Agenda 05/12/2009 Item #16H 2 Agsnda Item No. 16H2 May 12, 2009 Page 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMISSIONER REQUEST FOR BOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT TO ATTEND FUNCTION SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to declare a valid public purpose for a Commissioner to attend function/event and approve payment by the Clerk. CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Resolution No. 99-410, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that attendance at the functions of fraternal, business, environmental, educational, charitable, social. professional. tradc, homeowncrs, ethnic, and civic association/organizations serves a valid public purpose, provided that said functions reasonably relate to Collicr County matters. COMMISSIONER: Donna Fiala FUNCTION/EVENT: Fiddler's Creek Luncheon PUBLIC PURPOSE: Meet and interact with local business and community leaders. DATE OF FUNCTION/EVENT: April 17,2009 FISCAL IMPACT: $17.98 Funds to be paid from Commissioncr's travel budget. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with Resolution No. 99-410, approve payment by the Clerk f,)r Commissioner Donna Fiala to attend furlction serving a valid public purpose. PREPARED BY: Jordan Krumbine, Executive Aide to Bec APPROVED BY: Sue Filson, Executive Manager to Bee AGENDA DATE: May 12, 2()(J9 - Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 16H2 May 12, 2009 Page 2 of 3 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 16H2 Item Summary: Commissioner Fiala requests Board approval for reimbursement regarding attendance at a function serving a Valid Public Purpose. Attended a Fiddler's Creek Luncheon on Apri117. 2009 at the the Club & Spa at Fiddler's Creek in Naples, FL. $17 98 to be paid from Commissioner Fiala's travel budget Meeting Date: 5/12/200990000 AM Prepared 3y Jordan Krumbine Board of County Commissioners Executive Aide to the BCe Date Bce Office 4/27/20092:23:57 PM Appro\'cd By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Board of County Commissioners Bce Office 4/27120093:23 PM Approved R)' Winona w. Stone Assistant to the County Manger Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 4f29!2009 9;51 AM fi Ie: '/C:"'",I-\ ~leJldaTe"t\Fxn{)11' ]'lC)_f\,Ll\'o()'l() 1 'l o/~I""n'l()()C)\ 1 ()(\/;,J()('()~Sl.'I\:T[~,'~ 'n A C; F,N [") A \ 1 A ';../A/'onC) :;ern f-~o. '; CH2 i'v1ny 12 2009 ;':'398 3 Df 3 KrumbineJordan Subject: Location: Fiddler's Creek Luncheon & Mini Townhall recap with Phil Brougham and Joe Schmitt @Club & Spa @ Fiddler's Creek Gator Start: End: Fr; 4/17/20091200 PM Fri 4/17/2009 2:00 PM Recurrence: (none) rlllh R. ~~~ ~ ~i~~1or~ rrnPK' r.dnr I,.!IUlJ 1,\ u!-'u e- II~lUll,.olu \.I!v\.J UULVI '----.'-' Ch ii Deta i1 s Serve!": Jamie Arsa: Gator Grill Covers: 1 Tabls#: 8 Chit #: 01147480 Date: Apr 17/09 lims: 12:51pm 1 TriO Salad 12.25 1 ICED lEA 2.25 Sub..Tota 1: 14,50 Sales T3X 0.67 Gratuity 2.61 ["n:t' T-t,"[ ,I II ~ 1 'I i I v~u I m OR ifl! j;JU M,lt~ L~Ru Card: ***********3009 Name: FIALA/I) /\uth ~52474773(J90000 $~,~n T""-' \ Remaining ~alance: ~11,~~ IJratuity: . lotal: ~ .. " 1 'I 1/ L!" /II tI J~l!.dcL,f~ / l,:,.J{j!;V:^:.",_ f )}'< -IJ'I~p ('Ie.'t "'ytr+lj"1:l J.' /.J LI r, :..00.... :;L::' 0 I, ' ;j l: ~, i1'/ ~ j j t:".: 1......'" ,--- ~- "_><_;Z-:'C.i:"__-'____' ',~~ cr i\