Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #17B ;\g.:mda Item No. i 1'8 March 24, 2009 Page 1 of 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of Connty Commissioners adopts an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2007-74, the Collier County Convenience Business Security Ordinance, in order to include the provisions of Florida Administrative Rule 2A-5.005, Minimum Safety Standards for Convenience Businesses. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners ("Board") adopts the attached Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2007-74, the Collier County Convenience Business Security Ordinance, as codified in Chaptcr 26, Alticle VI, of the Collicr County Code of Laws and Ordinances. CONSIDERA nONS: On November 27, 2007, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 2007-74, the Collier County Convenicnce Business Security Ordinance. The Ordinance authorizes Sheriffs Office personnel to locally enforce the provisions of Florida's "Convenience Business Security Act," which requires specified security measurcs regarding convenience store businesses and required training of comenience store rctail employees. Similar ordinances have been adopted in many Florida counties and municipal it ies. ,- The Sheriff's Office has requested that the Board amend Ordinance No. 2007-74 in order to inelude the provisions of Florida Administrative Rule 2A.-5.()()5, Minimum Safety Standards for Convenience Businesses. At its March 10, 2009 Regular Meeting (Item 16K 1), the Board authorized staff to procecd with adveltising the proposed ordinance for future consideration and adoption. FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IlVIPACT; None. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS; The proposecl Ordinance \Vas drafted by the County Attorney, was duly adveliised, and is legally sufficient for Board action. The proposed amendments were also approved by the Sheriff's legal staff. This is a non-quasi judicial rnaMer requiring simple majority vote. JAK RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County L'omm'SSlOners adopts the attached Ordinance amending Ordinancc No. 2007-74, the Collier County Convcnience Business Security Ordinance, in order to include the provisions of Florida Administrative Rule 2A-5.005, Minimum Safety Standards for Convenience Businesses. PREPARED BY; Jeffrey A. Klatzkow, County Attorney, on bchalfof Commander Mike Williams. Collier Counly Sheriffs Oftiee - Page 1 of I ,;\'.g8noa Item 1\.10. 178 f'v1arch 24, 2009 Pag" 2 of 8 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 178 Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners adopts an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2007-74. the Collier County Convenience Business Security Ordinance, in order to include the provisions of Florida Administrative Rule 2A-5.005 Minimum Safety Standards for Convenience Businesses. Meeting Date: 3/24/2009 900.00 AM Preparcd By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 3f12!2009 9:12:51 AM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 3112/2009 1 :20 PM Approved By OM8 Coordinztor OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & 8udg~t 3/"13:2009 9:'ii AM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Ar.i'd}st D5tC Cour.ty Man3gnr's Office O?fk0 of r{;0naseme~1 & SUC1g0t 3113.'2009 5:2.0 PM Approved By James 'J. Mudd C;:lunty Mall<ider Date Board of CO'..mty Commr'ssioners C:)U~lty Manager's Office 31'i 7/20098;54 AM Ilsrn No. 1/ B f' '1arch 24 2009 Page 3 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. 2009- AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2007-74, THE COLLIER COUNTY CONVENIENCE BUSINESS SECURITY ORDINANCE, BY AMENDING SECTION THREE, CONVENIENCE BUSINESS SECURITY REQUIREMENTS, TO INCLUDE THE MINIMUM SAFETY STANDARDS FOR CONVENIENCE BUSINESSES SET FORTH IN FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE RULE 2A-5.005; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FORAN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on November 27, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance ?\To. 2007-74, the Collier County Convenience Business Security Ordinance; and WHEREAS, in keeping with a request by the Collier County Sheriffs Office, the Board of County Commissioners desires to amend Ordinance No. 2007-74 by amending Section Three, Conveniencc Business Security Requirements, to include the provisions set forth in Florida Administrative Rule 2A-5.005, Minimum Safety Standards for Convenience Businesses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: SECTION ONE, AMENDMENT TO SECTION THREE OF COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2007-74. Section Thrce is hereby amended to include the provisions set forth in Florida Administrative Rule 2A-5.005, Minimum Safety Standards for Convcniencc Busincsses, as follows; SECTION THREE; Convenience Business Security Requirements. (1) Each convenience business shall be equipped with the following securitv devices and standards; (a) A sccuritv camera svstem capable of recording and retrieving a recognizable and identifiable image of an offender to assist individuals involved in an invcstigation, in a fonnat that can be enlar2cd and rcproduccd for distribution by law enforcement agencies. If _Qne camera is not sufficient, additional ca.rncras ll1USt be Page 1 of6 \Vords ]d11derlineg are added; \Vords 5tru-t-k-~ are deleted. /~,C'enda Item !\lo. 17B ~ r\~arch 24, 2009 Page 4 of 8 installed to capture the image of an offcndcr at all register locations in use. The camera svstem shall be; (i) Positioned to provide photographic coverage of all registers in use and to minimize tampering by customers or offenders; (ii) Maintained on a routine basis to ensure that the camera svstem is working proper]v at all times: (iii) Capable of continuous operation or activation by a remote triggering device such as a concealed button or bill trap alarm: and (iv) Verification that the camera system is in proper working order in accordance with the standards Iistcd above shall be maintained on the premises in the form of tcst photographs produced annuallv. The svstem shall be maintenanced no lcss than once every four months, documented on a maintenance log kept on the premises. (b) A drop safe or cash managemcnt device bolted to the floor. installed in the floor or counter, or which weighs at least five hundred pounds. and prevents the retail cmplovee from accessing surplus cash receipts. (i) Drop safes or cash management devices must be installed and maintaincd as specified bv thc manufacturer. (ii) Drop safes or cash management devices must offer protection against forced entry, while providing a means for depositing currencv. checks, coins and the like. contained in bags or envelopes, or directlv deposited into the body ofthe safe. (c) A lighted parking lot illuminated at an intensitv of at least 2 foot-candles per square foot at 18 inches above the surface. r d) A conspicuous notice at the entrance which states that the cash register contains $50 or less. (e) Window signage and window tinting must allow for a elear unobstructed view of the cash re>;<:ister and sales transaction area from inside or outside of the building and in a normal line of sight. The degree of window tinting shall allow for phvsica] identification of all individuals in the sales transaction area from outside the building and in a normal line of sight at al] times. Page 2 0[6 Words underlined are added; Words s!rusk thretigh are deleted. ::o,:1'C:,'llda lism r~o. 17 B .' rv~arch 24. 2009 Page 5 of a (/) Conspicuous height markers with digits at least one inch III sIze at the inside entrance of the convenience business. (g) A written cash management policv that is kept on site, limits the cash on hand at all times after 11 p.m. and before 5 a.m" and provides for: (i) guidelines for deposits to be made on a regular basis. but at variable intervals to minimize offender activitv resulting from scheduled deposits or procedures for deposits picked UP by an armored car service: and (ii) an encouragement to drop cash in excess of $50 per register in the safe at all times after II p.m. and before 5 a.m. (h) Unless an exemption is granted bv the Office of the Attomev Genera] under Section 812.173(3), F.S., a silent alarm which activates a signal to a law enforcement or a private securitv agencv is required. Silent alarms shall have a primarv and secondary power source. Silent alanns must be installed bv a contractor licensed bv tbe Florida Electrical Contractors' Licensing Board pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 489, F.S. Silent alarms shall be maintenanced regularlv in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and in propcr working order at all times the business is open. (i) If a murder. robberv. sexual batterv, aggravated assault. aggravated batterv, kidnapping or false imprisonment has occulTcd at a convenience business. the business must meet additional requirements under Section 812.173(4), F.S. (1) Every convenience busincss shall be eqllipped with the following security devices and sffiREl-af4r. A securit). camera system ca]3ab]e of recording and retrieving an image to assist in offender identification and lIflprehension. (8) ;\ aro]3 safc or cash managemeAl aeyice for restricted access to cash receipts. (c) :\ lighted parking lot illuminated at an intensity of at least two (2) foot cam]les (,,) .. per sqllare f{)ot at eighteen (I S) inches above the surface. (el) A conspicuous notice at the entrance that states the cash register centains fifty dollars ($50) or less. (e) Winaoy,' signar;e that allews a clear, lll10bstrncted '.'iew from outside tRe bllildinr;, including a clear line of sight OftRC casR register and tHe sales transaction area. Page 3 0[6 \-Vords lJ.n~rlin~ are added; \Vords strucl: tnreHg-R arc deleted. :C'gen:;a Item No. 178 March 24, 2009 Page 6 of 8 (I) Height markers at tl~e enlrarlce of the conveflieaee BliGiness that display height measurements of individHals wlla enter tile iRterier throH[;h the efltflillee. ([;) A cash management policy 10 limit the caSH on Harld at all times after II :00 p.m. (2) "\ eonvenienee ]msiaess shall Net Have window tinting that reduces e1:terior or interior view in a normal line of sight. (3) Every eonvenieaee Bllsiness shall be eqliippeEl with a silent alarm to lay,' onforeGffient or a ]3rivate seemity a;eF18Y, unless aj3j'llieatioa for lID. e)[emptioa is made to and granted by Florida's Attorney Geaeral. "\R apj'llieatioN for eJleHlj'ltion mllst be ia writiag aHd mllst be aeeempaFIied by an adn~inistra:ive fce of t','lenty five dollars (11:25) for eaeh store for '.vHiell the OJteml"tion would awIT- (4) If a murder, roOOery, sOJma] battery, a[;bfavated assault, a[;[;ravated battery, kidHapping or false imprisonment, as tHose erimes are thc identified lmd then defiaed BY Florida Statutes, occurs or l~aG oceurred at a convenience E>tlsiaess after hlly 1, 1939, and arises Olit of tile operation of the e01weRience lmsiaess, slieh convenience business shall implement at least one (I) of the following eJrtra security measures: (a) Provide at least t'se (2) cmpleyees on t],e j'lremises at all times after 11 :00 l".I11. aRd Hnti15:00 a.m.; (b) Install fur use by employees at all times after 1/;00 p.m. aHd until 5:00 a.m., a seemed safety enclosure of tnmsparent polycarbonate or other material that meets at least ORe (I) of the followiHf,; miNimum standards: (i) "\merican. Society for Testing aNd Materials Standard D3935 (clas3ificatioR PCIIO B 3 0800700), has a thiekaess of at least 0.375 inches, and Ilas an impact streAgth of at least two hundred (200) foot pounds; or (ii) URderwriters Laboratory Standard CL 752 f-(Jr medilim pewer small anns (leyel one) BHllet Resisting Eqliipment; (c) Pro':ide a seeurity guard on the premises at all times after 11:00 p.m. and until 5:00 a.m.; (d) Loel~ tl1e business premises threHghout the I1surs from 114)0 p.m. until 5 :00 a.m., and tnlHsaet lmsiRess only through an ifldireet pass througl1 treugh, traj3door, or window; or Page 4 of6 Wards underlined are added; Words strud~ tm-ough are deleted, i1em !'Jo. ': 78 f'A;:~I"ch 24, 2009 Pa'J870f3 (e) Close the business at all times after 11;00 p.m. and until 5;00 a.m. (5) For plifjloses oftllis Section, any eonvenience ba5iness tliat by law has tllen implemented aflY of tlle e][tra seearity meaSHfes set forth in paragrapHs (1)(a) (e), above, and Has maintained SlJ8H e][tra meaSHfes witHsat any seearrenee or incidence of any of the erimes identified by Sabsection (1), above, for a period of at least t','ienty foar (21) montHs immediately pfCceding the filing of a notiee of ellcnlptiofl, may file '.vitl1. a CBI employod by tHe CCSO, a flotieo of oJ[emption from tHe e:(tr-a security measlIres. In no eycnt shall tHis eJ(emption b2 inteIflreted to preclade fall sOffiJ"lianse with tlle sesarity measures set forth in Subseetion (1), above, sHollld any oeearreflee or inoidence of any crimes identified by Subsection (1), above, eallse tl1.at Subseetiofl to again become ajlplicablc. tet-ill For the mutual convenience of the business and each investigating officer, each convenience business is encouraged to maintain and have readily available in the transaction area a red three ring binder ("Red Book") to inelude the following items; (a) Inspection Log, maintained for the immediate past two (2) ycars' inspections, including the inspection results; (b) A copy of the business' then current local Business Tax Receipt (formerly called an Occupational License); (c) An annual test photograph takcn by the security camera system and that shows an identifiable image (to assist in offender identification and apprehension); (d) A Maintenance Log of the security camera system that verifies the maintenance performed not Jess than once every four (4) consecutive months. Upon request, the CCSO will provide the requestor an example Camera Test and Maintenance Log; (e) The convenience business' written cash management policy that limits cash on hand at all times from II ;00 p.m. until 5;00 a.m. Upon request, the CCSO will provide the requestor a copy of the CCSO's example Cash Management Policy; (t) Documented proof that confirms the training (specified below) has been provided to and learned by each rctai] employee within sixty (60) days of the initial employment of each such retail employee, including date(s) of such training for each such employee; and ~ I Page 5 of 6 Words underlined are added; Words S-tfHcl~ thm:l;h are deleted. L Item :~o, 'i 78 March 24. 2009 Page 8 of S (g) A copy of the then current Florida's Convenience Business Security Act (currently Sections 812.] 701 through 8]2.176, Flor/da Statutes). SECTION TWO: INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LA WS AND ORDINANCE The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or any other appropriate \vord. SECTION THREE: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law, tbe more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION FOUR: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this ~day of ,2009. ATTEST; DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By; , Deputy Clerk By; DONNA FIALA, CHAIRMAN Appr ved as to form and] ga f ci ency: mey I ~ Jeffre Coun Page 60f6 Words underlined are added; Words s-tfUek-througfi are deleted,