BCC Minutes 04/29/1980 R l--1 ,to G1 fT. J " ,.), Naples, Florida, April 29, 1980 lET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissionnrs in an~ for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing B0ard(s) of such special districts nS have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex wit~ the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzp.l VICE-CHAIRM.AN: Thomas AI'cher John A. Pistor C. R. "Russ" Wimer David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold ~. Hall, Chief Deputy Cl erk/Fi sca 1 Ofn cer; Edna Brenneman and Jean Swi ndl e (10: 55 A./1.), Deputy Clerks; C. William Norman, Coun~y Manager; Irving Berzon, Utilities Division Director; Danny Crew, Planning Director; Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Clifford Barksdale, Public Works Administrator/Engineer; Martha Skinner, Social Services Director; Donald A. Pickworth (10:40 A.M.), County Attorney; Terry Virta, Community Development Administrator; Tom McDaniel, Planner; Richard Henderlong, Planner; Mary Morgan, Administra- tive Aide to the Board; and, Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Depa rtmen t. aoo~ 053 PACE Of ,.,:~~\7; ---::-;;-.'\-- -. ,- . .------ - -""" '.l"l'~~rJ .1-~~:';;i,:~f;!7"""'''~'' ',"i"'''' "\...tr',, "",,-;;, ~--- . -----~---_.. ~_._---~-...-.....~- :: - _n ... '-=~1 f=::J C'l April 29, 1980 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that the ~gcnda be approved with the following addH ions: 1. Pct.i tifln V-OO-O-C, Hol1.1nd-America Investments Corp. requesting a variance of the required 15' setback for parking (continued from April 22, 1980) - Added u~der Advertised Public Hearings. 2. Petition R-79-10-C, Whispering Pines, Inc., requesting rezoning of property located in Sections 14 and 23, T50S, R25E (known as Fisherman's Cove) (continued from April 22, 1980) - Added under Advertised Public Hearings. 3. Variance to permit mobile homes on Plantation Island (continued from April 22, 1980) - Added under Old Business. 4. Approval of l~AA Grant Application and Resolution re Clerk of Court's Witness Assistance Program - Added under Clerk's Report. MINUTES OF APRIL 8. 1980 - APPROVED ;.,j; Commi,sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissionu Archer and l;c~r,jrnouslj .;~rTied, thdt th~ minutes of the meeting qJ Aprii 8, 1980 be approved as presented. PROClAWITION ESTABLISHING ~1AY 3, 1980 AS "SUN DAY IN COLLIER COUNTY" - ADOPTED Following brief comments regarding the matter by Chairman Wenzel, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that th~ following Proclamation establishing May 3, 1980 as "Sun Dny in Collier County" be adopted. * * * * * * ~G~( 053 pm '05 .~ u I ~1 '" ~....,~~~- ~ ==" ~- " :J: ",'t.~ ~"~-'j,~".,{l!;'lo-b'~./.YW;~~;;:j.4M...~.~t~-~""r''''~'ilI;l1: ..~.,~"'~:oj'k~~iV..l.C"".i'..l.~""'~"~.t"~~*' t., ., ; ....._..~..Jo;... J.....". . .,._ . 1=-1 , I 1 --7' J April 29, 1980 RF.SOlUTION 80-89 OPPOSING PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE STATE MEDICAID PROGRAM USING lOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING - ADOPTED ~ocial Services Director Martha Skinner explained briefly the pur- pose for the proposed resolution being presented for Board consideration and/or adoptifln. Referring to the Executive Summary prepared by her with regard to the subject, Mrs. Skinner explained that a recommendation is being made to the Governor and the State legislature for the expansion of the Medicaid Pro9ram, such expansion to be accomplished by using a portion of county funds. The resolution, said Mrs. Skinner, sets forth opposition to the proposal and urged its adoption. -I COIll11f!,s i oner Archer moved, ''Seconded by ~ormri ss i oPJr I\imer and " unanimously c~rrieG, that Resoluti~n 8~-89, opposing.the proposed expansion ~ .., C\lo~ " of State Medicaid Program using local~government funding, be adopted~ ~ . . ..' ':;. {) . :. to , . 00 ~ Cl> r . . t .' * '" " ~ 0.. t) .~ " . '. . * , . . .' , ^ , " " " 0 If " " 0 " , '. *. ...: 0 o . 0, t . . . . ,0 " Q . II ': to (' r.' * * * * ~OJ~ 053 rA~E 07 o -0 ~ -- ... ~ BonK 053 rilGE 10 RESCLUTION 80-90 APPROVINr. THE REVISED FINAL ASSESSMEIlT ROLL FOR PRICE STREET IMPROVEMENTS - ADOPTED April 29, 1980 Legal notice having been puhlished in the Naples Daily News on April 13, lnd 20, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider a proposed resolution confirming the final assessment costs for the paving of Price Street. Public Works Administrator/County Engineer Barksdale explained that, pursuant to a petition submitted by the r('<:idents, improvements have been completed to Price Street roadway and accepted for maintenance. During the public hearing by the Board on February,;~?, 19~ for the purpose of " approving the final assessment roll, said Mr. Bar~!;dalp., a furf;~~r petition was presented stating that the cost tor the'i~provenferits were too high and, after working with the . 'I," . propert~ o~~er's: the Boa,;,d reduced the total ~ . . "<l ~ n " that the ~e~ised.~otal fi~a' assessment cost cost by $11,000. He stat"" for approximateiy 11,3?4.13 lineal ~ee~"is'$161,13'i.18~.or'.$14.22835 per .." ,-:;;. f''''"t foot - i\ difference of approx,imatelY'$l.09',p~~.fi-o'nt (oot, as , , . "-,' 'I '. ' t. ~"'. ..r> reflected in the revised final assessment rolL- : " " "I'" r,. 0 l ",." . " " Being advised there were no pe~sons registered to address the, . . ." ~ .. 1":, - ", matter, Commissioner Wimer moved, ,seconded by CommissJoner, Pisto~ and '. ~. ,.... , . ('. unanimously carried, that the p~~l~c,hearini'be ~losed.: ( ~.' 'j .. . ' '." 'J ' Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by COll1T!fss,iorer. Pistor and " ....~ .: " ~ <\ . '. , '.. '. . .. . ." unanimously carried, that Resolution 80-9~approving the'revised Final .. ,,'. -, ". ~. .... .: ~ ., r, . .. Assessment Roll for Price Street road, improvements; ,be adI'Jpted. .. . '.,. . . ~ . . . '.' , " * 0";' n' o ". . . ; "" '* * * * * I' r-l Cl - .._...."<,.\....._~~:.... I 1,_ f:--' f'-~~=I April 29, 1980 RESOl.UTION 80-91 RE PETITION FDPO-DO-V-8, BONITA SHORES/LITrLE HICKORY SHORES IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC., REQUESTING APPROVAL OF VARIANCE FROM MINII1UM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION REQUIRED BY FDPO 79-62 - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATION legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 13, 1900 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider Petition FDPO-80-V-8, filed by the BOilita Shores/little Hickory Shores Improvement Associiltion, Inc., requesting approval of a variance from the Minimum Base Flood Elevation as required by FOPO 79-62. Planner Tom McDaniel explained that the granting of the subject varianc~ will permit the constru~tlon of an addltion to the exi~ting J\ssociation Meetir.a lIa11 at an elevation of 7'3" NGVD instead of 13' as required by the pertinent ordinance. Based on the considerations con- tained in the Executive Summary with regard to the matter, Mr. McDaniel ~Jid thJt It L being rccoii1mcnded that the var"'nce be granL~u subject to the prflvision~ of level W-4 flood-proofing as contained in the U.S. 'ps of Enginep.rs Flood-Proofing Regulations. It was noted that Mr. Rod Blades, representing the Association, was present to respond to questions, if any, from the Board. Responding to Co~nissioner Wimer, Mr. Blades said that there will be no problem me~ting th~ conditions of the aforementioned flood-proofing regulations. There were no other persons registered to address the Board, where- upon C~mnissioiler Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unani- mously carried, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved th~t Resolution 80-91 with regard to Petition FDPO-OO-V-8, as filed by the Bonita Shores/Little Hickory Shores Improvement Association, Inc., requesting a variance from the Minimum Base Flood Elevation required by FDPO 79-62 for properLy locatprl in Lot 6, Rlock D, Unit 2 of little Hickory Shores Subdivision, be adopted subject to the stipulation that the petitioner flood-proof to the U.S. Corps of Engineers' Classification W-4. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wimer and unanimously carried. 80~K 053 PACE 13 (~ .--.-----.-.------. I __ ] L~':l \_-' April 29, 1980 RESOLUTION 80..92 PE PETITION V-BO-7-C, HOllAND-AMERICA INVESTMENTS CORP" REQUES_D NG_ VARI.8NC{ FROM THE REQU! RED 15' SETBACK FOR PARK! NG - MOPTEO Leg~l notice having been publish~d in the Naples Daily News on March 30, 1980 and in the MarC0 Island Eagle on April 3, 1980, as eviden~ed by Affidavits of the Publication pre~iously filed with the Clerk, public heuinl) \oJas continued from Apr"il 22, 1980 to consider Petition V-BO-7-C, filed by Holland-America investments Corp., requesting a variance from tile require~ IS' setback fur parking in front of a building located on Lots 27 t.hrou(jh 3~, Coll ier City, Marco Island. Zoning Oirector Jeffory 'lOrry said that, pll~suant to BOard directive of April 22, 1980, the :;taff investigated th~ possibility of providing a plan for par~ing next to the existing buildin~ on the subject property. I t has been fouod, said rk. f'erry, that angle parking could be placed in front of the building, t:l" nu;nber of parking spaces, reduced to 11 from the present 13 spaces, and, by allowing the cars to' overhang the landscaped area, there would be sufficient dri"':ndY \oJidth to permit safe backing-up fur the vehicles, He suid that this pl~r has b~en discussed with the Tr,lffic PI,lnner and that it is felt that the proposal is the best solution and would solve a multitude of "ills" including access to the back of the buildinC) by fire depi,rtment vehicles. County Manager C, Will iam Norman said that the staff, in essence, is recommending approval since there are public safety ,aspects involved which hilv::! as much in its I!'erit as the mel'1t to be derived by the petitioner. Mr, Darrell March, representing the petitioner, was in attendance and dec lined the or~o rtun ity to commen t un 1 e s s there were ques t i on s forth- coming from the Board members. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Conmissioner Brown and unanimously carried, chell the public hearing be c.losed. Commissioner f'ist.or moved for the adoption of Resolution 80-92 with regal'd to Petition V-80-7-C, filed by Holland-America Investments Corp" requesting a variance from tne required 15' setback for parking on lots 27 throuC)h 3~, r,ollier Cll.J'. ~jdrcu Island, The motion was seconded by Con,~is~ion~r Brown and unanimously carried, 80J~ 053 PAGE 17 :' BO~K 053 P^CE 20 April 29, 1980 PETITION R-79-10-C, WHISPERING PINES. INC., REQUESTING REZONING OF PROPERTY IN SECTIONS 14 AND 23, T50S, R25E (KNOWN AS FISf.lERMAN'S COVE) (CONTINUED FROM 4/22/80) - PETITION TO BE RE-HEARO BY ADVISORY BOAROS; ADVERTISING AUTHORI~ED FOR HEARING BY BCC on 6/17/80 legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 21, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication previously filed with the Clerk, public hearing ~/as continup.d from April 22, 1980 with regard to Petition R-79-10-C, filed by Whispering Pines, Inc., requesting rezoning of projJerty in Sections 14 and 23, Township 50 South, Range 25 East, s~id prop~rty known as Fisherman's Cove. Conmunity Dev~lopment Admi,1',~rator Terry Virta recalled .that the Board directed that the legal c?unsel for the retitioner and for the County confer on the matter of whether or not the petit10ner should be required to fi,e a new rezoning petition with regard to the subject property ~ince the petl.ion in question was wi~hdrawn at the request of the petitioner. Mr, Virta said that it is the opinion of Assistant County i\ttornej A,lthany Pires that the process should start over froln the beginning and that in the aforesaid interim period no information has been presented Lv !I\dicate that such opinion ShO:lld bE:: chan<jed, with his (Mr. Virla's) recOIrlllendation being the same, based on the legal opinion of Mr. Pires. Attorney Dan Conley. representing Whispering Pines, Inc., advised that he has been unable to cite any ordinance or statute that would require the Conrui~sion to hear the continued application under discussion; however, on the other hand, he said that there is no ordinance or statute to the contrary. He said that there has been a total delay of less than two months since the petition was withdrawn and subsequently reinstated, suggesting that it is within the Board's administrative powers to determine whether or not there has been an unreasonable deray. Mr. Conley pointed out that there would be a hardship on the appli~ant in the event thp. Board acts to require the petition to be refiled, commenting that only miror changes, if any, have evolved which, in his opinion, would not alter the recommendation of approval which was forthcoming from the Coastal Area Planning Commission. Chairman Wenzel noted that the Board had agreed to waive the refi1ing fee and that tile petitioner agreed to pay for the readve:-tising costs, r- "l r-=l ''\'1' t' ~ ! " ~ ~ .. ..4't......~_~ ~ .A. If.ilIJI ~~.. At9.. ,,1IlII ~ - .1... ..,I... ...... --- ".., c--, r_:1 t=.-:J AprIl 29, 1980 if the Board deems it appropriate to make such determination. It wa$ pointed out by County Manager Norman that the petition was officially withdrawn and not continued, which makes a difference in his viewpoint. ~lr. Conley agreed that the letter dated January 7, 1980 from lloyd G. Sheehan, President of Whispering Pines, Inc., did request that the petition be withdrawn rather than continued. The timetable for processing n new petition was discussed with Planning Director Danny Crew stating that such petition could be heard by the CAPC on June 5, 1980, fol10wlng which it could be scheduled for hearing by the Board, with Zoning Director Perry suggesting that the petition could be heard by the [^C on May J, 1380. and by the WMAil on May 14, 1980. Mr. Baird McLain offered the viewpoint that thr~e bave been changes "in the picture" ~ince the CAPC vote of approval was forthcoming in that the Naples Bay Study has since been r~leased which he said may cause the vote to be altered. Mr. Lloyd Sheehan pointed out that the subject report 'JS cOlTlplt'te wh(!n the CflPC acteu upon the petition and that, although the report was not made public. c~rtain individuals had read it and were know- ledgeable about its contents. There being no further persons reGistered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Pist.or moved, seconded by Commissioner ArchE:r and unanimously carried, that the public he~ring ue closed. Conrnissioner Pistor moved, secondcd by Commissioner Archer, that the petit'ion under discussion t,e re-heard by the various advisory buards and, hopefully, be brought ba.:k to the Commission by June 17. 1980. The motion was i:mended by the motioner and seconder, at the request of Mr. Norman, to include authorization to advertise the petition for public heari;:g by t;-e Board on June 17. 1980. It was pointed out by Commissioner Archer that the appl icant has agreed to pay for the advertising costs and that, since the petit{on was withdrawn without prejudice, the filing fees are to be waiv~d, Upon call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous vote. BO~~ 053 rAGE 21 .-...--.--.-------....-.------.-- _.. --0' _. -. _~" ': , / ',I /, i'" ~oox 053 PAGE 22 PETITION K-80-11-C REQUESTING AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS BY C:iANGING ZONING FROr~ "RM-IA" TO "MHSD" ON CERTAIN lOTS IN PLANTATION ISLAND f10BIlE HOflE SUBDIVISION - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 3, 1980; MESSRS. C.A, HIll AND R.W. FRUSH GRANfED PERMISSION ro STORE TRAILERS 9~~ID PROPERTY TEMPORA~IlY April 29, 1980 t. Comnunfty Develor-,ment Administrator Terry Vlrta explained that the rezoning matter with regard to Plant~tion Island and/or mobIle homes was reft>rred to sta rr for recormlenJation with regard to expediting the rezoning. lie sai": that the subject was discussed with the legal staff and that the biggest constraint at the present time is the statutory guidelines with regard to dates and advertising, pointing out that th~rc is no provision for relaxation of s~ch requirements. Mr. Virta recalled that during the previous week's me~ting the Board asked that the petition be advertised for public f)eariog on May 20, 1980; howe~cr, to allow for the proper 30-day requirement, it wi 1/ IJl' oecessary to request advertising for June 3, 1980. ~lr. Louis Isaacs, representing Plantation Island mobile homeowners, asked the Hoard to grant permission for certain individuals to place their ~~cile homes en their new lots temporarily until the rezoning is completed. lie said that such homes will be blul.~':':: ::;:. tied down, ~nd uninhabited until the owners return to the area in November. Discusson followed cO,lcerning the steps which have been taken to r'esolve u)(! l.or.;ng matter, as corrmented upon hy Mr. Isaacs and Planning Director Danny Crew. Other matters discussed were the provisions that will be made for the temporary installation of the mobile homes, the fact that hookups will not be made, the "fill" requirpments, and the like, including the comments by Zoning Director Perry that, technically, there is a requir'ement that bui lding permits be issued prior to such installat;on~ being made since there is a need to apprise the individuals with regard to setback requirements, and the 1 ike. Mr. Isaacs assured the Board that the homes will be blocked and tied dowr: according to the County Code. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that Chester A, Hill and Or. R. W, Frush be permitted to store their trailers on their lots on Plantation Island pending resolution of the rezoning petition. T'le motion was amended at the request of Dr. Crew, and agreed to by the maker {' '"] 1 rJ I. L.~J April 1..1.1o and the seconder, that the motion also include authorization to advertise the petition for public hearing before the Board on June 3,1900. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1 with Commissioner Plstor voting In opposItion. * * * RECESS: 9:15 A.M. until 9:55 A.M. * * * NE~I COMPREHENSIVE PARKING ORDINANCE FOR UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COYNTY - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING MAY 20, 1980 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Co~issioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the proposed New Comprehensive Parking Ordinance for the unincor~orated area of Collier County be advertised for public hearing on May 20, 1980. PETITION CCCl-OO-2C, EDWARD HIllSTROM, REQUESTING VARIANCE TO COAS1Al CONSTRUCTION CONTROL lINE ON PROPERTY IN SECTIONS 29 AND 30, T48S, R25E - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC H:ARIflG MAY 13, 1980 Cor1Tni~r>ioner Archer movAd, socond2d by Corrrnissioner Pistor and unani- mously carried, that Petition C(Cl-80-2C, filed by Edward Hillstrom, Architect, requesting a variance to the Coastal Construction Control Line on property in Sections 29 and 30, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Villas of Vanderbilt Beach, be advertised for public hearing on May 13, 1980. PETITION A-80-1-C, MARVETA SHAW, APPEALING ZONING DIRECTOR'S DECISION RE KEEPING OF CHICKENS IN A RESIDENTIALLY-ZONED DISTRICT - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR P~~C~~~ING MAY 20, 1980 COlTlnissioner Archer moved, seconded by COfT'lllissiol1er Pistor and unani- mously carried, that Petition A-80-1-C, filed by Marveta Shaw, appealing the Zoning Director's decision as to the keeping of chickens in a re~i- dentially-zoned district, be advertised for public hearing on May 20. 1980. , PETITION R-80-2-I, lA BELLE BUIlDl~:G SUPPLY, REQUESTING REZONING OF lOTS 7 THROUGH 10. BLOCK I, AND ALL OF BLOCK 9,EASTOVER.SUBDIVISIbN,FROM "I-C-3" TO "1- I" . ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING -JUNE 10; '1980 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that Petition R-80-2-1, filed by the la Belle Building Supply, requestin9 rezoning lots 7 through 10, Block 1, and all of Block 9, Eastover Subdivision, lrrmokalee, from "I-C-3" TO "I_I", be advertised for publ]c hearing June 10, 1980, ~~:,\ 053 rASE 23 eiJ;~ 053 Pt.GE 2.4 CONSIDERATION FOR TERMINATION OF GAR3.A.GE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH B & B DISPOSAL SERVICE, MARCO ISLAND AND GOODlAND - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZEn FOR PUBLIC HEARING ~'AY 27, 1980; C~AIRIWl AUTHORIZED TO SIGN "NOTICE TO SHOW CAUSE" DOCUMENT RE SAME I~,pril ?9, 1<J,jO Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the rccfln,menda t i on tfl cons i dcr the termi na t i on 0 f ,the Garbage Franchi se Agreement with B " B Disposal :;'ervice, Marco Island and Gootll'and, be . " advertised for a public henring May 27, 1980, and that the Chairm~n be authorized t.o sign a Notice to Sho\'/ Cause document with regard to the matter. Mr. A. P. Kirk, operator of B " B Disposal Service, was present to address the mntter and explained that, pursuant to the receipt of a letter from the County perrr,itting him to sell his franchise, he contacted Waste Management, lnc, to this effect. Subsequently, cuntinued Mr. Kirk, the Vice-President of the SUbject fir~ cam~ down to the area from Chicago to go over Mr. K~rk's books, following which a letter w~s received stating that an inventory would be made. To date, said Mr. Kirk, there has been no further wortl and, therefore, ne has conferre1 with Mr. Joe Macaluso, ~hom he s~jd has been "in the game" a good many years, and that a deal has been consu~"~ted, with escrow mnnpy tendered. He said this transaction flccur!'ed ,1pproximoltely six weeks ago and is the status of the situation to dol te, Continuing. Mr, Kirk agreed that his equipment has "gone down" t,,,~ pointed out that he has bee~ thwarted every time he has requested an increase in rates and explained what efforts have been made to accom- modate the County's requests fflr audits, and the like, and asked the Board to consider the fact that he is losing approximately $2,000 per month and that, due to his age, he would like to "get out". Responding to Chainnan l{enzel, Mr, Kirk said that the prospective new own,,; would 1 ike to take over tile blJsiness August I, 1980 anj that he (Mr. Kirk) would like to continlJe until then. It was pointed out by the Chainnar that the public hearing to be scheduled will be tu consider the termination of the Franchise and does not imply that the Board will, necessarily, do so. County Manager Norman commented on sume of the matters brought up b:' Mr, KirK, among them the fact that a certified audit was not ;:-r:uded o r' " r-] , " L_~ 1 L.] April 29, 1980 in the matel'ials provided when a rate increase was requested and no verifiable documentation as to the profit and lc~s of the ~siness and, therefore, the Board reJeclted the .appllc~tion'. Chairman Wenzel advised tha't th~ in~tters tiei~g to,uc~ed, upon wi' 1 be . further discussed during the public hearing and assured Mr. Kirk that the . Board will be very fair and that, if some of the complaints can be redJced in the Interim, he, personctlly, would be willing to allow the operation to continue as long as there is ct firm contract to sell the Franchise. It was the Chairman's recommendation that the party purr.hasing the business should be present at the publ ic hearing. It was pointed out by Mr. Norman that Mr, Kirk can sell the business iJut that the COlmty is not obligated to transfer the Franchise and further comm~nted that the County will require that; ~w frdnch;se be negotiated which will take some time. Observing that there will be no action taken until the public hearing, Chairman Wenz~l called for a vote on the motion which carried unanimously. * * * * * * ,> * ~ - c 053 . .\ t'.,,~~ 25 I I' , I i;:::.\ 053 fliSt 30 Apr i 1 29, 1'.leU COA TITLE VI PRO,JECTS CONTRAr.T MODIFICATIONS - APPROVED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE '0. CETA Directflr A, James Meerpohl, referring to his recommendation for Goard approval of CETA Title VI Project~ Contract Modifications dated April IS, 1980. advised that the situation with regard to this project has substantially changed since th~ Executive Summary was submitted to the l3odrd, He explained that on April 25, 1980 a telegram was rec.eived from the I3dlar,~e ,:,f State Prime Spo<lsor rlirecting him to freeze CETA Title VI hirin~ fr.r the rrmainder of the year until further notice. Therefore, sa id 111'. f':cerpohi, the approvel being sought is, in essence, to prepare the paper work in the event the freeze is taken off in the future and the proposrd projects c~n be in,plemented. Mr. Meerpoh: further stated that the action has come as no surpr-jse to hi,n :,ince the Federal Government is ("'-obl igating VII' entire CETA Title VI Program by approximately $201,000,000 for the r'main~er Gf the current fiscal year and reducing the enrollment levels from 200,000 participants :lationally to approximately 150,000 r"lrollecs, Therefore. he r.ontin:Jed, the request to the Board is for re- progr',1rll,,;ir.g the funds allocateJ at the beginning of the year and, if the freoze goes off, such funds can be out into the proposed projects. Pesl'ondiny to COntllissioner Wil'ler's fluery with regard to the re~sons for not placing more effort on jobs in the private sector, Mr. Meerpohl sa i d the1 t \-Ihen Congres, gives budget authori ty for the CETA Program there arc very specific regulations as to how the funds can be spent and that public service employment is still the largest part of the Program; howe'/cr. he said that such employment is being sub~tantially reduced from the 1977 levels of about 600,000 people nation-wide to approximately 250,000 people. COrlmissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pi~t('l\', r.hat the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the CETA Title VI PI'ojer.ts Contract ~10dification, as recomended by the CETA Director. The nntion carried 3/2 with Commissioners Wenzel and Wimer voting in op~osition. Commissioner Wimer explained that his vote was no reflection on the Dil"ector since. in his opinion, Mr. Meerpohl is "doing a good job". r . 1--=1 eOQ~ 053. PACE 34 April 29. IS80 RESOLUTION 80-93 RE PETITION PU-76-2C, EXXON CORPORATION, REQUESTING EXTENSION OF PROVISIONAL USE (1) OF Tf{E "A" DISTRTCT IN S12, T51S, R3qE - ADOPTED, EXTENDING PU UNTil MAY 11, 1981 Conlnissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and cnrricd unanimously, that Ilesolution 80-')3, relating to Petition PU-76-2C for extension of Provisional Use (I) of the "A;' 'Agricufture ,Disfrict in Scction 12, Township 51 So~;th. R<lrlge 34 East, until May 11,,1981 as re'llJested by the Exxon Corporation, and as recommended by staff, be adopted. * * * * * * ,* C'-1 , '. \ : I I ;.. ~\ ',<<i ~oo~ 053 rACE 36 April 29, 1980 RESOLUTION 80-94 RE PETITION PU-80-3C, EXXON CORPORATION. REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE (1) OF THE "A" DISTRICT FQI( OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION IN S21, T50S, R33E - ADOPTED PURSUANf TO,~TIPULATIONS CONTAINED IN ADDENDUM "A" ATTACHED THERETO Pl~nner Richard Henderlong explained briefly that the'Exxon Corpora- tion is requesting the granting of a Provisional Use for oil and gas exploration purposes in Section 21, Township 50 South, Range 33 Eas':, further loc,lted 20 miles east of SR 29, 5 miles south of Alligator Alley, as contained in Petition PU-80-JC. Ref~rring to the Executive Summary dated April 17, 1930, as prepred by staff, Mr. Henclerlong said that ~:,e petition has been reviewed by and recclIlrnended .for approval by all County agencies in their areas of concern with eight stipulations, said stipula- tions contained in Arlrlen1um "A" attached tD the pertinent resolution. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and uno",;nously carried, that ResJlution 80-94 with regard to Petition PU-80-3C as detailed above, be adopted pursuant to the staff stipulations contained in Aud~nduf11 "A" affixed the:"eto. .. .. * * .. .. .. r' "-, r-j .'., \ I ! f [ I Ii Ii ~ ! II i! .i I ",n~x April L'J. 1980 053 PACE 40 RESOLUTION 80-9 DECLARING AN AUTOMOTIVE FU~l EMERGENCY - RESCINDED Conmissloner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that Resolution 80-9 which declared an Automotive Fuel Emergency be rescinded, ~s recommended by staff. AnM[~:[STRAT[VE R'cSPONS![HLITY FOR ~lANAGEMENT OF THE IMMOKAlEE AND EVER- GLADES AIRPOR!~ TRANSFERRFD FROM BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT TO PUBLIC WOR~~ OrVIS ror; -. -.----.- ---" Commissioner Wimer nloved. ser.onded by Commissioner Brown and unani- mously carrie,: that the, "c;nistrative responsit,ility for management of the J~nokalee and Everglades Airports be transferred from the Building Maintenance Deparunent to the Public Works Division, as recommended by st,lff nrd pursuant to ~he Executive SUllInary dated April 18, 1980, as prepared by the County Manager, Conmlissjoncr Brown noted that Johnny Johnson has expressed a desire to enter into discussions with the County with regard to a runway being built from the end of the present runway to the hangar which Mr. Johnson has recently acquired. He suggested researching the possibility of Feder,ll funds being available for this purpose. County Manager Norman said thlt he would direct the request to Public Works Administrator /1~r'k,rl"l" fnr f1lrth"r investi'J1tion as to the costs, and the like. REVISED GUIDELINES FOR GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER AND REVISED RULES FOR THE OPERATION OF TflE CENTER - APPROVED, SUPERSEDING RULES AND GUIOElINES PRESENTLY IN EFFECT ---------- Following brief explanation of the matter by County Manager Norman, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brflwn, that the following documents be approved, with regard to the Golden Gate Community Center, and that similar documents approved by the Board on April 12, December 13, and Oecember 20, 1977, be resr.in~~d: Guidelines for the Golden Gute Corrrnunity Center. 2, Rules :'-:, Lhe operation of the Golden Gate Community Center. It was 'luted by Mr, Norman thclt the Center's Director, Mrs. Joan Jenks, was in attendance to respond to questions, if any, frum the Board. Brief discussion followed with regard to the eventual changeover in responsibility for the Center, following which Chairman Wenzel called for the question and the motion ~arried unanimously. r-- '-j -----1 l 1 L,_J April 2~, 1980 BOARD APPROVES ACCEPTANCE OF SURETY BONDS IN lIEU OF CASH BONDS POSTEO FOR TIIREE prSTOL PERMITS ISSUED TO EMPLOYEES OF PROVENZANO INVESTIGATIONS, MW AUTHORIZES RfJUtHJ OF SAID CASH BONDS Pursuant to staff recorrmendation, as contained in the Executive SUl11n,wy dated April 21, 1980, Corrmissionel' Wimcr moved. seconded by Comnissioncr Brown and unanimously carried, that Surety 80nds be acceptcd in 1 ieu of the Cash Bonds posted for three Pistol Permits issued to employees nf Provenzano Investigations, and that the Cash Bunds be refunded, PETITION FOR ESTABLIS::1"~'n Or ROAn IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR BAY STREE', AND SOUTHERLY 270' OF FERN DRIVE - ACCEPTED; ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ,\UTHORIZEO TO PKEPARE PRELIMINARY FEASIBILITY REPORT AND COST ESTIMATE LG'JiJIURE PR~EiiBTrON TO fiOARD rub] ic Works Administrator/Engineer Barksdale explained that a petition has been received fran the property owners abutting Bay Street and the most southel'ly 270 fect of Fcrn Drive for the establ ishment of a road 'Improvcment. district, subsequent investigation indicating th~t 6'JX of the abl,tting pro;Jcrty owners have signed the subject ~etition. Commissioner r1im,c,r moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that the Board accept the aforementioned petition and that the Engineering Department be authorized to prepare a preliminary feas ibi 1 i ty I"l'pol't <111d cost cstimate for the establ ishment of a road improvement district for Bay Street and the southerly 270 feet of Fern Dl'ive fur future presentation to the Board. GCC APPROVES RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT WITH O. L. STONEBURNER RE GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY (GOOOLETTE RO~D EXTENSION' FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE, AND AUII.!9BIllS l'!\YMENT Itl ACCORDANCE HITH SUBJECT AGREEMENT PlIbl ic Works Adntinistrator/Engineer Cl ifford Barksdale explained briefly the tcrms uf the ,1greement for the acquisition of Parcel 101 of the right-of-v:~.v ,-eqllir:d to four-lane Golden Gate Parkway, and the uppraisals received with regurd to the subject property. as cont.ainerJ in the Executive SlIm"~r.v prepared by staff and dated April 18, 1980. He said that the Right-of-Way Agreement reached with the owners of the property, Mr, and Mrs. Donald L. Stoneburner. is for a total settiement in th? ar~ount of $200,000 provided ;:Jayment is received not later than Hdy 1. 1980; other'wise, the price would accrue interest at the rate of 1,5% per' month. RC~< 053 pm 47 I I I i eDJK 053 PACE 48 April 29, 1980 Commissioner Pistor rr,oved for acceptance of the staff recon'rnenda~ion i.e. that the Board approve the Right-of-Way Agreement for Parcel 101 of the right-of-way required to four-lane Golden Gate Parkway, authorize the ':t,alrman to execute Silrne, and authorIze payment in accordance therewith. (orrmissioner Archer seconded the motion which carried 4/1 ~Iith Commissioner '"imcr voting in opposition commenting "that's the piece ":e could have "old for frcc ,1 couple of years ago", * * * * * * * * * * r . ( -} L,.J April 29, 1980 RIGHT -&-WAY AGREEMENT WITll FLEISCHMANN ESTATE RE GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY ~OODlETTE ROAQ EXTENSION) - ^PPROVED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGN~TURE_______ Publ ic Works Administrator/Engineer Clifford Barksdale said that, in ad~itinn to the right-of-Way ^greement acteJ u~on in the foregoing item, agreement has recently been reached with the Fleischmann Estate for additional right-of-way, as descrihed in the Agreement, for con- struction of Golden Gate Parkway (Goodlette Road Extension). He said that t.he agrp.em,.nt is to ~xchange ti,e piece of road to be abandoned for the Parkway, where it connects into Goodlette Road, in return for certain considerations a~ contained in H,e Agreement, noting that there ',Jill be no exchange of money. CCJnlnlissiuner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously c,lrried, that the Ri9ht-of-Way Agreement with the Fleischmann Estate regarding Golden Gate Parkway (Goodlette Road Extension), as rccOlTlnrnded llY s ta ff, be approved for the Cha i rman I s s i ~ma tur~. * * * * * * * * 80:1 053 P.ICf 5f / I..J.... BOO~ 053 56 April 29. 1980 rAGt: RIGHT-OF-WA! AGREEMENT WITH HARRY F. BEDINGHAUS RE GOLDEN GATE PAI1KWAY CGQ9PJ,.uJ~_.B.Q!ill..J}TENlli!!L.:_Jle2.f',OVED_FOR CHAI RMAN' S SIGNATURE Public Works Admlnl~trator/Engineer Clifford Barksdale r~portQd that agreement. h,lS been reached with Harry F. Bedinghaus for the acqul- sition of additional right-of-way with regard to the construction of Gfllden Gate ParkwJY (Goodlette Road Extension). Mr. Barksdale said that Mr. Bedinghaus owns the bowling alley located in the area and that n small piece of its parking 10t is required, consisting of 0.148 acres, and that the price agreed upon, after an appraisal WAS completed, is $15,395.00. CflllTllissioner Fistor moved, ~p.conde\. by Commissionp.r Archer, that the Cha 11 mol 11 be author i zed to sign the Right-of-Way Agreemen t with /I"rry F, l3edin<:;haus for purc/lase of certain right-of-way as described therein, and as recommended by staff. The motion carried 4/1 with COf1Tnissioner Wim"," voting in opposition with the statement that the suhject property is a part of the parcel which was offered free to the Cflunty a "~ouple of years ago" and that he wished to register his opposition to not accept ing the property when it was offered. * * k k * * C---l ........ ." \ r:;:, ()53 r^Ct GO April 29, 1980 FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF TRACT VI. PAGELS INDUSTRIAL PARK - APPROVED Pursuant to staff reconmendation as contained in the Executive Sumrnal'y submi tted for Board review, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Con~n1~sloner Pistol' and unanimOl/sly carried, that the Board approve the Final Acceptance of Tract VI, Pagels Industrial Park. EXPA~SION or VARIOUS FUEL STORAGE ANO DISPENSING FACilITIES - APPROVED; ADDITlONA~ RECOM!~EtID^Tl0l6 AND PROPOSALS OF STAFF TO BE "WORKEI) OUT" AND BROUGIIT [lACK TO THE [lOAR,IJ Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox reported that, pursuant to Board f'lstruction~, the staff reviewed the need for a fuel pumr and tanks on Marco Island and it is their conclusion, as indicated in the Executive SUrTJ11,lry d,1terl April 17. 1980. alld in the Memorandum from him dated Aprj 1 16, 1980, that a 4,000 gallon tank be instal ](:d at a cost of $13,340, such facility to be used primarily for the Sheriff's vehicles nnd ~he amblJl ances. A further conclusion, said Mr, Wilcox, is that additional tanks need to be installed at both the Naples and Immokalee Barns in order to proviej,. c,uffic ient backup reserves in cases of emergencies or supply shorta'J'~S. as well a~ to penni t "8ul k Transport" purchases at a lowel' (flSt per 'Jallan, The estimated cost for these improvements, he continued is $Z5,41O. Mr. Wilcox reviewed briefly other pertinent details concerning the a hove pl"apOSa Is, together with add it i ana 1 recomllenda t ions wi th reg a rd to funding the expansions, such as via the Capital Improvement Account, and a proposal for adding a surcharge of $,02 on all gasoline dispensed at the subject locations, A further reco~nendation being propo~ej, said Mr. Wilcox, is to consolirlate the administration of all gasoline purchasing to the Motor Pool. The infonnaticn and reconulIendations presented by Mr. Wilcox wer'e discussed including the proposed savings envisioned, maintenance of gasoline supply, the use of the various types of fuel for County vehicles and the 1 ike, Deputy Chief 8arnett offered the suggestion that, if d surcharge is imposed, that it not become effective until the start of the next fiscal year since the Sheriff's Department has not budgeted suffi- ciently for the amount of fuel presently being used. r' r- r-'-'I ".-;::,=":;-;___,:,:,~_";.:,:;~~",,,,;:;~,~:~~:,,,:,;,,~--,. ~;-~, 1" -- I .pq~~ P........"r ~....~-~' r~ ~ '* ~ - f L'_~J April 23, "y;,J CO!Tlnissionl!r Wimer moved, secondecl by Commissioner Pistor, for aut.horization flf funds to install the tanks, as recolTl'T1ended by Mr, Wilcox. and that the remaining recolTl'T1endations and proposals, such as the surcharge, be "worked out" and brought back to the Board. In re~ponse to Commissioner Brown, Fiscal Officer Harold Hall ~xrlahed that various approaches for the funding of the expansions have been discussed, one of them being that the project be considered a capital cxrenditure that would be charged out, in the long term, to users of the service. since it is ar. internal service. Further, said Mr. Hall, the initial funding, since it is a project of County-wide benefit, can come f~om thE' Capital ImprovemE'nt Fund .lith the Reserve for Depreciation buflding IIp in the Internal Services Fund for replacement of the facil Hies whenever nceded. COlm1issioner Wimer commented that he is not opposed to the U S'lrchilrge propflsed; however, in his opinion, such charge sr:ould start with the new budget yedr, LJpOfl ,,111 for the question. the motion carried by unanimous vote, [lID #414 FOR ANNIJAL CGilTRACi FOR FURNISHING ANALYTICAL SERVICES TO THE SEWER AREA "A" SEWAGt: TREATMENT PLANT AND MmHTORING WELLS - AWARDEO TO [NYIB.opr~Q_LLN_~,-^T COST OF $240 MONTHLY SERVICE FEE Legdl nulice having been published in the N.)ples Daily News on Arril 2 and 4. 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fileJ with the Clerk, ~ids were received until April 16, 1980 for Bid '414 for furnishiflg Analytical Services for the Sewer Area "A" Sewage Treatment f'lant and ~lonitoring Wells. Utilities Division Director Irving Berlon explained that the services covered in the bid are required under DER regulations and thal they also measure the plant's performar,ce and efficiency. Referrillg to the Bid Tabulation, Mr. Berzon said that six bids were received with prorosals ranging from $240.00 per month to $2.000.00 per month, the lowest bids being identical except for discount terms. The recommendation, said Mr. !3erzon, is that the bid be Jwarded to Enviropact, Inc., Hialeah, Florida, being the lowest bidder. at a monthly service fee of $240.00 with a five percent discount for all bills paid within ten days. Conlniss ioner Wirner rr,oved, ~econd~d by Contnissioner Brown and unani- rnously carried, that Bid #414 for furnishing Analytical Services to the Sewer Area "A" facilities, be awarded to En'lirop<:ct, Inc., Hialeah, Florida, ,~s rpconTllended in the Bid Review Corrmittee letter datr,d April 16, 1980, and th,)t the Chairm,1n and the Clprk be authorized to sign and attest the . ' I, I . . ~1''; ,~, p'._'l " ',! it. , 053 61' 'il\ 'I ~ ) ~; , I ! ---..tor April 29, 1980 r,O~K 053 f/,GE 62 ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Pur,uant to Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills being presented hav0 neen processed following established procedure and thnl funds <l(ro available, Conrnlssioner Brown moved, seconded by Commis- s10ner Wimer dnd undl1lmously carri~d. that the subject bills be approved for payment as wi tnessed by the following checks issued from April 23. 19BG through April 29, 1980: Accourn CHECK NOS. 11012 - 11467 7228 - 7509 BCC Payro 11 County Checks flUOGET AMENDMEN'( 80-85 TO TRANSFER FUNDS TO MEET EXPENSES INCURRED FOR ARCllr\EOLOCJ(~AL ACTIVITIES RE MUSEUM - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,700 COGIJ1is::ioner Archer moved, seconded by ':orrrnissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that Budget Amendment 80-85, to transfer funds to mee t the expenses incurred for Museum Archaeo logi ca 1 Acti vit i es, be adopted in the amount of $1,700. * * * * * * I' {--'j __U I -.. Ur:o i,OJK J J rACE 64 April 29, 1980 BUDGET AMCNUMENT 00-B6 TO PROVIDE rUNOS FOR COURT REPORTER COSTS RE COUNTY MAN_~f!.ER - ADOPTED IN THE MiOUNT OF $157 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 80-B6 transferring funds wi thin the Co~nty Mana~er'5 Rudget to provide for funds to pay Court Reporter costs incurred in connection with an employee termination appeal, be adopted in L h e ,1 "'f] IHl t (J f $ I 5 7 , DOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS f:OLt.IER COUNTY, FLORIDA n U D GET A " END MEN T IV hccju ires Boo rd 1\PP1:ov<11 L:7 Does Not Require Doard Approval (transfer within bbject code range) }'IINO 001 - Gart~ra1 Fund DEPT.:, Couhty.Manager Dl';SCHTPT.T0N :: Transfer of fundn,within County Manager's Budget requested to provide fllnds to ~ay for Court Reporter costs incurred in connection with dn enp10yee termination appeal. Fran: 001-512-1-10-03-01-120 To: 001-512-1-10-03-01-330 Amount: $156.25 TO (Increase): Court Reporter Services 001-512-1-10-03-010-330 $ 157 FROM (Source of Funds): HC'Jular Salaries 001-512-1-10-03-010-120 $ 157 CC)l:nty l-1'J VDi . oir. ;r~' J <' -- Dilte: 122/8 Doarcl of County CO;llHl. BUDGET 1\~l;: J\ppl:oval: Dilte: April 29', 1980' No. 80-86 . 'D J\ccountin9 DCp;'l1::tr.tent V rurcha~il1Sl (Eqnip:uent. Daly) , L:7 nuu~et ^nalyst 1l,l:;Tltll1UTIOtJ: ' 'rl Hoard Recore],; (Odgini11) L7 l'-iscal Officcr o rn-'pilr.tm"at.(<;) J\{f<:ctc,l ._.._--._----_...._---_._~'"-- 'DnH '''/'"1/7C\tH\I ,'. i r-- I~'J - '""', , I , I , I <to I , I \ i\ -. I L~J April 29, 1980 BUDGET AMENDMENT 00-87 TRANSFERRING FUrmS FOR PURCHASE OF CALCULATOR FOR NAPLES lANDFIll - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $75 C~nlT1issioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and ',manimollsly carried, that Budget Amendment 80-87, transferring funds within 'Iclples landfill iludget for the purchase of a calculator, be adopted in the amount of $75. DOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COI,LIER COUNTY, FLOR,IDA BUD GET ^ MEN D MEN T & H'~CJ ,:ires DOil rd }\pprOVi) 1. , D Doe's' NS2~ Require DOdr<l Approval (transfc~ within object code range) FUND ,_S>f.!:!F;Rl\~___ DEPT.' , : "NlU',LES, .L1\NDFILL Dr-:SC r~ r ["rION: Transfer of funas fOL purchase of calculator. Operation of the ~;.:ille ilnd keeping of c1llily r.ecords is now in effect, and tabulation mllst be kept of weights of vehicles and cubic yard content.. The 1.Irg(~ volume of records must be ar::cnrat:c and kept in a timely manner, TO (lnccease): Office Equipment & Furniture 001-534-1-12-55-041-642 :;; 75 rHOi'1 (Source of Funds) : Chem., Fertilizers & Liindsc. 001-534-1-12-55-041-522 .LZ.? ' -", ~ft;;;;{J;C2-- ~~;~~', ~fr' "",Ce , u <!~Y.. :.lY__ Do to } ~,>-/j ,,0 LJl:';TiU HUTTon; '0 I)<'i,rcl J:eco,:'h (or i<Jinal) L:7 Yiscal Off~cer /~ nepartm~nt(~) Affcctcu BOilrd of County, Comm. fllJDGE'i' Mll:;, lIpprovnl: Date: April 29, 1980 ~o.80-87 'D lICc"\~I.t.i,ng Department V purchilsing (Equipment. Only) _~ Buoget Anillyst '''''''' ::'),),' 053 I~'~.~t 65 7. I.:, a'o'J~ April 29, 1980 053 PI,~E 66 GUDGET AMENDMEIIT 80..GO TIWISFEI1IH1-IG FUNDS FOR PURCHASE OF THREE LINE- RE.i\j)J:;_R2...iQI3.Jif)~LI'I~OIT,?~Jl~IJEPAlml[~H - ADOPTFG ,i~ THF. AMOUNT OF $375 Conrniss loner Archer moved, seconded by COI1T\.issioner Brown and unanimously carrico, that Budget Amendment 80-88, to transfer funds within the Wflrd Processing nepartment for the purchase of three line- "(',Hiers, be ,1c1optcd in t.he amount of $375, n01\lm OF COUNTY COlolMISSIONEl'lS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA n lJ D GET , l:7 HC:'111 i ;:cs DOil r(l l\p[n:ova 1 ^ ~ END MEN T D Do'c's' Not Require nOi1rd Approval (tram. fer \~i thin o~ject code range) k"N"~~ENE",~~ - DESCHTPTTON: DET"f.' WORD, P,ROCESSING 'l'riln"f(~r of: funo:; from Office Supplies for purchase of three tine readers [or the Word procesning Center equipment. '\,0 (InCrCtlse): Office Equipment & Furniture 501-591-1-11-99-020-642 $ 375 PROM (Source of Fund3) : Office Supplies 501-591~l-11-99-020-510 $ 375 ----_._"-------~ co~,?ljllnu; ~-]~~;~" ~,W~ ;L, .. LZl'..:.""'-.-=:f, t,'F'(~t IJJ~;Tf(IIIUTION: 'Ll llo:!l:<1 necoccl,; (Ori9il\ill) II Fisc;>l OfficC'r ,~ "..........._.......u....~.,or..;:\ 1\~'f(..rt.,..,l noun] of County Co;nm. BUDGET r,',;_~:, lIP9p1v<:ll: Dilt:c: April 29. 1980 ~o. 80-88 D 1\ccount.ing nC'p;>rtmeat D Purchu!:iing (E<Juip:nenl'. Only) r7 RlIrln,of'. 1\ni"llvr-;t: ,'in li,I' , .~. , f\ I i I __I i ) lu , l I ) "- ._.~..._- ...-.---.--.----------.....--..--. >. 1"/-' [~ April 29, 1980 !JUDGET AMENDMENT 80-89 TRANSF[RRIr~G FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR PURCHASE OF OFrlCE FURNlTlJRE FOR PERSONNEL DEPAfl','MENT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $400 Conmi ss i onel' Archer moved, seconded by COrmli s 5 ioner Brown and unanimously cnrried, that Budget Amendment 80-89, transferring funds to provide for the purchase of office furniture for new employee in the rersonnel Department, be adopted in the amount of $400. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER. COLlWry, FLOR.IOA n 11 D GET A M [ N D MEN T , W HcC]uires BOilrc1 Approval , D !?o'e's' Not' Require Board Approval (t,r.i'l,n,s.f,e.r \~it.hin i:>bject code range) FUND GENEll1\L . ,PJ;:RSONNEL DEP,T.: DESC InPTION: Transfer of fun~s to p~uvide for purchase of desk and chair [0::- nc'. employee of the Pcrsonnel Department. '1:0 (Increasp.): Officp. F.quiprnp.nt f. Furniture 001-513-1-11-15-010-642 FI(()M (Source of Fund5): Regular 'salaries 001-513-1-11-15-010-120 ---....---- (oia;~:;~t;:~~;olJ~ Date: L/~'2---r~h DatrJ!l, ~ yg/f<D BOil,nl of County Comm. J\pprovi'll; BUDGET Date: A ri1 29, 1980 t~o. 80-89 DIS'l'HTllUTrON: '0 Hoard HeeoX'ds (O~i~il1,ll) r7 Fi"cf\l Officer n Dep;,rt,""nt(s) l\ffected 'D J\ccouJ1tin~ Dcpi'lt'tm""t C/ l'llrchnning (Equip:Jlenl'. Only) o Duclgel: l\n/11yst D,...u 1") 11-, 17Clur.\l >- ..I,~ 053 PASt 67 $ 400 ~. $ 400 eO:,i o S3 PhCt: Apr'; 1 29, 1 %0 68 BUDGET AMENDMENT BO-90 TO APPROPRIATE A PORTION OF lIBRARY CARRY FORWA~D OF STATE GRANT MONEY FOR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT ANI) LIBRARY M'\TFRIAlS - ADOPTED IN TH~ AMOUNT OF $4,200 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Cornissioner Orown nnd carricd unanimously, that lJurlgct Amendment 80-90, to apprupriate Library Carry Forward of State Grant money from FY 78-79 to FY 79-80 to purchasc aurlio/visll,ll e'1lJipment, books, public;}tions Jnd library materials, be adopted in the amount of $4,200. BOARD OF COUNTY,COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUN'i'Y, FLORIDA BUDGET A MEN D M r: N T [[I Requires Board Approval , D DC':~'5' Not Require Board Approval , , . , . <.t.r.a.n.s,f.e.r wi thin object ,cod.c rang.eJ FUND GENEML' -- BEADQUARTERS LIBRARY AND , DEPT.: . : 'ADM.Ir:[13'}.'RATION DF.SCRIP';'ION, ,To appropriatc a' part of the Librar~"s Carry Forward of State Grant money [rom FY 78-79 to FY 79-80 as a budgeted transfer from Grants, Gifts and Trusts fund'to the Headquarters Library & Adminis- tration Geilc.ral Fund budget, to, purchase audio/visual cquipment and also books, publications ~nd lihrary materials. TO (Increase): Transter to General Fund ,601-571-1-1S-86-010-911 _$ 4,200 FROM (SourceoE Funds) : Ca'rry Forward 601-1-15-86-010-399.999 $ 4,200 TO (Incr'case): Books; Publ & Library Materials A/V Equipment 001-571-1-15-86-010-660 $ 3,700 001-571-1-15-06-010-665 ,500 Total ~OO -- FROM (Source of Funds) : Transfer from Grants & Gifts 001-1-15-86-010-381.001 ~OO r-' County l'l'1r/Div. ^p~Wldg _~dte: q-7j -fv I IJ I ~TfU HUTTON: BO<l.cu of County Co;nm. BUDGET I J\pprov<ll: D<1te: April 29, 1980 No. 80-9( 'D BOiu:el Hecor:cl" (Origini\).) I-I Fiscv.l Officer // Oep;ll:trn",nt("J I\t'fcctccl . 'il 1\ccol.1ntin<) liCpf"l'CtI~'2';)t D PlIrchv.';in'J <r;quip;n;'l:~, ()aly) D nuc1ge~ l\nilly!>t [-- . \ 1..J '- ',J April 29, 1980 RESOLUTION 30-95 AUTHORIZING lEAA GRANT APPLICATION FOR CLERK OF COURTS WITNESS liSSISTANCE PROGRAM - AOOPTED; SUBGRANT APi'LICATION RE SAME - APPROVED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE --' Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that the $5,000 LEAA Grant for the Clerk of Courts Witness Assist~nce Program wa~ previously dis- cussed at the time the Clerk was authorized to apply for the Grant. Mr. 110111 described briefly the purpose uf the Program and ree;orrrnended that the Board approve the appli~ation, which he said was prepared in accordance with the materials previously submitted to the Board, and that the resolution rn.garding the matter be adopted. Further, said Mr. Hall, the $500 in matching funds will be appropriated from the Clerk's budge t. Corrrnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and un~nimously carried, that Resolution 80-95, authorizing lEAA Grant Applic~tion for the Clerk of Courts Witness Assistance Program, be adopted, and that the Chairm~n be authorized to sisn ~he Grant Application.. * Complete Ar~lic~tion on file in the Clerk's uffice. * * * * * * * [I~:i~ 053 PAGE 69 t'i U 1\ ~ , / " C,-'.i,\ US3 I'm 72 April 29, 1980 ,JEPRY CUTLIP, OrSTRICT 2 REPRESENTATIVE ON THE WMAB, REAPPOINTED TO !:..Q.VB-=..YEAJ3..JfRM -------.- Conlnissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that Jerry Cutl ip be reappointed to a four-year term on the Water t-1anagement Advisory Ooard as the Corrmission District 2 re~resentative, tiS noted in the Executive Summary prepared concerning the matter, Mr, (,Itl ip h,lS indicilte'J his will ingness to continue tu serve on the advisory lJoard, if it is ~,he l3o'Jrd's desire, and that no resumes from irlterested individuals in the said District have been received pursuant to the annflunCClnent that Mr. Cutlip's present term would expire at the end of Apr i 1. REQUES 1 FOR HURRI CANE ALERT" WORKSHOP WITH STAFF AND COMMI SS ION- TO BE SCHEDULED FOR FUTURE DATE; ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE FOR VIEWING OF HURRICANE FREDERICK F[LM ON LOCAL TEVESISION ----_. Chairman Wenzel referred to his memorandum of April 28, 1980 wherein he recommended that the tloard schedule a "Hurricane Alert" practice on Tuesday afternoon, May 13. 19i1O, Following brie' discussion, it was the cflnsel1SlJs of the 8aord tllat, due to a conflict in scheduling of Workshop lIlattel'S, that the date for the practice be determined at a later date. Chainll<ll; Wenzel further suggested that the local television media be approached for the purpose of considering the sh0wing of the film concerning Hwr'cane Frederick hitting Mobile, Alabama last year. It was pointed out by Comlllissioner Archer and Pistor that such efforts are being made with further discussions to be forthcoming. CHIilR~lAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROllS Comllli:;sio~et. Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor an unanimously canied, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the following Certificates for Correction to the Tax Rolls as presented by the Property Appraiser: 1979 Tongible Personal Property NOS. 1979-181- 284 4/23/80 DATED r -- '1 '--~ .~....-- - .-~-._- _..__._--~------,- -- ..._.-. .~- .--....- I L.I I., April 29, 1980 REQUEST BY NORTH NAPLES FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT TO ENLARGE DISTRICT TO INCLUDE CERTAIN PROPERTIES PRESENTLY BEING SERVED WITHOUT COMPENSATION- REFERRED TO COU~ITY MANAGER FOR DEVELOPMENT OF MORE DETAIlEO INfORMATION ~~~[.OMMEND~T[ON TO BOARD Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted the receipt of d letter to the County Manager dated April 24, 1980 from Chief James L. Jones, North Naples Fire Control Oistrict, wherein it is suggested that Fire District One be redefined to include Sections 9-16, and 21-24, Rnnge 26 East., Twonship 48 South, and Sections 7-8 and 17-20, Range 27 East, Township i\fl SOlJt.~, She said that Chief Jones advised that his department has been serving such areas for fires and rescues, as needed, and that the District hdS r,,"Vf'r r,,(eJved any !!!oney for the service. The letter further s~ates, said Ms, Morgan, that the aforesaid sections are not irlcluded in any fire district and th~t if they are included in District One they can be taxed and legally served with fire protection, County 'Ianager Norman requested that the matter be referred back to him fa)' further report pending the receipt of sufficient detailed informa- tion, The Chair so directed. PROPOSED lEG[SI,ATION (HR5200) I\UTHORIZlNG FEOERAl REVIEW OF lOCAL ZONING DECISIONS DISCUSSED - APPROPRIATE LETTER OF OPPOSITION TO BE PREPARED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE TO BE FOR\,ARDED TO CONGRESSIONAL ANO LEGISLATIVE DELEGATIONS Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan reviewed the contents of the correspondence dated April 21, 1980 received from Congressmen J.W. \i:ldler arid R,M. Mottl expressing concern over proposed legislation authorizi~g Federal review of local zoning decisions which might, in HUD's view, be discriminatory, as defined by HUD, said legislation contained in H,R, 5200, It was the consensus of the Board that such legislation be opposed, whereupon Convnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Corrrnissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter of oppositlOn for forwarding to the Congressional Delegation and the Legisl~tive Delegation, BOS~ 053 PAGE 73 ']:;,< (J ~3 rm ~(4: Apri 1 29, 1980 RES0LUTION ^OOPTEO BY EAST NAPLES CIVIC ASSOCIATION RE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, AND RECOMMENOED ACTION~, READ BY ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT - NO r:-CTlQlLJ~~~_____._, Mr. L~nce G, Hooks, President of the East Naples Civic Association, read into the record a statement of the Association's position with regard to a Col1 ier County Emergency Medical Services Program, together with recomnended actions, as approved In their General Meeting of April 8, 1980. Chairman Wenzel expressed the Board's appreciation to Mr. Hooks for prescnting the aforcsaid statement of position. LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEEDS NOS. 219 AND 220 - RECORDED AND FILED FOR THE RECORD -----~ ;'Ui'5Udnt to ilctioll of tile Goard January 10, 1978, wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Ceme:ery lots as the need arises, the following Deeds Nos. 219 and 220 were recorded and filed for the record. * * * * * .. .. " II ( - April 29, 1980 ANNOUNCEMENT OF CHANGE Hi PRECINCT 4 POLLING SITE FROM MARCO FIRE STATION HI TO IIARPER HAll, MA..RCO ISLAND MADE BY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS It was noted for the record that, pursuant to a request by the Marco Jsland Civic Association, the polling site for Precinct 4 has been changed from the Fire Station #1 on Elkcam Circle, Marco Island, to Harper 11.11 i, 'lIhi;:h is hehind St, Mark's Episcopal Church, Marco Island, as con- tainrd in the memorandum dated April 29, 1980 from Supervisor of Elections Edna C. Sant,l. MISCEllANEOUS CORRESPONDENC!- - FILED AND/OR REFERREO There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following C0i-re spor,det,ce ~.... J:;, ~,...J .......,.J 1....._ ll'C 'I I t.:U UII\JI VI referred tn the VJi10U5 dcpJ rt:ncr. t~ J:; indicated: 1. Letter dated 4/22/80, from William J. Reagan, Collier County Data Processing Policy Committee Clerk, addressed to the [lCC, re Collier County proposal for State/Local IPA Funds. Filed. 2, Letter dated 4/23/80, from Vicki SChuyler, Project Director, Tri-County Nutri tion Program, requesting the Bee to is~ue a p~oclamation designating Mayas "Senior Citizen's Month" and on May 1, 1980, they will recognize the BCC for the providing of the Congregate Meals Program for the elderly, xc Coun~y Manager; Filed. ), MClI1urandum dated 4/22/80 from the SOllthwest Florida Regional Planning Council re Initiation of law Enforcement Assistance rvlministration (L.E.A,t.,) Funding Cycle for FY 1981-83. x~ \01, Reagan; Planning Department; Sheriff; Filed. 4. Letter da~2d 4/21/80 from Mrs, C. W. Kuhn, objecting to certain equipme;"1t being stored inside American Ambulance, Inc. vehicles and the use of certain equipment by ambulance personnel. xc County Manager; Filed. Letter dated 4/16/80 from the Four Seasons Property Assoc., indicating their concern that Cablevi~ion is not being installed within said subdivision and has been promised to the buyers of lots within same, and requesting the BCe to investigate. xc Comnissior,er Wimer; County Manager; Filed. 5. 6, Letter dated 4/24/80 from H.U.D. indicating th~ pursuant to field investigation regarding the Immokalee Block Grant Program by H,U,D., the County is found to be complying to regulations; operating at a satisfactory rate; and, that because of increasing costs. the number of homes to be rehabili- tated will be reducea to approximately 30. xc Planning Department. Fi led. 7. Letter dated 4/26/80 from Mrs. Mary E. Graffy, re legal Notice of Nuisa~ce #7326, Lot 12, Block 282, Unit 8, Marco Be~ch. indicating that upon inspection of said lot, she feels that it is not accessible for power mowing, nnd re~uesting the GCC to not tresspass In an attempt tc mow same lot; in the event the BCC received complaints she is requesting further notice and says she will resolve the matter herself. xc Crunty Manager; Zonin9; filed, :.--;": ~. 053 plt~ 77 \~ I, I I , ." : Ij' i '.1 I I ) _~---~~~".4IlJ..~ f - 1 ,_u_, (.~J April 29, 1980 23. Public Service Notices as follows: (Filed and/or referred) a. Docket No. &00308-CCT re application of Frenz Enterprises, Inc" for a certirtificate to transport infectious and haz- ardous waste. (xc Planning Department; Filed) b, Docket No. B00312-CCT re application of Browning Moving and Storage Company for extension of Certificate No, 989 to transport household goods. (xc Planning Dept.; Filed) c. Docket No. f!00330-KC re application of Paul Jones, Inc. for extension of Certificate No. 1171 to transport pneu- matic tires, tubes and related advertising materials. (Filed) d. Docket No. B00254-CCT re application of Brooks Inter- national, Inc., for a certificate of Publ ic Convl'nience and Necessity. (Filed) e. Docket No, 800254-CCT re application of Brooks Inter- n~tional, Inc., d/b/a Harper's Florida Courier Service for extension of Certificate No. 1086 (Filed) f, Docket No. 800311-KC re application of Ploof Truck lines, Inc., for a certificate to transport gypsum, gypsum pro- ducts, building materials and equipment and supplies. (File~) g, Cocket No, 80C335-CCT re application of Smalley Transporta- t ion Company for extension of Certificate No. 1013. (Filed) 24, Journals of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Filed. WORKSllor AGENDA ITEM FOR DISCUSSION OF BUDGET FOR COUNTY ANO SO-CALLED "OOUfB,E T Axr,T [ON" CaNT I NUED AT REQUEST OF STAFF Upon Illation by COllvnissioner Archer, seconded by Commissioner Wimer anrl unanimou:ly carried, the Workshop Agenda item scheduled for this date with regard to the discussion of the Budget for the County and so- called "lJouble Taxation" be cOiltinued until f'Jrther date, as requested by the s ta ff. REQUEST BY ALFRED SORIANO FOR PERMISSION TO UTILIZE TRAILER AS TEMPORARY RESIDENCE FUR :JO DAYS DURING THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION OF HOME IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - APPROVED Attorney Arthur McDonnell, representing Alfred Soriano, reviewed the request submitted by his c1 ient asking to be given permission to util ize his trailer as a temporary residence during the construction of his home located at 530 11th Stl'eet, S.W., Golden Gate Estates. Mr. McDonnell stated that Mr. Soriano has been granted a building permit but said permit was placed under a "stop work order" until the above-referenced special permission regarding the utilization of his trai1':r is approved by the Board of County COlllnissioners, Ill' concluded his remarks by saying that ~lr. Soriano is I"eady, \~ill ing and able to continue construction irrmediately. 05'1 ~ 2-J< .j PA~E 79 \ -- BQ~X r'c' . 80 d;) ~j,pt.CE April 2~, 1980 Following discussion which covered the petitioner's necessity of having to gu~rd his materials and construction from vandalism; the Isolation of the subject property; Deputy Chief Barnett's remark that during the evening hours It is difficult for the law enforcement officers to determine who is going in or out. of new const.ructlon sites; and the Board's direction to Staff to preparc an amcndmcnt to the zoning ordinance which will provide for the use or trailers as temporary residences during the construction of a home (a period of 90 days). Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Corrnnissioner Archer and calTied unanimously, that Mr, Alfred Soriano be granted permission to use his trailer as a temporary residence. for a perirA of 90 days, during the construction of ~is home at 530 11th Stre~t, S.W.. Golden Gate Estates. Thcre being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 11:05 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL I\TTEST: /[ /' ,/,-0 0 (~:;4icU c(U'--/RH~'C~ ctrFFO I WENZEL, CHAL AN t t WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Cl,ERK 1Jn~' 0 ::. '. f~}:~f1L:ljt ~. 0 -I )~- 'J ..::0 ", r.r-- ,C ' .' ~ " , J 'I ~ \\ 1\ . '" 1 r- - 1 r----' 1 ..,;t' I, (, i . tIt !l ,I