Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16G 3 .'\:Jen::::a l\srn hlo. 16G3 '"' Lk:l~Th 24, 2009 Page 1 of 21 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To approve and execute Commercial Building Improvement Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopnwnt Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Rcdevelopment area. (3161 Van Buren Avenue) OBJECTIVE: To approve and execute a Commercial Building Improvement Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Rcdevelopment Agency (CRA) and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. CONSIDERATIONS: The Community Redevelopment Agency's Commercial Building Improvement Grant Program is funded at a level that satisfies existing grant obligations from prior fiscal years and future grant opportunities. The purpose of the grant program is to provide an incentive to revitalize the area by providing a matching grant to encourage the private sector to upgrade/rehabilitate the commercial properties within the Redevelopment Area. The grant requires applicants to provide a project cost-match of at least 50% with remaining project dollars supported by Tax Increment dollars generated from the CRA District. For FY 09, a total of $320,000 is budgeted for all grant programs. From this allocation, $42,917.00 is committed and due to previously approved applicants upon satisfaction of all grant stipulations, leaving $277,083.00 available for new projects. The Commercial Building Improvement Grant application (Exhibit A) submitted by Mark J. Anguilano and Natalie D. Anguilano, owners of the commercial property at 316 I Van Buren Avenue, Naples Florida, 34112, was recommended for approval by the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Local Advisory Board. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by thc County Attorncy Office and is sufficient for Board consideration and approval. This item is not quasi-judicial and therefore no ex parte disclosure is required. This item requircs a simple majority vote. (MMSS) FISCAL IMPACT: Sufllcient budget exists within the FY 09 Bayshore Gateway Triangle Fund (187) to satisfy this new grant application. This Cllmmercia1 Building Improvement Grant may fund up to 50% of the applicant's project cost Lip to a ceiling of S30,OOO. This commercial building improvement project totals 52,900.00 and the grant request is $1,450.00 which is 50% of the estimated project cost. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan slates that redevelopment plans may be developed for specific areas within the County, including the Bayshore Gate;vay Triangle CRA that may consider alternative land use plans, modifications to dcvelopment standards, and ineentives to eneourage redevelopment. RECOMMENDA TION: That the CRA 13oarc1 approves and authorizes for execution the Commercial Building Improvement Grant Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency and Mark .r. Anguilano and Natalie D. Anguilano, owners of the property at 3161 Van Buren Avenue, Naples Florida, 34112 in the amount of $1 ,450.00. - Prepared by: Sue Trone on March 4, 2009 Operations Analyst, Bayshore/Catewuy Triangle Community Redevelopmcnt Agency Page I 01' I I,<.::dl i). . '3,:33 :\'~;r"'h ::::'~. ::::C.;C] ~ .::,j ;21 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMfSSIONERS Item Number: 16G3 Item Summary: Te. approve and exs:::Jte a CCfr1'Tlercial Building Improvement Grant t\gr:::-ement(s) c.&lv/'::sn the Collier County CommUlll!y Rede'/elopment Agency (eRA) and a GI"anl ApP!lcant(s) within the Bayshore Gate\i\'ay Triangle Community Redeveiopment area (3161 Van Buren AvenL~e) in the amount of :;:,1 ,450 Meeting Date: 3/24/2009 9:00:00 AM Prepared By Sue Trone Op~rations Ana!yst Date Con,mur::ty RedeveiC)pmont tgency b0ysho,f;-Gateway R8devclnprn(.nt :'14i2DQ9 4::~5:H PM Approved By David Jackson Executive Director Date Community Redevelopment Agency Eaj!sh:::;~('-G"iOv\.:ay R8ocvelopmont 31'10;20092:18 PM Approved By .}efT t<!3t:::i-:ow Ji.,,-srsta:lt Coun:y !.:.ttc;rney [,~t,:; COCln~y Atto::1cy Cc)unty P,tt~tnoy U~;-ice ;:;!, ~,'::::)C9 i :2e PM Approved By f':.ujorie [11. ~,::ude:1t-Stiriing ,i',s:::s:a::t Coun:y P.trotncy ::2t0' C~unty f..ttorncy C('unty ~.ttomC'y Oif;c:B 3/121200911:00 AM A pproved By 011il8 Coordir,amr Oiv'i3 CoordinatDr LJ,IW County Mar.ago:'s Office Office of r,~ar;3gemant & BudgGt 3/12/2009 2:25 pr~' Approved By rl-';ark isack:::.cn 2ud;~t /\r,<'.!y';;.t D:;tc County Uiansger's Office Office of r..r.anaoenlcrl1 & Budgc-t 3!~6r2809 'i2:L;1 PM A pproved By J:;n1l0S V. r~udd CCiU::ty M<ctml:Jcr Date Soard of County County r;,~<'":n3Qer's O;'f;CG 3-.'~ (;/2[1]9 1 :41 rf'.1 Ccmr'tlissloll(~rs 'J ;,-!:::Ji-r .-' --; ':) L1 I!= C-~<7'"' Bayshorc Gatcwny Triangle eRA I FY 2\:0:' C:: i-:TL:r:.;:,,1 E,: :.:ii>~ II' ,'-"j :'-,:-;:,":~\ '~:r,'.t t. .::,!:cc::!::)1l 13.\YSHOR, G.AT E 'N/.Y TRI;'.f'JC LE " .'.,' , .J C-BIG Application iDdach and submit to eRA otIice.) ~ Applicant Information Grantc,'''amc ';::'/-71( ).'C- /'/"'!/" '. 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TRIAr--JGLE , EffiO~;.:~.!"';~( I . ., i r'c;i ,I 2c!:!c'ir",(1 !:ll~~:U _. ;:",1 (;~~n, j~~p!i:;:]:i~)n __~.___._._..___.__m__ Bayshorc Gatnway Triangle eRA I ry ;;:::02 C( Applicallt Commitmellt of !{csollrCl'S [" r I 1 WC, _/~/:i?t' T" /i/;477!'//C f2..d/U,,: {)Lbd>(/~::2~_____, oW11cr(5) 1 teI1Jl1l(S) of tile commercial property located at --:.}l:.:L_J~./1;t-).(;'(/t(:~ _,L'z~L/:";-~ __' hm'e the funding ,:nd all other capability necessary to begin the ~~itc improvements listed "bove and h:J.ve the 3bility to complete all improvements within one year ()fthe approval oi"thc imprC\\-"Cmcl1t grant by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agellcy. r / \\'C further :lft:rm tJut paYl1ltnt for all work on 8pproved imJlro\"cm~:lts will come frll;n accoun:s ;n 1l::)' i Olir m:rne(s) or the namcc.,:) of entities registered in the State or Florida \\'hic:l 1 / \\c have illcorpO;"UlCd ur othen\'isc rcgiskTed \"iih the state (verification is f'(;quired). P,lymcllt for impn!\'l'llh,:llts by fl"0111 pcr~c)lls or entities nor [\ p3rt)' to this (irant Applicatjun is grounds I'm di:;qlw!iJ'jcatl(\I1. Signature of Tenant (if leased) Date Signature orTmant (if leased) (ir joilllly Iease(]) Date I j L:::!t./J&Z,C('~-:A.::-7.__) S i lYf'ii}ture of V,,'1\\llcr C/ ,_7 , ~'''''..,. ".~ /" /5 -"(/ / Dale ,1 ,,/) J '--1// J I{ { I--Lr ^-'"c-LL<'-:lL:-(:; Sj[mature of()WI]{:y (irJointl)' oWlled) '." //Co/ Date L-_.~~___"_ .,.~___._~_._~_.....,______. .._'_...________.___.~__.____~.,___~___,___ .._~_..~~-----.J , , , I ,J 't'3iTi :'I':). ': Ci'::",:; lvlsrc';h 24, 20~!9 Page 1CJ of 21 Grantee Name: Mark J. & N2lalie D. A1 uilano GRANTEE INFO Grantee Address: 3161 V~m Buren Ave. ACTUAL Gmntee Phone No.: Sum'ofLowes(Slds:" '" '. A)~rM';'~a"Gt~Wt'Ain'Blmr~~,':Z O~te'p(dRAAPpfbvaH~'i;':; ''\:,;.:: 643-:3600 I e8qleba9@eart~lillk,ne! I fax: 643.6414 2,90066 ACTUAL PR.OJECT Actual Pro oct Cost: S COSTS' Actual Grant Amount $ Date Submitted to Finance: PROPOSED Pro osed Vendor N<:tme-: Vendor License No.: Sid Amount: Actual Vendor N::lll1c: Vendor License No.: Cost of Imorovement: PROPOSED I,CTUAL Proposed Vendor f'J<1.JT1o: Vendor License No.: Bid Amount: Actual Vendor Name' Vondo~ LiccJ)sE> No.: Cost of IIIl ,rOVCn1Qn,; , . s $ .,) l' ~',!J, ; ;;:23 [,1::'.1:;;'1 24, 2:~:C9 Lld,VIU. ".Jr':iC1"\~i)cD":1!,1'trlkl::;'.Jj,. i -J'Jn Q~ln "",'53 i ......:J'0'-..-:: -_-"r--.r...)._ ! , Fax 239-949-2342 i Uo~r;sed tJ. Insured i Lee 06u031 Comer 3OlT2 ! ...C:"")":)IO........,OJ:).J<:>o!"..h.hr,o. ~.IL.1,.I(J1"~lLJ',,~....... /Jonila Springs, FL 34135 , ".-- )(\- 0 ,!l~r!') I- I/I';'/L eM,';;" '7 __:c; /J L/ . DIITE...J;;} -- q , , 20 0'1 II I -I y -;. \-l;-;;),:IQ-l,l-\1-L!-'\.IH I QUANTITY DESCRIPTIOI~ I COS I i -----<; ;7 I' : 'K~,Z" ;\:~~,,:== ----1 +-! -_ - ,_:S:hv~,\_~~~~~_ " I'---'-==----I~ ______1 c~tt -\',r:;"e.:'i BO~\<~'K<,Y~f,~\,:,>_J;'2f'(j:"JrL__l I~___, _ .,_______l..J3,,'o.:J1,_CcT? 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I ----,-"'-- -" ------"'~~ -----"'--,,1 'I __~_~__.________.'~.e___".~.__.__.._...,,~"_,_._.._,_______._'M._~____.___~.""",......__~__.~_~___:~ ! PAYMENT DUE UPON COMP'_ET~Of\l D8!e of 3,CC';'"JtSf1c-;?: Signct~):r;j' __.~__~__~__-C..~__.__ S~:Hl;~t'.1f0 '#'('1("'/ t, ",''''t I' ..;~ t~';A.t.l:,. )Vfh Contractor Ccrtificati(l!l Detail I\:gL' i ~ ,., ____J ,t,"'m r~'~ <,:;r:::--:<. !(,I'.<,,! C:' ' 0,[.;[;: ,'.."....; _.,,--,._ ,_'-'~'J ~Cl;:e 12 CJf 21 r,~'~,' .~.:;~/";-..rl":~ ~'~,.-N,"'~~':j;r!;!l,'''tJl;::.!~,'~:'_'V"''1J''",If'}1, 1~~"" ,.'0J~':i!'.l",..f"'1}. ,~.\--;'~' ,,'(l>-t~\ ;.'~"".,.<!"7"''''' ;' c:OlliID:~c:O~t:Y " · " , ' 'it"" '; , ,---"Tl'IiOI\IDA--:;-- .' " ' '.' .;; ..' ""!]"'.'~I'".<'$\.. (', ,"'. ' , 4' "'" , O;-'r\'~ \.,\ ,,",':yu",', J,'t>~ \;~.": Contractor Details Chss Codc: 4-130 TREE IlEMOVA!. & TRI.\I\!ICiG Cl~l".s l)~,,~criptioil; COi\TIL Cerlificllti:m Number: 30172 (HgjTl~d I~:::u~ f):1te: 10/17/2006 ('frliJic;j!iu!i S:allls: ACTIVE F\pin:liCi!"i [hIe: 1)/30/2009 C{\ullly CWJ1p Card: Doin[; Fhl:--;lr:css /.s: .JOIL'\SO,'\'S TREE SER\'IC[..'\: ~:TU~II' (;I((:\DI'\(;, I',C ;-,,';:lilin) ..\(1d:\.':,;:-;: 2::;2JI fiLS)' !~Lr PH UO:\TfA SP/{!:\CS, 1"1, 3.H3;;- ]')l:)l.t: (:3())9-1()-()(J~;3 r"" jj,L'L S;;,'.c t<u:llb:r: SUit.?" L\pjJat'on Ualc: C ",,--i-jl; i (C ~:CJ] :\>-1/ (.,:;1:>::1 c:~ u' t)' G~y.: ~':r'.r ,,:' :U:11 [; ';;,. t.,":I:.) I i';).;;r \': iJ~i' I:: f '<I-;i: hni Y:l j!~i' i'J':l:,l:'s, !'L ~;!r: 121 :)i''':!ll(-o 2:~;'-n'1 ;;;:-/,> "'::;):":: dC", .~:-)r':'."; 11;' \')'i :);'1 ;:">1, :11,:,1 11 l.lp ://apps2 ,co] 1 i ergo\' .11t'L/\\'Ctiapps/ "is; on/ConCen/J) ~~l]jl. asp x '!ccrt=3 0 172 II2G!2(J(J') \1"IILit I j/e;uL~;R df /70/9 '~ l1~~ PARKER'S TREE SERVICE, LNG. 4780 11th f~v8nue S.W. NAPLES, FLORiD/I 34116 Phone 239.352,6322 Fax 239.352.6766 ',~"""C:C:'OriC:;: -~~~~tic~'~;"~={~~"--ri70~ZZ~ - ,?'-~-0"i:'1 C-:''"L.-' {).,(, (' (Vi:_i'~ ~'P.J -- - \ . -] o,~ ! /_'" ,I] c:r~--' ~:) / C,; l_.__. L.,.,--vl..~__ L.l.-<~c../L1?_/;----- (J,--~,..._.9_____ ".1 1 (') ('1.-" ~~ ~/ ----------. -- ::--::=---_.'::.-:::\...,./ r __:"~I~~'""I' [;':'::-', /,0:)[0:",.-, 5::-;::~ ~,( I I i I I I -. I "J, I /)/,. i T"- i(::~-.~'(..:;':~~ I ._ r Ci.:"-c' I I i I I" I , , , I" I ___J \.J'; .:'.-}I..1 :T ~-;L./'-;'~......-- i .Ii, (, ,iL! 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'-FLOR1DA~,(J, ' I, .., \ I \, ,'''" r I l I ~ d t r' I , .' . ~, , ' , I C'I C' .' :tSS ,oc.e: 4430 THEE REMOVAL & TlUMMl:-iG CO"<TK Contractor Details Cbss D~scrirlior(: Certi fici:ltion NU111 her: Origin811~.su;; D~Hl:: Cerlification S:~ilLl'.;: b,:pio','ili!UlD,lie: Cuunty Comp Card: 17019 11/1/19% ACTIVE 9/.\0/2009 SI,~lC >hmb~;r: SLik F\:pi:',llicJij LLL:: n,'Jin:~ Bl;~;lll:::"S :'\::: I'i\RI~[RS TRLE SERVICL.li\'C. \'i,::!inc /\J.J1\'.~S: .nso -11TH /~\'L 5.\\'. "'APIIS, II 3,!llG Phn.::: l2J9).l32-(d22 J "i~,: (239)352-6766 F~,!~-h CO;),' ;:(1: (:;,;:,}JJ :;/(,7 C(!I:i'c:i (:(i'.n y' G',)'.'(::(:r;"'; It 3:.r): r k:rn::Jnl' T, :,1:, r. ) pk:':, , n 3111) i f)1' ',,'1::' ~':'t; jl-1_,~/;l?-? :i"s "-tT' j Fri','~'l,~) rO'::l!;:;r u'-'(; [) ',(:1~1i!~;(,'r j \',:'~:b:ii!"" (1,:.\"(.' '::";-(,i \:I"" \;i::! 'd'!!i :~e(;I'~ )',1 I n' j/r,n,,{:! (,,-,11 i'-'l)'n.-,,, ll('l/,,'()h"nn:::/\';~;,)n/( 'nn("'>(>1"I, f)r~i ~Ii! ~l'-:n\'?(',('I'i'::::': 1 7n]l) 1/260009 '.,::'3 i:~nl :<:J, r iJ23 i/:;/LJu:!2 -#:..?x::)/))_ ~'.~aITIl 24. 20,:19 P3qe '15 of 21 UaVHl "Jilek\:' )OllH~VU! 239-940-6653 ! Fax 239-94.9-2342 j " Ucensed &. Insured f L= Ot;l108 , COIU~ 30lT2 j 25231 BUS)' Bee Drive Bonita Splings, FL 34135 DATE I ~ .' \ 0 , 20 ocr, I NAME , M ~,\, J:..'({3 \h:,\~'L___,_~_ ADDRESS '" 3\ b i v o,\"'~~Akt__._._______.__~_ ~___ CITYISTI2iP N'''-\l-Y(\ \"'" 3U 11;Z PHONE ;>:0) -,(~L\~)-::>)b\, 0 '<>.X ~r\. ~2:,t\-(,q~-6q.\\, DESCRIPTION COST i I I __~___+Ji" ;\L\!f2-_~nr~---l~L~.,<W~* px:,"\",' '-1~l--~__-L- i ._L1&h;1'~11'!i~.1~~_~___________ ,____'_______ ,_h___ ,.______1_______, ,.___.___,__ ____.____ _ '".. ___.__.__ ___,_,_ __J I I , ___,______________h_' '-------.--- --.,---- ______,__,__1 I I I 1 -------! ~....._.__._'_',-~-_m".---..-. I I : I I , '-------'1-------.-----.'.--- -- ,. --- -,-------,~-------,----- - : , I I i -I~-- -----'----- I ------t--- i 1- -~__ -=~--=~'-I ~=~===~=~~~-~===~-=~-=-~-=-~~~==-~~~===- -I--/i! f__=-_I~~-~~-__-~-:-----=:-:=;-::t""~t; _! NOT RESPONSIBLE FOi~ BROKEN IRRIGATION, WATEIl, V',%:ES OR UTILlflES BELOW TURF- STUMP GRINDtNG ! MATERIALS TO BE BACKFILLED INTO liDLES, : /- I r------ G~ Propo:;al o Invoico [J Paid iJ r<ot paid PAYMEf>H DUE UPON COMPLETiON A ..,....~...l~.~~"" ",fO n......~".~........1 "!"I~. l,~ _ _ ~_, , ..~..... r:~, , .. -." ..., "~I ...", "'01,,,,,_ ..,.... ""..",,f~"',",,~, ---. ..--I h",.."h., ,......""/,,,.cl v....,. >,..~ n .11 'n: ", If.... '""'.....""t""...".......- ...., . ,...v.......,.., - ,,~'" 'v~, t"''-'' "", "1-""'- '" .,,,,, 'j '''' ,~'" '",-''''' "'''' ) """'''-'' u'J 0< '"' "_,~ '-Y ,'........."'....,"'.... ,........ <-> ., .'~n"V"L"''' ,.... cia tl:1-E1 work ~s specified. I understand thSl[ paymcnt iG d~19 upon ("(HllrJIGlio:1. If I do not p;JY upon r.ompletian, I u[1oersl~lnd tn8.t I I",jll be liable for all c~;st" incurred wi~h collec!ion. including atlofw.:.'y fet's, if n8(;;Jssary. D!J!~ of a;;csplrllli,;"': .__"..~___.._..._______,_..__ ~ :g:;~.:!~:~:) -.---.-.---.-...~.-:--...,.--~--~...---.---~-.------ ,1 --......,--... ....--. '-1 Tl1>J'f:'t1l, ,."l..-va f ! .u. JI\'/t"'&It- )'U'U;;'. C:;i.,",.,"l,,~'" ""'C)"-"""'''' _......__-.__.._m~..___..._..___.~_._..____~,.. Contractor Ccrtiiicati:m ] lchi] Page '}' ~ '~, :'7" I j Itn~N1' '~',;;3 rld.-:' rc---. (f'VI~ ,ddlv .:.., . ~,9 Page 16 of 21 J ::".~edlliel'COUn:' ,,' ' , ",',. 'J '<" ':: ", . ""1 " -FLOR.1DA~ty' j 1) : ' I ,~ : -, ( "" ~ . \', 1 .. \ -; "" _ I ..___.____.__.__.. "_m._"_"__,___'. ..._,._____ ._.._"...".._~..._.__.__._m_'m _...,_.__.__~__ Cla:',s C0dc: 4430 TREE REMOVAL ,,< Tl{/~[~Il'lG CO'lTR, Contractor Details CI1:$5 f}:::\cripliun: Celiification Number: Origii~allssuc Dati:: CC11ifjcJil()1l SUlus: L>.;pinJli(\fl Ume: CDllPly C\imp Cud: 30172 10/17/2006 ACII\'E 9/30/2009 Slale NUlllbcr: ::;l,l~C Lxpj,'a~j>::}/l D:i1c: U8j.1~ Du,"2:'S As: ./OIINSO:';'S n(EF: SEH\'ICE 8: STUi\IP (;HIXUJNG, Ir\C. r,hlrli,,~ /,,',hc' 25231 Bl'SV DEF.nIt BO.'dTA SJ'I~I r\(~S, FL 3"1 J 35~ PI I(HI.;: (2]<<)}1)-10-(i()5] 1:" 131.,,'1: CUj.)'}':i~!1 ,j 1,~:"-2CJ ;j ):y;,! C~,':: ;,:, C '.1; !ti (:, :-',",:;"1;-1" - :~,'~:Jl::. iUI'iI:ur';':' ~r;J:i, ) p:Jr_'::~5, I L J-; I j;'; I ::'(1:1'1'.:' :o:3?) ?",s?;n :,i ;'. //~.!:-} : F'ri,.'\-);... tel >)' nil',: 1:1 ,,:--:i,:,:m,-.',' \\.~,~>:;itc 1.-: ",,',:::h~y., i i~:"/ Vi',i:"i') 1'''I[C",:(",i )lJin'//'-lnn,,) {",l1i,~rniYl.! 1'1i"1 '\Vl'h::lnn,j\'j,;inni('nllC>rL n(~I;-ii 1.:lc:nx'herl;=10172 1/26/2009 :1 i .L__ I - 1/1,-, ,-f) ,/.. ---'-i/ cflDo(-:;:r ;J::..:-',;~,'i ,>:'::,']] ;.;~:~ ,(/2'~ :'~arch 2-1 :=:C>,-)Sl ------------- rl ::If:21 -~u;;:~,S?g QUOTE j f) " () '-7 j' !-'Lit- C)t~ c. '-, 1'11/' I' '.-/f-v /~L'-' - DATE 01/15/09 LICENSED & 1~"S 1450 Mariposa cir,1 02 Naples,fl 34105 PH : 775-4772 FAX: 774-9158 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTll\L ASPHALT PAVING & SEAL COATING STREETS & PARKING LOTS @b?lle:J:::081[i)ilCiJ~}l..?il CCfJ QUOTE TO Mark .JOB LOCATION ?_~Gl.E [)AU<~r,GJN~ L:i/,YS::-::;:::-,F. 31 (;1 \'I.,:~ F,U?E\' srTE eOi'F I\OT TERtv1S: CUSTC~F-:r\ NC)' Ff.,X P;-lO!liE: JOB NO: DUE: /:: C()~'.'1~L::T:ON C~3641f, 5':;3-.:,:::0'J 31 [:34 ~ 5:\::3 QU!.IH.TY DESCRIPTiON fJF\lCr: LJi'JITS P..MOUNT ~,D95 Gr-.~ADE EXiSTING 1'.V,-C:.~ln_ Ff\IO~\ TO ~~<)J GO 5 2,7588J ,;.JST!\!-L;NG \/>,':='::EO ~.M I"S ~;F;,\::;/\L) I<f-'?RCX 2" 0,= 57 SlOU:: . CiV\D:: so THAT t.i1:.A IS L.EVEl N>iD UhHFORrJ< r:~ ~ S LS S l.S S TOTAL S 2,750.00 NOTES ur'-llT PRICE BID QUOTE IS GOOD roR. 3D J/'l.YS L--'\tIJDSCAf:>E & SEEDING BY CTt-lE:-\S We h2~C:>Y ::ra;x)",= to fUlflish ~;;i;~)r 8r:d rn;;!_d,r..I!> - G6rnp;8:e :n ;]c:::ordCJ'-:~0 I'!ill-, the OJ:::JV8 specr,catiO:1S EJY: JAMES GreLL. The cH1::::c,,,:grcd Ii<::; rc~d c:rd <lccC;>l" thi-:; prop~1,,31 c:;:",1 '01: it::: tCIT;;'; ::::-:c c:-:f)~,~i8'~ ii$~,::d iJliovc as a bonding cor,\:a:.-.t 3i~lnatu.:'2 Ti'::.::"c Date THf>.NK YOU FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BID I'd SSL2-i'LL-G82 ol0W ~ e~~~~OSSd^ RUOl~~u8 dgS:Ol 60 TO uee COJ1Cmctor CCr!ilication lklilil Page ...'! ._:1 'l"'~ ",'~C" ;'\;(:tI~e.l\j'f.dl:J}.:l,J Marcn 24, 2C1Ci9 Page 18 of 21 ;J"H.:"^,' "q",''1'''', 'I, ;~~' , ,f',._ ^, ;~,' ," ~,~\, ~ 11,>,""~1 ,"''t'~ " it' "':I' ': " (jollier COUnTIT ' " ' ,", '--,-FlORlDA------!'J , , , ~., '1'" , ' \,} , k P " J ! / "J I Contractor Details Class Code: --1180 Class Description: I'A VI:\G CO,YIR CCitifJCiltiCi!1 t<umbcr: 33734 Origin:J.llssut.' D:llc: 1127/2009 C:utification Status: ACT! VE F':xpin.niou Lh:[(:: 9/30/2009 C\rJ!:ty C(J~np C:lrJ: Sta:e :-~U1i1ber: St:k Expirmicll< Date: l" f),;"ing EhL"iilC:::: t,s: .IA[\IES BELL L\VING I!'\C )\'1: iling ALidr('ss' 1-t50 !\lARI'OSA ('fR. i-~ 102 ~";AI'L['S, FL .H!l!:::- l'kJlI':: (239)773--1 in F'iX: (239)77.t-91~S Ih:.:1---: /,i;<"t; (:":2~i:-3--2:)C:7 C;:'!:.i.~; C>:yx:t)' '::;;-j\',-:::r' :f'::Ji [, l:;:f~i'~l,n: T: I.:, )~,.-jr;I,:;s, i~L ~'H: 12 I pr-,:-; -i';':; /. >'-7/~:.S:r,:/ ::'i~c 1.',':1~) I hi.';.-r--:}'" [',:-:1: "',' q:-;~i Li' :1'.I:lli':< I ','h~i"si::: ci~, ',,-,I'_:ip::;<.: L,y Vi~;:):"II'-lt';:;T+.?f 11ttp :/'/'JP p::;2 ,cull iergo\' .net/wel 1[lpps/visi on/Co n Ccrl/Dc'tai t,aspx?ccrl.' ::1.3 734 2/26/2 009 j:::~~il :~C. ":C1c:',3 r'~:::)~':h 2J., 2nCi9 '19::;1' 21 GRANT AGREEMENT IlETWEEN CRA AND GRANTEE FOR COMMERCIAL BllILDINGIMPROVEMENTS FOR BA YSHORE GATEWA Y nUANGLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT /\REA THIS ,:CJREE~1 ENT ENTERED this g(uay of Ii),"', ",0;/-- by and between the Colher County Cummunlty Redevelopment A~ency (hcrclllaltcr referred to as "CR.A") and 1'\, i; f ,\ : i:~ l\, i,':i, ..,(hereinafter referred to Cls-"Granteel1). , l,or !;,.' \V 1 TN E SSE T I-I: \VI [I:REAS, in Cullier County Ordinance No, 2002-38, lhe Board of COllnty Commissioners delegated authority to the eRA to award and administer CH.A grants including contracts with Grantees for eRA grants: and WHEREAS, Ordinance No, 08-(,1 established the Commercial [luilding Improvcment Grant; and WIILRlcAS, (jranlee has applied for a Commercial Duilding Improvement Grant in the amount of i ' " dollars; anu \\'~lS \VI-IER[AS. the C[~A has determined that CJranh,:c 111eets The elitlibiJity requirements and ~lpprov~d rur a grant awaru in the ,111wunt cr L ':," _ ______ dollar:; (\11 ("CR:\ ...\ppn.J\"al"). \' ~~.~~-> NO\V, T( IEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual cuvenants cOlltained h~I'eii1 and (lthcr \'3luabk consideration, the panics agree ,IS 1'01 low::;: I, (irantcc ucknowlcdgcs to the ('IL'\ 1h,lt (irantc~ has received (1 ropy (If the ('nllicr Counly Community H.eJevelnpment Agency COlllmcl'cinl Building Improvemcnt Gmnt Program fnf'onnatilJtl aud Application (hC'n~illaftcr rcrcrrt'J 10 <IS "(in.ll1t Prograrn~'), that C:;-rantcc has rC21d the Grallt Program, anu that Gr~lI1tcc 1185 had ample opportunity 10 discuss the CJrant Program wi1h Grantee's coullsel or advisor. (ll'<.lIllcc further acknowh:dgcs to the eRA th(1t Grantee understands and agrees to abide by all Of1hc Ierms and conditiplls ot'thc Crallt l'rngram. Cjralllcc agrees to the lerms ilnd conditions uf thc (Irani Program. 2, Gnmiee is tlie record , I O\\llcr t~tlJlll 01' prop~rty describ~d ,IS -~-----,.:.~~--- 3. Cirantcc has agreed to make certain itlljHo\"':Illt.:nts to the properly pursuant to tllC grant application submitted to the CRi\ dated __J attached hereto as Exhibit;\ alld incorporated herein by n:ll'ITlli..T. 4. Cjralltee agrct.'s to cUlnpklc the cpn.strllctitll1 of the c01l1lnercial huilding impro\'cll1Cllts \\ithin one (1) year of eRA '\'pp1"o\'<l1. (Jralltcc (1150 ngrces to fund at kast 50(;'<, of th:: CD:;t~; ~~f ~h~ c::J1T:m::rc;a! builc!in.:; in1p:'~:\'en1~:::;l';. C;:'~lllt:.::.; i::; p;'uhj~1ir~d frl):n r::YH1!; Commercia! Duildillg lrnpro\':..:nwill Cir:ml .'\~.;f'(___\.'mL'I!t J;Y :2()(Jl) ;~ :'C~,T: f<J. 1 GC.:3 r..brc'h 24, 20C:9 dJ c,f 21 contractors andlor vendors with cash, ,\ll payments for approved projects must be in the form of a check or credit card drawing on funds It'om Grantee's accounts, 5, The CRt\ has approved a grunt to Grantee in tbe amount of i1( ,,!__' '", to be administered pmsuant to the terms of this Agreement based on an estimated cost of "L:j'i C( ,>, ,If the actual costs are less than $ ::~"iJ~,_ to constru(,t the improvemcnts, the grant amount shall he reduced dollar for dollar in CRA funds as determined by ratio of matching private funds required, 6, Unless prior disclosure is included in the grant application, no Grantee, or any immediate relative of Grantee, shall serve as a contractor or subcontractor for the construction of the improvements and no Grantee, or any immediate relative of Grantee, shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the improvements, /In inlllledjate relative of Granlee shall include mother, f'lther, bmther, sister, aunt, uncle and cousin or family member by marriage to include mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law ,md sistcr-in-law, C1rantee has verified that all contractors who h3\'C pr()\'ided bids for the approved work me actively licensed by Collier County, Grantee acknowledges that the total grant award shall not exceed the sum of lowest bids/price quotes for all projects, Grant funds lix work performed hy contractors shall only be disbursed upon verification that said contrnctors arc actively licensed by Collicr County, 7. Cl'antcc agrees to obtain all ncccssmy permits :.1nd submit any required plans to the County\ C0111rl111nity Dl'VelOj1!1li..'llt and Lnvironmcnb] Services Division. Upon completion of lhe work, Cirmltce ..:hall submit to the CRA ,talf a Pmject Summary Report, two (2) 8 inch by I () inch photos showing the improvements, a list of materials and construction techniques USt'd, a list of architl:.'cts and/u[" conlraL'lors, nJld any other information specific to the project or requested by the CK\ staff. The ( RA, through its stall shall eOl1lirm that the Commercial Building Improl'ell1cnts were construell'd pursuant to the terms of the application "pprovccl hy the c: RA, s. \Vithin forty-five (45) CLlYS after c(HIfinnation lImt lhe improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the approved applic'ltion, the Grantee shall be issued a check in the amount of the grant However, i I' the (irantee fails to make tbe improl'ements pursuant to the terms of the approlTd application, or if the improl'ements are not completed within one (1) year ofCRA approval, or-H'-{.j.ffiJl1ee--futls-t<O'-H'ml,e i!l1provelHent5Bf--HH~---,-----vajH~, the grant shall be deemed revokcd and (irantec shall not be entitled to fll!1ding, ~),.,- iii' ~ 9, of Florida, This Agr~cment shall be governed and construed pursuant to the Jaws oftl1C Shltc 10, This Agreement contains the entire agreemel1t of the parties and their rcpr~selll,atives and agcllls~ and incOlTH)J"aks a11 prior understandings, whether oral or written, No chzl11ge, 11luJifjeation Or ,HllcIHlrnenl, or allY fl'jJresentation, promise or condition. or an)' waiver, to this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized omecr of the party to be ehargcd, Commercial Building Improvement Cranl Agreeml'llt FY :2009 2 :i"' "h c, ,,' ~;r, r ':':,j, r.,,'i 9 21 '~A 1 11. This Agreement is l;er~ollall() Grantee, anu rnay not be as~iglled or tt'ansrerred by Grantee or io Cirantee's re~peclive heir~. r)erS\lll~ll rl'pre"el1t~l\i\cs. successors or assigns without the prior \\'I'illen conscnt of the CI\/\. I\J V"TINESS WIILltIOF, the p'"iies have executed this Agreement nn the date and yell' first \\-TiUen above. GRANTLL(s): ?~ '.J (I) ",.' ,",' ./.. " \Vitness Signature ,.---~ 1\\: , /., -;---!--'---,-"'-------,-J---~- " ' .J.j~L~: // ___/ - I I'rimcdlTypcd Name :'.'-- (, ( Printed/ r yrl'd Name (2) , , " W.,i~!,~(.ss"Signa tun: Il,\: I , ;' / ) ,I ! , , IJrinted/I'yped \l31l1e Ilrill!::d/j'~'lJ('~i t'lnme /\TTEST: I )\I'I(d IT I,:, [lROCK, Clerk COlliER COI!\J!Y CCJ,IMI'\jIIY RLULVLiOI'MLNT AliENCl' 13y:_______ , Deput)' Clcrk DONNA I:[AI;\. Chairman I\ppru\ed as to [emn and kgal ~unicien,-'y; '1 1'. .., ,'.' i..,-t--:..,".....". l: . ~j a,:iZr1t ivt'Studcl1t-Stir ling -" ,~ ,', ~ .-\'j.';iSlant Ci.)Url~Y ...\tt()['Ili..') ('ommcrcr;d Building Impl\lVi....mcnt (;1',1111 .\gnTiilcnt I: \' :~{)(y}