Agenda 05/28/2019 Item #16J 1 (Sherriff's JAG Grant Award)05/28/2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to serve as the local coordinating unit of government for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Federal Fiscal Year 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial, Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Countywide Program and (1) authorize the Chairman to execute the Certification of Participation; (2) designate the Sheriff as the official applicant and the Sheriff’s office staff as grant financial and program managers; (3) authorize the acceptance of the grant if and when awarded; and (4) approve associated budget amendments and approve the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to receive and expend the grant funds. OBJECTIVE: To seek appointment of the Collier County Commission as the local coordinating unit for Federal Fiscal Year 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial, Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Countywide Program and (1) authorize the Chairman to execute the Certification of Participation; (2) designate the Sheriff as the official applicant and the Sheriff’s office staff as grant financial and program ma nagers; (3) authorize the acceptance of the grant if and when awarded; and (4) approve associated budget amendments and approve the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to receive and expend the grant funds. CONSIDERATIONS: The Collier County Commission has participated in Edward Byrne Memorial JAG projects for over 25 years. Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2018 JAG Countywide Program allocation for Collier County is $95,460. Board approval is needed for the Collier County Commission to continue in the capacity of local coordinating agency. The Sheriff’s Office will prepare a grant application to utilize the $95,460 JAG Countywide allocation to continue Law Enforcement Programs. Board approval is needed to complete the process. FISCAL IMPACT: The U.S. Department of Justice will provide $95,460 in JAG grant funds. There is no local match requirement. GROWTH MANAGEMENT: There are no Growth Management Plan impacts resulting from this grant. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners serve as the local coordinating unit of government for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Federal Fiscal Year 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial, Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Countywide Program and (1) authorize the Chairman to execute the Certification of Participation; (2) designate the Sheriff as the official applicant and the Sheriff’s office staff as grant financial and program managers; (3) authorize the acceptance of the grant if and when awarded; and (4) approve associated budget amendments and approve the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to receive and expend the grant funds. PREPARED BY: Stephanie Driscoll, Finance Director APPROVED BY: Kevin Rambosk, Sheriff ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Sheriff's Dept JAG Program (2) (PDF) 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 1327 05/28/2019 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.J.1 Doc ID: 8914 Item Summary: Recommendation to serve as the local coordinating unit of government for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Federal Fiscal Year 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial, Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Countywide Program and (1) authorize the Chairman to execute the Certification of Participation; (2) designate the Sheriff as the official applicant and the Sheriff’s office staff as grant financial and program managers; (3) authorize the acceptance of the grant if and when awarded; and (4) approve associated budget amendments and approve the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to receive and expend the grant funds. Meeting Date: 05/28/2019 Prepared by: Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: MaryJo Brock 05/09/2019 9:30 AM Submitted by: Title: County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: Leo E. Ochs 05/09/2019 9:30 AM Approved By: Review: Grants Erica Robinson Level 2 Grants Review Completed 05/09/2019 12:35 PM County Attorney's Office Scott Teach Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 05/09/2019 4:16 PM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 05/10/2019 8:52 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 05/15/2019 3:30 PM Office of Management and Budget Laura Wells Additional Reviewer Completed 05/17/2019 9:15 AM Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 05/17/2019 1:17 PM County Manager's Office Geoffrey Willig Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 05/20/2019 8:49 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 05/28/2019 9:00 AM 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 1328 Appllcatton f;er Funding As#ne Fhe D+a#ient of Law Enbrcement Jrr$oelsrftErcs ffi - CountY'wlde kr u,ftre6e urhefenf, the palbs afErrn lhay each have r€ad ard {mA to tho cond}Eors Dot ffir in tlrls agreomonl havc rcad and understand tho agreement in ils entreil1l md hane eXOuned tbis agreernent by their duty authorized officors on the date, month and year set outb&fl. Cor"rafforu oB ltr*r Wa lncludlng Slrikeoven, trltiEottt dc- a not.ccoPtt5lo. ${;nehler Tlped Narne ard Ti[€E Dabt TlpedNameof subsrantRsclplat Cof{er CcrmtY-g9ard of CqmW Ccmuissio:ers Slqnature: TypGd Nanre and Ti0e:WiIU-an L. ltEDarri.el, &., Chairnan Oate: Typed Name of lmplemen0ng AgenqT: SQrnturc: Typed Narrc andTitle: Dde: '7q r h Applicalion Ref f 2Oi8-JAGC-382 Cooect f 201 9-JAGGCOII.I -t{2- Rde Rqldrno. ilt>oJoG Ocl€{105 (l!r. Odebi At} SecEon#6 hge'l of t I JefEgyA"CountyAttorney 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1329 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept JAG Program (2) (8914 : Sheriff's Dept JAG Program) CENilffiG'ITE OT PARTEXPATIO}I ffiild BfncIgrmdd&dtrArdrfuco ffi (JAG) Pro$art &is.ftofia KeU L}e& Offica oI Cdninal Juslico Grants Flo*la Departmsnt of L:w En orcsm€nt 2331 Pltillips Road Talhhassee. Florida 32308 Deartl6. Cra$k Ttds loter prilHes ntfiftcdkn H Etc eaUg.Cory Bod €f Cornnssbncrs {Ac0.F-t}ecfinesto sr€ I tte@t tuoE Fbdda Department of ljry Enforcqmcnt! Edward Bymc Mtmoriel Jurtcc Asshtficr Greit (JAG) ComtnriAa Prrogrem. I tdmiland, br En purposer of tha JAG Cormtn@ ftogffir. fiE cd.rtty cafi mry rrqrd end approlroa0ffits b( digiHc subredpientr. ln odcr to moet c[ltabmi]y requiGmcnF. 0ro courily, and eectr agerHon or agcnc, identffed Unulghttra 51% ptinning procGsE (at pmvidcd by Gode, Chader 1f D-g.qf2), musn be able b doorr-nt compfiarrce with trc foloulre Bceiving a anbaffird:. 2 C,F.R. P*l?.5-.Ufllvetsal ldcatitu ead Syslem lu Awwd Menegenrlil ;SAM, Requrror?ronts. 8 U.S.C 51373 & 1644--{Comtrwtualhn Selwoen Geonrneats and flE lnn@afu and tteturdirrilisr 8afl6s. 28 CJF,R HsHiro€ecrif,hea;@fufumaQnportn&esrdhec&r"sr 2 G.F.R. $(x)-3t8-3264*rdlrroarerner Srandrydsr 2C.F.R PaA 200.3d!-30HStardards fw ftwrcial end Ptoglam ltallc{rament For prpmes Ef coord'tffi8 ee D.Epffir A apptcaton(s) for granl tr.nds wih Ere Ofu of cllmhsl Judcq GHs, lhe lollorring brdvtdual b dedgnatad as County CoorUinator ix Sre curnty's FY1S JABCor*piae subarrards: Naroe: ilarien Ruiz AeqE1r Cqlkr Co!.E ty Stprtlis OfficE Adtas3i sfrtgTffiTre*tE Btdo J Fsrdl:frS |rqphg Phone: 23$252-0852 ]Jp: Ul12 Flotkla AdrinbHive requirsnents pfiorb I ac}nowledge srd unders*and lhe responseifty placed upon ths county to ensuro gnant funda arc ured Qr lmproftg gryninal Justca erd tubewarrts, as ldontified tuu€h frc Sl% pmccis, itu only epprorrcd toelgiblc rubrodpbntr" Sincerely, William L McDaniel. Jr. Chalr Gdlier Cotr*y Bosrd oI Ccmmbsiornr3 and lcgality Rolc Relgrru 1 1D9.mE OGre{n4 Gstr ArA f0f Z) Jcffrey CountyAttorney I ! I Ii I I Tille: Sdriry Grads Ctoordnator : i I 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1330 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept JAG Program (2) (8914 : Sheriff's Dept JAG Program) May 14, 2019 Mrs. Pelrina Her.ing, Bursau Chief Office of Criminal Ju3tice Grants Flodda O€fErtrnent ot Law Entorc€msnt 2331 Philiips Road Talhhasseg. Flo.ira 323)8 Subgrantee Collior Cornty TiUooalM Law Enloacrrnont Progrdns RE: Colsr Coooty FY 201E EdF.d ByrE libolqiC J(dc. Aesttr.Eo cr.nt (J G) Rogr r Applcatm Ooar ir&8. tlrnk€: h co.ndbE! wih St la o{ Flo.ita Rub I 1 t).9, FI"C., Coli6 Cqrty fprotB tha d.fhltbn of tg5,'450 d FYIE Edrard Bym. iibnqid JAG prcorrn Fur6 hr ih. tirotlrn pooFd wttrir! Co[€r Count]r F€dsral Funds t95,,160 William L. Mc Oaniel. Jr. Board of County Commissbners, Chair Sancer€ly, 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1331 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept JAG Program (2) (8914 : Sheriff's Dept JAG Program) COUI{TY AI-LOCAIION COUNTY ALLOCATIO},ICOUNTY Alachue tBakor 3Bay $ Aradro.d S Blgvard 3Brorard 3 CalhoJn 3 Charbtl€ SCilrus Sclay SCollicr 3 Columbia SDad€ SDerolo Itlie 3Olval 3 Escamlxa 3Flaglor IFranllin I Gadsden 3 Galdrri3l S Glad€s $Gur tlhmiltql 3tlardoe IH€ndry I tternaMo S Hrghhl|ds I Hi[Ebqougt $llolmes I lndbn Riwr t Jackson 3 Jefferso.r S LefaFtlo $ Lsko SLeS Lon 3Lwy itiberty IlildEoo 3Itaiateo 5irarbn SManh S rlr,lo.loo Sl{assau 3O6loca 3 O(€odlot€o 3orerrgs 3Olcrda 3 Pakn B.dl SP63co tPnolas tPolt SPrJlnsn 3& r Rca t Ser-asota SSomnElo t St. Joins 3 St. Lucb tSumta{ ISuknn€q ITe!,lo. I t r*rt 5Volusia SWakullr tWelion S Wast r{lon I FY2018 JAGC County Allocations Released 0410212O19 COUTITY 91,3,18 35,759 93,349 50,503 149.'196 412,U3 22,218 70.215 47.u105 55.574 95.180 17,m 650,219 39,4,t8 27,3rr 259,132 120,3,45 38.991 46,,133 31.520 28,937 13,014 a5.802 52,',t 40,318 75.a08 sE.937 61,757 337,189 24,127 59.750 30.288 33.033 15,305 90.587 184,768 103,916 33,190 20,7 53,606 122.897 *.212 ,782 72,6v 47,212 73.558 6'1,{70 32i1,879 97.033 32.,532 123,6't4 276.412 189,869 63,212 49,49:) 108,616 126,453 61,1e4 96.874 45,461 37,9't7 u,512 21,568 150,129 22,925 34,715 3r.785 Totat Local Jlct s-- 6.5iEJE 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1332 Attachment: Sheriff's Dept JAG Program (2) (8914 : Sheriff's Dept JAG Program)