Agenda 11/10/2009 Item # 6A f\genda Item No. 6A November 10. 2009 Page 1 of 11 COLLIER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER 3301 East Tamiami Trail. Naples, Florida 34112. (239) 252-8383. FAX: (:239) 252-4010 October 21, 2009 Lynn Smallwood McMillin P.O. Box 310 Chokoloskee, FL 34138 Re: Public Petition Request to Discuss Waiver for Off-Premise Signage for the Ted Smallwood's Store, Inc., Chokoloskee, FL Dear Ms. McMillin: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of November 10, 2009, regarding the above referenced subject. Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion. If the subject matter is currently under litigation or is an on-going Code Enforcement case, the Board will hear the item but will not discuss the item after it has been presented. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of your concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting. The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building "F") of the government complex. Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members. If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, ~.2- ~ ~ Leo E. Ochs, Jr.,...-v/l. ~ County Manager LEO/jb cc: Jeffrey Klatzkow, County Attorney Joe Schmitt, CD&ES Administrator -.- 'lID. :Ai. ~ JAN-20-2007 12:22P FROM: TO: *252413113 A diP ~, gen a terri'-t'JO. 6A November 10, 2009 Page 2 of 11 Reauest to Soeak under Public Petition Plesse prinf'1ecl.5:rnct II UJod l 5h>re, :rhc.. Name: Phone: O. of the Board MeetioQ you wi~h to $peak: Ou-ober ~'1) ~CllA Must circle yea or no: Is this subject matter under litigation at this time? Ves @I Is this subject matter an ongoing Code Enforcement case? @ No Note: If either answer Ie "y...., the Board will hear the item but will have no discussion regarding the Item after It Is presented. Please eXDlain in detail the reason YOu are reauestinG to soeak (attach additional Page if neoessar(): C:\U8eIS\OwneMpp0at8\Local\MlcroBoft\WIndowa\Temporary I_met FiIes\LDW\ContenL'E5\NPCRM8IM\Publk::%20Petltlon~orm%20-%202ClO8%20NI'lN%20f0nn[1].doc ~t"~\:"jI :# '::' .;.. -,ff "'y. E :t ~i\ ' , 1" .,., " ,1;\0 " ,~ ,k JAN-20-2007 12:22P FROM: -1- TO: *252413113 ..!\gsnda IlJ?'.<~No. SA ~Jovenlber 10. 2009 Page 3 of 11 -:-~~~~~~ ~~ 1<Q~~rJ-= ~I~~~~~~~ ~~ ~-~ -----"' , JFlN-2e-2Bl1l7 12:23P FR01: -;1- TO: *2524eHI Agenda It~'n4No, 6A November 10, 2009 Page 4 of 11 ----- ' " . eftr,'~ i (\tor~nt\{)1\ on the. I~i( l ~ ,.Q).(~ ",,"\I\'l> ~ a_~ {~ ~,- y- ~;. "T"--"C2. 111OC. f\' r;-.:wr."", ~ n 0 ~C\OQ... ".",c,kn"'-t"P'" C'tf J:'l'~~\". \\'M f,,~\<Q cJn-.- ~,IL' 11 nri M\R.. }..h~ n\l~~'~" ,\ ( {~-f \l* r,Pl'irl.r ,~ '~N ,\I.....; ,nl(\('tQ r\r\<L ~,r: ;u,~ .-:::~ ~()\r\'5 fl.: -~\i '+1mp~... t"il~ij) 1 11\- ~-\-o. ~I"S 'rp. ~l,a.~ !l ~~4-m OOr\f~ ~ I'VI c..iflr ~J ....H'\ ,"1ln (\ l\-t I', ~~'l\ ,to ~I' \ ...c~.... -\-h i l\ (. f~~O \ 1\ - J~kA, ~ .D"~.lr- .nf: (\, ~"~.an ("\ (l ~\do~u ~"'~"'\V'\-Q vV\V'tf\, ~ ;~ JI ''lIoU(J . - U '-T~ .... ~', <; , ri or 'rtcr-f I r.Jf0J" V\~ (~I1 ' ~I'W C:;~()V\~' ic.. Vl,(')tLl 'n o~nr~ crt- t\...rc~~ ~ 1)r, ;..; ~ '5.?r1' It ,- I I'Il -OC~ -J l~O fn I Df\ rtJ;~ i) t · r- ,,",~ ,\(It I, " - - r' ./ ~, ~ ~~~~ L_ _ . JRN-20-2007 12:23P FRCI'!: TO: *252401111 An""~r!'" lil?~5No Poi t:. '" \"\ \tf){~~er. "IO.z;io09 age/:; ;\ 11 - h~I_"~~~~i:l . JAN-2e-2007 12:24P FR01: HISTORIC SMALLWOOD STORE CIlr I"""" T-m., Pen Buard of Din:aors ALTON C. HANCOCK Praitlmt GARy ~ McMrLUN S<<nr4"rTmrsurrr NANCY B. HANCOCK HARoLD E. PATR.ICOFF, EsQ.. J. ANniONY DAVIS NANCY KAY Hou..1STER Executive Director LYNN SMAllWOOD McMlWN Direa:or BRENOA C. JOHNSON hu Oflk' Bwo J(j7 CboI:tJJ.sIt#. FltJritl4 34/38 (9-{ /) 695-2989 FlU: (941) 6954/5/ E-M1IiJ: 1heUmtnmt!@"J.m/f ~~_ "'~~B_~ - TO: *2524010 Agenda~~~~~.~Ar.l r.,jovemr,~9D age 6 01 11 10,20G3 ., ..ea.ty Coda EafoRement . DawI . ...1Iaiweeboo Drive ~'rT. Pbida 34104 I am writing on bebalf of the. Ted SmallWQDd's Store, Inc., a not-for- lWfit orpttt7Ation. The Smallwood Storo-Museum is a state fimdccI CDtity aDd the oldest Natioaal Register site b:re in CoBier County. The StIte of Florida Ovcrs=l this orpni7Ation in the ft)9j~ of all of OlD' AIP'9 fur this educational &cility. l:WlIIklapprecilaeany IlliIt8DCe .in providing tbe code needed to bring .our oft' premiscsigaap iDao compIiaDce with Collier County Code ~, YOlD' prompt ldteDIion in tbls matter is greatly appreciated. '1, . 4A/lIJiL · S. McMillin Exec. Director Fax # 695-4454 - ---.--.----- !II . JR-I-20-CBJ7 12:24P FR(J'1: TO: *2524010 f\oS<lcJa its:-(?~,I,, f,t -' . ~ '\.\'. "~ I~ f\Jovember 10. 20', Page 7 of ~, ; COLlIER COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT COMMl:""m' DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES orVISION 2l1OO N~~ Dl'l\'C . :-.iap\C$. ~oridt1 ~104 . nl).40~-2+10 · P^X ~Cl~~.~~4~ : ~ (i~' . :<:'\tn~ "i',';1.-;" . r '......,HI.?~~~~ S .' 'P.O. Box. -. '.. . ChockoJoskec. Ft. 341'39 Attn: Lynn ~MinaD I am in receipt of your fax and its contents. By way of this Jetter r am closing your case regarding the off premise direetionsl sign. I can find no reason Ilt this time that the non-profit org:lOitation along with the State of Florida Historical Society Qvers=ing Its operations should have to relocate such sign. Typically offpremt.clil'8Ctional signs can only be in non-residential ~ and do require a permit.. However. Chockol05~ Island is unique in its way of being' entirely zoned reswmtfal.village and pun:uing.lhis signs' exIstence would onJy cause problems for this extremely old historical landmar" , This landmarR of. tb; Smallwood Store is vlsited by hundred of touriSl ea.ch year in pursuit of leaming the history ~que ar:a. If you have IrtY futlft.probJcms or have furtbcT questions, please contact Michaelle Crowley at 403- 2487. She is th,e ~.upervi50r over the Signs Division of f:odc Enforcemenl and ~i11 be abfe;to help YOll. ' ". ~l1nky. . . - : . , . ". ..' , c..:l. +......'" .~ " _ ~~,~ -'~'1 ' Andrea DuVal . Code Enforcement "- ........... ' .....-.~ --............ I::,'. " .L -- ..-.----'- i "';j:"U:~i'''''''':'''--''''_UI'---'''~~ .JAN-20-2007 12:25P F'RCI1: , TO: *2524010 Agenda IteR-\. f.3Jo. 6A , . ., ~ Novem~:~~ 08 ~r;8 Ii CO~RC~CODEENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DMSION ~ ~fD ~ ~ auo It. ....-hoe Ik · Naples, Florida 34104 · 239-403.2440 · ~ ; :. , ,; vs. COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA COOS ENFORCEMENT BOARD ~~~ ~~ BOARD OFCOU~IONER.S , . . "J i COLLIER ~;fILOIt.lDA "\~'r;; 'tF:W;:'i::. , ._J r-(.~.tbener, INC (s) NOTICE OF HEARING To: TED SMAU..WOOD'S STORE rNC PO BOX 367 CHOKOLOSKEE. fL 341380367 CASE #: 2003080274 Pursuant to Set.1ion 162.06 and 162.12. Florida Statutes. and Collier County Ordinance No. 92-80, you are hereby ordered 10 appear at a PUBLIC HEARING in the above-styled cause. pending and undetermined by the Board, tentadvel)' ~h~uJed on DECEMBER 12, 2003, at 9:00 A.M. Ilt the Collier County GovC<l:llmenr Cc;nrer. 3301 e. Tamiami Tr., Administrative Building. ThIrd Floor. Nopl~, Flonda 341 n. The Board may make findings of fact, supported by the testimony and evidence pertaining to the matters alleged in the Statemenl of Vtolalion and Request for Hearing. Staff'li recommendation to Ihe Board will II finding of violation to the code and the maximum fine, not to exceed IWO hundred and fifty dollars ($250) per day, may be imposed each day the violation remains. .. ., --- If ou choose t &he violation and become 'n r schedule a rcilllSlJCCtioliJ.IOconfirm comDli~ of the site. I I PLEASE GOv'GRN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY. Dated this J!J!!~<<~, 1/Il:S e..... -- · . . MrCl_ J( . "IlI'h... EIpiIII 0aIIIlIJ 11. ." COLLIER COUNTY. Fl...ORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD BY:~, A . ~ -6..-- Shanelle Hilton. as Secr~ry to the Code ~ntorcement Hoard CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE *! ro ~ Qj ~ ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that 8 true nnd correct copy of thiS NOTICE has been sent by US mu'il to TEn SMALLWOOD'S STORE INC. PO BOX 367 CHOKOLOSKEE. Ft, i41JR0367 c (~~ Bd:::J.G...- ~~, Shanc:llc: Hilton, IlS ecretar)' to th... rode Enforcement Board . r ""'t:::; .... .. " t: ..y o .. . " \ __~:;"t .;. 6 . JA'-I-20-2007 12: 25P FRCrI: TO:*2S24010 Agenda itEfr,;,~~o. 6A f\!ovember 1 O. 2~,JQ /1 Page 9 of 1 f.,) COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~"'-DINANCE VIOLATION AND ORDER TO CORRECT =~?r~~==1::r~= SEC. 36 .TWN. 53 , RNG. at BUC.31 . LOT 00. , ~~TJ!.i RBCORD. . . PUDII..l--. ~'~~'" OR _. PACE ---.:...: ;''}';', . A..K.A. (ADDRESS) ,38...... . ~...ilfIIIIIt..~... or FL "i;" PENALTIES MAY BE IMPOSED : Failure to correct the NlW'Ml'I! violations on or before the date specified above will result in , I) the PURSUANT TO COUJBR. COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT filing of an affidavit of violation with the Collier County Code BOARD (C E B) ORD 192-80 and 97-35. AS AMENDED. YOU Enforcement Board, ''C.E.B.'', charging you with the violation(s) as ARE NOTIFIED THAT A VlOLATION{S) OF 1HE described on this form. You willlhave receive(d) notification that a FOllOWING COLLIER COUNTY ORDlNANCE{S) EXISTS AT hearing will be held which you and/or a legaJ representative may THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOCATION. attend. Failure to appear may result in the Board proceeding and making a determination in your absence. If the Code Enforcem:::nt Board finds a violation exist&, 8 maximum fine of $250.00 per day in the case of a first violation, a maximum fine of $500.00 per day for a repeal violation and a maximum fine of $5000.00 per violation in me event the ''C E B" finds the violation to be of an irreparable 0' irreversible nature. Fines may be imposed on a per day basis fo. each day each violation exists. Costs of prosecution and/or repairs DESCRIPTION OF CONDmONS CONSlTIUI1NO THB may aJso be assessed against you for any violation. or, 2) the VIOLATION(S). issuance of a Notice to Appear before the Collier County Court where penalties of up to $500 + costs may be imposed, or, 3) the DID WITNESS. ON AtJGUST 14, 2003, AN issuance of a citation which you may payor contest in the Collier OFF PREMISEDllU?CTIONAL SIGN County Court where penalties of up to $500 + costs may be (UNPERMITTED) C~y TO THE imposed. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. PROPERTY: TED SMALLWOODS Sl'ORB' - PO BOX 367 . ; ; _'.d "i!'l-k CHOCIWLOSKEE. ElL 34B/:~"i'F!<;. ;' , ' .,. ';;';:~I;'~:;l~n;:'~ . . ,{.~ T ft2ft 'h~ . rSDP# i...:" i't . ..:_-..;...; ORDINANCE '1.102~SEcnON ORDINANCE 91.102 AMENDI!:D. SECl'JON OIIDINANCE '1.1OZ~SECTlON z.s.5.2.S.12 INQUIRIES AND COMMBPmi SHoou> BS 1>IRf!CreI) TO (''ODS 'ENFORCBMB1.n'SUPERVISOR ANDREA DUVAL 2800 No. ~ Dr. Naplca. PI. 341()4 PHONE (m)W FAX (~) 403-2345 ..__,s...'~ l~L VIOLATION STATUS: xx INITlAL _RECURRING _REPEAT I,' of '"'' -.. ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLA TION(S): YOU ARE DIRECTED BY THIS NOTICE TO TAKE THE FOLLOWING CORRECl'IVE ACI10N: 1) OBTAIN V AUD PERMIT NUMBER FOR THE OFF PREMISE DIREC'I10NAL SIGN 2) ENSURE THA T SIGNS MEETS CURRENT SIGN CODE 3) OBTAIN ALL Jl'lNAL COVNTv INSPECTIONS ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 15, 2003 SERVED BY: XX CERTJFIEDMAIL _POSTED PERSONAL SERVICE FAX I acknowledge that I have received, read, and understand this notice of violation. Signature and Title of Recipient Print DATED THIS 15TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2003 E . ,~ . .~, 1"-" . Jll'-I-21!H:Ba7 12: 2SP FRCJ'I: I TO: *252401111 Agenda IteRi'I:L.~.~. ." November 1 O. 20 . . Page 10 of - ~. - COUJER COUNTY, FLORIDA " NIl'I"K"R OF ORDINANCE VlOLA11ON AND ORDER TO CORR'R.(7 ~ >~.:~'~{-:~>.T" .J .~,l'.f.!1.'''ilkl . f,i!'t',;~ , LOCATJONOF 'd '.' ._ .,,~ WlI'BJN rnr J om" : CX)JG( . ',t.! SBC. 36 .TWN. : 1,t";' DLIC. 31 ,LOT oot. I ". ~ ' ,';:.lYV J ~ COUNTY RBCORD. . C5IOOO9 ....."...~.'" PUDI . TR.Acnt~~:~;~ SDN--o OR ,PAOB ~;~L:~;:~i~; ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 15,2003 ...~-\ "nnDIK'm:~~. ' . " ~;,. , . :;.~~::-=~~l~:..co:,c:)::: PURSUANT TO COUJBR. cotnn"Y CODE EtfFORCBMENT filing of an affidavit of violation with the Collier County Code BOARD (C E B ) ORD #92-80 ... 97.35, AS AMENDBD, YOU Bnforcement Board, "C.B.B.", charging you with the violation{s) as ARB NOT.IPIBD THAT A VlOLATION(S) OF THe described on thlJ form. You will/bavc receive(d) notification that a FOlLOWING COlLlBR. COUNTY OR1>~CE(S) EXISTS AT hearing will be ~Jd 'which you and/or a legal representative may THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LOCATION. attend. Failure to appear may result in the Board proceeding and mating a determination in your absence. If the Code Enforcement Board finds ,~yioliftiCfn exists, a maximum fine of $250.00 per day in trIfls:asc 9fa~violation, a maximum fine of 5500.00 per day , for ,. ~t.ivio1ation.imd a mu111Wm fine of $5000.00 per violation in the cventthe..C E B" finds the violation to be of an irreparable or imMnib1e nature. Fines may be imposed on B per d4y basis for each day each violation exists. COBtI of prosecution and/or repairs DESCRIPTION OF CONDrrIONs CONSTm.rI1NO THE may also be assessed agaiDllt you for any violation, or, 2) the VIOLATION(S). isau nee of a Notice to Appear before the Collier County Court , where ties of up to $SOO + costs may be imposed. or, 3) the DID .WlTNESSt. . ,G. ,.... ~...:.~ '......181. T 14, 2883, .AN. issuance citation whiehyou may pay or contcst in the Collier OFF" PltEMISB?~:',_ SIGN ~ whIR pcaaldcs of up to $SOO + costs may be (UNPERMIITEB) cOiDttAJty TO THE imposed. LAND DEVEWPMENTCODE. PROPBRTY: TBD SMALLWooDS S'nJRB ., PO BOX 367 CHOCKOLOSKEB, FL 34138 ). ORDINANCE 91-101 ~BD, SECTION ORDINANCE '1-102/~t ~ON 2.5.13.L ORDINANCE '1-101 ~~~ON , . . . . .. ~.. .. '" . , INQUIIUBS AND OOMME!NTS SH(Q.D _I*BCTBD TO COOS BNR)RCBME!NTSUPIlRvmR. ~ au'V AL . , . 2800 No. Hanesboc Dr. Napla. R;. 34J04 PHONE (239) FAX (239~-403-2345 '.' . ; ~ ~ ~, . VIOLA TlON ~ATUS: .'1'-'- ., xx INl'nAL ~ RIP'EAT ~ '.J- -;_ ORDER TO COItRIU'T VIOLA TION(~i YOU ARB DIRBC."I'BD BY THIS NOTICE TO T AICB THE R>U.OWING CORRBCTIVB ACl'ION: 1).' 0IfrlUN VALID .....,. NUMBER FOR THE OFF 'PRDIISB DIIlECl'IONA.L SIGN 2) BI8'UIIB 'l'IIAT SIQ!8. MBBTS CURRENT SIGH CODE 3) OBTAIN ALLftNAL CCJVNTY INSPBCTIONS " SER~Bt: ..~ . .' ' .', 'j CER'n.n.E'i:J MAn. ~POS1'ED ~ PERSONAL SERVICE \\ FAX t I acknowledge that I bave received, read, and understand this notice of violation. Signa~ and Title of Recipient Print / DATED THIS 15TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2003 0- J~-20-2007 12: 26P FRCI"I: TO: *25240113 Agenda Ite~"~~,~~ A. November 1 Q,iiC .' q Page 11 aT COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE I,' 4:~'i;:'id.}: ,L,. "J '!.,..'li~j!~ . ~I>,it,;";.',,, ."~l':r~~:~';. ;"'''1-'~-'':''':'' - ...~>....":~..: , 1~' .' -; .." ,,_ _, ..... . ~ :~- .~~ ,.l'.: ' ::~l t"'. ~tion of crops to various parts of the county. Such signs sbaH be :~,,41~: . ';-!~ Car 8 period Dot to exceed 30 days and may be issued only twice in "'i:'~it~mlendar]'88r. Such signa ahall require a buildUag permit.,::.:Uk~ .1Iign.s. One U-Pic sign located at the entrance on each street frontage. . " " ,:~ :' wa.' lIIIowable 8icD area for each U-PIe sign shall not exceed 32 ,e. .', . .' ia,,, aDd a 1ft""; mum, height ofteD. feet, and shall be located a . . -. " .J."~.., , , '~ of.... fnIiI.any property line. public.. private right-of-way or .~ eIMopy 01" awnin8 6i8na witbin. ~ districts. Wall. ....~I ' , " .' , - "J, , _ . . . . -11 rill.:" .. ..~ I aigu ebaD be 1-.-~ witbiD agriculturally ......;.. used. ~Ly, fell. agri-commercia} w.. dm"fld within the Collier zoning ordinance only. and subject to the following restrictions: 1. One w:all or mansard,' canopy or awnin( sign slfiJJ be permitted for each principal use structure on the parcel. Comer parcels or double-frontage parcels shall be allowed one sign per streetfrontagtl, but such signs sbaIl noi be combined for the purpose of placing the combined area on one wall. The maximum allowable display area for any sign shall not be more than 20 percent of the tota1square footage oCthe wall to which it is affixed, and shall not in any case exceed 250 square feet in area per sign. .. aff-~IJd.irecUonal signal Off-premises directional signs are permitted ~ to review and appnwaJ of the design and location of such signs by the community development and environmental services administrator, or his I' ~, if the fonowing requirements are met: '~i\{Ofi"..premi88..dir""ahigns shall only be permitted in nonresidentially v ,,~j---. or agtiettItuIral di8tricta. ,.;..< " ,,~. ":';';"'No more than two one-aided or one double-sided off-premise directional '.j./1SigM shall bep8l'lllitted. identifying the location end nature of a building, j...' , t~~_r . " ~ 01! use wbic:h is not visible from the arterial roadway serving I I'" '.! j .. . , " ~ " 1" ~*,:n'1Wc::Ia building, ~ or U_, provided: ; ... -:0_.-.. a. Each sign is not more than 12 square feet in area. b. The sign is not more than eight feet in height above the lowest center grade of the arterial roadway. c. The sign is located no closer than ten feet to any property line. ,,' I d:' The applicant must submit with the pennit application notarized, ,i written permission from the property owner where the off-site sign is located. 'e. The sign shall only be located within 1tooo feet of the intersection of .i ;~., the arterial roadway serving the building, structure, or use. I! Supp. No. 13' ',;'1? '..~. LDC2:176 j I II u .~WR_ ;.,.< J./;I"..: 'I "t - l' ,,'" .l,; I ,~~,:' i, : ;,., f1;t:i:~itiT: .', :. ~ _' , . ';,f.~",~...;-.e""'l"