Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16D10 itsm '-.]8. -; DD! 0 ~\!jar-:.h 24, 2009 1 of 6 ,,~.- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commi,sioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to the 2007 Continuum of Care (CoC) Subrecipient Agreement with the Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition (CCHHC) for the maintenance of the Homeless Management Information Systt'm (HMIS) ill the amonnt of $ t 04,645 w hieh was apprond 011 September 9, 2008 (I tt'm 16D35). This amendment will clarify start date, define sources of matching funds, and further specify the project's purpose as stated in the original agreement. OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to approve and authorize the Chaim1an to sign an amendment to the 2007 Continuum of Care HMIS 10 clarify start date~ source of Dlatching flmds. :.lnd the project's purpose as slated in the original agreement. CONSIDERATION: On September 9, 2008 the Board of County Commissioners approved a $104,645 subrecipient ~\greemel1t with Conier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition to maintain the Homeless Management Intc,mcation System (II1\1IS), a homeless tracking sy stem mandm'"d by the United SWlcs Departme:1l of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Collier County IIousing and HUlmUl SC1Tices Department (HHS) is p;questing lh"t the Agreement be amended 10 specifically clarify start date~ define sources of matching funds~ and funter :,,;p':.:cify the i:roject's purpose to allow Collier County to reimburse tILe subrecipient for an) eligible costs incurrcxl. FISCAL IMPACT: ~<o genc:r~ll funds arc associaTed \v:tn this anlcndmcnt. Expenditures for this Continuum uf Care (CoC) funded project :"soeiated with cbs amendment werc included ia the :'O'H-2009 budget. GRO\VTH ~1ANAGE;\'IENT L'\1:PACT: The projc,::t ~~sso~i\Jlcd .,'i,ill! this an1Cndi1jCnt is consistent with tbe Gw\\1h Management Plan. LEGAL CONSmERA nO!\s: [his item has been 'cyiewed and approved by the County Attorney's Ofticc. Tbis item is not quasi judiei:l1. aad as such ex parte disclosure is not required, This item requires majority vote only. This item is legally sumeient for Board Action-CJ\IG RECOMMENDATfOJ\: 1'11;][ [!\e 130ard of County Commis:;ionCl's approve and authorize the Chairman ;0 sign an amendment to tbe ~()07 C()J1linLlUm of Care H!\llS Subrceipient Agreement with the Collier County Hunger and HOllleless Coalit;0;1 (CCHHC) for the LlainL?n"ncc. cd' the Homeless Management information System 'H'11S) \,,11;cI1 ",'",.:;:' ~l'"'-'11"--'\~:~'-'~ (01'1 ',c.r.l,:....n"'\!JA" 9 "OfJ8 'r"I~-'> ,,,.,,,,,,,,",,,l,,,,;:.,--,t .,.,;11 ,...l...r;F~, d"..... ,-t...,..o1- \ .1\. '.,......., ...1'1...'\.......... ...., .''-1'''....''. .'~' ,.;. '-'.. .,,-. ,""..."'-HU;...'H. "Ii' ........."11) <.c',,", ~'\_u,. date, define SOLlrccs of m~'.tcbing fur:d::., and further sp('cii\ the project"s PUl1)\)se as st::ltcd in the original agreement. - Prepared By: ~hnvn T:ln. GrcElt5: C~c>(}rdinator, HOUS!~lg ,:,': !h!'1~~!;1 S'.:n:ices Dcpa.rtn:::::n Pagelof2 I',:; n r'~o. Ei[) CJ 1./131 r;h =4. ~03 20 6 COLLIER COUNTY BCARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 1GD10 Item Summary: Recommendalion that the Board :If County Commissioifers 8.;:;prove and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to t!le 2007 Continuum of Care (CoC) Subrecipient Agreement \M!h the Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition (CCHHC) for the maintenance of the H~meiess Management Information System (HMIS) in the amount of $104,645 wni:h was approved on September g. 2008 (!tern 1(025). ThiS amendment will clarify start date, define sources of matching funds. arid further specify the projects purpose as stated in the origl!-lal agrsement Meeting Date: 3/24/20099:0000 AM Prepared By TNri A. Daniels G;-an!s Coordinator Dato Public Services Housing & Hurnan Services 3/13,'20094:29:39 PM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Dirc-ct0r Date Public Servk:es Housing & Human Services 3/1612009 11 :09 A';{j Approved By Colleen Greene Assistant County Attcrner Date County Attorn<::'y Caunt)' Attorney Ofk.-!l 3/16:200911:39 AM Approved By Steve Carne!l Purchasing/Goneral Svcs Director Date f,dministrative Servicc.'s Purchasing 3:15/20C9 12:33 PM Approved By Lyn Wood Purchasing Agent Date Administr2tive Services Purcl12s:ng 3/16/2Cl09 2:07 PM Approved By Jeff KJatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date C aunty Attornc~y County Attornoy Offi\.',e 3118(2009 2:48 PM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Sorvices Adrninistrator Date Public Services Public Servicss Ad.nin. 3/17/2009 11:41 Aj,,~ Approved By OMS Coordinator OiVl8 CoordinAtor Dato County Managc~'s OfficD Offi::;e of Management & Budgd 3..'17;'2009 '12:57 PM Approved By Sh2r~f Prio, M;;;;,,:gement 8. 8ud~;st Analyst Dat,:; C.')unty r','an~lger's Offi.:::c Offica Gf rv~andgument &. Budgot :;/'i 7/:~C(:3 2:25 PM '\pproved By James V. [,'lucid C(;unty MM13gH Dat8 Page 2 of.2 ;::11 ;-J,:l. ~ c:;[} 0 [\'Ci;':;;--; ;:-.{, 2CICS 3 of 6 3::;<;:d t)f C.:;ur:ty C :.ll: 'fy rtanC"Jc'(s ::'")ffi,;e 3/'17/20C'9 4.44 Pf\.-1 Cc'mmioo,:;:::;"lers ii::':rn i.jo. ;3D 0 ~k:)rC:l 24,::0 :9 Page 4 0 6 EXHIBIT A-I Contraet Amendment # I "2007 Continuum of Care Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS)" This amendment, dated March 24, 2009 to the referenced agreement shall be by and between the parties to the original Agreement, Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition, Inc ("Sub- Recipient") and Collier County ("County"), a pol itical subdivision of the state of Florida. Statement of Understanding RE: Contract # FL14B706002, "2007 Continuum of Care HMIS" In order to continue the services provided for in the original Contract document referenced above, the Sub-Recipient agrees to amend the above referenced Contract as follows: Page 1 of 20: THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into this day of 20_, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," and Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition, Inc. (CCHHC) a private not- for-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, having its principal office at 279 Airport Road South, Naples, FL 34104, and its Federal Tax Identification number as 04- 3610154, hereinafter referred to as "SUBRECIPIENT" effec-ti-ve-Ma)' 1,2008. Page 3 of 20, Alticle Three: The effective date of this Agreement and all rights and duties designated hereunder are contingent upon the timely release of funds for this project by lIUD under Grant No. FL14B706002 (PIN FL14121). The effective date shall be the latest date of execution of this Agreement, however, the subrecipient mav incur expenditures reimbursable bv the Countv using Hun funds starting May 1, 2008, and the services of the SUBRECIPIENT shall be undertaken and completed in light of the purposes of this Agreement. In any event, all services required hereunder shall be completed by the SUBRECIPIENT prior to April 30, 2009. Any funds not obligated by the expiration date of this Agreement shall automatically revert to the COUNTY. :~:d !;2:r 1'-.':'), ~ GD 0 :,;':;1-,: h 2J : -; 9 5 (, ,3 Page 3 of 20, Atticle Four (Cl: Subrccipient shall be responsible for providing match funding equal to 20% of the award amount. Subrecipient shall not seek reimbursement from the County's General funds for this match funding. Page 16 of20, Exhibit "A" (Al The purpose of this project is to SUppOIt future participation and inclusion into the HM1S system to improve the sharing of data to effectively reduce and eliminate homelessness, streamline resources, and to improve the overall continuum of care within Collier County. The purpose of the CCHHC is to implement and fulfill BUD's requirement ofha';in;; a functional HMIS s)'stem by October, 2001. This HMlS system wH+- alJow~ Collier County agencies who service the public, easier access with each other on a day to day basis, and in tum provide more efficient service to the residents of Collier County. Note: Words underlined have been added. Words struck throur;h have been deleted. 1,8;"n f'.io. ibDlu fdt:m:h 24, 2009 Pa;;e 6 of 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Sub-Recipient and the County have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date(s) indicated below. AT-TEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts By Dated: Sub-Recipient: Collier County Hunger and Homeles, Coalition By: !lvL 1k e~ Debra Mahr, Executive Director WITNESS: By: 8A~.... 7:"__ !;hq""... 7.j ~ I 6rt;,,-I~ Print Name and Title (()"".(;'.f."... WITNESS: By: ~/I'7-W~ /301111/S S'i.a~'iClrTt Print Name and Title Approved as to fonn and Legal Sufficiency: AC%fggf::;~ ~ f>>//eefJ Gre8t'LR.--- Printed Name Accepted: COUNTY: ,2009 BOARD OF COL'NTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORlDA By: Donna Fiala, Chairman DEPARTMENT DrRECTOR By: ~~~ ./ Marcy ine D~"'Jt,aTOR. By:;l1Jc4 l v'Ti:~ , Marla~'" GRANT COORDINATOR By: (~~"'7""'" Shawn Tan :~NTRACTSPECIALIS~ ~Yn~ .---