2018/2019 Clerk to the Board, Minutes &Records Dept. Expires se 0 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite#401 (Staff use only) Building F, 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name Nancy Conicella Date June 29, 2017 Business Address Lowndes, Drosdick et al, 215 N. Eola Drive, Orlando, FL 32801 E-Mail nancy.coniceIIa@lowndes law.com Business Telephone 407-843-4600 NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) Walmart, 9885 Collier Boulevard, Naples, FL 34114 2). (PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS,IF NECESSARY) I .(A, Lobbyist Signature State of Florida County of Colliei RA The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of tJ Ot, , by Nancy Conicella , wh is persaaal l�known to ,tree or has produced as identification and who di. - anitaVaRyN g ' NOTARY PUBUC lt.4,�_STATE OF FLORIDA BY: ._ . Cam*00028284 Expires 9/1212020 Dep,ty Clerk/Notary Public The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05, Ordinance 2007-24 and Ordinance 2013-39. Please make payment to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts and mail to the address listed at the top of the form. Receipt# 007813746 7/11/2017 8:26:10 AM ,H ,t Dwight E. Brock r...,------„,47, � Clerk of the Circuit Court r x tfif o o` � •ffff 7C p[R, � 1 Customer Deputy Clerk Clerk Office Location NANCY CONICELLA BMR CASHIER Collier County Govt. Center LOWNDES, DROSDICK, MinutesandRecords@CollierClerk.co Building F, 4th Floor DOSTER, KANTOR & REED m 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 215 N EOLA DR 239-252-2646 401 ORLANDO, FL 32801-2028 P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST AMOUNT 1 BMR Lobbyist Registration $25.00 $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $25.00 1 Check#282986 ($25.00) BALANCE DUE $0.00 Note: Disclaimer:All transactions are subject to review/verification.The Clerk reserves the right to correct for clerical errors and to assess or refund charges as needed. @gQQ11QQQgQo Page 1 of 1 Lobbyist Registration Quarterly Update 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Conicella, Nancy <Nancy.Conicella@lowndes-law.com> Sent:Monday, March 26, 2018 10:07 AM To:Martha S. Vergara Subject:RE: Quarterly Update - (April's) Reminder No changes. Thanks! Nancy Conicella Associate nancy.conicella@lowndes-law.com | Direct: 407.418.6257 From: Martha S. Vergara [mailto:Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com] Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 10:03 AM To: 'anderson@abbinc.com' <anderson@abbinc.com>; 'chudson@afphq.org' <chudson@afphq.org>; 'lpiche@afphq.org' <lpiche@afphq.org>; 'bcornell@audubonwe.org' <bcornell@audubonwe.org>; 'dpastor@napleslaw.com' <dpastor@napleslaw.com>; 'tppagan@napleslaw.com' <tppagan@napleslaw.com>; 'ktaylor@cecifl.com' <ktaylor@cecifl.com>; 'dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com' <dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com>; 'mjohnson@cyklawfirm.com' <mjohnson@cyklawfirm.com>; 'kathy@cbia.net' <kathy@cbia.net>; 'susans@conservancy.org' <susans@conservancy.org>; 'stephanie.wright@dplummer.com' <stephanie.wright@dplummer.com>; 'jeff@davidsonengineering.com' <jeff@davidsonengineering.com>; 'tocia@davidsonengineering.com' <tocia@davidsonengineering.com>; 'don@dappalaw.com' <don@dappalaw.com>; 'jweverett@drhorton.com' <jweverett@drhorton.com>; 'ellie@ekc-inc.com' <ellie@ekc-inc.com>; 'nancypayton@fwfonline.org' <nancypayton@fwfonline.org>; 'lorraine@gsma.pro' <lorraine@gsma.pro>; 'kristi@napleschamber.org' <kristi@napleschamber.org>; 'lautenschlagert@gtlaw.com' <lautenschlagert@gtlaw.com>; 'chris@haganeng.com' <chris@haganeng.com>; 'jonthan@haganeng.com' <jonthan@haganeng.com>; 'jeff.wright@henlaw.com' <jeff.wright@henlaw.com>; 'debrahogue@hmeng.com' <debrahogue@hmeng.com>; 'janna.lhota@hklaw.com' <janna.lhota@hklaw.com>; 'ldejohn@johnsoneng.com' <ldejohn@johnsoneng.com>; 'pam@jrevansengineering.com' <pam@jrevansengineering.com>; 'dkirby@kiterealty.com' <dkirby@kiterealty.com>; 'dhcox@gtcom.net' <dhcox@gtcom.net>; 'drankin@sprintmail.com' <drankin@sprintmail.com>; 'mjahn@thelowmpowered.com' <mjahn@thelowmpowered.com>; 'sbehn@llw-law.com' <sbehn@llw-law.com>; 'nlewis@llw-law.com' <nlewis@llw- law.com>; 'gfxbeyrent@aol.com' <gfxbeyrent@aol.com>; 'tara/tedrow@lowndes-law.com' <tara/tedrow@lowndes- law.com>; Conicella, Nancy <Nancy.Conicella@lowndes-law.com>; 'mcgeeassoc@aol.com' <mcgeeassoc@aol.com>; 'marty@nabor.com' <marty@nabor.com>; 'jesse@nabor.com' <jesse@nabor.com>; 'jack@napleszoo.org' <jack@napleszoo.org>; 'renovateamerica@nmgovlaw.com' <renovateamerica@nmgovlaw.com>; 'musserjr@aol.com' <musserjr@aol.com>; 'jwestendorf@comcast.net' <jwestendorf@comcast.net>; 'lauras@passarella.net' <lauras@passarella.net>; 'pneale@patrickneale.com' <pneale@patrickneale.com>; 'stevehartsell@paveselaw.com' <stevehartsell@paveselaw.com>; 'kathleenberkey@paveselaw.com' <kathleenberkey@paveselaw.com>; 'mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com' <mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com>; 'karenbishop@pmsnaples.com' <karenbishop@pmsnaples.com>; 'jjanes@gradyminor.com' <jjanes@gradyminor.com>; 'dkomoroski@ralaw.com' <dkomoroski@ralaw.com>; 'tshatto@ralaw.com' <tshatto@ralaw.com>; 'ggrant@consult- rwa.com' <ggrant@consult-rwa.com>; 'karla.scott@stantec.com' <karla.scott@stantec.com>; 'sabina.hardy@stantec.com' <sabina.hardy@stantec.com>; 'doug@tllfirm.com' <doug@tllfirm.com>; 'sthompson@tllfirm.com' <sthompson@tllfirm.com>; 'mking@trebilcock.biz' <mking@trebilcock.biz>; 'cthornton@swflalaw.com' <cthornton@swflalaw.com>; 'csmith@dexbender.com' <csmith@dexbender.com>; 'apires@wpl-legal.com' <apires@wpl-legal.com>; 'mwoodward@wpl-legal.com' <mwoodward@wpl-legal.com>; 2 'mflores@wpl-legal.com' <mflores@wpl-legal.com> Subject: Quarterly Update - (April's) Reminder Morning All, Just a friendly reminder that the quarterly update is due next week on Monday, April 2nd. All that is required for an update are any changes (additions or deletions from) to either your client list or staff/Lobbyists. We just need a quick e-mail saying either “No Changes” or listing the changes to staff/Lobbyists or clients. If you have any question feel free to call or e-mail any time. Thanks, Martha Vergara, BMR Senior Clerk Minutes and Records Dept. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Value Adjustment Board Office: (239) 252-7240 Fax: (239) 252-8408 E-mail: martha.vergara@collierclerk.com Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action induced by or in reliance on information contained in this message. Unless expressly stated, opinions in this message are those of the individual sender and not of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the Clerk's Office by emailing helpdesk@collierclerk.com quoting the sender and delete the message and any attached documents. The Collier County Clerk's Office accepts no liability or responsibility for any onward transmission or use of emails and attachments having left the CollierClerk.com domain. Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. Notice of Confidentiality: This e-mail communication and the attachment(s) hereto, if any, are intended solely for the information and use of the addressee(s) identified above and may contain information which is legally privileged from disclosure and/or otherwise confidential. If a recipient of this e-mail communication is not an addressee (or an authorized representative of an addressee), such recipient is hereby advised that any review, disclosure, reproduction, re-transmission or other dissemination or use of this e-mail communication (or any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited. If you are not an addressee and have received this e-mail communication in error, please advise the sender of that circumstance either by reply e-mail or by telephone at (800) 356-6818, immediately delete this e-mail communication from any computer and destroy all physical copies of same. Replies Filtered: Any incoming reply to this e-mail communication or other e-mail communication to us will be electronically filtered for "spam" and/or "viruses." That filtering process may result in such reply or other e-mail communications to us being quarantined (i.e., potentially not received at our site at all) and/or delayed in reaching us. For that reason, we cannot guarantee that we will receive your reply or other e-mail communications to us and/or that we will receive the same in a timely manner. Accordingly, you should consider sending communications to us which are particularly important or time-sensitive by means other than e-mail. 3 Cloud Storage: The firm discourages the use of 3rd party cloud storage services for client confidential information because we are unable to confirm that such services provide adequate security. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should a client direct the firm to utilize a cloud storage service, the firm shall not be responsible for any harm occasioned by the disclosure of confidential information occurring as a consequence thereof. [v4.30] 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Elswick, Nancy L. <Nancy.Elswick@lowndes-law.com> Sent:Thursday, March 29, 2018 3:05 PM To:Martha S. Vergara Cc:Tedrow, Tara L. Subject:Colliers County Lobbying Please remove Tara Tedrow and Nancy Conicella as lobbyists for Walmart Store #5055, 9885 Collier Boulevard, Naples, FL. Please confirm removal. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Nancy L. Elswick Legal Secretary nancy.elswick@lowndes-law.com | Direct: 407.418.6482 P: 407.843.4600 | F: 407.843.4444 215 N. Eola Drive • Orlando, FL 32801 Website LOCAL ROOTS. BROAD REACH. SM Notice of Confidentiality: This e-mail communication and the attachment(s) hereto, if any, are intended solely for the information and use of the addressee(s) identified above and may contain information which is legally privileged from disclosure and/or otherwise confidential. If a recipient of this e-mail communication is not an addressee (or an authorized representative of an addressee), such recipient is hereby advised that any review, disclosure, reproduction, re-transmission or other dissemination or use of this e-mail communication (or any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited. If you are not an addressee and have received this e-mail communication in error, please advise the sender of that circumstance either by reply e-mail or by telephone at (800) 356-6818, immediately delete this e-mail communication from any computer and destroy all physical copies of same. Replies Filtered: Any incoming reply to this e-mail communication or other e-mail communication to us will be electronically filtered for "spam" and/or "viruses." That filtering process may result in such reply or other e-mail communications to us being quarantined (i.e., potentially not received at our site at all) and/or delayed in reaching us. For that reason, we cannot guarantee that we will receive your reply or other e-mail communications to us and/or that we will receive the same in a timely manner. Accordingly, you should consider sending communications to us which are particularly important or time-sensitive by means other than e-mail. Cloud Storage: The firm discourages the use of 3rd party cloud storage services for client confidential information because we are unable to confirm that such services provide adequate security. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should a client direct the firm to utilize a cloud storage service, the firm shall not be responsible for any harm occasioned by the disclosure of confidential information occurring as a consequence thereof. [v4.30] Lobbyist Registration Quarterly Update 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Tedrow, Tara L. <Tara.Tedrow@lowndes-law.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 2, 2019 2:01 PM To:Martha S. Vergara Cc:Ruiz, Cristina A. Subject:RE: EXTERNAL : Lobbyist Update Due for 1st Quarter (January) External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. No changes; thanks!     Tara L. Tedrow  Land Use, Real Estate & Liquor Licensing Attorney   Co‐Chair of Cannabis & Controlled Substances Group   D: 407.418.6361 | P: 407.843.4600   Email | Website | Bio | LinkedIn | vCard    LOCAL ROOTS. BROAD REACH. SM  215 N. Eola Drive, Orlando, FL  32801  D: 407.418.6361 | P: 407.843.4600         From: Martha S. Vergara [mailto:Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com]   Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 6:33 PM  To: 'anderson@abbinc.com' <anderson@abbinc.com>; 'bcornell@audubonwe.org' <bcornell@audubonwe.org>;  'jmorey@bsk.com' <jmorey@bsk.com>; 'ktaylor@cecifl.com' <ktaylor@cecifl.com>; 'dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com'  <dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com>; 'kathy@cbia.com' <kathy@cbia.com>; 'andreaf@conservancy.org'  <andreaf@conservancy.org>; 'dhcox@gtcom.net' <dhcox@gtcom.net>; 'tocia@davidsonengineering.com'  <tocia@davidsonengineering.com>; 'ellie@ekc‐inc.com' <ellie@ekc‐inc.com>; 'meredithb@fwfonline.org'  <meredithb@fwfonline.org>; 'tina@gsma.pro' <tina@gsma.pro>; 'jenna@napleschamber.org'  <jenna@napleschamber.org>; 'michael@napleschamber.org' <michael@napleschamber.org>; 'chris@haganeng.com'  <chris@haganeng.com>; 'jeff.wright@henlaw.com' <jeff.wright@henlaw.com>; 'debrahogue@hmeng.com'  <debrahogue@hmeng.com>; 'janna.lhota@hklaw.com' <janna.lhota@hklaw.com>; 'ldejohn@johnsoneng.com'  <ldejohn@johnsoneng.com>; 'pamela@jrevansengineering.com' <pamela@jrevansengineering.com>;  'dkirby@kiterealty.com' <dkirby@kiterealty.com>; 'mdiffenderfer@llw‐law.com' <mdiffenderfer@llw‐law.com>;  'gfxbeyrent@aol.com' <gfxbeyrent@aol.com>; Conicella, Nancy <Nancy.Conicella@lowndes‐law.com>; Tedrow, Tara L.  <Tara.Tedrow@lowndes‐law.com>; 'matts@mhsappraisal.com' <matts@mhsappraisal.com>;  'mjahn@thelawmpowered.com' <mjahn@thelawmpowered.com>; 'jesse@nabor.com' <jesse@nabor.com>;  'marty@nabor.com' <marty@nabor.com>; 'pneale@patrickneale.com' <pneale@patrickneale.com>;  'katherineenglish@paveselaw.com' <katherineenglish@paveselaw.com>; 'stevehartsell@paeselaw.com'  <stevehartsell@paeselaw.com>; 'mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com'  <mfernandez@planningdevelopmentinc.com>; 'karenbishop@pmsnaples.com' <karenbishop@pmsnaples.com>;  'jjanes@gradyminor.com' <jjanes@gradyminor.com>; 'noel.davies@quareles.com' <noel.davies@quareles.com>;  'jnichols@realaw.com' <jnichols@realaw.com>; 'mortega@ralaw.com' <mortega@ralaw.com>; 'ggrant@consult‐ rwa.com' <ggrant@consult‐rwa.com>; 'karla.scott@stantec.com' <karla.scott@stantec.com>; 'wsundstrom@sfflaw.com'  <wsundstrom@sfflaw.com>; 'sthompson@tllfirm.com' <sthompson@tllfirm.com>; 'doug@tllfirm.com'  <doug@tllfirm.com>; 'mking@trebilcock.biz' <mking@trebilcock.biz>; 'cthornton@swflalaw.com'  2 <cthornton@swflalaw.com>; 'lee@thanaples.com' <lee@thanaples.com>; 'csmith@dexbender.com'  <csmith@dexbender.com>; 'jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com' <jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com>;  'apires@wpl‐legal.com' <apires@wpl‐legal.com>  Subject: EXTERNAL : Lobbyist Update Due for 1st Quarter (January)     Hello All,      This is a friendly reminder that update (e‐mails) are due on the lobbyists and clients that have  been added or deleted for your company or firm.  If there are no changes an e‐mail stating no changes is all that’s required.     Be safe and have a Happy New Year everyone,     Martha Vergara, BMR Senior Clerk  Minutes & Records Dept.   Clerk of the Circuit Court  & Value Adjustment Board  Office: (239) 252-7240  Fax: (239) 252-8408  E-mail: martha.vergara@collierclerk.com      Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action induced by or in reliance on information contained in this message. Unless expressly stated, opinions in this message are those of the individual sender and not of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the Clerk's Office by emailing helpdesk@collierclerk.com quoting the sender and delete the message and any attached documents. The Collier County Clerk's Office accepts no liability or responsibility for any onward transmission or use of emails and attachments having left the CollierClerk.com domain. Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing.  Notice of Confidentiality: This e-mail communication and the attachment(s) hereto, if any, are intended solely for the information and use of the addressee(s) identified above and may contain information which is legally privileged from disclosure and/or otherwise confidential. If a recipient of this e-mail communication is not an addressee (or an authorized representative of an addressee), such recipient is hereby advised that any review, disclosure, reproduction, re-transmission or other dissemination or use of this e-mail communication (or any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited. If you are not an addressee and have received this e-mail communication in error, please advise the sender of that circumstance either by reply e-mail or by telephone at (800) 356-6818, immediately delete this e-mail communication from any computer and destroy all physical copies of same. Replies Filtered: Any incoming reply to this e-mail communication or other e-mail communication to us will be electronically filtered for "spam" and/or "viruses." That filtering process may result in such reply or other e-mail communications to us being quarantined (i.e., potentially not received at our site at all) and/or delayed in reaching us. For that reason, we cannot guarantee that we will receive your reply or other e-mail communications to us and/or that we will receive the same in a timely manner. Accordingly, you should consider sending communications to us which are particularly important or time-sensitive by means other than e-mail. [v4.30] Lobbyist Registration Quarterly Update 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Tedrow, Tara L. <Tara.Tedrow@lowndes-law.com> Sent:Friday, April 5, 2019 12:09 PM To:Martha S. Vergara Subject:RE: EXTERNAL : Reminder of 3rd quarterly update External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. No changes.  Thanks!     Tara L. Tedrow  Shareholder  Land Use, Real Estate & Liquor Licensing Attorney   Chair of Cannabis & Controlled Substances Group   D: 407.418.6361 | P: 407.843.4600   Email | Website | Bio | LinkedIn | vCard    LOCAL ROOTS. BROAD REACH. SM  215 N. Eola Drive, Orlando, FL  32801  D: 407.418.6361 | P: 407.843.4600         From: Martha S. Vergara [mailto:Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com]   Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 9:50 AM  To: 'jmorey@bsk.com' <jmorey@bsk.com>; 'dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com' <dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com>;  'fpardo@fpadesign.com' <fpardo@fpadesign.com>; 'chris@haganeng.com' <chris@haganeng.com>;  'jeff.wright@henlaw.com' <jeff.wright@henlaw.com>; 'mdiffenderfer@llw‐law.com' <mdiffenderfer@llw‐law.com>;  'kscherette@llw‐law.com' <kscherette@llw‐law.com>; 'gfxbeyrent@aol.com' <gfxbeyrent@aol.com>; Conicella, Nancy  <Nancy.Conicella@lowndes‐law.com>; Tedrow, Tara L. <Tara.Tedrow@lowndes‐law.com>; 'matts@mhsappraisal.com'  <matts@mhsappraisal.com>; 'jesse@nabor.com' <jesse@nabor.com>; 'marty@nabor.com' <marty@nabor.com>;  'musserjr@aol.com' <musserjr@aol.com>; 'jwestendorf@comcast.net' <jwestendorf@comcast.net>;  'sthompson@tllfirm.com' <sthompson@tllfirm.com>; 'doug@tllfirm.com' <doug@tllfirm.com>;  'jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com' <jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com>; 'wlbarton39@gmail.com'  <wlbarton39@gmail.com>; 'apires@wpl‐legal.com' <apires@wpl‐legal.com>  Subject: EXTERNAL : Reminder of 3rd quarterly update     Morning All,      Just a reminder that the 3rd quarterly updates were due on April 2.  Please send an e‐mail listing any additions or deletions to your lobbyist or firm/company.  If you had no changes in either an e‐mail stating “No Changes” will be sufficient.  If you have any questions feel free to e‐mail or call any time.     2 Thanks,       Martha Vergara  Senior Deputy Clerk  Office: 239‐252‐7240  Fax:      239‐252‐8408    E‐mail:  martha.vergara@CollierClerk.com   Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court  & Comptroller of Collier County  3329 Tamiami Trail E, Suite #401  Naples, FL 34112   www.CollierClerk.com           Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). It may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action induced by or in reliance on information contained in this message. Unless expressly stated, opinions in this message are those of the individual sender and not of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the Clerk's Office by emailing helpdesk@collierclerk.com quoting the sender and delete the message and any attached documents. The Collier County Clerk's Office accepts no liability or responsibility for any onward transmission or use of emails and attachments having left the CollierClerk.com domain. Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing.  Notice of Confidentiality: This e-mail communication and the attachment(s) hereto, if any, are intended solely for the information and use of the addressee(s) identified above and may contain information which is legally privileged from disclosure and/or otherwise confidential. If a recipient of this e-mail communication is not an addressee (or an authorized representative of an addressee), such recipient is hereby advised that any review, disclosure, reproduction, re-transmission or other dissemination or use of this e-mail communication (or any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited. If you are not an addressee and have received this e-mail communication in error, please advise the sender of that circumstance either by reply e-mail or by telephone at (800) 356-6818, immediately delete this e-mail communication from any computer and destroy all physical copies of same. Replies Filtered: Any incoming reply to this e-mail communication or other e-mail communication to us will be electronically filtered for "spam" and/or "viruses." That filtering process may result in such reply or other e-mail communications to us being quarantined (i.e., potentially not received at our site at all) and/or delayed in reaching us. For that reason, we cannot guarantee that we will receive your reply or other e-mail communications to us and/or that we will receive the same in a timely manner. Accordingly, you should consider sending communications to us which are particularly important or time-sensitive by means other than e-mail. [v4.30] Lobbyist Registration Quarterly Update 1 Martha S. Vergara From:Tedrow, Tara L. <Tara.Tedrow@lowndes-law.com> Sent:Friday, July 26, 2019 3:23 PM To:Martha S. Vergara Cc:Korn, Lauren A. Subject:RE: 4th Quarter Lobbyist Update External Message: Please use caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or replying to this message. No changes.  Thanks!     Tara L. Tedrow  Shareholder  Land Use, Real Estate & Liquor Licensing Attorney   Chair of Cannabis & Controlled Substances Group   D: 407.418.6361 | P: 407.843.4600   Email | Website | Bio      LOCAL ROOTS. BROAD REACH. SM  215 N. Eola Drive, Orlando, FL  32801  D: 407.418.6361 | P: 407.843.4600         From: Martha S. Vergara [mailto:Martha.Vergara@collierclerk.com]   Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2019 11:39 AM  To: 'anderson@abbinc.com' <anderson@abbinc.com>; 'bcornell@audubonwe.org' <bcornell@audubonwe.org>;  'carlb@barraco.net' <carlb@barraco.net>; 'jmorey@bsk.com' <jmorey@bsk.com>; 'dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com'  <dquintanilla@cyklawfirm.com>; 'kathy@cbia.net' <kathy@cbia.net>; 'andreaf@conservancy.org'  <andreaf@conservancy.org>; 'dhcox@gtcom.net' <dhcox@gtcom.net>; 'tocia@davidsonengineering.com'  <tocia@davidsonengineering.com>; 'erin@deadlylaw.com' <erin@deadlylaw.com>; 'don@dappalaw.com'  <don@dappalaw.com>; 'ellie@ekc‐inc.com' <ellie@ekc‐inc.com>; 'fpardo@fpadesign.com' <fpardo@fpadesign.com>;  'meredithb@fwfonline.org' <meredithb@fwfonline.org>; 'ggreeneng@aol.com' <ggreeneng@aol.com>;  'tina@gsma.pro' <tina@gsma.pro>; 'jenna@napleschamber.org' <jenna@napleschamber.org>;  'michael@napleschamber.org' <michael@napleschamber.org>; 'jeff.wright@henlaw.com' <jeff.wright@henlaw.com>;  'debrahogue@hmeng.com' <debrahogue@hmeng.com>; 'janna.lhota@hklaw.com' <janna.lhota@hklaw.com>;  'ldejohn@johnsoneng.com' <ldejohn@johnsoneng.com>; 'pam@jrevansengineering.com'  <pam@jrevansengineering.com>; 'dkirby@kiterealty.com' <dkirby@kiterealty.com>; 'mdiffenderfer@llw‐law.com'  <mdiffenderfer@llw‐law.com>; 'kscherette@llw‐law.com' <kscherette@llw‐law.com>; 'gfxbeyrent@aol.com'  <gfxbeyrent@aol.com>; Conicella, Nancy <Nancy.Conicella@lowndes‐law.com>; Tedrow, Tara L.  <Tara.Tedrow@lowndes‐law.com>; 'matts@mhsappraisal.com' <matts@mhsappraisal.com>;  'mjahn@thelawmpowered.com' <mjahn@thelawmpowered.com>; 'airbnb1@nmgovlaw.com'  <airbnb1@nmgovlaw.com>; 'musserjr@aol.com' <musserjr@aol.com>; 'jwestendorf@comcast.net'  <jwestendorf@comcast.net>; 'karenbishop@pmsnaples.com' <karenbishop@pmsnaples.com>; 'jnichols@ralaw.com'  <jnichols@ralaw.com>; 'mortega@ralaw.com' <mortega@ralaw.com>; 'ggrant@consult‐rwa.com' <ggrant@consult‐ rwa.com>; 'karla.scott@stantec.com' <karla.scott@stantec.com>; 'wsundstrom@sfflaw.com'  <wsundstrom@sfflaw.com>; 'sthompson@tllfirm.com' <sthompson@tllfirm.com>; 'doug@tllfirm.com'  <doug@tllfirm.com>; 'mking@trebilcock.biz' <mking@trebilcock.biz>; 'tuna@thanaples.com' <tuna@thanaples.com>;  2 'csmith@dexbender.com' <csmith@dexbender.com>; 'jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com'  <jessica.linn@waldropengineering.com>; 'apires@wpl‐legal.com' <apires@wpl‐legal.com>  Subject: 4th Quarter Lobbyist Update     CAUTION: THIS IS AN EXTERNAL EMAIL     Hi everyone,      This is the 4th quarter reminder for Lobbyist Updates and Client Lists.  Please just e‐mail any changes of your lobbyists and client lists.  If you have no changes from the 3rd quarter,  an e‐mail stating “No Changes” sufficient.  I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!     If you have any questions feel free to call or e‐mail any time.     Thanks,       Martha Vergara  BMR & VAB Senior Deputy Clerk   Office: 239‐252‐7240  Fax:      239‐252‐8408    E‐mail:  martha.vergara@CollierClerk.com   Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court  & Comptroller of Collier County  3329 Tamiami Trail E, Suite #401  Naples, FL 34112   www.CollierClerk.com           Please visit us on the web at www.collierclerk.com This electronic communication is confidential and may contain privileged information intended solely for the named addressee(s). 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Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing.   Notice of Confidentiality: This e-mail communication and the attachment(s) hereto, if any, are intended solely for the information and use of the addressee(s) identified above and may contain information which is legally privileged from disclosure and/or otherwise confidential. If a recipient of this e-mail communication is not an addressee (or an authorized representative of an addressee), such recipient is hereby advised that any review, disclosure, reproduction, re-transmission or other dissemination or use of this e-mail communication (or any information contained herein) is strictly prohibited. If you are not an addressee and have received this e-mail communication in error, please advise the sender of that circumstance either by 3 reply e-mail or by telephone at (800) 356-6818, immediately delete this e-mail communication from any computer and destroy all physical copies of same. 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