BCC Minutes 01/20/1981 R Naples, Florida, January 20. 19B1 LET IT BE REMEMBERED. that the Board of County Commissioners In and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been cr~ated according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at g:oo A.M. In Regular Session In Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the fol- lowing members present: CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor VICE-CIlAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel C.R. "Russ" Wimer (9:05 A.M.) Mary-Frances Kruse David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Ilarold Hall, Fiscal Dffice./Chlef Deputy ~le-k; Darlene Davidson and Edna Brenneman (10:30 A.M.). Deputy Clerks; C. William Norman, County Manager; Nell Dorrl11. Administrative Assistant to the County Manager: Donald Pickworth (9:10 A.M.), County Attorney, Thomas Hafner, Public Safety Administrator; Frank Wilcox, Purchasing Director, Irving Berzon. Utilities Director; Teroy Vlrta, Community Development Administrator; Lee Layne, Planner; Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Grace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to the Board, and William McNulty, Sheriff's Department. ~ 058 rACl509 NOTS: Itatiao roprooontn itaNn roquontod to bo addad to auonda 00 fotta~o: · continuod from prior mo,tinu .. Sm.ruonoy It.m BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS M~~ 058 PACE 510 AGENDA January 20, 19B1 -NOTICE: ALL PERSONS SPEAKING ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO TilE ITEM BEING HEARD. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS TilE BOARO ON SUBJECTS WIlICH ARE HOT ON TillS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLA- NATION TO TilE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER .PUBL1C PETITIONS" AT 11:00 A.M. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF TilE PROCEEOINGS PERTAINING TIlERETO. AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE. WHICH RECORO INCLUOES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH TilE APPEAL IS TO BE BASEO. 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APP~OV~~ OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 'D.o.mbor a,~, 8, 30, 1980 and January 6, 1981 5. PROCLAMATION AND PRESENTATION OF AWARDS A. Proclamation declaring the week of January 10 thru 24 as Jaycee week. 6. SOCIAL SERVICES 7. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. An ordinance to amend the C~llier County Building Code. to provide for a revised fee schedule. (Community Dev.) B. Petition V-BO-IB-C, Coast Associates, Victor Battaglloll: requesting a variance for a duplex from the required' 14,000 square feet of land area. (Zoning) C. 'p.tition CCCL-BO-la-c, Coa.tat Sn,in..rin, for tho D.teona Corporation: r.qu..tin, a variano. from the Coaeeal Con.truotion Controt Lin. for South 5.0. Condo~iniu.. on Naroo r.tand. (Cont'd fro~ la/18, la/30 "0 and J/', 1/13 ", a,.nda) (Communitv D.v.topm.neJ D. 'Ordinana. am.ndin, Ordinano. 18-48 to inolud. b.ao~ 000'" ar.a. in r.,utation. p.rtainin, to park., eo. add prohibition. r.. fir.arm., and eo prohibie ,10" oontain.r. in b.aah 000'" ar.a. and on b.aoh... (Cont'd fro~ 21/30, "0 and 1/8. 1/11 '11 ag.nda) (Count, Attopne.} Agenda Page 2 January 2D, 19B1 8.. DLD BUSINESS A. Review and recommendation regarding July 24, 1980 Compli- ance Audit Report by Peat, Marwlck, Mitchell and Co. of Contract between American Ambulance, Inc.. and Collier County, dated December 16,1975, for period Aprll 1.1978 throu~h March 31, 1980. 9. 'CDUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT A. COUNTY MANAGER (1)"R.oommondation to ~aivo the formal advorti.in, portion of tho 80alod bid prooooo for tho purohaso of a mobit. fiotd affioo. B. CJMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (1) Recommendation to approve petition FP-Bl-1C: Rlverwood East Subdivision, construc~lon drawings, final plat and construction surety. (Letter of credit) C. ~C SAFETY (1) Recommendation for approval for certificate of pUblic conve~ience and necessity to allow an air ambulance to operate In Collier County. (a)"R.aommondatioM to ~aivo bid proo.e. and approve puroha.o of omorg.nov modioat t.t.motrv .quipm.nt. (3)"R.oommnndatloM to ~aiv. format adv.rti.in, for ..al.d bid. for pu~oha.. of n.-d.d .quipm.nt for .m.rg,noV m.dioat ..rvio.. D. PUBLIC WORKS (1) Request for driveway connection to north termlnous of Gulf Shore pouleVard, Park Shore Unit 5-- Naples Cay. (2) Recommendation for preliminary acceptance of Riviera Colony r.olf Estates Unit 2 and 101 ~alntenance bona. E. PURCHASING (1) Recommendation to award Bid '465-Vehicles. (2) Recommendation to purchase 270 chairs for the Golden Gate Community Center. F. ~ (1) Request for BOArd approval of CETA FY 80'-81' contracts modification. W..t. 058 racr5U Agonda Page 3 January 20. 19B1 all~ 058 fAtE 512; 10. DATA PROCESSING MANAGER'S REPORT 11. UTILITIES MANAGER'S REPORT A. UTILITY DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE (1) GAC Utilities - Rate Increaso, recommandation and Resol ut ion. B. COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT (1) County Re~lonal Water System - Easements and Contruction permits. (2) R1vlera Colony Golf Estates Unit I Phase I and II - Water and Sewer facilities acceptance. 12. COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT 13. CLEIK TO THE BOARD'S RtPORT A. Paymont of bills B. 8u~get amendments C. Other 14. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 16. NEW BUSINESS 17. PUBLIC PETITIONS 19. ADJOURN ~): ".:'':<' ";1(- ~\l~,t :,:; ""'~' Januory 20, 1981 AGENDf\ _ APPROVED WITH DELETIONS AND ADDITION Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Agenda be approved with the following addition and deletions: 1. Minutes of Oecember 30, 19BO and January 6, 1981 - deleted. 2. ConsiderAtion of Ordinance amending Ordinance 76-4B (Item 7-0) . withdrawn. 3. Introduction of representatives from the firm of Pollzzi/Heery, acting as agents for the County re the County's Construction Program management. - added to Item 5-B. There was a brief discussion as tc why the consideration of an ordinance amending Ordinance 76-48 WAS being withdrawn and In Answer to Commissioner Wimer's query, County Manager Norman explained that It Is being withdrawn upon the County Attorney's recommendation. He said that Mr. Pickworth has offered the opinion that the proposed ordinance In the form of the latest draft is not appropriate; it attempts tc amend more than one ordinance and addresses three separate Issues lnclud1ng beaches, parks, and beach accesses. Mr. Norman said that there may be a need for more than one ordinance in order to appropriately address the three 1 SSUj!S. Commissioner Wimer agreed to i"clude the withdrawal of the subject proposed ordinance in the approval of the agenda, however, he reserved the right to address this matter at a later time In the meeting when the County Attorney is present. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 2, 9, & 16, 1980 - APPROVED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the minutes of December 2, 9, and 16. 1980 be approved as presented. PROCLAMATION DECLARING TIlE WEEK OF JANUARY 18 nlROUGH 24, IgBl AS "JAYCEE WEEK" - ADOPTED In honor of the lillII)' good works the various Jaycee Chapters have been involved In thY'Oll9hout tile entire Count1. c-hsiontl' W1011r ~ved. s.conded by c-hsiontr Bl'OllI\ and cal'l'iecl unanl_s1Y. to adopt' a '.~ .~.; ,c'," ,"<f :.;'-f~' i.,. ,.; . -_..__...-._.~---_._-_.._-.. .---.--..........--.-.-'..-....... ,.- January 20, 1981 800K 058 tAct 514 proclamation declaring the weok of January 18 through 24, 1981 as "Jaycee Week" and Chairman Plstor presented same to representatives of various Jaycee Chapters of Collior County. . . . . . . . * * * . . . . ~ . . January 2D, 1901 &OOK 058 PAtE 516 INTRODUCTION OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM POLIZZI/HEERY, CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM MANAGEMENT AGENTS BY COUNTY MANAGER County Manager Norman e~plaincd that the firm of Pollzzi/Heery, the County's Construction Program Management Agents. are present today and he Introduced the following gentlemen to the 80ard: 1.. William McNeel, Project Director 2. Daryl Bailes, Project Manager 3. Olin Mlnten, Corrections Design/Operations Specialist Mr. Norman welcomed the gcntlemen on behalf of the Board and re- lated that they have begun work yesterday, and were temporarily housed In an office adjacent to Word Processing on the fifth floor of Building "F". Mr. Norman explained the anticipated work program I the approxi- mated timetable; and the first stages of the subject firm's work i'nclud- Ing a space study and investigation dealing with the various departments that are involved in the proposed new construction. Mr. Norman con- eluded his introduction by c~tending an Invitation on behalf of the firm to meet with them at the Board's convenience. ORDINANCE NO. 81-2. AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING CODE TO PROVIDE A REVISED FEE SCHEDULE - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Nr.ples Dally News on December 26, 1980 and January 2,9, and 16, 1981, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed by the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the adoption of an ordinance amending the Collier County Building Code to provide for a revised fee schedule. Community Development Administrator Terry Virta referred to the Executive Summary dated 1/20/81, and read the background for the consider- ation of the adoption of the proposed ordinance. He explained that he has been working very closely with the City of Naples and that the proposed fee schedule parallels the City's newly revised fee schedule. He said that the portions of the Communtty Development Division and the Butldtn9 Department's budget In its entirety is predicated on the adoption of the revised fee schedule and, although It appears that the Bul1dln9 lnsptCtlon Department Is "paying for Itself", when one considers tho other co.plt- II\lntlng areas that are part of the urlous other departllents necessary .-. January 20, 19B1 for the Inspectors to carryon their duties, i.e. zoning, engineer1n9, etc., then that "profitable" area Is depreciated to thc pOint where it Is not taking' In enough revcnue to offset all relatod expenses. There was a brief discussion, during which Mr. Vlrta stated that the revised building code will be ready for presentation In the near future, and In answer to Commissioner Brown's query he confirmed that he has been In contact with area builders In respect to the proposed fees with no adverse reactions being demonstrated toward the proposed fee schedule on the part of the "trade" with the exception of an Objection to the original proposal of having a separate filing and building permit fee. He said that subsequent to this objection, the filing fee will be credited to the building permit fee; this Is non-refundable, In the event that the building Is not constructed. The relative fees and their increased cost within the new fee schedule was discussed briefly, during which Commissioner Brown stated that It Is his feeling that the n2W fees are too high. Mr. Vlrt~ said that higher fees are necessary in order to meet the hl~h cost of operation of the Inspection program. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimousl~ to close the public hearing. After a brief discussion regarding the fact that although the revised fee schedule parallels the City of Naples, it does not necessarily parallel other Counties in Florida, even though other counties were surveyed as re- ported by County Manager Norman, Commissioner Kruse aske1 if there will still be additional fees for the builder, such as a fee from the Health Department for a septic tank approval, etc., and Mr. Vlrta concurred that there would. He said that the fee schedule being considered only deals with Building Inspection Department operations. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Drdlnance Book No. 12. ORDINAIlCI NO. - -Bl.-2 All ORDINANCl AHENnING Till "COLLIF.R COUllTY IlUILD- INO CODX" MIOPTF:D BY OHDINAIlCE 76-68 BY CIWlOING IlltCTION ONl, SUIlSICTION I RELATING TO IlUILDINO rtRHIT EVALUATIONS AIlD F&ltI; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SlVF.AA1lr.11 PFllAL1UtS; AlII) rllOYlDIKO All lFFlCTIW DAft. --_.~-_....,' ., "-,.., January 20, 1901 M~K 058 rACE 518 RESOLUTION 01-9 RE PETITION V-00-10C, COAST ASSOCIATES, VICTOR BATTAGLIOLI, APPROVING A VARIANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A DUPLEX ON LOT 11. OLOCK 75C. GOLDEN GATE CITY. UNIT 2 - ADOPTED , Legal notice having been published In the Naples Dally News on January 4, 1981 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-00-1BC, filed by Coast Associates, for Victor Battaglioll. requesting a vari- ance from the minimum required square feet for construction of a duplex on Lot 11, Olock 75C, Golden Gate City, Unit 2. Zoning Director Jeffory Perry referred to the Executive Summary dated 12/11/80, and after readln9 the contents thereof concluded that because the petition does not meet the criteria for a variance within the Zoning Ordinance, the staff is recommending denial of the subject pet it i on. The petitioner spoke In favor of the variance, citing many reasons. most of which centered around the relevant neighborhood. He explained that there are duplexes on all the lots that are developed on the sub- ject block, and that directly behind his property there is commercial property. lie claimed .hat It i~ not good planning to build a ,ln~le family home among all of these duplexes, and added that in the general area, there are many duplexes built on smaller lots than his, Including the lot next to his. He addressed the one argument that he feels the County may have for not approvin9 the subject variance, namely, that If the Board approves this one variance, several other lot owners with the same size lot may come forward and request similar variances. He said that It is his opinion that those remaining lots that are non-conforming and located in this general area, should be allowed to build duplexes on them, conslderln9 the number of duplexes In the Immediate area and the need for this type of housing In Collier County. He insisted a duplex on the subject lot will not be out of character to the surrounding neighborhood and, therefore, should be allowed. Hearing that there wore no registered speakers Commissioner Wenzel lOved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unaniMOusly, that the public hearing be closed. Mr. Battagll01l reminded the Board that let- ten wore ilia 11 ed to surround t ng property .owners, and tha t none wert 0b- Jecting to his building a duplex on this lot. January 20, 19B1 COmmissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Brown,that Resolution 81-9 approving the variance requested In Petition V-SO-18C as filed by Coastal Associates, for Victor Battagll011 be adopted. Commissioner plstor said that he Is usually against such a large variance, however, In this Instance, he sees the arguments offered by the petitioner, and that Is the reason that he Is voting for the ap- proval of the variance. Commissioner Wimer concurred with Commissioner Plstor's statement and asked the record to reflect that this Is his reason for an affirmative vote also. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. . . . . . . . . . . * . * . toor 058 M 519 .,_. .__..,~_,~""","",,,,_O'~""_~'__''''_ January 20, 1901 &OCK 058 rAGE 522 couim 'MANAGER DIRECTED TO INSTRUCT TIlE PLAN/lING DEPARTMENT TO STUDY ^,~ENDING LOT SIZE REqUIREMENTS FOR PLATTED LOTS RE CON- STRUCTION OF DUPLEXES IN CERTAIN AREAS OF COUNTY There was a brief discussion regardln9 the many problems relative to areas throughout the County that ar~ prolific with duple~ construc- tion and on which lots a single family home would not be In character with the neighborhood. These remaining lots In e~lsting platted sub- divisions do not meet the size requirements for construction of a duplex accordin9 to the present zonin9 regulations, and the owners aro con- tinually coming before the BCC for a variance in order to construct a duplex on them. said CommIssioner Wimer, who suggested the staff look Into the matter. County Attorney Pickworth recommended that the Planning Department look Into amending the lot size requlrcments for such lots, and after hearing Commls~ioner Pistor say that the problem is not relative to new developments, Mr. Pickworth suggested that perhaps two zoning catagories would be appropriate, one relative to e~lsting platted subdivisions; and, one applicable to future developments. Commissioner Wimer agreed with Mr. Pickworth's suggestion and moved. secc"ded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the County Manager be directed to instruct the Planning Department to thoroughly investigate amending lot sIze requirements for such platted lots and find an appropriate solution to avoiding the necessity for a variance in order to construct a duplex in these particular areas through- out the County where the charar~er of the neighborhood is prolific with duplex construction and the lots do not meet the size requirements of the prcsent zoning regulations. RESOLUTION 81-10 RE PETITION CCCL-80-12C, COASTAL ENGINEERING FOR DELTOHA CORP. REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO THE CCCL FOR SOUTH SEAS CONDOMINIUM ON MARCO ISLAND - ADOPTEO Legal notice having been published In the Marco Island Eagle on November 27, 1980, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication previously filed with the Clerk, pUblic hearing, having been continued fro. Dee... ber 16, and 30, 198D and January 6. 1901, was reopened to consider January 20, 1981 , Petlt1.on CCCL-BO-12C, filed by Coastal Engineering, Inc., for The Deltona Corporation, requesting a variance from the CCCL as required In Ordinance 75-19 for the South Seas Condominium on Marco Island. Community Development Administrator Terry Vlrta explained that the proposal before the Board has been substantially revised from the orig- Inal proposal made by the petitioner for the construction of an artifi- cial dune, rlprap revetment, dune walkovers, and vegetatlve planting seaward of the CCCL at the site of the subject condominium. Mr. Vlrta said that Dr. Jay Harmic, Environmental Consultant, has reviewed the newly revised proposals along with Mr. Michael Stephen. of Coastal Engineering, Inc.. and does feel that I;l can now reconmend approval of the variance. He stated that he concurs with Dr. Harmic's recommenda- tion, based on the new revisions which includes a transition back to the CCCL from the existing vertical seawalls and then continue with a revet- ment along the existing CCCL. with the establishment of artificial dunes both on and in front of that revetment. He said that the .lternate to this propos.l would he a vertical seawall at the CCCL. which staff feels will ultimately have the same effect as the existing vertical seawalls on Marco Island. Mr. Virta added that he feels that the criteria, as established in the relative Ordinance, have been met by the petitioner's revised proposal. In answer to Commissioner Plstor. Mr. Vlrta said that he personally has not been to Marco Island recently, to investigate the effects on the beach from existing seawalls. Commissioner Pistor said that he believes that some of the statements made last week by Commissioner Wll"er are evi- denced by the erosion problems in that area. He said that the beaches south, of the rlprap are being washed away in Marco Island, and he feels that a contributing factor is the additional rock that Is placed there. Mr. Vlrta said that he is familiar with the beach that Is relative to the subject petition. and that is also plagued with an erosIon problem, due to a vertical seawall at Its southern boundary. Mr. Mike Stephen, of Coastal Engineering Consultants, said that he was liked to go back to the staff and the County Attorney on Decllllber 16. 19801 that pursuant to these _tln~s a IIlC'difled proposal has ~ egreed on by both hlMelf and the County's staff. Hr. Stephen explained the ~._------"~-_._-- ., January 20, 1981 aoo~ 058 rACE 62. revised proposal, as Indicated in his letter to Mr. Vlrta, dated Jan- uary 16. 1981, a copy of which Is Included in tho Executive Summary. He said that It Is his opinion that the revised proposal meets all County criteria as well as provide a truly functional and natural system of shoreline management at the project slto. Mr. Stephen also addressed Commissioner Pistor's statements con- cerning the apparent erosion problem on Marco Island. He said that the Board should consider that they are looking at the "winter profile" of the beach and that during the summer the beaches experience a certain amount of "recovery" from this condition. Mr. Stephen added that this "recovery" is made easier by the placement of rock in front of a seawall to eliminate a substantial amount, if not all. of the reflection that Is generated by that seawall. After a brief discussion concerning erosion. and the detrimental effects of construction along the beach, and in answer to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Stephen said that he could go along with the philosophy of requiring that the revetments, walls, etc. be removed if the Board at some time in the future were to find that it was detrimental to the beach, ~owever. he cautioned the Board of the responsibility of making this detennlnation. lie referred to the extensive research and frequent Inspections that would be required by experts in the field, as well as the documentation and calculations that would be necessary to arrive at such a detennination. lie also brought up the possibility of problems relative to requirin9 a developer to remove a seawall. or similar con- struction, that has been incorporated in the design of othnr construction such as a pool deck, or the like. lie said that this is often done where the seawall is used as a structural support, and the removal of same would cause a hardship on the developer. Commissioner Wimer clarified his Intent as applicable to new develc?mCnt and not to those existing structures constructed in the past. Mr. Stephen said that based on re- search and data collection of experts, he believes that the use of revetment will not cause any "negative affect" on the beach I he believes that the Board should con~lder, Instead, the establishment of I Count1- wIde Beach Management Progra.. There was a brlof discussion regarding the grassy swales that Ire ;;:l c::::J --"] '''""t, January 20, 19B1 presently on the SUbject proporty for retentlonl the fact that the alternative to the subject variance would be construction of a vertical suwalll the fact that only the "toe" of the submerged revetment wll1 go beyond the CCCLI and that the revised plans resulted In moving the sub- ject revetment some 30 to 40 feet landward from the original proposal, ' Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and car- ried 4/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed, that Resolution No. 81-10, re Petition CCCL-BD-12C, filed by Coastal Engineering for Deltona Cor- poration approving variance to the CCCL for the South Seas Condominium on Marco Island be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t~ . ~~ , ",1 ;).->' . '~~t. \~\~. '.~~ii .~~~: * January 20, 1 gal m~ 058 mE 5SB COUNTY 'MANAGER OIRECTED TD INSTRUCT STAFF TO INITIATE THE OEVELOPMENT OF A POLICY OF STATEMENT RE REMOVAL OF REVETMENT, ETC., CONSTRUCTEO \/ITH A VARIANCE TO CCCL AND LATER FOUND TO BE OETRIMENTAL TO TIlE BEACH SYSTEM BY TilE BCC INCLUDING PROVISION FOR GUARANTEE TO SAME FROM OE- VELOPERI STAFF TO OEVELOP AN OVERALL BEACH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR COLLI ER COUNTY Pursuant to tho discussion that took placo regarding the last Item on the agenda Involving a request for a variance to the CCCL, CommIs- sioner Wimer said that he would like to see the County Manager Instruct the staff to develop a "policy statement" on CCCL variance requests that would outline a procedure by which the developer would be required to remove any construction of revetment. etc. under an approved variance in the Hvent that at some future date the BCC should find such construction to be detrimental to the beach system; this should include a provision for obtaining some sort of quarantee from the d~voloper such as a cash bond, etc. He aslo said that he would like to see the staff develop an overall. Beach Mana~ement Program. Chairman P1 stor so directed County Manager Nornun. ~TATUS f.EPORT RE REVIEW OF CONTRACT COMPLIANCE AUDIT AND CERTAIN EXPEN- DITURES OF AMERICAN AMBULANCE; FINAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO BE FORTIlCOMING IN THREE WEEKS County Manager Norman referred to the Joint rnport pro~ared by himseld, the County Attorney, and the Fiscal Officer, dated 1/12/81 in response to a Board request that the matter of the Contract Compliance between American Ambulance and the County be analyzed and subsequent information be gathered and prepared. lIe said that the re~ort deals with a contract compliance aud1t prepared by Peat, Marw1ch Mitchell and Co. at the direction of the Board and under the supervision of the Clerk regarding the contract that expried April I, 19BO. Mr. Norman sairl that on August 12, 1980, the subject audit was re- ceived by tho Board who subsequently requested that American Ambulance provide a response; that response was presented on September 2, 1980 and subsequent to that the group that has been actively working on this mttter has met several tlh~s. He said that they have met with the ludltors in In attempt to obtlln additional Information and clarification, IS well IS with the State Attorney's Office which Is undertaking In In- dependent Investigation of Alnerlcan ~u1anc.. Mr. HolWn Slid that the January 20, 1901 subject report Is a result of all of these efforts and addcd that he would categorize the m^jorlty of the issues Involved In the matter as either poor bookkeeping, ~ lack of Internal controls. or, a lack of documentation. He said that these are the necessary tools by which the tests are made that make certain expenditures eligible, under the terms of the contract, as legitimate business expenses. Mr. Norman said that within all the matters of concern, there are various degrees of levels of documentation; to facilitate handling these matters, four categories have been established as follows: Expenses which although not properly documented, upon further examination, appear reasonable and should be allowed - effort Involved In. requiring proper documcntatlon to be provided Is not justified. Expenses which mayor may not have been proper, but which are proposed be be allowed because of le9al problems involved in proving impropriety. Expenses which, without clear proof to the con- trary, were not covered by the contrac~ as all owab 1 e. Expenses which were clearly not allowable under the contract. Mr. Noman said that "allowabllity" used In the above categories 15 based on the tem used in the DecemL~r 16, 1975 CC,1tr>ct: "reasonable and necessary business expenses attributable to business operations". Mr. Nonman said that the first two of the above-referenced categories of expenses within the audit of American Ambulance total $50,800.72; these Items within the two categories (I & II) are not of such a serious na- ture that It warrants carrying these matters any further. He further reported that the third category, which represents the largcst amount of money totalin9 $77.434.60 concerns costs which mayor may not be legit- imate business costs but which can and should be documented. He said that he feels that the County would run a serious risk If, it wore to agree that they are legitimate without adequatc documentation. Mr. Hanlin said that the final category concerns Items that total $7,594.39; thl1are it_ that appear to not '""t the criteria for legltl..cy within the contract tenlS. Ca tegory I: Ca tegory II: Ca tegory !II: Ca te~ory I V : ~O" 05B...~ ~ January 20, 1901 ... aoOK 058 PACE 538 Mr. No~n said that after tho BCC meeting of January 13, 1981, at which time American Ambulance was put on notice pertaining to contract termination, the Boord Instructed him to personally review with the people of Amarlcan Ambulance those Issues that were still remaining at that time; he has not had the opportunity to do SOl this will be accom- plished within the next two weeks. Mr. Norman said that because of the bulk of the largest category, specifically those matters that fall Into Category III, the amounts of money and the need for further clarifica- tion, he Is recommendin9 that he be given the opportunity to meet with representatives of American Ambulance and that within two or three weeks he will come back to the Board with any further recommendations that may be deemed necessary along with any additional information that may have become available at that time. lie said that he Is recomnendlng that no action be taken at this time on the speCific recommendations outlined within the executive ~ummary; rather. he would like the nlatter to be considered as a report. identifying the issues; If the Board approves of the general concepts and relativity of the issues as established within the subJ~,t reput't, tlmn he will proceed with further investigation with American Amhulance. Commissioner Wenzel asked Mr. Norman If he did not want the Board to at least act on the matters concerning Category IV; specifically re- ferring to the recommendation to w1thhold $7,594.39 from the next ap- proved payment due American Ambulance. Mr. Norman said that he will make every effort to have the entire matter back before the Roard for action prior to the time when the next regular payment Is to be ~de. and, that he prefers to deal with the entire matter at the same time. Commissioner Wimer asked Mr. Norman if he wanted concurrence f~ the Board with the methodology and policy that he has undertaken as set out In the subject report and Mr. Norman answered affirmatively. COlIIl\1ss10ner Wimer IlIOved that the Board support the COunty MaMger In the method in which he has approached the probl.. CoaIIllssloner Kruse seconded. In answer to ChalnD&n Plstor, Conalssloner WI..r laid that he wuld amend his IIIOtlon to Include that a final report shill be presented .lon~ with a final retOMMUndatlDn in three WIlks. co..lS- could be used by repr.sentatives of Po11zzi/lleery whtle they are here on the construction project. lie said that Phase I 01 the project calls for six months and the entire project cblls for approximately thirty months. Mr. Oorrill requested that the Board direct the staff to purchase the subject mobile field office and approve the site outlined In the sketch within the Executive Summary dated 1/19/B1. He said that in ad- dition to the cost savings outlIned within the Executive Summary, and if this project carries out through the entire construction timetable, this unit will realize further savings. He said that because It is mobile it could be moved to any future construction sites and be uti- lized by the County as their on-site construction office. "r. Oorrlll said that over 13 local area mobile home and mobile office dealers were contacted and the price quotation within the Execu- tive S~ry was thusly arranged. He said that the trailer il to be 10 ft, a 43 ft. Ind will be delivered and let up on the ealtern edge of County COIlPlex property JUlt north of the old I_go pllllpill9 l\ltlOII ICro.. fr'Ol8 tho Health OeparUlRnt If the Board letl flvorlbll1 tocII1, ,- JQnua ry 20. 1901 sloner Kruse agreed to samo ~nd upon call for the question the motion carried 4/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed. Commissioner Wenzel stated that this matter has gone on for five years, and that was long enough. * * * RECESS: Time: 10:05 A.M. . 10:10 A.M. * * * BID PROCESS WAIVED. TELEPHONE/WRITTEN QUOTES APPROVED FOR ACCEPTANCE RE PURCHASE OF MOBILE FIELD OFFICE RE CONTRACT COMMITMENTS WITII POLIZZI! HEERY MANAGEMENT FIRM, FISCAL OFFICER AUTIlORIZED TO PREPARE BUDGET AMENDMENT; SITE RECOMMENDED FOR PLACEMENT OF SAME OFFICE APPROVED Nell Oorril1. Administrative Assistant to the County mAnager, re- ferred to the contract with the management firm of Po1izzl/Heery approved on December 30. 19BO, in which the Board of County Commissioners are committed to providing the firm with appropriately furnished and equipped office space for use by the firm's representat1ves. He said th~t subse- quent to the execution of thbt contractual agreement. the staff has Investigated. through the resources of the Purchasing Department. what 15 considered to be a "good buy" on a IOObtle office field unit that &OO~ 058 PACE 540 January 20, 1901 There wa_ a brief discussion regarding the need for the County to provide this space as outlined within the SUbject contract pro- visions, and Mr. Oorrl11 explained that If the Board wished, the con- tractor could supply their own office space and pass the cost directly to the County; the County Is responsible for furnishing these Items. Mr. Dorrill laid that staff feels that the subject recommendation provides for the most cost-efficient method of meeting the contractual commitments. County Manager Norman concurred. Also discussed was the need to provide the furnishings and equipment required for the mobile office, as explained by Mr. Norman, Including the fact that it appears that very little, if any, of the furnishings are available through sur- plus items in the County Barn. Mr. Oorrill assured the Board that every attempt will be made to furnish the subject off1ce from among Items that the County presently owns; however, there are specific types and sizes of desks, etc. that will be required that will have to b~ purchased. Commissioner Pistor said that the Board will consider the furnishing at a later time and Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried unanimously, that the bId p.'Ocess be waIved, that the telephone/writtcn quotes for purchase of a mobile field office be ac. cepted for the purchase of said office trailer to bc delivered and set up on the recommended site at the Courthouse Complex; and, that the Fiscal Officer be authorized to prepare the appropriate Budget Amend- ment re same. FINAL PLAT AIm C:NSTRUCTION DRAWINGS APPROVED RE PETITION FP-Bl-1C RIVERWooD EAST SUBDIVISION: IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FROM GRANITE STATE NATIONAL BANK ($65,000) NO. 002 - ACCEPTED Planner Lee Layne stated that a request has becn received from the developcr of Riverwood East Subdivision to accept the construction draw- Ings and the final plat for same subdivision. She said that the Public Works Division has reviewed the construction drawings and final plat and has found them to be In conformance with the County's Subdivision Regulations. She added that the developer hiS subMitted an Irrevocable letter of credit In the al10unt of llen of the de'lllIOpllOnt '-'Cst for acceptance by the Board, January 20, 1901 COmmissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner 8rown and carried unanimously, that the Final Plat and Construction Drawings re Rlverwood East Subdivision be approved and that the Irrevocable Letter of Credit as described above be accepted. . . . . . . . . * '''''WI nr.;~ ..., t;,4 f' ,,_,_~>d-"______._'_'_""' '. .'..... .4- .IJ'~ ,'1':.' \~ ~'t, .""~'" ... . fl ..' '~:~:.1tit '"..r~ ,.,~ !.-,,:,' . .i'_,'~ ,"-.1, ,,'1", ,.'j";< January 20, 1901 aO~K 058 rACE M6 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PERMIT 81.1 RE JET SOUTIl, INC. rOR OPERJ:\TION OF AN AIR AM. BULANCE SERVICE IN COLLIER COUNTY. APPROVED FOR EXECUTION OY THE CHAIRMAN In requesting authorization for the Chairman's execution of an Emergency Services Permit and thr Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Jet South. Inc., Public Safety Administrator Thomas Hafner said that the firm is based in Fort Myers, is an Advanced Support Air Ambulance service; and, has the proper documentation In the form of "Air Carrier Operating Certificate" and State of Florida IlRS and EMS Certl. ficate~ for Lee County. lie further reported that he has been In contact with Lee County's Emergency Medical Services Director regarding the perfonnance of the subject ftrm's services and received an excellent recommendation as concurred with by Collier County Environmental Health Director John Stephens who has received favorable reports from the EMS peo~le In Tallahassee. Mr. Ilafner said that the Airport Authority was contacted on the request of the EMsr and Mr. Tammerk has indicated that there are no problems assoctated with the subject firm's operations out of Naples Airport. The fact that there is no apparent conflict with Jet f,uth and Amertcan Ambulance's contract with the County and because Jet South 1s not an ambulance service as defined tn the Management Agreement was pointed out by Mr. Hafner who stressed that the proposed certificate should state that tt is for "non-exclusive" service in Collier County. Mr. Hafner concluded by stating that the Management Agreement between the County and American Ambulance does not prohibit or address an air ambulance operation in Collier County; American Ambulance, Inc. does not provide such a service; 4"d, when It is required, American Ambulance nonmal1y acts as brokers between the requesting individual and Air Ambulance companies. lie said that by allowing Jet South, Inc. January 20, 1981 a certificate to operate In Collier County. the citizens of Collier County will be assured a first class available service. In answer to Commissioner Plstor, Mr. Hafner said that It will not be necessary to deal through American Ambulance to use the subject air ambulance services: the public can deal directly with Jet South. Inc. COmmissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and car- ried unanimously, that the Certificate of Public Convenience and Neces- sity and Emergency Medical Services Permit Bl.l for Jet South, Inc. be approved for execution by the Chairman. . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . * a(l'jl 058 Plcr 547 " '~~, .r January 20, 1901 ~o~~ 058 PACE 550 BID PROCESS WAIVED; EMERGENCY PURCIIASE OF TELEMETRY EQUIPMENT FOR AMOULANCES AUTIlORIZED FROM MOTOROLA IN TIlE AMOUNT OF 510.060.50 Public Safety Administrator Thomas Hafner stated that when the Management Agreement between the County and American Ambulance was signed in March, 1900, American Ambulance Indicated that they could operate a fifth ALS unit usln9 a portable telemetry set. He said that this Is a high wattage unit that did not necessarily need the equipment that is permanently established in the ambulance. Mr. Hafner said that since that time, on January 6, 19B1, American Ambulance submitted a requisition for a permanent telemetry set; this will result in five completely equipped ALS units. He added that during the October 15, 1980 meeting with American Ambulance representative It was determined that American had never requested that fifth complete unit and to rectify this, the County was provided with the January 6. lqAl pllrrh^,e request. Mr. Hafner said that during the fire of September, 19BO the portion of the telemetry set that was permanently attached to the burned ambu- lance was completely destroyed; the portion that is not permanently attached was saved. Mr. Hafner said that what is to be accomplished is that the fifth ALS unit will be totally outfitted with telemetry equipment and that Includes the portable set used by the paramedic to relay Information to the perman~ntly attached set In the ambulance which In turn relays that information to a relay statiun and then on to telephone wire and on to the hospital. He said that the other piece of equipment is that which was lost in the September fire. COI111llss10ner Wenzel asked Mr. Hafner, if it is not true that during last week's meeting. it was thought to be insured and that SUbsequently It was found not to be Insured, and If It was not Insured as It was supposed to be, would the Co~nty collect that replacement cost f~ American Ambulance. Mr. Hafner answered affirmatively, stating that he would be talking to American Ambulance and that the Insurance of that piece of equIpment was discussed thoroughly with Alllerlcan oWbulance durill9 the October 15, 1966 IIlHltlll9. ec-hsloner Wenzel said that the January 20, 1981 record Is to reflect that he Is voting on this matter on the premlso that that lnsuranco lssuo has to be resolvod with American Ambulance and Mr. Hafner as~ured him that It would, Mr. Hafner said that last week Mr. 8rldenthal indicatpd that the equipment was not Insured and that Risk Manager Robinson has Investigated the matter and has found that Is was not. In answer to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Hafner said that it was supposed to be Insured according to the contract with American. Com- missioner Wenzel said that it is his hope that the County either col- lects the money to replace that equipment from American Ambulance or withholds that amount from the contract payments to them. Mr. Hafner agreed. Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Chairman Plstor, that the bid process be waived for the emergency purchase of telemetry equipment as recQ!l'lOOnded by Mr. Hofner within the Ex~cutlve SUl11114~y dated 1/16/Bl, and Additionnlly. that the Fiscal Officer be authorized to prepare tl~ appropriate budget amendment. In answer to Commissioner Orown, County Monager Norman stated that the County Attorney has advised him that American Ambulance Is respon- sible for payment of the equipment lost in the fire in September. He said that he would be following up on this opinion. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. BID PROCESS WAIVED; PURCHASE OF MEDICAL EQUIPMENT VIA TELEPHONE/WRITTEN QUOTES AUTlIORIZED FROM AERO PRODUCTS IN TliE AMOUNT OF $6.413.20 Purchasing Director Frank wilcox stated that on December 15, 1980 ft requiSition was forwarded to the Purchasing Department tor assorted Medical Equipment budgeted and approved for this fiscal year. He said that American Ambulance's suggested vendor was Dyno-Had. Inc. which Is located in Carlsbad. California; the total requisition was for $12,400.30. Mr. Wilcox explained that since the County's purchasing policy re- quires all purchases over $2,000.00 to be procured through the sealed bid process, and even though the subject requisition WlS for thirteen iteM, the Purchasing Department initiated the proper purchulll9 proce- dures, Mr. lI11cox stated that beClUU _rlcan Inbulance indicated UlIt -- ." , &OO~ 058 rACE 552 January 20, 19B1 two of the Items wore needed urgently, these Items wore ordered on December 16, 19BO; one for six Mast Suits ($1,579.65) from Dyno-Had" and the other for sl~ Larynagascope Sets ($1,380.90) to Florida Anes- theslc. He said that because these purchases were already Initiated, and wore under the $2,000.00 level, the bid process was not used. Mr, Wilcox said that the remaining Items which totaled $9,313.65 quoted by Dyno-Med, Inc. was compared to six other vendors' quotes and It has been found that the County can realize a substantial savings by purchasing the needed items from Aero Products who quoted a total of $6,413.20. Mr. Wilco~ said that Mr. Andy F"edlund of American Ambulance was contacted and each item within Aero Products' quote was reviewed and subsequently approved by him as acceptable. Mr. Wilcox requested that the Board authorize the purchase of the above equipment sollcitated by telephone/written quotes from Aero Pro- due ts. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and car- ried unanimously. that Mr. Wilcox's request be granted and that the bid process be waived, that the purchase of the above mentioned equipment be authorized for purchase from Aero-Prodults In the amount of $6,413.20. County Manager Norman stated that he would like to commend the Purchasing Department for the manner In which they undertook the Inves- tigation and subsequent acceptance of quotes that resulted in a sub- stantial savings to the County. . '. . Deputy Clerk Davidson was replaced by Deputy Clerk Brenneman - Time: 10:30 A.M. . . . REQUEST FOR DRIVEWAY CONNECTION TO NORTH TERMINUS OF GULF SHORE BOUlEVARD, PARK SHORE UNIT 5 (NAPLES CAY) - DEFERRED PENDING PRESENTA- TION OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION AND REVIEW OF RECOMMENDATION RE REDUCTION OF OENSITY OF VARIOUS PROPERTIES Public Works Administrator/Engineer Clifford Barksdale reviewed briefly the request by Naples Cay developers to construct a drlV1W1Y connection to Gulf Shore Boulevard, IS contained in the becuthe Sill- ".., January 20, 1901 mary on the matter dated Jan~ary 7, 1901. He said that since the Issue has been the subject of numerous discussions in the past, It 1s being brought to the Board for a decision. Mr. Barksdale recalled that h. has, In the past, reco~nded that an access should be made through to Seagate Drive and, by constructing the access now being requested Into Naples Cay, such access, essentially, would be opened up to public traffic without it being a dedicated roadway. It Is therefore being recommended, concluded Mr. Barksdale, that the driveway connection be approved with the following stipulations: 1. Design plans with the required minor changes shall be submitted to the County Engineer for approval. 2. Connection to Seagate Drive shall be constructed in accordance with County standards and dedicated to the public. Mr. Barksdale added a third recommendation not contained In the afore- mentioned material. as fulluw~: 3. Permit for the driveway connection alone, as requested, not be is~u~d until building permits for development of the site have beon approved. It was explained by Mr. Barksdale that the driveway permit was re- quested at the same time as the building permit; however, there has since been a delay and, therefore, ~ separate reql'~st for the driveway has been submitted. Community Development Administrator Virta further explained that a building permit was applied for but has since been withdrawn and. therefore, there is nothing pending with regard to Naples Cay. Mr. Al McIlwain, the developer ~f Naples Cay, emphasized the need for the driveway in order to protect the health, welfare and safety of the citizens by providing an access for emergency vehicles and for evacuation purposes, if needed. He said that a public road 1s not being requested and pointed out that the driveway entrance will be locked and gated with keys given to the various emergency entitles such as the Sheriff's Department, Fire Department, and the Public Safety 0lrector. Further discussion ensued with regard to the cancellation of the porwits, with County Attorney Pickworth stating that there .re no current perwlts IS far IS the County 1s concerned. He said that It 1s the County's position that the original porlllts wore wrongfully luued In the first plac. and properly rescinded. ~OOK 058 PACE 554 Janu~ry 20, 1981 CommlsslonerWimar expressed his desire to defer the matter until building permits are brou9ht forth with the comment that the design and use for the property will have an effect on the proposed driveway and that he would prefer to see the "whole pack~ge". He moved that a deci- sion be delayed until the building permits for the project are before the Board to look at following which a proper decision can be made with regard to the connection. Commissioner Wenzel seconded the motion. Attorney Pickworth offe~ed the opinion that the motion was a proper one, stating that normally a driveway permit "comas along with a building per- mit" an", therefore, the request made Is premature. Mr. Henry W. Maxant, Pine Ridge area resident, made the observation that possibly the petition before the Board is a part of a much larger problem and issue - the' issue being the County providing more beach and park facilities for the present and future County residents. He stated his hellef that the "key to the door" to unlock more beaches and parks in the Naples Cay area and urged the Board to take this into consideration when making their decision. Mr, Mike Zewalk, representing the North Naples Civic Association, cOlTl1lCnted 0., the large nU1l,oer of residents in the Gulf Shorp Boulevard/ Seagate Drive area who are entitled to fire protection and an access for emergency vehicles via the most expedient route. He urged the Board to consider the planning of a direct access and. if necessary. to start condemnation proceedings to acquire the right-of-way. Commissioner Wimer pointe~ out that the only issue before the Board is tl~ request for a driveway connection - not beach access - and that he made his motion to delay action until a site development plan is pre- sented, following normal procedure, before a determination Is made as to where Gulf Shore Boulevard should go In the interest of public welfare, health and safety. He asked that the record reflect that his motion was made prior to comments from the public. Ms. Louise Polan, Seagate area resident, expressed her displeasure at the allegations made that the residents of her community desire to keep it ~ll with no .people on the streets". She said that this Is not the expecutlon and concurred with the. motion IlIde by Comlsslonern1I1.r, January 20, 1981 Mr. Bill Spencer, Presl~ent of the Seagate Oeach Club, Informed the 80ard that there Is a petition on file with 92 signatures against al- lowing a connection to Gulf Shore Drive because of the traffic hazards Involved. He asked the Board to consider the fact that his area 15 one of the older communittes and that they should have some "seniority", adding the comment that "we don't want to be smothered ln traffic". Mr. Edward Inman, Seagate Drive resident, said that the Naples Cay request for a driveway going from Seagate Drive onto Gulf Shore 80ule- vard, with free access for emergency services vehicles, will serve the overriding publiC need, noting that the request has no bearing on the developmtnt at the moment. Upon call for the question on the floor to postpone action, the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Wimer pointed out that the matter of connections on Gulf Shore Boulevard and Seagate Drive has ueen addressed by the Com- miss i on many times, not t ng tha t one such reques t was made under the guise of hurricane evacuation, and the like. He said that many of the studies have shown that an extra connection will not do any good In this regard - If a connection is needed, the existing bridges over to Gulf Shore Boulevard can be four-laned. The Commissioner said that an electrically controlled gate could serve the purpose of providing emer- gency services protection. It was further pointed out by Commissioner Wimer that residents of both Gulf Shore Boulevard and Seagate Drive do not need or want the additional traffic through their areas and are deslro~s of allowing the streets to remain deadend. PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF RIVIERA COLONY GOLF ESTATES. UNIT 2-APPROVED: MAINTENANCE AND SIDEWALK BONDS ACCEPTED; RELEASE OF IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 280 (CENTURY FIRST NATIONAL BANK $127.730.16) APPROVED Noting the completeness of the Executive Summary dated January 2, 19B1, as prepared by staff, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Com- ~issloner Wimer and unanimously clrrled, that the Board grant "Prell.1n- Iry Acceptlnce" to Riviera Colony Golf Estates Unit 2, Iccept the IDS one-year Maintenance Bond (Aetnl Insurlnce eo.plny in the e.ovnt of $60,245.58) Ind the Sidewalk Bon~ (Aetne Insurance CoIlpIny in the _t ' . January 20, 19B1 BOOk 058 rAC! 556 of $20;000)1 and, approve the rolease of Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 2BO from Century First National Bank In the amount of $127,230.16, BID '465 FOR PURCIIASE OF VARIOUS PICK-UPS AND COMPACT VEHICLES - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS, PURSUANT TO STAFF RECOMMENDATION, AT THE PRICES LISTED ON BID TABULATION SHEETS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on December 3 and 5, 19BO as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids wore received until January 7, 19B1 for furnishing and delivering various passenger vehicles and trucks as described therein. Re'errlng to the Executive Summary dated January 8, 19B1, as pre- pared by staff. Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox provided the Board with additional information with re9ard to the number of bids received, how the evaluation of the bids was computed, the standard equipment and op- tions. and other pertinent facts, includin9 the staff recommendation. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by COOITlhsloner Kruse, that Bid '465 be awarded. pursuant to staff recommendation, as follows: Tamiami Ford. Naples 5 Courier pick-ups $31,949.50 Bob Taylor Chevrolet 6 Chevette compact 31.534.08 Naples Sedans Naples Dodge Z 3/4 Ton pickups 14,111.74 and. that the Chairman be authorized to sign. and the Clerk to attest, the resulting Agreements. There was a brief discussion with regard to whether or not any of the vehicles were foreign cars. as questioned by COOITlissio~er Brown with Mr. Wilcox explaining that the Ford Courier pickups are manufactured outside the United States. pointing out that non-fore1gn vehicles would cost about $900 per vehicle additional. Commissioner Wenzel observed that Ford Is an American firm. Following an explanatIon by Mr. Wilcox with regard to the deparbnents who will be assigned the various vehicles, COOITllssioner Wl.~r c~nded the staff for "finally. purChasing pick-up trucks for use by the BuIld- Ing Inspection Department personnel. Upon call for the question, the motion to adopt the stiff reconllnda- tlon Clrried by unanimous vote. J . ...,] ~ January 20, 1961 PURCIIASE OF 270 CIIAIRS FOR GOLDEN GATE COt'KJNITV CENTER - BID FROCESS WAIVED AND PURCIIASE AUTIlORIZED IN TIlE AMOUNT OF $4,163~ APPROPRIATE BUDGET AMENDMENT TO BE PREPARED Tho request for authorization to purchase 270 'chairs for the Golden Gate Community Center having been explained In detail In the Executive Summary dated January 9, 19BI, Commissioner Brown made the motion to approve waiving of the bid process and to authorize the purchase, pursuant to staff recom- mendation. Commissioner Wenzel agreed to seconding the motion provided that the purchase was Included In the Center's budget. Purchasing 01rector Frank Wilcox Informed the Commissioner that the purchase was not budgeted and, therefore. a budget amendment would be needed, however, he said that funds to cover it are available in their Contingency Reserve Account, whereupon Com- missioner Wenzel reiterated his seconding of the motion which carried by unanimous vote, FY 19B1 CETA GRANT MODIFICATIONS - APPROVED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE Acting CETA Oi~ector John Walker addressed the Board for the purpose of requesting approval of the FY 1981 CETA Grant Modlfication~ which he said reflect the final funding al1~r.ations determined by the Florida Balance of St1te Prl"" Sponsor. As contained in the Executive Summary dated January 15. 19B1, Mr. rldlker said that there Is a $4,000,000.00 state-wide reduction in Title VI funds with an immediate hiring freeze Imposed on that Program, together with a freeze on Title 11-0 funds. which has been instituted. He explained that the CETA office will not have to layoff any current parti- cipants nor staff members. Responding to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Walker explained how it is pos- sible to absorb a 441 reduction in funding without laying anyone off which he . said will be accomplished by not adding additional people and reviewing the length of time left in the Program for those Persons on-board. County Manager Nonman added that, as far as the County is concerned with regard to the CETA employees involved, a problem could occur when such employee leayes a position which cannot be refilled by virtue of the freeze Imposed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel voting In opposition, that the recommendation of the Acting CETA Director be accepted, and that the Board approve and the Chairlllln be authorized to sign the subject CETA Grant Modifications for FY 1981, . . January 20, 1901 80~~ 058 rACE 576 AGREEMENT AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN REVENUES RE GAC UTILITIES WATER AND SEWr.R SYSTEMS- AooPTED, PURSUANT TO CONDITIONS SET FORm TIlEREIN, AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF Utilities Division Director Bcrzon Informed the Board that a request has been made by GAC for an Increase in water and sewer rates In Golden Gatt and, as containcd In the Exccutive Summary dated January 9, 19B1, the In- croases requested amount to: a) Up to $39,960 per year for waterl and, b) up to $53,088 per year for sewer. He said that based on his review of the material submitted with tho application, it Is felt that the additional revenue needed to operate the systems appears to be necessary In order to assure dependable serv1ces. The matter has been discussed with GAC, after the application was reviewed by the rate analyst on behalf of the County and, based on his recommcndat10n, and w1th the concurrence of GAC, addi- tional 1nformaLion will be submttted in order to make the application more consistent wtth that required by the Florida Public Service Commission. A 30.day period will be needed for this purpose, said Mr. Berzon, and an additional ttme period nceded for analyzing the Information. For that reason. continued Mr. Ocrzon, the petitioner has agreed to extend the time pcrlo~ for rendering a declsio~as permitted under the Franchise and which expires January 23, 1981, an additional sixty days. At thts point, Mr. Oerzon read into the record a telegram received this date from A.~. Reeves III. Vice President of Avatar Utilities, as follows: "In re9ard to our conversation of 1/20/81 this will confirm the fact that Avatar Utilities. Inc. of Florida agrees to the terms of your proposal in regard to our present rate increase request with the understanding that no refunds will be made if the final determination ts a decrea~e In rates." Mr. Berzon said that a resolution In the form of an agreement has been drafted by the County Attorney at his request which is being presented for authorization for the Chairman to sign. Commtssioner Wenzel moved that the recommendation of the staff be approved and the resolution/agreement permitting an extension of sixty days be authorized for the Chainman's signature, motion to Include the contents' of the aforementioned telegram, where appropriate. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried. Mr. Berzon noted that a representative o( Avatar was present to con- firM his Itate.ants, indicating that Mr., Muncie had nothing additional to add. . . . January 20, 1931 EXPENDITURE UP TO $25,000 TO OBTAIN VARIOUS EASEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION PERMITS IN CONNECTION WITIi CONSTRUCTION OF. COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM" AUTIIORIZED Utilities Division Director Borzon appeared before the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio Governing Board of the County Water-Sewer Dis- trict, to request authorization for the expenditure of funds In the amount up to $25,000 to obtain easements, construction permits from Regulatory Agencies and treatment plant site approval In connection with the construc- tion of the County's Regional Water System. He said that approximately 20 permits for rights-of-way and/or easements will be required and the work connected with obtaining the various permits, and the like, will Involve a substantial amount of time and material which must be prepared by 'he Consulting Engineers working oa the project, such services normally not in- cluded in the overall fees (Jr their services. Commissioner Brown moved. seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unan- imously carried. that the ~taff recoII'"l!IIdalton be approved authorizing the expenditure of up to $25.000. based on invoices submitted by the Consultants listing the time and expenses incurred in obta1ning the various permits. Mr. Berzon commented that the funds will be derived from available water system development charges and/or bond anticipation revenue funds secure~ for the proj( :t .,ith no expenditures from the General Fund. BOARD APPROVES ACCEPTANCE OF RIVIERA COLONY GOLF ESTATES UNIT 1, PIlASES I AND II AND AUTIlORIZES RECOROING OF RELATED LEGAL DOCUMENTS, CIlAIRMAH AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SEWER FACILITIES LEASE ,WITH LELY ESTATES. INC.. AND PERFORHANCE BOND Utilities Division Director Oerzon reported that thore are no prob- I ems with any of the facllit i os or ma terh I offered in conjunct ion with the acceptance of the RivIera Colony Golf Estates Unit I. Phases I and II - Water and Sewer facilities. with the exception of a 660' length of sewer pipe, as described In the Executive Summary dated January 9, 1981 and the doCun8nts attached thereto. He said that, because of the contro- venial ndura about the Wly the factllty WlS constructed, it has bMn agreed, If the Board concurs, that the developers will post a Perfo~nc. Bond in the alllOunt of no less than $83,900 for replac_nt of the sewr Hne with I properly constructed sewr line If It bee_I nee.na,." .fter _itorin9 Ind evaluatlll9 its perfo.-nc.. Mr. 8erzon said that.. fH1s ~.- January 20, 19B1 ~o~~ 058 rACE 580 comfortable with the proposed arrangement since the County's Interests will be protected for the five-year period Involved and pointed out that the size of the bond takes care of inflationary Increases over the next five years. Commissioner Wenzel Inquired If bonds, such as the one under discus- sion, are ever checked since It has been suggested that "they are not worth the paper they are written on". Mr. Berzon said that In this particular case there Is a Certificate of Deposit In the amount of $100,000 In lieu of an actual bond, noti'ng that the developer has the option of replacing the Certificate by substituting another Instrument subject to the 80ard's acceptance. A further matter addressed by Mr. Berzon was the fact that the de- veloper has requested ~hat if the pipe should, at anytime within the next five years. hove to be torn out and replaced with acceptable pipe that they be given that prerogative. Ho said lhal he has no obJcction to that request if it Is done under the County's supervision and approval of the plans. with a minimum of inconvenience to the residents. Commissioner Wenzel n~ved. seconded by Commissioner Kruse and unan- Imously carried, that the staff rec~mmendatlon be approved, as follows: 1. The Board of County Commissioners accept the water and sewer facilities being offered and lh~t all appropriate lcgal documeots be recorded In the Official Records of Collier County. 2. The Board authorize the Chairman to execute the Sewer Facilities Lease with Lely Estates, Inc. 3. The Board authorize the Chairman to execute the Performance Bond. * * * . . . . . January 20, 19G1 REPORT ON SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROLS FOR MOSQUITOES BY STEVEN W. MARTIN; BCC INDICATES SUPPORT FOR THE SYMPOSIUM AND POSSIBLE RECOM- MENDATION FOR FUHTIIER STUDY Mr~ Steven W. Martin, Executive 01rector of Voter Research & AnalysiS Service, Inc., publishers ~f The Search-Light news letter. apprised the Board of the Symposium on Glologlcal Controls for Mosquitoes to be held Friday, January 23, 19B1 at the Big Cypress Nature Center Auditorium. He explained that there Is concern among biologists about the effects of the poisons, presently being used to control mosquitoes, on the enVll"On- ment, food chain, and on man. He said that the purpose of the Symposium Is to Inform the public of alternative methods, one of which Is the use of micro-organisms. He urged the Board to support the efforts being made in this regRrd in providing the excellent educational opportunity. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and unan- imously carried. th~t the Board indicate its support for the Symposium and pOSSible recommendation for further study. BOARO AUTHORIZES ENGINEERING STAFF TO OBTAIN DER PERMITS FOR EXPEDITING TilE OPENING OF CL,\M PASS County Manager C. William Nonnan reported that the staff has received severrl calls from rAsidents of the Seagate area, as well as the letter dated January 14, 1981 from William A. Spencer. President of the Seagate Beach Club. Inc., addressed to the Board, with regard to the environmental problems surrounding the natural closing of Clam Pass, as well as the problems the closing has caused pertaining to boats. He said that sufficient infonnation was not available in order to SChedule the matter as a regular agenda item; however, Public Works Administrator/Engineer Barksdale has investigated the problem and is prepared to report. Mr. Barksdale explained that the closing of the Pass Is a natural phenomenon occuring every four or five years in the subject area which he said Is brought about by extreme low tide conditions and northwesterly winds which have been experienced over the past 20-30 days. Mr. Barksdale recalled the efforts which have been made In the past by private residents, IS WIll IS the County, and said that the DER, DHR and the Corps issue _rgMlC1 pe,..ih to hive the pus ope. 'oct beeause of the critlca' nature of the probleM In te~ of stagnation and death of the ..rlne life. ~~~i 058 rACE 614 January 20, 1961 Commissioner Wenzel movcd to authorize thc engineering staff to obtain permits for opening up Clam Pass. Mr. Barksdale stated that the OER has advised that they would Issue an emergcncy permit and support the County In obtaining the other two permits. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. In answer to Mr. Mike Zewalk's question regardin9 the possible cost, Mr. Barksdale said that It will probably be less than $300. Upon call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Spencer had registered to speak on the subject but declined the opportunity with the comment that thp residents appreciate the Board's action. BOARD APPROVES, IN PRINCIPLE. SALE AND LEASE OF MARCO ISLAND INCINERATOR TO ACME SERVICES UNLIMITED. INC.. PURSUANT TO RECOMMENDATION OF STAFF; FORMAL AGREEMENT AND LEASE TO BE PREPARED FOR BOARD APPROVAL Public Wor's Administrator/Engineer Barksdale explained the errorts which have been made with regard to the sale of the Marco Island Inciner- ator, through advertising locally and nationally and, also, through direct negot1ation. In response. Mr. Barksdale said that a proposal has been received from Santo R. DeStefano. ~ecretary, Treasurer of Acme Services Unlimited. Inc.. dated January 19, 1981, addressed to Mr. R. Fahey, the Solid Waste Director. Ir,cluded in the proposal is an offer to purchase the facility for $8.000 and, for a period of six months, paying $2.000 monthly for its use. He answered Commissioner Wenzel's query by stating that the Incinerator will be moved from lt~ present location "some day". Pursuant to the staff recommendation, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that the Board approve In principle the sale and lease of the Marco Island Incinerator, with a formal agreement to be forthcoming. Chairman Pistor noted that a representative from the subject fln1 was in attendance in the event there were any questions regarding the proposal. . . . Note: eo..lssloner Kruse left the weating It 11:35 A.M, . . . . I;;;;;;j ~-~ ~--,~.... ~ January 20, 19111 ROUTINE DILLS - AUTIIORIZED FOR PAYMENT Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and car- ried 4/0 ~lth Commissioner Kruse not present, that the bills, having been, processed following establishod procedure with funds available, be ap- proved for payment as witnessed by the following checks Issued from January 14, 19B1 through January 20, 1981: ACCOUNT County Checks BCC Payro 11 Stockade Canteen Fund Immokalee MVI Youth Guidance CHECK NOS. 4026 - 4331 19313 - 1977B 1 I I BUDGET AMENDMENT B1-11 RE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR TEMPORARY POSITION IN BUILDING INSPECllON DEPARTMENT. AooPTED IN TIlE AMOUNT OF $2.730 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and car- ried 4/0. that Budget Amendment ~1-11, ~ith regald to the transfer of funds to provide for a temporary position in the Building Inspection Department, be adopled in the amounl of $2.i30. . . . . . . . . . . . &O~K 058 PACE 624 January 20, 19B1 BOARD ~PPROVES WAIVER OF DID REQUIREMENTS AND GRANTS PERMISSION FOR THE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT TO WORK WITH STATE ATTORN:Y'S OFFICE FOR PURCHASE DF VEHICLE Fiscal Officer Harold Hall Informed the Board that, In addition to the request for a transfer of funds within the State Attorney's budget, which the Board has acted upon by the adoption of Budget Amendment 81-18. State Attorney D'Alessandro has expressed a desire to proceed with the purchase of other vehicles by having the Purchasing Department use quotations which Attorney O'Alessandro's office has obtained for vehicles suitable for their use, as explained in his (Hr. Ilall's) memorandum to the Board dated Jan- uary 16. 19B1, to which a copy of Attorney D'Alessandro's letter of Jan- uary 15, 19B1 is attached. lie said that the proposal has been reviewed with the County Manager and noted that the procedure is similar to what has been done in the past under.similar conditions. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, to waive fu '''Iol 1 ~Id requirements and to permit the Purchasing Department to work w1t~ the State Attorney's office for ~he purchase of vehicles, as recommended by Hr. Hall. The motion carried 4(0 with Commissioner Kruse not present. BUDGET AME~DMENT 81-19 TO APPROPRIATE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE GRANT MOtlEY FOR HOLIDAY TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM (SHERIFF'S DEPARTMr~T) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $36,200 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carrie~ 4(0 with Commissioner Kruse not present, that Budget Amendment 81-19, to appropriate Revenue and Expenditure Grant money for the Holiday Traffic Enforcement Program (Snerlff's Department), be adopted in the amount of $36.200. . . . . . . . . . * &OOK 058 rACE 626 January 20, 1981 BUDGET AMENOMENT 81-20 RE TRANSFER DF FUNDS FOR PURCHASE OF DESK AHD CflAIR (PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT) . AooPTEO IN THE /lMOUNT DF $263, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Kruse not present, that Budget Amendment BI-20, to transfor funds for the purchase of a desk and chair (Parks & Recreation Department), be adopted In the amount of $263. DOIlRO OFCOUNT~ CO~IMIGSIONERS COLLIER COUNTr, FLORIOIl BUDGET A MEN D MEN T '5 RCC]lliroo Doorcl IIpprovol ' D Ooco' Not Roquiro DOllrd lIoproval , ' ' , , ' ' , , , , , , , ,1,t.r,Il,n,D,l'.c,r :-',i,\:.hi,n ob.j,oO,t, ,c,o,cl.t!. ,r.a.".'i1.e) rUN!) GENERA'L ' , DEI'T.' P^,U<S: & RECR!IITION OF-SCRIPTION I Trnn"fer of funds for the purchase of a desk and chair. , ' . TO (Incrollse) I Office Equipmont 001-572-1-14-B7-022-64) Lill - FROH (Sourco of Funds) I Contingencies 001-519-1-00-05-010-990 !...ill. DUDG~:'1' 1\l'IEND Oir. Ilollrtl or County Comm. IIl'provOll, O~tOI Jan. 20, 1981 NO. 81-20 111 C1'l11 UU'I'J 01.. - pi"clI1 orHcn lI1'pro a', i pY;, Ontn (" ,rl '~"M'.,) 1I..,..,.ilo I d'1i"1I1) .'inc.'tll oCnerr ,..,..."', It"""' ,.,\ "rr,.,....,." D "tCMlnt"S"9 'X1S..,,"tMC't'lt Q 1'\,rch.lr\llfJ (I)J"'lcacnt Only) I 1 1\1.,ltlf't: "n."'~i\t , January 20, 1981 CIIAIIlWIN AUTIIORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO TAX ROLI.L Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Kruse not present, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the following Certificates for Correction to the Tax Rolls: TAX ROLLS !!Qh DATED 19BO-40 1/9/81 1980-43 1980-44 & 1/16/81 1980-45 213 & 214 1117/81 183 - 187 1/9/81 189 1/9/81 188 1/12/81 196 - 202 1112/81 205 - 216 1/13/81 Tangible Personal Property (1980) 1980 Tax Ro 11 EXTRA GA I N TIME FOK COLL I ER comITY JA I L I NMATE NO. 12832 - APPROVED Comm'ssloner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 w1th Corrf1lissloner Kruse not pres~nt, that 25 days extra gain tlme be approved for Collier County Jail Inmate No. 12832 est~bllshing February 3, 1981 as date of release, as request~d by Sheriff Rogers. ACCEPTANCE or RESIGNATION OF OR. GUNNARD ANTELL FROM EMS ADVISORY COUNCIL - DEFERRED PENDING ICARD ItI:INEJT FOR RECONSIDERATION It was moved by Commissioner Wenzel that ~he resignation of Dr. Gunnard J. Antell from the EMS Advisory Council, as contained in Or. Antell's letter dated January 13, 1981. be accepted and that an appropriate certificate of appreciation be authorized. Commissioner Wimer expressed his desire that Or. Antell be asked to reconsider his resignation with the comment that he has worked with the County for a long time and is a valuable member of the Counc 11 . Cocrmhsioner Wenzel w1t',Arew his motion, following which he moved to ask 'he staff to confer with Dr. Antell to see If he will reconsider his ~lsignatlon. The motion was seconded by Cocrmissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 wl~h Cocrmhsloner Kruse not present. eo..lssloner Wimer suggested that It would be appropriate for the Ch4irwn to IIlllke the request with Chall'1l11n .Phtor agreeing to convoy tho Board's senthllents. Jonuory 20, 1981 aOOK 058 PACE628 RECOMMENDATION FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR SOUD WASTE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE ROOERT E. ELLIOTT - APPROVED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wlmor and car- ried 4/0 with Commissioner Kruse not present, that a leave of absence from January 14, 1981 until March 31, 19B1 be approved for Solid Waste Department employee Robert E. ElIott, as recommended by his supervisor, Mr. Fahey. LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMET!RY DEED NO. 247 (CORRECTIVE) - FILED FOR THE RECORD FOLLOWING RECORDATION Pursuant to action of the Board January 10, 197B wherein the Chair- man was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Cemetery lots as the need arises, the following Deed (Corrective) No. 247 was recorded and. filed for the record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~o~~ 058 rACE 630 Jonuary 20, 19B1 MISCIlLI,/lNEOUS CORRESPONDIlNCP. - FII.ED liND/OR RI~FERRED Thore being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correapondence be filed and/or referred to tho various departmonts as indicatedl 1. Letter doted January 14, 19B1 from Jack Bridenthal, lImarican Ambulance Inc. regarding condition of certain ambulance vehicles - Referred to staff for recommendation I and filed. 2. Copy of letter dated January 14, 19B1 from Jsck Bridenthal, /lmerican lImbulance Inc., to County Manager re purchase of ambulances - Referred to staff for recommendation I and filed. J. Copy of letter dated January 14, 1981 from Jack Bridenthal, lImarican lImbulance Inc., to County Manager requesting additional time to determine in what way the firm is in violation of contract, as alleged - Referred to staff for recommendation, and filed. 4. Copy of letter dated January 14, 19B1 from Jack Bddanthal, /lm..rican /lmbulance Inc. to Dr. John /leomR, also containing a lotter to County Manager Norman, informing Dr. Adams of a breakdown in equ1pment llt the NUL Lh rH.4tion nnd 8U99&Rtinq to Mr. Norman thr.t such breakdown could be a violation on the part of the County - Referred to staff for recommendationl and filed. ~. Copy of letter dated Janllary 14, 19r1 from Jack Bridenthal. Operations Manager, lImerican lImbulance Inc. to County Manager requesting the opportunity to confer with County stnfi on future problems or complaintR "with~Jt all' the fanfare" - Filed. 6. Memorandum dated January 8, 1981 fr~m IIgriculture Extension Director recomm('nding that Pllul l1amm be appointed IIcting County r.xtension Director for Collier County until a permanent replacement is selected - Filed. 7. Copy of letter d~ted January 12, 1981 from E. D. Tripp. President of Marco Island Taxpayers' IIssoci- ation to County Engineer Retting forth their Board of Directors' opinion re proposed transit develop- ment program - Filed. 8. Lettor dM..,d Janul'ry 11. 1981 from Joan l1amilton, President of the East Naples Civic lI.sociation, Inc., expressing support for a transit sy.tem - (Road at 1/13/Bl BCC meeting)/ and filed. 9. Lotter dated January 11, 1981 from Leigh S. Plummer, President, MICII, informing the DCC that the MICA Board has adopted a resolution opposing any taxation involvement for a County bu. system - riled. 10. Lotter dated January 14, 1981 from Robert N. Steffen., Naples resident, expressing opposition to providing bus service from Immokale( to Naples - Referred to rublic WOrks IIdministrator, and filed. enOl 058 Ilt( 631 13. Letter dated J~nuary 9, 1901 from P. M. Francoeur providing Suqgosted altornative for moss transporta- tIon, and 0100 expressing concern over the lack of tolephone rosponse in cortain County depar,tmonts - Reforred to Publio Works Administrator, and filed. Letter dated January 13, 1981 from Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Galloup, 10525 Gulf Shore Drive, supporting the dredging of Wiggins pass - Filed. Memorandum dated January B, 1.981 from the Immokalee Rotary Club requesting permission to use the Immokalee Airport Park for Annual Wild Hog Bar-B-Q on February 14, 1991 - Referre~ to County Manager for staff rec- ommendation and report, and filed. 11, 12. 14. Minutes of tho December 9, 19BO meeting of the Golden Gate Fire Control District Advisory Committee - xc Public Safety Administrator I and filed. 15. Letter dated January 11, 1981 from Leigh Plummer, P.esident, MICA, asking for correction to minutes of certain nce Meeting wherein Marco Shores project was discussed - Filed. 16. Letter dated January 12, 1991 from John Davenport, Manager of Ramada Inn on the Gulf, expressing extreme dissatisfaction with rocent action of the rnunty Water Department - xc Utilities Division nirector/ and filed. 17. Letter dated December 15, l~aO from Chester Pomposini regarding denial of appeal of property appraisal - xc Property l\ppral8el, amI County Attoll\l!YI and fil..d. 19. Latter dated December 30, 1980 from Ron Fahs, Director of Intergovernmental Coordination, Office of the Governor, trannmitting copy of letter from George W. Percy, Deputy Stat.e Historic Preservation Officer. pertaining to certain prop!'rty in Imrnoka1ee and/or Community Development Block Grant (SAI.910759)- Referr~d to Fiscal Officerl and filed. 19. PSC notice of hearings re Docket Nos. 790793-EU, 790S71-EU. 790593-EU, 790594-EU, and 790R59-EU - FIlod. 20. Notice of PSC hearing re Docket No. BOOl19-EU re Amended Notic!' of Hearing pertaining to Flo. lda Powor Corporation - Filod. 21. Copy of letter dated January 12, 1981 from Vicky Todd, Supervisor, Homemakers Service of Collier County, to Executive Director, Area Agency on Aging, transmitting Quarterly Objectivo Analysis Report, etc. - Filed. 22. DNR notice re Administratively Approved pormit for construction seaward of CCCL re Marco 90 Holding Corporation, Marco Island - Filed. 23. DER announcoment of public meeting 1/21/Bl for consideration of various Matters - Filed. 24. Letter datod January 12, 19B1 from lIalen E. Franko, pronidont, League of Woman Votor. of Collior County, Florida advi.ing that tho Laaguo'. Doard of Director. unanimously support Dr. James Westman'. candidacy for .~borship on tho RAC - Filed. a3 CI f:=:l &OOK Ob8 rm 632 January 20, 1981 25. Copy of lettor datod January 7, 19B1 from Public Works ~dministrator/County Engineer to Bernard popejoy, Immokaleo, indicating acceptance of rcquost for termination of Airport Lease Agreement at Immokalee Airport - Piled. 26. Letter dated January 12, 1981 to Public Safety ~dministrator from Jacqueline lIargrovo, Chairman, ~dvisory Board, Ochopee Fire Control District providing minutes of 1/7/81 mooting of tho OFCD meeting. including the elections to fill ~dvisory Board vacancios - Filed. 27. Letter dated January 13, 1981 from Wolkmar R. Palmer announcing his resignation as Plumbing and Mechanical Inspector, Building Department - Filed. 28. PSC notice of lIearing on price Indices, etc., for major categories of operating costs incurred by water and sewer utilities and establishment of minimum authorized rate of roturn on common equity (Docket 1I0s. 800777 and 800778-WS) - Filed. 29. Letter dated January 14, 1981 from Attorney Thomas R. Drown re tremendous growth in the participation of soccer in the County and the immediate needs for facilities - Referred to Parka , nccrc~tion Director, A~d eiled. 30. Letter dated January 12, lq81 from Joyce D. Peterside, Bureau Chief, Department of Community Affairs re Collier County Criminal Justice Information System, Step 5 (CF-79-0~-9502 - 79-~A-09-Ir.02) - Referred to Public Safety Administrator, Fiscal Officer, and County Manager. and f !led. 31. Letter dated January 9, 1981 from Geraldine S. Kalvin. Chairman, Collier County School Board, requesting the sc~eduling of the proposed mandatory dedication ordinance for land developers on Bce ogenda - Filed. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 11:52 A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, BX- OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD IS) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL _/(dM