Agenda 05/12/2009 Item #16E 4 /l.genda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 1 of 167 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners provides after-the-fact approval for the attached Water Savings Incentive Program (SIP) grant applications that were submitted to the South Florida Water Management District for water conservation projects in the amount of $450,342. OBJECTIVE: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners provides after-the-fact approval for grant applications to the South Florida Water Management District that would save tax dollars by cutting the County's water consumption at selected government facilities. CONSIDERATIONS: South Florida Water Management District provides local governments within its boundaries the opportunity to apply for grants under their "Water Savings Incentive Program" (SIP). Typically, these grants provide fifty percent of eligible projects up to $75,000 per project. For projects within the Immokalee area, which is designated as a Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern (Office of the Governor, Executive Order No. 06-34), SFWMD funding can cover the entire project up to $75,000 (no match required). This year the Department of Facilities Management is submitting seven (7) projects under this program. The total cost of these projects is $450,342 ($279,209 SWFMD funding and $171,133 County funds). The annual savings as a result of implementing these projects is $167,017. The payback for all the projects combined is about one (1) year. The projects being submitted are as follows: - Countis Project Description Total Cost Grant Amount Share Immokalee Jail Installation of a water treatment $65,000 $65,000 $0 Laundry Retrofit Project system that will capture and re- use approximately 50% of the wastewater from the laundry washing cycle. Immokalee Waterless Replacement of 13 standard $8,576 $8,576 $0 Urinal Retrofit Project urinals with high-efficiency waterless urinals. Immokalee Low Flow Replacement of 115 standa rd $34,500 $34,500 $0 Toilet Retrofit Project toilets with high-efficiency low flow (1.28 gpf) toilets. Countywide Waterless -- ':[;92,366 $46,183 Replacement of 140 standard $46,183 Urinal Retrofit Project urinals with high-efficiency waterless urinals. Countywide Low Flow Retrofit 324 low flow toilets in $97,200 $48,600 $48,600 Toilet Retrofit Project in public intensive govern ment Public Facilities facilities. Countywide Low Flow Retrofit 259 low flow toilets in I $77,700 $38.850 $38,850 Toilet Retrofit Project in i County facilities Government Facilities 1 .A,genda item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 2 of 167 County.s Proiect Description Total Cost Grant Amount Share Main County Jail Installation of a water treatment $75,000 $37,500 $37,500 Laundry Retrofit Project system that will capture and re- use approximately 50% of the wastewater from the laundry washing cycle. In order to meet the District's deadline of April 23, 2009, and as provided for in CMA #5330, the County Manager authorized the submittal of the grant applications pending Board approval at the next meeting. The District will review the grant applications by May 28, 2009 and recommend project funding to their Board. The District Board will provide final approval on August 13, 2009. Projects must be completed by August 31, 2010. District grant funds become available as the projects are completed. FISCAL IMPACT: The total project cost is expected to be $450,342. The maximum grant request permitted is $279,209 leaving $171,133 as the County"s required match. The Department of Facilities Management will be requesting the County's share as part of the Department's FY 2010, Fund 301, County-Wide Capital Projects, budget submission. Additionally, staff will attempt to utilize current 301 funds as projects continue to come in under budget. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this Executive Summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is not quasi-judicial, and as such, ex parte disclosure is not required. The item requires majority vote only. This item is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners provides after-the-fact approval for the attached Water Savings Incentive Program (SIP) grant applications that were submitted to the South Florida Water Management District to fund water conservation projects in the amount of $450,342. PREPARED BY: Skip Camp,CFM, Director, Department of Facilities Management o Page 1 of I i\aenda Item r,o. 16E4 " May 12, 2009 Page 3 of 167 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16E4 Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners provides after-the-fact approval for the attached Water Savings Incentive Program (SIP) grant applications that were submitted to the South Florida Water Management District for water conservation projects in the amount of $450,342 Meeting Date: 5/12/2009 90000 AM Prepa red By Skip Camp, C.F.M. Facilities Management Director Facilities Management Date Administrative Services 4/27/2009 3:32:45 PM Approved By Colleen Greene Assistant County Attorner Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 4/28/20094:22 PM Approved By Marlene J. Foard Grants Coordinator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 4/28/20094:58 PM Approved B~' Skip Camp, C.F.M. Facmties r~lar;zlgem€'nt Dir~cto( Date Administrative Services Facilities Management 4/29:20098:53 AT", ,\pproved B:r Len Golden Price Administrative Services Administrator Date Administrative Services Admin!strative Services Admin. 4/30/20Q9 2:41 PM Approved Br OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 4/30120093:40 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney County Attorney Office Date County Attorney 5/1/20098:18 AM Approved By Susan Usher Senior ManagemenUBudget Analyst Dale County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 514/20095:24 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5f412009 6:13 PM file://C:'\.I\Qenda'j'est\I<,xllorl" I )9-i\1;J\'(('rl?O 1 !_. O'I'I!()! ()()9\ 16_%1~_O('()NSFN-r(J,;)!()/'\(~F 1\f),A \ I () ,/linOOl) ~ .:~ Administrative Sen'iees Division Collier Counly Government Center 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 m,a denefounl:(i 'coIlil'n!o\'. (l ct (239) 252-47(;8 (239) 252-8720 (fax) AgendaitemNo. 1 ~[4 May 12, 2009 Page 4 of 167 TO: Jim Mudd, County Manager Leo Gehs. Deputy County Manager Applications ,_Rc,,!>\tcd ,3!ld ~P.I)rovcd by County f*d~b'1.' (,,' r, '~1'_ee. ,fur submittal: -,,--"~:""':<'l~-"~ rt--~ (~t~t~t:'!"oj1\CY: '/ '/.''.u.'/(~ cc: Skip Camp, Facilities Director FROM: Marlcne Foord, Grams Coordinator AfteHhe-ract Approval by lhc Bee is required at the Mav P. ~(J09 Bee meeting. DATE: April 17.2009 SUBJECT: County Manager Approval of Water Savings Incentive Program Grants from South Florida Water Management District. The South Florida \.\.:'att:r !\1anagernent District's Governing Hoard created the Water Si::Ivings Incentive Pro6'1'am (WSfP) in 2002. This annual hmding assistance program provides matching funds up to $75,000 to water providers and large users for installing water saving technology such as automatic llushing devices for hydrants, indoor plumhing retrofits, soil moisture and rain sensors, and large~area smart system irrigation controllers. Since 2002 more than I hillion gallons of \\'ater a year has been ~aved thanks to WalerSIP, The District continues to expand participation by encouraging industrl<:ll, conlInl~rcial. and institutional water users. as ,vell as home owners associations~ to apply. Facilitics Management proposes to reducc water usage throughout Collier County. Facilities has prepared seven grant applications for various projccts, Three of the applications have been written for Immokah:.-e. which is designated as a Rural Economic De\'eIopment Initiative COIT1IDI.mity as dcfm_ed in Section 288.0656. Florida Statutes, and docs not have to provide matching funds for financial match progm111S. The cnclosed applications are due to the South Florida Water Management District at 2:JO p.m. on April 23. 2009. Because of the time constraints on dcpartmental personnel and grant writers, it is necessary to request your approval of the application to bc followed by after-the-fact approval of the Board of County Commissioners during the May 12'h meeting. (: ; r ':."':" , I, ":', <--; .i.' _ ,~, ;,')' to, ;'. ;:.'.." :-1::,'. Once you have reviewed thc applications, please sign and datc in the box above llnd call Skip Cllmp at 252-8380 or m)'sclf llt 252-47(,8 for picknp. Please let me know if you have any questions. _J'; COLLIER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 5 of 167 33tll East Tamiami Trail' Narks, Florida 34112. 1239) 252.8JH3' FAX: (239) 252-4010 April 17, 2009 Ms. Sharman Rose, Contract Specialist South Florida Water Management District Procurement Division, B-1 Building, 2"" Floor 330] Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Subject: Water Savings Incentive Program (SIP): Collier County Fac/Jities WaterlEss Urinal RetrofU Project Dear Ms. Rose: Collier County respectfully submits the enclosed proposal for funding the replacement of existing slllndard flush urinals with high.efficiency waterless models. ll1is retrofit project is expected to produce a potable water savings of 5,733,000 gallons per year (40,950 gal per unit for 140 units). Based on current water costs of $6.95 per 1000 gal, the project results in a yearly operational water cost savings of approximately $38.920.00 The Collier County Facilities Waterless Urinal Retrofit Project will enable the South Florida Water Management District to further its mission of enhancing the potable water supply and contributing toward long-term reliability of the drinking water supply. 111e Need for the Proiect: Collier County is located within the South Florida Water Management District's (SFWMD) V\'ater Resource Caution Area. This means that the area has experienced, and is anticipated to havel water supply problems in the upcoming years. This project is intended to help save water as welt as the associated energy costs to retrieve process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the wastewater. Tar~et Audience: The project will provide benefit to tile citizens of CoWer County through the conservation of potable resources. The. savings to Collier County and SFWMD Agency is approximately 6 MGY of potable water. Primary StT'dte!.ties for Imolementation: The scope of work for this proje,ct includes one major task, listed below: The proposed project will replace 140 standard urinals (1,5 gpt) with 140 High-Efliciency Waterless Urinals (HEWU) This project will replace all existing 1.5 gpf urinals currently in use within the existing Collier County Facility Site/Buildings. A more detailed description of these tasks is included in the "Scope of Work" scction of the attached application. Proposed Proiect Mana~ement Plan: Mr. Skip Camp, Facilities Director. Facilities Management at (239) 252-8380 will serve as Program Manager for this project. Following execution of the agreement between the SFWMD and Collier County. a kick-off meeting will be held in which the County will update the District on the project's status and establish a schedule of project payments to be submitted to the District As an authorized representative of Collicr County, I declare that the Alternative Water Supply Funding Application was prepared without collusion with any other person or entity submitting a response pursuant to this solicitation. Collier County looks fOI\vard to working with the District to replace existing standard flush urinals with high-efficiency waterless models. SinCt;rdv, ""--!~--':.~ , "- { ;.,,-. ~ ----\~._'.~,. . ".....~ -~ James'V. Mudd County Manac.cV' , - , , \:"~./ V--..~:-- /-, ^- ! ' f~ -, i~genda Item ~~o. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 6 of 167 APPLICATION COVER e~~">~'>''" ,'. ..,.,..w., \ ". ~ SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING The undersigned Applicant has rend all of the tprms and conuitions of the H~'1 fer 8a vings lncentive Program Cooper.9.tive FundJng Guidelines Bl1d Applic/ltioll, and certifies that all of the information contained \vithin this Application and subsequent attachments is true and correct to the best of hisfher knowlpdge. - -"'-"-'-'-".'-~~-- Apnlicant's Let'lal Name: Applicant's Address; II Collier County Board of County Commissioners 1 3301 E. Tamiami Trail 'State Div./De....t. if Cl.,:,n.licable\ Naples, FL 34112 IIF aeililies Management , .-. I Project Title: Facilities Waterless Urinal Retrofits Funding Amount Requested: 1$ I 46,183.20 Descrintjon: Retrofit 140 existinq 1.5 qallon standard urinals County in which Project will be Built: I with waterlegs urinals in Collier Facility Bldgs. I Collier County ~pe ~f Orgamzation: ..... _. DiJte of Incorpori'ltion: , 5/8/1923 I: : Local Government. I I I St.ate of Incorporation: I Fl . J .' oma I FederallD 1'-10.: 1596000558 I Ii - ! 0 0 . Has your on~a:1JZatlOn c\er reclv,-d fundmg under the Water Savings InitIatIve Program for thIS ProJeLt? Yesl I N~Ix-1 tOiect Titl~ __ [ear Funded I Anorove" ["ndin. t Actual Fundin~j Has your organization ever rejected, failed to perform, or failed to complete the contracted~r ullder a prior WaterSIP Grant proposal once submitted, setected, and approved ~.~r funding? YesEJ No Project Title Year Funded Reason I I '..l. Telephone 11umbor:I239.2~~:8;~3 Fax Humber: I . 239.252-4010 J':c, I Emi:'lil: Iii JamesMudd@colliergovllet I .....___._...___... I I II Authorized Person's Name: ./ Signatur~\._-:::.:, _ , ; . '\ . "' i ,,-, - rj Ii t-~-~ /....'-' , // must be' signed by alJthorized..fncffvidual I Coun!>' MCln,Jf.l::r Titl~: J ." 20 --N:A.r Agenda Hem No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 7 of 167 TRANSMITTAL LETTER All applications shall coutaln a transmittal letter highlight.ing the Applicant's reasons for requesting funds. This letter shall he addressed to the Contract Specialist, Sharman Rose and shall be on official letterhead. The letter shall provide a concise overview of the proposed project, which shall include the need for the Project; the target group; the area of the District to be served; the primary strategies for implementation; and an evaluation of the short. and long' term benefits of the Project, including the estimated water demand reduction. The letter shall name the person authorized to make representations on behalf of the Applicant and their title, address, email address, and telephone number. The letter shall declare the Application was prepared without collusion with any other person or entity submitting an application pursuant to the WaterSIP Funding Program. A person authorized to bind the Applicant must sign the transmittal letter indicating the person's title and authority. Please limit this to one page. 21 ~,' Agenda Item ~jo, 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 8 of 167 EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK A. - SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING STATEMENT OF WORK <D Please review "Appendix A: Sample Responses to Exhibit AU before continuing. 1. TJrovide a brief oven'ie-v.' of why this Project is needed. Please include: A his10rical Jl;'t-icriptiun uf \Io,'3.te1' use by the target. group, Explain if the Projt'ct. is con:.;i;:.;tent with the applieable local government comprehensive plan ancL'or utility water consen'at.ion program, Explain why the PnJjc>ct is bE:.ing- donf'. De.:o.c1'ihe hm\' the 111'ojec1, n_.:'l{d(~s tn othl'l' ongoing ()r future projects. Intnlducc ]';P)' t.erm~ or U(TOl1)-m:;:. A qU;tlJtification of [hl' hl~rH'flt.,:; and potential watfT sm-ings and (ithLT potential benefits, Type your Introduelion Hnd Ibckgrnulld in t.he space prm-idccl belmv Uinnt 1.900 characters. approximar.cly two to t.hn'(' [2-3] para~raphs). The proposed project seeks to reduce water and energy ustJ;w through the replacement of existing standJrd fixtures with high-efficiency models. Collier County r:.OJcilities Department retrofit progr-am will use 'Naterless urinals as a conservation measure for public facilities. Collier County Faciliti~:s Deparlrnent staff has performed a survey of all county facilities and identified -\40 inefficient urinals for replacement. This retrofit prDject is expected to produce a savings of 5,733.000 gallons a year (40.950 gal per unit for 140 units). Based on a cost of $6.95 per 1000 gal. that results in a yearly operational CDst savings of approximately $39,844. This savings can be reallocated to help retain existing jot1s and/or create new jobs. During the replacement project. other water conservation efforts are also being implemented at the sites such as installation of Gerators and low flow shm\'er heads. AdditiDnal benefits include: Reduction of associatr;d enE:rgy usage to retrieve. process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the wastewater. As well as increased hygiene fDr users since it is hands free and the act of flushing sends pathogens airborne throughout the rest room (according tD studies published on the subject) Overall, the project results in wat(~r conservation_ energy reduction. Yflarly operational cost savings and improved hygiene. 1-- 22 --- . 0.'_'"_4,;-" '-'__""'_""_;'"'"~'_'-'''~''''''_'~_'_'_______-^_''" Aoenda Item No. 16E4 ~ May 12. 2009 Page 9 of 167 2. Clearly state the objective of this Project. What will this Project accomplish? Please include: . A brief statement of the project's objective. . A brief project justification statement. Type your Justification/Objective Statement in the space below (limit 500 characters. approximately one to three [1'3] sentences). The objective of this project is to reduce water (5.6 MGY) and energy consumption within Collier County government facilities, through the replacement of low efficiency flush urinals with high-efliciency waterless models. The new high~efficiency waterless models will save 1.5 gpf compared to the older model urinals (currently operating at.1.5 gpf), as well as the associated energy costs 10 retrieve, process and distribute potable water to Ihe facilities and freat and discharge the wastewater. 3. Provide a brief, general description ofthe proposed project. Plca~e include: IU;.lrn(s) to be Pllrc:hasC'dhnstalled/disrributc.d. NUmtH^'r of sueh items. Target group and its sjZL> Location of this Projuct. Type your Scope of Work in the space provided below (limit 1.000 characters, approximately one to two [1'2J paragraphs). The proposed project will replace 140 standard urinals (1.5 gpf ) wflh 140 High-Efficiency Waterless Urinals (HEWU). This project will replace all existing 1,5 gpf urinals currently in use within the existing Comer County Facility Siles/Buildings. Including: Parks and Recreational Facilities. 20 Sites (69 Urinals) Library and Museum Facilities - 7 Siles (13 Urinals) Airports!EMS/Clerk of Courts/Property Appraiser Facilities - 15 Siles (22 Urinals) DAS/HealthiTransportationfUlilitiesfFleot FacitiHes - 14 Sites (36 Urinals) The new facilities will be utilized by the public as well as government employees. Since most of these locations have public access the utilization will be extensive. The Project will encompass 56 separate JOC<'Jhons (s.ites) IhrDugtlout Cf,lIier County, 23 t"g9ncJa Item No. 1(3E4 May 12. 2009 Page 10 of 167 4. Type your Work Breakdown Structure in the space provided below (limit 3.750 words, up to one [1] page). The Work Breakdown structure should describe how the Project would be completed. Your Work Breakdown Structure should include' The identification and description of the proposed project's methodology_ A detailed description of each elcment (i.e., st"p, task, and/or phase). Bidding: Prepare Package for Advertfsement Advertise Request for Quotation Review E'.ids and Award Contract Purchase Urinals (County Purchase) Conslruction: Schedule Urinal Replacements Mobilize to site Shut off Vi/ater Remove Existing Urinal Cap waler line Modify fixture opening Install waterless urinal Repair TileM'<l1! paper fltC. Recycle old urinal Fill out Installation T;lble br Invoice ;:md Ouarterly Report 24 ~: r\genda Ilem No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 11 of 167 5. Type a summary schedule of tasks and deliverables for the Project from start to finish in the space provided below. Report due dates are provided as a reminder. <D Information provided here will be used by the District to complete Exhibit B: Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables. 1 October 1. December 31, 2009 Obtain Quotes for fixtures and installation Enter into Contract with Contractor Purchase all Fixtures Due Date: December 31, 2009 Submit Quarterty Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) 2 January 1. March 31,2010 Install Fixluresin: Parks and Recreational Facilities - 20 Sites (69 Urinals) Library and Museum Facilities -7 Siles (13 Urinals) 3 Due Date: March 31, 2010 April. June 30,2010 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) Install Fixtures in: Airports/EMS/Clerk of Courts/Property Appraiser Facilities - 15 Sites (22 Urinals) DAS/HeallhiTrans/Ulilities/Fleet Facilities - 14 Sites (36 Urinals) Installations complete Due Date: June 30, 2010 4 July F August 31,2010 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) , ,'..' Due Date: August 31,2010 Submit a hard copy of the Final Project Summary Report (Exhibit D) and remaining close-out package materials to the District 5 September 30,2011 I Due Date: September :0" 2",01J 1 Submit Project Performance Tracking Report (see Project Performance Trackin~ section of this document) . , - End of Exhibit A - 25 - - ~' Agenda Item r,o. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 12 of 167 QUANTITY OF POTABLE WATER SAVED AND CALCULATIONS CD Please review Appendices Band C before continuing. 6. Please state the estimated water savings as a result of this Project and show how this estimate was calculated. Express estimated water savings in million gallons per year (MG\'). Please be as specific as your available data allows. You must state any assumptions included in your calculationi-;. Please see calculations on next page. 26 ;." Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 13 of 167 Variables Yearwork :~ 260 Yc;urtotal := 365 l'lu,h .= 75 . day. Malenumber := 35 UrinaIColll1t:= 140 Urinals.ve:= 40000 Costgallon := 6.95 Urinalnew :::::: 0 UrinaJinstallmat::::: 16 Mulcuse:= 3 Urinalold := 1.5 Urinalcost:= 305.76 UrinalinstaH := 338 WATERLESS URINAL RETROFlTS- COLLIER COUNTY FACILITIES 1. Project Scope Retrofit 139 waterless urinals in Collier County facility buildings Pull existing Urinals, change rough in as needed for installation including removal of pulled tems County maintainance to provide all materials for installation including removal of pulled items. Irhis bid includes minimal repair of wall or tile work as needed for installation. Wallpaper is hot included 2. Assumptions /valeriess urinals save 40.000 gallons per fixture per year, based upon typical commercial nstallation. This information was located on various websites including KOhler,Sloan and urn. j Urinalsavc ==. 4 ,< 10' harge is applicable to eacll 1,000 gallons of water that passes through the water eter based upon a potable water rate structure block schedule. Rates verfied on Apri 5th 2009 through Collier County Utili Department. Costgallon "" 6.95 he quantity is a derivative of the "Collier County Facilities Fixture Count" inventory f ontemporary facility assets. UrinalCoUllt ;:: J 40 he quantity is a derivative of the "Collier County Facilities Fixture Count" inventory f ontemporary facility assets. Values for each location are attached. Urlllalold ~ 1.5 he quantity is a derivative of the "Collier County Facilities Fixture Count" inventory of ontemporary facility assets. Although Facilities vary, number is based on 50 person office of ~5 males and 25 females. This information was located on various websites including kohler.Sloan and Zurn. Flushday ::: 75 ~he quantity is a derivative of a Collier county survey of employees conducted in 20p9 \bkUc,(: P-.genda i!E:m t'-Jo. 1 GE4 May 12. 2009 Page 140f167 !This quantity representsthe stereotypical facility building. \lah:numbcr = 35 jvvork Days ,n a yearl YeJr,...ork :: 260 pays in in a yearl '{cartotal :: 365 3. Current Use CurrCnlday::::' l:rillalold.~,fak'llS(:' \lalenumber.l.}rinalcount Currenlday = 2.205:.< 104 Current year::::: Cmrcntda/Year\>,.'ork == 5.733 x IO() Cllstgallon Currl'ntcost ::: Currclltycar' 1000 Curn:ntco5t :: 3.9g;.J. x 10'\ 4. Efficiency Use EfflCit'l1CYtby:= 1 Jrinalnev.' :-\'lalcuse' 1\lalenlll1ll.wr' Uril1;t!count Efficiency _j.-.\, -::-:- 0 l,,_ Ffiicit'IIC\ := Ffficicnc,v'I,,,,,Y'ear"..r"~: 0 .. . :car ",.'..u "- FfficieneYcust :-,~ CC'S!'p:III'\f: EiTici~ncYYL':lf' 1 (JOO Efiicienc.Ycost :::: 0 5. Water Total Savings Savinggalloll :;::: CurrentyC[U - r-:fficicllCYycur ISavinggalJon = 5733000 I SJvingcost := Currentcost - EfficicncYcost dollars !Savingcost == 39844 I yt:ar G.Cost Analysis nstallation of a Kohler 4918. Cost is qouted by Ferguson Enterprises Inc #60. Price outation #8171732. Exhibit of qouatation is attached. List price 588 and lip (Koehler website) Urill<llcost coo 305. i6 dollar-s- Fv1aterials to Install Each Urinalj I.:rilla!installnwt -=- l(i Jell i~,r5 nstallation of a Kohler4918. Cost is qouted by Ferguson Enterprises lnc #60, Price outation #8171732. lirirwljn<::t:lll .c:: :~.";l:I de.!]:.:r.'; ~ .,' .1\genda Item r~o. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 15 of 167 UrinalAllcost :-::0- UrinalcosfUrinalcount UrinalAllcost ~ 42806 dollars UrinaIAllinstall:"'" (Urinalinslallmal + Urinalinstall).Urinalcount UrinalAllinstal1 = 49560 dollars Urinaltotal := UrinalAllcost + UrinalAlIinstull Urina~otal = 92366.4 dollars Cost / Benifit Analysis Urinallotal Paybackycars:= -. Savmgcost Paybackyears = 2.3 J 8 years ~._-----,_._."-- ""._."_.."._"_._---~~ KOHLER: K-.:En g; ~;;~\\'J.n;,K \\'a:crkss urin:d: l;rinal.s: Fixtures: Ba~hroom P\genda P@iftl'jQ)j1!jE4 iv1'dy 12, 2009 Page 16 of 167 TI_C:y:),-'lY/. C/K6Hi.ER. .0 (' r.r. ~l, ;;,( _,' 0' ,;~ ,-, ~ ~ -'h"~~> ~"~,~~7'. r,',-,:; r'/t!:t S!cw.nnj:;Cwoturj",sJi,ur,,,,,f. K-':~:B Y"'H c""""t ,,~'I"'ct,<>...: Coi",'/"i.,,;~h, ''': '~;; Me";:l N",,,b~c, -.:~' !,;:.otpri""., S\I:r :;.t~."~~,,L '0';';1- -:C"'_ ,,; C1.1' ;''':'';', ~,~ "~'J ,; ~":' I'" 0 I, C -"j, -I~, -H" '.",Ih"," """;'-'1" "",l ...-, _', .-,,\~~: ~'1,t --n:l_nt'::',~r'u; :c'~'~,; '\'d~:-' '"C; "".-- '; C:." -. "'Ie .~::!,:'~;'C, S', iIC"~ d '"';',1,~''' I',':L','!; :)~,' ,_ :':J,~, l;;.so:u U;'\1Cl" (I'; ,;,-iI :r'mr",_'~~~';;:: W:;t:11~i)li:lI1, r"l'-;'I"r, (I',,~ l"(I'11"'( I"h {'lckf"1'''j (1',-. ~>.,~(~,,,,,., ',-"r ;!rini': d,::~,,~[1 ,:r ,j fW1C'," 1""1':',. 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'''< -'"'',,''''' ...1 hUiJ:,: W\\.'Y';,lJ.", b:hkr..:.:crn.:on J il1;.;c~: t:d( ll: 'i..ll:uiL 1 > r / fronF'lh Un1 b& j~-ill--:- &mod u 1 c -c(' (1m me!',. :;':,23/2009 Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 17 of 167 Kevin Brock From: Sent: To: Subject: Jason. Cieloha@Ferguson,com Monday. March 2:3, 2009 11 :25 AM Kevin Brock FW: Email Bid# B171732 From: Jason Cieloha - 134 MYERS [mailto:jason.cieloha@ferguson.comj Sent: Monday, I~arch 23, 2009 11:22 AM To: Cieloha, Jason D [Fergusonj - 0134 f"lYERS Subject: Email Bid# 8171732 Price Quotation # 8171732 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #60 9350 LAREDO AVE. FT \IYEltS. FL 33905.0000 Phone: 239.332-4~42 Fa); ~ 239-J32-7709 Hid ;\.'0.......; B171732 Bid Date...: 03/23J09 Quoted By: JDC Cu'tomer.: COU"TY OF COLLIER '1'1\ COLLIER COf]:"TY BOARD OF CO ATTN AI' 1'0 NO 45 HI711 1'0 IlOX 413016 NAPLES, FL 34101 Cust Phone: TefIlls.........: Ship To.......: 239-252-83~O "ET 1 QTIl I'ROX COUNTY OF COLLlER TA COLLIER COUNTY IlOARD OF CO A TT:-; AI' 1'0 ,,0 45 81721 PO BOX 413016 NAPLES, FL 34101 KEVINlFEDERAL QUOTE Cust 1'0#..: JQh ~aml'.: ..._~--.,---_._-------~'------_._-~ , Itrln ; Descril,tion ! I ; s_~ .1;3:5') I G '1 Qu:mtH)' -'-l'\ct Pri;; i UM I Total i ! I .------l---~ n,tS9IEA L 21.491 I ..-----.---.------T-.-j IT. --.-.--.-.----.--.---.-,-.,--..-.-.--.....----.----..---.-.------------.~___r-_.J ;(4'J1S.(J ; 15.1/1 VC wrRI..ss_l~l~...s:IE\VAR~VH1T_.._._..__+_.____~~--~057r~f EA _+__ 3057~1 m351> I~. ....~[;;~~i~L~I::~1~;~\~'[;;I:GI:E;1? \1.xll-.~-==~:.:==r-- _n__..~. [===-=;(~=:~r~~-==r-4[~7J _ _ ._. .. '"...~......<_~___. ____.__._H_..~..J ,._.~_L__._._._. ~.J~~~::~_" _.._! ___ _..:.~~..~~j I 'i-'-""_.~_.~'.._'-_.-;_._-~'-- """'---'r--'.---I--'-'--.'.' --~_., I , 1 j , -.--.. ~_.--.-"[ .._.-..".~------.-..~.-!--.__..-. r-..--- ---.-.-'''j t i: : -----l:--..."~~;G..;loTE~;. -'---r--- 316. si-j .....~..I.r-----.2-;-::W-:f:~.~-;"~..--~7ii ---_...."._...~.".. -.--. .-,---_.._-- ._-_. ---. -----.-- j.CVR1< I.5GPM \\'TRSAVER SfIWRHD.CP , , ZZlOOOS9 1--'.----.- ; 533':i5468 12.:\ TRI\1 PLT CJ' I , I I i i i I I F.\t eEl \qrllCll"J'MI;,P"(J\'L\' S~)L.\R .s~SR LA v Fer F/ )>!n?\-HXED ','/1'R S33(1)":i;g ET~'} j 2;\ TP 1\11'1.1' cr' ~- ,ll.,genda Item ~~o. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 18 of 167 Eddie Bock's Plumbing, Ine 298 1 54th Ave NE, Naples Florida 34120 Phone 239-455-7662 Fax 239-304-3665 Email: Eboxterr(Daol.com CFC1426335 PROPOSAL FOR CHANGIt.:G URINALS UNDER WATER MANAGEMENT GRANT TO: FROM: D/\.1'E: Kevin Brock Cia Collier County Eddie Bock J\1arch 20, 2009 Scope of work: D Pull existing UTina]s, chan"e rollgl1 in as needed for installation of ncw - ~. ~ urinals. o Coun1y Jnainte:lancc to provide all n13terials for inst::l1Jarion including rCl11o...:.l1 ofpullcd items. o This bid includes minimal repair of wall or tile work as needed for installation. \Vallpaper is not included. '" Proposal is Cor labor only. Costs arc as follows to schedule one urinal installation up to #300. a) Waterless urinal selection installed with two journe)1'I1Cn 2,60 hours labor, S338,00 for each location. b) Ultra low consumption urinal selection installed with two journeymcn 3.0 hours labor, S390.00 [or cach location. Bid acccptance by .__..__. Date I i ! , "- ._" Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 19 of 167 PROJECT COST AND FUNDING ITEMIZATION 7. Please enter itemized cost information into the table below. *Note: Ifsome of the project work is being done ''in'house'' or ''in -kind'; ple"se briefly describe. Waterless Urinals 140 $305.76 $354 $92,366.40 In.kind Contribution l' In. kind Contribution 2' In.kind Contribution 3' Collier County Board of Commisioners 50% Is the Applicant a Rural Economic Development Initiative (RED}) communit.y? Yes Arc other coopc::.,ratively fundl'd projects cur.r'.":j under this prograrn? Yes 27 Agenda Hem No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 20 of 167 ;.. If yes. provide the contract/agreement number(,), funding amount(s), source(s), and required cOUll>lelion daters) for the other project(s): . . .. ... Contract! Agreement Number Funding Amount Source(s) Completion Date(s) SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS -----_.._~.._.,~---_.~- -~_..~-- 9. Is thi~ a rebate or voucher program? YesB No~ ;.. If no, prochd to question 10. If yes: I a) How many l'ehat.C's or vouchers in total will be issul"d? b) \Vhat is the maximum number ofrebates/vouchcrs that can be issued to a ~ing]e Partici1Jal1t?J____ I How many homes 01' 1,lcl1Jt,w~ W1111.~1is program attempt to reach at a minimum':i *Note: T]ll~'": question .1.-':S'Ullles rhnt njJ Participants accept the 111aximuIn number of :lJ 100""'f hIe r('b'~ [f'.~:;'/l'()uch(' "'-~. ,.. c) If ! 10. \ViJj the project's Pa.rticipants be ejj~ihlt' 10 receive mor~ than one of any type of fixture or device, such a:-;, hut not limited to. a sho\\'l'rhead or faucet aerator? YeD NO N/AU ]f no or not applicable. proceed to qUl'stion 11. ]f ves' I a) List t.hose frxtuTf!s/deY1Ces: b) Focusing on just one of the above [ixtul'es/d~vices, how many uf these will be issued for the entire project? I I c) \\That is the maximum number or fixtures/devices that can be issued to a single Participant? t- I d) How many homes or facilities will this program attempt to reach at a minimum,J ~ote; This question :JS81l11}(>.') t h!1t ail Pnrticip/ll1!s accept the maximwll nU111bel" of /tlJOl-1-'[Jblen:\'tures or den"cei3. ;.. ;.. 28 c 1 L Will water savings gained by this Project directly reduce an existing withdrawal from a potable source? >- If yes, identify the source wer Tamiami Aauifer >- If no, please explain the water supply benefit below. Yes~ NoD Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 21 of 167 If A licant is a ublic water su lv, lease )yovide the Consumpt.ive Use Permit number: 11-00249-W Collier County). 11-00017-W (City of Naples) 12. Is the Project part of your inst.itutionl[acility's conservation plan? 13. Has the proposed project already begun? 14. Is its start dependant on SFvV11D funding? 15. WaterSIP is a reimbursement pro,,'Tam. It is expected that the scope of the Project will be completed in its entirety (see Funding Polz':v section) within the timeframe outlined in the Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables, regardless of the actual amount of funding ,,'Tanted to the Applicant through the WaterSIP Program. Does the Applicant bave budgeted funds available to pay for the entire scope of the Project within the timeframe outlined in the Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables without funds from the WaterSIP Program '? 16. The Applicant fully understands that if, for any reason, the project scope is not fulfilled to 100% completion as outlined in the Statement of Work, the District's funding amount \vill be reduced to match the original percentage of funding over the initial project cost estimate as presented in this Application. 17. The Applicant also understands that if the project scope is achieved to 100%, completiun as outlined in the Statement of Vi/ork and total actual project costs are belO\v the estimated rotal project cost, the Recipient win b(~ eligible to receive up to the full funding amount. as long as the minimum 50 percent (50%) match is md,. 29 f,-j x x x x Dt Agenda item [\)0. 16E4 r~ay 12. 2009 Page 22 01167 PROJECT DATA AND CRITERIA SUMMARY 18. Please provide a brief synopsis of the Project. Indicat.e quantities of each hardware/technology ite111(8): The proposed project seeks to reduce water and energy usage through the replacement of existing standard fixtures with high-efficiency models. Collier County Facilities Department retrofit program will use waterless urinals as a conservation measure for public facilities. Collier County Facilities Department staff has performed a survey of all county facilities and identified 140 inefficient urinals for replacement This retrofit project is expected 10 produce a savings of 5.733.000 gallons a year (40,950 gal per unit for 140 units). Based on a cost of $695 per 1000 gal. that results in a yearly operational oost savings of approximately $39.844. Quantity of estimated \vater savings 5.733 IMGY AmOul~t flf funding requested , 4{j.1~J.2U Total project cost 92.366.40 Proposed percent SF'WlvlD funding E), (50% maximum of $7~),OOO) " Is the Applicant a RED] Community? YesL J No 0...J If applicable, state any en nl'oJ]J)um(.al or COnl111lJlli~y bencHtsof this Project other 11l~ln I reduclilg dellwnd from il pot/Jille Wilfer SOUl'ce. These other benefits could include water quality or habitat improvements. and/or benefiting a lovril1cnme, senior or affordable / housing community. , Reduction of aSSocf8tGd energy usage to retrieve, process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the w8ste'vvater. As v,re!l as increased hygiene for users since it ls hands free I and the act of flushing sends pathogens airborne throughout the rest room (according to sludies published on the subject). Reduction of treated was1ewater into the environment If applicable, state how this Project showcases innovation using new technology or the lTIE'thod in which the Project is being implement.ed. This project is replacing standard flush urinals with "waterless urinals.' which is a new technology 19, Please provide the l1ame(s) and con tad information of the entity's project manager who win ov(~rse(~ the implen1(-:ntation of this Project. This should be the primary person for District. personnel to contact and is not lll'cpssariIy the Applicant's legal signing authm'ity. Nal-11e: ~kip....camP----___~__________"_1 Elua]l: ~9.!!'.R@gQllifrqov.neL-.."___"__1 Phone: ~2~.2~~_.. . _____._._.. _..__..._.__1 __J 30 r- APPLICATION CHECKLIST i\genda Item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 23 of 167 <D You must sign and submit this Application Checklist with your Application package. This Application Checklist is provided for the convenience of the respondent and shall not be relied upon in lieu of the instructions or requirements of this solicitation. To ensure that your proposal package is complete and to maximize the number of points you may receive, please review the following items to confirm that they have been addressed and are enclosed. This page must be print.ed and included in your Application package. Has the proposal submission deadline established in the solicitation been met? Has the Transmittal letter been signed by the appropriate party? Have an questions and requests within this document been answered? Have you revje~'ed and compared your application responses to Exhibit A: Stat.ement of \Vork with the sample responses provided in ./\ppendix.l\: Sample Responses to Exhibit. A'! Have you supplied your Certification of HEDl Communit.y (if applicable). Have you provided evidence (budget Of letter of financial commitment) of project- related maLching funds as indicated in t.he .P'unding Proposal section? Has tbe Application section of this package been print.ed? Has the Sample Cooperative Funding Agreement been reviewed? If minor deviations with the Snmple...Cooperative Funding Agreement have been identified, have they been highlighted and printed? (There is no need to print and submit the Sample Agreement if no deviations are noted.) Have all supporting documentation been included, such as vendor descriptions of hardware, etc.? Have you submitted the required number of complete copies of the proposal in t.he Application package? 'Jr Seven (7) copies of the Application package, including on8 marked "Original." .'iJ". Two (2) CD- ROIvrS, each containing a complete copy of the entire Application package. ,/ / ~ ,/ ./ ,/ /' ~ /' ,/ / I have indicated that the required materials and procedun.s outlined in the checklist above bave been incJuded. Program T\.1anager /~?/4'#f7J.II '-(/ 31 C~eY County '- --.. --- - - - Administrative SeNices Division Facilities Management /\genda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 24 of 167 Aprill? 2009 Ms. Sharman Rose, Contract Specialist South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach. Florida 33406 Reference: Watcr Savings lnccnth.c Program (SII') Dear Ms. Rose: Attached, please find Collier County Board of County Commissioners 2010 Capital Budget Submission Form E documenting a request !(/r funds for the project t.HJurc$sed within this grant request. Please feel free to contact me at the number listed below should you have any questions. Thank you. v cry truly yours, /~ Skip Camp. CF!\'I, Director C: Len Golden Price. Administrator Administrative Services Division . -.---.--..-...-.......--.--..-----.....-.-..--..,.- (:E)-.-.--..----.,....., :'ij<.jit: ,"',: (I' ~,'i: :itit~:'. i.~~;. ;-ne;,l!:'n~' :=::!: .eel:,:::," I ,oii E:e,:;:. :;'Ji:::II',r,: :, . !~Cl::"~" ~!I':Ic'~, '-':',Ci ::.:':;.S:~2C' F,iX 23~-7~J.2J;.':, -q-Q)I'-- WOlO ._100..,...... N~ .,0 NU1 L~N E i-O'w 22 ~ - Cl. '" u c: <!l OJ <( c<> ,., !lo! :0'9 ~ ., o -$ ~ z ~:f _ r1';'~; '..... ~ ""'".e .,...'" 1'- I. ...;" Ii,' .~ . .}."I.. . .: I ~0 ., 'e ~.~ a>fI}. c:: ~ ;0;;0 Oi~' -~.c"O "E~ E o'lll u;- ~~ :;,6 o ,'c""'''':Y'" OO~~, -~ ~ li/;":,~J" in E .. " 0. '" ro ~, 2].'" ,",r:' . 8::::. ': .. :;;a .. 8~ .... ..... ..~ .'., .~. ::r.,-, " ,",<;\ - .... . .... mal' .... '" '~h f' gg C> 0 C> 0 N'" '" 0 "'''' ..; V NN '" N .. '" N '" NO'" .. 0 0 ~~~ '" 0 0 ... '" 0 o>r-...-.i <:i '" 0 ... ~ <0 .. N 0.. 0 0., 0 oC> 0 "'N ro ..., ..,. .., g I 1;'1.0 I",~ '" I N :;1 g g g (t)l< 0 Lr.t 0.:," """I'.{" '" ~.re .. I o g o <0 .. v '" o .. 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MNOCO_ -.:i ~-N"'" 0", '" """'M "''''... MN'" "'....N -N'" S2' .~ 5 ro n. '" '" '" u '" n. o ~ ~ ~ ~I ! v ,g 0 UJ ~ -~ ~"O gd .iSUli5::1 ._~O ::::u; 5:! inLl.. ~(J')O ~ ~ : ~ : ~ .~I ~ .~ a.. f2 0...1 a; Q> t5 .5 t: cl- 'EI ~ m (l) :> -9 (';l:.s role> s: UJ ~ w(3~ao mmro ~ ~ -e t11~1 ~ ~ '~,~,~ ~,Zi ,~~,~ Iii ill;1 I 1 UJ.LllJ 2 -=' ...~ Administrative Services Division Collier County Go~.ernment Center 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 III Jl dell eroo rdiii'coll j('r!!ov. net (239) 252-4768 (239) 252-8720 (fax) Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 31 of 167 CC: Skip Camp, Facilities Director TO: Jim Mudd, County Manager Leo Ochs, Deputy County Manager FROM: Marlene Foord, Grants Coordinator After-the-Fact Approval by the BCC is required at the Mav 12. 2009 BCe meeting. DATE: April 17.2009 SUBJECT: County Manager Approval of Water Savings Incentive Program Grants from South Florida Water Management District. The South Florida Water Management District's Governing Board created the Water Savings Incentive Program (WSIP) in 2002. lbis annual funding assistance program provides matching funds up to $75.000 to water providers and large users for installing water saving technology such as automatic flushing devices for hydrants, indoor plumbing retrofits. soil moisture and rain sensors, and large-area smart system irrigation controllers. Since 2002 more than I billion gallons of water a year has been saved thanks to WaterSIP. The District continues to expand participation by encouraging industrial, commercial, and institutional water users, as well as home owners a%ociations. to apply. Facilities Management proposes to reduce water usage throughout Collicr County. Facilities has prepared seven grant applications for various projects. Three of the applications have been written for Immokalce, which is designated as a Rural Economic Development Initiative community as defined in Section 288.0656, Florida Statutes, and docs not havc to provide matching funds for fmancial match programs. The enclosed applications are due to the South Florida Water Management District at 2:30 p.m. on April 23, 2009. Because of the time constraints on departmental personnel and grant writers, it is necessary to request your approval of the application to be followed by after-the-fact approval of the Board of County Commissioners during the May 12'h meeting. \',1(': ".J r.,; ", :P,', .'< :<r:'_~ P' , .1 , \. . ; [ ~ \' : : "".".". .... J '''c.'' ~ '. . , i~'i,\,:'L\.'d. Onee you have reviewed the applications, please sign and date in the box above and eall Skip Camp at 252-8380 or myself at 252-4768 for pickup. Please let me know if you have any questions. E COLLIER COUNTY OFFICt OF THE COUNTY lv1Al'\JAGER .A.genda Item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 32 of 167 3301 Ea...;t TJrnj~lmi Tr~lij . Naples, Flo:-idJ ."q 112. (230) 252.SJS3. FAX: (239) 25::>..1.010 April 17.2009 Ms. Sharman Rose. Contract Specialist South Florida Water Management District Procurement Division, B-1 Building, 2nd Floor 330 I Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Subject: Water Saving.~ Incentive Program (.\'IP): Collier County Government Faci/itie.f Low Flow Toilet Retrofit Project Dear Ms. Rose: Collier County respectfully submits the enclosed proposal for funding the replacement of existing standard fixture toilets with high-efficiency low flow models. This retrofit project is expected to produce a polable water savings of 5,945,555 gallons a year (259 units). Based on current water costs of $6.95 per 1000 gal, the project results in a yearly operational water cost savings of approximately $41,322.00 The- CoWer County Government Facilities Low Flow Toilet Retrofit Project will enable the South Florida Water Management District to further its mission of enhancing the potable \\'ater supply and contributing toward long-tenn reliability of the drinking water supply_ 111e Need for the Pr0kct: Collier Coumy is located within the South Florida Water Management District's (SFWMD) \Vater Resource Caution Area, This means lhat the area has experienced. and is anticipated to have, water supply problems in the upcoming years. This project is intended to help save water as well as the associated energy costs to retrieve process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the wastewater. Tarec.LAudit:nce: The project will provide bemetit to the citizens of Collier County through the conservation of potable resources. The sayings to Collier County and SFWMD Agency is approximately 5.95 MGY of potable water. Primary Strategies for Implementation: The scope of work for this project includes one major tru>k, listed below: The proposed project will replace 259 standard toilets with 259 High-Efficiency Low Flow Toilets. This project will replace all existing 1.28 gpftoilets currently in use within the existing Collier County Government Facilities. A more detajJed description of these tasks is included in the "Scope ofW(lrk'~ section of the attached application, Prooosed Proiect Manal:!cmcnt Plan: Mr. Skip Camp, Facilities Director, Facilities Management at (239) 252-8380 will serve as Program Manager for this project. Following execution of the agreement hetween the SFWMD and Collier County, a kick-off meeting will be held in which the Counry will update the District on the project's status and establish a sdlCdule of project payments to be submitted to the District. As an authorized n:prcsemativc of Collier County, 1 declare that the Alternative Water Supply Funding Application was prepared without collusion with any other person or entity submitting a response pursuant to this solicitation. Collier County looks forward to "'OIling with the District to replace cxi~1ing standard fixture toilets with high-efficiency low flow models. Sincerclv:, \- .., -...-.-.,- Jarncs'V, Mudd Cm!nry Manag.er Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 33 of 167 APPLICATION COVER SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING The undersigned Applicant has read alJ of the terms and conditions of the Water Savings Incentive Program Cooperative Funding Guidelines and Application, and certifies that alJ of the information contained within t.his Application and subsequent. attachments is t.rue and correct to the best of hislher knowledge. Applicant's leoal Name: Applicant's Address: Collier County Board of County Commissioners I 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples. Fl34112 'State Div./Dent. if aonlicabiel Facilities Management I Project Title:! (G 'j F .i. L FI T" t R t fit f.OV aCllty ow 0 Ole eral Descriotion: Funding Amount Requested: 1$38,850 I Retrofit 259 existing toilets (gpf values ranging from 1.6 - 4.5) with 1.28 gpf fixtures , County in which Project will be Built: Type of Organization: I I local Government. i I I I Date of Incorporation: t 5/8/1923 State of Incorporation: I Florida I I Collier County FederallD No.: 1596000558 Has your organization ever received funding under the Water Savings Initiative Program for this Project? vest I Nag t Profect mle-c"nrlPrl I Annrnverl F"ndino I Actual Funding j Has your organization ever rejected, failed to perform, or failed to ccmplete the contractel5Ccr under a prior WaterSIP Grant proposal once submitted, selected, and approved for funding? ves' ! No -x--- Project Title Year Funded Reason I County Manager Title: / Tetephone Number:l .239-252-8383 Fax Number: I 239-252-4010 Email: II JamesMudd@colliergov.net ." ._."__.c~____._ ..._.._.._ I I I - Authorized Person's Name: / 5ign~1'/-:--: (. -' . (~.(:~'--l .\-,~.l ./:.C/ / /:~~> -.- - ./-- ._'~---L- must be s'igned by authoriled"fndMduti{ 20 ,^.genda item r,o. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 34 of 167 TRANSMITTAL LETTER All applications shall contain a transmittal letter highlighting the Applicanfs reasons for requesting funds. This Jetter shall be addressed to the Contract Specialist, Sharman Rose and shall be on official letterhead. The letter shall provide a concise overview of the proposed project, which shall include the need for the Project; the target group; the area of the District to he served; the primary strategies for implementation; and an evaluation of the short. and lonw term benefits of the Project, including the estimated water demand reduction. The Jetter shall name the person authorized to make representations on behalf of the Applicant and their title, address, email address. and telephone number. The Jetter shall declare the Application was prepared without collusion with any other person or entity submitting an application pursuant to the WaterSIP Funding Program. A person authorized to bind the Applicant must sign the transmittal letter indicating the person's title and authority_ Please limit this to one page. 21 Agenda Item No. 16E4 rliay 12. 2009 Page 35 of 167 EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING STATEMENT OF WORK <D Please review "Appendix A: Sample Responses to Exhibit A" before continuing. L Pro,ide a brief overview of why this Project is needed. Please include: A historical description of water use by the target bTJ.'OUP. Explain if the Project is consistent with the applicable local government comprehensive plan and/or utility water conservation progTam. Explain why the Project is being done. Describe how the Project relates to other ongoing or future projects. Introduce key terms or acronyms. A quantification of the benefits and potential wat.er saVlng-s and other potential benefits. T.ypc your lntroduction and Background in the space provid(:>d below (llmlt 1,900 ('h8.racJers, approximately two to three [2'3] para"raphg). The proposed Govemment Facility Low Flow Toilet Replacement Project seeks to reduce water and energy usage through the replacement of existing standard toilet fixtures wilh high-efficiency models. Collier County Facilities Department retrofit program will use low flow toilets (1.28 gpf) as a conservation measure for public facilities. Collier County Facilities Department staff has performed a survey of all county Government Facilities and identified 259 inefficient toitets lor replacement. This retrofit project is expected to produce a savings of approximately 5.945.555 gallons a year (total of 259 units). Based on a cost of $6.95 per 1000 gal, thaI results in a yearly operational cost savings of approximately $41,322. This savings can be reallocaled to help retain existing jobs and/or create new jobs. During the replacement project, other water conservation efforts are also being implemented at the sites such as lnslallation of aerators and low flow shower heads. Additional benefits include: Reduction of associated energy usage to retrieve, process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the wastewater. Overall. the project results in water conservation, energy reduction and yearly operational cost savings 22 ,4genda Item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 36 of 167 2. Clearly state the objective of this Project. What will this Proj"ct accomplish? Please include: A brief statement ofth" proj"ct's objective. A brief project justificatlon statement. 'fyI''' your Justification/Objective Statement in the space b"low (limit 500 characters. approximately one to thr"e [1'3] sentences). The objective of 1his project is to reduce water (5.95 MGY) and energy consumption within Collier County facilities. through the replacement of low efficiency toilets with high-efficiency low flow loilets (1.28 gpf). The new low flow models will save a considerable amount of water compared to the older model (1.6 _ 4.5 gpf), as well as the associated energy costs to retrieve. process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the wastewater. :.1. Proyide a brief. general description of the propo~ed project. Ph:asc include: It';:lllCS) tu be purchascd/instaJJed/distributf,d. l'umlwr elf sllch itellls. Targpt gTOUp and its size. Location of this Project. Type your Scope of \Vork in the space provided below (limit 1,000 charact.ers. approximately one to two [1-2] paragraphs). The proposed project will replace 259 standard toilets with 259 High-Efficiency Low Flow (1.28 gpf) This prOject will replace all eXisting non '"low flow" toilets currently in use withIn the existing Collier County Government Facilities. Including: Collier County Government Facilities - 48 Sites (259 Toilets) The new facilities will be utilized by the public as well as government employees. SInce most 01 these locations have public access the utiliZation will be extensive. The Project will encompass 48 separClte locations (slles) throughout Collier County. 23 F Agenda Item ~,o. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 37 of 167 4. Type your Work Breakdown Structure in the space provided below (limit 3,750 words, up to one [1] page), The Work Breakdown structure should describe how the Project would be completed. Your Work Breakdown Structure should include: . The identification and description ufthe proposed project's methodology. A detailed description of each element (i.e., step, task, andlor phase), Bidding: Prepare Package for Advertisement Advertise Request for Quotation Review Bids and Award Contract Purchase Low Flow Toilets (County Purchase) Construction: Schedule Toilet Replacements Mobilize to site Shut off Water Remove Existing Toilet Secure new Toilet to floor w/wax ring Attach water line Repair Tilerwall paper etc. Recycle old toilet FiU out Installation Table for Invoice and Quarter1~' Report 24 Agenda item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 38 of 167 ',stiffili4i<'&"'d';T fZ<8f.l-~I~j:;!(t'\)~~~(f;j 5. Type a summary schedule of tasks and deliverables for the Project from start to finish in the space provided below. Report due dates are provided as a reminder. <D Information provided here will be used by the District to complete Exhibit B: Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables. Obtain Quotes for fixtures and installation Enter into Contract with Contractor Purchase all Fixtures Due Date: December 31, 2009 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) 2 January 1- March 31, 2010 Install Fixtures in: Government Facilities - 16 Sites (89 Toilets) 3 Due Date: March 31, 2010 I April. June 30. 2010 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) Install Fixtures in: . Government Faciiities -16 Sites (85 Toilets) 4 Due Date: June 3D, 2010 July 1. August 31,2010 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) Due Date: August 31,2010 Install Fixtures in: Government Facilities - 16 Sites (B5 Toilets) Installations Complete Submit a hard copy of the Final Project Summary Report (Exhibit D) and remaining close-out package materials to the District . S September 30, 2011 Due Date: September 30. 2011 Submit Project Performance Tracking Report (see Project Performance Tracking section of this document) - End of Exhibit A - 25 Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 39 of 167 QUANTITY OF POTABLE WATER SAVED AND CALCULATIONS <D Please review Appendices Band C before continuing. 6. Please state the estimated wat.er savings as a result. of t.his Project. and show how this est.imat.e was calculated. Express estimated water savings in million gallons per year (MGY). Please be as specific as your available data allows. You must state any assumptions included in your calculations. Please see calculations on next page. 26 Ill' Variables Year \vork := 260 Ycartotal := 365 Flushday:= 75 toiletcount := 259 toiletsave := 40000 Cost"ullon := 6.95 o J\gellda Item f\lo. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 40 of 167 Population number := ";0 toilctoldOnum ::::: :09 toileto1d1 nUITl :0::: 0 toiJetold2num ::;:: 8 loildold3num ::::: 42 toilctcost:== 150 toiJcloJdO:""- 1.6 toilcto1dJ := 2.5 toilcto1d2 :::= 3.5 toiletold3 := 4.5 Populatiol1nush :;::; 2.6 toilctinstalJmat := 15 luiletnew;"" 1.28 toik1install ~= 135 TOILET RETROFITS- COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT F ACILITlES 1. Project Scope Retrofit259 toilets in Collier County facility bUildings Pull existing toilets, change rough in as needed for installation including removal of pulled tems County maintainance to provide all materials for installation including removal of pulled items. rhis bid includes minimal repair of wall or tile work as needed for installation. Wallpaper is lot included 2. Assumptions -':harge is applicable to eacl11 ,000 gallons of water that passes through tile water -neter based upon a potable water rate structure block schedule. Rates vemed on Apri 5th 2009 througl1 Collier County Utility Department (')st - (9':; ..1, gallon - J.,_ he quantity is a derivative of the "Collier County Facilities Fixture Count" inventory f ontemporary facility assets. toiktcount :::: 259 ~ffieciency Gallons per flush of old fixtures. toildoldO:::: J.6 wileloldl :::: 2.5 toiktoJd2 ~ 3.5 toilcto1dJ :::: 4.5 puantity of old Fixtures representing different Gallons per flush values toiitlo!dOnul11 ::;; 209 toilcTolJlnulTl:::: 0 toik1uld211Unl c; 8 t(>il~loldJntllll "" ,{2 ~tigh Efficiency Toilet AquaSource Model # TL-7600HC-HET-LO toiletllcw .;;;: J .2X grl1h\ll$ llush The quantity is a derivative of a Collier County survey of employees conducted in 009 Popui;1ticiflllush -; 2.6 nw:h :.mr1oy;',-, ~1. /This quantity represents the stereotypical facility building populaton, Population number ;::. 40 lNork Days in a year! Ycnrwork == 260 pays in in a yead Ycartotal;::' 365 3. Current Use Current dayO:= Population flush' Popu latic!O number' toik101 dO .toiletoldOnum Curreotda}' I ::0:: Populatiooflush,Populatiollnumber'loiletoldl .toHeloldl nurn Currentday2:= PopuJationflush' Population number' toiletold2.toiletold2num Currcntdny.3:= populmiooflush' Popu lat ion number' toilet old3' toi Ictold3num Currentday:= CllrrclltdayO + Currcntday t + Currentday2 + Currcntday3 Current day == 57345.6 Current year := Currcntday' Ycarwork = 1.491 x ] 07 Costoallon Current cost := Current year" ~ ](100 Currenlcost := I0.36~3.499 dollars 4. Efficiency Use year FfficicncYday := wiictcoUIll"l(lile'm:\.v P0j)ulatiollnumbcr' PopulattODflush EfficlcncYday ::: 34478.(18 (, Efficicncyycar:= EfticiencYd<ly"Yearwork::: 8.964 x 10 Costnallon EffrciencYcost :;;;;- Efficiencyyear" J~)Q EmcicllCYCo5t = 62301.891 5. Water Total Savings Savinggallon :0::: Currcntycar - EfficiencYvear I -, gallon .- Saving_allon '" 5945555 ~ ,-1;> ,year Savingcost:;;;' Current cost - EfficiencYCc5t dolbrs ISavingcost ~ 41322 I year ,- Agenda lIem No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 41 of 167 /\~lenda :tem !\Jo. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 42 of 167 6.Cost Analysis nstallatlon of a AquaSource Model # TL-7600HC-HET-LO Cost as qouted by Lowes, Item outation 5905. toiletcost:::: 150 dollars ~V1aterials to Install Each toilet I toilctillsta:lmat = 15 nstallation of a AquaSource Model # TL-7600HC-HET-LO Cost as qouted by Lowes, Item outation 5905. toildjnst'll1 "" 135 dollars toiletAllinstall:= (toiletinstallmal + toiktjnslall).wiktcount toiletAII install :::: 38850 dollars toikIAllcost :;:;: toilclcost'lniktcc>unt tuilctAllcost = 38850 dollars lnileltotal:::;;: toilCL\HcOS1 .... t~'i1ct/\.I!install luild!Olal =- 77700 dollars Cost / Benifit Analysis tuilC~Dtal Pa\'back\,,, r'" := ~ t:d :. s. . - llvlIlgC(Jst Il"I\'b""'k ;::: 1,S8 '. ,,,. years years ~~ ~. Aaencla Item No. 16E4 ~ May 12, 2009 Page 43 of 167 PROJECT COST AND FUNDING ITEMIZATION 7. Please enter itemized cost information into the tahle helow. *Note: Ifsome of the pl'Oject work is being done '~n-house" or "irrkind': please briefly deseTibe. Low Flow Toilets 259 $150 $150 $77.700 In~kind Contribution 1. In-kind Contribution 2" In-kind Contribution 3" 8. Please enter the following funding information helow. *Note: See Funding Propusal section ofthh:; document lOr evidence of/unding requirements. Collier County Board of Commisioners 50% Is t.he Applicant a Rural Economic Deve]opmc'Dt Initiative (REDO community" Yes X No X Nf) Are ot.her cooIwratively funded pl"(lj{~cts currently undpr this program? Yes 27 /\geilda item f\Jo. 16E4 f\.f;ay 12. 2009 Page 44 of 167 .,. If ye~\ provide the contract/agreement number(s). funding amount(s), source(s), and required completion daters) for the other project(s): ........ -.----. .-.. - - - Contract! Agreement Number Funding Amount Source(s) Completion Date(s) SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS --~r----'--~--' _.~---_."-~-- Yesl _I !'-:olx-I 9. Is this a reba_t.e or voucher pro;.rram~) ., If no, proceed to qlwstion 10. Ifves: I a) How many rebates or vouchers in total will be issll{~d? h) \Vh3t is the maximum numlH..T of rl'bate~/voud](>rs that can be issLled to a single Participant"l l . How mallY hom(:~ or laCI1ICleS WIll t 'l1S program :-lttt;:mpt to reach at a minimum'.i *Note: This qll(!.'~,tiul1 nS311I1Je,<;" t.hat all Parricipan!.': HCCI"})! the f7J:1xirnum number of ;1} /011'/1 b}e rebn tes/l'oll(.~hers, ., cl lC ...... tl p II t , I. V'nl1 10 pnJ]ec. s arrlClp;U1S we 19l) 0 " rt'celn: IlIOre than one of any typu of fixture or device, such ~l s, YoU NO N/AD I but not limited to, a shov..rerhead or faucl:t aerator? r If no or not applic3ble, proceed to question 11. ,. If yes: fixtures/devices:J ! il) List those b) Focusing on just one uf t.he ;tlJove fixtul'('s/dl'viCl;'S, how many of t.hese will he issued for cl the entire project'! I I to a single \Vhat is the maximnm number 0 'fixtures/devlces that can he lssued Participant? J-----.- I at a minimum1 d) How many homes or facilities will this program attempt to reach *N oJQ' This question aLo:,',~UJ)J2S that /111 Participants :1ccept tbe Ilwxil1JUJ11 11 umber of I alJow3bJe fixtures or devices. --- 28 1 L Will water savings gained by this Project directly reduce an existing withdrawal from a potable source? ,. If yes, identify the source r 'f r Ifno, please explain the water supply benefIt below. Yes~ NoD Agenda Item Ho. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 45 of 167 ] 2. Is t.he Project p<'lrt of your inst.itutionlfacility's conservation plan? N/A EI 13. Has the proposed project already begun? 1.i. Is its start. dppendant on S.F\Vl\..1D funding? 1.5. Wat.erSlP is a reimbursement progTam. It is expected that the scope of the Project will be completed in its entirety (see Funding Policy sect.ion) within the timeframe outlined in the Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables, regardless of the actual amaunt of funding granted t.a t.he Applicant. t.hrough the Water SIP Program. Does the Applicant have budgct.ed funds available t.a pay for the entire scope of the Project within the timeframe outlined in the Schedule of Tasks and Deliverable. without funds from the Wat.erSIP Program? 16. The Applicant. fully understancls that. if, far any reason, the project scope is not fulfilled t.o 100% completion as outlined in the Statement of Work, the District's funding amount will be reduced to match the original percent.age of funding over the initial projt~ct cost estimat.e as presented in this Application. 17. The Applicant also understands that if the project scope is 11chieved to 100% completion as outlined in the Statemfmt of "~cork and total actual project costs are below the estimated. tot.al project cost, the Hecipicnt will he eligihle to X Tcceive up to the full funding amount, as long as the minimum 50 percent (;:>0%,) mntch is 111('t. 29 x X X X __J j~,gen:ja item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 "'age 46 of 167 PROJECT DATA AND CRITERIA SUMMARY 18. Please provide a brief synopsis of the l'1-oject. Indicate quantities of each hardware/technology item(s): The proposed project seeks to reduce water and energy usage througl1 the replacement of existing standard fixtures with high-efficiency models. Collier County Facilities Department retrofit program will use low flow toilets as a conservation measure for public facilities. Collier County Facilities Department staff has performed a survey of all Government Facilities and identified 259 inefficient toilets for replacement. This retrofit project is expected to produce a savings of 5,594,555 gallons a year (259 units). Based on a cost of $6.95 per 1000 gal, that results in a yearly operational cost savings of approximately $41 ,322 Quantity of estjmatl~d water savin~s 5.95 lMGY Amount of funding requC'.'it(\d -. ~850 I Tota I project cost '177.700 I Proposed percent SFV\'lvTD funding I (5()l>~ maximum of $75,000') ~" " Is the Applicant a HED! Communit.y? Yes L J No [X ] If appljcabh~, stnt.e any enFJrolll11elJtaj OJ" cOlnmuni(v benefits of this Project other than reducll1g demand from a potable IFater source. These other benefits could include water quality or habitat. impro\,pments, and/or b(~nefiting a low-income, senior or nfIordable housing community. Reduction of associated energy usage to retrieve, process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the waste\'\'ater, Reduction of treated wastewater rnto the environment i If applicable. state how this Project showcasE's innovation using new technology or the method 'in 'which the Project is being implemented. This project is replacing standard toilets with "low-now toilets" which IS a new technology i 19, Please provi(h.~ 11w name(s) and contact information of the entity's project manager who \\,il1 oversee the implementatlon of this Project. This should be t.he primary person for DislTict per~(II1l1L'l to cont;lct and is not IH-'cef'sarily the AppliC:8nt's legal sig.ning authority. Name: !.8kip..Ga!l1lJ-- - - ._-- -I Email: I skipcampliVcolliergov.nel - I I Phone: 1239-252-8380 I I , 30 " " Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 47 of 167 APPLICATION CHECKLIST CD You must sign and submit this Application Checklist with your Application package. This Application Checklist is provided for the convenience of the respondent and shall not be relied upon in lieu of the instructions or requirements of this solicitation. To ensure that your proposal package is complete and to ma)"'lmize the number of points you may receive, please review the following items to confirm that they have been addressed and are enclosed. This page must be pl~nted and included in your Application package. J-Ias the proposal submission deadline established in tbe solicitation been met? ____ Has the Transmittal Jet.ter been signed by tbe appropriate party? lIavE' ,all questions and requests within this document heen answered'? -- Have you revie\ved and compared your application responses 1..0 Exhibit A: ! Statement of\l\iork v'.!lth the sample responses provided in A,-ppc~l1dix A: Sample I Respon;.;es to Exhibit. A? ..,-/ Have you supplied yom CertIfication of REDl Community \if applicable). ..-- Have you provided evidence (budget or letter of financial commirment) of project- I'elated matching funds as indicated in the Funding Propot'tl]sectlon'? -- Has the Application section of this package been printed? .-/ / Has the Sample Cooperative Funding Agreement been reviewed? If minor deviations with the Sample Cooperat.ive Funding Agreement have been identified, have they been highlight",l and printed? (There is no need to print and submit. the Sample Af:,rreem.ent if no deviations are note(U ....--- Have all supporting documentation been illcluded. such as vendor descriptions of hardware, etc.? ..----- Have you submitt.ed t.he requireclnumber of complete copies of t.he proposal in the Application pachage? 'ff" Seven (7) copies of the Application package. including one marked "Original." "it'" Two (2) CD~RO:r'vlS, each containing a compk~te copy of thp entire Application package. / I have indicated that the required materials and procedures outlined in t.he checklist above have been include-d. .-/~A Prn,'.r~m TvI"""ger ___~f!W"}:?;1 31 11 - Co~er County ~ '" ~ - - -- Administrative SeNices Division Facilities Management .l\genda Item 1\10. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 48 of 167 Aprill7, 2009 Ms. Sharman Rose, Contract Specialist South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Reference: Water Savings Incentive Program (SIP) Dear Ms. Rose: Attached, please find Collier County Board of County Commissioners 2010 Capital Budget Submission Form E documenting a request for funds for the project addressed within this grant request. Please feel free to contact me at the number listed below should you have any questions. Thank you. Very truly yours, ("~I/ Skip Camp, CFM, Director C: Len Golden Price, Administrator Administrative Services Division G>'.'~'." ~- -._._...__. ~.. - r)S;lC!:I~T)t;n: cf F2::'iiti':!s r.~8r,8gf:r;ent. 3::'C'1 71:~W1rl,1 :r,-,!1 ::,:s:. e'!Jilc;';;] '.\,. :\::p:e~< ri::,.j" 3..:-;-;2. 239.252-8:580' ;:a~ 23:).7:)::-2795 F 7"'''- WO<D __".,0__ N_ _ 0 N Z"'~ E 20 Q) 2~ g> n. <U "0 C QJ OJ <( c '" 0 ;:: :0 c '" "0 0 ai "0 I~ "m -, N ro 00 0 N "- ~ N ""' "~ o o o o "- ~,m N 00 00 N"- Ol'" NN ~ M "" 888 OLQO ......co<O N ~ NO., .,..- ., ""'M O),f'-"v o o o o "' ~ 0..- 0<0 00 .,... ..-CO M .". ., o ... ., ~ O')O'>O)~O)O'>oooooo 888c;ggc;ooooo C"Ir.INNNNNNNNNNN >->->->->->->->->->->->- LL1L1Lll..u..u..u...u..L1...U-u..u.. o (; N >- u.. c: Ol E Ol " '" Q. Ol 0: > <l: > "0 " '" - Ol '5 " '" ::r: - C( "0 .!!! '" u; .5 " .c .9 J4 x ... ... ~ ~ o o ~1: """ Ol- E'" Ol Ol uJ: ",- -.9 Ol- ." ::;l ~ o o '" .,; N .". ... 0 0 0 .". 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C")NOD:l~ v ";N_ """ '" ,.,mM l.f)cooe:t- "'N'" It')I'''--N ..--N""It' II I~ " m -'" " ro 0. 0 U> :;;: ro "5 :s: .5 LL ii5 (f) " a; 15 P ... ,.. - - 19'= Z Iz -0 ~ .5 E BUl:6S -->0 C 'Vi g 'v) L.L. ~ _~ u ,Q u) 0'" u) -; (/') ui ~ C/) 0 Q,l 0... .... t::::~ ."'= ~ D:: ~ ~_ Q) U .5 - -'- 1U "11) > ~C:-CQ) :::>LlJ-.~ .g ~ 5 ~_ Cl ::> V~ UJ C) ~,(9 0 ro:ran; I~I ~I~! ~ ~H' ~~ ~ ~c;;_' <:(<t:<( ! r I 11111: COLLIER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE COlJNTY MANAGER Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 55 of 167 3301 Ea~l T:uniarni Tr;.ijj. Naplc$. Florida 3-:112 ~ (239) ~)2-S:nU. fAX: (239) :;5~-.1010 April 17,2009 Ms, Sharman Rose, Contract Specialist South Florida Water Management District Procurement Division, B-1 Building. 2nd Floor 330J Gun Club Road West Palm Beach. Florida 33406 Subject: Water Sa,'ings Incentil'e Program (SIP): Collier County Jail Laundry Retrofit Project Dear Ms, Rose: Collier County respectfully submits the enclosed proposal for funding the retrofit of the existing jail laundry facility with the Aquarccycle ERS 40 System. This retrofit project is expected to produce a potable water savings of 2.5 t 1.000 gallons a year (209.250 gal per month for 12 months), Based on current water costs of $6.95 per 1000 gal, the project will result in a yearly operational water cost savings of approximately $17,451.00. In addition, there will be a yearly energy cost savings of approximately $ I 3,608.00 for a lotal yearly project cost savings of$3 ],059.00 The Collier County Jail Laundry Retrofit Project will enable the South Florida Water Management District to further its mission of enhancing the potable water supply and contributing toward long-tenn reliability (lfthe drinking water supply. The Need for the Proiect: Collier County is located within tile South Florida Water Management Disuict's (SFWMD) Water Resource Caution Area This means that the area has experienced, and is anticipated to have, water supply problems in the upcoming years. This project is intended to help save water as well as the associated energy costs to retrieve process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the ',.\'astewatcr. Target Audience: TIle project ",,'ill provide benefit to the ciiizcns. of Collier County and the inhabitants of the Collier County Jail Center through the conservation of po-table resources. The savings to Collier County and SF\VtvlD Agency is approximately 2,511.000 GY of potable water. Primary Stratee.ies for Implementation: TIle scope ofwark for this project includes one major task. listed below: TIle proposed project intends to install (I) Aquarecycle ERS 40 System to capture and re-use approximately 50% of the wastewater from the laundry wasbing cycle. The recycle process removes lim, minute solids, organics, detergents, and surfactants, oil and grease, odor and other contaminants. The recycled water is then disinfected and ready to use again for both the hot and cold water supply. The temperature of the clean. recycled water will be about the temperature of the wastewater, typically around 120 degrees. Therefore, no re-heating is necessary, which results in a significant energy savings. Pronosed Proiect Management Plan: Mr. Skip Camp, Facilities Director, of Facilities Management at (239) 252-8380 will scn'c as Program Manager for this project. Following execution of the agreement between the SFWMD and Collier County. a kick-off meeting will be held in which the County will update the District on the project's status and establish a schedule of project payments to be submitted to the District. As an authorized representative of Collier County, 1 declare that the Alternative Water Supply Funding Application was prepared without collusion with any other person or entity submitting a response pursuant to this solicitation. Collier County looks forward to working with the District to retrofit the laundry facility with a high efficient Aquarceycle ERS 40 System. ,~inFe~Jy, -......,.._.- ., "--,:~ "";ifiii!;; "'. _ill _i!l1iain - "11 ,L,Dend3 :tern [')0 '16E4 ~ May 12., 2009 Page 56 of 167 APPLICATION COVER ~ V SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING ,. The undersigned Applicant has read all of the terms and conditions of the Water SaTing.. Incentive Prognlm Cooperative Funding Guidelines and Application, and certifies thnt all of the information contained within tbis Application and suh~(>quent attachments is true Hnd correct to the best of his /her knowledge. Annlicant's Leoal Name: Appticant's Address: Collier County Board of County Commissioners I 3301 E. Tamiami Trail 'State Oiv'/Oenl. if ,nnlic.blel Naples, FL 34112 Facilities Management ..-.- -. .-,"- Project Title: Collier County Jail Laundry Retrofit Funding Amount Requested: 1$37,500 I DescriDtlon: Install Aquarecycle System for Laundry Waste County in which Project will be Built: Water in Collier County Jail ,I Collier County - I Type of Organization: I DZlte of IncorporatlOn: 15/8/1923 [II Local Govemment. II' State of Incorooratlow Flonda . . Feder.1 10 No. 596000558 I Has your organization ever received funding under the \",'ater SaYings Initia.tivE' Program for this Project? Ye~'ll NoJx-1 l Proipct Titlp 1 Year FllOdpd I Aoorovpd Fundin. l Actual Fundino j I Has your organization ever rejected, failed to peliorm, or failed to complete the contractei scar under a prior WaterSI? Grant proposal once submitted. selected, and approved for funding? Yesl I No *---- I Project Title Year Funded Reason I I Authorized Person's Name: Telephone Number:, I 239-252-8383 .' ~""' C" \. { , / , . -,-- Fax Numbe,: 1239-252-4010 Jlgnature~- \ " '" .c....,.c"- .J" /. ~;.. I , :..-.....:: ( , /..-/ .' must be signed by authorized indi-.;kluai [mail: ~. l I County Manager 1.1 JamesMudd@colliergov.net II !It e: I , 20 ;,~ liJ.l1.,4~---= ':"f2'-""",,=,"'t:1iolW It..A -- .Jr.J!'..---.......... ~". JIIIIl!IjI~' -'!l:il, r,genda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 57 of 167 TRANSMITTAL LETTER All applications shall contain a transmittal letter highlighting the Applicant's reasons for requesting funds. This letter shall be addressed to the Contract Specialist, Sharman Rose and shall be on official letterhead. The Jetter shall provide a concise overview of the proposed project, which shall include the need for the Project; the target group; the area of the District to be served; the primary strategies for implementation; and an evaluation of the short- and long. term benefits of the Project, including the estimated water demand reduction. The letter shall name the person authorized to make representations on behalf of the Applicant and their title, address, em ail address, and telephone number. The letter shall declare the Application was prepared without collusion with any other person or entity submitting an application pursuant to the WaterSIP Funding Program. A person authorized to bind the Applicant must sign the transmittal letter indicating the person's title and authority. Please limit this to one page. 21 },'- H /\gencia item l'~o. 16E4 fJ:8Y 12, 2009 Page 58 of 167 EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK ~ V SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING STATEMENT OF WORK CD Please review "Appendix A: Sample Responses to Exhibit A" before continuing. Introduction and Background 1. Provide a brief OVl'lyjew of why this Projpct is npeded. Please include: A historical description of water use by the target group. Explain if tbe Project is consistent with t.be applicable local government comprehensive plan and/or utility wat.er conservation program. Explain why the Project is being done. Describe how the Project relates to other ongoing or flIture projects. Introduce key terms or acron.yms. A quantification of the benefit.s and pot.ential wat.er savings and ot.her potential benefits. Type your Int.l"oduction and BackgTollnd in the space provided helow (limit 1..900 characters, apPJ"Oximately two to three [2-3] paragraphs). The existing jail laundry facility uses 5,022,000 gallons a year of wal.er. The proposed project seeks 10 reduce water and energy llsage by upgrading the existing Jail iaundry facilities with Ihe addition of a Aquarecycle ERS 40 System to capture and fe-use approximately 50% of the wastewater from the washing cycle.. This retrofit project is expected 10 produce a savings of 2.511.000 gallons a year (209,250 gal per month for 12 months). Based on a cost of $6.95 per 1000 gal. that resul!s in a yearly operational cost savings of approximately $17,451 In addition, the new facility rcsulls in an energy savings 0176,350.094 BTU's. This results in a yearty operational cost savings of $13,608. This tolal yearly savings of $31 D59 C;;ln be realloc.ated to help retain (Jxi~ling jobs andlor create n~w jobs. Additional benefits include: Redudion of associated energy usage to retrieve, process and distribute potable water to the faci!tties and treat and discharge the w3stev:ater. Ovcral!, the project results in wafer conservation. energy reduction and yearly operational cost savings. 2Z r- - '- - m~_~ - --~~ Aoenda Item No. 16E4 ~ May 12, 2009 Page 59 of 167 Objective 2. Clearly state the objective of this Project. What will this Project accompUsh? Please include: . A brief statement of the project's objective. .'\. brief project justification statement. Type your Justification/Objective Statement in tbe space below (limit 500 characters, approximately one to three [1-3] sentences). The obiectivB of this project is to reduce water and energy consumption within Collier County Jail Laundry Facilities. This relroflt project is expected to produce a savings of 2,511 ,000 gallons a year. Based on a cost of $6.95 per 1000 gal, that resuHs in a yearty operational cost savings of approximately $17,451.10 addition, the new facility results in an energy savings 0176.350,094 BTU's. This results in a yearly operational cost savings of $13.608. Scope of Work 3. Provide a brief. general description of the proposed project. Please include: Hem(s) to be purchased/installed/distributed. Number of such items. Target b'TOUP and its size. Location of this Project. Type your Scope of Work in the space provided below (limit 1.000 characters. approximately one to two [1'2] paragraphs). The Project intends to install (1) Aquarecycle ERS 40 System to capture and re-use approximately 50% of the wastewater from the laundry washing cycle. The recycle process removes lint, minute solids, organics, detergents, surfactants, oU and grease, odor, and other contaminants. The recycled water is then disinfected and ready to use again for both the hot and cold water supply. The temperature of the clean, recycled water will be about the same temperature of the wastewater, lypically around 120 degrees. Therefore no re-heating is necessary. This Installation will be utilized for the inhabitants of the Collier County Jail Center The Project is located in Naples Florida 23 [, li\llGIII!'t..~ /\genda Item I\Jo. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 60 of 167 4. Type your Work Breakdown Structure in the space provided below (Jimit 3,750 words, up to one [1] page). The Work Breakdown structure should describe how the Project would be completed. Your Work Breakdown Structure should include: The identification and description of the proposed project's methodology. /\, detailed description of each element (i.e.. step, task, and/or phase). Work Breal{CloWnSt;ctt~ 'r}'t,:':;;1:&i~':~';"(::;{?;:?f'\):;it:'!!lt~flfl!;'~j:~e~ir;.!l~Jl'4 Bidding: Prepare Package tor Advertisement Advertise Request for Quotation Review Bids and Award Contract Purchase System (County Purchase) Construction: Schedule system installation Mobilize 10 site Shut off V\/ater for laundry facilities Install system Repair TileNvall!floOf etc.,. Fill out Installation Table for Invoice and Quarterly Report 24 "11' Itul Agenda Item I~o. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 61 of 167 .sl1~ffi~~tstfi~;'" . it""'j''',,<ll,;Wi'I 5. Type a summary schedule of tasks and deliverables for the Project from start to finish in the space provided below. Report due dates are provided as a reminder. CD Information provided here will be used by the District to complete Exhibit B: Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables. Obtain Quotes for fixture and installation Enter into Contract with Contractor Purchase Fixture Coordinate installation witl1 Jail Staff 2 Due Date; December 31, 2009 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) January 1- March 31, 2010 Install Fixture in Collier County Jail Laundry Facility: Installation complete 3 Due Date: March 31, 2010 April. June 30,2010 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Fonm (Exhibit C) 4 Due Date; June 3D, 2010 July l-August 31,2010. Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) 2010 Submit a, hard' copy ofthe Final Project SummaI)' Report (Exhibit D) and remaining close-out package materials to the District ...,.. ...,.... ,.._.u.. ....-....,. ;'.O"'''W' -..'. .., 5 September 3D, 2011 Due Date; September 30, 2011 Submit Project Performance Tracking Report (see Project Performance Tracking section of this document) .. End of Exhibit A .. 25 lrr=;u;,; ,Agenda Item t~o. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 62 of 167 QUANTITY OF POTABLE WATER SAVED AND CALCULATIONS (!) Please review Appendices Band C before continuing. 6. Please state the estimated water savings as a result of this Project and show how this estimate was calculated. Express estimated water savings in million gallons per year (MGY). Please he as specific as your available data allows. You must state any assumptions included In your calculations. Please see calculations on next page. 26 - sarer/!;;' r Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 63 of 167 Laundrv Wastewater Reeve/in" 1 Project Site: Naples Jail Center Project Scope: Install Aquarecyc/e system for laundry wastewater. Project Benefits: Save 2,511,000 gallons of water annually. Estimated net annual savings of $27,471.00 Project Expenditures: Freight: $47,500.00 $5,000.00 $22,500.00 Aquarecycle ERS 45 Installation labor: Total Project Cost:$75,OOO.OO .~,~ .!il iIll:w , O!..' /\genda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 64 of 167 COL~IER COUNTY JAIL. NAPLES, FL COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS 40 G?M ERS SYSTEM REV 32309 '~."..'fii. ''''',:i:'k~,N'~'''F;.;~'~iifi>~.'' .,r~;,'~~ (~"'i'~' '..~~,".1i.k,""'i.t,?f-.~..t"..."",. ......;P.A'lr~~'..... ..; '. , ,:,.,~,- 'i1', '..' '-Ci.\' Ai!.LU''II, '.'.... ~,._~ _1. ",. ,...-,....:l,i; .'f' l> . ".',,,',.,,, L:. " ,,~.!.. .. ,II. '. ,..... ._ ." ,'" ...,_, , ' ~'~-'''''- ,-- .."..." ,,~. ""-~ """"'~7l,"~ ''''~'''::1:~li.''JJ\_'' .\!'. ,;.To! ."? tIIj,.~.,.., "'~'.'~''''"'~''~- ~ ~~ir~~';!~i' ". .!i ,...' " ~ ,,(.,,'!,'- "~'" . 't' >' "'<1'di~' ,.;:~~ . . 418,5;:1 i $ 6.95! ! $ 2,908.58 i I t::' :-~'-:'~'4~:2:o?;'~.ti~~0;~{,:~~;~~E~';;~'~:;:~;;:t:.:'~:-~t'~i:,'~;:'::k~'~r~ L .~,,':_:~ :,::':;.~::'~ri!S2:.,:.::::'\~ :.:~_~:_::~::.,::: ',;;->::, :_': Recycle Rate: 50% 209,250 i :'Monthly Water Usage ; Water and Sewer Rate per Thousand Gallons , I Monthly Water and Sewer Costs I ~Estimated Waler and Sewer Savings Recycle Rate; 50% $ 1.454.29 f HOT WATER USAGS@50%HotWater 209,250 i ! Operating Temperatures Incomi~g City Cold W~ter Temp Hot 'w\fater Temp Req'cied Water Temp Temperdf.ure Rise {~Dt Water. Celd Waterj 9TU Usage for Temper;;;tufc Rise Therms used per month Fuel Costs Mon.tn at energ'yra.t~e 70 degrt-'Cs 140 degrees 105 degr{.'-Cs 1.4865 per t:ierm 70 152,700,138 1,527 2,269.89 > , Rise~~:jfh'A'qUarecycl~-(Rcc'Yl;I~d'\fVater - lnl;orning : BTU Savings Thenns Saved ;Fuel S~lVing per Month at energy rate s 76.350,094 764 ; 1,134.94 ! WJter and Scw~r Savings Energy Savings iTetal Monthly Savings i :Total Annual Savings i , ; Quart.:-=dy Service and P;:;.rts RGp!~:celnCi1t P!;m Net Annual S<lv;ns~; S 1,454 ! $ 1,135 ; $ 2,589 ! , $ 31,071 1 S (3,fOQ): 5 2iAT1 S 52,500, ,0 '!:lOflths 52';0 'TO~i\l System Cost System Payb.Jck in M:::nths Return on investment I I I ,~ ll- - ~!:!i. ~,": Agenda Item ~Jo. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 65 of 167 i~~,.~",~-',"'''_~ll1l(l!f~ill!'''-_!f'I~W='''''''' r~~~~~~~~:::~::='" ~~~ '~;~C~" '~;;~q'''''''h1i I Washer/Extractor 125 6 594 41 63 ' f Washer/Br.ractor ~ ~ ~l,lasher/Ext,acl:Or ~ WasherlEJct;aClor :<i .... '".;..< ~ f TOTAL CAPACITY: l1.5JtGI~~ f; \- .....,."..,..."....,,-------_.. r~~"'.'l.\';:",. '" t.:~~:":;o,,, "Ol'_~;' ,,', 'I' i:ERS 45 GPM ullindl1WashWatiir Recile System ~ . . .,.. ..- . ........ . ,....... .. ,- . -. ... ,', . ; F rei'ghl and 'butuf Pocket Costs } " Total System Cost '.:(DoeS tJot Include Installation Cut- ins or Tax) 5,000.00 ~ ... ~ I 52,500.GO i ~---~_....-"",..---~.-._....,--~_.,-"-_..........,""._-, .....''''.---...'''----:. /..~) 'nie ;\qu:1Recylc Pr:)(~~ss F](l\v - The :\qUiiRc.cyckT.\1 I amoiry \V~lt('j Rc-cycJc Sy~;kl:l /\gendc:J item ~,Jo. ''!6E4 May 1?3ellrJPof 1 P8:J8 66 of16 7 Recycl<l Process Flow' -P.F.rn~t!>4.. '~~.iJ' "" .0 '?-. '0 -.,.. .:; Ultravioll!l Oisinfectilin~,...-" .~ _.'..-~--"" ....~ .... .~ ., ii j: " ,. , / ..~ Incoming p~(c:;s a.t 1 " " (; .~ n~; l?-...(j. :i ,', " f.:.::.::him~ \!''!<,;rt,;'~':~ur i\.m:p .-:;,:::~ ! '>:::~-?l/ ..~- ,. ~ r' i 1 j ':-:::':--'~/ ( Ill.: n~lI$ -- .; , ~'JPlliV D:;mp ~- \~-~ Recydelf:i! WiJl-er.' ~ Supply , lank ~.:~~ i I \.". ; '\['" ~--'-'-'5< ,.1;\ , ~;~P-~ll;t!~ I, ".~~.., ,j '.. '-~'~" .,uns.e. ;,~';'''''rl PIltT'." ~~~:J ._---,.."~~ < - ....- ........Jr:;":~-'o'li:~~l~ ... ~ Agenda Item ~Io. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 67 of 167 SHAMROCK PLUMBING & HECHANICAL, INC. 3557 PLOVER A VENUE IvAPLES,FL 34117 PH 239-592-7080 FAX 239-263-3064 W!l:!SJJA:\1R.O(;J(~()~,C.O}'1. MARCH 23, 2009 COLLlER COIDlY L\C1LITTES MANAGEMEN' ATf: KEVIN RE: "GREEN P1WJECf", ':'<.AJ'LES JAn, LAUNDRY. RI,CLAThI WATER TIL\NK YOU fOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO PROPOSE YOUR UPCOJvlISG "GREEN'. PLUMBING PROJECT. THE FOLLOWING IS THE SCOPE OF WORK: * REROUTE .\ND LNSTALL SA.NTTARY DRAm PIPING SYSTEM TO II'L\NUFACTURER SPECS. ONE TvlASTER PLeJvlBER 110 HRS (g) S"O.OO PER lIR ONE JOURNEY PLUMBER 110 I-LRS 540.00 PER 1m OJ\E JOURNEY PLUMBER 1] 0 IIRS S40.00 PEP 1m TOTAL LABOR COST: $4,400.00 S4~400.00 J:.1.JOO ,i:LQ S13.200.00 MISe. MATERIAL 8; 5CBCONTRACTOR: 59 ]JIO 00 ** TO'rAL COST: 525.500.00 DOES NOT INCLUDE: * AN"Y UNFORESEE:-l CONDITIONS OR CHANGES FROM ORIGINAL SCOPE. [F YOU HAVE AN"Y QU1:STIONS, PLEASE DO ]\;01' HESD'A TE TO CALL ME. THANK YOU, WM], MCFARLANE I'RES.'SIIA~lI(()CK FLBG & ?VIECH. INC'. I- I I ,~~.........,_w !1M' ,l',<;J8:lda Item r"~o. .j 6E4 I'~ay 12, 2009 ?age 68 of 167 PROJECT COST AND FUNDING ITEMIZATION 7. Please enter itemized cost information into the table below. *Note: Ifsome of/he project work is being done "in~house" or 'in-kind~ please briefly descrjbe_ Cost per Item or Rebate or Installation Total Cost for Project Hardware/Technology Item Quantity .. Voucher Cost per Item each Item Aquarecycle ERS 40 System 1 $52,500 $22,500 $75,000 I In-kind Contribution 1" In-kind Contribution 2" In-kind Contribution 3. I TOTAL $75,000 8. Please enter the following funding informatiun below. *Note= See .F'llnding Proposal section of this document forevldence offunding requirements. !\1atching funds from other sources Totol $137,500 J Source(s) of Other Funds Funding level Collier County Board of County Commisioners 50% Is the Apptie:lnt a Rural Economic Develupment Yf'qlJ NJX J Initiative (REDI) community" Are oiher cooperatively funded prnjeds currently y""O 1,JX ] under this program'? ..--------- 27 '~l'Illl "i>.."IIilIEWal rIKlit'!W ~ ~~~~~~--- -R:"i1.~-...,".~M-'i,.,~ 1, lidWlR' ...~.:!' Agenda lIem No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 69 of 167 ;.. lfyes, provide the contract/agreement number(s), funding amount(s), source(s), and required completion date(s) for the other project(s): -~._- .. Contract/ Agreement Number Funding Amount Source(s) Completion Date(s) SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS 9. Is this a rebate or voucher program? Yesg No~ r If no, proceed to question 10. If )'es: I a) How many rebates or vouchers in total will be issued? b) What is the maximum number ofrebates/vouchers that can be issued to a single Participant?' I c) How many homes or 1(1CWW~5 V.'UI t.\lis program att.empt to reach at a minimum'~ *Note: Till:c; qrwstion aSSUll1eS thai Illl Particip::1J1t8 ,<Jccept the maximufll nlll11her of' a !Jowtlble reba tes/nwchers, , r 10. Will the project's Participants be eligible to receive morc than one of any type of fixture or device, such as, hut not limited t.o. a showerhead or faucet aerator? 11 I , I YesD NoD N/AD )0- If no or not applicable, proceE;d to quest.Jon 11. > H~~ I I a) List those fixtures/devIces: b) Focusing on just one of the al,ove fixtures/devices, how many of these wIll be issued for the entire project? I ,I c) \Vhat is the ma::omum number at fixtures/devices that can be Issued to a single Participant? I - -- I d) How many homes or facIlIties wIll this program attempt to reach at a minimum~ ~Note: 'T}ll~o; question assume..; t!wt .111 Participants ncccpt tile 111lJxiIl1Um nUl1Jber of I a/Jowl/hIe fixtures OP devices. 28 J:- 'I " .....&J.- --~~g .. 1I!tli! ... ,.,-~--~~--"-"-'--- ':\cJenda Item r\Jo. 16E4 ., May 12, 2009 ?clge 70 of 167 J 1. Will water savings gained by this Project directly -- YesU NoD n~duce an existing \\'ithdrawal from a potable source? >- If yes, identify the source r Lower Tamiami Aquifer >- If no, please explain the water supply benefit below. f If A) licant is a ublic water Stl }lv. lease )rovidc the Consumptive Use Permit number: 11-00249-W (Collier County) 12. 1~i. Has the proposed projuct already begl;n? x X 1.1. Is its start dependant on SFvV1'vlD funding? 1;"5. \Vat.erSIP is a reimbursement program. It. is expected that the scope of the Project will be completed in its entirety (see Funding Polic)' section) wit.hin the timcframe outlined in the Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverable!:>, regardless of the actual amount of funding granted to the Applicant through X the WaterSIP Program. Does the Applicant have hudgeted funds available! to pay for the entire scope of the Project wit.hin the timeframe outlined in the Schedule! of Tasks and Deliverables without funds from the WaterSlP Program '! 16. The Applicant fully understands t.hat if, for any n.'8SCHl, the project scope js not fulfilled to lOOr.~{, cOlllpJetion as (JutJined in the St<JteD1cnt of \Vork, the Distrjct',s funding anwunt will he reduced to match the original perCl'ntage of funding ovpr thp injtial project cost l~stimat.f,> as prC:'sl'nt.pd in this Application. X I 117. The Applicant also underst.ands that. if th(! project scope is achieo,rcd j'(] J OOI~',;, i com. p. h.tion as (iu~lined in tlw Sta~L'mcnt (If \\."Ol"k ;~n:l tutal. actual y.:'u,iuct costs r-:-l:J J :lrE' helow the c'st.ll11:1t.e-d total JJro)cd. co::;t, the RenpJent will be el1glble to I~I ' II n~cE'jve up to the full funding ilmount, dS long <-I:::; Lbl. minimum ;')0 percent I (3)(Y.\,) mat.l"h is met. I _.._."-~ -~-_.._------_.._-~~._~---~_._--,-~----_.._- 29 M_!."_.",.".",,..._~ , - .iIMt.!T ._~-""'~~~.a~':d:o:.._..... ~~,.rM1i~;' )\,genda Item f"o. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 71 of 167 PROJECT DATA AND CRITERIA SUMMARY 18. Please provide a brief synopsis of the Project. Indicate quantities of each hardware/technology item(s): The Project intends to install (1) Aquarecycte ERS 40 System to capture and re-use approximately 50% of lI1e wastewater from lI1e laundry washing cycle. This retrofit project is expected to produce a savings of 2.511 ,000 gallons a year (209.250 gal per month for 12 months). Based on a cost of $6.95 per 1000 gal, that results in a yearly operational cost savings of approximately $17,451. In addition, the new facility results in an enengy savings of 76,350,094 BTU's. Tl1is results in a yearly operational cost savings of $13,608. This project results in a 10tal yearly operational savings of $31 ,059 Quantity of estimated water savings 2.511 JMGY Amount of funding requested " 37,500 Total project cost $ 75,000 Proposed percent SFWMD funding ~Io (50% maximum of $75,000) Is the Applicant a RED! Community? Yes [ ] No L:-J I If applicable, st.ate any environmentfl] or community henefits of this Project ot.her t.han reducing demand from ,'.} potable water Fiource. Thc}ic other benefits could include '..rater I quality or habitat imprO\:empnt~. and/or benl'fiting a low. income. senior or affordable I housing community. I . I Reduction of associated energy usage to retrieve, process and distribute potable water to the faciiity I I I and treat and discharge the wastewater. Reduclion of treated wastewater into the environment j Reduction of green l10use gases due to the reduction of energy required. Improves air quaiity ! If applicable, state how this Projeet showcases innovation using new technology or the method in which the Project is being implemented. This project is supplementing standard laundry facility with Aquarecycle System which is a new technology to capture, treat and reuse wastewater. 19. Please provide the name(s) and contact information of the entity's project manager who will oversee the implementat.ion of this Project. This should be the primary person for District personnel to contact and is nut necessarily the Applicant's legal signing authority. Name: I c::.kir r~rnp- - . I Email: !.!'kiPcamp(alcolliemov.net I Phone: 1239-252:8380. ..~ . . . .. ~ I I 30 ,"~ I -- ~ -- -_._w~_ ,- ~1i.11i'I\1Tl- --'ff;" l\genda Item No. 1GE4 May 12, 2009 Page 72 of 167 APPLICATION CHECKLIST <D You must sign and submit this Application Checklist with your Application package. This Application Checklist is provided for the convenience of the respondent and shall not be relied upon in lieu of the instructions or requirements of this solicitation. To ensure that your proposal package is complete and to maximize the number of points you may receive, please review the following items to confirm that they have been addressed and are enclosed. This page must be printfld and included in your Application package. Has the proposal submission deadline established in the solicitation bl'E:n md'? H:J.s the Transmittal letter been signe-d by the appropriate party? Hav(~ all questions and requests wlthin this document ])(-'t'n an.swcreJ? i./ Ha\"(~ you reviewed and compan:;d your application respon~($ to Exhibit ~.i.: Statement of \Vork with thE' .sample r('sp(ln~('s provided in Appendix A: Sample Rl_'.~ponsos t,CI Exhibit A? .' .' J ! i ,/ I :.,.., I ./ ~I:1\'c \'lIt! ~Upp1il d your ('('rtificatiol) of H EDT C'r'mmt'nitv (if 'IPplieabld I 1 .1 Hn\-'(~ you pni\'idt:'d ('vidence (hudget Of letter ofilnanciCll commitment) ofpro]ect" I n:latl.d matching funds as indicat(.d in thc' Funding' Pl'opus:nf sl'ction? I J-!as the Applic;dioll section of this pad:rq;e bl'c:n prrnH'd'? , Has the Sample Cooperative Funding Agreement been reviewed? lfminor deviations with the Sample Cooperat.i\'l~ Funding Agreement have been identified, have they been highlig-hted and printed? (There is no need to print and submit t.he Sample Agreement if no devintions are not.8eL) I Have all supporting documentat.ion been included, such as vendor descriptions of hardware, etc.? ,/ v Have you submitted t.he required number of complete copies of the proposal in I the Application package? I c,&r Seven (7) copie's of the Application package, including one marked "Original." Ii'" Two (2) CD. nOA.JS. each containing a cOl:'npJete copy of the entire Application ~~lck:lge. ___~_._______ ________ "_____ .___~_~. / V "----------...----- r havl' indicat.c~d that the l'(:qllin~d materials and procedures outhncd in the checklist above bave been included. ./-~"'1J"/1l/J":1 Program ;\.lanagt'r ~---.~-_....// : ' 'ift/ -L-.L/'J~~___~...,,____ \.. ."- ,..,/ ,I"~ ~ , ~ 31 .J1l~J___ . --- --~ - _...-s_;w__._ I .lIIilWfihil.''''l~lij: Co~er Count;y ----~"""" -- Administrative SeNices Division Facilities Management Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 73 of 167 April 17, 2009 Ms. Sharman Rose, Contract Specialist South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Reference: Water Savings Incentive Program (SIP) Dear Ms. Rose: Attached, please find Collier County Board of County Commissioners 2010 Capital Budget Submission Fom1 E dOClli'11Cnting a request for funds for L~e project addressed \\~thin this grant request. Please feel free to contact me at the number listed below should you have any questions. Thank you. Very truly yours, Skip Camp, CFM, Director C: Len Golden Price, Administrator Administrative Services Division 1:'\ .._._..,.__.~-_._--_.._-------~._-_._--_........_.._.--~.__.--- C'C:l:.,rtms;i: ~~' F",cii;i,:,'s iAzliia~::j:n"'ilt . 2,3'~:'; T2iTllarn: :,cil East. 31'11dlll;} 'vY . NRpjes Fiori8Q 2~ ~: 2 . ::::,9-252-8330 . ;:: ax 239-793.3795 :,':,;"". ;~t: I- o f-~ o lO,,- Q) ;;:f Z' '~ I ,,',F~;. I.;: 4i~'; h"'.:-'-~";f 1:',", ~"",: l;..,u !'"cp'1'; r",. :;!~~i liF'~~:':i~:':' ::$ . . I J , . '.(:. :,' ,,"\,'{'. .,' .,. . '. :' ,: ",' 'Ii Q; e:_ o '" .iij ': E ' E <i '... . 8= ,'; .,:.' ;;t ,"~" ,;;c,< .~ Ii"';;.. ~I~, .' ~II .'.'; . I~~ . ~~.';'t:;'I" ~~"> o '" U U..: I I I I .. u '" .0' - CL 1,1 Ji 1 j L IUl D'V .,..: 0;"; "l""_; :~.:r:'l'":~; II"' "" .;. I.':: !,<J,;':/. - Ii .' I """ I: 0: Q I:: ~,~ 1,1, >> !''c:, LL. u... 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U ::> o > < > '" Q) " I~ '" '" ,~ :; C .51 "1ii ,g '6 E ::> .c '" " <s: E '" 1:W (f) I II I , I I I I I w '" $ " a:J (f) 0.. o ii "1ii s: E o o 0:: I~ .~ " '" 0.. o :g :E' :; 1E .I:;; '" V5 " c g g I J;", "Q :E1ii:S5 ::: '00 ~ ~Cii u.. .9 en C" U) '(U U) 0 m 0 ... .~o.. a::: 0.. 111 Ec-E; .g~~eC) (J)C)t-Oo :g ~.D ~:::I o 41 ::: Q) Q) l-....J(/)....!z W, ~! I I.~ c -" 0.. w "0 (; " Q) '" .9 .Q '" Jj I~ ~ a3 I ~ 0 () ~ .- ;> ~~:g ::> - ::> CO ~ E ;:;2E I~ c 0 -><Q)() ,,'::'$ o...;::::ro I/) '2: C) C ::> C ~ E III 0);:::''''0 1500 > 010 ",mo N N (') <0 o ::: Q) " c~ '" ai Eo:: '" " '" Ig '" c I~~ CO ::: co1! "'I~ 0.. 0 Oa; -> - Q) ,~Ol 2 "0 '" ~..~~ c.~.E .- 'r\1'o iticn:O wt)tn ....cg .sO'S: ~ $.<0 >UJW <<i.rom '~';:' :::J' .C: cc c:.::::c <<< I I i ! I I g I g ~ ." Co I .~ COLLIER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER !\.genda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 80 of 167 3301 Easl T,lIlliarni Trail- J\'i.tpl::s, f-lnrida ~":)112. (2.:\9) 25:2-~:3~3" FAX: (39) 252~-+OlO April I?, 2009 Ms. Sharman Rose, Contract Specialist South Florida Water Management District Procurement Division. B-1 Building. 2nd Floor 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach. Florida 33406 Subject: Water Savings Incentive Program (.WP): Immoka/ee (REDI) Facility Low FlOH' Toilf!l Retrofit Pmjecl Dear Ms. Rose: Collier County respectfully submits the enclosed proposal for funding the replacement of existing standard fixture toilets with high-efficiency low flow models. This retrofit project is expected to produce a potable water savings of 1.151.904 gallons a year (a total of 115 units). Based on current water costs of $6.95 per 1000 gal, the project results in a yearly operational w'.:iter cost sayings of approximately $8.006.00. The Immokalee (REDI) Facility Low Flow Toilet Retrofit Project will enable the South Florida Water Management District to further its mission of enhancing the potable water supply and contributing toward long.tcrm reliability of the drinking water supply. The Need for the Proiect: Immokalee is located within the South Florida Water Management District's (SFWMD) Water Resource Caution Area. This means that the area has experienced, and is anticipated to h~.r\.'c, \rater supply problems in the upcoming years. This project is intended to help save waler as well as the associated energy costs to retrieve process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the wastewater. Tareet Audicm:c: The project will provide bendit to the citizens of Immokalee through the conservali,on of potable resources. The savings to Collier Counry and SFWMD Agency is approximately 1,151,904 GY of potable water. PrimarY Strategies for Implementation: The scope of work for this project includes one major tas~ listed below: The proposed project will replace 115 standard toilet, with 115 High-Efficiency Low Flow (I.28gpf) 'n1is project will replace aU existing standard toilets currently in use within the existing Immokalee (REDI) Facilities. A more detailed description of these ulSks is included in the "Scope ofWark" section of the attached application. Prooosed Proiect Management Plan: Mr. Skip Camp, Facilities Director, of Facilities Management at (239) 252-8380 will ser\'e as Program Manager for this project. Following execution of the agreement between the SFWMD and Collier County, a kjck~offmeetjng will be held in which the County \\'iJI update the District on the project's status and establish a schedule of project payments to be submitted to the District, As an authorized representative of Collier County - Immokalce (REDI). I declare that the Alternative Water Supply Funding Application was prepared without collusion with any other person or entity submitting a response pursuant to this solicitation. Coflier County looks forward to working with the District to replace existing standard fixture toilets '''lith high~emciency low flow models. Sincerely, __r- ,;.;,.,. '~--' .' .- James V. Mudd County Manager- ,.;;: Agenda Item No. 16E4 I\lIay 12, 2009 Page 81 of 167 APPLICATION COVER -.,< " .. . . SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING The undersigned Applicant has read all of the terms and conditions of the U~7ter Savings Incentil'e Program Cooperative FUl1Illng Guidelines and Application, and certifies that all of the information contained within this Application and subsequent attachments is true and COITect to the best of his/her knowledge. Date of Incorporation: t 5/8/1923 I State of Incorporation: I Florida I Federal 10 No.: 1596000558 I .__ Has your organization ever received funding under the Water Savings Initiative Program for this Project? yes) I NOlL- t I Pro;pct Tittp I YPM Funop<I I ~nnrovpo Fundin" I Actual FundinOj Has your organization ever rejected, failed to perform, or failed to complete the contracted~r under a prior WaterSIP Grant proposal once submitted, selected, and approved for funding? YesE] No Project Tltle Year Funded Reason A licant's Le al Name: Collier County Board of County Commissioners State Div. IDe t. if a licable Facilities Management Project Title: Immokalee Low Flo Toilet Retrofit Oescri tion: Retrofit 115 existing toilets (gpf values ranging from 1.6 - 4.5) witl11.28 gpf fixtures Type of Organization: Local Government. ~ Authorized Person's Name: .'--. ',,--, ( \, Signaturt~ ."'...~ V-"'" -" - , " /'.... t must be sIgned by authorize,.d)ndividudJ I" f _. county Manager - ~ Iltle: 1~,--'_ Applicant's Address: 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 Funding Amount Requested: 1$34,500 II County in which Project will be Built: I I Collier County -.~--I I: I j Telephone Number:! 239.252-8383 Fax t4umber: 1 239-252-4010 [mail: I JarnesMudd@colliergov.net ] II I I 20 -daItr~l ---l1li~!II\I/If:'Hi)."'~~liiJ]-I!- llj~i - . It-am t~o. 1 GE4 :\1ay 12, 2009 Page 82 of 167 TRANSMITTAL LETTER All applications shall contain a transmittal letter highlighting the Applicant's reasons for requesting funds. This letter shall be addressed to the Contract Specialist, Sharman Rose and shall be on official letterhead. The letter shall provide a concise overview of the proposed project, which shall include the need for the Project; the target group; the area of the District to be served; the primary stratehries for implementation; and an evaluation of the short- and long- term benefits of the Project. including the estimated water demand reduction. The letter shall name the person authorized to make representations on behalf of the Applicant and their title, address. email address, and telephone number. The letter shall declare the Application was prepared without collusion with any other person or entity submitting an application pursuant to the WaterSIP Funding Program. A person authorized to bind the Applicant must sign tho transmittal letter indicating the person's title and authority. Please limit this to one page. 21 - R'I ~\- I I -r.;-""'- ITii!.i "'7_'''~__~':!:&,':;''_;; Agenda Item No. i 6E4 May 12, 2009 Page 83 of 167 EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING STATEMENT OF WORK (j) Please review "Appendix A: Sample Responses to Exhibit A" before continuing. i'--'~"/I/',i<.i,'d~<'i'~?",j;f(;'A';'i:,''';;; 'ti":{!~':i,"""';~ll!* 'lntroduttio:warta'Back' -",;:,,;,:,.;,;:,,+,c,,~,,':OIJ~';:+:(+;i,::J_;:',';'"!,~;;:'''-Kl~\'',\';;.;;i::,:; 1. Pro\.ide a brief overview of why this Project is needed. Please include: A historical description of water use by the target group. Explain if the Project is consi8tent with the applicable local government comprehensive plan and/or utility water conservation program. Explain why the Project is being done. Def:i.cribe how the Project relates to other ongoing or future projects. lntroduce key terms or acronyms. A. quantification of the hpnefits and potential water savings and other potential benefits;. Type your Introductiun and Background in the space provided below (limit 1,900 characters, approximately two to three [:Z'3} paragraphs). The proposed Immokalee (RED!} Facility Low Flow Toilet Replacement Project seeks to reduce water and energy usage through the replacement of existing standard toilet fixtures with high-efficiency models. Colliet County Facilities Department retrofit program will use 10...... flow tollets (1.28 gpf) as a conser...ation measure for public facilities. Collier County Facilities Department staff has perfom1ed a survey of all county lrnmokalee (REDl) Facilities and identified 115 inefficient toilets for replacement. This retrofit project is expected to produce a savings of approximately 1,151.904 gallons a year (total of 115 units). Based on a cost of $6.95 per 1000 gal, that results in a yearly operational cost savings of ~pproximately $8,006. This savings can be reallocated to help retain existing jobs and/or create new jobs. During the replacement project. other water conservation efforts are also being implemented at the sites such as installation of aerators and low flow shower heads. Additional benefits include: Reduction of associated energy usage to retrieve, process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the wastewater. I Overall. th~ project results in water conservation, energy reduction and yeariy operaiional cost savings 22 :If. ImI __IIDIfl.~: P,genda it3m t~o. 1 GE4 r',~ay 12, 2009 P3ge 84 of 167 2. Clearly state the ohjective of this Project. What will this Project accomplish? Please include: A brief statement of the project's ohjective. A brief project justification statement. Type your Justifkation/ObjPctive Statement in the space below (limit 500 characters, approximately one to three [1-3] sentences). The objective of this project is 10 redur..€! watp.r (1" 15 MGY) and energy cono;umption within Comer County facilities. through the replacement of low efficiency loilets with high-effidency low flow loilets (1 .28 gpf). The new low flow models will save a considerable amount ofwClter compared to the older model ( gpf), as well as Ihe associated energy costs to retrieve. process and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the wastewater. 3. Provide a brief, general description of the proposE'cl project. ['lease include: ItemL;) t.o he jJurcha:-;l'd/in.;bI11c:,d/clistrihut,('d. Number of such items. Targc"t g-roup and its size. Loco. bon of this Project. Type }'our Scope of \Vork in the space providC'd l)(~]ow (limit 1,000 characters, approxjmateJy one to two 11-2J paragraphs). r. The proposed project will replace 115 standard toilets with 115 High-Efficiency low Flow (1.28 gpf) This project will replace all existing non ~low fiow~ toilets currently in use within the existing Immokalee {REDI) Facilities. Including: lmmokalee (REDI) Facilities - 5 Sites (115 Toilets) The new facilities will be utilized by the public as .vell as government employees. Since most of these locations have public access the u!ili.::ation wi!! be extensive. The Project '11m encompass 5 separate locations (siles) throughout Immokalee. 23 i -'IIiI: ~': !\genda Item ~Jo. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 85 of 167 4. Type your Work Breakdown Structure in the space provided below (limit 3,750 words, up to one [1J page). The Work Breakdown structure should describe how the Project would be completed. Your Work Breakdown Structure should include: The identification and description of the proposed project's methodology. A detailed description of each element (i.e.. step, task, and/or phase). Bidding: Prepare Package for Advertisement Advertise Request for Quotation Review Bids and Award Contract Purchase Low Flow Toilets (County Purchase) Construction: Schedule Toilet Replacements Mobiflze to site Shut off Water Remove Existing Tollet Secure new T ailel to floor w/wax ring Attach water line Repair Tile/Wall paper etc. Recycle old toilet Fill out Installation Table for Invoice and Quarterly Report 24 ~:r.W~;J, - ..",~ .'~\c,t::;nda I tern ~Jo. 1 :3E4 ~ L1E1Y 12, 2009 Page 8'3 of '167 sdm~~&Scnedi:I1~:oti,J.nks:a:iidDeliVer.'.' . ~~:':;J"j';'~;f}}(:j?if>?)'S"'*l\:'!:;;,~~,"~;l!:'\~1l\iH:;'!~:~l;/,:~Jli:!.;*",*-WF~:V-:~,'~ifi1';:if.i1'-J~,,jfI~ 5. Type a summary schedule of tasks and deliverables for the Project from start to finish in the space provided below. Report due dates are pro\rid(~d as a reminder. CD Information provided here will be used by the District to complete Exhibit B: Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables. Obtain Quotes for fixtures and installation Enter into Contract will1 Contractor Purchase all Fixtures Due Date: December 31, 2009 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) 2 January 1- March 31, 2010 Install Fixtures in: . Immokalee (RED I) Facilities - 5 Sites (115 Toilets) 3 Due Date: March 31, 2010 I April- June 30,2010 ! Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) Due Date: June 30, 2010 4 July 1- August31, 2010 . installations Compiete I Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) I I Due Date: August 31, 2010 Submit a hard copy of the Final Project Summary Report' (Exhibit D) and remaining close-out package materials to the District 5 September 30, 2011 Due Date: September 30, 2011 Submit Project Performance Tracking Re.port (see project~' Performance Tracking section of this document) ~,--,---".._-,_.._- - End of Exhibit A - 25 ....- ..... ~ rl\genda Item r\Jo. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 87 or 167 QUANTITY OF POTABLE WATER SAVED AND CALCULATIONS <I> Please review Appendices Band C before continuing. 6. Please st.ate the estimated water savings as a result of this Project and show how this estimate was calculated. Express estimated water savings in million gallon.s per year (MGY). Please be as specific as your available data u]]ows. You must state any assumptions included in your calculations. Please see calculations on next page. I 26 '.~-~ ";;;"'~_~'!f)'{M.iL - .. , 'I'.IW, Variables Y em work :::-: 260 'x'cartot:li := :'065 Flush "-:=; 7.:j - day. ~ toiJctcount;::::' J 15 toilc!savc:= 40000 Cast gallon :0::: 6.95 AC'3nda :teiTl !\Jo. ~16E4 ~ May 12, 2009 Page 88 of 167 PopulatiunnumOl.:r:oo. 40 toildoldOnum:= 113 toilcloldO:= 1_6 lDileto1dlnum::;;; 0 toileto1d1 := 2.5 loilet(lld2num ::::; 0 toilctold2 := 3.5 toilctold3num ;;:::; 2. loileto1d3 ;;;;;; 4.5 t()ilctco~t:::::: 150 Population flush ::0::: 2.6 toiktinstallmat;= 15 loiletnew:::: 1.28 toilctinstall;:::: 135 TOILET RETROFITS- IMMOKALEE FACILITIES 1. Project Scope '\etrofit 115 toilets in Immokalee facility buildings ~ull existing toilets, change rough in as needed for installation including removal of pulled terns :;ounty mainta>nance to provide all materials for installation >ncludlng removal of pulled items. lllis bid includes minimal repair of wall or tile work as needed for installation. Wallpaper is lot included 2. Assumptions 2:harge is applicable to each 1,000 gallons ot water t)13t passes through Ule water neter based upon a potable water rate structure block schedule. Rates verfied on Apri 5th 2009 through Immokalee Utility Department. (' 1- 6 w "os g:11l011-- .,) he quantity is a derivative of the "Collier County Facilities Fixture Count" Inventory ontemporary facility assets, toilctcount ::: 115 Fffieciency Gallons per flush of old fixtures. toiicloJdO ::: 1.6 lOiletold 1 :::: 2.5 tollctold2 = J.) wilctold) = 4.5 pua;;t;ty of old Fixtures representing different Gallons per flush values toikloldOIlUIll :=: ] 13 toildoldlntlnl c:: 0 toildll1d2nurn :::: 0 toilclold31ll11n ;:;;; :2 ~igl1 Efficiency Toilet AquaSource Model # TL-7600HC-HET-LO t(liktncw =- ] ,28 gallons 11ush 1"he quantity is a derivative of a Irnmokalee survey of employees conducted in 20 9 f\,pubtioonush:;C ::'.6 ~,:- - -'iilih ilush ~mni{)\'('~ I trhis quantity represents the stereotYPical facility building populaton, Populationmnnber == 40 !Nork Days in a year' Yearwork "'" 260 pays in in a yead Yeartotal ::: 365 3. Current Use CurrentdayO:::; PopulationOush' Population number .toiletoldO.toiletoldOnum Currel1tday I := PopuJntiol1tlush' Population number' ioiletoldJ .toileto1d I num Currentday2 :"'" PopuJatiol1flush' Population number'toiletold2' toiletold2nuI11 Currentday3 := Popu lation flush' pQpulatiol1 numbcr'toiJctold3-toilctoJd3nulTI Current(bY := CurrentdayO + Current day I -I. Currentday2 + Currenlday3 Currentda)' == 19739.2 Currcntyear:= Currenlday')' carwork "'- 5.131 x 106 COSlgaJlon Currcnlcost ::;;; Currelltyear' woo CurrentC05t :=:; :15668.7:'4 dollars n:"r 4. Efficiency Use . '" FfficiencYJ;:y := !oiletcuUl'll,toilctntw Populatiol1numbtl.Pnpuliltinn !lush EfficicncYday:::: ]5308.8 Efl1cicnc)'year ;::::. EfiiciencYcl:1y' Yearwork :::: 3_98 x Costgallon EfIicicnC)'cost:""- Efficicfl('Yyear" 106 1000 EfliciencYcost:::: 27663.002 5. Water Total Savings Sa\'inggaIJon ::;:; Currcn\ear - EfficicncYycar I 03110n Is~vinggalltin = 1151904 ~ . year Savingc0st := Currentcosl - Et1iciency cost ISavingcost = 8006 I dollars year ..... fti.'1lI .....ll~ UIili r-""""""~ .Jii1'..iliml.~-- - ...... -_.~_._----_.__.._- jl,aenda Jtem ~~o. 16E4 " May 12. 2009 Page 89 of 167 ,'1,g:-~f-ida Itf;:in !\JO. "I GE4 fJ18yi 2, 2009 Page 90 of 167 6.Cost Analysis nstallation of a AquaSource Model # TL-7600HC-HET-LO Cost as qouted by Lowes, Item outation 5905. toih:\::ost ;::: 150 dollars ~ateJials to Install Each toilet I toilctinstailmal ;::: J 5 nstallation of a AquaSoufce Model # TL-7600HC-HET-LO Cost as qouted by Lowes, Item outation 5905. loiletinstall ;::: 135 dollars toikt.A.llinstall:;::: (lOiletinslalll1l3t + toildinstall}toilL'tcount toilet:\l1in$lall = 17:2~O dollars tOlktAlIcost := toilctcos(toiletcount toildAllcost :=. 17250 dollars !uik:t1otal :,,: !Dik:tAllcost + toilt:tAllinst311 wiletto1aJ = 34500 tkdbrs Cost / Benifit Analysis t(lilettotal P:lybackyears:= '- . S;lvlIlgcost Pt1ybackyears ;:; -i.309 )-'e~lr5 - -~ .... .- " _~a Il' .~_~._,-~_____~.. -.""'... =---~'. Agenda item [\10. '16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 91 of 167 PROJECT COST AND FUNDING ITEMIZATION 7. Please enter itemized cost information into the table below. "Note: Ifsome o/the project work is being done ']"n -house" or "in -kiIJd'; please blieDy descI'ibe. Low Flow Toilets 115 $150 $150 $34,500 In.kind Contribution l' In-kind Contribution 2' In-kind Contribution 3" 8. Please enter the following funding information below. *Note: See Ji!unding Propo.<"'ll] section of this document for cl7"dence offunding rcql1li.cments. $34,500 Is the Applicant u Hural Economic DevelopnH,>nt Init.ia.tive (REDD communit.y? Yes .Are other cooperatively funded projecls currently under this program'! Yes 27 ~.~ """""'~'I~ nl&r""'lSlY~raL_.- __ _.&il ~~ ",",.l~ifW__ _~r-"'A'.""""'~"E~~ ",-------.-.. /\genda item I\Jo_ "16E4 May '12, 2009 Page 92 of 167 ;.... If yes, provide the contract/agreement number(s), funding amount(s), sourcds}. and required complf.:tion date(s) for the oth<':f project(s): --.- - Contract! Agreement Number Funding Amount Source(s) Completion Date(s) SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS -----rye,g KI'~- 9. Is this a rehate Of voucher pfogra:m? ;.. If no, proC:(~E'd to question 10. If VE'S: I a) Huw many rebates or vouchers in total wIll be issued? b) \Vhat is the lnaximum l"lUmbcr of rebatQs/vouchcrs that can be issued to a ~inglc Participallt?I.____ .... .. \ - IIO\v man:,-' hOHH:S or lJ.Cll11JL:;:, \\111 t.Ii.:> Vlo;.::ram attempt to n'<tch at a minimum'.1___ *Not~: ThJ~ question .:l.'iSlllI](';;' rhi-it .'Ill Parricipant.;;,- ~J(,C(~Dt The llwxiwll111 Dumber of aJJolf"/lbJe reb.'lte."/l,pl1chers. ;.. c) 10. \\Till t.he projl~ct'S Participants be eligible io recei\"t' [n()fl;; thaI} one of any t)'pe uf fixture or di:.:vic\.;\ _"uch as, but not. limited t.o, a showerhead or faucet. aerator? I I YcoD NO NIAEJ ;.. r If no or not. I1pplicablc. proceed to question 1 L ,I If yes: I . a) List tho~.e fixt.ures/de\'ices: h) Focusing on just one of the above fixtures/devices, hen\' many of these \,,-ill be issued [or the entire project? I . I c) 'Arhat is the maximum number o} fixtures/devices that can be issued to a single Participant? ~__ I How many homes or facilitles will this program attempt to reach at a minimum'. *Note: This. que~tjon !J."'L<.,'ume8 that ;:ill P;lrticip:.wfs :.-u:cept the nWXimllI11 number of /l11o~rHble fixfure.r;: or devices. I (l) ! 28 .... _<';!U;__HUWtr~_ "q.............. J~l'IIf........"I>_~~M~~.. , ilII.b....mlt~=-__'"""...-......,,-<A 11. Will water savings gained by this Project directly n~duce an existing withdrawal from a potable source? );0 If yes, identify the source w r m' mi A if r );0 If no, please explain the water supply benefit below. YesECJ NoD 12. Is rho Project part of your institution/facility's conservation plan? 13. Has the proposed project already begun? l~L Is its start dependant on SF\V11D funding? 15. \VuterSIP is a reimbun;cment program. It is expected that the scope of the Project ,,,rill be completed in it.s entirety (see Funding Policy section) within the timeframe outlined in the Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables, regardless of the actual amount Df funding granted to the Applicant through the Wat.erSIP Program. Does the Applicant have budget.ed funds available to pay for the entire scope of the Project within the timeframe outlined in the Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables without funds from the WaterSIP Program? 16. The Applicant fulJy understands that if, tt)r any reason. the project scope is not fulfilled to 100% completion as outlined in the Statement of \lVork, the District's funding amount will be reduced to match the original percentage of funding ove.r the initial project cost l'stimate as presented in this Application. 17. The Applicant also understands that. if tlw project. SCOpE.' is achieved to 100% completion as outline'u in the Statement of\Vork and total actual project costs l]]"C helow the estimated total projpct co~t, the Recipient \-vill bl~ eligible to receive up to the full funding anlDllut, as long ;"?t8 the minirnum GO percent (;:iOt,;,) match is met. 29 _ gillifl'lOOl'l ill! i,lli! j- -', Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 93 of 167 DCD X I 09 X 0tj 11 I~: jl ~,-,~' f\.;jenda l\~;m Ho. 'j '3E4 1\13y12, 2009 Page S)-4 of 167 PROJECT DATA AND CRITERIA SUMMARY 18, Flease provide n brief synopsis of the Project:. Indicate quantities of each hardware/technology item(s): - The proposed project seeks to reduce water and energy usage through tile replacement of existing standard fixtures with high-efficiency models. Collier County Facilities Department retrofit program will use low flow toilets as a conservation measure for public facilities. Collier County Facilities Department staff has performed a survey of alllmmokalee (REDI) Facilities and identified 115 inefficient toilets for replacement. This retrofit project is expected to produce a savings of 1,151,904 gallons a year (115 units). Based on a cost of $6.95 per 1000 gal, that results in a yearly operational cost savings of approximately $8,006 quantity of estimat.ed wa_ter sa\~_::~~.,_" LlL_l MGY Amount of fund.ing n'quesl.pd ~ :>4,bUU Total project ('OSt. ~ 34.500 l)roposi..~d pBrcent SF\VMD funding I~]' (50',1/{) maximum of $7;""1,0(0) ." Is the Applicant a REDl Community? Yc,~ !\o[ ] I If applicablej state any elll'irOllI1J(lnl!J.J or C0I1111Jlll1il.r venelits of this Project other tban reducing demand from ::1 Iwt:ibJe Irater source. Tl1l',Q.f> other henefits could include water ; quahty or hahitat improvements, an(L!or benl'l"iting a lovrincomc, senior or affordable housing: community. Reduction of associated energy usage to retrieve, process and distribute potable water 10 the facilities I and treat and discharge the wastewater_ Reduction of tre8t8d w3ste\valer into the environment i If applicable, state how this Project showcases innovation using new technology or t.he method in which the Project is being implemented. I This project is replacing standard toilets with "Iow-fiow toilets" which is a new tecl1nology !. I I I I 19. Please provlde the nam.ets) and COlu.act lnformatlOn of the enLJty s project managl:r Wll0 will oversee the implementation of this Project. This should he the primary person for District personnel to contact and is not nc.cessarily the Applicant's Jpgal signing authority. ~Hme: l-Skir r~mp__~___,~___ .---~-l Email: ~ skipcamp(ci)colliergov_net ..I Phone: 1239-252-8380 I 30 I'--"".._~"'."""""""j '''r''R'I:I~:'l;i~~~Ir~~>.'t'~J~''iI/i't~'UI$~:,'mtUI.jlllll1Y~~._'.l.'fm.-~~;t!;': MEl\10RANDUM Agenda Item No. 16E4 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR May 12. 2009 Page 95 of 167 OFFICE OF TOURISM, TRADE, and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: Distribution March 30, 2009 Diane Scholz SUBJECT: Communities eligible for S.288.06561, F.S., Reduction or Waiver ofl"Iatch The following counties meet the statutory criteria of having at least three of the required factors of economic distress to a greater degree than the state as a whole. These counties and incorporated municipalities within those counties are eligible to request a "Reduction or Waiver of Match". Counties designated as Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC) are eligible for a full "Waiver of Match. .. Designated Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC): . Northwest Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern - re-designated o Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Liberty, Washington and the City of Freeport in Walton County. . South Central Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern - re-designated o DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, and Okeechobee Counties, and the Cities of Pahokee, Belle Glade, and South Bay (Palm Beach County), and Immokalee (Collier County). . North Central Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern - re-designated: o Baker, Bradford, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lafayette, Levy, Madison, Putnam, Suwannee, Taylor and Union. Rural Counties approved for a "Reduction or Waiver of Match": Flagler, Nassau, Wakulla and Walton. Documentation and requests for a "Reduction or Waiver of Match" has been submitted, verified, and approved for the following communities located in non-rural counties. Eligibility is good for one year and will expire on the corresponding dates shown below. CitieslTowns (County): Archer (Alachua) Bushnell (Sumter) Center Hill (Sumter) Century (Escambia) Coleman (Sumter) Dundee (Polk) Fort Meade (Polk) Hastings (St. Johns) Jay (Santa Rosa) Lake Wales (Polk) Mulberry (polk) Newberry (Alachua) Webster (Sumter) \Valdo (Alachua) VVild\,vood (Sumter) Zephyrhills (Pasco) Expiration Date: December 17, 2009 September 11 , 2009 July 19, 2009 March 3, 2010 September 15, 2009 November 25, 2009 November 25, 2009 September 25, 2009 November 14, 2009 September 10, 2009 October 9. 2009 March 26, 2010 December 16, 2009 March 6, 2010 July 19. 2009 October 13, 2009 --".._".>--,,-------~_...- lIll ...'lL- a\lllUlII.ill~ ~- _M__..__.TI .L\cenda it31TI [\lo, -16E4 ,. May 12, 2009 Page 96 of 16l STATE OF FLORIDA OFFICE OJ;' THE GOVER1~OR EXECUTIVE ORDER NU:\1BER 06-34 WHEREr',S, during tho 1999 Session, t1,t Florida LegisJaltlTC passed, and the Gov~rnor signed 1010 law, legislation swp?oning economic d~\c1c:'prn(::it lD the rur:::l an;;JS of t~e St;l!e: and \\'!I[ftt:,;\S, :=J!:K,ugh economic progress 11aJ bt;:!) made in man)' rUJ~:l areas. the gro\\th and pr~;sr~erjty cnj.Jy~d b;! nlOst commu:11til'S in the Sl:lt(~ during the p:1r:t 45 ye:.trs did not e,.~tenJ into Flunda'::'I-dr,d ;1rCllS: ;:Lno \\'HEP..EAS, the;;:: co;'nnll~:1iti'2s me stt\\J~ds of the \'Jst majori[y ofFlo;-id,:l'~ bnd :mc; r:;);ur(~l ,c?O:lfC::::, ti~~'Jn \\.-biC!-l il:-: Sr:l:c's ':0:-I:i711:.:;J g:'O\\.-n-', ~nl~ p:-o.:;pcnty d-:':pl':d; :.:;1d \Vll ER7::,:\S , :~u,'.:c:::-;:~flli r:'lfill C:)J:l~T1L:;iii.H'.':; D:-:: I.:s::,(::;tt?lto :h:..: uvc:-~tll SL:;;CC:-::; c;f th~ Stine's ('conumy ,:md qU31lty of Efe: and \VHEREAS, ccr:a:n (-ural c()nmlJnlti.::s arc stru~~g!ing to main~~in, support or c'Jlh<.iilCC' iub cIr?atir;" :lctt'.'HV or [0 generate revenues for educ,,~jon and other crili..:.l1 ..J ~ - ~) govern:11cnt ser\--iccs 51:,h as mfrastnlc-turc-. transportation and safety; and \VBEREAS, the clH!tenges faced by th~:;e rural conulluni:ics thrc;:.tcn l}~eir \\'l~l1- bein[~ ar.d viability: Jnd \\'IJEF.E..\S, S~ct;Dn 2i\,~,C()56 (7), FlL);lCb Si,Hur~s. (lla:H.Jr1ZCS the Rcr,:d :::\"l\;'J[)I::JC D:':\'C]Up::ICJ~t Initi2l:ivi.' tn 1.:c(lrnr~1(:'nd ':0 tll~' GO\'ClnOr up ;0 ll11'(:c [Ff.:~iS [('I' d;~~;i::;l1~ili(Ai ::::.; rur::l .:1rc.:~~ n [" c:r:(,ca 1 ;,>:::o:'Jcimic C.O;lc:':::r~t: ~nd \Vl-lEREAS, a i-;,;~(ll 3:\~~1 {If c:-iti,':;j: c\:unDn:ic ::C:1c:nn 1.'. CO:1;po;\cd 01' rur~] ,~. ':: ':-: ~':'~ '.:: ~ 1 ~ ~~' ':' d'-'C'(:!"11 \"",' ("<'" "ir(il'\~~;': C-_\T:Cinl\(~ :.\ ~-':-,Il" :"1,1 :-fiI -III' -- _"",,_._.1 ~~''''....... ,,""""'_ """"~_,,._.ni'.D1r_i..... ~4.t'!1--~:..~ Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 \'dH:JZ.EAS. tl:e COIl;!!,e, ofDeS,'l,), G!ades, Hardee Helldr\' l/iuhi,mJ< "0'1 Page 97 of 167 ) . -,' :::> ' ", U;)~ Okccchobc~, and rhe Cities Df Belle Glade. Pah,)kee, and South Bay, md the area around Jmmobk~ induded within the Round II Fed~rJI Rural Enterprise CDTImunity located in northc3st Collier County were designated on January 26,200 I, as a Rural Area of Critical El"lnOlllic Concern for a term of five years, and the Rural Economic Development Initiative was dirccted to rcview the designation annually and rccummend whether the designation should be terminarcd or continucd~ and WHEREAS, the designation expired on January 26,2006: and \VHEREAS, rcprcscot.:nives of the twenty-one state and :~giull<11 ':lg~ncies comprising the Rural Economic Developmeni Initiative met on hnu:"y J 7, 2t1D6 "nd recommended to the Gover-ior to continue the designation of the CountJ!.~S ofD~Soto, Glades, Hardee, Ilcndry, llighlands. and Okecchobec, and the Cities t>flkJie (~]ade, Pahokee, and SOU::J Bay. and ~he aJ"e::l around lnnloka]ee inc1udcd \\'1111)n nw Round 11 Fede:::::.! Rural E:Herpnse Co:nmu:liry ].:>calcd in ;)Ol1h~(lSt C(;lJicr CClU-:ty rl': a rural ~nt;, of cnli:.:a] eC{)nornic COl1Ct::ll and to ine:Jude ihc area \vilhin the hnrnokaJce Urb;.m Designated Area in the dcsignation~ :-;OW, TlIEREFORE, I, JEB BUSlI, as Govcrnor of Florida, by 1'imle of the authority vested in me by AI1icle IV. Section I(a), Florida Constitution, and Section 21':8.0656 (7). Florida Stotutcs, do hereby promulgate the following Executive Order, effective irmm:Jiately: 0eCI:on t Tlw ore;) within the bClL:ndarie's (lfthe Counties of DeSoto, Glades, HorJcc, lIendry. Hlghlcl1d.i. ond Okccchobee, and the Ciries lif Be!le Glade, Pahokee, and So,",h Bay, ,he orca H01'"" hnn'okalcc inci"ded wir',:" :he Rnt:!\d n Federal Rur21 E:-llcmr:se COJr)l1l'Jnity. 3nd t!~;: zrea wilbn the lrnmokalt'e Urkm Dcsign.lted Are-a , . '.' n .....,~ p.genda !t(,;m t'io" 16E4 May 'i2, 2009 !r-,;",':llcd:n lj(,nhe:i:;t Colli:':f ('c..un:y 1S d::~;lt_n~lted ~t;:, a RurJl.-\rcil ofe ale:l] Ecc,nemic Pa;]e 93 of 167 CU:1ccrn, S~lion f" This Jrea ;hall b~ J priurity assignment [or the Rural Economic Development Initiative. S;.:ction 3. On a cJse-by-c3.se basis, the cri~:::ri;J. requircr:1ents or provisions of cconomic dtvelupmerJl inCC!1tives may be \vai\'cd. SLJch im'cnlivi::'s in::ludej but shall not he !imlt!2d h), tk: Qmilificd Targf:t Indl:stry Tax Rcfu;~d Progr::lTTI under Section 238.] 06, f1urida SIatutes! :11::: Qlli~k Response Traini:lg PrO';;,Jll1 und~r Section 2S8.047j Floridti Statute.s, the Quick Rcs;)l.'lJ';S(; Training Program [0: pa;'1i~;pan::3 In the \.',:(..:If<lre transition l-rrcgr~m under S::ctiun 2S~,(j-17l;)), Florida Slan:rcs, transportation p:ojc.cts under Section 2st;.(;6J. 17Jorida Statt:l~~, th~ b:OW~lficld redevelopment bonus rC;lmd under 5('c:10)1 ~S8.1 07, Florid;1 ~~;:~\U(C~, a;-lJ tl)l,~ runl job tax crcdlt p;ogram under SeCl1~)nS 212,098 ~lnd 2~~(J_ )(:95, riorida Sta",'JLcs. Sf.'ctio:l'1. .-\CCC:;:; i(l the. (.5S:SUH)(:C :lYl)lbbJc llnda this Desil:,li~ltiOH:1S 1 Rural ------,--'- -, .~\rC::i (;fCriiical ~CO;lO'iTiic CO:1C~Til sball be CCO;iTlS:':Ili. ~lpU:l the cxeCHtlun ofme:y;oranda ot' ~l~rcc:rH~;ll D';::L\\::sn the O:fi~'e of TO'Jnsr:l, Tra:..k, a:1o':1 Ecortom.ic DL~Veli)p;:liC'ntl the p.:)\'ernino hodies of tbe CCIUDtics, and the ~I')\cnli!l;~ bodies of the 1\1unic1 aalities ~) '::;> ... . inciudcd wiThin the 3fta. Sueb memoranda of 2.g,~eJl1el1t ::.hall spc-cif) the terms and condilions of lilt Je~j~~!Li!iUll, tocluding, but not limited to, tbe duties :1nd responsibilities of the Coun~ie~ ;JnJ ~.1unlCir'at:lies 10 uke actions designed to fi.icllitlll.:: lhe relt:ntion dnJ z.o:-:pan::;ion I..-J c\i~tln~ bt~::i:riess~s in the ,~r:::.a, as weil as tile rt"cWitln::ol of ilC\V bu;.,tnt:~ses iu tb;;: ar"CJ. :~~~liiJl12:_ This dCS!gni~tiiln :;;1-;(11) be in effect for L'~'c Y~3:'=, ~nd \\"ill c.\plrc on fcbn:ary 1 (), :Gl I, O":l( sha:l b:: rtvj~w-:d t<)' the Rl:r21 EC()~lOn;ic DcVt:loplllc.:t ;ni~:3~"ive :;"T:rl!::~lly '[he F(:(;;ll ~-=:, ~F~LiF': D:,:\',::b;~);)::!li. ll, tt,d:-,-'..'. CU\' 11.,,:(:\)ln;l,e:~.j ~;lt.: d::S;LJ121lnll " '"-~~:ii 1""U~"~1 .- i:flllll. EJIII... -',_',6 ,~ """"'" ,Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 :l~ t::-..r;'j:n~J!cd or CO:1t:r:ued based 0:1 e::oi1omic dcvciopmcni progrc5.s from ClliTi..'nl iu.se Page 99 of 167 !in:.>~ nr upon p~rf(J~rn.:mce ll.!)d~r the memoranda of agre-ern(:nt. ATTEST: :)v-...... M.. Q,l,j, --~-~ -- SEcrZEL\RY 0(,)'[ ATE ~RI'-' ~~~~~_ ..~ IN TESTIMOl\'Y WHELEOP, I have hereunto set my band ami caused the Gre:>!., Seal olthe Stale of Florida to be affixed 1t Tallahassee, the Capitol, this J 61h day of February, 2006, fr (f~ '-.~ f~' ~- : .- ::':;-~ :'~;=--. 4 --- - =, ~ '-ti ~'.-) ,-, "0 " J ~ ) .~ , '",,~."" .....-. ,~"JEnda item t'Jo, 16E4 " fv'1c:y 12, 2009 Page 100 of 167 APPLICATION CHECKLIST CD You must sign and submit this Application Checklist with your Application package. This Application Ch~cklist IS provided for the convenience of the respondent and shall not be relied upon in lieu of the instructions or requirements of this solicitation. To ensure that your proposal package is complete and to maximize the number of points you may receive, please review the following items to confirm that they have been addressed and are enclosed. This page mu:::t he pr1nted and included 1n your Application package, Has the prnpnsnl suhmi.ssion de3.dline est.ahlished in tIll' so1iciti-ltion bf'(!n nwt? -- Has the Transmittallot.tcr bpcn signf:'d by the appropriate> party? /' Have all questions ;-lnd rL'(rUr.::t~ within this document lw('n answcrcd',l I I /~ Have you reviewed and compared your clpplic.ation H~:;:pons(~s to Exhihit A: Statement of \V()rl~ with th(;. ~;arnple n~sponsl':-; proyidf:-'d in Appl-.'ndix:\: Sample Re.sponsc'.s to Exhibit .'\';l I-Ian" yuu supplied your Ct'rtii'icatlon pf UEDI CommLtni1-y (if :lpp]jeahhJ. / I-lave you pn_i\'idL~d E'\:j,:JenCe (hudget or il'ttcr of financial c()rnmitnH.~n1) e)f projl'd- rL'Jat(~d il1aLchin~~ funds ns indjc:nc:cl ill the- F'undill.s," ['ropn-;;tl s(,::tion? / , ----~ I lias the Apph'c:ltioll sect.ion of this package' bec'l1 printed? i I Has the Sample Coopcnltive Funding A1;.'1'cement. been reviewed? /' , , If rninor deviations \vith the. Sample Cooperative Funding Agreement hav(~ been I I identified, have they been highlighted and printed? (There is no need to print ,...- and submit the Sa.mple Agreement if no deviations are noted'> !l-Iave all supporting documentation been included, such as vendor descriptions of // I hardware, etc,? Have you subnlltt.c-d the requltl"'d numher uf cumplde CUP]!!;:; of tbe proposal In l th(~ Appllcatiol1 package? ~jF Seven (7) copies of the Application packagt), including on0 In'llked 'l)lIgmal" '_5' Two (2)..CD..ROMS, each cuntaining a cumplete copy of tIw t'IltIre :\ppl1catlOn packagp. ~--~,------_._- ------~--- - / I have inrlicated th,'lt f he required matt.rials and pn)cedurc-s outlint.d in t1w ('h(~cklist ~1bo\'e have ht:1.'~n included. Pro~;r;lnl: l\,hl.nr[gl:r ~__. .~ ;l"/ ~ ,., ./ . .,'-";h '~;;'/;'<1/f /._;7VI .r ,..--P '/;;/ ,>,/' i' / . .._._.. _ .L._..c''- ". . m....~ ..;Y . ".Ii. m '.. -......'. //'-~ J ) 31 ~[ltI'W~" .ljJ!'Jt~~~'~' 11.:...(:_ ~: mlJIj' t:" Cort~r County -- '----- '-- -- - Administrative Services Division Facilities Management /\genda Item NO.1 GE4 May 12, 2009 Page 101 of 167 April 17, 2009 Ms. Shannan Rose, Contract Specialist South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach. Florida 33406 Reference: Water Savings Incentive I'rogram (SII') Dear Ms. Rose: Al1ached, please find Collier County Board of County Commissioners 2010 Capital Budget Subnussion FonnE docurncnting a request for funds for the project addressed within this grant request. Please feel free to contact me at the number listed below should you have any questions. Thank you. Very truly yours, C::~P%?7J Skip Camp, CFM, Director C: Len Golden Price, Administrator Administrative Services Division ~ ',' .~._-~.._._- .---...-.- _.... ,._._ ___...___._ (.!!J:: ..."".,.,",=,"_.~.,;,.,=,,j-"~",,'._'-'-CO-=,"-'"_'....,._........"~"..'.r"_'~___n_~~ "_"",_,~.._,____~,_"",, D~;:'),!~:lient of ::;L': iC:3 r'/dr,~::JE'f1Jr;,.t. :\JC'~ T(i'T,:(;n~j LQ:j Eels" Bcji).ji,i':: '.\" Nn;)I(:';s. ~!'J"i~!a}'ii12' ?J~:'l<f:j2-23'?'O' ~,,!)., 2::i9.793-.?hiS .~i '" ~ NN............-...J -"OtOCO,,", ii;fu"~~!!I :=;...: =.~ =. )>O)g;~~ ~C:.5al~' " '" " ~ ': l"d;: ::0 , ^ 0 c... ",,,,=::>0> ~~ g. g.1E: ol"E.. (I) :::l ::0 roQ,):;:)cn~ <g::O!:grg }> o..,fg D.1 -. < C W :::l V1 vin-.C. 00""7 (.\) :::'! ~ () :;:;;- -n:*m=r _ _. III g >.~ ~ .... I:.u- VI C ~ ..... (fl :E _. Qo!.::.. ~ :::l ~ ro" N-W"" 0 5-og~ -3" .0 ~ 'iii I:: ftl :: c--o " 0 " 3 D. < :>> < ~ ~i9 b m I~ r- I " -n -<-< "'''' 00 00 "'e> II ~ I I "'0 I 1.0- I"" 181 I I 1 IJ U; ...... co OJ '0 "en 8 ! g w :~ (r.J 1,.0- 19 16 ! I i I I I I I I~ I~ I .. II ~ '" I '" I g S? 0- ~ '" '" !:i ~ ~~_...... m rn ~AWN"""om~-...J~~A N ~~rom~ma~~w~oo~Q~m> c-'C.~~9~~ ~D.1C~Qo5.~ ~~~wa~=uro~8~i'~C.8C:o ;:J(Q _ o.ct .1>>-- _D.1Cl;) _. ~_.~w "l'i"'"'Gl-o::::: D)O:::l :::10 cn:;:)~o- ~ ~~-_~ :::l~~ ...'.;. ~ '- 'IE "~o. Gl or Q, ... = - w :!::: W I 1'-' a OJ ;:) (') w 9.. ." ;:;: ill.-;3 g,::r3.::tIO aCD~CD(/),,6' - ,,3 " ;; !!! ::r? ., - - -, " ....;:). ~oCDg".=.::;......j~91:'" Ul-. ctlo.\D)oi5:wmoD.l ......=i: -:~ ~ ::::x....og....3x~~~ ::,tog 5;t..:f'VQ-o^w~s.QQJJ>>m aA:J nl-oo=gC:::lO~=g~~ c~ ct)iJor:tl:;,lC._Q.CD ..."C/') (,Q~ ~cc~@::o-orU~::o~ ::Tw <: .... .- 0 !!!:::l ~ ~Q 0 .-.. -. -.....l " n ::;.0 ;;:r.... ;u ~ ~ 0 ~_:"'! ..~ ~ 0 -. tD =::7".......o>>)mOo ;o-"I 5=:3 ~~~J1~~O~5"~gJ?< :!Jg enr:::.. 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Q' a . g II , I "" -<-< "'''' 00 00 "'''' ""w 5-091,r.n "''''0 000 000 "''''''' "'0>'" 1~;; ~ ~@~g ~. ('):6 ;:, -2:n!?!.. ~~~(') ::Jo,(D"O ~~:g ttl tu 01 CD 3mo~ CD .., - ::::I " ;0 0 0; ~.* <1> ~ 0 < "U <: 12"rgO i5~' '" - a 9:!. 3 ;; :r""": <1> -ri i; ~~~ o~ ~ 0 12 1:1 .~ I iA ! I~ I I"" " -<-<-< "''''''' 1000 ,00...... 'co c.o 0 ~ ~ "''''''' "'0'" 00"0 00'" 00... "'''' ...w OJ'- -Q) ~@ :r;- ,'~ ,,' ~p " r -. Q) "' c: :r" Q) Q. 5.~ -. ;0 I" 0 ~~~ "'(') " 0 '" " :i ~ a.:J. Q~ '" " "ro ~~~ c: a. I~~~ .I~~ :m (fl I" a. <r< 1"'"1'" 10 ~ I~ '" ~15' . .Q. ;0- 3 ft ~"' " " -<-< "'''' ~~ 00 0> A'" '""", ..".." 00> I I ill. I I llWJ111 ,L\g'2nda Item No. .16E4 lv1ay 12. 2009 Page 107 of 167 r..)f\.} I\.) ..............~....... ~ f'-J~ 0 c.oCO--.!O}U'!.b. fir 8 ~~O) ti Q;! fir 0 to G>Q2 -0 ~ "tI' =::] =< -.a.=>E:.l>> a..:? w 0 ~- -.::lea CfJa:@~.;e:-~ ~ Q.. z::J~....;; Q <:: 5'~ '" ~ ~ tit .g.ro(O en a.~=~5 CD ~()O~ ....c,~:fE. CO-(p;:;:-",Z'oOoo::: '- - ....,:.., ".. O:I:::]::J c::: .::::: ';- ::1 r::AJ -. c.... 0 ;: tII Co') Q,l I w 9!.-o:I:o......a..mro;- ~ '-;' m ~ 3 ~~ Q g ~ ~ ~ I:D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -0 ~ ~ g' ~r s. o g]; n,,, ~ig:CD'mm'= I~ ~ m-oi2. ro3:!!?::::::~tt;; I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ :il 0 "0 ~ :9 m ;ffi" CD - :;:) oroco 329:1.. :tJ a sol:) 3 ~ ct> til 0.00 CD g -0 ro_:::r ::J ~ a. 0' < == fut Co') g ;;.~.~ g ~ g. m.~~ ~ o roro~ CL ~":.:~ ~ ~(j)~ ~ /oj 0.: g15< ~ =;; -o...,~~< ;!i fr 10) 9:. -- 0 m CfJ I~ : 3 ~~ ~ '19_< i i f~~ 13 , g;;;- 1:2 ~_~ '< cr ~I I,. _ ::u =_ lro- ..z ::J 1ft I i~ ~ ~~I I "' m m <3 ~ 5. "' iiii 5. "' 9I ro- "- "1'" -n ." ." "T1 " -<-<-<-<-<-<-< NNNNNf'-Jtv 0000000 1......1000............... 10leo (0 (0 0 0 0 I "" -<-< "'''' ~~ 00 1~ 10 [0 ~ '" ..,,~ OA ..,,'" "'.." A '" o o o '" "'... NN.....WO).z::,. ......;r.oOOWCllO>(O :r:,.'o,oi.oi.oom coooo.t-.oc>> cnoaooaw '" o ~ o o W 2. I o 3 1 j~ I If I 115 c "- " ~ ~ ""'" i?~ <:- '" C g--u 3 (fJ ",OJ " !!! ~~ <;0 2~ "' I~ ~~l~ ill 2. " '" r.:; ~ (fJ OJ Q) '" ~ ro. V> " -< '" o ~ o '" "'- .. '", 0>0 "'''' I 'R1"~~ COLLIER COCNTY OFFICE OF TH'E COUNTY MAJ.'\TAGER itsm r\j:J, IGE4 "Aay 12, 2009 F)age 108 of 1t~1 ?JOI !:.::'.I TJ:ni::ll,i rr:;il. \::lpk:, f'imdd _~~112. i2:'C11 2.~2-h3\<l. F.:\X: (2:N) 2:i:?--\.1lIfJ April 17, ~009 Ms. Sharman Rose. Contract Specialist South Florida Water Management District Procurement Division~ B-1 Building, 2nd floor 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Bcacb, Florida 33406 Subject: Water Saving.> Incm/i.-e Program (SIP): Immokalee (REDI) Jail Laundry Retm}tt Project Dear Ms. Rose: Collier County respectfully submits the enclosed propos.al for funding the rctrol1t of the existing jail laundr~y facility with the Aquarecyclc ERS 30 System. This retrofit project is expected to produce a potable \\'atcr savings of 891,000 gallons a year (74,250 gal per month for 12 months). Based on current water costs of $6.39 per lOOO gal, tile project will result in a yearly opemtional water cost savings of approximately $5,693.00. In addition. there will he a yearly energy cost savings of approximately $7,632.00 lor a total yearly project cost savings of $13,325.00 The lmmokalce (REOl) Jail Laundry Retrofit Project will enable the South Florida Water Management District to further its mission ofcnhanc.ing the potable water supply and contributing to\.\"ard long-tcon reliability ofthe drinking water supply. The Need for the Proiect: lmmokalce is located within the South Florida \\later Management District's (SF\\'MD) Water Resource Caution Area. "rllis means that the area nas experienced. and is anticipated to have, water supply problems in the upcoming years. This project is intended to heIr save water as well as the as~ociated energy' co<;:t$. 10 retrieve process and distribute potable waH:r 10 the facilities and treat and discharge tht' wastcwawr. 1 are,(;t Audicncc:Tht.: project \ViiI provide bcnelit to thi: ciiizt':ns of lnunc,kalee and the inhabitants of the lmmokaiee Jail Center throug.h the conservation of potable resourct:s. The sa\"ings to Collier County and SF\~fMD Agency is approximately 891,000 GY of potable \vatl'f. Primarv Strater6eg for Imolementation: The scope of work for this project includes one major task, listed below: The propos':d project intends to install (I) Aquarccycle ERS 30 System to capture and re-use approximately 50~/o of the wastewater from the laundry washing cycle. The recycle process removes lint, minute solids., organics. detergents, and surfuctanrs, oil and grease. odor and other contaminants. The recycled water is then disinfected and rcady to use again for both the hot and cold water supply. The tcmpernture of the clean. recycled water will be about the temperature of the wastewater, typically around 120 degrees. Therefore, no re-heating is necessary. tEQDosed Proiect Mana!!cm~nlJ"2.lli.IJ";_ Mr. Skip Camp, Faciiities Di!\.."Ctor. of Faciiities Management at (239) 252-8380 wiii serve as Program Manager for this projed. FoJlmving execution of the agn:.eml':nt oetwcL'11 the SF\VMD and Collier County. a kick-off meeting will be held in v.'hich the County \vilJ update the District on the pr<~ie,c.rs status and establish a schedule of project payments to be submitted to the District. As an amhorizcd representative ofCnlii<.:r County. I declare that the Alternative \Vater Supply Funding Application was prepared without collusion v.:ith any other person or entity submitting a response pursuant to this solicitation. Collier County looks forward to working \yith the District to replace the laundry facility with a high ctlicient Aquar~cycie ERS 30 System. Sim.'crelv, ~. . ~ JarnC$ V. MlJdJ Count\; 1\'f~n<::L'.cr :'............-"'.____._~o!'-'-~Io!!>i__ /\genda Ilem No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 109 of 167 APPLICATION COVER fj/-..-"'- . .::. .. ""- -- SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE fUNDING The undersigned Applicant has read all of the t.erms and conditions of the Ji'ater Savings InCeIJtive Program Cooperatj~re Funding Guidelines and Application, and certifies that all of the information contained within this Application and suhsE'quent attachments is true and correct to the best of his/her know ledge. Aoolicant', leoal Name: ] Applicant's Address: Collier County Board of County Commissioners 3301 E. Tamiami Trail (State Div./Dent, if annlicable~ I Naples, FL 34112 Facilities Management I, ... Project Title:l' . ~ '~",^m,""' _'N' [..","" I Immokalee Jail Laundry Retrofit De:;criotion: Install Aquarecycle System for Laundry Waste County in which Project wiH be Built: Water in Immokalee (REDI) Jail I ~ Collier County I I Type of Orgamzatlon: Date of IncorporatIOn: 15/8/1923 II I Local Government. . I State of Incorporation: I Florida I f FederallD No.. 596000558 Has your orgamzatlOn ever recewed fundmg under the Water Savings. ImtlatlVe Program for thIs PloJect? Yest I Nolx-J I Project Title I Year Funned I Aooroved Funnin" l Actual FundloQ I Has your organization ever rejected. tailed to perform. or talled to complete tile contract., scor under a prior WaterSIP Grant proposal once submItted, selected, and approved for funding? yesEJ No *- Project Title Year Funded Reason --l Authorized Person's Name: l'::~:~._ ,/'____ /'~~'_.\ Signature: T~ . . L,.c ."(:2~:~, must be signed by authorizedindivjddal Title: I County Man;:lger~.'::,:~_~~/~~/ Ik-lePhone Number:1 239-252.8383 I .. 'I Fax Number: /239-252-4010 EmaH: I !I JamesMudd@colliergov.net I I I ____.J 20 &~ \l'1l~,"t; /;g9nca :t2rn I'-Jo. 1 GE4 jAay 12, ;!009 Pas,e 11!J or 167 TRANSMITTAL LETTER All applications shall contain a transmittal letter highlighting the Applicant's reasons for request.ing funds, This letter shall be addressed to tbe Contract. Specialist, Sharman Rose and shall be on official letterhead. The lett.er shall provide a concise oven~ew of the proposed project., which s.hall include the need for the Project: the target group; the area of the District to be served; the primary str1:itc~gies for implementation; and an evaluation of the shartw and lang- term benefits of the Project, including the estimated ,..'at.er demand reduction. The letter shall name the person authori?ed to muke representations on behalf of the Applicant and their title, :llldress, email address. and telephone number. The letter shall declare the Application was prepared without collusion with any other person or entity submitting an application pursuant to the WaterSIP Funding Program. A pLOrson authorized t.o bind the Applicant must Sig-B the t.ransmittalletter indicating the person's title and authority. Please limit this to on(~ page. 21 - - lIlI'.' /\genda Ilem t-Jo. 16E4 May 12 2009 P"ge 111 of 167 EXHIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING STATEMENT OF WORK rID , Please review "Appendix A: Sample Responses to Exhibit AU before continuing. Provide a briefo\'erview of why this Project is n(>eded. Please include: A historical description of water use by the target group. Explain if the Project is consistent with the applicable local government compreht'nsive plan and/or utility wat.er conservation program. Explain why the Project is being done. Describe how the Project relates to othE'r ongoing or future projects. Introduce key tf~rms or acronym.':;, A quantification of the benefi.ts Hnd potential water savings and other potenti3l benefits. Type your Introduction and Backgr(Jund in the space provided bdow Oim,IL LnOO characters, approxjrnatc:ly two to three [2-:3] paragraphs), The existing Jail laundry facility uses 1.782,000 gallons a year of waler. The proposed project seeks to redlJCe wntor <.Jnd energy usage by upgrading the existing jail laundry facilities with the addition of a Aquarecyc!e ERS 30 System to capture and re-use approximately 50% oflhe wastewater from the washing cycle.. This retrofit project is expected to produce a savings of 891,000 ga!!ons a year (74,250 gal per month for 12 months). Based on a cost of $6.39 per 1000 gal, that results in a yearly operational cost savings of approximately $5,693. In addition, the new facility resulls in an energy savings of 38.702.813 BTU's and 424 LP Gallons saved. This results in a yearly operational cost savings of $7.632. This total yearly savings of $13,325 can be reallocated to help relain e~;isting jobs and/or create new jobs, Additional benefits include: Reduction of assoc[aled energy usage to relrieve, proCl;;SS and distribute potable water to the facilities and treat and discharge the wastewater. Overall, the project results in water conservation, energy reduction and yearly operational cosl savings. 22 ~~" item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 P;:lge 112 of 1i37 2. Clearly state t.he objective of this Project. What will this Project accomplish? Please include: A brief statement ofthe project's objective. A brief project justification statement. Type your Justific.:ationlObjective Statement in the space below (limit 500 characters, approximately one to three [l.gJ sentences). The objective of this project is to reduce water and energy consumption within Imrnokalee (RED!) Jail L~lundry Facilities. This retrofit project is expected to produce a savings of 891,000 gallons a >'e~r. Based on a cost of $6.39 per 1000 gal. that resulls in a yearly operational cost savings of approximately $5,693. In addItion, the new facility results in an energy savings of 38,702,813 BTU's and 424 lP Gallons saved, This results in a yearly operational cost savings of $7,632. ;3, Pro\-ide a brief. gf~neraJ description of the propo::-i:'U projE.>ct. Please include: ]tf-1m(:-;) t.o he purchased/instal]pd/distrilll1tP(1_ !\urnlw!' ()f :mch it.ems. Target group anvits size. Location of this Project. Type your Scope of \Vork in the ::;pace provjcled belov.' (limit 1.000 Ch~u'~lc1.ers, approximately one to two [1-2J paragraph.::). The Project intends to install (1) Aquarecycle ERS 30 System to c:apture and re~use approximately 50%, of the wastewater from the laundry washing cycle. The recycle process remQ',/es lint, minute solids, organics, detergents, surf8ctanls, oil and grease, odor. ()nd other contaminants. The recycled water is then disinfected and ready to use agnin for both the hol and cold water supply. The temperature of the clean, recycl8d waler will be about tile same temperature o~ the '.'iastewater. Iypk;ally around 120 deurees Therefore no re~healing is neceSSi1ry. This installation will be utilized for the inhabitants of the !rnnlok;.1]8e Jail Center The Project is localed in Irnmokalee Florida 23 ~,...........- .....,""_;I.!P.I!lU.~'IllIIt\ir~ ~ .- "'.~Afl:'E ~",_"'-~__.n_u._____ -"~']~,,':r "liT Agenda Itam No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 113 of 167 ~W6'fR:8~"b\~kaawc\iSgi8a;~."'; i(t.''''''~'''''<f!f.,,,,,,~/;ze'''/lfl';;';';j, ,iCi ~ "'"'I>,,,,,,,,!~::o:~.,,,,.~,,,,,~.,.,,,.,, ','"", " 4. Type your Work Breakdown Structure in the space pro,ided below (limit 3,750 words, up to one [1] page). The Work Breakdown structure should describe how the Project would be completed. Your Work Breakdown Structure should include: . The identification and description of the proposed project's methodology. A detailed description of each elenl€!I1t (i.e., step, task. and/or phase). Bidding: Prepare Package for Advertisemenl Advertise Request for Quotation Review Bids and Award Contract Purchase System (County Purchase) Construction: Schedule system installation Mobilize to sile Shut off Water for laundry facilities InSfall system Repair TileNJall/floor etc,,," Fill out Installation Table for Invoice and Quarterly Report 24 ~i - It9m :'~o. 16E4 IV12Y 12, 2009 f~age 114 of167 o. Type a summm')" schedule of tasks and deliverables for the Project from start to finish in the space provided below. Report due dates are provided as a reminder. <D Information provided here will be used by the District to complete Exhibit B: Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables. 2 October 1- December 31, 2009 Obtain Quotes for fixture and installation Enter into Contract with Contractor Purchase Fixture Coordinate installation with Jail Staff Due Date: December 31, 2009 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) January 1. March 31,2010 Install Fixture in Immokalee Jail Laundry Facility: Installation complete Due Date: March 31,2010 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) 3 AprH - June 30, 2010 Due Date: June 30, 2010 4 July 1- August 31,2010 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) L Due Date: August 31, 2010 Submit a hard copy of the Final Project Summary Report (Exhibit D) and remaining close-out package materials to the District 5 September 30, 2011 I I Due Dale: September 30, 2011 I Submit. Project Performance Tracking Report (see Project _________._"__... ________L~::~.Iorn~nce ~~~~_g section of this document) ..J - End oi Exhibit A - 25 ';,.,. ,-~~~-- _~--.I-'"--~ ._~ l~2fJl!i>---. Agenda Item I~o. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 115 of 167 QUANTITY OF POTABLE WATER SAVED AND CALCULATIONS <D Please review Appendices Band C before continuing. . 6. Please stat.e the estimated water savings as a result of this Project and show how this estimate was calculated. Express estimated water savings in million gallons per year (MGY). Please be ns specific as your available data al1ows. You must state any assumptions included in your calculations. Please see calculations on next page. 26 & ~) ,l\.qsnc!a !t\~m No. 16E4 , fAay '12. 2009 Page 11'3 o[ '167 COWER COUNTY,IMMOKALEE, FL COST /BENEFIT ANALYSIS 30 GPM ERS Water Usage and Sewcr Rate per Thousand Gallons $ 6.Z,9 $ 948.92 Estimated Water and Sewer Sewings Recycle R.ate: 50% $ 474.45 ,HOT WATER lJSAGE@50% Hot Water Opera~jng Temperatures lncoming City Cold Water Temp Hot Wilter Temp Recycled V'.'ater Temp Tflmperaturf! Rise {Hnl Water - C(ll~J Water) BTU Usage lor Temperature RIs.e LP GAL us.ed per rroor'th F\lel CO$ts per MGnth at eneray rate ~ 70 degree::; 140 degrees 120 d~greC's per G.!<,L L::.'l 70 5~,183,9::8 5~ 3 B12.70 - .. ...... Rise v;ith'- 'A q t;a rccyc-\'e '(R'e-c-ycied -,^iate'r.-l r~corr;i'ng"ciiy'\v~tc rj' BTU Savings LP GAL Saved . Fuel Sa\'ing por Month at energy rate 50 : 38,702.813 ; 424 ; 635.[;6 f $ Net AnnlJaf Savings S 474 S 635 S 1,1',0 , S 13,3:~4 ! , S (3.GOO1; > 9.724 S 50,000 .15 rnOi'.ths 13%' 'Monthly Water and Sewer Savings : Monthly Energy Savings ~ Total Monthiy Savings i Total Annual Savings I Quarterly Sr:rvicG and Parts Rcpl.ncNf1ent Plat"! Total Sys:em Cost System Payback i:l fJio:lths Return O:'lI:lV(~stmcnt ~" ~~~~ Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 117of167 TYPE OF EQUtPMENT Washer/Extractor \,\'2sherIExtra::tor WasheriExtra::!or \'.j~sr'ie~rf~rra:tor:' #OF UNITS .'GPM CAPACITY 6.94 TOTAL "GPM 27.75 '~~~~~~~~''''~~~~~{lMiRg~1:'''';,"-;i,~-;C-2i_~,~;~:f~-:t.'li;0.:~rcf,.;;~J!'~~r~+'7" i::i;i.f,;t1~~~~i,.s;;1~w;~~.iJl~~~{~~~5.it~~~~:~~Z;W~~iii!!dil~~-~~~~Jb-i:br~Y~~G~,~~~&~~~l~:g:st" ; I ! ERS 30. GPM Laundiy Wash Water Recycl~ System $ 45,000,00 i t ;F'reightand Out 01 POCket Costs 5,000,00 ! Total System Cost 50,QOO.flOi I ! . DOES NOT INCLUDE TAXES OR I~STALLATION CUT r~s .-_~____~'_'__""___..'_~__-_____._'__"",___"",->-n__.'~__~,~~"",""'_."_"'___~._,_..,,_~.,,~__, I I I I I i I , , I -uo...--.....-.-.~~?<; The .1\quuRec.yle Pro;:.:~~~s Fim".' - The _'\l;Lliii~(:L'yclc~n! r :!u':Jry \V:':l1crRccyck S:-'::;:~'rn .6./lf. nda 112m j\Jq) h1EJ " r C"y ',1 'bruJ.r "1 ] .J,u ~, ,,;;-vv~ Pa';j8 -r 18 of 167 Recycle Process Flow .. i'i'" ~.~~"~::" ~f;_:"1'>" ~1~;;:~~1:, S.\;PFI~' ~';;9iO'::~ P:JX~ Jp1',e.o.io:1 ,.('-<:t IcSy;.1':i1 E.'"'-i$" ~~!i: If":'>', 1"'.' .' "~iI" ~;;:'!;': , , - ". ' utlr<l\liolf't , D:.}[nfC{'.ion ...........- ".,,'..'. " ~~:,'#- tt..-'~.;" . Rem::JleA 'f{"~ ..{~~ -'C)?,. -'C, <>. ~ 1.a4 ,;:>. " i: II (,; R'{!ryd.ed;} Water Sup~ty ;1 Tank. Lirit, ,~" " ,...,., '.~Ij . ~'.:~~ ";i;Q;.._; ~;. r I.",p ~.'~,;~:).f' - ~ ---;(?~jt .;. I I o ;<::1k ,1S~ l:1;;n..if'$ r;:x't:;~ ;.,;~::h;:\!: \\:~';::';w,,:'cr -_ -, ',J:' ~'o. _ , - . \E<I ...-~, .Jl~jl ~tl~:; . ~ '<OJ Pu;rp c;;:;\ . ' "~.' , ) .;/ '."-' I ! I I 1... .L .1.. C 1 ."~,-: .""'l,'\no Age!lda Item No. 16E4 I\llay 12, 2009 Page 119of167 SHAMROCK PLUMBING & MECHANICAL, INC. 3557 PLOVER A VENUE NAPLES, FL 34117 PH 239-592-7080 FiL,( 239-263-3064 .r~J:\fSHAMl!OC:K~4()~. COM. MAT{CH 23, 2009 COLUER COUN"lY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT A TT: KEVIN RE: "GREEN PROJECT'. I.J.c:. RECL\L\I WATER THANlZ YOlJ FOR TilE OPPORTUNITY TO PROPOSE YOUR r.;PCOMING "GREEN" PLUMBING PROJECT. THE F01.1.O\"lNG IS THE SCOPE OF WORK: . REROUTE AND L'\STALL SANITARY DR.AL'\! PIPING SYSTEM TO MANlJFACTIJRER SPECS IN FOUR tTNITS. OJ'H.: \1A5T[R PLUMBER II () HRS (J' $40.00 PER BR $4AOO.OO ONE JOURNEY PJ\:MBER 110 HRS @540,00PER!-IR S4,:!OO.OO TOTAL L\BOR COST: :0,3.800.00 \lISe. .\IATERlA1. & Sl'13 CONTRACTOR ;,6.:ClfIOO ** TOTAL CClST: SIS,OOO.no H DOES NOT n,CLUDE: . * AJ'.,ry UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS OR C1-IAKGES FRO\l ORIGINAL SCOPE. IF YOU I1A VE ANY QUESTIONS. PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL ME. THANK YOU, WM J. \lCFARLANE PRES/SHAMROCK PLBG & MECII, fKC. '11"- ~- - ~ _~J:,' i lem !\1o. 1 CE4 f.13Y 12, 2009 120 of 167 PROJECT COST AND FUNDING ITEMIZATION ':(;{$~RY :', Project Ha Aquarecycle ERS 30 System 7. Pkase enter itemized cost informHtion into the table lw]{)w. *Note: Ifsome of file prc~iect ~'Fopk is belI]g dnne 'jlrhouse" 01' ''in-kind': pfetl.se briefly de..;;cribe, '~~~~::~t:~~:i~{ ins~lI~tii;(,:, '~"-lf:t!'~l '<,:, 'h' ,~....j,,''';i.~F.....'' k" .,.:,:;,.:/..:;'t;..i;';':i'~""':'/.::'~/'''.:(/. I,.",'vouc er:; .,: '"Cost,per Item"' l:h.~~It;:~'~~t c,em.."""!' $50,000 $15,000 $65,000 In-kind Contribution 1" In.killd Contribution 2~ In-kind Contribution 3" TOTAL $65,000 8. Please enter tll? following funding information helow. ""Note: See Funding Propos/if section o[this document fhr cn'dence O[[lllldin/:{ requircments, Total $) 0 11at.ching funds from other sources Is the ..:\.pplicant it Rural Economic Development Initiative (RED!) communit\'? Yes Arl' other coop(:,l'ativl'ly funded projf.'ct..c.:. cUlTPntly unclc'!' t'his prr)i~r;{~22________~_.__ __M.._____~_~___L_~':,; ____~~) 27 ,":. _JIliii~- ~- 1!Ii_.iI!~__~~~,Ii....-\~, ---.. ,b,genda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 121 of 167 ,. If yes. provide the contract/agreement number(s), funding amount(s), source(s). and required completion date(s) for the other project(s): ~ - -.-. ~ Contract! Agreement Number Funding Amount Source(s) Completion Date(s) SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS -- 9. Is this a rebate or voucher program? Yesg No~ c) ,.. If no, proceed to question 10. IT~ I a) How many rebates or vouchers 111 total WI]] be ISsued? b) \Vhat is the maximum number of rebat.es/vouchers that can be issued to a single Participant?t I HO\v many homl~s or hlCllHleS WIll t\llS program attempt to read} at a minimum~1 *Note: 7'bis lluestion :l.',,;'<WflH'S tll!1i n}l l~'lrrjcipnnts ."1(:rept the ]]]f]XilJJllfll J1l1fllbeT o[ allowable rebat:es/F{)[jchers. ,. 10. \ViJl rhe project"s Participants he eligible to f(:ct'lve more than one of allY typP of fixture or dFVicp, such as, hut. not limited to.. a showerht)ad or fa,ucet :1crator? I Yeo NoD K/AU ;.. If no or not appljcabh~, proceed to question 1l. ,. If yes: I I a) List those fixtures/devlces: b) Focusing on just one of the above fixtures/devices, hmv many of these \vill be issued for the entire project? J 1 0) What is the maximum number offixtmcs/devices t.hat can be issued to a single Participant? t 1 d) How many homes or facilities will this program attempt to reach at a minimum~ 'Note: This questIon ;/SSI1]])(!8 th.1t ,ill l'articip,1nts '?(!COpt the nWXil1111l11l111mber of' alJow/lhle fi.Ytures or devjce$. 28 l'lcrn r\jCl. 16E4 :\/'8Y 12, 2009 ?clge 122 of 167 - 11. \Vill water savings gained by t.his ProjBct directly Yes~ 1'\oD reduce an exi:;ting withdrawal from a potable source? r If yes, identify t he source t Lower Tamiami Aauifer I y If no, ph.ase explain the water supply heneht beJow. I If Anulicant is a t.mbJic wat.er SlIm)}v, please nrovide the Consumptive Use Permit number: I 11.00249-1/V (Collier County) I Check Yes Or No ., 'j',cf.', /.. Yes: No ., .,. .,. . , . . .. .. I J ~, r s the Pruji:'l:t. p;lrt. of your in~tituti0n/faci]ity'."- C(JI"i.'.;t:!"v;lti(Jll 1.. q N!AEJ I pwn. i ~ .- I 13. H:lS tlw flrnpo.:;;ed project alr(~ady lH!gl.m: X I I 14. Is its ~tart dependant on Si'"'"V{I\lD funding'? X i 15. \Vatc-rSIP is n reimbursement pl'ogl'anL It is eXj)c.cted that the scope of tht: Project 'INil1 be complet.ed 1I1 it.s ent.irety (spp Funding POlir:.F sectlon) wit.hin t.he tiJl1f.:,frarne outlined In the Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverahles, 0 D regardless of the act.ual amount of funding granted to the Applicant through the V\Ta_terSIP Program, Does the Applicant have budgeted funds available to pay for the entire scope of the Project within the t:imeframe outlined in the Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables without funds from the WaterSIP Prop'am? 16. The Applicant fully understands that if. for an:v reason, the project scope is not fulfilkcl to 1 (l(Y',,;) completion as outlined in t.he Statement of \Vork, t.h(~ X District's funding amount will be reduced to match thp original percentage of ftlnding- 0\'1::.'1' the initial project ('(1St. (~slimat,l-' as Pl'l'sPI1f,(.d in this ..':l~pp1ic:njon, 11. The Applicant also understands that if t.he project SCiJpe is dchie\<l'd to loon,;, (:nmpJetion 8.." ourl.inl'd in t II(' Sti\tl:~mellt IA \\-,prL and total actual project co:=:ts 0'9 an.' helow the pstimated total proy_~ct. cosr" r h(~ Hl.cipient wiillle cligiLie to _~J~' receive tip to t.he fun funding amount., as lung ::~~ the minimum :')() percent {;,)O";,} m;itch j,s met. .-~._------~-"-'---~------ ---.------.------ 29 .l\genda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 123 of 167 PROJECT DATA AND CRITERIA SUMMARY ] 8. Please provide a brief synopsis uf the Project. Indicate quantities of each hardwareltechnology item(s): The Project intends to install (1) Aquarecycle ERS 30 System to capture and re-use approximately 50% of the wastewater from the laundry washing cycle. This retrofit project is expected to produce a savings of 891 ,000 gallons a year Based on a cost of $6.39 per 1000 gal, that results in a yearly operational cost savings of approximately $5.693. In addition, the new facility results in an energy savings of 38,702,813 BTU's and 424 LP Gallons saved. This results in a yearly operational cost savings of $7,632. Total yearly operations cost savings with the addition of the system is expected to be $13,324 Quantity of estimatpd water savings 0.891 MGY Amount of funding rpquest.ed ,ti5,00U Total projr'ct. cost S 65,000 Proposed percent SF\Vr\1D funding ~;O (50';';' maximum of $75,C1(0) Is the Applicant a TiEDI Community'l Ycs~ J Not J If appllcabll', state any envi.ronlnel1wl or COlllll1WlilY benefits of this Project other than reducing demnnd from a potnhle water ,,,'oure'e. These other benefits could include \\'ater quality or h:lbitat improvements. and/or ItlJDCfit.ing a lov.,'-incomc, senior or affordable , housing community. I. Reduction of associated energy lIsage to retrieve, process and distribute potable water to the facility and treat and discharoe the wastewater. Reduction of treated \vastewater into the envkonmenL [ Reduction of green h;use gases due to the reduction of energy required. Improves air quality I , If applicable, state how this Project showcases ilUlovation using new technology or the mpthod in which the Project is being implemented. I This project is supplementing standard laundry facility with Aquarecycle System which is a new technology to capture, treat and reuse wastewater. 19. Please provide the name(s) and contact information of rhe entity's project manager who will Dversee the implementation of t.his Proj(~ct. This .should be the primary person for District personnel to contact and is not necessarily the Applicant's legal signing authority. Name: ~kiPLaror I Emai]: I skipcamp(a)collierqovnet I Phone: ! 239-252-8380 -' 30 1'.__ - !iIl.~ '\liill W\5:l" VIK\IORAN DUNI J\geilda item 1"0. 16E4 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR pa~~Ji2142~~~~i OFFICE OF TUURISM. TRADE, and ECONOl\!lC DEVELOPlvlENT DATE: March 30, 2009 TO: Distribution FROM: Diane Scholz: SUBJECT: Commu/lities eligiblejflr S.288.06561, F.S., Reductio/l or Waiver of Match The following counties meet the statutory criteria of having at least three of the required factors of economic distress to a greater degree than the state as a whole. These counties and incorporated municipalities within those counties are eligible to request a "Reduction or Waiver of Match". Counties designated as Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC) are eligible for a full "Waiver of Match." Designated Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC): . Northwest Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern - re-designated o Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden. Gulf, Holmes. Jackson, Liberty, Washington and the City of Freeport in Walton County. . South Central Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern - re-designated c, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, and Okeechobee Counties, and the Cities of Pahokee, Belle Glade, and South Bay (Palm Beach County), and tmmokalee (Collier County). . North Central Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern - re-designated: :) Baker, Bradford. Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lafayette, Levy. Madison, Putnam, Suwannee, Taylor and Union, Rural Counties approved for a "Reduction or Waiver of Match": Flagler, Nassau, Wakulla and Walton. Documentation and requests for a "Reduction or Waiver of Match" has been submitted, verified, and approved for the following communities located in non-rural counties. Eligibility is good for one year and will expire on the corresponding dates shown below. Cities/Towns (Countv): Archer (Alachua) Bushnell (Sumter) Center Hill (Sumter) Century (Escambia) Coleman (Sumter) Dundee (Polk) Fort Meade (polk) Hastings (SI. Johns) Jay (Santa Rosa) Lake VVales (Polk) Mulberry (Poll,) Newbury (!',Iachua) Webster (Sumter) VI/aido (A\:1chua) \^li1rk~lnnri rc" in,lpr\ "".......~v~ \~~".,_.~'.1 Zephyrhills (Pasco) Expiration Date: December 17, 2009 September 11, 2009 July 19, 2009 March 3, 2010 September 15, 2009 November 25, 2009 November 25, 2009 September 25. 2009 November 14, 2009 September 10, 2009 Octot)(;:~r 9, 2009 March 26. 2010 D~~(>?n'd)('~r 1 n, 2009 ~v'18rcli G, 2010 I: iI'J 1 C] ')()flO - ".J .", -." - ~ October '\ 3. 2009 ;' -'-'.- - 11'l1&l;: - -':1B"fi~nl:_ L ~r TU. .<: Agenda Item 1"0. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 125 of 167 STATE OF FLORIDA OFFICE OF THE GOVERi'\lOR EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 06-34 WHEREAS, during the 1999 S~ssjon, the Florida Legislature passed, and the Oo\'C'mor s~gr.ed into bv;, kg:sli.ltion suppol1ing e~onomic develcpmtnl in the rural ar~J$ of the Stil1e: .md WHEREAS, although economic progre'S had betn madc in many rural are:],. the growth and pro~rerity enjoyed by most ('ornmtl1~i(j~s in the Slate during the pa~t..tS YC~1TS did n01 extend 1nto Fiorida's ILInd arcns; aJld WHEREAS, thest communities are "e"ords of the vast majOJity of FloridJ', land ~lOd n:'ltural rcsourl.:es, upon which tl1:: State's continued g:-owth <me p~ospC'rity dep~Dd, ~nJ '....v I J FREAS, svcccs':;[--..Jl rJfal Cl'I!Hl1lJi1ities ore c,:;;sent::.d to th~ ovc;-.dI ~.uc:ce.<;:; of the Sl?te's ccollumy and quality of llfe; and \VHEREAS, i:i.:rtain ru.ral cr'mmuniti~s are struggling to maintain, support or enhance job cleating actIvity or tl) genclilte revenues for education and other critic,11 gOvemilicnt seJ\'iccs such a5 infrastructure. transportation and saie!v; a::d - - "VHER lAS, the challenges faced by {he:;e rural cOll1m~mi[ics threaten their we11- being and viability: and WHEREAS, Section 2X,Q.f)656 (7), F:onda Statutes, aut1wri7CS the Rur~;J EC(Ii"JQll1ic rk\'elop:11ef:t Initio:rve to n:cornn1cnd to ::le GOvernor up ~o (!:ree (l,Cas. f(.f' GeSiFil::l:ion 35> rur:J! J.r:::n.s 0 r cr:{ic:al S'co!lomic conL~nl: and -' \\'HEREAS, a l1Jr~d area of cri;i"::dJ economic conccm is [ompo~led Ofrur31 \..".)::1r:1ll:")II:::~, JC:'.'i:r::':..-ly :~fi-:cr~.d ~,\t:'~1:::::.di;Uf:; c'~:c)nomic :~\ ;::"1~\ ;; a~d ,~ ft,geilda !tern r'~o. 16E4 May 12, 2009 'I'JI1'J{ L- ",')' II ,.'. (."11'"111'-':\ ,-,f [)..;;:, 11" (J" \..-]',,;; fl',., (J'~'" J.]"""lr\. JJ: 1..1\ ~'I'I.J(' "!1.028g13 126 of 167 . ~ u...-. ... ,~_ -.-. ~_ v . ""_.'~ ..., . ..:'H'-'"" \. '-''-',. ........J.' I:::. .n, \,.1, I.' ' Okc(:chuDC::, and the Ci'[lt~ of Belle Glad::, Pah'Jh:c~, and South Bay, Jnd the area around l'll;:lOhJI"e ;"c!uded w:lh;n the RO'Jnd tI Federal Rural EnteljJrise Co;nnnll1lty located in nor1he~st Collie:- CCJunty \VCi~ designated on January 26,200 I, as a Ru,al Area of Crilic~l EUlno:nic C(liKe:-;') for 3 l::rm of five year,;! and th::: Rural ECQ!lOmic Development hitidt!\'~ \vas directed to rC\'lcw the designa:ion a:mualJy anJ re,;':\J!':"lr.lend \>,:h(:t~er the l!c:~ig;lJ.tio;l tJ1ULJd be t:.;r:ll~r;J.!ed or cGn~ir.ucd; i:nd \VHF:REAS, the cicslg:1ation c\pired on ];muary 26, 2006: and \VHERE:'\S, ;:..~prcscn:~Hi\'c5 of the twemy-one stare and :('giOJ~aJ .1gE'n::ies comrri~;ing the Rural Economic D8velc,pmcDi Initia:ive met on J~mua)). ) 7, 2()06 ;wd r:.::::ornmCl'.dcd:\:o the: (;ov:::mor to cor:tin'Jc the designation of the Coun:ies l"fDeSoto, c; lades, IbrdC'c, j lcnJry, I' ighlanc:s, ,-);"1(1 Okcc.:(:hl_~-bc:c, ~llld the C~t:L~S (if 13dj~ (,jade, P3.hob;.:e, and Soul!; Eay, ;J:!d t:1C art'::: :\rDu:)(~ Irn:l~()k:l:::c ilChld:::d wi,;l:n lk:: He-uno 11 Fejc';~l Rural E:1l8rprjs~ C:on~n1J:lity LJCJ.led in :lontl::.'as: Co;ii::r Co:.n::..' (l'-) a ,~r.3.1 arC:1 :",f c:-it:ca) c.::~>n..::':nic cO:-j;..'~r::l and to 1n(:hd~ the ;l:"ea \".'ithin the hnr:lo}, 31:;(: LJrc:.:n UC~igI~~\tc:d Area in the dcsig:--Jmion: :-;()W, Tl IERE;ORJ~, 1, JEB BUSH,", (iov<:rIlO[ of Florida. by v;rme "[the authority \<E'sted In me by A!1ldc IV, Secllon 1(;.1), Fl0rld:..l C0nsI1tution, and Sc.'ction 2~;8.iJ6~b (7), rJ'J~da S~Jtl.lkS, do hereby promulg~lte the fc!ID\ving E.\~ccuti\'e Order, ef;'cct;ve imJlH:ol,11ely: S~~.L. 1'11(' 3[(.\j i\ ithic [he l'1...1LndJrl<...'$ uf th(; CUlJn;les of DcSOiO, Glad~s, ll:lidcc, l!endr)', I--hghJ:mds, <ll'.d Okccd~ol:-:::::::\ r:lld the CI:ic~ (jf Hr:;k (;b~E':, P;lhokce, '(',.' B"" -.. ....".dJ . I-I".. ,.1,..],1'."..".'1'. '11J;:^d,oe-1J'l "1 :lIH~L"H-'Ul.:l J:,l,lC';l.~,\.LlJl.JI :l1Ild)t,.:_...IJ.t.--..ll_l.\11.1dldl'_ \.l-,ULL .., .....'-1 "Jf_ E;-Jt(Tpt:SC. COlfim'Jn:ly: :.ind t!iC 3:";:;1 \,,':1};,:1 the lnn'I.:;kaicc Urb~n D,>:i~~rut::d Are3 I """M:{~;'" I Agenda Item No. WE4 . . May 12, 2009 located:n nClrthca::;l CollI:::; C'Ol..:m)']~ d~51gna!cd as a R1..1ral Area ofCc:tic:1] EconomIC' Page 127 of 167 C:o;1eer;1. SectioIL:L This area ;hall b~ a priority assignment for the Rural Economic De\'dopmclltlmtiati\'e. Section 3. On a c"seby-case basis, the triteria, reguiremems or provision, of economic de\'elopmel:t incentives may be waived. Such in<,enliws in~\ude, but shall no: be li:nitcd W. the Qualified Target lndustry Tax Refund Program tmder Section 288.106. flDrid" S:atute5, :he Quick Response TrainiClg PrOg~illl1 under Section 288.047, Florida Statutes, the Quick Ri:spr,:)f):-;;;: Training PHJf-T'Jm for p3rti::ipams in [he \"vclfare transition program under SectillTl 2RcL047(S), Florida Stan:-:cs, transportation pn.,j:cts under Section 288.063, Florida Statules, the b:ow:Jfte\d redevelopment bonus refund under Scelion 288. i 07. Florida S;,m""" nnd the rliral job lax credit program ,,,,dor SectiDn, 212093 ~lDd :2D_l S95, Flo:--ida St3:'Jlcs. ~('{in'L:'L :'\.c~ess to the ass~stancc ~Y;JjbbJe tmder this Deslgr.:ttiol) as 3. RJf:.rl .:\rC3 of Critical Economic CO:1cern 5hall be co:Jtin[::.:nt upon the e~~ecution of :r.e:nora:1ca o(a~r~c~ncnl b~t\\'t:'en tr.e Offic~ ofTourisr~1j Trade) and Economic Development, the fJovclTIinD hodles of the Counties, and lnc g(J\'crnin~ bodies orIhe Jvlunic:iDalities :J ..:;:. . _... " inchldcd Wilhlll the arc3. Such memoranda of agreement shall specify the rerms and conditions of {he t.ie~i~.~n;ttiul1, including, but not limited to, the duties and responsibilities ofrhc Countiec; ;mJ l'\1L1r.ICirabies to take actions desibrned to facllil<JL: ihc rel:.:nlioll anu expansion ufe\i~;tjn~ bU~lnC5s.es in th:; areal as .,....ell i:lS the recTuiuneol ufllev.' bU:-'iIlesses 11) tbe DIe2. $ert:un \ This dcsign:Jtlol1 shall be in effect fDr fIve yea:'s :md will expire on f'cbruary 16, 2C 11, rut shall be n:view~d ~y th::- Rurd Economic DevejopllIent rnil!3tive lly l.\.,e J','.:r;d LCl':V:Q:lic Dt.:\".:JoDJ;lent Ir;tidii\'e r:1J\' rccom~r:en,j th::: desir-::n:HJOn :::. r: llt:,~. . > . C/ 1 ;:;;.~- _f; itsm r'~o. 16E4 rv'1c:y ~12, L009 :....~ t,;....,,,in'l{('d flr r'()'l!;,.t'~"J J.Y~s"'d (j'l "',....0:10rTij_...rl,..\.'I~~(1r.'r....f',. -"r(),T-"""~ Fr""'n '~"-"rl' '".l:.,.,F'age 128 of 1G7 ,'~. _,.. . - - --""",- "....,.....~.. ,,~,,~. ."...II'~!;:l"""~".C~; ....",-. ,.'. J:nt':. {II" upun pc:-f'o:-rn:1nct'- t!.:-IJ:::r the ;1}~:110r;ini.l:J cd' ag.~';;:Tlcnt. A"f1lSr: "Sv-.... 1-\, c:1l,.b SECRETARY Of SL\TE ;.: ....-.. IN TESTfrvr01\'Y WHEREOf, [have hereunto S:::l my baild and caused the G:-e.1t"., SC:3J oflbe State of Florida to be affi:"d.:d ~t TaJ!ahasscc, the Cilpiwl. this 16th day c,f Febru~r)', 2006. I(~ -{r /) ''- ~'--l ~-'.=} ........,-", ~ ~ - ,.-,- -' .-~ 1 : ~ ; ..,........... ., .... _'..xI4.ii..Mr!:' 1IP1"- [iillI' _"la.1lllllll!'M~"_ ,~genda 11am !,Jo. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 129 of 167 APPLICATION CHECKLIST CD You must sign and submit this Application Checklist with your Application package. 'This Application Checklist is provided for the convenience of the respondent and shall not be relied upon in lieu of the instructions or requirements of this solicitation. To ensure that your proposal package is complete and to maximize the number of points you may receive, please review the following items to confirm that they have been addressed and are enclosed. This page must be printed and induded in your Application package. I-Ias the proposal submission de;ld1in(~ estahlished in the solicit.ation been met? Has the Transmittal Jetter been signed by the appropriate part)'? Have all quest.ions and requests within this document been answen.d? Have you reviewed and compared your application respon::.:es to Exhibit A: Stat.ement of \\7ork with the sample responses provided in Appendix i\: Sample R.espunses to Exhibit. A? Have YOll supplied your C~~rtificatlon of REDI Community {if applicable>. Have you providpd evidence (budget or let.ter of financial commitment) of project- related matching funds as indicated in the Fundin,l;.r PTOp06'fl} section? Has the Appjjcntion section of this package been print.ed'? Has the Sample Cooperative Funding Agreement been revil'wed? If minor deviations with the Sample Cooperat.ive Funding Agreement have been identified, have they been highlighted and printed? (There is no need to print and submit t.he Sample Agreement if no deviations are noted.) Have all supporting documentation heen included, such as vendor descriptions of hardware, etc.? Have you submitted the required number of complete copies of the proposal in the Application package'? "iI" Seven ('I) copies of the Application package, including one marked "Original." "'" Two (2) CD-ROMS, each containing a complete copy of the entire Applicat.ion pacl,age. 1/ .d /,; ( \Fc:~) ! -- f I have indicated that tIw rl::quired mat.cria1s and proC:l'dUTPS outlined in the checklist above have bef~n included. Program Manager ---- ..:-/~-dIJ?'M_ 31 ?- 1*..._ ,~. Co~er County ~ ~---. - - -- Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Aoenda item r'~o. 16E4 ~ 1\'lay 12, 2009 fOage 130 of 167 April] 7,2009 Ms, Sharman Rose, Contract Specialist South Florida Water Management District 330] Gun Club Road \Vest Palm Beach, Florida 33406 R"ference: Water Savings Incentive Program (SIP) Dear Ms. Rose: Attached, please find Collier County Board of County Commissioncrs 20 I 0 Capital Budget Submission Form E documenting a request for funds for the project addressed within this grant req ues!. Please feel free to contact me at the number listed below should you have any questions, Thank you. Very truly yours. i/~>> Skip Camp, CFM, Director C: Len Golden Price, Administrator Administrative Services Division GJi)"" . !At;' -_._._---~--------~--_. .:.... ---'--'~~~~"~~"- D8p3c:rl~':F. ~J :::".c:ii'::-::s i',:i;;,f];;QCcf:',(;in. 3:~Jl :ar."J:') ;>S" :LilcLl;J ",,\'. :')(lpl~':'O r!~;r:d.~ :;,.,;1-:2, :.']9-252-3j3D' FJX 23~~-7S::.3795 70).... 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L --,,_.L.J.\... ~ t. l"'l L OFFICE OF THE COUJ.\fTY IvL'\NAGER ;,::',("i I E:;:;t T::li"Ji,Fni "TrJi! < _ ;'::]('f'iJa ::',:j] l~ ~ (239') 2:;2-(;:18~' F:,-\X: (239) 252-4010 April 17,2009 Ms, Sharman Rose, Contract Specialist South Florida V.,rater Management District Procurement Division, B-1 Building, 2nd Floor 330] Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Subject: Wllter StlJ'illgS ["celltil'e Program (SIP): I11II11oiwlee (RED!) Waterles" Urituillletrojlt Project Dear Ms. Rose: Collier County respectfully submits the enclosed proposal for funding the replacement of existing standard flush urinals with high-efficiency waterless models. This retrofit project is expected to produce a potable watcr savings of 532,350 gallons a year (40,950 gal per unit for 13 units). Rased on current water costs of $6.95 per] 000 gal, the project will result in a yearly operational water cost savings of approximately $3,700.00 The lrnmokalee \Vaterless Urinal Retrofit Project will enable the South Florida Water Management District to further its mission of enhancing the potable water supply and contributing toward long-term reliability oftlle dtinking water supply. The Need for the Project Immob]]c:c is located within the South Florida Watcr Management District's (SF\VMD) Water Resol/rce Caution Area. Thjs means that the area has experienced, and is anticipated to have, water supply problems in the upcoming years. This pl'Ojcct is intended to l1elp save water as well as the associated energy costs to retrieve process and dis1Tibute potable water to the facilities and tTeat amI discharge (he wastewater. Iill:get_J}_udicllCC: The project will provide a benefit to the citizens of lmmokalee through the conservation of potable resources. The savings to Collier County and the SF\VMD Agency is approximately 532,000 GY of potable water. Primary Strate2ies for Iomlementation: The scope of\\'ork for this project includes one major task, listed below: The proposed project \\;11 replace 13 ,tandard minals (1.5 gpt) with 13 High-Efflciency Waterless Ulinals (HEWU) This project will replace all existing 1.5 gpfminals currently in use within the existing InUllokalee Facility Sitc/Bllildings. A more detailed description of~1Cse tasks is included in the "Scope of Work" section of the attached application. Prooosed Proiect Manaf!e.ment Plan: Mr, Skip Camp, Facilities Director, of Facilities Management at (239) 252-8380 will serve as Program Manager for this project. Following execution of the agreement between the SF\VMD and Collier County, a kick-off meeting will be held in which thc County willnpdate the Diso.ict all the project's status and establish a schcdnlc of project payments to be submitted to the District. As an auti,lOrized representative of Collie]' Connty - !Illlllokalee (RED!), I declare that the Altemalive Water Supply Funding Application was prepared without collusion with any other pcn;on or entity submitting a response pursuant to this solicitation. Collier County looks fOr\'\'arc1 to working with the District to replace existing standard fixture urinals with high-efficiency waterless models. Sincerely, James y, Mudd County Manager /\genda item No. 16E4 f.1ay 12, 2009 Page 138 of 167 APPLlCATIOI-4 COVER ~""D.-' .~.".'.'.'.". .. ~. .. '."/'~ ;-'- ,." \ ..' .':~ '.-~ ~". ..., ~- SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING Collier Cou - -- - ~ .- --~ ,lgned Appljcant ha.:;;; read all of th8 terms and conditions of the H1a trJ/' 8;1 Fi11gS rag-r8m COOjJOTFJtdFC Pllndi11/j' Guidelines and /lppJicfitJun, and cert.ifies chat all of 'ltion contained within thi::: Application and subsequent. attachments is t.rue and he best of his/her knowledge:. egal Name: Applicant's Address: --- nty Board of County Commissioners I 3301 E. Tamiami Trail ent. if annlicablel Naples, FL 34112 - I nagement 'Illlllllokalue Waterless Urinal Relrofit funding Amollnt Requested~ 1$8 h I ,076.88 --_......_- xisting 1.5 gallon standard urinals County in which Project will be l3uilt: S8 urinals in Immokale8 (REDI) II Collier count; I njZ(ltjon~ DClte of Incorporation: 15/8/1923 I mnent. St.:'ltc of IncorpDrution~ I FI . j oma FcdcrallO 1'0.: 1595000558. nization ever received funding under the Water Savings initiative prugram for this Pr'oject? lL p I Year Fllnnerl r;roverl Flmnln~~ Actual FU~ld~ . l.. 11- nilation ever rejected, failed to per fur"" or failed to complete the contrilctcdr=~e under a prillr nt proposal once submltt.~d,_~.~lc(ted, and apPI',~"ved for fund..ing? ~~j:=j t~o _~__ .. I Year Funded I Reason l e - filL . - - :._ :C:JIL ~ l-..lil le- T- 0 e t~umbe -. "1 n9-2S2-8383 Fax l~umber: 1239~252M4-01D - LIlli1il: I I The unlh~r~ Incentive: P the inform, COlTueL Lo t A lkant's L State Div./D Facilities Ma Projrct Title. Descri lion: Retrofit 13 e with waterJe Tyrr of Orga Local Gover !-ids your orga Yesl .11~0~ r~Oje~ml HrlS your mga WatcrS1P Gra ~ Authorized Pel son S (n depl) n Signature: \ must be sisned hy authorized inc/l\:irluo/ I. j'CU;JnI)1 rV1<:ma;~1 T,tlr~- I. ~.:....:...":=..__ .. I JatTlesMudcJ@coliiel"gov.net I 20 i\genda Item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 139 of 167 TRANSMITTAL LETTER All applications shall contain a transmittal letter highlighting the Applicant's reasons for requesting funds. This letter shall be addressHd to the Contract Specialist, Sharman Rose and shall be on amcial letterhead. The letter shall provide a wneise overview of the proposed project, which shall include the need for the Project; the target group; the aroa of the District to be senTeel; the primm'y strategies for implementation; and an evaluation of the short- and long- term benefits of the Project, including the est.imu!;ed water demand reduction, The letter shall namo the person authorized to make n~pl'esentatjon8 on behalf of the Applicant and their title, address, email address, and telephone number. The letter shall declare the Application was prepared without collusion with any other person or entity submitting an application pursuant to the WaterSIP Funding Prog1'am. i\. person authorized to hind the Appllcant must sign the 1.l'ansll1lttallctter inclicating t.he person's title and authority. Please limit this to OIle page. 21 Agenda item t<~o. 15E4 May 12. 2009 Page 140 of 167 lo)(HIBIT A: STATEMENT OF WORK ~'~ (~\!': ~~''S:J.: ..,~--- ~ SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FY 2010 WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM COOPERATIVE FUNDING STATEMENT OF WORK uJ Please review "Appendix A: Sample Responses to Exhibit A" before continuing. Introduction and Background 1, Prmcide a brid o\'cr\'iL~w of why this Project. is n(;eclcd. Please include: A historical description uf' water lIS{~ by t.he targL~t group. Explain if 1.118 Project is consistent wit11 the applicable local g(Jvernml~nL comprehcn.sivc plan aneVor utilit.y water conservation program. Explain why Clll'~P]'Ojcct is h(~ing c1on(~. Describe how the; Project relatEs to 01"11c1' ongoing or fut.ure jJl'ojccLs. Introduce key tc~rl1ls or acronyms. A quantification of the benefit.s and potc~nLjal water E:~)\'ings and other pot.ential benefits. Type your Introduction anu B;lckgl'ound in the space pnwided below (limit 1.900 ChCU\lctCl'S, approximately t\VO to three lZ-3] p;uagl'o.phs). z__.___------ _ ---=--~ The proposed project seeks to reduce ',.,,8ter and energy US;--JSjCl through the repld:':clllcnt of existing standard fixtures with hjgh-eflicienr:y rnodels. Collier County Fncilities Department retrofit program will use \vJterless urinols 3S a conscrvntion rnei-lStn8 for pul)lic facilities. Collier County Facililies D8partment stafr has performerJ fl survey of C1lllrnmokiJlee (RED I) f8cilities <md ideniiiied 13 inefficienlllrin81s for repliH;enlcnt. This rdmfH project is expected to produce a savin Us Dr 532,350 gallons 8 yam (40,950 g31 per unit for 13 units). Based on <J cost of $(-).95 per 10009<'11. th<Jt results in <l yearly operation<J1 cost savings of npproxirnately 33,700. 1 his s8vings can be reiJllocaled to help l.ct8in existing jobs 2lml!or crc~tc new jobs. During lh(~ repklcement project. oth8r wdtor conscp/a1bn nffol1s are also heing implemented 3t the sites such as installi:ltion of aerators and low flow 5i1owcr heads. Additional benelils include: Reduction of Associated energy u$oge to relriev8, process and distribute polablD w8tc.:r 10 the facilities <Jnd treat and discharge tho wasle'.'.'8Ier. p,s well as inGre;:Jscd hygiene 1m users since it is hands ft.ee and Ihn ad of tlusllinfl sends )lslhuoens nirborne throughout tho rest rool11 (according to sllJdics pLlblish8J UIl the subject) Over'all, 11;8 project results in '.....ater cnll~,;el\!J:ion, ener~y reduction, yecuiy opcroliom'll cost savings and improved hygid1e. .---J 22 Agenda Item ['0. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 141 of 167 Objective 2. . . Clearly state the objective of this Project. What win this Proj"rt accomplish'! Plcase include: . A brief statement of the projed's objective. . A brief project justificat.ion stai(~ment. Type your Justification/Objective Statement in the space below (limit 500 characters, approximatel)' one to three [1'3] sentences). The objactiv0 of this project is 10 reduce water (O.G32 MGY) arId energy consulillJti(J:l '.',ithin fmmokalt:!1d (REDI) facilities, \J lJou;Jh the replacement of 10\'1 efficiency flus-ll urinals wilh high-efficiency waterless models. Tlie new Iligh-efficie.ncy wflterless models wilt save 1.5 gpf compared to [he older model urinals (currently operating aU.S gpf), as well as the associated energy costs 10 retrieve, process and distribule potable '.'.'<'Iter 10 the facilities ~mct treat flnd discharge the wBslev/iJter. I I" 0. I Scope of Work Provide a brief., gPlleral description of ihe proposed project. Please incJ ude: . Hcm(,,) tu be pmch""cd/illstallccl/clistrihut.cd. .. Number of such items. . 'J'al'get group and its size. .. Location of this Project. Type )'our Scope of Work in the space providcd below (limit 1,000 characters, approximately one to two [1-2] paragraphs). The proposed project will replace '13 standard urinalR (1.5 gpf ) with 13 High-Efncicncy Waterless Urin8hi (1IE\I\'U). This project Vim replace all existing 1.5 gpf urinals currently in use '....i1hin the IUHrlokEllee (REDl) Facility Sites/Buildings. Including: Parks and Recreational Facilities N 3 Sites (5 Urinals) AirportsfEMS/Clerk of Court:..JPropafty Appraiser Fl1dlitiRS N 3 Siles (S Urinals) DAS/He8lthfTransportalion/Ulililics/Fleet FadliLies - 2 Sites (3 Urinals) The new facilities will be utilized by the public ;;]5 well as government employoes. Since mo:>1 of these JocalJons have public access the utilization will be e~~t8nsive, The Proje~t will encompass 8 SepiH;-lte locations (sites) IhrougflCJut Iml1lokalee (RED I). I I I II .l n u Aoenda Item ~Jo. 16E4 - May 12, 2009 Page 142 of 167 Iw;~~wn Structure 4. Type YOllr \Vork Brcal,down Structure in the space provided below (Emit 3,750 words, up to one [1] pag"e). The \Vork Breakdown structure should d[!scribe how the Project would be completed. Your \Vork Breakdown Strllctun~ should incJud(~: The identification and description of the proposed project's methodology. A detailed dcscrjption of each elc:ment G.e., step, task, and/or phase), Bidding: Prepare Package tor P.dvcrtiscment Adverlise Reques1 for Quotation Review Bid!> and Award Conlract Purcb;Jse Urinals (County Purchase) Construclioll: Schedule Urinal Replacements Mobilil..8 to site Shut off Water Ref1)DVC Existing Urinal CClp wnler line r'.'ioclify fixttJr(~ opr;ning Install waterless urinal Repair Tilel\Natl paper etc. Recycle old urinal Fill out In~;tDltation T,lbk: fOl" Invoice and Qutll-ter-I}' Rerorl _ -~~~-~~--~~-~~..~~o-.._-__.. _ ~-..__ _~..~-~--~--_. _.._ 24 Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 143 of 167 -.-..-. Summary Schedu Ie of Tasks and Deliv.erables , " , . , , , '.' 5. Type a summary schedule of tasks and delivcrahles fo1' the Project from start to finish in tlw space providecl below. Report due dates are provided as a reminder. ----- Information provided here will be used ~;the District to comPle:=] (j) Exhibit B: Summar'y Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables. .. . ... . ,., '='.. ",' Coverage Period and '. .tc . i '.,',,' , , ",:' Task Due Date, .' ""'.,'Task Deliverable:" :,. 1 October 1. December 31, 2009 Obtain Quotes for fixtures and installation I-:nler into Contract willl Contractor Purchase all Fixtures Due Date: December 31, lOD9 Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) 2 January ,. March 31, l010 Inslall Fixtures in: Parks and Recreational Facilities - 3 Sites (5 Urinals) Airports/EMS/Clerk of Courts/Property Appraiser Facilities - 3 Siles (5 Urinais) DAS/HealthITrans/Utilities/Fleet Facilities - 2 Sites (3 Urinals) Due Date: March 31, lOW Submit Quarterly Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) - 3 April. June 30, l01D Installations cOllllJlete Due Date: June 30, lO10 Submit Quarterty Progress Report Form (Exhibit C) 4 July 1- August 31, lOW Due Date: August 31, 2010 Submit a hard copy of the Final Project Summary Report (Exhibit D) and remaining close-out package materials to the District - 5 September 30, 2011 Due Date: SeptemlJer 30, 2011 Submlt Project Performance Tracking Report (see Project PerforrnoJ1ce Tracking section of this document) _'u -"----- - - End of Exhibit A - 25 ,b.,genda item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 144 of 167 QUANTITY OF POTABLE WATER SAVED AND CALCULATIONS .-.--. .---_.-. .---- ------'--~------ I--(i)~~~- Please review Appendices Band C before continuing. -~ G. Please state t}w ~stimated water savings 1:IS ;] result of this Project and show how this estimate was calculated. Express estimat.ed water savings in million gallons per year (MGY) Please he ::IS specific as your aV3ilabJo data allows. You must state any assumptions jncludnd in your calculations. Please see calculations on next page. L 26 Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 145 of 167 Variables Y em work ;= 260 YeJl'total ;:::: 365 F1ushday::O-: 75 ;Vlalcnumhc]":'" 35 UrinaIS<lve:= 40000 Costgnllon :='" 6.95 erin~ll1cw ::::; 0 :vIaleusl;;= 3 Ul'inalold:::: J.5 Urinalcost:= 305.76 UrinaICollnt::::: 13 Urinalinstallmat:= 16 Urinalinstall:= 338 WATERLESS URINAL RETROFITS- IMMOKALEE F AClLITlES 1. Project Scope R-etrafit 13 waterless urinals in Immakaleey facility buildings Pull existing Urinals, change rough in as needed for installation including removal of pulled tems sounty maintainance to provide all materials for installation including removal of pulled items. !chis bid includes minimal repair of wall or tile work as needed for installation. Wallpaper is lot inciuded 2. Assumptions ilVaterless urinals sCJ.ve 40,000 gallons per fixture per year, based upon typical commercial nstallation. This information \NaS located on various websites including Kohler,Sloan and .curn. ,I Urin<1lsav(;' :::: 4 x I () :;harge is applicable to each 1,000 gallons of water that passes tllrough the water l1eter based upon a potable water rate structure block schedule. Rates verfied on Apri 5th 2009 through 1Illl110kalee Utility Department. Costgallon = 6.95 he quantity is a derivative of the Illn1tnokaJee Facilities Fixture Count" inventory of ontcl1lporary facility assets. UrinalCollnt :;;;: l3 file quantity is a derivative of the ulrnmokalee Facilities Fixture Count" inventory of 'ontemporary fllcility asset5. Values for each location are attached. erinaluld = J.5 rhe quantity is a derivative oftl1c "Irnmukalee Facilities J-ixturc Count" inventory of ~onten'lporary facility assets. Although Facilities vary, number is based on 50 person office of 25 males and 25 females. This information was located on various websites including kalller,Slaan and Zurn. nushcl:1y =-~ 75 lrhe quantit}! is a derivative of () 1n1!l1okalee survey of emplovees conducted in 20091 IdaJeuse .) !'\J8:1da Item No. ~I CE4 May 12. 2009 Page 146 of '167 trhis quantity reprcscntsthe stel'eotypical facility buildillg:--l Ivlnlcnumber = 35 jvvork Days in a yearl Y cur-work = 260 pays in in a yearl Y cartotal = 365 3. Current Use C,II',eI1! ':= 1'1.,'1",1 .1\'1'~[(' -\I'lle .l'r,'11"[ del)" J "old. " 'use. , lltllllbcr) 'count 3 Current day ;;;.: 2.047 x 10 5 CurrentytJ!":= Curn.:ntd;ty"Yearwork :-:; 5.324 x lO' Coc;t[o[)llol1 ~, CUlTcntcost:= CunentyeClr' C. .. , 3 .lllIClltcost;;;': _'.7 x 10 1000 4. Efficiency Use Efficicl1cYday:::= L1rill<1lncw \fa1cuse' \hicnumhcr' Lrin;dcOlllll Efficiency cla:y = 0 LfficicIKYyc<1r:= l.::fficitncYd~ly"\'c.1rWOlk:::: 0 Cost.:.!<llk'!1 '--". Ef11ciencY,e",' , ; ,,' 1000 EHicicncYcost EfficiencYcost == 0 5. Water Total Savings Savingoallon ;::: Currclllvcar - ECfici::ncY\.'car c . SavingnRlIon = 532350 c Savingcost := Currcntcost - l:Jficienc)' co;,t dollars ISavingcost;::: 3700 I yen I' Agenda Item ~Jo. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 147 of 167 6.Cost Analysis nstallation of a Kohler 4918. Cost is qouted by Ferguson Enterprises Inc #60, Price outation #B171732. Exhibit of ouatation is attached. List price 588 and up (Koehler website) Orinalcost:= 305.76 dollars t\~aterials to Install Each Urinail Urinalinstalllllat"';' 16 dollars nstallation of a Kohler 4918. Cost is qouted by Ferguson Enterprises Inc #60, Price outation #B 171732. Urinalins!nll = 338 d0l1<11"5 UrinalAllcost := UrillRlcos( UrinnlcoUiH UrinalAllcost := 3975 dollars UrinalAllinstal1 := (lJrinaJinstallmnt + Urinalinstal]).Urinalcoulll UrinalAllinstaJ1 == 4602 dollars Urinallota] := UrinalAllcoSI 1- UrillalAllinstall Urinaltott\] = S576.SS dollars Cost / Benifit Analysis Urill;1[total Paybacl~.years:"- . . Savlt12cost Puybm;J'ycars = 2.31 S yt:ars ](()IILET~: ._-! ':). 0". '\'/::'.rd::" ,"lh.:,.) \l, ;lul. l':'l:-l~j,\::-;: h.::ltll\::';: L>t1'L",;11l II:;: C1r..:tD [rx/ :5"':"1".11 2';; ~"'"~ Jb'!:'''-, r~'_ ".~~j) c;~,;;.; ';.~ ~'c"JJ~~ 1 ~~ '.-"",.:,~o ~r ;,:,J:::; :.'J: r,r':~ll:;1 5::,',.""II! \'Ji.lerll'~~ u"n;!l . ,~..o'113 ,.-H.,J ,-",~: Yo",' CUrr~nt ~eI"":i,-,,,: Color! F i 'Ii, II ~ '.'n,j<,~ (" Q) -'.loci",t NI:mh"r: ':''''1) ~i I 'eI. pdo-,': o,,~~,;:J s~""...~r<];:: ,'/;',1<:' I~,.,~ ur;.nl ':>1'.",'i.'lF,j ',','J;,."I.,,;: unr'i:l~ ;)',), i..j~ ';i<,l1i:I';:.,r;l '..::di-'~:'J ~hr' 'F' ,'J~I'I,,' by rr::lLI;-';,~ ",,,t.:;r, ~~'Nd:i~ ~:-,,1 r\'~:i\t2"lll'::i;' [,:':t5. ':.'C!~~l'-~,~ WII'e'S c~n S:'/i' .',l~,O::l1J ".:,!I.:,IE' i .....'l,er r'CI i;,:tlJie per 'iteM, t'",,~'(1 LIP~.:l iJ (ypi:,,1 rcrTl'"[,,:iillll':;~i\IL;ti",,,. fu:li,',r, thie, i'I"duct ~'c,' rr,j,-,f:nt:i t;H~ i'u:digIIl ['Jr IIli;1<11 d('~;C'n ,;nJ :'Jr::::iDnillitYDy o'I,,;"iI1~ ': '.'irt!:J::'1 ~p'~$h. {Ii", ~"':r.~e "to~,l ':lith 0.jr;d,,"~, :-~S'!-\D-, ',,,il1,~il1 (";,j.jln',.:.,,c.~. ..';t, ,,~UC~ ': hll',l lS-lrCI ^ 1.1.'1.!.';"\'1x 29."iii"H C:2rlrj:lg".f'bl'\';~;wl;,::~ Ulin"l f,m:t,on;,;i::y 'l1cl,I(,eS rt"rr,o\."bl': ,rr,l':'er, '.lf1i"t:I~~1 rTlOIIlIt:n[1 IlIikk,:,t, c~ltl,~1 S')l:r!. i",r':~"r5 :1: ~ample t)~\;I;:s uf .',OH!_U;:<~ \',~ti't']<"''i urinal ~':'i,Ii"g 1:'1uid dr.'! de..:',::, ';'Ili~ prr,MI![t [~n hr.lp a tlllil:lillg Cdrrl V:,,:.::r :::riic;C'ncy pDint~ illlll';] l.EEO G~'-~' tI 3tiil'lifH1 R"ti~'J "ystt-"T;"'. S",e svri,'~~l:on ,h,:,,': for ',',';,;",1 L!';[ d;,lil l.I~t v:cc: ~:,880,l "I:d ,;~ --'.'" ...~ :::,~'j:'" ,;e__j.! . Ir.,",II',. :~__i"'~'C_~'1 ~.D!~ \':",,-~,,l;': .. ;,. _" ~,~ '1 c.":.~,'; ",' J.,,,:,,,t "." " .;.1,- '.. --,~ ,,-. .\ "I ,~'," ':~ . '".,. I'~ ,',.c c' ",. .,,, : ~ r ::c"".',eJ:..ill'n'" __.'" :cr"~~ 'r.C ,,~ . "1" "0 ~'J "--,' 1;,';'- i!',I~-c 00, " "', ...1. , '"" ,-' c.,' ,;,;. " ~: 'e( I':, ",","' r;,l. -,"" , ... II : ~.,,'- ::,n"'".,."",: h' .L d~(\hLT I Agenda Item ['00, '16E4 iM@y 121,Z009 Page 148 of 167 'l'i"iIFlcT. j/ ~noq .A.genda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 149 of 167 Kevin Brock """",,,,,,",~__.,=,,j,,,,,,-,,~,,,,,,,,,,""-'U_,,,,,,~==-,'W,~""-''''':r_'.<.~,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,.,.,.~.,.,"\:,;...,:...:.,,,...~~~=.,..,,""~~~~ From: Sent To: Subject: J Clson. Cid uhn@FnrglJson,com Monday, l\liar-ell 2~" L009 11 :25 Af...1 Kevin Brock FIN: Ernail 8id# 8171732 From: Jason Cieloha . 131 HYERS [rnaillo:jason.ciclollaCMerguson.com] Sent: Honday, 14arch 23, 2009 11:22 AM To: Cieloha, Jason D [Ferguson] . 0134 I.WERS Subject: Email 8id# 8171732 Price Quotation # 8171732 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #60 9350 LAREDO An:. 1'1' ^ [rDlS, Fl. 33905-0000 P]lone: 239-.132-4:'12 Fax ; 239~332~7709 Bid No.......: B1717J2 Bid Datl'...: 03;23/09 Quoted By: JDC CusTOmer.: COU~TY OF COLLIEH. TA COLLmR CcrCNTY BOARD OF CO ATTN AI' 1'0 NO 45 81721 1'0 BOX 413016 SA...PLES, FL 311]01 Cusl Phone: Terms."...,..: Ship To.......: 239-252-2380 ;\ET 10TH 1'1<OX COUNTY OF COLl..n,R TA COLLIER COUNTY nOAm) OF CO .-\.TTN AP 1>0 ~O 45 ~1721 1'0 BOX 413016 c.:Al'LES, FL 34101 KE,1N/FEDERAL QUOTE Cust POi:..: Job ;-;amc.: r-----..~-.I--- iJtem I Description I , , . ! l'AUCET \V1T/l jV!Jxr:-:G VI.V .. --.. -~---~-_..- i Q\la~~-~l Net I'ri~-l1~11;~~,----l : I I I I :=~~=F==..-.l=21AB9IEA_~- 21A9! ~~---_..__.. . ~--~"-------~"'---'-i--- --.------! j 1 I 305.7GO ! E:\ 1- 305.76 i . ~.-~---T.~ --- r-~n~._~T-nr.---.j .. __~m.____ r-n---i--.~--.-r-n~---- no-i "~_-~_.c.__J.__~~__! 1 i '!O~__~~_~j_E~~.._ _J___..~~?~'~~.I .~_L_ 21.7301!:A ,J _ 21.731 n.-=:1=]~- .j I I , un T--n:----~--i _i I.--! 396.510 lEA i- 3%.51 i -..----.. .-----.__-----:....__._. .--..-__1 "-"OI"~A I ~ . I n i J~. ! , II ..-----.--.----,---.--..-.-.-.------------. _.._-~- .--~- : ZZ7UOO:S.~ _ ..j~CVR ~_!.~SGr~~~I_ WTI~.~_A V}~~..:~~:'~'~_~~C? .__ [_n_ . ~ i r-:(49IiW;"-=_~_-iT~~j:~2_~~~_~I~~~~~L.ss_~!~~-~'~~_~-\~~~!~_\~~!~i~~_~__.. _ . 5:;33:;;)17 !SOLiR S?<SR. LAV FCT ',\,/ E'nG TElvlP \-C\R "._j 1;_~3 i- ~~~~~L~~~~:.!.~.;:'(:i~..~ T S~305,16K : [.\1 'ri7Y \;11-, ,','()U'!' ,. fIX'['I,:(; VLV !" -'-'-j , .. .'.,' ~J 's:335016 I SOLAH. S>.TSR L~,V FCT F/ l-'R.r;i'.'lJX:~D \i/TR ...J. ._..__......______..n._.____ _.._.__..____'"___n._.. n_ .__ ~_____. S33(j.5,\68 jETF312.-\ TRl.ivIPI.TCP 21.781 !"genda !l8m No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 150 of 167 Eddie Bock's Plumbing, Ine 2981 541h "'\ve NE, Naples Florida 34120 Phonc 239-'155-7662 Fax: 239-304-36(,5 Emilil: Ehcl-xtcl(cl)aQI.r.;oiIl erc 1426335 PROPOSAL fOR CHANGiNG URINALS UNDER WATER IvJAN/\CiEVIENT GR.i\NT TO: fROM: DATE: Kevin Bror.;k c/o Collier County Eddie Bock ;vlarch 20, 200') SCOpiC of work: . Pull cxisting mimtls, ch8nge rough in as needed for installation of new urim:1s. o C0l.1l1ty :mdntcl1ance to provide all materials for instalbtion lIKluding removal of pulled items. o Thls bid includes minimal repair of \vall or tile work ClS needed Ii.)!' instalbtion. Wallpaper is nol include,!. ~ l'ropo:;al is for labor CJlJly. Costs are as follows to schedule onc urinal installation np to ~fJOO. a) Waterless urinal seleclion installed '.vith two joul neymen 2.60 hours labor, $338.00 for cdeh location. b) Ultra low conslImption urinal selection installed with two .Iourncyrncll 3.0 hOllrs labor, $390.00 Jar each location. Hid ~lCCCp[311c.e by Date Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 151 of 167 PROJECT COST AND FUNDING ITEMIZATION - .. 7. Please enter itemized cost information into the table bulow, *Note: Ifsome ortlle Pl"Ojcct W01-k is being done 'jlrJlO11sel1 01' uil1'kjnd)~ please briefly describe. '. - , ' Cost per Item , . . ,. > " I,'. ,,' or Rebate or I, Installation Total Cost for Project HardwarelTechnology Item Quantity Voucher Cost per Item I.. each Item Waterless Urinals 13 $305.76 $354 $8,576.88 - - ,. .- r -..-- ---...-- 11 I - !l1-kind Contribution l' 11 I In- kind Contribution 2' II II In-kind Contribution 3' II ... --" -.....- -II Iii , TOTAL I . ." $8,576.88 ' 8. Plense enter the following funding information l.wlovl. *Note: See Pun ding Pl'opo.sal section Oftl118 ducument fo1' evidence of Ji!J1din;r l'eXlllil'Cl11Cllls. Tvlatchjllg funds from other sources Tot.al $) 0 I " . Source{s) of Other Funds .. Funding Level ...-..- .---- ""0' I"~ -- I ---.....- I Is LlIB Applicant a Rural Economic Development yeJx J ~J Initiative (REDT) community" 1\1'0 other coopcnltivcly rundf-:d projects current ly J YeeLl KO[ under t-,his program? ----- m__~__ 27 (-'-<;1-2:--:::-:3 Item No, 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 152 of 167 > Jryes, provide the contract/agreement numbcr(s), fUllding amount.(s), souree(;.;), and requircd completion datc(s) for the other projcct(s): I Conl.r~~UAgreernent NUI~I;er -- --- .- Funding Arnollnt Source(s) Completion Date(s) - SUPPLEMEtHAL QUESTIOI~S H. Is this a rebate or vOllc]wr program.! ,,(os I I :\0 IX- I ,- ~ If no, pl'(lce(~d to question 1 n. If V(o~s: I I n) 1Imv many rebat.es OJ' vouchers In total wIll be lssu(~d? b) \VhaL is the Jl1,lxinlUIll l11..1]nb8r ofrcbates/\'ouc:hers that can be i;-;SlWd to a single Participant'l_-~~ ----- - I. .. , IIuw rllany homes or 1 acl11 LJe:-; wIll t~llS prognllll ,lfJempL t.o reach at a mlmmulll.i .ItNote: TJl1~q quc'st:iOl] /1S."'Ullle.'>' thl'lt nii F81'tic1lxwh:,' .'!u.'(,'jJL t.he llli:v,:il1lll111 Jlumbo]' of' nJJoll'ahlr: reh/~te5/vollcl}c-"j-,'. _m Ii 0) 10, \\iil] thu Ilfoject's Pm:ticipants be cligib18 to recclve morc thnn oue of any type of fixtuJ'e or d(~vice, such as, hut not. limitpd 1.0, a shmv8rhcad or f,I])(:Pt. iWr[lLor? Ye,D NoD N/AD If no or not applicablel proceed to quest.ion II. If Y"s: 1- a) Li~L those fixhlresJ(levlc(~s:' h) Focusing' on just one of the above fixtl1res/tl(:viC[~s, how many of these will be issued for the entire project? [ -- .0.0 . j e) \Vhat is the maximum number of fixtures/devices that can be issued to a single Pal'bcJpant? [ I <1) How muny hon1l~s or facilities will t.his pl'OgJ'illll attempt to reach at a minimum1 ~~{Jtg: Till>:; (juc,':>'lion ,-1.S'S'1ll1Je3 that nil p[lrlicllJflIJLs nccept the maximulIl number of a lJowr'lhie fIrfuro:,' or dc\'iceg. :,.- >- 28 Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 153 of 167 11. \;Vill ,vater savings gained by this Project directly YespC.1 NoD reduce an existing \vithdrawal from a potable source? " If yes, identify the source I LowerTamiamiAquifer ----...- I " If no, please explain the water supply benefit below. ~. . ~. If ADDlicant is a DubEe water supply. nleasc nrovide Uw Cowmmptive Use Permit number: 111 ~00249~W (Collier CounTy) . I . Check Yes or No Yes No ]2. Is the Project part of your institutionffacility's conservation plan? N/A IJ{-1 -"-- J~ 13. Has the proposed project already begun? ] 4. Is its start dependant on SFWlITD fl1nding? X 15. \VatcrSIP 1S a reimbursement program. ft is expected that. the scope of the Project will bo completed in its entirety (snu Funding Polic)' section) within the timefl'umc outlined in the Summary Schedule of Tasks and Deliverablcs, 010 regardless of the adual amount of funding granted to the Applicant through the WaterSIP Program. Docs the Applicant have budgeted funds available to pay for the entire scope of the Projixt 'i1i1ithin the timeframc outlined in the Schedule of Tasks and Deliverables without funds from the W"tcrS1P Program? 1 G. The Applicant fully lInuersL;':l.llds that if, [01' any reason, the prDject scope is not fulfilled to 100% completion as ontlined in the Statement of Work, the X Dish'let's funding amount will be reduced to match the original percentage of funding ovnr the initial project cost estimate as presented in this Application. 17. Thef-\pplicant also undcl'st.ands t,h;jt if tlw project scope is achieved to lOO~.o cornpletion as outlined in the Statement of\Vork Hnd total actual projpct. costs 0 D are belovi' the cstimatl:d total project cost, the Recipient will be eligible to n>ceive up t.o the full funding ;illlOunt, as long as the:: mi1l11l11lnl ,::;0 percent L-__IDO%J) mat.ch is lllE.1t. ------ -~---- ~~ 29 ;';genda Item No. -; 6E4 May 12, 2009 Page 154 of 167 PROJECT DATA AND CRITERIA SUMMARY --- -,.- 18. P}(~asc provide a In'icf synopsis of the Projcct. Indicate quantities of each hardwareltechnology item(s): The proposed project seeks to reduce water and enoroy usage tl11'OUgh tho replacement of existing standard "xtures with high-efliciency models. Collier County Facilities Dcpaliment retrofit program will use waterless urinals as a conservation measure for public faciliUos. Collier County Facilities Department st~1ff has periormed a survey of al1lrnmokaleo (RED I) facilities and identified 13 inefficient urinals for replacement. This retrofit project is expected to produce 8 savings of 532,350 gallons a year (40,950 gal per ullit for 13 ullits). Based on a cost of $6.95 per 1000 gal, that results in a yearly operational cosl savings of approximately $3,700. Quantlty of' c.sLimatecl wah:l' ,'';:lvillgS I 053L-1 MGY ___ Amount of funding rcqun:.:ted -~.._- J 8,576.88 - I Total project cust ~ 8,576.88 Propos(:tl p(:rcent SFV;'Tl'dD funding [~]>~ I (50% maXilllLtJ1l of S'{;),OlJ()) Is the Applicant a HEDI Community? Y"s LX J No[ J If iIPl1]icab}c, state Ull)' e]}r-~.rollJl)cJ]hiJ OJ' r0f11f1111ni~v bene/i/,,' of t.his Proj(:c:t olher llulll reducing dem8nd from /1 jJotable H'gfe]' .c:ow'cr>. These other benefit.s could include \\'atc~r quality [)j' hahitat impro\,(;lnenLs, anelloI' benefit.ing a low-income, ~(:ni()r or affordahle housing commu}1it.y. I I I Reduction of associated energy usage to retrieve, process and distrjbute poti'1ble water 10 the f;)cilities I and treat and discharge the wasteWElter. As well 3S increased hygiene for users since it is hands free and 1118 act of flushing sends pathogens airborne thmughout the rest room (according to studies published on the subject). Reduction of II-eated VvBstC'HiJter into the environment If applic!dJIe, state how thiS Project showcases IllllllvaLion using new technology or Lhu m(~thod ill which the Projc~ct is beillg implelllenj~c~d. This project is replacing standard flush urinals wilh "w8lerless urinals" vl-'hich is 3 new technology I I i I .~~~.~. - .......-'" J 9. Please provide l.lw nHme(s) and contact information of t.he (\lltity's project manager who w1ll oversee the implernentation of this Project. This should h(~ the primary person [or I District personnel to contact and is not lH'cpssarily t.he .Applicilllt's legn} signing H\ltJlorit)~_ rSkIP~;'l}~ ~- - -~l I N aBle: ----------- !';mail: I Sl<ip~aIT1P@c~lli~-~~1D.v:neJ -. I Phunp: l-r)~9~/,~? ""80 -.-_._- -=l ....J ~..J._ '0.), i ~._-----,---~_.~..._----_.~.._~-_._.__. ---..-. -- 30 Agenda item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 155 of 167 MEiVIORANDDM EXECUTLVE OFfICE OF THE GOVERNOR OFFJCE OF TOlmJSfvl,II<.ADE, and ECONOlvlJC DEVELOPMENT DATE: March 30, 2009 TO: Distribution FROM: Diane Scholz SUBJECT: COII/II/ullities eligiblefor S.288. 06561, F.S., Reduction or Waiver of Match The following counties meet the statutory criteria of having at least three of the required Factors of economic distress to a greater degree than the state as a whole. These counties and incorporalod municipalities within those counties are eligible to request a "Reductlon or Waiver of Match". Counties designated as Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC) are eligible for a full "Waiver of Match." Designated Rural Areas of Critical Economic Concern (RACEC): . Northwest Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern - re-deslgnated o Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Liberty, Washington and the City of FI'eeport in Walton County. . South Central Rural Area of Crillcal Economic Concern - re-designated o DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, and Okeechobee Counties, and the Cilles of Pahokee, Belle Glade, and South Bay (Palm Beach County), and Immokalee (Collier County). . NOlih Contral Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern - re-designaled: o Baker, Bradford, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lafayette, Levy, Madison, Putnam, Suwannee, Taylor mod Union. Rural Counties approved fDr a "Reduction or Waiver of Match": Flagler, Nassau, Wakulla and Walton. DDcumentation and requests for a "f"eduction or Waiver of Match" has been submitled, verified, and approved for the following communities located in non-rural counties. Eligibility is good for one year and will expire on the corresponding dates shown below, CitieslTowns (County): Archer (Alachua) Bushnell (Sumter) Center Hill (Sumter) Century (Escambia) Coleman (Sumter) Dundee (Polk) FOIi Meade (Polk) Hastings (St. Johns) Jay (Santa Fosa) Lake Wales (Polk) Mulberry (Polk) Newberry (Alachua) Webster (Sumter) Waldo (Alachua) Wildwood (Sum lor) Zephyrhilis (Pasco) Expiration Date: December 17, 2009 September 11, 2009 July 19, 2009 March 3, 2010 September 15, 2009 Novernber 25, 2009 r,ov8lllber 25, 2009 September 25, 2009 ~Jovember 14, 2009 September 10, 2009 OclolJer 9, 2009 March 26, 2010 D(~c8mberI6, 2009 March 6, 2010 July 19, 2009 October 13, 2009 f\genda item No, 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 156 of 167 STAT_E OF FLORIDA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 06-34 wn U,EAS, during tho 1999 Sessjon, the Florida Legislarurc passed, and the GO'r't.7H-;'f sj~T~ed into la~"'l legislation sEpporting ec-or.omic d-evelcpm{:nt in tbe rural areas of the Stilt=:: and \,\'I-1LPj'::/\.S, ;dlnough ecoilnmic: prugres had beLll made in nun)' n!::'~d ~lrC:J;-;, ~~le gr~)\I.'lh and prosperity cr:jo)'ed by most commu111(ics 1I1 :he SI~I\(: duri]~g tbe P"l.q 4S yc.:trs did n07 extend j:ltO Flol'ida\ n.ll'a] arcns; ~iJld \VHEREAS, the:;~ co:nHlunities are stc',\n:'ds oftlle vast rnajority ()ffloril~.l'S lanu ~lI1c1 r.nr:'.Lr"Jl re';O;Jl-".'::-:~, U;liJ;l which the: ~~r:'\:e'~; sonrhllCd g:-o\\'lh ;},lC pro:;pcrity Jr..:peml; ;"ld \VT-IER:':./\S, sr:>c~'(':-,;;[uj r'.Jrill c:)];t?T[I.:;:;ities a;-~~ cs:;tnt:?] to Lhe overall 51.CC-:::SS e,f the Stc.i.C'S C:CGildi11Y and q'.J;.)lity of Efe.; and \VliERJ"J\S, ceiuin nll'al cl:lmmunitit:::s (lrc slrugg!in8 to lllRin1ain, support or enhance jub cr~atlng activit}' or to gellerate revenues for educ~tj()n and olher critical govem:llcnt sen:jces $l:CI1 as inrrastnlcrure, transpo11filion and s(lfety; and WlJERlAS, the challenges faced by thc,c rural communities threaten their wcl1- being and viJbiHty: and \-VI.JEREt\Sl S~;;ti(Jn '~~,qJ)656 {7), FlLl['idZl Sta~v:::;,;;, nlli!1o:llCS lh~ RLlTJ) Fn):1Clmic Dc\'(~lopme!l! lilitia',j\'e k) n.:cornr:lc:lll tu lhe (io\'emOl' lip lO :iu'ee dl:'::',1S 1\:,1' cl~:;i~')',;1.'.i(Jn.'1\ i\lL.d arc,\:~ orcr:(:<:::1] cCC;-IOJl:ic 1..'()~lCcr:l; ~ind \\'1 IERE/\S, a rUi;'i1 ;1~'C;) uf ci ticJl CC\JllOlni;.; (:onccrn ;::. composed 0 f n:r;J 1 . "...."1'1."..;"'. ')"""c~""'e]'" "I";'",.t"d ~,..! '>\"":.l,-"...i,""Ir',' ""''''I'()<"o1''{' ,,,.""'11;;:' 0;>..,,-1 Ll~,,~; J. ,,'~::' ',_,-' '..' .''' .~" ~'" "'; L......,,,U J C,. ""'"'' .1. ,,~,' ~l ._, i,.-I Agenda Item No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 157 of 167 \Vj-JEJ\EAS. the C nun: ic.s of DCS\-rIO, G !;JdC5, Hal dee, IIclldry, 11 igJl];:II~ds) and Okccchobce. and the Cities ofBclk Glade, PahoJkcc, flnd South Bay, :U1G t:1C area nrollnd lm!11oblee incluu"d w;lhin Ihe Round 1I Federal Rural Enterprise Co:nmunity located i<1 l1orthea>t Collier CCJ!lnty wcre de,ignated 0:1 hnuarv 26,2001, as a RUTal Area of Critical Ecunolllic Concern for a term offi\'c year>, and the Rwal Economic Development Initiative was directed to review tbe dcsif;11ation annually and recommend \vhct:,er tbe designation should be terminated or continued; and WHi:REAS. the desigr.ation expired on J~nllar)' 26,2006: ;lI1d \VHEREAS. rcprcsct1:~nives oftbc tw::my-one state and regiol);d il:~:ncjes cornprising the Reral Economic Development Initiative Jl:.E:t on Lll1U;lJ'}" J 7, 2006 ;nd recommended to the Govc.rnor to cominue the designation of the Counties ofDeSOIL\ Glades, I Jardcc, I fend,.)', Highlands, and Okecchobcc, and the Cities (,f lklk Glade, PalJOkee, and SOUlh Bay, 11:113 rhe area (lWWld lmmokakc included \-vi.hin 1hr: RDund II Fed~i'aJ Rural Enterpri:;c Co:nli1i~nity located in ~wrthe(J5t CoHicf COU:;iy elS [1 f"nral area ofc:-itiCl-iJ economic C011I.:'Cn1 and to include IlJC :m:~a v.:jthin the ]mll1ok;;llee Urban Dcsignt\tcd Area in the ncsignation; :"OW, T1lEREfORJ:, 1, .IEB !lUSH, ~s Governor of FI()I~di\, by virtue of lile author;l!, wsted;n me by Article lV, Section 1(0), Florida COr1stltution, and Section 288.0656 (7), Florida Slal1Jtc" do Itereby pron1ulg:\lc the following Executive Order, effective il1lJ11Edl,lt(;]y: SC(J.i2.""J.DJ...: The Jrc;) \l,"ilhin l~le bOUDlbrics of tilt: Counties of DeSoto, Glades, Haruce~ l-lelldry, ]-3j.~.:hhnrl;:;, llntl Okccchoccc1 ~uld the ('itic.'; ;Jf Bci]c Clade, Pahokce, Hnd South B,lY. the' ;nca a;.ol1nd Jmmobdcc inchldcd within the ROl:I:d 11 Federal Ruml E~llcrprise COll!mullity~ and the arc:! \vllbin the ]ll1moka.lee (Jrb~ln Designated Axe3. 2 AJ8nda !tem No. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 158 of 167 loclte:d ~n nc,n/)ci-ist Collict-Cl)\:my i:.; ch:signnled as a R'..lr:ll..\rca orCrilical Economic C:O:1cern, Sec:l_QllL Tbis ~rca ~klll b~ a fi:l()rity assigl:IT:ent for the Rural Economic J)evdOplJJ~llt lnili,lti\'c, _~t(;ti2.~ On 3 case..by-case basis, tile cril::r;iJ, requirements or provisions at' economic development iTlcentives may be \vClived. Sucb incentivt's in:;!ud~) but shall not be Ji:n:kd 1c1. the Quoliiicd Tmgellndllslry Tax Rerund Prograill under Section 288.106. Florida Sratu\cs, the Qeick RC$pons~ Tralni!lg Pro.!?,I~1!n under Section 28iL047, Florida Statutes, the Quick Res~)('1JiS~ Training Program for participan:5 In the \vcl[~re transitio:l r:;rogr:nn under Sectiun 28~.O-17lS), Flo!-;da Statutes, trunsportation pf(ij~,cts under Section 288.0631 FJor:da Sta~l:le:.;~ the b:OW~l::!clcl rcde\;clopmtnt bonus refund under Section 2.88. i071 Florid;: :)L~:ilt~S, a;ld tbe lu,':d job tax cl-edlt pj'ogr,lHl ~lIld(:r SeuiDllS 212,09<~ ,IDd 22U. J S95, f+)orida StiJUlcs. Sc_::;!ii.?J.!...:L /V':CC'SS [0 the ~ss:::.taJ)cc ~\'i11bbJc unckr this !)esi.L:JI~ltion ,;; ~l Rural ,""rea IJf Critical Economic Concern shall be cOl)lin.I.;C~'lt :lPO:l lhc GXeCllllorJ of:-nemDrfinda of agr('cmc:lt between the Office of 'founsrn, Trade, and ECO~IOJTlic Dl~vcloprn:::nt, the povcrnin" bodies of the C,)ltnti8S) and lhe co\"crnin ~,~ bodies of the rvf1;nicio,ilities <"j ;;:) - ~ . included within the :1fC3. Such mcmor<lllua of a [:,It:c I J1.C III shnll spC'cif)' th::: tenn.'" and COllt~itions of lhe dc:-:;it~Jlalioll, HlcJuding, but not limited to. the duties and responsibilities of the Count;e~ :Hld \1u[;icipa!l:ies to take c:ctions dCSiVICd to fi!Cjjitili~ nH: rekiJ1iun and expansion ()f{'\i~;[it;)i b:s',r:cs~.;es in tlie ilr~il, (1S WL:]] as tb:.:: rccn.:itlne.nl ufJl~'\v l;U\lilCSSes 11) the arC;l. Se'rjJ.l~lli This d;::s~tn~tion ~l':ttJJ be in effect for five yc,U"S a:ld \\,'111 e\plre Oil ['"cbn:dr}' J 6, ~~C j I, blll s::aJl 'J(' revle\....(d .~>. thC'- l(ur~d Fconomic Dcv(~loplllcnt lnil:a;.ive :::::rn:;dly. The 1<.\:r;l1 }-(:C!lO:~I:C n;:\'el!)p~'d~~:)t In:ti:\t, .:e. m:!y' rc(:oln:T:c~:d :l1c ck':;ig'lDl:(\ll 1 Agenda Item No. i6E4 May 12, 2009 Page 159 of 167 be t2n~linated or uJ:1itnucJ l.:ased olll:conomic development i1r(lg;:css from C!lr;":'::llt LLP,e En!!::> or upon pcrforr:lance ll!lde.r i.}:e memoranda of(lgreement. ATTEST: :)I.!-.<.- t"\, u,l>.f, SECRETARY OF STATE ,,'j-'./ ,J IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ami caused the Great'.. SC<11 of the State of Florida to be affixed :H Tallahassee, the Ci'piIOI, this] 6th day of February, 2006. jj:~ r-' ".-- r...._- .;::-.' :?~~ ,1 ~l ~'.'. -" ,-.- ~ C::J ~"1 , ~ " ~,) '............l " "-.....-"" ;-.) ,';genda item No. 16E4 May 12. 2009 Page 160 of 167 APPLICATION CHECKLIST CD You must sign and submit this Application Checklist with your Application package. This Application Cbecklist is provided for Uw convenience of the respondent and shall not he rc~lied upon in lieu of the instructions or requirements of this solicitation. To ensure that your propDsal package is COlllp18tO and to maximize the number of points you may receive, please revit~w the following items 10 confirm Lhat they have been addressed and are enr.losl':d. This page must be print.ed and included in your Application package. .~ -..- ------ -, Check Activity Here Has the proposal suhmis:;ion deadline established in Uw solicitation lwen mnL? I Has the Transmittal letter been signed by Llw appropriate party? Havel all questions and n:fJlI(~:-.;Ls within this document lH::en ;] nS"\"'81'ed? ! lave you ro'\:icwed ,ltld compared your application r(~SpDnSes to Exhibit A: St,-d:c]llr-:nt of\Vork \'nth the sample re.sponscs pnJ\'idC'd in .'-\pp(-;ndix.i\: Sample Hc~pons(~s to Exhibit /i.? llavG you supplied your Certification ofnEDI COlllll1UlliLy (if applicable,). -~-- -------. Hm.e you provided (~vidence (budget. or letter of financial commitment) of proj(~ct. J'{~btedl1latching funds as indicated in the Fnndin,!j. P/"OjJOS;1! .section? Has the ~."lpph(.'l'lti()}l i>ection of this packag[~ h(:en printed? Has thel Sample Cooperative FUllding Agl'eement been revi(~"\v(~d? - -,....- 1 ...----- If minor deviat.ions with the Sample Cooperatjve Funding Agreement. havl.: hel:1l identified, have Uwy berm highlighted and printed? (There is no need to print and submit the Sample Agl'epmcnt if no deviations an; not(;d.) I Have all sUPPol'hng documentation l)t'un lncludud, sLlch as vendor descript.ions of L llilru'\\'al't\ etc.? ----. -----.,- Have you suhmitted the rcqnlrDd lll.lJllh{~1' of complet.e copies of thn proposal in the Applitation pa.cknge? ,If' Seven ("I) copies of the Application packag(~, inclucljng one lnnrh:d "()l'iginal." 'Ii" Two (2) CD-nOJVIS, each (:ontn i tli llg a complete copy of t.he entire Applicatjon I packag(~. ~--- -........ .. ---~_.._----_._.__...__._----_._--,.__._-_.~_.- -- _____ ____-1 I have indicated that the required m:1teri8],3 and proc{'dHl't)~; outlined in t.he cl1(>cldi~~L nbcl\'e have been incllldL~d. PJ'ogram .\lnnagcr 31 .I\genda Item ~Io. 16E4 May 12, 2009 Page 161 of 167 .....<.:.r>.':. C:,~['l~r(:-o'unty ,.::-,..:::..;c~..., ...c;::,,:.......-. .... _" ~. --":: '_, ~ _ .' /0,.drninistrative Selvices Division Facilities Management April 17, 2009 Ms. Sharman Rose, Conu'act Specialist South Florida Water Management District 3301 GUll Club Road West Palm Bcach, Florida 33406 Referencc: Vvatcl" Savings Inemtlvc J'rogmm (SH') DcaI' Ms. Rose: Attached, please find Collier County Board of County Commissioners 2010 CD.pital Budget Submission Form E documcnting a request for funds for thc project addrcssed within this gnll1t request Please feel [Tee to contact me at the number listed below should you have any questions. Thank you. Very truly yours, Skip Camp, CFM, Director C: Len Golden Ptice, Administrator Administrative Services Divi~ion 70)"'-- worD c.oO"'- .,......N_ . .0 QN:"J Z"""c.o >= ,,~ _ ro Q) 2~ oJ) - ro ro D- '0 C Q) OJ <c N ~ <=> N )-', U. "' t> ... CJ.} ~ _,' e 5: _0.0 "'0 U) ".' ~ 0;'::'" 't"" g.1: ''l'"'' 0"0:: ~ n:1ii .... 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