Agenda 09/25/2018 Item #16C709/25/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and Memorandum of Lease with the Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP d/b/a Verizon Wireless at the North County Water Reclamation Facility. OBJECTIVE: To allow Verizon Wireless LP (Verizon) the continued use of County property at the North County Water Reclamation Facility for the operation of a telecommunications monopole. CONSIDERATIONS: Since 1997, Verizon has leased two thousand square feet of vacant property located at the North County Water Reclamation Facility for the installation and operation of a communications monopole with related ground equipment. At this time, both parties wish to extend the lease term and modify several conditions of the Lease as follows: The Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement (Amendment) provides for the following: 1. Extend the lease terms for an additional five years with four (4), five (5) year renewals. 2. Increase the first year’s rent to Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) with twenty percent compounded increases every five (5) years. 3. Provide the County with a one-time cash contribution of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000). All other provisions included in the original Lease, with the exception of those listed above, shall remain in effect. The Amendment is identical to the one approved by the Board for the Verizon tower lease at the Vineyards Community Park. FISCAL IMPACT: The first year’s rent of $40,000 and the one-time cash contribution of $20,000 shall be deposited into the following accounts: Twenty percent of the $60,000 ($12,000) into MSTD General Fund, Franchise Administration (111-100210-362110), and eighty percent of the $60,000 ($48,000) into County Sewer Operating (Treatment Plant Immokalee Road/Lease Radio Tower) (408-233312-362110). GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for Board action. - JAB RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and the Memorandum of Lease with Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP d/b/a Verizon Wireless. Prepared By: Michael Dowling, Sr. Property Management Specialist, Facilities Management Division ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (PDF) 2. Verizon Water Reclamation Facility First Amendment (PDF) 3. Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (PDF) 16.C.7 Packet Pg. 1408 09/25/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.C.7 Doc ID: 6409 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and Memorandum of Lease with the Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP d/b/a Verizon Wireless at the North County Water Reclamation Facility. Meeting Date: 09/25/2018 Prepared by: Title: Property Management Specialist, Senior – Facilities Management Name: Michael Dowling 08/24/2018 12:27 PM Submitted by: Title: Deputy Department Head – Public Utilities Department Name: Dan Rodriguez 08/24/2018 12:27 PM Approved By: Review: Water Steve Messner Additional Reviewer Completed 08/24/2018 2:22 PM Wastewater Beth Johnssen Additional Reviewer Completed 08/24/2018 3:46 PM Facilities Management Toni Mott Additional Reviewer Completed 08/24/2018 4:21 PM Public Utilities Department Dan Rodriguez Additional Reviewer Completed 08/27/2018 1:31 PM Public Utilities Operations Support Joseph Bellone Additional Reviewer Completed 09/07/2018 3:47 PM Public Utilities Department Sarah Hamilton Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 09/09/2018 6:52 PM County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 09/13/2018 10:25 AM Public Utilities Department George Yilmaz Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 09/13/2018 5:09 PM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 09/14/2018 8:30 AM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 09/14/2018 10:25 AM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 09/17/2018 2:32 PM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 09/17/2018 2:57 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 09/25/2018 9:00 AM 16.C.7 Packet Pg. 1409 SECOND AMENDMENT TO GROUND LEASE AGREEMENI' .l his Socond Amendmcnt to Ground Leasc Agrccment {this "Amendment") is madc cffcctive as ol thc lattcr signalur(, dalt: hr:rcof (thc "Elfective Dqte") by and botwccn collier county, a politir:al subdivision of tho Stalc of t lorida lOwnet') and Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP d/b/a Verizon Wircless ("Tenonl') (owner and Icnant bcing coll(:ctivcly rcfcrrod to hcr(:in as th(l "Porties") RECITALS WHEREAS, Owner owns the real property dcscribed on,Exhj!!1]! attachcd hcreto and by this refercncc rnade a part hcrcof (tht' "Owne/s Land"); ancl WHEREAS, Owner and Tenant's predecessor in intcrest, PrimcCo Persondl Communications, lP, entcr|d intrr t hal ccrta in Ground l.casc Agrccmcnt dated August 26, I 997 (the "leose" ), pursuant to which t he I enant lcases a portion of the Owncr's I and and is the boneticiary of certain easemcnts for access and public utilities, all as more particularly describcd in thc lcase (such portion of the Own('r's Land so leascd along with such portion of the Owncr's l.rnd so affo(t(!d, collectivcly, th(: "Leosed Areo"l, which leascd Arca is also dr:scr ibed on [hilit!; rnd wHEREAS, Tenant, Vcri/on Communi(:ations lnc., a I)claware corporation, and other partics identificd therein, entered into a Management Agreement and a Master l)repaid Lcasc, both with an effective date ol March 21 ,2015 and both with ATC sequoia t I c, a Delawarc limited liability com pany l"Americon Towe/'), pUrsuanl to which n merican Towcr subleases, manages, opcrates and maintains, as applicablc, the Leased Area, all as rnore particularly describcd thercin; and WHEREAS, lcnant has granted American Tower a limited power of attorney (the "POA"lto, among other things, prepare, ncgotiate, cxccute, deliver, rccord and/or file ccrtain documents on behalf of Tenant, all as more particularly set forth in thc POA; and WHEREAS, Owner and Tcnant dcsirc to amend the tcrms of the Lease to extend the term thereof and to otherwise modify the Lease as expressly provided herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing rccitals and the mutual covenants sct forth hcrein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy, and sufliciency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows: 1. One-Time Payment. Tenant shall pay to Owner a one time paYment in the amount of Twenty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($2O,OOO.OO), payable within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date and subject to Tenant's receipt of this Amcndment and an original Memorandum (as defined herein) executed by Owner. 2. l-ease Term Extended. NotwithstandinganythingtothecontrarycontainedintheLeaseorthis Amendment, the Parties agree the Lease originally commenced on August 26, 1'997 and expired on August 25, 2017. The Lease is hereby amended to extend the current term of the Lease to expire on August 25, 2022, and to provide Tenant with the option to cxtend the Lease for each of four (4) additional five (5) year renewal terms (each a "Renewol lerm" and, collectively, the "Renewol ferms"l. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the l.ease, (a) all RenewalTerms shall automatically renew unless Tenant notifies Owner that Tenant elects not to renew the Lease at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the next RenewalTerm, and (b) in the event Tenant fails to make any payment to Owner of any rent or other sums as and when due under the Lease, as modified by this Am€ndm€nt, Owner shall not have the right to terminate the Lease or pursue any other available remedies unless and untilTenant fails to cure such default within ten (10) days after receiving written notice thereof from Owner. The Owner hereby agrees to execute and return to Tenant an original Mcmorandum of lease in the form and ol the substance attached hereto as Exhibit B and by this referencc made a part hereof (the " Memorondum"l executed by Owner, together with any applicablc AIC Sito No1 411199 VZVV Sito No:118340 Site Namc:N Naplos「1ρ 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1410 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease 345Iorms rt.asonably nceded 1o rcr:ord lhc M(:rnorandum, whit:h {orms shall bt: supplitld by Icnant 1o Own{rr. 8eJ!-.a!d-E-s!Alqt!o!. (.omnrencin{l on August 26, 2017, thc rcnt payable from Tcn;}nl to Owncr under thc I ca:,e is hereby increascd to rorty Thousand and No/lfi) Dollars (540,000.00) pcr ycar (tht: "Benf') Commcncing on n vgusl )6,)O)2 and on thc beginning of ca<.h Rcncwal Tcrrn thercaftcr, Rt'nt dur: under the lease shall inr.rt'ase by an amount cqualto twenty percent (20%) of thc tht:n currcnt Rent. Notwithstanding anything lo thc oontrary conlained in thc lease, all llent and any other paymcnts expressly required 1o be paid by [cnant to Owncr undcr the leasc and this Amendment shall bc paid to Collier County. The escalations to Renl in this Section shall be the only escalations to thc Ront and any/all cscalations to Rcnt in thc lr:ast'are hercby null and void and ol no lurthcr forcc and cllt:ct. qunqr q44Tqll4l4StnqldeC8Fenlfe4d S!a'Le!t-e,!l!q. txccpt as modificd hcrcin, the Icasc and all provisions contained thcrein remain in full forcc and effect and are hercby ratificd and affirmcd. Iach Party hcreby reaffirms the rcprcscntations and warranties made by such Party in the lt'ase as of thc fffedive Datc, and confirms that such rcpresentationl, and warrantics apply to this n mcrldmcnt to the same extent as to the I case. I he Parties hercby agrcc that no default5 exist undcr thc Icasc. Tc.r the (.xtent Tenant nocdcd consont and/or approval from Ownr:r for any of Tenant's activitics al and uses of the sitc prior to the Effectivc Date, including subleasing to American lower, Owncr's exccution of this Amcndmcnt is and shall bc considcred conscnt to and approval of all such activitics and uscs and confirmation that no additional consideration is owed to owncr tor such activitics and uses. Notices. The noticc addresscs for Tcnant listed in Section 10 of thc Lease arc hereby replaccd with the following: Verizon Wireless Attn. Network Real Estate 180 Washington Vallcy Road Bedm inster, NJ 07921 American Tower Attn: Land Management 10 Presidential Way Woburn, MA 01801 American Tow()r Attn; t egal Dept. 116 H untington Avenue Boston, MA 02116. I ..nanl: with cop■to: and als⊆wth co2y tO: counterparts. This Amcndmcnt may bc cxccuted in several counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered, shall be deemed an original and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute onc and the same instrument, even though all Parties arc not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. Furthermore, the Parties may execute and deliver this Amendment by electronic means such as.pdf or similar format. EachofthePartiesagreesthatthedeliveryoftheAmendmentby electronic means will have the same forcc and effect as delivery of original signatures and that each of the Parties may use such electronic signatures as evidence of the execution and delivery of the Amendment by all Partics to the same extent as an original signaturc. A lC Site No: 411199 VIW Site No: 118340 Sit0 Namc: N. Naples FL IS′67VATυ R[S COん ″M[7VCr OⅣ F0110ι ″77VC P46[] ③ 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1411 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease OWNER: DATED: BOARD O「CO∪NTY COMMISSiON[RS COLLI[R COUNTY′FLOR:D∧ ATTEST: Crystal K Kinzel,interim Clerk By:By , Deputy Clerk Andy, Solis, [sq., Chairman Approved as to form and legality: J;;"if", a. gerp"aio, cornry Altorn"y A g {-*.t" iS′6Arハ 丁υRFS COrVTlrvυ [ο rv FOι ιOい ′′A16~ρ ハG~[〕 AIC Sitc No: 411199 VZW Site No: 1L8340 Site Name: N. Naples FL. 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1412 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease TENANT: Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP d/b/a Verizon Wireless By: ATC Sequoia I I C, a Delaware limitcd liability company Titlc: Attorney-in-f act Signature: Print Namo: 1ltle: Date: ATC Site Noi 411199 VZW Ste No1118340 Site Namel N Naples FL 11畔 じTSttε そフgd 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1413 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease EXHiB:TA rゎ rs rxllfb′t/1`η σソb(l rcρ ′αced οl Tc,α ntt Oρ "ο ′〕ο5descrrbed be′οw Owner's Land .fanont sholl hove tha riqht to reploce this description with o description obtoined from Owner's deed (or dt:eds) thot indude the lond oreo encompossed by the leqse ond Tenont's improvements thereon The Owner's I and consists of t ho cntirc lcgal Laxable lot owncd by Owncr as dcscribcd in a der:d (or deeds) to Owner of which the lcased Area is d part thereof with such Owner's tand being situated in the County of Collier, State of Florida, and being dcscribed bclow: Beinq situoted in Collicr (bunly, Stote ol Florido ond being Porcel Number: fi)167U0OO6 ヽ PAR(ヽ 、 1■ lAヽ D ヽ6CAICD I" SECヽ 1011 26 と 2'′ rowN5,1'148 SOul1l RANCr 25 鵬 7. C OttI[R COt,NW R(NelDA, 日Fl"C ●on[ 中ハ11lit utハ ■Lイ DEttRIBIISだ S F OLLOい ら 0[●・lN"ll“′ ハ1 ハ 00NCRETC “ 0"U∥['T LOtAr[O Ar r"F[A5' flぽ 恥 聯〔珊江1.いi許 聯讐Wi 諾品:lた ヽぎlご 讐計uw鋼 1響 ∥Ll,21《拭 証t馳 什 :∫::・ T謂 III.晰 :∴:瀞 :審 」が響P∬∫l,(肝 i♂出 1鷲 11樹 」t鮒 :::1器 :l膏 晋げ帯;7『品ハ驚Fり:l oR‐■ 1■ ヽハI(り 5[Cl1011 2フ A“0 1"F '0日 1 0F giclH"贈6 TEASED PREMISES T?nont sholl hove the right to reploce this description with o description obtoined Jrom thc I eose or lrom o description obtoined from on os-built survey conducted by Tenont The leased Area consists of that portion o[ the Owner's Land as defined in the Iease which shall include access and utilities easements. The squarc footage of the leased Area shall be the greater of: (i) the land area conveyed to Tenant in the Lease; (ii) Tenant's (and Tenant's customers') existing improvements on the Owner's Land; or (iii) the leBal description or depiction below (if any). r n i{tr r, tr|no trto ll ltt )FIx t/, o, rrf rD. ,r. rofiIfit rl tdt ]H. iml rs ulrrro'lar elrr.n; rloiD{, ttrLo Lom rrrrtu"4l,r ggl(irx D ^t rqtofico..rartx6 tl . c0'.trtlll riorirqxt rt tnt lrlt l.r{ corr.tt (r trlo $cl(t* ,r. I{rGl x |E,t 0r:r ,r ftr.c tril (rll r,i{ r rt|t lt tl. fr SarD ttcrEfl lr. tao jl Irt]^ D{rat ! It,, tfr ,.o, rttr lo rl( Ffirr or q.crrrri6. ,llrrr lo[/rr.ttrI iooo ?tal. n{*a rlt lfi?'L l["?,1#Irtt{Er xntTofi !.F rrrt r'rrr{ rr'llrir. rorir I..t ro tlll (o,.r..{rc ,En !o.:.nt altt fi oott .cttr .aut or tltl ArC Site No:411199 V′W Site No:118340 Site Name:N NaplesFL 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1414 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease E型 旦圧■lCOntl理 担J ACCESS AND UT:LITIES lhc a(toss and ut∥ty ea、crrients includc a∥〔lasoments of rocord as、″ol that port on ofthe Owrler'siand currcntly、lt∥izcd by lorlant(and TCnant's customor5)fOr irlgrOss,ogress and utility purpos()s frorr)the tcased Ar(,a to and from a public right of wav′including but notlimitod to: Ut∥ty Description: A PARCLt O「 1′"D 1000 「に日 W10F LVINC ,N T,,〔 NORTH 1/2 0F SECrloN 27. TOWNSR,P 43 SOuTH, RANC.E 25 EAST ANO IIIC NORT卜 lWrsT 1/4 0F SECI!ON 26, 10WNSHIP 48 50UTH. RANC[ 25 にハST. COL― lJER COu~TY,「10R10A・ THE CCtlTERに INE OF SNO PARCCL 8E:NC ●ORE PARマ ,CuLARι Y OESCR13ED 澪 Foし ― LOWS :9麗 甲l‰品,〃麗F品 罷TW轟 丁 1シ fl,「:κ :撃 [器 場.■λ話器:2孔 縦 3)野 ゞ W, 240' 「EET TO THC POINT OF BECINNnC OF SttD PARCEL LYINC 5 00 FEET CN EITHER S,OC OF 鵬馬、L3冊 Ъ鷹置BttfittEll肝 ,F計 躙」J甜 鴨.誕 11::∬手冊N鍵 ヽアζgβ鶴 SECT'ON 27, 744 51 FEET VO 了HC PolN了 OF TERM!NAT,ON CONl却 ":NC 7.056 SOUARE FEET OR 0 10 ACRES MORE O繊 tFSS AIC Sito N():411199 VZW Sito No:118340 Sit()Namel N Naples FL 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1415 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease EXHIBl丁B FORM OF MEMORANDUM OFLEASE Al C Site No:411199 VZW Sito NolJ1 8340蹴omNNaい H c 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1416 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease PLgp-glsd-hv.cod-\-eUr4-to-; American Towcr I0 Presidential Way Woburn, MA 01801 Attn: Land Management/Danicl Ielvine, Fsq. AIC Site No: 411L99 ATC Site Name: N. Naplcs Ft State of Florida Asss.sso(s palce.l NoJg, ff)_!k, t #\I _ki collty o!-!oJ!ier MEMORANDUM OF LEASE lhis Memorandum of Lease (the "Memorondum")is entered into on the --- - .- - - --- day of ZrJj"__by and between CollierCounty, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("Owne/'l and Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP dlblaYerizon Wireless ("Tenon('). NOTICE is hereby given of the Lease (as defined and described below) for the purpose of recording and giving notice of thc existence of said Lease. To the extent that notice of such Lease has previously been recorded, then this Memorandum shall constitute an amendment of any such prior recorded notice(s). L. Owne/s Land and Lease. Owner is the owner of certain real property being described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof \the "Owner's Land"). Owner and Tenant's predecessor-in-interest, PrimeCo Personal Communications, LP, entered into that certain Ground Lease Agreement dated AugusI26, 1gg7 (the "[eose"), pursuant to which the Tenant leases a portion of the Owner's Land and is the beneficiary of certain easements for access and public utilities, all as more particularly described in the l.ease (such portion of the Owner's Land so leased along with such portion of the Owner's Land so affected, collectively, lhe "Leosed Areo"\, which Leased Area is also described on Exhibit A. 2. American Tower. Tenant, Verizon Communications lnc., a Delaware corporation, and other parties identified therein, entered into a Management Agreement and a Master Prepaid L-ease, both with an effective date of March 27 , ?0L5 and both with ATC Sequoia L[ C, a Delaware limited liability company ("Americon Towel'1, pursuant to which American Tower subleases, manages, operates and maintains, as applicable, the l-eased Area, all as more particularly described therein. ln connection with these responsibilities, Tenant has also granted American Tclwer a limited power of attorney (the "POA") to, among other things, prepare, negotiate, execute, deliver, record and/or file certain documents on behalf of Tenant, all as more particularly set forth in the POA. 3. Expiratiol Date. Subjecttotheterms, provisions, and conditions of the Lease, and assumingthe exercise by Tenant of all renewal options contained in the Lease, the final expiration date of the Lease would be August 25,2042. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shallTenant be required to exercise any option to renew the term of the [,ease. AIC Site No:411199 VZW Site No: 118340 Site Name: N. Naples Ft 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1417 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease 456フ Leased Pre[iselLescription. lenantshall havc the ri8ht, cxcrcisable by lcnant at any timc dUring the original or rencwal tcrms of the I case, to causc an as built survey of the Lcased Area to bc prepared and, thcreaftcr, to rep,ace, in whole or in part, thc description(s) of the lr:ased Arca set forth on Exhibit A with a lcgal dcscription or lcgal dcscriptions based upon such as-built survey. upon Tenant's request, Owner shall execute and deliver any documcnts reasonably necessary to cflectuatc such replacemcnt, including, without limitation, amendments to this Mcmorandum and to thc lease. Etfegvl4jlSellelESlC. This Memorandum is not a complete summary of the terms, provisions and conditions contained in the lease. lntheeventof a conflict between this Memorandum and the Lease, the Lease shall control. Owner hcrcby grants thc right to Tenant to complete and execute on behalf of Owncr any government or transter tax forms necessary for the recordin8 of this Memorandum. This right shall lerminatc upon recordinB of this Memorandum. Notices. All notices must be in writing and shall be valid upon receipt when delivered by hand, by nationally recognized courier servicc, or by tirst class united states Mail, certificd, return rcceipt requestcd to the addrcsses s€lt forth herein: to Owner at: 3335 Fast Tamiami Trail, Attn: Real Propcrty Mana8ement, Naples, fL 34112; to Tenant at: Vcrizon Wireless, Attn. Network Real Estate, 180 Washington Valley Road, Bedminster, Nl 07921; with copY to: American Tower, Attn: Land Management, 10 Presidential Way, Woburn, MA 01801, and also with coDv to: Attn Legal Dept 116 Huntington Avcnue, Boston, Mn 02116. Any of the parties hereto, by thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other in the manner provided herein, may designate one or more different notice addresses from those set forth above. Refusal to accept delivery of any notice or the inability to deliver any notice because of a changed address for which no notice was given as required herein, shall be deemed to be receipt of any such notice. Counterparts. This Memorandum may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered, shall be deemed an original and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. Governing Law. This Memorandum shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions of the State of Florida. IS′67VATυ R[S COMMfⅣCF 07V FOι ιOИ ″7V6PA6[〕 Al C Sito No1 411199 VZW Site No1118340 Site Namc:N Naples FL8 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1418 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease INWITNISSWHIRIOF,Ownrtr;rrrcj lt'nanthaveeachcxr:r:utodthisMernorandumasrllthe'dayandyollrsct fclrl h bolow. OWNER: l)∧l[D: ∧丁TEST: Crystal K Kinzel′lntcrim Clerk By: ___ BOARD O「CO∪NTY COMMISS:ONERS COLLI[沢 COUNTY,「LOR:D∧ By:____ _´ _―――‐――――― ―――――――一 ――――― ―― Andy sOlis′lisq.′Chairman , Dt,prty {.l,,rk Approved as to form and legality: Jennifer A. Belpedio, County Attorney AIC Site No: 411199 VZW Site No: L18340 Sitc Name: N. Naples H. 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1419 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease T[NANT Veri20n urireless Persona!Commurlications LP d/b/a VOri20n VVireless l3y: A'T'C Sequoia l 1C, a Dclaware limrted liability company Title: Attorncy-in Fact Signatu r c: Print Name:Shown Lonler Titlo: Date: P ri nt N a me : A-a-\, r*t U-L"- -!g- -My commission expires: {- \!:L- 弯97ワ |"セ‐汐躍|W:lN[SS Si11n;rl u r t: Signatu rc: Print Namc: Print Namc: Ⅵ′:TNESS AND ACKNOWLEDG「M『NT Commonwealth of Massachusotts County of Middlesex 礎 認 ょ島鷺 脚 構 淋 蔀高 轟 贔 宜 Ψ 燃 士 量 二 ′ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)WhOSO namO(s)is/are subSCribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they eXecuted the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ieS)′and that by his/her/their Signature(s)on the instrument′the person(s)Or the entlty upon whlch the person(s)acted′executed tho instrument VVITNESS my hand and official seal. ISEAl! AIC Site No:411199 VZW Site No: 118340 Site Name: N. Naples Fl ⑭ Notary Public 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1420 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease EXUEIT A This Exhibit A moy bc reploced ot fcnont's option os dt:st:ribed betlow Owne/s Land Tenont sholl hove the right to reploce this description with o desffiption obtoined Jrom Owner's deed (ctr deeds) thal include thc land oreo encompossed by thc Leuse dnd Tenont's improvements thereon The Owner's l..and consists of the entirc lcgal taxable lot owned by Owncr as dcscribed in a dr-'ed (or deeds) to Owner of which thc Lcased Area is a part thereof with such Owncr's Land being situated in the County of Collier, State of Florida, and bcing describfli below: Beinq situited in Collk:r County, Stote of Florido ond beinq Porcal Numbet: 00167840006 A PAFICT I l ji r-Arnt) |.5)CAI[D ti{ SEi] IlOt{ ?ti &. 2l" Iot{f sr t,{8 50l,rll,i HArlCt ?5 trSI. COl,Uf,n Co{r}r iY trr (}Fn^, Bf rHCuotu rrarir . u( re.L,t of s{Fr8Eo ^5 l otlofi5 SfGtr{f Hr, rr ^ foflcRtlf HoHUMtr{I LoLaIto rt THf tAStl/{ coHHr h r1l sir$ StfIlo 2?. tHfr*ct t 0s2s'2{t rlotc IHI frst rtnt ftr $rlD Sf[ tl0fi ?r. I J2o{{ tfET. IHtl{ct 5a9 ",nl"t s't rr., (16 rtrl Ill(Nct 5 oB ?s'?4-t . 1"120 rg r[€II#tNct r6*Jl I t"E ^Lot{G IHE S()UIH !{f LT Sfcltori 26. l? 0O r r I r r{:} lrlf, SOulttfASI COR}ILR OF SrlD StCItOtl ? 7. IHE|iCI rr 66,19 J5-* , 772 El fff1. IHE CT l{ Oi 5J Oi'w,,j,0?'i 9O r !. lfitrc[ S iEIE'r5't, {00 OO rttl, rHttict $o{ 5l'05'11 rlff6 n/ lItI" IrltnEE 5 [9?E 2!i t 6]7 lt ;rFI IO lfit f fsl 1ll{ ,i{ !rt0 c,tf, Ttotr 1r tHr c{ s {rl!]'orr Ar ofic h{ [A5! ltNi rrr lAttr Sfclrotil 2I, I tt( l9 rtfl io fHt tAsI t/1 r SRMH r r,t \,Ar1, 5[ CIiSH ll AtttD IHf p$h{I St Etcti{htt{S LEASED PREMISES Tenont sholl hdve the right to reploct: lhis description with o description obtaincd from the Leose or from o dcscription obtoincd from on os.built survey conductcd by fenont. The l.eascd Area consists of that portion of the Owner's Land as dcfined in the Lease which shall include access and utilities eascments. -lhe square footage of the Lcascd Arca shall be the greater of: (i) thc land area conveyed to Tenant in the Lease; (ii)Tenant's (and T€nant's customers') existing irnprovcments on the Owner's Iand; or (iii)the legal dcscription or depiction below (if any). :.ry(_tr r, Llrro r'flt rt rxl xoflx r1t o, $Elpt ?r, roritr| ra torrlt{ iffit I|l tAtt. 991!1!*t$x!Tv rlgqDj,ltl,ro r,oft r^ltrc4rar ortcilrtD a rotror--- 9P1E lCrrC- rt- r (-Ortnl_rl r.0rrlrlttxt .t rra l^lr r,r{ cGr.tr fr ria 1js1{* ,r. r}{rct x Ef I or-f ,t r rE rr{ frtl rr.[ g [{t ,.t tl. oI sflo ttc rEt{ lr. rao l, IIar.' ],ltlici r lflllf: ryo_l IM r_o-tr!-hru or rca{xr-i,*r*i imil,dit-mifr}'rit irBei iit rfi?-E ;fl.I1#Irrrrltrnr ,.@ttota loE rtrr. r.<rfa rrsrrrii. rioir ftir io na cor{ t.a..ric ? ffi lsr.rr r(tl d o ot {rtl .td( d tltt AIC Site No:411199 VIW Site No:11t1340 Site Name: N. Naples t I 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1421 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease 堅 L担 肛_▲lCo■inuOdl ACCESS AND UTlLITIES T1le a(,ccsS and utiity easorrlents includo a∥eascrn(,:,ls oli()cord,卜 vv()|lthat portk)n olthe Owrlcr'stand currenJy uu∥zod bv Tenant(and TCnant's customers)fOr ingross′ogrcss and u●Iy purposos from the loascd Area to and from a pubic right of wav′including but not hmitod to: Utihty Description: A PARCLに OF ttD 10 00 FEET WIDE IYINC ,N TII〔 NORTH 1/2 0F SECT10N 2フ ` rOWNSHIP 43 SOuγ H. RANCE 25 =AST ANO I"は NORT,lWESl 1/1 0F SECr,oN 26. 10WNSHIP 48 SOuTH, RANGE 25 郷 T, COL― LER COuNIY. :10R10A, THE Cに IIΥ [RLINに OF SttO PARCCL BE:NC. MoRC PARI'CuLARCY OESCR18●0 ハS FOし ― LOWS COMMENC:NC AT A CONCR〔TE MONUMEIII ハ† 1,|[〔ASt '/4 CORNER OF SND SECT10N 27. THENCに N Oσ 静笞ち4T唯 ∬ЪE怪 i臨 fЪ 」哩ぶ鳥,ご ち鍵船ヽ撮親Ph胎 :誂 ■ξ‰L:器 3∬滞THE FOttowINC DESCRIBED Cに NIERLINE, THENCE N 41・ 32.5『E. 41 12 「EE7. THENCC N 002フ 'Or w ALO時 C A Llll[ PARALLEL WITH AND 5 00 FC[r EA―I.Y oF TH[ [ASI L'NE OF THE NE 1/4 0F SA10 SECT10N 27. 74■51 Fに ET T0 111〔 POIN1 0F Tは RM:NAT10N CONT″ “ INC 7.056 SOUARE FEET OR 0 10 ACRES MOR〔 OR LFSS AIC Site No:411199 VZW Site No: 118340 Site Name: N. Naples FL 16.C.7.a Packet Pg. 1422 Attachment: Verizon North County Water Reclamation Facility Second Amendment 2018 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease 16.C.7.b Packet Pg. 1423 Attachment: Verizon Water Reclamation Facility First Amendment (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and Memorandum 16.C.7.b Packet Pg. 1424 Attachment: Verizon Water Reclamation Facility First Amendment (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and Memorandum 16.C.7.b Packet Pg. 1425 Attachment: Verizon Water Reclamation Facility First Amendment (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and Memorandum 16.C.7.b Packet Pg. 1426 Attachment: Verizon Water Reclamation Facility First Amendment (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and Memorandum 16.C.7.b Packet Pg. 1427 Attachment: Verizon Water Reclamation Facility First Amendment (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and Memorandum 16.C.7.b Packet Pg. 1428 Attachment: Verizon Water Reclamation Facility First Amendment (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and Memorandum 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1429 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1430 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1431 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1432 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1433 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1434 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1435 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1436 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1437 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1438 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1439 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1440 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1441 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1442 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1443 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1444 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1445 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1446 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1447 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1448 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1449 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1450 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1451 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and 16.C.7.c Packet Pg. 1452 Attachment: Verizon - PrimeCo North County Wastewater Treatment Plant 1997 (6409 : Second Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement and