Resolution 2005-386 . PROCLAMATIONIRESOLUTION NO. 2005-386 PROCLAMA TION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY DECLARING , RECOGNIZING~ RATIFYING AND EXTENDING A STATE OF EMERGENCY FOR ALL TERRITORY WITHIN THE LEGAL BOUNDARIES OF COLLIER COUNTY INCLUDING ALL INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS WHEREAS, on October 20, 2005, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida adopted ProclamationlResolution No. 2005-363 to Declare a State of Emergency for all territory within the legal boundaries of Collier County including all incorporated and unincorporated areas; and WHEREAS, on October 24, 2005, Hurricane Wilma caused extensive damage to public utilities, public buildings, public communication systems, public streets and roads, public drainage systems, commercial and residential building and areas; and WHEREAS, on October 25, 2005, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida adopted Proclamation/Resolution No. 2005-367 declaring and extending a state of emergency for all territory within the legal boundaries of Collier County including all incorporated and unincorporated areas; and I WHEREAS, during ihe post-Hurricane Wilma recovery period there exists a critical need for temporary housing and the repair and shoring up of important infrastructure affecting the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Collier County; and WHEREAS, the fragility of storm-damaged and expeditiously repaired infrastructure (water, sewer, electrical, etc.) may position Collier County for "secondary event" failures that may impose hardships upon the health, safety and welfare of County residents; and WHEREAS, Collier County Emergency Management officials are recommending that this "State of Local Emergency" be recognized, ratified and extended from Tuesday, November 1, 2005 through November 7,2005 due to the effects of Hurricane Wilma and the needs for post-event recovery; and WHEREAS, Chapter 252.38(3)(a)5, Fla, Stat., and Collier County Ordinance Nos. 84-37, 2001-45 and 2002-50 (codified at Sections 38-56 through 38-70 in the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances) provide for a political subdivision such as Collier County to declare a State of Local Emergency and to waive the procedures and formalities otherwise required of political subdi visions by law pertaining to: 1. Performance of public work and taking whatever prudent action is necessary to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the community; 2. Entering into contracts; 3. Incurring obligations; 4. Employment of permanent and temporary workers; 5. Rental of equipment; 6, Utilization of volunteer workers; 7. Acquisition and distribution, with or without compensation, of supplies, materials and facilities; 8, Appropriation and expenditure of public funds, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, in Special Session, this 7th day of November, 2005, that due to the damages and effects of Hurricane Wilma upon the lives and property of residents of Collier County: 1. That the State of Local Emergency declared on October 20, 2005 and extended on October 25, 2005, is hereby declared, recognized, ratified and extended from Tuesday, November 1,2005 through Monday, November 7,2005, effective for all territory in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Collier County; and 1 "'-'----"-..-- .>,,_.._..~-_. --,.._.....~~"-"--....-_-".._._".,.~ -~ " - 2. That the Board hereby recognizes, ratifies and has exercised its authority pursuant to Collier County Ordinance Nos, 84-37, 2001-45 and 2002-50 and has waived the procedures and formalities required by law of a political subdivision, as provided in Section 252.38(3)(a)(5), Fla. Stat., including authorization for Purchasing Director to waive existing purchasing card limitations during the declared emergency. This ProclamationlResolution adopted this ih day of November, 2005. Commissioner Coyle-AYE Commissioner Halas-AYE Commissioner Coletta-AYE Commissioner Fiala-AYE ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, I COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~W. ~ Fred W. Coyle, CHAIRMA 04-emg-OI149/112 2 _._~------ - ..".........- ....._-..