Agenda 02/10/2009 Item #16D 9 Agenda !tem No. 1609 February 10,2009 Page 1 of 25 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation for the Board of County Commissioners to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an application and Memorandnm of Understanding for a Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant in the amount of $350,000 from the United States Department of Jnstice, and if awarded, to serve as the Fiscal Agent and to authorize staff to negotiate a sub-recipient agreement with Child Advocacy Council (db a Child Protection Team). OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an application and Memorandum of Understanding for Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant from the United States Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women for Child Advocacy Council to expand domestic violence family assessments, case management, supervised visitation and monitored exchanges for children whose parents have been court ordered for these services. CONSIDERATIONS: The County was recently approached by staff from the Collier County Child Advocacy Council (dba Child Protection Team) asking Collier County to serve as the applicant for a Safe Havens: Supcrvised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant. By statute, this grant may only be awarded to states, Indian Tribal governments and units of local government that propose to enter into or expand the scope of existing contracts and cooperative agreements with public or private nonprofit entities to provide supervised visitation and safe visitation exchange of children by and betwcen parents in situations involving domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault or stalking. As the only not for profit agency in Collier County that provides supervised visitation and safe exchanges for victims of domestic violence and their children, the Collier County Child Advocacy Council is the only nonprofit eligible to carry out the programmatic end of the program if the grant is awarded. The program provides a domcstic violence family assessment for the court that considers the safety of the children and adult victim. Because the agency has the expertise in child abuse and neglect, tl1e courts frequently refer the most severe cases to this agency. The County has been a recipient of Safe Havens funding sinee 2005. The Housing and Hun1an Services Department cunently administers the Safe Havcns grant which expires in August 2009. In 2008, this program served 204 childrcn and adult victims of domestic violence. Families receive services for an average of six months to a year. There are three full time staff; two case managers and a program director. An off-duly Naples police officer is employed for eight hours per week on Sunday to provide security. If the grant is awarded, funding will be used to improve supcrvised visitation services, enhance security and expand center services. The goals are to keep children and adult victims safe, to provide a positive environment for visitation and exchanges and to assist families through their crisis with case management, suppOli to victims and their children and with community refenals. Ager~ja Item N.~- -~699 rebiuary -: 0. ~O\}9 Page 2 of :::5 This is a collaboralive grant through the United States Department of Juslice, Office on Violence Against Women, which would involve a joint commitmcnt from Collier County Govemment which would scrve as the fiscal entily for the project, the 20tl1 Judicial Circuit Court, which would continue to provide referrals for the supervised visitation services, and the Collier County Child Advocacy Council, which would provide thc direct services for the supervised visitation. Additional partners will include the Shelter for Abused Women and Children who would provide training to visitation staff and local law enforcement and to court representatives regarding domestic violence issues and supervised visitation. The local court will continue to provide referrals to the 'visitation center of the Inost severe cases and those requiring security. A..s the Family Visitation Center is a program of the local Children's Advocacy Center (CAe), thcy will provide training for the partners on child ahuse and neglect. Collier County Sheriffs Office is the principal law enforcement agency in Collier County. Their goal is to keep Collier County safe and enforce the laws regarding domestic violence and to investigate domestic violence crimes. The agency also employs victim advocates that assist crime victims with victim's compensation for injuries as well as providing crisis intervention, support and advocacy. David Lawrence Community Mental Hcalth Center will provide comprehensive prevention, intervention and treatment services including crisis stabilization, substance abuse treatment, case management, outpatient counseling and psychiatric care. If awarded, the grant agrecment and sub-rccipient agreement will bc brought back to the Board of County Commissioners for approval and signature. As Fiscal Entity for the grant. Collier County will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the programmatic and financial reporting requirements of the Office on Violence Against Womcn and will be required to assume a level of monitoring responsibility to ensure the Child Advocacy Council is in compliance with all grant requircments. If the requirements are not met, Collicr Counly will bc responsible for carrying out the program, will be required to return thc grant or will be subject to other requirements set forth by the Office on Violence Against Women. FISCAL IMPACT: The grant application is for $350,000. Collier Counly will serve as the fiscal entity for the administration of this projcct which will require minimal staff involvement. Administrative expenses and travel associated with lhe grant will be included in the application resulting in no further fiscal impact. The project does not rcquire matching funds. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact due to this request. LEGAL CONSIDERA nONS: This item has been rcviewed and approved by the County Attomey's Office. This itcm is not quasi judicial, and as such ex pmie disclosure is not required. This item requires majority vote only. This item is legally sutlicient for Board action.- CMG RECOMMENDA nON: That the Board of County Commissioners: ,~'93\lda its-IT r'~'J. 16D9 February ~!O. 2009 ?3:18 3 of 25 1. Approve submittal of an application for the Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant for $350,000, 2. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding and authorize the Chairman to sign, 3. Approve the Certification of Non-supplanting and authorize the Chairman to sign, and 4. Designate the Public Services Administrator, or designee, to he the signing authority to complete the online application, standard assurances and certifications and all other electronic application documents on behalf of Collier County. Prepared by: Terri Daniels, Accounting Supervisor, Housing and Human Services Page 1 of 1 !'-\CJsr;da item No. 16D0 ~ Februarv 10, 2009 Page 4 of 25 COLLIER COUNTY SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 1609 Meeting Date: Recommendation to approve application and Memorandum of Understanding for a Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant in the amount of $350,000 from the United States Department of Justice and, if awarded, to serve as the Fiscal Agent and to authorize staff to negotiate a sub-recipient agreement with Child Advocacy Council (dba Child Protection Team) 2/10/20099:00:00 Arv1 Item Summary: Prepared By Terri A. Daniels Grants Coordinator Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 1125/20098:27:08 PM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Public Services Director Date Housing & Human Services 1127f2009 3:53 PM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Pubfic Services Admin. 1/28/200911:24 AM Approved B)' Marlene J. Foord Grants Coordinator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 1 i28tZQQS 12:23 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMB Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office cf Management & Budget 1/28120092:12 PM Approved By Colleen Greene Assistant County Attorner Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 1/30120098:27 AM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney County Attorney Office Date County Attorney 212/20091 :32 PM Approved By Sherry Pryor County Manager's Office Management & Budget Analyst Date Office of Management & Budget 2f2/2009 4:17 PM A,pproved By James V. Mudd Coun~y Manag;}r Date Board of COUnty Commissioners County Manager's Office 2!3f2009 2:26 PM file:lIC:\AgcndaTest\ExDort\ 123-Februarv%20 1 0.'V0202009\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGEND d' 2/4/2009 ----"..---.-- ------------..--- COLLIER COUNTY HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF PUBLIC SERVICES /\gsil:ia Itern No. .i6D9 F:;brGary i 0 2009 ,:1399 5 of 25 Affordable Housing . Federal Grants . RSVP . Services for Seniors . Social Services . Memorandum of Understanding WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of County Collier ('"Collier County"') with the Collier County Child Advocacy Council, the Shelter for Abused Women and Children, the 20th Judicial Circuit Court, the Collier County Sheriffs Office, and the David Lawrence Center have come together to collaborate to make an application for the Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the partners have agreed to enter into a collaborative agreement in which Collier County will be the lead agency and named applicant and the othcr agcncics will be partncrs in the application; and WHEREAS, the partners herein desire to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding setting forth the services to be provided by the collaborative; and WHEREAS, thc application prepared and approved by the collaborative through the partners is to be submitted to the Officc on Violence Against Women on or before February 19,2009. I. Description of the Partner Agencies Collier County has bcen the lead applicant for the past two grant cycles and served as the fiscal agent providing the oversight of the grant program, convening the partners for regular collaboration meetings and submitting required program and financial rcports. The County supports the efforts of the collaborative and agencies in seeking funds to sustain programs designed to assist victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and/or stalking. The mission of the Shelter for Abused Women and Children is to help adult and child victims and survivors of domestic violcnce through safety, intervcntion, and support; to educate thc public anout domestic violence; and to advocate for social change against domestic violence. This is the only certified domestic violence program in Collier County. They provide shelter as well as extensive outreach services. The Collier County Child Advocacy Council has provided supervised visitation and exchange services for the past twelve years, The mission of the agcncy is to minimize trauma to victims of abuse (md to help familics crcate a safc environment utilizing a multidisciplinary tcam approach. The primary goal of the visitation program is [0 keep battered women und thcir children safe while assisting famiiies in accessing needed services, ColLier County Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange. Program 2009 OVW-2009-2014 c ., [~~ c ~ ~ , " :rem i.~O. :609 February 'i 0, 20G9 S of 25 The Collier County Sherifrs Office is the principal law enforcement agency in Collier County. Their goal is to keep Collier COlUlty safe and enforce the laws regarding domcstic violence and to investigate domestic violence crimes. The agency also employs victim advocates that assist crime victims with victim's compcnsation for injuries as well providing crisis intcrvcntion, support and advocacy. The Dal'id Lawrence Community Mental Health Center provides comprehensive prevention, intervention and treatment services including crisis stabilization, substance abuse treatment. case management, outpatient counseling and psychiatric care. The center is the only non-profit certified provider of the batterer's intervcntion program in Collier County. The Twentieth .Judicial Circuit of Florida administers the court programs for Collier County in addition to four other counties in the region. Each of the circuit courts has a court administrator who is responsible for the supervision of court staff, budget planning, assignment and distribution of cases and implementation of court policy. Referrals for the visitation services are made by the family and domestic violence court judges. II. History of the Relationship The Shelter for Abused Women and Children began collaborating with the local supervised visitation agency in 1997. The respective CEO's have communicated rcgarding the provision of visitation services to battered women and their children on a regular basis. Throughout this relationship, the Shelter provided training for visitation center staff in the following areas: recognizing signs of domestic violence, methods and strategies for working with victims of domestic violence, risk assessment, and domestic violence potential impacts on battered women and their children. The Shelter assists their clients in seeking supervised visitation services. The visitation center refers clients identified to the Shelter for crisis intervention, fotlow-up, and advocacy. Additionatly, the directors and staff continue to develop a comprehensive plan for building a larger cutlaborative effort on supporting domestic violence response and the utilization of supervised visitation and safe exchange services. Shelter representatives paliicipate in the local collaborative partnership meetings and have attended several national level training opportunities through the Safe Havens funding. The goal of this partnership is the protection of battered women and their children in all settings, As a result, the supervised visitation center and the Shelter have developed an expanded cotlaboration including child abuse and neglect organizations, law enforcement, courts, legal advocates, and community groups. They have established an effective method of communication with the local court system to develop an awareness and understanding among the potential collaborators of the unique circumstances surrounding supervised visitation in cases of domestic violence. The County has had a working relationship with the visitation provider. Collier County Child Advocacy Council, since 1992 working through the County Department of Housing and Human Services to pay for medical exams of abused children. Collier County Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program 2009 OVW-2009-2014 -~---------_._-_.-._---_.._-- i[-:;,'1) i~o. ~)D9 ]IJ. ~C)U9 7 cA 25 With the initiation of the Safe Havens funding, the collaborative partners expanded to include the courts. Although the judges heavily relied upon the services of the visitation center, the collaborative previously had limited involvement with the judiciary. A circuit court judge joined the team for training by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges in February 2008. Although this particular judge did not stay involved, one of the domestic violence court judges has become very active and has spearheaded the Child Advocacy Council's safety audit process. The goals of the collaboration include expanding the safety audit, enhancing the direct services for battered women and their children, and improving our coordinated community response through continued outreach and engagement of community agencies and groups, III. Development of the Application As this fonnal partnership continues, the applicant, Collier County collaborated with thc visitation agency, local domestic violence court judge, and Shelter directors to develop a grant application response, During the first two Safe Havens Grant cyclcs, thc Visitation Program Director and Memorandum of Understanding partners received training and consultation from the Office on Violence Against Women, the Clearinghouse on Supervised Visitation. Praxis International, the family Violence Prevention Fund, and the National Council of Family and Juvenile Court Judges. Additionally, the partners discussed the recent implementation of this project and the need for the continuation of these services for rural areas of the county including Immokalee and for the underserved population, specifically immigrant families. Recent discussions among the agency directors, county rcprescntatives and local court representatives have led to the agreement reflected in this Memorandum and the submission of the grant application. IV. Roles and Responsibilities NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agrecd by and between the partners as follows: The Shelter for Abused Women and Children Work with the supervised visitation center to improve cross-agency collaboration among thc child abuse and neglect organizations, law enforcement, courts, hospitals, legal advocates and community groups by meeting with key staff on a regular basis and cross training. Provide up to tpJce domestic violence training sessions per year for the supervised visitation center staff and collaboration members paid through Safe Havcns grant funds. Refer all battered women with children in nccd of supervised visitation or exchange services to the local visitation center and follow-up on the outcome of the rcferrals, Promote training/education of local law enforcement agencies and court representatives regarding domestic violence issues and supervised visitation. Collier County Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program 2009 OVW-2009-20l4 3 I ----~--,-----'-.----- --.- i terr: :'Jo. ~)D9 ILl,2:JC9 3 :)f 25 With the use of grant funds, provide an advocate to respond to the visitation center as scheduled for advocacy for all new clients and existing clients as needed. Collier County Child Advocacy Council Dedicate two staff (,5 FTE each) and .5 FTE of a program director to provide supervised visitation and safe exchange services using Safe Havens grant funds. Provide office space, 2 FTE clerical support staff, and ,2 FTE security staff using in kind and private funding to implement the program service objectives. Maintain the confidentiality of individuals and families using the local visitation agency services. Present programmatic data for partner meetings and provide data to the County for submission to Office on Violence Against Women Review all policies and procedures of the visitation services and amend as needed. Coordinate collaborative training for partners and visitation staff as provided by Safe Havens Technical assistance training funds. Submit program evaluation information to local and national evaluators as required by the grantor. Submit financial documentation for accounting as needed. Provide training to partners and other community agencies on supervised visitation, mandatory reporting requirements, overview, dynamics and services for child abuse and sexual assault victims, and resources for families as approved by the Office on Violence Against Women using Safe Havens funding. 20th Judicial Circuit Court Submit referrals and relevant case information to local visitation center and receive follow-up from the supervised visitation center on the outcome of the referrals. Provide direction for improving communication between the Court and the supcrvised visitation provider, Participate in training for collaboration partners on the legal system and its role in working with victims of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault and stalking using Safe Havens funding as needed. Designatc a representative to participate in the collaboration meetings. 4 Collier County Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation aIld Safe Exchange Program 2009 OVW-2009-2014 --"'-~---~_._-~"--_._---,._-""..- ,.-'<:..; :t.-r,-: !'-';G. -:0 '::D9 2'X';) :~ ~) i _::) Collier County Sheriff's Offiee Provide direction for improving communication between [he local supervised visitation center and local law enforcement. Provide consultation on safety and security issues for the supervised visitation centcL Participate in training for collaboration partners on the legal system and its role in working with victims of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault and stalking using Safe Havens funding as needed, Designate a representative to participate in the collaboration meetings. David Lawrence Center Provide training and consultation to the partners on issues, utilizing Safe Havens grant funds, relating to domestic violence from the perspective of the batterer's intervention program designed to promote change for the perpetrators, Provide training and consultation, utilizing Safe Havens grant funds, on issues relating to substance abuse intervention and treatment. Participate in training for collaboration partners on domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault and stalking through the use of Safe Havens grant funding. Provide training to the supervised visitation center staff and other partners on the issues related to mental illness as it relates to domestic violence risk and assisting victims with mental health issues using Safe Havens grant flmding. Designate a representative to participate in the collaboration meetings. Collier County Identify staff to serve as the project coordinator and as the point of contact with Office on Violence Against Women and to coordinate site visits and on site technical assistance events. Serve as the fiscal agent for the Safe Havens grant projcct and offer staff support using Safe Havens fWlds, Ensure compliance with the reporting requirements of the Office on Violence Against Women, Support the collaboration effons of the project by convening partnership meetings aud consulting committee meetings, Collier County Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program 2009 OVW -2009-2014 5 I r I~ I I I I , -~,-~-~--_.,---_..,-_...------_..__. .- !~'J. SJ9 1'=\.2(i(iS) ~ S of 25 Participate in mandatory Office on Violence Against Women meetings and trainings. Ensure that the grant project is developed and implemented in compliance with the statutory and mandatory requirements of the Supervised Visitation Grant Program Assist the partner agencies in developing community block grant applications and other sources of continuation funding. V. Time Line The roles and responsibilities described above are contingent on the grantee, Collier COWlly, receiving the funds requested for this project in the Office on Violence Against Women granl application. The beginning and end dates of this collaborative effort would coincide with the grant period, anticipated to be September I, 2009 through August 30, 2012, VI. Commitment to Partnership 1) The collaboration service area includes Collier County, Florida including thc rural community ofImmokalee. 2) The partners agree to collaborate and provide supervised visitation services and advocacy to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and/or stalking pursuant to the program narrative of the grant application attached to this agreement. 3) Compensation for non-lead partners contribution to this project will be provided as outlined in the attached OVW budget detail worksheet. The paliners agree to work together to seek fimds to sustain the project once grant funds are no longer available. 4) We, the undersigned, have read and agree with this Memorandum of Understanding. Further, we have revicwed the portion of the proposed project budget pertaining to the collaborative effort described herein, and approve it in its entirety. DATE:_ ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOl\ERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: _ DONNA FIALA. CHAIRMAN , Deputy Clerk DATE: 'Q". U'J. _.___..__ KEVIN RAMBOSK, Sheriff Collier COLmty, Florida 6 Collier County Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program 2009 OVW-2009-2014 DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: By: (' ~e{J{J.ti..r/l Jill i - Colleen M. Green€ Assistant County Attorney Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: By: Legal Counsel Collier County Sheriff s Office i I I I , By: By: By: By: -- ~---. __.~m_.._._....._.__ :ts,1": '\j0. :S:=:'S -:u. :.JJC!9 i 1 of:25 Linda Oberhaus Chief Executive Otlicer Shelter for Abused Women and Children Jacqueline Griffith Stephens Chief Executive Otlicer Collier County Child Advocacy Council David Schimmel Chief Executive Otficer David Lawrence Mental Health Center Richard Callanan Deputy Court Administrator Twentieth Judicial Circuit Court Collier Cowlty Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Sate Exchange Prografl1 2009 OYW-2009-2014 7 I ,L,Jsnda ilem No. 16D9 - F"brJary Hl2009 Page 12 of 25 Safe Havens Abstract IProposal Summary The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida ("Collier County") is applying for the Safe Havens Grant Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program to further enhance and strengthen existing supervised visitation services and to build capacity for a coordinated community response to battered women and their children in our community. Collier County is requesting $350,000 for the three year two-site continuation grant. Collier County intends to renew the contract with the Collier County Child Advocacy Council, the only local visitation center, to provide supervised visitation and safe exchanges for battered women and their children and designate staff to serve as the point of contact with the Office on Violence Against Women to ensure compliance with the statutory, mandatory and reporting requirements of the grant. The overarching goal of the visitation program is to keep battered women and their children safe by providing a secure, respectful and culturally responsive environment for supervised visitation and exchanges while understanding the dynamics of domestic violence. The goals of this proposal focus on increasing access to and enhancing supervised visitation and exchange services, improving conununication with the courts and implementing services that are responsive to the needs of battercd women and their children. Each time the center conducts a supervised visit or monitors a safe exchange, a possible incidence of violence is prevented. Working with the courts, the visitation agency monitors refen-als to batterers' intervention programs and to substance abuse treatment facilitics in order to hold batterers accountable for their actions. The established partnership with the certified domestic violence center, the visitation agency, the county sheritrs olTice and other victim serving agencies will serve to Collier County Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program 2009 OVW-2009-2014 ,:'\.Jen::ia :~8nl f"-io. : 6D9 ~ February 10, 2009 ;:)ag9 13 of 25 increase the ability for our community to work collaboratively on behalf of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence. and stalking. With continued funding, the partnership will be enhanced through opportunities for shared training, agency collaboration and further the development of the visitation center modeling the Safe Havens Guiding Principles, Collier County is geographically the largest county in Florida and includes the rural, predominantly migrant, community of Immokalee. As the job market weakens and housing values decline, the number of distressed homeowners has escalated. Much of the distress has manifested in the increased number of foreclosures experienced in Collier County. As a result, economic stress is impacting the entire county. As of Novcmber 2008, Collier County had a total of 1,406 foreclosure filings, which equates to one foreclosure filing for every 133 households. This rate of foreclosures is up 16% from October 2008 and 181 % from the same time last year. The increase of forcclosures as well as high unemployment has reached a crisis level and has affected those who previously owned homes and were gainfully employed and therefore did not need social services. As a result we are seeing an increased need for services by a population who, previous to this crisis, rarely needed or accessed assistance programs. Of the 584 domestic violence injunctions filed in Collier County, 114 families were referred to the local visitation center. With the receipt of continuation funding, it is anticipated that the center will continue to serve families in need without having to charge a fee or maintain a waiting list. The Safe Havens Supcrvised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program funding is critical to the safety of the some of the most vulnerable citizens of our community, including a newer group of previously not served families, and serves as a vital link in the coordinated community response to the clime of domestic violence. Collicr County Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program 2009 OVW-2009-2014 Agenda Item t-Jo. 16D9 February 10, 2009 Page 14 of 25 February 10, 2009 Catherine Pierce, Deputy Director Office on Violence Against Women 800 K Street, NW, Suite 920 Washington, DC 20530 Dear Ms. Stuart: Collier County certifies that funds awarded through the Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program will be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and will not replace (supplant) nonfederal funds that have been appropriated to support supervised visitation and safe exchange of children, by and between parents, in situations involving domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, or stalking. Collier County understands that supplanting violations can result in a range of penalties, including suspension of futurc funds under this program, suspension or debarment from federal grants, recoupment of monies provided under this grant, and civil and/or criminal penalties. Sincerely, Donna Fiala Chairman Collier County Board of County Commissioners ,. Aaenda item [\io. i 6D9 ~ f'ebcuary 10, 2009 Page 15 of 25 ~ GR,c,NTS C-;OV" Grant Application Package Opportunity Title: Offering Agency: CFOA Number: CFDA Description: Opportunity Number: Competition ID: Opportunity Open Date: Opportunity Close Date: Agency Contact: F;~- 20J5i Sa:-e :-Jave~.fl: Sllpelv~sed pc:e of Vicl':'.nce .49S:r::.~~ \\'~f'.,en r" 1 [16.:'27 __~__~._ ISUFcr:-:ised \ljs'.tatj'm. .l~iJfe !I3VC,.S fer C:-:J.ldnm ~::'\92C':4 [- -'----~------~ l ,'2'?-j""JC8 (-"'" " r D 2 ,1: ~) ,I ;: 0 :J 0) , I:~~~~~::e l)pdge I'''..''.'''' '._'- . Ci__" I I Vis:taL~-m ar;d ~ -~=-~~~J I :J 1 This electronic grants application is intended to be used to apply for the specific Federal funding opportunity referenced here. It the Federal funding opportunity listed Is not the opportunity for which y,ou want to appty, clos,ethis lllpplic'atlon p"_ckage by clle_klng on the "Cancel" button at the topolthis Bcreen. You will then noed to locate the COTrect Federal funding.o~pori:lmfty, download its application and thenapply~" ' ~ I l I ---.J This opportunity is only open to organizations, applicants who are submitting grant applications on behalf of a company, state. local or tribal government, academia, or other type of organization. . Application Filing Name: ~; :'ounty Safe .~--'-..~--.!'::-:c;r",.n.:'~_ ..~=_~.~ randalOry Documents Mo~Fomlto Complete Mandatory Documents for Submission l\ppliclitlGrl for r"deral Assisla:->ce r:::1< 424) rroject Narrati"e P.Lta::-hmrmt F::>/'m Budget NCl rr a t:i ve At. tachment Form Move Form 10 Delete Assurar.l'es for Non Construct~on IrOqralllS (SF-42 ED Ce:-tiflclition Debarment :[;D-80-[\014) r:'isc!oo;:-..;:.c ct :.c;t:bY:;':-:J ]\:-t:...it.cs:'<:F',LL;, Optional Documents I I I i Move rorr',to Del"lc Optional Documents for Submission I I r ~,~cve .'OrrTl 1(1 Subm'sslol1 Lt~t 1,nstructiDns CD Enter a name for the- application in the Application Filing Name field. . This application can be completed I') Its entirety offlhe; however \>.OU wi!: need to l::lgin 10 t:lE' Gran\s,gov website durng the silbm:sslDn pro:::ess . You can save I'OUI a;>pllcatior: at any time by cllckll1g the .'Salle" butlOll at the lop of your s:~een . The "Save 8. 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ThiS will move the ::ocument to the appropriate "DOCUMents fOI S"bmlsslon" box ar,d the form wi!1 be i:lutoll'1atic.ally added to ye,ur application package lo view lhe form sc.oli dowr, lhe screen Of select the form name and CIICf, on t'1e "Dpen FClrm" button to begin completmg Ihe required data fields To lema,,€ a furmidocument from thE: '.D8cuments for Si.lbmlss:on.. box, click the document name 10 select It a~,d !hen c1iL.k the .;~ button This will return the formioocwnenl to the "M,wdatOfl' D8L.umenl~.' or "Ootional DOeU'11€nts" box AI' O::lcuments listed ~n the '.Ma'ldat8:y DOCl;!llents' ll~x ~'~st ~t' rr,r,vl!:l to t+l'-' '.!,\.:l"da'ory ::loclrwerl\S f:y SubMrS5,on" b0X. \/V1"en you 8::Jen a rE;cluif~'d form, Ihe f'elds whl:h :l'1:.I5; ~e compieted are hjghl~ghled In ye:low w:lh a red tercer OptlGnil: fleljs and completed t;ei% ale dsp'eyed '.1 wlllte. I~ you enler !n'.al!d or Incomplete Infofmal'Or i" a field, y:Juw;;1 receive an errormess3ge o Click the "Save & Submit" button to submit your application to Grants,go..., - Once you 'lave prQPecly completed all reJuired coc'-A:11ell!s and alla:hed any requlfed or op:lorJal documenl<ltlOrJ ~ave the comnleted appicaton by c1i:kltlQ un the .'Saw.' button . Click on the ":r.ec~ PaCkage ror ::rrocs" button to e'1Sllre that yo" nave completE:d ail reqdired data fleids, Calreel ar;y e-rors 01 if none ar~ fOund save the 3PI.lIiC4lion o<lcka;Je - The "Save & Submit'" bi.:t1on wi!; becon'le ;;Jc:l....e, c:ick on tere "Save & Submlf' huticn !o begin th", ;:Jpplic3tron subm'ssior. process - You will be taken to the api-'I:can! login uaqe to e"~e' "QUT Grantsguv l.;Sernar11e WIO ,,'E!sswo:-d Follow <.ill onscreen i,"struciiOl1s for subr'lISSlon Application for Federal Assistance SF424 . 1 Type of Submission o Preapplication [R] Application o Changed/Corrected ApplicatlOn . 2. Type of Applicaton o New [RJ Continuation o Revision . 3 Date Received: fcomPleledbY Grants gov upon SUI:!IT'USSIOr> 4 Applicant \de~~~~ I I :.a Federal Entity Identifier . If ReviSion, select appropriate letlerls) ~ . Other (Specify) I----::--:--::-----~ _~-~--J . 5b Federal Award Iden;lfler I 12007~::W-AX -0007 State Use Only: 6 Date Received tly State C ==:J 17 State Application Identifier I 8. APPLICANT INFORMATION: . a Legal N<lme Ice) 1 ier County . b EmployerrTaxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN) 159-6000:'58 d. Address: . $lreel"1 1:.301 Taln:.;;.mi Tra.: 1 Fa.st IBuild::ng H, 2nd F10cr iNClP~ es l?~~.~~:. ~ I I !3411-~ --- Street2: , City County . State. _ .._.______~..__ __.__w_ . .__._". _.~-_. Province . Country . Zip I Postal Code: e. Organizational Unit: Department N<:lme. iH::US;':"'Jg and !-lum<ln Se::-vi ::cs . c Organizational DUNS. I IC76997790 ; ---" 1 Fe..: P:"orida ns!" urHTCD S":'J,TES Division Name' Plef:x f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application: I ~30r\'iCEo5'~------_u Middle Name - ---, L______~ c:---- --~~-__: , Fi'st Name [/~i;:=~Y -- ------- - --l ..._--~-'----.-.! 'Last N3rne: r" h IJ~n::~.~ifJ~ S:;fflx L Title !~,.i.~c::t~r Orgal1lzational Affiliation L " Telephone Number [,.:;9 J52..:.!~442 .... , Email ["'1 r,-y" ~i]mh ~,')('I",C(\ __I_.LL('.'~_'J(\V net 1 J -j Fax Numoer [,0,' 2D32 Aqenda item No. cloD9 - February '10.2009 Page 16 of 25 OMS Number 4040-0004 EXpiration Dale 01/31/2'Xl9 Version 02 ==:J --' ---~j ______J J 1 -------:---=====---_J '=:J "I ~ :::,2 .';g2nd3 !!em r'~o. 16D9 :::-'.':'bruary 10. :lO()9 p 30-3 i 7 of 25 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 9. Type of Applicant " Select Applicant Type: In Count.y. C::y,,'c;:-nriC:1L :::=_= 1 Type of Appir2<;1nl2 Selec: Appil::an~ Type -----~----- "'-.--.--- ___J I --~."~-~-- --~------~_. .'..---.----..----, Type of Appli:ant 3 Select Apph:ant Type I -_.~---_..,--- ---.------- --.- 1 - '::::-thc~ (sped'l) I ..__.__._,----~.._--- ---- --~ i 10, Name of Federal Agency: Inf" ~'" ot Violence Ag.:'llnst wC:':T::''rl I - . ~ ~-- 11, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: I"" . ~.2':1 -=:J Cf-"DA Title: ISl.pe::-\, i .sed v; si ;.a:JO!l. .so:!;' ].;aver:s fo-;- :hiJ;;::nm ] ! '- - 12 Funding Opportunity Number: [::"VW.2Ge'9.2014___ - , ---..--- ---.---- ~_J . Trlle -_._- -..-----.--..-.-.---... --.-_._---~._-'_._---~_..- I ()',",../ FY ,...", ::oil:":: IlD.VC::S: :::.upc:.",..~.;. (;;J '- S~ ...0. ~ ".:';':. "n.:~ ~;.:dE' [xc;.6r,~rt' '.;)." r.~_ i);-';';O-!"Elrr. I -- -, J 13, Competition Identification Number: I ------ -I c. --1 Title I -----'------_.,----, I I I .~ i , -- - 14. Areas Affected by Project (Citios, Counties, States, etc.): r-.-~~._.~"~_ .---- ....-----_._.__._-~----_._- --.--- ---~.- ---..------.------ ..---- --l Ic,e; --.. ,_~:;;. 'J:l '~ )' i J ., - -, .- - - 15, Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: '----_.~--~- - '--"'_.~ ._-------~--- --_._.,--_.~~_.._.~_._.- .--.-- - - .---.--...,--- "'-,--- L,_ -. - '\C,~ ' '" " : ~;f' (1, ~':1 " ,. ., ". -. - r~_ " ,... --------_._---~.__._-----_._- ---.- - -- - -, -.-- ,-- - - .4:cacr.supprri:lg docume'l;S as specified :n agency 1,"1slructrQ"1S I Add Attachments j I -..,...:;.- .l,.I>' "" .~' :.: !~- I I I Gr.18 Number 4040-0004 EXpiration Dale 01'31/~009 /'\':lenda Item r'~o. 16D9 ~ ::cbruary 10, 2009 Page 18 of 25 OMS Number 4040-0004 ExpHa\ior Date 01/31,'2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 16. Congressional Districts Of: ., Applicant ~~5 1 'b Program/PrOject ~ _J ~.., :) Attach an additional Itsl of Progra'nlProJect Congressional Districts if needed I I I Add Attachment' t I [\i::r.:;t\c Alttid')rrwnt I I ':liT"~1 ;iLo;::;!"l'ne(';~ I 17. Proposed Project: I . a, Start Date 109/01/2009 1 . b, End Dale: r;;;; c /:'. c' 12l 18. Estimated Funding ($): . a Federal I 3!::O, 000.:181 'b Applicant I o~ " Stale L 0.C01 .ct local I o~~ I -, --, '" o~ " Other 0 'j Program Income i 0, "I . g. TOTAL I :< ~O, 0""'0 ('-;] "- "~_I * 19. Is Application Subject to Review By State Under Executive Order 12372 Process? D , This application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on 1 ,_._---~._- I D b Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review [8J c. program is not covered by E.Q, 12372. . 20. Is the Applicant Delinquent On Any Federa! Debt? (If "Yes", provide explanation.) DYes [8J No I : ".p:t' , -'.iC'[ I 21. *By signing this application, 1 certify (1) to the statements contained in the lisl of certifications*' and (2) that the statements herein ". true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. j also provide the required assurances*'" and agree to comply with any resulting tenns if I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, ctvil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 218, Section '001) [8J .. I AGREE .. T:'e list of certifications and assurances, or an internet site where you may obtain this list, ;s contailled in tIle announcement or agency spec.ficinstructions Authorized Representative: [" - "I F;;~~,~ ._-=~,~=~__ ------ ..-.- -:=J Prefix . First Narne L - Middle Name I -..-.- ,,,, -..- . Las: Name EoO ------~===~~~-------'---I " " Suffix r J WTitie r.iV1irr-"m .-_...- " " -, - .--- ,....-..- ....-- " J . Telepr.o:;e Number 1..,-,,,, " '" ....- - - l Fax Numb~r i)}~i :~ I :: ~, ;:! - E 0 ~i '/ " 2::'';7 !~- ~ - - "" W Emall 13@~cllierq:J\' :--,2t I . S'gna~ure of .A.'Jtr,oriz:ed RepresCf::atlVe rCcm~lclec ~) c;,,,mt:;go; up;,~ ;.I~~rls,;o'1 - ] . D0:1O Signed - .'J Ie ~"n .'ICled 11\' (3r ~nl~, lJUV ',lpCln su~>rn:SSi(l1 -~,.._._.. - A~thorized for local Reproduction Standard For'll 424 (ReViSed 10:20(;5) P;escr\be~ ::J}' OMS Cm';Jlaf A 102 Ansnda item f~o. 16D9 ~ February 10, 2009 Page 19 of 25 DMS NJrnt'er 4040-0004 Explf2ltion Date D1/31.'2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 . Applicant Federal Debt Delinquency Explanation T,'le following field should cor.lain an explanation If the Arpllcan[ organization IS oel:nquent on any Federal Debt Maximum number or characters thai can be entered is 4,000 Try and avoid extra spaces and camage returns to maximize the availability of space r~- I i i i I , I I i i I , i , I II I i I j i I II 1---- I I I , .._______.._..J .Agenda Item No. ~16D9 February 10,2009 Page 20 of 25 Project Narrative File(s) . Mandatory Project Narrative File Filename: I I Add Mandatory.Project Narrative File I I D,;II~t;:; .fJl;lr1d~Jtor\' ?mk~ci Nrlr(;:~. \,,::-Fikd I \~.;:\t,.:,':aT1d.,")i"'~ ..F'n:,!flct h:,ln8~r,rB Fii01 To add more Project Narrative File attachments. please use the attachment buttons below. I Add Optional Project Narrative File 11 :-'<:Hc (':'p!!~ln;:,1 f]r(w~c:' t'.;;;:" "jl'h ;:::,-11 ',i'f'W ~)r"lif) ;;"1: Fr\'ifo':j 1\,!ar!,::iiv." c,:( t A,genda ;t~m 1'00. 1609 .:::-:-~br...Bry 10.2009 Page 21 of 25 Budget NarratiH File(s) , MandatoI)' Budget Narrative Filename: I I Add Mandatory Budget Na!ralive t I !)f1~8(1:- lv1ano2trlt\' 8'.:d-,;et N8;!"1li~"~11 ;i."'\; .M3;~""'to~c" "} ";[H'l ;,:!.,rrhiiv" ." . ,. '. . .,",.. . .' . -.''"'".~ -. '-: .' To add more Budget Narrativ~ attachments please use the atta~hment buttons below. I Add Optional Budget Narrative ]1 D%:o::e ()Plt(J,i~.i 8udq.;:; N.;;,:";,;:'-"'" f I ',,'Iev, C'l'~I!:;J~H: [:l(~ ;,,) ~~rm~;:';.I~ f ,i\;;J8nda Item NCJ. 16D9 February 10, 2009 Page 22 of 25 OMB Approval No. 4040-0007 Expiration Date 07/30/2010 ASSURANCES - NON-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS rpUbliC reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including time for reviewing \ instructions, searching eXisting data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information: Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including SUggeStlo,ns for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reductlon Project (0348~0040), Washington, DC 20503 lPLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. SEND IT TO THE ADDRESS PROVIDED BY THE SPONSORING AGENCY. , ' NOTE: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program If you have questions, please contact the awarding agency Further, certain Federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances If such is the case, you will be Ilotified. As the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I certify that the applicant 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance and the institutional. managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share of project cost) to enSure proper planning, management and completion of the project described in this application 2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States and, if appropriate, the State, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives 3 Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their posIlions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of persol1al or organizational conflict of Interest, or personal gain. 4. Will initiate and compiete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 5. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 USC, !i!i4728-4763) relating to preSCribed standards for merit systems for programs funded under one of the 19 statutes or regulations specified in AppendiX A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration t5 CFR 900, Subpart F) 6 Will comply with all Federa! statutes relating to nondiscrimination These include but are not !Imited to laJ Title VI of the CIVil Rights Act of 1 964 (P L 88,352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin: (b) Title lX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S C %1681- 1683. and 1685-1586), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Previous Edition Usable Act of 1973. as amended (29 U S.C. ~794) which prohibits discnmination on the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U S,C. SS6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiSCrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) !i!i523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 US C. !i~290 dd-3 and 290 ee- 3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records: (h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights ,~ct of 1968 (42 U S.C. !i!i3601 81 seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrirrllnation In the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific sta1ute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and, 0) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application 7 Will comply, or has already complied, with the requirements of Titles II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P L. S11-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property IS acquired as a result of Federal or federally. assisted programs. These requirements apply to all Interests In real property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal partiCipation In purchases 8 Will comply, as applicable, with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 US.C, 851501-1508 and 7324-7328) which limit the political activities af employees whose pi;ncipal employment activities are funded in whole or in part With rederal funas Authorized for L.ocal Reproduction Standard Form 4246 (Rev. 7-97) Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 9 Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Oavls- Bacon Act (40 U S C. 88276a to 276a-7), the Copeland Aot (40 U,SC, S276c and 18 U_SC 5874), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U_S,C SS327- 333), regarding labor standards for federally-aSSisted construction subagreemenls 10 VVill COr.lp!y, if applicable. with flood insurance purctl8se requirements of Section 102(a) of the Fiood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L 93-234) which requires recipients In a speCial flood hazard area to particioate In the program and to purchase flood Insurance If the tOlal cas! of Insurable construction and acquisition IS $10,000 or more 11. Will comply With environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the follOWing: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy .A.c1 of 1969 (PL. 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514; (b) notification of Violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738: (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards In floodplains in accordance wllh EO 11988: (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S C. ~81451 et seq), (f) conform'ty of Federal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c:1 of the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 use S37401 et seq), (9) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Sefe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended (PL 93-523:1; and, (Ill protection of ~ndangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended IP L. 93- 205). .A~end3 !tem No. 1609 ~ Ft:bnjary 10,2009 Page =::' of 25 i2 Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U SC. 881271 et seq) related to protecOng components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system 13 Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act 011966, as amended (16 U SC. 8470), EO 11593 (Identification and protection of histOriC properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 US C. '8469a-1 el seq) ~4 Will comply with P L 93-348 regarding 1he protection of human subjects Involved in research, development, and related activities supported by this award of assistance 15 Will comply with the Laboratory Anima) Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L 89-544, as amended, 7 U SC 8S2131 et seq) pertaining to the care. handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for research, teaching, or :Jther actiVities supported by thiS award of assistance 16 Will comply With the Lead-Based Paint POisoning Prevention Act (42 USC, SS4801 et seq,) which prohibits the use of lead~based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence structures 17 Will cause to be performed the reqUired finanCial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMS Circular No A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non.Profit Ol-ganlzations," 18 Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other Federal laws, execullve orders, regulations, and poliCies governing thiS program. : - -~~-_._._-------_._..,.--_._-_._-_.._---_._--..._.__._--~._----~------.I I' SIGNATURE OF AUTHORiZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL I'TITLE I [~:~~::~~'~-':'Si~- ',',' "";~-;-;:~~~--~;;--~=~~-L ':-':_~====~=~_~~_-==-:==-:I I :~fOP~~ANT ~~GA~J1ZA TION_ I' DATE SUBMITTED , U~c~~~~___===~=::::~:==::::=_~::~Jll~~I~~_~:'- ..", --=-_-,-,---,-."~:____=) I Standard Form 4248 (Rev, 7-97) Back A;i8ilda Item r'~o. 16D9 February 10, 2009 Page 24 of 25 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions ThiS certification is required by the Department 01 Education regulations Implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 34 CFR Part 85, for all lower tier transactions meeting the threshold and tier requirements stated at Section as 110 Instructions for Certification 1 By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective lower tier participant is providing U'e certification set out below 2 The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into If it is later determined that the prospective iower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transactio" originated may pi.l,sue a'.railable remedies, including suspension andlor debarment 3, The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is submitted il at any time the prospective lower tier participant iearns that its cer1iflcation was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances, 4. The terms "covered transaction," "debarred," "suspended." "ineligible," "lower tier covered transaction," "participant," "person." "primary covered transaction," "principal," "proposal," and "voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact the person to which this proposai IS submitted lor assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. 5_ The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction. unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated 6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include the clause titled A Certification Regarding Debarment. Suspension, ineligibility, and Voluntary ExclUSion-Lower Tier Covered Transactions, and without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions 7_ A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospeciive p<lrticip<H11 in a iower iier covered transaction ihi3tli is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded trom the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and trequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principais. Each participant may but is not required to check the Nonprocurement List. 8, Nothing contained in trle foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which IS normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings, 9. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions. if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible. or voiuntariiy excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension andlor debannent Certification (1) The prospective lower tier participant certifies. by submission of this proposal, that neither It :lor its principaiS are presently deb:med, suspended. proposed for debarment, dedared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal dep"r1menl or agency. (2) \I\fhere the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective pat1icipant shall attach an explanation to this proposal . NAME OF APPLICANT I i-~-----~ c.._.__~_..____ ._....._...___.._______._....'._...___----1 , [=----1 i 1- - "CiL.1G:L ._Olj~iry . PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Prefix: ~~ . First Name: ~~~)~:~~- ___ _____________..__.___ ~ Middle Name w Last Name: ~idlGi. -~~~~~"----~-.--~-~------=~~~=.J SuffiX L~ Tj~~_: i~~i-;~~~-~~~:-~~~-_~~..~-_"~_ -~~~L___,_____ _______d I SiG~~TUR~~~=:_~~ ,~,~ subm ssc~~:':=='= _,...:-.::::::L____ DATE -~ [~'S:\"f: I t;t~':l ". J ".J ';;. <l" ~ S 'c1()V s.-.:vnl:;~;.lCll Optional- You may attach 1 file to this page. L-=:::~~=='-===-~! Add Attachment 11"'2""';1,"','0 ,'II VI"';' /",,,""""'1:\ I ~;Ii HD.OD14 9.'90 i'<~pI3ce" C>::S-()Q& iREV ~2,'''e1 ""'"~l i~ C~S()I..,tn item tn. -:6D9 f=ebr~ary 1!~ 20?,~ i-'age i:\ of ...:::) DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES Complete this form to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C.1352 Approved by OMS :)348-0046 1. "Type of Federal Action: Dllconlrao ~b\)rant Dccoooerat,vcDQllwlllent DClolln De,can9'lllrllC'lee D110an",surar,ce 2. * Status of Federal Action: Ollt,[jI"'ter/a~,J)I':at'or. [8J b ,ml,al aware D cp:>SI.awa:c 3. .. Report Type: [X] a ,n.',a'f",nu Dtmat"nal:ha"g6 l 4, i i Name and Address of Reporting Entity: fYlP"rn.. l:-~I n~UDAwllfrl~P ,-....J "Name :u.i,.erC","""..c --~--I . S"~!'ee( 1 .C,'t}' !"01 ':"iim",,", !'ldPl"~ "::"'di: !:: ----, ~ S:I1'C: .-----.1 ,~ Zw b.:.....:J __--------1 S~ilrl." ~~_ 1""",., ;::mg'IlSE'J)"a: DISlrICl, If know" r ~----===-.--._--- ---.J --i 5. :~ ";CP(!.-t::I~G Ellidj' in tiLl4 is ~;'....i~J3\!,ihr(JCC, E,!(u N;;mc '-'fie' ;\a("p:~: ~,1 i'~,nf;:: I I I , I I I.s""",, , I 1----- '11. In'.:l.'1l;al';1l reouesicd tCLr~.LJ;;h tn,s t:'"m ':. a~tno":cd i'f t,tle 31 :> '- I ;~:'~:~~JW~:~D!flc'OO t>y tr,~ 1':'~~~~I:,~tJ~'r~:'::~i~~~r\~~,~',~~ ~~~~~~~~ $10, Cl00 ~"j 'K! ....,~n' IJO~) !(Y ,,~~n s:;s~. f:J ,. ,. I ;;~:::::'":-,~::.:~::::~' . - j il=.=:.:~~~:~~-~11 k Federal Action Number, If known---'---i 9~f:~:;;O~~:~~i~'lf ;~:;~_n==o= - - - - - -- ' II''" "" "" -------I~~-~-~=~.-j_ I r:~::~~d~:::rn~;^~:~.bYing ~egis~rant: -.. 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