Resolution 2005-413 RFSOI,l JTION 2005 413 A RESOU ITION BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY ( . 0 M [,v1 I S S I () N I ~ R S OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. PURSUANT TO SECTION 10.02.13.D. OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND I)EVELOPMENT CODE AFFECTING ORDINANCE 99-1 ~ KNOWN AS LIVINGSTON LAKES PUD, EXTENDING THE ClJRRENT pun ZONING APPROVAL TO I:EBRUARY 23, 2008; AND PROVIDINCi AN EFI:ECTIVE DATE. WI IFREAS, the Livingston Lakes PUD Zoning District, adopted on Fehruary n, Il)lN, hy the Collier County Board or County Commissioncrs, Ordinance 99-18 is subjecl to the plOvisions or Section 1 0.02.13.D" or the L.lIld Development Code (LDC), Tim/.! Limits Ii)!' .lpJl}'()I\'d fll If) I ~()ning J)istricts togl.!/her with their res/Jective Alaster /)/OI1S; and WIIFREAS, thc PU\) Ordinance was adopted consistcnt with, and under, the pl\lvisiolJS \ll' the Collier County (irO\vth Management Plan; and WHEREAS, on .July 26, 200S the Board of County Commissioners udupll:d ResolllliolJ 2005-:283 which extended the pun zoning for an additional two (2) years, until Fehruary :2,. 2006:und \1.,11 (LRI~/\S, a sccond ntcnsion or the PI/\) IOning was requested [0 h:hnldl) .2;. ~(I(ll). which is the maximum und last extension allowed under LDC Section 10.02.13 D(6)(a); illld WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the pun und has determined it is appropriate to extend the PUD Zoning for two (2) years, until Fehruary 23, 2008. NOW, TIIERI:FORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board or County Commissioncrs or Collicr County, Florida that: 1. The above recitals arc true and correct, and are adopted herein by reference as ir fully set rorth herein. 2. This Resolution constitutes evidence of compliance with the revlCW requirements of LDC Section 10.02.13.D. 3. Pursuant to said section of the LDC, the current PUD approval is hereby extended to February 23, 2008; at the end of whieh time the owner shall submit to the procedures in LDC Section 1O.02.13.D. Page I 01'2 -.__"._'_""'__'~'_'_""__"M'_"'__"'''_'''____~,_'"_~,_" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the extension is granted. This Resolution shall become immediately effective upon adoption. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. , ,- Done this ;( i Il'day of ;;:.:/ /".' k )/,2005. A TTEST~ ';.'.1 ;, i; I) '<" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,/', DWIGHT E. BROCK, ~lerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~\ .' < I ,'.' ex ,.- j ..~ L" ~1> f.l .... 'j '. lX :., 1 ~tttit '~JtW){. ~an' S FRED W. COYL~, CH I M~N st~it~ra ClulJ. Approved q~ to .' .' , . . I orm and legal sufficiency: I · ~~ ki~ F()~ Jennifer A. Belpedio Assistant County Attorney Page 2 of2 _'"~_"-''''''-_.......~.....,....,.~~---~-,.,...- '-'-'~_~_"",",....__~_u_~_~.."...~__