Agenda 09/25/2018 Item #16A 509/25/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve a Resolution for final acceptance of the private roadway and drainage improvements, and acceptance of the plat dedications, for the final plat of Mandalay Place, Application Number 20130001582, and authorize the release of the maintenance security. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (Board) grant final acceptance of the infrastructure improvements associated with the subdivision, accept the plat dedications, and release the maintenance security. CONSIDERATIONS: 1) On September 13, 2016, the Growth Management Department granted preliminary acceptance of the roadway and drainage improvements in Mandalay Place. 2) The roadway and drainage improvements will be maintained by the project’s homeowner’s association. 3) The required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Land Development Code. The Growth Management Department has inspected the improvements and is recommending final acceptance of the improvements. 4) A resolution for final acceptance has been prepared and approved by the County Attorney's Office. The resolution is a requirement of Section 10.02.05 C of the Land Development Code. A copy of the document is attached. FISCAL IMPACT: The roadway and drainage improvements will be maintained by the project's homeowner’s association. The existing security in the amount of $66,921.38 will be released upon Board approval. The original security in the amount of $528,235.55 has been reduced to the current amount based on the previous work performed and completed and pursuant to the terms of the Construction and Maintenance Agreement dated September 14, 2015. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this action. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved as to form and legality and requires a majority vote for Board approval. - SAS RECOMMENDATION: To have the Board accept final acceptance of the roadway and drainage improvements in Mandalay Place, Application Number 20130001582, and authorizes; 1. The Chairman to execute the attached resolution authorizing final acceptance of the improvements, and acceptance of the plat dedications. 2. The Clerk of Courts to release of the maintenance security. Prepared By: Lucia S. Martin, Technician, Development Review ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Location Map (PDF) 16.A.5 Packet Pg. 812 09/25/2018 2. Bond Basis (PDF) 3. Resolution (PDF) 4. Plat Map (PDF) 16.A.5 Packet Pg. 813 09/25/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.A.5 Doc ID: 6454 Item Summary: Recommendation to approve a Resolution for final acceptance of the private roadway and drainage improvements, and acceptance of the plat dedications, for the final plat of Mandalay Place, Application Number 20130001582, and authorize the release of the maintenance security. Meeting Date: 09/25/2018 Prepared by: Title: Technician – Growth Management Development Review Name: Lucia Martin 08/17/2018 2:33 PM Submitted by: Title: Project Manager, Principal – Growth Management Department Name: Matthew McLean 08/17/2018 2:33 PM Approved By: Review: Growth Management Operations & Regulatory Management Stephanie Amann Additional Reviewer Completed 08/17/2018 4:40 PM Growth Management Department Judy Puig Level 1 Reviewer Completed 08/20/2018 4:58 PM Engineering & Natural Resources Jack McKenna Additional Reviewer Completed 08/20/2018 5:00 PM Growth Management Development Review Brett Rosenblum Additional Reviewer Completed 08/21/2018 8:33 AM Growth Management Development Review Chris Scott Additional Reviewer Completed 08/27/2018 12:35 PM Growth Management Department Matthew McLean Additional Reviewer Completed 08/28/2018 7:46 AM Growth Management Department Thaddeus Cohen Department Head Review Completed 08/28/2018 2:53 PM County Attorney's Office Scott Stone Level 2 Attorney Review Completed 08/30/2018 4:26 PM Growth Management Department James C French Deputy Department Head Review Completed 08/30/2018 5:57 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 08/31/2018 10:08 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 08/31/2018 11:35 AM Office of Management and Budget Allison Kearns Additional Reviewer Completed 09/06/2018 5:57 PM County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 09/17/2018 1:49 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 09/25/2018 9:00 AM 16.A.5 Packet Pg. 814 MANDALAY PLACE LOCATION MAP 16.A.5.a Packet Pg. 815 Attachment: Location Map (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS l'lllS ('ONS'l'Rtlcl'l'lON ANI) MAIN'f IiNANCtI AGI{BI'1IV{trN'l' F-OR St lt}l)IVISION Il\ll'ltOVllNII:N lS cntercclinto this 14S an.r- nt', fut6 , between D.R. f{OR fON. INC Itcrcirtalicr relcrred to as "Devekrper." and the Roard of County Clommissioners ol Collier County. Floricla. hcrcinaltcr ref'errcd to as the "Board". RECITALS: ,'\. [)e r cloprcr has. simultaneously with the delive ry' of this Agrcernent. applied fbr the approval by the t]oard ol'a certitirt plat ol'a subdir,'ision to be knou'n as: MANDALAY Pt,ACE l]. ('haptcrs -l ancl l0 of the Collier County [.and Devcloprnent Cocle recluires the Developcr to post appropriatc quaruntccs tirr the constnrction of the improvcments rccprired by saicl subdivisiorr regulations, said gr.ri.rrantccs to be incorporatcd in a btlnded agreemcnt ltlr thc constnrction ol'the rcquire'd improvenrcnts. NOW, Ttll.lREI.-OIlE. in consitleration ol'the firrcgoing prcnrises and mutual covenants hcrcinalicr set lirrth. [)crclopcrancl the lJoard do hcrcby covenant ancl agrce as tirllorvs: l. l)cvclopcr will causc to be constructccl: Sitc improvenlents including but nnt limited to clearing. tilling.cxcitvation.installationol'roildwayirnprovcrncr-rtsandutiliticsassociatedwithMandalayl'laccrvithin 12 rnonths lionr thc date of appror,'al said subdivision plat, said improvcments hereinaller ref-errecl to as the required inrprovenrcnts. 2. I)cvcloper herewith tcnders its subclivision pcrfbrnlance security (attached liercto as l::lhibit "z\" anrl bv rclcrcnce rnacle a part hcrcol) in the ilrnounf ol$528,235.55 which anlorurt rcprescnts llYn of thc total c()ntract cost lo corn6lletc construction plus 10001, of the estinrate cost of to conlplete the rccluircd inrprorcmcnts at tltc clatc ol'tliis z\grcenrcnt. 3. In thc e r crtt ol'clelault b1' the Developer or lirilure of'the Developer to conrplcte such inr;rroverncnts within thc tirrc rccprircd b."- thc Land l)cvclopmcnt Codc. Clollicr County may call Llpon the subdivision pcllonnancc sccuritr to insurc satislirctury complction ol'the requircd improvcments. l. 'l'he rcrlr-rircd improvcmcnts shall not be consiclerccl complcte until a statenrent of substantial cotttplction br I)crcloper's cnqinccr along uith thc tinal pro.jcct rccords havc bccn lirrnishcd to be rcvicr.iccl artd approvctl b1 thc ('ount1'lVlanagcr or his dcsignce lirr conrpliance r.vith thc (lollicr C'ountv [.and I)cr,ckrprncrtt ('orlc. -5. 'Ihe ('ount1'Managcr or his designec shall. rvithin sixty (60) days of rcccipt ol'the staterncnt ol' suhstnntial conrplction. cithcr: a) notif .l' the [)evelopcr in writing of his preliminary approval ol'thc irnprovemcnts: or b) notil'r, the l)cvcloper in n,riting ol'his rclLrsal to appro\c inrprovernc'nts. thereu'ith specit;ving thosc conditions u.hich thc Dcrcloper nrust fulllll in order to obtain the C'ounty Manager's approval of the Page I of3 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 816 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) improvernents. However, in no event shall the County Manager or his designee refuse preliminary approval of the irtrprovements if they are in fact constructed and subrnitted tbr approval in accordance with the requirements ot'this Agreement. 6. 'fhc Developer shall maintain all reqr,rired improvements tbr tr minimum period of one ycar alier preliminary' approval by the County Manager or his designee. After the one )'ear rnaintenance period by the Der,'e loper has terminated, the Developer shall petition the County Manager or his designee to inspect the required inrprovcntents. '['he County N,lanager or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if fbund to be still in ccrt'npliance rvith the Collier County [-and Devc-lopment Cocle as reflected by tinal approval by the Board, the lloard shall release the rernaining l}ohof the subdivision pertbrmance security. 'fhe Developer's responsibility tbr tttaintcnance ttl tl're rcquired improvcrnents shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance rcsponsibilitt' lbr anrl by the County. 7. Six (6) months afler the cxccution of this Agreement and once within evcry six (6) months thercalicr tl-re I)cvcloper may rcquest the County lV1anager or his designce to rcduce the dollar amount of thc subdivision perfirrtnance security on the basis of rvork cornplete. Each rccluest tbr a rcduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision pcrfbnnance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial cornpletion by the Devclopcr's enginecr together with the project rccords necessary fbr review by the County Manager or his designee. 'fhe Courrty Mantrger or his designee may grant the request lbr a recluction in the amount of the subtlivision perfbrmance security fbr the improvernents completed as of the date of the request. 8. In the event the Developer shall lail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreerncnt, upon certificatiort ol sttch lailure. the County Manager or his designee nray call upon the subdivision performance security'to sccllrr- satisfactory completion. repair and maintcnance of thc recluired intprovernents. The lloard shall havc thc right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructcd or mainttrined, pursuant to public advertisetnent and rcceipt and acccptancc of bids. the improvcments required herein. 'l-he Devcloper. as principal undcr the subdivision perfbnrltlnce security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board. upon conlpletion o1'such ctlttstructiorr. the finiil totalcost to the Board thereof. including, but not lirnitcd to. engineerirrg, lcgaland cotttingcttt costs. together rvith an1' damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on ilccotlnt ot'the thilLrrc of the I)cveloper to firlfill all of the provisions of this Agrcement. 9. All of thc terms. covetrants and conditions hcrein contained are and shall be binding upon the I)ercloper and the rcspectil'e successors and assigns of the Developer. IN WITNESS IVHEREOF, the Board and the f)er,'eloper have caused this Agreement to be executed by thcir dtrly authorize'd representarives this l4S day of 6*I.*bur .20 t5 Page 2 of3 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 817 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) SIGNED IN'TIIE PRESENCE OF: I)rint nt Narr-rc D.R. lIorton, Inc. I)rint N (President. VP, or CEO) Proviclc Evidcnce of Authority I]OARD OF COTJNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA :\'l'l'trS f : D'W'l(il l't E. U[{OC'K, Clerk By: -ae/ {"luc<- Dwiuht Attest aSto sionature onlv. , AplYror cd as to Ttrrnr qaA 5 -fl,'n Nqac'r- , Chairman il I 3.A+ A - S+one- Assistant Courrty Attorney ,\pprorcrll:orrn .l/\K lrchruary'2(X)(r L. I'}age 3 of 3 q,L- ,tl l.''7 - -- =:A,Ut*+rh- By: V 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 818 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) lESTllM/s.TE OF PR(}B,/\BLE COST llJlAND,qLAY PLACE t3;U EtD tVlot Oht PITT,ABLE: !\r\] I:Fl HOT TAP EXI$TING 8' MI\IN 4' FVC OR 18 4" PVC EIR 14 8' PVC Erti t8 8" PVC Dtl t4 8" r3V FlFIE HYEIRAI{1. F,ERM SiAM PI.E IPoII\I' SiERVICEIS 4" PVC CONETIJt'r IJFI REI.EAI]E: \'CT.\/E TEISTING.IOTAL 'AIA'IEiII 11l4ny4 DtlAlt\l/qcE 15' RCF 18" RCP :2{" RCF |SiRATE: lNrl.E'l''rHROtfr tNtEr rv[]'ERE0 ENt) rS0NTFt13l- !;TttLttll'tJRE'toTAL Dru,titccE l'A'/ll,lG 1" l\sPHr/\Ll' si..l .ti",ASF}{ALI :S-lll r)\/ErlltAY (i'Il,AsE 1:2' liT/\BlLl.ZEEr SilJElGlll\DE r/Al-LE / €;Uff EiR'r!1)E A CUttEt lll\tvDI)AP R/\tvtP,S ri ll{PhlG p,No s[GfncE SoD S'TRIP SEED/MI.'LC)H IiIDEWAI-K SID f:WF\l-K BASI: PC:I) TCITAL PIVING t.t: t.F trA, t1A, trA, EA, 27 281 7 €i I ';lTY. rJ Nt'r 't titr 110 t-F 70 l-F Tlvt t.F :6 t-F i!. t1r, 3 I:A 1 l:P' I I:l' lEO LF 3hA 1 tia, 882 t.t: 3r)19 {;Y 3rl'1€r SY 3rllsr sY 388:r tiy :1i31'1 t.F t57 L.t: (r t.li 1t.t) :1.{68 l..t: 1 t.rJ 0 t.t: (r sY 1 t.ts c()tir I'RICE $a;,1ai11.0{) $ 1{}.27 $17.80 518.27 $17.80 01,34:r.00 s3,521 .00 :11.53ti.00 1t488.00 :11(1.18 $'l,rl8(t.00 $3, l0(r.00 tl,22..77 112e,.77 $34.66 $ 1,:20Cr.oct $:2,40C,.00 !irl0Cr.00 $:2,400.00 $,3.45 Q,., 1E $,tl.ir3 $':l.a;0 $,7.05 3,9.10 $3Cr().00 $3€r1.33 S'0.i:5 :t1,000.00 s,:t.40 s3.40 s2,000.00 ppt.A.i,l.20l:t00t, t 5 92I/,|AIIDAIAy PIACT CIAIE:11/a/j4 DUt:t 12l2l14 $20,083.14 $722.79 99,739.46 s8,400.00 s14,400.00 01,600.00 $2,400.00 957,345.39 $5,152.00 $2,009.70 81,246.00 s14,506.38 $640.80 $2,684.00 $10,563.00 $1,535.00 $4,392.00 $1,832.40 $3,240.00 $3,100.00 $50,901.28 010,415.s5 $8,302.2s $25,148.27 $9,707.50 $16,292.55 $1,428.70 $0.00 E3An.33 $617.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $75,276.1s Ft:v:3 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 819 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) EAITTHV\rOFlK, l-tcH'rtr\tc,g BUF'FERSi $IL FENOE CLIilRll,lc F[-t- tiTrtEET LtCiH't'1S BI,I':FEIl TO rAL bcRIl{woFI( $.ql,lITT,III' SiE!VE FI [T F,VC ZT MU\NI{OLT: €i" PVC LATEF,/\L €i" c;l.Elu\01,'r l1/ t.tFT sT7\ilC)N 4," lFOR0Eitvu\ltY 1'O'l AL Si/\NlT',CfIY' SiEVI/E:R. il]]?L FtE$tJBrllllTTAl- FE:l: FllE$lDE:l{l1l\L Ptl\T FEIE E:l{Gl N ErEIlt hl G rl tlfl Err\, U'TILIN'RETflEW' f'/qlD W'Ifl{ lit,l3ltll'fl A[. NCIEFt .l ci,qRY'BtJI1_lER, t't= 35rt7g 1y4not4 7'ti{3 tI: 3.t)6 l'c $$10 ()y I Ev\ 2til:r5 LJ: {}ri6 Lt: 6 Ei\ IJO? LF: 13 EJ\ 1 E/\ 1 LS; 21,1,5 Lt: 7.2t AC $24'7,032:.164 0;759to N/A.CITY OF I.IAPLEIS $1.50 $3,:350.CCI :tlo.00 $1,000.C)0 :111.S16 $17.,25; $:] 200. c0 tt9. s6 $4i20.r00 $ll rll)0.t3Ct 11131 000.110 !;1.4.78 $11,314.50 $13,266.00 $56,000.00 $8,000.00 $26,730.60 $'115,311.10 s14,766.00 $19.200.00 $3,843.'t2 $5,460.00 $3,490.00 rt'|31,000.00 $3,621.10 :8181,380.22 $s00.00 s1,040.00 $1,8s9.49 $0.00 $3,399.49 $2,040.00 $1,359.49 rt48( 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 820 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) PERFORMANCE BOND BOND No {_LJ0-5925_ KNOW ALL PERSONS BY IHESE PRESENTS: thAt l).lt. llorton lnc (Narne of Owner) (Address of Owrrer) (Address of Owner) 105-l I Bcn Cl Pratt/S ir Ilile l)krrl'.. Ste 100 (Ht:rt:in,rfter referred to as "Owncr") .rnd I'lrtttc llivcr lrtsu rltncc ( 'tllttlt:tlt Y (Nrnre of Strrcty) (Addrcss of Strrcty) (Addrcss of Surr:ty) (Telt phone Nurlber) 5l)0 Norllrritlgc llrutl, Slqittl .17-5 \ I lrrrta, ( lcorgi:r 10.150 (67rt) 52tt-660-1 (hereinafter re.ferred to,rs "srrrety") ,rre held,rrrd firrnly bounrJ unto Crtlliet (-ottttty, lloritl.r, (httreirt.lIter rtfcrrt,.d to .rs "County") in the tot.rl rtlBrcll.)te surn of trir1l llttrtrlrt'rl I'trt'tttv tliglt!k Doll.rrs (S 528.2.15.55 in lawful ntoney of the United States, for the p,ryrnettt of which surn well artd truly to be rn,trje, we bind ourselves, our [rt irs, ext:cutors,.rtJrnirristr.rtr)rs,'.uccessors,rrtri ;tssigtts, joirrtly,trtd ,.:..,1. t!!y, +tr r:rly t-.'7 tly'' l ;:rr".r.'tt'.. /1r.r.,r11r' .::x! -qrlrr' ty :'n u'.''r! +r)r \tr)lllll,lr 'rt ;lll" tl, .t'. tllt' ( o!ltr'Yt rt:quires' *'l'housend'l'rro llurrtlretl I'trirtv liivr alrtl 55/llxl IHE CONDITION OF Tl-llS (lBtlGAIlON is srrch that where,rs, tlre Owrrt,r h,rs subrrrittcrl for approv,'rl by tlre Board of a certairr strhdivision 1t lltt rr.rrpprl \l alttlala ilcc ..,lrrtJ thlt ccrtain sr-rbdivision shall includr: speofic inrprovernerrts which.trt: roqttircrl by Collrtrr CoLrnty Orrlinanccs ,lrrd Resolutions (hereinafter "L.rnd Devr:loprnr:nt Rcgul.rtit-rns"). l-his ohlig,ttion rtf the Strrety sh,rll (-ornntencc <tn the date tl'ris Bond is cxccuted anrl shall contrntic urrtil tht: r.l,tte ttf firr.tl ,rccept.rncc by the Uoard of County Comrnissionr:rs of tlre spccific irnprovcnrt-,nts dcscrrbr:d rn tlrt: l.rnd Developrnt:rtt Rt,gul,ltions (hereinafter the "Gtltr,ttrty Period"). NOW iHEREtORE, if the Ownr:r shall wt:ll, truly and f.rithfully perforrn its obligations.rnd rltrties in,rccordance with the L,rnd [)evelopment Rcgulations durinll thr:11uar,rnty pe'rrod t:stablishcd by tlre County,,tnd the Owner shall s.rtisfy.rll claims and demands incurrr:d arrd sh,rll fully indcrnr.rrfy.tnd save lr.trrnless the County from and,rgainst all costs and damagcs which it rn,ty suffer by rcJson of owncr's failure to do so, and shall reimburse.rnd rep.ry the County all outlay.tnrl cxpt:nse which the Cottrrty rn.ry incur in rnaking good;ny default, then this oblig.rtion shall be void, otherwise to rcm,rirr rn full force and t:ffect. PROVIDED, FURIHER, that the said Surety, for value received hereby, sti;:ul,rtes and agrees that no ch,tnge, c.xtension of trrne, alteration, additiorr or deletion to the proposed specific irnprovements shall in any wJy affect its obligaticln on this Bond, and it does hereby waive nottce of ;ny such change, extension of tirne, alteration, additron or deletion to the proposed specific irnprrlvernents. PROVIDED, FiIRTHER, that rt is expressly agreed that the Borrd shall be deemed amentJed Ititomatically and immediately, without formal and separate amendments hereto, so as to bind the iI-vr!,.1r a'A ['t. ]!yt'r_.s,Ilq'q(_l:1 , 396-6 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 821 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) Owner and the Surety to the full and fJithful performance in accordance with the Land Development Regulations. The term "Arnendrre.rrt", wherever used in this Bond, and whether referring to this Bond, or other documents shall include any alteratiorr, addition or modification of ;ny ch.rr.rcter lvh.rtsot've.r. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p,rrties lrereto have causcd this PTRFORMANCE BOND to be executed thrs 27lh ,,-\-tlg!t!t-- - /20 l5 WITNESSES:Narrre and fi if Crrrpo r,rtion . llrrrton. lnc. \ )j By rttt Iti;ltr.":k'] , L-'r'L()l ] n,"Lyo r Qt ,: ( 4 Printed N (Provrde Propcr EvirJence of Arrthority) Prirrtcd N,r ACKNOWLED(rt-ML:N l- STAIEOF l:,' '' ,', , COUN IY OF I^ , .: I HE FOREGOING PERFORIVIANCE BOND WAS ACKNOWLEDGF I] I]I- I.ORE I\,1T I HIS DAY OF ,fc'v:.!1T J l 201,t' , by (rrilr)gf r) l) li,, t,,) \,ir / /' 'NATvI E (NAML t)For ACKNUWT tDGtR) coMpANy) wt-to ts PF_RSoNAtLY KNOW rO ME, OR HAS PRODUCL:t) AS IDI N III I( AI ION. Not,lry Prrblic - St.rtt-. of AS A-,/t. r -l r lt r ) __ _* (sEAL)BARBARA KAI-ASI{ Notary Publlc, State of Florlda My Comm. ExPires March 17,2019 /:' -' a / tl ,il(-t\.'l:( PrintcdN,rtne r-;'.r.1,, ,..,.'t /,r ,/t \\ ilncss: Commlgslon No.FF 200595 l'lalte l{ir cr lttsrrrlulcc ('orrr;t:urr Ilt )nrt,4a."E A .,,V,r!- t n-t \l lrgarct ( i;i,i",rr. .\ Itorncl,-in-liact F l. I -icr:nscrl Ile side nt ,\gcrrt i-r() fl/lLLlS UF FL0RIDA 1211 /\/ BoY SCOUTSLVD 11(IX) I-AMPA FL 33607 i N(.)l j I R lFS, R1 1 t?-81 -i.C1l, ttt 'ri,l,'/v r t., I l- ( Jloria l{olrlr lt 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 822 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SURETY STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF HILLSBOROUGH SS On this 27th day of August, 2015 before me, personally came Margaret A. Ginem, who is personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed the within lnstrument as Attorney-ln-Fact on behalf of Platte River lnsurance Company, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the within instrument on behalf of said surety company and was duly authorized to do ln witness whereof, I have signed and affixed rny official seal on the date in this certificate first above written ( Signature ,-- [{((r*,t Eileen C. Heard ,':,{;i?', ':''&ri': ii..::.r' EILEEN C HEARO Comrnissron fl FF 163460 Expires cclober 22, 2019 i..!-'h rr.t ;r^'".,,crc iC l8t./J'9 I lri.; <trt'Lt /itr ( )flicittl .\'tttttt'iLtl .\tttl 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 823 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) t,t..\ t'l t._ Iil\ [.lt t\st t{.\\('t. (.()}il,.\\\ t,()\\ I..t{ ()t.- .\ I I ()tt\t..} SF,.\I, 41305925 h\()\\ \l l\ll\ll\ Illl.\l. l'l{1.\t.\l\.iirr :rr.. l,l \1il. lil\tttl\\tll\\(1..(o\lt'\\\ ;.,,11t1'rl,'1...11,.i ,,\.lt.r,ll,,r,,r,\.,l..ril 1,.,:,,\..,,r..It:,t..rt,ir1r,,,r;,q l \,,I), ,.tit(,tl,r! lt( \i.lta,,! \,r'r,r.r,k r. ir.n iltL rl. ---.\l l\\'RllllrNl\Sil((:\lt,NI:itN.\N.\\t()('Nl:\()l t()t\(lH)Slr)r)(){r.o()(r rrr) ,rl l)r,1,r.t. ll'l \lll l,(l\llll\\tlt\\(l (()\ll'\\l r,.rrr,.!.ti,,rt,ir,l....rll.,l .r11,l lr,.,L,l ,,i\iir, -,ir,lr\,rt t.rlt.tri.'rr' i lr,,lr.r.r,.. ol lll(.( (,it1|!,ili,L..rltlr ,,1 l\r.rrlrrtkt .lt l(.t.1 lllrl\ I ilII ,l r\. lJlr,,t l(r lll(. l]ti,rlt|!..rlt1,il r,t 11.\,rr.rtt{I} r:. ., rl,,.,.rl! .r.rl i,' l'. lr. r, t', rir, ..,1 ,lr,l, .r|. ,r.,1 ,lrLs rilr ,! rr ,,t I rirrr rr,. '{ti I ?u-e-u o*-x l'l \l lt t{l\ | tt t\\l l{ \\( l. ( ()\il'\\\ ,/4r-ful'r,r r,l',\, \il r I I 1 ,. .,,t r, \iri. t\ ,\ i ,1, irt t )t ! ' rrir'i. t'r! r I \!!1. i l t t .\ l'r..r,l..r,r \l \ll r)i r.\i\( {r'\t\. I ' (tl \lrr (,1 l)\\l I \l \il (il \\l\r {)\.\,\ I ( r)l \.i\ (rl l)\,',1 | ."1 1/ /- .// /-/'/,.,1/ ru,Lt,( t-/',,/K-,,,u/y.(.-- r,trl,,.lilrr r, \\ I I I lil\ | I't l\\l lt \\( t. ( ()\ll,\\\ r ...1,, r.L , 'r. I ,i i',,r r :\ ,t , ,..,r ,,.,: I i;.1.. .'11, ,. ''r. i' r. , : \' .. ,. . 'r, L ' r,, ( 'C'r5 I I ti lll l( \, ll '.'il,/.,2;;SI /'/,/Li i rL \l rrt \ ( )rrl'. lc t,r./' . )'( 't. , t'( : .jl . :1 :.':j -l -!* 1l \E \1. ,\ I n:.. r1 1l '-'!!t t,' ,4: .t' 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 824 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) CI,R'I'IF'ICATE OII ASS ISTANT SECRT''TA RY 'l'he undersigned hereby certifies as tollows L He is a duly elected, qualified and acting Assistant Secretary ol'D.R. [-Io(on, Irc., a Dclaware corporation (the "C-ontpun),"), is farniliar with the facts herein certificd ancl is iluly authorizcd to ccrtify the sarne. 7. 'l-he fbllowing is a true, correct and cornplete copy of resolutions related to the subject miltter as adopted by the Consent of Executive Comnrit.tee ol the Board ol'Dircctors ol'the Corupany dated Novcnrber 18,2013 (the "Resolutions "). 'l'he Resolutions have not bcen antended, rcscincled or nrodified and remain in full force and efl'ect as of the date hereof. r\Ulrority-of Yige-Prelident and (lity ManAqer and Designation of Registered Broker - Southwest Florida WHERI.i\S, ellective January 3,2007, Jonarhon M. Pentccost was duly elected to the oftlce of Assistant Secretary of the Cornpany in the Cornpany's South Florida Division, which division has split into two divisions uow known as the Southeast Florida l)ivision and the Southwesr Florida Division: WIII,IREAS. effective Novemher 10, 2011, Jonathon M. Pentccost was proluotecl to the position ol'Vice Prcsiclent and City Manager of llte C)ontpany: WHEREAS, effective June 12,2013, rhe Conrpany appointecl Jonathcln M. Pentecost to serve as registcred broker of each D.R. Ilortorr Realty of Southwest lilorida, [,LC, a Dclawarc linrited liability cornpany (" D.R. II,Reulh, - Southw,est" ), and Emerald Realty of Southwest Florida, LLC, a Delaware limitcd liability company ( " Emeralcl Realt! - Soutlwest "J, in the Srare of lrlorida; and IVHIIRIIAS. the Cornpany now desires to appoint Jonathon M. Pentecost to serve as registercd broker of lixpress Realty ol' Southrvest Florida, LLC, a Dclaware limited liability company ("Eqtre.ss Rcult), - Southwc,tt"). NOW, THFIRITIORE, IIL IT RESOLVDI), ttrat.lonathon M. Penrecosr shall continue to hold thc ol'l'ice ol' Vice Presiclent ol'the Cornplury (tlrc "Vice Pre.sirle trt " )in thc Company's Southwest lrlorida Division (the " Dit,isiott ".), to serve until the next annual nrceting o1'the clirectors ol'tlre (--ornpany ancl until his successor is clrrly clected anrJ rlualified or rrntil his earlicr death, re.signation or rernovirl. RI'ISOLVI'lD l''UR'fHllll, ttrat thc Vice I)rcsidcnt is hercby authorized and ctlt[)owr:l'cd, in thc Division artrJ in the uarnc ancl on bchallol'(A) the Contpany, (I]) any partncrship olwhictr thc Company is a gcncral partner, nranager or agent, and (Cl) any limitcd liability cornpany of which thc Company is a nrcrnbcr, marlagcr or agcnt (collecrivels, the "Entities"), O sub.iect to written approval by any r-rnc of the lollowing officcrs of the Conrpany: (a) Chairnran of the Board, (b) President, (c) Senior L,xecutive Vicc President, (d) Executive Vice Prcsident or (e) thc Region President of the Division /the "Anprovinp Officer;"), to exccute and deliver contracts, agreements and other documents and instruments (othcr than prontissory notcs) lbr the purchase ol'real propetly, and any improveurents or appurtcnances 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 825 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) constructed thereon or affixed thereto, or any interest thcrein, including without limitation any right-of-way, casement, leasehold or other tangible or intangible propelty, right or interest, and any personal property rclating or incident thereto, (ii) sr:bject to written approval by any one of thc Approving Officers, to exccute and clelivercontracts, agreetnents, <leecls, conveyances orotherobligations ol'the Etttities, closing statements and other documents and instruurents for the salc of improved or uuimproved rcal propel ty, or any intelest or right therein, owned, leased or otherwise contrgllecl by the Entities and (iii) to execute and de liver modcl home leases and such other agreelnents, instruments or documents as the Approving Officers shall direct. RESOLVED I.-tiRTfIIiR, that in connection with the rnanagement of the E,ntities' business, the Vice Prcsident is hereby authorized and etnpowered, in the name and on behalf of the Entities in the Division, to execute and deliver (i) contracts, agreements and other documents and instruments lor the subdivision, clevelopment and./or intprovement of real property, (ii) home salcs contracts, sales person ernployment agree ments and similar or equivalent agreelllcnts, docul.nents or in.struments and (iii) personal property leases for, among other things, office equipment itnd construction trailers. RI,SOI,VED IURTrIIiR, that in connection with the nranagcment of the Entities' business in the Division, the Vice President shall be authorized and enrpowered, in the nanre anci on behalf of the Entities in the Division, to execute and deliver any and all documents ancl instruments necessary to sell and convey title to single-fanrily homes. RESOLVED I.'tiRTIIIIR, that Jonathon M. Pentecost shall c()ntinue to serve as registered broker for D.R. Ilorton Realty - Southwest in the State of Florida. IIESOI,VED ITURTHER, that Jonathon M. Pcntecost shall continue to serve as rogistcrcrl bruker lbr llnrerald Realty - Southwcst in tlie State ol'FloricJa. RIiSOLVED f'URTflER, that the Compatry, i1 its capacity as the sole rurentber of Express Realty - Southwcst, herelry designates Jonathon M. Pentecost as registereri broker for F)xpress Realty - Southwest in the State of Florida. RESOLVFID FIIRTtIIIR, that the authority hereby granted to Jonathon M, Pcntecost supersecles authority previously granted by Written Consent ol-Exccutive Clornmittce of the Boarrl olI)irectors to Jonilthon M. Pcntecost as of'tlte date hereot'. lN WITNESS WtIITRIIOF, the unclersigneri lras sct his h:rnd on the l0'h day of January, 2At4 b Nl,J"*{h*,* Thomas B. Montano Assistant SecretarY 2tJ :U'IEWAI-'AM i n\lll'{l\ I 4.1 an I 0'COAS5. wpd 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 826 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) Aut*y March 7,2017 Gro\,vth Management Department Development Review Division Platte River Insurance Company 500 Northridge Road, Ste. 375 Atlanta, GA. 30350 RE: Performance Bond No. 41305925 / D.R. Horton, Inc. $528,235.55 Mandalay Place, PL201 3000 I 582 Dear Sir or Madam Please be advised that based on the work completed and inspected to date, the subject Performance Bond may now be reduced by $461,314.17, leaving an available surety of $66,921.38. The remaining surety represents $18,899.97 in uncompleted improvements, plus the 10% maintenance security of $48,021.41, which will be released upon final acceptance of the improvements. An original Bond Rider should be submitted to this office reducing the value of the security, all other terms and conditions of the original Performance Bond to remain in full force and effect". If I can be of any further assistance to you in this regard, please let me know Sincerely, loHN HOUTDSWORTH John R. Houldsworth Senior Site Plans Reviewer With authority in these matters Cc: David Underhill, Banks Engineering Dwebpnat Review DMsion' 2800 Nofi Home$oe Drive . I'hfts, Hffiia 34'104.23$fr2-24[ . w*w.colirgovnd 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 827 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM Joe Bianchi Inspections Supervisor John R. Houldsworth Senior Site Plans Reviewer R-E: Escrow Draw Request for Mandalay Place PL20130001582 DATE: March 6,2017 0,/. f,( u+* l7 Attached, find information concerning the escrow draw request. Please conduct an inspection and indicate if the request is acceptable. j"h Attachment 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 828 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) Profesional Enqineers, Hanners & Land 9:rwyors c. I 2 4 5 6 7 9 t0ll r3 PAVING l'ASPHA|-T S-ilt .5' ASPHAT-T S-il OVERI^Y 6'BASE I 2' STABILIZED SUBGRADE VAI.I.EY GUTTER TYPE A CURB IIANDICAP RAN,IPS STRIPING AND SIGNAGE SOD STRIP SEED/MUI.CH SIDEWAI.K SIDEWAI.K BASE PCP $r 0,4r 5.55 $8,302.2s t25,t18.27 s9,707.50 5 t6,292.55 $1,428.70 10.00 t364.33 t6r 7.00 $r,000.00 10.00 10.00 $2,000.00 t0.00 10.00 s25,148.27 19,707 .50 s16,292.55 tt,428.70 10.00 ll82.t 7 56r 7.00 I r,000.00 10.00 10.00 t2,000.00 152,577.O2 $t t,314.50 $ r 3,266.00 $56,000.00 18.000.00 t26,730.60 $ r5,3il.10 $ I 4,766.00 ,1 9,200.00 13,843.r2 $s,460.00 $3,490.00 il 31,000.00 t3,62r. r0 il 8r,380.22 t457,51 5.0r t,|57,51 5.01 3,0r9 sY 3,019 sY 3,019 sY 3,883 SY 2,3t I t-FI57 LF0rstLs 2,468 tFILs OLF 0sYI t-5 t3.45 t2.75 18.33 t2.50 17.05 $9.r0 1300.00 1364.33 $0.25 $ r,000.00 t5.40 t3.40 t2,000.00 3,0r9 3.883 2,3r 1 \57 0 0.5 2,468 I 0 0 I 3,01 3,01 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. I 2 4 5 EARTHWORK, I.IGHTING, & BUFFERS Sub Tohl 11.50 t3,350.00 ll0.o0 1r,000.00 $ r.96 Sub Totol st7.2s 13,200.00 t9.56 t420.00 t3,490.00 t I 31,000.00 175,276.15 sl r,3t4.50 $r3,266.00 $56,000.00 $8,000.00 126,730.60 ilr5,31t.r0 s14,766.00 lr 9.200.00 $3,843.12 $5,460.00 $3,490.00 sr 31,000.00 $3,62r. r 0 t I 8r,380.22 1480,2r 1. r 4 $48,021.,ll 1528,235.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ,0.00 $0.00 SII,T FENCE CLEARING FItL STREET LIGHTS BUFFER SANITARY SEWER 8, Fr'C 4'A,IANHOI.E 6'FYC IATERAI. 6'CI.EANOUT I.IFT STATION 1'FORCEI,{AIN 7,543 3.96 5,600 I 2,235 856 6 402 LF AC CY EA t-F 7 ,543 3.96 5,600 8 I,tJ) E. I 2 4 6 7 t3 1 I tF EA IF EA EA LS LF 856 6 402 t3 I I 245 s0.00 $0.00 I0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 t0.00 t0.00245fi 4.78 Sub Totol Tol,oldgatlrrNbMaffir. ,, tL x70D h. d Fb6 u*rrn$An.tutbhd..&rd(*dGB&nm:rd #qda*atuSn&bdMthtr6ry.&{d@&GtolrDl6d:rBSb' '10* Mointononcc Bond Grcnd Totol $0.00 $ 8,899.97 t48,O21 .41 $66.92r.38 Dovid R.Jt.,PI * 4 /O29 Sonks Engincing S:Voh\8tu\8O82\D*uMr\CounrA8O82 Cd Esmb.gond k6on.i3 BANKS ENGINEERING ,10,4r5.55 t8,302.2s 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 10.00 $0.00 ll82.r 7 t0.00 t0.00 10.00 10.00 t0.00 t18,899.97 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 829 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) Professional Enqineers, Planners & Land Surveyors PRE.DESIGN ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCIION COST FOR REQUIRED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AIAN DAUY PUCE S UB D IWS I O N 3/6/2017 Iteh No. D6.criotion Quontiiy Unit Unit Price Totol Pric6 Quontity Comolcted Pricc oI Quontity Quontity Price of Quontity R6moininq Remoininq I 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 l0ll t2 POTABTE WATER HOT TAP EXISTING 8'MAIN 4' PVC DR 18 4'PVCDRT4 8'PVCDR]8 8',PVCDRt4 8'GV FIRE HYDRANT PERM SAMPI-E POINT SERVICES 4'PVC CONDUIT AIR RETEASE VAI.VE TESTING ORAINAGE I 5' RCP r 8' RCP 24'RCP GRATE INLET THROAT INLET MITERED END CONTROL STRUCTURE $5,1 52.00 s2,oo9.70 $ !,246.00 $ r 4,506.38 $640.80 $2,684.00 $ r 0,563.00 $ 1,535.00 $4,392.00 $r,832.40 $3,240.00 $3,100.00 $5, I 52.00 $2,OO9.70 il,246.00 $14,506.38 $640.80 12,684.00 $ l 0,563.00 11,535.00 $4,392.00 $1.832.40 13.240.00 $3,100.00 $50,901.28 IEA I t0 tF 70 t-F 794 Lt 36 tF 2EA 3EAIEA 9EA r 80 t-F 3EAIEA 882 tF 27 LF 28r tF 7EA 6EA 2EA IEA t5,r52.00 $18.27 lr 7.80 tl8.27 $r 7.80 $ t,342.00 t3,52t.00 $ r,535.00 $488.00 $r0.18 t r,080.00 $3,r00.00 Sub Totol $22.77 $26.77 $34.66 $r,200.00 $2,400.00 1800.00 t2,400.00 Sub Totol I ]l0 70 794 36 2 3 l 9 r80 3 l BB2 27 281 7 6 2 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 i0.00 t0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 B. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 ,50,90r.28 $20,083.r4 s722.79 $9,739.46 $8,400.00 $t 4,400.00 $ r,600.00 s2,400.00 $57,345.39 $20,083. r 4 t722.79 $9,739.46 $8,400.00 $r 4,400.00 11,600.00 t2,400.00 s57,345.39 $0.00 $0.00 t0.00 $0.00 $0.00 t0.00 t0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 s:Vo&Ws\8082\Dcumnb\Coo.ry\8082 Cd En,mob.hd Rddion.lL 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 830 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO:Trish Morgan Clerk to the Board FROM: John R. Houldsworth Senior Site Plans Reviewer RE: Mandalay - Bond No. 4'1305925 DATE: March22,2017 Attached please find an original BOND RIDER / AMENDMENT for Mandalay. Please keep this original security until such time as the Board authorizes it's release, or an alternate security is provided by Land Development services on behalf of the developer. lf you have any questions, please let me know Received by:(Clerk) JRH 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 831 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) Decrease PENALTY RIDER BOND AMOTNT $528.235.55 BOND NO.41305925 To be attached and form a part of Bond No.41305925 dated the 27th day of 1!ggg1,2015, executed by Platte River Insurance Company as surety, on behalf of D.R. Horton. [nc. as current principal of record, and in favor of Collier County. Florida, as Obligee,and in the amount of Five Hundred Twentv Eight Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Five Dollars and 55/100 G52E2l5l$. In consideration ofthe agreed premium charged for this bond, it is understood and agreed that Platte River Insurance Comoany hereby consents that effective from the 7th day of March,20l7, said bond shall be amended as follows: THE BOND PENALTY SHALL BE Decreased FROM: Five Hundred Twenty Eieht Thousand Two Hundred Thirtv Five Dollars and 55/I 00 ($s2&23s.ss) TO: Sixtv Six Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty One Dollars and 38/100 G66p2LlE) The Decrease of said bond penalty shall be effective as of the 7th day of March, 2017, and does hereby agree that the continuity of protection under said bond subject to changes in penalty shall not be impaired hereby, provided that the aggregate liability of the above mentioned bond shall not exceed the amount of liability assumed by it at the time the act and/or acts of default were committed and in no event shall such liability be cumulative. Signed, sealed and dated this 8th day of Platte River Insrrrance Comna STlREl'Y BY: Margaret Attorney-in-F'act & FL Licensed Resident Agent c/o Willis of Florida, tnc. 4211W. Boy Scout Btvd., Sre. 1000 Tampa, FL 33607 lnquirics: (81 3) 281 -2095 PRIN(]IP,\L ,,l> 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 832 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) PLATTE RIYER INSURANCE COMPANY 4L351185 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY TTIESE PRESENTS, That the PLATTE RMR INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Nebraska, having its principal offices in the City of Middleton, Wisconsin, does make, constitute and appoint NETT E CARDINALE; DAVID H CARRI IvIARGARET A GINEM; EILEEN C HEARD: BRANDY L. BAICH- its tnre and lawful Attorney(s)-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed. any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, provided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed in amount the sum of i WRITTEN INSTRUMENTS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED$2O,OOO,OOO.OO This Power ofAttomey is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of PLATTE RMR INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 8th day of January, 2002. 'RESOLVED, that the President, and Vice-President, the Secretary or Treasurer, acting individually or otherwise, be and they hereby are granted the power and authorization to appoint by a Power of Attomey for the purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more vice-presidents, assistant secretaries and attomey(s)-in-fact, each appointee to have the powers and duties usual to such offices to the business of the company; the signature of such officers and the seal of the Corporation may be affixed to such power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Corporation in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking or other writing obligatory in the nature thereof to which it is attached. Any such appointment may be revoked, for cause, or without cause, by any of said officers, at any time." In connection with obligations in favor of the Florida Department of Transportation only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney-in-Fact includes any and all consents for the release of retained percentages and/or final estimates on engineering and construction contracts required by the State of Florida Department of Transportation. It is fully understood that consenting to the State of Florida Department of Transportation making payment of the final estimate to the Contractor and/or its assignee, shall not relieve this surety company of any of its obligations under its bond. In connection with obligations in favor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney-in-Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written personal notice of such intent has been given to the Commissioner - Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at least thirty (30) days prior to the modification or revocation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PLATTE R[V R INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its officer undersigned and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed duly attested, this 27th day ofJuly,2015. Attest:PLATTE RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY /frrl--r/4W. Stumper President Surety & Fidelity Operations STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF DANE STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF DANE S.S.:) Stephen J. Sills CEO & President Antonio Celii Secretary On the 27th day ofJuly, 2015 before me personally came Stephen J. Stills, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of New York, State of New York; that he is President of PLATTE RMR INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation described herein and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. S.S.: Signed and sealed at the City of Middleton, State of THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT VALID UNLESS PRINTED ON GREEN CORNER. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE David J. Regele Notary Public, Dane Co., WI My Commission Is Permanent in PLATTE RMR INSURANCE COMPANY, a Nebraska attached Power ofAttorney remains in full force and has in the Power of Attomey is now in force. 2 011 (?-.*;*{1.{<+,L- O$s^,il (J. ) ta.€ CERTIFICATE an.t A RED SERIAL NUMBER IN THE UPPER RIGHT HAND CALL, 800-475-4450.PR-POA (Rev. 07-2015) SEAL coRPoBAIG. 1,;,t1. ii I, the duly elected to the office stated below, certificate, DO HEREBY Resolution of thenot 16.A.5.b Packet Pg. 833 Attachment: Bond Basis (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) 16.A.5.c Packet Pg. 834 Attachment: Resolution (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) 16.A.5.c Packet Pg. 835 Attachment: Resolution (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) 16.A.5.d Packet Pg. 836 Attachment: Plat Map (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place) 16.A.5.d Packet Pg. 837 Attachment: Plat Map (6454 : Final Acceptance - Mandalay Place)