification rendered on this property within the last year? DYes [2;J No If so, please provide copies. Additional Submittal requirements: tn addition to this completed application, the following must be submitted in order for your application to be deemed sufficient, unless othen,vise waived during the pre-application meeting. a. A copy of the pre-application meeting notes; b. T'vventy (20) copies of a 24" x 36" conceptual site plan [and one reduced 8%" x 11!' copy of site plan], drawn to a maximum scale of 1 inch equals 400 feet, depicting the following [Additional copies of the plan may be requested upon completion of staff evaluation for distribution to the Board and various advisory boards such as the Environmental Advisory Board (EAB), or CCPC]; ft all existing and proposed structures and the dimensions thereof, · provisions for existing and/or proposed ingress and egress (including pedestrian ingress and egress to the site end the structure(s) on site), Q ail existing and/or proposed par~,ing and loading areas [include nletrrx indicating required and provided parking and loading, including required parking for the disabled], Fm:Glna R. Green, P.A. TQ:Acld~~l'Ig Ch~kl1st [1239:2S25724} , ;S:;lo:. IJl:II"l ::J!V~"'''' ,- r;t ~- -- ADDRESSING CHECKLIST ,l\genda Item No. 17F t'~ovember 10, 2009 Page 30 of 93 ~ - please complete the following AND FAX (139-659-5724) OR SCIBMIT IN .PERSON ~ THE AJJDRESSlNG SECTION. FORM MUST BE SIGNED BYAD.DRESSIJVG ~ERSOJ.t"NEL PRlOl!- TO PRE:, APPUCATIONMEETIlYfl Not all items will apply to every proj~ct. Hems m bold type are requrred. 1. Legal de:s('.dpUon of subject property or properties (copy of le17gthy description may lJe (moched) Tract 165 Golden Gate Estates lJnit 2~ t 4-.... U. cr - 'Z- <:...::. 2. Folio (Pl'operty ID) number(s) of above (auach to, ot' associate with, legal description ifmare than one) 3792600000~ 3. Street address or addresses (as applicable. if already assigf1ed) 1620 39tb Street sw 4. Location n'uil', showing exaot location of project.lsHe in relation to nearest pl.tblic road right~of-way (attach) 5. Copy of survey (NEEDED ON1.. Y FOR UNPLATTED PROPERTIES) 6. Proposc.d project 1Wl1C (if applicable) ~Jnitv Eaith MiMiml RmP:tist ChuTch 7. Proposed Street names (if applicable) N/A 8. Site Development Plan Number (FOR EXISTING PROJECTS/Sl'I'ES ONLY) SDP 91-148 9. IJeti.tion Type - (Complete a separate Addressing Checklist far each Peti{-ion Type) DSDP (Site Development Plan) B SDP A (SDP Amendment) SDP1 (SDP Insubstantial Change) o SIP (Site Improvement Plau) o SIPI (SIPI Insubstantial Change) o SNR (Street Name Change) o Vegetaticwaotic (Veg. Removal Permits) [2J Land Use Petition (Variance, Conditional Use, Boat \Jock .Ext., Rezone, pun rezone, etc.) o Other - Describe; o PPL (Plans &: Plat Reviev.r) o PSP (Pteliminary Subdivision Plat) o FP (Fina.l Plat) o LLA (Lot Line Adjustment) o BL (Blasting Permit) o ROW (Right-of-Way Permit) o EXP (E,:c.avaticn Permit) D v'"RSFP (Veg. Removal & Site Fill Permit) o TDR (Transfer of IJevelopment Rights) 10. Project or development names proposed for, or ah:eady appearing in, condom.imum documents (if applicable: indicate whether proposed or existing) 11. Please Check One: 0 Checklist is to be Faxed Back fgj Personally Picked Up 12. Appliunt Name Gillis R. Green. P.E. Phone ~3~~~,;,05QOJ:a.x",,1,;.8~'Z20-4823 l3. Signa.ture on Addressing Checklist docs not constitute Prc;cct and/or Street Na.;roc approvalll.ud I:> 5ubj=t to furtber review by the Addressing Section. FOR STAFF USE ONLY Primarv Number ~q r:;.oC:. Addre;s Number~\P..u.._ Address Number Address Number Approvoo by Jln...~j r(\.,~Q~~_ Date Dot - "Z. z.. - a ~ CU_200S-AR-13786 REV: 1 UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Project: 2008020019 Date: 9/25/08 DUE: 10/23108 ~OLLlER COUNTY GOVERNMENT uEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVElOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET 6968 (il _ ....-.:':?>. . ^~i~S-:-~:~.. ,~'i:d'" ,.~..:'j,:\, . .-1"- .Gi ""C"l(.''- .~~. J\qenda ttenl No. 17F fJovernber 10, 2009 Pace 31 of 93 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE IJRIVE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643- CU-2008-AR-13786 REV: 1 UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Project: 2008020019 Date: 9/25/08 DUE: 10/23/08 Il~ ... .._~"~='--~CONDITIONAL-USE~PETITION~--,."".,~-~~~wl l~~,__,~="_~~. _~,. _..__..,,==___.____..~~="'~"~=.~="~~~.._,~ ,~_ .. J PRE-APPLICATION MEETING NOTES & SUBl\1ITTAL CHECKLIST Date:J''0I. GO Time: \ 15 Planner: ~~CVV\UJ GcUv0 lOLh l (0:\1 -t71~\~ ". fu. \1 t Project Nam., LN\ ;-;~:n ,Y\IS;La1:1L~ '~LCVtwc,-, Project Addr/location:llm ~0th s~t S,~\!. hilfll(~ f1... 3'li/7 Applicant Name: Phone: Firm: Current Zoning: ~jl[r.c; \}JJ PJL= Uj[J- 2(f) / Owner Name: Owner Address: ._________Phone: Meeting Attendees: (attach Sign In Sheet) NOTES: ,{ I /) (. ~ I /"";j?J:)-~- . 1:::::.81..) (l;}i~j ~ , 4-, /0 Q /"' 1\ Dr:- .? '-'I I ~!.::J ,~- . .-;;' .~ . ~,~ '- l' "-,\..I ,::i~/-.J c:::' ~e'J.- . ! v l I.~, 1-) IS!..i i;:'-h~;2..~r:). '~~J-./('.-'. //.{::!;J!DG.-NIT 4<- , I': .,.. J-Il,-itA t3'fE. i3UT jD,Qois', .?-:.1 r--lOr. (:7 It;',l'5crir-:f/ (-v~::k~;"(4-:J2... .""),,0 'S. Cz I ,~G). /~[)-.,J A(.~'7--!T -;('L~ e=r /,y ie;' tiJA::-t:::l2-. /)/ Dc?, f-2u/"/I~) v-:{JV.j~7?),/L,r -}- ~.VA - .rt.L /~T- ; ~- /--) ,f ff r:-:---" ;:--~ r:.:::- 0. D /"--\ I ! l'v~.~ ()J '~"; t-< , . - . ~ "' --;-JLA. '1- +- '/'7/\ A /,'. ;,~ "/ . ).J;J 1,.1 '.r ffi ,,'. I ! '..-' , '-/ -.J 1 . I ' J(J r. ( /.? ~-rl l'~'( u L_ b 'K. ~.. - -d:-tP/~ ~ L v r . r !?..G- 4Pf q "lAJ ~T. '/:i(":'.I.~-_. ~'~T ~":_,~-',,),::.._:._JI ~~~-:: .... ( ---,-- , . ,~__ ...,---..,- --- (-,-I? ::'::'.i (,........./.:..:...."~_! j- ~ ~J . /'..:.,'T7-'-~(16'1~.). T)L~~Z V,47;0~ ,S COM .-'-1~/ .S:,. S4-v~.u 0,0 < ';' . 'I I ... ( ,;-/ I ,J'" -/.j ". ! ) ) " ., r' (i ^ (/ ( ~, \\ ~ \ -.,--' ," _.f' l) ........,.-? " r- r" t; I (-:ri..... /} .' '/- ......... \ _ ! Y? ) I '-'eel b r-;.lJ:_'X..',r:_Hlj cJ I.'> I r\j.- u LI~ If-~ Tl C:t'~) /JiT""J r" \1/'" \ (; ;:::("" i ) t717 d "." :-;-,~~ 1>\ .c, : ., ,. I />-'j./ ...- I:? i;' "-' -/--- / './Y .:;.{~-'L~~'i(__,(j~:)/t "-.--- ..... l.,___/l/:::-C:- ~=-~.=- Aqenda Item r'~o. 17F f'Jovernber 10, 2009 __,-_~~~.__~?~i'L32 of 93 -._~~-~=~-=~_.~-.~~=-~ -- - Ii !! CONDITIONAL USE (CU) APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST ~_.,~~",~""""'- 1 ;M THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE eXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W /COVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. REQUIREMENTS #OF COPIES REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED STANDARD REQUIREMENTS: ... Cover letter briefly explaining the project Application (completed & signed) (download from website for current form) *Additional set if located in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area} 1 Addressing Checklist signed by Addressing -I~~- Pre-Aoplication meeting notes I 20 -I 5C I - Conceptual Site Plan 24" X 36" plus (one 8 Y2 X 11 copy) L 20 j x: I Copies of Warranty Deed(s) ~~~. I Completed Owner/Agent Affidavits, Notarized IlL.. Env'ronme?to'.'m~~ct Statement ([IS), 0 nd d; g !to 1/ ele,tron" cop y of EISr--' . ... . V or exemption lustlflcatlon I ~_ f' Aerial photographs (taken within the previous 12 months min. scaled I 5 Ix I 1 "=200'), showing FLUCCS Codes, Legend, and project boundar~1 ._.-- . Statement of utility provisions (with all required attachments & sketches) ,.1.. 1 1-1. I _ Traffic Impact Statement (TIS), or waiver : ~j- ~-~ i'- Historical and Archeological Survey, or waiver i 4 I .. .r"J Copies of State and/or Federal Permits --:,-----j I (. Architectural Rendering of Proposed Structure(s), 4 I .,. I Electronic copy of all documents and plans (CDROM or Diskette) . 1 I X I Boundary Survey.... ..... .. ............ . -- ..' .~~~~_-:___J=-2 [==i?--'j . !'-Ho(~abltt;~~~~i~98f.~,S~n?rJ?i,.jpev~lopmeflICt.'\J~"jIP{?i~~!S':.;:'i: (,"i"'1 i' I o EDC "Fast Track" must- submit approved copy of official application I~' --I o Affordable Housing "Expedited" must submit copy of signe::! Certificate '1 X of Agreement. PLANNER MARK IF NEEDED TO BE ROUTED TO REViEWERS BElOW: Comments should be forwarded to the Planner prior to the due date jSCHOOCOISTRIC-r--- ..__.______._..! (l)!PA-RKS 8. REC ~ Murdo Smith ... . .. .... . IUP SUPERV~SOR OF ELECTlONS.--r(l) i I:TTluiIES Et.'[GTNEERING:-Z~;;1;'~--De[-ic'~~----TTiT COMMUNITY PlANNIi-lG -. ifjT1 17.( COORDrNA TOR - Linda Bedlelyon i v iB-AYSHOREjG-ATEWAY-TRIA-NGLE-----.---~I(1T L- __________I.0..J__~~!?~.Y~_~O~~~~_r._._~~~~~.!i_~~}?:i~_~~?L..____._~_______ 20 20 x x I I I I .J Communications Towers Onty: I MOSQUITO CONTROL.--.-------rTlYl COLLIER CO. AIRPORiADT~.,-6RiTY--~~-----rT1T-1 I NAPLES AIRPORT AUTHORITY ---------r-(l) J - ----- ------Lt---1 ____. _________ ____._~_____.____~_____...___.______ ----l 2 ..6.oe:'rv'", it"'m hJo 17'- .f~;v~~~b~; 1'0. 2009 Page 33 of '9.3 FEES: p Pre-application Fee $500.00 (Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of fhe last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre- application meeting will be required.) ~ $4,000.00* $150.00 ,a' $300.00 :g $760.00 $363.00 0 $ 2,500.00 Application Fee Fire Code Review Comprehensive Planning Consistency Review Estimated Legal Advertising Fee - CCPC Meeting Estimated legal Advertislng Fee - BCC Meeting (any over- or under-payment will be reconciled upon receipt of Invoice from Naples Daily News). EIS Review, if required Transportation Fees, if required: ~ $500.00 Methodofogy Review Fee, jf required o $750.00 Minor Study Review Fee, if required o $1,500.00 Major Study Review Fee, if required 4- ~ :;:..r1~L-/.. s v....LS TJ,S " "..rrr C Ih,A-Tf:;J;::> I::' .-,' tK) (rJo re~ *$1500.00 if filed in conjunction with a rezone petition OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 1#;;lI'--"(j' _._.-< __ 1- tW \.. J:. i'\ :' Y !~~ t,;) ( t: U:?j"'" i'C) (IU~(._ '..-{ " iLl C f (:: 0 t:::> :-::' ::-::{ ;:.1 (n}j r--::U' /( /"; ." ."('""'1 .-"'.~/1 ' .........- j-::::: ''; . f) I I o o D ;' /. '/-1 " ' ,/ /. ~/ -.---}i~ (/'C> Dole j ri I~. ~ = . ...-( ~ Q ~ II~ I ~' I~ -"- ~ ;...# e-::. u ..-{ ,....0( "....,. ....... ~ ~. '-<.or . i 'Q ~ 1,1 r""i ,. l~ ~' ~I ~ ~i ~ r.n ~ Z V )i-io( r.JJ \ , <!) z \0~ w -=- :E 1.1.. o W ... <C Q ~ ~ --.:) ~ w ~ ~ ~~ ~. Sl c... ~ (\) .- > (\) ~ - c (\) E C- o (\) > (\) o -0 C C ~ .... ~ .~ C'l 0 .: v c (8 o ...::: N v ... C o -0 C c (\) ::l ,.. C - .... C C. 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Uf~ ~ '~I'~ "i., 21 ~ ';~ e:: ! ~ 0 ~ \ ~ '~\ ~i ~ 31~? ~ ! z y, I .1 ~ ~,. ~'! ~I ~ \S! .~J ~ I=> \. ~ r", i3 1\ N ,01 )1 q! i ',u -5 i 8 D1 q r.\ 'I j ',', "1 ~.",~ il ('0.'~.',._ ti ,~ttJi t i d 21 .:::.; I \~, i - '\i '0 (~. ,'" (\1 C) L] -B ~51IcD~: ~i ~I ~I ,~. ~:~I ~~ g I 2Ll '1 0'01 j'\tj ''-~ (";\1 \~~ 1\'.':)1 \.Jjl ~ ~ 1--I-r-J--Y~I~1:II-~I"'--il\~ r [ \ i -") J \ JI ./1 I ~ ' Y'\ l \ ~ I 1;"'1 'J . -, :J '''. . rj I ~ ". t.J I '~!. "':) I. r:\ i \' -;-~'\-' < i J"'~" '~':5 . ~ z [j .~' \V I ;-..; ~"-' -$ vJ -~>\ \~; I ~ ,/ :!1 <::. -->, '1 I .~-1 '-~ 'Y:> -J,I ,J \ CI) . . Ii ',"" \. I \- 'j """1" '-. ..j -00 A'" 'J \;1 il \~' W, ')1 '.1:1..- I ~ I ~ ~:C~ ~1\t~1 .~; ?l t\ ~~j:t, I ~ -~ ~h ': ~I - r~'?511 C'\~~I ~ 1- :;3 I I 8 I /() fl' \, I ::::: i ~,- (\'i3 '.~ -11 f' I fa I i-:., -,,'J', --.:::' ~~ ,,\'""''--' 't- \, i \ '- (II ,.__.-r- --51 ':::-' 0. < <.... \(li ~ \ ill,,~ ~~ \ U \' ~~ ~~, ~ \,2; _\~~'\ '.'~, ~ I)-i ~ "-1 I '.JJ _:0-' --.J .-:::....- ...." J Ll.. ________'.__J, .__ 1'-..-=1..______ _/1"'; ~___.L__ -- 'I-::Y -;> ,-----.-::_~- ! I ~'i;' I i I I I I 1-" V) '.-1 IV) (\ W d ~ (?)l o :::J <t Ii ...i <t ~ I W > o ~ UJ c.O :E ::> z w Z o :I: Q.. u = VI VI (\) ... '"C -0 <( c :E I W w ~ <Z: Z (~~~JJ'c.fum2E1an.v E/Ji///;:O/U/lc/l/ IJ{{/ 1. Provide a map of all overlays, districts and zoning on the subject site and the surrounding properties. (i.e. CON, S1, PlJD, RLSA designation, RF1\1U district, etc.) (LDC 2.03.05- 2.03.08; 4.08.00) !tsm (.10. .[ iF 10.2009 Pa:;}8 35 of 93 2. Comply with specific requirements per PUD document, SSA stewardship easement, or SR.-'\. development document/master plan. (LDC 10.02.13; 2.03.06; 4.08.06) 3. Submit a current aerial photograph and clearly delineate the subject site boundary lines. If the site is vegetated, provide FLUCFCS overlay or vegetation inventory identifYing upland, wetland and exotic vegetation. (LDC 10.02.03.B.l.d - e) f4) Provide the following exotic vegetation removal note on site plan: "All prohibited exotic l7 vegetation shall be removed from the site and it shall be maintained free of exotics in perpetuity." (LDC 3.05.08) G Provide a clearing plan (and the applicable fee) and identify total acreage to be cleared on site plan (LDC 1 0.02.03.B.l.i.xii). Note: Residential development, may only clear for infrastructure, unless proposing to store fill \\"ith a VRSFP. (LDC 4.06.04) 6. A maximum of 25 acres may be cleared to store excess fill generated by lake excavations. The site plan shall provide the calculations and justification for the area suggested, location/limits, area, height, cross-section, volume/amount and source (Lal.::e #) of each stockpile. The cross-section shall show a slope of no greater than 4: 1. (LDC 4.06.04) G Provide notes on plan indicating methods of barricading to be used to protect vegetation to remain and specify that "protective barriers 'vvill be installed at the perimeter of preserved vegetation at the commencement of any site impwvements AND will remain in place until completion of construction." Provide details of the barrier type proposed, stating that it '''vill be highly visible with brightly colored all-\veather mesh material or equivalent, and that the stakes shall be no more than 10' apart." (LDC 3.05.04) (]) Provide a note on the plan stating that "temporary signs identifying the preserve shall be placed around the perimeter during construction_" (LDC 3.05.04.G.) (~0 (2,) Clearly identifY the location of all preserves and label each as "Preserve" on site plan and plat. (LDC 3.05.07.A.2). /---~... ( 1 (~)Provide calculations on site plan showing the appropriate 3creagc of native vegetation to '-- be retained. the max. amount and ratios lx'nnitted to be created on-site or mitig:ated off- ~ " ~ site. Exdude vegetation located \\'ithin utility and drainage casements from the preserve 1 1 " (T DC .-, O~ o~ B I) 3 r - -)- F .., (' - 0'" 1..1 1 I ) C(} cu<aliOllS.~ .J.). I. -,; .J).~_ I. ; J. i). I. . ,c,-e . /~I\ Vreated and retained preserve areas shall meet the minimum \vidth requirements per LDC 3.05.07.H.1.e. /\~ ~/~et~iDed p~e~er'lalion .ar.:as shcdl be. selected based OI~ the criteria defi~ed in LDC .).0).07.A.J, mcludc all J straw, be lD the largest contIguous area po:,>slble and shall be interconl1ected within the site and to adjoining off.-:;ilc I)Tc.;Servation areas or wildlife conidors. (LDC 3,05.()7.i\.4) Plqenda item No. 17F November 10. 2009 @)roVide the justification for proposing a created preserve versus retaining existing nat"""e 36 of 93 , vegetation. (LDC 3.05.07 .H.1.e.I) ~~ovide a separate planting plan for the created ~re.ser:e in all 3 strata including a plan: list ~ith min. sizes, species, spacing and temporary lrngatlOn. Place.a ~ote on the pl~~ ~tatmg that "the created preserve shall have 80~/o vegetative coverage wlthm 2 years of mltJal planting and shall be maintained in perpetuity." (LDC 3.05.07.H.1.e.ii). {Throvide a detail of the permanent (to be maintained in perpetuity) signs to be placed ~1.round the preserve (retained and created) denoting the area as a 'preserve' and that the posted area is protected. The detail shall specify the sign dimensions and locations around the entire perimeter ortbe preserve. (LDC 3.05.04.G) ;;1)A Preserve Area Management Plan shall be provided on the site plan identifying a preserve Vmanager, permitted uses within preserve and upland buffers, methods to address control and treatment of Category I exotics, fire management and wildlife habitat management strategies when applicable. (LDC 3.05.07.H.1.g). The plan should address supplemental plantings in areas devoid of vegetation following exotic removal and provide a typical planting plan with the size, spacing and species to supplement these areas. (LDC 3.05.07.H.l.f) ~rinciPle structures shall be located a minimum of 25' from the boundary of the preserve boundary. No accessory structures and other site alterations, fill placement, grading, plant alteration or removal, or similar activity shall be permitted within 10' of the boundary unless it can be shown that it will not affect the integrity of the preserve (i.e. stem wall or berm around wetland preserve). Provide cross-sections for each preserve boundary identifying all site alterations within 25'. (LDC 3.05.07.H.3; 6,01.02.C.) 18. Provide the location, maintenance plan, and type of habitat of any proposed off-site preservationJmitigation. (LDC 3.05.07.F) Qt\ preserve easement shall be placed on ALL retained preserves, created preserves and off- site mitigation and list restricted pennitted uses. The preserve shall be identified as a separate tract or easement with access from a platted R.O.\V. and dedicated to the county without responsibility. (LDC 3.05.07.H.1.d; 6.01.02.C.) ~~Wetland line shall be approved by SFWMD and delineated on the site plan. Provide / wetland permits from the applicable agencies. (LDC 3.05.07.F; lO.02.03.B.I.j.) 21, \Vetlands Vvithin the RFMU District and the Urban Designated Area Lake TraffordJCamp Keais wetland system shall provide an assessment of the value and function of the onsite wetlands (WRA.P score). Direct impacts of development shall be directed away from high quality wetlands. (LDC 3.05.07.F.3.a) 22. \Vetlands within the RFMU District and the Urban Designated Area Lake Trafford/Camp Keais wetland system being utilized by listed species, serving as wildlife con-idors and existing wetland 110w ways shall be preserved onsite, even if by doing so exceeds the required preservation acreage. (LDC 3,05.07.F.3.b-c) 23. \Vetland preserves within the RFl'vlU District and the Urban Designated Area Lake Trafford/Camp Keais wetland system shall have a vegetated (existing or planted) upland buffer located landvvard from the approved jmisdictionalline. Provide planting plan and plant list if supplemental planting is required. (LDC 3.0S.07.F.3.f) t~''.:2el;G3 ;~e;TI f\Jo. 17;:: ~~overllber 10. 2009 Fage 37 of 93 24. All direct impacts to wetlands within the RFMU District and the Urban Designated !:\.rea Lake Trafford/Camp Keais wetland system shall be mitigated. Provide a mitigation assessment. (LDC 3.05.07.FA) 25. RLSA Baseline standards for filetlands outside of FSAs, HSAs, rVRAs and the ACSC. Provide a map identifying the wetland assessment scores of each wetland on-site. The preservation requirement shall be met first with wetlands with a score of 0.65 or greater (based on SF\VMD methods). Provide agency approved wetland score documentation. (LDC 4.08.08.H.1.) 26. RLSA Baseline standards for rVetlands outside of FS4s, HSAs, WR4s and the AeSe. Wetlands being utilized by listed species or serving as wildlife corridors shall be preserved onsite, even ifby doing so exceeds the required preservation acreage. (LDC 4.08.08.H.2.) 27. RLS4 Baseline standardsfor rVetlands outside of FSAs, HSAs, rVRAs and the ACSe. Wetland preserves shall have a vegetated (existing or planted) upland buffer located land\",ard from the approved jurisdictional line. Provide planting plan and plant list for supplemental planting. (LDC 4.08.08.H.7.) 28. RLSA Baseline standards for TVerlands outside of FS4.s, HSAs, FVRAs and the ACSC Direct impacts to wetla11ds, shall be mitigated for. Provide a mitigation assessment. The wetland functional score of the mitigation must equal or e):ceed that of the impacted \vetlands. Demonstrate that there's no net loss of wetland functions. Priority shall be given to mitigation \vithin FSAs and HSAs. These mitigation requirements must be satisfied prior to site plan approval. (LDC 4.08.08.H.8-9.) 29. Provide a complete and sufficient ElS (and the review fee) identifying author credentials, consistency detennination \'/ith the GMPs, off-site preserves, seasonal and historic high water levels, and analysis of water quality. For land previously used for farm fields or golf course, provide soil sampling/groundwater monitoring reports identifying any site contamination. (LDC 10.02.02) /...-., l '\ I 30} Provide a wildlife survey and include the slJccies sDccific \",ildlife habitat manaQemC:1t plan \ / .,I t -'- '-' ,~/ on the site plan. The management plan shall include a rnonitoring program for sites lager than 10 acres. (LDC 3.04.00) 31. Provide USFWS and FF\VCC "geneI' nennits for p.rotected sDccies. (LDC "-' ... J. .I.. 10.02.03 .B.l,j .viii) 32. Provide calculations on the site pLm in a table iclcntii}'ing tl-1C Sl-l ft. of LSP A required per lake and it's percentage of the total ;~re2 z't c('l1t[01 elevaticln. (LDC 3.05.10.:\.7.) 33. The LSPA shall be located near control stnlCllJTeS with a setback of20' and \vaterward from the discharge or pipe intake. (LDC 3,05,1 O.A.2) 34. A cross section of the LSP A shall be movided showing the shelf elevation in relation to the " ~ control el(:~vation and the dry season water table (DS\VT). <Flie shelf elevation shall determined bEsed on the \vater :luctumions oftb:: area. The detail shall identify the max. depth ofthe LSP/\ and identify the estimated time oftlooding for each elevatio:1. The ,,\,praOp "lope s11'111 h.~ ~110\"n ("1 +11e' ]ll'j.11 '1" "'1 or fl'1tt,c.r iT I.)('.' 0" 10 ..\ 07) l..t ''>...t, t;/C L) (L'v ~)t'\ ,fl U1__.l(, _ I.L') o. J J~u ....' . \L.,. .' ~). ,-,'.. . d.: .~;-!_ Agenda Item No. 17F November 10, 2009 35. provide a plant list of at least 3 species, no one shall constitute more than 50% cover<fgl:ge 38 of 93 , and at least one should be herbaceous. Include the appropriate range of elevations for each specified plant species, spacing requirements and min. plant sizes. The planting plan shall state that "8G% vegetative coverage is required within 2 years and shall be maintained in perpetuity." (LDC 3.G5.10.A.5; LDC 3.G5.IG.B.l) 36. Provide details and specify locations of a minimum of 2 signs that should note that the posted area is a Littoral Shelf Planting Area and provide protective language. (LDC 3.G5.1G.A.6) 37. Provide a note on the plan stating that "prohibited exotics and nuisance species shall be removed in perpetuity and that cattails shall not exceed 1 G% coverage of the LSP A." (LDC 3 .G5.1 G.B.2) 38. Golf Courses within RFMU or RLSA Provide an Environmental Master Plan and Natural Resource Management Plan (NRMP) approved by Audubon International. (LDC 2.G3.G8.A.2.a.(3)(a).xLb; 2.G3.G8.A.3.a.(1)(k); 4.08.G6.A.3.h; 4.08.G8.F.l) 39. Marinas: Provide a "Manatee Awareness and Protection Plan" on the site plan containing: education and public awareness, posting/maintaining manatee awareness signs, information of type/destination of boat traffic to be using facility, and marking of navigational channels if required. (LDC 5.05.02.B) 4G. Marinas: Provide a table of siting criteria and justification for each rating based on a 5-mile on water sphere of influence. (LDC S.OS.02.C) 41. Marinas: Provide the calculations based on the site rating for the number of slips permitted for construction and the number proposing to be constructed. (LDC 5.05.02.D) 42. Marinas: If proposing to establish slow speed zones in order to increase rating, provide state permits. (LDC 5.05.02.E) 43. Additional Comments: 44. Stipulations for approval: ltcrp ~,!r,: '\ iF "~." ~J~()9 Par,,,, ~~r::h d~ -J{:5 ,. . /I Y1DtIM~ ~:ow~ ~. awJu~ ~ ~- .. · l~-t iJ. fflDI~lril . .~ ~e UJlII Jbl cmeL .@ . ~ OltUDJ net- csp UJm . b1!vwiA~ ~ ~ C . ' ~-- ~ If ~ . ~ . ~~ ~ (Vlt;uVlt0JG t.6v . ~ tsM -- ~ie-vm~. <V~ buuJ0 ~ q]Y&~tll ~~t ~& O1{;t ~ - '[1 \S!O( ~. fSlJe ~ ~ ~ W~L, t?t4C\~ \~ ~CJ\& 10\ . ~ ~ lOOO (~~~~ cRv ~lH, 1 (1 (, \ p \ nj. V1J\j\jVI.0", 8\2, Cu\/\'cAGiS v'\!\,Wt- (2-0 . CM\(pL016 r1'oy- 'to N. I. \-ft '~ ~ f) fY\ .42 1.0~ ) ~ !?i · {t'>C /";\1'\.... /1 (/ / ;? ,\&1I\J. . /1;\ ~~\ >>.~ t i ~ f' 'J/ yJ"1), . V LJ \./ f C'(/l/l---.LA...JC'L I /1. (v .~()J\ \, / () '(.-.J "'- \'-.....- Agenda Item 1\10. 17F November 1 O..~~09 page~~ ':'1pc at LUV'-S~ cllDY' ,e-><:i S~v".:) ~ (fCCJ..J-J : S..pl"\Yll\e~r 2''1S~Vf1 '\f C,(PfLc~b\c:. . ~C-^. 'b{ ~~(d \Vl~S '. /7 ,7 A j I P // I I ..,// I . ~~1-- &-,(7. fl !. t . . Vlot ~~,iUV ,~ w! ~wrp,- ~ " ~it ts ~ ~ '()MCffi~ tUJ2-. (?c)/ " -tVl1s < i~ L,~ A. ~;.,;\1Ji. ^) \ I, i1J , -0:C1~'\ (J2J~e~ "& nWflh ". ~ ) n~~* \ Book 1640 - Page 2205 III ~~t>~ ~~ [.IOC ~ \Nt_ 11lrJ_ S to. E 0 uJ Q ~ a:; - 8 ~ UJ co:: G ->- :~ ~~ =~ it ~ ~ t't 13 ~~ ~..~ "l! '" ~ft"l ib- r~ ~e:!t! lill1mc: de~ O:~~ ~ CU-2008-AR-13786 REV: 1 UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Project: 2008020019 Date: 9/25/08 DUE: 10/23/08 ~t:VJ.J- 0016,0 OR 800.1( 00220~ PAGE CORRECTIVE DE!:D THI& ~NTY DEEO 1't5~ the ,tt? O~'f OF '-:'1,/~~, A.O. 1991 by OSCMt R. MONTGOMERV, A/'(t./A OSCAA HOKTGOHE~:-~ SURVI....ING SPOUSE OF l. tLl.IIllN ~TGOI1Ef<V. l)fCEASEO , " I'VlRRIED I1AH WM". I>O"'~ aftieo t. 11l1O 1I0114&J lAM. lI.pl.., r1.orla ))<}42 ~.. Ii,cial S.eur1\J '..r hor.inetter celled the grantor. to UNITY F~t'H HtS~tOHAftV D~PTI5T CHUR;H. . cOfpof,tlon ..i.tine und~f tn. lQWS of the Stat. of 'lorlda, not for profit. with Ita pu.cl'llnt. pott offlc. f;ldclre.. at.: 550 tilth J~.\ 10111\ tllpl.., r1e:ldtl j~2 ~relnefe.r e.l1~ tn. oraht.': (Wh&;'ev., u..d t>ereln ttla t.ru 'Guntor' Rlld 'or.llt..' il\clude &11 the partl.' to thla Inatru"lIt end the helra, 11;01 repr..en- t,tlv" and ...1vn. of IndtvLdual.. end the luee.aoora and ~h. luee...ore ..nd .ul;n. of c:orpont,lona. } IoItTNESSETtH That. the tfl"ant.or, for aftCl L n eOl\lllldention of t.he sua of $10.00 and other vAluable co~~ldel"~tlo",. rlceipt wtloT~f it Mrel:ly Ilcknowledte<!. M",b}l e'I'.t>t.e. b"r..i.. .eU.. ~H.,,*. "1lII1.1'''8. "',l..e.., CCllt\lay. and confLr... Ul'Ito t~ Cjlr.nt.... all toot. ce,.tain land dtIJlIt..d in CoUh'l" COl.mty. Florid.. vi:: \"Ie SoWtH 151) I'I.!Et Of' T"~CT te.s, eOl..DeN GAYE E$T~TltS, UNIT NO. 27. -'::eaAOING TO lH1!: PLAt THEReOF. ~1I R!CO!':OI!D tN PL"" SOOt( 7 ,., ..~ 17 Oft 'nE PUIltC ~COftDS 0fJ COI.I.tEft COl./HTV. FLOl'lIOA. PflOPERT"f 1.0 .C:l:1~ Thi, Lo "ccr~ectlv. o..d to .how Meritat Statu. .. net shown 11'1 a.R. 800t 121:5 et p... IOU of t.N Public Itecorda of colUGr CountY'. f'lo~!d.. SfJl:3t':CT '1'0 T~$ 1<0<< THE: Ye!M lfll NCO SIJllR;~1 \'tARS, CONOITIOtn. REfoTIUC'l't0.c5. A!HIWI.TECN$ ArC) UI'tITATlQlle$ T03l!:THfR wnw EAHH!NtS ~!t TKl!:'( ~M MOH6 1M ~It fleC:OftO$ af CCl.LlER eour"'y. Fl.OfttCW'. AN!) foPfI'I. tc:....l lONtN\S (Mt01NllHl:U. II" lINt. T08IETI€It ..'th ell t"- t.MMlltC. hR"-.dlt.I.,,te and IllllP\lrteMI'I- OM tM1'oto bolonell\1l or 1n ."Y\II1.. cpjtol'talft1ne, TQ H4W ~ TO ~I:I. t.~ tolllM 111 fe,. fillillPl. forever. ,a..."f;l totUI. (ill"lu\t.or hlllr.b,.. CCllolllll'lQil\tlll wit.!-l add 1Il1"Iflt.Sli' thlll't thGl (ll'llllte>r La lslO'fvlh ...l'l:lIld Af eQ1G IBM in he at_lei t,hn thl) ~f'Ilf'.t.OI' fttl!l caoe-d fight. And lew(ul cutMr It., to .flU I!lnd COl'1VtI'f 0~fd l~nd' ~~t the ~raft'ter h~'$~Y fully Wlrr8fttt 'tn. title to IHtld 1el'l-d .rld will deh!'d tl'le etll/(l lie#l1Mt. tho 18'o1fl.ll chLtUI 'If eH pll)fI\<~Ml wMIIlQ10G>\l4irl f'l'Icl thl\t a&!d hnd I~ fro&>. of ,ll 0tt;~~f~n~~;. .~e~t t.~no9 Gc~r\J=r~ .ube~qyGnt ~~ c.c~,r :1. J,,'t'''Xl. 'tMl Sll!~.lilQt J/llI11Pbr\.\1 Ul ...., t '''~''l' !iIi;lI l8eft tAt MilH\Q1J4 "r !.>tMWl'. (Il' llI'IIl'IUf&IIit_ ,,'!;~ tit., kfl(llllt Il!>. OfllJ\"t'. !N ~1T~f,e t.:H!:r:rcl". tM liltjd (l'l"MltOl" hUl l!\it~!'I4>d .I',l'Ie culee! tl"\O!l"l&. l'l'fel1ll@lr.t$ th. do:Y ~r.d yltn (hst <<lobo"'. wd tu;n. ~~It~d. e.u~;~d f<l(jl~U~1!tr.:~d II> ~f!,,\OIroon;"1 . .~._._. r'.MM';1'~ J ,1&IKf}'}>>t{~*-- 6:~'" R_~ ~.s. :nf'Ui"S;')' ",,", I a:J!.. I!' 'o~"A ~. oowr. ~ ~:/;~~~ I, :~1 ~ ~~ H~q f::;tl/l~~~~Z' ~ . ~. ~t; IYI. r::r. fl,.kG!/. fll!h~ fi ~ . Prflt t~I!.Il;!;t ;.,;....~ru...ui~~."1il-~~,"'1 t. ~." ;...,~,Jq', ~ . .,. ..' ~C't',.Ylti\ \. If. . t t '.;-.' .~ ~I'II""""':P.'\>'" .............,........_....""',,.4..... J~t Ifl"..wl;>\ http://www . collierap praiser. comJvi ewer/I mage.as p?Pcrcent=&ImsgeID=4 7708 rage: 1 U.l 1 ,C,gSfY:!Cj item [\Jo. 1-;:: i'Jovenlber 10. 20 9 Page 41 of 3 j ':''f'' 2/5/2008 1 1 m Agenda item No. 17F November 10. 2009 Page 42 of 93 AFFIDA VIT WelL Leon Williams, Pastor, Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church being first duly sworn, depose and say that well am/are the owners of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclosure of in.terest information, all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application. are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief Well understand that the information requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shall not be altered. Public hearings will n.ot be advertised until this application is deemed complete, and all required information has been submitted. As property owner We/lfurther authorize Gina R. Green, P.E. to act as our/my representative in any matters regarding this Petition. . L ''::1' (). c; ...:~l}-u.;:.{\ Signature of Property Ov.'lwr lu lt~ ---1) L \ I~' .;:J'\-fL11 ,ll l~L~ ____ <-,-----~---~- Signature of Property Qvvner Typed or Printed Name of Owner ~--tcn l\ ~ \ t ~ 0- tLA-S Typed or Printed Name ofOvmer l,,-~vi'\ \1\-\: \ \: 0- V\A~ The foregoing instrumel,'t ,,;as acknowledged before me this II day of .":PoiP m~ ' 20~ by _LeoV\ 0\' l\OXYlS_wlw--i-s-personttll-y-letwwn-.te-me or ;;;;;';;;uced as identification. State of Florida County of Collier (Sjgnature olNotary Pu. Notary Stamp CU_2008-AR-13786 REV: 1 UNITY FAITH M\SSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Project: 2008020019 Date: 9/25/08 DUE: 10123[08 ,............Il.. ... I... ...., ..,. : TINA JAM2"S...u...uun~ :~'UII"j . : of' '1'4':'\ C<>m!1'.IlC DDOJ:S~Se.4 : : . ~~\>i Exp"..a 119/2010 : a. ~':';i.... "11:.... . : \1"-} ~!1 eonC~ 1J1l'\1 WOO'432..(?S4: : r~""tf:,~.:.~""""" "7".-: ,,.c.. ' . ...: ~.u.... UHU. ~ II :.I.~r~:~'~~~~:~'~-;:'~~I!I~~.i Ii \ 'Il '\ 111.._~L.d _,.;4J..~~ F.genc!a item r~o 17'::: r\~oveillber 10. 2009 Page 43 of 93 COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES DIVISION ::;:';Ol E;J.q~ Tami:..:tni Tr~lil .. ~aj1~':-s. Flurilb 3--1112 . :"23-i,\ 7~.~"2-::?_575 .. F,!.x i:2Y'1\} 7~~.:~:i~() Revised September 5, 2008 August 29, 2008 Gina R. Green, P.E. 3310 1st Avenue NW Naples, Florida 34120 Subject: Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church Section14, T49S, R26E 1620 39th Street S.\V. Folio #37996000006 Water and Waste,\'ater Availability Dear Ms. Green: Water, v;;astewater and reuse service is not anilable for the above referenced project. You may research the as-built record drawings for location of the nearest \vater and waste\vater service by visiting the records room at 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Bldg. H, 3rd floor. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at (239) 252-6237. SincerelY, /'-; ::l / r LCl/A-} . . ./ Engineering Technician cc: Gary Morocco, Operations Coordinator Heather Sweet, Revenue Supervisor Craig Callis, Enginee~illg Review Sen'ices Steve Nagy, Wastewater Collections Ma..'1ager Ken Kinaszczuk, Distribution M.anager - ------..~-_-"'~~~.B"JJ1&m\t~~~!.s.,:~ ~ Ls \ ! I ~ I (!i t !~ r I: " ~. f:... .... 46.3' 0.0' ~~ 0 /"" > / ~ ANOSCAPEBUFFEA> ....-- ...... ~ c..--' 10 I ROP ASP\HALT SPMES r-- t\. \ gena ~ ~m ~\lO. 1 i7F Nove~er10, 2ob9 Page ',4 of 83 n ~ PRdl~. I- I \,ASP ~ALT \' PAGES I \ - Iv! IvI ~ ~ v PROP. BU'LDlN~- GYM, OFRCE .; WSSROOMS ~ .J'.. CD __L \ S- \ L'I -~ \ J (V \ '>< -J<~ \ CONSERVATION EASEMS.mTO BE VACATED) (OR BOOK 1673, PAGES 2105 + 2106) ~ f I TJR(jP \ \, A1NA ~E GINA R. GREEN, P.A. UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH GINA R. GREEN. P.E. FL REG. NO. 46608 UTILITY SKETCH F R 3310 1ST A\lENUE NWO PROPOSED MULTIPURPOSE BUILDING tll.<\PLES. FL. 31,.120 239-34-8-0500 566-720-4823 - FAX D"'G SIT v, EPLAN-COND USE SCALE: 1"=30' DATE: 9/23/08 SHEET 1 OF 1 :.JkW- ,,\;;,titat 1">- . ..:, ~~{:f~:-~~F~\ -f.?~, ~~ (' /r.;;~,i;~~. {.:~r~:')5. ,~ :-- u,,_..""'" . - ~-' ~)._=S~~--:'~::Y:' J1l .;'" .~ J CU-2008-AR-13786 REV: 1 UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Project: 2008020019 Date: 9f25/08 DUE: 10/23108 COLLIER COUNTY September 19, 2008 Gina R. Green 3310 1st Ave. N.W. Naples, FL 34120 Dear Ms. Green: I h:l\'~ rc',carchd prl1pcrty \(,::c;;:..J :11 s. : _+ ,T--:9 R::J. \ :nil :"i T;.::~.! ; ,'~ '~(lldl'n (i::tc [:;tal2S (1 F2(1 ;.(),Io Sf. S\),/\. ilnd bilSed on Co1iin C.-tun,y's !lisuy:;;::LI\rcha::(llo~I~:Jt Pr",t",biii:y Map and [ouno this tor;::, h::s b" p,':cmial f:,r h;;loncd:acch;.,,,';-d:,t:ic:.l ;.:l':'; For tbi,., fca:,;):\. y"u I:,) 11('1 h~\"c \'.' ;;Pi'i) Cur :1 \",';ei""':i ApFiicn\Dn fnJi1'o the R':'Q~.1ir::d 1(;:<;1,;("",1 tend :-:.u;.\ ,,'Y ;nJ\"",:c,;;nl':.'l. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me. " '1; Respectfully, ?/4U, i' ,I 'j , '~ ! Melissa Zone Principal Planner Staff Liaison to HAPB il ;1"' " ;." ~ :1 ...1.'. , , ~'-ll ~" . r1~~ I"~ i, !,1, < . ~; ~ :., :~~,i$ Ifl _A.. -"".,.'"'~~ Aqenda Item No. 17F f-~ovember 10, 2009 Page 46 of 93 RESOLUTION NO, 09- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COtJNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE EXPANSION OF A CONDITIONAL USE TO ALLOW A MULTI- PURPOSE BUILDING AS PART OF A CHURCH FACILITY WITHIN AN ESTATES (E) ZONING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SUBSECTIO~ 2.03.01.B.l.c.l OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1620 39TH STREET S.W., I~ SECTIONS 14 AND 23, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 2004-41, as amended) which includes a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of Conditional Uses; and WHEREAS, by Resolution Nos. 91-135 and 92-49, copIes of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "A-I", the Board of County Commissioners approved a provisional use for a church and church related facilities in accordance with a conceptual master plan, subject to a number of conditions; and WHEREAS, Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. has filed Petition Number CU-2009- AR-13 786 requesting an expansion to the Conditional Use to allo\v a 13,1 aO-square foot multi-purpose building; and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals (Board), being the duly appointed and constituted planning board for the area hereby affected, has held a public hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has considered the advisability of an expansion of a Conditional Use to allow a 13,100-square foot multi-purpose building as pm1 of a church facility within an Estates (E) Zoning District pursuant to Subsection 2.03.0 1.B .1.e.l of the Collier County Land Development Code and Resolution Nos. 91-135 and 92-49 on the propcliy hereinafter described, and the Collier County Planning Commission has made findings that the expansion of the Conditional Use will not adversely affect the CU-2008-AR-13786 REV, 8/28/09 10f3 Agenda lten-I i\:o, 17F [\Jcvember 1 C, 2009 PE1Q8 47 of 93 public interest and the specific requirements governing the Conditional Use have been met and that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concel11ing all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Subsection of the Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and the Board having considered all martel'S presented. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: Petition Number CU-2009-AR-137S6 filed by Gina R. Green, P.E., representing Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Inc., with respect to the property hereinafter described in Exhibit "A", be and the same is hereby approved for an expansion of a Conditional Use for a 13,100-square foot multi- purpose building as part of a church facility within an Estates (E) Zoning District pursuant to Subsection 2.03.0 I.B.l.c.1 of the Collier County Land Development Code, in accordance with the Conceptual Sire Plan described in Exhibit "B" and subject to the previously required conditions set forth in Resolution No. 91-135 together with the conditions set forth in Exhibit "C". Exhibits "A-I", "A.", "8" and "c" are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution hereby supersedes and replaces both Resolution J\'os. 91-135 and 92-49, excepting the conditions set forth therein, which are incorporated by reference into this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tInt this R;::;olution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion. second, and super-majority vote, this _ day of .2009. ATTEST: DV\'IGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: {:1 \': , Deputy Clerk DON~A FIALA, Chairman CU-2008-AR-lJ786 REV. 8/28/09 20f3 -, Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency: Agenda Item No. 17F November 10. 2009 Page 48 of 93 " . < .:'" '\ L/ \, ::/'" \ , X' \.} '. '\') " \... l \ Heidi Ashton-Cicko Section Chief, Land UsefTransportation Exhibits attached: A-I. A. B. C. 09-CPS-00949129 CU-2008-AR-13786 REV, 8/28/09 Resolution No. 91-135 and No. 92-49 Legal Description Conceptual Site Plan Conditions 3 of 3 Jp.N 2 8 19S2 RLSOLL~IOH 91--125 RELATING TO PETITION NO. PU-90-26 FOR PROVISIONAL USE OF PRCPER7Y HLREINAFT~ D~S:RIBED IN COLLIER COUh~Y, FLORIDA. , . wr~E1,S, the Le;ls1~ture of the S~ate or Flo~ida in Chapter 67-1246,' Laws c~ Flo~ida, and Cha?~er 1:5, Florida statutes, has conferr~d on Collier-County.tha power to establi~h, coordi~ate end enforce zoning ~nd 5~ch busin~ss regulations as are necessary.~or tho protection of the public; and H;{EREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a COCprehansivQ zoning Ord~nance establishing regulations for tho ~oning of particul~r goo;raphic divisions of the County, a~ong which is the granting of Provisional Uses; and .rnEP~S, the Collier County Planning Commission, being the duly appointed nnd ccnstit~ted planning board for the area hE!.r~by affected, has held a p:.:l::lic tlearing after notice as in &~id regulations ~z.dQ an~ provided, and has considered the ~dvi~ability ot Provisional ~se ~z." in the ~En (Estates) zone for a church ~n;j church rolated fa01l1'.:.i(<s on tbe property hcrein~!ter de~=rlbcd, and has !o~.d ~s a ~atter of faot (EY~bit ~A") that ~Qtisfa=tory p~ovision and ~r=angement has been ~a~e concerning all z.pplicable matters required by &aid re~~ltttions and in accord~nce v.ith Section 13.1.d of the Zoning R~gulations for the Collier ~ounty Plenning Commission; and ~1EREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to b6 heard by this Boa~d in a ~ublic mezting ~sse~led a~d the Beard h~ving con$iderG~ &11 =~tterE presented. NOW, ~ETU:FCRE BE IT FXSOLVED, EY THE BOJ2n OF ZONING hPP!:ltLS of Collier Cou;-;t:y, Flcrida that the peti ticn filed by l:l5tno J. Spagna of rlc:.-~ca "Jrb3:\ Insti t:J.ta r Inc.., rcpresent.:.ng ~ni t::{ rl:i ~~ !'::.s-sionz:::-y Baptist. Chu=::h \r,'"Lth ::c:~~'cct to the prC?Grty hcrein~f~e= deccri~ad ~~= 'l\::-act 165~' Go.1d~n Gate Estatc:s, Unit 27 I' accc::-oing to Plat th~~co~, ~aco=dcd in Flat ~ock 7, Page 1.7, of the Public REcords or Collier C~unty, Florl~n. 000 '1'.; 32 EXHIBIT A..t P:ag~ 1 af 7 Agenda Item f\lo. 1 ~F - :...... . I'~~'I!:.."" '. . _f , .!t :.. "'\.I ~~ !j~:.~ .fr~ .~." ,JI,{ . . : ,}': '. JAN 2 8 1992 be and the same is hereby approved for Provisional Use "an ot the "E" (Estates) %oninq district for a church and church related facilities subject to the !ollowinq conditions: Exhibit "8ft which i. attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. ",-";. EE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the .inutes at this Board. cOllllllissioner Saunders offered. the ~creqQinq Resolution and ..moved for its adoption, s:econded by COlIllIlissioner Goodnight and upon roll call, the vote vas: Al~: commissioner Saunders; Cammissioner Goodnight, Ccmmissioner Shanahan, Commissioner Volpe, &nd Commissioner Hasse m.YS :. ABSI:N'T 1>1.1) NOT VOT:::NG: ABSTENTION: Oono this 5th day of :ebruarv 1991, BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ..;. .' .' > '~.1 ~ ~J '0';' ".: . ~ ~ . .,: ," . ......~. .,,'. ~ GIL:E:';'~ ~CLI:?..K . . c; I .: c) ',: .".::;:. By:9~~~)rxS1,,:.o CHAI~ dJ c.. ' . Jd,' ioi!:n- )::J-'~~' ~OP.H 1I.h~ LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~'.: (~.:.,.~.~~~ A+sV~~/~ . . ..:'%.fP~RIE H. STUDbl'l' 0 I F ]"sSISTAlrr COtmTY 1,TTORNEY PU-90-2G RESOLUTION nb/4555 II urn P'l~~ 33 EXHIBIT A-1 Page 2 of 7 ;1P~:id~'''''<ilq ~...",,,,f;;<~~~~~":If.~~JiI~+ \ ~~r"'''~ ~.~Ll'~ '.~,"-'F' ~~;y,' ~<...,,,,~':j't,, iF "..~^..-t~' '~r ~:.. ~,,~ .a... t" JAN 2 8 832 . . ..,,:... FINDING OF n,CT , BY . COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COHHISSIO~ FOR A PROVISIONAL USE FETITIO~ FOR Pt!'-90-26 The following {acts are found: 1. Section 1.10 b.))(z) of the ::oning Ordinance authorized the provisional use. 2. Granting the provisional Use Yill not ~dversely affect the public' interest and will not adv~rsely affect other property or uses in the zame district or nei~hborhood because of: A. Consistency vith the Comprehensive Plan: ComplIes Yi~Com?rehensive Plan Yes._ No _ B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed ~tructures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian s~fety and convenience, traffic flow and centrol, and access in case of fire.or catastroohe: Adequl!lte' in~ess ~ egress .< Yes.'V No - - c. . Affects neighboring properties in relation to noise, glare, cconore1o or odor effects: '-' No affect or Affect mitigated by ------ - Affect cannot be ~itigated D. Gene~al compatibility with Adjacent properties and other property in the district: Compatibl~ Use ~ithin district . Yes V( No - - Eased on the above findings, this with ~tip~lation5, (copy ~tt~chej) re=o~~ended Ior ~P?~oVGl Dl~T;::: /~7 /e; / ( I 0 provision~1 Use sho~ld, I. . - ) b l~-~ . e '-.. -\ . }......... . , \ J I C"m",", WU1__,-c{ lr=y FINDING OF FACT CH^IRb~N ~XflI"'1JCO <10~ 34 EXHIBIT A-1 Page 3 of 7 Agenda Item No. 17F JMI 2 8 rsm AGREF:X~ I, Neno J. Spagna, of Florida Orban Institute, !~c., as authorized &qent tor Petition PU-90-26, agree to the fc~~ow!nq stipulations reque.ted by the Collier County Planning commission in their public hearing on January 17, 1991. 1. P~~HING SERVICES: a. Expansion o! the uses identified and epproved within this Provi.ion~l V~e apPlication, or ~ajor changes to the site plan submitted ns part ot this application, shall ~equir. Bubmi..ion ot a new Provisional Use request and shall co~ply vith all applicable County ordinances 1n a!!ect at tho time of submittal inclUding Section 10.S ot Collier County Zonir.g Ordinance No. 62-2. 2. i'ATER :'1A.NAG:.:MEFT .~ND ENGnn:ERIH~i a. Design and construction ot all improvements shall be 5ubject to compl!~nc. with the ~ppropri~t. provisions of the Collier County subdivision Regulations. b. This project shall be required to meet all County Ordinence in eftect At the time final construction documents are submitted for development approval. c. A portion, not exceed 70~ of the required parking, may be developed with a grass surface per the Collier County Zoning Ordinance Section 8-12C. The driveway aisles, however, shall be paved. All parking must be considered paved for stormwater pUrposes. 3. ENVIROh~ENT^Lt a. Prior to preliminary Site Development Plan approval, Project Review Services Environmental stat! shall field verify and approve Cocnty wetland jurindictional areas vhich ~hall be !legged by the petiticne=. Theoo approved wetland jurisdictional ~reas shall be designetcd as Conservation Eacc~.nts which shall be recorded 1n tho official County Records prior to final site DevClo?rnent Plan ~pproval. As part o~ the water management system ~or this sIte, all required storm~ater retention shall be directed into these preserve areas after a 1/2 inch dry water quality pre-treat~ent. II UOO w.~ 35 Exhibit "s" EXHIBIT A-1 Page 4 of 7 ~'-_.",~~-;,,_'"_ ". 'f' ...... ,----..,..~ ;>" ..... Agenda item No. 17F ,14"l ? g 1992 .c. TRANSPORTATION: a. The road !~p~~ f.. shall b. ~s set forth in Ordi~anc. 85-55, as amended, and shall be paid at the time building permits are issued unless otherwise approved by the Board of County Commissioners. ~~ ~./~~~ I'ETI'IIONE.R t;'R },GENTI I " . ~ "0""." ~I -f. ,~ !~:.:.. '7':~~" ". .. . SWORN TO A.UO SUBSCRIBED BEFORE 01" O;:YI" I'.-{,.- ,1991. (/ V- .... ":':.~:..:'.":,,, , f....~ ~ ~:;,\L \ /: .., ; t oJ.' I : MY COY.MrSSION EX?IRES: '...:....,.... .\' /} ~? C;'. ~!-J:~~( r HE THIS ,;2;) -::::J C-.-z . //c."1",..:>( ,'l t;PTA11.'f . r ...",.(;....... t':. ,. rrY ~~. "" . s . ~ j( CI' n. allJ,J. ~ ru~ [.l(ll A.iJC to-::t'tl1'_'~"'AJ ,Zl.11l9:! ....., & "'1i' \.Nil. '.1 t" ,,""\# ~\'1 \~)JJ~ [~// J<EPRESENTATrVE FOR cc.n::: SWORN TO AND OF, -(;r.-...JJ.dA-'-'. J8~ SUBSCRIBED BEFORE YoE THIS , 1991. ~~ )C'_ \-r'r'll-U0 H O1'Po.R 't SEAL ~ ~t"r ~:"t ': .~ 'tr .". ~"I,'~lt('. I~:; .. CY fl:.J:J! iCt::(~ rl",,", ~.:J' J~.I1r.tor .... It h::. ;-~. ~~ ~OHHISSrO~ EXPIRES: vA.'.4i-tl... _ .,,;"';_. AGREEY.E1,T SHSE"::' II OOOnc,t' 06 -2- EXHIBIT A-1 Page 5 of? CJ,y DAY ~:. ;~1~ ~.. +:~ ";.: "'. " '. ' ~~: l!.f~ I:=+~' r~: " :.y::' ,4r~.. ..,4~.' ~-;.:, ~~. ~" .'i:i. -;;'.., }:. j;'p.. ,f ~. .) ~ ~r .~~.. ~. ~. ~. I...;;. ..~. I"';;: ,:.: - ..:::i" ~.:{: '\ [,,/ ^(Yl, ...;..rl; Ag end a I te rn.J"Jtl, ,h'l=Y\ ~.f{fc~1\~I~r~~~~~":'~~ft. f:~~'l" ~ I~;~~~-\i ; ~ a ~~ ~'" ~I:'~ ~1"":tl :::.." 'f>~',...."',t ~~'~f;r';,"",~ ~ .iq('''''~, ~ ~.~tf\", '"' ,,'~! r, JAN 2 8 1992 RESOLUTION 92-~ RELATING TO PETITION NO. PU-90-26 FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE OF PROEPRTY HER-INAFER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Le9islature ot the state ot Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Oev~lopment Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes comprehensive zoning regulations for the zoning of particular . divisions o~ the county, among which is the qranting and extending the time period of Conditional Uses formerly know~ as Provisional Uses; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 1991, the Board of County Commissioners enacted Resolution No. 91-~35, which granted a provisional use now known as a conditional use pursuant to Ordinance No. 91-102, for a church and related church facilities, on the below described property; and WHEREAS, Subsection of the Land Development Code provides that the Board of Zoning Appeals may extend the one (1) year time period for a conditional use which has not been commenced; NOW, TrlEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida that the written request of Dr. Reno J. Spagna of Florida Urban Institute, Inc. representing Unity Faith Kissionary Church for the first of three (3) permitted one (1) year extensions, in interest of the following described property: Tract 165, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 27, according to Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 17, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. is hereby approved pursuant to Subsection, of the Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) and the e~~iration date for n 000 PlG~ 30 -1- EXHiBIT A-1 Page 6 of 7 .... '.' Acrn;~:!)'.) 1 J1L} ,II ~ "'. }: . . J~,. C. GIr..E:S ~ CLItRK /';. ::.~ 'I,>.~-- ~~ .:~, ~~ '~~ U:7/"'"~~~ i+JI'L- . 'h'/;'_KPyfrcvr:o AS TO ~6RM }J{D LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: /;.,... . t'('~""":1\ .<'~ :t:. . ~. ~:~-i ~ U } 1'~ ~-{, \J ~. ~rs P. CRONIN "'r. ASSISTAm:' COilllTY }/rl'ORl.EY .A.Jenda ftern hlo. 17F F~ovember 10. 2009 Page 55 of 93 JAN 2 8 !992 Resolution No. 91-135, attached hereto and incorporated herein as EY~ibit "A" and all conditions applicable thereto is extended hereby for one year until February 5, 1993. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the zinutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for ~hich the ~xtension is granted. ~s5ioner Hasse offered the foregoing Resolution and movad for its adoption, seconded by commissioner Sha:n<ilian , and upon roll call, the vote was: AYES: c:amrl.ssioner Hesse, C::l:mrl.ssion...~ Shana.;.m, Ccm:Jissioner Sa-..:nders, and c.:cam1ssione:r Val pe RAYS:- ... ~. ABSENT. AIm nOT VOTING: C::mnissiorler G:xx...~ght AB~~ON: Done th.is 2Hth day of Janu.arv , 1992. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CO~ER (cpUNTYr FLORIDA BY: {l ~lU~(sRf{ \.....j ,C:Ul.IRl-'.r\..>.j PU-90-26 In:TE:NSIOH RESOLtJTrO!~ riJ:J /71.52 m OOOrt';~ 31 -2- EXHiBiT A-1 Page 7 of 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR Agenda Itern No. 17F ~~ovember 10, 2009 Page 56 of 93 CU-2008-AR-13786 ALL OF TRACT 165, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES, UNIT NO. 27. recorded in Plat Book 7. pages 17 and 18 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida EXHIBIT A ~~~~it~~t}~t~j ,;;:::;g;i';iL/;;'=ctc:; ~r "",=r II WldBm~ "'1 · /.y...."". ..'.~\--r.. J'..-w,r." ...,'~ '"'' . ---.--. -.- .~.. , . ) \nt'fJ" ---<;~ I HtI~ ~'" ;: "l:."~ t- ,. 'I r ~. '{~~~loUN:lJ...llJ.l'l ~ \.f\";"~: .} it flf3::i}Jf) tJ VNI9 ~~J.JiJl.l.d'j'1l1!MIO'_'<f{JJt'~ .- :J;, ..~::~~~~:~># r -----1'"," "'\~~ ------...........\IiW-:--. I I I r.~ I I Ii.' ~,-,-'-~-:-"7-~""'o:"......,-,+..L.--.....~-..._-~<:::-__.- wl'~__'___ """'1ll';......rr. / ~ I I r _.; -- - - ---! l~ -- -- :~ I !.------.-------1- : ! f--. I ".{. 1\ ! ~~1..a..3odIloJ'~..U."W0l'l'___..""fN 1.1 ...,. .~_.__._--.-...- I ' / , 1 ._--~ j .' <1 -.--' / - ~,~,~:L~~ij; .~;=-~~=~:;;;;~:t~6~~~~OC-.~.,~j h. <, i-II . i, i1. --'v+= I~.l ' I' ',.:.L' i . , I I..;. 'r! I ' , \ ~ '1 , I I I;.... i" I ,~ i i_JIHltil;\,il/> . "-----1 ' I I ' l~, liF"- , r~ - ;--'-~i r=t ! . ~;~~' ~ I Ii, ~ . LL! : i I 'l~': .,-I4!.~L"'__. I ' +-~J I \ j l ~[:~ ; I r',L ~ ! i' t !.Lj ! I i "'I" I II, i," I ~ ~ I ' , I/;pl-" ,,,_ II ;1l i rLf~lr"\j I i I Ij d~ It'" fi~)(;1 ~'~ ("Vi _~?=-__~) ~::'. - -0 ~I~+-, _~ _ ) ,r ~LJ . ~ {;r:~-'~--l i{~/:=t~ "~rtFL;;~ll: i : I at v1 ~ ~ --'P.-~'--' \;!..;~J ~ T ,: J If. II i, ~ ~ . "'- " r _' ';, '1 I ~ i " . it........... '" J ~--~.~--~- ~.(-_ ... - I II : r 1/!'- II ; It- f...... S ' I , Il I JI" " I' - '-f~. .".---"-?~.' ~- --- .,-"-.......]. .' rIri-.t~~--.::.t---.-~. .---,- , 1 (. ~ p~ I' ~ \.~ ~. - f ~ - ~ ; l ! ~ ~ '. ~ -: , ,. ~ , I" P , ~ \. t, I (- '. , I i'~-+- . ,II I," '.;c."~li' r;:-: I' ...,...: .', . r!.. "'1": : ,'.., k ....~:~ ,,:> ~ ':i. J t : ,,'.... _ , ! (~,~ ,. . \ I - -:-' . iT:- . I -I I W i ~! r?~;:. <i ,: -o~ : - :' '~-_~,'f I Ir~ l,f!:, -'.; ~ , 1 , ~ 't; -4 . ~',- {: ~ fl ~ d_......--.......l ~ I I ), ~,. { I ~ I ---'-~l ;,...~ i J I ~_. \. ~; ,H, ): ~-l---:""'~J }.- 012 , _.. _L , I '....,--- if:: I 11 !- '-----..._- -! f' : L-j:';~i~'" i-liS'; - -). " " - ,mt i :Hli i 5 I .. i <1 i I..,~ I ~ . VI -l.I'l I 1't.1 tJ) I~ i. ~ !til e 15 11l:J 1~:~I~if~ ~I ; 1_~H I~ I ~t"~ J i I.", I ',&: I I !!:11 g I ~ Pl ". .,1 i 8; , " I:l Ili. I .. ~ !~ ~ <i! E I.l<!i! <, '", '1; $1 $1" ..q;~I~i~; ~i; i--:~-.I " ~ ~ ~ ~ ! t-; I ~ i.5, I. l,) :"'1 , t---1-~ 5 Ii ~ I '< , Q...!"t-l '.....r !~f=-j I 'i'< i , I ~ lilt;, -""- w ;;::I 5 :;J ~ $ Q o ;;: " 0; o ::t ~ ..:~ "" ~ u <Ii '" .. 'a _ ::--,Ii f{ ~ c' "" ~, t ~::- ~ On Q~ ~ :..: !>. g ;; " ~ ~ " 1';'. i' :.s t~~~ 3 ~;.;;.~ ~ r.~~ ~ ll1V,.J - ~,:i ~ < ~ ~~~~ ~ ~"~~-~ ~ r:~~ ili!!! ii!lili ~..... ~ ~-.: -E <f; '<(.J '" J~~~~~~:;~3 J Jdlltt!!j!iJ ,..,... '<~ r.u ::c X LU ~, ';:~ ~ " a ~~~tj:!::c;;Ri~ ~.o..j -'ct<>.i~...... c1 " ~: ::-- ~:lhHf~ 1 ~ ;>-;"'~._~~ ~' ~. .~' ~ ~;; <l <:l ii ~ ~ i; <. ,,; it. < ~ ~ <5 <~ ~ 1 ~~-'-~-----------'--~'----~-'--~._-----~-~ CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL FOR Agenda item No. 17F Nov'S'i11ber 10, 2009 Page 58 of 93 CU-2008-AR-13786 1. The Conditional Use is limited to what is sho'Wrn on the site plan, identified as "Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church Conditional Use," prepared by Gina R. Green, P.A. Civil Engineering, dated July 24, 2009. The final design must be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations. The Department of Zoning and Land Development Review Director may approve minor changes in the location, siting, or height of buildings, structures, and improvements authorized by this conditional use, so long as these minor changes remain consistent with all applicable development standards. 2. The uses shall be limited to Church related uses. Day care, weekday private school and retail church store uses are prohibited. (Note: these uses have not been presented in the Traffic Study and therefore have not been analyzed as part of this Conditional Use.) 3. The Church has agreed not to expand worship service trip generation into the multi-purpose building and it shall not increase the seating capacity of the multi-purpose building (educational classes shall not be precluded by this stipulation as they are considered part of the worship service trip generation shown in ITE 8th edition). 4. The County shall not be responsible for the construction of a noise wall along the future Green Boulevard extension adjacent to the Church. If a noise wall is sought by the Church, it shall be at the Church's expense. 5. The conservation easement referenced in Exhibit B of Resolution Number 91-135 1S no longer required. EXHiBiT C ~- 1If._,~UIl""'"""___~""_'_ ..~.~"","""".;/ffl.~-,~ _ __~...................4 ""1".__ _~_. ____ 1lIri_. .....-.. __~__~_~:rn .~. .r: 11'" ....._-"""."~ LLJ'ln 1-_ ,:.":) C0 '\" 0 '-'- .N 0 o .~ ZO'"',,< .,- l!, :::'..-0 QjmOl ~..o CV ~Eo.. -Om c> Q)O 0lZ -< 1-'. ----,.,. +-- _._'-"-~ -~~~ r.:::--.'... ___.~_H__.'-_L ---------...--...-. --:r+--- .~ ~~~~4$1=i.~!~Jl~:;-~ 4~-("';;:.~ ~ /.?{,., ~ ,"""1 [Z'!:I'-,"'" (~ l-----~r..J..!..'o:;I; "i:- '" u.;;i: l;: 0>(1, ~" I!iCI; ;+0""_1' ""'d"...~,"~ ,,)J~ (.:!~ 't'~ U,_4o;_ I ";'''Ild~~ ! t. r""1 ;- !i'~ "' \ ~ Irr' ~;;' ..~: I' - fl'".:r1"'~ ___'jt ~: \ ,~,:~.._~ /.0) 'V'd 'N33>d$ 'l:J tfN/a t:====:z~==t!J ~..~:~~ -- -- ~.~~~~~)._-~ -~ I' I t It'U-lJ)I,f~llO\'1..11. M<..l ~~;::;:;';:-::"'-'l~"il~-----'T--I- ___J"_'i~ , I 1/- - - - -- -- -- ,. -- u - ,- -- -- i-~ ~/~~-~;;II:~~. "'''~ r - - -1-- - -- - - .t -' L - -- - -- -- - '~"":.,. I I L_..__.---.~l----~ 1,___. ~,' ,.._'~'~. r- .---r----' ---I .- I I I '1\ I' . I I i' I : j i !! 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" .,;.j .. -~ CU-2008-AR-13786 REV: 3 UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Project: 2008020019 Date: 6/23/09 DUE: 7/22/09 Agenda Item I\Jo. 17F f'bvember 10, 2009 Page 60 of 93 Vanasse Da)'lor A Weston&Sampson@ COI,lPANI ~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT UNITY FAITH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH July 9, 2007 revised March 10, 2009 Updated June /8, 2009 Collier Boulevard Collier County, Florida Prepared For: Mr'. leon Williams Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Chut"ch 1620 39th Street SW hlaples FL 341 17 Prepared By: VanasseDaylom- Job # 81083.03 12730 New Brittany Boulevard, }uite 600, Fort Myers, Florida 33907 T 2H.437.4601 f 219.437.4636 W viloday,com AQ81103 Item ~Jo. 17F F~ov9mber 10. 2009 Page 61 of 93 LOCATION i"IAP lI~t'3i1 P:}n~nh Lii"ili~c~:,~ l,~dll:,:~t~:~I; C;'i.;' :n(:il"3iI1Z EXHiBiT I Tr:,frif f r~lin:<~lr,~ Q;le D7'::3'2007 __._._ __._ il :;f.j I ~~:~::.~:;~:~'~...".,."...~~.":~~~~ ~~;~~~~j :1't' ;r(::o(~c,;:,~' ~.:::!r:<'" Proj<;;.:;.t Number. B1083 FiLE: e:\h;t~i::'1 ir.:~d Agenda Itern ~jo. 17F t~ovembel' 10, 2009 Pag'3 62 of 93 standard for the adjacent and next to adjacent link, 3 percent for the other links; and (2) the roadway is projected to operate below the adopted level of service standard. Significance was estimated according to Collier County's 2/2/3 rule, and the links were evaluated to determine whether projected operation would be within County standards. The data resources used for this analysis are shown in the Appendix. The analyses were conducted using weekday PM Peak Hour assigned trips. The significance test analyses for the adjacent roadway network (see Table 3) indicated that there were no links that are projected to be significantly impacted by the Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church project. The studied links were limited to Collier Boulevard and both sides of the Site Access. TABLE 3 SIGNIFICANCE TEST Site as SrD Site % of Link From To Sf .1M.:( Tri~ LOS Sed 39th Street SW White Boulevard Site Access 760 0 0.0% 39th Street SW Site Access 17th Avenue SW 760 2 0.3% 17th Avenue SW 39th Street SW Collier Boulevard 760 2 0.3% Collier Boulevard Green Boulevard 17th Avenue SW 2,360 I O.O~~ Collier Boulevard 17th Avenue S\V Golden Gate Parkway 2,360 I 0.0% * SF MAX for 39th St SW and 17th Ave. SW are taken from QLOS table and similar Collier County roadW<\y facilities. The analysis showed that no roadway segments had estimated site-generated trip assignments that were significant (>2 percent of the SF max). The estimated site-generated volumes on these links were found to be de minimus (<1 percent). For this reason, no intersection capacity analyses were required at any intersection. EXISTING CONDITEONS The description of the existing environment of the site and the surrounding study area, as well as the committed improvements, provides a basis for the analysis of the build-out alternative that provides a determination of the proposed project impacts. Unity Faith Conditional Use Permit S 1:\Projecrs\8 to\81 083\Traffic\81083CondUseTIS_ O! ,da: 10,2009 ':Jags 63 of 93 STUDY AREA The project's i'uea of Inf1uence was detennined to be Collier Boulevard (CR 951) south of 'h l\. Green Boulevard, 39 street SW and 17 ,] Avenue S W. EXiSTING GEOMETRIC CONDITIONS The existing roadway conditions [or the area of the project were used to provide the base Buildout roadway network. Exhibit 1 shows the existing roadways in the vicinity oftlle project. The roadway system inside the study area consists of the follo\ving arterial and major collector roads and streets: Collier Boulevard Collier Boulevard (CR 95 I) in the study area is a north-south six-lane divided Urban Principal Arterial roadv..'ay under county jurisdiction. The roadway alignment is fairly level and tangent. The speed limit is posted at 55 mph. 39th Street SW 39th Street SW in the study area is a north-south two-Jane local roadway parallels CR 951 along its east side. The segment of interest is betv,een 15th Avenue SW and 17th Avenue SW. It presently serves a residential neighborhood. The road\ll.'ay alignment is fairly level and ta..'1gent. 17th Avenue SW 17th Avenue SW in the study area is an east-west two-lane local roadv,:ay that tenninates at an unsignalized intersection on Collier Boulev2.rd. It presently serves a residential neighborhood. The roadway alignment is fairly level and tangent. COMMITED & PLANNED ROADVVAY If'>1PROVEMEN'rS future area development. For pUi-poses of this study, a "committed" roadway improvement Road\l\'ay improvements are constmct;:;d to alleviate current area rcad deficiencies and to SlJpport means that the characteristics of th~ higher-level facility may be used in the reserve capacity estimates. R08d\vay improvements that are cUITcntly UDder construction or are scheduled to be constructed within the FY 2005 to 2009 time frame were considered to be committed Year 2062/2007-201 !l2012. The comrnitced improvement th:it could affect the area includes: . ~! 'd' ~ d' , C". ~ "" . . f. " p' Improvements. Llese were 1 entmcl In tne,Ol11er County 1 r2..DsportiltIOn II11~menl ~ lan Unity Faith Conditional Use Penn:: 6 1:\Proiects\81 018 I OS31Tr;;mc181 083CondUseTiS_O I.doc ,A.genda item No. 17F November 10, 2009 Page 64 of 93 . Four-lane to six-lane Collier Boulevard improvement between Golden Gate Boulevard and Pine Ridge Road is under design stage The Green Boulevard Extension/16th Street SW east of CR 951 is planned as a collector roadway. Between CR 951 and 23rd Avenue SW, it is planned to be a 4-lane divided collector and from 23rd Avenue SW to Everglades Boulevard it is planned to be a 2-1ane minor collector. Green Boulevard Extension was included in the Collier County 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan that was adopted January 12,2006. The project costs for Green Boulevard Extension were also documented in the 2030 LRTP Needs Plan and Financially Feasible Plan. Collier County is working on creating both governmental and non-governmental funding opportunities for this project development. The Appendix contains copies of Table 10-2 and Table 12-2 of 2030 LRTP. The church authorities have agreed to reserve the right-of-way for the Green Boulevard extension east of CR 951 planned by Collier County. This reservation has been agreed to allow Collier County to purchase the land at 2007 market value. ExmSTiNG & PROJECTED BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES Background traffic volumes were developed using multiple sources. Specific Link volume data were provided by the Collier County Transportation Department. Data reviewed included the Collier Count v Transp0l1ation Planning Department Traffic Count Reports (Collier 2006 and 2008 Counts), and Collier Coun/v Annual Uodate Inventory ReDort (.4 UIR) for 2007 and 2008. The Appendix contains copies of the applicable data used. Since this project is a "small scale" study, the background traffic volumes were projected for informational purposes only. The Collier County AUIR Peak Hour Peak Direction volumes from year 2007 and 2008 H/ere used in the grmvth rate ana(ysis. The grmvth rate on Collier Boulevard between Green Boulevard and Golden Gate Parkway was calculated to be negative; therefore, according to Collier County TIS guidelines, a minimum growth rate of two percent l'vas assumed. The historical grOllVth rates were computed for the study links and applied to the Directional Peak Hour volumes. Table 4 presents the gro'\vth rate computational analysis and results. Unity Faith Conditional Use Permit 7 1:\Projects\81 O\81083\Traffic\81 083CondUseTtS_O I.doc TABLE 4 PROJECTED GROWTH RATE AND BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES Based on H,norical AUIR Volumes Caluclated ksumed AUIR Pk Hr Pk Dir Growth Growth DPK Hr Vol REM PeTal !.ink fmrn ]:Q 20C7 2.Q:m P,ate: fu~ 2008 lfJ1J. .\:APY \:APY !:.APY CoJ:ier Boulevard Green Boulevard Golden Gate Parkway .'.750 1,444 .17.49% 2.Q% /,444 1,659 2,360 701 70.3% 39th Street SW Whit< Baulevo:d 17th Avenue SVV I'>J:A N/A 20% 280 322 760 438 42.4% 17th Avenue SW 39th Street SW CoWer Boulevard r-.UA N/A 2.0% 280 322 760 438 42.4% .. SF MAX {or J9rh St 5\1\/ cnd ! 7rh Ave. SW Or~ raken {rom QLOS wok ond similar CO/tiN Ccumy ttlodway (adlftic;-s. 39th Street SW and 1 th Avenue SW are not included in either the Concurrency Segment Table or in the AUIR, The capacities of these roads were delived from the FDOT QLOS table 4-7. The Peak Hour directional volume on 39th Street SW and 17th Avenue S\V were taken from similar roadway segments in Collier County. Hourly-to-Daily (K100 =0.0969) and Directional distribution (D=0.55) factors from Collier County were used to convert the peak season daily background volumes into Peak Hour Volumes. Table 5 presents the link-specific background traffic data. TABLE 5 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES Based on CoWer County 2008 AUIR Table LOS DPK HR. TRIP 8KGD REM peT of JJo.k FROM TO CAPY LANES STD VO~ SANK ~OJ., .\:.6P. ~APY Collier Boulevard Green Boulevard Golden G~te Parkway 2.360 4 D 1,444 553 1.997 363 84.6% 39th Street SW White Boulevard 17th Avenue SV,f 760 2 D 280 280 36.8% i 7th Avenue SVV 39th Street SVV Collier Boulevard 760 2 D 280 280 36.8% t S,r: M.u: for 39th St. SW and 17th Ave.. SW are Gkcn from QlO'::: table and similar C,-)[lier County roadway fa::llities. Comparing the findings contained in Tables 4 and 5 indicated that Collier Boulevard (CR 951) and all other links will remain within the SF!7i{u, Exhibit 4 contains the Buildout Total traffic data under A\1 and PM Peak Hour conditions. ANALYSES The analyses vv'ere limited to intersection and turn ]3.11C needs analyses. VVEEKDA Y INTERSECT~Oi\i ANALYSES The site-generated turning movements were added to projected 2009 background through movement volumes on 39'h Street SVl t) deve101J 2009 Total traffic tuming movement volumes i . i f t . J', I L ! r \ Unity ;:~ith COrlditional Use Permit 8 i:\Proj2cts\81 0\8 I QS3\Traffic\8 I 083CondUseTlS_0 I.ch; ,. " i ., (. 1.: Ii &1 f.,';Jenda itern No. 17F ~4ovember 10, 2009 Pag'3 66 of 93 in the site access intersection. The Site Accesses were analyzed for AM and PM Total traffic on weekday conditions only. This selection process was based primarily on the relationships between the significant links and proximity to the site. The intersection analyses consisted of two parts: capacity analyses and turn lane analyses. Both analyses were conducted using the Trafficware™ software package, SYNCHRO@ version 6.0 to determine probable intersection operations and turn lane storage lengths of need. The Buildout Year conditions were analyzed: Background Traffic and Total Traffic. If no degradation to the service level of an intersection using total traffic volumes was identified, then no additional analyses were performed on that intersection. It was also recognized during the study process that need for, and length of need of, turn lanes, and how those lengths of need would interact with neighboring accesses and improvements, would affect the recommended access configurations and their location along the site frontage. Five parameters were used in order to reach the recommendations: current land uses in the area, entering and exiting turning movement assignments, the capacity analysis results, the turn lane length of need analysis results, and the proximity of the proposed access to neighboring accesseslintersections. The SYNCHRO@ queuing computations were used to determine lengths of need where turn lanes were warranted. According to the Collier County Right-of Way Ordinance #2003-37, left turn lanes must be provided whenever the left turn volume into a development is two (2%) of the Level of Service "C" daily volume or whenever the highest hourly volume of tuming movement is 20 vehicles or more. The same ordinance establishes that right turn lanes must be provided whenever the right turn volume into a development is four (4%) of the Level of Service "e" daily volume or whenever the highest hourly volume of turning movement is 40 vehicles or morc. Site Access analyses were completed utilizing SYNCHRO@ software, which is based on the Highway Capacity Manual 2000 (HeM 2000). The purpose of these analyses is to evaluate the operational characteristics and needs of the site accesses, and to recommend access point locations. Table 6 summarizes the capacity analysis results. Copies of the SYNCHRO@ computer printout analyses are contained in the Appendix. Unity Faith Conditional Use Permit 9 1:\Projects\81 0\81 083\ T raffie\S' 083CondUse TIS _ 0 I.doe i:,3:11 i'D 7F 10.2 09 Psge 67 c ';]3 TABLE. 6 INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS Unsignalized Intersection 39th Street SW & Full-movement Site Access :r otal T raffle AM Pt'1 B /3 a 13 The 39th Street SW & Full-movement Site Access intersection IS expected to operate within Collier County LOS threshold to maintain acceptable service levels. The Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church has just the one access point located on 39th Street SVv' north of 1 th A venue S\V. Table 7 summarizes the weekday turn lane analysis results for the site access. TABLE 7 WEEKDAY TURN LANE ANAL YSrS SUMMARY Unsignaiized Intersection Site Trip \Varrant Deceleration Storage Total YQlum.?~ph Ylhl Leni;th, fc L~ch. ft Lenr;r.h. ft 39th Street SW & Full-movement Site Access (NBR) AM Pt'1 3 2 N N According to the weekday turn lane analysis, turn IlliteS are not warranted at the 39th Street SW & Full-movement Site Access intersection. SUNDA Y TURN LANE. ANAL YSES As mandated by the Collier County Transportation Planning Department, churches and any other places of "vorship are required to do a turn lane needs anaZvsis at the site access and nearby intersections for the sites greatest wcck(}' peak hour c:f tra.Dlc. For this evaluation, as with most other places of v,'orshz/J, the greatest peak hour of traffic per lveek occurs during [he morning hours on Sundays. Exhibit 5 graphically depicts the S'unday AM peak hour site- generated trip assignment. Based on the criteria described above regarding [he Collier County turn lane policy, the only ,. . . , Ii L 'b J' ^ ,-,th A (' T'T~' " . tocatIOn reqUIring a turn la...:e \.vou, OC (lie east OW/C/ le}t Oll J / [ivenue 0/1'. l/Ie roaa at tillS location is wide enough to provide/or a turn lane however, due to the close proximity cfCollier B I J d ........-/11 0" c.....; / . r on r \ 1 d d !-.''DOj~ I ou,evara an .).o' iYtreet u h (apprOXll1iazciY ;(J Jeer), an appropriatetyesignc <;.. turn /"-;71 - 1 ~[h A "71:"1~ 0 5'1.7; '.... JI l~ t;::-,^lt;"j'l..l{:J l.J...e on / ,":1\:,,"{,U~, , l.; "OtJ-'h.....'I,.. Unity Faidl Conditional Use Permit 10 IIPro:-=cu;IS I 018 I 083\Traffic\81 083CondUse T!S_O I.doc :C>.genda Item No. 17F November 10, 2009 Page 68 of 93 It is therefore requested that this turn lane be waived and alternative safety measures be assessed. Serious consideration should be given to adjusting the traffic controls at the 1 th Avenue SW & 39,h Street SW intersection. Current(v. 391h Street STY traffic is under STOP sign control while 1 ih Avenue STY traffic is free flowing. The addition of a STOP sign for the westbound traffic on 17th Avenue STY would allow for all eastbound trafj"ic on 1 in Avenue STY to pass through the intersection at 39th Street SW without stacking on the bridge or bachng up onto Collier Boulevard. Unity Faith Conditional Use Permit II 1:\Projects\81 O\B I083\Trafftc\81 083CondUseTIS_O l.doc f'.G2iida It9m [\10. 17F F~ovenlber 10. 2009 0') 0J -~ l;:~- 'V -'" (~______~_ Wh~~.:~.u~"v"rd ! r!oo !\J . ,~,ifu""-.. \\~?~}[ \~j/ . '''-'V''''>,. S Nut tu SC<Jle Pine Ridge ROud ;> -I Leo Green Bou!evard " " " > ~ o rtJ L. ~ -0 u l.. ,,-- ,:'; 0) I Project Sit e 1" " "' L. .W~~ ~ ~ ~ .~__ S"', l> ,-5r;\ .,J l.. r~'\ (~I J th A.enue SW ~-----~~._----_._'_. ......:~/-_._._-----"-------_.._-- r.... ~;c ':, ~,:; \1 anasse Dayior t':'~1.' T,ill'.- n.~ Unity Faiih fv~:'ssiorary Baptist Church 1~~.?a 3UI!. St,~; S~!. Unity Faith Sitftwg~ne;cif)d !'.':J,:JI:,S F!.. 3~' ... ('.<:iu:h :oa; Trip Dfstribufton Percen~agcs EXHiBiT 2 I---~--. Pine Ridge Road Green Iioulevard "tl .. .. > " :i " m '- ~ '0 u L I.. .. I ..J ---------(0 ~ Pine Ridge Road Green Boulevard t " > ..~ ;5 :xl .. ~ Q u +-- I -.. ,,- .,,; 0- l 1-, [ r" White 60ulevard Agenda Item No. 17F Novernber 10, 2009 p ;='0'" 7n-af 93 ! ~\ ~ ,~ w lc(],'1f "'~J.. E \\.. /J 'X~< t'3~ S Not to S~ait! Pro ect S t e s '::1 r.", f' ". ~ 17th Avenue SW ~-..? AM Peak Hour Trip Assignment o I ~I .. ( Vanasse i l Daylor ~ B 1'0.53'CQrU.krseTr~ _U.j _", s I" ~. Urbzn fl;Jluil'll lr'1IT:.r; Enginetring bndmpt .ltci1iu'Ltrt Etlyi(orlm~Il[;1 Sci~me (Ivi; h~~tr1"g fl Jl.6 11HO N~.. t;itII1lIt.ou!mrrl. )\lllftOO f,rt~"llmDI ,llUlJHij' ,mAJ,4!)! Ill' 'r.fl1l~..~m ~.. <: ~~I White Boulevard Project Site 17th tweo"" S\N PM Peak Hour Trip Assignment Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church 1620 39U1 StrSt"l[ SW tJap!ss FL 341 T 7 hlatch 200fl 1fT'" Unity Faitll AM /1. PM Peak Hour Trip Assigl7mants EXHIBiT 3 I - I Pine RIdge Road G\ V,thite Boulevard --------l----- ;/~ --- c" /~;it~t\ \ V <"::\. Fir E \';:>rc:/l .c..>{:/ S Nol to Sea Ie Green Boulevard ... "l ,. 1 c'5 I .; I ~1 r-- O'-~-I Pro ! t r L '" ." " e , t $ t e ... ~ .~ U ~: .r, \:1 tfi (P_~_______(~)- -------- ~~~~.:.n~ sw _____ I AM Pc".. Hour Total Traf.ic I P ine Rj,dg~ Road __L.____ ____ I ---> " .--0)--- White Soule,'ard Gr('cn C{jlll'C'lf~V'd ... " > <, -----1 : I ~ '0 . u i i ! i I {.:..._-~.'" r....,.....! 7th Avc:nu~ Svv \...!-j--.------..--. --".,-".)_._.__._~--'--_._-_.._----- I I , r I .'-" I (0------'.--1 t I" Pro c c t s t e '" ~ :::~ Pl1 ?ezJ( Hour Total Tr-amc Vanasse Dayfor u,:,... Ph.,;,hC T:~nic ~,1r~,~:;.:~:j,g L;.;,ril:JI?~ ~'ck~t~!-jr~ hrironTcr'<ta.1 ~,jt:l\r Ll'll [n~f1::ri:!i n Hii i'.l:;t iolLt: Ilnu h.. ~'i;lu, ~t',:t,.d. i~.ir~ ~~o Unity F~~;tt; !!.fission;;!'}' Bap~i$f Church 152:1 39th .sfr~.',::;t SW Unity Fairh AM 8. FM Peak Hour :::9JJHJt NaD/2S PI.. ~:.11: 7 Total Tr;:ffic hi Il niCi I/MCh 2(.;:)9 -'j"',..."",,;,t-of J::.)l;.ni~jl .} Pine Ridge R.oad G""en Boulevard I... 1: ~ > " :; o l:ll ~ ~ a u LIS r 19 ...-. z 0- I r> White Boulevard i\qenda Item No. 17F November 10, 2009 0') "J i\J tV E ! ::> <' Project S te ::; ~ w '" '" ~I -51 a-, ""i I ~_ 2 ;!; 17th Avenue SW S Naito Scale :> I :2. 3:.2 AM Peak Hour Trip Assign",",nt J '" I... Urban Planning inffic Eneilie~riF~'-\I(- /'I',f,I'IJ'J:{; rim: ~\lli/"'-' land,,,!,, .,chi,,,mr, lnv,,,.m,,l>i lei."" I Unity Faith Missional}J f!'lii I'r".ri'& flHI I Baptfst Church I lInG !h\l' iriltVlt 8ttUjf~:nd. ~~illi hn) I 162. 0 3!ith Street SW I ;"11 ~n. fl nQ01 l- NS:J!o$ FL 34117 ,I ,m.Oj,4~~1 JJ3t.H7.HU ) JUOf! 20Qj ;ll . Qnol;~,(~m .__~_~_.___/ \...._~_~~~________~_~..;/ "-.,~___^ t',H:.r rm.t. Unity Faith Sunder Peal: Hour Trip Assignments EXHIBIT 5 I 1 i J " I ('\ I "'l r)':~ <?' '" P. V 0.. ~L~_';',......, l Da;/ior ~~ S:rCk'3'COr\.:J....S€f IS_U,),~::::: --.-/ ApPENDIX - - '.;; Q Initial Meeting Checklist dated 07/03/2007 $ Collier County 2007 AUIR - excerpts e Collier County 2008 AUIR - excerpts ll' FDOT- QLOS Handbook, Table 4-7 · Copies of Table 10-2 and Table' 2-1 from 2030 LRTP Ii) Collier County ADT Counts 2006 dated February, 2007 - excerpts I) Collier County ADT Counts 2008 dated January, 2009 - excerpts <:I SYNCHRO@ 6.0 Analysis Printouts Unity Fa;th Condit.onaJ Use Perrnit ~-- ~-- i\pp'3nd:x 10,2009 73 of 93 Agenda Item No. 17F November 10, 2009 Page 74 of 93 APPENDIX A INITIAL MEETING CHECKLIST Suggestion: Use this Appendix as a worksheet to ensure tbat no important elements are overlooked. Cross out tbe items that do not apply. Collier County Application No. AR- Date: 07/03/2007 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Collier County rimming Conference Room (Trans. Ops.) SMD Suite 211 People Attending: Name, Organization, and Telephone Numbers 1) E. Randy Spradling;, P.E.-Vanasse & Davlor. LLP 437-4601 2) John Podczerwinsky-CC Transportation 3) Mike Greene-CC Transportation .1 \, 4) Df.4~_ ~\Jc:..\...~!Ol.~~:) ce.. \" "'"~"'i'OT\Q".""t4C)" 5)_ Study Preparer: Preparer's Name and Title: E. Randy Spradling; P,E., Director of Transportation Organization: Vanasse & Daylor, LLP Address & Telephone Numbec 12730 New Brittanv Blvd, Suite 600 Fort Myers, FL 33907 (239) 437-4601 Reviewer(s): Reviewer's Name & Title: John Podczerwinskv. Proiect ManaQ"er, Collier County Transportation Planning Department (239) 774-8192 Reviewer's Name & Title: Organization & Telephone Number: _ Applicant: Applicant's Name: Mr. Leon Williams, Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church Address: 1620 39th Street SW. Naples. FL 34117 Telephone Number: ___._ Proposed Development: Name: UnitvJaith Location: 1620 39;i\ Street Boulevard intersection Land Use T;..1)c: Chwch ITE Code #: U) 5l2Q S\V, located soutbeast of the Collier Boulevard 8: GrecJ} \..'J'\\ .L\ \,.. Xi 1 }; ^ .. ['.. I \^...;;>...,1"'~_ to> ~ 0. ~ \.~"'~ \-iL I:':l rS.::,. h"';;;C;l l, \A (: ) V v , .." .~\_ \.";.J \S' I / _/ I "....:- \""--'t.la,-, ~ Q .", ... ~ <:::'\ '"'... \ "\ .e-", ,.. ....., " ~ ~ \ \ ..) , c......."'-- ~t..- '1t- )>..:-~-t.~,,,,\<'I'; a ("; v-,:::.,.,o. ~ti' ,~i?_. ~<::'~..^ .. "I ~ · ,-""......... t._\ "_ "r.. r- 't....- 'oJ, '".\ ~"",,t.\\ ~ V\ 1"'; U' " ...D 1. ~l. .,1,,, , ,M -_ 'l" e., ~"., \J o-'U..,...l;;, , '\> D",'l I:... ~i1"'~~) ~ ~v,&'...-J\ r t\"" · ..~ ., ">". " \ 1:1 '..., l v~ r ~ r~ r'~V.v:,~"'l ~ ~.:;'J ""/\ \.) ~,' t '\..1 ! ~tern r'~J. 17F 10.2009 Page 75 of 93 Proposed Gross Floor i\:rea: 6512 SF existing church + 13.100 SF gmmasium/c1assroorn building which is an accessory use that does not in itself f?enerate traffic. Other: N/ A Description: N/A Zoning PUD Existing: Urban Comprehensive plan recommendation: ':\/A Requested: N/A Findings of the Preliminary Study: Trip Generation: Phase is proiected to 2:enerate approximately 4 PM Peak Hour Total new trips (2 entering and 2 exiting). Exhibits 2 and 3 present trip distribution and .A1vIIPM Peak Hour Assignments. Study Type: ConmJete o Traffic operations o None ~ Study Area: Boundaries: 39th Street S\V (Exhibit 1) Additional intersections to be analyzed: N/A Horizon Year(s): 200~ Analysis Time Period(s): Weekday Alvf illJd PM Future Off-Site Developments: N/A Source of Trip Generation Rates: Institut;~ of Transnortation Engineers (lIE) Trip Generation nth Edition) ReducHons in Trip Generation Rates: None: N/ A Pass-by trips: N/ A Internal trips (PUV): .K/A Transmit use: I::li..6 Other: b'/A Horizon Year Road.wav Netvl'ork Imorovements: EQu~-l~ne to six-Ia12~_J~=olIieLBouJevardjmDrovemcnt belween Golden Gate Boulevard a.Dd Pine Rid2.c Road is Ul1itC:Ldesign stac:~ l\'Iethodologv & Assumptions..;. Non-site traffic estimates: N/A Site-tlip generation: ITE Triu Generation (ltb Edition) Trip disnibmion method: Tv1anu21 method per attractors/generators in the area !:'t!::'!",'~:~,.; ~5 ~ ;:;;5 ; cr:Jl -:- r~ t:,c';? ';~: ~:-:/:,'If:~, iT:..i :i:~r Traffic assigThl1ent method: manual Traffic growth rate: Based on historical MDT Count for studied se~'111ents Agenda Item No. 17F ~~overnber 10, 2009 Page 76 of 93 Special Features: (from preliminary study or prior experience) Accidents locations: NtA Sight distance: Adequate Queuing: Nt A Access location & configuration: One Full-movement Access point on 39th Street SW Traffic control: Unsignalized Signal system location & progression needs: N/A On-site parking needs: Adequate Data Sources: Collier County Traffic Counts and AUIR Base maps: Roadwav Network Prior study repOlis: N/A Access policy and jurisdiction: Collier County Review process: Conditional Use Permit Requirements: _ Miscellaneous: N/ A ==~.=:=======:::::=.-----=-======================-=---==---=::::===::.::;:=:=:== SIGNATURES ~ .~ ~"-. ~ b-/ ./ <<' . v '/ . ~&1 J'~/"':~,P/ Study Prepa~>v/ ~? /~~/ /L~~. ~~J!>// .~ _ /1eviewers. ./ ",y- Applicant .' 'V)i ;;;j!1Ci~I,~ 1 C',j '; U;3\ Tr~':;;ci8 i GB:;:,+:::,"':~; tf,,'{': UNITY FAITH \ Ii '-'. ~.l. ...&. t"" S"'" ,,"c'. ~\. /ol ~. ,1"'''' . i;.......J. " ...It " C:... ..,:),~ ~...... lOCATiO!'\! ~'''lt.U? ""'''<>. f LJayor Urb.n Planning Landsc.pe Ardti:ecture (jvil Engir.wirg Trafric Encir.eering Environmental S:ience I I ,.._~ EXHiBiT I Da1a: 07/03/20C7 fllt6 Pr(l}ec! f'~'ame' UnHy FaiU: Cfient Narne: Unity i:\:,;;:h '\kssj:)::3r~' BapEst C:'I'~1iUI ~ ('5':': (, :::;:q~': :::: 1\ -:':,:.; :=.;VJ, SO'J:"C8S: Y:\Layers\2'J06\Co!lier\2006 _ ColiA.erExp Iyr Y:\Pro;ects\8 1 0\81 Oe3\exhib:t01.mxd ~~",::'I:.::S. FL 2.~11 t' ='~"'):"."'J.-"'f'Z~~"JIII""~'I."""""" """"~'n=___~_'_'~=~~~_:::!1IlI~_. t.ju;n>~,;r: P 1 (it.;- :::11.c .,-,-I'",",.lr'1 .......".,1 ti ~ ~ E;;: Q ;f p::' W t. S :J t;o ~ ::: ~; '2':1 ~~ ~ f'~~l ~2 f'lH' o::~~C)lX:~8 o 2E,",l~ _~:i~~g ~~~ig~ 6"".& I ~ ....E:"t"" 11 .' ItJ It I.. :~~'~~~~~~!:e >... a::: -.:c kJ <:"'r- t- oG 0 Via::: '" V)::J Q~ ~:r: CJh <(..) -.J~ ~h (5::J ~.~ __V') :"(f::: -:<:c It.:Q hf-.: >...oq: ~i:J hCI:l "l: -- 8:: <: :::.J -~-~ i:! ~~ l(~ ~:Or.l ~.~ ~~ fill i"~~ ~~~ ~:il ~~~ ~"a (!!) ,OO.OC;" Jl .ot ,61 .00 S 1''' ---~ :f ~--- "n_ t" r -, r ~ !5. '0 <::, 0 C:l ::; e;; '" "" '" '" o " t o f :5 .OJ 61 :.r.;n _'t..'t! x' !Yr-..n:."C:t ~ J - ~~i ~ t' . l'g~ ~ H~~t ~ I B t i"~' · '. _ ~F,. r, :.:; r.t:,.i It m ~ a ~~r.~ 8 H ~~~H I ~ . ~E;~ ~ . t ,,~,.. ~ I" ~ ! ~l~~ g ~.1 ~ ~ .~:;. " s: c ~i ~~". ':I .:...1 9 &J lO',~~ ~ L -<:::::)== ~ ==e::::=:i '- ~ ,.) ~ . I ~ \,.<1. liI: C 't.> b 't a, <0 ~ ~ ! I . I ,~~ ~~'~O~... ",I, '11; J3W,S HH1r ~ ~ R~i i~ I.l~i I ~I ~ ~!:: ~~ - I : ~~ I ~ ~, I~ E:J ..~ I' ~ il ... ':,,, q~ ;, ~ I ~~ 1- - H h~;. 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F'_ (J'~ M rrl U U V f- a; f.j ~ ;;; '" u. u .~ "" 50 :5 Vi r..--.------m--------. ------.. -._~------. Green Boulevard \ / . a se van .s .. Daylor ,,"! .~ I '0> ;iIl~~ r :,j~ 15th Avenue 5\'" -----0-- I 'l:l ... ,., > '" :; o li:l ... ~ 15 V +_ .1r}';~ ,,- 5~~ r" (; '" rl ,. NI ''7'- Agenua 11em .0. i I r Noven,ber 10.2009 Page 82 of 93 ---- ....-.~~~ -~ O"-'r,-~,;\ 'j' '\\ I.V ~;: ? E ';-:'~f:::: ~) Not Ie SCuta ,I> ] ~ Project Site 17th Avenue SW ~. ~,b.n fj..J'JII'I~ t:lrdl8p~ t~rJ;i~I"(;t'1t ':.,.iJ ~ nCl~~~rir;i lHJt il'~ Br,:mf'~ ~~!.-,~,./" ;;w~ i~~ 1m r-/tlt fllH~? f)!,H;)lltd dIH-t~O,\ 'If ~Jn:l~ f'IIII Unity F.,ith Missionary Baptist Church 1620 39!h srreot SvV Naples FL 34117 Jut'l 1007 1'4CI! ITlJ.L Unity PaWl Site-generated Trip Distribution Percentages EXHIBIT 2 !tem hJo. 17F 10, 200:) Page 83 of 93 ~ !5th A\,(:nue SW --------..---i--..::.J-.---------__._______ 1\; r'~;:A~\ \.,~. t-"- r: .\ '{;c~_/J1- "-:~,f~'/ 5 Not to Scale ~ , i I -.-, I I .' , C0-----1 Pro j e c t .,. I Green Boule\'a~ ;; ~ 2J ~ V s t e .' L:..', li' V. '':;' (-", L I ~- '-,.. 0------ ~''- i _____(?)_______~th Avc~~:._____ -..:..- AM Peak Hour Trip Assignrnent ----I I (-.. 15th Avenue SVY' ------,.-------~--..-..------\.,,-V--.----.----..~-.-" 'V GrCiE;n 5ouiev31"'d " > ," " C!l T- L r"'\ Project Site I"L)--- : !~ ' u -~ J r , '{--~ ,..-,\ .. . ---_-1,-2..;- 17th AV~:-n-U8 SV\-' ___4. FM P€~', Hour Trip Assignment ! tJf; 1520 39!h S-!rr:o"~;~ S'!,~~I anasse Day tor ir.rr;: i':.[)(n~e:rir:f t.l)'1rtftT:~r;;al Sci~,~(! IlHI f~Gf rrn.l; Unity FaUh Mi:;siorary BcpUst Church '!3~;IG.'~ FL 3,1 ~ ~ '7 Unity l=aith AM P1JJ Peak Nour Trip .~ss.ignments EXHfBfT 3 JU!j 2acr H ;;IJlhlill TIWlJlmnfr~I~~r:-UTlm~u]ill~lliJlJ{Wi TIm~~m~ - i-I I ! II iT I ~ --~llLI++-1-- I 1-, ll-+-J~~- : J __I J-r~--L-~J IlL I -11 _ lp I I I J I II I I I Ii! I ! I I LLLLTllTu T 1_ -J_-- T- , I Il Jfg ,I , I f1! I , ~ ~,.- -. ' ~I, I I I" ~l- I"'~. I ~ L~II' 1;-llli~11 I I ,-I I ,r;, - - .- ~ 6 I II ii ~I I I I I; ~, = 1 I;: Ei I Iii : I .", " I!! T I 11TLLT{ t fTI ~ !;I- _ !~' S l1 ,-'-_",riT j ; [i- _- -_~]I ~.;; ~'I ~L '\11,..1 !Z r:1 ~Tl, r'1'PII1J I;"; 1.,1 ~, - I~I r.l~ I-I ~ ~II ~,I;! ;, ,} ;1 ~ I~ I" I ,:II'I,wtl:,I. :.:\ II'" ~~"I [~~'I<.,' ; ~:;j I~I ; i ti~ :;;1 ~::: .. I: ~ "11~lr :"111'- i- . .. 1 ,'"'' ''!'' 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T~_I_~ -l~-i=f1JlT~1 !-I;-ITi~1 ~~-!T::-I-i:-I::;TT~'~I JljJl Tr.;:-I iJI::-LT:~'I-i .-[-1 fTiTr-I~-1 !dt:-';: ];- -'-~Il-I-I :;lli-~trT: I~H~i F 3 I~ li'i I~!~ 1~811 '1~ 1 I 5 ,,", ~ ~i ~: l~ ~i ::, 13! ~i ~'~I :-:' 1~ '~, ~ F: ,~, I, : IC,,~; ~Ll-I-': ::" w ," iSI I '1-' ~: ~ 1["; , '-!-l..l -i-._-jJ 1..:-'-;-.....:--"..- -.- : -'-"'-r.l--+'-r~J..'- ...--'"C-'--'----.-L.:-r ,- ,.. !...--...----.."r~--'-. TJ r ~ 1~1~: l~, ::1 :g: ~ll~1 ;, I; I~! j , ' - 1,1 / 1 ; :1 II~: Ir:' .~'~ e'ljl{ ""Ii~ ~' ~[' \i I~'I I!::' :f ~ I:I!: 1=:, "I~: ~'~ r k, : ; :,' ~r+{: :~I-~:.] 11.-11 :;- i:!i -~!11::--11.:L;:~1 -~~-1~:'.!:~t-I*:.'-I..::l-.II.:...., ::':. i~LII=+JI:-I-LI>"il-: _<':I_:~_IL.... :'L.1 ,:(<H"I~:JI~~i~I-,I>I:f I +~I-.I:,ll<:-i ::- I;'''''ll-!! ....) ~'\"" II"j '<ll" ."'''''' I"" l"'I~'I" I" ! - '" I'" I""!I~ -1- I"'lr ~-'i~1 'l -/ -; ~ .. I ~ .J_~_ !;-;~iljlfLl~LI!i!!_ ::-~_I~;~~-~i:\~;~!~I~! ii1jI[~~1 '~jll~l. ~{~[-1~:~'~1'_ ::]~~BIfil~~JT~LFI~{:~~-,[~: I IJJ I ! I I I I I I I II I I I 111T~ .,. "I~ < I ,~!i I~ :; '1"11 ',I~ : I I i:: t ~ p F :; ! .! I: r i I !I~f--r I' I-~I-' : r HiTf ~I r-; ~llll 'I : r; nTI -~ .~_L. :...LL-"-___;J~_;_L_~ll ' ii' I j , ; ! I I I~' [' I - ~ J Agenda item ~~o. 17F t'~ovember 10, 2009 TABLE 4 - 7 '- UPDA TE01!!Y~[d7 ] GENERALIZED PEAK HOUR DIRECTiONAL VOLUMES FOR FLORIDA'S URBANIZED AREAS* UNINTERRUPTED FLOW HIGHWAYS Level of Service ABC D 110 400 790 1,130 1,060 1,720 2,500 3,230 1.600 2.590 3,740 4,840 STATE TWO.WAY ARTERIALS Class I (>0.00 to 1,99 signalized intersections per mile) Level of Service B C 220 720 1,530 1,8l0 2,330 2,720 3,030 3,460 Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divid(;d J Divided Lanes Divided I Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided A .. 250 380 490 D 860 1,860 2,790 3,540 Lanes Divided I Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided Class II (2.00 to 4.50 signalized intersections per mile) Level of Service B C 100 590 220 1,360 340 2,110 440 2,790 D 810 1,710 2,570 3,330 A .. .* .. .. Class 1II (more than 4.5 signalized intersections per mile and not within primary city centrliJ business district of an urbanized area over 750,000) Level of Service Lanes Divided A B C D E 1 Undivided .. ,. 280 660 &10 2 Dividtd ~. .. 650 ],510 1,720 3 Divided ~. .. 1,020 2,330 2,580 4 Divided :j-. .. 1,350 3,070 3,330 Class IV (more than 4.5 signalized intersections per mile and within primary city central business district of an urbanized area over 750,000) Level of Service Lanes Divided A B C I Undivided .. H 270 2 Divided .. .. 650 3 Di,'ided .. "* 1,000 4 Divided .. u 1,350 FREEW A YS Interchange spacing::: 2 mi. apart Level of Service C 2,~-10 4,S50 E 3.980 6.150 8,320 10,480 12.650 E 1,440 Lanes A 3,670 2 J,210 5.500 3 1,970 4 2.(j(,O 5 3,360 (, ~,050 B 2,110 3,2(,1) D 3.5~() 5,530 4,410 5,560 6,710 6,150 7,760 ~.3IiO 7,.:180 9A.1Q II,J90 E 890 Interchange spacing < 2 mi. apart Lcvd 01' Ser', ice Lunes A B C D E 2 1.130 I,R40 2,660 3,440 3,910 3 1,7.'50 1,890 4.180 5,410 6,150 4 2,340 3,940 5,700 7,380 8.380 5 3,080 4,990 7,220 9.340 10,620 , 3,730 6,040 8,740 11,310 12.850 0 BICYCLE MODE ... ... ..... E 850 1,800 2,7 JO 3,500 (Note: Level of service for the bicycle mode in this table is based on roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not number of bicyclists using the facil ity.) (Multiply motorized vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine maximum service vo'umes.) PEDESTRIAN MODE (NClte: Level of service for the pedestrian mode in this table is based on roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not the number of pedestrians using the facility.) (Multiply motorized vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine maximum service volumes.) D E 720 780 Level of Service ],580 1,660 Sidevrdk Co\'cruge A B C D E 2,390 2,490 O~4 90/0 .. .. .. 330 810 3,130 3,250 50.84~~r .. .. .. 520 990 85., 00% .. 120 590 >590 't,.)l ~ KON-STATE HOA DW A YS Major City/County Roadways L::vd of Service B C (""'B\. . . 4 SO \:!J.JJI. ..... ],120 l.t..l0 t* 1,740 2,450 Lanes Divided I Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided A .. .. .* Other Signalized Roadways (sigrlaiized intersection analysis) LevelofSer-'ice B C .. 250 .. 580 Lanes Divided I Undivided 2 Divided Source: A .. .. D E 530 660 J~ ~no., E 10 1,710 BUS MODE (Scheduled Fixed Route) (Not~: Dus:s per hour shown are only for lhe peal. hour in ,he siQglt' dlrt'ClloD of Ihe higr.er trim;: flow) Level of Service (Buses per hour) ABC ** >5 2:4 >6 >4 :::3 Median Left Turns Lanes Adjus:ment Factors " \' I Divided )'es +5% i I Undivided No -20% c Florida Department of Transportat;ol1 05/J7/07 "1ui:i Undivided Yes -5% I Systerns Planning Office Mul:.i Undivided No -25% ~ 605 Suwannee Street, MS 19 'Ii Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 ONE Vol A Y FACILITIES hnp://w\vw.doLstate.fl.usplanninglsystemslsmllos/defaulLhtm lncfwse ,.Qrre""onding voh:rr:t tw 1.2, ~ . Values 5fWWIl aie hourly dm::C(IOnal volumes ror It"ve!:r ofseryke and are for Iht: aulomobile/lruck modes unless spCCirU:illly .!ilaled. To convert 10 ann\lal t\\'crzge dail)' !fame: \Iolumes, \n!:st: \,Qlum~$ mu.sl fj be divided by Bppropria:1e D and K faclors. This table does not constilllt~ l: stnnd-"lrd and shou:d b~ u~!:'d eml)' for gl;:oeral planning appticolions. The computer modcb rrom which this table it: derived shculd bl: ri lJ:;ed ror more specin::: planning tpplica,ions. The labl: and deriving computer models should ~Ol be u:,cd [0[ corridor or inten'cctioll d~sign. whr.:[~ more rermtd techniques e.tj~t. u'<'cI of senice-lct!~r grad-:- ~ :~:~~r:!e~~~~:~~:~~%~~~'~e~~~~~~~!~;:f!!;:~~'~~~:~~:i:;;:d~~~~:::~~ ;:?~~~:;~~ ~:'~~~d;;,~.',dye t:I~~~,~~'~~~~~;\~~e,~:';;~e ~~~;~; :~oc~, '~ ~~:$~:"s~ ~:~~ ~: :~~e;~~I ;.~~:~ 2:,~:;~/,~:;~~" 1 ,/ Y ! -lear-no: b~ achintd using table il"!put \o'alue defaults ~ ."NoI 'ppl'c"ule for 'hal 1.,:1 or service l.u" grad.. for aulomob;I.I:n"k modes. vol,me, ..taler lh,n levd of 'ervk. D beeom. F bee.u,. In,mwion ',;paci';" h,,, b,," "ached. ror bicyd. rl" and p~dt's~n:n modes, ,he le~'el of service lel~c:r ~ade: (incJudinr Fl i~ nol /ichie\';:'lbl~.. be:aus-:; t.h~re is: no Inuimum vehIcle volume thre.snoJd USlng table input nlu~ defalllts. : r w ~"-_ ,.~ 'I, -4~~,,_t>.__ ~_1IP:!'"~1l Sidewalk Coverage 0-84% 85-100% D E ~,' : -. .; J - ;,3 ::2 2.5t~O ARTElUAL/NON-ST ATE ROADWAY ADJlISTMEKTS (alter corresponding volume by the indicated percent) -~ ~ J~' ~ t ~ L?mt:~ ;\1'J. 1/'F Q, 2009 OT:i3 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan Table 10-2 Roadway Improyements for Needs Plan Road way Sf'gr(l...nt I lrnporc",",rnellt 23" St sw l/I.'rll:e L.,~b:.. 13l..-j 10 ;"'O:;I;~1'l G~l".::::: .,rl , :?La~;fo t....lln~ Cr.,Jl(~~Of , Airpon Road V? n:(;rb;1l81~ .1:::-, ~c "'! I't"rll~.r.;}i,~t, Rc [~L~n~ l)llJc,,:.1 Ar:~'.lal aeor",Jd R"" d IJS ('I Ie V,Ii'ct"" La.k.... Bivd ~-ll'J'H: r......,.c.'7C M;wt.' C:(,fi~N- Camp Kea~ R0ad :)I'W~.~ r-1,d 10 1i:".nl:'1:..n1te F~j ('''(..:1'1(> t~,;Lll j...c l,.'1-':.fia' CR &: 6 ~~f..; 2fll~ CP I,C{! IHel.j~l C:OU:'lI',' LIrJ~) :1.. Ln r-,e, M,ror Cc)lk--c'!Qf F,~~(,...,=~,nJ U101"I CR 858 ::J' I i~"," ~ Ii ~.d l::;: ~~ 8..H:J ~.Lhrl{; Ii/liner C c,L(:~OT R,'o:''J,;[rJ 111c~ CR951 (COli'., Boul.vanl) !..7f l{i Pl~~ R..tC:ge >:::..-.: €. Lll'n~ C"mh'd Mc:ial CR951 Extension 'r:'i;"'(.Ir~I'~'2-I:.:-t! Ie, t.:,t;.'- C'.-.;:J'lt': L 1:-1 0:: I '<..lH,1;- ["vide.r;:: ~"..rt'..nGI Umt'l(:d l,':"::o<:;~!.n(J1l c.p~>:-trl.lni:"- I Enterprise A\leI\ue/,:enlrol Avcl1ue :;; ';',,:.i!i,~' :'_r; ;: r-..n~. R::J ! c- _t..ITh.,n ;::-~ C' 1 -J'~;:r;1.' [~"'iG(--d ;"f~{'.,,,,: Ev~glade:s BO\.'levard )-7610 lmmo~lee Rd -[ ~, ~.Illl: C~vid~ ~\r..,n;;1 G doen G21fl Boul'?-I:ud Wilson Blvd to DesolC1 Rd I '::.~Ofl-r. :JrViV1;-j r..;l ~rt;)! G 000 leHe F" ral'l k Roe d Orange Blo$S:o~ Dr 10 lrwr,':Jk.al~e Rd I ~, L"rH! [.11~'iC1;;C AnErloi Flooda Tradeport 6oul~vard I r~ew Mar!le: Rd 10 SR 2S. By.Pass I '.: Lnr,,, Dh:l.:lct M.1r_r C(,~I!'":~\")r Green Boule\"artt Livin 951 on Rd 1c CR 951 I .~. L3f'''' Clil,dt.d f.,n~qjli Green 9o-ulevil I'd EY.v16. St S\r'l,1 I CR 95~ 10 Z;:,rU Ave SW ~-L"n,~ C'1\"c~: C~,II{,'::;t.r Green Boulev:J rd Ex1:.i 6t1 S! SI,fl/ I 23~ Ave SVV 10 Evoen::ladi;'S [J-Jd I ~-"~.an(.l"~lr,,:;r (;':>fll;o('l(,' 1-75 i ~ I ~ - CR f; 51 leG ~!d ffi G at ~D~:N}' €-Ltl"I'~ r '(l-,:"Vr.J 'I 1-76 1 GoiJer, Gate Pkwy 10 Fln~ R,jd9E- P,d I f~ :"CJH! r r-(~\ll"'::\ 1-75 I Pirie RaJge P.d Ie< L'2E' CCoiJolv Line €-(..ane Fr~way/~-lane HOV (Tol: 8t:;:'Cin...;tll!V/ J lrnmoka 1'-* Roa d Oil 'W,.:;I! Rd tci.::.:'dA~e h,' I c:....Lane Dv,d~d Aneria! Immokatee Road ! 4 'Yo:. AVE Nlo S;:: 29 I 4.Lnn" Q>J~ded Aliena! I lml':lo~I.floe Road Extension i Camp Keais Roo d te SR 29 i 4.Lant> uvided Alieri'3\ Kei\ne Averwe I 23rt1 51 SW Ie WlIsor, Blvd I 2-.01'''''; MI'n'.>r ~t~C,(;/ , Lak"=! Trafford Rood L~y Resor1 BoulelJard La'l. League Road L09an Boulevud Lopn Boulevard lOQan Bou!~v&rd f West Terminuslolitllf:L,:J:.dJ.eRd I Grand L(!o!y Dr 10 Rattlesnake I-j:l:..nmock Rd I Lalt. Trofloro Rd 10 SR 82 I Gree!"t Blvd 10 Pine Rid:;le Rc -r Pin.;. Pj.:;\9~ Rd 10 Imrnokalee Rd I !mmokalc~ NJ to Ve1e:-ariS Milmorial 61,-,d ::~i..!;r,(: t,~ill'Jr :::d:~ClO' ;::;>r,.~'Il:;'l,':';~/'fr1 ! i I I I 4-Laoe 1)vld.d Art.ml 4..Lanoe: Dv;ded Major Collector &. La Oi! avid ed Art<:r1al .G.Lane ();:idec Art~hal I M~ssev Slmel I Ycnd.erbill BC3C!l Rd 10 Imrnokal(<~ Rd 2-Lan-e Minor ~necl(l!' t~evr Market Roa d I SR 29 (WUfJI) 10 SR 29 (north) 2~Lane Minor Cc!Uec.\.or Rt'cons-tf\JO,iQfl Noc1hbrooke Drive T im.":1ol':a:et Rrllc. Ve'ot.rans Merno.-lll: 61v<l .....L:ir,~ o-Vil:t:d /\JH::liiI: I -- Oaks Boul<cvaro -1 Vilncilrbill 8e~ch Rd \(J immok<Jje~ Rd /,. ~.:' "'; 't ::IiVI('.::d ,1\:~'.'fl;;" m W.II Read I Camp Ke~i~ Rd 10 SR 29 I ":.Lr: ne Ddd 00 Aner'ia( O~ Well Road SR 29\0 Hendrv CO'Jrq Line I 2-Lr:. rl8 Min{Ji CCllledor Reo;;nstruc:.ion Cid 41 i USt.1 to Lee County Lin~ i J,. L:;r'>'::' :\'"c' {.!: f..r-.~"jcl i --j e 10 om rive G(>cdletl(< F, 0 p~ 10 ,...m slOfl R <1"L1r\~ r)vj;~~i t<":E-~I;): ::..L:!f'(' r..','nc.r t',I;.~;-;~,l Orang 6 c.s D P.anciall Swim ard Rzllle$na ke Hamm0ck P.oad S"n t.~arco Rood Siollta Bubar<! 80ulevErd ;a , lrnmDkal""e Rd 10 Oil VVel! Rd ~ ~'S~1IoCR951 f Cclii;:r 31....::1 te Sa rfl~lo 8r I, GYld-::;t Gale Pk'.r~' to ':;r0er'. BJ':d 11..75\cHer,df".,'COl.'r'lvLir:e I. SR Z9 (south) 1 c> ~)r:;: ...:.'::) (n6rH,) 1. SR 2910 !~~rdrv C(>iJnly L'n.;: i _t.irporl Rc' 10 S;;n1'J B"'ba~ Sh<:) ! r'Aar~o lsiz:nc Bn:Jor:- to L'S :.1 [ 'CR 951 k (.;r~;-;~v B:vc ---1. ::; rccnway 51....d \0 Cr:;. ~i2 1 Alr~:,rt Rd to L.!vi:'1~;tc~ Pi j C~ 951 to t~~ 3~S~'V SI I \'~ndert.ill 6",.01;':'.') K~ to ;rnm,)k;;I>3~ Rd f US t.i t~ I'.r;o~ Rc' ,0 I I I I ~ f"La ne DNid ej An~Hi<d 4.L/;t.e Dividori ~Jieri~1 &LaneJ:-\Iio€.d Arteriai VJi~9irlS Pe's:> k:j to 8y:rl, 6"_,o~~ 1 ,::,0 ...-..--.-----------,. G..Lanoe :Ji\'i~E'.Q .l,:-tena! ~,L?nf:, O;vid~ AI1e~[al 4..Lane Divlo<!:-d Ar1E."i~) 2- !...ar e C,oI1e.::tcr 2..La,'j<;! M';'CI?i Collector 4.Lf.;n~ Dr..-!d€c C~!e::~or €.La.,€ D\'idcd Aneria! I , I I J ! -f I I I I 1 I ,\.L:jn" :::4111 .:",j A.'1€/J,.i ~-- SR 29 8y"Fass SRG2 SR b4 (Cavis Boul@vard} L SR 951 (Co'!ier 80ul.n~ I T,no"omi T;ai!East(US41) iamiami Trail East (US 41) f! r,.o. Cent..- W"y EO'l Tre~ F" arm Read 1\f'1l,r't~c)e-:; U:'U;l:',I,!'~; .- '. t \/and<:!:rbilt Bec;ch Roc:d r \-'anoert>i~ B~~ch ROi:ld i V3n~erbih Dive r. :"';n,: J".'I:>/j /,."'HllJ .~-L:!..,<~ Ul'.' I;' l',,';; J..nt,n;!1 l,.lan'2 Dr.rlded Anoerlal CLan<€' DT<!id-u:' PJ"'.tlf/C:I 2R 96110 D",,'< Ed 4.Lap€ :ivirlE-d ,;i~I::'i;> L<a,-:€: DVIOcd A.rterial Final Report 10 - 5 Adopted January 12,2006 Agenda Item No. 17F r'k>vember 10, 2009 Page 88 of 93 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan -1 '110. t,11 :,llilli~ - ~~Jf;~> C1lLLl[RI:-.~~ -'""~---"~ "'""'~.... ,,'..-,......... Table 12-1 2030 Financially Feasible Constrained Plan Ct~ill:ctl.\n F'r,rnl'To NVt;ll~ L,)kr fH~tl mAliJ unall!: f\d; It. Rl!',':-IP ~w If.~:i~" 1',1;1 :~. Gr.p~. l"Jt.,c f::tt iG<llrpl'; ulllrJ Extll)"VIIllit! Ao I/\hitr ,~ti It! GiulalOn Glt~ CI'tC ....,ldlde"t.1lt BegJch ~e ~o t:T<mDIoI~.!! ;~d us~, lDv.'nlUl La:...,f. Bflltl- 1-7~.iHrJttl Lid< loGtldttl'l~:;ll" ;'~. iGc.ICet' ::;al~ Pk'wl'k Pint! HI~. K1ll'<odlt'l!r Fl'1IniC li:d ru AJ~ol'llht I I:ll':r'lI:l . 1~ kI& S'''J t~ rn ~I.tI O\vll Golclfl'n GJtt' '*-'oJ III \laMe..rt:I~'. B~:H~h Htl IVoI.nO\trblP a...t - B.....:: R;.llrldu!1 f!l~'l'dt/;l 011 V'.'fr!ll't:tf 'JYiIl'.on Ul.,,, I '.- kc.:~""f1 l ;:o,~~ 'f~rth R O;C Lm1"'t. ;m tll...nr.t;IOiiyrtn;llIt- "I.lll' Pr:;<,II!':1 CI"'!':t " ! i i ._~ 1. ~ :;r &.,:;:. l'J r ,. ~ I ..I< +-/C .--1 2U I 2U I 2U '" iU Inlf'r:ol:lf:t.rJ.~ IP\d G-~t! Eilm.~~kI!,,. SR2' <i1!U'., I ~~~~~:':~~:~e~; ;~c I I TC"4~ ~'2,n5,3BS..(JO $1.110.S4(..tn $"I,524,700.57S- S1,$24,70D,575 $1ee,600,ON, S2:S3.000,(J&O $311,OaO,O'i S-~tl,lJ:!lO,OOQ S,.o=1,086,005 S2,S1!i.345.n~z Exictlng O&M and Caplt2,l OpI!tOltiVnf; Cost. Unfunded Chl!$l&ridgt fJecdlii Unfunded Tr;lMn ""peds ~)nrOOdl:\'d PathwOl~"s I'.jNtd~ Er~haJ\clld Tr;or.nritUP ..thwi:lVf!':M$lBud!')II R.hab/I1N onfifh.lC:lon I E+C P.o.at.' Lanes. art- thee ~Jl&1lr,g r'tl...~ :.nd tn"! ro;,ri lmprovt"mer:!$ l.lnrJt" ctm~>!;w:tloJ~ Q~ P'C!)1.I'll:'nt-d 'or cons!ruct1on mlhl! ;CCP\NI ~tl!. Tr;;;n..poo1Ulicn lmrrovernent Progr1lrm (TIP) .w::' 10.:.;11 jtJri",dtttion Gar.l~;al lrnpn:vement Pro;Jl'imli {C!P), Tn!: atlbretJla.~om tor eiicl1 roawfilY !l;e~lT'er)l i"',dj~iJlt th~ "umbo!!' ~f l~"tl and t'ypl! 0-1 roOldw'ily. 2U . TWtl-lane undiv:d~c1 ro;d ZR ~ Two-l.lne ru~) read 2recon .1wc-lilne rural toad rectlm..lrJcticn ?!... TlMJ-lane IOCil) rODd liD - Four.lane divide-d road 40. . Fcur-(~ ne cll..i6ec road ri;ht.ot..w,ry pfl~U (>1)!:( 50. Sb__lane divided fChlCl SD. Eighl-I<<nr divide:;! road tOl J..L wo, Enh&l'Il:tC f' rvgnmll'lQ 4F . Fow.i"l"1~he-I'/!lY ~F. S,..--I;mehe"^'JY GF. Ei;;;m.l.iir:[ ~eway ./SH - f ou~.Ioot1e "'lg~..cCtu~,ll:n'=Y ...~hkif': IHOJ: or o:.r~dQJ Iff.~ t~nU n~'7 - S'OIO" fie..<k;"'ltltlrl (lr Inleftt1~l'\g, jmprllV$f~t'nl , Prop Ro~d L;nes ;If@' the IQtarl'1umber oflan-e, IIn~ road.......y l!'J>6 fe::-cmrm-flGcd to"!f)(! High......y N!et'd:i> FI"" J Aa~m01.tlvfi road liin~5 ~h f'Q">J.lll e..c Pre.p R~Hld or ht' I::lenrn I!ve! c~ 1:r;~~t:.vtmenL . eOJ thecke~ lfpro;ecl would be !:mlied anti tf iitdd1ional re\lemJe~ abp..t' cu~"\ 'fo~"e;:.i.:;t be~imt a"ii;J..~e , identif,e!< polt-ntia! ~evtnu~ so,umH- ~ch a$ loe;' Opllor (:.Qi Tax {~030, hti!!;::"";JCllJft .su:-;,,;t.: 'SUR). Stol!l!',Sit Ir.lermod..\ Systl!!m or Flanda li"llrlls-\;!le H~h......,.y S',-"S1f!!TI Fundil"'!} (S!S), ToC tun-din; (TJ. sale 0: f€!:i~,..l Mr, attibu~ble tmclnll (ST). iranSPort2lor, Regiena! lnt'l:nti...e Progr;rTl ([RiP) Final Report 12.4 Adopted January 12, 2006 IT. _ ,- ,_..,,~-, Collier COllnty Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Counts (Five Year History Listed Alphabetically) ~ r-- ......-. --- ..-- - Ti-I-T--r p I I. I. i 2006 . e I . 2002 I. 2003 2004 2005 I ADT I Change I Location . 1 I I ,o6.OT ADT ADT ADT I (Based on 05-06 . Availzble I I Counts) I I i I I I . l111h Ave NOrl', sast Df Vanderoiit Dr (CR 901) --8.4921 8,383 ~I. DI 7.721 Q 1111 th Ave North west of Van:erbilt Dr (CR 201) I 4.593' 4,774~OO 01 <~02 Al29 (SR) f!orth Gf Farm Worke(s Viliage -1-9;919 9,9401 10,1211 2.875~15 ~ I H~~~: ~; ~~ ~; '" ""he,,,,,,", " . ~:~:;/ ~~~I ~~:; I :~;: 1~'2'~'~~1 .0.72% ~29 (SR) south orus 41 (SR 90) I 3.9401 3.679{ 3.419)~177r 331(; 4.38% - IA !82 (SR)v,'esl cfSR29 Ll,,62'{~I144!-",225 ~1',531D3,~'1[12008% 619[_]01846(OeViI'SGardenRd)eastofSR:::9 I 4.242: 3.31i' 3.269 2.8531 3114! 9.15% 553[H iO !Alroort Rd fCR 31) north or Davis Bivd !~~---L~~@ L7.870 50,0291. 0 49,519' [ ~~;I COCO I g :~;;~~~~; :~~ ';', ;~~~~~~~~~~ ~:;~ Pkwy (C"'oo, -I g; ::1 :~:~;: :ii:ci: 54. 56~ '(};;:;;~jG. 65% I 59tll:::;c :0 !/\irport Rd (CR 3,) north of Oranoe 8lossG~n Dr ~L 48. 89SL 46,144139.444, 38.3471 -2.78% 5031cccc to !Airoort Rd iCR 31) north of Pine"Riclse Rc (CR 0"6.1 ! 44,2Sc.i 49,634[ 46:1791 .....:: 01 40.6981 I 543!H !OJI\irportHdiCR.11)nOrlhoiUS41 ISR45) (Tarnlami Trail) 127,572127.919129.6011 <>,OJ 28.4941 i 6591 ! 0 1/l.irDort Rd feR 31) north Of Vanderbilt BS2::h EO;.:! ::R 652; L 34,986!.35,742j~6,331! .310881 29.5Do:_ -511 %] [552I_J.VlAi7PDfl Rei (er: 31) south oi Davis BI\ld (SF'( 8~) _~3~,03;! 37.0~~j ~7,8~5!.d3~.:431",,,,,,~:.~~2j -1313%' I 5331 C ClH C ! 0 :A.irport Rd (CR 31) south of Golden Gate Pkwy iCR S86) I 5~.4 L, 50,8wj :J3.637TT:;,<:" Ok,"'W.t'ffi,QL. I I 554,H 10IAirportRdiCR31)SouthoflmmokaleeRd(CRS46) i 31.399)32.2181 33,6011;\i:;'~:OI 26,8291__1 502i;:m--rcS-iAiroort Rd (CR 31) south of Pine Ridoe "Id ,:" r;.,i ~9,877l46.3~1.1 46,9701;., :"<:;OI"t~::it~811 ! 7111-is l3-ald EaGle DrlGR 9,,3) nor:h of H;;ttwJooa Dr ! 13,354, 12,915J 13,370 Discont. .Dlscont i 7001 j2JB8ld Eagle Dr feR 953) north of 82rfi21d Dr ! ,;.;:50! 7,105! 8,S05IDiscont. Discont. [ l 539/ i 0 i Bald Eagle Dr (CR 953) north of Collier Blvd (SR 251) I 11.173' 11,3831 13,23310iscont. IDiscont I l 15401_ 10 r8aldEa9IeDr(CR953)SouthofColiierBIVd(SR951) r-'1~14r_~O,978r 11.[jOsjDisconL IDisc;onl i i 6221 ~8arfield Dr south or Callier Blvd rSR 951) J._ 8,5781 [3.-'91 8.S38iDis::;ont :Discon!. '===l r701! is ~8ariieldDreastof8aldEagieDr(CRg53) I 4.950: 4.548[ 5.19S!Discont IC'lscor:L I I 6211 it,] ! 8c:rf:eld Dr north of COlier mv'c (S::> ,"S1) ---~~-=-.l 3.546[~.i1:::5i_ 3,601.1Discont IDiscont i ~ I 7181 IS I Barfield Dr north of San Mar::o Rd (CR92) 1_ 9.1661 ~:,'122! 84bO!Oisconl IDisconL ! ! I 7111 1s18arfleid Dr north of VVinterberry Dr L_.E.&lgj 5.3cFII 6.061IDiscont! Discont I ! I 713! -1ST Barfield Dr souLI-] of \A~nterb':'r~_~ i 35C21 3,941 i 4.267 iDiscon!. IDiscont I I I 5211 10 j Gavshore Dr north of Week Av", .1 16.352] 15-,377] 14.635]-.!i'-~12,0121 -1.82% I (s261-jAlcamp ~(eajs Rd ~~!mmo~aiee Rli reF< Bf.0! ! 3.0c~11 3.;-~~,027i~~_},78:;.1---=-184% I~ IAlCapri Blvd west of Collier i31vd (S" 851) I 5.135!~~.?OI 4,276]_ 4,78~1 4,565/ -4.08% 6101 IQicarsonRdnorthofLakeTf2ffordRd:CRE'.90\ I 5.::1:15 5,70315,9271 5.472f S,797[ 5.93%, I 618) fA !Cilo/(oloskee Causeway south of Piantation Parkway i-T173J_?:209i 2.17~----?-,::J75j 1,8341 ~I' 1_573!_IQ-!COl!ier Blvd (eR 951i norih ofD8\'is Blvd rSR 8!.)____,_~5~Zi[ 46:_~~2i 53,86~L~~1~1 57,3141 202%. [ 5841HC )0 ICollier Blvd feR SS1) nOrih Of Colden G31?_.E.'.~____.! 18.042118,535]18.5181:,-'. OI,",~:20.'06G1 . 1.525L _==-l2JCol~!~r 6.1.:2.lE~2S1i n:Jf1n ~2:jer. Gate P~y (CR ESE) -__._i 26.518! 27.~oSt.3.9,570J 31,9"31 32,0401 O.~~ L :.13SJ_----10 [.co~ller Blvd (CR 051) [,Orin lif i~fJ8 RiOC;~~~_Ll~D311}3:~9-! 35.421 J_37,~041~0'39LlL~~~f I 6021 _JOl~~oLer Blvj Ie": cS:) 1I0ri~1 s'< r<2~.c'5n0k~Ji2':!2 Rd (CR B6'iL~_i 30.2a~! 31~26! 33.926!_~?....?_9~i_.l.~L~II~273%! i 532 i -19 ! Cel!;"'f Blvd iCR Eo:' r:5~i~, c.: I}S "1 (sO;: ''!!.UTamI2mi Tr:a:i)._!_22.83it21}20I ?~.i3.L_::!.3.0El.~j 28,323C.__f 1 6071 ! (J r CO!!lsr EI'~d (en SS1j south of Golden Gate Pi;wy rCF< 885) --____J 22.~~.9L?~,23~U5,815L :29,160 i__3o..0601-----1.09%.; I_Q55L<:~_.__!O iColjier Blvd (CR 951) south of l'llmoka)89 Rei Pi 646) .. ! 19,12511 ~,-~~J 21.79Ei!~2~r~$!?#~"QQt~69%! 16571 '0 !Coili8r8ivdrCRS51;SOLtr,ufLelvCu!tura!8ivd I 25,011:!20.2841 29,365! 32,477i 32,7391 0.81%' r-6031c--r6-icollier Blvei !e,", ?o;) s,Juii., cf F:"tiI2:r,Z,I(S h2rn Rei (CP~---;-2~'fI3T27.S2&13-1A62i34:013ITf'3:;H'i3Br---'O45%] L. 5571~c _!O i Collier Blvd (ei'( 951) south of US 41 is'' 90LE~miaf1"llIr2ii.)--1=~.';:'ES:34:13~L35,55~C ....,.:..Q.HfBStJ3B!----=:j l_~5~_JO iCo'::or aive (SF: S'51) 22:\ of Baid E5~ rei'; ~;5~'\__~...J.9Y~~~8.9~31 20,627~UOiscont. !--_J l 6241__[0 'COllier Blvd (SR 951) north of S~~f~ar~S'B.:L{~~2)_____LJ2,!2.iL12,~561_.2~,34~iDisco~:_JOiSCO!1L!__i l_703J_!_~.; CoII;'::r Elvd (SF: p5 'J-.:'lo':;~l2f Vjn:c:~!:.= ~y.Q=___________L.J_~64 inl.?.:.627 Ul.056 !DiS~O!:J.t'_lPlscoDt:..j____~1 j 627]__L3JCo'iier BJv<!jSR S'SI)_~.9' C2cri.Q.~~(Cr\.~~L_.____J 26,l~2,_?.~~173! 27,8141 28.595] 27,19fL_ -4.89,}~, l 556: __!QjCD1i:ar Blvd (SR ;5,) south oi Marco Gno99 !JDlley Bn::ige)_..._~.49.~i ~6Z~n_2ZJ43!DisconLIDiscont 1_____1 I 716! !S !Colller Blvd (SR 951\ sCJuth o~ 52:] H:'~::o R.c' (8R ':"2\ ! 17,33~" 17.8511 13,88f.D:scont IDisconL 1 I i---_.,___~_.__.___.~__,_.__._____.__..._____._._._._..__..___._.__._.___,__~_._._~_..__._ ,.__.____ , 1710/ ISiColiierB!vd(SR951)SOU1h:f\\I~i.l:s'DC!rriD; .. I 1O.81E! 11'r30i 11,035iDiscont iDisconL ! i 1S3r---i Q ;COTiie~(SRS5i~~~ oT6~9}apL~.:QDc:;fD~~~)=-=~~=CIf:~ii]f.2_~Ci2.~lflQiSC2~~:j.Q~0r1!:J --~--==J a t o 5 t A n m e s Note: 1\11 2005 zero entries are either constructiD;; or hurricane related 3:lomaIJes. All 2006 anomalies are due to construct'on. P2g:2S :;-8 of ~ 5 F ebrl1a~y, 2CC7 ~ . ! - < . co ~ ~] < . '" , c' . c> .... ~:J " < 0 < " ., ": ~ . . ,;: ~ V c ~ ~ " ! c 0 ~ <: , '" " " of ~ Q '" ~ ~ .j " l': 17 (\ " ~ " Q ~ ~ "I a ,. e e a ~ '" ~ :1 0 c ., , < ~. . Q '" C ~ " , v 0 " " N ~ ~ f ~ 0 N f " v ~ J! ;; u ~ a " c , P :t VOllns ~ 'J cd,l:l 10,2009 Paoe 91 of S3 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis ): Full-movement Site A,ccess & 39th Str"eet S\V Unity Faith AMTOTAl .f' -\.... t 1''''- ~ ~ 'WilL VV8R hlBT N~,R S!!L SBT, 'I:.;t t. J St(J;! Free Free \,.','C CO' 0" ,. '. 0 2.34 3 0 286 CS'l 092 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,52 2 0 254 3 0 J II ~1brn\ Lane Confi,gurdtions Sigr1 Control Gra:Je Volume (veh1h) Peak Hour FactDr Hourly flow rate (v~h) Pedestrians Lane Width (it) Walkin,; Speed (ftis) Percellt Blockage Ri~ht turn flare (veh) Median type Median storaf,e vehl Up.,,n,am oignal (ft) pX, platcon unbiod:ed ...c. conflicting volume vC I, s""J;e I canf vol vCl Stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC. .ingle (s) tC,2 sta,;e (s) cF (s) pO queue free % eM Q.p;tdty (veh/h) 12j'6;iiL~i~~~t~# '"'-~_. Volume Total Volume Ldt Volume Rigtn cSH Volume to C~p3City Queue Length 95th (ftl Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Appro..di Dela)' (,) Approach LOS /iY~;-ai:r. Dth}' r....lO[1C S&i 256 567 256 H 6.2 3.S 3.3 100 100 485 783 . . \I\/B :1 : ~. ~l,S' r: ~"-~;'S' ! 2 158 3/1 2 0 0 0 3 0 ~a5 1700 f 3[07 0.00 0.15 0.00 0 0 00 0.0 Q.O 0.0 00 :.51"; ;5 ~55 258 ~.I 22 100 1307 1 ~~~"~-;;don ~~;'~rq~ IV Inte;-sectton Capddty Utlli:::ation Analysis Perlo:J (m;n) 'eu Level "r Servke 1.\ AMTGTAL MAC -- 3iIO/2009 V.anasse &. Da)'"Jor, LLP Synchr-o 6.C Report. P;;g-:: I L\P,oj'2cts\3/ ms f083\T~ffic\Rev I \SYNCHRO\B IOEJ_f\MTOTp.L_fEv! .~y7 HeM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: Full-movement Site Access & 39th Street SW Aoenda Item No. 17F f~ovember 10, 2009 Page 92 of 93 Unity Faith Pt,nOTAl M~ve~{ une Conli;:urations Sign Control Grode Volume lvell/h) Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow "'te (vph) Pedestrians lane Width (It) Walking Speed (f-Js) P"'~eOt Blo~kage fU~ht turn flare (veh) Median type Median sto~e veh) Upstream signal (it) pX, platoon unblo~ked vC ~onflicting volume vC I. stage I ~on{ vol vO. stllgt' 2 ~onf vol vCu. unblo~ked vol tC, single is) tC, 2 stage (5) tF (i) pO queue Iree % cM Olp;\city (vehlh) ~ "'- t I" \. ! .--', ....vat: 't,'aR NBT NBR' h-Sl'. SBT. -~. "" ,- -:..'. ";./ t. .1 Smp fn,e Free C"',.. 0;;, 0% uo 1 0 206 2 0 134 0.92 0.92 092 0.92 0,92 0.92 2 0 311 2 0 2S~ No~ 5&6 312 313 566 312 313 6.4 6.2 4.1 3.5 3.3 2.1 100 100 100 485 728 12~7 Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to C.padt)' Queue len~h 95th (ft) Control DeJay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay is) Approach LOS lN~.i;(~o.n~Sur,;;t;ii~1 ;,'i'. Aver-a;.e Delay Inter>ectiOl1 Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (minI 2 o o o 1247 0.00 o 0.0 o 2 1700 0.18 o 0_0 .ll85 0.00 ~ \i) 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.2% IS tCu Level of Service PMTOTAL MAC .. 3/1 O/20~9 Vanasse & Daylar, LLP -- .,.;".- />, Syncnro 6.0 Rtport. Pcge t I:\Pmject'\S I O,8IC83\Troffic\Synchro\B I 083PI1TOT ALsy7 -_. _.0'llJ,...A..4:.. . _~~"" .;r.;..~~._"1P" _~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is her€by given that the Board of County Commissioners, as the Board of Zoning Appeals. of Coliier County will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, No- vember 10, 2009, in the Boardroom, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, Collier County Government Center, 3301 East Ta- miami Trail, Naples, Florida. The meeting will begin at 9:00 A.M. The title of the proposed resolution IS as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ZON- ING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE EXPAN~ SION OF A CONDITIONAL USE TO ALLOW A MULTI-PURPOSE BUilDING AS PART OF A CHURCH FACiliTY WITHIN AN ESTATES (E) ZONING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SUB- SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVE(QPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1620 39TH STREET SW., IN SECTIONS 14 AND 23, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLI::R COUNTY, FLORIDA. The Board will consider Petition: CU- 200S.AR-l r;S6, Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. represented by Gina R. Green, P.E. of Gina R. Green, P.A., is re- questing a Conditional Use No. 1 expan- sion in the Estates (E) zoning district pur- suant to Collier County land Oevelop- ment Code Subsection 2.03.01.B.1.c.1. The proposed Conditional Use will expand an existing churCh by adding a 13,100-square foot multi-purpose building to be used for a gymnasium, classrooms. youth fel. lowship and a kitchen. The subject 5.23 acre property is located at 1620. 39th Street S.W., in Sections 14 and 23, Town- ship 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. NOTE: All Persons wishing to speak on any agenda item must register with the County Acm:nistrator prior to presenta. tion of the agenda item to be addressed. Individual speakers will be limited to 5 rrinutes on any item. The selection of an Individual to speak on behalf of an orga- nization or group is encouraged. If rec- ognized by the Chair, a spokesperson for a group or organization may be allotted 10 minutes to speak on an item Persons wishing to have written or graph- ic materials included in tne Board agenda packets must submit said material a min- imum of 3 weeks prior to the respective public hearing. In any case, written ma- terials interlOed to be considered by the Board shall be submitted to the appropri- ate County staff a minimum of seven days prior to the public hearing, All matenal used in presentations before the Boare:' , will become a permanent part of the re. cord. . Any person who decides to appeal a deci- sion of the Board will need a record of the proceedings pertaining .thereto and therefore, may need to ensure that a ver- batim record of The proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeai is based. If -you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to Dar,icipate in this proceeding, you are en. titled, at no cost to you, to the. provision of ce:tain assistance. Please contact the Co:lier County Facilities Management De. partment, loca;ed at 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Building W. Naples, Florida 34112. (239)252-S3S0. Assisted -listening devices for the hearing impaired are avaiiable In the County Comm'ssioners' Office. ~OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA CONNA FIALA, CHAIRMAN DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: Teresa Polaski, Deputy Clerk (SEA~) eJ':l'tober 25 No1821660. r--h 17 F :0.2009 93 of 93