Agenda 03/24/2009 Item # 4B Aaenda Ilem I~o. 48 " March 24, 2009 Page 1 of 2 PROCLAMA TION WHEREAS, the F/qrido Panther is the Official State Animal of the great State of Flodda; and, WHEReAS, the Florida Panther is tl magnificent subspecies and Q symbol of the natural character of the Everglades Ecosystem of Sovth Florida: Of/It WHEREAS. the FJDrida panthers decline occurred prior to 1950. when it was still/ego! to hunt them. Panthers were fisted as endangered in 196Tond ore protected under state and federal laws, and as of 2006, biologists estimate roughly 80 - 100 Florido panthers remain /n the Wild: and, WHEREAS, it is the will of the people of Collier County and therefore a mission of their government to rescue the Florida Panther from the threat of extinctkm: and, WHI?REAS. beCDuse Collier County is the stronghold For the long-term survival of the Florida PantherJt is vital that the Natural Resource managers, nen-profit groups" citiZens" and businesses in the County need to gather to celebrate this species fo,. the South Flo,.ida Ecosystem; and" WHEREAS, the F!o"lda Legls/ature has established the third Saturday in March as ':Save the Floricla Panther Day".. and, WHl?REAS, edtJCotlng the residents of Collie,. County wi'll help us co-exist safely In a panther habitat. By being alert from dusk 't11 dawn and whenever deer or ather panther prey (deer, raccoons, rabbits" etc.) are active, keeping domestic livestock secure, landscaping for safety, and considering other deterrents such as outdoor lighting and hiking or biking with a friend, we con accomplish that goal: and, WHEREAS, there has never been a Imown attack of a human by 13 Florida Panther; the cat moves primarily at night, so keep your chifd,.en within sight and close to you". give the panther a way to escape if you cross paths". do not run as it may stimulate the panthers instinct to chase: avoid crouching or bending over as it makes you look smaller: try to appear/arger by waving your arms, opening your jacket and throwing stones or branches without turning your back, and fight back if you are attacked: and, WHEREAS, it Is proper and fitting far all Floridians to paust! and reflect on the plight of the Florida Panther and the task of preserving the sleek, lean" carnivorous, and ~autiful Florida panther species to enrich the legacy of generations yet to come. NOW THEREFORE.. be it proclaimea by the Boord of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, thot March 14, 2009 through March 21, 2009 be designated os PANTHER AWARENESS WEEK DONE AND ORDERED THIs 24rH Day of March, 2009. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY" FLORIDA DONNA FIALA, CHAIRMAN ATTEST' DWIGHT E BROCK. CLERK COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 48 Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 48 March 24, 2009 Page 2 of 2 Proclamation designating March 14, 2009 through March 21, 2009 as Panther Awareness Week. To be accepted by Lisa Ostberg, President, Friends of the Florida Panther Refuge. 3/24/2009 90000 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Paula Springs Executive Aide to the BCe Date Board of County Commissioners BCe Office 3/6/200911:15:20 AM Approved By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Board of County Commissioners Bee Office 3/6/2009 12:55 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 3/12/2009 5:27 PM