Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16F 3 :tern r~D, lor3 f\f:arch 24, 2009 Po de '1 of 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve and anthorize the Chairman to sign a grant application for the Emcrgency Mcdical Services' Special Operations Responsc Team through the Wal-Mart Community Grants Program for a maximum of $1,000 in equipment and/or supplies and if awarded to authorize acceptance of the equipment and snpplies. OBJECTIVE: To expand and improve the operational requiremel1ls of the EMS Special Operations Response Team (SORT). CONSIDERATIONS: EMS SORT is tasked with providing the I(ll\owing services: . Hazardous materials/weapons of mass destruction/decontamination . Tactical Medic services for the Sheriffs Office . Fire/emergency scene rehahilitation of rescue workers . Medical response lor search and rescue . Mass casualty medical response . Biological emergencies response \vith the Collier County Health Department Wal-Mart, through its Community Grants Program, otfcrs support to public safety departments by providing cash and/or equipment to these agencies. As a show of appreciation. the awarded public safety agency is asked to make a public prcss release about Wal-Mart's support through the Wal-Mart Community Grant Program. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact. and there is no cash matching required for this grant. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is not quasi-judicial, and as slIch ex parte disclosure is not required. This item requires majority vote only. This item is legally sumcient for Board action. - CMG GROWTH IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact resulting from this action. RECOMMENDATIONS: lhat the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a grant application to the Wal-Mart Community Grant Program and if awarded approve the acceptance of any equipmcnt and supplies that may hc provided by this grant award. PREPARED BY: Artie R. Bay. Supervisor - Accounting, E!11c'rgency Mdical Services ,-.. Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page 1 of I Iteill NO.1 SF3 kt:arch :24, 2009 Page 2 of 4 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15F3 Recommendation that ti,e Board of County C:Jrnmissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a grant application for the Emergensy Medical Services Special Operations Response Team through the Wal-Mart Community Grants Program for a maximum of $1,000 in equipment and/or supplies and if awarded to authorize acceptance of the equipment and supplies. 3/24/20099:00:00 AM Prepared By Artie Bay Bureau of Emergency Services Snnior Administrative Assistant Date EMS 3!6/2009 8:08:37 AM Approved By J~ff Page Bureau of Emergency Services Er'"~s Chief Date EMS 3fSf2009 9:44 AM A pproved By Marlene J. !=oord Administrative Services Grants Coorcinatar D;1Te Administrative Sorvics>s Admin. 3/6/2009 11 10 AM Approved By C:)lleen Greime County Attorney t,ssistant County t,ttornor Di',te Cau:oty .t\ttor~lcy Off:::c 3fe:2009 3:1:: PM AI}provcd By Jeff Klatzlww County Attorney ft.sststant County Attorney Date County Attorney Office 3f11/2009 5;15 PM A pproved By Dan E. Summers County Manager's Office 5cJreau of Emergency Services Director Date 8ureau of Emergency Services 3f12f2DQ9 11 :28 AM A pproved By OM8 Coordinator County Manager's Offico OMS Coordinator Date O-:fice of M.:magcmc'1t & Budget 3!~ 2/2009 2:27 prJl ;'\, ppro\'ed By Sh:my Pryor County fv1anager's Office Management & Budget Analyst Date omS? of l.r:anagemen: R Budget 3i13i20t~9 3:41 PM Apprm'cd By Jamz.s V. Mudd Soard of County Commission8rs CQunty Managor Cate CrJUnty r\-''L1nag,H's Offico 3/161200912:06 ?fJl :.sm [-h, I,Sr:3 ~,:1arc;h 24, 2009 ?:.l;]8 3 of 4 colN:r Count.y - ~-- - - Bureau of Emergency Services To Whom It May Concern: The following request is respectfully submitted under the Wal-Mart Community Grants Program. 'Vno are we? Collier County EMS/Fire provides emergency medical services for all of Collier County, Florida, which is the largest county in the state, encompassing 2025 square miles. This agency responded to 34,495 calls for emergency medical services and provided 22,884 transports in FY 2008. Emergency medical services are provided to the County via] 50 full-time Paramedics and EMTs, along with 12 field supervisors. Who do we serve? Collier County is located on the southwest coast of Florida with a permanent population of 251,000 (based on the 2000 census). Approximately 20,000 workers increase the population each day. In addition, the moderate climate, miles of beaches, four airports and numerous marinas attract a multitude of visitors each day, swelling the population level to an estimated 420,000 (Collier County Planning Department estimate for 2009) during peak season. What is the problem we are trying to solve? The Collier County EMS/Fire Special Operations Response Team (SORT) IS tasked with providing: · Hazardous materials/weapons of mass destruction decontamination · Tactical Medic services for the Sheriff's Office . Fire/emergency scene rehabilitation of rescue workers . Medical response for search and rescue . Mass casualty medical response · Biological emergencies response with the Collier County Health Department These progmffis require basic supplies, tools and equipment to effectively meet the operational requirements necessary to provide a safe and comprehensive response to some of the most dangerous emergency events that occur in the County. Nearly 80% of the Collier County EMS/Fire budget covers personnel costs. The remaining 20% is utilized to cover operating costs and capital purchases to replace worn equipment. The budget -.-...,II____r.."".. :::::.~ 65:8 2705 Horseshoe Drive South, Naples, Florid. 34104' 239-252~459' FAX 239.252.3<98' WM'I.coll~rgov.oeUems ,;',;p:-lca Itern ~JO. 16F3 M8rch ~i+, 2009 Page 4 of4 Page 2 of2 is largely dependent on revenue. With the majority of the County being agricultural, there is a large influx of both a migrant population and indigent patients. As such, Collier County experiences a high volume of write-offs for ambulance services. In addition, ambulance fee collections are taking a negative turn due to the trend by insurance companies to short-pay claims (payments substantially less than that billed), unemployment and people's loss of group insurance, and the economy in general. Most individuals will choose to keep their lights on and feed their families before paying for an ambulance ride. As the revenues decrease, the offsetting funds must come from ad valorem taxcs, which are already strained due to the growth of the area and dcmands on the infrastructure of the County. Especially significant is the passage of a referendum in the State of Florida to reduce property taxes that will cripple county agencies from obtaining necessary funding through ad valorem taxes. In fact, the County budget for Fiscal Year 09 required a two percent reduction over the Fiscal Year 2008 budget and it is anticipated that even further reductions (at least 15%) will be required for Fiscal Year 2010. This in itself will seriously hamper any efforts to replace worn and unsafe equipment, let alone expand resources. This grant will significantly enhance the effectiveness of Collier County EMS/Fire Special Operations Response Team to meet the challenges of the operational tasks it has been assigned. Public Press Release: Through the Collier County EMS/Fire Public Information Officer, we will make a public press release about Wal-Mart's support of the Special Operations Response Team (SORT) through the Wal-Mart Community Grant Program supporting Public Safcty. Respectfully submitted, Donna Fiala, Chairman Collier County Board of County Commissioners Date ~,/ Jeff Page Collier County Emergency Medical Services/Fire Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK c ~ lv\ ~JQ0L. Colleen M. Greene Assistant County Attorney Deputy Clerk