Ordinance 2006-13 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-...!.3 OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY WHICH WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2004-37, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida (County), established the Wentworth Estates Community Development District pursuant to Section 190.005, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law governing county ordinances; and WHEREAS, Wentworth Estates Community Development District, a unit of special purpose government, petitioned the County to correct an error in the legal description of Wentworth Estates Community Development District (the "District"), and to amend the establishing Ordinance No. 2004-37 (the "Ordinance") to reflect said correction; and WHEREAS, all interested persons and affected units of general-purpose government were afforded an opportunity to present oral and written comments on the Petition at a duly noticed public hearing conducted by the County on ~ and WHEREAS, upon consideration of the record established at that hearing, the County determined the following: I. The statements within the Petition are true and correct. 2. Amending the Ordinance is not inconsistent with any applicable element or portion of the state comprehensive plan or the local government comprehensive plan. 3. The land within the District continues to be of sufficient size, to be sufficiently compact, and to be sufficiently contiguous to be developable as a functionally interrelated community. 4. The District continues to be the best alternative available for delivering community development services and facilities to the area served by the District. 5. The services and facilities of the District will continue to not be incompatible with the capacity and uses of any existing local and regional community development services and facilities. 6. The area to be served by the District remams amenable to separate special-district governance; and WHEREAS, amending the Ordinance will allow the District to continue to constitute a timely, efficient, effective, responsive and economic way to deliver community development services in the area described in the petition. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION 1. The above Recitals are hereby incorporated herein by reference as legislative findings of fact in support of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. AUTHORITY. This ordinance IS amended in compliance with and pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes (2005), and other applicable laws governing county ordinances. SECTION 3. AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 2004-37. The original legal description of the District described in Exhibit A, is hereby superseded and replaced by the legal description of the District described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and shall amend Ordinance No. 2004-37 and become the legal description for the District. SECTION 4. EXTERNAL BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT. The external boundaries of the District encompass 973.23 acres of land, more or less, all as described in Exhibit B. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. If any phase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida this ~ day of ft1lU'c..h ,2006. ATTEST:, DWI<!.RT~. ~I3ROC~,. Clerk ". ',.., BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~~/ FRANK HALAS, Chairman . - BY:~~'~' rO.( , >"'\ . .. .' Clerk AttIIt n .... I' ,tQft.~~~~l~ . ,..,.:l.. Appro and Ie Attachments. Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" 2 fhis ordlr'lOnce filed with t\1~ ~tary of ,gp~/, Office the _doyof ,ZNJ~. and acknowledgemer.!J~/ that ~ii~;;,ceived this ~ doy By 1Iu~~ o-/.r...,.O t. Depu Ierkd' EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 Description of Part of Sections 29, 30 and 31, Township SO South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida Beginning at the northwest comer of said Section 30; thence alonl the north tine of said Section 30, North 88023'16" East, 2491.52 feet; thence continue alonl the north line ofsaid Section 30 North 88013'29" East 1636.98 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way ofTamiami Trail (US 41) (200' right-of-way); thence along said right-of-way South 39003'42" East 2333.04 feet; thence leavinl said right-of-way South 38017'43" West 581.30 feet; thence North 89034'42" West 348.55 feet; thence South 02048'31" West 308.99 feet; thence South 88028'28" West 30.00 feet to the east quarter comer of said Section 30; thence alonl the north line of those lands described in Official Recorda Book (OR Book) 105, pagel 595-597 and OR Book 105, Paaes 592-S94, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, South 87014'44" West 683.13 feet; thence alona the west line ofaaid land described in OR Book 105, paaes 592-594 South 00020'37" West 672.63 feet; thence alona the south tine of said lands North 87026'41" East 654.42 feet to the west line of Myrtle Cove Acres Unit No.1 as recorded in Plat Book 3, pale 38, Public Recorda of Collier County, Florida; thence alonl the west line of said Unit No.1 South 02045'35" West 1919.99 feet to the southeast comer of said Section 30; thence alonl the cast tine of said Section 31, South 02045'30" West 2335.35 feet; thence South 83030'57" Welt 1549.05 feet; thence North 56010'37" West 816.27 feet; thence North 89029'19" West 558.68 feet; thence North 01035'00" East 1675.69 feet; thence North 89027'15" West 508.31 feet; thence South 70033'22" West 1109.51 feet; thence due West 357.35 feet to the west line of said Section 31; thence alona the west line of said Section 31, North 00019'55" Ellt 412.36 feet to the northwest comer of said Section 31; thence alona the west tine of said Section 30, North 00020'37" Ellt 2685.56 feet to the west quarter comer of said Section 30; thence continue along the west line ofsaid Section 30, North 00022'18" East 2687.69 feet to the said Point of BeJinning; Less and except the foUowin. described parcel of land: A parcel of1and situated in Section 30, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida being more particularly described u foUows: Commence at the Northwest comer of Section 30, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida for a Point of Beainning and nm North 88023'16" East alonl the north line of said Section 30, a c::Iistance of 2030.79 feet to an intersection with the west line ofa 110-foot right-of-way.. recorded in Official Recorda Book 192, paae 513 of the Public Recorda of Collier County, Florida; thence run South 01036'32" Westalona said west tine, a distance of 1038.85 feet to a point on a curve being concave southerly and bavina a radiUl of 524.71 feet, . central anale of 19050'21" and a chord bearin. and distance of North 88017'59" West, 180.78 feet, respectively; thence nm westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 181.69 feet; thence run alona a non-tangential line South 86032'53" West, a distance of 226.34 feet to the point of curvature of a curve beina concave southerly and bavinl a radiUl of649.22 feet, a central anile of 17058'25" and a chord bearing and distance ofSoutb 77033'41" West, 202.83 feet, respectively; thence nm westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 203.66 feet; thence nm alanl a non-tanlentialline South 62038'23" West, a distance of 134.14 feet; thence nm South 17006'51" West, a distance of 49.03 feet; thence run South 00032'01" West, a distance of 710.96 feet; thence nm North 79028'24" West,. distance of78.01 feet to a point on a curve being concave southerly and bavina a radiUl of 410.07 feet, a central anile of61025'19" and a chord beannl and distance of South 77042'06" West, 418.85 feet, respectively; thence nm westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 439.60 feet to a point on a non-tangential curve beinl concave southeasterly and havina a radiUl ofJ07.09 feet, a central anale of 14054'19" and a chord bearing and distance of South 41024'48" West, 79.66 feet, respectively; thence nm southwesterly alona said curve, an arc distance of 79.89 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve beinl concave northwesterly and bavinl a radiUl of 46. 70 feet, a central angle of 53009'03" and. chord bearing and distance of South 6()O32'10" West, 41.78 feet, respectively; thence run southwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 43.32 feet; thence nm alona a non-tangential1ine South 85014'02" West,. distance of 143.73 feet to a point on a curve being concave northeasterly and baving a radius of 203.40 feet, . central angle of 51036'36" and a chord bearing and distance of North 70050'20" West, 177.08 feet, respectively; thence nm northwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 183.21 feet to a point on a non-tangential reverse curve being concave'southeasterly and baving a radius of 205.00 feet, a central anile 0(75021'41" and a chord bearin, and distance of South 70042'43" West, 250.62 feet, respectively; thence run sOuthwesterly along laid curve, an arc distance of269.64 feet; thence nm North 56058'08" West, a distance of30.6O feet; thence run South 46044'30" West, a distance of 41.78 feet; thence run South 90000'00" West, a distance of 10.00 feet: thence nm North 88051'11" West, a distance of31.19 feet; thence run North 80045'12" West, a distance of 50.56 feet to an intersection with the west line of said Section 30; thence nm North 00022'18" East alona said west line, a distance of 2047.80 feet ~ the said Point ofBe~nnin. Containin, 28,802,253.34 square feet or 661.21l1CR1 ofland, more or leu. ALSO INCLUDING THB FOLLOWING: PARCEL 2 DellCription of Part of Section 32, Township 50 South, Ranp 26 Eat, Collier CO\Dlty, Florida: BeJinninl _t the IOUthWelt comer of said Section 32; thence alonl the welt line of said Section 32. North 02048'47"- Eut, 2394.57 feet; thence leavinl said welt line North 59056'01" But 2041.35 feet to the boundary of the plat of Trail Acret Unit 2, Plat Book 4, pale 62. Collier County, Florida; thence alODJ said plat boundIry South 3~3'07" Eut 1309.16 feet; thence continue alonl said plat boundary North SOOSS'09" But 762.41 feet; thence l-vina said plat boundary South 39004'51" Eat 430.46 feet; thence North 50058'21" But 199.96 feet to the boundary of the plat of Trail ACrel Unit 3. Plat Book 3, pale 94, Collier County, Florida; thence alona said plat boundary South 39001'39" Eut 962.19 feet; thence continue alODJ said plat boundary South 8'r'34'19" But 1003.95 feet to the cut line of said Section 32; thence leavinl said plat boundary and a10DJ said cut line, South 02032'54" Welt 1912.12 feet to the southcut comer of said Section 32; thence alona the south line of said Section 32, North 8!)O40'29" Welt 2625.95 feet to the south quarter comer of said Section 32; thence continue aIODJ the south line of said Section 32. North 8!)o40'08" Welt 2625.60 feet to the said Point of BeaJnnina; Containina 313.76 1Cl'eI. more or leu. Subject to euementl and restrictions of record. Bearinp are bued on the IOUth line of said Section 31 beinaNortb 8!)o41'53" Welt. ALSO INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: PARCEL 3 (an easement i~tere8t only in Parcel 3) A parcel of land situated in Section 31. Township 50 South, Ranp 26 Eat, Colli.. County, Florida and beina more particularly described 81 follow.: Commence at the lOutbeut corner of Section 31, Townahip 50 South, Ranp 26 But, Colli.. County. Florida IIIJd NO North 02048'47" Eat alonl the cut line of said Section 31, I diItlmce of 1899.79 feet to the Point ofBegJnnina; thence NO South 89053'46" Welt, . diltance of 409.72 feet to the point of curvature or. curve beina concave northeuterly and bavinl. radiua of 355.00 feet, a central anale of73029'53" and a chonI bearina aDd dillt8nce of North 53021'18" Welt, 424.80 feet, respectively; thence NO northweaterty alODJ said curve, III arc diItance of 455.39 feet to the point oftmgency of said curve; thence NO North 16036'21" Welt, a diltlmce of497.55 feet to the point of curvature of a curve beina concave southwesterly and havinl_ radiUl of 445.00 feet, I central male of 18047'05" and a chord bearina and distmce of North 25059'54" Welt, 145.24 feet, respectively; thence NO northwesterly alon, said curve, an an: distmce of 145.90 feet; thence NO North 83030'57" East, _ di&tlDce of 122.06 feet to a point on_ curve beina concave southwesterly and bavina. radiUl of 555.00 feet, a central anaJe of 12040'55" aDd _ chord bearing and distance of South 22056'49" East, 122.59 feet, respectively; thence nUl southeasterly alOlll said curve, an an: distance of 122.84 feet to the point of tanlency of said curve; thence nm South 16036'21" East, a diatance of 497.55 feet to the point of curvature ofa curve bein. concave northeasterly and havina. radiUl of245.oo feet,. central anile of 73029'53" and a chord bearinl and distance of South 53021'18" East, 293.17 feet, respectively; thence nm southeasterly a10nl said curve, an an: diltmce of 314.28 feet to the point oftanlCl1C)' of said curve; thence run North 89053'46" Eut, . distance of 415.33 feet to III interlection with said east line of Section 31; thence run South 02048'47" West alonl said east line, a distance of 110.14 feet to the said Point ofBeJinninl. ContaininI157,195.12 square feet or 3.61 acres of land, more or 1C11. Total acreale of Parcell I, 2 and 3 ia 978.58 acres of Jand, more or JCII. EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL I Description of Part of Sections 29, 30 and 31, Township 50 South, Range 26 East. Collier County, Florida Beginning at the northwest corner of said Section 30; thence along the north line of said Section 30, North 88"23'16' East, 2491,52 leet; thence continue along the north line of said Section 30 North 88"13'29' East 1636,98 leet to the southwesterly right-aI-way 01 Tamiami Trail (US 41) (200' right-of-way); thence along said right-of-way South 39"03'42' East 2333.04 leet; thence leaving said right-of-way South 38"17'43' West 581.30 feet; thence North 89"34'42' West 348,55 leet; thence South 02"48'31' West 308,99 leet; thence South 88.28'28' West 30.00 leet to the east quarter corner of said Section 30; thence along the north line of those lands described in Official Records Book (OR Book) 105, pages 595-597 and OR Book 105, Pages 592-594, Public Records 01 Collier County, Florida, South 87" 14'44' West 683.13 leet; thence along the west line of said land described in OR Book 105, pages 592-594 South 00"20'37' West 672.63 feet; thence along the south line 01 said lands North 87"26'41' East 654.42 leet to the west line of Myrtle Cove Acres Unit No, 1 as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 38, Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence along the west line of said Unit No.1 South 02"45'35' West 1919.99 feet to the southeast corner of said Section 30; thence along the east line of said Section 31, South 02"45'30' West 2335.35 leet; thence South 83"30'57' West 1549.05 leet; thence North 56"10'37' West 816.27 leet; thence North 89"29'19' West 558.68 leet: thence North 01 "35'00' East 1675.69 leet; thence North 89"27' 15" West 508.31 leet; thence South 70"33'22' West 1109.51 leet; thence due West 357,35 feet to the west line of said Section 31; thence along the west line of said Section 31, North 00"19'SS' East 412.36 feet to the northwest comer of said Section 31; thence along the west line of said Section 30, North 00"20'37' East 2685.56 leet to the west quarter comer of said Section 30; thence continue along the west line of said Section 30, North 00"22'18' East 2687.69 leet to the said Point of Beginning: Leu and excepting that land described In OR Book 192. Page 514, Public ReconfI of CoItIer Cotriy, FlorIda. Containing 5.315 acree. more or I.... And less and except the lollowing described parcel of land: A parcel of land situated in Section 30, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of Section 30, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida lor a Point of Beginning and run North 88"23'16" East along the north line of said Section 30, a distance of 2030.79 leet to an intersection with the west line of a 11 O-foot right-of-way as recorded in Official Records Book 192. page 513 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence run South 01 "36'32" West along said west line. a distance of 1038.85 feet to a point on a curve being concave southerly and having a radius of 524.71 feet. a central angle of 19"50'21' and a chord bearing and distance of North 88.17'59' West, 180.78 feet, respectively; thence run westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 181.69 feet; thence run along a non-tangential line South 86"32'53' West, a distance of 226.34 feet to the point of curvature of a curve being concave southerly and having a radius of 649.22 feet, a central angle of 17058'25' and a chord bearing and distance of South 77"33'41' West, 202.83 feet. respectively; thence run westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 203.66 feet: thence run along a non-tangential line South 62"38'23' West, a distance of 134.14 feet; thence run South 17"06'51' West, a distance of 49.03 feet; thence run South 00"32'01' West, a distance of 710.96 feet; thence run North 79"28'24' West. a distance of 78.01 feet to a point on a curve being concave southerly and having a radius of 410.07 feet, a central angle of 61"25'19' and a chord bearing and distance of South 77"42'06' West, 418.85 feet, respectively; thence run westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 439.60 feet to a point on a non-tangential curve being concave southeasterly and having a radius of 307.09 feet. a central angle of 14"54'19' and a chord bearing and distance of South 41"24'48' West, 79.66 feet, respectively; thence run southwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 79.89 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve being concave northwesterly and having a radius of 46.70 feet, a central angle of 53"09'03" and a chord bearing and distance of South 60032'10' West, 41.78 feet, respectively; thence run southwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 43.32 feet; thence run along a non-tangential line South 85"14'02' West, a distance of 143,73 feet to a point on a curve being concave northeasterly and having a radius of 203.40 feet. a central angle of 51 "36'36' and a chord bearing and distance of North 70050'20' West, 177,08 feet. respectively; thence run northwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 183.21 feet to a point on a non-tangential reverse curve being concave southeasterly and having a radius of 205.00 feet, a central angle of 75"21'41' and a chord bearing and distance of South 70"42'43' West, 250.62 feet, respectively; thence run southwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 269.64 feet: thence run North 56"58'08' West. a distance of 30.60 feet; thence run South 46"44'30' West, a distance of 41.78 feet; thence run South 90"00'00' West, a distance of 10.00 leet: thence run North 68"51'11' West. a distance of 31.19 feet; thence run North 80"45'12' West, a distance of 50,56 feet to an Intersection with the west line of said Section 30; thence run North 00"22'18' East along said west line. a distance of 2047.80 feet to the said Point of Beginning. Total acreage of Parcel 1 contains 28,569,302.05 square feet or 655.86 acres of land, more or less. ALSO INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: PARCEL 2 Description of Part of Section 32, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Section 32; thence along the west line of said Section 32, North 02046'47" East, 2394.57 feet; thence leaving said west line North 59056'01' East 2041.35 feet to the boundary of the plat of Trail Acres Unit 2. Plat Book 4, page 62, Collier County, Florida; thence along said plat boundary South 39003'07" East 1309.16 feet; thence continue along said plat boundary North 50055'09' East 762.41 feet; thence leaving said plat boundary South 39"04'51' East 430.46 feet; thence North 50058'21' East 199.96 feet to the boundary of the plat of Trail Acres Unit 3, Plat Book 3, page 94, Collier County, Florida; thence along said plat boundary South 39"01 '39' East 962.19 feet; thence continue along said plat boundary South 87034'19' East 1003.95 feet to the east line of said Section 32; thence leaving said plat boundary and along said east line, South 02"32'54' West 1912.12 feet to the southeast corner of said Section 32; thence along the south line of said Section 32, North 89"40'29' West 2625.95 feet to the south quarter corner of said Section 32; thence continue along the south line of said Section 32, North 89"40'08' West 2625.60 feet to the said Point of Beginning; Containing 313.76 acres, more or less. Subject to easements and restrictions of record, Bearings are based on the south line of said Section 31 being North 89041 '53' West. ALSO INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: PARCEL 3 (An easement interest only in Parcel 3) A parcel of land situated in Section 31, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the southeast comer of Section 31, Township 50 South, Range 26 East. Collier County, Florida and run North 02"48'47" East along the east line of said Section 31, a distance of 1899.79 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence run South 69"53'46' West, a distance of 409.72 feet to the point of curvature of a curve being concave northeasterly and having a radius of 355.00 feet. a central angle of 73029'53' and a chord bearing and distance of North 53"21'18' West. 424.80 feet. respectively; thence run northwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 455.39 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence run North 16036'21' West. a distance of 497,55 feet to the point of curvature of a curve being concave southwesterly and having a radius of 445,00 feet, a central angle of 18047'05' and a chord bearing and distance of North 25059'54' West, 145.24 feet. respectively; thence run northwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 145.90 feet; thence run North 83030'57' East. a distance of 122.06 feet to a point on a curve being concave southwesterly and having a radius of 555.00 feet, a central angle of 12040'55' and a chord bearing and distance of South 22056'49' East, 122.59 feet, respectively; thence run southeasterly along said curve, an arc distance of 122.84 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence run South 16036'21' East, a distance of 497.55 feet to the point of curvature of a curve being concave northeasterly and having a radius of 245.00 feet, a central angle of 73029'53' and a chord bearing and distance of South 53021 '16' East. 293.17 feet, respectively; thence run southeasterly along said curve, an arc distance of 314.28 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence run North 89053'46' East, a distance of 415.33 feet to an intersection with said east line of Section 31; thence run South 02048'47' West along said east line, a distance of 110.14 feet to the said Point of Beginning. Containing 157,195.12 square feet or 3.61 acres of land, more or less. Total acreage of Parcels 1, 2 and 3 is 973.23 acres of land, more or less. I I ~ I ~ I u I! ~ I' Q ~. .. l~ II fi ~ :r: CA"'L ~ .. ~ .. 5 en z !! ~ . , ~~ lilr! . !.. II~~ 21!: ~ I ',:f! !flf:i .' _ ~id d .~j. III 'I ~. k . '# . jl!'a " I ;:" '\~ I I ! g t: .1 z: , 2\ · I · "Z . i .... ~ .", I;.~.,J tr ClIC '~1;. ;.1' ~ Ji o~ IU :~.I:. li~ i! IU I': III z: i! -i · Ii!! - I i ~~ U:I 'I; z: IU . gB -- . . If~ ..... . I; I; I ,iI . I ~I ~ 1 1 is . j .' p jJJU .. I Ii . Q . . -1- .,..... J - U I S' II .....--. -- . ...... .... ... .. -.... I __ -.~.- EXHIBIT B JJt f J'jhJ1iJJO'lpJ l'PU'i:' I 11.i,Hili.. J IIf~Jjllht'lIHHI' I JjJfh 'hlhJ'iiJti~ iilHi r!lfuhU f J,lUlmiuHliI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, J j 11II1II1II1II1I111I Ii 1IIIlIIIIIIlllll!!!I, II , 111"I!!ill~llllllilil! 1IIIIilll ! j 111111111111111 ! 11111111 illlll!!lllll i ! I . : I D ,I:I! !_ ~IEUIl ! ii;;;;., STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: ORDINANCE 2006-13 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 28th day of March, 2006, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 31st day of March, 2006. DWIGHT E. BROCK \~ ' Clerk of Courts qnd,Clerk; Ex-officio to Board,of County Commissioneis . ~~' . . , , ' ,'- '-" ..I\)'~'(. . Ann J en j oh! . ,i . . , Deputy Clerk By: ORDINANCE NO. 2006-J:. 3 OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY WHICH WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2004-37, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida (County), established the Wentworth Estates Community Development District pursuant to Section 190.005, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law governing county ordinances; and WHEREAS, Wentworth Estates Community Development District, a unit of special purpose government, petitioned the County to correct an error in the legal description of Wentworth Estates Community Development District (the "District"), and to amend the establishing Ordinance No. 2004-37 (the "Ordinance") to reflect said correction; and WHEREAS, all interested persons and affected units of general-purpose government were afforded an opportunity to present oral and written comments on the Petition at a duly noticed public hearing conducted by the County on ~ and WHEREAS, upon consideration of the record established at that hearing, the County determined the following: 1. The statements within the Petition are true and correct. 2. Amending the Ordinance is not inconsistent with any applicable element or portion of the state comprehensive plan or the local government comprehensive plan. 3. The land within the District continues to be of sufficient size, to be sufficiently compact, and to be sufficiently contiguous to be developable as a functionally interrelated community. 4. The District continues to be the best alternative available for delivering community development services and facilities to the area served by the District. 5. The services and facilities of the District will continue to not be incompatible with the capacity and uses of any existing local and regional community development services and facilities. 6. The area to be served by the District remams amenable to separate special-district governance; and WHEREAS, amending the Ordinance will allow the District to continue to constitute a timely, efficient, effective, responsive and economic way to deliver community development services in the area described in the petition. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Dd........ ~ ~ r><=:ct::""4CD ,-a, ~ bd {-f- bd ~:::J ~.~~.- ............ t"3Id .......:J ."....... hi;! C> ...... ..., 0-3 -= - = C> :>>- ....= 0-3= = - "... C> C> = = =- .... ..., __ C> 1'->= .... t::l -- - I'-> t::l = ~ =>--- en:::S ex: "" ,;- r-....: c-T ~4 <....T = <...r ~-: ~ ex:: ~~ :~ CT' ~Q ('""), ::z: :;: c::J ~ ,,... :::c:I t--f :;;d .... ".,- ::.-c C":lI 0-3 ~ 0-1::= ~~c:: t:x:I 00 ['0......: ~..-"""' <........: C> ..., r, :-:: g a-c ~ ~:: GJ It;:'-4 tAl -.. -"" = """g r-....: = .....- ::'!iex: _'"'" c:= - "... n "" C> _ .'" ..., l-< "" - U> "" "" en co 0.0 =<.r> == OR: 4023 PG: 2181 SECTION 1. The above Recitals are hereby incorporated herein by reference as legislative findings of fact in support of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. AUTHORITY. This ordinance is amended in compliance with and pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes (2005), and other applicable laws governing county ordinances. SECTION 3. AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 2004-37. The original legal description of the District described in Exhibit A, is hereby superseded and replaced by the legal description of the District described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and shall amend Ordinance No. 2004-37 and become the legal description for the District. SECTION 4. EXTERNAL BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT. The external boundaries of the District encompass 973.23 acres of land, more or less, all as described in Exhibit B. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. If any phase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida this ~ day of March ,2006. A TTESEf-::' :. P c DWfGm'lt\.aiiOc:J(, Clerk \~" . ~- '~~. ,. -;:}"i' '-::. ~;"". '~.:.'.~;~ :~".\~"..} (J.e. . "~<c' . , CI k .~ ' ,', " I' er " a~.""l';"..": i~_1.' 'I "~1I1'~":CT:~~,.._~,'t~;.. '. ":~c.~;.~;.\~{';,'~-'" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~..>~.-/ FRANK HALAS, Chairman Appro and Ie Attachments. Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" fhis ordlr'lOnce filed with t\1e ~tary of .At9~~'~ Office the _ day ofl:1f1D1-, ~ . and acknOWledgemer~f that fili 9 r~ceived this day of (1/ , By 0 t. 2 DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 EXHIBIT "A" OR: 4023 PG: 2182 Description of Part of Sections 29, 30 and 31, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida Beginning at tbe northwest comer of said Section 30; thence alooa the north line of said Section 30, North 88023'16" East, 2491.52 feet; thence continue alona the north line ofsaid Section 30 North 88013'29" East 1636.98 feet to the southwesterly ript-of-way of Tamiami Trail (US 41) (200' ript-of-way); thence alona said ript-of-way South 39003'42" East 2333.04 feet; thence leavinlsaid ript-of-way South 38017'43" West 581.30 feet; thence North 89034'42" WClt 348.55 feet; thence South 02048'31" West 308.99 feet; thence South 88028'28" West 30.00 feet to the east quarter comer of said Section 30; thence alona the north line of those lands described in Official Records Book (OR Book) 105, papI 595-597 and OR Book lOS, P8.8es 592-594, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, South 87014'44" West 683.13 feet; thence alooa the west line of said land described in OR Book 105, pales 592-594 South 00020'37" West 672.63 feet; thence alona the south line of said lands North 87026'41" East 654.42 feet to the west line ofMyrt1e Cove AcreI Unit No.1 as recorded in Plat Book 3, paae 38, Public Recorda of Collier County, Florida; thence alona the west line of said Unit No.1 South 02045'35" West 1919.99 feet to the southeast comer of said Section 30; thence alooa the east line ofsaid Section 31, South 02045'30" West 2335.35 feet; thence South 83030'57" Weat 1549.05 feet; thence North 56010'37" West 816.27 feet; thence North 89029'19" West 558.68 feet; thence North 01035'00" East 1675.69 feet; thence North 89027'15" West 508.31 feet; thence South 70033'22" West 1109.51 feet; thence due Wcst 357.35 feet to the west line of said Section 31; thence alona the west line of said Section 31, North 00019'55" East 412.36 feet to the northwest comer of said Section 31; thence a10na the west Jine of said Section 30, North 00020'37" East 2685.56 feet to the west quarter comer of said Section 30; thence continue alona the west line ofsaid Section 30, North 00022'18" But 2687.69 feet to the said Point of Beainnina; Lcss and except the followinl described parcel of land: A parcel of land situated in Section 30, Township 50 South, Ranp 26 East, Collier County, Florida being more particularly described as folloWl: Commence at the Northwest comer of Section 30, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida for a Point of Beginnina and run North 88023'16" East along the north line of said Section 30, a distance of 2030.79 feet to an intersection with the west line of a 11 O-foot right-of-way as recorded in Official Records Book 192, pap 513 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence run South 01036'32" West a10na said west line, a distance of 1038.85 feet to a point on a curvc being concave southerly and havina a radius of 524.71 feet, a central anale of 19D50'21" and a chord bearina and distance of North 88017'59" West, 180.78 feet, respectively; thence run westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 181.69 feet; thence run a10na a non-tangential line South 86032'53" Welt, a distance of 226.34 feet to the point of curvature ofa curve beina concave lOutherly and having a radius of 649.22 feet, a central anale of 17058'25" and a chord bearing and distance of South 77033'41" West, 202.83 feet, respectively; thence run westerly along said curve, an arc distance of203.66 feet; thence run along a non-tangential line South 62038'23" West, a distance of 134.14 feet; thence run South 17006'51" Welt, a distance of 49.03 feet; t:hcmce run South 00032'01" West, a distance of 710.96 feet; thence run North 79028'24" West, a distance of78.01 feet to a point on a curve being concave southerly and havina a radius of 410.07 feet, a central anale of61025'19" and a chord bearing and distance of South 77042'06" West, 418.85 feet, respectively; thence run westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 439.60 feet to a point on a non-tanaential curve being concave southeasterly and havina a radius 0007.09 feet, a central angle of 14054'19" and a chord bearing and distance of South 41024'48" West, 79.66 feet, respectively; thence run southwesterly alona said curve, III arc distance of 79.89 feet to the point of reverse curvature ofa curve being concave northwesterly and having a radius of46.70 feet, a central angle of 53009'03" and a chord bearing and distance of South 60032'10" West, 41.78 feet, respectively; thence run southwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 43.32 feet; thence run alona a non-tangential line South 8S014'02" West, a distance of 143.73 feet to a point on a curve beina concave northeasterly and having a radius of 203.40 feet, a central angle of 51036'36" and a chord bearinl and distance of North 700S0'20" West, 177.08 feet, respectively; thence run northwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 183.21 feet to a point on a non-tangential reverse curve being concavC'Southeasterly and havina a radius of 20S.00 feet, a central anale of7S021 '41 " and a chord bearing and distance of South 70042'43" West, 250.62 feet, respectively; thence run sOuthwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 269.64 feet; thence run North S60S8'08" West, a distance ofJO.6O feet; thence run South 46044'30" West, a distance of 41.78 feet; thence run South 90000'00" West, a distance of 10.00 feet: thence run North 88051'11" West, a distance of 31.19 feet; thence run North 80045'12" West, a distance of 50.56 feet to an intersection with the west line of said Section 30; thence run North 00022'18" East alona said west line, a distance of 2047.80 feet ~ the said Point ofBegjnni". Containing 28,802,253.34 square feet or 661.21 aaclI of land, more or leu. OR: 4023 PG: 2183 ALSO INCLUDING TIm FOllOWING: PARCEL 2 Deec::ription of Part ofSectiOD 32, Townahip 30 South, Rlnp 26 But. Collier County, Florida: BeainniDI at the southwelt comer of laid Section 32; thence alona the wOltliDe of said Section 32, North 02048'47'" Eut, 2394.57 feet; thence leavinl said welt lin. North 59056'01" But 2041.35 feet to the boundary of the plat of Trail Ac"" Unit 2, Plat Book 4, pa.. 62, Collier County, Florida; thence aloDl said plat boundary South 39003'07" But 1309.16 feet; thence continue alanl said plat boundary North 50035'09" But 762.41 feet; thence leaviDa said plat boundary South 39004'51" But 430.46 feet; thence North W58'2l" But 199.96 feet to the boundary of the plat of Trail Ac1'el Unit 3, Plat Book 3, pale 94, Collier County, Florida; thence alOlll said plat boundary South 39001 '39" Eut 962.19 feet; thence continue alona uid plat boundary South 8?O34'19" But 1003.95 feet to the eat line of said Section 32; thence leavin. said plat boundary and a10q said eat line. South 02032'34" WOIt1912.12 feet to the IOUtheat comer of laid Section 32; thence alanl the south line of said Secti0ll32, North 89l'40'29" Wilt 2625.95 feet to the south quarter comer of said Section 32; thence continue alOlll the south line of said Secti0ll32, North 8go40'08" Welt 2625.60 feet to the said Point of BeJinnin,; Containin.313.761Cre1, more or leu. Subject to euementland restrictiODl ofrecord. Beann.. are baaed on the south line ofuid Section 31 beinaNortb 8go41'53" Wilt. ALSO INCLUDING TIlE FOllOWING: PARCEL 3 (an easement i~tere8t only in Parcel 3) A parcel of land lituated in Section 31, Township 50 South, RanI" 26 But. Collier County, Florida and beina more particularly deec::n'bed _ folloWl: Commence at the southeut comer of Section 31, ToWDlhip 30 South. Ranp 26 But, Collier County, Florida 8Dd run North 02048'47" Baat alOlll the eat line of laid Section 31, a cliltaDce of 1899.79 feet to the Point ofBeS;ftftinl; thence run South 89053'46" Welt, a distance of409.72 feet to tbe point of curvature ofacurvebeiq concave northeasterly and havina a radiua of 355.00 feet, a centralen.le of73029'53" and a chord bearina 8Dd diltaDce of North 53021'18" Welt, 424.80 feet, respectively; thence run northwesterly alona llidcurve, an arc diItImce of455.39 feet to the point oftanlency of laid curve; thence nm North 16036'21" Welt, a cliltlmce of497..55 feet to the point of curvature ofa curve bein. concave southwesterly and havina a radiua of445.oo feet, a central anale of 1804705" end a chord bel1'in8 end distance of North 25059'54" Welt, 145.24 feet, respectively; thence nm northwesterly alon, said curve, en arc distance of 14'.90 feet; thence run North 83030'57" BaIt, a distance of 122.06 feet to a point on . curve beiDl concave southwesterly and haviDl a radiua of .555.00 feet" a central anale of 12040'55" and . cbord bearinl and distance of South 220.56'49" East, 122.59 feet. respectively; thence nm southeasterly alona said curve, an arc distance of 122.84 feet to the point of tan.ency of said curve; thence nm South 16036'21" But. a distance of 497.55 feet to the point of curvature ofa curve bein. concave northeuterJy and havin. a radiua of24.5.oo feet.. central an,le of 73029'.53" end a chord bearin. and distance ofSoutb .53021'18" BaIt, 293.17 feet" respectively; thence nm southeasterly a10n. said curve, an arc distance of 314.28 feet to the point oftanaency of laid curve; thence nm North 89053'46" E_t, a distance of 415.33 feet to an intersection with said east line of Section 31; thence run South 02048'47" West a1on.said east line, a distaDce of 110.14 feet to the said Point ofBeainnina. Containin, 1",19.5.12 square feet or 3.61acrea of land, more or leas. Total acrea,e of Parcels 1,2 and 3 is 978..58 acres of laud. more or leas. OR: 4023 PG: 2184 EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL I Description of Part of Sections 29, 30 and 31, Township 50 South, Range 26 East. Collier County, Florida Beginning at the northwest corner of said Section 30; thence along the north line of said Section 30, North 88023' 16. East, 2491,52 feet; thence continue along the north line of said Section 30 North 88" 13'29' East 1636,98 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way of Tamiami Trail (US 41) (200' right-of-way); thence along said right-of-way South 39003'42. East 2333,04 feet: thence leaving said right-of-way South 38"17'43' West 581,30 feet; thence North 89"34'42. West 348.55 feet; thence South 02"48'31' West 308,99 feet; thence South 88028'28' West 30,00 feet to the east quarter corner of said Section 30; thence along the north line of those lands described in Official Records Book (OR Book) 105, pages 595-597 and OR Book 105, Pages 592-594, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, South 87014'44' West 683.13 feet; thence along the west line of said land described in OR Book 105, pages 592-594 South 00020'37' West 672,63 feet; thence along the south line of said lands North 87"26'41' East 654.42 feet to the west line of Myrtle Cove Acres Unit No, 1 as recorded In Plat Book 3. page 38, Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence along the west line of said Unit No.1 South 02045'35. West 1919,99 feet to the southeast corner of said Section 30; thence along the east line of said Section 31, South 02045'30' West 2335,35 feet; thence South 83030'57' West 1549.05 feet; thence North 56"10'37. West 816,27 feet; thence North 89029'19. West 558,68 feet: thence North 01035'00' East 1675,69 feet; thence North 89027'15. West 508.31 feet: thence South 70033'22' West 1109,51 feet; thence due West 357,35 feet to the west line of said Section 31; thence along the west line of said Section 31, North 00019'55' East 412.36 feet to the northwest comer of said Section 31; thence along the west line of said Section 30, North 00"20'37' East 2685.56 feet to the west quarter comer of said Section 30; thence continue along the west line of said Section 30, North 00022'18. East 2687,69 feet to the said Point of Beginning; Leu and excepting that land deecrlbed In OR Book 192. Page 514, Public RecordI of Col.... Ccurty, Florida. Containing 5.38 acree, more or ,.... And less and except the following described parcel of land: A parcel of land situated in Section 30, Township 50 South. Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest comer of Section 30, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida for a Point of Beginning and run North 88023'18' East along the north line of said Section 30, a distance of 2030,79 feet to an intersection wi1h the west line of a 110-foot right-of-way as recorded in Official Records Book 192. page 513 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence run South 01036'32' West along said west line, a distance of 1038.85 feet to a point on a curve being concave southerly and having a radius of 524.71 feet. a central angle of 19050'21' and a chord bearing and distance of North 88017'59' West, 180,78 feet, respectively; thence run westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 181.69 feet; thence run along a non-tangential line South 86032'53. West, a distance of 226,34 feet to the point of curvature of a curve being concave southerly and having a radius of 649,22 feet, a central angle of 17"58'25. and a chord bearing and distance of South 77"33'41' West, 202,83 feet, respectively; thence run westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 203.66 feet: thence run along a non-tangential line South 82"38'23' West, a distance of 134.14 feet; thence run South 17006'51. West, a distance of 49.03 feet: thence run South 00032'01. West, a distance of 710,96 feet; thence run North 79028'24. West, a distance of 78,01 feet to a point on a curve being concave southerly and having a radius of 410,07 feet, a central angle of 61"25'19' and a chord bearing and distance of South 77042'06' West. 418.85 feet. respectively; thence run westerly along said curve, an arc distance of 439.60 feet to a point on a non-tangential curve being concave southeasterly and having a radius of 307,09 feet, a central angle of 14054'19. and a chord bearing and distance of South 41024'48' West, 79,66 feet, respectively; thence run southwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 79,89 feet to the point of reverse curvature of a curve being concave northwesterly and having a radius of 46,70 feet, a central angle of 53009'03" and a chord bearing and distance of South 60032'10. West, 41.78 feet, respectively; thence run southwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 43.32 feet; thence run along a non-tangential line South 85014'02' West, a distance of 143.73 feet to a point on a curve being concave northeasterly and having a radius of 203,40 feet, a central angle of 51036'36' and a chord bearing and distance of North 70050'20. West, 177,08 feet, respectively; thence run northwesterly along said curve. an arc distance of 183,21 feet to a point on a non-tangential reverse curve being concave southeasterly and having a radius of 205.00 feet. a central angle of 75021 '41' and a chord bearing and distance of South 70042'43' West, 250,62 feet, respectively: thence run southwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 269,64 feet; thence run North 56058'08' West. a distance of 30,60 feet: thence run South 46044'30' West, a distance of 41,78 feet: thence run South 90000'00. West, a distance of 10,00 feet: thence run North 88"51 '11. West, a distance of 31.19 feet; thence run North 80045'12' West, a distance of 50.56 feet to an intersection with the west line of said Section 30; thence run North 00"22'18' East along said west line, a distance of 2047.80 feet to the said Point of Beginning, Total acreage of Parcel 1 contains 28,569,302.05 square feet or 655.88 acres of lanel, more or less, OR: 4023 PG: 2185 ALSO INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: PARCEL 2 Description of Part of Section 32, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Section 32; thence along the west line of said Section 32, North 02048'47" East, 2394.57 feet: thence leaving said west line North 59056'01" East 2041,35 feet to the boundary of the plat of Trail Acres Unit 2, Plat Book 4, page 62, Collier County, Florida; thence along said plat boundary South 39003'07" East 1309,16 feet; thence continue along said plat boundary North 50055'09. East 762.41 feet; thence leaving said plat boundary South 39"04'51" East 430,46 feet; thence North 50058'21. East 199,96 feet to the boundary of the plat of Trail Acres Unit 3, Plat Book 3, page 94. Collier County, Florida; thence along said plat boundary South 39"01 '39" East 962.19 feet; thence continue along said plat boundary South 87034'19' East 1003,95 feet to the east line of said Section 32; thence leaving said plat boundary and along said east line, South 02032'54" West 1912.12 feet to the southeast corner of said Section 32; thence along the south line of said Section 32, North 89"40'29. West 2625,95 feet to the south quarter corner of said Section 32; thence continue along the south line of said Section 32, North 89040'08. West 2625.60 feet to the said Point of Beginning; Containing 313,76 acres, more or less. Subject to easements and restrictions of record. Bearings are based on the south line of said Section 31 being North 89041 '53" West. ALSO INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: PARCEL 3 (An easement interest only in Parcel 3) A parcel of land situated in Section 31, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the southeast comer of Section 31, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida and run North 02"48'47. East along the east line of said Section 31, a distance of 1899,79 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence run South 69"53'46" West, a distance of 409.72 feet to the point of curvature of a curve being concave northeasterly and having a radius of 355,00 feet, a central angle of 73029'53' and a chord bearing and distance of North 53021 '18. West, 424.80 feet, respectively; thence run northwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 455.39 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence run North 16036'21" West, a distance of 497,55 feet to the point of curvature of a curve being concave southwesterly and having a radius of 445.00 feet, a central angle of 18047'05' and a chord bearing and distance of North 25059'54' West, 145.24 feet, respectively; thence run northwesterly along said curve, an arc distance of 145.90 feet; thence run North 83030'57" East, a distance of 122.06 feet to a point on a curve being concave southwesterly and having a radius of 555.00 feet, a central angle of 12040'55. and a chord bearing and distance of South 22056'49' East, 122,59 feet, respectively; thence run southeasterly along said curve, an arc distance of 122.84 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence run South 16036'21' East, a distance of 497,55 feet to the point of curvature of a curve being concave northeasterly and having a radius of 245.00 feet, a central angle of 73029'53. and a chord bearing and distance of South 53021'18. East. 293.17 feet, respectively; thence run southeasterly along said curve, an arc distance of 314,26 feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence run North 89053'46" East, a distance of 415,33 feet to an intersection with said east line of Section 31 ; thence run South 02048'47' West along said east line, a distance of 110.14 feet to the said Point of Beginning. Containing 157,195.12 square feet or 3.61 acres of land, more or less. Total acreage of Parcels 1, 2 and 3 is 973,23 acres of land, more or less. , H ~ I ~ I ,! ~ I' ~' .. I~~ CANAL t~ i E .. ~ .. ~ '" , !! il ~ , . I ~~ liUi f Ill~ I;:; ~. ~. J ::J~. ~Il.'- 51ft:; II I d _ ~id i ,!. ~I Ul I I ! ~ t: .1 z: .... ~ ji ~ ~ 0& .~ tr 11.I Ii" ~ 11.I i'~ "I z: .S! -, . Ii!! .... hit I I s. CoD 'I; ;;~ z: 11.I . gS -.. . . i~ ..-' I; I; I ,iI . ! ~~ ~ ~ 0.1 ill. j ill ~ Iff o' j J ~ t II I Ii I'l << ~ .~ ....... I - ,.. II =l 0: i I J' II ....--. - ..........- ......_1__ OR: 4023 PG: 2186 EXHIBIT 8 'Ir f Ilil:ll'II.IIII' 1'1' IIi=- I I' ';lPi i.. IIJllJjphl't,HUlI J Ijllt; !hH!lliilil~)i]Jj; Itl'hhU f 1!I~Hinh~Wil lllillllllllllll"! 1111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! I .11111/lll/llllilil" ~ i 11~111111 ~ 1111111111 [! llil!il!! ~!llllmlliillll!l! i I Illllllllill j II ! 1111lI11ll~ ~ 1111!! i I ~ i f mhllmlHumlf !i i II BwuirHUnJln!(HHllHl I I i f ii!mdJu i Ii I ; It ilitHhHlUifn j f ~ I ' ill.. ..I! ." ,lID IS I i;;~;ff *** OR: 4023 PG: 2187 *** STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: ORDINANCE 2006-13 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 28th day of March, 2006, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 31st day of March, 2006. ~ ~~.,...",..:..." '. ~." ' ':-'~.', ':', - "., ~ ;.;.... " " . ~ , " /:'\' ,:f! "..;' > < _ : . 'l ''-' . Ann Jen J' oh'i'" :" i ,; 1," ) '. Deputy Clerk By: