Agenda 12/11/2018 Item #16J 112/11/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to accept the report of interest for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018 pursuant to Florida Statute 218.78. OBJECTIVE: Board approval of the report of interest for fiscal year 2018. CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Florida Statute 218.78, the Local Government Prompt Payment Act, each local government unit shall report to the Board the amount of interest paid during the preceding fiscal year. Florida Statute 218.78 reads: Report of interest. - If the total amount of interest paid during the preceding year fiscal year exceeds $250, each local government entity shall, during December of each year, report to the board of county commissioners or the municipal governing body the number of interest payments made by it during the preceding fiscal year and the total amount of such payments made under this part. For fiscal year 2018, the following interest payments were made: Vendor Invoice Number Amount EBSCO 50409 $486.56 EBSCO 49212 $37.90 Total $524.46 The EBSCO Novelist database subscription service was removed as a product option for FY-2018. The omission was not noted by Library Administration and the service was ordered and invoiced for FY-2018 but payment was late due to the product’s removal. After the fact approval of these expenditures, including interest, was granted by the Board on September 11, 2018, Item 16(F)1. In working with EBSCO, Library staff was able to significantly reduce the amount of interest owed and the invoices are shown as exhibits to this executive summary. This issue has been rectified for FY-2019. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. FISCAL IMPACT: The total interest of $524.46 was paid from Fund 001 (General Fund), Fund Center 156100 (Library Administration). LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item was reviewed by the County Attorney, raises no legal issues, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK RECOMMENDATION: That the board approve the annual report of interest paid as submitted. Prepared by: Derek M. Johnssen, Finance Director, Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Exhibit EBSCO Invoices (PDF) 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 3022 12/11/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.J.1 Doc ID: 7428 Item Summary: Recommendation to accept the report of interest for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018 pursuant to Florida Statute 218.78. Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Prepared by: Title: – Clerk of the Circuit Court Name: Lisa Doyle 11/27/2018 2:04 PM Submitted by: Title: Senior Staff Assistant – Clerk of the Circuit Court Name: Jennifer Milum 11/27/2018 2:04 PM Approved By: Review: Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 11/27/2018 3:38 PM Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 11/27/2018 3:59 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 11/27/2018 4:20 PM County Attorney's Office Emily Pepin CAO Preview Completed 11/27/2018 4:43 PM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 12/03/2018 9:17 AM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 12/11/2018 9:00 AM 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 3023 EBSCO PO Box_ 204661 Dallas TX 7S320-4(;6 l COLLIER CO BD OF COUNTY COMM ATIN°: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 3299 TAMLAMI TRL STE 700 NAPLES FL 34l12 22 ------------·-------~ ------- original Invoice Number 0081805 u 0 Sfx Original Invoice ·oa1e 01 11/1312017 oi f l/0312017 bi 11/0312017 Total Amount Due in UnitectStates DOiiar -Ple~·Remit · Telephone : 800-100-057 l Fax : 205-980-3951 E-mail: _traines@ebsco:com · Invoice for Finance C_ha~ges Due Da1e : Ol/3ln018 Accounc ; BR22660 Invoice No: -9900Cl0o492T2----~------- Days Paid from Net Amou!)t Due Bill ina 71 Days 0 .37 81 Days 7.87 SI O;iys 29.66 37.90 WllE.'1 M.-KINQ ltE.'1rTT.-:-:<:E. AND WH£:" INqtJllUSG ABOIJT THIS INVOICE. rU;..si; ll£fEl TO 80Tli TIIE INVOICE 11v~eeil AND -'ci-oo.m NUMaia. TERMS : PA 'l'Me.'T.DUE ON REC'Ell"T OF INVOICE EaSco GUARA:O.'TEES PAYME."'T TO AU. PIJat.ISHERS. 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 3024 Attachment: Exhibit EBSCO Invoices (7428 : Report of Interest FY2018) 23 EBSCO PO Box 204661 Telephone : 800-7 00 -0571 Fax: 205-980-395 1 Dallas TX 75320-466 1 COLLIER CO BD OF COUNTY COMM ATTN : ACCOUNTS PAYABL E 3299 TAMI AMI TRL STE 700 NAPLES FL 34112 Original In voice Number 0656609 Sfx 01 Original Invoice Dale 11 /03 /20 17 E-m ail: traines @ebsco.com Invoice for Finance Charges Due Date: Account: 04/3012018 BR22660 lnvoice No: 990000050409 Days Paid from Billing 172 Days Net Amount Due 486 .56 Total Amount Due in United States Dollar -Please Remit 486.56 F.BSCO'S FEDERAL ID NO 6J-601411!6 WHEN MAKING RE~llITANCF... AND \\1fEN INQU IRING ABOUT TIUS INVOI CE. rLEASE REFER TO BOTH THE IN VO ICE NUMBER AND ACCOUNT NI JMBER TERi\IS PAYMf.ST DUE ON RECE IPT OF INVOICE EBSCO GUARANTEES PAYMFJ-ITTO ALL Pl!BLISllE RS 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 3025 Attachment: Exhibit EBSCO Invoices (7428 : Report of Interest FY2018)