Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16G 2 :,:;:,"n ~;~ f','~arch :2/>, .?;~/C9 10; ::1 ~,- " EXECUTIVE SlIMMARY To approve and execute Shoreline Stabilization Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agcncy and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle COlllmunity RedcH'lopmcnt arca. (2832 Arbutus Strcet) OBJECTIVE: To approve and execute a Shoreline Stabilization Grant Agrecmcnt(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area (2832 Arbutus Street). CONSIDERATIONS: Annually, the Community Redevelopment Agency's Shoreline Stabilization Grant Program is funded at a level that satisfies existing grant obligations from prior fiscal years and future grant opportunities. The purpose of the grant program is to provide an incentive to revitalize the area by providing a matching grant to encourage the private sector to upgrade/rehabilitate the shoreline of waterfront property. The grant requires applicants to provide a project cost-match of at least 50% with the remaining project dollars supported by Tax Increment dollars generated from the CRA District. For FY 09, a total of $320,000 is budgeted for all grant programs. From this allocation, $42.917.00 is committed and due to previously approved applicants upon satisfaction of all grant stipulations, leaving $277,083.00 available for new projects. The Shoreline Stabilization Grant application (Exhibit A) submitted by DavidM. Corban, owncr of the property at 2832 Arbutus Street, Naples Florida, 34 J J 2 was recommended lor approval by the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Cummunity Redevelopment Local ;\d,isory Board. LEGAL CONSlDERA T10NS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney Office and is sufficient for Board eonsiderat ion and approval. 'fhis item is not quasi-judicial and therefore no ex patie disclosure is required. This item requires a simple majority vote. (MMSS) FISCAL IMPACT: Suflicient budget exists within the FY OC) Bayshorc Gateway Triangle Fund (187) to satisfy this new grant application. A Shoreline Stabilization Grant may fund up to 50% ofthe applicant's project cost up to a ceiling of $5,000. This shoreline stabilization project totals $8,900.00 and the grant request is $4,450.00 which is 50% of the estimated project cost. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growih Management Plan states that redevek'fHllent plans may be developed for speeijie areas within the County. including the Bay"hore Gateway Triangle CRA that may consider alternative land use plans. 11l0dilications to dcvcluplllcllt standards, and incentives to encourage redevelopment. RECOMMENDA nON: That the eRA Board approves and authorizes for execution the Shoreline Stabilization Grallt Agreement between the CUl1lmunity Redevelopment Agency and David M. Corban. owner of the property at 2832 Arbutus Street. Naples Florida, 34112 in the amount 01'$4,450.00. - Prepared by: Sue Trone on March 4, 2009 Operations Analyst. Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page ] [) f I ~~' i'l.-',-n :~Cl.iS(.:2 r','::;;-~,h :::-1. 2::'~:~ :2 Df ::....1 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD CF COUNTY COMrlHSS10f\:ERS 1C,G2 Te apf:Jrcv8 a"'id e,\e;:~;te 3 She,r-;: :ne Stat.ili:::ation Grant Agreeti,ent(s) b~,tween the Collier County Community R'~Jeveloplll!;nt ..;gency l,eRA) and a (:iron! Applicar:Hs) within the Bayshol'e Gatevv'ay Triangle ConHTlUnlty Redevelopment area i2832 Arbutus Street) In the amount of S4 4[,0 3/24/20C'9 900 OS f'.iv'l Prepared By Suo Trone Community Redo"'!slop:-:wr;t 1'.90n:y OtlNations Arlalyst Date 8al'shor0.G~'~eW3Y Rodevelopment 3/4/20094;40:45 PM Approved By David jackson Community ;;-,G'dcw>!apm'Jnt Agency :=;.::ecu~~\'e Dir8ctor Date 8aysh~"'2-':;ateway R!:developmc nt :>110':.20092:24 PM A pproved By Jsff ~<:2::.zkQN County AttO'T;SY t'.::Si,~t0d Co~r~ty ,(::'0',rr:0Y ::J2t0 ~>.Junty Attevnr,'l' Ork,;) :;;'1 ':i2DC9 4:56 ~~T.~ Appro\'('d By r'i::;r;or';: ['::. 3'!.ujr;"t-Stining C':'lIn.~y ,6,<.~,c'~n::y t,,;sis:a~: ':c'..Jr::y t,~to, :cy .to,te CO;Jnty AttO:"'iC'}' Otk,c :,/"'; 2;'20C9 11:02 Jd'.~ Approved By (.'1\,';3 Coordinv,tor COU71ty Mar0g.::r's 0;f;cs 0'1':8 C::.o;din<'t:x Date Otfi;::;;; of- h~i-\r,28emc'n, K 3udg0t 2/12/2009 2:25 rrJl Appro\'ed By f!:;;:rk is~:::f~::;:;:1 C,)unty [v'iui3g2r-';;; O:ficG 8udg;;;t /;naiyst D::to O:fic0 cf lV1at1,2~10mc::t g, BWjgf:t 3/~ 3,'2003 5:8,4 PM Approved By J.s:rnes V. M::dd Board of Gc:..:n':y CDrnm~SSi0nc:s \"'()l: ~tf ;\1::n2s::~r Oa1.:.' C:.;.lnty 1!.iir;<'_]0Jr's Cf'i:::;; :'/~G:20C3 18:35 AM J:;iii ',J. ":::2 ~:-; -'-'iI ='.:1. ~=<-;9 :~~ E: ';; 0: ,~~ ,-~'f 21 , , ,< B<iyshoro GatoY'.;:IY Triangle eRA! ':L (l IBAYSHORE I I GAT E W II Y ~ -~-, TRIANGLE Itl;"s O,r ...:<~x r, -." " ,t Grantee Name SSG i\.ppiication (Iktoch ,"<1 SUb,,;, 10 UL~ oftieo.) Applicant Information T0A~-,1~;-~(\ ( () [', f'>(-\ ~I I :?-C(;!,]-- ,\\Li::>-AT\_~(; ST\2CC-l tU\ F\.E '~/ i- !_- >;<'1-\ IL Gl'3ntec Address ) ;\ i-:-'_eU RJ ; l (~S / r'l ) II \L I(?)!I )'.f+ii-=-i?{{-, 'I, i (() .( I,';''-l ,"I /,'~ ('-, {;::(I(I,I/\\~ '1- (c'- 1'1' ) __, _ I ',/ v _ I \,. ; ,-, , ~ I.-,.)"C 11", 1'1""l1>I-"") 'I' -,'/, ;, '--<'-' "', -'-.I; I.\\.'~' (j Site Adelress ) ,,~? /.---()) ,\ " \\'J/j .'( F"-tcJ~ -i- f-J-j;)l-il1~C Phone I [-Mail i\.delle" ~)o you (:\\-']1 or I - -----., ''',(7 ,( ("/! :- :-'-' -l' 1 -) \J f'.---l.J'r " _~.~ ~,-{l I'roJed Illfonllatioll _ m_~__ De~;cribe the exi:--:i ill~.! cClldit iUllS (')f ih~ site (:1 tt~lCh ~l(Uil Jonal shc(:ts jf l1t:cessuryL 15\~ [(I VI '--~\C0il'~\~~------!;',;,f, ~i,.,,"1 ;" 1,~,,;"_j,r1:~V' "/','; '1?~t~;I" ":T~- \; L ~~{ <. I. 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I ~l _ '-I~ I'~'-vn:'" ''-1-'-''--.. 1("I)l,"t'---I.:..~~I" j : 'J I " " I - ':', .. ,~ '. .,C: -,"V \ '(. ,I' [ ) \ , \) I.., ,-) ]. 11'1." \~,~ I' . -I' " " ,", ':_ " '-I'" ,_.'_ /', c:- , - ',:' __, t, \ '--~ ) J L. I ..,. . .- I' \ ~ '---- '., > \,,~ I ,__' I .... t '- .::> I L '( , .' l:(.lr:kFI\ ')i,.ielcc\:' vJii!, Ckill' (, II.. --, -', eRA STAFF: 1) Attadl (wu color photos of each pl'ojl'Ct tu he performed. n 2) .:\t1ach Prop('rty Appraiser ID. '-~Sli;;;-atCd cost 01 irnprO\ Cll~~'~t-:-l: ;:-t)"O~'--__ 2) \Lnimlllll gl ant :iH.In): <{.; -~T _~ I~_\./~:...:_ - -- --."~~~,,, ~ .-....---...."",.-- / --', ' ",r;", I , , I \, , .. l \ (I \ ~ _-1 - Iklails ,~a ':01\~' ILl. L'1~;'L~t2, , 4 of:21 , "'-"'; _.~ I ,Co: i ! I i ---7,~~iiT~~~~._.__.I._,__,~E~~{::_~~25 _.J Trim J'loticE:','s ~~~ I Pi n'E~cc;rd -~r srU,ll I '.'Ll ',I ': I .,j Introduction iJ Layers J Legend J Print jHelp .,J FeedBack Aeri;:;! "hctqr3Dh}' Jal1uOlry Urban. 2008. fi.ur8" 2007 Ac: r< Sal Ie Pi'JQ(: I\cfreshed a:- 2.i23:2JO<J ~:Q5.03 f.JM Tile Inr()rrn3:io~1 is Updaied \t'.!f.,i::YY h11p://\\'\\'\Y.coJ licnlppraiscr.c'\ll dRccordlkta; l.asp')!vl<ip=&l'ol i,,11 )=(1(100081780320003 2/23/2009 lkl:lil, , , i ,o\,.".inifqi:] ,.""j Ifi!~J..,~~~ __PI'~~2J'tY :eCOrd.__J ___~~~L~!~___J ____~hC~~le~_ .. ._..1_ Trim r'loUc~~J ~ Pa~1 81780320003 Current Ownership Property Addressl12832 ARBUTUS ST .}:7 c::lI I I I I 11 )l~!~.~,lf1s~i .-li----5-0~~11 R"nge 25 JL~',crG~. .. !r-~-D:19--- JCr,~"p "0. ---le 5A11 J -----~ ---=:] ---z;;;]134112 - 8138 J --l -1 -11 Strap N~,--_J If 7123004 4.1-sA11-l Owner Namell CORBAN, DAVID M Addressesl12832 ARBUTUS ST Cltyll"APLES II Stalel:FL I=:= Leaa!j! WHITF.HURSTS REPLAT fJ 65FT OF II W112 OF TR 4 - S0CUon L___~~~____lL~~~ll..tH'TE~~fURST Ri:PLAT ______=-JL~;;A;~I ,.,C~j r~~!lfa~J~ r~?"I\~;C-;~~T l[SiNGLE F~MIL Y RESIDEI:J.12::.L:~--l~ 111 _J_ 13(;~l 200t! Preliminary Tax Roll (Subjacllo Change) Latest Sales History If ::11 l.':dLlC-S ShD\'/ll belo'.'.' cqw11 [1111;s pMed Vi"" ere'cIled ilftcr tin) Fin,d Tt.x 1:::[,11 r-= Land Value ____=:=JL__~_s '1~:~,U'Tll~ I Dclt~-~I_."__~.~~'rtol( :~~_JI . Amount _ __J [(+) ltl1prov~d Vi\IllC '--"--~"-=:~JL--mi]:'o,Q?J [E:00fJT-!i-~-__ . 2~:'G2:~-2-~3_ JC-=2..1.G5,ODO.OOJ r" (==) Just V,i1U8 - j[___._~_?_~,_~:~2~g_~J 1-0.1; 2:Li!~J[~~:_~__~~2.~06 ~_"f)~~-=-=-_Jf--- - ~'-'I~;,z:ooo.oDl r-(-) SOH [)er11[lt V,'I\I:~ ______ ___~_J[~~_~-_--='=~=~~:-~O] li~'~=~=~~:s~~~JE~-1C~~:~iij L_ (,..) "1:;,,;,::_:, \'~'!~i: ___,_!C~=[?~~~0~o.QQJ SOI-l == "Save Our Homes" u~em;Jt ~';dt;':2 du,= to c:p on .'ESSSSIl1'2nt I I ..___._--.-1 in~r'-':":Ho ~,:::;~;~~'~::rf+ ':~1';;:J ! ,',r, 1_.,J,~"(,":",,.,...I.;_,,!.t ~---""----" ',-Le 1!lfcn'.~\;c.n is Upca:e,j \\'eekly hI (p :/..\ \"\ n Y. cuI jicl"cl )>;l!'ai :-;er. com,'R C'vord IJc'u i l.a:~ p '.\\1 ~ljT- & Fo i i ,)1 j)---( H1000S 1 7 gU] 20003 J()i21/200S J 1 ~ ~, ., ~ I' 1 it " , " ",- ~~~/j .-' ~.:r.;~ ;'~ ~, '".- ; - ,. ~~ ~-i . -..., ,-\ I.' I '< 'J ,7' :T , - 1\ :<J. :5;::?,2 , '~':]rch 2-1. 2CCn :;)c;~le 7 :.;1 21 CORBAN RESIDEf\!CE 2832 ARBUTUS Sn~EET NAPLES, FL 34112 PHOTOS TAKEN AUGUST 2007 FIRST PHOTO SHOWS SAND WASHED UNDER POURED CONCRETE SLOPE SECOND SHOWS SINK HOLE FORMED BY SOIL WASHING UI~DER SEAWALL. SINI< HOLE IS MUCH LARGER NOW I ;\;r:;nda Item !'Jo. ! ~jC2 2009 of 21 , 'C;'o{' Jlql-'~I \ L,.,.rt ,_, 1____ SAf\JD WASHED OUT UNDER SEAWALL VIEW AT EXTREME LOW TIDE SHOWING l.AYERS OF SAND WASHED UNDER SEAWALL ,".~1d . ..''''''''''\\ _;t,;flltf~7" ....... I L;~~'rn ('J.:::r. "; 6(::.:) tv'larch 24, 20(19 PSge 9 of 21 ;.. , c:. : ~~;,. , ...:-.- i i - i ..._J :'_'l,~'Y ,1 =-::; 2C)->J i\J:A ~'-1 .~ 18AYSHORE JiL G ^', T E W /, Y !El>]I'\l,~,' T~I':N~ 8ayshore Gntcwny Triangle eRA I ;" i_ ::L:-r... (' ~ :.".,.!, -,j :~'l Applicaut Commitmcut of Rcsourccs hi we, Dc"-'!' ct . Nl-,Cu( bee 11 ......' ,0~ner(s)/ leI1311t(s) of the rrroperty located at ]:;5/- 1\)j;>':';\E~Sr.-J~SJC'f:J.II~:We the funcli~g';,nd' ability to begin Ihe shoreline improvements listed "bol'e and have the ability to complete all improvements within one year of the approval of the improl'elllGl1t grant by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency. Ii \\'c further affirm that payment f~)J. all work on approved impruvements will come f'rom . accounts in my / ('Illr l1a!1le(s) or the n(llllc(s) of entities registered in the Stale or Florida which I / \\'t have registered \\ith the Si8t(;: (verificatioll is requirC'd), Payment for improvements by persons or entities !1\)t a party to this Grant /\pplic<ltioll is grounds for disqualific.flticm. Signature of Tcnant (if leased) Dale Sigmlture ofTcnant (iflc,\~ed) (if jointly Ieu,cd) ,/ i . -.~ / \ / I ,/ /<'i:}1 "I' ! ", ,; i it i -' r I"X I' ."I!. ','.'': I 1.' /', lei/II L t((/ } ~'" ,//1.....,/ Signature of(')\'vncr Date .) Date Signature of Owner I (if jointly olllled) D~;le I I i I I L..... _~J .,:,,, :;;. ~- (980J ~ ~N'3 .~..- ~ C"'~..- ~,Q) CU :J"l Q)'-C':J .......:.20... -.2: ('J ;2 ii '" < ('oJ ~ ~ " 0') -' l.L. co c co N CU !!l U") U") -" Q. , (; CU f'- Z 0 U N :;; C; " 0 ,- a " (j) .;; N ~ "' if> , 0 .3 co '7 -P C') <' ('oJ 0') '" ('~ <f> <f> ,~ c: :J 0 to E 0 "0 ~ Z m '" " if> " (J.l E ~ t: .tJ 0 " ,- z <( 0: " " c, ~ ,<;; '" ~ t: " " ~ .. ~ c.9 c.9 c.9 (-. -I I fZ, ,,::,; , .,n '~'7 o ~ ;i ~ ltJ tl ~ 1__ 0.. - ~J ~5 L.._.eS _~_'ry ,; E C\l a.;- z 0 E ci 21 o z ro Z E -g~ ~fA~ " "'" .;..; 0 C e >uc:'E8D -g::J g~:i E Vl (3 ~ ell 0 '0 I ~ g ~ ~ ~I ~ ,.:=1 10.. >- C1:lo::t.> u -63 l~-l is I 3 I ____~___._.J~ J.& M Bwitlift & Repdr 259 Burnt Pille Dr. Naples, Fl. 34119 Phon~ (941) 353-7326 Fax (941) 353-2434 item f"o. !~,--'') 2:;') :;::::5~':; 24::':;'4 ~,~arci-p2J:J:2JU9 September 10, 21ms 12,[ 21 SEP-I0-2008 02:14 ~'M J~M nOA-rLI~T ~, REPnIR -" lei St1bllllltkd To: David CGroao RE: 2832 Mums Naples, FI ~....'..*...*~..~.....~~.........~.~~**$~e+~*,**..~**.*~.*..~.++.~....$~.~*.$** We~ illllimlt ~dOOlll_ ~telI fer. L'lOllLU fiJter cloth Ill!Wl Rip-Ro;! (3".IZ") Illo'l'l~ €<Id Ill= ~1<MI1'It!:to n:o:II:d "!~ by ""'n!;f. ~~.,;II u. roqulrod lilaI'd!:.. IOb<i<lg ill Rip-lU!p IltId dllltno-..tte I"-operly. .*$~$.~*..$~~~.~*.**'Q**...~..*e.~..*..##*....+.*.*...~+*...*e*.*~**.....**.... We hereby projlOOO to fumlJl!t Il>!ror W _.:mil. oom:p~. in &<:>oordm..--e ,,;th tho oo<J>'O .".,-..JJi<:Mi-. for !be 1U!ll of S\:n1~ ll(l'Il'WSU Sev~~ !il1l"~ dol,"", IS 7.7GUH)) witlll"'Yf""I'I !l> b:l !lU>d. .. ,0:1"""" SO....!, dowEll'lt gi);..oo ecmtll'tilCt, Illllllll.m.m:e ll1ue tJpi:'li Cllmpklia'lII elf ju".;t. ^U~~t l~ ~'rCdlO bv.~ ~wJ. Al11fl'Q:;if. to !xl t'Ott.;/lo::tclkt.4 ~r..eC&U=cr t.ooor~la~ pret~iOCiil. AI'I)' ~ioo (It d.,~iDo 6'm; 1'.1.:0\"0 ~~ooa lrr'<IOl~ Cima oo::.u \t'l1J hi:! (!'U~ ct:J:y Uj:l(Na \'fri~t'4l ot4.m.. ~ will ~ ~ ~\dtt ~ lW'IJlf ILlfd ~tktl_~..., Af'~o:m;!.J.,.~~m~*Yf~"IX.:.d(U1~, fl.""jft.~too~""itIclnJ:){! d."t.r=:_{~;,...oid~cJtk,.~tQ",ofI.boU':'lder~ vJf A<lll1llnud Sitv"lltlOn!\ 0 ~j~~ ACCEPTM\1CE OF PRe!?" IL C':-:" The ~ priatn. epecll~lmiil ~Qd oomliion'J r:ro l~' tf:.:x.Y'-i'i~1. y~ a..'1.'l r.trth;j.:tu"":Xi t, do t~ worl: ~ ~~1.t j>~YIl:"u1. Trill h~ m*.." a"tl~ abv,,,,. ACCEPTEI): Siswm"".___.. [}nt.___ J & M BolltlH't .& Replllir 259 Burnt Pine Dr. Naples, FI. 341]9 Phone (941) 353-7326 Fax (941) 353-2434 ,-;" "l ~;:I 1;.-:::. ,':<:;2 -. r/~~, ,'" h .~, '+-~tn :': 9 lVfurch 2, ~g~~\ 3::' 21 iBiT, I I Submitted Tu: David Corban RE: 2832 Arbutas Naples, FI .....,...~..~O*~~.$#*e*$.$....,..*.$...*~*~**..*..~..~..........~*,....**..*.~*~ We beft:by slIbmlt 'lJNlIlutloDllllld e3timlltell for: Remove Clln..~ twle IcltJl1d ~Jcictir-ll "",,,1iIl1llid fill void "itll filler ctctl~ 57 !!tone, fill ~~~$~..~**$~t~.~~~*~*~~~m.$.$..*,~ue~*b~.o~~~.~.$*.*~~w~~~~~~~~*~~.*.$$~*_*~~~~ We herelry f'1'OP<>le to ful'llMthW nn<llntrterlnl. " cotnllkto ill =rdIJrw.: with 1/" IIbove 5l1~clflClltlnM, for th~ sum of QlJ0 Thou,w;rld 1'vm B:ullo1r:'lCjJ doilam (~ 1.:10\1,(1{)) with )lB:\1llOfll to be luMo U foUolI's. 50% dOl'lnll':t ~lglle:ll f,onlr~ct. r,ml'mltmce clue !I~lml camp!e~i<m of job. IJI m-.>'..tri.t.llo !'\It.n...,~d t.l he u rpwlfilid AU \'I'~.rn t.o be ~pl~e1ln n \\'(i:bTMJih cV'..nnn ^CL~dJnll' to ~~.ndfJd rr.t.rtlC'M. An~' 1I1tm.!itlT1 t~ Q;.'I\'kllotJ. ft'-o1t; r.boYO' '~cdi~. tt1Vl1l...ing ntl.m (;n.ctJI wlti l:4 I'lll;c",'"\rtf-d only llpo11 \',riUt'l'I (trCcr!o, U\d wl.ll btgon'UI eo (l)'U1Q charl1.ll tW(lf' t.n::l 'DOVl tl" ""j""". AIl '5""""'"" """u,B"Il ''''''' """'" '"'id.''''''' Cl' ~':';' b:j"y"d CW' Mt,'t;o..;J.\. rl'?;i' f'mp ..I '"bJ"~" ""'''l''olJ><> "ilh1o;U ",\..".jH<>IdtJ..r.""iU<"""op!J""ol,""m<'''~!t:n'd. . ~ ~_ ~)p;~, At~tt;(l~'L?A~d 8b~~f)ttH\~ fA /,.1):1 -z.._';,!~.,'1'" - - ;ff?l "-~."'..,-- ACCEP'fA.NCE 0Jl1 PiftOll'OSAL lne: WJ\''O Pr1CCB, cpec-lficnttollll a11d conditlens an~ hO:Io-l.~y co;.;;';-~t':.d. Yna md 2'!.J(h.O'rl2~"ti to tb L1'j~ work n~ i'r.~,~j!:l;':t1. ~tYIDe:r.t5 Villi be rn~6~ ~ O'Jtlln;:cl Ek)\-t. Ac(]~p'r_hJ>~~_t; ,.,~ :;r'.~' '.,_~._;.;~__._____.~,~~~__~_~___~.~ LJC(~ --_.'---~---'-' Contraclor ('crtilicatioJ] Dctr,.il Pa~c !-,..", '_.r, 'i;.ij)'l FIY(trrL><'11:- ( tPI~L r!:al"c:n"24, ''20"i9 t'age 14 of 21 Uil I I I - I ._.J COlllraclor Detai Is CliI'iS C,Lie: -12.10 \IAI\I:-<I-: SEA \VALL,~ DOCK CO:-<STRLCT!(),'i Class I)(;.'~cription: C~,rtific;ltillll NUIll ha: 20179 Ori~~iJ1(l1 Isslle I)~;tc: 6/1l11)()9 C."rlific:ltiOl1 SU!lI~;: ..\CTIVE E.\:pir<J1ion D<-:lc' 9/30/20ll9 Ct1ll!1iy C()I:IP Card: SUlle ~'!llIJi\l':'f: ::;I;H,~ L_\pfn\~i('111\)fc: ]JOi,lgUl1siilc3S/\o;: J...\;: :\1 BOAT 1.IFT8: HFP..\IHl U~c. AdJr,-'s.;,: 25() nLI{;yr f'li\E IlH. r~:\I'LLS. f L J.1119- [llj()Il:,:: (2JI) )353- i 3 ~~ (, F;r\: rb..:k r_;I~"/i:) Ii '( /', i>:~-:2Ci:17 C,-I"':;/ C: I, 'I' iy (; /,:,:1' 1:'i1: I ii, ~(< 'I~. .m ibni T!, 'ii !!'-;:'!-';~, FL :3.'; II; I F'II'::'I 'n:.) //,! ;)'h'') ~:if,-: (,-",en! I i'rl"! I(~/ r)<~!icy C:-JU 1_'j~_I, 'i:r' 'I I \-\ei~,;ii", ,I'. ",~);~<'ci ty ',ii,j:A: Iii: ,'lr'I."d 1111 p:,//apps2 .collie rgov.1l i:l;\.,-c bapps/vis ion/f\.l I1Ccrt/Dcl a i l.aspx?ccrt "':201 79 i 0/2 \/2008 l(1/(),J/2n08 12: ()() 1(;,.'( ,1;-'). ~:_';y:-:l-.. ~-J ~"n-<J ta),v fl1j 17.0/1 ([2 ~ . ,"c'c..::; j:J ,if .1.1 __.r) "', tlarl~' &- f/rull1Kc( 40, ;~-~----] -- 3490 Entor(,lriGc Avenue N<'!p!es, Frbrida 34104 _. .,l39H143~G333 Fax ( 239) 643.3691 Page no_ ___ of ____ Pages ~.' -~""'--... ,~J3rotloza[ l:lIIIIaMlf&lIl- -~llilIl Proposal Submitt~d To: Description of .Job: Mr. David Corbin 2832 Arbutus St. Job: SC3\\-'all and Deck I Addrf'<:<:. <;;,,1"1''''' I ~:~; -;l~t:-"'- 'l~o[]e: 207-.5528 Fc:;x:~ ~ S~.a-;::'?<J Naples, FI. 34112 Date: 10-03-08 '))}r :L':lerebp $2>uumit opacificotions ana ""Uma!e, rex rip-rap. Install 60 cubic yards (3 loads) of rip..mp f(Jck in front of cxi:;ting fai!irlg conl,;rct~ bloc,," ~.cawafl. Rock w:th be {in to 12n in diameter and wiH be lined in erosion fabric. Does NOT inclutle ren10'.;a! or re-di"ttibLltion or exi;ting rock. Remove exiSilhg con:rele in front of e,:isting vIall. All vegetation removal by others. ~f:l,100.{JD Includes !oc-al City of Naples p-~rmlls 0.1Iy. Does NOT ttlclude vJ'\Y DEP or Am1Y Corp Pcmlits. Does NOT include ar~y wolter, dcctrit;, hmdscape, irrigation, drainag~, or In.'ur;ing. ~ ----- We ~ereln' ~Jro1l052 to (urni"h bbor llr.d materials con;plete in ac:::ordanc0 with the above ~pe.('jfiC'~tions for llle sum of ~_IJ, 100.00 With pEiyrnent !o be rnaje 28 follows: $2, HlO.OO with cQnlmct, l'l;;lhmr:e of ('actl phase aftt~r the COJ1lPJ{lH~-------------.... '~lIln~:cr;~1 ;~ !:u.lra"Ie-d.1:11-'e ".~ ":p::<,ifi_~,l All "~U'\; is!u lr: (;e'fIlp;;la! ill B \'r~\l,ml'lI ];1: 11I."",' Au'.o"'''' / ~0 _--::;?~~---~- ~;;CO:dlllel{l ~t~mbrdprrt.C[1~:::'~_ A1]yulter"~1011 Ur~I{;\'l"!IO" ft-()ll;i'.lJv"<'~i'l<;Clfi-c.:,ltCln$ l~v"h"'G\'_"r<l CO'ils C" _ C~~ ~-- 1::i!'!i;:;;;~;;:,:~;~;E:::~~,:~,:~~I~~,~;;~:':~~'::::~:~~~:::i:~1~:~:% ~:i;;;:~:~i;11~~~:~::: ;:',::~'::::: Cl"P:'~~'~1l.;~~~~::'~;. -~: if"", .1' "f>t<" I m~n s.(lIn(Y':';lllIClO \llJm:I:'''~. ."\~y!;iJh ~fJtp,~,d \'.lll1ln 3'.Jd~l'~ oftWll'r:wllIbe';~lu..(:t'd II L:.,',~ ;I:T ).' l' 101 '. y )' ~ fl\0nth Q1l UllPllitt btIIMC~ "It,un __" __ OI:'~S. -------------- ... -- I Nncptmuc (tf iPrcilJDbUI -- I he above prices, specIficatIons an:l conditions are ~-;8tid'lc~ory and <;trc 11erclly ::::cacpled, VOlt are autllOri~:,cd to Signnfun: ----~,. Ido the work GS Cpeci!ie.:J. P3yrnt~nt '.'.'i11 b9 mzc19 88 Quliim~d allow.. I ""irn,!fl_'_r~ --~---'--'---'-"-- I l~:~~cc:tea_________..__.____ ____ ______________________________ ___________ __._"~_J r.'~:::-jr Ci:~ O? ';C:37a :.'0 [o~-::ks On , ',':~~,C<_>;.j-72CO ',)0.",::a i:_;c;':-;] ;-.ic,. i t;G2 r,~al-::h =4 ~~:JC19 G jf 21 I/fU~OA' & tjPAOKI, 4-,,_ Page no. of Pages -~ ;:14YQ Errterpriso AVEltlue ~-L:lpICS, Florida 34104 ( 239) 643-5333 F.x ( 239) &43.3691 .i}roposal - ProfHlsal Sutnnittf"d To: Description (IF Job: Mr. David Corban Job: SC<1wa11 Repair 2832 ^rbut:.lS SL Addr~s5: 'S~e N;)p)~, FI. 34112 ; City, ~t:!te' D.:i~: J-17...oS . PhQne: 207-552? F;t-';; 530-53::0 }l'e !1:1ercbp Submit fi:;ecil~cat;:}nS and eS-tirr1ates far seawall re;;air, 1. Rem(1~'e con::re:e r~'blC' fr:;m behind e:ods:ing sea.....all ,in-5talJ fift.er cl.::th and lmt<:U *57 !Jons. $1,50~.OO , Docs t<OT inchu:l~ ;;my DEP or Army Corp Pc:mit:.. Dn~5l'-:OT inch:ce ;I!l)' waf..:-, eicc:rl:, l:L'ld.:>cJ.~!~, irrica:i(~~, ',kJillHI:e, or dr~dg~ng: . 11;Jc ~('n?l1p' ~rOpO;je- t'j iJrrish l<lbo. 2nd ("'.atmbfs complete:o n:-:ord;]:~cc wrth :11l~ above spe::if:C<:ltion:.; for ~he sum of S1,5C;:>.00 WI:!l paf'rnenllo be'n~oo 2S (olio...-s: $7uO.O:,lwith contrnct, b31::mc~ on compfetlon. /,J! O'.l:r..'.J is 6....iI..~I.~ tl:' 1...:.. ";><"-"if.W_ ,)"U ,001l.; ,. to;,c <:,11!I.c.~~:-rl i~ K >j.<>".;:m.lJ l:h ~~,,':l'.'P, ncelc!r,(;:Cl ;~\lIj_",d [1"<:~:'<:~, ^-'-)' 11~,Jjc'" Qf d.:.;,'Il'"1 fiQr.r l&l;.G.~ tpt'C;CCl!\:;'''~ ;~"'\)l\,jr.i:: :>.1.. ~.::w.~ ''''.U l~; ;.c;.'\dr" (",1)' ~;:""Il ""I".<::r, Ol~r:l.. W wj,Il>P:"'Jf,c.J!T ~'l.:!a <:h......'" "''''j ~l<l ~~'.l: ";1-..: t,'1Ual!~c' t~;;I:i~fj~~'3~r~~~.L~~:~J:;j~~:~;0ii;';~:i~!~~~~~%~ ~~r~:~~ ;:~;~;~~,: : . -------::::::>'" ~~i~~h~~~;~_._~~~~ ~: c;~r!flfld~. {\'mc-::bi$ ,::'::;;<)S:l; llU~' h::- w;,:ldnr,ql t~}' I~~ ifIL~1. :~_nT:;~n! '" ,,!,in ~3lJ_ d.,)-'". -;- V.,-~ .;-..,.. )--,: ::. ;-~~,'~ lO/(l,1,-'::OC,3 12:01 j':',X I ,::~: ') )-~':::), 1~-<::2 1301.-3 i7 (if ~1 1--: r-ll -~- 1 I \[ - ' _~~' I 'I \ ::r%;OI1 ,....,[<c-1,,, ,I i~\ i '-. >\;:-_~</L\ >-~j\(), ~ " ')) ~-~ .1-'',_ I r___,. ! :::rc:;i:lJlI:<1I;J~::..j A-A ----,,-----',) ,-.ins:,,11 New Rock / / ,. /1 ;..1 l~ o N I I I I \1 'j I \ ,) \ i /1 \ ' /1\ Exis\;ng W2lJ--' i I I lc~,___/ _ _ -- !nst~)I! r~(!'N Rc:-.:k 1-:;, /. Im;[aU t>Jew r:;:'ock ,. ,. , / I ~'1 ;- I ,. / _.1 / /,;:)~,stin!1 Reck / - . / () .r.--------.~':.:. / --------,--/' -"-. / / '----',,", //\'" Existillg vi/alt-.l ""-......, '0'''\ '..'. '\ e""., ""J I \ I \ _ _____ -- -----j----T / ~,j I , I I / / / install Nev,' f'kck / ! F.:xisting RrJ{'..k.. \ A-A \ '-. 0 ______ i5) -~--- l J Corbin Hes. 28~32 Arbutus 81. -, 0-03-08 CCllltractor Certification IJt.jail P~igc !j.:_ t' -'--""') "pcl""'!' (~' "t~ r",'c:'\I.':-'~~'IJJ9 "10::. ,-"I L . " . F)a-;J3 18 of 21 \ , '-'. ~ ~ ;, . i Contractor Details Class C(ld~: .1240 \JAlUNE SEA WALL,~ nOCK CONSTRICTION ~~ CI~i';S I ),":~cri I'I! io!]: CC-ndlGHiun NlI111ber: 13518 ()!').:.:in;lIl:-slf: D:1L:::: S/7/19iS (\':rlili(';ll;ilil ~)U1u~;: ,\CTIVF b:pil';;ll iOI1 i);,k: 9/30/2fl09 ('011i11y Cnl1ljl C:lld: OOh:\H C :,1<I\-..' i'~lIlllb.:.'!': SI:I[;: L:_\.pin~tillJl 1.)(i\\:': Doing UL:~,:ll(>;S liS: C.\RLANU ~'~ CARI,:\1\D, I"~C. !-"";;'." .\ddreso: .\1')0 LI\TLI{I'I{lSE A IT. ";,\I'L1:S, I. L .;.1111.1 1']-'\"11(': (2Y)j6.B--:";;JJJ Fa\: (2:J9J(f,.jJ.J(191 Ibel; I C'~;J':-" '__.ri;1 .:' "J<'-;:<:,ri/ ( , ,;,' 'ell ,I: I ;, II '::.)1 r:- 1 :y"i':i1f:i l',-lii, l',r l:~,1 '. ,[ i I? I 1 lC.:1 "_. ~39 //,1 ;'>__;.:; :;::~~ /",' i r:I.'(I,_!I\: '():!:.li',j" <':i!'I,:,1 '.'h(;'.-' 'iJY fl'-l!'ccrk'j 111tP://apps2.u)] ]1cr,QOV .nd/\vclKtpps'\'isioi1/'ConCcrt/IJetail .aspx'/ccn--,-: 1351 g 10/2I!200S ,~, ! ,',<; 'V'~.<.. .' """'. .... "',~ ~ <'::I " "I _ 1 GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN eRA AND GRANTEE FOR SHORELINE STABILIZATION IMPROVEMENT FOR HA VSHORE/GA TEW A Y TRIANGUc REDEVELOPMENT AREA THIS AGREEMENT ENTERED this ~Li:i"ctay of [c1 0 ".1, ,2,(>:)c\ by and between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (hereinafter referred to as "CRA") and 9.0 ' \~J vI. ("Lbon--___________ (hereinafter referred to as tlGrantee"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, in Cullier County Ordinance No. :;002-38, the Board of County Commissioners delegated authority 10 the eRA to a\varJ and administer ClZA grants including contracts \-\lith Grantees for eRA grants; and WHEREAS, CRA Ordinance No. 08-61 reestablished the Shoreline Stabilization Improvement Grant; and WHEREAS, Grantee has applied for a Shoreline Stabilization Grant in the amount of -\, '1 <;0 . D~_ dollars; and WHEREAS. the CRA has determined that Grantee meets the eligibility requirements and \Vas appro\.'ed f~Jr a grant award in the amount of _~t;-q. q0 . <:: .;J do liars on Y\JV'C\:L....-7-c\- ____I ~:.-:"cl_ ("eR/'\ Approval"), \\'hich is t:-:J ~i~ of the costs to construct the shoreline irnprOVClllcnts. NO\V, TiiER_EFORE, in cunsiJeraliun uf the ltlutual c.ovenants contained herein and other valuable consideration, the p~lrtics agree as follo\.\'s: I. Grantee acknowledges to the CRA that Grantee has received a copy of the Coliicr County Community Shoreline Stabilization Improvement Grant Program (hereinafter referred to as <'''Gr:mt Program"), that Grantee has read the Grant Program, and that Grantee has had ample opportunity to discuss the Gr::mt Program with Grantee's counsel or advisor. Grantee furiher acknowledges to the CRA that Grantce understands and agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions of the Grant Program, Grantee ~lgrecs to the terms 2nd conditions of the Grant Pl\)gralll. 2. 7"'~c, _~.~~__.'._t"" Grantee IS the record owner/tenant of i\ \2,('~)UPJ S ~~,~:~--':\2JJ?;"\ ~'.,J {j,P Ld3~_l~~;.:1"1 property described as t'2-,.- 3. Grantee has agrc:cd 10 m~l1~c :dwrclinc improvements to the prnpcrty rursu~mt to the grant application submitted to the CRA dated_ 1/ O( ( 2<>0 '1 attached '-'T---t---- hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. Shoreline Stabiliz~lli()n Grant Agi'cclllcnt 1"1' 2()()() ;~;::r,~ r'~;). : ::>:~j2 1a' "1-> 2r~'J9 :A ~~ 1 4. Grantee agrees to complete the construction of the shoreline stabilization improvements within one (I) year of CRA Approval. Grantee also agrees to fund at least 50% of the costs of the shoreline improvements. Grantee is prohibited from paying for any improvements funded under this program with cash. All payments for approved projects must be in the fonn of a cheek or credit card drawing on funds from Grantee's accounts. 5. CRA has approved a grant to Grantee in the amount ofilfy/ <-{S]. <; 0 to be administered, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement based on an estimated cost of -$. 't;CjOO ,"" If the actual costs are less than $10.000 to construct the shoreline im6rovements, the grant amount shall be reduced dollar for :]ollar in matching CRA funds as determined by ratio of matching private funds required. 6. Unless prior diselosure is included in the grant application, no Grantee, or any immediate relative of Grantee, shall serve as a contractor or subcontractor for the construction of the shoreline improvements and no Grantee, or any immediate relative of Grantee, shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the shoreline improvements. An immediate relative of Grantee shall include mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle and cousin or family member by marriage to include mother-in-law, father-in-]aw, brother-in-law and sister-in-law. 7. Grantee agrees to obtain all necessary permits from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Environmental Protection and Collier County. Upon completion of the work, Grantee shall submit to tbe eRA staff a project summary report, two (2) 8 inch by 10 ioch photos of the completed improvements, a list of materials and construction techniques lIsed, a list of architects and/or contractors, and any other information specific to the project or requested by the CRA stafC The CRA, through its staff, shall confirm that the shoreline improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the application approved by the eRA. 8. Within forty-five (45) days after confirmation that the shoreline improvements were constructed pursuant to the temlS of the approved application, Grantee shall be issued a check in the amount of the grant. However, if Grantee fails to make the improvements pursuant to the terms of the approved application, or if the project is not completed within one (I) year of CRA approval, or if Grantee fails to fund at least 50% of the cost of the shoreline improvements, the grant shall be deemed automatically revoked and Grantee shall be entit]cd to no funding. 9. of Florida. This Agreement shall be governed and construed pursuant to the laws of the State ] O. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and their representatives and agents, and incorporates all prior understandings, whether oral or written. No change, modification or amendment, or any representation, promise or condition, or any waiver, to this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of the party to be charged. II. This Agreement is personal to Grantee, and may not be assigned or transferred by Grantee or to Grantee's respective heirs, pt,;t'sonal representatives, successors or assigns \vithout the prior written consent of the CRA. Shoreline Stabilization Grant Agreement FY 2009 o ,-' ') i,',) "",,,:';:: '\..t:f .h :..1 :J.'::g 21 '~d ~',1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the panics have executed this Agreement on the date and year first written above. ;./ ; (]) r,\~ '1 '.' 0 , .: \'\'l.;i .f',',J.; .\",'1 Witness SiQnature ~ . ) By: _ / ;- /; J. ,/(">11' /1 !'j/t--;7(/1V, - - _/ V _.lLl{! I J~ ('),;h GRANTEE(s): ~.- 'f' , ,,", \ II I " "I ~--".f;. I, :'_ ! ,r'~- II ,,- ,....-" ""':0'",.". 'I) <!.: ,/1 :12-__~:____v';':':_'(.'l_.(\ ',-,_ PrintedITyped Name Printed/Typed Name (-. ..."_..... (2) .>"jP~)Jj~._'-' -.. WitHeS's Sighature By: 8.J c ~n2-c1 N {~ Printed/Typed Name PrintedlTyped Name ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY CO!\1MUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY , Deputy Clerk By:... DONNA FIALA, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: -J"l YVl' ~ 1/'., 1,j {'/1 ~:.L._. Ma'.io'0 M. Studcnt'-Stirllng Assistant County Attorney , II Shoreline Stahilization (jrnnt Agreement FY 20()9