Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16K 1 ,;';a 1:-:;iTII'~o. ~C:r<,1 M:-:vch 24, 20(;9 PJ~Je i of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners directs Staff to work with the County Attorney to amend the Land Development Code (LDC) and relocate to the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances LDC Sections 8.03.00 (the Planning Commission Ordinance); 8.04.00 (the Board of Zoning Appeals Ordinance); 8.05.00 (the Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals Ordinance); 8.06.00 (the Environmental Advisory Council Ordinance); 8.07.00 (the Historic/Arehaeologic Preservation Board Ordinance); and Section 8.08.00 (the Code Enforcemcnt Board Ordinance), and to amend the Planning Commission Ordinance to require nomination by the Commissioner of the District which the appointee would reprcsent. OBJECTIVE: To amend the Collier County land Development Code (Ordinance No. 2004-4], as amended) for the purpose of relocating various advisory board ordinances to the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances, and to alllend the Planning Commission Ordinance, now set forth as lDC Sectioll 8.03.00, to require nominatioll by the Commissioner of the District which the appointee would re'present. ,- CONSIDERA nONS: During the Board's ""Iarch 10. 2009 meeting. the Board directed the County Attorney to investigate \\ hether the Collier County Land Development Code could be amended for the purpose of relocating the provisions relating to various advisory boards to the Collier County Code of [.a\\s and Ordinances. After researching the issue and confil111ing our findings with the COllnty's local gmernment outside counsel, Nabors Giblin, it is our opinion that the Board can indeed do this, The affected ach isory hoards are the Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals, the Environmental Advisory COllnciL the Historie//\rchaeo[ogic Preservation Board and the Code Enforcement Board. Additionally, the Board votcd to amend the Planning Commission Ordinance, codilied in Section 8.03.00 of the Collier County Land Devc:lopment Code, to require nomination by the Commissioner of the District \\hieh the appointee would represent. After reviewing a number of options, it is the opinion of the County Attorney that this can best be done as pali of the same process as relocating these advisory board ordinances. FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT liYII'ACT: None. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Board has the :lUthority to direct this action. This is a non- quasi judicial matter. Since this vote ultil11:ltC'ly will require a Land Development Code amendment, the County Attorney recol11mends that l'1lJr lotes be required to approve this recoml11endation. -JAK -- RECOMMENDATION: Ihat the Board of County COl11m'ssioners directs Staff to work with the County Attorney to amend the land Development Code and relocate to tbe Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances LDC Sections 8.03.00 (the Planning COlTlmission Ordinance); 8.04.00 (the Board of Zc,ning l\ppeals Ordinance): 8.0S.00 ('he Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals Ordinance); 8'()6.00 (the En\il'Onmental\dvisory Council); 8.07.00 (the Historic/Archaecllogie Preservatiun Board Ordinance); ami S.OS.OO (the Code Enforccment Board Ordinance). and to amend the Planning Commission Ordinance, now set forth as LDC Section S.03.00. to require 110minatiol1 by the Commissioner of the District which the appointee would represent PREPARED BY: Jeffrey A. Klatzkow. County Attorney Page I of I :(-2,;\ :<0.1 G!< 1 f".::;;-ch :>t :;:'J09 3 Df 3 COLLIER COUNTY BeARD OF COUJ~TY COr~1MtSS!ONERS Item Number: 1GK1 Item Summary: Rc;con:rllend2tlon Un.: the Boa~d af CO'Jnty C:Jmm:ssloners airec:s Staff to wOI-k with the County !-\tlorney to amend the Land Development Code (LDC) 3nd relocate to the Collier County Code of L3'I.'S and Or-dlnances LDC Sections 8.0300 (the Planning Commission Ordinance): 804.00 (:rie Board of Zcning Appe2!s Ol-dlnance); 3_0500 (the Building Board of Adjustments and i\ppeals Ordinance): 8,06,00 (the Environmental Advisory Council Or::ilnance), 80700 (the Histol"ic/Archaeolog:c Preservation 802rd Ordinance); and Section 8,0300 iJhc Code En::;rcernenl S031'd Or::!:niOmCS). 3nd to z:rr:cnd the Planning Comni:ssicn O,dilli::ln::e to ~equire 11iJrLir;o~i'~.1r1 by tile Cornnl;ssiOller 01 the District which the ar;:",)iniee would represent. Meeting Date: 3/24,'20C9 9'00 00 ,t.,iv1 Prepared By Jeff Kiatzkow Assist:'lr,t Co~ntr Att?nH!Y Date County ,t,ttomc-y C()U:l~}' ~1\~t(W1C'Y anise 3:-::;'/;20092:21:04 PM Approved By Jeff ~\iZt:f.:,;H{ l,'::,s\sta~t C~:.:nty P.tt::JiilSY D3tO CClInty A~tor~l(,Y C>,w;ry Attal':-:ey O~ir'e :>"!3!=QO~ 4:07 F':J! A pproved By cr1.'iE C0ord:mJor (;[:,18 C0::;rdi~,atcr C:Z::C County hi:a.,ager's Office Otfi,-€, of tlt;anag8mcnt & Cud get ~)/13!2'..lC9 4:21 PM AplHoved By John A. Yonkesk, [oimct.'.)r of the Offk:c of Man3gerClent Date County Manager's Office C':fice of 1~~anog,)IT1~nt & 3ucg."t 3/15,'2009 S: 19 AM Approved By James V. Mucd Ce1unt)' r~13naqer Date 80ard of County Cc)unty rlr.ar.zJH's Ot':'ice 3/16120094:17 PM Commissioners -,