Resolution 2003-250 3232430 OR: 3358 PG: 1029 DCORDID in OPPICIAL RlCORDS of COLLIIR COUNTY I PL 01/04/2003 at 08:05AII DVIGII'l' I. BROCI, mRl RIC m IUO coms 4.00 Retn: CLm TO THI BOARD IHTBROmCI 4TH PLOOR BIT 724 0 17F RESOLUTION NO. 2003- 250 RESOLUTION FOR PETITION AVPLAT2002-AR3183 TO DISCLAIM, RENOUNCE AND VACATE THE COUNTY'S AND THE PUBLIC'S INTEREST IN THE 15 FOOT WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED ON A PORTION OF LOT 42, BLOCK "B", ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF "FOREST LAKES HOMES", AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGES 41 THROUGH 46, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND TO ACCEPT A RELOCATION DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON A PORTION OF SAID LOT 42 AND ON A PORTION OF THAT PARCEL OWNED BY THE PETITIONER WHICH ABUTS SAID LOT 42. LOCATED IN SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 177.101, Florida Statutes, Roger Carter, P.S.M., from RW A, Inc., as agent for the petitioner, Ronald Baldy, does hereby request the vacation of the 15 foot wide Drainage Easement located on a portion of Lot 42, Block "B", according to the plat of "Forest Lakes Homes", as recorded in Plat Book 12, Pages 41 through 46, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and to accept a relocation Drainage Easement on a portion of said Lot 42, Block "B" and on a portion of that parcel owned by the Petitioner which abuts said Lot 42; and WHEREAS, the Board has this day held a public hearing to consider vacating the 15 foot wide Drainage Easement located on a portion of Lot 42, Block "B", according to the plat of "Forest Lakes Homes", as more fully described below, and notice of said public hearing to vacate was given as required by law; and WHEREAS, the granting of the vacation will not adversely affect the ownership or right of convenient access of other property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following be and is hereby vacated, extinguished, renounced and disclaimed, and this action is declared to be in the Public's interest and for the Public's benefit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. OR: 3358 PG: 1030 I1F - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Drainage Easement, more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein, is hereby accepted as the relocation Drainage Easement for the Drainage Easement vacated herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk to the Board is hereby directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida, and to make proper notation of this vacation on the recorded plat as referenced above. This Resolution is adopted this Zq# day of JU(~ , 2003, after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. DATED: '1-:-?l-03 ATTEST:.~,'J' C~ ~'.'f1 DWIGl:IT-E, ~ROC~;.~lerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ::UJERr~ Tom Henning, Chairman '1-2.G -03 ... ',' ~4: ~ ~~~, ))~ Deput~perk,'. .>. Att.(t;at,tQ.~;6i'~fr.llall' s sf 9I'Iatureonl J . Approved as to form and legal ~CienCy: ~~, Patrick G. te, Esq. Assistant County Attorney OR: 3358 PG: 1031 LINE LENGTH Ll 15.2~ L2 48.80 L3 34.38 L~ 15.00 L5 27.90 L6 45.00 L7 27.00 L8 43.00 EXHffiIT "A" SHEET 1 OF 1 AVPLAT2002-AR3183 17F B s ~ o 25 50 . , GRAPHIC SCALE 1"= 50' N65"2!!1'11"E MDWIIC' ".,. III1N _~ rt1II nc' ""'-" IT. _ W.1lT $lfC1D/ _ IICSaI..'lI1N IT fill CJtUT/ItG " I71DT IRK __ CA.IPlIM' KIIIl _, IT tOT <<. rQIICST LMU IOICSo oU flCCDlfllC' IN I"l.AT _ II. IWIn: ., _. IT nc' _II: IfCCtIIItIIf IT Cl/U/CII a:uwTY, "Ltllll... CUR lIE Cl THIS _ _"";' HCCTS nc' _ m:H<<AI. sr_ ler rt1IITPt ~ nc' n.ORI", _ IT t_ ARK_So _T ro rcCTIDIt .n"7. ''tClf/1lA .srA~ _ OW'rt:1I 1UG/7.... rU1lllM _.s_Ttw: CUE; I/lJ OTHCll _ l1II PI,,'" 1M' oWl.' _"".1' ~r: L.EGIll. IltSCRI'T1DN t1l' Nt EIl1$TUCi IS F'llDT ..,JIlt _11MliE EASEMENT IEING ''''1 t1l' L.OT 42. rOIlEST L.MES IOIES AS IlECDlIIltD IN I'lAT J[IJI( 12. PICI;S 41 THlDUGH 4' t1l' nc: PULIC IlECDlIDS CF CD.L.IEII COINTT. n.DllIIIA kglrv*>g ot tN __...t c_ a# ..., ..!sting IS roat .IM ...~ ..._t Nt>IQ _ __.t _tl' c......... 0' Lot 42. ,.......t L."M.. _.. .... ....,....- In Plat _ 12. pllQftl 41 tl'rouO" 46 0' tlW P_ Itwc_ or cou~ C"""tl'. n_ -.-...,'t... c..lI... L.ot All. T......,. go South 1!lI'4rW E...t. . ....t"",,-.. 0' IS.!!4 r..t ol_ - SoutMo._,. ~ 0' 0' L.ot 42. . _. Lo.."w,D- ...._._1,. u... 0' Lot 42. go _th 71'2O'lID' 1I..t . ....\aI'lC. or 4S.80 ,..'t. T-.:. go _tft 24"34'4" lint .. ....t..ne. 0' 34.31 ro.t to .. polnt on .. c_ u... ar L~ 42 ...... Lot 41. T......,. go _th 'S'z:l'll' ta.'t ..long ..... con_ ,.... 0' Lot 41 .... Lat 42 .. ....to"". 0' IS-OIl ,..t to .. c_ ...... ar Lat 41! ...... .. pa...,el LI'lr\g __.t_1' ar L.ot 41!. r~ In ornc:1ol ilK....... ....... 1243. Pogo 0007' a' tN PublIC IIwc....ds 0' CoIUer C"""tl'. f'L_ (lW....rt... colii'd tlW __.t_1' parcell, T_. '......g c_ ~ of Lot 42 ..... L.at 41. go S.....th 1!4'34'4" E...t i~2 :.:~ u.. D' Lot ..2 GI"ICII . .. Nar"tiw..~")' pa."c'" Il _.tare. o( Thone. go Sout;, 71'20'00' h.t ..1_ .. c_ u... ..t..." L.at 41! ...... - __.,..-11' parc:Wl .. ...t""". a' 4:lJlC1 r..t. to _ _t 0' ~ a' tlW .._t ........ ...c"-' _ Go CMlTC/f I'fKITJ:.sUllNM. _",,;_ _ ~ t,f' s_ =r~rcH~~ 7i.~ ~ A.z.ct.o~ ''''I/f1t:iIC. ~~_lIf:fllIP '_U'S1W I/lJT VAl.II IImrvr nc' .sIGM4F1JIIE' _ ,w. 1lIi'_ IMIS[" ... IT A n.t1IIl/IA LII%MIC' _",,;_ _ -- NO OFlDt _ l1II anlrr 1M. llI1 y _ W& SW\II'l': 00$ _ _\1[" 1.1' IN.' 11P. r,.; t_ AS' 1IC$CrfIIICI. IT n I/lJT " CClfrlFlCA1C IT rlll,C. ~ CASClfClfr.s l1II n&-r_ /IF ~.s. A.t.s1!MC' 1/lJ' "II'ICVC" SUIIIjK't to ..._to ....... ~..trlc:'tIana a' nrc_ ..."""". .,.. ........ "" tN ...o\..-iy pr_ty llrw 0' LDt 42. f"_.t L.a".. _ .. Iow'"D S.....tIo 1!r'41""' "nt. GCKML I/lJrr.s> /, IC_ NIC M1C. /III nc' eM, -'fry tiC IT un 41. ICJIIG $/J./TPt .......,r K.s'. . ~ CH.C# " CI1H1WllS'DN 1.1' -.. C_, ICIlltHG _ 1I.s,.wca NIC rlDfTll:M. Vl7H ,"ur 11'<11.1&".1: :I __ NIC IN raT _ IICC-..s lIā‚¬IICEl'", .. IoII":II',.r_ ~ " C>at# I/I$TMC% CHI"" _ ICIIIfIYIl _N . 1fIGn-lJT-ttlAY ut'. . UTA-It., CIUOlDlr.. U. . MAIIWiC tltSrltCllF It. . fit... r.. " . 1IItASIAC& C . ~aA.llur.. r . rlO.. T./U. . lIP IT _ a . CPtTCa.-: RJJlf~ ... ",,} 1- 30150 Nllrlh HorIIIhoI om.. 8u1t1270 NalliII. FIor1dII34104 (M11 &18-;llOlI FAX: (1141) 148-7051 r:......: www.clllllUl-iWLCOlll DATE: 4/29/02 CLIENT: SCAlE: 1'=50 _WNiI't: R.K. RON BALDY CHECo<[D IV: J.J.H. SEC: ,..., ACE: 3 4'lS 25E TITLE: SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION or AN EXISTING 15 FOOT ....IIlE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 8EING PART 01' LOT 42, rOREST LAKeS HOMES AS RECORDED IN PLA BOOK 12 , PAGES 41 THROUGH 4& or THE PUBLIC RECORDS Of' COLLIER COUNT'\' FLORIDA, ~~~BEE~~ 02-0017 SHEET 1 NUMBER: OF 1 riLE NUMBER: L.OT -42-SIC(TCHIoI EXHIBIT "aM SHEET 1 OF 1 A VPLA T2002-AR3183 PARCEL L YlNG NORTHEASTERLY OF LOT 42 - 1lL.0CI( e C.R. eOOl< 1243 PAGE 1079 s ~ o 25 50 , GRAPHIC SCALE , "= 50' L.EGAl. DE SCRIPTION [JI" A PROPOSED DRAINAGe EASEMENT IEING PART [JI" L.OT 4e. rlJtl:ST V,KES HONES AS RECORDED IN PL.AT IIlXIll Ie. PAGES 41 THROUGH 46 [JI" THE PtJBl.IC REClIIlDS [JI" Cl1.l..IER CDUNTY. RORlDA lltglnnlt\Q Q t tt'l. [:41".,..l)' COr"'ne-r of on I'Xltiting 1~ 'oot wl* drolnQ.QIt .os.....nt Gl.lO b"nQ "tlw Nor'tMG.St """opl'r1.y COf"'nt',.. of lot 42. Fo,.....t La.k.. ~.s.. QS ,..corlHd In Plo.t Book 12. PllOOS 41 througn 46 of _ PuiJIK Rocor-ds Dr CoU~r County. nor-Ide. o.oro..nor c..LLod L.ot 4!>. n".l'ncl' Sou't" 28-48':5'- "..1.. Go dlttoncl' of 1'-24 ,..t~ along tM sou'thl'o.st.,..ly bwndory tfrW of said L.o't 42. to Q. point on 1:n. liouthitl'''ly sAd. of Kid 1~ foot wide raNg. .a.s."",n'tJ Thoneo l...vlng ttw s..1d South...storly _ry IIno. North 71"eO'00' \Int. ..10f'l\l ttw .outlwrl)' SkM of .ClId 1'.'!1 root .... rolnGgl' I'a.SI'N'f"I't, CL d1t'tClnC' of i.10 f..'tJ Tkenc. lHvlr'lg 1he' south",..ly sI. of sa.ki 15 foot .kt. drolno.QiI .o.SltMnt. Mort'"' 28.48''59- Lost. Q clstor"lclt of' 29.'6 ,..t.. along G llrw 6.00 ,..t pa.ra,U.L to 'tM Soutnt'a.st.,.ly boundoory ~'=t~Q~~rl~O~'~o~~a~~~"~s t~I'~~::':,n-~.~~y R::;:"to':' t::3~ :;c~o~r:, tM Public Rl'col"'dS of CoUll'''' County. rlorlda the"'iI'o-''tf'r ca.Uf'd 1:hl' Norttwo.stl'1"'ly PQrct'UJ Ttwnco Nortl'l 37'Q~'GG' \Int. .. dlst..nco of 34,84 Foot to .. po"'t lying 12.00 root South..ostt'rly 0' t..... NoI"'1:n..st..ny bOwncla.ry IN 0' 1:nl So.klI Northe'ost"rly pOl"'ct'IJ T.....nc. Sou'th 65-2"U- Wf'I"t, olon; Q liP'll' 12.00 parQl\~ 1.0 t..... so-let Narth..s"tt"rly be....Il....)' line of "tn. sold Nortne-a.S1:.,.,y po.rct'l a. clstClnc:1' of 47.30 ,..t. to Q poi"lt on tn. Southwt"st.r-~y 51* 0 1:5 foot ..dlt dra"ClO- 1'051'f't1'"t, of soJd Lot 42, ~~;~n~o~t~(S~~-;:;.:~ ~~~' f~~~ t:h: =~~~~~.~~~o s~:f"S:~~~'.1:"'.~)' '::'\:~Qft North..st.,..,)' bo~a.I"'Y lIn. of so.ld Lot 42. Thene. No,..1:h 65-~.U. Eo.s1. OlOf"'tg Go lint' Q:.50 'ao't po.l"'oU,l to thl' SGId North...1.,-ly boundo.ry II,... of sold Lot 4Z~ Go dlstvw;t' of' 1:5.00 ,...t to the Mort....a.st.,.-.y std. of so.ld l~' cro.inogt' "s.~ntl rn.nc. North 24-34'4'- 'Vt'st~ Golang tn. NortMGoI,..rly sI. 0' soJd 15 'oat .kI. ..a.....Dge' ..asf'......nt. 0. d1sto.ncl' of 0.:50 foc"t. 'to th' "ost Nor'th.,.ly corn..... or sold Lot 42} TN-net' No,.tt1 65'Z::5'U. Eost. olOf'1D 'th4P Nor-t....es't..rly bouncla.ry lltw of tM lold No,..ttwQst.ny E)Qt'cel. Q, c:f(stortC.. 0' 45.00 ,....1:. to "thr I'los't NOl"'th.....ly co,..ner of t..., sa.ld Nar'tMost....ty parc~J Thirncl' South 3rO~'OO' Ea.11. along "the toste-MY lhw of th, SQid ftlIorthf'ottf'l"'ly pAre. I. Q d1sto.ncl' of 43.67 f.....t. to tM ,",Olt [ost'l"'ly cor,..r of ttw I~id Ho,.-thI'Qst.,.-~y i>Gr"cif'lJ Tlwnc.. Sou'1:h e8'48""- \J"t. along tM SauthIGs'tt,,.ly bounclQry lr.1' 0' tM SGtd No,.-thltcu;:terly pa....cf'l. 0. dls"tGnct' of' 2:7.00 frl"t. to 'tne pOfnt or b..gtnnlng of' th. .0'.""""1. n,,..,r. d.sc,..lrxd. Conto.lnng 1440 lquca.,.-.. ,...t, ~,... or l..I.. SubJect to .01I'M"tS o.nd ,..t'st,..~tlons of r..c.Ot'"ds. BeorlngS a"" _sltd on the $ou'th,o.."\..r1y pr"opt"r"ty Un. of lot 42 AI Nina South 2:8-48.~9- ".st. RovlS", De-lo-G3 REC Rovlsod n-e6-Qi! REC R"U~{ DATE: 4/29/02 SCALE: 1'=50 _BY: R.K. CHECKED Ift': R.G.C. SEC, lWl': RGE, 3 49S 25E CLIENT: *** *** PROPOSED D.E. '" \. ~ LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 LENGTH 15,24 6.10 29.56 34.84 47.30 11.50 15,00 0,50 45.00 43.67 27.00 94,62 Cl """'-c NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 42 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING I't/CWIKD '0If0 _ ..ur IT1If THe IIENCr/r lJF. _ ....D. _rCN _ K:CII.TIDN DF A PfII7'tJ$CD 1:/ n1Dr V/lIC: _ C/lSEHCNr KIN(; _T DF lor '11. 'QIlCsr LAIlJ:S HOHCS. AS I/CCDRKD /II /lLAr _ u. 1WiCS ., _ </I DF THe _'C M:CC/ItIlS lJF CCl.l/Elt ClU/Tr. n.tIIt_ TillS _r survcr IfCCrs rHe __ TECHNICAl. sr_ scr IT1IfTH Dr rNC n.t/Itf/IA -"D iT l_ SUOY!'l't/It$, ~ TO scrT/IlH '_7. F1.tIIIll/II STATUTeS. ::. ,rt:;,1rE,~':jlil/';''v/r~tlltl/IA AlJH/NISTIfATf.\IC C/11IC. NO Dna 1'aSl1N tilt ENTITY IMr _ " CARTER PfltTessll1NM. surVCl'lJ! AN/I _" lS' ~_ :C?jfJr,::.vc' swrc /;~ MY, --A -' L...: _ " c':;;; NltTCfS/DHM. ~vc AND __ l-J$7M NQr VALl. "It/lrH;JJ1 'TIC SICilMnM tVI# THe allGlNtIIL IMlSClJ U"At. IT A nil/fIlM UCEHSClJ .fLII''lCnR Mill ~. NO aTHeR /llCItSDI 011 CNTITy *,. <<L r UI'fJN DtlS SUt\l'E'"r. rH/S _ ~vcr IS _ r ,tilt THC l_ AS IICSCtIIIIC1/. rr n I/QT A CCIIT/TlCArE lJF rITlC. ZDN1NG. CUEHeNrs tilt nICCJIQH lJF CNClMMfAHCCS. ADsrrtACr NOr ReV/evc//. a:NC_ ""res. I. /lEARINtiS ARC WlSED ON THe CASr _It" LINC DF lDr ~. IIClN/i SOUTH ".~.'~r ~T. l!. UNl.en. ClH'AIlIS11N IS ....... NC_~ /lEAIIIH/1S AN/I IlISTNCD AM: 1IIENT/CiIL VITI< /lLAr VALUCS. oJ. I/1NCI<SIDNS _ IN raT _ lICCJ_S rtEIICDF. <f, IUMCvtAflDNS CHI' . CIGRIJ IJ/srAICC CHJJ IRG . r;lPD IICAIIlHG R/lI . It/GHT-or.WA r UC. . UT/Un' EA$OfCNr. AC. . lJIM/NMiE CItSCWCNr ,.. . I"l.Ar. If . ....~ C . CAl.N.ATCR, r . F.rn1J T,a,a . TOf" or MN/( CL . a"NTClft.1NE RON BALDY 3050 North HorslIshoe onve. SuIle 270 Neplea. FIoridI34104 (941)649:1509 FAX: (941) 649-7056 E-Meil: _,consu"-nwa.CXlllI TITLE: SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION or A PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING PART or LOT 42. rOREST LAKES HOMES AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12 PAGES 41 THROUGH 46 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS or COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. PROJECT NUt.4BER: 02-0017 SHE:ET NUMBER: riLE NUt.4BER: LOT -42-SktTCH&,Dii!_o't 1 1 or