Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16K 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY "ja i>:;:Tl !',h, 1'~i\ !'.J1an:.:h 24, 200 Page 1 of - County Attorney report on fair share payments required to be paid towards the installation, operation and maintenance of the traffic signal at the intersection of Pine Ridge Road and Whippoorwill Lane. OBJECTIVE: To provide the Board information relating to the County's ability to collect a fair share contribution from the owners within the Sutherland Center Planned Unit Development for the installation, maintcnance and operation of a traffic signal. CONSIDERA TIONS: On March 10, 2009, Item 6A, the BCC directed thc County Attorney to advise them on the ability of the County to collect a fair share contribution from the property owners within the Sutherland Center Planned Unit Dcvelopmcnt for the traffic signal at the intersection of Pine Ridgc Road and Whippoorwill Lane. One of the property owners, Mr. Rick Johnson objected to the payment orthe fair share contribution. Section 4.01 (C) of The Sutherland Center PUD (Ord. No. 84-65, as amended) provides: C) TRANSPORTATION The developer shall install all required road improvements within the project limits and necessary modifications to Pine Ridge Road and Whippoorwill Road at project entrances as deemed neccssary by the County Enginecr. The developer shall also commit to a pro-rata _. share of the cost of installation of a trame signal at Whippoorwill Road, when and if a signal is deemed to be warranted by the County Engineer. The following recommendations of the County Traffic E:ngineer are hereby incorporated: I. The developer shall provide "fair share" contributions toward the capital cost of traffic signals at the intersection of Pine Ridge Road and Whippoorwill Lane, and at the project entrance on Pine Ridge Road when deemed warranted by the County Engincer. Ihe signals will be owned, operated llnd maintaincd by Collier County. The County Attorney's opmlon is that the owners of the Sutherland Ccnter Planned Unit Development were responsible for their pro-rata share oftbe cost of installation ofa traffic signal at the time the signal was installed, with the Couuty being responsible for the costs of operation and maintenance of the trame signal including upgrades, expansion and replacement of the trame signal. This responsibility, however, is likely no longer enlorceable. According to the Transp0l1ation Division, the signal was installed in 2000. County records indicate that the ilrst contact to the property owners was on November 7, 2006, by letter from Ms. Devanas to the Naples Plaza Propel1y Owners Association. No legal claim by the County was ever tIled. Any legal action now IJled to enforce this obligation would likely be met with a defense asserting the Statute of Limitations. Accordingly, the County Attorney does not recommend instituting legal action to cnlorce this obligation at this time. -- FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no direct grOlvth management impact. ~', i_I ,~;..1 --.::,) -;1 RF:COMMENDA nON: That the [5oard Or County COil1ml',sioners direct stan' cease its erf,iits to collect the bir share contribution !i'om the owners or the Sutherland Center Planned L1nit Development. PREPARED BY: Jeni'ey A. K latzKoIV. County ,.\tlorney. und Heidi Ashton. Section Chief Page I of I i:2m i'lo. 1GK4 r,':ai'cr> =4, 2009 3 Df 3 COLLIER COUNTY 30ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiONERS Item Number: 1GK4 Item Summary: County Attorney repQrt on T3ir ,,-hare payrnents rc.;:wir~.,d to be paid towards the installation, operation and n~aintenance of the traffic si'9na! at the interse~t:on of Pine Ridge Read and Whippoorwill Lane 3,'24/200990000 ;\fv'l Meeting Date: Prepared By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorns-y Date County Attorney County Attorne-y Offi:-~e 3/1T'20:j9 3:08:01 PM Appro\'ed By Jeff Kl.?ukoN t,ssistant County Att{'fTI(,'Y Dote County Attorney COU:lty Attorney 0:'[1(",0 3:!17/Z009 3:36 PI.Jl Approved By MElrk !s8::kson Budget Ancdyst Date County r.Jlanag(;r's Office O-;fice of Manage:mmt & Budget :>1'17/;:009 5:29 PM Approved By James V. Mudd Cour;tY!VI3t1?<'J8r D<,:~e Sc.nrd 0f C:ou:-:ty C:)un~y Mar.aQer's Ofl'J;:;e :';/1812009 12:40 prJl Commissioners