Agenda 11/10/2009 Item #10C Agenda Item NO.1 DC November 10, 2009 Page 1 of 105 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to adopt a Resolution amending the Collier County Administrative Code Fee Schedule of development-related review and processing fees as provided for in The Code of Laws and Ordinances, Section 2-11 OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approve a resolution amending the Collier County Administrative Code Fee Schedule of development-related review and processing fees as provided for in The Code of Laws and Ordinances, Section 2-11. - CONSIDERATION: Community Development and Environmental Services (CDES), the Contractor Licensing Board (CLB), and the Development Services Advisory Committee (DSAC), in this Executive Summary are proposing a comprehensive set of revisions to the CDES Fee Schedule relating to building pennit, inspections, and contractor licensing fees. Included in these proposed revisions is a change in licensing, pennit review, and inspection fee methodology and amounts, provisions relating to pennit review times with codified perfonnance standards backed by penalties for any CDES failure to meet such standards, provisions relating to CDES reserve levels with a codified review and approval process for both raising and lowering fees as needed to maintain proper reserves, and a codified review and approval process for annual fee adjustments based on actual cost changes incurred by CDES. Working with DSAC and the Collier County Human Resources Department, staff is currently crafting side agreements to this fee schedule revision process which will be new internal CDES policies relating to outsourcing and privatization of peak workloads, and new hiring policies which favor temporary staffing within CDES until increases in workload, and resulting revenue, is finnly established over extended timeframes. As part of the ongoing economic turndown, the Building Review and Pernlitting Fund (Fund 113), has been reducing costs and downsizing staff counts since the beginning of 2007. Attachment "A", from the FY 2010 BCC Budget Workshops, is an examination of the budget reductions and cost saving measures within Fund 113 during this period (which comes to a total budget reduction of 63.1 %), personnel reductions graphed against workload reductions, and changes in personnel costs. Attachment "B" is a chronological listing of all CDES enterprise fund employees who have left County employ and have had their positions frozen, remaining unfilled with their departure. This list of employees totals 107 individuals, several of whom had over 20 years of Collier County experience. CDES has strived to maintain a steady relationship between workload, staffing, and its budget. This relationship was recognized by the Collier County Productivity Committee in their review of the proposed FY 20 10 budget, stating that the CDES proposed budget reductions are proportional to reductions in the CDES workload. While there has been revenue neutral changes in methodologies and valuations, and limited in scope adjustments to fees charged for some minor pennits and re-inspections, the core building pennit fee amounts charged by CDES have remained unchanged since the 1990's. As outlined in Attachment "A", during this period there have been siblJ1ificant increases in per employee personnel costs, and fixed costs such as building related expenses have remained constant or - increased while permit totals have decreased, resulting in higher per unit expenses. Since FY 2007, with the time lag between receiving fee revenue and providing services, CDES expenses Agenda Item NO.1 OC November 10. 2009 Page 2 of 105 have exceeded its revenue. During this period CDES has used its cash reserves to mitigate such revenue shortfalls, while still maintaining a 3 to 6 month cash reserve balance as recommended by the Productivity Committee, the Finance Depmiment, and agreed to by DSAC. For FY 2010, as discussed in the BCC Budget Workshops in June of 2009, CDES Fund I 13 budgeted reserves have eroded to only $ I 88,500, an amount which is less than two weeks of operating expenses. The FY 2010 BCC approved budget for Fund 113, with a cost distribution across Fund 113 sections used in the fee study, is included as Attachment "D". The ongoing viability of the Building Pennit and Review Fund, and with it the ability of CDES to maintain its current services, can only be met through an adjustment in fees charged for services. Absent a fee increase, a significant reduction in personnel expenses, and the level of service provided by CDES, would be required. CDES recognizes both the challenges created by the current economic recession, and the integral role the building industry plays in Collier County's economic wellbeing. As such, CDES opened up the fee schedule proposal process to an open discussion of industry concerns with the services provided by CDES, and to an examination of how CDES could both maintain its regulatory functions and make a positive contribution to the economic challenges faced by the community. One item coming out of that process and included in the proposed fee schedule is a series of written guarantees on pennit review times. These perforn1ance standards include all CDES reviews, and are inclusive of the entire building pennit application process from lobby submission to the issuance of a pennit or comment letter with revision requirements. The timeframes range from 5 business days for new residential construction, to 15 business days for new commercial construction. These timeframes were issued as a challenge fi-om the DSAC, and CDES has agreed to them based on the anticipated gains from the CityView software project and from ongoing efficiency efforts implemented through operational studies and work flow analysis. Should CDES not meet these standards for any given application, 50% of the review fees collected will be refunded. Also included in the proposed fee schedule is a section which creates an annual cost of business type fee adjustment, creates processes for insuring that CDES reserves remain at appropriate levels including fee decreases if reserves grow beyond targets, and creates a fonnal review process to insure CDES fee increases generate only the levels of revenue projected in the proposals and not more. In each type of potential fee action, the DSAC is recognized as a fonnal partner in the process, and as a necessary reviewer of CDES fee proposals. As part of the comprehensive approach to this proposal, and deriving fi-om both DSAC and internal concerns, CDES staff is working with both DSAC and the Collier County H.R. Department on a proposed policy outlining any future CDES response to both shOJi-tenn temporary spikes in business and broader long-tenn increases in activity levels. With the benefit of retrospection, CDES acknowledges that hiring practices which OCCUlTed during the 2004 to 2006 building boom did not provide for the most flexible response to the following longer tem1 business cycle. As pmi of this new intemal policy, CDES is committing to maintaining a core staffing level with strong core business and institutional knowledge, privatizing temporary peaks in workload, and hiring temporary workers whenever possible until 10ng-tern1 base levels of permit and inspection workloads are finnly established. .~'- Within this fee proposal, the current building pennit fee of $0.29 (twenty nine cents) per square foot is split into a pennit review fee of $.055 (five and a half cents) per square foot for each 2 Agenda Item NO.1 DC November 10, 2009 Page 3 of 105 building trade review (up to 4 possible), and a separate inspection fee of $60 per each inspection conducted. These amounts were arrived at by an outside consultant, PMO Associates, who was hired by CDES and conducted a time and cost study to detem1ine proper levels for these and contractor licensing fees. Overall, on average, this proposal represents a 41.8% increase in current CDES Fund 113 fees. Some individual pennit types will see no increase, some permit types will see fees double, and there will be variation between individual pennits of the same type depending on the size and complexity of the reviews and how well they manage the inspection process. But in all cases, this new "pay as you go" fee structure will charge individual applicants for the services directly provided to them by CDES. No excess charges for one type of permit will be used to subsidize another type of pennit. Individual contractor licensing fees will increase to an amount equal to the cost of directly providing those licensing services, services at a level requested by the DSAC, reviewed by the Contractor Licensing Board (CLB), and validated by PMO Associates. As part of the proposed fee schedule changes relating to fee adjustments, a full review of resulting revenue will be presented to DSAC for review at six months after the implementation date if this proposal is approved by the BCC. Should DSAC determine that resulting revenue exceeds that revenue projected in their approval of this proposal; a fee adjustment (decrease) recommendation will be brought to the BCC at that time. Attachment "E" is the PMO study of Contractor Licensing fees. Attachment "F" is the Building Department review and inspection fee PMO study, including the cost distribution methodology. Attachment "0" is the projected revenue, by pem1it type, resulting from this fee proposal. Attachment "H" is the proposed fee schedule. Attachment "1" is the resolution. Attachment "J" is the current valuation tables. Attachment "K" provides strike-troughs and underlines for the proposed fee schedule. Attachment "C" is the approved resolution of the Contractor Licensing Board. Also included is a listing of current fire review fees listed as an exhibit within the fee schedule. The Contractor Licensing Board recommended BCC approval of this proposal by a 6-1 vote at their September 16th meeting. This proposal was approved by DSAC by a 9-0 vote at their Oct oih meeting, with the endorsement of the fee amounts as being proper to fund the services provided by CDES, and a strong endorsement of CDES efforts in such areas as perfonnance standards. The Collier Building Industry Association (CBIA) executive committee endorsed this proposal at their October 2 ih meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: This fee proposal is desif,111ed to result in the equalizing of CDES expenses and revenue. This proposal also funds certain limited non-personnel capital expenses as reviewed and endorsed by DSAC, such as limited vehicle and computer replacements, and budget amendments will be brought forward at such time that actual sufficient revenue has been received to fund such requests. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed amendment concems regulatory fees. Regulatory fees cannot exceed the cost of the regulatory activity and are required to be applied to pay the cost of the regulatory activity for which they are imposed. In approving this item, the Board will necessarily need to make the tinding that these proposed fees meet these standards. With such finding, the item is legally sufficient for Board approval. -JAK -.. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this Executive Summary. 3 Agenda Item NO.1 DC November 10. 2009 Page 4 of 105 RECOMMENDATION: COES, the OSAC, the CBIA, and the CLB all recof,rnize their roles and obligations in assuring that anyone purchasing new residential or commercial buildings in Collier County, or engaging alterations or additions to current structures, can be confident that professional design, plan review, construction, and inspection personnel will insure that all work meets or exceeds applicable Building Code standards. To provide adequate funding for CDES to meet its part of these obligations, COES recommends that the BCC adopt this Resolution amending the Collier County Administrative Code Fee Schedule of development-related review and processing fees as provided for in The Code of Laws and Ordinances, Section 2-11 Prepared Bv: Garrett R Mullee, Manager Operations Support - CDES ~"';_."" 4 1. a.::;l..- 1 VI 1 Agenda Item NO.1 DC ~Jo\/ernber 10, 2009 Page 5 ofl 05 COLLIER COUNTY BOt;,RD OF COUNTY COf\lIMiSSiONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 10C Meeting Date: Recommendation to adopt a Resolution amending the Coilier County Administ:-ative Code Fee Schedule ofjevelopment-reiated ,.eview and !yocessing fees 25 provided for in The Code of Laws and Ordi'-,ailc9s, Secrion 2-11 (Gary fVlu!lee, fv1anager Operations Support, CDES) 11/10/2009 90COO AfJl Prepared By Garrett '\IIuflee Financial OpE'i'alions Manager Date Community Development & Environmental Services Financial A,dmin. & Housing 10/20/20093:33:37 PM Approved By ~roseph K. Schmitt Cot";lmunity De'ieioprnent & Env1ronmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & COlnmunity DGv€:!opmE:11t' & En\i'frOnmental Services EnvironrnerT~a! Sen"ic2S 'p,jrrdn. 10/28/20093:33 PM Approved By Judy Puig O~er3tfons ,.t\r":a!j.'st Dete Community Development & Environmental Services COtTHllunity Seve!op~ent& Enviroi1rnen~ai Services .~.c~rnin. i 0/28/2009 4:41 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS C::lordim,tor Date County Manager's Office Office of Man2gernent &. E udget 11/3/20Q9 12: 16 PM Approved By Jeff K!3tzkow County Date County t\ttorney County AttO;T!'.~y OffIce 11/4/20091:27 PM Approved By rJiark fsackson Budget p.r;:~d~"st Date County Managerls Office Office of it!;3:n3.~~c~ne:lt g au::tget 11 i~/2009 2: 38 PFv1 Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. County fi12nager Date Board of County Cornrnissioners County ManaJer's Office 11/4/20094:53 PM ~l__IJn.\ A -.----1_.,.....___.J,.\r-..__._.l-\l"')O "lI..T_______L_..'^ ""'(\{\r.\1l\ f"f\Tl''),.~'T''T"k,fA"l..TAr-..''... ""-n,r\.n.,,.....,\ ~ November 10, 2009 Page 6 of 105 ler Coun~y -- """'-- -- - ~ Community Development and Environmental Services Proposed FY 2010 Budget Workshop Request for Guidance FY 2010 Budget Challenge The two CDES Enterprise Funds, Building Permits Fund 113, and Land Use Fund 131, operate completely on permit and application fee revenue. Since permitting and application activity began to decline in FY 2006, the Enterprise Funds have been losing money. Simply stated, the cost for providing services has exceeded fee revenue for those services, One reason costs have exceeded revenue is because many fees are collected at application, with work ongoing for many months, so in times of declining activity the expenses can occur in a later time period than the revenue. Second, as described in this briefing, costs on a per-unit basis have increased since the last round of fee increases, and these cost increases were mandated outside of CDES with no balancing revenue increases inside of CDES. Due to the significant level of reserves in both funds, by design and based on approved budgets over the past three years the shortfall of funds has been made up for by the use of reserves. The current economic crisis has dramatically accelerated the reserve bum rate and even with the dramatic steps implemented by the division over the past 18 months, reserves are projected to run out in FY 2010 in the Building Permit Fund 113, and they have essentially already run out in the L311d Use Fund 131. Since the FY 2007 budget, CDES has reduced its annual budget by $32,341,400 (58.4%), has eliminated 119 positions, has stopped all capital expenses and non-essential operating expenses, and has placed its entire Enterprise Fund staff on 32 hour workweeks with a corresponding 20% pay cut. CDES History of Fee Increases While there has been a fairly steady stream of adjustments to the CDES fee schedule over the years, the majority of those have been language revisions and the occasional creation of a new fee to support a newly enacted activity. These are the major fee and expense changes enacted through revisions to the fee ordinance: · 1989: Creation of the ''cme-stop shop" which created the current CDES structure, and initial fee set-ups and amounts. I-~ · 1996: Moving of Planning Department functions out of Fund 111 and into Fund 113 by the BCe. The then in place Board turned down a fee increase for these new to Fund 113 Land Use costs, which were previously partially suppOlied by tax revenue, and required that building permit revenue subsidize the land use activities performed by the Planning Department. From 1996 to 2001 the Planning Department included the Cun'ent Planning Section, the Comprehensive Planning Section, Environmental Review and Engineering Review and all zoning and comprehensive planning, engineering, and environmental land use petition and plan review operations were preformed in this department. ---- Age+=lda It.am ~J.o 10r -__I November 10, 2009 . Paoe 7 of 105 i · 2003: As grO\vth escalated and staffing grew to support the demands of the mdustry and the~ i community coupled \vith the accumulated effect of the additional annual costs since the additions to Fund 113 initiated in 1996, in April the Board passes the first fee increase since 1989. Valuation tables are update from the 1988 tables to the 2002 tables, and re-inspection fees increase by $25. To resolve a negative Clerk audit and legal action initiated by the Development industry and subsequently a mandate by state statute, in November all land use functions were split into a newly created Fund 131 \vith a large increase in land use planning and zoning and related land use plan review permitting fees and a 20~.o decrease in Building permit fees. These are the last increases in permit fees for new construction, and the last increases in the majority of land use application fees. · 2007: Revenue neutral updating of valuation tables, revenue neutral changes in Building Pennit fee calculation methodology. · 2008: Increase in minor permit fees, primarily swimming pools, to a pay-per-inspection fee structure. Increase in Contractor Licensing fees. Workload Changes and Staffing Changes Over Time While there is much variation at the individual activity level, one of the simplest and more valuable comparisons of staffing levels is the total number of permits issued by the Building Department and the overall staffing levels in the Enterprise Funds (Fund 1 13 and Fund 131). Almost all Enterprise Fund activity that is supported by fees, if in the Zoning, Engineering, Environmental, or Building sections, leads to the eventual issuance of building pennits. There has been some lag in staffing levels responding to changes in activity levels due to the time involved to implement persOlmel actions, but overall there has been a very close tracking together of staffing levels and workload. The chart and graph below use FY 2004 (the last fee increase) as a baseline, and measures the percentage changes over time in the number of funded FTEs at the start of each fiscal year, and the actual number of pem1its issued in the previous year. Currently, as FY 2010 approaches, staffing levels per permit issued are within 3% of what they were in FY 2004 (a time of much concern about permit turnaround times). Fiscal Year FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 Funded FTEs 161 167 199 215 185 137 105 Permits Issued 30,100 32,800 37,500 46,100 29,400 20,600 18.600 '" - _.~ -~ ~ ...- I\genda I~Eim N~OC-I ~Jovember 10, 2009 I Page 8 of 105 Percentage of Permits and Enterprise Fund FTEs Compared to Base of FY 2004 160% 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 - % FTEs F~~;d";"" % Permrts Issuedl I Personnel Cost Growth over Time \,- The large majority of costs within the CDES Enterprise Funds are related to personnel, such as salary, health insurance, retirement, etc. These costs ranged from approximately 70% of CDES total costs in FY 2004, to more than 90% currently (due to the near elimination of many operating and capital expenses). While, as discussed earlier, the workload per individual staff member has remained constant, the average cost of that staff member has increased markedly since the last fee increase in FY 2004. The principal reason for this persOlmel cost increase is the series of COLA's and merit increases approved by the Board, which are listed below, and which represent an accumulated 40% increase in salaries (and salary tied personnel expenses) since FY 2004. While in tax supported funds the increase in property valuations covered these increased expenses during this time period, with no fee increases CDES absorbed these personnel cost increases with no support. Accumulated Fiscal Year Tvoe Increase Percent Increase 2004 COLA 2.80% 2.8% Avg Merit 2.00% 4.9% 2005 COLA 2.10% 7.1% Avg Merit 2.00% 9.2% 2006 COLA 3.90% 13.5% Avg Merit 2.25% 16.0% 2007 COLA 4.70% 21.5% Avg Merit 4.80% 27.3% 2008 COLA 4.10% 32.5% Avg Merit 1 040% 3404% 2009 COLA 4.20% 40.0% Avg Merit 0.00% 40.0% .- During this period CDES Enterprise Fund average total personnel costs per employee increased from $64,943 to $84,762, a 30% increase. This increase is less that the 40% Board approved amount due to variations caused by the large amounts of CDES turnover from staff level changes. 3 - ;\9'snda It8m~.Q. 1 C',r-- November 10, 2009 Page 9 of 105 Average Enterprise Fund FTE Total Cost $90,000 FY04 FY05 FY06 FYO? FY05 F,'09 FY10 $85,000 $80,000 $75.000 $70.000 $65,000 $60,000 [ .$55,000 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 The net effect of this personnel expense increase is that in FY 2004 the average total Enterprise Fund personnel cost per permit issued was $347, currently it has rose to $478 per permit issued. This personnel cost includes the entire development process, from the initial land use application to the fInal building inspection and certificate of occupancy. ~'hile the total personnel costs are $478 per permit, a number that includes none ofthe CDES operating expenses associated with issuing the permit, the total fee revenue collected across the entire approval process, from land use application to the last building inspection, only amounts to $405 per permit issued. Bottom line -- 171e current fees that CDES is charging do not fully cover its personnel expenses, and none afthe operating and capital e.1,penses associated with conducting its business. Deferred Operating and Capital Costs As part of its cost cutting measures, CDES has eliminated or greatly reduced a variety of capital and operating expenses. The expenses are necessary for the ongoing operation of CDES, and the cuts are only deferring the expenses to a later date. Once construction activity begins to increase, in the event of and in response to a natural disaster, CDES will need to stop deferring much of these expenses. With no remaining reserves, CDES will have no funding source for these items. · No vehicle replacements, including those vehicles recommended for replacement by Fleet, since very early FY 2007. · No purchasing of new computers or any technical support equipment. · Complete elimination of new furniture and capital office equipment purchases. · Across the board operating cost decreases, including elimination of training expenses. · Elimination of emergency contingency reserves used to fund the organization in times of no fee revenue, such as hurricane recovery periods. 4~_J _.&_.__ ~----....~"RJ1 A9eRGa4tem-N&.-4OG-l November 1 0, 2009 Page 10 of 105 Proposed Seven Point Plan of Action In the Appendix section of this briefing is a copy of the Board approved fee action from 1996, a chart of comparative building permit fees across various Florida jurisdictions, and recently published news articles about fee increases in other local jurisdictions. I I I 1- At the June 29th Budget Workshop COES will have representatives of the private sector firms currently conducting rate studies of the CDES fee structure. Representatives from those finns will be able to address any questions the Board may have, and take any Board input, on the fee study methodology and format of a potential fee increase proposal proj ected to be finalized and ready for Board consideration this fall. At the June 29th Budget Workshop, COES will be looking for Board guidance as to the appropriateness of its seven point plan of action to address the current funding needs within CDES: 1. Board review and consideration of fee increases that come in from our two out-sourced fee studies. These studies will include industry participation, and all industry input will be presented to the Board. Full supporting data for each individual recOlmnendation will be presented to the Board. Any reduction of the level of proposed fee increases would have to be balanced with tax support or the elimination of services. Those task items identified by the studies as currently having no assigned fee basis would require a new fee, tax support, or would need to be eliminated. .-\fly recommendation contained within the studies to lower any specific fees will also be presented to the Board. 2. Approval for a Fund 131 loan from Fund 111, execuled this fiscal year, to cover outstanding indirect allocation and health insurance expenses ($1.45 million). This loan will allow Fund 131 to transfer funds to cover these costs contained in Fund 001. With a fee increase, Fund 131 will be able to begin repaying this loan in FY 2010. 3. Consideration in September of a proposed mmual indexing of CDES building and land use fees, to be tied to the percentage of County approved annual personnel expense increases. Such an indexing proposal would include provisions for annual DSAC review and input, along with annual formal Board consideration. 4. Annual fee reviews which target reserve levels at 3 to 6 months of operating expenses, with a fee adjustment proposal processes being triggered if reserves exceed or fall below target limits. 5. COES will work with HR and where required, the Purchasing Department, to create a formal re- staffing plan, which utilizes temporary, outsourced, and part-time employees wherever practical as a first hiring strategy until increased workloads are fully established. The proposed re-staffing plan will be submitted to DSAC for review and input, and then submitted to the Board for review. On an on-going basis, the Board through their existing budget authority will be able to monitor re-staffing efforts. 6. CDES will work with DSAC on updating the targets for turnaround times. TIns will include cost estimates, with associated fee adjustments, for any changes to the turnaround times which will serve as the base level incorporated into Sept fee increase proposals. Such performance standards will be formalized, and CDES will explore with DSAC the possibility of incorporating incentives and penalties within the fee schedule for exceeding or not meeting such perfonnance standards. 7. A joint DSAC and COES review of potential cost savings from potential process Ch311ges, with recommendations being forwarded to the Board for consideration. These changes are likely to include changes to the code as our processes are tied directly to necessary procedures to assure code compliance. Potential cost savings would be tied directly to either performance improvements or fee decreases, and would be implemented as approved by the Board. 5 - -'_~-''U,~Jl! 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Qj "B.J Z$~-o n '''i ;,.e ~ ~ 8o~2 ~ ~ ~ v is tU .~ t:: ~ ;:G J5 2 ;:2 ~ .$ is! ::l 0., 0., U 5 ~ u ~ ~<C ~ .S ~ 2 c: -0 W-l <C Z Z Z <C 0 0 ~.... ..-. - ~ O~f-<f-< 8 ~~UU N o2:;gjgj Z ~zz~o:5 Z:.:..i- ~c.. Z :::: ~ c... ::.::: L- -0 c::l:..u " :S~~~W-lffi c... c... 0 0 Z ::.::: >~006~ ZO--l--lZ~ u..lUCI:lP:)l.;..IU r ] ~...ot> v ~iS~~o:l - !l> "" :-g .~ .S:! -i3 ~ ~ G:l ~ C N -~~~ v Ci o[/) -fJ] ~u .s"' cd' '5 ..2 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~2;> (3 v c... :L: ~~O\O\~~~ 000000000 000000000 NNNNNNN ~~~~C322M n ('r) ~l If) ~ t"'- 0\ Agenda Item NO.1 OC November 10, 2009 Page 14 of 105 CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 2009- 0 / A RESOLUTION OF THE CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH ITS POSITION ON THE FEES CHARGED FOR CERTAIN CONTRACTOR LICENSING SERVICES AND PROVIDING GUIDANCE AND ADVICE TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE 90-105, AS AMENDED. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended specifies certain duties for the Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board (hereafter CLB). Among those duties is recommending changes in said ordinance and the rules surrounding it to the Board of County Commissioners (hereafter the BCC). This resolution is in furtherance of that duty; and WHEREAS, at the CLB regular meeting on August 19, 2009, the CLB was requested by County staff to review the current schedule of contractors' licensing fees charged by Collier County; and WHEREAS, at that meeting and the special meeting of September 17,2009, the CLB carefully reviewed and discussed those fees in a public forum and reached consensus on a recommendation to the BCC. The fees that were reviewed are attached to this resolution; and WHEREAS, the CLB found as follows: 1. The fees set out within the attached new fee schedule are fair and reasonable. 2. The extremely poor state of current economic conditions for the construction industry makes this a difficult time to raise fees charged to an industry that suffering from this economic downturn. However, the level of service provided by the Contractors' licensing and enforcement departments should not be reduced due to economic conditions because its enforcement activities are critical to the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Collier County. Therefore, the CLB finds that proposed fee increases are the minimum necessary to protect the health safety and welfare of the citizens of Collier County, Florida. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CONTRACTOR LICENSING BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, at a special called meeting on this 1 yth day of -2- Agenda Item No. 10C ~~ovember 10, 2009 September 1 f:2?lo9 5 of 105 September, 2009, that it has been demonstrated to the CLB that the current fee schedule does not cover the cost to operate the Contractors Licensing Dept. Therefore, the CLB recommends that the BCC favorably act on the proposed fee increase so that there is no impairment of the ability of the Contractors' Licensing and Enforcement department to function at its current level of service as the increased fees are deemed necessary to maintain the level of service, the CLB hereby supports such increase in fees. The fees recommended by the CLB are those set out in the attached report provided by PMG Associates and submitted to the CLB at this meeting shown on pages eight and nine in the column entitled "Proposed" fees. This Resolution adopted after motion made, second and majority vote favoring same this 17th day of September, 2009. CONTRACTOR LICENSING BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY.~~~ f W/uX:' RICH RD JOSLIN, CHAIRMAN By: Patrick H. Neale Attorney to the Board () OH() 000 .,..-0""- N_ O .0 ~(J:) ~..-..l~ -E(lj ClJQ)D.. "0> c 0 ~z <( ~ rIJ o U - ~ ~ ~ "t:l = = ~ rIJ = o .-c ~ = ..c .-c :-. ~ rIJ .-c ~ 1Il CD Cl J!! c CD U ... CIl 0.. l.QIR ~t5c o~8 1Il 1Il ~ ~ .g ~g w 5} as c: CIl- ~~~ ! .~ ;: o CD cci 1-0::C"l '0 ~ ~o:: J!! ::R. c (,) ~ ~ :.:J LON' ... ~ CIlC'<t 0.. 0 lIlU <( 1Il C ~ ~ CD o .:; E CD <(0:: ... c: .!!! ro (50:: o c .2 t) CIl rJ) Cl .S: iO ... CIl c:: CIl C) CIl CIl u.. M .... .... .l!l CD ~ Q. c: >- CD I- Il) 1Il >- CD c:: ~ g> a> ro .C Q.ooU)u.. Llj31CD03 c: c: c: CD c c: 0..00 x 00 00 w :v 03 03 a. a. c: c: o 00 Cii a. U ~ is '0 c:: ~ u.. >- ..c en c:: ;: o '0 .:0: as CIl ... [Q 1ll o u ~~ roO _LO c: CD e CD a. (ft.?!. 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C") COLLIER COUNTY CONTRACTOR LICENSING FEE SCHEDULE STUDY 2009 Agenda Item No, 10C November 10, 2009 I 'I': ~ , ,'"~ ;..-~,/ Prepared by PMG Associates 4171 West Hillsboro Boulevard, Suite 8 Coconut Creek, Florida 33073 Agenda Item No.1 OC November 10, 2009 Page 30 of 105 -. COLLIER COUNTY CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION PMG Associates, Inc. (PMGA) was engaged by the Collier County Community Development Department to conduct a review of the current Contractor Licensing Fee Schedule and make the necessary recommendations for revision. This analysis is part of an overall examination of all fees for Building, Planning and Inspection efforts. The functions to be included are: . Actual cost detennination . Fee Analysis The methodology used for this analysis identifies the costs required to perform the service and the fees charged for the provision of that service. Any discrepancies between the costs incurred and the revenue generated is defined. The following sections describe the methodology in detail, perform the calculations and provide findings and recommendations. SECTION 2 ADEQUACY OF CURRENT RATE STRUCTURE Collier County imposes a fee for the issuance of Contractors Licenses. There are three separate categories of Contractor licenses: a regular Contractor, a Specialty Contractor and a Journeyman. A Contractor and Specialty license allows one to conduct business with customers as a stand alone entity, a contractor with only a journeyman's license can only work under a Contractor's supervision. Specialty licenses can operate only within the defined scope of their qualifications. Fee Methodology: The fee is levied based on the type and classification of the license needed. .-,<<.....;.... I ,>\oenda Item r\lo. 10C 'f-Jovember 10, 2009 Page 31 of 105 Average Cost of Service: The Methodology used to detennine the service costs for the issuance of Contractor Licenses required the identification of all of the personnel costs associated with an average fee and all of indirect costs that are necessary to provide service. Personnel Costs include all of the employees that contribute to the issuance of a pennit. This listing includes the Customer Service personnel who take the application and file all records. The next employee class is Licensing Compliance Officers who are responsible for investigating any complaints against Contractors and vellfying the accuracy of applications. Supervisory personnel such as the Section Manager are also necessary to insure that all polices are met and the license is issued accurately. To establish the amount of time spent on the average issuance of a Contractors License, records were examined and interviews were conducted with the appropriate personnel. This process led to the determination of the average amount of time required by each employee class for a permit. Direct Costs are established by multiplying the hours by the average salary rate for the employee class. This average salary was provided using the records system of the County. Actual Cost Determination: The fee schedule was analyzed based on the time and materials needed to provide the issuance of a celiificate of operation. In addition to this, fllnge benefits and direct charges are considered. An analysis of indirect overhead costs are included, covering the support servIces required that are not directly related to providing the service. Salary Costs The basis for the fee schedule development is the allocation of the time that it takes each individual employee to complete the assi!:,)"ned tasks. These costs are expressed as an hourly rate based on the employee classification and the rate paid to those persons in that class. The total amount of Direct Personnel Salary for the Contractors Licensing Division is $360,858. Fringe Benefits/Salary Overhead: This category is defined as the fees that are added to the Direct Salary Cost due to Government regulation or benefits granted to employees, often contractually. The fees and the associated amounts are found in the following table 2 Agenda Item NO.1 OC November 10, 2009 Page 32 of 105 Category Amount Social Security Matching $ 27,682 Retirement Regular $ 36,510 Health Insurance $ 84,432 Life Insurance Short and Long Tenn $ 1,266 Worker's Compensation Regular $ 6,900 Er 457 Deferred Compensation $ 1,000 Reserve for Salary Adjustment $ 54 Total :$152,844 The typical method for estimating these costs, especially for planning purposes, is as a percentage of Direct Salary Costs. The appropriate rates were obtained from the Finance Depmiment of CDES. For this study, the Fringe Benefit/Salary Overhead rate is 43.74% ($157,844/$360,856). Indirect & Support Overhead Costs: Other Divisions of Collier County Community Development Department supply Internal Support Services to the Pel111itting and Licensing Division. These services support the operation, but cannot be assigned to a pmiicular license. The items in this category are identified in the following table. enses $ 12,600 $ 3,900 $ 29,630 $ 13,467 $ 31,111 $ 6,604 $ 13,006 $ 11 ,845 $ 13,317 $ 43,393 $ 8,088 $ 43,452 $0 ~~O'f~ .'.:" :' ",: .". ' ~. . S~29.;s68' $184,283 3 Agenda Item ~~o. 10C November 10, 2009 Page 33 of 105 The Operational Expenses for the Contractor's Licensing Division are expressed as a function of the total Direct Personnel Expenses. Total Direct Personnel Expense are defined as Regular Salary plus the Fringe Benefits/Salary Overhead defined earlier. The total Salary Cost for the division is $518,700, which adds the two figures. Operational Expenses, as defined above, are $329,568. Therefore the Operational Expenses Rate is 63.54%, providing an overall multiplier of 1.6354. Total Cost: The total cost of issuing the average license is detennined by adding all of the various cost items to arrive at a total. The following table provides the calculation. The amount of time spent by each person on a celiain type of license was detennined after conducting interviews with at least one person in each category. The category "Licensing Compliance" refers to the amount of time needed to review and verify information on a new or renewal application fonn. This takes longer for a Contractor's license than a joumeyman's license and longer for a new application than a renewal application. 4 Agenda Item NO.1 OC November 10, 2009 Page 34 of 105 SECTION 3 CALCULATION OF FEES New Licenses Personnel Costs Customer Service Licensing Compliance Supervisory Personnel Subtotal Fringe Benefits/Salary Overhead Total Direct Salar Cost $19.48 $20.98 $31.62 1.0 0.5 0.1 1.6 $19.48 $10.49 $ 3.16 $33.13 $14.49 $47.62 43.74% "Total Cost ,'$77.8~ Indirect & Support Overhead Costs 63.54% $30.26 CLE New Contractor Category Rate , , ' Bours c.ost Personnel Costs Customer Service $19.48 2.0 $ 38.96 Licensing Compliance $20.98 2.0 $ 41.96 Supervisory Personnel $31.62 0.5 $ 15.81 Subtotal 4.5 $ 96.73 Fringe Benefits/Salary Overhead 43.74% $ 42.31 Total Direct Salary Cost $139.04 Indirect & Support Overhead Costs 63.54% $88.35 Total Cost , <' " '!" , ' ' , :$221.38, ~ d Personnel Costs Customer Service Licensing Compliance Supervisory Personnel Subtotal Fringe Benefits/Salary Overhead Total Direct Salar Cost $19.48 $20.98 $31.62 2.0 1.5 0.5 4.0 $ 38.96 $ 31.47 $ 15.81 $ 86.24 $ 37.72 $123.96 43.74% Indirect & Su port Overhead Costs 5 Agenda Item NO.1 OC ~~ovember 10, 2009 Page 35 of 105 Renewal Licenses CLE Renewal Journeyman " . f ' - " , "" "Hours Cat~ory Rate Cost Personnel Costs Customer Service $19.48 0.75 $ 14.61 Licensing Compliance $20.98 0.25 $ 5.25 Supervisory Personnel $31.62 0.1 $ 3.16 Subtotal 1.1 $23.02 Fringe Benefits/Salary Overhead 43.74% $10.07 Total Direct Salary Cost $33.08 Indirect & Support Overhead Costs 63.54% $21.02 'Total Cost "" - . $54.10 , CLE Renewal Contractor . . , :.'~ f.' ~ t," 'llate"" f~'-~c~iIoUri'" r ~;" ;"~'EOS\A> ....,. )Category . . , ,Ii 1 ,~ ~t ." ~ , ,/ ':. . Personnel Costs Customer Service $1 9.48 1.5 $ 29.22 Licensing Compliance $20.98 1.1 $ 23.08 Supervisory Personnel $31.62 0.25 $ 7.91 Subtotal 2.75 $ 60.20 Flinge Benefits/Salary Overhead 43.74% $ 26.33 Total Direct Salary Cost $ 86.54 Indirect & Support Overhead Costs 63.54% $ 54.98 i~lOtal'Cosi: " .; , ? f ,1 ""J!J' r:;.... -t "''!:~ :l' , 'iI'., ~'. T 1; ""~ '" ~ J"" . _11'"-' ~ '\ 'I' ~ ,"):' \ ~ ' $ ; ,'. -, . 't. ;' ,~SJ41~ ,:', Personnel Costs Customer Service Licensing Compliance Supervisory Personnel Subtotal Flinge Benefits/Salary Overhead Total Direct Salar Cost $19.48 $20,98 $31.62 1.5 1.0 0.1 2.6 $ 29.22 $ 20.98 $ 3.] 6 $ 53.36 S 23.34 $ 76.70 43.74~1o ~~,~..," ~' ~ """", " ,~"",.~>t"''''.ar~'''~lili>>~~ ,"II rP'::.1 ~!~lli"';>I""'I~ J.t'''''~',J .'"'~ "~~~~"'~"'-<"g""'I!~ ~t)tal Co'sl ' " ;, .,,":', ',.. ,,'" ~ ." ...'" ;a,1:25. ; . ;fy; ,~ ~ - - y ..., _ _ ..' . 1 't __ '" ~, ' ~ ~ "''' _ ;;J~" ,,~, ,.""'"" ~-;: ~ ;. Indirect & Support Overhead Costs 63.54% $ 48.74 6 Agenda Item NO.1 OC November 10, 2009 Page 36 of 105 Other Services Personnel Cot;ts Customer Service Licensing Com liance Supervisory Personnel Subtotal Fringe Benefits/Salary Overhead Total Direct Salar Cost $19.48 $20.98 $31.62 1.0 0.0 0.1 1.1 $19.48 $ 0.00 $ 3.16 $22.64 $ 9.90 $32.54 43.74% 'Total Cost $53.22 Indirect & Support Overhead Costs 63.54% $20.68 Personnel Costs Customer Service Licensing Compliance Supervisory Personnel Subtotal Fringe Benefits/Salary Overhead Total Direct Sala Cost $19.48 $20.98 $31.62 1.0 1.0 0.1 2.1 $ 19.48 $ 20.98 $ 3.16 $ 43.62 $ 19.08 $ 62.70 43.74% , Total Cost ' _ - , , " > C - ,$$1,u25:!1 ,II;; Indirect & Support Overhead Costs 63.54% $ 39.84 State Reoistration ,- - Rate ' , J=ategory Hou~s Cost , ? Persolmel Costs Customer Service $19.48 0.50 $ 9.74 Licensing Compliance $20.98 0.25 $ 5.25 Supervisory Personnel $31.62 0.1 $ 3.16 Subtotal 1.1 $18.15 Fringe Benefits/Salary Overhead 43.74% $ 7.94 Total Direct Salary Cost $26.08 Indirect & Support Overhead Costs 63.54% $16.57 .'']:1)131 Cost 1 "~ ~ ~ ~ I~ '" , " ~ ~"I j" l , fl"T", ~ ~ .~"7~ i : .: 'X,,'" ,," $1.2. i" " .,&;, " , , , ; ,"" :1" " "'- .1'E _ , .. .' ". ~-,,'.~ 7 .L.aenda item NO.1 OC Y'Jovember 10, 2009 Page 37 of 105 Support Services: Services such as Change of Status, Pictures, Laminating, and Duplicate cards are increased on a pro rata basis. Recommended Fees: Certificates of Competency (Annual): License Current Proposed Contractor Initial Fee $150.00 $230.00 Renewal $100.00 $145.00 Specialty Contractor Initial Fee $135.00 $205.00 Renewal $ 85.00 $125.00 J oumeyman Initial Fee S 50.00 $ 80.00 Renewal S 25.00 $ 55.00 DODnant Certificates of Competency (Annual) License Current Proposed Contractor $100.00 S130.00 Specialty Contractor S 85.00 S130.00 Penalty Fees after 9/30 S10 per month S20 per month Reinstatement of Delinquent License Li cense Current Proposed Contractor S 150.00 $230.00 Specialty Contractor $135.00 $205.00 J oumeyman $ 50.00 $ 80.00 Examination Administrative Fee S100.00 $130.00 8 A.genda Item NO.1 DC November 10, 2009 Page 38 of 105 Other Fees: Fee Current Proposed Letters of Reciprocity $25.00 $ 55.00 Contractors Change of Status $1 0.00 $ 10.00 Registration of State Contractors $1 0.00 $ 45.00 Pictures $ 2.00 $ 2.00 Laminating $ 1. 00 $ 1.00 Temporary Contractor's License $25.00 $ 55.00 Copies of Experience Letters $35.00 $ 35.00 Duplicate or Replacement Cards $25.00 $ 25.00 Second entity Fee $50.00 $105.00 9 omLD 000 ~O~ N -.- o .0 ZOcn ~,,-C") >- '- ~ (\) (j) ~.oOl -,-cu cu~D.. u> ii3 0 UlZ <t rJ'l Z o - Eo-- U - Q rJ'l - 0::: :J ~ 0::: ~ =e Eo-- o - - ~ - ~ Z o rJ'l - 0::: < ~ ::E o u If) If) If) 0 0 N If) N N r-- 0 V't V't V't ---< V't 0 0 r-- V't 0 0 {/7 ---< N {/7 V't I a , I ca ~---< C1) C:j (,) :::: .- ('j (,) .- (j) ~ :..0 .- ::a '-< ....:::: 6 (j) E ...... -< (,) (,) :3 :::: :3 G) OJ o (j) ---- ---< u:l ::2 -.0::: Z c.... 0 0 0 ,-., 0 0 :::: If) 00 0 ~ If) ("") N ('j V't V't ---< N ---< ("") ---< ;::::: V't V't V't r-- r-- {/7 >> ---< ....... V't V't I G) I I ca :::: '-< C1) ca .~ :3 .5 (,) .- 0 ::a ......, ~ .- '-< .- ~ E ...... '0 -< (,) :3 OJ Il.) (j) ---- ---< u:l ~ z z '" ---< 0 on 0 0 0 0 "1" on v "1" ....... - N ("") ---< V't V't V't {/7 {/7 0 on 0 ---< N ("") V't V't I 0 I '-< '-< G) 0 0 ---< Il.) Il) c;,:; ---< 0 "1" Il.) :::: ~ on ("") N V't :::: "51> Il.) on V't V't I '51> :::: :::: N I , ca 0 :::: CLl Il.) V't C1) (,) 0 ---< CLl 0::: -;:l :::: ca .- 00 ("") >. .- N V't ca ...... OJ :..0 (,) ::a ca '-< ,- .- V't 2 -- '-< ....:::: I I-< ,- E ...... I 0 Il.) '0 r/l ...... (,) (,) ..... ('j '-< .2 Il.) (j) U ..... Il.) ~ (J u:l ::2 0.- Il) p... U 0.- 0 -l 0 VJ 0 0 0 ~ 0 ~ on ("") on r'l If) ---< N "1" ~ v V't V't V't V't {/7 0 0 0 ("") "1" v V't on 0 V't I r-- 00 I I-< V't N 0 '-< G) I V't 0 0 If) G) G) '-< I ---< 0 If) u :::: 0 OJ If) "1" V't :::: '51 ...... r/) V't V't I '50 :::: '-< (J Il.) ('j V , I ca 0 .- CLl ...... '-< C1) (,) 0 ---< ~ r/l ...... 0 ca If) >. ('j c: :::: :::: ...... 00 (,) :::: V't ca ...... ::2 0 0 ~ .- ('j "1" ca U >. '-< .- V't I '-< 'u 3: '- ;::::: t) U I 0 OJ CI) (J :3 u OJ U :::: G) Il.) ('j > 0.- OJ p... Z 0 W 0.... u:l ::2 0 .....1 0 VJ -;:l ...... (j) .- r/) 4-< Ii) 0 >-. 0 ::a >-. t: p... >-. ...... ...... :::: c: 0 ...... c: .- 0 :3 '- :::: :3 (j) 'Vi ;:) U c.... :3 0 .- 0 >. 0 :::: r/l U c: b >. U t ,Il.) ...... U ...... :3 .- .- Il.) ('j 0 ....:::: :3 :3 .- p... ':;1J 0 '0 "0 '-< 0 0 ('j u 0.... c: :3 U U U ('j 0 0 Vl 0 P "0 G) >-. co I ('j Vl "':=il 0 '- (,) '-< '- '8 Il) ('j G) G) -;:l :::: "3 ~ ~ :::: .- .- .- ~ OJ ---< ---< :::: ('j is 'Vi ':;1J ---< 0 ~ 0 0 ca ,- ;:) u .- '-< -< U r ' c.... ~ u.... co 0::: ::c co v um 00 .,.-0 .N 00 Z.,.- E ill 2..0 ;E' "OQ) c > Q) 0 O'lZ <{ - COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT FEE ANALYSIS OCTOBER 2009 o CJHf) 000 _0...- , 0~ '- o .0 ZO...- -~~ C aJ (l) ..<!l ..a OJ - ;:: CU ' CU5)o... "'0> C 0 ~Z <t: COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT FEES SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION PMG Associates, Inc. (PMGA) was engaged by the Collier County Community Development Department to conduct a review of the current Building Pennit Fee Schedule and make the necessary recommendations for revision. This analysis is part of an overall examination of all fees for Building, Planning and Inspection efforts. The functions to be included are: . Actual cost determination . Fee Anal ysis The methodology used for this analysis identifies the costs required to perfoffil the service and the fees charged for the provision of that service. Any discrepancies between the costs incurred and the revenue generated is defined. The following sections describe the methodology in detail, perfoffil the calculations and provide findings and recommendations. SECTION 2 ADEQUACY OF CURRENT RATE STRUCTURE Collier County imposes fees for the issuance of pennits to build structures and to conduct the inspection of the work perfonned. At present, there are various fees associated with the specialties required for construction purposes. The base fee in the ClUTent system is designed to address all functions of the depmtment from Plan Review to Inspection to Issuance of a Certiticate of Occupancy. Various rates apply based 011 the type of construction activity. The current fee does not limit the number of inspections that must be conducted for a construction project. In many cases, the number of inspections exceeds 25 to 30 for the various disciplines. Based on the requirement to insure that the construction activity meets codes and standards, the existing building pennit fee does not cover all of the costs associated with a new structure. To adjust for the inequity in the system, it is proposed that the fee structure be revised to impose one fee for the Application and Plan Review Process and another for the Inspection Process. The outcome \vill be a fee charged for each Plan Review required and for each inspection required. If a particular structure requires a Plan Review for Structural, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical services, a fee will be charged for each review. For simpler pennits (such as fences) only one review may be necessary, and thus only one Plan Review Fee imposed, (JO!LD 000 'r'0"- .N_ o .0 Z00J 'r'-=:t E ill Q) 2:l..o OJ -ECil COmo.. "S:> ~ 0 ~Z <: Plan Review Average Cost of Service: TIle Methodology used to detemline the service costs for the issuance of Applications and Plan Review Permits required the identification of all of the personnel costs associated with an average fee and all of indirect costs that are necessary to provide service. Personnel Costs include all of the employees that contribute to the Plan Review Process. This listing includes the Customer Service personnel who take the application and file all records. The next employee class is the Plan Reviewer who examines the application and determines if the plans submitted meet the required codes and standards. Included in this section is the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy required to occupy and use the structure. Supervisory personnel such as the Section Manager are also necessary to insure that all polices are met and the penuit is issued accurately. The Direct Salary Rate for each job classification was detennined by reviewing the annual budget documents supplied by the Department. One of the files includes a listing of all personnel within Department 113 and their classifications. All personnel with the same titles were grouped together to determine the average salary for that job classification. For example, all Inspectors were grouped together to measure the average salary for an Inspector. These annual salary figures were divided by 2,080 hours to arrive at an appropriate hourly rate for each job classification. Each job classification that perfonned service on a permit was addressed in the same manner. The next step in the process was to dctem1ine the amount of time spent on the average issuance of a pennit. To accomplish this task, a three step process was employed. First, interviews were held with all personnel who participate in the pennit issuance process. The personnel were asked to describe their activities and the amount of time associated with accomplishing these tasks. The interview required the staff person to be explicit in the description and explanation of the time frame. The second step was a confirmation of process with the immediate supervisor to insure that the activities were appropriate and the allocation proper. The final step included a verification of the time assignments through review of records fr0111 the department. The nwnber of Plan Reviews or other activities conducted in an average time frame were measured to detenlline thc amount of time that could have been allocated to perfonn tasks. The total number of actions were divided by the total hours available to insure that the time allocation did not exceed the time available. The data was reviewed again with the Supervisor, if any discrepancies occurred. Actual Cost Determination: The fee schedule was analyzed based on the time and materials needed to provide the service. In addition to this, fringe benefits and direct charges are considered. 2 ~ I' "... ;, ~ ,I ~< J . "\ ( . 1 . "" " _ .', : '. '\: . I ',," r UOlLD 000 .,-0"- 0J_ ci ,0 Z~C'0 ""T EQjil) .8 ..0 0) -,-m :viijn.. "0> iij 0 cnZ <( An analysis of operational expense costs are included, covering the support services required that are not directly related to providing the service. Salary Costs: The basis ft)r the fee schedule development is the allocation of the time that it takes each individual employee to complete the assigned tasks. These costs are expressed as an hourly rate based on the employee classification and the rate paid to those persons in that class. The total amount of Direct Personnel Salary for the Plan Review section is $1,199,275. Salary Costs were derived hom the annual Budget RepOJ1 compiled by the Department. TIlis report completed as part of the annual Budget Process, included Salaty costs for all of the Department 113 and each of its subcomponents. The Salary Costs f()r the entire Department were divided into those for Plan Review, Impections and Contractor Licensing. These figures were used in establishing the rates. Other salaries for suppon services were addressed in the Operational Expenses. Direct Personnel Fringe Benefits: This category is defined as the fees that are added to the Direct Salary Cost due to Govemment regulation or benefits granted to employees, often contractually. The amount for this section is S456,445 which includes the following: . Social Security Matching . Retirement Regular . Health Insurance . Life Insurance Short and Long Tenn . Worker's Compensation Regular . Er 457 DefelTcd Compensation . Reserve for Salat'Y Adjustment The figures fl')[ the Direct Personnel Fringe Benefits were obtained from review of the annual budget prepared by the DCpaJ1mcnt. The items identified above comprise the benefit calculation and have been established through law (Social Security, \Vorkcr's Compensation) or contract (Retirement, Insurance). TIle typical method for estimating these costs, especially for planning purposes, is as a percentage of Direct Salary Costs. The appropriate rates werc obtained from the Finance Department of CDES. For this study, the Direct Personnel Fringe Benefit rate is 38.06% ($456A45/$1,199)75). Operational Expenses: Other Divisions of Collier County Community Development Department supply lnternal Support Services to the Plan Review. These services SUPPOtt the operation, but cannot be assigned to a pmticular pennit. TIle items in this category are identified in the follov..ing table. 3 .- - UO'JL0 000.. ~O~ ,I .Nl.%.- o .0 ZO.q "-.q E Ci:i Q) 2 ..0 Ol -;::m m'-o.. uill c > ill 0 O)Z ~ ,- *l.f Buildin and Utilities Contractual Non-BCe Su ort Services Allocation Facilities Related Allocation Financial and Purchasin Allocation Count Attome Allocation Mana er's Office and BCC Transfer - IT Ex )enses Transfer - HR Ex Debt Service R d d Add $ 49,633 $ 38,889 $ 23,] 13 $ 45,52] $ 41,456 $ 46,609 $151,874 $ 28,309 $152,081 $394 644 . = (, ..;.,"'.... '~~. ..w'; . ,~/!,11,~,~'ri.,~<,'n ..IF"~~i11mjtli.il;j;Jt'~'"1~~!1fm'!r;~ ~.;'l"'~~i"{<l;;i.iJl~;:.~, :w.-]I;Wf1"\m,~;~ 1111~i1'!\if;'1 ~'~';"r'" "'1''':,;~.t1!:f! )':.'-' " , : /~l~~ '1~ :;>"l1~N: .L~11'D~'j" [7:t<" 1'$,1' )f:'T),; 'i Iri . ' t"" ~ ( I fi i,;....~1';: 1 :~:i j f)(~,l:f,.IL' t + "I _ I , ~; 1 ~lf.! :'!!:r~1 '..~. ~- ~ ";p~ 1)'\ ~. "; ~~ } ~:tfp~ TOTAI~ 5} A9 l.J 7~ The expenditures listed here are derived from the annual budget and reflect the costs associated with providing support to the provision of permits. The Operational Expenses for the Plan Review section are expressed as a function of the total Direct Personnel Expenses. Total Direct Personnel Expenses are defined as Regular Salary plus the Direct Persollilel Fringe Benefits defined earlier. The total Salary Cost for the division is $1,655,720, which adds the two figures. Operational Expenses, as defined above, are $1,491,178. Therefore the Operational Expenses Rate is 90.06~i~, providing an overall multiplier of 1.90. Total Cost: The total cost of issuing the average permit is dctcnnined by adding all of the vatious cost items to atTive at a total. The following table provides the calculation. The amount of time spent by each person on a certain type of pennit was determined after conducting interviews with at least one person in each category. 4 UOlLO 000 ....-0""--- Nw.- o .0 ZOLO r-:=~ CWC,) .8.D OJ -Em mwo.. "2> Qi 0 :J)Z <( Inspections Average Cost of Service: The Methodology used to detennine the service costs for the inspection of construction activity required the identification of all of the personnel costs associated with an inspection and all of indirect costs that are necessary to provide service. Personnel Costs include all of the employees that contribute to the issuance of a pemlit. This listing includes the Customer Service personnel who take the request for the inspection. The Inspectors who actuaJJy perform the function are included based on the time required to complete a typical inspection. Supervisory personnel such as the Chief Inspectors are also necessary to insure that all polices are met. To establish the amount of time spent on the average inspection, records were examined and interviews were conducted with the appropriate personnel. 111is process led to the detennination of the average amount of time required by each employee class. Direct Costs are established by multiplying the hours by the average salary rate for the employee class. This average salary was provided using the records system of the County. The Direct Salary Rate for each job classification was detennined by reviewing the annual budget documents supplied by the Dep8liment. One of the files includes a listing of all personnel within Depat1mcnt I 13 and their classifications. All personnel with the same titles were grouped together to determine the average salary for that job classification. For example, all Inspectors were grouped together to measure the average salary for an Inspector. These annual salary figures were divided by 2.080 hours to arrive at an appropriate hourly rate for each job classification. Each job classification that perfonl1ed service on a pennit was addressed in the same manner. The next step in the process ,^'3S to detel111ine the amount of time spent on the average issuance of a pennit. To accomplish this task, a three step process was employed. First, interviews were held with all personnel who participate in the pel111it issuance process. The personnel were asked to describe their activities and the amount of time associated with accomplishing these tasks. The interview required the staff person to be explicit in the description and explanation of the time frame. The second step was a confim1ation of process .vith the immediate supervisor to insure that the activities were appropriate and the allocation proper. The final step included a veritication of the time assignments through review of records from the department. 111e number of Inspections or other activities conducted in an average time frame were measured to determine the amount of time that could have been allocated to perfonn tasks. The total number of actions were Jivided by the total hours available to insure that the time allocation did not exceed the time available. 111e data was reviewed again with the Supervisor, if any discrepancies occurred. 5 ___~DWW--~~~~1JI OOJlD :000 I .,- 0 ,,- I ,N_ O .0 ZOc.o "--<j- E U; O.J 2..0 01 -'C01 mCn.. 'DO) C > Q) 0 OlZ <t Actual Cost Determination: TIle fee schedule was analyzed based on the time and materials needed to perform the inspection services. In addition to this, fringe benefits and direct charges arc considered. An analysis of indirect overhead costs are included, covering the support services required that are not directly related to providing the service. Salary Costs: The basis for the fee schedule development is the allocation of tbe time that it takes each individual employee to complete the assigned tasks. Thcse costs are expressed as an hourly rate based on the employee classification and the rate paid to those persons in that class. Salary Costs \vere derived from the annual Budget Report compiled by tbe Department. This report, completed as part of the annual Budget Process, included Salary eosts for a]J of the Department 113 and each of its subcomponents. The Salary Costs for the entire Department were divided into those for Plan Review, Inspections and Contractor Licensing. These figures were used in establishing the rates. Other salaries for support services were addressed in the Operational Expenses. The total amount of Direct Personnel Salary for the Inspection section is $1,157,740. Direct Personnel Fringe Benefits: This category is defined as the fees that are added to the Direct Salary Cost due to Government reguJation or benefits granted to employees, often contractually. The amount for this section is $450,040 which includes the following: . Social Security Matching . Retirement Regular . Health Insurance · Life Insurance Short and Long Tenn . Worker's Compensation Regular . Er 457 Deferred Compensation . Reserve for Salary Adjustment The typical method for estimating these costs, especially for planning purposes, is as a percentage of Direct Salary Costs. The appropriate rates were obtained from the Finance Department of CDES. For this study, the Direct Personnel Fringe Benefit rate is 42.55% ($450,040/$1,157,740). The figures for the Direct Personnel Fringe Benefits were obtained from review of the annual budget prepared by the Department. The items identified above comprise the benefit 6 - ()0lL() 000 _0,,- , N_ O .0 Z~r--, ~ ~ ,.... '- - :J.J QJ , .2:; ..0 Cl) -~(1j rofficL "0 > ~ 0 ::::nZ <( .. calculation and have been established through law (Social Security, Worker's Compensation) or contract (Retirement, Insurance). Operational Expenses; Other Divisions of Collier County Community Development Department supply Internal Support Services to the PeJ111itting and Licensing Division, These services support the operation, but Calmot be assigned to a particular pennit. The items in this category are identified in the following table. ~Dl: .. ~.... Building and Utilities Contractual Non-BCC Su ort Services , Allocation Facilities Related I Allocation Financial and Purchasing I AJlocation County Attorney . Allocation Mana er's Office and BCC Transfer - IT Ex enses Transfer - HR Ex enses Debt Service Re d d Add $ 30,300 $ 25,000 $ 14.858 $ 29.263 $ 26,65 ] $ 29,963 $ 97,633 $ 18.1 98 $ 97,767 $2 -3 "700 ~!.'Jl!ili:-I~"'!~'i'~~~~~1,.Vft"].$~~~~~'W~~~~~~1 ~:::.. I; ~_. ~"-; .,:~~~.~~~..."..,-~" y ~ c ~~;:'.~:''-'''<~''!...'.~:,~,..~._~:-, -..~. ~::....: ft~~".l ~1..::.~~:r.:~'~1f~~~~1~-;;~,,"I'" r";,:, ,~,;~.; X: i:~: ~'f'~~~~; T01'Al. SI,343,200 I The expenditures listed here are derived from the annual budget and reflect the costs associated with providing support to the provision of penn its. TIle Operational Expenses for the Inspection section are expressed as a function of the total Direct Personnel Expenses. Total Direct Personnel Expenses are defined as Regular Salary plus the Direct Personnel Fringe Benefits defll1ed earlier. The total Salal)' Cost for the division is SI,507,780, which adds the two figures. Operational Expenses, as detlned above, are $1,343,200. Therefore the Operational Expenses Rate is 89.c)8~/o. providing an overall multiplier of 1.89. 7 ~- - - -- -J;i____ 2IiI- _.. _.JJr!Ifl -..-.- Total Cost: The total cost of completing the average inspection is detemlined by adding all of the various cost items to arrive at a total. The following table provjdes the ca1cuJa6on. UQ)I.{) 000 .,.--0"'- N '+- o ~ 0 ZOco' _"'--7 i:::Q3m 2..0 OJ -'-(!j roeLL' -oW r- > - 0 gj,z <( 8 - IIIIJ!I:--."' () 0) L{) 000 __0.,- N__ o .0 ZOO) --"oo::t EwU) 2..:l OJ -.-m miD... ~> (j; 0 cr)Z <( SECTION 3 CALCULATION OF FEES Personnel Costs Customer Service Plannin Technician Plan Reviewer Su ervisOJ Personnel I Subtotal Direct Personnel Frin 'e Benefits $20.98 $21.78 $27.05 S31.62 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 1.7 10.49 10.89 ] 3.53 Based on an ERU of a 2,000 square foot house, this fee equates to $.054 per square foot. Personnel Costs Customer Service Ins ector Su )ervisorv Personnel Subtotal Direct Personnel Flin 'e Benefits 520.98 $25.98 S35.75 0.25 0.5 0.1 0.85 $ 5.25 S 12.99 S 3.58 521.81 S 9.28 Recommended Fees: Cate or' A, lication and Plan Review Minimum Fee Ins ection Re-Ins ection Convenience Inspection (Book of] 0) e of review 9 Comparison with other communities: A review of the permit fees charged in other communities has been conducted and the results are found in the table on the next page. UC1Jl.O 000 .,-0"- ."1_ o .0 ZOo :=:L(') -(l)(j) 2.001 -EC'il C'il(l)C1. "0> Co ~z <( .- 10 ill u..l z~ 00 ~::c ~>- <-l 0..- 2:2 0< Ul.l.. r/JW w..:-l u..)0 u..Z ecn ~r- cr::t.J.. we; o..cn 0'-" ZO _ c~ ON ~< :Jcr:: COo t.J.. \000 NOoo 00000 N V'J V'J V'J '0 0 '0 '0 V') 0 0 N 0 '0 '0 '0 V') '0 .... '0 '0 I'-- '0 '0 0 0 c--; ..c: ('~ c: N 0 c: ...... c: '0 .... '.c; .... 00 ~ '0 '0 c: '0 - c: c: .... .... ~ 00 0 .,,; 00 c-: V"] ~ ~ V') '0 00 .,,; 0 0 00 0 ~ 00 .... ...... 0. e- N ...... N I'-- ~ .... 00 I'-- I'-- V') 00 0- V"] - 0 V') 00 I'-- '0 0- 00 I'-- 1'--, 7, N, '0 c--; 7. ""!. '" ('l - '0 00 00 00 DC; 1'--. 7. ~" 7~ -.:;;' .,,; .,; 7 "'1' "f" .,; N N N N N N N ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... V) V) V) <>"7 iA V'3 V'3 V) "'" V) V) V'3 V) V) eA eA eA "'" V) "'" \A "'" , 0 c: ~ !f', 0, ...... V'3 ~ c I 0 0 C: :::; 0 0 ...... 0 0 V) ~, "f" 0 Vl ...... N N \A tA V) V) 010 'r, a iN a 0 0 0 C:~ ~ :::; 0 :::; N --10 ~ 0 1--: =: g lrl C: 0', r"', 0 '0 0' V') N ...... ",", N -.0 I'-- ...... ...... N N "'" "'" - ...... eA V'3 tA fA tA V'3 V3 V3 trl '0 C 0 ~ gig 0 ..... 0 0 c--; c: 0 :5 o I,r. c: ..c: C; C; '0 ~ 6 ..c 0 '0 oc S2 0 - rr, C 0' r-J rr, r-- 0 >C N "'1' ...... ...... 1('.1 N ...... - r-- V'3 tA fA "'" fA \A ~/ fA V) V) \A i i I - 10 , c 0 ~ ~ 0 0 '=::. 7 ~ 0 ('~ '=: 10 0 c: ~ "<1: C; >C - 16 Vl 0 '0 trl 0 tr. Q 0 0 "'"' 0 V') r-- rri r~ trl >C N "f" ...... .... r-~ r-I ...... V) tA ! 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M. t; y COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEVELOPMENT AND FEE SCHEDULE BCC Proposed version, November 10, 2009 Contents: A) A DMINISTRA Tl ON ,. .................. ................................................ ........... ....... .................... .......................... .....2 B) BLASTING PERMITS & INSPECTIONS ............. ............................. ......................... ...... ........................... .............2 C) ENVIRONMENT AULAN DSCAPING n. ...... ....................... ...... .............. ..... ........................... ....... ............. ............2 D) EXCA VA TION PERMITS ........ ...... ............. ...... ............... ............... ......................... ........................... ..............3 E) FIRE CODE REVIEW FEES ............ .................................... ...... ............ .................... ..........................................4 F) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS '.............. ....... ............... .................................................................. ........ ..... .........4 G) S UBDIVIS ION....................................................... .................... ................... .............. .................... ....... ........5 H) ENG INEERING IN SPECTI ON FEES............................. ................................ ...... ..................... .............. ................6 I) TEMPO RAR Y US E FEES ... ..... ................................. ....... .......................... ...... ....... .............. ...... ........ ...... ..........6 J) WELL PERMITS/INSPECTION S ................. ....... ........ ........................... ............. ....... ........................... ....... ..........7 K) ZONING/LAN D US E PETITIONS. ............ ..................................... ............ .................... ....... .................... ............7 L) MI SCELLAN EOUS ........ ............... ............................. .............. ................................. ..... ............ ......................9 M) BUILDING PERMIT APPLlCA TlON FEE ..............................................................................................................11 N) BUILDING PERM IT FEES ... .......... ............. .............................. ............ .................... ............. ...... .............. ...... ,12 0) ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES .......... ............ ........ ...................... ....... ................ ......... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ,12 P) PLUMBING PERMIT FEES ,..................... ....... ....................... ........ ............ ............. ....... ............. ...... .................13 Q ) MECHANICAL PERM IT FEES...... ........................... ................. ..................................... ....... ...... ....... ....... .........1 3 R) FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PERMIT FEES .................................................................................................13 S) MOBILE HOME/OFFICE TRAILER AND OTHER TRAILER PERMIT FEES .......................................................................13 T) CHICKEES AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES ...................m.......................................................................................14 U) POOL OR SPA PERMIT FEES ........ ....... ........ ...... ......... ...... ...... ........ ................... ...... ....... ..................................1 4 V) SCREEN ENCLOSURE PERMIT & PAN ROOF FEES..m...........................m.............................................................14 W) SIGN PERMIT FEES ... .... ............................................... .................. ......... ............ ....... ........ ................... ...... ,14 X) CONVENIENCE PERM IT FEES ..... ................................................. ....... ............ ....... .............. ........................... .14 Y) REVISION AND AS BUILT PLAN REVIEW FEES; CORRECTIONS TO PLANS ,.................................................................14 Z) PERMIT EXTEN S ION ...................... ............................ ....... ....... ...... .................... ....... ....... ............................. 15 AA) DEMOLITION OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES ..................................................................................15 BB) PRE.MOVING INSPECTION FEES ...................... "."'."''''.' ............... ........... ............... ..... ........ ..... ....................15 CC) IN S PECTI ON FEES,......... ................................ ......... ............. ....... .................. .................................... ....... ...15 DD) REIN SPECTION FEES ............................................ ............... ............. ............ ............................ "."" ............ 15 EE) FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT ...... ........ ...... ................. ...... .................................. ........................................15 FF) LICENS ING ................. ........................................ ........ ....................................... ...... ....... .............. ..... ....... ,15 GG) DUPLICATE PERMIT CARDS ................ ....... ......... ..................... ............ ...... ........ ................... ....... ....... .........16 HH) CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTORS ...........................................................................................16 II) PERMIT FEE REFUNDS ,............ ........... ........ ........ .............. ........ ................... ...... ............. .............. .............. ...1 6 JJ) RECORD RETRI EV AL ... .......... ...... ..................................... .................. ................................... ............ ...........17 KK) COpy FEES.............................. .............. ................................... .................... .............. ............. ....... .......... 17 LL) RES EARCH ........................ ........................... ....................... ........... ....... .................................................... I 8 MM) SUBSCRIPTION S ER VI CE ........................ ........................ ..... ............. .............. ................................. ......... ...1 8 NN) RES ER VED ...... ........... ................................ ............................ ............................ ...... .... ........ ........ ............1 8 00) RENTAL INSPECTION ... ..... ...... ""'''''''' ....... ....... ........... ..... ...... ...................................................... '..'" .......,1 8 PP) CERTIFICATE TO BOARD BUILDING ................................................................................................................1 8 QQ) ADDITIONAL FEE REFUND PROVISIONS ..........................................................................................................18 RR) REFUND PROV] S ION S ....... ................. .............................. ............... .... ...... ................ .................... .............. .18 SS) ADDITIONAL FEE PROVISIONS ,......... ......................... ...... ............. ............. ....... ....... ...................... ..... ...........1 9 IT) PUBLIC VEHICLE FOR HIRE FEES ...................................................................................................................19 UU) "PAYMENT IN LIEU OF" FEE FOR PA THW A YS (SIDEWALKS, AND BIKE LANES) ........................................................1 9 VV) OPTIONAL EXPEDITED BUILDING PERMIT PLAN REVIEWS ..................................................................................19 WW) FENCES. ....................... .................... ....................... .............. .................... .................... ....... ......... ...... ...20 XX) CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCy............ ................ .......... ............ ......................................... ................ ...........20 ,....- Fees are in bold CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 Iw page I !l"""::>,,":::l Itor>" "I~ 1 nr l'~ovember 10, 2009 Page 59 of 105 FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION, AND CANNOT BE WAIVED OR SUSPENDED WITHOUT AN ACTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE i\PPLICABILITY OF FEES SHALL BE CONCLUSIVELY DETERMINED BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE APPROPIATE DEPARTMENT, AS APPLICABLE. WHERE AS PART OF A REZONING, PLAT OR SIMILAR APPLICATION TYPE, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIRECTS APPROVAL OF FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ORDERS DIFFERENT FROM THE STANDARD TYPE OF APPROVAL PROCESSES REQUIRED, THE DIRECTOR OF THE APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENT SHALL DETERMIl"E THE FEES TO BE APPLIED TO THE PROCESS NECESSARY TO MEET THE BOARDS REQUIREMENTS. THE APPLICABLE FEES SHALL BE THOSE WHICH MOST CLOSELY RESEMBLE THOSE CHARGED FOR SIMILAR PROCESSES INCLUDING EXTRA FEES FOR ADVERTISING AND THE LIKE. A) ADMINISTRATION 1) Official Interpretation Request of Land Development Code (LDC), Growth Management Plan (GMP), or Building Construction Administrative Code (Administrative Code). Based on staff hours: Less than 20 hours $1,500.00,20 to 40 hours $3,000.00, more than 40 hours $5,000.00 2) N/ A 3) Determination of Vested Rights. $100.00 (plus the County's out-of-pocket expenses associated with hearing officer and hearings) 4) Appeal of Vested Rights Determination. $100.00 5) Amendment to Land Development Code. $3,000.00 6) Appeal of an Administrative Decision (as may be provided for in the Collier County Administrative Code or the LDC), $1000.00 (non-refundable) 7) Appeal to Board of Zoning Appeals or Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals (as may be provided for in the Collier County Administrative Code or the LDC). $1,000.00 (non-refundable) B) BLASTING PERMITS & INSPECTIO~ 1) 30 day permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application, $250.00 2) 90 day permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $600.00 3) Yearly pennit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $1,500.00 4) Renewal pemlit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $200.00 5) After-the-fact fee, due to blasting without a pemlit. $10,000.00 6) Fine fee, per detonated shot \vith after-the-fact pennit. $200.00 7) Handler fee, for handler who assists the user or blaster in the use of explosives. $100.00 8) Blasting Inspection Fee. $200.00 (per inspection) 9) Inspection fees shall be paid upon issuance of a blasting pennit based on the estimated number of blasts. Upon completion, fees will be adjusted to reflect actual number of blasts, C) ENVIRONMENTALILANDSCAPING I) Site Clearing Permit, first acre or fraction of an acre, $250.00 each additional acre or fraction of an acre. $50.00 ($3,000.00 maximum) 2) Agricultural Land Clearing a. Land Clearing Notification $250.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 1O/2I/09Iw page 2 A r10nrb It",,.,.., 1\ln 1 nr November 10, 2009 b. Land Clearing Permit $250.00 each additional acre or fraction of an acre, $50.00 ($3,000.00 Page 60 of 105 maximum) 3) Landscape Tree Removal Fee $250 4) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) $2,500.00 for 1 st submittal and 2nd submittal if applicable, 3rd submittal $1,000.00, 4th and subsequent submittals $500.00 each 5) Landscape Re-inspection 1 sl $50.00, 2nd $75.00, every inspection afterward $100.00 6) Vehicle on the Beach Permit Application. $250.00 (Permit fee shall be waived for public and non-profit organizations engaging in environmental activities for scientific, conservation or educational purposes). 7) Beach Nourishment Permits - $400 8) Special Treatment Review a. First five acres or less. $400.00 b. Each additional acre, or fraction thereof. $50.00 ($5,000,00 Maximum) c. ilia 9) Coastal Construction Setback Line (CCSL): a. CCSL Permits $400.00 b. Variance - Petition. $1000.00 10) Sea Turtle Pennit- a. Sea Turtle Handling Permits. $25.00 b. Sea Turtle Nesting Area Construction Permit. $200.00 c. Sea Turtle Nest Relocation. $100.00 11 ) Vegetation Removal Permit a. First acre or fraction of an acre less. $250.00 b. Each additional acre, or fraction thereof. $50.00 ($3,000.00 Maximum) 12) After-the-fact Environmental or Landscape Permits a. CCSL Variance Petition. 2x normal fee b. All other Environmental or Landscape Permits. 4x normal fee 13) Informal Wetland Jurisdictional determination for single family parcels up to 5 acres - $300.00 14) Conservation Easement review fee - $300.00 application fee plus the following additional site fee: $200.00 for CE acres less than 5 acres; $400.00 for CE area between 5 acres and 10 acres; $600.00 for CE area greater than 10 acres and less than 20 acres; $800.00 for CE areas between 20 and 50 acres; and an additional $200.00 for every 40 acres of CE area over 50 acres. 15) Listed or Protected Species review fee (when an EIS is not required) - $1000.00 r-.' D) EXCA V A nON PERMITS 1) Annual Renewal. $300.00 2) Application (Private). $400.00 3) Application (Commercial), $2,000.00 4) Application (Development). $400.00 5) $200.00 per inspection paid in advance for 12 months 6) Reapplication: $300.00 plus $200.00 per month inspection fee 7) Cubic Yardage Review Fee: $200.00 first 5000 cy, plus $10.00 per additional 1000 cy with a maximum of $20,000,00 8) Time Extension. $150.00 plus $200.00 per month inspection fee 9) After-the-fact Excavation Pennit. 4x application fee 10) Over excavation penalty fee per yard, Plus Permit/Review $0.05 per cubic yard fee, unless maximum have been paid. CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 Iw page 3 tl rtAnrl::> 'io~ "elf') 1 n(' t\lovember 10. 2009 Pa;;Je 61 of 105 E) FIRE CODE REVIEW FEES I) Fire Code Review fees associated with each of the following processes: a. SDP - Site Development Plan b. SDP A - Site Development Plan, Amendment c. SDPI - Site Development Plan, Insubstantial d, SIP - Site Improvement Plan e. SIPI - Site Improvement Plan, Insubstantial f. PSP - Preliminary Subdivision Plans g. PSP A - Preliminary Subdivision Plans, Amendment h. PPL - Plans & Plat, Subdivision 1. FP - Final Plat J. CONSTR - Construction Plans, Subdivision/Utilities k. ICP - Construction Plans, Insubstantial I. DR! - Development of Regional Impact m. DOA - Development Order, Amendment n. PUDZ - Planned Unit Development, Rezone o. PUDA - Planned Unit Development, Amendment p. PDI - Planned Unit Development, Insubstantial q. RZ - Rezone, Regular Zoning r. CU - Conditional Use F) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS I) Site Development Plan Review (SDP). $5000.00 $200.00 $150.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $150.00 a. plus $40.00 per DIU b. plus $100.00 per residential building structure c. plus $.10 per square foot for non-residential except that structures designed exclusively for parking (parking garages) shall be calculated at $.05 per square foot. d. plus $200.00 per building for non-residential e, Additional fees for 3"l review $1,000.00, 4th review $1,500.00, 5th review $2,000.00, 6th and subsequent reviews $2,500.00 When a building consist of both residential and non-residential (commercial, retail, office) uses, the following fees will apply. a. $5000.00 base fee plus $40.00 per DIU b. $200.00 per building for non-residential c. plus $0.10 per square foot of non-residential floor area d.. Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th review $1,500.00, 5th review $2,000.00, 6th and subsequent reviews $2,500.00 2) Pre-application fee. $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee submittal) a. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at the applicant's request shall not be credited towards application fees. b. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at staffs request will be held at no charge to the applicant. c. Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required. 3) Simultaneous Review Fee (planning review of simultaneous building permit applications) $100.00 per building permit application. 4) Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change a. Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change. $400.00 for first sheet, $100.00 for each and every additional sheet submitted, CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 lw page 4 f:, A r November 10, 2009 b. Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change for Public Utility System Accessory Uses, $50~e 62 of 105 for the first sheet, $125.00 for each and every additional sheet. c. Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th Review $1,500.00, Sth and subsequent review $2,000.00 S) Site Development Plan Conceptual Review (CSP), Unified Development Plan (UDP), Neighborhood Park Site (NPSP) $750.00 6) Site Improvement Plan Review (SIP). $1000.00 (plus Engineering review fees) 7) Utility Plan Review & Inspection Fees- a. Construction Document Review. 0.75% of probable water andlor sewer construction costs b. Construction Inspection. 2.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs c. Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification, submit as insubstantial change. $150.00 for first sheet, $75.00 for each additional sheet 8) Engineering Site Plan Review Fee a. Construction Documents Review Fee 0.75% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction b. Construction Inspection 2.25% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction 9) Site Development Plan Amendment (SDP A) $2,500.00, a. Plus $40.00 per DIU plus $100.00 per residential building structure b. plus $.10 per square foot c. plus $200.00 per building for non-residential d. Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th Review $1,500.00, Sth and subsequent review $2,000.00 10) SBR Fees a. Pre-Acquisition Meeting $500.00 (no refunds or credits) b. Pre-application fee. $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal) (all normal pre- application provisions apply) c. SBR Fee $5000.00 with hourly reconciliation at project completion for hourly variation greater than 10%, final project charges at $100.00 per hour for all associated staff hours 11) Violation of the conditions of approval of the SDP/SIP or installation of improvements, clearing, or other land alteration not depicted on, or otherwise authorized as a part of the approved SDP/SIP. 4x the SIP/SDP application fee 12) Request for alternative architectural design $500.00, no separate or additional fee for appeals to, or requests for assistance from, the Architectural Arbitration Board. 13) Site Development Plan Sheet change out (per CDES policy guidelines) $35.00 per page. 14) Town Home Site Plan Review - $6,000.00 base fee, additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th review $1,500.00, Sth review $2,000.00, 6th and subsequent review $2,500.00. IS) SDP Extension - $150.00 16) Post Take Site Plan - Base Fee $1,000.00, Resubmittal Fee $250.00 each submittal, $3,000.00 additional if objection filed. G) SUBDIVISION 1) Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) and Lot Split Review $250.00 2) Subdivision Review Fees (PPL), (PPLA) - CDES Financial Administration, rev IO/21/09Iw page 5 A"onrln !tom ~I~ 1 nr November 10, 2009 a. Construction Documents Review Fee 0.75% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lightin~i€gID63 of 105 Minimum Landscaping and any other appurtenant cost of construction b. Subdivision Inspection Fee 2.25% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping. and any other appurtenant cost of construction c. Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification -Submit as Insubstantial Change $400.00 for first sheet, $100.00 for each additional sheet d. Subdivisions - 3rd and subsequent additional reviews - $500.00 e. Subdivisions - Substantial deviations from approval construction documents $500.00 3) Subdivision, Preliminary Plat (PSP)- a. Petition Application $1000.00 plus $5.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for residential, plus $10.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for non-residential; (mixed use is residential) 4) Subdivision Final Plat (FP) $1,000.00 plus $5.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for residential, $1000.00 plus $10.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for nonresidential: (mixed use is residential) 5) Additional review of construction plans for phased construction of subdivision improvements. $1000.00 per phase 6) Two-year Extension $150.00 7) Water and Sewer Facilities Construction Document Review 0.75% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs 8) Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification 0.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs a. 3rd and subsequent re-submittals - $500.00 9) Water and Sewer Facilities Construction Inspection Fee 2.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs 10) Violation of the conditions of approval of approved construction plans or installation of improvements, clearing, or other land alteration not depicted on, or otherwise authorized as a part of the approved construction plans or pennit. 4x the PPL PPLA, PSP, CNSTR or Final Plat Review Fee (FP). II) Administrative Amendment $250.00 H) ENGINEERING INSPECTIOl\' FEES 1) Engineering Inspection Fee $150.00 per set of required engineering inspections charged at time of building permit issuance. 2) Re-inspection Fees: 1 st re-inspection $75.00, 2nd re-inspection $100.00, 3rd and thereafter re-inspection $125.00 I) TEMPORARY USE PERMITS 1) Beach Events Permits- a. Individual Pemlit $100.00 b. Block of25 calendar days $2,250.00 c. Block of 50 calendar days $4,500.00 d. Block of75 calendar days $6,750.00 e. Block of 100 calendar days $9,000.00 f. Block of 125 calendar days $11,250.00 g. Block of 150 calendar days $13,500.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev JO/21/091w page 6 1 r. November 10, 2009 Page 64 of 105 2) Temporary Use Permit Special Sales & Events. $200.00 3) Model Homes and Sales Centers $500.00 4) Construction and Development, Mobile home, Agricultural Zoning, and Temporary use for "Coming Soon" sign $125.00 5) Residential and Non-Profit Garage and Yard Sale Permits No Charge 6) Temporary Use Amendment. $100.00 7) Renewals or extensions requested after the expiration date $200.00. 8) Temporary Use Permit for Special Events requiring BCe approval, including Circus and Carnival Permits. $275.00 9) Political Signs (Bulk Temporary Permit) $5.00 10) Fees for Temporary Use permits issued After the Fact, A TF: 2x normal fee J) WELL PERMITS/INSPECTIONS 1) Hydraulic elevator shaft permit $300.00 2) Test hole permit (including 1st six holes) $300.00, each additional hole $20.00 3) Well permit (abandonment) $50.00 4) Well permit (construction, repair, or combined construction and abandonment at one site) $300.00 5) Well permit (monitoring) $150.00 6) Well Permit (modification of monitor/test well to a production well) $75.00 7) Well Reinspections a. First Reinspection $75.00 b. Second Reinspection $100.00 c. Third Reinspection $150.00 8) After the fact well pernlits 4x normal fee per violation. NOTE: Multiple wells may be allowed on one permit, but each well must be accounted for and the appropriate fee shall be charged for each well in accordance with the above listed schedule. K) ZONING/LAND USE PETITIONS 1) Pre-application meeting fee $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal) a. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at the applicant's request shall not be credited towards application fees, b. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at staffs request will be held at no charge to the applicant. c. Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required. 2) Alcoholic Beverage or Service Station Separation Requirement Waiver $1000.00 3) Boat Dock Extension Petition $1,500.00 Boat Lift Canopy Administrative Review $500.00 4) Conditional Use Permit $4,000.00 when filled with Rezone Petition ($1,500.00) Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee, 5) Conditional Use Monitoring Review: $750.00 6) Conditional Use Extension $3,000.00 .._- CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 lw page 7 l1.r10nr1::> Itpm ""1') 1 nr November 10, 2009 7) DRI Review (In addition to cost of rezone) $10,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof) Ailliigermfifue 105 for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee Amendments deemed to be minor in nature, that is requiring minor strike thru and underline text amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the DRI will be capped at $13.000.00, Any amendment which includes a map and text change will be assessed the full fee (no cap). 8) DRI/DO Amendment $6,000.00 plus $25.00 per acre (or fraction thereof). The acreage charge does not apply for amendments which only change the build-out date of the DO for a time period of less than five years. Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews -- 20% of original fee. a. DRI Extension - $100.00 9) DRIABN - DRI Abandonment $1,500.00 10) flood Variance Petition $1000.00 I I) Interim Agriculture Use Petition $350.00 12) Non-Conforming Use Change/Alteration $1,500.00 13) Parking Exemption $1,500.00. Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 14) Parking Reduction (Administrative) $500.00 15) Rezone Petition (PUD to PUD): $8,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof) (Requires a submittal ofa new PUD document), additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee (excludes minor minor revisions as required by staff). 16) Property owner notifications: $1.50 non-certified mail, $3.00 certified return receipt mail (Petitioner to pay this amount prior to advertisement of petition) 17) Planned Unit Development Amendments (PUD) $6,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre or fraction of an acre. (Substantial changes to the text and Master Plan), Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. Text changes that do not impact the Master Plan $6,000.00 (the $25.00 an acre fee will not apply, Amendments deemed to be minor in nature that is requiring minor strike thm and underline amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the PUD will be capped at $9,000.00. .A.ny amendment which includes a map and text change will be assessed the full fee (no cap). 18) Planned Unit Development Amendment - Insubstantial (PDl) $1,500.00 requires a hearing by the CCPC only for a minor change to the PUD Master Plan, PUD Minor Change (PMC) $1,000.00 (Administrative Review for minor change to the Master Plan) 19) Rezone Petition (Regular) $6,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof), Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20'10 of original fee. 20) Rezone Petition (to PUD) $10,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof), Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 21) Street Name Change (Platted) $500.00 plus $1.50 for each property owner requiring notification of proposed street name change 22) Un-platted street name or project name change: $100.00 per application fee plus $50.00 per additional hour or Partial hour of research required to process application, not to exceed $500.00 23) Variance petition: $2,000.00 residential, $5,000.00 non- residentiaL Additional fee for 5th and subsequent Reviews - 20% of original fee. 24) Variance (Administrative) $1,000.00 25) Zoning Certificate: Residential: $50.00, Commercial: $125.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 lw page 8 26) PUD Extension - Sun Setting: $1000.00 A "t::>nrl", Itpm 1\1..... 1 nr November 10, 2009 Page 66 of 105 1-, 27) Sign Variance Petition: $2000.00 28) Stewardship Receiving Area Petition (SRA): $7000.00 per SRA plus $25.00 per acre for. Stewardship Sending Area Petition (SSA): $9,500.00, Stewardship Receiving Alternative Deviation Design (SRDD) $500.00. SRA Amendments deemed to be minor in nature, that is requiring minor strike thru and underline text amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the SRA will be capped at $10,000,00. 29) After-the-Fact Zoning/Land Use Petitions 2x the normal petition fee 30) Land Use Petition Continuances Including Appeal of an Administrative Decision and Appeal to Board of Zoning Appeals a. Requested after petition has been advertised $500.00 b. Requested at the meeting $750.00 c. Resultant additional required advertising charged in addition to continuance fees. 31) POO and SRA_Monitoring (one-time charge at time of building permit pick-up) a. $100.00 per dwelling unit for residential construction within a PUD and SRA ($3,000.00 maximum fee per building permit application) b. $0.12 per square foot for non-residential construction within a PUD and SRA ($3,000.00 maximum fee per building permit application) 32) Any legal advertising required during any CDES activity or approval process will be charged in addition to stated fees, at actual costs. CDES reserves the right to charge an estimated amount with the initially required project fees, and will reconcile and adjust such charges against actual legal advertising recording billings at at the completion of the project. 33) Mixed Use Project (MUP) $2,500.00 a. Mixed Use Project Deviation $1,000.00 34) Amplified Sound Permit $300.00. 35) Planned Unit Development (PUD) closeout application and processing: a. POO's up to 50 acres: $5,000.00 b. POO's over 50 acres up to 250 acres: $7,000.00 c. PUD's over 250 acres; $9,500.00 36) Development of Regional Impact (DRI) closeout application and processing $10,000.00 L) MISCELLANEOUS 1) Reserved 2) Reserved 3) Official Zoning Atlas Map Sheet Publications, maps, and reports shall be copied at actual cost. 4) The following fee shall be assessed for all Lien Search Requests and Payoff Requests: $25.00/per property address. 5) The fee for researching records, ordinances, and codes shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of 1 hour. CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 Iw page 9 !:. r'10n~::> !tom t\1" 1 fir November 1 0, 2009 6) The fee for creating and designing special computer generated reports that are not a part of regula~ar'Zl of 105 reports shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of 1 hour. 7) CD Burning: $5.00 8) Complete sets of Official Zoning Atlas Map Sheets $100.00 per set. 9) Staff shall charge the following fees for duplication of public records: a. $0.15 for each one sided photocopy of documents less than 11 x 17 inches, b. $0.20 for each two sided photocopy of documents less than 11 x 17 inches. c. $1.00 for each certified copy of a public record, 10) Property Notification Address Listing: a. MS Excel spreadsheet on Disc $70.00 b. Print out on Paper $75.00 + $0.05 for every record over l500 c, Mailing Labels $80.00 + $0.06 for every record over 1500 d. Print out on Paper + Mailing Labels $85.00 + $0.11 for every record over 1500 l1) Comprehensive Plan Consistency Review a. CD's $300.00 b. Rezoning $750.00 c. PUD's or PUD Amendments: $2250.00 d. Letter of GMP consistency to outside agencies: $250 e. SRA - Stewardship Receiving Area - $2,250.00 f. DR! - Development of Regional Impact - $2,250.00 g. FlAM - Fiscal Impact Analysis - $4,000.00 12) Plan Review Fee (for planning review of all building pern1it applications) a. Permit Application - Complex (more than one trade): $125.00 per building permit application, 2nd review 50% offee, 3rd and subsequent 25% of fee (2nd and subsequent review fees related to Zoning approvals only) b. Permit Application - Basic (no trade or one trade): $50.00 per building pern1it application, 2nd review 50% of fee, 3rd and_subsequent 25% of fee (2nd and subsequent review fees related to Zoning approvals only) 13) Project Meetings: Active applications under review for the following project types will be afforded one inter- departmental meeting at no charge: Planned Unit Development re-zonings and Site Development Plan applications (except for conceptual site plan approval and insubstantial change approval). Meeting requests for all other application types and additional meetings will be subject to the following fees: a. Meetings with Departmental Project Approval Staff member per applicant request, reviews and petitions in progress, $150.00 per one hour minimum, $75.00 per l;i hour thereafter. Additional Department staff attending meeting per applicant request $75.00 per ]/S hour per staff member. b. Inter-Departmental Project Meeting per applicant request, site plan reviews and land use petitions in progress, $500.00 per one hour minimum, $250.00 per 1;/2 hour thereafter. 14) Adequate Public Facilities a. Planning Applications requiring COA process review (such as FP's, PPL's & SIP's, SDPs) $200.00 + 25.00 per residential dwelling unit or -j- 25.00 per 1000 sq ft commercial ($5000.00 maximum) b. Building permit applications requiring COA process review not covered under 12.a above $100.00 per building pennit application. 15) Zoning Confirmation Letters a. Standard Response $100.00 (includes up to 1 hour research) b. Extended Research $100.00 per hour (any response with research in excess of 1 hour) 16) N/A CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 lw page 10 17) CDD a. Community Development District $15,000.00 b. Chapter 189 Special District, Independent or Dependent, $15,000.00 Ar1pnri::. It.:>m t\I" 1 ()(' November 10, 2009 Page 68 of 105 18) GMP Amendment a. Small Scale $9000.00 b. General $16,700.00 c. Legal advertising in addition to sub-sections a and b fees, and subject to applicable fee schedule prOViSIOns. d. Pre-application meetings for GMP consistency for development orders and zoning/land use petitions: $250 e. nJa 19) Application for issuance TDR, $250 (non-refundable); plus $25 per TDR issued and recorded (total fees not to exceed $2,750.00) 20) Engineering Services a. Vacation of Easements: $2.000.00 21) Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals $250.00 22) Early Work Authorization (EW A) permit: $500.00 (does not include site clearing fee). 23) Legal Non-conforming Lot (LNC) $100.00 24) Vested Rights Determination(VRD) $1,500.00 25) Time Extension $150.00 M) BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW AND INSPECTION FEES 1) Minimum fee of$110.00 for each of the following: plumbing, mechanical (AlC), electrical and structural. Minimum fee for all other applications - $110.00. 2) Review fees are to be paid at the time of application, and are non-refundable. Estimated inspection fees to be paid at the time of permit issuance, and will be reconciled to the actual number of inspection performed (refunds issued if estimated inspections exceed actual, additional payment required prior to the CO issuance if actual inspections exceed estimated). 3) The balance of the total pennit fee will be collected at the time of issuance of the permit and will include any fee adjustments necessary. Exterior shell and interior construction are separate reviews for commercial construction, whether permitted simultaneously or under separate shell and build out permits. 4) Exemptions for minor repairs residential. The following permit exemptions have been established for Collier County based on Section 102.2.5 (3) of the Florida Building Code and Section 553.80(3)(c), Florida Statutes. Permit exemption is for owners of single family detached residences performing work on single family properties. All work perfomled shall comply with the standards of the Florida Building Code Residential. A) Electrical: Repair work performed by a licensed electrical contractor that does not exceed $1,500.00 in value of materials and labor. B) Plumbing: Repair/replace work performed by licensed plumbing contractors that does not exceed $1,500.00 in value of materials and labor. - C) Mechanical: Repair work performed by licensed mechanical contractors that does not exceed $1,500.00 in cost for parts and labor. CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 lw page II I b. '"'''''"IN", It",m ".In A nr November 10, 2009 D) Building: Page 69 of 105 a. Repair work performed by licensed contractors per Florida Statute 489 that is not structural in nature and does not change the occupancy, does not affect life safety and the value of which does not exceed $1,500.00 in labor and materials. b. The repair of any roof covering not exceeding $ 1,500.00 in value of materials and labor or work not exceeding two roofing squares (200 sq, ft.) in extent. 5) The building permit fee shall be considered the addition of all individual trade plan review fees involved in the process plus the inspection fees, N) STRUCTURAL PERMIT FEES I) The fee for a structural permit shall be computed as follows: Such fees shall be either based on the contractor's valuations of construction cost or based on square footage, Minimal accepted calculated costs of construction are set forth on the attached Building Valuation Data Table - ICC Building Valuation Data Table, produced February, 2007. Valuation of construction costs ofIess than $750.00 - No permit or fee is required, but construction must comply with all County Codes and Ordinances. If inspections are required by the Building Official or requested by the applicant, the appropriate fees shall be paid, EXCEPTION: All work involving structural components and/or fire rated assemblies requiring permits and inspections regardless of construction cost, signs must secure permits as stated in Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances - Chapter 22 Building and Building Regulations. a. Valuation of construction costs up to $4,999,99 - $50.00 plus $60.00 application per inspection as required. b. New construction review fee of $0.055 per square foot total area for valuation of construction costs $5,000 or over. c. Alternative Minimum Review Fee: all construction under 500 square feet with valuation in excess of $100,000, and all construction three floors or over in height, $333.00 plus $3.00 per thousand dollars of building valuation in excess of $50,000 plus $60.00 per inspection. 0) ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 1) The fees for electrical permits for new structures or placement or relocation of structures shall be computed as follows: a. New construction review fee of $0.055 per square foot total area b. Alternative Minimum Review Fee: i. $0.40 per ampere rating of all single-phase panel boards. ii. $0.15 per ampere rating for switch or circuit whichever is greater, if item #1 above does not apply. iii. When not a complete installation, all switch and circuit breakers ahead of panel boards shall be computed at $0.15 per ampere. iv. Permit fees for any change in electrical installation shall be computed at the above rates for that portion of new and/or increased fees in existing electrical facilities, v. The minimum for any electrical pernlit shall be $110.00 per unit or tenant space vi. Fifty percent (50%) in additional fee costs shall be added to all above fees for three phase installations. CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 Iw page 12 Anon";", Itom "In 1 nr November 10, 2009 P) PLUMBING PERMIT FEES Page 70 of 105 I) The following fee calculations shall be applied separately when the permit involves mixed occupancies. a. Residential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shall be computed at the rate of $0.055 per square foot total area to be charged for each living unit with one to three bathrooms with a minimum of$110.00. An additional fee of$10.00 will be assessed for each additional bathroom b. Nonresidential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shall be computed by the following methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: 1. The rate of$0.055 per square foot total area with a minimum of$110.00; or 2. Institutional facilities, hospitals, schools, restaurants and repairs in any occupancy classification shall be charged at the rate of $1.00 per fixture unit or 3. Minimum of $110.00 for each occupancy or tenant space. 2) Grease traps: An additional fee of$50.00 shall be assessed for each grease trap. 3) The cost for retrofit piping shall be computed at the minimum fee of $50.00 per floor for each main riser. 4) The cost of a permit for lawn sprinkler systems shall be computed using the dollar valuation as shown under Section M of this Resolution. 5) The minimum plumbing permit fee shall be $110.00. Q) MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 1) The following fee calculations shall be applied separately when the permit involves mixed occupancies. a. Residential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed at the rate of $0.055 per square foot total area to be charged for each living unit up to three tons of air conditioning. Each additional ton or part thereof shall be $3.00 per ton. b. Nonresidential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed by one ofthe following methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: The rate of$0.055 per square foot total area to be charged for the first three tons or three horsepower of air conditioning or other mechanical systems per tenant space, each additional ton of air conditioning or horsepower shall be $3.00. 2) The cost of retrofit piping shall be computed at the minimum fee of $50.00 per floor for each cooling tower, or $50.00 for the first 3 horsepower and $3.00 for each additional horsepower, whichever is greater. 3) The minimum mechanical permit fee shall be $110.00. 4) A permit for the change out of components shall be calculated at the above mechanical permit fee rate or the minimum fee whichever is greater. R) FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PERMIT FEES 1) The fees and exemptions set forth in the "Exhibit B" afftxed hereto and made a part of this Schedule of Development Review and Building Pennit Fees shall apply to Fire Prevention and Control Permits for both the independent and dependent fire districts. S) MOBILE HOME/OFFICE TRAILER AND OTHER TRAILER PERMIT FEES I) The permit fee shall be $50.00 to set-up a single-wide trailer or mobile home on an approved site plus electrical, plumbing, mechanical, inspection and fire protection fees as applicable. -, 2) The permit fee shall be $75.00 to set-up a double wide or larger mobile homes on an approved site plus electrical, plumbing, mechanical, inspection and fire protection fees as applicable. CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 Iw page I 3 Anenrl:::> item 1\;" 1 (1(' November 10, 2009 T) CHICKEES AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES Page 71 of 105 1) The permit fee will be based upon a calculated cost of construction of $4.00 per square foot under roof or the contractor's estimated cost of construction, whichever is greater. The fee will then be calculated in accordance with Section N of this Resolution. Additional permit fees for electric, plumbing, mechanical, inspections, fire, etc., will be charged when applicable. U) POOL OR SPA PERMIT FEES I) For construction of each public pool or spa the fee shall be- a. Valuation of construction costs of up to $4,999.99. $100.00 b. Valuation of construction costs of $5000,00 through $49,999,99: $80.00 plus $7.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $2,000.00. c. Valuation of construction costs of $50,000,00 through $1,000,000.00: $333.00 plus $3.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof. of building valuation in excess of $50,000.00. d. Valuation of construction costs over $1,000,000.00: $3,474.00 plus $3.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $1 ,000,000.00. 2) For construction of each private pool or spa the fee shall be: $50.00 application plus $60.00 per inspection as required. V) SCREEN ENCLOSURE PERMIT & PAN ROOF FEES I) N/A 2) The screen enclosure or roof fee will then be calculated in accordance with Section N of this Resolution. W) SIGN PERMIT FEES 1) Sign permit fees will be calculated in accordance with all applicable Building Permit Fees and Electrical Permit Fees outlined in this document, the Collier County Development Fee Schedule. The minimum building permit fee for sign shall be $110.00. 2) Multiple signs of the same type (i.e., wall signs) and for a single project may be allowed per one permit, however an appropriate fee shall be charged for each sign in accordance with the schedule set forth in the above subsection I of Sign Permit Fees. X) CONVENIENCE PER.MIT FEES 1) Convenience permits are issued in blocks of 10 each, Only licensed contractors are eligible to purchase convenience pemlits are limited to the use specified on the pennit. The fee for a book of 10 convenience pennits is $750.00 (1 inspection only) Y) REVISION AND AS BUILT PLAN REVIEW FEES; CORRECTIONS TO PLANS 1) PERMIT AND PLAN REVISIONS The fee for each pennit revision submitted after pennit issuance shall be calculated using fee schedules outlined in Sections N through R above. The minimum pelmit fee for revisions to permitted projects shall be $50.00, 2) AS BUlL T PLANS TIle fee for "As Built" plan review shall be ten (10%) percent of the original building permit fee or $150.00, whichever is greater. but shall not exceed $500.00. The fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing amended building plans in the office to detennine that change orders and various field changes are in compliance with the minimum construction and fire codes of Collier County. The following are required for as-built drawings review: a. An itemized list of all changes made after pemlit plan approval. b, As-built plans that have all changes made after pemlit plan approval "clouded", c. As-built plans and changes shall be signed and sealed by the engineer and/or architect of record. 3) CORRECTIONS TO PLANS a. First Correction to Plans. No charge CDES Financial Administration. rev 10/21:09 Iw page 14 b. Second Correction to Plans. $75.00 c. Third & subsequent correction to plans. $100.00 Arton"~ It,::>m I\I~ 1 nr November 10,2009 Page 72 of 105 i- Z) PERMIT EXTENSION 1) The filing fee for each permit extension shaH be equal to 10% of the original building permit fee or $100.00, whichever is greater, but shall not exceed $500.00. The filing fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing existing or amended building plans to determine and verify code compliance AA) DEMOLITION OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES 1) The permit fee shall be $25.00 application for the demolition of any building or structure; plus $60.00 per inspection as required. BB) PRE-MOVING INSPECTION FEES 1) The fee shall be $150.00 for the pre-moving inspection ofany building or structure. CC) INSPECTION FEES 1) A charge of$60.00 per inspection shall be assessed for inspections for which a permit is not necessary. 2) A user fee of $120.00 shaH be assessed for all inspections on a time specified basis. 3) All required and partial inspections: $60.00 per inspection. DD) REINSPECTION FEES 1) Re-inspections for any type of building permit, or required Engineering re-inspections, shall result in an additional fee of $75.00 per reinspection. EE) FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT 1) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where such action was cited by Code Enforcement or by Contractor Licensing and resulted in a finding of violation from either the Code Enforcement Board, the Special Magistrate, or the Contractor Licensing",Board, or as directed by the Board of County Commissioners the fees herein specified shall be 4x the regular fee. 2) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where a contractor or agent/provider where the building official or zoning director (for cases involving land development) deems that the contractor/provider should have known that a permit was required but voluntary seeks compliance by obtaining the necessary pemlits to abate the violation the fees herein specified shall be 2x the regular fee. 3) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where an owner/builder seeks voluntary compliance by obtaining said permit the fees assessed will be 2x the regular rate as defined in this fee schedule. 4) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where the unpemlitted work was completed by other or prior to the current owner/builder's ownership of the property an where the current ownerlbuilder seeks voluntary compliance by obtaining said pemlit to assure compliance with all applicable codes the fees will be assessed at the regular rate as defined in this fee schedule. 5) The payment of such fee shaH not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of any applicable construction code or ordinance in the execution of the work, or from any penalty prescribed within any construction code, law or ordinance of Collier County. ~- FF) LICENSING 1) The fee for licensing items is as foHows: CDES Financial Administration, rev IO/21/091w page 15 ll("\p',rl:::>. I1Am t\!n 1 nr November 10, 2009 Page 73 of 105 a. Letters of Reciprocity. $55.00 b. Contractors Change of Status. (active to dormant) $10.00 c. Voluntary Registration of State Certified Contractors $45.00 d. Pictures, $2.00 e. Laminating $1.00 (per license) f Fee for a 6 month temporary contractor's license $55.00 g. Certified copies of Experience letters $35.00 h. Duplicate or replacement (of Competency cards) $25.00 1. Second entity application fee $] 05.00 2) Certificated of Competency (Annual) a. Contractor Initial License Fee Renewal Fee b. Specialty Contractor Initial License Fee Renewal Fee c. Journeyman Initial License Fee Renewal Fee $230.00 $145.00 $205.00 $125.00 $ 80.00 $ 55.00 3) Dormant Certificates of Competency (Annual) a, Contractor $130.00 b. Specialty Contractor $130.00 c. Penalty fees after 9/30 $ 20.00 per month until 12/31 4) Reinstatement of Delinquent License a. Contractor b. Specialty Contractor c. Journeyman d. Examination Administrative Fee $230.00 plus back years $205.00 plus back years $ 80.00 plus back years $130.00 good for 6 months GG) DUPLICATE PERMIT CARDS 1) The fee shall be $5.00 for the issuance of a duplicate permit card for whatever reason. HH) CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTORS 1) To record a change of contractor or subcontractor, on a pernlit that has been issued, the fee shall be $50.00. This fee includes the issuance of a new permit card. II) PERMIT FEE REFUNDS A) Building Permit Review Standards apply to all internal CDES reviews for building permit applications with previously approved site plans, including all required trade reviews, along with any required Zoning, Engineering and Impact Fee reviews. Reviews external to CDES, such as a Fire, are excluded. The performance standard time frame begins upon submission of the application, and runs until either issuance of a comment letter or at approval. Review standard guarantees require the submission of a sufficient number of plan sets (to be determined by the Building Department) to accommodate parallel trade reviews. 1) New Residential construction reviews will be completed within 5 business days (iflonger than 5 business days 50% of review fee refunded). 2) New Commercial construction reviews will be completed within 15 business days (if longer than 15 business days 50% ofreview fee refunded), 3) Alterations, Additions and Minor Pennits: a) Residential pernlit application reviews will be completed within 5 business days (iflonger than 5 business days 50% of review fee refunded), CDES Financial Administration. rev 10/21'09 lw page 16 - A"""'nri... It",,,,, "I~ 1 r-.r' ~~ovember 10,2009 b) Commercial permit applications requiring only a single trade review and will be completed witIMage 74 of 105 business days (if longer than 5 business days 50% of review fee refunded). c) Commercial permit applications requiring only 2 or 3 trade reviews will be completed within 10 business days (iflonger than 10 business days 50% of inspection fee refunded). B) Annual Fee Adjustments 1) Proposed Annual Fee adjustments for Building Department fees shall equal the average personnel cost change (COLA plus average merit) approved by the BCC as part of that fiscal year's budget, adjusted for any change in staffing levels. 2) Annual fee adjustments will become effective on Jan I of each fiscal year if approved. 3) Annual fee adjustments require full review and recommendation to the BCC from the Development Services Advisory Committee. Annual fee adjustments also require full BCC approval. 4) Annual fee adjustments require Building Fund total reserves to be less than 6 months of the Building Fund operating budget for that fiscal year. Ifreserves exceed six months of budgeted operating expenses, no annual adjustment can be requested. C) Special Fee Adjustment 1) If Building Fund total reserves are projected to exceed six months of operating expenses in the proposed budget of any upcoming fiscal year, fees will be lowered in sufficient amount to insure Building Fund reserves remain under six months of budgeted expenses. 2) If Building Fund total reserves are projected to fall below three months of operating expenses in the proposed budget of any upcoming fiscal year, a special fee increase in sufficient amount to insure Building Fund total reserves remain over three months of budgeted expenses will be proposed for full Development Services Advisory Committee review and BCC approval. 3) Six months following any fee adjustment, other than annual increases, a full review ofresulting revenue will be presented for the review of the Development Services Advisory Committee. The committee can make a recommendation to the BCC to lower fees if revenue exceeds either revenue projections used in fee adjustment calculations or targeted reserve levels. D) Estimated inspection fees to be paid at the time of penn it issuance, and will be reconciled to the actual number of inspection perfom1ed (refunds issued if estimated inspections exceed actual, additional payment required prior to the CO issuance if actual inspections exceed estimated). JJ) RECORD RETRIEVAL 1) No charge for normal retrieving of records from inactive or remote storage including microfilmed documents. 2) Next day expedited retrieval of records from inactive or remote storage: $75.00 KK) COPY FEES I) The fee for blueprint and miscellaneous copying shall be as follows: a. Microfilm copies, of documents less than II x 17 inches: $0.15 other sizes at cost of production. b. Microfilm or Blueprint copies: 18 X 24 $1.25 per page 30 X 36 $2.50 per page 30 X 42 $3.25 per page 34 X 44 $5.00 per page c. Community Development self-service copier, public access and not related to public record retrieval or public record copies: documents less than 14x8.5 inches $0.15 per page inclusive of sales tax. -- CDES Financial Administration, rev IO/21/09Iw page 17 Ilr,,;:u,rl::> Itom "In 1 nr November 10, 2009 LL) RESEARCH Page 75 of 105 I) The fee for researching records, ordinances, and codes shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of 1 hour 2) The fee for creating and designing special computer generated reports that are not part of the regular standard reports shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of I hour. MM) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE The fee for one-year subscription service to be mailed quarterly shall be $15.00 per year. The subscription year is from Oct. I through Sept. 30. NN) RESERVED 00) RENTAL INSPECTIONS I) Rental Inspection a, Rental Inspection - $200.00 per unit b. Re-inspection Fee - $50.00 per re-inspection per unit. c. Rental inspections shall not be required for rental units on property covered by a Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation ("DBPR") license. A copy of the current DBPR license shall be provided with the initial rental registration and all subsequent rental renewal applications. PP) CERTIFICATE TO BOARD BUILDING I) Initial Boarding Certificate - $0 2) Boarding Certificate Extension - $150 QQ) ADDITIONAL FEE REFUND PROVISIONS 1) Requests for fee waivers may only be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Waiver requests for development review and building permit fees shall be submitted in writing directly to the appropriate Community Development & Environmental Services Division Staff, who will prepare an executive summary for consideration by the Board, Such requests shall include a statement indicating the reason for the fee waiver request and, if applicable, the nature of the organization requesting the fee waiver. RR) REFUND PROVISIONS 1) PAYMENT OF FEES: Full payment of fees is required for a complete application. Department policy requires full payment of fees at the time of application submittal. No work will begin on staff review of the application until all fees are paid in full. If full payment of fees is not received within 14 calendar days of application submittal, the application will be considered void, At this point, a new application and full payment of fees will be required to proceed with a project. 2) There will be no refund of Planning, Environmental. or Engineering related fees, except those applications which have been deemed not sufficient for stafT review and are withdrawn within 30 days of notification will be entitled to a 50% refund. After 30 days from such notification, there will be no refund of submitted fees. 3) In no cases will there be refunds for pre-application fees, data conversion fees, appeals of administrative decisions, or appeals to the Board of Zoning Appeals or Building Board of Adjustment. 4) If staff error causes the inappropriate or ulli1ecessary filing of an application and payment of fees, 100 percent of all inappropriate fees, shall be refunded upon written request and with the conCUlTence of Department management. CDES Financial Administration, rev IO!2Ji091w page 18 SS) ADDITIONAL FEE PROVISIONS LI"onr-!.., It.:>m 1\.1" 1 r\r November 10,2009 Page 76 of 105 1) In those cases where alternative methods or timing of payments for CDES services and / or fees listed in this schedule associated with SBR reviews are deemed to best serve the public good, the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator will have the authority to approve such alternatives. Such alternative must be in writing and signed by all principals involved. In no case shall final C.O. or such certifications of project completeness be issued until payments due CDES are received in full. -- 2) All hourly fees are computed and charged from actual Divisional time tracking records. 3) All acreage totals used in fee calculations will be rounded up to the nearest whole acre. 4) When deemed essential for project review or approval, there will be no additional charge for any meetings requested by CDES staff TT) PUBLIC VEHICLE FOR HIRE FEES I) The following fees shall be assessed for the Public Vehicle for Hire Program: (In the event that the background check fee charged to the county exceeds the minimum fee established by the county, the applicant(s) shall be responsible for the actual cost of the search). Initial Application fee (new Companies) - $200 Initial Certificate to Operate (Feb I-Jan 31) - $325.00 Annual Certificate to Operate Renewal $325.00 Late Fee for CTO Renewal $200.00 Sub-Certificate Application Fee (New Companies) - $100.00 Sub-Certificate - $162.50 Annual Sub-Certificate renewal - $162.50 Late Fee for Sub-Certificate Renewal - $100.00 Vehicle Decal- $50.00 Temporary Vehicle Decal $5.00 per vehicle/per day Temporary Vehicle Decal (In case of inoperable decaled vehicle) - $5.00/per vehicle Driver Identification Card (Initial!Renewal) - $75.00 per driver 2nd Driver Identification Card - $25.00 Replacement Driver ID - $10.00 On-site Vehicle Permitting - $15.00 per vehicle a. b. c. d. e. f g. h. 1. ,...,- J. k. 1. m. n. o. UU)"PAYMENT IN LIEU OF" FEE FOR PATHWAYS (SIDEWALKS, AND BIKE LANES) I) Calculated using the current Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) construction costs or an engineering estimate not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the submitted application request's total project cost. VV) OPTIONAL EXPEDITED BUILDING PERMIT PLAN REVIEWS 1) Optional expedited building pernlit plan review fee shall be 30% of the building permit fee (additional to full building permit fees) with a minimum fee of $50.00 a. Participation in the optional expedited review program is subject to limited availability, applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis. b. Review completion times are guaranteed to equal, or be less than, one half of the normal advertised completion timeframes. Should the expedited review exceed this guaranteed completion time, the 30% optional expedited building permit review fee will be refunded to the applicant, and all normal permit fees will apply. Such guarantee and refund provisions shall apply to reviews, and do not infer or relate to approvals. c. Optional expedited building permit review fees shall be due at the time of building permit application submission. ,..,,- CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21/09 lw page 19 Ar;onri-:> !tom I\ln 1 nr November 10, 2009 d. Any required re-submissions of permit applications' leading to re-reviews, when due to appli&uge 77 of 105 insufficiencies, shall be subject to additional optional expedited building permit plan review fees if an additional expedited review is requested by the applicant for the re-review, and shall be calculated against re-submission charges. WW) FENCES I) $50.00 application fee plus $50.00 per inspection as required. XX) OPTIONAL TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I) $250.00 for commercial, over 30.000 sq. ft $500.00, 2) $100.00 for residential This is the last page of the CDES Fee Schedule CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/21!09Iw page 20 RESOLUTION NO. 2009-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE; SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 2009-101; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Agenda Item No.1 DC November 10, 2009 Page 78 of 105 WHEREAS, on April 28, 2009, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 2009-101, establishing a fee schedule for services performed by Collier County's Community Development and Environmental Services Division; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the proposal of the Development Services Advisory Committee, the Community Development and Environmental Services Division, and the Contractor's Licensing Board, and, wishes to revise the existing fee schedule to reflect actual costs and ensure sufficient funding for services provided by the Community Development and Environmental Services Division. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: The Board of County Commissioners hereby declares that the fees set forth in the Collier County Community Development and Environmental Services Fee Schedule, attached hereto, are all fair and reasonable sums to be assessed to the Land Development Code and the County's corresponding development review and permitting process. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board with an effective date of November 10,2009, and that Resolution No. 2009-101 is hereby superseded by the adoption of this Resolution effective as stated above. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote, this day of ,2009. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Deputy Clerk By: Donna Fiala, Chairman Appr ved as t~ fann and legal sufficiency: Building Valuation Data Agenda Item NO.1 OC November 10, 2009 Page 79 of 105 The International Code Council is pleased to provide the follow- ing Building Valuation Data (BVD) for its members. The BVD will be updated and printed at six-month intervals, with the next update in February 2008. ICC strongly recommends that all jurisdictions and other interested parties actively evaluate and assess the impact of this BVD table before utilizing it in their current code enforcement related activities, The BVD table provides the "average" construction costs per sq. ft., which can be used in determining permit fees for a juris- diction. Permit fee schedules are addressed in Section 108.2 of the 2006 International Building Code' (IBC:O>) whereas Section 108.3 addresses building permit valuations. The permit fees can be established by using the BVD table and a Permit Fee Multi- plier, which is based on the total construction value within the ju- risdiction for the past year. The Square Foot Construction Cost table presents factors that reflect relative value of one construc- tion classification/occupancy group to another so that more ex- pensive construction is assessed greater permit fees than less expensive construction, ICC has developed this data to aid jurisdictions in determin- ing permit fees. It is important to note that while this BVD table does determine an estimated value of a building (i.e., Gross Area x Square Foot Construction Cost), this data is only in- tended to assist jurisdictions in determining their permit fees. This data table is not intended to be used as an estimating guide because the data only reflects average costs and is not repre- sentative of specific construction. This degree of precision is sufficient for the intended purpose, which is to help establish permit fees so as to fund code compliance activities. This BVD table provides jurisdictions with a simplified way to determine the estimated value of a build- ing that does not rely on the permit applicant to determine the cost of construction. Therefore, the bidding process for a partic- ular job and other associated factors do not affect the value of a building for determining the permit fee. Whether a specific project is bid at a cost above or below the computed value of construction does not affect the permit fee because the cost of related code enforcement activities is not directly affected by the bid process and results. Building Valuation The following building valuation data represents average valua- tions for most buildings. In conjunction with IBC Section 108.3, this data is offered as an aid for the building official to determine if the permit valuation is underestimated. Again it should be noted that, when using this data, these are "average" costs based on typical construction methods for each occupancy group and type of construction. The average costs include tural, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, interior finish and normal site preparation. The data is a national average and does not take into account any regional cost differences. To this end, the table containing the regional cost modifiers was last printed in the October 2003 issue and has been discontinued. PERMIT FEE MULTIPLIER Determine the Permit Fee Multiplier: 1. Based on historical records, determine the total annual con- struction value which has occurred within the jurisdiction for the past year. 2, Determine the percentage (%) of the building department budget expected to be provided by building permit revenue. Permit Fee Multiplier = Bldg._DepLBudgetL(%l Total Annual Construction Value Example The building department operates on a $300,000 budget, and it expects to cover 75 percent of that from building permit fees. The total annual construction value which occurred within the jurisdiction in the previous year is $30,000,000. Permit Fee Multiplier = $300~QOQxl5% = 0.0075 $30,000,000 PERMIT FEE The permit fee is determined using the building gross area, the Square Foot Construction Cost and the Permit Fee Multiplier. Permit Fee = Gross Area x Square Foot Construction Cost x Permit Fee Multiplier Example Type of Construction: liB Height: 2 stories Permit Fee Multiplier = 0.0075 Use Group: B 1, Gross area: Business = 2 stories x 8,000 sq, ft. = 16,000 sq. ft. 2, Square Foot Construction Cost: BIIIB = $136,02/sq. ft. 3. Permit Fee: Business = 16,000 sq. ft. x $136.02/sq. ft x 0.0075 = $16,322 Area: 1 st story = 8,000 sq. ft. 2nd story = 8,000 sq. ft. Important Points · In most cases the BVD does not apply to additions, alterations or repairs to existing buildings. Because the scope of alter- ations or repairs to an existing building varies so greatly, the August 2007 Building Safety Journal 49 Building Valuation Data Square Foot Construction Costs table does not reflect accurate -'/alues for that purpose. However, the Square Foot Construc- on Costs table can be used to determine the cost of an addi- tion that is basically a stand-alone building which happens to be attached to an existing building, In the case of such addi- tions, the only alterations to the existing building would involve the attachment of the addition to the existing building and the openings between the addition and the existing building. · For purposes of establishing the Permit Fee Multiplier, the es- timated total annual construction value for a given time period Agenda Item NO.1 DC November 10, 2009 Page 80 of 105 (1 year) is the sum of each building's value (Gross Area x Square Foot Construction Cost) for that time period (e.g., 1 year). · The Square Foot Construction Cost does not include the price of the land on which the building is built. The Square Foot Con- struction Cost takes into account everything from site and foun- dation work to the roof structure and coverings but does not include the price of the land. The cost of the land does not affect the cost of related code enforcement activities and is not included in the Square Foot Construction Cost. Square Foot Construction Costsa, b, c, d Group (2006 International Building Code) Type of Construction IA IB IIA liB iliA IIIB IV VA VB A-1 Assembly, theaters, with stage 190.99 184,82 180,21 172.74 160.21 159.43 167.13 148.15 142.63 Assembly, theaters, without stage 176,23 170,05 165.44 157,97 145.44 144,66 152,37 133,39 127.86 A-2 Assembly, nightclubs 147.10 142,97 139,34 133,91 124.28 124,03 129,21 114.30 110.46 A-2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 146, 1 0 141.97 137,34 132,91 122.28 123.03 128,21 112,30 109.46 A-3 Assembly, churches 176,78 170,61 165,99 158,53 145,96 145,18 152.92 133,90 128,38 --- A-3 Assembly, general, community halls, 150,51 144,34 138.73 132,26 118,68 118.90 126,65 106,63 102,10 libraries, museums A-4 Assembly, arenas 175,23 169,05 163.44 156,97 143.44 143.66 151,37 131,39 126.86 B Business 152,75 147,34 142,69 136,02 121.77 120.96 130.77 108,80 104.41 E Educational 163.27 157,77 153.29 146,61 135.26 132.07 141,77 120,94 116,38 -" Factory and industrial, moderate hazard 90,96 86.79 82,13 79.44 68.74 69.66 76.24 58.56 55.46 , .2 Factory and industrial, low hazard 89.96 85,79 82,13 78.44 68.74 68.66 75,24 58,56 54.46 H-1 High Hazard, explosives 85,25 81,08 77.42 73,73 64.21 64,13 70.53 54.03 N,P. H234 High Hazard 85,25 81,08 77.42 73,73 64.21 64.13 70,53 54,03 49,93 H-5 HPM 152.75 147,34 142,69 136,02 121.77 120,96 130.77 108,80 104.41 1-1 Institutional, supervised environment 149.29 144.18 140.32 134,63 123.81 123.77 135.88 113,81 109.35 1-2 Institutional, hospitals 253.93 248,52 243,87 237,20 222,34 N,P, 231,95 209,39 N,P. 1-2 Institutional, nursing homes 177.55 172.14 167.49 160.82 147,00 N,P, 155,58 134,05 N.P. 1-3 Institutional, restrained 173.39 167,98 163.32 156,66 143,67 141 ,88 151.41 130,72 124,33 1-4 Institutional, day care facilities 149,29 144, 18 140,32 134.63 123.81 123,77 135,88 113,81 109,35 M Mercantile 109,31 105,19 100,56 96,13 86,08 86.83 91.43 76,10 73.26 R-1 Residential, hotels 151,18 146,06 142,20 1 36,51 125.4 7 125.42 137,53 115.46 111,01 R-2 Residential, multiple family 126,78 121.67 117 ,81 112,12 101.20 101.15 113,26 91.19 86,73 R-3 Residential, one- and two-family 120.93 117.62 114,74 111,60 106.42 106,16 109,71 100,76 94,99 R-4 Residential, care/assisted living facilities 149,29 144,18 140,32 134.63 123,81 123.77 135,88 113,81 109,35 S-1 Storage, moderate hazard 84,25 80,08 75.42 72,73 62,21 63.13 69,53 52.03 48,93 S-2 Storage, low hazard 83.25 7908 75.42 71.73 62,21 62,13 68,53 52,03 47.93 U Utility, miscellaneous 64,30 60,80 57.19 54,31 47.22 47,22 50.70 38,76 36,91 a, Private Garages use Utility, miscellaneous b, Unfinished basements (all use group) = $15,00 per sq, ft, c, For shell only buildings deduct 20 percent. d, N.P. = not permitted Electronic files of the latest Building Valuation Data can be downloaded from the Code Council website at www,iccsafe,orglcsltechselVicesl. 50 Building Safety Journal August 2007 c <> (~: e T c f:, nonn::> It,::>m 'd,..., 1 nr November 10. 2009 Page 81 of 105 '" u. M to y - STRIKE-THROUGH & UNDERLINE COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEVELOPMENT AND FEE SCHEDULE BCC Proposed version, November 10, 2009 Contents: A) ADMINISTRATION ,_.____ '_00' __________.. ______. _____. ___00. _.. __. _.... ______... __ __. _.. __. __ ____. ____.. ___.. .____ __. ___ ___ ____. ________ _____ ____________.2 B) BLASTfNG PERMITS & INSPECTIONS _ _.___.. __. _. ___... __ _... 00__. ______. ____._. ______. _____.__ __._ ____. __. __. ______. 00____. ____. ______. _____ ___ ____.2 C) ENVIRONMENTAL/LANDSCAPING ,_____.. ______. ____.._ .___. __._. ___._.. ..__ _.___ ._.__.. __.. _. _.. ____._. .___. _____. __ _______________.. _____________..2 D) EXCAVATION PERMITS ____.__. _ ____.. __ ____..00. __ ____. 00__ _______. _____ __ __ ___. ___ _._. ______. .___. __._. 00_0._______.. _ _____________0._. ____. ________..3 E) FIRE CODE REVIEW FEES. '00_'. ____. _____. ______. ______. ..__. __ _...0.___. ____00. _______ __ __. ____. __ ._________. _______ _ .__. __ _____. ___00______. ______. ___4 F) SITE DEVELOPM ENT PLANS . ._.____ ___.... __... _.. 0. _______. __ __. __.___. 0. ____. __.. __ _00___' ____. __00. ______.. _____. ______. .____ .____.. ____. ___0. ______4 G) SUBDIVISION n_h. ___. ____ 0.___. ___________. 00___ __. ____ .____. ____... .___. ______. __ _'00 _. __..__ _ ._... .___.. ____. 00________ ____. ____ 00___ __ n______u _. _____5 H) ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEES ._ u. ___._.. 0.____. _____.__._.. 0.__.... __. _._ ___. _. 0.___.. ____. _____000._______ _.. _____. ___________. _____ 0.____. ___00_6 I) TEMPORARY USE FEES _____... __. ______.. __ ___. __ _. __. ____. ___._ __ ____. _____. ______. __. __.. _ .________00 n__ _______. _____ ___0.__. ____. ______. ____. __ ___00_6 J) WELL PERMITS/fNSPECTIONS ._. _n__. __.._. _ .____. ._____ .____. ___.. __ .___. ._. ___. _ ._____. ____________..__ .______. _____. ______. .___ .0.__._____________ __7 K) ZON lNG/LAND USE PETITION S . __. _.. '00. _. _.._. __ ___.. .__. __ ___._. ___.. _. __. __. ______. ______. ____ _____. __00__' __ ._____ __ __00 __________. __00___________7 L) MI SCELLAN EOUS .____.. _.__ .___.. _.._. ______. _____. ___.__. ____. _...______.. ..____ _ ._._.__.... ________ .____._ _._. ________. _____. .00__. _____ .___. _. _____. ___9 M) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FEE _.___________.____. ..___.___00. .------.------------.-00-------.-----0.--00-.----_0000________0.______________.1 I N) BUILDING PERMIT FEES. ____. _. __. ______. _______ _____.. ___.. _____ _____.. _____. __ ._____. __. __. _____ _____. __00. ___0.__ .___0._. un 00___. __000. _______. __.I 2 0) ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES ,. _ .__.. ____. ____... ______. ..____. _._.. ..__... _._ __.. ___. _. ______. ____. ___000000_'_ _____.. _00_ ________. ____. _______0.__ _____.12 P) PLUMBING PERMIT FEES '00.. ____. 00___. ____00. __ __ __ .00. __ _______ ____. ______. _____. _. ____. _ __ .___. ___. .0._ _______. ._____.. ____. __00__00__00____. __ __0.,13 Q) MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES .___. _____ _____.. _ ..... ______..__.. _____ __ ..... _.. _.... _____.. 00______ ._______. ___00_. ______. _____. '0._... _00______. ______.I 3 R) FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PERMIT FEES -.-.--0....---------...----......--...---.-----...-------...------...________000_0.._000_.._____.14 S) MOBILE HOME/OFFICE TRAILER AND OTHER TRAILER PER.vIIT FEES ,........--.0....-----......__..._....__...____.__..._____..._______._.14 T) CHICKEES AN D SIMILA R STRUCTURES... __. _. _____ .____. _____. __.__.. _____. 0.0._ __ _..___. ____. ____. ______. _____. _0._00____.0. ___00_____. ______. __.I 4 U) POOL OR SPA PERMIT FEES _. _____. _____. 0._ ___. ___0._. __._. 00__ __. __.___ __..... __0.__. _0.___. _.__. 00__. __ __. ____00_. ______. ____ ______0. ___________ ___.I 4 V) SCREEN ENCLOSURE PERMIT & PAN ROOF FEES___________...__..__...._____...__._____...____h___.._oooh______.___ooo.h_________00.____.__.14 W) SIGN PERMIT FEES _____.0.__. ___ _. ______. _____. ______. _____ _ ._..._ ____. __.___. ___ .__.. ___. _______. ____ _____ _______ __ _______ _____. 0._00______. __00__ ____, 14 X) CONVENIENCE PERMIT FEES ,__. _.00. _____ __..... __. 0.__. _.... _______ _0000_. ______. _ ____. 0._________ .0.__ _______. ______. ______. __00. ___________. _____.15 Y) REVISION AND AS BUILT PLAN REVIEW FEES; CORRECTIONS TO PLANS_h._____u_...__________.._______.___h____ooo___h____________,I 5 Z) PERM IT EXTENS ION ____________. __00 __.__ _.. _. ____. _. .___. _____. ____. __ _____ ______. ______. _____. .00__. ____. ______. _00__. _ .__00________00__. ___________ _.I 5 AA) DEMOLITION OF BUILDl"JG OR STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES ------------..._________._____________.____000_______________.___00______________.1 5 BB) PRE-MOVING INSPECTION FEES . __.. __. ______. ______ .____. ___.. __.___. _____. ____________00__________ ______. __ ____ __0._________. ___________ __0.0.__.1 5 CC) INSPECTION FEES ,_. ____._.___. ____. _ ____.. __.__. ._____. ___. ..___. _ ._._ ___ .___. _. ._.. __. ___.__. _.__. ____. ______ .__.___. _00__ ______________00_. _________.15 DD) REINSPECTlON FEES .__. .____ .________ __.. _____ ._._ ___. ____. ._. __ ______. ______. _ .___ __. ___.... .___ _____ .__ __. _____0. __ __.._. ______ ____ _ .____ .____ __. 00.15 EE) FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT .___..____..._____..__________.____._.___..____.__.._____.____.__________________.____________...___.____00____._.__.15 FF) LICENSING ______00________ __.___ ___. _..___. ______.. __. _. '__... ___.. _ ____. ______. ___ ...... __... ..__.. ____...__ __ _____ __. __. ___. ____. ._____. __ __ 00_.__ _. ___,16 GG) DUPLICATE PERMIT CARDS __.___..u__..._.u__.______..m.___.. ....---...m-.------.-------___....__..____.___.__.______._....__ooo______._.___.16 HH) CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTORS ---.-.--------..------.000_____...________000_______._______________________00____________.17 II) PERMIT FEE REFUNDS .____ _____.. '00_. ___00. _ __.__. ___.__... __. _____ _ __ _.__ _. ____.. __ _ ___. _. ..__.__._. 00__. ___.... __ ___.. "00_' ___.. ______....0. ___ ___.. I 7 JJ) RECORD RETRIEVAL _. ____ .__________. __ __.. ..____. __.___. .___. _..__ ______. _____.. _._ ____ .00.__________.._.____. ___ ____ __. ___ ______. .__________ 00.____. ,18 KK) COpy FEES '00 _.__. __.. ____. ____. ____. _. .___ _._ ..... .__.. 00__.. _ .__._.. __ ___. __.. __. ____ __ ______. __________ ______.. _00__. ______. _____ .____ __ _.___________.1 8 LL) RESEARCH ._.. ____ '___"'00 .__. _.._._ .00... _... ___....00... .__. __ __. _ __ .__. ___ ___ __ 0. .___.. _..__. .___. ____. __ __.. _____. ____. ___. ____. _____ ._____. ___00. __. 18 MM) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE.. _ _____ __ ___. .___ __. ______. __.__. ___.... ___ _. n_ ___. __. '_00' ____.. ____.. .___. _____. _. ___. ______. ______ .____ ________ .___ _. __.I 8 NN) p' ::":'T?C',:r D'.:\ C")',' [i'SF" c'.r:":!-;.ji,;;.!= Rf'.'i:\FD -----------------.0000__...__.____________00________....___..._._____00._.000__.18 00) RENTAL INSPECTIONS. _n. _____. _00_.. __ n.. _ .____. __ ._. _.._ n. ____ __. __.. _. ______. _..__.. _ ..___. _..... ___. __. ___. _____. .__.__. __._. ______ .___.. __ ___.18 PP) CERTIFICATE TO BOARD BUILDING .h___..._..._________.m...._______ .....__ .----...--...----..___.______________.._____..._________...0.._____.1 9 QQ) ADDITIONAL FEE REFUND PROVISIONS -m---------------m-...----.--------...________..m_______._________.h_________....nooo.__h_______.1 9 RR) REFUND PROVISIONS ___.__0. _____. _. ... __.. __.__. __. _.. 00_. _.. __.. ______. ____._. ___00__..... ____ ___ ..________. 000.__. ____0.____________. _____ .______..1 9 SS) ADDITIONAL FEE PROVISIO"JS ... ______. __.. __. _.___.. __ __. __.__.. _____._ ...... ______. _____.. ___.. ____. ________ ____. ______. _... _...___. __... ___..m.] 9 IT) PUBLIC VEHICLE FOR HIRE FEES ___. __ 0. __. ____ __. n____. .__.. ___00... .___. _______. ____ _____.. n____ .____. ______00__0. __ _____. ____ __ .____. ______. _.I 9 UU) "PA YMENT IN LIEU OF" FEE FOR PA THW A YS (SIDEWALKS, AND BIKE LANES) __.____________000________._________________.________...20 VV) OPTIONAL EXPEDITED BUILDING PERMIT PLAN REVIEWS ..----------------------------_______________hU_________._____ooo_ooo__...____JQ WW) FENCES ___..______....._ .__.. ._.________. _____.. _____. _____....._. __..._. ______. _.___. _ .__._. ______. _00_. ____. __..__ _______ ._____. ____.. _____. __.___ ____,20 XX) CERTIFIC ATE OF OCCUPANCY _____._____.. _____. ___________. ____. 00 ____ ._______. ______. _________._ .____. ___.__. __00__. _____. ____.. ____________. ___.20 Fees are in bold CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/19/09 Iw page 1 ^ ,.,t:>~.-J~ Itt:>m I\I~ 1 nr November 10, 2009 Page 82 of 105 FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION, AND CANNOT BE WAIVED OR SUSPENDED WITHOUT AN ACTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE APPLICABILITY OF FEES SHALL BE CONCLUSIVELY DETERMINED BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE APPROPIATE DEPARTMENT, AS APPLICABLE. WHERE AS PART OF A REZONING, PLAT OR SIMILAR APPLICATION TYPE, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIRECTS APPROVAL OF FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ORDERS DIFFERENT FROM THE STANDARD TYPE OF APPROVAL PROCESSES REQUIRED, THE DIRECTOR OF THE APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENT SHALL DETERMINE THE FEES TO BE APPLIED TO THE PROCESS NECESSARY TO MEET THE BOARDS REQUIREMENTS. THE APPLICABLE FEES SHALL BE THOSE WHICH MOST CLOSELY RESEMBLE THOSE CHARGED FOR SIMILAR PROCESSES INCLUDING EXTRA FEES FOR ADVERTISING AND THE LIKE. A) ADMINISTRATION 1) Official Interpretation Request of Land Development Code (LDC), Growth Management Plan (GMP), or Building Construction Administrative Code (Administrative Code). Based on staff hours: Less than 20 hours $1,500.00, 20 to 40 hours $3,000.00, more than 40 hours $5,000.00 2) N/A 3) Determination of Vested Rights. $100.00 (plus the County's out-of-pocket expenses associated with hearing officer and hearings) 4) Appeal of Vested Rights Detennination. $100.00 5) Amendment to Land Development Code. $3,000.00 6) Appeal of an Administrative Decision (as may be provided for in the Collier County Administrative Code or the LDC). $1000.00 (non-refundable) 7) Appeal to Board of Zoning Appeals or Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals (as may be provided for in the Collier County Administrative Code or the LDC). $1,000.00 (non-refundable) B) BLASTING PERMITS & INSPECTION I) 30 day permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $250.00 2) 90 day permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $600.00 3) Yearly permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $1,500.00 4) Renewal permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $200.00 5) After-the-fact fee, due to blasting without a pennit. $10,000.00 6) Fine fee, per detonated shot with after-the-fact pem1it. $200.00 7) Handler fee, for handler who assists the user or blaster in the use of explosives. $100.00 8) Blasting Inspection Fee. $200.00 (per inspection) 9) Inspection fees shall be paid upon issuance of a blasting pennit based on the estimated number of blasts. Upon completion, fees will be adjusted to reflect actual number of blasts. C) ENVIRONMENT AL/LANDSCAPING 1) Site Clearing Permit, first acre or fraction of an acre. $250.00 each additional acre or fraction of an acre. $50.00 ($3,000.00 maximum) 2) Agricultural Land Clearing a. Land Clearing Notification $250.00 CDES Financial Administration. rev 10/19/09 lw page 2 b. Land Clearing Permit $250.00 each additional acre or fraction of an acre. $50.00 ($3,000.00 maximum) to nonrb !tom "in 1 nr November 10, 2009 Page 83 of 105 3} Landscape Tree Removal Fee $250 4} Environmental Impact Statement (ElS) $2,500.00 for 1st submittal and 2nd submittal if applicable, 3rd submittal $1,000.00, 4th and subsequent submittals $500.00 each 5) Landscape Re-inspection 1 sl $50.00, 2nd $75.00, every inspection afterward $100.00 6) Vehicle on the Beach Permit Application, $250.00 (Permit fee shall be waived for public and non-profit organizations engaging in environmental activities for scientific, conservation or educational purposes). 7) Beach Nourishment Pem1its - $400 8) Special Treatment Review a. First five acres or less. $400.00 b. Each additional acre, or fraction thereof. $50.00 ($5.000,00 Maximum) c, nla 9) Coastal Construction Setback Line (CCSL): a. CCSL Permits $400.00 b. Variance - Petition. $1000.00 10) Sea Turtle Permit- a. Sea Turtle Handling Permits. $25.00 b. Sea Turtle Nesting Area Construction Pem1it. $200.00 c. Sea Turtle Nest Relocation. $100.00 11 ) Vegetation Removal Pem1it a, First acre or fraction of an acre less. $250.00 b. Each additional acre, or fraction thereof. $50.00 ($3,000.00 Maximum) 12) After-the-fact Environmental or Landscape Pem1its a. CCSL Variance Petition. 2x normal fee b, All other Environmental or Landscape Pennits. 4x normal fee 13) Informal Wetland Jurisdictional detennination for single family parcels up to 5 acres - $300.00 14) Conservation Easement review fee - $300.00 application fee plus the following additional site fee: $200.00 for CE acres less than 5 acres; $400.00 for CE area bet\veen 5 acres and 10 acres; $600.00 for CE area greater than 10 acres and less than 20 acres; $800.00 for CE areas bet\veen 20 and 50 acres; and an additional $200.00 for every 40 acres of CE area over 50 acres. 15) Listed or Protected Species review fee (when an ElS is not required) - $1000.00 D} EXCAVATION PERMITS 1) Annual Renewal. $300.00 2) Application (Private). $400.00 3) Application (Commercial). $2,000.00 4) Application (Development). $400.00 5) $200.00 per inspection paid in advance for 12 months 6) Reapplication: $300.00 plus $200.00 per month inspection fee 7) Cubic Yardage Review Fee: $200.00 first 5000 cy. plus $10.00 per additional 1000 cy with a maximum of $20,000.00 8) Time Extension. $150.00 plus $200.00 per month inspection fee 9) After-the-fact Excavation Pennit. 4x application fee CDES Financial Administration. rev I (U 9/09 Iw page 3 ^~"'~"'~ It"",..,.... "I~ 1nr November 10, 2009 10) Over excavation penalty fee per yard. Plus PermiUReview $0.05 per cubic yard fee, unless maxi~e 84 of 105 have been paid. E) FIRE CODE REVIEW FEES I) Fire Code Review fees associated with each of the following processes: a. SDP - Site Development Plan b. SDP A - Site Development Plan, Amendment c. SDPI - Site Development Plan, Insubstantial d. SIP - Site Improvement Plan e. SIPI - Site Improvement Plan, Insubstantial f. PSP - Preliminary Subdivision Plans g. PSP A - Preliminary Subdivision Plans, Amendment h. PPL - Plans & Plat, Subdivision 1. FP - Final Plat J. CONSTR - Construction Plans, Subdivision/Utilities k. ICP - Construction Plans, Insubstantial 1. DRl - Development of Regional Impact m. DOA - Development Order, Amendment n. PUDZ - Planned Unit Development, Rezone o. PUDA - Planned Unit Development, Amendment p. PDI - Planned Unit Development, Insubstantial' q. RZ - Rezone, Regular Zoning r. CU - Conditional Use F) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS 1) Site Development Plan Review (SDP). $5000.00 $200.00 $150.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $150.00 a. plus $40.00 per DIU b. plus $100.00 per residential building structure c. plus $.10 per square foot for non-residential except that structures designed exclusively for parking (parking garages) shall be calculated at $.05 per square foot. d. plus $200.00 per building for non-residential e. Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th review $1,500.00, sth review $2,000.00, 6th and subsequent reviews $2,500.00 When a building consist of both residential and non-residential (commercial, retail, office) uses, the following fees will apply. a. $5000.00 base fee plus $40.00 per DIU b. $200.00 per building for non-residential c. plus $0.10 per square foot of non-residential floor area d.. Additional fees for 3Td review $1,000.00, 4th review $1,500.00, sth review $2,000.00, 6th and subsequent reviews $2,500.00 2) Pre-application fee. $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee submittal) a. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at the applicant's request shall not be credited towards application fees. b. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at staffs request will be held at no charge to the applicant. c. Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required. 3) Simultaneous Review Fee (planning review of simultaneous building permit applications) $100.00 per building permit application. ,,- 4) Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change a. Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change. $400.00 for fIrst sheet, $100.00 for each and every CDES Financial Administration, rev 101I9/091w page 4 additional sheet submitted. D. rtpnr< '" Ibm "In 1 'i(, November 10. 2009 Page 85 of 105 b. Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change for Public Utility System Accessory Uses. $500.00 for the fIrst sheet, $125.00 for each and every additional sheet. c. Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th Review $1,500.00, 5th and subsequent review $2,000.00 5) Site Development Plan Conceptual Review (CSP), Unified Development Plan (OOP), Neighborhood Park Site (NPSP) $750.00 6) Site Improvement Plan Review (SIP), $1000.00 (plus Engineering review fees) 7) Utility Plan Review & Inspection Fees- a. Construction Document Review. 0.75% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs b. Construction Inspection. 2.25% of probable water and/0r sewer construction costs c, Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification, submit as insubstantial change. $150.00 for first sheet, $75.00 for each additional sheet 8) Engineering Site Plan Review Fee a. Construction Documents Review Fee 0.75% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction b. Construction Inspection 2.25% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction 9) Site Development Plan Amendment (SDPA) $2,500.00, a. Plus $40.00 per D/U plus $100.00 per residential building structure b. plus $.10 per square foot c. plus $200.00 per building for non-residential d. Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th Review $1,500.00, 5th and subsequent review $2,000.00 10) SBR Fees a. Pre-Acquisition Meeting $500.00 (no refunds or credits) b. Pre-application fee, $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal) (all normal pre- application provisions apply) c. SBR Fee $5000.00 with hourly reconciliation at project completion for hourly variation greater than 10%, final project charges at $100.00 per hour for all associated staff hours II) Violation of the conditions of approval of the SDP/SIP or installation of improvements, clearing, or other land alteration not depicted on, or otherwise authorized as a part of the approved SDP/SIP. 4x the SIP/SDP application fee 12) Request for alternative architectural design $500.00, no separate or additional fee for appeals to, or requests for assistance from. the Architectural Arbitration Board, 13) Site Development Plan Sheet change out (per CDES policy guidelines) $35.00 per page. 14) Town Home Site Plan Review - $6,000.00 base fee, additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th review $1,500.00, 5th review $2,000.00, 6th and subsequent review $2,500.00. 15) SDP Extension - $150.00 16) Post Take Site Plan - Base Fee $1,000.00, Resubmittal Fee $250.00 each submittal, $3,000.00 additional if objection filed. G) SUBDIVISION I) Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) and Lot Split Review $250.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/19/09 lw page 5 2) Subdivision Review Fees (PPL), (PPLA) - a. Construction Documents Review Fee 0.75% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping and any other appurtenant cost of construction b. Subdivision Inspection Fee 2.25% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction c. Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification -Submit as Insubstantial Change $400.00 for first sheet, $100.00 for each additional sheet ^~o.~rI~ Ito.""'" t-,I~ 1 r.r November 10, 2009 Page 86 of 105 d. Subdivisions - 3rd and subsequent additional reviews - $500.00 e. Subdivisions - Substantial deviations from approval construction documents $500.00 3) Subdivision, Preliminary Plat (PSP)- a. Petition Application $1000.00 plus $5.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for residential, plus $10.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for non-residential; (mixed use is residential) 4) Subdivision Final Plat (FP) $1,000.00 plus $5.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for residential, $1000.00 plus $10.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for nonresidential; (mixed use is residential) 5) Additional review of construction plans for phased construction of subdivision improvements. $1000.00 per phase 6) Two-year Extension $150.00 7) Water and Sewer Facilities Construction Document Review 0.75% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs 8) Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification 0.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs ...- a. 3rd and subsequent re-submittals - $500.00 9) Water and Sewer Facilities Construction Inspection Fee 2.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs 10) Violation of the conditions of approval of approved construction plans or installation of improvements, clearing, or other land alteration not depicted on, or otherwise authorized as a part of the approved construction plans or permit. 4x the PPL, PPLA, PSP, CNSTR or Final Plat Review Fee (FP). 11) Administrative Amendment $250.00 H) ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEES 1) Engineering Inspection Fee $150.00 per set of required engineering inspections charged at time of building permit issuance. 2) Re-inspection Fees: 1 sf re-inspection $75.00, 2nd re-inspection $100.00, 3rd and thereafter re-inspection $125.00 I) TEMPORARY USE PERMITS 1) Beach Events Permits- a. Individual Permit $100.00 b. Block of 25 calendar days $2,250.00 c. Block of 50 calendar days $4,500.00 d. Block of75 calendar days $6,750.00 ,.-, e. Block of 100 calendar days $9,000.00 f. Block of 125 calendar days $11,250.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/19/09 Iw page 6 g. B]ock of] 50 calendar days $13,500.00 Anon"'::> Item 1\1,.., 1 ()(' 'f\jovember 10, 2009 Page 87 of 105 2) Temporary Use Permit Special Sales & Events. $200.00 3) Mode] Homes and Sales Centers $500.00 4) Construction and Development, Mobi]e home, Agricu]tura] Zoning, and Temporary use for "Coming Soon" sign $125.00 5) Residential and Non-Profit Garage and Yard Sale Permits No Charge 6) Temporary Use Amendment. $100.00 7) Renewa]s or extensions requested after the expiration date $200.00. 8) Temporary Use Permit for Special Events requiring BCC approval, including Circus and Carnival Permits. $275.00 9) Political Signs (Bulk Temporary Permit) $5.00 10) Fees for Temporary Use permits issued After the Fact, A TF: 2x norma] fee J) WELL PERMITS/INSPECTIONS I) Hydrau]ic elevator shaft permit $300.00 2) Test hole permit (including 1st six holes) $300.00, each additional hole $20.00 3) Well permit (abandonment) $50.00 4) Well permit (construction, repair, or combined construction and abandonment at one site) $300.00 5) Well permit (monitoring) $150.00 6) Well Permit (modification of monitor/test well to a production well) $75.00 7) Well Reinspections a. First Reinspection $75.00 b. Second Reinspection $100.00 c. Third Reinspection $150.00 8) After the fact well pem1its 4x normal fee per violation. NOTE: Multiple wells may be allowed on one permit, but each well must be accounted for and the appropriate fee shall be charged for each well in accordance with the above listed schedule. K) ZONINGILAND USE PETITIONS I) Pre-application meeting fee $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal) a. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at the applicant's request shall not be credited towards application fees. b. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at staffs request will be held at no charge to the applicant. c, Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required. 2) Alcoholic Beverage or Service Station Separation Requirement Waiver $1000.00 3) Boat Dock Extension Petition $1,500.00 Boat Lift Canopy Administrative Review $500.00 4) Conditional Use Pennit $4,000.00 when filled with Rezone Petition ($1,500.00) Additiona] fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 5) Conditional Use MonitOling Review: $750.00 6) Conditional Use Extension $3,000.00 CDES Financial Administration, rcv 10/19/09 lw page 7 - ^~~~rl~ J.",,..,.., t\1" 1 nr November 10, 2009 Page 88 of 105 7) DRl Review (In addition to cost of rezone) $10,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof) Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee Amendments deemed to be minor in nature, that is requiring minor strike thru and underline text amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the DRl will be capped at $13,000.00. ..<\ny amendment which includes a map and text change will be assessed the full fee (no cap). 8) DRI/DO Amendment $6,000.00 plus $25.00 per acre (or fraction thereof). The acreage charge does not apply for amendments which only change the build-out date of the DO for a time period of less than five years. Additional fee for 51h and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. a. DRl Extension - $100.00 9) DRlABN - DRI Abandonment $1,500.00 10) Flood Variance Petition $1000.00 11) Interim Agriculture Use Petition $350.00 12) Non-Conforming Use Change/Alteration $1,500.00 13) Parking Exemption $1,500.00, Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 14) Parking Reduction (Administrative) $500.00 15) Rezone Petition (PUD to PUD): $8,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof) (Requires a submittal of a new PUD document), additional fee for 51h and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee (excludes minor minor revisions as required by staff). 16) Property owner notifications: $1.50 non-certified mail, $3.00 certified return receipt mail (Petitioner to pay this amount prior to advertisement of petition) 17) Planned Unit Development Amendments (PUD) $6,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre or fraction of an acre. (Substantial changes to the text and Master Plan), Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. Text changes that do not impact the Master Plan $6,000.00 (the $25.00 an acre fee will not apply. Amendments deemed to be minor in nature that is requiring minor strike thru and underline amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the PUD will be capped at $9,000.00. Any amendment which includes a map and text change will be assessed the full fee (no cap). 18) Planned Unit Development Amendment - Insubstantial (PDI) $1,500.00 requires a hearing by the CCPC only for a minor change to the PUD Master Plan, PUD Minor Change (PMC) $1,000.00 (Administrative Review for minor change to the Master Plan) 19) Rezone Petition (Regular) $6,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof), Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 20) Rezone Petition (to PUD) $10,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof), Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 21) Street Name Change (Platted) $500.00 plus $1.50 for each property owner requiring notification of proposed street name change 22) Un-platted street name or project name change: $100.00 per application fee plus $50.00 per additional hour or Partial hour of research required to process application, not to exceed $500.00 23) Variance petition: $2,000.00 residential, $5,000.00 non- residential, Additional fee for 5th and subsequent Reviews - 20% of original fee. 24) Variance (Administrative) $1,000.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev IO/l9!091w page 8 25) Zoning Certificate: Residential: $50.00, Commercial: $125.00 t,r!pnrb /tom I\ln .. n(' November 10, 2009 Page 89 of 105 26) PUD Extension - Sun Setting: S1000.00 27) Sign Variance Petition: $2000.00 28) Stewardship Receiving Area Petition (SRA): $7000.00 per SRA plus $25.00 per acre for. Stewardship Sending Area Petition (SSA): $9,500.00, Stewardship Receiving Alternative Deviation Design (SRDD) $500.00. SRA Amendments deemed to be minor in nature, that is requiring minor strike thru and underline text amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the SRA will be capped at $10,000.00. 29) After-the-Fact Zoning/Land Use Petitions 2x the normal petition fee 30) Land Use Petition Continuances Including Appeal of an Administrative Decision and Appeal to Board of Zoning Appeals a. Requested after petition has been advertised $500.00 b. Requested at the meeting $750.00 c. Resultant additional required advertising charged in addition to continuance fees. 31) PUD and SRA_Monitoring (one-time charge at time of building permit pick-up) a. $100.00 per dwelling unit for residential construction within a PUD and SRA ($3,000.00 maximum fee per building permit application) b. $0.12 per square foot for non-residential construction within a PUD and SRA ($3,000.00 maximum fee per building permit application) 32) Any legal advertising required during any CDES activity or approval process will be charged in addition to stated fees, at actual costs, CDES reserves the right to charge an estimated amount with the initially required project fees, and will reconcile and adjust such charges against actual legal advertising recording billings at at the completion of the project. 33) Mixed Use Project (MUP) $2,500.00 a. Mixed Use Project Deviation $1,000.00 34) Amplified Sound Permit $300.00. 35) Planned Unit Development (PUD) closeout application and processing: a. PUD's up to 50 acres: $5,000.00 b. PUD's over 50 acres up to 250 acres: $7,000.00 c. PUD's over 250 acres; $9,500.00 36) Development of Regional Impact (DR!) closeout application and processing $10,000.00 L) MISCELLANEOUS 1) Reserved 2) Reserved 3) Official Zoning Atlas Map Sheet Publications, maps, and reports shall be copied at actual cost. 4) The following fee shall be assessed for all Lien Search Requests and Payoff Requests: $25.00/per property address. 5) The fee for researching records, ordinances, and codes shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of 1 hour. CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/1 9/09 Iw page 9 (1 November 10. 2009 6) The fee for creating and designing special computer generated reports that are not a part of regula~OO of 105 reports shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of 1 hour. 7) CD Burning: $5.00 8) Complete sets of Official Zoning Atlas Map Sheets $100.00 per set. 9) Staff shall charge the following fees for duplication of public records: a. $0.15 for each one sided photocopy of documents less than l1x17 inches. b. $0.20 for each two sided photocopy of documents less than 11 x 17 inches. c. $1.00 for each certified copy of a public record. 10) Property Notification Address Listing: a. MS Excel spreadsheet on Disc $70.00 b. Print out on Paper $75.00 + $0.05 for every record over 1500 c. Mailing Labels $80.00 + $0.06 for every record over 1500 d. Print out on Paper + Mailing Labels $85.00 + $0.11 for every record over 1500 11) Comprehensive Plan Consistency Review a. CU's $300.00 b. Rezoning $750.00 c. PUD's or PUD Amendments: $2250.00 d. Letter ofGMP consistency to outside agencies: $250 e. SRA - Stewardship Receiving Area - $2,250.00 f DR! - Development of Regional Impact - $2,250.00 g. flAM - Fiscal Impact Analysis - $4,000.00 12) Plan Review Fee (for planning review of all building permit applications) a. Permit Application - Complex (more than one trade): $125.00 per building permit application, 2nd review 50% of fee, 3 rd and subsequent 25% of fee (2nd and subsequent review fees related to Zoning approvals only) b. Permit Application - Basic (no trade or one trade): $50.00 per building permit application, 2nd review 50% of fee, yd and_subsequent 25% of fee (2nd and subsequent review fees related to Zoning approvals only) ,...,- 13) Project Meetings: Active applications under review for the following project types will be afforded one inter- departmental meeting at no charge: Planned Unit Development re-zonings and Site Development Plan applications (except for conceptual site plan approval and insubstantial change approval). Meeting requests for all other application types and additional meetings will be subject to the following fees: a. Meetings with Departmental Project Approval Staff member per applicant request, reviews and petitions in progress, $150.00 per one hour minimum, $75.00 per Y2 hour thereafter. Additional Department staff attending meeting per applicant request $75.00 per 112 hour per staff member. b. Inter-Departmental Project Meeting per applicant request, site plan reviews and land use petitions in progress, $500.00 per one hour minimum, $250.00 per Y2 hour thereafter. 14) Adequate Public Facilities a. Plalming Applications requiring COA process review (such as FP's, PPL's & SIP's, SDPs) $200.00 + 25.00 per residential dwelling unit or + 25.00 per 1000 sq ft commercial ($5000.00 maximum) b. Building permit applications requiring COA process review not covered under 12.a above $100.00 per building permit application. 15) Zoning Confirmation Letters a. Standard Response $100.00 (includes up to 1 hour research) b. Extended Research $100.00 per hour (any response with research in excess of 1 hour) 16) N/ A CDES Financial Administration, rev IO/19/091w page 10 17) CDD a. Community Development District $15,000.00 b. Chapter 189 Special District, Independent or Dependent, $15,000.00 L\ """,nrb It",,.,,, ~!." 1 nr f~ovember 10. 2009 Page 91 of 105 18) GMP Amendment a. Small Scale $9000.00 b. General $16,700.00 c. Legal advertising in addition to sub-sections a and b fees, and subject to applicable fee schedule provlslOns. d. Pre-application meetings for GMP consistency for development orders and zoning/land use petitions: $250 e. n/a 19) Application for issuance TDR, $250 (non-refundable); plus $25 per TDR issued and recorded (total fees not to exceed $2,750.00) 20) Engineering Services a. Vacation of Easements: $2.000.00 21) Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals $250.00 22) Early Work Authorization (EW A) pennit: $500.00 (does not include site clearing fee). 23) Legal Non-conforming Lot (LNC) $100.00 24) Vested Rights Determination (VRD) $1,500.00 25) Time Extension $150.00 M) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA nO1\' FEE I) .'. p::rllli, ojlp!ic:l,i.J!l li,:e/:::'] '1.. _':!l::::t:::1 OJ ::,:1:' ; ":ij:j:;:':::; ;:r ~ bilJln; t'J::rci,. 1"1:: pen:li( ::.pj)]icat;cn fe:: ,;lUll! b:: ('(!lecred \'''~lC:l ,'1(' r!::r;:' :1:':: .cb:lirted E'r re.:ic\.... [''1:' l'cc;halJ ~)e [jpj~li::d tcv,...crd tll:: taul ]:::rr:'li: :-::e. Th:: :~p;::lic:ln:h:l!1 Ld:'i: l!:c'--&rrk:.:i:n j~i:':h.:: :lj'p::e:lliol! i.: (Ie:]!:::] ,1:' if the :Tj'k'::lion is ::;)[1"0\'(':1 :ll1C~ ,1L?,.::r:--,l;: ;, :::, Lucd ".:t1oir: [he' :;:~L<--b:Ji::::i:4t-fi t::L~J :1: ~c.,;t;,'H-l-O,'J',].1 .:ftbe C,>!li.::rCcul1:: /):'.Iil1:1:1:';' "::, n: ~(. ::; :lI:L'n:ld, \illHl1lUl1J fe:e ol'SJ !(Ul() for ,'dch ('fthe f(ll1owinu: plumbing, mechanical L;CL ekctri!cal. and ~lTuctur:d, Minimum lee for all other appliciltions .~ $1 to.OO. 2) .'.Pflic:ltiun L~:: ',':11 b.? ~'J:];;J:Hcd a. LJlly:.;; a. ::::(~<, cCtNa] BUll:Jin: P::'::lil F'cc :5,15 :j n llC',\ ;'--,ide:::i:!' ::d :.n::n':::'(::11. ~.C'-;~'h<:~l :l1~d ':.:::':!lCTC) Review kc~ ;if" I" h" paid ,JI the tIlllC .-,f :ni'lic:lli,1]!. ilnd arc non-Jl!l1dablc, E~timated inspection fce~ to he n:lid at the time ofrcrmit i~su:Ince, and \,,1i1 he reconciled to the :1ctllalllumber of insDectiom; perD'rrned (refunds i...;sued ifeSl1Jl1i:kd in~i'eCli(lns ('",(ecd actual. addilHl!lal pil\mClll redllired JJrior tp the C() ls:-:uance j r Jctuul 111spection:--: c'\ct':;~d~..:;tinl~Hed). 3) "Ji;-:;r:l:'i:l~ :'~':: ,1"":5'.0:' :;r ,':,,'::,::11_ i'll' ':m;: ;)lLl::I~':n;;: ;:L'c!]~C::' (\ C'): e!t'(::'i:':l:: rile: ::n,: b:::::b:;;, ~::inicl:m~ f~'c Lr :,.1.1-8::::::' :1;Tlic:J+;"'~~Th(' ha!,m::e of ihe lULlI penn]t fee will be C(l]]ectc:d at the tlnle ofl');~L13ncc cd' tJ1~' :jCr!11jl una \\'i1J inclu\lc :.;11\' fee Llciju:--lnh:'nh !ll~:\:c':-::-;arv. E~derl()r ~hcl1 and interior construction are seD3rate re,,'ic\I'~ j::)r cU!11ml~rcial ,,:nnstrudiCllJ. \\ hdhcr ncnnirted sim:.l1t:meOlhlv or under ~cpilrilte ~hcll and huild out pcrmits. 4) ;:12 b:i1:l;l:':' ~)r ~h~' Ut::: ;i..';:~l:t--k'e--tt-::1 !)e dho4':~ :e: (1+::,--(-;:::" ,; ::::::12(' :Ji' 11-::' j'2:111I: ::n:~ ',\:1J i;dt.:::e J:-:Y ~2: a~j~l.-~:-:lCr:t:' :".::C':'~:=-~.'. F~\Cnlnti(',n...:; f:)r nl:!1nr r~'r]irs !'c:-:jdcntial. The F)l1c)\YinL: nc:nnft c\(;rnptions h:lIc heen c~s[ablishcc1 t())' C,,)lier COUl1!\ !');.hccl nn SeCtion i :/)25 (31 uf(he Florida Buildinu Code and Sc('ric)11 553. '\(}(:.) teL Fh-,rida StafuteS, Penn}! c:\Clnpl ion i.; t~:1r \)v,'ncrs of sin0.1e f<1111ily ch:tachcd n:"sidC1.lCes rer!{,rminu work on sinu]e fiJ!11ilv i'ropcni.,;s,:\1l ,,\('rk 1JtTform_'d shall cCJnmlv "Iith [he ~r:md:.lrds orthc Fkrida Buddinu Cock R'c',;l,lc:Jli:J1. CDES Financial Administration. rev 10/19/09 lw page 11 It,::;m ~'r. 1 nr November 10, 2009 A) Electrical: Repair work performed bv a licensed electrical contraclOr that does not exceed $1 .JXIHjlD92 of 105 value of materials and lahar. B) Plumbing: Repair/replace work perfonned bv a licensed plumbil112 contractor that does not exceed $1.500.00 in value of materials and bbor, C) !v1ecllanical: Repair work performed hv licensed mt~chanical contractors that docs not exceed $ 1 .500,00 in cost for parts and labor. Dl Building: a Repair \vork Derfol1ned bv licensed contractors per Florida SWtutt' 489 thai is not structural in nature and does not change the occupanv. cloes not affect life. safety and the value of which does not excecd $ I .500.00 in labor and materials. b. The rcpair of anv roof coverin!f not exccedin!f $ 1.500.00 in value of matelials and labor or work not exceeding two rootinl! squares (Ion sq. ft,) in extent. 5) The buildinl! pennit fee shall be considered the addition 01'(111 individual trade plan revie~i fees involved in the process plus the inspection fees, N) BUILDING PERMIT FEES I) The fee for a structural review building permit shall be computed as follows: Such fees shall be either based on the contractor's valuations of construction cost or based on square footage. Minimal accepted calculated costs of construction are set forth on the attached Building Valuation Data Table - ICC Building Valuation Data Table, produced February, 2007. Valuation of construction costs of less than $750.00 - No permit or fee is required, but construction must comply with all County Codes and Ordinances. If inspections are required by the Building Official or requested by the applicant, the appropriate fees shall be paid. EXCEPTION: All work involving structural components and/or fire rated assemblies requires permits and inspections regardless of construction cost, signs must secure permits as stated in Collier C('lUlU:" Ordin:mco !'-;o. 2002 01. :1:: 11l1lend",d, Collier Count\' Code of Laws and Ordinances. Chamer 22 Building and Building Regulations. a. Valuation of construction costs of S':'~:J.OO through up 10 $4,999.99 - $50.00 plus ~ $60.00 application per inspection as]equired. b. New construction ;:'catcr than son .<Juarc feet review fee of $O.OS5 per square j~)()[ total area fix for valuation of CO!lSlruction costs S5.000 or over. 1. rec;:denti:1] at $0.29 per:ljUare fC'Jt (h'in; arca) 11. warchou,;:.;';:hcl1 ell $O.! E per <luare foo: (total DrCG) 1:1. build out at 5;9.115 p.::r .;quarc t~,,)t (t:itnl area) I\', commercial. i:l:rituti:mei1 at SO.2e) p::r :.CjU:lrc foot (t(tal are:!) c. .\ltcration.:. :1thcr cOlLtruction. Dnd nc',',' C(ll.:tru;::ti:m u:JCL:r son :;;IU:1r(' feet (bUlh rc;:idcJ1tial and commercial) minimum fee cfSHHUHl for (ne rC'Cjuired :n,pectiem, pill:; $::0.00 fo:' e:dl reCJuir.,.a additior.al in;v:ctLm, $1 no plw; 0.30% of c:ecIorcd ',':!~Lle:ti(1r; in c::ce:;' of TS .000 Alternative l\1inimum Revie\v Fee: all con,;truction under son SQuare feet with vdluatio!l in excess of $1 DO.OOO. and all construction three floors or over in height. $333.00 plus $3.00 DCI' tllOUqnd dollars (,fbuilding valuation in excess of $50,000 nlus S60.00 per inspection, 0) ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES I) The fees for electrical permits for new structures or placement or relocation of structures shall be computed as follows: a. $0. 'to per amp::re r:,tin; ..11" JIl ,;:11';!:: pha::e pn::: b~,:;rc!::. ~<ew construction re\ie\\ fee of $0.055 ner square foot total area. ,- b. Altemative Minimum Reviev, fee: L $0.40 per ampere rating of all single-phase panel boards. CDES Financial Adnunistration, rev 10/19/09 Iw page 12 !i. $0.15 per ampere rating for switch or circuit \vhichever is greater, if item #1 above does not apply, iii. When not a complete installation, all switch and circuit breakers ahead of panel boards shall be computed at $0.15 per ampere, D'.:. Permit fees for any change in electrical installation shall be computed at the above rates for that portion of new and/or increased fees in existing electrical facilities. 1', The minimum for any electrical permit shall be S,7~.OO '>;110.00 per unit or tenant space ~ Fifty percent (50%) in additional fee costs shall be added to all above fees for three phase installations, ^ l"1onri", !t,:>m t\ln 1 nr November 10, 2009 Page 93 of 105 LXCTPTlO;--:: Ordinr,ry r,'pair: lir:l:t.:::.: to;j <;;200 y;duc ,:- ],-;: IT.-a:, b: m:d: '.',it!1;)u;:J penni!. P.epair: mutt compl:,' with all C,ullly (cd:; and Or(En:JrL~::. If' ill;p:..:,i;11l: arc required h:, the BGildin2: Official or !,:,que..tcd by tl:c ;;pj:li..::mL [11:: :\ppro;:ri;lt,,; fe,';ldl be lXld P) PLUMBING PERMIT FEES I) The following fee calculations shall be applied separately when the permit involves mixed occupancies. a. Residential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shall be computed at the rate of~ $0.055 Del' square foot to!al area to be charged for each living unit with one to three bathrooms 'lith a minimum of$11O.00. An additional fee of$10.00 will be assessed for each additional bathroom. b. Nonresidential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing pennit shall be computed by the following methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: I. The rate of$3.00 p::-r 1~.'::lu,11'e fc'ct c.i fkJr :11'::\. ():. Cr:l..'ticr: ::1'::1'(':':-: Jr SO.05S1x'r SQUdrC foot total orca with d ll1i!11111U!11 oj $11 0.00: or 2. Institutional facilities, hospitals, schools, restaurants and repairs in any occupancy classification shall be charged at the rate of $1.00 per fixture unit or 3. Minimum ofl~~.OO 'i;IIH.r.o for each occupancy or tenant space. 2) Grease traps: An additional fee of $50.00 shall be assessed for each grease trap. 3) The cost for retrofit piping shall be computed at the minimum fee of$50.00 per floor for each main riser. 4) The cost of a permit for lawn sprinkler systems shall be computed using the dollar valuation as shown under Section M of this Resolution, 5) The minimum plumbing pem1it fee shall be ~.J-Sl 1(1.(l(l. Q) MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES I) The following fee calculations shall be applied separately when the permit involves mixed occupancies. a. Residential occupancies: The mechanical pennit fees shall be computed at the rate of :::";'~.(m so. OS:; Dcr square loot rotd 1 area [0 he 'eh:!l:!cd for each living unit up to three tons of air conditioning. Each additional ton or part thereof shall be $3.00 per ton. b. Nonresidential occupancies: The mechanical pennit fees shall be computed by one of the following methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: The rate of:::7~.O!l SO.l)55 ocr square f()(,t total area :0 be chan.:ed- for the first three tons or three horsepower of air conditioning or other mechanical systems per tenant space, each additional ton of air conditioning or horsepower shall be $3.00: ,);' TI:e-fil4-e ,~f S2 .00 p::r 1']:=; -i;'::::'c fc..:c' f n'J;' :11''::1-':' ::':L'ciC:l :h..':'.',!~ 2) The cost of retrofit piping shall be computed at the minimum fee of$50.00 per floor for each cooling tower, or $50.00 for the first 3 horsepower and $3.00 for each additional horsepower, whichever is greater. CDES Financial Administration, rev IO/19/091w page 13 3) The minimum mechanical permit fee shall be $75.00 $110.00. ^ ~o~,..j~ Itcm "I" 1 nr November 10, 2009 Page 94 of 105 4) A permit for the change out of components shall be calculated at the above mechanical pemlit fee rate or the minimum fee whichever is greater. R) FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PERMIT FEES I) The fees and exemptions set forth in the "Exhibit B" affixed hereto and made a part of this Schedule of Development Review and Building Permit Fees shall apply to Fire Prevention and Control Permits for both the independent and dependent fire districts. S) MOBILE HOME/OFFICE TRAILER AND OTHER TRAILER PERMIT FEES I) The permit fee shall be $50.00 to set-up a single-wide trailer or mobile home on an approved site plus electrical, plumbing, mechanical, inspection and fire protection fees as applicable. 2) The permit fee shall be $75.00 to set-up a double wide or larger mobile homes on an approved site plus electrical, plumbing, mechanical, inspection and fire protection fees as applicable. T) CHICKEES AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES I) The permit fee will be based upon a calculated cost of construction of $4.00 per square foot under roof or the contractor's estimated cost of construction, whichever is greater. The fee will then be calculated in accordance with Section N of this Resolution. Additional permit fees for electric, plumbing, mechanicaL inspections, fire, etc., will be charged when applicable. U) POOL OR SPA PERMIT FEES 1) For construction of each public pool or spa the fee shall be- a. Valuation of construction costs of up to $4,999.99. $100.00 b. Valuation of construction costs 0[$5000.00 through $49,999.99: $80.00 plus $7.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $2,000.00. c. Valuation of construction costs of$50,000.00 through $1,000,000.00: $333.00 plus $3.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $50,000.00. d. Valuation of construction costs over $ I ,000,000.00: $3,474.00 plus $3.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $ I ,000,000.00. 2) For construction of each private pool or spa the fee shall be: $50.00 application plus ~$60.00 per inspection as required. V) SCREEN ENCLOSURE PERMIT & PAN ROOF FEES I) N/A 2) The screen enclosure or roof fee will then be calculated in accordance with Section N of this Resolution. W) SIGN PERMIT FEES I) Sign permit fees will be calculated in accordance with all applicable Building Pemlit Fees and Electrical Permit Fees outlined in this document, the Collier County Development Fee Schedule. The minimum building permit fee for sign shall be ~$I HI.OO. 2) Multiple signs of the same type (i.e., wall signs) and for a single project may be allowed per one permit, however an appropriate fee shall be charged for each sign in accordance with the schedule set forth in the above subsection I of Sign Pemlit Fees. CDES Financial Administration, rev 1O/19/091w page 14 ^ 1"1"''''';::> !tom r In 1 nr f\Jovember 10. 2009 X) CONVENIENCE PERMIT FEES Page 95 of 105 I) Convenience permits are issued in blocks of 10 each. Only licensed contractors are eligible to purchase convenience permits are limited to the use specified on the permit. The fee for a book of 10 convenience permits is $500.00 $750.0(J(~:5(1.(\O re,:: per i::;--J.:;.;tic'I1,1 inspection only) Y) REVISION AND AS BUILT PLAN REVIEW FEES; CORRECTIONS TO PLANS I) PERMIT AND PLAN REVISIONS The fee for each pemlit revision submitted after pemlit issuance shall be calculated using fee schedules outlined in Sections N through R above, The minimum pemlit fee for revisions to permitted projects shall be $50.00. 2) AS BUILT PLANS TIle fee for "As Built" plan review shall be ten (10%) percent of the original building permit fee or $150.00, whichever is greater, but shall not exceed $500.00. The fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing amended building plans in the office to determine that change orders and various field changes are in compliance with the mininlUm construction and fire codes of Collier County. The following are required for as-built drawings review: a. An itemized list of all changes made after permit plan approval. b. As-built plans that have all changes made after permit plan approval "clouded". c. As-built plans and changes shall be signed and sealed by the engineer and/or architect of record. 3) CORRECTIONS TO PLANS a. First Correction to Plans. No charge b. Second Correction to Plans. $75.00 c. Third & subsequent correction to plans, $100.00 Z) PERMIT EXTENSION I) The filing fee for each pemlit extension shall be equal to 10% of the original building permit fee or $100.00, whichever is greater, but shall not exceed $500.00. The filing fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing existing or amended building plans to determine and verifY code compliance AA) DEMOLITION OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES I) The permit fee shall be $25.00 application for the demolition of any building or structure: plus ~ $60.00 per inspection as required. BB) PRE-MOVING INSPECTION FEES I) The fee shall be $150.00 for the pre-moving inspection of any building or structure. CC) INSPECTION FEES I) A charge of~ S60.00 per inspection shall be assessed for inspections for which a pemlit is not necessary. 2) A user fee of $120.00 shall be assessed for all inspections on a time specified basis. 3) fir:;: PJr':dl ::LT.::.::,j,n f);' ,in:;'!? r:li:;~~ !::n:!iCtllL:i~J':;~. ~~ .\Jl rCl1uired and t':lrtial in,pecticJ!ls: $60.00 per inspecti(ln. 1) ~~::cc~'ih;eqt:::nt r:l;'!:c:~I4:'s-,i,,~:; 1(,,' ;:;:=~::' J:!',:j'j""'\'-h"f8?': [-',,:1:],::::, S2~.nO DD) REINSPECTION FEES I) Re-inspections for any type of building pelmit, or required Engineering re-inspections, shall result in an additional fee of$75.00 perreinspection ,0 .'. i: CO ~!{HI.O(j ;('f th:: ,:::::cn:l it' i:L';~e::ti(,:; :md S~25.00 f'er the lhi;d :me! .:::le1;lk'c,.o,..:.,..: :.t' ::lpeeti::l, EE) FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT I) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where such action was cited by Code Enforcement or by Contractor Licensing and resulted in a finding of violation from either the Code Enforcement Board, the Special Magistrate, or the Contractor Licensing,.Board, or as directed by the Board of County Commissioners the fees herein specified shall be 4x the regular fee. CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/19/09 Iw page I 5 I\.,-.,,,,nrl,,, I+",~ to.l,., 1 nr November 10, 2009 2) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said pemUtgmd)6 of 105 where a contractor or agent/provider where the building official or zoning director (for cases involving land development) deems that the contractor/provider should have known that a permit was required but voluntary seeks compliance by obtaining the necessary permits to abate the violation the fees herein specified shall be 2x the regular fee. 3) Where work for which a pennit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where an owner/builder seeks voluntary compliance by obtaining said permit the fees assessed will be 2x the regular rate as defined in this fee schedule. 4) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where the unpermitted work was completed by other or prior to the current owner/builder's ownership of the property an where the current owner/builder seeks voluntary compliance by obtaining said permit to assure compliance with all applicable codes the fees will be assessed at the regular rate as defined in this fee schedule. 5) The payment of such fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of any applicable construction code or ordinance in the execution of the work, or from any penalty prescribed within any construction code, law or ordinance of Collier County. FF) LICENSING I) The fee for licensing items is as follows: a. Letters of Reciprocity. ~ $55.00 b. Contractors Change of Status. (active to dormant) $10.00 c. Voluntary Registration of State Certified Contractors. WMW- $45.00 d. Pictures. $2.00 e. Laminating $1.00 (per license) f Fee for a 6 month temporary contractor's license lli.,{W $55,00 g. Certified copies of Experience letters $35.00 h. Duplicate or replacement (of Competency cards) $25.00 1. Second entity application fee ~hOO $105.00 2) Certificated of Competency (Annual) a. Contractor Initial License Fee Renewal Fee b. Specialty Contractor Initial License Fee Renewal Fee c. Journeyman Initial License Fee Renewal Fee $ tSO.OO $230.00 S-W4.00 $145.00 $135.00 $205.00 ~ $125.00 $ 50.09 $80.00 $' 25.00 $55.00 3) Dormant Certificates of Competency (Annual) a. Contractor $-1rOO.(f{.} $130.00 b. Specialty Contractor '1\ 85.00 $130.00 c. Penalty fees after 9/30 ~-OO $20.00 per month until 12/3 I 4) Reinstatement of Delinquent License a. Contractor b. Specialty Contractor c, Journeyman d. Examination Administrative Fee S-~ $230.0fl plus back years $135.00 $205.00 plus back years ~O $80.00 plus back years $-1-4HI...(f{f $130.00 good for 6 months GG) DUPLICATE PERMIT CARDS ,- I) The fee shall be $5.00 for the issuance of a duplicate permit card for whatever reason. CDES Financial Administration, rev 10/19/09 Iw page 16 tI 1"10"0'" Itom t\ln 1 nr November 10. 2009 HH) CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTORS Page 97 of 105 I) To record a change of contractor or subcontractor, on a pennit that has been issued, the fee shall be $50.00. This fee includes the issuance of a new permit card. II) PERMIT FEE REFUNDS AI Bui!dill~ Permit Revie\v Swndarcb apnlv [() all internal CDES !'e\ iews f()r hui!dillQ permit applicatiolls \vith nrevious]y apDrO\ed sill' plans. incluciin\2 all rCGuired tnick rcvicws. <lloll!! with anv reuuired ZC)nilw. Fni!ineerillQ. and Impact Fcc revicws. Reviews e\km:i1 to CDES, ':llch as Fire, 31T exduded. The nerfC)rt11anCe ,:tandard time fral1lt~ be\2ins Ul10n SUhlllissi('!l ofthc applica!iC)Jl, ::nd run,: until either i'':llJ!lCe ofa commcnt ktter or at approval. Re\'ie\v standard i!uaranlee,: reuuire the'-'ubmission ofa sufficicnt Ilumoer \)fpl:mst~ts (to be deknnined bY' the Buildin!! Department! to aeeOllHl11)(!<ltc lIaralle! trade rniews, 1. If l'cqucc.tcd. i:l "',filiI::; 1):: :jl( C',' ne:':[' :li: :tu:h r;;:.',; a;e:;'c. ::O'~<, :' ;-1h.:: L-e,: ..:h:J:';e:~. :Jtl1.'r than thc :lprli..::ltiOn L:c, mil:: be ;efunded jllT"i;Ld t:l:l: i1 j;cr:l1it In, he:'11 :;u,>,L ..:ci1:::rtittie~}[\( C~1llJ:rjClle:d. and :he rcfund i,; i:lf1plicd fe:- pri:Jr to the canee:!;;ticn of the rcrnit. 1) New Residential construction re\iews will be e011lrlcted within:; bllsine~': days (iflonl!er than:) business days :;O"co of review fee refunded), J) New Commercial constfllc:tioll re\icw,: will he e"IllDlcted within 15 nusiness davs (iflollucr than 15 business ddVS :;O(~;, of review fee refunded!. 3) Alreratiolls. _\dditions, andi'v1inor Pemlits: a) Re,:idential permit anplication rn ic."vs \,111 be e01llf)!eted wit!JlIl 5 busincss davs (11' ]ol1:2cr than 5 husiness davs 50"/;, of review fee refunded). b) C(111lmercial permit applications reQuirin!! "nJ\ J <in"k trade 1','vie\\' ,md 1\ 111 he completed Ivilhin :) business clavs (ifIoni!er than :; bu~iness cIa"s 50",'" ofrt",iew fee r::funded), e) Commcrcial f)cfmil dnnlicati,m, r"o[lir111:2 \o;lh' J or:; tr:ick rc\'ic\'_s wil1 be cllmp1clcd within 10 bm;iness d3V5 (lflon2(':r than 10 husl;1ess dav'. 50fJ";i i,lf in-.:nc-cl1Cl)'} :('l:' rcfundccn. ill Annual Fee Ac!Justmcnls )1 Propc1sed annual ke adjustments fi)! Buildin:2 Denartment fees shall ,~m!aJ Ihe ,j\'eraC!c persollnel cost chan!!e (COLA D]US avera!.!c met;!) :1ppf(\\ccd hv the BeC Cl" part ()f that fiSCdl \'ear's hud<reL adiusted for Un-'.' ('han!."\:' in stan~n!." kvels. 2) Anndul f~'e adjustments \" ill bee,,)]]'!t' ctlecl i\t, e'n Jan I,d' C:lch li~':aJ '-car if :lPpn}\',~d, 11 Anllual fee adiustme11ts reouire lull rn ic\\ :il1d H:,commendatj,nl tc' 1 he nec fh'1TI the Lk\ eIomnent Services Ad\isorv Committee, Anllual fee adjustments also reouire full nce approval. .:I) :\nnual fee adiu~tlllenb reOllire Buddin" Fund [(lu! re.;enes l() be less than (, months of the Buildinu Fund oncratilH! bud!.!e! I-;)r lll:lt fi,:cal year. lfre';cneo:, excec'd,i\ nwnths d'hu~h!;eted clJlt'i'ariJ1l! exnense'':. no annual adiuSlmel1! can he reuue";[c'd, D Snecial Fee Adjustment j'} JfBuildinQ- Fund total rcser"',,';::-:' arc nrolcc'lcd tel p_~x~~e('d ;.;ix :Jh\1lth~ \.d~()nc:i"(Jtjlli2 CXDCT1SC'S in the nfclDc:..:.cd hucl!2el of dnv ltpc01nin~ fisc,:l "'l:d1'- 1(-e; \\illl'C' lc\\\ C1l'd i1l sufficient mnount to insure BuildinQ Fund re,:en::s remain under six nwnths ofbud~e1,'d ,..:':penses. ')) J f Buddin!! Fund toral reserves are nrc'iecled 10 l;lll bcl(1W three nwnths of opc,atillQ expense,: in :he pWDo,:ed bud:ccct of an\' upcomin\! fiscal vear. a <pc-cia] f~:c: increase in sufficient amounr to inselfe BuiJdin!! Fund total reserve,: remain over three rn;mths of huducted CXDCIlSC-S \\'ill he prol)oscd for full Dt'\('1tmment Services Advisor\' eommirree rcvic\\' and BCC :l1"p1'O\:11. 3) Si\ n1(lnth~ fC1!lc-,\\'in~ an\-" f~,-~ (ldiu~l":n~'nL ~]lhcr than ~lnnual irh..T~ase~. ;1 full rc\~ic\v r)frc....;uhiI1~ reyc:nue \v111 be nresented for the rT\-iC"\v of the rJc\'cl, if)lnC1l1 St:T\--icc~ .\(!\:l:..::,:'Jf\" ('orrnllittce. Tbe cOi1Hllittc~c can Inake a CDES Financial Administration. rev 10/19/09 Iw page 17 L\"o"rl~ I+",~ 1-.1" 1 nr November 10, 2009 recommendation to the Bee to lower f~es i1'revenue exceeds either reyemle projections used in feeRag.e;t9B:mf 105 calculations or tarueted reserve levels. - Dj Estimated inspection fees to be paid at the time of permit issuance. and \viJ1 be reconciled to the actual number of inspection performed (refunds iswed if estimated inspections exceed actuaL additional payment required prior to the CO issuance if actual inspections exceed estimated), JJ) RECORD RETRIEV AL I) No charge for norma] retrieving of records from inactive or remote storage including microfilmed documents. 2) Next day expedited retrieval of records from inacti\'e or remote storaue: $75.00 KK) COPY FEES I) The fee for blueprint and miscellaneous copying shall be as follows: a. Microfilm copies, of documents less than 1 Ix 17 inches: $0.15 other sizes at cost of production. b. Microfilm or Blueprint copies: 18 X 24 $1.25 per page 30 X 36 $2.50 per page 30 X 42 $3.25 per page 34 X 44 $5.00 per page c. Community Development self-service copier, public access and not related to public record retrieval or public record copies: documents less than 14x8.5 inches $0.15 per page inclusive of sales tax. LL) RESEARCH 1) The fee for researching records, ordinances, and codes shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of I hour 2) The fee for creating and designing special computer generated reports that are not part of the regular standard reports shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of 1 hour. MM) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE The fee for one-year subscription service to be mailed quarterly shall be $15.00 per year. The subscription year is from Oct. I through Sept. 30. NN) ELECTRO:'\IC 1),\1'.\ CO:"\VERSiO:'\ Sl'RCH,\RCE RESERVED :) :\ ;;urcharg: ill the amca!~t 01'3% or Ill.: :Jlli:din;; pcnllit application fec, ,?,'ith the minimum :;urcharsc bc:n:; $3.()(} o:lc1 till? 111a~:imum bein; $15Il00, \'.'ill be opplied to eyer:,- building p.onni, :!pplicJtiol1 ,:ubmitt.od. .\ flit fee of $3.00 per permit will be cll:lr,;.cc for thc,e permit; for ,;',hich an :lr:pli.cati.;n:e'€-ffi nol required per ilem (U) eli' [hi'; S~hcjule. 00) RECISTR'~'rIO:'\ OF RC\T.\L 1l',YELL[\CS RENTAL INSPECTIONS l' , ) !11e fee fD], ]'cgi,[rcticn cfre:lt:l] cl'?:clEn~~; i, :t: fellc,',',';: ~, Initial Re:;i~:tm:iem FcC S30.00p::r prJp.::ny b. ,\nnual Rene',-:al $20.00j)er prepe:':)' c. ,\nnual Late Fee ~:lO.o(t/jJer day per prep'::!'I)' IIp to a nmjnnm ors~o.oo d, The tcrm "prope:-ty" l1Jc:;n:: c parce] Clr ccmtig.ueu:; parceL with ~~11Y num!)I::r (lfrentul :Irei!:' l()c~:tcd tberCllpon ander C[111111011 c),','ller:;hip unc\:!' m:mcg.emt.'l'lt .,-- 2) Rental Inspection a. Rental Inspection - $200.00 per unit b. Re-inspection Fee - $50.00 per re-inspection per unit. c. Rental inspections shall not be required for rental units on property covered by a Florida Department of CDES Financ,iaJ Administration, rev lO/19!091w page 18 .6rtonrl::> !tom t-.!n 1nr November 10, 2009 Business and Professional Regulation ("DBPR") license. A copy of the current DBPR licensflage 99 of 105 shall be provided with the initial rental registration and all subsequent rental renewal applications. J) ,\11:: unpaid C::e:' nw:,~:: pL:ru<~c by the C, Ei.cr '.1:111:1 'er c:' d.:, i.:;n:':' lhruu.:;h [j ..'~'ll..'..':i:Jn ~l~..'n..'y. PP) CERTIFICATE TO BOARD BUILDING I) Initial Boarding Certificate - $0 2) Boarding Certificate Extension - $150 QQ) ADDITIONAL FEE REFUND PROVISI01\'S 1) Requests for fee waivers may only be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Waiver requests for development review and building permit fees shall be submitted in writing directly to the appropriate Community Development & Environmental Services Division Staff, who will prepare an executive summary for consideration by the Board. Such requests shall include a statement indicating the reason for the fee waiver request and, if applicable, the nature of the organization requesting the fee waiver. RR) REFUND PROVISIONS I) PAYMENT OF FEES: Full payment of fees is required for a complete application. Department policy requires full payment of fees at the time of application submittal. No work will begin on staff review of the application until all fees are paid in full. If full payment of fees is not received within 14 calendar days of application submittal, the application will be considered void. At this point, a new application and full payment of fees will be required to proceed with a project. 2) There will be no refund of Planning, Environmental, or Engineering related fees, except those applications which have been deemed not sufficient for staff review and are withdrawn within 30 days of notification will be entitled to a 50% refund. After 30 days from such notification, there will be no refund of submitted fees. 3) In no cases will there be refunds for pre-application fees, data conversion fees, appeals of administrative decisions, or appeals to the Board of Zoning Appeals or Building Board of Adjustment. 4) If staff error causes the inappropriate or unnecessary filing of an application and payment of fees, 100 percent of all inappropriate fees, shall be refunded upon wTitten request and with the concurrence of Department management. SS) ADDITIONAL FEE PROVISIONS I) In those cases where alternative methods or timing of payments for CDES services and / or fees listed in this schedule associated with SBR reviews are deemed to best serve the public good, the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator will have the authority to approve such alternatives. Such alternative must be in writing and signed by all principals involved. In no case shall final e.0. or such certifications of project completeness be issued until payments due CDES are received in full. 2) All hourly fees are computed and charged from actual Divisional time tracking records. 3) All acreage totals used in fee calculations will be rounded up to the nearest whole acre. 4) When deemed essential for project review or approval, there will be no additional charge for any meetings requested by CDES staff. TT) PUBLIC VEHICLE FOR HIRE FEES CDES Financial Administration. rev] 0/ 19/09 Iw page 19 A '" November 1 0, 2009 I) The following fees shall be assessed for the Public Vehicle for Hire Program: (In the event that tmsge 100 of 105 background check fee charged to the county exceeds the minimum fee established by the county, the applicant(s) shall be responsible for the actual cost of the search). a. Initial Application fee (new Companies) - $200 b. Initial Certificate to Operate (F eb I -J an 3 I) - $325.00 c. Annual Certificate to Operate Renewal $325.00 d. Late Fee for CTO Renewal $200.00 e. Sub-Certificate Application Fee (New Companies) - $100.00 f. Sub-Certificate - $162.50 g. Annual Sub-Certificate renewal - $162.50 h. Late Fee for Sub-Certificate Renewal - $100.00 1. Vehicle Decal- $50.00 J. Temporary Vehicle Decal $5.00 per vehicle/per day k. Temporary Vehicle Decal (In case of inoperable decaled vehicle) - $5.00/per vehicle I. Driver Identification Card (Initial/Renewal) - $75.00 per driver m. 2nd Driver Identification Card - $25.00 n. Replacement Driver ID - $10.00 o. On-site Vehicle Permitting - $15.00 per vehicle UU)"PAYMENT IN LIEU OF" FEE FOR PATHWAYS (SIDEWALKS, AND BIKE LANES) 1) Calculated using the current Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) construction costs or an engineering estimate not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the submitted application request's total project cost. VV) OPTIONAL EXPEDITED BUILDING PERMIT PLAN REVIEWS I) Optional expedited building pem1it plan review fee shall be 30% of the building pennit fee (additional to full building permit fees) with a minimum fee of$50.00 a. Participation in the optional expedited review program is subject to limited availability, applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis. b. Review completion times are guaranteed to equal, or be less than, one half of the normal advertised completion timeframes. Should the expedited review exceed this guaranteed completion time, the 30% optional expedited building permit review fee will be refunded to the applicant, and all normal permit fees will apply. Such guarantee and refund provisions shall apply to reviews, and do not infer or relate to approvals. c. Optional expedited building permit review fees shall be due at the time of building permit application submission. d. Any required re-submissions of permit applications' leading to re-reviews, when due to applicant insufficiencies, shall be subject to additional optional expedited building pennit plan review fees if an additional expedited review is requested by the applicant for the re-review, and shall be calculated against re-submission charges. WW) FENCES I) $50.00 application fee plus $50.00 per inspection as required. XX) OPTIONAL TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 1) $250.00 for commercial, over 30,000 sq. ft $500.00. 2) $100.00 for residential CDES Financial Administration, rev 10119/09 lw pagc 20 This is the last page of the CDES Fee Schedule l\""",nr!"" It",,.,,, '\In 1 nr r'-lovember 10. 2009 Page 101 of 105 CDES Financial Administration, rev 1 Q/ 19/09 iw page 21 Agenda Item No. 10C November 10, 2009 Page 102 of 105 The following fees shall be assessed on all applications for building permit: A) Fire Code Compliance Plan Review Fees 1). Architectural plan review application fees: </= $ 120,000.00 .57% of Job Value. > $ 120,000.00 <1= $ 600,000.00 .054% of Job Value. > $ 600,000.00 <1= $ 1,200,000.00 .079% of Job Value. > $ 1,200,000.00 .034% of Job Value. 2). Rre Sprinkler Systems $ 50.00 + $ .95 Per Head. 3). Rre Pumps $ 275.00 Each. 4). Underground Fire Une $ 100.00 + $ .20 Per Foot. 5). Pre-Engineered Rre Suppression Systems New $ 65.00 + $ 20.00 Per Bottle of Suppression Agent. Existing - $ 65.00 + $ 2.00 Per Added or Altered Head. 6). Fossil Fuel Storage Systems Install, Removal, or Abandonment $ 70.00 + $ 50.00 Per Tank. 7). Hoods $ 85.00 Each. 8). L.P. Gas Install, Removal, or Abandonment $ 55.00 + $ 10.00 Per Tank. 9). Fire Alarms Zoned Systems - $ 90.00 + $ 15.00 Per Zone. Intelligent Systems - $ 90.00 + $ .65 Per Device. Monitoring Only - $ 100.00 Residential Systems - $ 50.00 Each. 10). Standpipes $ 50.00 + $ 5.00 Per Riser 11). Tents $ 50.00 Per Tent 12). Minimum Permit Fee $ 100.00 Unless Otherwise Listed Above. 13). All fees listed above include the initial review and one re-review. Additional reviews will be provided in accordance with the following schedule: 2 nd re-review 20% of the original review - $ 75.00 minimum. 3 rd re-review 35% of the original review - $ 125.00 minimum. Agenda Item NO.1 OC November 10, 2009 Page103of105 4 th re-review 60% of the original review - $ 200.00 minimum. 5 th re-review 100% of the original review - $ 300.00 minimum. 6 th re-review 150% of the original review - $ 500.00 minimum. 7 th re-review Notify Business and Professional Regulation. B) Fire Code Compliance Inspection Fees 1). Buildings - Square footage is defined as the total area of the structure(s) under roof. Construction Types I, II, III, IV & V: New single story: $ 300.00 + $ 0.02 per square foot. New multi story: $ 150.00 per floor, per tower + $ 0.02 per square foot. Construction Types VI: ALL: $ 300.00 per floor + $ 0.03 per square foot. Remodels & Alterations: ALL: $ 250.00 per floor, per tower + $ 0.15 per square foot. 2). Fire Sprinklers New: $ 300.00 per floor, per tower + $ 0.65 per head. Remodels: $ 200.00 per floor, per tower + $ 1 .00 per head. 3). Fire Alarm Systems New: $ 300.00 per floor, per tower + $ 0.65 per device. Remodels: $ 200.00 per floor, per tower + $ 1.00 per device. Monitoring: $ 100.00 per system. 4). Hoods ALL: $ 200.00 + $ 1.00 per foot of duct. 5). Suppression Systems Total Flood & Pre-Engineered: $ 50.00 per bottle + $ 2.00 per head. 6). Spray Booths ( total square foot of booth) ALL: $ 0.50 per square foot. 7). Underground Fire Unes ALL: $ 100.00 + $ 1.00 per linear foot. 8). Standpipes ALL: $ 100.00 per independent riser. 9). Fire Pumps ALL: $ 300.00 each pump. .-. Agenda Item NO.1 OC November 10, 2009 Page 104 of 105 10). LP Gas Installations Above Ground: $ 50.00 per tank. Under Ground: $ 150.00 per tank. 11). Fuel Storage Installations Above Ground: $ 100.00 per tank. Under Ground: $ 150.00 per tank. 12). Hydrant Restraints ALL: $ 50.00 per restraint. 13). Alternative Water Supply I Draft Hydrants ALL: $ 250.00 14). Street Name Change ALL: $ 120.00 15). Miscellaneous & Minimum Permit Fee Fire Retardant: $ 100.00 each structure Special Event Tent: $ 100.00 each Emergency Access I Electric Gates: $ 100.00 Minimum Permit Fee (not otherwise noted): $ 100.00 16). Time Specific Inspections ALL: $ 75.00 each inspection - subject to availability 17). Occupational Ucense Inspections Inspection and one re-inspection: $ 75.00 2nd re-inspection: $ 50.00 additional 3rd re-inspection: $ 75.00 additional 4th re-inspection: $ 100.00 additional 5th and subsequent re-inspection: $ 200.00 additional 18). Yellow Tag 1 st fail; per unit $ 50.00 2 nd fail; per unit $ 75.00 3 rd fail; per unit $ 100.00 4 th fail; per unit $ 250.00 5 th fail & each subsequent fail $ 500.00 per unit 19). Red Tags (Each Incident) *Working without Permit Card on Site *Safety violations on site Agenda Item No, 10C November 10, 2009 Page 105 of 105 *Combustibles on site without water supply (hydrants I approved alternative water supply) *Job sites inaccessible to fire apparatus *Working without Collier County Building Permit Exceptions: 1). Structural permits for detached one and two family dwellings are exempt from fire prevention permit fees. 2). Permits that, in the opinion of the Fire Code Official, do not present a fire protection concern,!. E.: swimming pools, concrete deck, radio transmission towers, etc., shalt be exempt from fire prevention inspection fees. Note: Fire Districts may have additional fees, duly adopted by their local board of fire commissioners, for other various services such as open burning permits, fireworks displays, etc.. Please refer to the appropriate resolution of the fire district.