Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16D 7 "'j. ,,;J ;'-, ';f .:+ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of Connty Commissioners approve a resolution authorizing the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for the Florida Boating ImprO\ement Pn>gram in the amount of $102,000 and authorizing the County Manager to designate a project manager to administer the grant. OBJECTIVE: To expand recreational boating opportunities for Collier County residents and visitors using avai lable grant opportunities. CONSIDERATIONS: The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is encouraging counties to apply for grants to improve recreational boating in their areas through the Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIPl. FBIP prmides competitive grant funding to county governments Jar enhancement of recreational boating. The program receives funding through a pOJ1ion of fuel taxes. Grantees are given approximately one year to complete their projects, The Parks and Recreation DepaJ1ment would liKe to apply for a FBIP grant to fund the survey, engineering, permitting and design costs I~)r The POI1 of the Islands Marina boat ramp / parking lot enhancements. The Port of the Islands Marina was acquired by the Collier County Parks and Recreation DcpaJ1ment on December 3 I. 2008, adding t\\O additional boat ramp lanes to thosc currently managed and operated by the Department. Enhancing the parking lot. staging areas and the boat ramp, which will include adding traction skids. is critical to the safe launching and parKing of boats, hoat trailers and vehicles. In addition to the cnhancements, a redesign of the current purking lot will better accommodate the boating public by increasing the number of spaces and turn-around arcas, Grant funding will help the Department to fast traCK the improvements needed to increase boater access to thc public. as well as improve boater safety, The preliminary project cost estimate j~1I" the survey, design, engineering and permit lor the improvements of the two-lane boat ramp and 23 boat trailer parking spaces and staging area at The Port of The Islands Marina will bc S 117300, This will include enhancements and rc-dcsign of the existing parking lot, boat trailer parKing spaces and the existing boat ramp. The Parks and Recreation Department will request $102,000 in grant funding and will provide in-kind funds of $15,300 jj'om staff costs for Administrative costs and Engineering / Construction Management. FISCAL IMPACT: The Parks and Recreation DepaJ1ment will provide in-Kind funds of $15,300 jJ'om staff costs le)r Administrative costs and Engineering / Construction Management. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Port of The Islands Marina will be inventoried as a regional park facility in thc Crel\\th !\1anagelllcnt Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This ilcm is not quasi-judicial, and as such ex pa<1e disclosure is not required. This item requires maiority vote onlv. This item is legally sufficient I"l' Board action. - CMG .. . Agenda Item No. 16DT March 24, 2009 Page 26f14 RECOMMENDATION:.. That the Board of County Commissioners approve the attached Resolutfonauthorizing.the submittal of a grant application to th.eFlorida Fish and 1Nildlife _ Conservation Commission for the Florida Boating Improvement Program and authorizing the County Manager to designate a project manager to. administer the grant. . . Prepared,By:Sidrtey KittiIa;. Operations Coordinator. ColIietCounty Parks and Recreation. Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUIHY COMMISSiONERS I'3D7 Page I of I i~-3rn r'l') ~ CD7 L':ar::;h 24, 20U9 =~ of I.!! Recommend n~at tilt? Board of Ccunty CO!1ltTlissioner3 appmve a resolution authorizing the sublT'.ittal of a grant application in the amount of $102.000 to the Florida Fish and VJiidlife Conservation Commission for the Florida Boating Improvement Program 3/24/20099:00:00 AM A pproved By Dobra Eurom Administrative Services Assistant Grant Coordinator Date t,dministratlve Services 3f101~009 12:3B PM Approved By Barry Williams Public Services Dr~0ctor Date Parks and Recreation 3/11/20094;56 PM Approved By CoHoon Greene County Attorney .e.ss!stant COClr1ty A!tornsr Date COunty Attorney 0ffi::;e 3/12/2009 12:17 PM Approved By ri:ada Ri:ms?y Public Services Public Scrvk:cs Administratar Date F\lb;ic Sc:rvfces Admln. 3/12;;;'009 2:35 n.~ Approved By .10ft K!atzl<ow County Atto'"ney Assistant County .l\tbrnf.'Y Date County Attorney Office 3!12/2009 4:54 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator County Managor's Office OMS Coordinator Date Office cf Management & 8udgS't 3i13i2009 9;15 AM Approved By Sherry Pryor County MDr;,~ger's Office Managemant & Budget Analyst Date om::o of Mana['e,T10n~ & Budget 3/13/20093:38 PM Approved By w1amE,S V. Mudd B()8rd of Co~nty Comim55iOl'ers County Manager Da~c Cm.:nlY !k'lnag('.r's OLice .11"17120091 29 Pk\ ~~':~iT, ~"b, i 3;""jl fV\:'lrch 2,j 2iJng COLLIER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER ~:~f .:[ 3301 East Tamiami Trail' Naples, F]orida 34] 12. (239) 252.R3R3' FAX: (239) 252-4010 March 24, 2009 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Florida Boating Improvement Program 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of the Collier County Board of Commissioners. I am pleased to submit the enclosed grant application for the current cycle of the Florida Boating Improvement Program for survey. design, engineering, and permitting of the Port of the Islands Marina, If this project is chosen for funding Collier County is committed to fulfilling all commitments made in the application, I. James V, Mudd, County Manager, authorize Sidney Kittila, Operations Coordinator for Collier County Parks and Recreation Department, to be designated as the project manager and official contact person for this grant project. I understand that all correspondence regarding the grant application will be directed to her. Collier County thanks you for the opportunity for assistance in expanding and enhancing rccreational boating for its residents and visitors, Sincerely, ~~W County Manager fl ..;,;I.::;" l '. >' ' :;SiTI r,io. :0Lii ;,:13:'h 2~, 2C;0-3 5 af 14 RESOLUTION NO, 2009- RESOLUTION AFFIRMING A GRANT APPUCA TION TO THE FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CO;'>/SERVATION COMMISSION, FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the State of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) encourages counties to improve recreational boating in their areas through the Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP); and WHEREAS, Collier County desires to cnhance the recreational boating opportunities for Collier County residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Department is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners affirm submittal of a grant application to the FWC on behalf of Collier County and authorize the County Manager to designate a staff project manager to perform all necessary acts to obtain these grants and to accomplish thc goals of such a grant if awarded to the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: The Board of County Commissioncrs affirms submittal of the grant application to the Florida Fish amI Wildlife Conservation Commission, attached hereto, and authorizes the project manager to apply for and administer the grant on behalf of Collier County with all understandings and assurances contained therein, and also authorizes Staff to act in accordance therewith. This Resolution adopted this _ day of _ 2009, after motion, second and majority votc in favor of adoption. ATTEST: DWIGHT E BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: DONNA FIALA, CHAIRMAN Approved as to fom1 and legal sufficiency: (#J ~1~li~i1 !vi, Grecnc Assistant County Attomcy Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission :\ [.)0. ,':;:"";/ ,;",r',:::I::::'4 2009 P;:lG:? rl Df 14 FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION FOR ECOMOMIC DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES AND OTHER LOCAL BOATING-RELATED PROJECTS tJ1-.'F'.\'C.tO\j1 Grant Apnlication Number: FOROFFlCE USE ONLY' . . j Date Received: F"II /I h I L /I h hi k I in a sections t at GDl)/V- eave a at er sectIons an I - APPLICANT INFORMATION a. Applicant: Collier County Board of County Commissioners b. Federal Employer ld. No.: 59-6000558 . c. Project Manager Name: Sidney Kittila Project Manager Title; Operations Coordinator .- ct. Mailing Address: 15000 Livingston Road City: Naples Zip Code: 34109 - e. Shipping Address: City: Zip Code: [. Telephone: 239-252-4018 Fax: 239.252-6595 Email: S idneykittila@colliergov.net .- . g. DiSLrict Numbers: SLlte lIouse: 76 State Senate: 37 County Commis.sion: I ll- PROJECT SUMMARY .- a. Project Title: Port of the Isles Marina h. Tvpe of Application: jlSl-New (never considered before) I \? 'd . --l- 0 Phased Continuation-Phase No.: ..' econSI eratlOn - - "u" '.. ____,. c. Project Category: TIER-I TIER-II lSl Other Local Boating Related Activity o Economic Development Initiative - d. Project Cost: Total Cost: $ I I 7.300 Amount Requested: $ .- - e. Project Summary: Collier County Parks and Recreation will hire a consultant firm to survey. design, engineer, and pennit repairs and improvements for the two-lane boat ramp and 23 boat trailer parking spaces and staging areas, and on site boat storage area at Port of the Islands Marina. rhe Cllrrent conditions at the ramps include cracke,d, uneven slabs, and slippery conditions. Estimated total project cost is $] 17,300; requested FIlIP funds is $1 02,000, Grant funds will be used to enhance the existing ramp slabs, repair slippery conditions on boat ramp by adding skids and filling the void under the existing ramp. Funds willlllso be used to enhance and re. design the existing parking lot to bener accommodate the boating public. This will include fe-design ofthe existing 23 boat trailer parking spaces to incrcase the number of parking spaces available to the public. It will also include paving the exisiting grass area for additional boat and trailer parking. There are approximately 90 brrass parking spaces. The ramp and parking lot enhancements will not only better accommodate the boating public, but improve boater safety. FWClFBIP-[ (Ot/08) PdgC I of5 i['::rT: ['-10. 'leD? fl.::): :,;-' :::'4, 20C9 7 of '4 III - PRO.JECT NEED a, List Primary Need for Project: 1:81 Safety o Age-end of Useful Life o Environmental Needs of the Area o Other: 1:81 High Demand by U sets o Recommended by FWC Staff 1:81 Lack ofIn.house Capability b. Necd Statement: Currently 33 boat ramp lanes serve boaters countywide. The Collier County Parks and Recreation Department maintains twenty-one of these lanes in ten locations; City or State government provides seven lanes in three locations; and eight are privately oVv'ncd at six locations and open to the public. Twenty four thousand fow hWldred and fifty eight (24, 458) vessels '.vere registered in Collier County in 2007 based on information collected from the Collier County Tax Collectors office. Of these registered vessels, 15.255 are dependent on boat ramps for water access. At an average of20 launches per vessel per year, countywide facilities must be able to accommodate 305,100 launches per year (15,255 vessels @ 20 launches per year). Spread acrooss the 33 boat ramp lanes available each lane will average 9,245 lalU1ches per year or 25 lane-launches per day. This figure is in accordance with the recommendation of the Florida Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Planning Guide of 2000. which suggests that a single boat ramp lane can accommodate 36 launches per day. These calculations however. do not provide for a peak (weekends and holidays) carry capa.city of 46 lalUlches per ramp per day. The enhancement of the parking lot and the boat ramp lanes is critical to accommodate. in a safe manner, average and peak ramp use by an ever increasing boating public. -. -. IV - PERMITS a. Does the project require a permit? 1:81 Yes o No .- b. If Yes, what type: 1:81 Local 1:81 State 0 Other, explain: , - ~ c. Status of Permit Application: -. .- - ---~---- - - C8J Not yet applied for 0 Applied for, pending o Approved -- F\vt:/FBlP-E (01i08) Page 2 of5 - .. , :"::j::; 'J vi ,~ V - BUDGET a. Ilas a detailed cost estimate been develuped for thiS project? If yes. attach a copy to application. ~ Yes) Preliminary o Yes, Final ONo b. PROJECT COST: NOK-CASH FUNDS i Other Cost Item , Applicant (Llst below in Do Not Use TOTAL Section Vl) This Column ,~. --- -.-, - '.- Administration $ 5,100 S . $ 5,100 In~Kind Engineeringl Construction Management $ 10,200 $ $ 10,200 - _. In.Kind Labor S $ $ ~_.~._- In-Kind Materials $ $ $ In. Kind Equipment $ $ $ T otaI Non-Cash Funds $ 15,300 $ $ 15,300 c, PROJECT COST; CASH FUKDS _._m I Other Cost Item Applicant (List below in FBlP Grant TOTAL I Section VI) Planning / Engineering / Design $ $ $ $ I ._. Implementing $ $ S S I Other: $ $ $ S Total Cash Funds $ $ T$ $ , d. TOTAL FUNDS (Non.cash ~ Cash funds) $ $ i$ $ j:2Ti ~jo. i()L.l :/,::iI-,-::,h 24 2C<::9 VI - OTHER SOURCE OF FUNDS (Partnersbips) a. Funding source / Agency: _______.__ b. Type offunding: o Federal b'[ant o State/Local grant o Loan c. Grant Name: -~'-< Amount $ d. Approval Status: o Approved o Pending o Intend to Apply, Date;. .- a. Funding source I Agency: .-.....- b, Type of funding; o Federal grant o StateiLocal grallt o Loan c. Grant Name: ~--._,-- .....- Amount $ d. Apprllval Status: o Approved o Pending o Intend to Apply, Date; ------,,~.~- - ...~. a. Funding SDurCC / Agency: b. T:vpe of funding: n federal grant n Statl":/r .ne,'ll ~r.1nt o Loan ~ c. Grant Name: _. -~-- . --.---...-.--------.- .____m__ Amount $ d. Approval Sratns; o Appro,'ed o Pending o Intend to Apply, Date; . FWClFBIP-E (OJ/OS) Page 3 of5 .-, VII - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT YES NO a, Will the project significantly or adversely affect the environment? 0 ~ -. b. If Yes, please explain key issues and describe any mitigation actions proposed. - " N ---7 . L~;m o. i 'JU rv~3i"ch 24, 2-]09 Page CJ ')f 14 VIIl- BOATER SAFETY a. Explain how the project may affect boater safety whether positively or negatively. Port of thc Islands Marina was acquired by the Collier County Parks and Recreation Department on December 31, 2008, adding two additional boat ramp lanes to those currently managed and operated by the department. Enhancing the parking lot, staging areas and enhancing the boat ramp which will include adding skids is critical to the safe launching and parking of boats, boat trailers, and vehicles. In addition to the enhancements, a fe-design of the current parking lot will better accommodate the boating public by increasing the number of spaces and tum-<.lIOunds. FWC/}"HIP-c (Ol/OE) Page 4 of5 :k;iY, r<J. CJ7 :\'~:JrC~i 24. 2009 Pa:;:: 1 C1~)f ~ 4 -- IX - APPLlCA nON A TT ACHMENTS CHECKLIST Include an electronic copy on CD or floppy disk and seven (7) photocopies of the application with attachments. Inc. . . . Required Attachments. . - [gJ a, Cover Letter: application transmittal cover Jetter (Identify priority rank with multiple applications). [gJ h. Application: One (l) application with original signature from autllOrized individual. - [gJ c, Project ProposaL a detailed description of project as outlined in Lie application instructions. --'''~-'-''''- --- d. Resolution: An adopted resolution. by the Governing Body, authorizing that the Project Manager has the authority to [gJ apply for and administer the grant on behalf of the applicant. If the Applicant is applying on behalf of another public entity, then a Memorandum ofUnders1anding between the Applicant and the public entity must also be submitted - - - Optional Attachments - - - '-'..~ [gJ e. Detailed Cosl Estimate: Cost estimate in the form of a formal bid, wIitten quote from proposed vcndor or an engineer's cost estimate. ..--. D f. Permits: Photocopies. ofnecessaI)' project permit{s) or pennit application(s). If exempt, provide nohfi:::ation of exemption from permitting agency. - D g. Plans: preliminary designlengmeering plans (If completed). D h. SupporUOpposition: Attach letters ofknoYvTl public support or knoVt'n public opposition. APPLICk'lT SIGNATURE Application is hereby made for the activities described herein. I certIfy that I am familiar with the informahon contained in the application, and, to the best of my knowledgc and belief, this information is true, complete, and accurate, I further certify that I possess the authority including tI1e necessary requisite property interests to undertake the proposed activities. I also certify that the Applicant's governing body is aware of and has authonzed the Project Manager as the official representative of the Applicant to act in connection \vith this appJ icaticn and subsequent project as well as to provide additional information as may be required, By signature below, the Applicant agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws in conjunction with this proposal and resulting project so approved, Dorma Fiala Print/Type Name Chairman Title Applicant Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ( ) Personally appeared before me this _ _._ day of subscribed and s\vore to the above instrument in my presence. ,200_, ,who Notary Publie Name: My commission expires:___. NOTE: Instruction and fhITher inform<!!lon reg::irding thls appb:aticn and tr.~ Fh:::ridil Boating Improvement Program can be found in the Florida: Boating t(ffogra&Il~ou may contact the Program Administrator at Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Cormrussion, Florida Boating Improvement Program, 620 South Meridian SHeet, T~lJ.q.hassee, FL 32399-1600; or call (850) 488-5600' 'Or . , email tofbip$J}\.fvF\VC.com. n~~-~ E. BROCK. Cier~ Colleen Greene, Assista~t Cou~ty Attorney Page 5 of 5 ~, FWCiFBlP-F. (01 /OS) it";;!T) >JO. '~D7 t/larc:l 24, 2009 11 of 14 FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Instrnctions for Completing the Grant Application for Economic Development Initiatives and Other Local Boating-Related Projects General Instructions: . Submit one (I) original and seven (7) copies, . Submit an electronic copy of application on CD or floppy disk. · Staple application in upper left-hand corner, or clip with one binder clip. DO NOT SPIRAL BIND OR PLACE IN A THREE-RlNG BINDER OR REPORT COVER. . Please place a tabbed divider between each attachment. . Please make all photocopies of attachments on paper no larger than II" x 17", I - APPLICANT INFORMATION I a, Applicant: Enter the name of the county, municipality, or other governmental entitv applying for the crant. b, Federal Employer Id, No,: Entcr the applicant's Federal Employer Identification (FEfD) Number. Payment will be sent to the address associated with this FEID number, c, Project Manager Name: I Enter the name and title of the person in charge of the project. All Title: correspondence will be sent to this person, d, Mailing Address: Enter the mailing address for the Project Manager, All correspondence will be sent to this address, e, Shipping Address: Enter the physical address for the Project Manager (no post office -, Zin Code: boxes) for d.eliy'ery of overnight packages. f, Telephone No,: Enter the telephone nmnber, fax number, and email address where Fax No.: the Project Manager may he contacted during regular business E-mail: hours. g. District Numhers: Enter the District numbers for the State House, State Senate and the County Commission, -. Page I of 4 ;':::;~') "'Ie. ~ '~;07 i.:-i;^ ~~I ~ 4 2'JC ~ "i2 e;f" 4 - II-PROJECTSU~ARY a. Proicct Title: Pro_v.i<ie a brief title for the project. b, Type of Application: Check "New" if you have never applicd for FBIP funding for this project. Check "Reconsideration" if you have applied before but did not receive funding, Check "Phased Continuation" if the project has oreviousJv rece!"ed FBIP funding, c. Project Category: Chcck only one project category, Refer to the guidelines for project category descriptions, Application will be ranked only against other applications within the same project category, The Commission reserves the right to re-assign an application to another project category to maximize funding. d, Project Cost: Enter total amount of project cost, including only the eligible projcet elements where grant funds will bc used, Enter the amount of funds re~~~ed from FBIP. e, Project Summary: Provide a brief description of the goal of the project, the work to be done and the expected outcome or final product. III - PROJECT NEED 1-----.. Check the category that is most applicable, a. List Primary Need for Proiect: b. Need Statement: Briefly describe why this project is needed, Explain any existing problems and how this project will correct the problem, or describe how this proiect will enhance recreational boating in the local communi tv, IV - PERMITS Check status of all permit applications. If project type does not require permits. or project is exempt from permitting requirements, check "No", If available, atiach a photocopy of all permits or permit applications, If proj ect is exempt, attach a copy of exemption notification. .-- V - BUDGET a, Has a detailed cost cstimate been developed for this project? I Indicate whether a preliminary or final cost estimate has been I developed. I~yeS' attach a copy of the estimate to the application, Entcr amount of in-kind matching funds for each cost item. Amounts in "Other" column should include in-kind funds from any third-party agreements (providcd by someone other than the applicant), *Please note: All applications must include some form of non-cash matching funds. Enter amount of funding to be provided by the applicant and other sources, Entcr the amount of funding requested in the column labeled "FBIP Grant." rs-;:;;;- afnon-cash flmd~;;;d;,asb funds for e<1<:~_~olunin. . _. b, PROJECT COST - NON- CASH FUNDS' c. PROJECT COST - CASH FUNDS Ld: TOTAL FUNDS Page 2 of4 :~8m ~JD. ~i GDl [',.-';arch ="4. ~'OG9 '13 of '14 -'" VI - OTHER SOURCE OF FUNDS (STATUS) Include information on funding from sources other than FBIP or applicant. Enter information for cach funding source, a Funding Source: Check source of funds: Federal grant, State/Local grant, or loan, b. Grant Name: Enter name of grant proJ!;ram, c. Approval Status: Enter status of grant/loan application, If "Intending to Apply", enter date of annlication deadlinc. -..- VII - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT a, Will the project significantly Explain how the project will have a significant or adverse affect on the or adversely affect the environment and include information on the impacts to water quality, environment? wetlands, seagrasses. impcriled species, etc. b, If Yes, please explain key issues and describe any mitigation actions nroposed, -._.--~ VIH - BOA TER SAFETY a, Explain how the project may affect boater safety whether positively or negatively. Provide explanation of how the project may improve boater safcty (i,e, increased educati on, increased law enforccment, etc.) or, explain any potential boater safety hazards and how they will be corrected, Also, please indicatc ifthe project will have no effect on boater safety, IX - APPLICA nON ATTACHMENTS CHECKLIST Indicate which attaclunents have been included with the application, Required attacluncnts must be included or application will bc dcemed incomplete, Optional attaclunents may be omitted, but applications with optional attaclunents included will receive a higher scorc during evaluation, Please place a tabbed divider between each attaclunent. Submit one original (with original signature) and seven (7) photocopies of the entire application with attaclunents, Page 3 of 4 "::;:"'1 i<o, '~~G? fV':~11,h'=4 /~Ct'9 ?:C'J8 ':4 .:AQ --"- . PROJECT PROPOSAL The Project Proposal should be a detailed description of the project and should include the following elements: Proj ect Description A detailed description of the project including what the project will produce or accomplish and how the project will scrve the needs of r_ecreational boaters and boating-related activities in your area, . Specific Tasks Describe the work that will be done in order to complete the project. (For example: Task I - Conduct Boater Survey. Task 2 - Feasibility Study, Task 3 .. Develon Economic Imoact Statcmcnt) Timetable Include a proposed schedule for when tasks are to begin and when they _. will be completed by quarter. Page 4 of4