Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16H 4 ::J i~:-::,'I ~\,D. -: '3r-:4 i'_"i']rsh 24, 2:}~1~:j F'8~;e 1 Df i) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMISSIONER REQUEST FOR BOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT TO ATTEND FUNCTION SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to declare a valid public purpose for a Commissioner to attend functionlevent and approve payment by the Clerk, CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Resolution No, 99-410, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that attendance at the functions of fraternal, business, environmental, educational, charitable, social, professional, trade, homeowners, ethnic, and civic association/organizations serves a valid public purpose, provided that said functions reasonably relatc to Collier County matters, COMMISSIONER: James 1'1, Coletta, Jr, FUNCTION/EVENT: Chabad of Naples 5th Anniversary and Awards Program PUBLIC PURPOSE: Mcet and interact with local business and community leaders, DA TE OF FVNCTION/EVENT: March 22, 2009, (, p.nL at the "'aples Beach II0teL FISCAL IMPACT: $150 to be paid ii'om Commissioner Coletta's travel budget RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with Resolution No, 99-4 I 0, approve payment hy thc Clerk for Commissioner Jim Coletta to attend a junction serving a valid public purpose, PREPARED BY: Lisa Resnick, Executivc Aide to BCC APPROVED BY: Sue Filson, Executive ivlanager to BCC AGENDA DATE: March 24, 2009 Page I of 1 iL::nl !\)() , ;::.iH-4 ~v'18r:;h :-.:.4, 20C9 2 of 6 COLLIER COUNTY SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSiONERS Item Number: lSH4 Item Summary: Cam,nissicner Ccietta requests Board approval for ~aY,Tlent to attend a function serving a valid public purpose Commissioner Coletta attEnding the Chabad of t~aples Fifth Anniversary C:ind p,wards Program, 6 pm, March 22. 2009 at the Naples Beach Hotel $150 to be paid h)m Commissioner C:'!etta's travel budget Meeting Date: 3/24/20099:0000 AM Prepareu By Usa Rcsni:::k Executive Aide to the BCe 8'ate B02r'd of County Bee Offi'~"? 3/12i2009 2:11:22 PM A pproved By Suo Filson ::xocutivo f\%nagfJr to the Bee Date Board of County E:CC Office 3:13;200910:58 AM Commi$sione~s Approved By Jamss V. t...'ludd Cour.ly :Y;a;1E';J'~r [)"to 8;y:.!rd ':.'[ Cour::y Ccun~y M;;:r";ger'S Office :./12.:20093:42 PM Com:1~issb~H::'S ResnickLisa .;;:;;i1['h.I---:':,1 ~h =4 2]'=':9 ?~;g2 3')f 6 From; Sent: To: C~' Subject: .d ,;0 >;r~':: ::01 , '~ : .:; 1 ",\'; n;;]~': di' ,1)!:-'1 )-.,,~; " J> ,,' ";'-'-"" ""l -,,,,1; 1 ,,-.+' ,;:c;n, n .."j ,.,,"-,.l .;j :1'~: .[1 ;r ,,;j -,~ Lit :.:lr. . _ s,1'y ;Lc~ .::, ~'.- ~ , iii :':"H~::l Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: ;",-,'. "'1 !, I 1 i ~\ it {~l.\ k '2._L''''> 1 o:.;.;;e " "... " , C"'~I :::'<2J.r ,,"Lbi Yi , !',j I \ ':." 'I. I} ~ ':. :-{ C ,;::<,,'11 i 'C: s .~. ':";r; <i2- r ,~.... f ::0(;3 d:-;} :;letta ....,;j,:]. ,--:. t t..:;' .' ;.- C, '~~t~d ':th \~r_~0r~~ry ~~d A~ards 2r~;r~m l':,,,,-Lk ycJ'.,1 fer 'j'j;.jT :..iLd,::,-r6t3,;j-=-':';r. -',n I',:a.rct: ' Cn ,,-\~,:::..~' .:--::.:h tr~ !:=,r'.)\7id'2 rei:! '"TIt (,f ~::L 'j,] , (!, r I ",-'/ .~~~ ~,.~ ._,1__..' ,,' ~. ':eI"'? ~ j f :'-C:2, k E;.:'?~;'..:'.:: i -,"2 .::.i '::':J '::.~,e _ r),-:l~' :J. (:1: "lL " c' (:,;,:::11::' i 5:::i (j:'!~r _~m C'J 10.'':: ;:,d I L~ ,. - ,- ~ - +- C' _ -'- .l.'_ l_ ::;3(: 1 '::.?. T:C;-;1i'::{li Tr::J. i "J3f:les t'L ~ ~j 1 :.. .::: ,<,1',' . J,'...' "').-'1 .<'7 ",] ~", (,~3~') 2:.:-:;-?,C~,'.:? ::03:r~:,n-=- rjc'7 ,.- ,--,,' ':'0'.3';; ,- :,t,,,-: F! (, :'1S " - ~I -1 P hTl.t-:'2:1 (''- '.','; i l--,t;_,==- :T:L r -::L" ~ '~ '::: :i '::'L.'3 "_ r c~" J:~ ~- ;'~. b' ....j d~.~ '"'''' S',.~-: :y,' ':;"J! 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Sent: Th1..:rsday, l'Lsyc:1 'is, 2~,:)9 6:)0 ;"':".:-:) T,:): PJ::srli::kLisa ,-,-, Sh.::;:ff.:.,,,,} ilo1:,:..::hael; Subj :.~(~t: FE: f.,,<;rets - c.:;;,] ",-'", ett-.'j ,J.::.m jrn ~-'o':"e:: t a, fJe> '," ::h C ,c.';., 200:) Cr,i:d::;-o::d S:,h l'.n:ni'-'e.~~sary ii:'jj ;:'cv.dr:ds Pr:::,,;rS;Tl C'ec.r L-: sa, ~r. Co~e~ta doss so ~~C~ fer G~r wonierful ticket to th-,--s e\/~~t, ~ay not b~ &t,le to 3~ ~ark~t val L e T >30 ::::,,':;::,'1: i s ~',y :;..'r i -,Tl ':'f;':J~ 'nd0Y 1:.3;"1<.1 11- .' ,C'ji 1 [1 f: <t Cc,,:'L"":"c1J;,i -:Y clr::i i -: \".',:::,']lj tel to offer tim a cG~pliJnent Sl -;.:, ]-,,~ i3 i.n ~)c.blic eff 0ut 'lP n Just 2sver ~he 03:-) =y honor to h~~e nim jo_~. -t ce \-'."': air ;"e f:.LC'd ..L -:h 53 I-o.l.l tLe be:'Ot, ~~abbi fi.sr,eI -----C)r~ci~al ~l~ss~:'~-- Fro~: ?0sn.::.ck~i3a S0rc: ~ednesday, !~a~~n 1',_ ';~at'::;..~ '::;;:0::, j:~:-,(JI-";- ':.;'. __. ~_,co-, _jkL (;C':;I .': .54 ":': '~:',/r,' :.,t_ :: " :'c ,~.- -,. :,,-,+-' " ..j ~.~,")r,~';;r) :~:- - (;;"';:; ';'.. ,~'I- :.8:'..::i -l~~ ..~~r~s Prcqr~]rl T ;:';'~~ .:: f' - :J =:".::: ';e,;.t' F',--,,_,-,-,-,- __":;;;'::;.1 , i'; C~ 5T/'':e sc:,' p', -"l daj'.. ?~. ~!;) '::h:\l::-::-lcl ~'.:!l t:) a::rer:.d :".'--":,: ~.'e:::; ;TJ rc,:;,~c,~i :L] ~~ ~")' ~lr~j _'-"','32.-'-15 U:l i,~ r L ur, ci '~ e J. 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'_!,':' 1-. _,_ -:>.1: :)(,',j T',," !J._';",.:.- j,-j ,.2; iT', ,,:,T'.Li ]:-''"'1 ,::1-]'(', ,:;,', J ~:1', '" '~::;'/ :3 , ' cj r,~'h :1 :"1:: ,..1 1,,,-_,.,;;) j',)'..);:'" :) ,:~ C ,1 . CJ j ,:::'~.jJ:l.n,1 ':1 ~ .:L 'y' .2 J, h ',; ~ r: ,~) j'':: t,',-:rd f I';,o;:-,,:'':'cs ';e :,.. ~)',e '_~:::TLIi.:..:::,sicL""r'3 ";-:0 : ~ i t ~l ',,~. ":' i,j ~,.L j ie,l; l' -,::'\,,-,Y'~ c:s ":::t ',"" '~',:'";s,-,n'.es, ':r ::r:-:, rt_ '-0::-Jt:5 "f~~~lt for inviteesl - .~' I ..-:: ~v' '3 "'" J "" "..:lei . _".' a. :;i. ~)m c ~":_c- ;:..::.. ~..! :; , ;:l. ,] j:^- :) :: rJ ~:'!,,; r;' ~-1 : ~ "h C ;,d--1 ~,"':':a >2:,1 :-,b. f':;H'-f r '~;:;rch 24, 2'Yl9 PaCj8 5 of 5 --'\',\,'-'1 l:;S ;.1 ;"n i ','C:: ~~ ..s.;~ y :? i ~'t" reI i C::/ f =:!':? J=' -"') H:":,nt ~Rr '-loc1:eJ t~e Slt9, 50 <;;:-1 ~,,)I-~:i'J t:i(!..! c~-<'eT:" S ::".\'. '"','r ~ J. (~ :- (C h' ;:,'y' '-, ~;,' .c,'-- "':,1 \'.' ! :n _or: :~ :-- -1--1 ,-, .ii3J U",::J R,-:;:;n:ck p:':fi~,:;,j 3/1:),....2009 11:J2 A1J! :t'21n :'Jo. i5H4 r'/:;:::r:~h 24 2009 Pi'(j86 of 6 t t _-=t: f':O:'[.;;:-'-:,:J.l :-".':-'- - =e2r ~m, I h:Jpe all .1.,':0 ~ell. It h?s been SOllie t~~e s~nce we cc;:,oke. On S~nday eve~i~g, ~larch 22, anniversary with a very bea~tif~l eV0rlt ~hich and special appearan28 by tt:e c8~edianf Modi. naster of cer~,-moLie,s, Bub HJ.r:jc~lf t.t.::: ';0~';t. cf v.}G:.:'F (Ft'1 98.9) \""2eKd"'Yr1c,r":~:'l':?s, abad of Kap:es will t)8 celebrating i~s f~f~h ,,:,'i11 ,ine'Lude ,Ci J:~~~f,?t dir-ir,e:::-, 3v..';:;rds t:n,,]r:o,m wo will 2:50 be fDrt~"ate to have as our ';';-;2 Bcb ;1:.2::ccn ~~;h',)',-J, h'r,ich is broad::,,:;.st en As a friend of Ch3bod of integra: part of ~his special 8ve~incJ !~apl2s, we are p~rso~Ql:y inv~t~~g you to be f phi~anttlroPYf h~n2~it3rianism and tr~b~te. 3il YU;.L J~~erous partisipation w 'wc:;uld fer rr.ar:y ::..ri :;'j;:" co~r.:1U.~il-:Y. ~,=~ard -:0 shar~::g i;: w~t~ ~.Gll. Thi..'3 i",'i 11 }uJ.,j l::,,~i::r~""?''''oelj ]T",,,,"::o:r;j:-lgf'.Jl f"r ;~S, as it Le a very 3~ecial f8r GS a~d ~e lao~ You carl v::..ew S8me more d0~3ils 3t www.c~a~ad~2~les.c0~!jinrer ~r Y:'ll can give ~e a call on 'ny 1j~ecT 1 ~2 ~ 239,LJ4,6~93 C>.J::" be~,':::' vvjs:)'~s, ?3bbi ~is~el ana ~ttie 7akl~s ResnickLisa ~'age 4 of <1 Lisa Resnick printed 3/12/2009 11:32 N'1