BCC Minutes 04/08/1980 C CJ I,_~J ['::=:J Naples, Florida, April 8, 1980 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date a 2:34 P.M. in Conference Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Clifford Henzel VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Archer John A. Pistor C. R. "Russ" Wimer David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: C. William Norman, County Manger; Danny Crew, Planning Director; Clifford Barksdale, Public Works Administrator/ Engineer; Irving Berzon, Utilities Division Director; and, Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk. AGENDA 1. Status Report re provision of facilities and services to meet present and future requirements in the Bonita Shores/Little Hickory Shores, and other North Naples areas, by Pl^nning and Engineer- ing staffs (Continued from April 1, 1980). STATUS REPORT RE PROVISION OF FACILITIES AND SERVICES IN BONITA SHORES/ LITTLE HICKORY SHORES AREA (CONTINUED FROM 4/1/80) Pursuant to discussion held during Workshop Session on April 1, 1980, Commissioner Archer recalled that he had asked for a report on what it would take to provide services in the Bonita -Shores/Little Hickory Shores area, and other North Naples areas. when the contemplated 600-700 units are constructed within the next eighteen months. Planning Director Danny Crew noted that the question was raised as to whether or not the subject condominium units would provide the tax base to pay for the services which will be received. He said that he has eo;)~ 052 PAGE 545 600K 052 PACE 546 April 8, 1980 determined, by using that part of last year's budget which is funded by ad valorem taxes, dividing that figure by the population, the County spends approximately $150 per person from the r.J valorem budget County-wide. He said that it is estimated that condominium owners in buildings such as La Her and Caxambas will pay into ad valorem taxes approximately $250 and get back $150, whereas single-family home owners receive $150 and pay in only $110. Although the figures must be "taken with a grain of salt", said Dr. Crew, they suggest that single-family homeowners do not pay for themselves, whereas multi-family building homeowners do, as a general rule. Commissioner Archer commented that, although the figures recited by Dr. Crew are interesting, his main concern is whether or not, in the event the proposed 600 condominium units are built, sewer, water, roads, fire service, police protection, and the like can be provided without jeopardizing the current owners in the area. Dr. Crew observed that part of the answer is a policy decision to be made by the Board regarding the allocation of funds, and the like; however, he reiterated, multi-family residence developments bring t~e County more in ad valorem taxes than what the County provides in services to such developments. Chairman Wenzel, referring to the fact that facilities have to be expanded to meet the growth rp.quirements, voiced his concern that the people now living 1n the growing areas have to pay for these expansions and that until "growth will pay 100% for its growth, we're always going to be stuck - everyone of us". Commissioner Archer renewed his request for a response to the question of whether or not the County's plans for services parallel development plans and whether or not developers ,will pay their share of the necessary expansion costs. Public Works Administrator/Engineer Clifford Barksdale reported on the plans for roads in the particular area of the six developments which were discussed the previous week, providing the Board with the existing traffic count, projected additional trips per day, and concluded that the subject developments' impact on the specific roads will not be drastic at this time. further, said Mr. Barksdale, four of the six developers are Cl (----1 c:J April 8, 1980 being required to provide turn lanes off roads which serve them which will further increase the carrying capacity of the roadways, and thus. to some extent, the developers are paying a share by providing such turn lanes, overlaying the roads, and the like. Be said that this 'is the developer's impact fee, or contribution, on the road system and that he knows of no other approach to take unless it would be to arrive at a total impact on all required services and then distribute the cost. Commissioner Archer brought up the possibility of establishing HST units within the County for the provision of services, which he noted has been discussed previously, and suggested that serious consideration be given this approach. Chairman Wenzel suggested that maybe the County is approach- ing the problem "backwards" in that approval of a development should be conditioned upon the provision of improvements, citing Marco Island as an example wherein SR 951 should have been four-laned since the developers "knew what was comi ng". Dr. Crew expressed agreement with the Chai rman with the comment that neither Marco Island nor Golden Gate would be approved today. Commissioner 8rown voiced the viewpoint ~hat new people coming into the area bring"with them prosperity, new ideas, energy, and the like, and said that growth paying for growth is a myth. Responding to Commissioners Wimer and Archer, Dr. Crew said that the County is planning and implementing its plan for the ruture. Regarding projected growth for the future, Dr. Crew predicted that the County will probably not be growing at the same rate as it is now and that, in his opinion, he does not believe that the population will be 150,000 at the turn of the century, as opposed to the predicted 250,000 as suggested in an earlier study. There being no further business to come before the Board in Workshop Session, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 2:55 P.M. eo~^ 052 PACE 547