Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16H 3 :ia l[aT [';0. f3H3 Ma:'ch 24, 2CJJ9 F'a98 1 Df 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMISSIONER REQUEST FOR BOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT TO ATTEND FUNCTION SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to declare a valid public purpose for a Commissioner to attend function/evcnt and approve payment by the Clerk CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Resolution No, 99-410, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that attendance at the functions of fraternal, business, environmental, educational, charitable, social, professional, trade, homcowners, ethnic, and civic association/organizations serves a valid puhlic purpose, providcd that said functions reasonably relate to Collier County matters, COMMISSIONER: Fred Coyle FUNCTION/EVENT: The Women's Health Research Luncheon, sponsored by The Naples Chapter of The Nationul COlinciL PUBLIC PURPOSE: To engage in social and community discussion with the event attendees and 10 gain knowledge and perspective on rcvolutionary health care and healthcare issues, DATE OF FlJNCTIO"'l/EVENT: Thursday, March 19, ::009 at 11:30 a,m, at The Naples Grande, 475 Seagate Drive, Naples, FISCAL IMPACT: $5CLOO Funds to be paid from Commissioncr's travel budget RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with Resolution No, 99-410, approve payment hy the Clerk for Commissioncr Fred Coyle to attend function serving a valid public purpose, PREPARED BY: Sam rucker, Executive Aide to 13('C APPROVED BY: Sue Filson, Executive Manager to BCC AGENDA DATE: March 24, 2009 - COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1GH3 Page I or I i:"Ji-r; i):). f,;13f'ch P.'1S18 ";6H3 20U9 of 3 CommiSSioner Coyle requests B03:d appmva: for ~'aYlllent for otlerlding a function serving a valid public purpose Commissioner Coyle atten::led The \\/ornen's Health Research Luncheon on March 19,2009 at The Naples Grande $50,00 to be paid from Cornm,ssioner Coyle's travel budget 3/24/20099:00:00.AJJl Meeting Date: Prepared By Sam Tucker Executive Aide to the BCe Board of County Commissior.ers Bce Office Approved By Sue Filson Executive Managr" to the ace Soard af County 8GG Office Commissioners Approved By Jzm€."s V. rl.~udd County fkm?20r E<Jard of County Cc.'u.1fy k';a'13gr.-r's Offico Con'missior:NS Dc:te 3111/20099:01:2$ At-JI Date 3/11:.20099:35 Ahll C'"ta ~,I'i 2/2009 5:41 pr-Jl ~The ?JI Jackson .. . '2t Laboratory luylir:[Ilhe ~Pcr[:i1 hr 1:1['18r:::---'.'/" ,:\.1"'5 The JacboTJ L~tbur;lt\ II)' Har H~Hbol", ~vbine Founded jnl929, the I ,:Ih is nne of the \'hdd's premier genetics research institutions. Researchers :it thE' Lab !la',',' cOlllrihul:.'J to 20 :--':ohel prizes, and kwe pioneered genetics. disea~e Cllt~l'S & tk'::lpit::", organ tran"pLt1llation, in vitro fcnilization iwd stem cd! biology. Rick \Voychik, Ph.D. President/CEO The JihJ:,son L:-iboratory Dr \\-f(lychlk ~'-'JI1 ~p('ak about the, bio- medlcal revolution that is revolutioniz- ing health care; medicine and medical treatments that can and are being pcr- :=;onali;,ed for individual patients. Fur ages, geneticists <(nQ physicians h<I\'C known that genetic va;i;1billty pLryed a major role in how individuab rcsp'~lllded to treatment) but only recently bave re~ ~~e-an;hers and pbysicians had the tools to use this gendlc L_llowJe,dge to improvcc t1"c:atrnents and di.-.covt'r nc\v ClIJ'CS, RuLlert Burgess, Ph.D. Associate Profcss\.lr The JacbDT1 Llh(lralury Dr. Hurg::-:ss vdl s;lC::lk about his nllgD- ing r(;~earch Jnd collat>nrative sludy \vith clinical scientists on /\lz11eimcr's disc;lse :\ protein called Agrin may contribute to the blood brain barrier and influence the :\ccumuJetion 'if bet:i-:nny]oiJ, a patbu]n.l'ica] l:l~i:~kcr (,f AlzhcilTl~T's dis- c;"tse. Dr BurgC'ss' \\,(1rk with Agrin may ;dso shed light on Lou (Jc!Jri,~"s Ji',c:t';C (AL.S), mu:c:cuLu' dystrnphy and 'llhel" in~ llcritcd nean;Jo2i':::,-11 disorders. 8ill B~ckwith Ph.D. Clinical Psycholog~st & fnrrner Professor of Ps:ychology Dr. Beckv,'ith is blown ;is "That J\kmu;-y Guy" in Sou1l1\\'CsL Florida) :md he \vill discllss how memory training and coach~ ing for t!lose elllKerned \vith A17.h'2,im- e-r's disea';e, is helping both the patients and their caregivers to k'sson the imp~ct of the di~;case and cope with it's cffc(,ts. The result can bc 10 help the Alzheimer's patient ~:ta)' independent longer, :md help fend (.jl dC'prc,;~ion. >']j'heJackson Laborator.v invites you to attend the WOl1'len'S I-Iealth ll(esearch Luncheon Thursday, March 19, 2009 . TiJeNaples Grande, 475 Scagate Drive, ]\'aples Registration & S'cdfing - Luncheon c\: ,\'p('(l{;,ers- 11:30 a.lI/./{) 12:00 r.,IIL f2:00r.m.!() 1:3i) p.m. Distin,guished Speakers Dr, Richard W(m'llik Ph.D, CEO and President nJT71C J"):\('lllabll,-:,,'(;,y liThe Lafe,s'! Biomcdicol !\c.,;'cLlIc'h Findill!!,5;./j'(//J/ .1oCk,\'(.'17 .l/lbon1ion'" Dr, Robert Bllrgess Ph.n A..I',,>'('cia,'e I''-'-'f(:,\',\(>r, Tile ],1< 1:.\"'11/--<:[(1', ;,;r\' IlContributing FaCf{IFS in Al:~h<.!im(T':,' Di\ctl..'d,11 l)r. Ltill L)C(.klVill1 "AIc!llory Alcul(l~'cr/i('lir Ti." ke;,'-: ;iF {'h'n/ I//"t:' S::;(i,nu !{)r~ -rl. ::/,,;//:r ,'11 :iI (t:y.ll,'( .iit <"Ie' r:ij ~\in. l1!::.rr - - The Naoles Chanter of The NCltional CCJUllcil f,) 1'1 ~-~'''' n"!? ~" r"~ ~~', ,'- ;~"J c;;?;r / \ ',,,:;;;-) , ',;--;'~ r:S2'~ i>";',~) ;~ f;-"I.'..O -/" ,-"..--.7- ---""~'Thc ,..~U,UUI,.., /.'~',,)IUf(,f ~,Ahd::"'!1 /01' t..)!!I(l/T(JH'S I'ure,c;' .~.A; J,:lh(,r'lnT~- -':'1.:1 i,,( i.'.i:()I~\r,\n(':; ;'~ 'L,' :"(_;0:; ;.,'y-j 1 ''''l';'':-'':'!( -',\:i' !: ''Ii 11" ,- -'~~~i.;;m.R~~I[:!~~"Z')'