BCC Minutes 11/04/1980 R Naples, Florida, November 4, 1980 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts ~s have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Archer John A. Pistor C.R. "Russ" Wimer David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk; C. William Norman, County Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Torry Virta, Community Development Administraior; Gene Willett, Administrative AS'iistilnt to County Manil':Jor; .Jeffory Perry, Zoning Directorj Lee Layne, 1'1;\1\1\(11'\ 1111111\4' 114 flll1l' , 1'\111111; 'i4(III.1' ^tJmttlt.ll'.lon Tum Mr.DAtlllll. Planner; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Boardj and, Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. BOOK 056,ACE 297 November 4, 1980 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS/DELETIONS Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that the agenda be approved with the following Additions and Deletions: 1. Petition A-80-3C, George Varnadoe, representing V.B.C., Inc., appealing Zoning Director's admin- istrative decision - Withdrawn. ~. Recommendation for approval of County-Wide Dog and Cat Neutering Program - Continued for at least two weeks. 3. Request for Carnival Permit for Naples Jaycees - Added. 4. Status Report re Property Appraisal Adjustment Board Hearings - Added. 5. Minutes of meeting of October 21, 1980 - Deferred. ORDINANCE 80-104 RE PETITION CP-SO-12C, DR. AHMET GURSOY, REQUESTING LAND USE AMENDMENT FROM L0W DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL LAND USE ON LOTS 2-6, BLOCK 109, MARCO BEACH UNIT 3, - ADOPTED Legal nctice having been pu~lished in the Naples Daily News on October 3, 19S0, and in the Mar~o Island Eagle on October 2, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition CP-80-12C, filed by Dr. Ahmet Gursoy, requesting a Land Use Amendment from Low Oen$ity Residential to Commercial land Use on lots 2 through 6, Block 109, ~larco Beach Unit 3. Planner Lee Layne located the property in question on the map displayed, noting that the parcel consists of 1.27 acres at the north- east corner of Bald Eagle Drive and San Marco Road on Marco Island. She said that the petitioner proposes to use the property for a medical clinic and informed the Board that th~ CCPA felt this was a needed facility on Marco Island and recommended approval. However, continued Ms. Layne, the st~ff had recommended denial of the ~mendment for reasons indicated on the Staff Report dated September 2, 1980. County Attorney Pickworth inquired as to what has changed on Marco Island in the interim period since the Comprehensive Plan was adopted that would warrant the change to Commercial land Use with Ms. Layne' . " n~~ ~^. ~OOK 056 rm a02. November 4, 1980 responding that there have been no changes. When asked by the ^ttorney if there is a shortage of commercial property on Marco Island, Community Development Administrator Vlrta said that there is a considerable amount directly across the street from the subject parcel which is vacant. The Petitioner, Or. Ahmet Gursoy, pointed out the need for the facility in the community due in part, to the distance involved between Marco Islanrl and the N~ples Cammunity Hospital. He also described the type of service to be provided, including the fact that the clinic would be open seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day. He agreed that there is other commercial land available but that the costs would be prohibitive and would be reflected in the charges to the patients. Referring to the statement made by Dr. Gursoy that a Certificate of Need is not a requirement for the type of facility under discussion, Corrmissioner Pistor qlJestioned whether or not, when the final plans are submitted to the State, th~ proposal may be turned down because what is being offered may be in excess of what a minor clinic would be providing and bordering on being a small hospital. He expressed concern that in this event, the land would be rezoned cOlllllercial which would allow any number of commercial establishments to Dc located at the site; i.e. gas stations, restaurants, and the like. Dr. Gursoy reiterated the fact that the subject permit is not needed which he said is so stated in the letter dated October 22, 1980 from Art Forehand, Administrator, Office of Com- munity Medical Facilities, Florida HRS, with Chairman Wenzel reviewing briefly the contents of the s~~ject correspondence. County Manager Norman pointed out the fact that the County operates an ambulance service, including the operation of Advance Life Support Program which is licensed and governed by extensive regulations and expressed concern over what kind of services will be provided once the ambulance delivers a patient to the professional center. He said that the ambulance could not deliver patients that are in life-threatening conditions because of the regulations as to where the ALS service can deliver patients. He suggested that this aspect was not addressed as part of the communications with Tallahassee. Or. Gursoy explained Novcmher 4, 1980 that he has had a mceting with Dr. Robert Touer, dlrcctor of Emergency Services for the Naples Community Hospital, and has been advised that, once a permit is received, protocol can be drawn up for working out the details involved. He furthcr stated. that he does not desIre to interfere with thc ambu1ancc service but said that it is a good possi- bility that dn ambulance can be obtained, funded by donations, which will be given to the fire department and used to rescue patients and bring them to the clinic and from there, if necessary, they can be trans- ported by the ambulance service to the Naples hospital. Dr. Wii1iam Cux, Collier County Health Director, ~nformed the Board that all the necessary papers have becn written to all regulatory agcncies and have come back in favor of Dr. Gursoy and his project. He said that if he were to be asked to comment, he would be interested in knowing how the other doctors on the Island feel, as well as the civic agenciesj how the Collier County Medical Socie,y feels; and, also, request some input from the Naples Community Hospital. All of this, said Dr. Cox, would be helpful in l11ilkinlJ il finill dpcision on t.he project. At this point, Conmissioner Wimer suggested that the purpose of the public hearing was to consider whether or not commercial land use is a proper designation for the property - whether or not there is a need for additional commercial property on Marco Island. Following a determination in this reyard, continued the Commissioner, the matter of rezoniny the property to "PC" can be addressed. Mr. William P. Shaughnessy, Marco Island Realtor, related the his- tory of the development of Marco Island and the original master plan for the Island, the lack of commercial property and the resultant high costs for that which is available and the limitations imposed with regarJ to setback requirements, and the like. He explained that the parcel in question consists of five residential lots opposite three corners of commercial property already existing and that the lots have been used as a commercial entity for fifteen years. A brief discussion followed con- cern i ng the zoni ng on adjacent properti es to the property under di scuss i on. He responded affinmative1y to the County Attorney's query as to whether __M n~~ w~Ml BOOK 05'6 P'.CE 3'04 November 4, 1980 or not hc sold thc parccl to the pctitioner. Whcn it was suggcsted that the rczoning might be part of a speculative venture to increase the va1uc of thc property, Mr. Shaughncssy said that the situation in qucstion is a unique one and, in his opinion, thc only place on Marco Island whcre there will be a request for such rezoning, adding that purchasing residential lots and converting them to "PC" or Commercial Zoning in order to "get rich quick" just will not happen. Commissioner Archp.r said the lack of commercially zoned property in closc proximity to the Naples hospital has been a drawback and, therefore, it might show foresight to consider this aspect since the proposed satellite hospital will be located close to the site under del iberation. The following persons spoke to the issue, or expressed briefly their support for the project: 1. The Rev. Joseph C. Weaver - St. Mark's Church, M. I. 2. Leigh Plummer - President of the Marco Island Civic Assoc. 3. Phil ip A. Jasberqel' - Resident and Businessman on M. 1. 4. William Maher - Resident 5. Mar~aret A. Maher - Re$idcnt 6. E.O. Tungate, Jr. - Resident 7. Tom Shea - Restaurant Association, M. I. 8. Stanley P",l1l1..:;; - Resident 9. Lorrainp Frceburn . Resident 10. Jean r. Manion - Resident 11. Edward R. Skrzynski - Area Resident 12. John Alexander - Resident 13. Ircne Alexander - Resident 14. Lconard l. Moore - Resident 15. Wl11iam C. Hamilton - Resident 16. John J. Cameron - Resident 17. Th~lmJ R. Wright - Resident 18. Fred Thon - Resident 19. Catherine Than - Resident 20. Gertrude C. Rennie - Resident 21. Mary Jane Sanner - Resident 22. Harry W. Moeller - Resident 23. Dorothy S. Moeller - Resident 24. Gerold Knauerhase - Resident 25. Alec S. Alexandre - Resident 26. J.H. Lyon - Resident 27. Thcresa J. Lyon - Res i dent 28. Paul C. Moellering - Resident 29. James M. Matthews - Resident 30. Greg lcighton - Resident 31. Betty Bruno - Resident 32. Angela Renicki - Resident 33. Clara Lee Oryson - Resident 34. Dave Gursoy - Resident 35. Joan Gursoy - Resident 36. Dr. Jean Kaplan - Resident 6... _ " l __~_ ~ November 4, 1980 37. Frank Pich - Resident 38. V. Laffcrt - Resident 39. G. Schmidt - Rcsident 40. Carol Matthcws - Resident 41. John McAbier - Resident 42. Mrs. John McAbier - Resident 43. Glenn A. Stanley - Resident 44. Emmett B. Adams - Resident 45. Olive F. Standley - Residcnt 46, Mrs. Gretchen Chatham - Resident 47. Boris S. Borshoff - Resident 48. Katherine E. Peterson - Resident 49. Wm. E. Peterson - Residcnt 50. William M. Rennie - Resident 51. Fred Dimock - Rcsident 52. Wi 11 iam Lan9 - Resident 53. Charlotte Lang - Resident 54. John Senatore - Resident 55. Maizie Senatore - Residcnt 56. William S. Ewing - Resident 57. Wilson L. Ford - Resident Dr. Charles O. Sahler, retired general surgeon, expressed doubt over the lack of nced for a Certificate of Need if nursing service is provided requirillg intensivc care such as continuous intravenous and blood pressure stabilization. He said that :n ris contacts with the Board of Directors of the Naples Community Hospital he has been advised that, before a full hospital can be built on Marco Island, it would be advisable to set up an c~ergency clinic which could eventually serve as the emergency center for the new satellite hospital. Mr. Herb Savage, President of the r~arco Island Chamber of Commerce, said that he is the architect for Dr. Gursoy and that his client is willing to place in his deed or in the B0ard's conditions that, in the event the Land Use Amendment is granted and in the future the "PC" use, if granted, is changed and used for some other purpose, a reverter clause that the land would return to Residential Land Use. Mr. Ed Oe1sch1aeger, representative of The Deltona Corporation, as ked that the record refl ect tha t hi s fi rm does not oppose the project by Dr. Gursoy, commenting that there is a tremendous need for the facility on Marco Island. However, said Mr. Oelsch1aeger, the location is not compatible with the Comprehensive Plan nor with the Single-Family zoning in that area. He pointed out that there is sufficient "PC" property zoned on the Island adjacent to the new hospital site. ".., nr.;R .,._ ~fl~ BOOK 056 PACE '306 November 4, 1900 Mr. J.K. Meye:-, 1657 San 11,lrco Rd.. stated that he lives within a few hundred jards of the proposed site and does not view the project as a threat to h1s property. He expressed his support of the amendment. Mr. William A. Harrison, area resident, explained that it is a matter of record that he is the petitioner's partner in the purchase of the lots and the development of the facil ity. He asked that the record reflect that it is their mutual intent that the venture be entirely private without outside funding. Mr. William B. Hawley, Marco Island inhabitant, suggested that the proposed use of the land is eminently worthy, citing, for example, the traffic congestion and length of time it takes for an ambulance to reach the Naples Hospital because of it. Ms. Vaunde1 Taylor, Registered Nurse employed by the Naples Com- munity Hospital in the Emergency Room, advised the Board that the hos- pital is unders~af~ed and overworked because of the number of accident cases brought in ev~ry day, many of which take place on the Island. She said that the project by Dr. Gursoy will provide a great service to that community. All opponents and proponents having been heard, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer expressed the opinion that the site for the hospital should be "tied dOlm", commenting that he has no objection to the medical complex. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimo..sly. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the Ordinance, as numbered and entitled below, be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 12. Submitted for the record, were aerial photographs of the subject property and a blueprint of the proposed medical facility. ORDINANCE NO. 80 - 104 AN ORDINANCE ~IENDING ORDINANCE 79-32, THE CmtPRI:.:IlENSIVE PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING TilE LAND USE CLEMEN'!' WORK S,TUDY AREA MAP .4 FROM RESIDENTIAL O~4 UNITS PER ACRE TO COMMERCIl\T. LAND USE ON TilE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED' PROPERTY: UNIT 3, BLOCK 109, LOTS 2, 3, 4, 5, AND 6, MARCO BEACH :;UBDIVISIONi AND BY PRO- VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE November 4, 1900 ORDINANCE 80-105 RE PETITIGN R-80-30C, DR. AHMET GURSOY, REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RS-2" TO "PC" FOR PROPERTY LOC,\TED ON LOTS 2-6, BLOCK 109, MiiRCO BEACH UNIT 3 - ADOPTED PURSUANT TO STIPULATIONi PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATION - ACCEPTED Lcgal notice having been publishcd in the Naples Daily News on October 3, 1980 and in the Marco Island Eagle on October 9, 1980 as evidcnccd by Affidavit~ of Publication filed with the Clerk, public heari:\g wa!' opencd to consider Petition R-80-30C, filed by Dr. Ahmet Gursoy, requesting rezoning from "RS-2" to "PC" for property located on Lots 2 through 6, Block 109, Marco Beach Unit 3, for thc purpose of establishing a medical clinic on the subject property. Planner lee Laync observed that the petition was discussed in con- junction with thc previous petition which the Board approved. She said that the Coastal Area Planning Commission recommended forwarding the petition to the Board with a recommendation of approval subject to the stipulation that the final site drainage plan be approved by the County Engineer prior to the 5tart of dny construction. County Attorney Pickworth requested that the August 13, 1980 memo from Planner Hender10ng to Lee Layne, Division of Comnunity Development, concernin~ compliance with the Comprehensive Plan be incorporated as part of the minutes, ciS this memo reflects the opinion of the Legal Departm~nt as well. The Chair so directed. Co,nmissio~er Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unar~,nous1:i carr'ied, that the public hearing be closed. C::'trrnissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that Ordinance 80-105, as entitled below, be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 12, pursuant to the above-referenced CAPC stipulation, and that the Petitioner's Agreement to the stipulation be accepted. Filed for the record was a letter dated October 9, 1980 from leigh P1uITYl1cr, President of the Marco Island Civic Association, Inc., advising that the Association's Board voted 7 to 1 not to oppose the rezoning of the five l?ts in questioni and a letter dated October 9, 1980 from Howard F. Ostr0ut, Jr., Director of Community Planning for The De1tona 600~ 055 PAGE "3G8 November 4, 1980 Corporation, opposing the rezoning of the property and setting forth their reasons. ORDINANCE 80 - 105 AN OHDINJ\NCE !\MeNDING ORDINANCE 76-30, THE COMPnEIlCNSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS fOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF TilE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT OF COLLIER COUNTY DY AMENDING TilE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMOER MI-S BY CIlJ\NGING TilE ZONING FROM "RS-4" SINGLE F!\MILY TO "PC" PROFESSIONAL COM- MERCIAL ON TilE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: LOTS 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6, BLOCK 109, UNIT J, MARCO BEACH SUBDIVISION; JiliD BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE RECESS: 10:35 A.M. until 10:42 A.M. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * aOOK 056 PACE '310 November 4, 1980 PETITION R-BO-?7C, THE OELTONA CORPORATION, REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" TO "PUD" FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS ~1ARCO SHORES - CONTINUED TO NOV- EMI3ER 11, 1980 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 3, 1980 and in the Marco Island Eagle on October 9, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened and continued to November 11, 1980 with regard to Petition R-80-27C filed by The Deltona Corporation, upon motion by Commissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, pursuant to request dated October 23, 1980 from the petitioner. PETITION SMP-80-2C, THE DELTONA CORPORATION, REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAil APPROVAL FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS MARCO SHORES - CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER 11, 1980 Legal notice ~aving been published in the Naples Daily News on October 19, 1980 and in the Marco Island Eagle on October 16, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened and continued to November 11, 1980, with regard to Petition SMP-DO-2C, filed by The De1tona Corporation, upon motion by Commissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ~nd unanimously carried, pursuant to request dated October 23, 1980 from t~e petitioner. PETITION SMP-80-4C, BILL BARTON, REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR WILLOUGHBY PLACE - APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 19, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition SMP-80-4C, filed by Bill Barton of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek, Inc., requesting Subdivision Master Plan approval for Willoughby Place located at the northwest corner of Piper Boulevard and Euclid Avenue in Palm River Estates. Planner lee layne. noting the location of the subdivision on the map displayed, said that the Subdivision Committee reviewed the petition and recommended approval with the following exceptions: 1. Sidewalk construction requirement to be waived. Novembcr 4, 1980 2. Radi'Js at interscction of Euclid Avcnue and proposed cu1-oc.sac be rcduced from 40' to 30'. 3. Street pavemcnt width be reduced from 24' to 20'. The Coastal Arca Planning Commission recommended forwarding the petition to the Board with a recommendation of approval, continued Ms. Layne, with the exception of the following: 1 . Reducc rad i us from 40' to 30 I at Eucl i d Avcnue and cul-de-sac street; 2. Reduce street pavement width from 24' to 20'; and reC'juiring ~idp.willk en Euclid Avenue and on one side of the cul-de-sac street. It is the recommendation, Ms. Layne said, that the petition be approved subject to sidewalks on Euclid Avenue and on one side of cul-de-sac Jnd a~proving the exceptions concerning the reduction of the radius from 40' to 30' and reducing the pavement width from 24 to 20 feet. Chairman Wenzel offered the comment that it is his opinion that widths of streets, cul-de-sacs, and the like, are now standardized with Publlc Works Administrator/Engineer Barksdale explaining that on short cul-de-sac streets the staff has recommended waivers on radii and widths because of the reduced traffic involved. There were no questions forthcoming, whereupon Commissioner Archer moved. seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the public hearing be closed. Mr. William Barton, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek, Inc., the petitioner, addressed the issue of the recommendation requiring sidewalk installation on the west side of Euclid and on the short cul-de-sac street, commenting that he is in favor of sidewalks and bikepaths in those locations where they serve a purpose and provide for the safety of pedestrians and children on bicycles. However, he said he does not believe that these facilities should routinely be placed in any project that occurs, noting the question of whether or not they may increase hazards rather than decrease them, and whether or not they would serve no purpose of such a small purpose that the cost to the individual would be inflationary and incur a maintenance- 800K 056 PACE '312 NovEmber 4, 1980 liabl11ty in the future. Mr. Barton said that this is the case in the instance under consideration, pointing out that waivers would be logical and can ~e granted by the Board under the Subdivision Regula- tions. For instance, continued the speaker, the cul-de-sac street will have only 14 lots, and a street that has a ditch on the same side as the propo$ed sidewalk which is approximately 5' deep at the present time. He detailed other aspects of the property which, in his opinion, are sufficient for requesting a waiver. Upon call for the qucstion on closing the public hearing, the motion was carried unanimously. Commissioner Archer moved to approve Petition SMP-80-4C, subject to the stipulations above-mentioned and waiving the sidewalk require- ments in view of the comments made by the petitioner. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. County Managcr Norman spoke in favor of the requirement for side- walks and suggested that the tim~ to provide them is when the street improvements are being made, citing a personal reason for his state- ment; i.e. the absence of sidewalks in the area in which he resides which is hazardous to pedestrians. Suggestions were made for resolving the matter such as installing a drainage pipe and covering the ditch with Mr. Barksdale observing that this wou1rl be costly for the small stretch of roadway. It was his counter suggestion that a sidewalk easement be required for those lots facing Euclid Avenue. ~r. Barton said that a 10' easement along the subject lots is being provided; however, if a 5' sidewalk is built inside the easement it will be immediately adjacent to the ditch and be hazardous. Commissioner Wimer voiced the opinion that as the population grows in the area there will be a demand for sidewalks and, if they are not put in at the time of development the cost will have to be borne by the taxpayers when they are installed. Mr. Barton said that it is his viewpoint that a special assessment district for such purposes is the more desirable approach because the particular people who would benefit . J I.. .. .J November 4, 1980 l;y such improvPl11cnts will be the ones to pay for them. Commissioner Wimer said that he understands the problem of building a sidewalk in the project now which, for the time being, "leads to nowhere" and inquired if the petitioner would consider providing a guarantee or a bond that the developer will build the particular portion in question at such time that the County builds a sidewalk in that particular com- munity. In that event, said Mr. Barton, it would be preferable to build it now rather than to assume such an obligation for what might be 15 years or more when the deve 1 oper may have sold the lots and "be done and gone". The discussion continued with Mr. Barton stating that Euclid Avenue is a reasonable location for a bikepath and said that there is no objection to putting one along the rOadWaji however, he asked that it be kept in mind that it is likely to serve no purpose between the present time and :he time the rest of the area is developed, at which time, due to lack of maintenance, the path will probably have to be rebuilt. When asked to comment by Commissioner Archer on the apparent di screpan.:y between the recommenda ti ons of the Subdi vi s ion Revi ew Com- mittee and the Planning Commission with regard to sidewalks, Community Development Administrator Virta said that the Planning Commission, in its report to the Board, does not indicate that the sidewalk require- ment should be waived. He said that the recommendation of the afore- said Committee was madc prior to that of the CAPC. Commissioner Pistor voiced his support of the regulations requiring sidewalks and mo.ed that the motion on the floor be amended to require the installation of sidewalks. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously. Upon call for tile question, the motion for approval of Petition SMP-80-4C, as amended, carried by unanimous vote. eO~K 056 PACE'313 &OO~ 056 fAcE'314 November 4, 1980 RESOLUTION 80-243 RE PETITION FDPO-80-V-ll, THOMAS CONRAD, REQUESTING APPROVAL OF VARIANCE FROM MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION kEQUIRED BY FDPO 79-62 - ADOPTED Lcgal notice having been published in the Marco Island Eagle 0n October 16, 1980 as cvidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wa~ opened to consider Petition FDPO-80-V-11, filed by Thomas Conrad, requesting a variance of 4 feet from the 11 feet NGVD as required by FDPO 79-62 in order to build a single-family home at 106 Tahiti Street, Isles of Capri. Planner Tom McDaniel explained that the existing homes on either side of the lot in question are at grade level and that the petitioner would like to build at the same level. He explained that Federal Requirements make specific mention that such situation is legitimate grounds for granting a variance based on hardship. There were no persons registcred to address the petition, where- upon Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Com."issioner Wimel' and unanimously carried, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Archer moved for acceptance of the staff recommenda- tions and for adoption of Resolution 80-243, as detailed above. The motion was seconded by Commi~~ioner Brown a~d carried by unanimous vote. * * * * * * * * * M8K 056 pm '318 November 4, 1900 RESOLUTION 80-244 RE PETITION TO CONSIDER VACATION OF 10' UTILITY EASEMENT BETWElN LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 0, PALM RIVER ESTATES, UN1T 4 - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on October 19 and 26, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed \11th the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a petition filed by Timothy Hains, for Robert Phillips and Sharondale Condo Devel- opment Corporation, requesting the vacation of the 10-foot Utility Easement between lots 1 and 2, Block D, Palm River Estates, Unit 4. Public Works Administrator/Engineer Barksdale said that the petition has been reviewed by the Engineering Department and determined that there will be no effect in the area if the easement is vacated; that the petition has been reviewed by the Water Management Advisory Board and approved administratively; and that letters of No Objection have been received from all necessary utility companies. Therefore, said Mr. Barksdale, the petition is being re::onr:ended for approval. There were no pcrsons indicating a desire to speak on the issue, whereupon Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the pl.blic hearing be closed. Commissioner Archer moved fci'r approval of the staff recommendatlon that Resolution 80-244, with regard to the petition detailed above, be adopted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried. * * * * * * * * BOOK 056 r^cr320 November 4, 1980 ORDINANCE f,OOPTING REVISED BUILDING CODE, WITH AMENDMENTS AND REVISED FEE SCHEDULES (CONTI NUED FROM 8/19/80 AND 9/23/80) - WITHDRAWN Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 18 and 25, 1980 and August 1 and 8, 1980 as evidenced by Affi- davit of Publication previously filed with the Clerk, a proposed or- dinance, adopting Revised Building Code with Amendments and Revised Fee Schedules, continued from August 19 and September 23, 1980. was opened for public hearing and withdrawn upon motion made by Commis- sioncr Archer, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, pursuant to request by the Community Development Department. Correspondence regarding the subject was filed for the record, as follows: 1. Memorandum dated October 29, 1980 from Commissioner Pistol' transmitting letter dated October 23, 1980 from the Naples Area Board of Realtors requesting consideration of a proposed amendment to the Southern Standard Building Code with regard to "temporary occupancy" . . 2. Letter ddted October 21, 1980 from the Contractors Association of Collier County voicing concern over an undesirable situation, described therein, and suggp.sting that the addition of a Buildin'J Department Compliance Officer to the staff could effect a remedy. PETITION A-80-3C, GEORGE VARNADOE, REPRESENTING V.B.C., !NC., APPEALING ZONING DIRECTOR'S ADMINISTRATIVE OECISION RE PARKING PLANS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPi~ENT - WITHDRAWN Legal notice having been published i~ the Naples Daily News on October 12, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication previously ~i1ed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from October 28, 1980 with regard to Petition A-RO-3C, filed by George Varnadoe representing V.B.C., Incorporated, appealing the Zoning Director's administrative decision with regard to parking requirements for the Hampton House East and West developments, situated on property located in Conner's Vander- bilt Beach Estates. Pursuant to request by the petitioner, as contained in the letter dated November 3, 1980 from Attorney George Varnadoe, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commi~sioner Brown and unanimously carried, that Petition A-80-3C, as detailed above, be withdrawn from further consider- ation. . N0vemb~r 4, 1980 SCIlEDULE or 1981 HOLIDAYS FOR EMPLOYEES UNDER THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - M'PROVED County Managcr C. William Norman reviewed briefly the proposed "designated" and "fixcd" or regular holidays for 1981 for employees under the Board of County Commissioners., Fo110wi~g bricf discussion, Commissioner Brown moved that the Board accept the 1981 Proposed Collier County Holiday Schedule dated September 22, 1980 as submitted by the County Manager. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried. HOLIDAY DATE New Year's nay 1-1-81 Washington's Birthday 2-16-81 Good Friday 4-17-81 Memorial Oay 5-25-81 Independence Day 7-4-81* Labor Day 9-7-81 Thanksgiving Day 11-26-81 Day After Tbanksgiving 1-1-27-81 Day Before Christmas 12-24-81 Christmas Day 12-25-81 Afternoon Before ~~w Year's 12-31-81 *Holidays falling on Saturday will be observed Friday. PROPOSED PROCEDURE FOR SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARINGS BEFORE THE BCC AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF - WITHDRAWN FROM CONSIDERATION County Manager C. William Norman reviewed the proposed procedure for scheduling public hearings before the Board of County Commissioners dated October 23, 1980, as prepared by Administrative Assistant Willett. Included in the procedure. as noted by Mr. Nonnan, would be the sched- uling of a maximum of five public hearings per Buard meeting, not in- cluding matters cont1nued from a prior meeting, the selection of an appropriate date, on a "first come basis", notification to the pertinent department, and to the Clerk's Office for placement of advertising. n ~~ .. M.'~?-1 eoOK 056 PACE 322 November 4, 1980 The proposed procedure was discussed with Commissioner Wimer pointing out that when the subject was discussed during a previous Board meeting, observing that Mr. Norman was not present, the number of hearings, and the like, was not considered but, rather, whether or not it was necessary for the Board to authorize advertising of public hearings. It was the consensus that it was not, said the Comnissioner, and, therefore, such matters would no longer be con- sidered agenda items. In order to save time, and money, the staff would have the authority to place the advertising, he continued, and, thereby, eliminate the unnecessary procedure. Commissioner Wimer moved that the entire matter under discussion be "dropped". The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried. Mr. Norman said that he would implement the policy referred to by Commissioner Wimer. RESOLUTION 80-245 RE ~ETITION PU-BO-13C, JOY RUSSELL BAKER, REQUESTING PU (4) OF "GRC" DISTRICT FOR CAR WASH ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH TRAIL - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS; PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED; CAPC FINDING G? FACT - FILED FOR RECORD Planner L~e layne located the parcel of property referred to in Petition PU-80-13C, as filed by Joy Russell Baker as being 1.16 acres on the North Trail, north of the Firestone Tire Store, as shown in the color orange on the map displayed. The purpose of requesting Provisional Use (4) of the "GRC" Zoning District, she continued, is to ~stab1ish a full-service car wash on the property. The Coastal Area Planning Com- mission, at their public hearing on October 16, 1980, recommended for- warding the petition to the Board with a recommendation of approval subject to the following staff stipulations: 1. Detailed site drainage plans must be submitted to the County Engineer prior to the start of any con- struction with drainaye calculations updated to meet new criteria established by Collier County. 2. Petitioner shall apply to the Zoning Director for final approval of the sign prior to the issuance of a building permit. 1....._ , L _.-.A November 4, 1980 Ms. Layne explained that the site was approved in 1977 for a car wash facility but the Provisional Use lapsed in 1978 since no extension was requested. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded. by Commissioner Archer drld unanimously carried, that Resolution 80-245 with regard to Petition PU-80-l3C, as detailed above, be ~dopted with the understanding that the petitioner comply with the above-referenced stipulations; that the Petitioner's Agreement to the stipulations be accepted; and that the CAPC Finding of Fact be filed for the record. * * '. * * * * * * * * * November 4, 1980 RESOLUTI ON 80- 246 ^PPO I NT! NG ADOI TI ONAl MEMBERS TO THE NEW HORIZONS fl1l1ENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE - ADOPTED Ms. Sondra Yates, Community Block Grant Coordinator, recalled that at the previous week's Board meeting Resolution 80-232 was adopted with regard to establishing a New Horizons Strategy for Fair Housing in Collier County and appointing a Citizens Advisory Committee pertaining thereto. It was the Board's desire, continued Ms. Yates, that addit10n- al members be appointed to the Committee for the purpose of having County- Wide representation. Pursuant to this request, Ms. Yates said that the following persons, all of whom have agreed to serve, are being recom- mended for appointment: 1. James Houston, Vice President of Naples Federal Savings and Loan. 2. James N. Foohey, Executive Officer, Marco Island Board of Rea Hors. 3. Mrs. Betty Humphries. League of Wo~en Voters. 4. Mrs. Beverly Kueter, CETA Program of Naples. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried by unanimous vote, that Resolution 80-246, appointing additional members to the New Horizons Citizens Advisory Committee, be adopted. * * * * * * * * -............ November 4, 1900 RESOLUTION 80-247 AUTHORIZING STAFF TO FILE APPLICATION FOR FY 1981 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS - ADOPTED; CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN NECESSARY FORMS AND DOCUMENTS WITH REGARD TO APPLICATION Ms. Sandra Yatcs, Community Block Grant Coordinator, approached the Board to rcquest authorization to procecd with the preparation and submission of II11l10ka1ce Community Development Block Grant applica- tion for Fiscal Year 1981. Referring to thc matcrial presented for Board review, Ms. Yates said that the following activities are being planned in conjunction with the Grant: 1. Strcet Paving (East Delaware Ave. Extension and S.',4o 11 th Street, Immoka1ee) 2. Housing Rehabilitation (41 additional units) '-~ 3. Rehabilitation of the Neighborhood Ccnter, School Drive, Inrnok~lee 4. Demolition (3 unoccupied units) She said that these activities are the result of two on-site visitations to Immoka1ee by two officials of HUn and following two hearings in this regard. Ms. Y~tes reviewed the budget in detail regarding the specific projects, inc~uding the administrative costs involved. The total pro- posed request, shc_continued, is ,for $492,480, just below thc ceiling of $500,000 for the type grant being pur~ued. It was suggested by Com- missioner Pistor that the entire $500,000 be applied for since it is possible that some of the estimated costs could be low, with Ms. Yates stating that this could be done by showing the rehabilitation of the Neighborhood Center at a higher cost than what is shown in the present- ation because it is possible that when thc work is done the cost could be higher on that project, or on the other phases of the rehabilitation. Commissioner Wimer inquired if the sub-standard units are all single-family with Dr. Danny Crew, Planning Director, stating that, under the new Grant Guidelines, HUn Regulations state that multi-family units must also be addressed. He said that contacts have been made with three banking institutions in the area who have all agreed to join in the venture and work out a type of a loan program in conjunction with the Program, possibly paying something on the interest or making (1~~ ","-''l.~~ BOOK 056 p^cE'334 Novcmber 4, 1980 a subsidized interest rate, but making the major portion of the money comc from the private sector. He said that IlUD has indicated that such an approach, in addressing the multi-family units, is a good one. COlrrnissioner Wimer said that he will not, vote to enrich "somc slum lord" and that he "likes to help people help themselves". Dr. Crew said that they would not give a loan to such persons. commenting that the Committee has taken a firm stand in this regard. Ms. Yates also pointed out that there are three duplexes involved, which are owner- occuried - renting out the other unit, all of whom have income well below the income level, and that, under the Grant provisions they are currently working on, the housing code must be enforced for multi- family, as well as for single-family dwellings. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Resolution f30-2H. authorizing the staff to file an application for FY 1981 Community Development B1uck Grant Funds and authorizing the Chairman to sign the necessary forms and documents pertaining thereto, be adopted. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall, noting that he was unaware that bor- rowing from private institutions was involved, in~uired about the B~ard's liability - who would repay the loan. Dr. Crew said that the transaction is strictly between the individual and the bank. If the Program sponsors do anything it would be to subsidize the interest rate which wou1c be a lump-sum paymnet, as is the Grant, said Dr. Crew, citing examples of the income qualifications which are required. Responding to Chairman Wenzel's inquiry about investigating income, Ms. Yates said that this is done by the Program sponsors by way of checking income tax statements and Social Security income, pointing out that tile bank~r making the loan has a wider range of cheCking than does the staff, i.e. credit reports, and like sources. Mr. Hall asked that the record reflect that the Board has no lia- bility with regard to repayment'i of loans made by private institutions in any of the projects. Upon call for the question, the motion to adopt the pertinent . resolution was unanimously carried. * 800K 056 rACE '350 Novcmber 4. 1980 RESOLUTION 80-248 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 33, Gl.OCK 35, UNIT 6, NAPLES PARK - ADOPTED Commissioncr Ar~her moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and Ulldfl i 1Il0US ly ca rr I ~d, Lhd L Reso 1 u Lion 80-248 to recover fund:: expended by the County to abate a public nuisance'on Lot 33, Block 35, Unit 6, Naples Park, owned by Gertrude Costello, be adopted. * * * * '* '* '* * * 1r * ~oox 056 PACE 352 November 4, 1980 CARNIVAL PERMIT NO. 80-3 - APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE TO NAPLES JAYCEES fQill.!.!:!G APPROVAL BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor that the Carnival Permit requestpn hy the Naples Jaycees be approved with the stipulations that no problems are encountered dS far as the Health Department is concerned. Mr. Mike Zewa1k. North Naples Civic Association, voiced his ob- jection to the organization continually flaunting the terms of the pertinent ordinancp. by not complying with the time limit for filing for a permit, suggesting that the permit be denied in the future. Chairman Wenzel instructed the County Manager to inform the organization, by lettp.r, of the terms in the ordinance. Upon call for the question, the motion was canied unanimously. * , * * * * * 11 * * 11 ~OOK 056 PACE '35~ Novcmber 4, 1980 STAFF RECOMMENl:'ATION FOR TF.RMINATING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN TIlE COUNTY AND B & B FLYING SERVICE AT IMMOKALEE AIRPORT - APPROVED Comnlissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioncr Archer and un~nimous1y c~rried, that the Lease Agreement between the County and the B & B Flying Service at the Immoka1ee Afrport be terminated, pursuant to the recommendation set forth in the Executive Summary dated October 22, 1980, and for the reasons set forth therein. CORRECTIVE QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR A 20' WIDE EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK A, BAKER-CARROLL POINT, UNIT NO.2 - APPROVED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that a Corrective Quit Claim for a 20' wide Ease- ment located within Lots 2 and 3, Block A, Bake.r-Carroll Point, Unit No. 2, correcting the legal description contained in the Deed dated September 11, 1979, be aop~oved for the Chairman's signature, as contained in the staff recommendation dated November 4, 1980. ." ." ." 'It ." ." ." ." ." November 4, 1980 CANCELLATION OF BID 1440 AWARDED TO TRAIL TIRE - APPROVEOj BID RE- AWARDED TO SECOND lOWEST BIDOER (AIRPORT TInE & SERVICE, INC.) Purchasing Director Frank Wil~ox reported that he has been informed by the President and Owner vf Trail Tire that he cannot service the contract awarded with regard'to Bid #440 for the pur- chase of automobile and off-the-road equipment tires due to hls lack of road trucks and personnel, and that the vendor would like to be relieved of the contract. Mr. Wilcox said that he has contacted the next lowest biddcr, Airport Tire & Service, Inc., who has agreed to honor that firm's bid; however, said Mr. Wilcox, the bid is 2~% higher than the original low bidder. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Comissioner Wimer, that the Board authorize the cancellation of the award to Trail Tire and re-award Bid #440, as detailed above, to Airport Tire and Service, Inc., 1271 Airport Road, Naples, Florida in t.he amount proposed during th~ bidding. County Attorney Pickworth inquired about the dollar benefit the County is "laying on him" by allow~ng the vcndor to reject the con- trqct. Mr. Wil cox reitel"a ted the reasons why the vendor cannot hono" the contract and said that it is his understanding that the vendor may lose his franchise with Goodyear, noting that the tires to be supplied by the second vendor are also Goodyear. He said that, first of all, the supplier did not sign the contract, and when he (Mr. Wilcox) followed the matter up, he was given the aforesaid reasons why he could not honor it. Mr. Wilcox said that a bid bond is not required and the contract not signed even though it wa~ awarded. He added that the vendor could be taken to courtj however, the difference between the two bids is only 2~%. It is his understanding, continued Mr. Wilcox, that the State Contract price is cost and the dealership receives a 7~ "break" from the company for handling the sales of the tires. Conse- quently, ~aid Mr. Wilcox, the vendor is losing 2~ on every tire he sells to the County. """. n.~R ",^-'4')~., eoax 056 PACE '358 November 4. 1980 Attorney Pickworth conmented that there was a legal contract when the bid was accepted and a legal right to have the tires de- livered at the stated amount. If more money is going to be involved, said Attorney Pickworth, obviously the individual is getting a benefit to that extent. The reason should be in the record, said the Attorney, as to the reasons why the Board is taking the action it is taking and if, in Mr. Wilcox's opinion, it is a wise decision in the ultimate public interest of the County to make, then the recommendation could be made. Chairman Wenzel ca11~d for the question and the motion on the floor carried 4/0, Commissioner Archer having temporarily left the rr.eeting. ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commission~r Archer not present, that the bills, having been processed following established procedure with funds available, be approved for payment as witnessed by the following checks issued from October 2~, 1980 through November 4, 1980: Bce Payro 11 CHECK NOS. 1363 - 1575 4363 - 4532 ACCOUNT COUNTY CHECKS ESTABLISHMENT OF ESCROW ACCOUNT FOR USE IN BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM - APPROVED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall requested Board concurrence on the establishMent of an escrow account to use in the County's Block Grant Program. He said that, reather than writing a check to the contractor upon completion of the contr'dct and get a drawdown from the Federal Program, upon the signing of the contract for the work, a drawdown is obtained from the Federal Program, placed in an escrow account in the name of the recipient of the services, and then' paid upon completion of the contract. Mr. Hall said that this would be an aid to the Com- munity Block Program. l.._ .1 November 4, 1980 Commissioner Pistor moved, secondp.d by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Archer not present, that the proposal outlined by Mr. Hall be approved. STATUS REPORT RE PROPERTY APPRAISAL ADJUSTMENT BOARD HEARINGS PROVIDED BY FISCAL OFFICERj BOARD APPROVES EXPENDITURE OF UP TO $1.000 FOR EMPLOYMENT OF MASTER APPRAISER TO HEAR CERTAIN APPEALS Fiscal Officer Harold Hall informed the Board that approximately 235 appeals have been submitted for hearing before the Property Ap- praisal Adjustment Board from individuals and firms and that it appears that such he?rings will require three days - November 12, 13 and 14, 1980. He askcd the Board's opinion with regard to having one or two evcning hearings - Wednesday evcning and possibly Thursday evening, Novembcr 13th and 14th respectively. Commissioner Pistor stated that he would prefer to work on Saturday with Commissioner Wimer commenting that he would dislike working at night. Mr. Hall ex'lained that the final budget hearing and the establishment of the millag~ can be done as early as November 17thj however, with th~ load on the Adjustment Board, it appea rs tha t it wi 11 take nlore than three days to comp1 ete them. The results of the hearings could have some impact on the adoption of the final budget if therc arc some significant adjustments made by the Adjustment Board, said Mr. Hall, which the Board may wish to consider when making their determination. County Attor~ey Pickworth pointed out that the Statutes provide that a Special Master can be retained to hear any or all of the petitions. Thcrefore, said Attorney Pickworth, it is his opinion that the easiest approach to take woulrl be to authorize up to $1,000 to obtain a Special Master to hear the appeals, particularly the corporate appeals. Such person can hear the appeals and render an opinion to the Board, said Attorncy Pickworth. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that the recommendation of the County Attorney be approved. Following a brief discussion about which appeals will be heard by the M~ster, the motion was carried 4/0 with Commissioner Archer not present. ,........... .'" ,..n BOOK 056 PACE '360 November 4, 1900 BOARD APPROVES lE^VE OF AnSENCE FOR BUILDING M^INTENANCE EMPLOYEE ROBERT N. SCHULER FROM 10/20/00 TO 11/18/80 Commissioncr Pistor movcd, seconded by Conmissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Archer nuL present, that the rcquc:;t for a leave of absencc for Building Maintenance Employee Robert N. Schuler, from October 20, 1980 until November 18, 1980, pursuant to recommendation by staff, be approved. REQUEST FOR ENFORCGit:NT OF LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE WITH RESPECT TO OFFSTREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR BUSINESSES BY COMMISSIONER WIMER - APPROVED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan referred to the memorandum dated October 16, 1980 from Commissioner Wimer to the County Manager with regard to the enforcement of the landscaping aspect of the Zoning Ordinance wherein it is suggested that an approach could be worked out so that the Certlficates of Occupancy ar~ nnt issued until the land- scaping is completed; or if it is not done, then a bond would be posted to insurc that the firm does comply with the ordinance provisions. Community Development Administrator Terry Virta agreed that in terms of actual enforcement the Zoning Department may have been some\/hat remiss. This is partially due, said Mr. Virta, to the fact that the position of Zoning Director has been termed "acting" for a period of time, pending the approval of the final budget. When the position is filled, continued Mr. Virta, the enforcement program will become "what it should be". Responding to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Virta said that the require- ment is being adhered to with regard to completion of landscaping before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Commissioner Wimer inquired about businesses which have not put in the required landscaping with regard to parking lots with Acting Zoning Director Perry stating that they are currently working with three in- dividual owners who have not complied, citing an example of one business which has put in landscaping but has permitted it to deteriorate to the point where it is of no value. He said that because his office does not November 4, 1980 i5sue Ccrt HI ca tes of Occupancy there have been occas ions when such Certificates have been issued without the Zoning Department's final approval. Following additional brief discussion during which Mr. Virta said that enforcement will improve and, if businesses which have not complied an~ should have, whatever steps necessary will be taken, Chairman Wenzel asked that the staff be requested to follow through on the matter and to keep Commissioner Wimer advised. REQUEST FRCM THE DELTONA CORPORATION FOR PERMISSION TO PRESEtiT ALTERNATIVES WITH REGARD TO PARKING AT THE ROYAL SEAFARER CONDOMINIUM - REFERRED TO COUNTY MANAGER FOR RECOMMENDATION County Manager Norman advised that a letter has been received from Edward R. Oe1sch1aeger, of The De1tona Corporation, dated October 22, 19~O, requesting that they be given the opportunity to ma~e a presentation of alcernatJve solutions to parking facilities at the Royal Seafarer Condominium on Marco Island. Mr. Norman said that the subject letter does not provide the basis for such reconsideration but that it is his understanding that some new information has been prepared. Community Development Administrator Virta informed the Board that a new site plan has been received from them illustrating what the petitioner is intending to do. At the conclusion of additional discussion, it was the direction of the Chairman that the matt~r be referred to the County Manager for a recommendation on whether or not to grant the request. BOARD APPROVES NOMINATION OF BAY CITY WALKING DREDGE, COLLIER- SEMINOLE STATE PARK, TO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES - LETTER TO THIS EF~~CT TO BE SUBMITTED TO HISTORICAL SOCIETY Pursuant to l~tter dated October 28, 1980 from L. Ross Morrell, State Historic Preservation Officer, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded ~y C0mmissioner Wimer and unanimously carried, that the Bay City Walking Dredge, Collier-Seminole State Park, should be nominated to the National Register of Historic Places, as suggested in the letter, and that a let- ter to this effect be furnished the Collier County Historical Society. aoox 05'6 PACE '362 November 4, 1900 RESOLUTION 80-249 RE PARTICIPATION IN REGIONAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNCIL - ADOPTED; COMMISSIONER PISTOR AND PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED TO SERVE Commissioner Pistor explained briefly the purpose of the pro- posed Regi ona 1 Emergency Medi ca 1 Servi ces Council, pursuan t to the meeting with regard to the matter held recently in Arcadia, Florida, and moved that Resolution 80-249, affirming the County's participation, be adopted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and car- ried 4/1 with rhairman Wenzel votiny in opposition. Conmissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/1 with Chairman Wenzel opposed, that Commissioner Pistor and Public Safety Administrator Thomas Hafner be appointed to serve on the subject Council. * * * * * * * * * * * *' * November 4, 1980 DISCUSSION OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY DE SOTO COUNTY BCC RE BUDGETING PROBLEMS ANO PROCESS MANDATED BY LEGISLATURE - REFERRED TO FISCAL OFFICER FOR REVIEW ANO RECOMMENDATION Brief mention was made of the resolution adopted by the De Soto County BCC requesting Statute changes du~ to the problems involved in budgeting process under the pre$ent Statutes, particularly with regard to the County Prop2rty Appraiser and the County Tax Collector's Office. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall requested that any action by the Board regarding the adoption of a similar resolution be deferred pending his review and forthcoming recommendation. RESIGNATION OF GEO~GE FREIJE FROM ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE DISTRICT - ACCEPTEDj APPROPRIATE CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION AUTHORIZED Cormlissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the resignation of George Freije from the Isles of Capri Fire Control District, effective November 3, 1980, be accepted, pursuant to telephone message from Mr. Freije to Public Safety Administrator Hafner November 3, 1980; and that an appropriate certificate of uppreciation be authorized. REQUES1 BY PETITIONER ROBERT TUYLS FOR REHEARING OF PETITIONS CP-80-11C AND R-80-23C - DENIED; BOARD DECISION FOR DENIAL OF PETITIONS AFFIRMED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan apprised the Board of the receipt of a letter dated November 3, 1980 from Robert Tuyls requesting a re-hearing of Petitions Nos. CP-80-11C and R-80-23C and, if the position is ta~en that there are no provisions for such re- hearing, that the matter be treated as a public petition and scheduled on a future agenda. Chairman Wenzel suggested that it is up to the petitioner to con- fer with the County Manager with regard to the request, making the observation that no citizen is denied the right to be heard. County Manager Norman pointed out that the Board has instructed him to screen such matters as the request under discussion and, unless there is some dramatic new information and he wishes to file a new petition, it is his position that he would have no choice but to deny it. November 4, 1980 BODK 056 PACE '3oB It was the consensus of the Board that the matter is not the proper format for a public pctition, whercupon Commissioncr Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the prior decision of dcnia1 should stand. County Attorncy Pickworth explained that it is difficult for the staff to tcl1 a petitioner that he cannot be re-heard because thc staff is then ~ubstituting itself for the Board. He said that it has always been his position that such persons have the right to request the Board for a reconsideration the Board has the discretion to grant or not. Additionally, said Attorney Pickworth, his office does not make a recommendation, one way or the other, unless there wcre some legal deficiencies in the proceedings in which case he would concur with the recommendation to reconsider for procedural reasons. Chairman Wcnze1 pointed out that there must be "some place where we end" with Attorney Pickworth suggesting that the Board can adopt that as a policy but that it is not something that he would like to have delegated to him or other staff members. Upon call for the question, the motion of denial carried unan- imously. LAKE TRAFFORD ME~ORIAL GARDENS DEED NO. 243 - FILED FOR THE RECORD FOLLOWING RECORDATION Pursuant to action of the Board January 10, 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to lake Trafford Memorial Gardens cemetery lots as the need arises, the following Deed No. 243 was recorded and filed for the record. * * * * * * * BOOK 056 P^Cf: '368 November 4, 1900 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chairman directed t.hat the following correspondence be filed nnd/or referred to the various departments, ~~ indic~tcd: 1. Letter dated Octoher 21, 1980 from W. Tinsley requesting permission to locate a mobile home temporarily on I-SF-3 zoned property - Filed. CMatter previously resolved) 2. Property Tax Protests received from following: a) F. Donald Rothermich - 10/27/80 b) Joan M. Billings, M.D. - 10/25/80 c) Gordon Caldis - 10/22/80 d) Ruth M. Hug - 10/24/80 e) Alan C. Russell - 10/23/80 f) roi. C. K. Chappuis - 10/22/80 xc of above to Fiscal Officer; and filed. 3. Letter dated October 31, 1980 from G. E. Carroll, Carroll, McPeak & Bolesky, Lawyers, re B & B Disposal Transfer of Franchise to Statewide Environmental Contractor's, Inc. - xc Public Works Administrator; and filed. 4. Letter dated October 23, 1980 from Florida Depar~lent of General Ser~ices transmitting forms re participation in Surplus Property Donation Program - xc County Manager [or completicn; and riled. 5. Letter dated October 27, 1980 from Kathy A. Carothers, Collier County Early Childhood Association regarding fees being levied by the Health Department - xc County Manager for response; and filed. 6. Copy of letter dated October 22, 1980 from M/M James F. Finn to the Collier County School Board protesting pro- posed sr.hool taxes - xc County Manager; and filed. 7. Letter dated October 26, 1980 from Beat~ice R. Ballen, Secretary, Collier County Council on Aging, Inc. re support of Mass Transit System - xc Public Works Admin- istrator; and filed. 8. Letter dated October 24, 1980 from Douglas G. McAusland re County Zoning Regulations/Docks-Vanderbilt Beach - xc County Manager for response; and filed. 9. Letter dated October 27, 1980 from John P. Turner indi- cating his willingness to serve as alternate member on the Charter Commission - Filed. 10. Letter dated October 29, 1980 from Alfred E. Kahn, Advisor to the President on Inflation, re costs of housing through- out the country - xc County Manager for review and in- vestigation; and filed. 11. Letter dated October 31, 1980 from Fred J. Stevens, Florida Department of Commerce re Local op~ion Referendum - xc County Manager for evaluation and possible action; and filed. BOOK 056 PACf'370 Novombor 4, 1900 27. Copy of Dig Cypress nOAin noard minutes of 9/19/80 meeting - ~iled. 20. Copy of Refugee Reports dated October 31, 1900 - xc County Manager; and filed. 29. Information dated October 7, 1900 from Gerald F. Thompson, BCC, Droward County, re Constitutional Amendment permitting water facilities to be financed through bonds of State of Florida - xc Utilities Division Director; and filed. 30. P.S.C. Notice re Docket No. 80016l-CI pertaining to water and sewer utjlity companies - xc Utilities Division Director; and filed. 31. P.S.C. Notice re Dncket No. 790l17GI regarding the rule adoption - st0ff assintance in rate cases - Filed. 32. ~.S.C. Nc.ti~e re Docket B00417-GU re petition of Miller Gas Company for consent to change present rates and charges - Filed. 33. P.S.C. Notice re Docket 780629-RULE for the petition of General Development Utilities, Inc. for initiation of rulemaking proceedings - Filed. 34. P.S.C. Notice re vaLious Docket Nos. with regard to the applications of Southern Freight Tariff Bureau for rate increaseq - Filed. 35. Departmental Reports, as follows: (Filed) a) Golden Gate Fire Department (9/80) b) Building Department Activity Report (9/80) c) Zoning Department (9/80) d) Minutes of September meeting of Golden Gate :ommunity Center Advisory Committee e) Building Maintenance (9/80) f) Minutes of August meeting of Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 12:08 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING DOARD(S)OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ATTEST: , WltLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK "&; '_B ---~/-i~ 'I , " '