Agenda 04/09/2019 Item #16D 504/09/2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to authorize the necessary Budget Amendment to recognize revenue for FY2019 received from the State Aid to Libraries Grant in the amount of $195,181. OBJECTIVE: To receive approval to budget FY2019 State Aid to Libraries Grant funding in the amount of $195,181. CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of County Commissioners (Board) approved the application for State Aid to Libraries grant program at their regular meeting on October 23, 2018 (Agenda Item #16D17). The Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services awarded Collier County Public Library (CCPL) an amount of $195,181. These grant funds can be used for any public library need except for building construction. Funds will be used to purchase library materials, services, equipment, and other library needs, such as the hiring of temporary personnel to provide direct services to our Library customers. FISCAL IMPACT: A Budget Amendment is required to recognize grant revenue in the amount of $195,181 Public Services Grant Fund (709), Project # 33617. This grant does not require a matching amount. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This Item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, raises no legal issues, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management impact resulting from this action. RECOMMENDATION: To authorize a Budget Amendment recognizing revenue from the State Aid to Libraries Grant in the amount of $195,181 into Public Services Grant Fund (709), Project # 33617 FY2019 State Aid to Libraries. Prepared By: Tanya Williams, Director, Library Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (PDF) 16.D.5 Packet Pg. 817 04/09/2019 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.D.5 Doc ID: 8277 Item Summary: Recommendation to authorize the necessary Budget Amendment to recognize revenue for FY2019 received from the State Aid to Libraries Grant in the amount of $195,181. Meeting Date: 04/09/2019 Prepared by: Title: Administrative Assistant – Library Name: Karen Tibbetts 03/07/2019 4:25 PM Submitted by: Title: Assistant Division Director - Library – Library Name: Tanya Williams 03/07/2019 4:25 PM Approved By: Review: Library Tanya Williams Additional Reviewer Completed 03/07/2019 4:42 PM Public Services Department Kimberley Grant Level 1 Reviewer Completed 03/11/2019 12:19 PM Public Services Department Todd Henry Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 03/15/2019 10:20 AM Grants Erica Robinson Level 2 Grants Review Completed 03/19/2019 4:05 PM Public Services Department Steve Carnell Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 03/26/2019 9:57 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 03/26/2019 11:47 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 03/28/2019 2:50 PM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 03/30/2019 1:42 PM Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 04/02/2019 6:33 AM County Manager's Office Geoffrey Willig Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 04/02/2019 11:46 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 04/09/2019 9:00 AM 16.D.5 Packet Pg. 818 STATE AID TO LISRARIES GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE Or FLORTIIA' DEPARTMENT OF STATE AND Collier County Board of County Commissionert for and on bshalf of Collier County Publlc Library This Agreement is by and between the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Library and Inirmation Services, hereinafter referred to as the'Division," and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners for and on behalf of Collier County Public Library' hereinafter referred to as the "Grantce." The Grantee has submitted an application and has met all eligibility requirements and has been awarded a Srare Aid to Librariei'Grant (CSFA 45.030) by ttre Division in the amount spccified on ths .Fiscal Year 2018-19 State Aid to Libraries Final Grants" document (which is incorporated as part of this Agreement and entitled Attachment B). the Division has the auttrority to administer this grint in accordanco with Section 257, Florida Statutes. By reference, the applioation and any apptoved revisions are hereby made a part of this agreement' In consideration of the mutual covonan1s and promises containcd heroin, the parties agree as follows: l. Grant purpose. This grant shall be used exolusively for the "state Aid to Libraries Grant," the publio prtpo* for wnicn these funds were aPPropriated' a) TheGrantee shall pcrform the following Scopeof Work: In accordance with Sections 257.nA57,18, Florida Statutes, the Grantee s!a!l . rsceive a grant araount that is caloulated and based upon loool funds expended during the seoonJ prr*aing fisoal year for the operation and maintenance of the library' For this gran! tire local Ixpenditures shall havo beon made during the period October 1,2016 - September30' 2017. ln order to be eligible to receive the grant firnding, the Crantee shall manage or coordinate free library service to theiesidents of its legal service area for the period october l' 2015 ttrrough Juno 30, 2019. The Grantee shall: r Have a single administrative head employed firlltime by the library's governing bodY; o provide free library service, including loaning materials available for circulation free of charge and providing referencl and information services froe of oharge; o provide acoess to materials, information and servises for all residents of the area served; and 19-ST-08 Collier County Public LibrarY Collier County Slate Aid to Librarics Grant Agrsemcnt (Form DLIS/SAO2) il;i;;l il-to i itzlt"), pt ortia tdminii,attve code, *ffgc'tive 1 0'201 8' Pagc I ofl0 / iai.trlr I I16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 819 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) . Have at least one library, branch library or member Iibrary open 40 hours o-r mo:e each week (excludirg ndrilw'; ttt"een Sunday througlr Saturday' on a sohedule determined by the library syitem) during the tength ofthe agreement' b) The Grantee agrees to provide the following Deliverables related to the Scope of Work for payments to be awarded. Payment l, Deliverable/Task l: r Payment will U, un uo,u,at in the amount of 100% of the grant award for the period bltoGr l, 2016 through June 30, 2019' The Grantee will: o Have expended funds to provide free library service during the period Ootobor l, 2016 - SePtember 30'2017; o Provide an Expenditure Repon and oertification-of Looal Opcrating Expenditutes- ioitt " potioa bctober 1,2016 - September 30' 2017 only; oProvidedocumentationshowingthatatloastonelibrary,branch.lib''1ryo,,, ..'- member library is open 40 hours or more each week (excluding h'lld11::Yf: Sunaay *rrougtr Saturday, on a schedule determined by the library system) ourlng the length ofthe agreement; oProvidetheCertificationofCredentialsforthesingleAdministrativeHead;and o Provide a Certifioation of Hours, Free Library Service and Access to Materials' c)Grantfundsshallbeusedfortheoperationandmaintenanoeofthelibrary.Theallowable budget categories are, p"rronn"i iervioes (salaries' wages' and related employee benefits nrovided for all oettont "r;i;v;;y the reporting entity whether on full-time' part-time' ffi'pJ;;y, ;il;;;iu.'i!1' [r";'* Expenseilcxpinditures for goods and services *'iilt'piii,"trrv u.refrt the ounent perilod and are not defined as personal set'i5: ot. c"pitat'orttay.i; l'lon'Fixed Capital Oltlay (outlays for the acquisition of or addition.to flxed assets): and Ott"t tott'"tlpt'uiing exienditure categories in the library budg*)' 2. Length of Agreement. This Agreement covers the period ofOctober I ' 2016 to- rr"iio,1oLt' unlers torrinutii-;n accordance withttre provisions of Section 28 ofthis ;;;;;.-iil;tiJ begins with the start of the Graniee's second preceding-fiscal vear iil""af.i f, ZOfOjand conc]uJes with the end ofrhe Stare ofFlorida's cunent fiscal ycar (June 30, 2019). 3. Expenditure of Grant Funds. Grant funds will be used to roimburse a portion-of local funds"' "ei;#;;;,h, ci*t"" autingiireii s"cond pt"ceding fiscal vear (october l' 2016 - . . Sentember 30.2011 fo, ttte op?rxioi,nd rnuint"nunJt ofa library and shall.not exceed the ilffi iliil; i; i;;i,;il c. no co$s incured after rhe second preceding fiscal year .i,uiiUi u[o*.a unless specifically authorized by the Division' Page 2 of l0 St8te Aid to Libradcs Gr8nl Agrecment (Form DLIs/sAo2) itpf'-t ir--uliiirri:rt i' noriia 'taninit'atiee code ' EffectNe'10'201E' (,J'J 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 820 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) 4. Contract Administration' The parties are legally bound by the requirementt^of fiit.. , - agreement. Each party's contract manager, named below' will be resPonsible.tor monlrorlng tE ;;rf;;ffiJ.i this Agreement ind wilt be. the officiat.contact for eaoh party. Any "oti*iil "i ot o .ommunidtions in regard to this a_gre€mont shall bo directed to or doliveiei to the other partys contract m-anager by utilizing the information below' Any "ft*g. in tfr. *ntact infoimation below should be submitted in writing to the contract manager within l0 days ofthe change. Bor the Division of Librery and Information Services: Marian Deeney, Library Program Administrator Florida DePartment of State R.A. GraY Building Mail Station # 9D 500 Soutl Bronough Street Tallahassee, Flori da 32399'0250 Phone: 850.245.6620 Facsimile: 850.245.5643 Email : marian'deenev(Ddos.mvflorida'com For the Granteel Ms. Tanya Williams, Library Director Collier CountY Public Library 2385 Orange Blossom Drive Naples, Florida 34109-8840 Phone: 239.593.351 I Facsimile: 239'254.81 67 Email: tanyawilliams@colliergov'net 5.GrantPayments.Thetotalgrantawardshallnotexceedtheamountspecifiedorr.the,.Fisoal Year 2018- 19 State eia to r,iuraries ninal Grants" documcnt (Attachment B)' which shall be nairt hv the Division i, ,onrii"[ti- ioi th" ct*t"." rinimum performance as set forth by iti"i.,ini -a "oraitions of this Agreement' Payment will be an advance in the amoum or iilo7. oftt . g*nt u*ura * tp"tif"aln Attachment B' Payment will be made in accordanoe with the completion of the Deliverables' 6.ElectronlcPayments.ThcGranteeoanchoosotouseelcctroniofundstransfer(EFT)to"';dr;;;p"yments.Allgf;nteeswishingtoreceiv-etheirawardthroughEFTmust.^^... submit a Vendor Di...t o.potii nrinorizati6n form (form number DFS-A[-268' rev 612014)' inoorporated by toferen"", to ii" Eiotiau DePartment ofFinanoiat Services' IfEFT has ;i;Jt ;;"; ; "p ro, you, oig*i,;ion, you do not ne€d tosubmit another authorization io*-rinitt, vo, rrlure cfianged-bank accounts' To download this form visit iriioril*rJ.*rnzoiri"i*zevi-*"lirs-lr-zer'par'-The form also includes tools and in-form"tion that allow you lo check on payments' State Aid to Libraries Crant Agrccmcnt (Form DLIS/SA02) ii"piil ii-i.oritzlt a\, Florilo Adninistta'ive code, Effective 10-201E' Page 3 of l0 1 I i I I I I l f$r\t) ,, 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 821 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) 7. Florida Substitute Form W-9. A completed Substitute Form W-9 is required fio-m any "niity thut receives a paym.nt from the-Stats of Floridathat may be.subjeot to 1099 ,"porting. The Deparimlnt of Financial Services (DFS)must have the correct Taxpayer ldlntification Number (TIN) and other related information in order to report aqc]tr{e ax information to the lntemal Revenue service (IRS). To register or access a Florida substitute Form w-9 visit flvendor.myfloridacfo.com. A copy of the Grantee's tr'lorida substitute Form w-9 must u@ntee tb the Divlsion wlth the executed Agreement g. Financial Consequences. The Departnent shall apply the.follq*ing financial consequences for Aifr* i" p"rfr*'t5" minimun level of services requircd by this Agreement in accordance with Sections 215 .971 and 287-058 , Florida Staans: The Department shall require the return ofthe award in a prorated amount based upon the fir.rntug" of time that Uie library failed to perform the minimurn level of services. The prorateOieOuction will be in the iame psrcentage as the percentags oftime that tho library was not providing minimum level of services. 9. Credit Line(s) to Acknowlulge Grant Funding.The-Division requires Plblio.. aoknowleagement of state n iito Libraries Crant funding for activities and publications supported 6y gpnt funds. Any announsements, information, press releases, publications' brochures, ,ideor, webpages, programs, etc. oreated *-pu{9Iu State Aid to Libraries Grant Orqi.", must include "n uitno*f"igment trat State AidO Libraries Grant funds werc used to ,,This projeot has becn funded under the prorrisions of the State Aid to Libraries Grant pi"gnir,"*frfch is administered by the Fiorida Departnent of State's Division of Library and Information Services." 10. Non-allowable Grant Sxpenditure.s. The Grantee agrees to expend all grant finrds received under this agrcemcnt solely for the purposes for whioh they wery authorized and appropriated' i;;"eit"t;r srruff Ue in oo*pti*o. *itt tt r state guidelines{or allowable project costs as ouitinea in the Departnent oiFinancial Services' Reference Guide for Stats Expenditures (dated February, Zbt t1, incorporated by reference, whioh aro available online at mvfloridacfo.comlaadir/reference guide' Grant funds may not be used for the purchase or construction of a library building or library quarters. 11. Travet Expenses. The Subgrantee must paX any travcl expenses, from grant or local--' *"t"t ine drrdr, in accordaice to the prwGionj of Section 112.061, Florida Statutes' create them. Useihe following text: State Aid to Libraries Crart Agreement (Form DLIS/SAO2) A;;il; I ;-t 0 i i tiltul, n ar'ria A dmt nt str ativ e c od e, Effective 1 0-20 1 8' Page 4 of l0 &) 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 822 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) 12. Unobligated and Unearned Funds and Allowable Costs' ln accordanoe with Section 215.g71, Florida starules, the 6rantee ihall refund to the State of Florida any balanoe of. . . unobligated funds *t i"n f,* i"l;ui'an'ea or paia to the. Grantee' In addition' funds paid in excess ofthe amount to *rri"fit. i""ipi"niir "irtitt"d und"r the terms and conditions ofthe agreement must b. r"n nO"O olitt "tuf,-alency' Further' the recipient may glp:nd fund:-^ .iiv i;i"ir"*"ur. cosrs resultin! from obigations incuned during the specified agreement ,,arinrt F.ynenditures of state i"i*irit*irlrae must be in compliance with the laws' rules frffiffif;;';;J*bil ;;;;t;;; oistut" tund' u' outlincd in the Department of Financial Servioe's Reference duide for Stats Expenditures (dated February' 201 l) im-froria"cro.comlaaairlreference guiaei, incorporated by reference' 13, Repayment. All refunds or repayments lo be made to-the Department under this agreement --' arJto"be made payable to the oider of ..Deparoaenr of State" and malled direody to th€ ioiro*ing uaatJts noriaa oeparrment of State, Attention: Marian Deeney' Division of iiUi"tv ita Information Se.vices, 500 South Bronough Slreet' Mail Station #9D' Tallahassee, FL323gg. rn uccoiOan.e *irtr Section 215'34(2) , Florlda Sratutes, ifa check or other dmft is returned to the Departmont for oollection, Recipient shall pay tolhe Department a."rvL" re" or$rs.oo or nve plicent (57o) ofthe face amount ofthe returned oheck or draft, whichever is greater. 14, Single Audit Act Each grantee, other than a grantee that is a State agency' shall submit o an - " uodit purrrunt to Seotion 2tS.9i, Fiorida Statites. See.Attaohment A for additional information i"g*ii"i tf,it t"qrirement' Ifa 6rantee is not required by.law to conduct an audit in accordance with the noria" iin!" nudit Act because it did not expend at least $750O00 in state financial assistance, it musi submit a Financial Report on its opcmtions pursuant to i-Jion zt s.ss, F/o rida'statutes within nine months of the close of its fiscal year. 15. Retention of Accourting Records Finanoial records, supporting documents' stati:li:-L -,-^,, records and all other redrds, including electronic storage media pertinent to the ProJecI' snall be retained for a period offive (5) fiscal years after.the Glose'out ofthe grant and release-or the audit. Ifany litigation o, uroii ii ioitiut"a or claim made before the oxpiration ofJhe five- ;;;;il;, iil; ;;;rds shalLbe retained for five fiscal vears after the litigation' audit or claim has been resolved' 16.obligationtoProvidestrteAccesstoGrantRecords'TheGranteemustmakeallgrant records of expenditures, copies oiteports, books, and related, dooumentation availablc to tho iil"iti", ". " a*rv authoriz;d rePresentative ofthe State ofFlorida for inspeotion at reasonabletimesforthepurposeofmakingaudits,examinations,excerptsandtranscripts. 17. Obligation to Provide Public Access to Grant Records. The Division reserves the right to unilaterally cancer tni, ngree.eniin ihe event that the Grantee refirses public access to all aoou111"nti o, otf,u, materiais maa" or reoeived by the Grantce that are subjeot to the orovisions ofchaD t", ttg, H;ii" St"anes, known as the tr'Ia rida Public Records Act.The 6ffi;;; ffi;ai".rv "oni""t t " Division's contract Manager for assistance if it reoeives a public records request related to this Agreement' State Aid to Librfiies Crant AgrcEment (Form DLlySAo2) ctpi"il i--i.iiiifili ^1, pto,i-ao n.ni'mrive code' Effective 10-2018' '.-./ .n Page 5 of l0 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 823 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) 18. Noncompliance" Any Grantee that is not followine Florida statutes or rules.. thq terJ.ns of the srani agreemeni. Florida Deoartment of State rolicies and guldance. local uolicies. required reports or satislied other ffitherDivisionofLibraryandInformationServicesgrantsor grantsfromanyotherOfficeofCultural,Historical,andlnformationPrograms(OCHIP) 6ivision will be in noncompliance status and subject to the OCHIP Gmnts Compliance Procedure. ocHIP Divisions include the Division of cultural Affairs, th€ Division of Historical Resources, and the Division of Library and Information services. Grant comptiance issues must be rosolved before a grant award agreement may be executed and befo;e grant payments for any OCHIP grant may be released' 19. Accounting Requirements' The Grantee must maintain an accounting system that provides a complete record ofthe use ofall grant funds as follows: a)Thcaccountingsystemmustbeabletospeoificallyiden.tiryandprovideaudittrailsthat trace the receipt, maintenance and expenditure of state funds; b) Accounting records must adequately identify the sources and application offunds for all' grant activlties and must classiry and identiry grant funds ty using the same budget Iategories that were approved in the grant application.IfGrantee's accounting system accrirulates data in a djfferent formai than ilie one in the grant application, subsidiary records must document and reconcile the amounts shown in the Grantee's accounting records to those amounts reported to the Division; c) An interest-bearing checking account or accounts in a state or federally ohartored.-' in.titotion ,,uy beirssd foi inenues and expenses described in the Scope of Work and detailed in the Estimated Project Budget; d) Tho namo ofthe account(s) must inolude the grant award numbor; e) The Grantee,s accounting records must have effective control over and accountability for all funds, property and other assets; and f1 Accounting records must be supported by souroe dooum€ntation and be in suffroiont dstail to altw for a proper pre-audit and post-audit (such as invoices, bills and canceled checks). 20. Availability of state Funds. The state ofFlorida's performance and obligation to pay urder this Agreement are conlingent upon an annual appropriation by the Florida Logislature. In the event ;hat the state funds upon rvhich this Agreement is dependent are withdrawn' this egr""r"ri*lii U. automaiically terminded;d the.Division shall have no firther liability to thl Grantoe beyond those amounts already expended prior to the termination date, such termination wiil not affect the responsibiiity ofthe Grantee under this Agreement as to those ilrrl prr"l"urfv aistributed. In the event oi'a state revenue shortfall, the total grant may be reduced accordinglY. State Aid to Librsries Grant Agreemont (Form DLIS/SA02) Ctraprcr f S-Z.O f I (Z)( cl, Florida ,4dninisrrutive Code' Elfective 1G2018' Page 6 of I0 Q 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 824 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) 21. Lobbying. The Subgrantee will not use any $ant funds for lobbying the state legislature, the statejudioial branch or any state agency. 22. Indeperdent Contractor Status of Grantee. Ths Grafiee, ifnot a state agenoy' agrees thal its ofhoers' agents and employees, in performance ofthis Agr.eement, shall act in the oapacity ofindependeit contractors and not as officers, agents or employees ofthe state.. The -Grantee is not entitlsd to accrue any benefits of state employment, including retiromenl benefits and any othe. rights or privileges connected with employmcnt by the State of Florida' 23. Grantee's Subcontractors. The Grantee shall be responsible for all work performed and all expenses inouned in conneotion with this Agregment' Th€.Granteo may subcontract' as necessary, to perform the services and to provide commodities required by this Agreement' the pivision ihall not be liable to any suicontracto(s) for any expenses or liabilities. incurrcd under the Grantee's subcontiact(s), and the Grantee shall be solely liable to its subcontractor(s) for all expenses and liabilities incurred undsr its subcontract(s). The Grantee must take the necessary steps to ensure that each of its subcontraotors will be deemed to be inJepinaent contraotors and will not be considered or permitted to be agents, s8rvants, joint venturers or partners ofthe Dvision- 24, Liability. The Division will not assume any liability for the acts, omissions to act or- *glig.;"" oflhe Grantee, its agents, servants or employees; nor may the Grantee exclude lialil-ity tor its own acts, omissions to aot or negligence to the Division' a) The Grantee shall be responsible for claims of any nature, including but not limited to injury, death ana property damage arising out of activities related to this Agreement by th" drrnt"", its agenti, sirvants,-employJes and subcontractors The Grantee shall indemnily and hold the Division harmliss from any and all claims ofany nature and shall investigaie all such claims at its own cxp€nsc' Ifthe Grantee is govemed by Section 768.28, Florida Sta,,l,es, it shall only be obligated in accordance rvith this Section. b) Neither the stats nor any agency or subdivision of the.state waives any defense of-' sovereign immunity or incieasis the limits of its liability by entering into this Agreement' o) The Division shall not be liable for attomey fees, interest, late charges or service fees, or cost ofcollection related to this Agreement. d)TheGranteeshallberesponsibleforallworkperformedandallexpensesincu.nedin connection with the project. The Grantee may subcontrart 8s necessary to perform lhe ^ servioes set forth in this Agreement, including entoring into subcontraots with vendors for services and commodities,-provided that such subcontract has been approved in witing by the Department prior to its execution and provided that it is understood by the Grantee that the Dlpartmeni shall not bc liabl€ to th€;ubcontraotor for any expenses.or liabilities incuned under the subsontract and that the Gmntee shall be solely liEble to the subcontractor for all expenses and liabilities incurred under the suboontract' {ct'i Srate Aid to Libraries Crant Ageement (Form DLIS/SA02) iiapter r B-Z.O r r (ZX a), Ftoriio Adminlrffo,ive Code. Effe ivc'10-2018' Poge 7 of l0 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 825 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) 25, Strict Compliance with Laws. The Gmntee shall perform all acts required by,this.-- agr..m*f in striot conformity with all applicable iaws and reEulations of the looal, state and Gieral law' For oonsequenoes of noncompliance, seo Seotion 18, Noncompliance' 26, No Discrimination. The Grantee may not discliminate against any employee employcd--' ;"6ihi; At;ement or against any applicant for employment beoause of raoe, color, r"iijru", g*io, national 6rigin, age, iindicap, pregnancy or marital status' The Grantee shail in;ei a similar provisio; in a]t of its subcontracts [or servioes under this Agrocmcnt. 27'BreachofAgreement.TheDivisionwilldemandtheretumofgrantfundsalreadyreceived, will withholJsubsequ€nt payments and/or will terminate this agrcemont if the Grantee irpropurfy "*p"ras und munages grant funds; fails to prepare' preserve or sunender rccords re{uiri:a Uy ttris agreement; or otherwise violates this A$eement' 2S.TerminationofAgreemenr.TheDivisionwillterminateorendthisAgreementifthe Grantee fails to ful-fill its obtigations herein. In such event, the Division ]vill provide the . Grantee a notice of its violatiin by tetter and shall give the Grantoe fifteen (15) oalendardays fro,n th" dat" of receipt to cure it; violation. Ifthe violation is not cured within the stated p"'ioa,tr'.DivisionwillterminatelhisAgreement.Thtnoticeofviolationlettershallbe deliveied to the Grantee,s contract Manaler, pcnonally, or mailed to his/her speoifted adJress by a method that provides proof o-f receipt. In the event that the Division terminates this Ageement, the Grantee wlll bi compensated fgt ory yo* Pfpleted in accordance with this Alreemeniprior to the notification of termination if the Division deems this reasonaDle under ihe circumstances. Grant funds previously advanced and not expended on work oolnpft*O in ut"rrdanco with this Agit.,ent jhall be retumed to the Division' with interest' *-ffi tt irty f:ol auyt un". i"t i*ttn of this Agreement' The Division does not waive any oiii, ,ilr,tJti "iaitional damages if grant tunds are returned under this section. 29. Preservation of Remedies. No delay or omission to exercise any right, goyer or rem-ell ,, accruing to either pa(y upon breach or violation by either partyud:t Pi: "qt-tl:il^tlll impair a'ny such righl,'power or remedy ofeither party; nor shall such delay or omlsslon De "oi"ttr"Jut u tu"i-vei ofany such breaoh or default or any similar breach or defaull 30. Non-Assignment ofAgreement. The Crantee may not assign' subliconse or otherwise - -' t u*r., iti rights, dutiei or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written ^ ""r.."i rf ttE nirision, wnLh itratt not unreasonabiy be withheld' The agreemont transforee .uri d"lrlonrt ut" complianoe with the requirements of the projecJ' If the Division aparoves a transfer ofthe Granteeis obligations, the Grantee shall remain liable tbr all worl( perlormeo -Juft "*p"nr", incuned in innection with this Agreement. In the event the Legislaturo tranJe* t't e .igl,ts, auties Joitigations of the_Diiision to another governmental. entity, pr"r.", i" S"i,i" n20.06, Florida\tat lrer or otherwise, the rights' dulies anl-"-tl'-til3n,"" irnder this Agreement shall be transferred lo the succeeding govemmentat agcncy as lI lr was the original party to this Ageemont. Srste Aid to Libraries Cranl Agreem€nt (Form DLIS/SAo2) c'iip*l ir-i.or rtzX a''1, Floriia Adninbtrotive Code,Effective 10'2o1E Page 8 of l0 /7;,. 1 a.,r l 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 826 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) 31'RequiredProcu]ementProceduresforobtalningGoodsandServlces.Thecranteeshall provido maximum open oompetition whon n199ry!1c g9ods. and services related to the $ant- assisted project in aicordanci with Section 287'057, F/orida Statutes' a) Procurement of Goods and Servicos Not Exceeding $35,000' The Grantee must use the applicable procurement method described below: L Purchases Up to $2,500: Procurement of goods and services where individual purchases do not exceed $2,500 do not require competition and may be conduded at the Grantee's discretion, 2. Purchases or Contract Amounts Between $2,500 and $35'000: Goods and services costing between $2,500 and $35,000 roquire informal competition and may be procurld by purchase order, acciptance ofvendor proposals or other appropriate procurement document. b) Procurement of Goods and Services Exceeding $35,000.-Goods and services costing over $35,000 may be procured by either Formal Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposals or InvitationtoNogotiatoandmayboproouredbypurchaseorder,aooePtanceofvendor proposals or other appropriate procurement document' 32. Conflicts of Interest. The Grantee hereby certifies that it is cognizant ofthe prohibition.of conflicts of interest described in sections 112.31 I through I 12.326, F/orida statutes and affirms that it will not enter into or maintain a business or other relationship with any - employee ofthe Department of state that would violate those provisions. The-Grantee furthel agr'eesio seek authorization from the General Counsel for the Department of State prior to e;tering into any business or other relationship with a Departm€nt of state Employee 1o avoid a potential violation ofthose statutes. 33, Blndlng of Successors. This Agroement shall bind the succossors, assigns ani legal--' i.pr.r.itutiu"s ofthe Grantee a;d ofany legal entity that succeeds to the obligations ofthe Division ofLibrary and Information Services. 34. Emptoyment of Unauthorized Aliens. The employment-of -unauthorized aliens by the Grantei is considered a violation of S ectiol.zTi{ (a) ofthe tmmigration and Nationality.Aot (8 USC 1324(a)), incorporated by refcrence' Ifthe Granrce .knowingly employs unauthorized uli"nt, ,r"tt ,ioiution shall be cause for unilateral cancellation ofthis Agreement' 35. Severability. If any term or provision ofrhe Agreement is found to be illegal and - - un"nfor""^b1., the remaindei will remain in fuil force and effect, and such term or provision shall be deemed strioken. 36. Americans with Disabilities Act. All programs and facilities related to this Agreement must meet the standards of Sections 553.50 i-S{l.sts, ptaa",srarrres and the Amerioans wit} Disabilities Aot of 1990 (qde,ggy)' incorporated by reference)' Stale Aid to Llbra cs Grant Agrccmcnt (Form DLIS/SAo2) iil"pt r t S-Z.O t t (ZXa\, Florida Adminisffattve Code,Etrective 10-2018' Page 9 of l0 @) l I I l 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 827 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) 3?'GoverningLaw.ThisAgrcementshallbeconstrued,performedandenforcedinallrespccts in accorda-nco with thc laws and rules ofFlorida' Vcnue or location for any legal action arising under this Agreement will be in Leon County, Florida' 33.EntireAgreemenl.ThcentireAgleemontofthepartiesconsistsofthefollowingdocuments: a) This Agreement bj nloriaa Single Audit Act Requirements (Attachment A) . . "j fi.cat Yeari0lS-19 State Aid to Libraries Final Grants (Attaohment B) The Grantee hereby certilies that they heve read this entire Agreement and rYill comply with all of tts requlrements. Grantee: Board of County Commissioners' Department of State: Collier C lorida B v Amy J By:Division and lnformation Services Y SOLIS, C hairman Dcpartmcnt tate, State ofFlorida Ir vbATTEST: Crystal K. Kinzel, Clbrk By s Date Witness k Deplty Clqrk iit OT M Ve narlfc snd titlc ' '- Date Jennifer A' BelPedio t"$.\rt\t* ?l{t1 Date Stare Ald to Llbmries Orant Agre€mcnl (Form DLMAo2) chapt€r I B-2.01 l(2X a\, Florido Admlnktrutiv€ code, Effcclive 10-2016 Page l0 of I0 '{fl Approved es to form and lcgalitY Assistant County Attomey 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 828 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) ATTACIIMENTA FEDERALAI{DSTATEoFFLoRIDASINGLEAI]DITACTREQ[]IREMENTS AIJDIT REOLIIREMEI.ITS The administration of resources awarded by the Department of state to the cranteo may be subject to aujits and/or monitoring by the Department of Statc as described in this Addendum to the Crant Awald Agreement. MONITORING In addition to reviews ofaudits oonduoted in aocordance with 2 cFR 200.501 Section 215.97, Florida ,9latzles, monitoring procedures may include, but not be limited to, on-site visits by Department of state .1 tr, iillt"d ;peiirdits u, aefined by 2 CFR 2 g200.425, and/or other procedures. By.entering into ttris agreement, tire recipient agrees to corply *d cooperate with anv monitori:9.!1oT1tl::1!::Tsses J"".!a upproitiute by ihe oeiartment of state. In the event the Department of stale tfTl?:t^jl" " firi,"a *',ip" irait ofthe reciiient is appropriate, the-recipient agrees to comply with any additional instructioni provided by the tiepartmenf of-Statc staff to the rooipiont regarding such 'udit. The ,".ipirridrrif,* "gr"es to "ompty ana cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations, or audits deemed necessary by the ChieaFinancial Officer or Auditor General' ATIDITS PART I: FEDERALLY FT,,NDEI) This pa* is applicable ifthe recipient is a state or local govemment or a non-profit organization as definid in 2 CFR 200.90,200.64 & 200.70 as revised. i. In the event that the recipient expends $750,000 for fiscal years ending.afler . December 31, 201+ or more during the non-Federal entityt fisoal year in Fedcral. awards in its firoat yea., tt e r""ipient must havia single or program-specific audit conducted in accordance *irt ti" pioulrions of2cFR 200.501. Exhibit I tothis agreement indicates Federal resouroes awarded ihrough the Department of st8te, The determination of amounts of Federal arvards i*p"ia"a .f,*'ia U" in ""*iJ-.r,rith the guidelines established by 2 CFR 200.502' An audit of thJ recipient conducted by the Auditor Geneial in accordance with the provisions of2 CFR 200.51i, as revised, will meet the roquiremcnt ofthis part' ii. In connection with the audit requirements addrossed in Part l, paragraph l' the r1]nient shall fulfill the requirements relativoio auditce rosponsibilities as provided in 2 cFR 200.508. Shte Aid to Libraries Grsnt Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02) Chapter I B-2.01 l(2Xa), Flork)a Adninistrotive Code.Effecti\e 1&2016 Page I ofS 1." ',ir',\'il - 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 829 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) iii. Ifthe recipient expends less than S750,000 for fiscal years ending after Decembei 31, Z0i4 in Federal awards in its fiscal yoar, an audit conduoted in aocordancc with the provisions of2 CFR 200.501 is not required. In the evont that the recipient expends- less than $75b,000 for fiscal years ending after December 31, 2014 in Federal awards in its fiscal year and electi to have an auiit conducted in accordanc€ with tho provisions of2 CFR 200'501, the cost ofthe audit must be paid from non-Federal rssources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must b6 paid from recipient resouices obtained from oth€r than Federal entities). (d) Exemption when Federal awards expended are less than $750,000. A non-Fedoral entity that oxpends less than $750,000 during the non-Federal entity's fiscal yeu in Federal awards is exempt from Federalaudit requiiements for that year, except as noted in 2 CFR S200.503 Relation to other audit requirements, but rcoords must Le availablc for review or audit by approp_riate offioials ofthe Federal agency, pass-through entity, and Govemment Accountability Office (GAO)' The lnternet web addresses listed below will assist reoipionts in locating doouments referenced in the text of this agreement and the interpretation ofcompliance issues' U.S. Government P rinting Offtce www.ecfr.gov PARTtr: STATEF[,NDEI) This part is applicable if the recipient is a nonstate entity as defined by seotion 215.97(2) (l), Floida Statutes I . In the event that the recipient expends a total amount ofstate finanoial assistanco equal to or in ixcess of $750,000 in any fisoal year of suoh recipient (for fiscal ycars endilg $er . - June 30, 2016), the recipient mu& have a State single or project-specific a,dit for suchiscalJear in accordance with Section 215.97, F/o rida &ames; applicable rules ofthe Executive Oflice of the Oovemor and the ChiofFinancial Offiocr; and Chapirs 10.550 (local governmental entities) or. i0.650 lnonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules ofthe Auditor General. EXHIBIT I to this agreemint indicarcs stare tinancial-assistance awarded through the Deparrn€lt ofstate by.this "gt..*""t. In determining the state financial assistance expe;ded in its fiscal year, the recipient shall cinsider all sources of sta:te financial assistance, including stat€ financial assistance r€c€ived from the Department of State, other state agencies, and other nonstate entities. Stats furanoial assistanc€ does not inolude Federal dlrect or pasi-through awards and resouroes received by a nonstate entity for Federal program matching requirements. 2. In conneotion with the audit requirements addressed in Part II, paragraph l, the recipient shall ensure ihat the audit complies with the requirements of Section 215.97(7), Florida Starutes. This_includes submissionofafinancialreportingpaokageasdefincdbySootion2l5'97(2)(d)'FloridaStatutes' ;rdil;., 10.550 (local lovern'mental-entities) or 10.b50 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. Srate Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLls/SA02) Ctr"pt"r t g-z,Ot t(zxa), Flortia Admlnlstrolrye code, Effective 10-2018 Pagc 2 of5 / -,1" 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 830 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) 3. If the recipient expends less than $750,0t)0 in state financial assistance in its fiscal year (for fisoal years ending afteilune 30, 2016), an audit conducted in aocordanoe with thc provisions of Section zls.gT,Florida satot"r, ir not riiuirrd. in the event that the recipient expends less than $750,000 in state financial assistanci in its fiscal year ending afier June 30,2016 and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions oficotion2l5,97,Florida Statutes, the cost of the audit ,nori U" puia from the nonstate uniity'r resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from the recipient's resources obtained from other than State entities). The lntemet web addresses listed below will assist recipients in locating documents referencsd il the text of tlris agreement and the interpretation ofcompliance issues' SAte of Florida Departnent Financial Services (Chief Financial Officer) httn://www.fldfs.com/ State of Florida Legislature (Statutes, Legislation relating to the Florida Single Audit AcO htto ://www.,l-e e.state. fl' u V PART IIL REPORT SI.TBNflSSION copies of reporting packages for audits conducted in accordance with oMB Circular A-133, as revised, and required b, i-ART I of this agreement strall be submitted, when required by Section .izo iJi, ONag'Cir.uUr e-Bg, as revised] by or on behalfofthe recipient directly to eaoh of the following: A. The Department of state at each of the following addresses: Offrce of InsPector General Florida Depafiment of State R. A. GraY Building, Room I l4A 500 South Bronough St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 B. The Federal Audit Clearinghouse designated in OMB Circular 4-133, as revised (the number of copies required by $ectionl 320 (dxti and (2), O\m 9.Y"ular 4-133, as revised, should be sufmitted to the Federal Audit CliaringhousQ, at the following address: Federal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau ofthe Census 1201 East lOth Street Jeffersonville, IN 471 32 C. other Federal agencies and pass-through entities in accordanoe with Ssctions .320 (e) and (f), OMB Ciroular A-133, as revised. State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA0Z) [f,;il";l it-t oi i(zx"), Floriia Adntn*rafive code,Effective 1 0'201 I Page 3 of 5 tr) t. 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 831 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) Z. Copies of financial reporting packages required by PART II of this agrcement shall be submitted by or on behalf of the recipient directly to each of the following: A. The Department of State at each ofthe following addresses: Office of InsPector General Florida Department of State R. A. GraY Building, Room I l4A 500 South Bronough St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 PART V: RECORD RETENTION B. The Auditor General's Office at ths following addrcss: Auditor General's Office Room 401, PePPer Building l1 1 West Madison Street Tallahassee, F lorida 32399 - I 450 3. Any reports, management letter, or other information required to be submitted to the Departmcnt-o-f Staie pilrsuant to this agrr.*rni shall be submitted timeiy in accordance with oMB Circular A-133, Florida Statutes, *JCfi"pt... 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for- profit organizations), Rulls of the Auditor General, as applicable. 4. Recipients, when submitting financial reporting packages to the Department of State for audits done in accordance with oMB circular A-l3j or ch-apters to.sso (local governmcntal.entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations),.Rules oithe Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting p".t"g";u. ["tir"r.a tothe recipient in correspondence accompanying the reporting package. I The recipient shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this ugrorrnt for a perioJof i*r vruts from the date the audit report is issued, and shall allow the O'"p"*m"nt of Siate, or its designee, CFO, or Auditor General acoess to such re,oords upon request' The recipient shall ensure that iudit working papers are-made available to the DeparEnent of State, or its designee, CFO, orAuditor General up-on i.qu"tt for a Period of at least three years from the aut" tfr" uiait report is issued, unless extenied in writing by the Department of State' State Aid to Libraries Orant Agreement (Form DLIS/SA02) il;;;.; I B-t o t I iz;1.;, Fl o r ia .a d mi n ts fi a t iv e c od e, Effective 1 0'20 1 I Page 4 of 5 ,8, 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 832 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) E)CIIBIT - 1 FEDERAL RESOI'RCES AWARDED TO TEE RECIPIET{T PT'RSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT CONSIST OF TIIE FOLI,OWING: Not applicable. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO THE TEDERAL RESOI]RCES AWARDED PURSUANT TO TIIIS AGREEMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: Not applicable. STATE RESOTJRCDS AWARDED TO TEE RECIPIENT PT'RSUANT TO TRIS AGREEMDNT CONSIST OF TIIE FOLLOWING: MATCHING RESOT]RCES FOR FEDERAL PROGRAMS: Not applicable. SI]BJECT TO SECTION 215.97, FLORIDA STATUTES: Florida Department of state, state Aid to Libraries; CSFA Number 45.030. Awald Amount: see Attrohment B. coMPLIANcERE'QI,IREMENTSAPPLICABLEToSTATERESoURCESAWARDEI) PT,RSUANTTO TIIIS AGREEMENT AREAS FOLI.,OWS: The compliance requircments ofthis stste proiect may be found in Part Four (State Project compliance n q"fr.ri."trl ofthe State Projects Comptiance Supfbment locatod al https//apos.fldfs.com/fsaa/' State Aid to Librades Grant Agscment (Form DLIS/S402) -lrapter lB-2.01 l(2X a)' Ftortia Adninistalive Code'Etrecti\a 10'20'lE Page 5 of5 I ..-:r, 1..-'+- I ' ila/ 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 833 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) Attachment B I'iscal Year 2O18-19 State Aid to Libraries Final Grants This table shows the flnal State Ald to Llbraries grart amounta that each eligible library will receive in 2O18-19. For 2O18-19, the avallable fundlng for State Ald grants is $2O,3O4,O72, which is 14.1 perceat of what would be requlred for full fundlng. At thls level, Operating Grants pay 2.35 cents on the dollar of expendlture by a particlpatiag llbrary durlng the second preeeding year. Operating Giraats total $12,563,694; Equalizatlon Girarts total $4,9O5,8O6; and Multlcounty Grants total $2,834,572. State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SAo2) Chapter 1B-2.011(2)(a), Florida Administrative Code, Effective 10-2018 COUNTY/MUNICIPALITY EQUALIZATION GRANT TOTAL GRANT ALACHUA COUNTY $363,587 $o $969,s87 BAKER COUNTY $4,296 $sz,o99 $61,99s BAY COUNTY $so,a61 $o $53,361 BRADFORD COUNTY #11,444 $3O3,588 $315,O32 BREVARD COUNTY $98o,163 $o $g8o,16g BROWARD COUNTY $1,998,989 $o $1,998,984 CALHOUN COUNTY $7,979 $2L9,682 *221,660 CHARLOTTE COUNTY $105,378 $o $105,378 CITRUS COUNTY $69,7os $o $69,7os $59,232 $o $59,232 $195,181 $o $195,181 $21,s29 $5.2L,247 $s42,776 DESOTO COUNTY $4,898 $63,4O2 $68,24o DI]SE COUNTY $5,260 $140,680 $14s,94o DI,ryAL COUNTY $260,288 $o $760,288 ESCAMBIA COUNTY $115,188 $o $1 15,188 FLAGLER COUNTY $26,toz $o *26,to7 FRANKLIN COUNTY g4,Tta $61,4O3 $66,121 GADSDEN COUNTY $t6,zzo $439,259 $4ss,929 GILCHRIST COUNTY $3, t to $4t,4zl $44,581 GLADES COUNTY $1,657 $22,19o $23,787 GULF COUNTY $3,491 $4s,691 $49,182 HAMILTON COUNTY $8,882 $236,599 $24s,481 HARDEE COUNTY $3,028 $4o,go8 $43,386 HENDRY COUNTY $1o,806 $14o,7o2 $151,5O8 HERNANDO COUNTY $s1,124 $52t,247 $s72,421 HIGHLANDS COUNTY $14,638 $179,669 $194,3O7 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY $969,s21 $o $969,s21 HOLMES COUNTY $2,977 $39,858 $42,89s $86,869 $o $86,869 JACKSON COUNTY $8,553 $111,999 $12o,s52 JEFFERSON COUNTY $5,646 $tso,zsg $1s6,999 Page 1 of 3 OPERATING GRANT CLAY COUNTY COLLIER COUNTY COLUMBIA COUNTY INDIAN RTVER COUNTY 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 834 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) COUNTY/MUNICIPALITY F,QUALIZATION GRANT TOTAL GRANT LAF'AYETTE COUNTY $r,2s9 $ 16,9 r7 $18,176 LAKE COUI{TY $ 171,395 $o $171,39s LEE COUNTY $594,8s3 $594,a53 LEON COUNTY $1so,760 $1so,760 $7,737 $ro1,314 $109,O71 LIBERTY COUNTY $49,861 $s 1,71s MADISON COUNTY $a,2L7 $219,046 $227,263 MANATEE COUNTY $17O,55O $o $170,ssO MARION COUNTY $r22,756 $o $t22,756 MARTIN COUNTY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY $r,363,324 $o $1,363,324 MONROE COUNTY $74,262 $o $74,262 NASSAU COUNTY $3O,811 $o $3o,811 OKALOOSA COUNTY $8s,284 $o $85,284 OKEECHOBEE COUNTY $6,8s3 $89,471 $96,324 ORANGE COUI{TY $a30,417 $o $83(),417 $162,424 $o $t62,424 PALM BEACH COUNTY $1,OO2,522 $o $r4a,477 $o 9t4a,477 PINELLAS COUNTY $7O9,858 $o $709,8s8 POLK COUNTY $249,327 $o $249,327 PUTNAM COUNTY $12,O5O $1s2,90s $r64,9ss SAINT JOHNS COUNTY $134,619 $10(),926 $o $1()0,926 SANTA ROSA COUNTY $o $4s,2s1 SARASOTA COUNTY $25a,743 $o $25A,743 SEMINOLE COUNTY $r48,756 $r48,756 SUMTER COUNTY $s6,961 SI'II'ANNEE COUNTY $2a,247 $s2t,247 *s49,494 $73,802 $79,41O UNION COUNTY $a7,427 VOLUSIA COUNTY $376,694 $o $376,694 WAKULLA COUNTY $6,896 $9O,98r $97,A77 WALTON COUNTY $18,784 $o $18,784 WASHINGTON COUNTY $6,478 $t72,O43 $178,521 State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Eorm DLIS/SAo2) Chapter 1B'2.011{2)(a), Florida Administrative Code, Effective 10-2018 Page 2 of 3 OPERATIIIG GRANT LEVY COUNTY OSCEOLA COUNTY l$o -$ol f$i"sall t-SrpotsrA IPAsco cour{TY | $134,61e1 0o I trlrnr Lt crE coutlTy t------T4s,2s r l$o| $so,sor; $o t-tu*rs,T----eo,6?el 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 835 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.) COUNTY/MUNICIPALITY OPERATING GRANT EQUALIZATION GRANT TOTAL GRANT ALTAMONTE SPRINGS $1O,Os3 $ro,o53 APALACHICOLA $2,141 BOYNTON BEACH $6O,OO1 $60,oo1 DELRAY BEACI{$s4,726 $s4,726 $31,4s4 $31,454 $32,61s $32,6rs LAKE PARK $7,192 $7,t92 LAKE WORTH $L2,32O $12,32O LANTANA $3,741 $3,741 MNTLAND $17,625 *17,625 NEV/ PORT RICHEY $22,272 $22,272 NORTH MIAMI $22,620 $22,620 NORTH MIAMI BEACH $2O,814 $2(),814 NORTH PALM BEACH $17,8s9 $17,8s9 OAKLAND PARK $14,456 $r4,4s6 PALM SPRINGS $17,2OO $17,2OO RTVIERA BEACH $17,836 $17,836 $41,281 $41,28r UIEST PALM BEACH $ro8,948 $ro8,948 WILTON MANORS $17,04O $17,o.rc V/INTER PARK $66,114 $66, r 14 Total $r2,s63,694 $4,9Os,8O6 $17,469,5OO Multlcounty Grarta HEARTLAITD LIBRARY COOPERATTVE $4so,ooo NEV/ RIVER PUBLIC LIBRARY COOPERATIVE $33O,831 NORTHWEST REGIONAL LIBRARY SYSTEM $3so,ooo PAL PUBLIC LIBRARY COOPERAAIVE $35o,ooo PANHANDLE PUBLIC LIBRARY COOPERATIVE SYSTEM $333,OO9 SIIWANNEE RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY SYSTEM $3so,ooo THREE RTVERS REGIONAL LIBRARY SYSTEM $347,274 WILDERNESS COAST PUBLIC LIBRARIES $323,4s8 Total $2,A34,572 Grard Total *2O,3O4,O72 State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement (Form DLIS/SAo2) Chapter 1B-2.011(2)(a), Florida Administrative code, Effective 10-2018 FORT MYERS BEACH HIALEAH SANIBEL t-$2,r4r I Page 3 of 3 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 836 Attachment: FY18-19 Approved State Aid Agreement (8277 : Approve FY19 State Aid Libraries Grant award in the amount of $195,181.)