Agenda 12/11/2018 Item #16C 412/11/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza, LLC, to continue operating the former FGUA Customer Service Center in Golden Gate City, now known as Utility Billing and Customer Service - Golden Gate. OBJECTIVE: A new Lease is required to continue operating the Golden Gate office of Utility Billing and Customer Service. CONSIDERATIONS: With respect to the acquisition of the Florida Governmental Utility Authority (FGUA), as recognized in Resolution 2017-222, accepted by the Board of County Commissioners on November 14, 2017, the County has continued to operate the former FGUA Customer Service Center as of March 1, 2018. The County’s Public Utilities Department (PUD) estimates that approximately 27% of the 3,800 customers pay their utility bills in person at this location. The County assumed FGUA’s existing office lease when the County acquired FGUA. The lease is scheduled to expire on December 31, 2018. At this time, PUD has requested that the lease term be extended for two years with five, one-year renewals. The lease contains an early termination provision for the County to provide the owner with 180 days written notice after the first two years of occupancy. PUD is actively investigating other options to accommodate a utilities satellite payment office within a County- owned facility. The office is 1,584 square feet. The rent shall be the same as the current rent, $2,967.36 per month plus Common Area Maintenance (CAM) of $777.48 monthly. The rent shall increase annually by three percent after the initial two-year term. The CAM charges can be adjusted, if required, based on the leased square footage area and on the landlord’s actual operation expenses. The County is responsible for costs associated with utilities, trash removal and janitorial services rendered at the leased property. FISCAL IMPACT: The monthly rent of $2,967.36 and the Common Area Maintenance charges of $777.48, and any increases related thereto over the life of the lease, shall be paid from 408 (Collier County Water-Sewer District Operating Fund) 210111 (PUD Financial Operations Support). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for Board action. - JAB RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza, LLC. Prepared By: Michael Dowling, Sr. Property Management Specialist, Facilities Management Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (PDF) 16.C.4 Packet Pg. 1678 12/11/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.C.4 Doc ID: 7312 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza, LLC, to continue operating the former FGUA Customer Service Center in Golden Gate City, now known as Utility Billing and Customer Service – Golden Gate. Meeting Date: 12/11/2018 Prepared by: Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management Name: Michael Dowling 11/09/2018 2:52 PM Submitted by: Title: Deputy Department Head – Public Utilities Department Name: Dan Rodriguez 11/09/2018 2:52 PM Approved By: Review: Facilities Management Toni Mott Additional Reviewer Completed 11/09/2018 5:11 PM Public Utilities Operations Support Joseph Bellone Additional Reviewer Completed 11/13/2018 12:57 PM Public Utilities Department Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 11/14/2018 11:23 AM Public Utilities Department Sarah Hamilton Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 11/14/2018 5:35 PM Public Utilities Department George Yilmaz Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 11/15/2018 7:24 AM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 11/20/2018 10:10 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 11/20/2018 10:50 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 11/20/2018 11:17 AM County Attorney's Office Emily Pepin CAO Preview Completed 11/20/2018 11:29 AM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 11/20/2018 4:13 PM County Manager's Office Geoffrey Willig Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 11/26/2018 4:05 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 12/11/2018 9:00 AM 16.C.4 Packet Pg. 1679 Bct\\een ('ollier Pleza. LL(' And lloard of('ount1 (lommissioners of Collier ('ountr'I'lorida. as lhr Governing lloard of Collier ('ount\, and as Ir-oflicio as lhc (;olerning Board of the (irllier (irung \\'ater-Setcr l)islricl Tt-nant'r lnitial.l.andlord's lnitials l'agc lof25 @ t.[,\s[: ,\(;REf ]lu\t 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1680 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA T\1 .1_Ot(()\tf\Is Pagr ^R Ct.ti I DEH\r I IONS...................... ARI'ICLE 2 UAS|( t.EASr. PROVIST(h..S.... Scction l.l laa\c.l ltcmiscs.. sc.tion 2.: Lca\e 1crm........ Scalion f .-'l llse o[( ommon ]\re&\ .. Sc(tion:.{ Rcnc\al ( )nrioD\. ........ ^R neLLl BE\! ...... Sorrion .J.l Basc Rcnr. ........ \crrion I I ()pcraling l.rpcnrc........ S!'ction 3..1 Latc Palrn.nt Penall).-. Soction 3.J Returncd ( heck l'oc...... Scclion 3.5 Additional Rcnt l'i\ mcnt scction J.6 ,\ddress lirr Pa\ncnl5.... S('clion 3.7 l'inancial Stalemcnls...... ^!1! t! !-L]sllt I',t( )N OF l.li^ Scction.1. I I anrikrrd : \\or1. ....................... Se(tion { I l.andk)rd s Failurc ttr Dclirer l'rxsession..... ............. Scction 4..1 I enanl':' 11 orl..................... Scction il.{ l-cnant's Acceptancc ol L!"i!scd Prcmircs....... ......... SL'rlion {.5 Ienanl \ l:ailurc lrt ()Perate llu\ine\:.. ........ ......... slrlion {.6 l-andlord's Changcs and Adrlitions to lh. ('en1.r...... -.. S!--lion.l.7 lmpact. l.iccnsinS and Pcrmiltin8 [(cs and Asscssmenls AR-IICLE 5 CONI)IICIOI' IIIJSINES!I]Y IHNANT.,,.,.,, \cclion5 l t \eol ltcmiser. . ..... .... Scction 5.2 ()rderl) opcmtion ol-Busincss Scclion 5.-'l Pa)'m.nl of ttilitic\.............. \cction 5 I \l astc or \uisancr . . Scction 5.5 Co\cmmrntal Rcgulalionr... .. . Sr.crion 5.(, No Solicilation of llusincss................................... Scclion 5.7 Trash Managemcnt..... -.......... S(.rion 5 ll Rules an,l Rcgulrlion(.. \l{l!!ll r,SECI ll{ll Y I)llP()SlI s!'clion 6.1 Payment of Securitl' Deposit-.. . S!.ction 6.2 ['se and Rctum ol l)cpo5it........ Section 6.J Transl,,r ol Deposit... ...... . ASMLEI - AI-TI,RATIoNS ANDS(j!S Scclion 7.1 fcnanl's ln stal lal ions. . . .. . . sl'clion 7.1 lcnanl s Responsihilities sccrion 7..1 Rcnriclirnls on Signs. A$ningr aod Cirnopics......... scction 7.4 Prohibilion on Mcchanics l-icns-....... S!'crion 7.5 Americans sith l)irubilities rlct ol 199{)...... .. . . ARTICt-L- t REPAIRS ANI) I|A|NTI:NANCI: (n l.tASl:l) PR[-l\llsl]S Scctioo E. I landlord's Responsibilities..... Sccrion 6.2 I cnanl s Rcsponsihilities......... Scction tt..] Ienanl : Surendcr ol Prcmiscs ARrlCI.F. 9 NS(rRANCl. AND tNpr.NlNIF|CA I |ON...................... scclion 9. I lnsurance and Liahility.......... Section 9.1 lntentionall) Dclclcd... ... .. . .. - . Scction 9..1 lnleotionall) De1.1.iJ............. Scction 9.{ Wairer rrl Subrogirtion... Scclion 9.5 Requircnrcnt to (Irc............. ARTICLh. l0 4I! gtsIl4!-\ I AND s!:tlQEDlliu\IIQI..... Seclron lll.l Anomm.nl........ Scclion l(1.: Suh)rdinalion... ... ... .. Sc(tion 10..1 lcnanl ( '('niticirlirm. .. l Ienant s lnitialsl.andlord's lnitials Pagc 2 of25 @ { lt 8 t E 9 9 I . I (l l{) lr) '.,,.. ' 9 ll ll 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1681 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA ARI lc LE r r ^sslc\\|ll!li-\r) !r Br.r-.r'r tr\G...................... Scrti n I l.l ,\s.i8nmcnt.. Sccti('n , 1.: \Ihlcnintt.. ARIr(LL r: l).,r!rA(;r,.llES r Rr r(-l ror\ ^N!) QlDrluN4] t()N \ection l:.1 lhrrlgc (,r I)r..lru.ti.,n Sccti([ lf.2 (irnilemnxti(nr.......... ARll(LF ll t)Lt-A( I t......... Sedion l3.l l.renrsol-l).thuhand(urcPeriod......... .. Scclion lJ.2 Landlord's Ri8hts on l)cfuult................... . Scction I l.J \o Waiv(r....... Section I1.4 L\penses ol llnforccmcnt.. . ... ... . .. . .. . .. ... ... ... Scr'tion ll.5 I cgal E\lcr... AR L!_CLL ! ! ACCES!.,\Nr) Or. rr, r t.\JOYr!!:\.r',.................. .. Scction l{.1 RirhlofIjnt11... . .. Seclion 14,2 l,nndlord s (b\cnanr.. ^R r lcLE 15 I[\A\ t's PROPI R tY... . Sccli()n 15. | - I iL\cr on LciL\chold or llcrsonal ltopcn)........ Sedion 15.2 l.oss and I)amagc...... ARIICt_Fi t6 HOt_DtN(; OVER AND St.rC( riSSORS.............. .... t7 t7 t7 l1 t1 t8 l9 t9 l9 20 20 20 :0 2 S((ti,'n l6.l - ll('ldingl)r(r. . ..... Scction 16.2 Slccessors........-.....-.....-... 48- Ct.t t? MISCF].l.^NEOI rS.. Scrlion l7.l A(rord and satisfaclion........ Sedion l7.l Lntire Agrccmen!... . .. ... ..... Scction 17.3 - \r' l'anner{hip.......... .. .. S(ction l7.l \oticcs. . . . ... ... Scction 17.5 ('aptions and Seclion Numbers Section 17.6 I rc ofPronoun and Dcl'inition Section I 7.7 llrolicragc ( irnnnission......... Section I 7.t I' fl ial lnv,rliriit)................. Section l?.9 \r,()ption............. ... .. .. S.dirnr 17.10 Rccorrling..... Sccrion l7.l I t-iabiliq ol l.dndlord.......... Secri('n 17.12 llankrupt() ... . ..... . .. ... . ..... Secrion 17.13. Athchmcnls lncorporat!'d.-... Sccrion l7.ll R(locatii'n............ .. .. ... Secrion l'.15 Rudon........... ...... .. Scclion I 7. lt Applicahlc 1.all................. Secrion 17.17 l ime ls ol tht Ess.ncc.. -....-. S.crion 17.18 ( umulali\c Ri8hls..... ........ Secrion 17.19 li'rce Mai!'urc.... ..... .. .... Secti()n 17.20 Right lo l.(nsr........... ....... Section 17.21 ('cntcr Namc LIsc............... Section I 7.1: lmpanial Intcrprctali.'n........ Sedion 17.21 llazardou\ Materialr... .. . ... .. S{clion I 7.:.1 No \f aivcr....................... St'ction I7.25 - Icrminalion h\ Icnirnt.-..-... 1 2t 2tlt :t 22ll 27:l 22 22 :: 23 .21tlll 2l 2,1 :-l 2.t 2{l{ 24 l.l 25 25 l5 t \t i[r_! li ( l) Rl,\ I I ER\ls LA\I)I,ORD'S \\ 0RK Tt,\A\ I'S \\ ( II{K Rtrl.l:s ANI) Rli(il;t.A I l( )NS \t(;\.^( ill 'I t. st Rt ssl()N ()r f ts t)(x t ltf:\il t.()R Ex.\N \ATt()\ AND tl:(io' ^Tt()\ Dol:s t()T ( ()\sTtTt t u \ oltt:R r() l.t-.rSE. ()R \ Rt.st.RvAll()\ Of. OR ()PTIO\ IOR Tllt. LEASI.D PRf\llsls. Illl\ IX)Ct \ltYI 81.(O\lESrflECTt\f r.\D Bl\r)l\(; ()\1.\ LP()\ t_\E( r I r()\.\\l) I)LLl\ 1.R\ Ht_Rt:()t B\ L\\t)I_ORD. \O .\( I OR OTtlSSIO\ Or ,\\r r.\rPl.O1 t.r. OR,\(;1.\l Ot r.\\Dl.()Rt) OR Ol l.A\Dt.()Rt)'S BROHER Slt{t t_ ,{.'t t.R. ( tlA\(;f oR \t(rDtF\ .\\] o]'t ltE PRo\ tsto\s ERl:o]'. Page 3 ol'15 ::9Landlord's lnitials: I cnant's Initials: 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1682 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA t.u.\st. \(;Rt.].\l1:\l lhit Lcalc Asrccmeni ("l.casd") a\ cntcred inkr b) and hclrr('co (irllicr Pliya. l.l.C riith rn addrcsr al c1o l: \l \\'esl Rc l Flsrarc. Iloard of(bllicr Counl\. nnd as li\-Omcio lrs the Gotcrning Boud oflhe (irllicr Count\ \,a1cr-Se\rcr Di\trict \rith an addrcss al c,o Rcnl l'nlPeor Mrnagemcnl. .1.11J lr&sl I amiami I rail. Suilc l0l. Naplcs. Floridu .1.1 I l2 ( " I cnonl" ) ditlcd as of ( )ckrhcr J l. 20I E (the "li\!.crrtior l)rt(j'). WIIERF-AS. lcnirnt is prc$nll\ I(' sing lhc I cNed Prcmiscs undcr a Triplc Nct Lcasc \hich is c\piring oD l)cccmbcr -lt. 20tlt and llndnl d$ires lo continue k, lease from l .undlord rhc l.cased l,remiscs: u'lIER-EAS. landlord dcsirr's to lcasc Io T.nnnl thc Lcds.d Prcmis.s lo lalc rllict rhc nc\t dat irtlcr the e\liration ol thc Triplc Nr't Lease: and l(o\\'. THIRI lrORE. in considcralir)n ollhc ntt|tual (()\cnanl\ itnJ promi\(\ containcd hercin. thc ligal sntlicienc] ol $hich i. hcrcb) aclno\rlcdged. lhc paflics irgrce as li)llo$s: .\Rl tcLu r Dtt t\ tTt()\\ -lhc lbllowing tcrms shall have lhc l'ollo$ing lncanings ils s!'t fonh hclow. L I Thc lcrm "AdJilional Rcnt" shall ha\c lhe mcaning scr lirnh in S<;tion 3.5. 1 .2 Th( tcrm "Applicable salcs Ta.\" shall mcan si\ perccnt (6",61 or a\ adjusted b! laN or .egulation. LI Thc tcrm -Basc Rcnf shall mean rhc amounr rct t'onh in l:\hibir A (rr thc amouflt detcrmincd in accorrl8nc. 1rith Section 2.4. as applic0ble and as idjusled l'rom timc l() time as s{l fonh in this Lea\e. L{ Tha tcrm "Canlcr" shall m('an the shoppinS c.ntcr construclcd on lh('l.and imd Inor{n iL\ "('ollier Pliva". L5 Thc terrn -Commenccmenl Date" lhallhave thc oreaninS scl forth in lrxhibil A. 1.6 Thc ttrm "(-ommon Ar.iL\" shall nrcan all t'acililies l'umished b! I nndlord in thc Cenlcr Nhich ar!' designatsl for thc gen!'ml us€. in common. ofall oc(upanls ol thc Cenlcr or lhcir ollicers. a8cnls. emplo)ces. s€nanls. lessrs. customcrs or inril!'lrs. Such ('ommon Arca shall include the lbllowinS arcls *hich ma! be lumished hy l.andlo.d: pa.tinS arcas. drivcways- entmnccs and c\its thcreto. trucl \ra) s- truck and s('n icc couns. loadin8 docks. pachge pirh.up stalionr. pcdeslridn sidc\aalls. pathwar s and runps. clerat(|rs. trash and rectcling a.cas. landscnFlcd arcas. c\rerior slniNavs. comlbn suriurs. bus st(,Frs. ta\i stands, and ofier similnr public flcilitics and an) olhcr common arca made a\nillhle b] l.andlord. 1.1 l'hc tcrm 'Common Arca \lainlenancd CharecJ" shall ha\c the me ning sct fonh in Scction J.2. l .E Thc lcrm "Eslimatcd O|^-rating Erpcnsc Pal mcnt shall havc the mcitning set forth in E\hihit A. 1.9 l-hc tcrm "f.\ccution l)illc shall hu\c lhe nrcirLninp sel lorth in thc irlr(xluctor-1 pifagaph. l.l0 Thc lcrm "llrlcndcd lcrm' shall mcan. $ilh rcspecl k) rn Oprion lhat is e\ercis.{. lhc period liom th(- d re oflhc commenccm(nl ofan option Period to thc rlatc ole\piralion ofan Option Pcrirxl. L I I Thc l.'rm 'E\pirrlion lhlc" shall halc the meaning sel ,i)nh in Exhibit A. l.l I llnlcntionall] l)eletedl LII Ihcl.rm"lnilial [.scalation Ratc shall havc lhc mmn ins sdl lbnh in li\hibil A Ll1 I h(' lr.rm 'lflitial Ierm" \hrll havc lhc mcaning slt lbnh i L\hibil /\. Ll5 Ihc lcrm 'lnsurancc Prcmiums" shall mcan all prcmiuors. ti-es and othcr charScs paid h) l-andk,rd $ith restL-ct lo an\ insuaance colr'ruqe maintlined h) l-andlord in connccti(rn rvith its o\r'ncrship. managcnrcnt atrd ()peration of lh!'Centar. includint \rithout limitalion. linbiliq. ca\ualt] and a\tcndcd !o\cragc. flood. common lrea plat( glass. rent loss and krilcr insurirncc- l.l6 'lhc tcrm "l,and" shsll mcan the land k)catcd at ll9l5.ll985 Collicr lloulevard. Napl.s.lrl.13ll6. Tcnant's lnitialsI-andlord's Initials Page { of 25 @ 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1683 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA l.l7 lhi.lerm 'l.itndlord" shall hart'thr'rneanirrX sct fonh in thc introduclor) piragraph. l.18 lhc term "l-ca-se Ycar" shall rncan ea(h conscculitc l2-monlh peri(rd durint thc LEa.\(. lcrm. (ontmcncing on lhe ('ommenccmcnl Datc. I - 19 l hc lerm 'l.cirsed Prcnrires" sh l I have lhc Drea.ing *l fonh in li\hibil A. 1.20 I hc term "l.case Tcnn shall hare thc mciurinp sel lilah in Scclion 2.1. l.2l lhc term "Opcrating L\pcnses" ol lhc C('ntcr shall harc the rrrcaning scl li)flh in Scction 3.2 1.22 l hc tcrm 'Oplion(s)" shall mcim the option( s ) to c\lcnd the | .ci!\c b\ an ( )ption P('ri(xl( s). I-:-1 Ihctcrm"()ption Pcri( (s['shall hlie thc mr'amin8 \cr fonh ir l:\hibit.^. 1 .21 'l h!. rerm " l)ri(,r llas.' Rcn t" shal l have thc mcan ing s(t lbnh in Scction 2.4. 1.25 lhc lc'rm -Rt'al Estale I a\r's" rhrll mcan all raal cstiltc ta\es and speaial .ud c\lrtordina0 irssr'ssmafllr or similar chirges $hich mal' bc letied or asscssrd h) an\ shte. local or federal la\ aulhorit) or thcr gorcnlmcntal agcnq atainst thc I irnd. builJin8s and othcr ihpmvcmells comp.ising thc Ccnlrr. includinB. $ilhoul limitali('n. dll costs imd fccs incuned h] l.andlord in cont.sliog rhc inF)sition or amount of an\ such ta\es or a{sessmcnls. Ilun} slata. k|cal or li'dcr.rl la\ authoril] or olher gotcmmcntal agena]. ctin-q undcr rn] prcsent or fulura la\. ordinancc or regulati(rn. le\ ias. asrcssor imposed lar. ercisc or asst'ssnl.nl (othcr lhan incom. or franchi* ra\ | upon or +dnn or in any $a) relatcd k) thc l-and. buildin6ls and oth('r impmtdmcnts comprising thc Ccntcr. cilhcr h) $a) of substituli(ln or in addition to an! c)iisling l&\ lhcrcon or othcr$'ise. thcn such suhstituted or irddilhnal t&t. e\cis€ oJ &{scssmcnt shall be dccmcd includcd in "Rcal Estalc fN.s" li)r lhe purlx)Jcs hercol: 1.26 Ihc tenn "Rcnl" shall mcan shdll mesn all monetao \ums duc to l,andlord under lhc l.easc rcgardless ol'how dcsignated. Such sums shall include. Nithoul limitation. the Ba\c Rcnt. Tcnrnt s ProFNnionalc Share ofopcrating l:\penscs. r\pplicahlc Sales I a\cs due rhcr!-ort. as \rell as Additional Rcnt. l.l7 lhc lcrm 'Rcncual li\crlation Rate" sh ll mean thc escalalion rate for the Besc Rcnl det$mined in {ccordance $'ith Section 2-{ rrith respccr ro an t:\r dcd lcrm. l.2t 'llc term "Sccuritl l)cposit sh ll hatc thr nreanin8 *-t foflh in L\hibil A. I,:9 l-hc term -l cn nt'shall ha\in8 lhc mcaning sct foflh in thc introductofi paralraph 1 .30 l hc lerm - l ananas l'ftiponionalc Share" \hilll mcan that perccntaS. 1\ hich is cqual lo a liactirln. thc num€rator ol s hich is the nct rcntahlc squara leel ol-spacc conlained \r ithin thc I crlcd I'rcmircs and thc dcnominator ol r\ hich is a hrlal nel n'ntahle squurc t_eet r)f space conlained $ithin thc cnlire Centcr. I .l I 'llc term " li'na,ll's I mde \amc" shall har c thc mcanin8 scl lilflh in f-\hihit A 1.3: ltc rcrm - l cnant's ( i\c shallhirr thc mcnning scl li)nh in l:\hihil A \Rl l( l. ]. : B.\St( 1.t.,\s]_ PRo\ tst()\s Scction 2.1 - l.ersed Premirel. ln ronsiderirlion ol-lhc rcnts. colcnanti and irytrecmcnl\ rescrrrd nnd contuined in thir l-rasc. I andlorrl hcrcb; leir"rcs Io Tenant. and lcnant leascs from Iundlord. thc Leascd l'ramiscs. lhis l.casc is suhlcct lo and rcstriclcd h) the ll:lnrs. covcnimts. conditions. r(\trictions and easemants hcrcin \cl fonh or rccordcrl nglinsl thc propcrq upon rrhich tha I cr\cd Pr.rniscs are lrrcdtcd. lcnirnl co\cnrnli as a nrrlerial pan ofthc consideration ofthis l.cirse lo kcr'p and pcrlbrm each and all ol such l('rms. co\cnitnls. conditions. rcstrictions and easem(nl\. Thc tcrms and provisions ol this Lctr\c shall hd hinding upon Tcnanl asol lhc l:xcculion l)alc. IJpon lhc cxccution nd deli\cr] ofthis l.ease. 'Icnant sholl pa] to l. ndlord ar irmount cqual to lhc first monlh's rcnt. Tenant sh{ll conlinue lo occup!'thc l.c&scd l)rcmiscs as r)f thr Possession [)ate. lcnant s lnitials e) Lundlorri s lnitials: Pagc i ot 25 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1684 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA Scction 2.2 - l,ersc Tsrm. Ihc _1.!'ase lcrm ol thc Leal'd l'rcmiscs hr'rt'undt'r shall bc lbr pcrn of limc (ommcncinS on lh. (i,mm.ncrmcrn l)rlc and lerminatinS (tn thc E\pirirlir[ l)ole subjccl kr thc e\lension ol such t\piralion l)at.'in accordnnc( rilh tha term\ nd condili(rns \ct lbnh in lhis Lcax'. Icnanlsobligationtopa,Rcntshallcommcnccrlnthe('ommcnccrncntDale. Thc Stntc olFlorida s pcrformancc anJ obligatirrn lo pay undcr lhis contracl is conlinSent upon iln onnual approlrriation bt thc l.c!rislaturc. S.clion 2.J - l sc ofCommon Arcr!. lhc use ald occupJti(tn h\ 'lenant ol'lhe Lrirsed l'rcmis<'s shall inclurlc a rerocahlc'liccns!'lo lh€ nonc\clusiUc uic. rn.onrmon trith olhcrs. olthe Comnxrn Arcas. The ( ommon Arcas shall atall timcs hc \obicct to thc c\clusi\. conlrol and managemcnl ol-l.andlord. and Landlord shall harc thc ritlhr from lim{ k) rimc: (i)to chungc the arca. lcrcl. k)cation and arr,rngemcnt o[such Comrnon Ared\: lii) to rcslrict pirliinli hy tenants und lheir cnrpkr)ccs lo dcsignalcd lrnplo)ec pirling arcas: and (iii) to makc such rulcs and r(Tul0lions as Landlord. in its solB diicrcti(ln. shall from tim( to timc dccnr nccessan'or appropriate for the operation ond nraintenance ofthc (ilmmon Areas. lenant shall malcnochanpasorallcrationslotlc((nnrnonArcasarrdlcnantshall not obrtruct. inanl sa}. Laldlord 'or.rn) other pcrson'srighloIacccss.usc(rrcnjo)mentol-thc(ommon,^rcir.\. All ('ornmoo,\raas \rhich lcnant. aDd cuslonrcr!. patronr and inritt'cs ol' Teoant. mal hc permitled to usc hercundar shall bc uscd and octupicd undcr rcroaable licensc. and if the ('(nnmon Arcas arc changcd or (hc use the.cof is rcslriclcd in the aforerhcnlioncd manncr. l.llndlord shall not h!' subjcct to 0,r) liohility. nor sh ll leoant hc cnlitlcd lo any compensation or diminulion or ahalemcnl oI Rcnt. nor shall such chanSc or rcslriclion bc decmcd a constructivc or aclual eviction ol l'enant. Section 2..1 - Reranel Options. l- ndlord h!-rch) gritnls lo Ienilnl onc or morc ()pli()n\ to continuc lea\ing Ih{ l-c,rs!'d Prcmiscs lbr thc Optirrn l'(riodt$). commcncing on the da) li)llo\ring thc last da) ol thc lnilial Icrm or E\lcndcd lcrm ofthis l.casr. provid<l lhirl'lenanl ha\ nol l^(cn in dcfault undcr the Lcasc during the lerm ol-thc Lcasc and doe\ not go inlo dclault beforc lhc Lrlcnded Tenn commenccs. lcnall shall provide noticc ofinlent () c\crsisc an Oprion to l-andlord al lcxst ninet] da)\ (9{)) da!s prior k) thc c\piration r)Ithc lnilial lerm()rI\lcndcd Term ofthis Lcasc. For ca(h of[ion. the l]a* Rcnt shall incrclie b\ thrcc pcrc('nl (.]ob) o\er lhc prior Base Rcnl. ARTICLt, J RU\.'1 Scction -l.l - Brse Rent. S.ction J.2 - Op.r.tin8 Erp.ns.s. ln addirion lo an] other provision contained in lhi\ l.asc. it is lhc intcntion oflhc panics hc.cto that llasd Rcnl \hall hc net to l-andlord ot e\penses associ.rtcd \\ith o\rncrship and opcration olthe ('enlcr as a commcrcial ccnter. Tcnanl shall accordingl! pa] to Lardlord I .n[nl's Proponi(]natc Share of !ll ( \Er3ting ].\p!'n\.r i)r fie Cenlrr on lhe Commcnccmcnt Date and throughout th. I cil\c Tcrm. ntc tarm "()peialing hpcnscs' shall m('an all olthe ( crrtcr's (ommon Arc! jltainlenanca ('harges. Real |stata Ta\cs and lnsuaance Premiums. lhc tcrm _'('ommon Area Mainlcoanrc Chargcs" shlll mean ull cosl\ irrtd erpenscs o[ r'lr'rl kind and naturc $hlls(rc\ar paid or incu rrcd hy I -dnd lord. its otli ctrs. agenls. em ployccs. servanl s or anyone e lsc acl inB on Tcnanl's hchitl f or an)_ olhor pcrson h ircd h) Land lord \rith respccr t() thc opemthn. mninlenance. management .quipping. repairing. rc!lacing. constructinB or rcconslrucling thc (-('nlcr in a tlrsl class manncr and condition comparahle to rimilar shopping ccnlcm in thc \aplas. [L area. ( ommon Area Vaintenance ( hargcs includc- \rirhour limitulion. thos(.orls.rnd e\pen:'.s ol the Ccnter $hich are allrihut.blc lo the li)llo\ring ilems irnJ dcti\iti.s: la) rcpair and maintcnancc of Common Arcil.\- lighting li\lurcs (includin8 lhc cost of li8ht hulhs and ballirsts and maintainin8 lh!- clcclaical euncn!) and HVAC unil:i rnd syslemsi (b I utilities sen ing thc Comnon Arca.s ond/or dll lenants (including cl(,clriciD. wdler. irnd sc\er ser\ icc. lclcphone servicc. and lir\cs thcrcon): (c) trash. rubhish. gsrbagc a'!d othcr rcfusc rcmov{l: ld) irrigalion (irlcluding thc cost of \ratcr): (() \ccurit\ services: (l) salaries and rclalcd costs (including Iiinge bcn!'l'its. patroll t&\cs and an]' labor orcrhcad chargc) of on-sitc pcrsonncl dnd all oth(.r F-ryrnncl spending rinrc dircctly a.vxiatt'd Nith mimagcment. opcrution or maintcnancc: (g) clcanin8 supplies and co\L\: (h, rcasonablc propcn] manl8cmcnr or constructioD managemrnt l-ccs (including lrithoul limitation. such fecs paid l(t an) afliliat!- ol I rndlordl: (ilreasonahl('oNner's managcrnent fccs: l_i I pninting and rcpoinlinS of Common Arcas: (k) installalion ofcost-raring utilil) d.\icc\: I l) all cosls rclaling lo improrcmcnls. addilions or dllerations \rhich are requircd k) he nradc h) l.andlotd as a rcsuh of lhc cnaclmenl or promulgalion ol an\' gov.mmcntal la\ or rcSulation aftcr lhc dale of thc crccution of this l,c.rre: and (m) mnual capital inrprovcment (including rcplacing thc llVA('units and s!\tcm) cost all(xation in lhc amount hcing amonizcd ba-scd on rea\onabl] cslimitt.d litt expectanc\ but no lons('r lhirn len )ea - Icnant's lnitials @ I)ast'6 of15 lcnant shall hcgin paling thc'Basc Rcnl to Landlord on thc Commcnccmcnl Date. lhc lldse Renl. toSclhcr t\ith all Apnlicable Salcs T&\. shirllbc paid b] I cnanl to Landk)rd. rvithout dcrnand. on lhe first da) o, each calendu month during rhc l.ciue Tcrm. lhc Ba-sc Rent durinS thc Initial -l crm shall be adjustcd hl lhc lnilial Lscnldtir)n Rale annualll on each annircrsary ot thc (\Inmencemcnl l)ntc. 'lhe llasc Rcnl during irn Fl\lend!'rt l!'rm shall h!'0diu\led b] thc R(nesal Escalalhn Ralc annuall) on .{ch anni\crsxl ol thc CommcncL'menl Dale. l-andlord's lnitials: 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1685 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA lhc monthll l:stinBted Opcrating Erpcnsc I'a)menl shall l.( subjecl lo chan8r and shnll hc adjusled ha\td upon I an(ll('rd'\ cstimalc ol such Opcrirting []\penscs lirr clch upcoming calcnd0r r(ar. t-andlord shall notif] lenanl ol an] adiustmrnl in lhe nxlnthl) E$imalcd()pcratingL\p!'rePa)'mcnlnolllterthiulhinl(-l(l)dalsalicrlhecal.ndar)cur. lf al th€ cnd o l a calendar ! car. I hc actual ( \rrdl ing t xpen srs lbr the Centcr c\ceed I -andl(rrd's cstimarc t hcrco I and thc I cnant's monthl) l:stimated Opcr,rling Erpens. l'r) nrents during a culendar )car do not fulll corer'lcnanl's I'roponionale Shirc olthe Ol^-rrtin8 Eipcnscs lbr such crl.ndar -\ear. then l.lndlord mal girt Nritten noti.L'to Tenanl ol \uch dclicicnc\. Such deficicncr shall hr puid h) Tenant $ilhin thinl (-il)) da\s alicr rr(cipr ofnotic. lhrreol. In t dition. in such noricc. Landlord ma) incred\c rhc mnthl) tr\rihatcd Operdting l:rpcnsc Palnrant baing mirdc h) Icnant to I .lndh,rd h.raundcr so as to l'ull) corar anJ'such d(lirienc). ll al the cnd ol a calendar )car. lhc actual ( )pcrating F-\pcnsrs l'or thc Centcr drc less tha, lhc l.andlord s !'stimate lhcreof. thcn thc excess paid b)'lenanl shall bc a crcdit k) rh!'ne\t )!'ar'\ l-slimated op.rating Exp!-nsL- I'a)m(nl. At lhe r\rittcn rcqucst ofthc lcnant- allcr rt'rripl ofthc noricc scl lbrth ahorc. l.andlord shall deli\erto lenant a r\,rillcn strt('nr(nl sho$ing the actual ()pcrating Erpenso ollha Ccnlcr lbr a calendar lear and lunhcr shouing lcnanfs Proponit)nnte Shire lhcr(ol. Ho\ cvcr. l,andlord s fitilurc to providc such op€mtin8 $pcnsc ststcmcnt shall in no r^ar $icusa Tenanl lrom its obliSatir to pa] its prr, rala sharc of op:raling Erpcrr:cs or constitutir a $aivcr ol l.itltdlord's risht lo bill and collecl such pm ftlt shlrrc olopcnlting ErpensLs liom Icnanl in accordanc('\rith this clausc. ln addition. on or about thc lrrpiration Datc ol this l-case. l-tudlord shall rrie\ thc actual opcrating t-\pcn:'cs o[the ('cnlL'r lor thc last l.cosc Ycar. aod it rhc amounr ofrhe lotal monlhl] I:slimatcd Oprrating Erpens.'s Payments m.dc b] Tenant during such l-ca..* Ycu is less thlrn I enant's ProFronionatc Sharc ol lhe Actual Opcraling F.rpcnses for such pertx.l. lhen l en,rnl shall pa) lhc dclicicncy to l.andlord $ilhinlon(l0) da]sot lcndnt s reccipr ol l-andlord's \rrittcn demand tbr lhc pa)menl thercof. and. if not paid timclJ. l.irndlord ma) dcduct such sums liom Tenanl'\ S.curil) Dr'posil lrior ro relum ol thc same k) Ienanl. lf lhc amounl ol tht total monthl) l:slimated Op..nting E\pcns('s l,Nmenrs mad(. h) lenanl during such Leasc Ycar is rnore thrn Tcnant s hoponionatc Share ofthc Actual Opcmling l-\penscs lbr such pcri(xl. $en Landk)rd rhall pa) lhe .\c.ss to 'l cnanl \r ithi'l lcn I l0) d6!s ancr thc L\pi.alion Dalt. Saction .],J - Lrtc P.yrDent P.nrlty. lenant hcrch] aclino$ledges that lale patmcnl h) I!'nant to Landlord ol Rcnl or other sums due hereunder $ill aause LanJhrd to incur cosls not conlcmplalcd b) thi\ t-(a:,.. the e\acl amount ol \hich ir crtrcmel) dillicuh to &lccnain. Such costs includc. but arc not limitgd to p(xessing and accounting charlrc\. and late lhdrgcs \rhich nrr) hc imposed upon l.andlord h)'lhc tcnns o, an! mo(ga8e corcrin8 fte Lcascd Premis€s. Accordingly. il'a ) installmcnl ol Renl or an) othcr sum duc lh)m l-cnanl \hall nol bc rcccitcd by l,andkrrd or l.andlord's dcsign.c $ilhin live (5) datr atier it rvas duc. thcn Tenirnl shall pa! to Landh)rd a late ch rgc equal to lilc t^-rcent lson) oflhe amount duc. providcd thirt such amount $ill noi e\cc!'d lhc miNimufi rirlc p('rmittcd b] la$. plus anl allomcls' ttcs incurr'd b) Lanrllord h) reason o[ lanant's failurc to pa] Rcnl uldr(rr othar chrrgc\ $hcn duc hcrcundcr. lnadditiol).ifall]installnrcnlofRentoran\olhcrsumdue from Tcnan( shall nol hc rcceived h! l.andlord or l.andlord's desiprt'c \rithin incen llJ) days allfl it $as due. lhcn Ienarl shall p ] to Landlord a second late chargc cqual lo lcn percent (l0o/o) ol the olnount due. prolided thal such amount will nol excccd thc m&\imum r{lc p.nnittr.d h] law. plus an! attomcls'ltcs incunrd b1 l.andlord b) r.il\on of Tenant's l'uilurc to pal Rcnt and/or olhcr chargcs \rhc0 duc hercundcr. The panies hereb) agrca th]l \uch latc chilrgc rcpresent\ a liir nnd rea-\onahlc cstimate ofthc costs thal lurdlord \rill incur h) r.ason olthc lalc palmcnr h\ lcnant .\cccptanc!'ol \uch lale charSc h! l.andlord shlll in no e\cnl c(rnslilute a \aitc. ol Tananai d(Ilult $ith rcspcrl lo such olcrduc amount. nor pre\ent I ilndlord li.om c\crcising an) ol lhc olher righls and remcdi(\ granted her.undcr. Laidlord. in [,a[dlord's rolc. absolule inld arbilraD discrction. ma1 inrpose. waivc or dclal the imposition ofany lal(- chargc whcn duu liom '[enanl. Should Landkrrd dcluy or ivailc irn! laler chargc hereundct. this lihall in no rul cfl'ccl an)' olhcr term or tondilion o[this l.ciNc. Tenant hcreh] asrees thirt il'Tcnant is subjecl to o lata charge for t\ro (llconsacuti\c months. llase Rcnt for lh( li)llo\in8 t$cl\( ll2) months shall automalicallJ he adjustad to hc palablc qulnerl). in adrance. commencing upon lhc Iirsl da) oflhc monlh lblk\ring .uch conseculirc late monlh. BY PLA(:IN(; THEIR INII'IAI,S AT TIII] I:ND O] 'I lIIS PACt]. I,ANDI,ORT' AND 'I'IiNAi\T IIIREBY Cl]R'I'II'I THAT 1'1IIS SECTIO\ ,T.3 IIAS BET]:i tREEI,\ \}-(;OTIAI'T:D. Section -1.{ - Returned ( hecli t'ee ln lhe evcnl thal dn) palnrcnl made br lcnunr shall bc relumcd b!'lhc bunl iN uocollcclahlc. lhdn: lal l'cnirnl shall bc chlrg('d a [ee equal lo thin] lirc Jollars ($35.00); and (h) l-andlord shall halc tltc oplion ofrequiring all suh\cqucnl pa]mcnls duc liom Tena t urrdcr lhis Leu\('lo (E mad. hr eashicr's chc'cl. c;nh. or $irt lrrn\ti'r. lcnurrt s ln it il ls -@l.andlrrrd s lnitials lenanls ProJr|nionare Sharc ol-such Operaling l':rpcnscs shirll hcpaidb) lcnant to Landlord. \rilhou( d!.m rd. on rhe lir\t !in\ ol' eachcalc'ndurmonlhdurintslhcl-c&\!-lcrnriind\\ilhoulanlriShlofdcduclionorsclof$hat\ocrcr. l (.nnnt hcreh) trprcs s lr acknos lcrlgr.s ard aSrccs thal -lenanl\ l'roporlionulr sharc mav changc lrom timc kr limc upon a ahnnge in thc t()tal nq rentahlc squarr' feet ot-\pacc conlain('d \rithin the ( cntar occasionc(i h] an] addili(tns or subtractions made lo th!'( cnler b! l.andk)rd- Anl such changc in l('nnnl'\ Proporli.)natc Sharc shall bc effeclite inlnr!'dialel) upon lcnant's rcc!-ipl ol nolicc tiom l.andlord as t() such chaagc. Page 7 ol'25 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1686 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA Seclion.J.5 -.\dditionnl Reol. An) and all .iurns ol-nr.rne\ or other charScs rcquircd lo h. paid h)' tcna,ll und(r lhis Lease other lhcn lhc llasc Rent. Estimaled ( )pcrating txpcnse t'a) nrcnt or Alplicable Sale -l ar- regardlcss hos dcsignated hcrcundcr- shill bc consid!'rcd "AdJiti(mnl Rent". lfsuch sums or chargcs drc nol paid nt thc tirnc protidcd in this Leasc. th() shall nclcnheless. il'not plid \rhcn duc. be collectihlc as Addilional Rent Nith thc nc\l monlhl,! installmenl ol lacnt thercallcr lalling duc hcreundcr: providcd. hor(c\cr. lhrr nothing hcr!'in conlnincd shrll limt an) olhcr rcmcd) of l.andlord hcrcu dcr lor lhe nonpa\nrcnt lhcrcoi \onlithslanding iln]thin8 lo the conlrdD conlained hcrcin. an\ and all \unt\ ol monel or olh!'r chcr8.\ rcquired to b(- paid h) 'lcnanl under this l-easa sh:rll bc conriidered Addilional Rcnl- An) Applicahle Salcs larshall bepaidsiththc,\dditionll Rcnlpalablel()l irndkrrd hcrcundcr. Se.tion 3.6 - Addrcss for Palments n ll pal-menh undcr this Anicle lV shall he scnl t0 Seclion.J.T - finanairl Strlemenls ln lhe cvcnt lhal 'lcnimt is latc on a monthll Rcnt nx)mcnl tbr onc monlh or doer nol full) pa) thc mr)nlhl) Rcnl tbr onc month. then 'lenant and each (;u:rrlnk)r shrll pror ide l.andlord. \rilhin ten ( l0) da) s aller Landli)rJ r rcquesl. thcir mosl cuftcnt finalcial slal.ment or profil./loss statement $hich co!ers the period ol thc latc or insuflicient rent pa)mcnls and lh€reaftcr shall proridc linilncial stalemenls or pro{it/loss statemcnts on a quancrl} basis. In addition. on iln iunual hasis prior lo lhc cnd ol thc tirsl quaner ofeirch clllcndar year during thc l.{asc Tcrm. Tcnant shall proi idc il\ most recent Ilnancial rtalcmcnt lbr fie prior )car or the protivloss statemcnl litr lhc prior'\ ear. ARI'ICLE { co\sTRl ("no\ oF LEASf,D PRUI SfS section.l.l - Landlord's \\ork. The Leased l,rctnircs \hall hc lcascd h) lenlnl in 'ns-is'condition \rithoul an) impaolemenls or rlt$alions b] l.andlord unlcsr l.andbrd hai e\pressl) dgrccd lo rnalic such improvcmcnls or alleBtions. if al all. as \cl li)ah in l-:\hibit lt. s€clion {.2 - l-rndlord's teilurc ro D€lircr Postcssion. Failure ofl-andk)rd to rlclircr possessi<rn ofthc I cfucd Premises $ithin thc lim. lil spccificd) and in thc condilion pro\ided lbr in thit Lcitsc \rill nol girc rit ro an\ claim for damates h) Icnanl aSainsl Landlord llo$e\er. lot such monlh or ponion ol month lhal l.andlord is lale to deli\'er posscssion of the l..iNed Priiman'\. t-andlord shall r(lunr li) I (na,ll (he proFtrtionatc amount oi Rcnr paid h) 'I cnant. Sc(li(ln {.-l - Tenant'! \\hrli. Tmant shall pcrti)nr. al its iolc co$t and cxpcnsc. nll lhe other \rort requircd hy lenlnl to fully li\turc aDd opcr.itc ils husiness nl lhcl.eiNcdPrcmises("lcnant'sWorl"lassetfonhinF.\hihil(.lcnanlshall commcncc and (orhplete 'lcnant's Worl \rithin si\t) (60)da) s ti)llo$ing (he Commenrcmcnl l)atc. Pdor lo commenccmcnt ol l'enaIlt s $ork. [.nant rhxll fuanish lo l.andlord t\r(, i:).omplete *ls ol' plan\andspccificarionsli)rlcnunr'\\\'orl(signcdanJ:.calcdh1 arcgisl.redFloridaarchitcct.il'rcquircdhlappli.irhlc/oningla\ts). Such plirns md specifications rhall \ho\\ thc lalour. li\lurin& intcrior llnish and storclront plan. lilr tha l-aascd l'rcnrirci rnd anJ othcr $ork or cquipment lo be done or inslallcd h] Tcnanl allccling itn) rrrullural. mechanical or clcctricirl component oflhc Iclscd Prcmiscs or thc ( cn(('r. Tcnant shall not (ommcoca the conslruction ol'an) ponion oftha I cnnnl's \\orl. until such tinra nr I lndlord ha-\ approrcd in $riting such plans and sp(ilicari()n\ lilr T.nant's \\ork. rrhich shall not hc unreason hl) $ilhhcld Allol lcnanl'\ Uorl shall bc pcrlbrmcd h! a licens.d and insur(.d contraclor in a good and $orlmanlitc mannf and shall hc lice from all dcfecls in $orkmanship and malerial\. lanllnt furthcr agrccs l() ot*_n lbr business as soon as possihlc illlcr substantial complalion ol l'cnanl's WorL. S..lion 4.4 - T.nrnt's Acc.ptrn(. of Lc.s.d Pr.tllir.s. A. lf no$ork is rcquired to he p.rformcd h) Landlord under F.\hihil ll. lh!'n lcnanl hereb) ccnilics thxl it hes inspccled thr' l-cased Premixs and is acccpting lhc same in ils e\isting.ondilion. ln such t\cnt. no rcpait r\ork. altcmlions or r.nxxl!'ling oilhe L.ased Ilrcmises shall b. requircd k' bc donc b) Landlotd a-s a condition oflhis Lease or olhcnrise. lcnant s lnitials Page 8 ofl5 /'o\ \?n)\:/ ('ollicI Plara. l.l.(' c/o l:asl Wesl Rcal lrslirtc. l-LC 12001 GIen Road Potomac. \ll) l0,l5l l.andlord's Initials: 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1687 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA B. ll \ort is rcquircd to hc pcrformed h) l.andkrrd under Lxhihit ll. thcn Tananl agn\c\ l() acccpt thc LcNad l,remises upon nolicc from thc l.nndlord that the work h s hccn complctcd. S.(liotr 1.5 - Tanrnt's Flilurc to Oparrt. BusinG!!. lcnanl\hall.throughoullhclcrmolthisl.c&se.c(,nlinuoull).acti\cl) nddiligcnlllopcratcirshusinessatthcl.c \cdl,r(misesin a hiSh gradc t'nd rcputahlc manner. during husincss hours (unlcss prc\enled liorrr r.ioing so b1 fire. \tril(.!, or othcr cuusc\ h(.\ onil tcnanfs rcasonable conlrol) lenanl's displa\ $inrlo$sshall rcmain lighlcd liom dusl until l{l{)o p-m. on Mondx) through trida} crcningr. Pcriorls oi closinS ol thc l.castd l)remises (o) duc lo rcbuildinS. rcnx)dcling and/or rl'fiair not to cxcced si\l\ conscculiv. (61)) do).\i (bl duc to casualty. or condcrrnalion: (c) duc lo \ritr. ircls ofGod or olhcr forcc majeurc crcnl\; or (d) conscnlcd l(, h) l-dndlord shall hc crcnpted from lhc provisions ol lhi\ paragraph r.quirin8lhal Tenant he op$cd lbr busincss- lnthccrcntthatlcnantlailsloremainincontinuousopemlion i$ set fonh abo\c. the l.andlord. in addiliofl to an! other rcmcdics. shall ha\.lhc right to terminate thi:i lcas. h] gi\ing lcn nt thifll (10) Ja\s $ritten nolicc ol- Icrmination. S.clion 4.6 - I,.ltdlord's Chrng.s .rd Additions to th. C.na.r. Pmvidcd lhat lhe samc docs not unreasonably prcvcnl I'enant from conducting ils busincss ul lhc l,eased Prcmiscs. Landlord hcrcb! resertcs lhc right. at an) limr' liom uJld afler (he l]fl'cclilc Datc ofthis l.ci!sr,: (i) 1o construct ndditional buildin8s or improvements adjoining the huilding in Bhich thc l.c.ts.'d Premises arc contnined: (iit k' dcnn)li\h an] buildinpr or improlemenlr tor pun\ rhereo0 contained $ilhin lhc ( !'ntcr or othL'nr isc ddcrcase the .\islinB \izc ol lhe Cenl(r: I iii) k) add addilaonal parccls lo or suhlracr crisling parcels liorr the Land: (i1) to conslruct othcr huildings or improlcmL'nts cn\\rhere on thc l.and. includin& $ithoul limilation. struclurcs lbr motor rt'hicle padiing:rnd an cnclosed mall lbr lhc Center: t\)ro nrdlc allcrarions or rdditions to aar FNni{'n (}t th('Ccnter: (ri) l() build rdditional s(orics on anJ huilding containcd rvithin lhc Center: and (\ii) tr) inslall or othcnrisc alli\ indiridual m.l(\ lbr cach unil. I('nanr shall full) coopcrate Nith l.andlord so as to pcrmil l, ndlord to alltct an) o, lhe above descrihcd changes lo lhc (cnrcr. Any such changcs to the Center shall be taken into considcration in computing Tenant's Proponiondte Share aod thr OperalinS Elpcnscs ol'th. Centcr. Landk)rd has preliousl! paid impact. licensint and permining fees duc in connection $ith thc derelopmcnt o[ lhc ( .nlcr. Tenanr shall bc solcll nislron\ihle for palmcnt ol an! impact ltes- pcrmil fees. occun ional liccnses. usc tcs. and similar gorcmmcntal or rcgulatory ttr's or imJxrsitions associatcd rvilh lhe Tenanl's tlsr'or-lanant's Wor[. P or k) lcnant liling an) documcnts with thc (i)unl\. lcnant shall proviJc a copl'olsuch documents for l.andlorrl s rcvic$ and comnlent, ARTICLE 5 co\Dr cT ol Bl-sl\f,ss Bl rI\AIT Section 5,1 - t sc of I'remi\es. Tcniut shnll use lhe l-easld l'rcnises solcl! lor lhL' l('nanl's (-rsr anJ lor no other purynsc $hatso€ver. $ilhout prior srincn conscnt of l.andlord. Tcnanl shall occup-r lhe l-cascJ I'rtntiscs sithout dclur inrmcdiarcll uIx)n lh. ( ommcnccnrcnt l)rlc and shall thc.caftcr continuou\h condud throughout the l-ease lcrm the husin('ss contr'nrplatcrl b1 lhe lenant's I :i(. I !'nanl shall nol pcmlil or suffcr thc usa oflhc Lcirscd Premises for an\ olhcr busint'ss or purposc other than thc lcnanl's [:sc. or a'|] purpos€ conran lo thc Rules and Ragulalions ol rh( ( enlcr aq sd l'onh in L\hibil D hereol. d5 rh. .amc mar bc arncnded h1 l-andlord lhrm timr' to rim.. or in l iolalion ofthc larrs. rules and rcguhtions oflhe []nitcd States of Am!'aica- thc Statc offloriJa- t]r tha ordinances. rcgulations or rcquircmcnl\ ol thc l([-al. municipal or counly goveming bodics or un1., othcr l0wful golcmmental or quasi-govemmenlal authorities havin8 jurisdiclion over lhe Ccmcr. or in \i()llllion ofan) rcgulations ol an) insurdncL'canicr nroviding insurancc for the l-eased l'rcuiscs or Centcr. \l'ilhout limitatioo ol thc li)rcgoing. Ienant shall nrlt use tht Lea\ed l'rcniscs lbr an) unlilsrul. irnmoral or unsalc frurpose or lbr lhc stoaaSe or usr'ol hl,rardous matarialJ. lenanl funhcr atrcss to rondu( its hu\incss in fic Lc&sld Prcnriscs undcr lcnanl'] Iridc \am(. unlcss othcnrisc consented lo b) l.andk'rd ir $riting. Tenanl agre€s not to conduct or opemte its busincss in an) mannea $hi!h couldjeopardizc or incr!'asc the ralc o[irn] lira oa othcr insuiance on thc l.r.irsed Premiscs or(-cntcr. Tenanl funhcr agrc('s nol to use or pcrmit thc use ofthc l,cascd Prcmises. lhc (irnmon Areas or nn) portion or ponions ficraof: (i) lirr thc conducl o[an) ollensivc. noisv or dnngcrour tradc. busincss nranul'acturing activitr r'r uccupation: {ii,lorthemainl.nanccoiar}nui\unccorrhcconduclofnn}ilcti\it}\'hich\iol0rcspublicpolic!:(iii)lhran}acrifiU$hichph)sicallland \uhstantialll inlcrlcrcs $ ith. the ('lh(r prolcn) oi Landload r)r its husin!-ss. or thc propen) or busincss ol an\ olhcr occuponl ol-thc ( .ntcr: or (ir ) for an) olher unrca-sooablc usc ol thc Lc&\ad Prerniss not compatiblc \vilh thc op$alion ofa first-class retail and commcrriol shopping ccnlcr. Pagc 9 of25 Saclion {.7 - lmpsct. Lic.nsing..nd Pcrmitling Fccs rnd ,\ss.ssmants. Landlord's lnitials: _ Tenanl's lnitials: _.(' .- ',\ a/ 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1688 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA Saclion 5.2 - Ordcrlt Oparrlion of Busin.ss. '[enanl shall nol l^*rlirnn un! acls or cdr\ on an]' practices in or atmul thc l.coscd Premises \rhich ma] danragc or ad\crsel] affect lha structuml condition. lin cirl protilabilitt or reputalion oflhc ('cntcr or irhich ma.r'constilutc nuissnce or msnncc t() othcr tenants in lhc ('cnlcr or lheir cuslomerr. cn)ph)'ccs or invitccs. or rvhich ma\ R'sull in the incEasc ol an\ parl oflhe lnsumncc Prcnlilrmr. S.ction 5.J - Paymcnt for t:tiliti... lenanl shall ht' solt'h rc.sponsible for lnd shirll prompll] pa] all charS('s litr $alcr. se\raec. ga-\. elcctricil). trash rcmoral or an] oth(-r ulilit.r us.d in.onjundion \\ilh or consum.d in thr'Icascd Prr'miscs I including ,j.'pr)\ils,. IfLandlord elccts lo \uJrplr an] ulilil) uscd or consumcd in the leascd l'rrnriscs $hich is melcr.'d. lcnllnt agrees lo purcha\c lhc sama fiom Landlord .nd to pa\ to Landlord as Additional Rcnt an amount rqualt| lhc amount paid h] I dl(,rd lo lhe ulilit) pro\id.r. l, l.andlord supplier an) utilil] u\.d or.onsume\l in lhc l,co$d hemiscs rrhich is unmctercd or to the ( ommon Arcas rvhich is mclcrcd or unmctered. the chargeli thcrclhrc sh.rll b. included in the ('cntcr's Common Arca MrinlcMnce Charges. lnnocrcntshall l.andlord he liablc l-oran intcrruplion or lhilur. in thc supnl) ofan) such ulilitiestolhe Lcascd Prcmisr's. lcnanl shall nol inslall an! equipmenl in or about the l,cased Premiscs rvhich trill c\cL'ed or overload lhe citpachy ofany utilit! t'acilir) scr!in8 the l,eased Prcmis..s nnd lhc Ccnter. rvithoul lirst ohlaining the $'rillen con\r'nl lherck) (lfl-andlord. ln thc cvcnl that Landlord dclcnnincr lo install sub-mcter\ lir lrn) utiliD. l-cnant shall pa1 to Landlord. Landlord's cost and c\pcnses for lhc installarion of the suh-mctcrs $ ilhin thin\ I J0t da\ s allcr l.andl('rd lirnra.ds to 'lenant thc bill thereforc. Section 5.{ - ll astc or \uisencr. -Itnant shall nol conrnril or tufltr to ba committcd anl uastc upon thc Lcas.'d Pr!'aniscs or an] nuisancc or othcr act or fiin8 $hich may dislurb fie quiel cnjo\mcnt ol an! other tenanl in lhc ( mlcr. Scction 5.5 - Government{l Rrgutrtionl. Tenanl shal l. al l cnant'\ solr cost and c\pcn sc. comp ly $ ith all coun ll.'. m un icipal. slitle and federal lat{ s. orderi. ord inances. ru les. rclrulxtions and an] othcr applicrhle raquirements ofull go\('mmcnlal authorities. no$ in Ii)rcc or $hich ma)' hcrcalicr r!s in lbrcc. pcnaining to rhc Lcas('d Premiscs. lcnnnlshall fairhfulll obsenc in lls usc and occupanc] oflhc l.cai'!'d Prcmises all municipalanJ counl] ordinancc\. slate lnd ftderal statutes. lat\\. rulcs. rcgulalion\ or other f,plicablc rcquircments. suhdivision rcstriclions and lcilsc protisions. no\r in tbrca or rrhich ma!'hereallllr h. in lilrcc ond \\hich ate applicahlc k' lhe Leased Premiscs. Scctron S.6 - \o Solicilalion of llu\iners. -fcnant and l'cnant's olliccrs. agents. controctors. cmplotces. servants (rr an)'onc clsc acting on'lcn:rnl's bchall shall not solicil husiness in the CentcCs ptrling rrca-s or othcr (innrnoo Arcus. nor shall lcnant distrihule !n1 handbills or olhcr ndrenising matlcr on auton)ohilcs parkcd in thc ( anlcr'\ parking areas or othcr (i)mmon Area unless'l'enant oblairs lhe prior \tritlan con*'nt ol l-andlord. S.ctior S.7 - Trrsh Il.nsgrmenl. Tenanl shall t\.rcsfx)nsiblc and pa) ,br thc nxrring of its lrash ti'om thc l.t'ast'd Premises to thc commcrcial lrrsh conlainers prot idcd b) Landlord kxatcrl in the trash conal(s) in a elcan and ordarll manner. lcnanl shall not dump. incincrilc or hum anJ trash or to\ic Nasle in or ahoul rhc l.cascd Prcmises. l-andk)rd \hall hc rcsfronsible [or thc rcmo\01 of tfirsh from lhc ( enl{r \rhich !'\pcnses shall ttc includcd in the Common Arra Maintenance Charges. Il: in the Lirndlord's reasonablc iudgmcnt. lcnant's use oflhc l.coscd Prcmiscs,!'suhs in c\tmordina0. trash rcmovul nesds ovc, nnd aborc thc nccds ol the normal prol'cssional office or retail lenant- lcnanl shall pa)'thc entirc chargc for an), cxtm lrash rcnn)val thcilitics or scrviccs lio rcquired. Any commercial dumpster providcd b) the I cnanl s conlmclor rclald to lenanl's Work or Tcnanl's Irltcrnlions. dccomtions. additions and improvements authoriT!'d h) Landlord shall r^$ platjcd ds dircctcd b) lhc l.irndlord and shall bc rcmo\cd promptl) or at such limc a\ dircct.d b! Landlord. Icnant shall be responsihle for tht propcr dispossl olall mcdical \r{ste. scction 5.t - Rules rnd Reguletionj. Tenanl's uscol lhc l-cl\cd l,rcmises and thc (irfir x,n Areas shall bc suhjcct to iuch,ul!-s and rcgulalirlnr ar sh.rll hc promulSatcd liom lime to timc b) l.andhrrd. I hc cuncnt Rulcs and R('gulalions lbr fie Cenle. arc lllochcd hercto as E\hibil l). Lardlord shall hirlr thc riShl to modifl'such Rulcs and Rcgulations tilm limc lo time during the l,.as. Itnn: provided. ho$e!cr. that no ruch moditicnlion ol lhc Rulcs and RcEulalions shall h( dircctl)'inconsislenl $ilh the pmrisions ofthis l.c{ric. l.andlord's lnitials: Pagc l0 of 15 lcnant's lnitials:/6\ '(e/ 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1689 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA ..\RTt( t.lt 6 st.( t RII I l)t.POSIl llnlcntionall) l)clctedl AR',t t( l.t: 7 .\l- I tR..\I lo\s .\\ D st(;\5 Section 7.1 - fenanl's lnstalletions. All li\turcs inslalled b\'lenant inorabout thc l.cascd Pramis!\ shall bc nc\] oringood condition. ifuscd. -li.ninrr shall not rnrlB or causc lo ha made dn) ulterations. dac()ralion5. addilion\ or impro\cnlcntr to lhc l,cilscd Premiscs or inslall or (rurr'to hc insrallcrj .tn1 c(crior signJ. crtcaior lighting. plumhing fi\tures. shadcr or a*nings or malc an) changcs lo thc \torct'ronl or lacadt' of thc I cased Premise\ $ithoul first ohoining L,mdhrtl's \rillcrl consent therclo. \hich consur m4 he Nirhh('ld b] Landlord in irs role dix-rction. lenanl shall presenl lo lhc l-andlord lull plals and spccifications lor such $orl at thc lime t,andlord's cons.nt thcrclo is sou8hl. Work performcd b! Tenant rvith l.sndlord's consent shall compl) $ilh all applicablc laws. ctxlcs and ordinanccs. Landlord do(s nol reprcsrnt or $arrant to I enant thal tha rpplicabla govcmmcnlal authorities 1\ iII issuc thc permits and dpprovals ncccss{rD for T!-ndnl'\ Work or I anilnt'J use and occupanc) ofthc l-ea-\ed Pn'nists. All $orl pcrlbrmed h] lanant shall aL h\ Iicenscd and insured conrlclors in a go(xl and $orlimanlika mannar and shall bc ti.c liom all dcticls in $orkmanship and material\. S.ction 7.2 - I.n.nt's Rcsponsibilitics. All allcrdlions. dccoration\. ildditions and impro|emcnls madc h) Ienant- or made b) thr'Landlo.d on lcnant's br'hall b] agreamcnl ofthe panig\ undcr fiis Lcasc. shall rcmain lhc propcn) ultlre l_enant lirr thc l-ease Term. lcnart shall at all limes maintain casuah] insumncc lrith crtended co\.r"-ragc naming lnnJlord and Tcnanl as insurcds. in an arnount ad!'quale lo covcr l00oo ofthe cosl of rcplaccmcnt ofall such alrcralions. decorntions. addition\ or improycmcnts in oa aboul Ulc L!'ased Prcmis{s in thc ivcnl ol crlcndcd covcrage loss. llpon substantial complction of .n1- such altcrations. decordtions. additions or improvcm!'nts. 'l'enant shall dcliver to l.itndlord cenificiltcs ofsuch cusuolt) insurarqc policies. \rhich shdl! conlain d clausc requiring thc insurcr lo gi\c l,itndlord not lcss lhan tcn 110) da)s prior srittcn noticc ol thc canccllation or modificalion lhcrcof. Such iiltcmtions. dccorations. additions and improrcmcnts rhall not bc remoir'd liom the [-cirrl-d l'remire\. $ilhod the prior rrrittcn conscnt of l ixldlord $hich conxnt Jhall nol bc un,e:Nonahl] r\ilhheld. l'pon rhc temlination oflcnanl's right of Fxrssession undcr this Lcasc (\hdhcr as a result ol lhc c\piralion oflhc l,casr' lerm or an) sooner terminalion thcrcofin accordance rvith lhc terms ofthis Lcasc). Landlord shall havc thc option to rcquire l cnanl lo It'avc all such alterations. decordlions. additions and improlcment\ i placc. or to rcmovc all such altcrations. dccoaations. additions &nd improvcmcnts and so r!'\lore the l.easl'd Premises a\ rcquircd und('r scction 6.,1. ll lcnant thercallcr lails lo so rcmo\c such alleralions. dccorations. additions and improremcnts and (o rcslor rhe l-eascd Pr('mises. lhcn all such allchti()ns. dccolalirns. additions anJ improremcnts \hall beconla lhc properr) of l.andlord and. in Juch e\ enl. il l dndlord slccts. Landlord ma\ reslore thc [.ci\dd P.emise lo ils original condilion and lhc cosl of such rcsloration shall hcnaidblTenant\rilhintcn(10)dx)sall.rl.andlord'srvrincndemandforsuchpa]mcnl. All alterations. decorarions. uddirions and imfro!.mcnrs madc h) 'l rnant hcrcunder ( including. $ithoul Iimitations. Tenant's worl ) shall bc made: (i) in a good and $orlmanlikc manner- lic!'tiom all mal.riol d.fcds in $(lrkmanship or riratcrials: anJ tii) in accordancc \rilh acccptcd building pracliccs so as nol to \rca*en or impair lhu \trucruml strcnlth or les*_n thc \alu€ o[lhc ('.ntar. Srction 7.t - Rcstriclions on Si8ns, Awniltgs rnd Ctnopics. lcnanl shall nol placc or pcmrit l() hc placcJ or maintained on xn e\terior dfi)r. \rall or \rindo\ ofthe Le&\cd l'remises:rn} sign. arvning. canop) or olhcr ad\ertising mdtlcr or othcr thing of an] lind \hatsoc\ar. und lcnanl sholl nr]( place or maintlin an] dr'aorulion. lener or advcnising maltcr on the glass ofan) $indo\r or d{rcr. norshall lenant placc nn} illuminatcd sign in thc$indo$ displal arc ol-lhr l,eased l)rcmises. withoul firsl obtaining thc Landlord's $rilcn conscnl thcrcto, $hich conscnl shall bc in l.mdlord's solc discrction. An\ such sign. J$ning. canopl. decoration. l!.trcrine. adlcnising mancr or olher lhing ils ma) hc conscnled lo b] I rndl(trd hereund!'r shall be mainltiinld b) -lehant. al ils Jolc cost ilnd !'\pense- in go(xl condilion nnd repair and in llll conli)mril] lo the sign (ritcria csBhlishcd tiom rim. lo rinr.' b] Landlord lbr rhe Cenlcr. I h. currcnl sig criteria for thc ( enter are s.r tbnh in l.\hihit t-. ln addilion. il Landlord muteriall) changcs the facadc ol lhe ( cnlcr. Ihcn lenant shall. rt ils solc cosl and c\rcnsc. chan8c an) si8n. otrninS. unop). decoratio[. leitcring. advcrtising matler or olher lhing thcrcloforc crcclcd or maintaincd by lenant so as to conlbnn lo the dcsign and malerial\ ol-lhe ne$ tircrdc ol thc ('enlcr. lenanl shall l'ull! compl) \\ith lhq obligations placcd upon il undcr lhe inntcrliatell prccc.ling sentencc r\ilhin niner) (9{)) dals after Icnirnt's receipl ol n srin.n dcmirnJ fiom l.andlord for Ti'-nant'\ perlbrmancc ofsuch ohliSution!. Landlord shall have lhc right to reno\atc. modif) and or rcpair the faca,lc oithe Cenrcr ul irn! timc \\ithout incuning an1 liahilit) lr) lcnnnl fbr said acls. lnthcr'rcnt il is nccassar) lbr [cnanfr sign to be r.mo\cd in order lo completc such $ork. lenanl shall rcmo\c and rtinstcll its sign rs rcque\tcd b! l.undlord al Tcnant s solc cosl iutd ('\pcnsc. Landkrrd's Initials: Page ll ol'15 l'enant's lnitials: G) 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1690 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA Section 7.{ - Prohibilion or \lccha ir\' l.iens. \othing conlain!'d in lhis Sccli('n or the leare. ihallauthori/. Icnanl to do an\ acl $hich mit) create or bc tha lilundation li)r an\ lien. mon8aga or othcr cncu mhrance upon lhe res.n irl ion or other e\r rr c oi l -andlord. or of !n] inr crcst ol- Land lord in Ih u l.cased l,rcm iscs. the Ccnter. or in lhc l)ropcn) or improrcmcnts thcr(oli ir heint dgrccd thal should lcnant causc nn\ altcrations. changes. nddili()ns. improvcmcnls or rcpairs lo bc madc in lhc Lcascd PNmisc\. or cau*- nraterials l() hr llmished or labor to be pcrfomred thcrain. nrither Landlord nor the Leasdd l'rcnrises shall. under an! circuusiarces. he liilhlc ,br thc pa)'mcnt ofany crprnses incorred or l-or lhe valur ol anr' \rorli donc or mate al lurnishcd to lhc l.c s('d Prcmisc: oranl'pan lhcrcol. Tenanl shall. upoo requ(sl ol l.andlord. d!'lir.r such docunlcnts as ma) hc rcqui.ed h] landlord in ordcr (i clTectuare rhr licn proteclion rcquircd ht thi\ Sccrion. In addition. Landkrrd rhall harcthcrighr lo posl illld kecp porlcd al all rearonlhlc lam.s on lh!'l.e.!sed Premisls an! noriccr \hich Landlord shall bc rcquirctj \o to post lirr the proteflion ofLandlord and lhc l-cascd I'rrnrises fronr anr such lien. lc unt agrees lo prompth c\ecut. such instrunrcntr in recordablc li)rm in accordance with Ihc lcn s and provisir)ns of florida Stalule 713.10. All such altBrations. changcs. .rdditions. improrcments and repairs and mat.'rials nnd labor shall bc at Tcnant'\ c\pcnsa. and lc[ant shall hc solclr responsihlc lo conlractors. Ilrborani anJ I*_rsons fumishinB labor and rnirldrials lo lha l-casod Premiscs. or anJ pafl thcreof. Tenirnt sholl promptl) pn) ull conuactors. laborers ond p!,rsons fumishintl lirbor and malcrials to thc l,ca^\cd Prcmiscs. and cnsurc pronrpt pa)'menl ()fan! subcontracbrs lumishing lahor and matcrials lo the Lcns('d Premises. Icnsnl shall inlirrm e\eD'servicc (rr material prolider ofthe forctroing provisions prior to contrnctinB $ith an\' ot lhem for eoods or serviccs- ll l enanl shall dcsirc to contcsl .ln\ claim ol licn. orifar) such li!'n is actuall) liled agsinst lhc Lcased Prcmi\cs or Ccnler. lcnant shall fumish Landlord adquatc s€curir) li)r one hundrcd l\rcnq.fivc pcrccnr (ll5oo) of thc raluc or amouJ ol'lhc claim. plus !-slimatcd cosls and intcrest or a bond ol'a rcsponsihle corporalc surcl) in such amounl conditioncd on thc discharge oflhe lien- lf a tinaljudgm.nt cslablishing lhe validit) or c\istence ol u licn for an) .mounl is entercd. lenant shrll pmmptly pay and sirtisry thc same. together with an) and all costs incuned b) th('lien claimanl. nnd attomcls' t'c... iI so providcd in thejudSmcnt. Should an) claim of lian t'or $ork done b1 or on bchalfol lcnanr bc filed againsr the l-ca\..d Prcmiscs or ( cnr(r or an\ acrion alTccting the title to such prcp.n) bc commcncd. I cnant shall fonh\rilh gi\e l-andlord the r)ther pan) noticc ther€oll SGCtion 7.S - {m.rican's rrith Disabilitics Act of l99l), lenant shall tull) compl] \r ilh lhc pror isions rcl lirth undcr lhc American's \l ilh DisabiliticJ Act l "AI).{" ) signcd into la\r on JulJ ?6. 1990. lt is Tenanlr rcsponsibilit] to pro\ide acccss to all t-acilitics under lenanr's control. lcnant. at lcnant's.\pcnsd. \hall he responsiblc lbr complling rlilh non-struclural requircm.nl:' Nilh rcgard to the intcrior o[ thc l,ca-scd l'rcmiscs. lenanl shall nor cngagc in imy activity or allow dny condition ri'lalinS to the l,cas{d l'rcmises thnt would violalc lhc AI)A. ltnanl shall notili l,andlord immediatcly of anl invcstigation. prmr'cding. notice or claim regarding a !i(llalion oflh( ADA rclaling lo thc Lea-sed Prcmiscs. Tcnanl. irt its'osn crptnse. shall compl) sith all la$r. rulcs. ord('rr. ordinanccs. Jir.cti\es. rc8ula!ions and rcquir('m!'nts ol lidcml. statc. counl\ and municipal aulhodlics no$ in lbrcc $hich lhcrealicr firirl be in lirrca. \\hich shall rnrpose dn) dut) upon l.andlord trilh rcspecr tt lhc us(. rN(uprri('n or alleration rll-the Lealrd l'rcmiscs including. but not linlil t{r. requircnrc0l:i olthc "AIr1". Tenanl agrccs to indcnrnil! and hold Ianrllord harmlcss lfl)m and again\l anJ Frensll). damage or chargc imposed for an) liolation b) lcnanl- its olllccrs. agcnls. conlr&ctors. cmpk)\ces. servants. L'ssacs. cuslomcrr or inlitct's or imlonc clsc ircting on Tcnihl s hchalfofon) said reqlircrncnts. Tenant shall proride l,andlord \rith thin) (30) dals rrrittcn notice in thc elcnt lrnant dcsires to mi ic an) non-stnlclural alteralion. irddition or ch0nge lo thc lcirscd ['rcmises. ARTr( 1.[.8 R]:PAIRS A\I) }IAINl'f,NAN('T, O} LI]AS}:D PREMISES Scalion t.l - l,rndlord's R.sponsibiliti.s. l.undlord sgrccs ki rcpair and maintain in go(xl order dnd condition lha ('ornmon Araas. thc rooi rq)l drains. outsidc Nirlls. l'oundali()n und structuntl lxrniurs (bolh inlcrior and {\l(rior) ofthc Lcitsu.l Prcmi$s. ln dddition. Landl(rrd alxecs to rcpilr and maintnin in good ordcr.nd condilion lhc healing. rcnlilalion and air conditioninB cquipmcnl lor the l.cascd llrcmises. Thcr!'i:i c\ccpted liorn the preceding co\cnants. ho\ctcr: (i) repair or replaccmcnt ol'broken platc or $indorv glass lc\ccpt in ca\c of damage h1 lirt 0r othcr clsualll corcrcd h] landlonl'r lirr dnd e\tcndcd colemgc polis\ ): lii) repair of dama8r caused h) lenant. ils officcni. irgants. aonlid(t(rs. Tenant s Initials:l.andlord s lnitials Pagc Il ()l :5 lhis Leasc strictl) tbrbids thc liling oian] licn5 \\halsoevcr h\ ir \ contmctor. :uhcontractor. mntcrial mcn. latxrrcr or othrr prrson lbr an) \rorl pcrlbrnlcd hl or al lhc rcqul.;t ofTcnant ir or about thc l.cascd l'rcmiscs. Notice ot-such prohibition mn) hc gi\'(-n to such personr in a memorandum ol lcasc rccord(d in thc puhlic rccords oflhc count) in \rhich lhc Cenler is hcirtcd. The purpos! ofthis !,lJction is to expr$sl) e\culpatc and in\ulate t-andhrd liom an1 lilhility \rhatsocrcr for lhc cosl ol irn) such $ork performed h\ or al the rcquc\t of Tmanl. Ihc intcrcsl ol-l.nndlord in thc l.c$cd Pramiscs and thc Ccnlcr lihall notbc \ubjcct lo forcclosurc Nith rcspcct toanl such li.nr ln addition. lcnanl shallcau\r nrl licn lilcd ngainst lhc l..irs.d I'remise\ or thc Ccntcr in \i()liltion oflhi\ Sccrion lo h{'rljtc.r\cd and dischrrgcd $ithinlcn ll0ldals ali(y l.ardlord's $ritlcn demand thrrclilrc and Icnimr shall indemnit-\ and hold l.andlord harmlcss tiom and aeain\l irn\ such licn and anv cosl. diunsges charga\ and e]\pcn:ics incurred in conncction $ith nn,t such lien. including $ithout limilalion. altomc\s' fees. (E 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1691 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA cmployccs. scftanls. lessers. in!ilces. emplo\ccs. customers or invilr'rs oa an)_onc clr- acling on I qnirnl's bchall: ( iii) intcrior rcpaiDling inld rcdccoralir : (it) lenanr's \cr\i(c connccli( \ \ilh an\ mcch nicll s\sl.ms or strucluml ponitm\ ot- th(- Ccnl.r: xnd I\) thosc rpccillc ohligations placc'd upon lcnanl undcr Seclion l(.2. ln no c\cnt shall l-dndlord be liabl. to'l-enanl or an) one claiming h). through or unJcr fenanl for dLlmagcs or iniuricr nrising lionr Landlord's failurc lo male an) r)l \nid rcpairs. nor shall t-andlord hc liuhlc for dirnraS(:, or injuries ari\inp liom defecli\c sorlimanship or mxlerials in malin8 .rn) such rcpairs. Lrcept as crprcrslr prorided in rhis Scction- ltndlorJ shall nol bc ohliSated or rcquircd t() malc an] o(hcr repaiA to thc l.cascd Prcmi:'cs and all othcr porli()ns ol_thc l-eascd I'rcmises shall hc kcpl in good repirir and condilion h)' imd al lhc solc co\l and expensc oI Icnanl. Landlord nra) us€ un)' nrnounl in lhc gcncrr| rescrve dcscrihcd in scction .'1.2 l'()r an! of l,andlord s oblipations und.. this Seclion or othenrise in this Agrccmcnt rs l-nndlord nra) detcrmine in its solc iliscrelion. S.clion t.2 - I.nant's R.sp{}nrihililics. Wilhoul limiting thr gcncralit)'ol lhc ohliliations placcd upon lcnant undcr Scction 8.1. Icnant agrccs to repair and mainrain in Sood order aod condition lhc non-slructuml inlcrior ponionr' ol lhr' l,eascd Prcmises. including lhc s(ore fronls. sho$ windo\rs. d(x)ni. \rindo*s. platc irnd $indo\r {ldss. tloor corr'ring. interior mechanical. plumbinB. cL'clrical and se$ngc s! stcm. lacilili$ aid applianccs. 'lcnanl- its emnlo)crj\. ils olliccrs- agrnls. contraclors. cmplo)ccs. senants. lcssces or irnronr'clse aclirg on lrn,rnt s bchall- rhirll not mark. pdinl. drill or in an) rr ir1 defacr. nn) \rrlls. ceilings. pitrlilions. lloors. \\ood. slona or iron\lork in or ahoul tlc Leased l'rcnrir!'s. wilhout first ohtaining Landkrnl : prior rvritlco (onscnl (hercto. Nhich conscflt shall he in l,andlorrl :i solc discrcti()n. l_cnant shall rolcll paint the l.cascd Prcmiscs an(i \hirll nol inilall an) \ in) I rvallpap(r rx the l-eas!'d l'rrmises. Ienanl \hnll. al its solc cosl and expense. pcrlilnn alljanitorial tmd cleaning sirr\ icc\ $ilhin lhr' Lcascd Prt-miscs in ortlcr k) keep thr sxmc in a neat. cl('nn and ord.rl]' conilition. ll Icnant tails lo undcnal. and at illl limas thcrt'ali('r Jili8cnrlt pur\uc lo complelion lhc rcpair and mainlcnancc of the I c,r\('d Premises as required in this scction \rithin tirun.en tl{} dal\ rtlc. its rclciFrl of $rittcn noticc liom l,andbrd lhal such repairs or maintenancc nrc so requircd {r\cdpl in tha casc o[an]'such rcpairs or maintenancc $hich constilulc an emergcnc] lo the structural intctlril] or salbl) of lhe Center. in \rhich evenl no such notice shall bc rcquired). thcn l.andlord mal mirlc such rcpaini and maintenance. $ilhout liabilit] to lenant for an] hss or damage thal mu\ accrue to lcnnnt's mcrrhandisr. firrurcs or othcr propeq. or kr lcnanfs husincs:i h1 rcason lhcrdll-a.d. \rithin ten ( llll dals ali!'r rh(' fompletion thcrcol and upon Landlord's presenulion of a bill lhercl'ora. -fcnant shall pil) l-aodlord'\ cost ofmaking such repairs. plur tscnt\ pcrcanl {:(Fo) lor o\crhcad. a.i Additional Rcnl. In tha ercnl lhnl Icnanl docs nol po) rhebill $ithinlcn(10)dal\. lcnantshallpa) irlalc lieequal k) l('n pcrccnl ll0oo) ol-the bill- ll l-andlord undcfla[cs dn] mainlsnance or repair \lork in lhc cou^c ol rvhich it shall he delermined lhal such maintenirnrc or repair \rork is made ncccssal ht lhe ne8ligenca or \\illful act or omission of leairnt or an) of itr (tlliccrs. agents- conlractors. cmplolccs. ranants. lcssccr.cuslomer\orin\ilacsoranlon.clseactingonlcnirnt'sbahalt.orthalGemainlcnunccoraepairNorlis.underthelcrmsof lhis l-case. rhc rcsponsihilit\ ol lcnant. rhen lfldnt shall pa) I andllrd's cosl thetu'li).c. plus otcrhcad as abore prorid.d in this Scclion ir\ ,\ddirional Rcnr. In rheevcnr lhirt fcnanl doeq nol pa;vthebill \rithinlcn(10)dn)s. lenant shall pa\ a lat('l'ee equ.tl lole percenl (1006) (il' the bill. Saction t.J - Surr€nd€r of Prcmisei. ['[x)n the lermination t)l lcnanr's ri[tts of possession unJcr this l-ca-sc (\hatherasa result of$e c\pirdlion ol the Lease Icmror an) tooner lcrmination lhcrcol-in 0ccorJancc \rith the term\ (tl lha [-eilsc). lcnx t shall immcdiatcl] surenda, th(' l-cascd Prcmiscs lo lnndlord in thc same condilion and ststc of rep0ir I\\ the l,eas.d Prcmiscs rver( in upon delirer) of posscssion thet!'of to Tenanl unds is Leasc. rcasonable wear und lrar crccptcd, Tcnant shall also thorcupon suncndcr all kcys for lhe l,e&scd Prcmiscs lo l-irndlord. Tcnant shall rcmovc ull its li\tures and nn] altcrations. irdditions deaorntio s or improlcrncnts $hich l,anrlkrrd rcquests t() be removeJ hclbrc suncnderin! fic Lcascd Pr.nrisc\ ro Landlord i!\ dlb.esaid and lcnanl shall prontptl! repair an) (hmngc caustd to the l.eased I'.cnrists thereh). lenml's obligalion k) ohscne or pcdhrm this co\rnanl shnll tuni\cthc termination oilhis l.diNe and Icoanl'\ rights ofpos\c\sir)n thereunder. ,\R I I( I.U 9 I \St R{\( 1- \\ t) I\Df \t\ll t( ,\t to\ section 9.1 ln5urance rnd l drmnificalilln Subjcct to the limilllions of Section 768.2E. Florida Slalucs. l-Esslrtr shall indemnif) and sa\,c harmlells lhc I-ESSOR liont and against an)'lnd all clairns. irctions and suits. and liom ard againsl dn) and all losscs. damages. cosls. chargei. reosonablc anomc)s'li'cs. pa]'ments. c\penses and liahilirics which l.l:SSOR may sustain rlr incur to lhc.\lcnl arising from thc neSligenl acl or neglig€nt omissi(D ol' l.ESSliL or il\ agcnls. conlrxcklr: or empk)\ccr. LI1SSOR shall indcnnrilj and sa\c hdrmless the I liSStrF from and againsl an] and all rlirims. aclions lnd iuitj. and from ilnd against an) and all losses. dun{!ds. costs- chaigcs. Easonable alr()mc\s'fees. pa\mcnts. e\pensei rnd liabililics rrhi(h I I:SSEE mal rustuin or incur duc lo thc sole ncSliScnl ilcl or ncgligcnt omission ofl-l:SS()R. Tcn nl's Initialt @l.andlord's lnitials Page 13 ol 25 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1692 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA l.l:Ssl:ll shall mainuin during lhc course ofthas l.rasc. or anl rencNal thcrcol. comprch(nsirc gcncral liabilitl corcrugc inclurJing hodil)' inju$ nd propcrl\ damalrc. prcrnircs and opcrations coverage. prodlcts and complcled opcrirtions covcrage. hroad lirrm propcrtl durnage covemgc. itttlomobil. liobilit) covcrage includintl o$n(d automohilcs. non-o$'lled auronxrbiles and hircd iulomohilcs and conrractual liahilir) c()\ crdec in an arlxru t of nol less lhan ( )nc Milljon and fi)r l{Xt I)ollant (Sl.fiX}.0{X).fi}l combined singlc linrirs. lf l.tiSSLI lllls undcr lhc Stal. ol Horida \lorlcr': Compcn$lion La$. colcmgc shirll hc pro\idcd tbr all cnrpk,)ces. lhc colemge shall ha li)r stillulo^ limils in conlpliancr $ith rhc lppli(irblc Slate,tnd l:cd.:rdl lar\s. Thr FDlic\ mu\t includc l:mplolcr.\ Liabilil\ trilh a limil ol ()nc llundrcd Thousand u (X)'100 Dollars ($100.(,00.00) each accidcnl. LESSOR aod l.l-.SSF.F, on hchnll ol themscltes and all othc6 claiming undcr th.m. including an1 insurcr. *aivc itll claims againsl cach oth.r. includiog all rights of suhro8llion. lbr loss or darnagc ro thcir rcsfcclivc pror,en) (includinS. hul not limilcd lo. lhc Demised I)rcmiscs) arisinS Iiom ilre. smolc damagc. \rindstorm. hail. \undalism. thcti. mirli(ious mischicfand .n) olthe orhcr pcrils normalll insured against in an '0ll risl'ol ph)sical loss fxllic]. tcgardl.ss ol \rhelher insurancc xexinst lhose perils is in (.lt'ccl \rith respccl t() such pan]'\ P.oP€n! ard regardlcss oflhc ncgligcncc of c'ithcr pan\. ll cilhcr panr s() rcqucsls. rhe olher p!rl) ihnll obtain from ils in\rrer a lrritrcn trai\er ofall righls rll suhrogation lhal it nla) ha\c againsl thc olhcr pan). l-l.Sslil: shall gi\e prompt nolicc lo I-ESS()R in cnsc of fire or accidcnts in lhc l'rcmises or in thc lluildin8 or of deltcls thcrcin or in rhc li\rurcs or cquipmcnt. I-LSSEE hcreh) aclinoslcdges that l,l,SSOR shall nol be liabl. for an1 intcmrption to LESSI:I':'s business for an\ lausc \rhasoever. and lhat I.ESSEE shall ohrain husiness intearuption insurancc covcraSe should I l:SSll. dcsirc to providc colemge for such risk. SFtion 9.2 llntcnriurall) Deleledl Scction 9.3 - llnlcntionally Dclctr'dl Saction 9..1 - Wf,iv.r ofSubrogalion. [,and lord and l cnanl each hcrcb! tr ai\ e their righ t Io recci\ e damaSer ogainst each other foa anr re&lon \rhatsollcr to lhe exten t lhe damsgcd pan) rccorers from its insur.rncc carricr. unll'sr said $air'er inralidales an! such insurdcc polie\. An]'insurirnce policl procurcd hJ .ithcr'lcnanl or l.andlord hercundcr $hich docs nol name the othcr as an insurcd shall. if obtainahle (rcgardlcss of cosl) contain an !'xprcss \^-6i!er of an1" right of suhrognlion b) the insu.ancc company agsihsl lh!' l.andlord or 'IenanL as thc cilsc may be. seciion 9.5 - Requir(menI to ('ure. Tcnant shall not allo$ irn) insuranrc rcquircd l() hr mlinlained b) it undcr this Lease t() lilpse or be tcmlinalcd li,r nn\ re&\on rrhatsocvet. ln lhc c\cnl Landkrrd rcccircr nolica tiom in inluraicc carricr li) lhat an) polic) has nol heen renc\rcd. or (iil lhal an) premium ha\ not hccn paid. or (iiil thrl iur) colera8e is goinB to be modillcd ot eliminated. or (ir) that an)'insurM.c rcquired to bc maintaincd b) Tcnml under this Lcasc ir going to bc altcrcd in an)r mannar \rhich could have a negativc inrpact on thc protcction prorided to Landlord or lhc ('cnlcr. such notice sholl constilutc a mntcrial ddfault under this l,case. Tenanr immcdiotcl) shall curu such defaull. lf [cnanl does not curc such dcfaull *ithin tan ll0)da]s. lcrrllnt shall caasc all opcratir)ns on thc l..ascd I'r('miscs. Landlord shall have lhc right to enlbrcc thc pror isions of this S!.clion b) an\ mcans i,lrJildble lo it und.r thir L.ase. at la$ or in cquitl. including. \r irhour Iimiration. iniunction. cr icti()n and or accelernti(rn r!ldll sums du( h.rcuod(r Scction l0.l -,\llornmant. Ifanl prrrccedings arc brought lirr the forcclosurc ofor thc c\crcisc ofrhe fxr$er ofsalc undcr an\ mongage madc h\ lhc l-andlord colering the I caql l'r.misc5 or ifa de('d ir 8i\en in lieu ot lircclosure ofanl such mongage- then. in atl! such e\enr. fcnanr shall anom lo thc purcha-scr or 8rdntcc in licu of l'ort'closure upon an) such lorcclosure or salc and shall recognizr such purchescr or granrce in licu of forcclosurc &s thc l-andlord undcr this l.ca*-. Section 10.: - Suhordinstion. Tenant's lnitialsl.undlord's lnitials l'arc I4 ol 25 {RTICLE IO AT rOR\ItUYt AND St BORI)t\ATIO\ l cnlnl i{rccs thol ils righh hcrlund!'r are suhordinillt lr} lhc lien ol-un-r nrongage. ground lc&sc or anJ othcr mulhoJ (,1- financing or retinarcin8 no$ or hcreallcr plaecd againrt thc Canlrr ((,r Jr\ ponion thcr|.oi h1 l-andlord and Io an,r and all rcneNals. ruplrcement\. consolidations and c\tensions thercol. Ihis paragraph shxll hc scll-opcrdli\c itnd no lunher inslrumcnl ol:iubordination \hall h{'rcquired lo cllccl such suhordinatbn. Tenant lunhcr npr!'as that it rrill cnlcr inlo and c\acurc irll documenls \rhich an] mongagcc. gr{rund L'ssor or olhcr pan) lo iu\ Iinancing or rclin nrin8 ma) rcasondhlt rcquest lcnail t() cnlrr inlo and cx!.culc. including a sutxrrdirration. non- dis(urbancc ond nllommcnl agrccrrcnl. 'l'cnant hcrcby agrccs lo executc an) suhordination. non-dislurboncc and atlomnlcnt agrccmenls requested b) unr ol l.andlord's morlSilSccs. Sround lcssor or other pa,rty to an)' linitncinS or rcfinancing. An\ such agrc(rrrcnts musl hc 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1693 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA !'\c!ulcd rrithin fineen llJ) dd\s ol prcscnulion. Tcnant agrccs lhal il $ill send copie\ of atl nolic.s t,r I andlord and ro I andi)rd':' nr1trt8l8e.\- Eround lessor and olh!'r pitrlics k) an\ financinS or rcllnrncinS ofthc Ccnler. pmrided thal lcnanl shall hale bccn lumishcd lrith lhc namcs and Sddrcsses ol such parties. and funher prolidad thal l.andlord or Landlord's mongagccs. ground lcssors or olher pani(.\ l(t an) llnancin8 or refinancinp hirrc rcqucsld lcnant () s€nd k) thcm copics olsuch noticcs. Scclion l0.J - l.nent ('€rtification. Section ll.l - Assignm.nt. lcna[t shall not iL\sign. nx)nga8c. plcdgc or cncunlhcr this l.casa or an] inlcrcsl thcrcir. $ilhout lirst obtaining lhc prior $rillcn .onyjnl ol l,andlord. $hich consral shull hc in l.andlord's solc discrrliorl. lcnant shall pa)" all costs and c\pcnses incurred or sulT0tr'd h! l.irndlord in connection \rith an\ assiannrcnt $hich in no cvcnt shall hc lcss lhan onc thousand dollars {SI.000.00). lf lcnait is a panncnihip. c{rqx)ration or othcr cntit} othcr thnn an inditidual. an il\si8nm{rt or transfer of equit} intcrc\l{ constituting an agercgate c han gc in thc h:gal or beneficial o$ n!'rsh ip ol l enant of more thar ten perccnl ( I 0! o ) o\ er lhe I -ease I erm sh.rl I hc deemed an itssigrnment or lmnlli'r ol this l.{&\e requiring Landlord's prior rrrittcn consenl thcrelo- lnnocrcntma) lcnalt iNsign this l.ciar or suhlcl thr $holc or an) pan o f t hc Lca\td Premis€s prior to thc co mplct ion of T cnanfs \\'ork and lh c is5u ancr of a ccnificalc o f occ upanc\ for the l-cilscd Prcmiscs. Section I1.2 - Subl.tting. Tenalt shall not suhlet thc trholc or any pan o[thc l.eascd Prsnis€s. or permit thc usc oflhc \rholc or an! pan ol lhe l,i.'trscd Prcmises by any licensce. conccssionaiE's or olhcr occupant ($hcthcr h] opcr-dtioo of la\r or olhe$isc). \rithoul lirn obtaining thc prk,t lr'rilten consrnt ofLandlord. *hich consent shdll not be unreasonahl) \ilhhdd. Nonvith$anding ary such subletling. licensing ()r gr.rnting ol' a conca\sion madc $ith lhe prior \rrillcn conscnt ofthc Landlord iN alirrcsaid. I (-nanl shall ncrcrlhclcss rcmain liable lbr lhe pcrfi'rmancc ol' all of the lerms. condilions and corcn{nts of lhis Lcasc. Tt'naot \hall pa} all cosls ard e\penscs inclrat'd oa sufered h] I andlorrl in conneclion r\ith an\ subleasc rrhich in no crcnt shall be less thiln onc rhousand dolla^ (!1.000). ..1R 1 l( l-t: t: t) \u,^(;E. DESTRI ( TIO\ ..\\D (-O\Df \t\AT|O\ S.ctio! l2.l - DrmB. or D.llru.lion. 'I cnant shall givc prompt $rincn noticc to Landlord ol an) damaSe to thc Lcased Prcmiscr or thd huilding containing Ihc l.crsld Prcmixs. lfthe Lca-scd Prcrniscs arc damagcd h1 firc or any other casuallt. then this l,easc shall conlinN in lull lorce and effecl. c\ccpl as olhcnvisr c\prEssh pror idcd hcrcin. Il l.irndhrd's csrimate olthc cost lo r.pair lh. damagc cau*-d h1 anr such casualn islcsslhan 5ooo ol' thL. cost ol rcplaccmenl ofIhe Lcascd l"cnises. lhen thc damaSe shall bc rcprired h) Landlord. al |.andlord's s{rl('cosl and cxpensc. pnrr idr.ri thdt: (i)l.andlord shall noth.ohligittcdtosorcp&irthcL.aredPrrmircsifsuchcasualtliscsusedhllhcnc8liScnccor$illfulactoflcndnt. it5 suhlcnants or concessionaircs. or thcir r.specli\e agenls or empk))c!'s: and ( iil Landlord shall nol he ohligalcd lo c\pcnd Ibr such rr'pair im amounl in c\ccss oflhc inrrranca procccLls rc*ccircd b) Landlord irs a R'slll oflhc occurence of such c:lrualt\ $hich is free and rlcar lrr l.andlord ol arlJ coll!.clion h) ixl) mon8.8cc. ground or underl)in8 lcssor or olher p.rt\ lo an] linancing or r.linancing of th(. ( (-nlcr: and 'l enanl's Initialsl.andlord s lnitials: Pagc l5 ol 15 lenanl shall al an) lim( ahd liom timc (o time $ilhin lirc (5) dir) s ill'ier Nri(len request from l.andlord c\ccute. aclno\rlcdgc. itnd deliler lo l.andlord. in a fo.m rca$nrbl) $tisfacloD'to l-andlord .rnd or I andlord's mongager or prospccrirc purch&ser oflhe ('cnr.r or lhc Land. a \rrittcn slatemenl certil.\ing. lh'j trulh ofrarious racts conccming lhe Le&se \rhich mal includc. h l not bc limitcd to. thc tollo\ing: {i) lhat th!'Le&!. is in full lirrcc irnd cllecl ind ha\ not been modillcd. altcrr'd. or amendcd erccpl iL\ is (\pr!'ssl} s(r fonh in rhe r\ri(.n sl.tlemcnl and l.llat lhe l-ca\c. silh itn) spacilicd modificali(nr\. ,rhsalioni or arnmdmcnts con:\titutcs lhe enlira agrcrmcnl hcl$ccn I-andlo.d and Tenanl $ilh respccl lo lhc I crscd I'rcrnis.r: ( iit lhat l-lnJlord h&s fulfillcd all ol ils dutics undcr thc Lease and is not in dclaulr thcrcunder: tiiil thal Tenot h&\ no aharg(- lien. claim. cr.dit. or ollid under thc l-easa or othenli$. againsl anl Tl'nanl palmenl duc or t() b!-comc duc h('reunder. and lhat -lcn:rnt hjr\ no claims or deltn\cs to cnl-()rcemenl of the l-ea\e: (i\ ) conl'innation as to thc lnilial Tcmr. lhc l:\tcndcd Tcrm. ifan). 8nd as lo an) rcnc\ral rights: (\ ) conlimalion lhrr no installment has hecn paid nmr!'rhan rhirtr (J0) dal's in adran!. of its duc datc crcq,t Ls rcquircd h) lhc lcmrs of thc Lc&sc: lrnd ( ! i I an) other accurala cenil'icalbn rclsonlbly .equired hl l.andhrd ol' lodlord's mongagec. The foregohrtl sldlcmcnta may bc relied uFx)n b) l.andlord and ifs succcssoas and ilssi8ns. Fu hermore. al lhc niqu$t of I .andlord or of any of Land lord's rnongagccs or prospective purc hascni. I cnanl shall agrcc in form rcasonahl) satisfaclory to l -and lord or k) l,andlord's mongsgce or prost^-ctivc puach$er that Tcnant shall: (il not pa) an) pa)-menl duc undcr th( l.ci!\e more than thin)'(.ll)) drr"\ in advance of its duc dalel ( ii) nol suncndcr or consant to the moJificillion ofan)' ofthc terms of th( l.cil-\a. nor lo lhc tcrmination lhcrco, h) l-andlord: (iiitnot scel to termindlc lha 1..&rc or lalc an) oll\ct itSainsl anr parment rcquircd from lcnant h1 rc&\on olanr act or onrirsiol ol l.andlord until Tenanr shall ha\c Sircn Nrillen lbn) ti!e t{5t da)r' nolicc ofruch act or omission lo l.mdkrd's monga8ce or Flri,:pecrirc purchx\dr and an opponunit) ro curl' :uch Jelaull Nilhin such pcriod. \Rl t( t-1. I I .\sstc\ ]t EiYl- A\ t) sl Bt,ETTl\c €) 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1694 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA (iii) in no tvcnt shall Landkrrd hc requircd lo rcplace Tenarrl'r sl()cl in trade. fixlurcs. fumiturc. lumishings. fl(x). covcrings or cquipmcnl or an\ altcralhn\. decomli()n\. additions or inrpro\cments mad. h! Tcnanl. Nol\r ilhsranding iurllhing to thr conrrary conlaincd hrrcin. l-ardbrd rna! clccl lo lcrminalc this I !1\( upon gi\ing nolicc ol such clcclion l(, l(nanl\ithinninctt(90)dalsaflcrthl'occurrenccol an) casualt\ ilan\ ofthc folh\ring shall occuri (i)l.andlord is nol rcqu'red to icpair as hcreinabovc protided. including. withoul limilalion. due to lailurc to recci\'!'adcqualc insurancr proceeds: (ii) l-andlord's cstimate ol lhc cost to reFlair lhc l,cased I'rcr iscs is 50o,i, or nntrc ol-lhc cosl ol_r!'placcment ol thc l.cascd Premi\cs: ( iii) Landlord'\ cslimatc ofthe cosl k) r.pair thc huilding in *hich lhc l.cased Prr'miscs irc conlained i\ 25o; or morc ol lhc cosl of repluccmunt of such buildinSi ( ir') l-andlord's astimatc ol'the cosl to rcpair all huildinSs (tal(n in the aggrcgntc) in lha Ccntcr is nrore than l5oo of the aggrcSat(' cosr of rcplaccmcnl ofsuch buildinB\: or (r ) thr l..r*_d Prcmiscs or thc'building in $hich lhe l-cased ltcmises src conlained arc damagcd in Nholc or in suhstMtiol pan (as dctcnninerl h1 l.andlord in the crcrcisc ol its ref,sonahlc disaretion) during the last 2.1 nlonths ofthe Leil\c lcml. ll anr such casuall\'rcndcrs the l.citscd Prcmiscs unlcnirntable. in \rholc or in pan. and il'lhe casualt] shall nol have hl"'cn duc lo thc ne8liSencc 1rr rrilllul acl or omission of l'enant. its officars. agcnts. conlrack)rs. cmplo)€es. scEanls. lcsse€s. cuslomcrs or inr il.'cs ur an-\onc else acting on fcoant sbehrll. lhcn a proportionalc abalenrenr ,r l' thc Rcnt shall h!.allo$cd,ionr thcdate\lhl.n th. casualtr mcurrcd untilthc dalc l.andlord compleres lh!'rcpniring or reb!ilding otthr l..a\cd Prcmises. Such proponionalc ahalcmcnt shall hc computcd (!n thc hasis of thc rclation \\hich thc net rcntable square ttcl ol the spacc rcnd('n:d unlenanlablc bcars to th. nct r.ntablc squarc fccl containql riilhin thc Lcascd l'rLmi*s. Thc delcrmination ofthc Fronion ol the l.(asdd Premiscs $hich is rcndcrcd unllnantabla as d Nsult ofthe occuncnce of any such c.r.\uirhy shall be m le b)'Landlord in lhe exercisc ol-ils reasonable discretion. Noluithstonding anllhing lo the conlrlD conlaincd h€rein. thc occurrmce ol-u cil.iualF shall not resuh in any ahatr'ment \rhatsoc\('r of Tcnanl's rrhligation m pa) RenL eiccpl .$ pro\ided abo1a. ll l undlord is rcquircd or eleclr,10 rcpiiir the l-cil\cd ltemises a-s hcrl'in pro\ided. lcnanr shall rcpair or rcplace its stocl in tradc. lixtures. lirmiturc- fumishings. Ikmr corcring\ and equipmcnt lnd an) ahcralions. dccoralions. dddilions or improtements madc h) lcnant. and ifl(nonr has closcd lbr husiness. l'cnanl shall prompll! rcopcn for husincss upon lhe completion o[such rcpairs. Nor$i(hslandin8 an)lhing t() lhc contra4 contirincd hcrein. no damage to thr lcoscd Premi\cs or tha Cenlcr \hxll entillc lcnant to lerminate this l-ease or surender pos\(ssion ol rh!'l-cased Premiscs. nor shall an) sulh datnage alltct Icn0nfs liahilil) Ii)r thc palmcnt ol Rent or lhc pcrlbrmance ol an\ othcr (o\cnant conlained hcrein. crccpt as mal h( \pcciticall] proridcJ in lhis I casc. N ol\r ilhstand in! ilnlrhing lo th( conlran containcd hcrcin. Landlord rhall ha\e no ohligalion lo rebuild lhc Lcased Prr'miscr or an) buildings $ithin th('( cnt. and ma\. at ih oplion. cancel lhis l-ra\c. illhc damagr is a rcsult ol lhc occurrencr ol-u casuali)- $hich ir nol covered bl l.andlord's insurimcc policies. S.ction 12.2 - Condemnalion. ll lh!. entire l-eassd Prcmises shall bd approprialqd or talcn under thc po\rer or lhreal ofcmincnl Jomain b! an) public or quasi- public aulhorit). thcn Ois l.ca!e shall terminirtc dnd c\pirc as ol lhe dale oilhc rcsting ol lillc lh.relo in such authorit). and Ldndk)rd and Tenant shnll thcrcupon hd rcle[scd from an1 funher liabilily or obligation hercundcr (except lbr an1 liabilitl \rhich has accrucd prior to thc datc ofsuch lrrmination). ll nn) pan ofrhc lci:scd Prcmiscs shall be tak.n \ albre-*iaid and:iuch panial talinS shdll rendcr thal ponion not so lakcn unt(.narlable {as d.tcrmincd b! Landh)rd in th. r'\crcir. of ils reasonablc discretionl lhr'n lhis Lea* shall l.nninate lnd cxpir. as aforcsaid. ln Jddilion. if morc than 25oo ofthc ncl renlahle \quarc iaet olspacc in thc buildintr in uhich tht'l.cascd Prcmises arc containcd shall be taktln i!\ aforesaid. l.mdlord mal. h! \rittcn noticr t() lenanl lerminalc this l-ei6c. such trrmination ki hc clltcli\e as alor('snid. lfsuch panial laling is not so exlcnsive as to rcndcr lhc part ofthe l,cascd Premiscs nol lio takcn unlcndrluble. then lhis l-ease shall conlinuc ill lirll forcc and cl'l'ect. except lhal thc Renl shall hc rsluced in lhe same proportion thsl thc ncl rcnlahlc squarc lccl ol spacc conlaincd in the pan ofthc l-cased Prcmises talcn bears to thc original net rcntahle square fcl]t contlined wilhin thc l.eased Premises lealicd to Tcnant hcrcunder. ln suah rrent. l-undlorrl shall. urnn rccuipt o[fte a$ard in condemnati()n. rnakc all neccssu4 rcpairs or nlt('ralions lo the buildin8 in $ hich the l.cased Premixs an contained v! as lo conslitute thc ponion ol-su(h huilding not talcn .rs a complete drchilcctural unit. Nor$ilhslandin8 an)lhill8t lo the conhrq conlained h.rcin. an) rcpairs or altcrations required to bc madc h) l.dndlord hcrcunder shall nol excccd lhc scope o, lhc l}ork to be donc h) l.andlord in originall) construclinS lhe subjoct huilding. nor shull Landlord hc rcquired lo spend for such $ork an amount in excess ol'tha amounl rcceircd h) Lardktrd tL\ damagcs li)r lhc part ofthc l-ca.\cd Prcmiscs so lalen. for th. purposcs hcrcof'. thc amounl recei\cd h) l.imdlord shall mcim thar pan ol thc.r\rard in sondcmndtion for thc raluc ofthe dinlinirhed fec uhich i. licc und clear k) I:rndlord ofant collcclion b\ an] ronSagee. ground or und.rlling lcsrcr or oth!.r patt\ to an) llnxncinS or refinancing ol thc ('cnlcr. Wh.nercr thc Rcnt shnll be abatcd pursulnl lo rhis Scclion. such ahalcmcnt shall continuc until lhc drlc $hich shall hc the lirst to occur oll (i).ti ds),s allcr l. ndlord nolillcs lcnanl that rhc l.ciL\ed Premiscs hdv!'bccn suh\tanlially repaire(l and rcstored: or(ii) lhr dalc 'l'cnant's hu\i[css operations ilr( rcstorcd in ll]c l.cascd Prcmiscs. as modificd. il applicable. l.andlord's lnitials: Pagr I6 oI 15 Icllant shall not r^u cnlitled to raccivc and cxprcssl]' $aives all claims lo an) condcmnalion awards nrndc lbr an]'taking. *hethcr Nhole or pani:rl. alld \lhdhcr ftrr diminution in raluc oflhc lc&sehold or the fcc. Tenant. ho$c\c.. shall ha\c thc righl to clnim liom the condcmncr. hut not liom l-andlord. such compr'nMtion as ma\ he recolcmhlc h) lenant in ils o$n right l-or dirmagc to Tenanl's husiness- tl\turcs dnd i rprovemenls instrlled bJ Tcnant nt ils solc cosl ilnd cxpcnse pro\idcd same do$ not rcduce lhr amounl to be paid lo I nJlord. lenant's lnitials: G) 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1695 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA \R I t( LU t-r DETAULT Saclion 13.l - Evcrta of D.fiult: ('ur. Pariod. 'fht'following events shall hc dccmcd to bc cvcnls ofdcfauh h) I cnanl undcrthis l,casc: {a) Tenanl's l'ailurc l() pa} an\'Rent when due hercundcr: (b) Tenant's lhilurc lo kc'cp or pcrform anl ol lhc olhcr tcrms. covenants or obligations o, this l-case required lo he kcpt or pcalbrmcd hc.eundcr: Tltc l'iling h) or aluinst I enant in an)' coun. pursuunl to un\ rtatutc. aitharoflh!'t'nitcd slalr's or an\ stalc. ofopetition in bankruptc) allcging insol\anc] or seekinS reorgani/ation. the appointment oia rcc(.i\cr {rr trustec. ar arr:llgcmanr undcr the llanlruptc\ Aals. or an) similar tlpc ol procccding and the lbilurc ol f(nant l(, cau\e an! such fllinp lo hc dismissrd \rithin p.ri( ofnrcn$ (20t da] t allcr lhc dale ofsuch filing: rc) (d, (c) (r) Tcna[t's mifiing or proFDsed making ofan assiSnn]cnl lirr the benefit ofcreditoni: 'fenanl s lal\ilicalir)n ol'an) monela4 repon to I anrllord: or Tenant's removltl or allampl to rcmol e. or manili'\ling nn inlcntion to mote. lenanl's g(Dds or propcnl liom or out ol the Lea-\cd l'r.mis.r orhenrise lhan in the ordinarl irnd usual cours. ofbusincs\ sirhout harirl8 firsl paid and sflislicd Landlord lor all R!'nt \hich mal hecome duc rluring drc tcrm ofthis Lea-se. lnth!-evcnl$atth!-dclrultisl('nant'sfailur.tomalcdJralmcnrNhrnduc. l,ardlord shall pro\ idc $rinen notice rhercol lo 'lenant and'lenant shall havelilr(5)dr)\fiomthcrccciptofnolicc\rilhin\rhichlocuresaidpalmcntdcfault. In the clcnl thal lhc dclauh is othcr lhan lcnant's failurc r o m ak( a pa! mcnt \ hen due. Land k)rd shall pro! ide $ rinen notice lherco[ to I !'nant and Tenanl shal l hat !' ten ( l0) dats from the receipt of nolicc \r ithin $hich to cure said dcfault .rcept that there shall be no curc Jrcriul applicablc for defaulls undcr subs*tions (c). (d) or (c). SGrtion lJ.2 - l,rrdlord's Rights on Defrult. I pon th. occurrcncc ofun] aicnt ofdefault undcr Scclion l.l.l that is not limcl) curcd. thc l.andlord. at its cl€ction. mn) s\('rciic an) on{ or rnorB ofthe follo\ring oprions. rhc erercis. ofan] oft\hirh \hall not be de.med to precludc thr'.rcrcisc ofanl othcrs hcrein listed or olhcnrise provided bl slalulc. al c(rmmon la\r or in equil) al thc slme or ul suhsequcnt timcs: (a, The declaration lhal this Lease is terminalcd. irr shich clt'nt l-andlord rna] rcqntcr upon and take possessi()n ol thc Leased l'remiscs on ilr o$n bchalt'. Nhereupon all right. litle dnd interest oflhe lcnunl in nnd lo thc Lcascd Prcmiscs ir.nd this l.easr shall tcminatc. Ienanl shall remain liabL'lirrall Renr du. under this l,ease rnd lbr all damages sullercd b) tandlord hccausr' ol l cnanl s brcach ol anv ol thc colenant\ olthis Lcasc. rb) (c)Ihc dr'claration thdl lhc enlire rcmaining unpaid Rcnl l'or the halancc ofrhc l-casc lcrnr shlll be duc and pa\ahlc. In dctermining thc cumulali\r ponion oiopcrdting []\pcns('s duL'to Landlord as a rcsull ol-lhc accclcmrion and dcLlartri()n under lhis suhp{ragrlph. thc highel Ten0nt's Pr()porlionalc Share of Operaring |\pcn\.s lh.relofore paid h} lcnanr during any prcccding t-casc Year shall he presumcd l() hc cqual lo Tenanl's ponion ot ()pcrding Expenscs pa)ahlc filr ihc remaindcr (tl thc l.cased'ferm. No reentry ot aetaking pos\cs\i([ ol the Leaserl l'rcnriscs hl l-andlord shall bc conslrucd &\ iul clccti(rn on its pan lo tcmlinatc lhi\ l.casa. unlcss a tr lten noticr ofsuch inlantion is Siren to I enant. ll l.ardlord elccts to ,ecnter and lalc posscssion ofthe l-co-sed Prcnir!.s. it mr) thareatl.r icrminat!' this l.casc as scl lorth abo\'c at an! timc lhcrcallcr. ll l.andlord clects ttr rcentcr and lakc possrssion oIthc I ciAcd Prr'nliscs. it ma] make such altcrati(]ns and rcpairs as it det'nr\ ncccssa4 or appropriatc in ordcr l(i rclcl lhc I cascd Paemis$ or an) frun thcrcol. l-or such tclm or lcrmli t\rhiah ma) bc for a term c\tcndintl hcyrnd thc Lcase Term ). al such renlals dnd upon such othcr tcrms and .ondirions as Landlord. in its s{)lc dis-r!'lion. ma} deem ad\irabl(. I rpon each such rclcning. all rcnlal fru)mcnts receiled b) l,andlord lionl sxch .eleninB shall bc appliedi linil. as lo lhe patmenl ofan! Pagc l7 ol'25 t, Landlord'slnitials:'fenant'slnitials: -[te termination ol lcnanl's right lo posscssitrn under this l.casc. in \]hich cvcnl l,aldlord ma1 rcentcr and rctakc possession oflhc l.cascd Prcmises ard atlcmpt to rclet the l-cased Premises (or an! ponion (hereoo on behalfof'lcnant at such rctll and undcr such terms a.nd condilions ilr l.andlord mal desm obtainirblc under the circumstarccs lbr ths purposc oireducing l('nanls liabilit] herr'undcr. lmdlorJ rhall not be deemcd to hrlc th('reh\ t.rminarcd rhis Lcirsc or acceptcd a surrander ofthe l-eLsed Premist's. ond Icnitnl shall remain liablc frrr all Rcnt duc under this l-ciNe and l(rrnll damages rulli'rcd h] l.!ndlordbecauseollcnirnt'\hrcacholan!oflhcco\cnantsol-thisl-cise. 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1696 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA indcblcdnc\\. ot hcr l hxn Rtinl. Juc hcrcundcr from I'cnan t k) l . nd k,rd: \.'cond. tr ) thc pa\ mcnl of an\' costs ard c\pcnscr ot \nc h rc lcl in g- including. \rithoul linit{lion. hrokeruge fees. attome!'s fees and costs ofsuch altrmtions auld lepairst lhird. lo thc patnlenl ol ltr t dur and unpaid herclndcr: N ilh lhc rcsidue. ifan1. ro be held h1 l.ardlord .urd applic,I in par ment of luturr rent and oficr chargc:, as thc \anrc nri.r\ tlct'omc du. and pa) hlc he.cunder. lfthe reotal pa\ments rcc.ivcd liom such rclcttin8 during an) month arc lcss lhan nll thc Rcnl r..quircd to bc paid durine thal mo lh h\ I cnsnl as sel fbnh h.'rcin. l-cnanl shLlll i mcdiatel\ pa\ an\ such dcficicnc) to Landl()rd. Such dcllcicncr shall hc calculatcd and fraid nlonlhl\. As a malcrial induccmcnl to entcring inlo this l.clr\s- th!'pa(ics do $aivc lrial h) juo in anJ'action. proc('cdin8 or countcrclaim brouthl b) cithcr oflhc panics hcrcto againsl thc olhcr nri:int out oI0r in nn-\ \n1 conncclcd $ith this Lcasc. lhe relarir)n\hip rr, l. dk)rJ and Tenanl or'lcnul'l use oa occupanc\ oflhc Lcased Pramiscs and or lh! ('ommon Areas. ln thc c\ent ofa Tcnant dclault ol lhis Lcirsr. I.andlord shall ha!c. in addilion to an) othcr rcmedics $hich il ma) ha\c hcrcunder. the rigtt to invoke an\ remed) allo$cd nt laN or in equit). including \ri(hout limilation. injunctile rcliei and lhc righl to collcct consrquenlial damages. Not$ilhstanding ullhing lo lhe contran containcd in fiis l.eii-se. l.andtord rcseres all rights trhich nn) slalc or ltrcal laus. rules. rcgulations or ordinanccs conlcr upon a ldrdlord ugninst ! -lcnirnt default. Section l -i.-l - \o \\nircr Scction lJ.4 - Etp.ns.s of l:nforc.m.nt D.f.ult Int.rc.t, ll it shall bc ntccssar,'- lbr Landlord to givr' one or morc nrillen notices 10 Tenant of an) violalion of anr corendnt ol this l.aasc. thcn l.andlord shall h( cfltitlcd to: (s) rnakc an adminislrativ!'chargc to lcnant ol !15.00 lbr each slch notice: (hl chargc rll cosls and erpenses (including a rciNonable dmount for intemal costs) irtising in r.onncction nith any violation ofany covcnanl o, this lca\c; ilnd {c) charge a dclhull intcrcst rate oftcn percent (l0olo);161 616x6 on unpnid Rcnt until lhc dcl'aull is curcd or a judgmcnt is ohlirincd. l.nant recogniTcs and aSrccs that: (i) all charges lrhich Lmdlo.d irc cntitlcd to malc undcr this Section and olher provisir)n\ o[this l.cir,,e reprcsents at thc timc this l.cil.se is madc. a fair and rcs-sonahlc cstimat. ol-thosr.corl, \rhich nill be incurred b! [,andkrrd in administrolion trl' the Canler \r h ich ar( attrihuEblc to anl" of thc cvcnls descrihcd hcrc in: and ( ii ) such costs are nol contemplated or inc hdcd i n irn) othcr Rent proridcd to nL paid h1 Icnanllol.andlordundcrthisl-casc.:\n\char8csh(comingJucundcrthisScctionshall be addcd toand btrcomc dut' Nilh lh( ncxl (nsuinS Rcnt pa)menl and shall be collectible u\ pan thc.d)l. S.ction 13.5 - l,cgrl Erp.rs.s. lf il shall hccomc ncccssal for LardlorJ or Ienant to cmplol thc rcnica\ ol an atlome\ to enforcc an\ ol ils rights undcr this l-case or lo collcct i \sum\dueloitundcrthisLe&\corlorcmed]thchrcacholan]corcnantofthisLeaseonthcpanoflhr-orhcrlob( kcpl or pcrli)rmed. the n('n-prelailing parq shall pa) to thc olhcr \uch l-ccs ir\ shall tlc rc.sonsbll charged h] lhe olhe/s allomc\ tbr surh sctriccs. \Rl t( l. t: l{ A('( ESS A\D 0t tt]'r t.\.t()] \r]_\T S.clion ll.l - Righa of Enary. lffdlord or its rcprcsentatives shall havc lhe right k) entur lhc J.cds!'d lrrcnises l\rilh noticc to Tcnanl unlcss an cmcrgcncv occu^ thirn no noticc is nrccssan ) al all reason ab lc hours of ar!. da! during thc Lcirn Icrmlo: {a) asccnain ifthc LeascrJ l,renriscr irrc in propcr ,!-pair and condilii)n: (b| malc rcpaini. additions or allcmlions thcrckr or k) lhc building in uhich lhe samc arc contirincd. uilhout lhc \ame constil tl(ing n,l c! ict i()n o l l cnant in \r hole or pall or cnlilling lhc l'cnitnl lo un\' abalcmcnt o f Ren t or other chargcs pat irh lc h] il hcrc undcr $hilc such r!'pairs. a(ldilionr or allcralions atc being madc: and lc) sho\r lha l.ca:ied l'rcmiscs lo prospecti\e purtharcrs. lsldcr\ rnd tcnrnt5. Il lcnanl \hall not hc pcrsonal,! present to pcrmil an\ such cntn ilt(,lh(' l.cascd Prcmises. lhen Landlord ma)'cnt$ thc sitrnc h\ it ntn\lcr ke)'or h\ rhc use ol li)rcc. \rithout rcndcring Landlord liahl!'thcrcfi).. iuld *ithout in irn) manner affecting l_cnanfr ()hlignli(nl\ undcr lhis Tcnanl's lnirirl\ (D [-andlord's lnitials l'age l{t ol':5 Icnanl alrccs lo pay all costs aad expenses of collection (includi0g rca.\onahle intcrnal cosls). inlcre$ and rcasonirhlc irtlomcy s l'ccs arising lionr a dclaull undcr Scction 13.1. whether or not a suit i\ instilulcd. lhc lailurc ol l..rndlord to insist upon the slricl pcrlbrmrnrc ol an! ol thc lcrms. conditions and covenanls hcrcin rhall not he deem('d k) c* a \rai\L'r ol an) righrs or remcdics thot l-sndlord mn) hd\c and shall not bc decmed a rrail'cr ol an\ subrcquent hrc.rch or detaull in thc tcamJ. condilkus and co\enants herein containcd. c\ccpr ia mal bc c\flrr$ilr $aired in $riting. Ihc maintrnonc!- ofan)'action or procaadin_g to recorcr potsassion ofthc l.eased Premiscs or an1 installmcnl or in\ullm(nts ol Rent shal I not prac luJa I anrl lord from thercahcr in sl ituting an d ma intain in8 \uhstq ucnt action s or procecdings for th(' rsco r cq of por\'\s ion ofthe l-e&sad Premisc\ or oian) olhcr monies thal ma) he duc or bccomc duc liom T!-flanl. including. trilhoul limilation. all c\pcnscs. coud corls and allomcls' ltr's and disburscments incurred b) l.andbrd in rcco\cring posscssion ofthe l.cased Premises and all coslr and chargcs l'or the carc ol thc l..uscd Prcmisas $hile \ acant. An! cntr! or re-cnln hl l-andlord shall nol be dalmed to ahsolre or dischar8a lcna[r liom anr liahilitr hcrcundcr. 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1697 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA l,case. Durin! lhc ninet) (90)drDs nrior to (hc c\pir,rli()n or carlicr tcmrinalion ofth. Leil\c lcrm. Landl(lrd m:l) placc a "for li...rs(" sign on lhe Lcascd I'r(rDisrs. Scction l{.2 ' l,sndlord's ( olcnrnt ['p n pirr nrc h] fi:nant o[ the Rent and upon lhe obsnancc and pcrfonnancc b) Tenant ol oll lh. co\enants. tanr)s and conditions of lcnanl. Tenant shrll hc cnlitlcd lo lr*occilhl) ard quictl) hold and enio] lhc l.cascd Prcmis$ l-or thc tcrm hcrch_\ dcmiscd. $ithoul hindrnncc or inlcrrupli(,r h)' l.andlord or an) (lthcr pcrson or pcrsons la*'lul11 or cquitahll' claiming h). lhrough or undcr l.andlord. subject. nevcrlhclcss. to the rerms and conditions ol lhis [-€&se. including \rirhout Iimihtion lhc subordination prorisions ol Scclion l(1.2. If l.andlord is prcvcntcd fiom pcrforming an1 of its obligations harcLrndcr u5 a rcsult ol'un\ uausc or cau:,c\ hrlond Landk)rd's control (including. Nithout limitation. lahor,lisputcs. civil commolion. \rar. r\ar-lilc oparationr. infasion. rebellion. hoslitilics. milttaD or usumcd po$er. satxrtiSc. gov<'mmenlal rcSulations or conlrol\. lile or olh('r.:rsunlt). act\ of (iod. inabiliq lo ohlain itn\ malerial. {.niccs. or linancing). lhcn Landlord shall hc crcuscd from ptrlbrnrinS suqh obligalions lirr lhc pcriotl ol dclat caused thcrch). AR n( l.ti t5 I t-\A\1 'S PR( )Pt.Rr'\ S.ctior l5.l - Tar.s on Lersehold or P€rsonrl Propertt. Tcnanl shall be rcspohihlc lbr and shall pa) $hcn duc all municipal. count\ or stat[ l&\es assessed during the Laasr' ] $m rgainsl any leasehold intcrcJ or penional prtrpcn) ofan]. kind. o$ned b] or placcd in. upon or atxrut lhc l-eased Ptcmiscs h)'thc l-enitnt. ln addilion. if the l&\ing authorilics include in Irn]' li!\es or asscssmcnls lcvied or iNs.'sscd againsi thc ( cnlcr. lhe value ol any improvcmcnts made by Tenant. or if such t&\ing aulhorilics include machincq. cquipment. ti\lurc\. inventort or oth('r pcrsonal propcn) or ass€ts of I cnanl in suah la\cs or asscssrncnls. then Ienant shall also pa\ all \uch t&,(cs arld a{\'ssnlcnls allocabl!'lo such ilcms. Scclion 15.2 - l,oss rod Drmrg.. l.mdlord shall nor hc r$Fbnsibl. for an) danrir.lre to pmpenl oi lcnant or ofothcni l()cat.d in or atpul the Leascd Premiscs and/or lhe Common Arcas. nor for the loss of or darnagc lo dl|) propcrt! of'l'cnant or of othen b) lhcft or misappropriatirrn or othcnr isc. Landlord rhall nor ht liohle lbr an\ injun or damage to pcNons or propen) resultirlg from tlrc. c\plosion. lalling plirsler. stcafl. gas. eleclricil). Naler. ririn or laaks liom an) pafl ofthc l-c.Ned Premises or lionr the pipes. appli,rnces or plumhine uorls or tiom lhe r{nt srragt or stlhsurfacc or liom an] othcr pl.tc('or b! ilampncss or br an] olhercau*_ ol \hat.rcr natunr. Landlord shall notbc liahle li)r an) such damagc riruscd b) olhcr tcnants or Ftcrrons in thc [.cascd Prcmises. occufrants ol-adjaccnt nropcn). occupanlr of thc Cantar. or thc puhlic- or damagc.' cuuscd b] op€ral ion s in conslrucl ion of an) nri vatc. public or olhcnr isc for an) lal.n I delic( in lhe I cascd Premises or thc ('cntcr. a\cept th{ i a 'l en anl shallgivc noticc to l-andlord !rilhin u pcriod ofone ( l)leir from the datc Icnail lales posscssion ofthc l.c&scd Prcmiscs ofthe c\islcncr of itny such latcnt Jcltct. lhen. prov id cd such dcfecl shal I nol have resu hcd lion) an!' acl. om issio . alteral ion or improvcment madc b! I enanl l-andlord shall repair such dcfcct. Landlord shall nor hc liablc and shull bc kcpl ha.mlcrs from an) and all claims arisinB dirccll) or indirectl) oul ()l dirmage to,rnl nnd sll propenl ol lenanl \epl or storcd in or ahoul thc lcascd Premiscs and or the Common ,\rcas. including suhrogulhrn alaim' h] l(nrnt's insuran(( (Jnicr\. ARt t( l,t: t6 1t()l.t)t\(; o\'IR ,\\l) sl c('EssoRs Scction l6.l - llolding Orer. Il lcna t rcmains in posscssion of thc l.ca:icd Prcmises atcr lhc !'\piralion ol-thc lcnancl cn:atcd hereundcr and \rithoul lhe c\!-cution ol a n$r lcase. lenant. 0t thc option of l.andbrd. shall b,c dacmcd t(i b!. occup)in8 the l-ea-sed Prcmirt's a\ a tenant hom monlh-to- rnonth. and such tenanc) shall bc subjccl to all thc prorisions ol lhis l.c&\r. exccpl thal lh( 8as€ Rent duc lor each month during such tenancy shall hc cqual to one hundrrd filly percenl (l50120) oflhc Bnsr Rcntducinrhc lasl month oflhc l.casc'l'crm. Tcnant shdll al\o be rcsponsihle for palmcnt ol lcnant's Proponional sharc ol Opc!-ating lr\pcnses. Applicahlc SaL's-lar and Additional Rcnt. iI n) Ihere shall bc no rqnc$al of lhir l.ca.sc h1 operation of lau. Nolhing herein shall be constmed as a coNcnl b) I-{ndlord tothe poss!'\si{)n ol ftc Laased Premiica h! Tcnanl allcr lhc c\piration olthc lerm or an) tcrminalion ol lha Lcasc b) l.andlord. or as un crclusirc rcmcd) in thc cvcnt ofa holdo\cr- lilenanl l:rils ro surr.nd!'r lhc l.&\dd Prcmin\ upon rcrminalion ol lh!. l.ase. rhcn Icnanr shall. in addili()n to an) orhcr liabiliticr to l.fidlord accruing lh€refrom. indcmnil,r luld hold l.andlord hamlcss ltom unJ loss or liahilitl rrrulting from such liilure. includin& $ilhoul limilation. any claims made b) an) succccding lenanl foundcd on such faihrrc. Seation 16.: - Successors. ,\ll rights and liabilities h.rcin gi\en l(t. or imposed upon. thc rc,ipccli\( panic5 hcrcto 5hall inurc ro rhc bcnctlr o1'. h('binrling upon md enlbrcaahlc b] and againsl lhc rcspcclire hcirl. c\c!utors. administraloa. successoni md assigns ofsaid fanics: pro\idcd. ho$crcr. thal no ri8hs shall inurc lo the henc,il ol atll assignec ol l ('naol unless lhc il\siSnmcnl lo such i$signee has been appro\cd b) l-andk)rd in \riling ilr providcd in scc(ion Il.l. Landlord's lnitials; I cnant's lnitials Pagc l9 of25 t&l 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1698 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA AR',t't( t.u r7 \|lSCr. r.r llf.tQ! s Seclior l?,1 ' lccord and Sstisfrction. No pa!,mcnt h)., ! cnant or rrccipl by Landlord of a lesscr ahount lhan the pavmcnls herrin stipulatcd shall hc dccmcd lo hc othar than on accounl of thc earlicn such stipulllr'd patmcnls. nor shall an\ ('ndor*_menl or Jlalammt on an) ch(ck or ant lctlcr accompan) ing the checl or pa) mcnl he dccmed an accord and satisiacli{rn. and Landlord mat accepr such check or pa}'mcnr \virhour pr!'iudicc to I ilndbrd's rights to rBcover the balancc of such palmcnls then duc or pursue an} olh.r rem.d)' pro\ idcd in $is l.cilsc. Scction 17.2 - Ertirc A8rccm.nt. I his Lease and thc crhihits rtlachcd herct() \ct lbnh all co\cnanls. promiscs. a{r!(mcnts. condirions and unJcrstandings h(trrcen I-ardlord iuLl Tenaat aon(rminE thc I cir\cd l)ramises and lhcre arc no othcr corenanl\. promis€s. aqNcmcnts. condili()ns or understdndings. either oral or rrritien. hct$een tham {)lh('r than thosa \rhich are sal li)nh hereir. I'.rcepl as olhcnrisc provided hcrcin. no suhscqucnt alterations. changcs oradditions lo this l.casc shall bc hinding upon l-an hrrd or'l'enant. unless reduccd to sriting and tllll ercculcd ht bolh Landlord ond'lenant. S..lion l7.J - Io Prrhership. l.andload shall not in an) $a\ or for an| purposr, be deemcd a panner oI lcnanl or in a i(]inl adlenturc r)r a mcmber ol-a ioint enterprise $ith Tenant. S.ction ! j.{ - \otices. All notices rcquircd or permittcd to bc 8i\i:n hcrcundcr shull he in l^ritinl- An) nolicc b\ lcnant to Landlord must hc *-ncd personoll). by certilied mail or guamnt*'d ovcmighl canicr. poslagc prcp,rid. addresscd to Landlord dl lhc addtcss sel tbnh in lhe dclinilion for Landkrrd or at such othrr address cs Landlord nrar dcsignatc t'rom timc to tim. h) \\rincn nolicc to lenant- Allcr lhe Commcnccm.nl Date. an] noricc b) l.andlord to Tenant \hall be d.lircrcd to lenant xt thc Le&\cd l'remiscs or *-r\ cd person0ll). h\ cenilled mnil or guaiant!'cd o\amighl d!.lircL'\. postagc prcpaid. addrcssr'ij to Tenirnt nt thc l.eased Prcmiser or at such othr'r addres\ &\ lcnant shall J!'siSnale fiom linr.'lo lime b\ r\rittcn noticc to l.nnJlord. I'rior to the ('onrnrcncemmt l)at.. any such nolicc ma\ be givcn b)_ Landlord to fcnant in lhc afoftsaid rrirnncr al lhc addrcss designa(ed lbr the sam('h) lenant. Nolilc shall be d.cmcd lo bc propcrl) Sivcn lo lcnanl iladdnssed to Tcnanl al ils l t knolrn addrc$s. rcgardll]ss ol'rrhen lcnanr r!'cci$es (or rcluics dcli{cr-1 ot) same. Scction 17.5 - C.plionr xnd Scction Iumb.rs. lhe capti(rn\ s!'ction numbers. unicle numbcr\ und table ol conlents appr:aring in lhis l.ca.s.'arc ins*ncd onll as a nrdler of conteniencc and in no $il\ deline. Iimil. con\true or dcscribe the \copc or intenl ol \urh st'clions or urticlcs oflhi\ I case. oor rn .rnr $at nltect thir l.ciNe. Section 17.6 - Use of l'roroun and Dclinition. l'hc \tord " lcnirnl" shall be dccmcd and lokcn lo mea! cach alld cvcn pcrron ntcntioncd &\ n tcnant hcrcin rurd. if therc shall he more lharl onc fmant. ant 0olicc requir!'d or pcrmillcd h] lhe tcrms (tl this Lcasc may bc givcn b} or k) un\ onc thcrco[and shall hare the same frrrcc;{rd effccl a:' il Silen lo all lhcrcol. Thc u\c oflhe neut('r \ingular pronoun to rcfer lo l.undlord or T!'nant shall bc dccmrd a propcr reLrcnce cvcn rhoutt l,andlord or I cnant ma) hc an individual. J pannc.ship. a corpoftttion or a Sroup of l$o or morc individuals. corporalions or parlnerships- Thc neccssim gfttmmalical changcs required to malic lhe provisions of this Leasc applt in lhc plural scnse \rhcrc therc is more lhan one Landlord or I cnanl 8nd k! cilhcr corrorati()ns. associati(nrs. panneEhips or hldil iduals. nl.llas or l.mnlcs. shall in all instancr.s be assumcd as lhough in circh case fulll crprcssed. Saction 17.7 - Brokcrage ( ommissionr l he l,andlord \hull be rcsponsihlc tbr palmcnl ol an!' b.okcrdgc commisskrn\ or finder's li.$ rcsulting from an agreement cntr'rcd inlo h] l.lndlord for lhe pa\ mcnt olsuch commissioni und or lles as a resuh ofenterinc into this Lcil..c. -lenanl's lnitials: Paee l0 ol:i Il lhere shal| hc more than ooc Icnanl namcd h(ycundcr. lhc) \hall !-ach bc hound jointll' ltnd sc\erall) Iiab[. Ior thr performance ofall thc tcnns. corcnarrlr Jnd agrccrncnl:i conlaincd hcrcin. Nothin8 conujned in lhi\l.cascshall inan\ nranncr r(.stricl l.andlord's right to assign or cn(umber lhir I cat and. in thc crcnt Lan(llod \clls. tran\li'rr or othcnrir. dispores of ils inlcrc\t in lhc (-cotcr and lh(- pursha{('r or tmnsltr!'c assum(-s l.nndlord s ohliSrlions and co\cnanls hereundcr. lhcn Londhrd shall thcrcupon hc relicred ol dll lUnher ohtigations and covenants hefeundsr. G) t.arrdlord's lnitials: 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1699 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA S.clion l7.t - P.rtirl Inv.lidity, lf any term. colcniurl oa condition ol_ lhis l,case or thc applicotidr lhereof to an) pcrson or circumstances is elcrninad io bc invalid or unenlorccahlc. lhc rcmaindcr ofthis l-casc. or lhc applicalion ol'such tcrm. covenanl or condilion to pcrsons or circunrslanccs othcr than lhose as to $hich it i\ dclcrmined to bc invalid or uncnlbrcclhle. sh ll nol he sliacted thcrch\' ilnd !'arh telm. covenanl or condilion ol' this Leas€ shall be ralid and cntbrccd lo the lullcsl c\renl permined b] l:Ir. scclion 17.9 - \o ()ption. 'l-he suhmi\\ion ollhis Lease ftrr eumination does not conslitutr ir rc\trralion o, or oplt)n l'or thc l.cased Prcmisrs xnd this Lease shall bccomc c,ltclirc onl) upon (he e\ecutioo and drlircn'thereol h) l.nndkrrd to l'cnanl. Scction l7.l I - l,iahilit) of l-sndlord. Nor*-ilhslanding anyhing to thc contr ) containcd in this l-c.r** or at latr or in equit). Ienirnl hcrcby cxpressl! ackno\rl('d8cs and ullr!'cs that thcrc shall al no timc be or be conslrucd as being any pcrson l liabilill" b) or on thc pan ofLandlord under or in rcspcd ofthis l.*se or in ant- wa) rclatcd to thc Leasad l'rctniscs. fcnant ftrlhcr {cknorlledgcs and a8rees that lcnaht is acceptinS this l,casc ond the cslalc created hcreb) upon and subjcct lo lhc undcnitanding lhal h shall nol cnlbrcc oa s{'ck to cnlorce an} claim or iudgmcnt or un} othcr matter. for monc] or othcr\ris.. personall] (ir dir.cll] againsl ant oftlccr. dircclor. stockholdcr. panncr. principal ldiscloscd or undiscloscd). represenralile or agcnt ol l.andtord or an] ai'filiitt. ol [.andlord. Tenant shall look sol.l! ro the I andklrd \ inlerest in the ('entcr tbr lhc sdtisfaction ol an) and all claims. rcm.dics or iudlunenls in l'avor o[Tcnanl requiring thc pa]ment ofmonc] h! l- dlord. subiect. horrc\.r. lothcp orrighlsol irn] lround or underl] inB lcsso6 or thc holders of any morlgllgcs covering the Ccnl0r. .-rnrl no other judicial proces\ for the satisfaction ol l-cnsnt's claims hcrtundct. Thc cxculpation of penionill linhili$ as hercin scl fonh $0s a malcrial induccmrnl lbr Landlord cnlcrinlr inlo lhis Leas€ and shall bc absolute- unconditional and $ithoul c\ccption ofany liirrd *hatsotver. S..tion | 7.12 - Benkruptc\. This is a lc,rsc oi rcal propera in a cr'nrer Nilhin the nrcanine ol \165(hl(3)oflhe ltankruptc) Code. ll L'.S.( . rs165lh)(3). lf Icnanl proposcs lo assi8n this l-easc pursuant to lhc prorisions ol lhc llunkruptcl Codc. ll t.S.( . l l0l ct seq. tthc "Bankruplc! (bdc") lo ant person or entit) \rho shall hal'e madc a hona lide olltr lo accepl irn :r\signme of lhis l-casc on t!'rms acceptablc k) thc lcnanl lhen noticc ofsuch proposcd ilssignmenl setting forth ( i) th. namc and addrcss ol such person. Iii) irll ol lhe l.rms and conditions o, such offer. dnd (iii) thc adcquarr assuranc. to bc providcd l,0ndlord to a5surc such pcrson's fulurc pcrfotman(re und.r thc l,ea-\€. including. without limitation, the d\surancc rcllned to in $165(hxl) oflhr' Bankruptc! (.rxle. shall be given to l-andh.d b! Tcnant no lal.r than [renty (20) ddys after receipt thcrcof h] lcnanl but in an) cvcnt no larcr than tcn ( l0) da)s prior to thc datc that fcnant shall malc lpplications to a cou( of compctant j urisd icrion for aulhoritl and appro\ irl k) enler into such Jssignmanl and assumplion. I.andlord shall lh('rcupon hare the prior righl and option. ro he .r!..cis.d bJ notic. to IcnMl gi\en al an\ rimri prior to thc cffccti\c datc o[sl,lch proposed assignmcnt. lo accepr iu i$rignnEnl ofthi\ Lcasc upon lhc sixnc l.nns iind conditions and tirr thr samc consideration. ifan1. as th. bona lide oller mud( b! such prospecli\c assigDcc. lcss an1 hrotcragc comrnissionr $hich ma1 be parahlc out olthc considcration to he paid bl such prospcctire assignee li)r lhc assignmcnl o, this l.ciae. An) perv|n or cnlilv to which this l-easc is rssigncd pursuant to thc prorisions ofthe ltankruptct- Code. I I tl.S.( . tilol el seq.. shall hr'deemed \rilhrtul li(hcr acl or dR'd to havc lssumcd all oftho obliSations arisinS undr.r thi\ l.case on and aicr $c di c of such &ssignmenl. An) such assignee shall. within ten {10) dals afier dcnnnd lior Landlord. e\c{urc irnd dcliver to l.andlonl an innrumenr confirminS such a-\\umption. \otlr ithslandin8 anlrhing in lhis lcaic lo thc contmD. all amounts pa)able b) Tcna.t l{) or ru bchalf of l-andlord under lhii lcuse. $halher or not c\pr('s\l) denominatcd a\ Rcnt. rhall lonstitulc ('nt li)r thc purposes ol l5l)llb){7) of the llankruprc) Code. ll I .s.(. S502tb){7). Scclion I 7.1J - Attrchmcnts I ncorporrt.d, The exhihits $hich arc allached to lhis l,cil.\c iuc a pan ofthis l.casc and are incorporatcd hcrcin b).rhis rcltren(c. Section | 7.14 - Rclocrtion. Landlord shall hnre th. righl at !n\ linrc during thc lerm b Nlocate $. l-<ascd I'rcnrises k) anorher pfi ol lhc (cnler in accordonce $ith the lbllorrinS: l'2\9l'age !l of?5 scction 17.10 - Recording. Tenant shall not ('cord this l-easc or xn\ mcmor&ldum lhercol. \rith()ut thc prior \rritlca colscnt ofLandlord- shich consen! ma] bc \rithheld in th. solc di\crerion ofLandlord. l.andlord's lnitials: _ Tenant's lnirials: 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1700 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA 'l'hc nrs premiscs shrll bc \lithin len ncrccnt (l0oo, ol lhc size olth( 1..'ascd Prcmisei: Thc phlsical rcloc ion olrhe l.!'i$cd I'remires shall hc accompliihcd h] l-andlord al rl] co\r: l.andloril shall 8i\'c lcn nt ai lr&sl ii\tr (60) dals prior rvaillcn noticc of Land[)rd's intcntion kr n:bcate thc l.c.rscd Premis(.s: (i.l) RersonJhlc. oul-o1--poclct cost\ inlurrcd br -l entur dr a result ol th. relocation. in.luding. Nirhour limilarion. cosrs incurred in chanSin8 arldrcsscs on sttrlioncn. busin$s adrd\. dircctorie\. i \cnisinc. afld \uch other itc[]s. :ihall bc paitl hr I andlord: (c) II thc rclocated pft'mises is a ditltrcnl squar. foolagc lhan the Learcd l'remises dcscrihcd in rhis Lcasr. ( I ) the tlil\c l{cnt shall be adjusld lo a sum computed h! multiplying thc lta-\c Rent spcci,icd in F:\hibir "A ' h) a fraction. the num.rator of rvhich shall trt' the total numher of squarc li'ct in the rclocatad l-ea-sed Prcnliset and lhc dcnominalor ol Nhich shall hc lhc total number of squarc lcut in thc Leascd Prcmisas bato( rclocltion. pn\idcd. ho$erer. in no c\.cnt shirll lhc Basc R(nl hereunder [R- increased as a rcsult ofrhe rclra*alion. and l2) | cnanl's Prop()ni()narc Share ol-thc Opcraring l:\pcnscs shall hc ndiusred. and: (f) Thc panies shall immcdialel! erccurc itn amcndmcnt to this Lcasc \tating the rcl(,calion of thc l-ci$cd Prcmiscr and lhe adjushcnl ol-lhe Basc Rcnr and Tenanr's I'roponionarc shaR. ifan). lhc lbllouing is a notification pursuant lo Ilorida slatutc ,104.()56(t): RADO\ (;AS: "Radon is a natumlh occurinS radioacrirc 8as thal uhcn il has accumuhted in a building in sufficicnl quanlilies. ma\ presenl haahh risks to pcr\onr \rho arc c\po*_d to it o\er lime. l-c\els ofradon thal e\c!.cd ttderal and stalc 8uidclincs ha\e be.n tbund in buildin8s in Florida. Additionill intormat ion regarding rxdon and radon l.'sling ma\ hc ohtained from ) our countl puhlic hcalth unit. ' S.ctior 17.16 - Applic.bl. l,aw Ihc la\r oflhe Stitte of Florida \hall -qo\cm thc tc.ms afld conditions of this l.cil\c S.(tion 17.17 - Tim. ls ofthe Essenc.. I ime is of thc csscncc rvith rcspcct lo thc pcrlirm)mce ofc:rch ol-the co!enunt\ und agreemcnts uontilined in thit l.ease S.ction l7.lt - Cumulelir. Rights. Ite various rights. options. clcdions. poucrs and rcmcdics contained in this l-case shall hr construed as cumulative. and no onc rcmcd!' shall be exclusivc ol any olhcr rcmcd)-. or of iur,y- othe. lcgal or cquitable rcmdl $hich eilhcr partv might olhrrwise huvc in lhc evmt of brcach or deluult irl thc terms hcreot'. and rhc c\crcise of onc rilLhl or .emedr h] such ptut] ihall not impair its riSht to an] other riehr or rcmeJ) until all ohligations imposed upon thl'olhcr para hal!'b.('n l'ull) p('rlbrmcd S..tion | ?.19 - Forc. M.jcurc. Anl prevention. delal'or stoppage duc to strilcs. lockouls. lahor disputes. acts of Cod. inahilitl to ohtain lalxrr or ma(crials or rca-sonahlc suhstilutcs thcrclor. golcmmcnlal actionr. citil commolions. lire or othcr clr\ualtl. and olhcr non-financial causes h(.)'ond the rcasonahld aontrol ol lhr pun] obligal':d to pcrform. shall c\cus€ lhc pcrl'ormance o[such pan) for a pcriod equal t{r a'|\ such prc\enlion. dela! or stoppage. exccpt lhc ohligalidrs. once accn cJ. inrposlrd $irh rc8nrd lo R.nl k, h. paid b) Tenant pursuafll lo rhis l.casc Scction 17.20 - Right to l,.ase l-andlord rcscncs the absolutc rithl to alltct such other lenancics in thc ( cntcr as l.andlord in the excrri\c ol'its sol( busincss jud8ment shall dctelminc. I !'nanl docs nol rch on lhc facl. nor do€\ l.andlord represenl. thal an) :iprcific tcnant or t\pc or number oftcnants shall. duting thc Lcasc lcrm. occup! an) splcc in tha ( cnlcr. Scction 17.21 - Ccnicr \amc Lre. lcnant shall not urc lhe ('cnlc/\ name in an) \rritten or oral ad\cnislmenr or puhlic mailing uithout ohlaining the prior srillcn consenl ol-lhc Landlord. I-andlord's lnitials: _ Tenant's lnitials (n) (h) (c) Pasc ll ol'15 l7 Section 17,22 - Imprrlial lnlerpret{rion. Scction 17.15 - Rrdon. 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1701 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA This l.casc is thc rcsult ol'n!'cotiations bchreen landlord and lcnant und lhcraforc the langutga conlaincd in thi! l.cilsc shall hc conslrucd as i! ltholc according (' its lair meaning trnd not strictll foror a8ainst cilhcr l-andk)rd or Tananl. Section | 7.2.1 - lkzrrdous \laterirh. Tcnanl reprcscnls irnd lramanls lhat it irnd its olliccrs. agcnts. contraclr)trt. emplo)'ci:s. scn'anls. lessccs. customer:\ or inrilcc\ (tr an\'onc else acting on 'lcnant's hchalf sill not slorc. disF,re. prorlucc'. usr- lrirnsport or rrranufacrurc .rn)' roxic or haTardous *aslc or nralerials or pctrolcum pn uctsas dclined or rcgulatcd h\ Iocal. shlc or ltdcral la$ on lhc l.cnsed I'rcnises or an) poni()n ol-thc C(nlcr. 'I cnant shall gi\e Landlord prompt $rilt!'n nolicc ol tha ('\isrence ol. ,rnd or Tcnrnl's disco\cD of. tha p(.scnc.'oior contaninlrl,on ol lhe l.ciricd Premists or thc ( cnter $ith hazardous or loric sastc and-ror nralcrials. In lhe .vcnt'lcnanl o. ar\ of its ol'liccrs. agenls. conlracrcrs. employccs. scrrants. less,lcs. customcrs or in ! itccs or an\ on c c lsc acl ing on I cnanl s bcholl_ violalcs lhc forcgoing prov ision b)' storirg disposin8. pmducing. using- laansponin8 or mirnutacnrin8 an) lo\ic or hiuardous riaste or nralcrials in. on or alxrut the l-r,.arcd l'remisl's or ( !'nter. Tenanl shall indcmniti. deli'nd and holrl I andlord harmless liom an] danra8e. chim. injury. cost or liabilit) ari\ing thcrekom or rclalcd thcrelo. includingall costs ol clcan-up. allome\'\' fics and coun costs. lhc clean-up md disposal ofsuch $asle or malcrials shall hc pcrformcd h) l cnanl al l cn an t's sol. rosl and c\ pcnse an J shitll bc p('rli)rmed in irccordancc 1r i(h al l app l icable l vs- rulcs. rcg ulations rfld ordinanccs. lhe foregoing not$ ithstanding. l.{ndlord in llndlord's iolc irnd ahqrlute discrcrion mit\ clccl. b\ sritten noticc kr Ienanl. tit pcrlbrm th. clcan-up and dispo$l ol-\uch Naslc or materiali liom lhu |.cased Prcmiscs andorlheCenlrr. ln such d\cnt- Ienanl shall pa) x) l-irndlord the aclual cosl ol'same upon receipt for l-andlord or l-andbrd': urincn inroice thcrc,br. The lcrms oflh( indcmnilicnrion sd lbnh in this Scclion shall sun,i\c lhc e\piralion or lcrminalion ol lhi\ l-ea\c. SGCtion 17.2{ - \o l\ aircr. No dclay or (,mission ol'l.andlord lo c.rercisc an) riSht or fx)$cr shall impair anl" s[ch right or po$er. or sholl be construed to hc a \rai\er of a!\ nonperli)rmancc b! I !'niul or an lcquierccnc('thercin. \o Naircr of anr nonperformancc shall hc r'tlectivt'unless il ir in 1r riting. \ o \i rilten $ ai v('r h) Land krrd shal I hc decmed to bc a N ai\ cr of ar\ olhcr I -eas!' pror ision. or ol- a.n) suhscqucnl hrcr(h h) Tcn drt ofthc samc orany othcr provision. l,itndlord's consenl lo r)r approvnl ol any acl h)_ leBanl shall no( hc deemed tl aender unnccessa thc procurement of l-and krrd's con sm t to or approvul of an) scqu('nt act o l l'('nant. rr hclher or nol $imilar to thc acl so conscnted to or approv ed. Scction 17.2S - T.rminition b) T.n.nt The'lenanl has thc ri-qht lo tcrminatc this lcasc. Nithout penult). an! timc onl-r allcr thc initial two+'c!r lcrm. providc Tenanl has gilen lE0 da)s' adlan(c \rrincn notic. to thc Landhrd h) ccnilied mail. rclum rcccipt rcqucsted. I Signanre page.lil L .rrs. l l.andlord's lnitials: I cnant's Inilials I'aee 2i off5 (e \i 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1702 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA Signed. scaled and dclircrcd in lhc prcscnce of: l.{\l)l.ORI): ( Ol.l-l}:R Pl. \Z t. I.l.( t\ l\ itncs\ Namc: I hle: l)arc: \\'irne(\ sTAl'E OF - _ COUNTY OF - Bcforc mc. a notar; public in and fot said stslc and co!nt)'. pcrl$nslly appcarcd-- _ to be his liee act ond dccd on hehalf of I rDdlord l)il!': Ilv: Notan l'uhlic Tenant's lnitials: as lbr .lhe l.andlord in lhc foregoing Leasc. *ho ackno$lcdged lhc signing o[the l.cdse ,^:\ l-andlord's lnitials l'age 24 of25 $ l\ Wl I NESS \\ I llRl:( )1. Ln dlordan(lIcnanl have $\ccutcd lhi\ Lca\crso,-lhu ll\crution Dalc. 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1703 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA t),\ | Iit ): I l:\,\\T: llo.\Rl) ()l; (.Ot \l l ( OlIlllSSl()\URS()t (-()t,l_tuR ( ()l \ 11 fl,()Rlt),\. As I Ht (;o\ l:R\t\(; Ilo..lRl) ()t ( ()t.t.tt:R ( ol \Tt. .\\I) .ts u\-or ('t() .1S Ttrlt (;Ovt.R\t\(; BO. RD()t Tltt:(ot,t.tuR( ol \I.t \\ AI'I:R-SE\YER DIS-I RI("T' ltY Alt(l)Y S( )l.lS. Chairman A I"n:S I : CRYSlAl. K. KtNltit.. ocrk BY: Dcpuq ( lcrk Approrcd a-( lo tbnn lnd lcsrlit)': Jcnnifcr A. Bclpcdio. Assistant (iunt) Atrom.)tho l.andlord s lnitials: Tenant's lnitials: 8-Paue 15 oI25 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1704 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA Exhibits to Lease Agreement between Collier Plaza, LLC and Board of County commissioners of collier county Florida, as the Governing Board of Collier county, and as Ex-officio as the Governing Board of the Collier county water-sewer District Dated October 31, 2018 C:\Users\jcnnifcrbelpedio.ITDOMAIN\AppDat&\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Intcmct Files\Contcnt.Outlook\YI8N92CR\CPN - Collicr County Wa(cr Exhibits to Leqsc l0-l l-l8.docx llPage @ 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1705 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA EXHTBIT A RXNT TERMS A. Tcrms "B!sc Rcnt" $dl mcan trxo thousdrd ninc hundrcd sixg scvcn dollrrs snd thirty six cct$s (9,967.36) pq month c8lcul8tcd based on thc arnount ofsquEE footago (1,584 squ!rc fcct) md thc rstc pcr squarc foot (S22.,t8) for thc initial Lcasc ycrr. 'Commcnccmcnt Datc" shall meatr January I , 20 I 9. 'Estimatsd OpcrEting Expctlsc Payme " shsll mcan scvcn hundrcd scventy scycn dollars and forty eight ccnts ($777.48) pcr month cElculatcd b8s.d on the amount ofsquaE footagc ( 1,584 squarc fcct) 8nd thc initi.l OpeBting Expenscs (CAM) r*c of livc dollan and ciShty nirc cents ($5.89) pcr squarc foot for tha prcjcctcd common lrEa maintcrancc and such amount as ldjugcd sl thc cnd ofcach calcndar ycar in accordancc with lhe terms ard conditions of this ta8sr. 'Expiradon Datc" shall mcan Dcccmbc.3l, 2@ I or thc I6t dsy ofan Exteod€d Tcrm. "lnitill Escdation ttatc" dr.ll mcsn zcro pcrcat (oryo). 'lnitial Tcrm" shall mcrn s pcriod oftwo (2) ycas comrncncing on thc Commcnccmcnt Datc, 'l,c8scd PrcrDises" shsll mcan unit 7, I l98j colli.r Boulcvan( Napl6, FL j4l t6 and comistitrg of 1,5g4 squorr fcct 'Optioo Pcriod(s)" shsu rrrcafl five Optio{B for I onc ycar pcriod .ach, "Poss.ssioo D8tc" shall rE n Jrnurry l, 2019. 'Tcmnt's Trade NanC' shEll mcsn Collicr County W8tcr & Scwer. "Tcnart's Us€" sholl mcan offcc usc. B. Rcnt Calculations Thc initial Rc shall be calculatcd ss follows: Brsc Ra Esrimstcd Op€rrriry E)(pcosc Paytnqrt Applicablc Salcs Tax (6%) Totsl Monthly Rent Due: t 2,96736 pcr month $ 77.48 pcr month 3 0 pcr mondr $ 3,74,1.84 por monrh Cluscrs\j€flnifcrbclpcdio.lTDOMAIN\AppDEtaV-ocalWicmsoft\Windows\Tcrnporary tntcmct Filcs\ContcntOutlook\YI8NDCR\CPN - Collicr County W.tcf Exhibirs ro Leasc lG3l-l8.docx 2lP a ge @ 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1706 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA EXHIBIT B I,ANDLORD'S WOIIK No work is rrquircd. C:\Uscrs\jenniferbelpedio.lTDOMAIN\AppData\Locsl\I\,{ic(osoft\Windows\Tcmporsry Internet Pilcs\Content.Outlook\YIEN92CR\CPN - Collier County Watcr Exhibits to Lcasc l0-31-l8.docx 3lPage @ 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1707 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA EXHIBIT C TENANT'S WORK No work. C:\Users\jcnnifcrbelpcdio.ITDOMAIN\AppDsta\LocatWicrosofl\Windoes\Tcmporory lnr.met Files\Contcnl.Outlook\Yl8N92CR\CPN - Collicr County WetcI Exhibhs ro Lrsc tO-3l.l8.docx 4lPage @ 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1708 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA EXHIBIT D RULES AND REGULATIONS (a) AII loading and unloading ofgoods shall be done only &t such times, in thc rrcas, and through rhe cnhanccs dcighrted for such pulpos6 by lfidlord. (b) Thc dclivcry or shipping ofmcrchandisc, goods, supplies and fixtulrs to and from thc Lcascd Prcmiscs shall b. subjcct to such rules and regulations as io thcjudgin€nt oflandtord arc ncccsury fo. thc propcr opardion ofthc Lessed prcmiscs or thc Cqatcr. (c) All grlbsge 8rd rtfusc shall bc kcpt in th? kind of conlEincr s?ccificd by Landlord or duty constitu&d Blblic Euthority, aod shall bc placed outsidc of thc Lcsscd Prcmiscs prqnrcd for collection in thc manncr ind at th. tirnes and placls sp€clfi€d by Lalldlord. Tonmt shall miinhin rll common loading arlas rnd aras adjacent to gsrbEgc rcccptsclcs in s clcan manncr salisfsrtory to Laodlord. Should Tcrunt fail to kccp thc arca sround its gorbage rccipraclc in a clcan mlnrct as spccificd by lrndlotd, Landlord or its agcnts or subcontnctors may clcan such area and bill Tcnaot fot thc qost ofcl.aninS plus twenty pcrccnt (20%) oycrhead, to bc psid upon prrs.ntstioo ofthc bill. (d) Tcnant will not utilizc any unethical, immoral, dishoncst or di$up(ivc mdhod ofbusincss opcration, nor shall .ny spacc in the [-c8scd P]rmis.s bc uscd for living qu.ncrs, whclhcr trmporary or pcrnsnc{rl (c) Tcnad shall haye full rBponsibility for protecting thc Leascd prrrrlirca ard thc propeg, locltcd thcilin from thcft rnd mbbcry and shall kq.p all doors and wiodows sccuEly fastcned whcn not in usc. (0 No cablc tclcvision, spclkor sysietl! closcd circuit trlevisior or othcr similu dcvice shall bc insallcd without first obtrining in cach instatr@ L8ndlord's prior cooscnt in writing which shall not bc unrcssooably withhcld. No acrial shall bc crcqtcd on ttc roof or cxtcrior wslls of thc lrarcd Premises or on thc grounds withouq in cach instancc, thc prior writtcn qonsqt ofl,andlord u,hich conscnt msy bc dcnicd or qualificd in thc aol. discrrtion oflrndlord. A.ny acdal so instlllcd \rithout such wrinen cqacnt shall bc subjcct to rrmoyal without nodac at aty lime without lisbility to Landlord, and thc cxpcnsEs involvcd in said rcmoval shall be charged to and paid by Tcn.nt upon dcmEnd. k) No loudq,crkcrs, t lcvisionq phonograpbs, t8dio6 or olhcr dcvicc shall bc us.d in s mlnncr so as to bc hctrd or slqr outsidc of thc Lcascd Prcmisc,s ryithout thc prior writtefl cons€nt of Landlord which cons€nt may bc dcnied or qualilicd in the solc discrction of Londlord. (h) Tcaant shsll maintain thc insidc ofthc Lcascd Prcmiscs al a tcmpcratur sufliciatly high to prtvent tlezing of watcI in pipcs 8Dd fixurcs iNidc the Leascd Prcmis6 and sufficicntly cool to avoid mold insidc thc l,erscd prcmiscs (i) Thc plumbinS ftcilitics shall not bc uscd for aoy other purposc than that fur which thcy are constructcd, ard no forcign substancc ofany kirtd slnll bc dlpclt€d lhqcin, and thc exp€lrsc ofEny brcakagg stoppagc or damlgc rcsulting ftom a violuion of this provisioo shall bc born. by Ten nt. (j) TcnEnt shdl not b{m 8ny trssh or ga6age of any kind in or about tbc Lras€d prlrniscs, the Clnrcr, or within onc mil€ of th. outsirc pmpcrty lircs ofthe C.ntcr. (k) Tcnsol ddl not causr or permit any unusual o. objcctiombh odors to bc producrd upon or pcrmcatcd ftom thc Lcascd Prcmiscs, nor shatl T.nant vcnt any cooking fumes o. odors into th€ intcrior ofthe building. (l) Tcnant shall not Pcrmit (unl.ss Tcnant is plaDnin8 on goiog out ofbusincss), allow or caus€ any p[blic or privatc auctio[ '8oing-out'of-busincss', b8nkuptcy, dishcss, firc or liquidation salc id thc Lcascd premiscs, It is thc intcnt of tho prcccding santencc to pEvcot th€ Tcnsnt from conducting its hlsil€ss in any maDncr thst would give the public thc imPr.ssioo that it is sbout to ccEsc its opcntio4 &rd Lrndlord shallbc thc solcjudge ss to wlut sh8ll c;stitute; "di$ltsetypc" sale. (m) Thc aidclvalb cotrelccs, passagcq quartcrs rnd halls shsll fiol bc obstruc'tcd or cocumbcrtd by r Tcnant or uscd for gtry purposc other thstr iflgrcss or cgrtss to altd from the Leascd prcmis€s. (n) No sal6lsblcs, mcrchandisc displays, signs, vcnding machincs, pay phon.s or other articlG shall bc put in front ofor 8ffixcd to my part of the cxtcrior building rcr placcd in thc Common Arcos, includil& but not limitcd to, rhe hslls, m\.-1 !:\U11sIqnifcrbelptdio.lTDOMAIN\AppData\LocalWic.osoft\Windows\Tcmponry Intcmct Filcs\Contcnt.Ourlook\YI8N9CR\CPN - Collicr Counry W8tcr Exbibits to Lcssa I Gjt - t8.docx SlPage 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1709 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA common pessagcwE)s, corridors, vestibulcs or parking arcas eilhout thc prior writtcn conscnt ofLrndlord which clnscnt may be dcnicd or qusliffed in thc solc discrltion of t_{ndlord. (o) (p) (c) G) (s., c) (u) (v) Tcnatt shall not crcct or rnaintain any barricadcs or scaffolding which m8y obscurc thc signs, entr8nccs or show windows of any othcr Tenant in dlc Ccrlter, or tcnd to intcrf€,rc with Eny such otftcr tcnanfs busincss. Tcdant shsll not cr€atc or hrinlain nor allow othcrs to cEal. or maintain, any nuisanccs, including without limiting thc forcgoing geneml languagg loud noises, sound effccts, bright righB, changin& flashing flickcring or righting dcviJs or similar devicrq smotc or dust, the cffcct ofwhich will bc visiblc from thc a €rior ofth! L.sscd prliniscs. tfldlord rrScrvcs thc riSht to wsivc Eny rulc in any psnicular iostsnce, or as to Eny padicular pcrsol or occurrcncc, and ftrthcr, tandlord rcserves lhc right to amcld Erd rescind ncw rulcs to the extrat Landlorq irrits sole judgmcnt, dcetns $it8blc for $c safety, csl€ stld claanlincss ofthe Ccntcr .nd thc conduc{ ofhigh strndlds ofmcrchandiini ond scrvic6 thcrcin. Tcnant agreas to conform to such ncw or amcndcd rules upon Gceiving written noticr ofthc s.mc. Landlord may iom tirnc to timc impose parking rcquircrncots, includiry thc dcsignation of spccific arcas in which vchiclcs owned by Tcnant, its omc€rs, ils omccrs, lgcnts, contractors, cmployccs, scrvants, l6sccs, customcrs or invitccs or anyonc clse acting on T.nant's behelf must bc parkcd. lf l^ondlord $all dcsignat. such psrking arca5, aod if any Ychicla ofTcnant or p6rmincd 88ent, officer, contr.ctor, employcc, scrvant lcsscq invitac or @nccssion.iE ofTcnant is pa*cd in any othcr ponion ofthc cantcr, Tcnsnt $all pay to LEndlord upon dcmand thc sum ofrwenty-Fivc 6rd fr)/100 Dollars ($25.00) for csch such vchiclc for each day, or part thcrcof, such vehiclc is so pErkcd, and TcnEnt hcreby suthoriz6 Landlord to low or causc 6ny such vchiclc to bc tov.cd from thc Ccntq, rnd agr!6 to rcimbunc trndlod for thc cost thcrcof upon demand, 8nd to oth€rwise indcmnify 8nd hold rnndlord hamlcss with r$pcct thcrEto. No forklift, tow truck or othcr powcEd &cight handling mrchioos may bc uscd in thc Ccntc. cxccpt in such a manner aDd in thosc aErs ofthc Ccnt< as approved by thc t-andlod in writing. No admah ofany kind moy bc kcpt on ft€ Lcascd Prcmiscs by Tcnant o. ik cmployecs cxccpt as spccifically approvcd by thc Landlord irl writing. TEnanr shsll kccp tho outside 8re&s immcdirtcly adjoininS thc t ascd Pr6mis$ clean and shall not bum, placc or pcrmit rny rubbish, obstruction or mqrhrndisc in such arcas, Tcimt shall not usa or operato any m.chiDery th8t, in thc Lsndlod's opitlioq is hslmfirl to thc Ccilcr or disb.ting to othcr taflults. Tcrllnt shsll comply, Bt its solc cxpense, with all rccommcn&tiors ud rcquircrncnts with Elpcct to thc t ascd prcmis6 or its usc or occupancy, of thc iruurancc undcrwritcrs Erld the Stste of Florida, Dcpadrncnt of Insunncr or any similsr public or pri\atc My End atly Sovcmine al authority havingjurisdiction ovcr insurancc ntcs with rcspcct to thc usc or occupaocy ofthc Lcascd Prcmises, includiog but not limir.d to instdling firE odinguish€G. Tqtant sh8ll oot do 8try act objcctionlblc to thc firc insrn'arcc companics whcrcby the firc insu.Enca or my othef, insuraocc pl8ccd on the Ccnlcr dtall bccomc void or sutpqrdcd or whctc thc t ascd PEmisgs shall bc ralcd as a morc hiztrdous risk that at thc datr whcn Tenanl rcccivcs possession hcrcundc!. (w) C:\Uscrs\jcnnifcrbclpedio.lmOMAlN\AppDatE[rcanMi6osoR\Widdows\Tcmporaqr htcmet Filcs\Contcnt.Outlook\YI8N92CR\CPN - Collicr Co{rnty W.ter Exlibirs ro Lcase tG.3l-lE.docx @6lPage 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1710 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA EXHIBIT O SIGNAGE - Tltc Ccr ar has a siSnage codc. Thc purposc ofthr codc is to €nsurE thst the extcrior gnphics ofthis Ccntcr complimcntthc-ovosll.dcsign conccpt ofthe ccnter. All extcrior signagc must bc submittcd to L$dlord priir tio rabricatio" fo. "pprori. co*of fubricatio-n and installstion ofeach signwill.bc the rcponsibility ofthc Tcnrnt. Tcnant shall consult with Landio;d'rlglrding thc vcndor for all signrga. Sign construction is to bc complctcd in accordance with thc instructions, limitstions and cri;ria sdforth ln this cxhibit Es wcll as all statc, local and applioblc codcs. PERMITTED SIGNACE l. Type of Signs - Tcnant will be p.rmittcd onc ( I ) main sign, I fslcic sign. 2. Sign Text - Thc tcxt for the signs will bc limitcd to Tcn.nt's trade nam.. 3. ToPography - Tcnant mEy choosc lhcir own topography for lhc cxtcrior sign contingcnt upon approval by LEodlord. 4, Locstion & Size - The main axtcrior hscia sign shall consist of ncon illuminotcd pl&$ic individual channcl lctters. Thc lcttcrs shall be mounted sbovc Tcnant's storeftont orl the stucco facadc. The maximum sizc ofthe lcttcrs p€rmincd is 24". 5. Materials and lnstsllation - Thc individual chann€l lcttcB shall bc constructcd as follows: . lrttcr retums to bc 4" dccp paint grip aluminum. . Faces to bc l/8, thick flat acrylic with 1,, trim cap. . lntcmal illumination to bc l3mm neon tubing with 30 milliamp transformcrs. ' All lcttcrc shsll bc custom contoured chsnncl lcttars flush mountcd or on rscelvay on thc wall ar€s dcsign8ted for Tcnanls signagc. . All signs sha.ll bc flush mounted on thc wall area dcsignrtcd by L8[dlord for Tansnfs signag€. ' All siSns shEll bc dcsigncd, coBtructcd od instsllcd in accordance to mcct load sign.gc and clcchicsl qodcs. 6. Colon - Thc color ofthc 4' dccp rctum shsll bc bronzc. Thc color ofthc rrip cEp shall b. bronze. The acrylic face may b€ a color sclcctcd by Tensnt atld approved by LEndlord, 7. submitlEls 8nd Approvsl - Tonant shlll submit dctailcd dcsign drawings of all signsge to l-andlord for approval prior to fabrication. This submitrsl shall include lext, lsyout, colors, locEtion ofsignaga and any odrcr construaion daaiis. NON{ONFORMING SIGNAGE No other signsgc will bc pcrmittcd without thc prior writtcn spproval of Landlord. This includcs without limiration: l. Rooftop signs or pylon signs othcr than thc Ccntcr's sign. 2. Signs ofthe flashin& blinking, rotarin& moving, animotcd, or audiblc typc 8rc not pcrmitted. 3 Papcr signs, stickcrs, banncrs o! flags arc prohibited on thc storc wildows, cithor intcrlor or extcrior, or any exterior portion ofthe Ccntcr. 4. Paintcd or printcd si8ns on lfic cxlcrior surfacc ofany building shall bc prohibited. txldlord willrrmovc any non- conforming signage, and thc cost ofsuch rcmovrl will bc the rcsponsibility ofTemnt. Clusers\jennifcrbelpedio,lTDOMAIN\AppData\Local\Microsofi\Windows\Tcmporary Intcmct Filcs\Contcnt.Outlook\yI8N92CR\CpN - CoIicr County Warer Exhibits to l.a; IG.3l_t8.docx TlPage 16.C.4.a Packet Pg. 1711 Attachment: Collier Plaza Lease Agreement 11-20-18 (7312 : Lease Agreement with Collier Plaza LLC to continue operating the former FGUA