Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16F 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY :~e,Tl i-JO. 16F4 fvlarch 24, 2009 F'age 1 of 3 Recommendation to adopt a resolution approving amendments (appropriating grants, donations, contributions or insurance proceeds) to the Fiscal Year 2008-09 Adopted Budget OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners adopts the attached resolution and the related amendments that amend the Fiscal Year 2008-09 adopted budget in accordance with Section 129.06, Florida Statutes. CONSIDERATIONS: Section 129.06, Florida Statutes detines how an annual budget, as adopted by the Board, can be amended. Budget amendments recognizing grants, donations, contributions, or insurance proeeeds that increase the total appropriations of a fund over the adopted annual budget must be approved by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. The budget amendments in the attached resolution cover Board approved items through 3/1 0/09. Each of the budget amendments in the attached Resolution has been reviewed and approved bv the Board of Count v Commissioners via separate Executive SUlllmaries. FISCAL IMPACT: The amendments and executive summaries, which were previously considered and approved by the Board, contained their respective fiscal impact statements. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this Executive SUlllmary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIO"lS: The County Attorney's ()flice has reviewed and approved the attached resolution iiJr legal sulliciency - JAK. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board adopts the attached resolution amending the Fiscal Year 2008-09 adopted budget. Prepared by: John A. Y onkosky, Director, Omce of Management and Budget - Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16F4 Page I of I Item No. 16F4 r.,,~arch 24. 2009 Pede 2 of 3 Recommendation to adopt a resolution approving amendments (appropriating grants, donations. contributions or insurance proceeds) to the Fiscal Year 2008-09 Adopted Budget. 3/24/200990000 AM Approved By OiViB Coordinator County Manager's Office OMS Coordinator Date Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Office of Management & Budge-t 3/13f20Q9 10:49 AM Approved By John A. Yonkosky County Manager's Office Assistant County Attorney Date Approved By Ji:lrnus V. rlludd Board of County Commissioners Cour:ty Attorney Office 3/13/20093:29 PM Director of the Offke of Management Date Off!ce of Management & Budget 3!lSt2009 9:36 AM County flli3nager Dnte County Manager's Office Jf15i2009 4:20 PM ".<; l RLSOLlTIO'\ ~(). 0"- )' A RLSOLliIO'\ }'URSCA,\'T TO SECTIO~ 119.06(2). FLORIDA STA'ITTlS, TO Ai\fEND TIlE Bl~DGET FOR THE 2008-09 FISCAL YEAR. V...'HERF-:AS, Section 129 (J6(2), Florida Statutes. pwviJe~ lhallhe Hoard t1fCounty Commissiom:rs (h~reinaner also referred to as "Board") at any time within a fiscal year may amend a budget for that year, and provides the procedures therefore: and \^/HEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County. florida, has received copies of budget amendments which provide for but are not limited to: revenue from grants, donations or conlribulions. or insurance proceeds for a designated purpose; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is appropriate to amend the Budget ror Fiscal Year 2008.09 by resolution pursuant to Section 129.06, Florida Statutes, NOW, TH~kHUr{j--:, HI-': j i ){r>,(Jj.Vr:D Ii Y I! if.: HOARD 01- COL1~TY COMMISSI01\ERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budget amt:ndments to the FV 200R-09 Budget described bclow are approved and herehy adopted and the FV 2008-09 Budget is so amended FL"ND BUDGET AME!\:l)\1L'\IT :-JUMBLR NCREASE fDLCREASE) RECFW! IN('REASE (DECREASE) EXPENDITURE II'\CR.b\SE (DECREASE! RESERVES EXPLANATlO\J FOR APPROPRIATION 115 OQ-204(9/9/08-16.13) $%.619 $56.619 Recognize grant funds for Predator Project 116 09-190(3/10/09-1601) $16,481 $26,.18/ Recognize funds from 411 r:oundatiDl1. HE IT FL'RlHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to spread this Resolwiun in full among the minutes of this meeting for permanent n:cord in his (,filee This Resolution adopted this 24th Jay of ~vlarch , 2009, afta motion. second and majority \'otc. ATTEST: !30..1.RD OF COU\TY COl'.1:-'1!SSlO>..SRS D\ViGHT E BROCK, Clerk COLLlER COUNTY, FLORIDA 8y: B)" o DONNA FIALA CjIAfR~A~ Appro suniciency: Jeffrey Attorney .J -