Resolution 2005-012 = BY~~;t~:~~o.~. ~~ $1~atllr'0fI1~C:.: ~. Approved as t.o f.orm: anl:W ." f;'. ~ legal sufficiencl': . : ~J Ib~ [J~ ~ ~ :;;:Thamas C.(Palmer, Assistant Caunty Attarney C;.> ,-., .. ~ ~ r--~ ~.: Q;; ~ ~ ~ ~ E--~ <u 0-:1 :z: I>-<t eo::: ItJ _ coo:, ~~ ~~ =~ - = =~ -= - '-'- =~ '" '-' - - .D"': "" ... "" ~"" ......... 8~ '" '" "" ... pq.....:l ~ ::;:~.> :a..... ~~ '-' '-' ~ X) ~ '" ....... 0 = - ~ . = "" ....., ~ e- '-' "" ='" .... ~........ x: ~ ~ ::::> =:S:z: '-' .., ~ -~ ~. -~ _ po.. .. ~ - V'") ~ V"') ~....... c-) .~ <'d ...., "'~ .., -....... ~ = r. ""~ =- "'= ~- o~ ~<;:,. '" RESOLUTION NO. 2005- 12 16AL A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE Na. 99-51, AS AMENDED WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance Na. 99-5 I, as successar ta Ordinance ND. 91-47, as amended, the direct casts .of abatement .of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cast incurred by the Caunty, shall be assessed against such praperty; and WHEREAS, the cast thereaf ta the Caunty as ta each parcel shall be calculated and reparted ta the Baard .of Caunty Cammissianers, tagether with a descriptian .of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding abligatiDn upan the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall became due and payable na later than twenty (20) days .of the date .of the Legal Natice .of Assessment and interest shall accrue an the unpaid balance beginning an the date this Resalutian is recarded at the rate aftwelve percent (12%) per annum. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as fallaws, having been abated .of a public nuisance after due and proper natice thereaf ta the Dwner(s) .of said property, is hereby assessed the fallawing casts .of such abatement, ta wit: NAME: JOYCE, ET AL., WALLACE LANDON LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lat 6, Black D, Sauth Tamiami Heights as recarded and platted in Plat Baak 3, Page 44, Public Recards .of Callier Caunty Flarida. COST: $255.00 REFERENCE#: 2580 FOLIO #: 74412240002 The Clerk shall (by regular mail) mail a capy .of this Resalutian alang with the Natice .of Assessment .of Lien ta the awner(s) .of the abave-described property. If within twenty (20) days .of the date .of mailing that capy, the .owner fails ta deliver payment in full ta Callier Caunty, the Resalutian and Natice .of Assessment shall be recarded in the .official records .of Callier Caunty, and by recording shall canstitute a lien against the abave-described real property, and ta the extent allawed by law, shall alsa be a lien upan all ather real and/ar persanal property awned by the nated property awner(s) in Callier Caunty. This Resalutian passed and duly adapted by the Baard .of Caunty CDmmissianers .of Callier Caunty, Flarida, this II th day .of January, 2005. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk .,.." ", >~;~'.~?: 1,,:"0"''- "" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Donm If!~.ci~ Ilemll~ Agenda I.-IL 1__ __(~ Dale L..k.L\,,6) ~:~d tl'2 --d; F: LIEN! MSTR RESOLUTION K).l,- *** OR: 3728 PG: 2427 *** BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS THROUGH ITS CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 16Alt. LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIEN Joyce et al., Wallace Landon 506 Quinnipiac Ave North Haven, CT 06473-3760 DATE: REF. INV.# 2580 FOLIO # 74412240002 LIEN NUMBER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lat 6, Black D, Sauth Tamiami Heights as recarded and platted in Plat BDDk 3, Page 44, Public Records .of Callier Caunty FlDrida Yau, as the awner(s) .of the praperty abave-described, as recorded in the recards maintained by the office .of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the CDde Enfarcement Director, did determine a public nuisance existed and canstituted a vialatiDn .of caunty regulatians .on July 15, 2004, and .ordered the abatement .of a certain nuisance existing an the abave praperty prohibited by Ordinance ND. 99-51 and served a nDtice .of viDlatiDn upan yau. The nuisance is: PROHIBITED ACCUMULATION OF WEEDS, GRASS, OR OTHER SIMILAR NON- PROTECTED OVERGROWTH IN EXCESS OF EIGHTEEN (18) INCHES IN HEIGHT. Yau failed ta abate such nuisance; whereupan, it was abated by the expenditure .of public funds at a direct cast .of Fifty-Five ($55.00) DDllars plus an administrative cast .of Twa Hundred ($200.00) dallars far a tatal .of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($255.00). Such cast, by Resalutian .of the Baard .of Caunty Cammissianers .of Callier Caunty, Flarida, shall becDme a lien .on yaUf property when recarded after approval by the BDard. FAILURE TO TIMELY PAY THE AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN THIS NOTICE MA Y RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST ALL OF YOUR PROPERTY IN COLLIER COUNTY. F: LIENS! MSTR LNAL