Agenda 07/27/2010 Item #16B 3Agenda Item No. 16133 July 27, 2010 Page 1 of 67 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation for the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to approve a CRA Resolution amending the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Grant Programs for Fiscal Year 2011; approve the revised Grant Programs and Application processes; and approve the form of each individual Grant Agreement. (Fiscal Impact: None.) OBJECTIVE: To approve a CRA Resolution to amend and renew the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Agency's Grant Programs, Application processes and forms of the individual Grant Agreements. BACKGROUND: Florida Statute 163.370 - "Powers; counties and municipalities, conum mity redevelopment agencies" — authorizes the CRA to carry out plans for a program of voluntary or compulsory repair and rehabilitation of buildings or other improvements in accordance with the community redevelopment plan. Collier County Ordinance 2002 -38 created the Site Improvement Grant for the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area. The ordinance provided for the CRA Board to amend the Site Improvement Grant Program as needed by CRA Resolution. CONSIDERATIONS: Over the years, these grant programs have been modified and additional grant programs have been created. Currently, the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA manages five grant programs to incentivize private redevelopment. These five grant programs are summarized in the table below. Grant Name Activities Pennitted Maximum Award Match Requirement Site Improvement Residential Exterior $8,000.00 2 :1 Grant Improvements / Non- profit Exterior Im rovements Sweat Equity Grant Residential Exterior $1,000.00 "Sweat Equity" Improvements (All labor must be performed by Shoreline Construction / Repair $5,000.00 a licant) 1:1 Stabilization Grant of Rip-Rap or Seawall Landscape Installation of Florida- $2,500.00 1:1 Improvement Grant Friendly Landscape (with partnership with Collier County Extension Service) Commercial Building Exterior and Interior $50,000.00 1:1 Improvement Grant Improvements to Commercial Pro erties - 1 - Agenda Item No, 1683 July 27, 2010 Page 2 of 67 Members of the Bayshore Gateway Triangle community have embraced the Redevelopment Grant Program, with an average of eleven awards per year. In two separate years as many as fourteen (14) grant awards have been made. On average, the CRA has been able to leverage nearly $3 for every CRA dollar awarded to improvement projects. At the public meeting held on June 8, 2010, staff proposed revised grant programs to the Baysbore Gateway Triangle Local Advisory Board: (1) Cap funding of the Commercial Building Improvement Grant at $50,000, by eliminating bonus options; and (2) Requiring proof of current payment of property taxes. With these amendments, the Local Advisory Board voted unanimously to recommend to the CRA Board that they approve renewal the Grant Programs as revised. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney Office and is sufficient for Board consideration and approval. (STW) FISCAL IMPACT: None. CRA Grant Programs are funded each fiscal year during the budget process. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the CRA Board approves a CRA Resolution amending the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Grant Programs for Fiscal Year 2011; approve the revised Grant Programs and Application processes; and approve the form of each individual Grant Agreement. Prepared by: Sue Trone on July 8, 2010. Project Manager, Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency -2- Agenda Item No. 16B3 July 27, 2010 Page 3 of 67 COLLIER COUNTY -- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 16133 Item Summary: Recommendation for the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to approve a CRA Resolution amending the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Grant Programs for Fiscal Year 2011; approve the Grant Application processes, and approve the form of the individual Grant Agreements. Meeting Date: 7/27/2010 9:00:00 AM Prepared By David Jackson Executive Director, CRA Date 7/1412010 6:05:34 PM Approved By David Jackson Executive Director, CRA Date 7/15/2010 12:32 PM Approved By OMB Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 7/1512010 1:08 PM Approved By Steven Williams Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney 7/1512010 1:37 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date 7/15/2010 2:02 PM Approved By Mark Isackson Management /Budget Analyst, Senior Date Office of Management & Budget Office of Management & Budget 7/17/2010 1:35 PM Agenda Item No, 1663 July 27, 2010 Page 4 of 67 CRA RESOLUTION NO. 10- A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT; AMENDING THE BAYSHORE GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAMS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABIILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the BCC adopted Ordinance No. 2002 -38 on July 30, 2002 creating the "Collier County Redevelopment Grant Program" creating a Site Improvement and Impact Fee Assistance Grant for the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, the BCC adopted Ordinance No. 2008 -61 on October 28, 2008 amending Ordinance 2002 -38 by modifying the existing grants and adding additional grant programs; and WHEREAS, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) desires to use a portion of the funds in the Redevelopment Trust Fund for site improvement grants to allow the use of tax increment funding for projects within the redevelopment area; and WHEREAS, the CRA desires to specify qualified residential and commercial projects eligible for grant funding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THAT: SECTION 1. Title. The grant programs shall be known as the Site Improvement, Commercial Building Improvement, Landscape Improvement, Sweat Equity and Shoreline Stabilization Grants for the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area. SECTION 2. Adoption of the Grant Programs as Amended. There is hereby established, created and adopted, in accordance with the provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 2008- 61, new Grant application processes and Agreement documents for each of the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment grant programs, attached hereto as Composite Exhibit A. SECTION 3. Administration by CRA. After the Board of County Commissioners allocates grant funding for the fiscal year, the CRA shall approve grant recipients, grant funding and grant payment upon completion of work. The CRA delegates the administration of the grant program to the Executive Director and the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Local Redevelopment Advisory Board to include, but not to be limited to, application process and review, recommendation of recipients, monitoring grant progress, and recommending grant payment upon completion of work. The recipients of any grant funds shall be required to execute an agreement, a part of Composite Exhibit A, in the form approved by the County Attorney's Office for legal sufficiency and approved by the CRA. Agenda Item No, 16133 July 27, 2010 Page 5 of 67 SECTION 4. Renlacement Resolution. This Resolution replaces and supersedes CRA Resolution Number 06 -253, adopted on September 26, 2006; CRA Resolution 07 -55, adopted March 13, 2007 and CRA Resolution Number 08 -316, adopted on October 28, 2008. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote this 27th day of July, 2010. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK CLERK OF COURTS l� Deputy Clerk Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: Steven T. Williams Assistant County Attorney 5,iW tl�ijc> COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DONNA FIALA, CHAIRMAN Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA I - - -- .. F IBAYSHCRE Iit GhTi LE TR PNGLE Site Improvement Grant Program the Site Improvement Grant Prouram (SIG) is a redevelopment initiative funded and administered by the Bayshore'Ciatevvay Triangle Cotiununity Redevelopment Agency (CRA) as partial reimbursement fiir exterior improvements to builds igs l'or residents and non - profit organizations within thte Redevelopment Area. Oven�ielsv of the Program Tenants and owners of residential and select nau residential properties fir vvhich property taxes are paid to the current }ear (see ":Appticant Lli!_ *ibility: Nom- Residential Properties" below) and located within the CRA boundaries may be eligible to receive SiG funding. The S16 program funds ooh exterior improvements as a matching grant, requiring applicants to coniribute a inininiani ol'67 percent of tonal prgicct costs. The maximum dollar award tuider this program is S'8.000. Work must be conmpietcd tv-ithin a year From the date of approval. All improvements must he at feast partially= Visible to the public, either from the public right -of -way or some other hight} visible location. Grantees aenerall } receive SIC fiords in about 45 days after CR A staff visit the site and rcvievr all paperwork to veri fy �.,ramec clioibiliiy. Applicaut Lligibility: Residcnthd Properties The SIG progam is desinncd to primarily be a tool fur irnprovcrnmt for residential properties: ho%vevcr, certain propenties Toned iiu other tug; mat' be eligible as noted below, Owner- oceupied and rental (single faniih, duplex, iriplcs.. and quadriptex only) residential property located -'sthin the Redevelopment .Area may be improved -with Partial funding lioni the SIG program. Properties vkith nios,ile home, may tluaiiA- for S--cat Equity or landscape lmprov�:nr.nt Grant Rindina. %pplicants may submit one app'ication per property per year and may apply (fir adaitiorlal fitnds until they receive a total of S8.000 from the CR V Once an applicant has received S8.000 in SIG funding. that person is inlighie for funding for another SIG filr three } ears but may he cligibte for other CRA- hacked Grunts, Applicant Eligibility: Non- 1Residentiai Properties the drily applicants with non- residemial properties vvho are eligible to receive SIG fiords must be affiliated with nori- profit entities..lpplieations for improvements to those }ands of properties must adhere to the same rules as residential applications as noted above (as applicable). Non - residential applicants must have a valid occupational license !as applicable) for their business or at the time of aPplictition. lSAYSHORE ,,t.. GAT E 'YJ . Y TRIANGLE `m -_ Sayshore Cateway Triangle CRAI S ?r �� -,,. .,.._ ;•;� FEE ED 1,; NOTE: d Snt rtlulty Grant Fonds -Double Dipping" between SIG and Sarat Fquiq Grant(SEG) funding is prohibited. Successfid applicants to either the SEG or S16 program mac only have one active grant agreement at any given time_ when the cumulative total of.73nt awards reaches S310I10. grantees E:ecome it3eligibie for SICr and SF.G Autds for three years. 13ids for Work For each type of itiiprovemcnt to be funded, applicants must obtain a rninitnum of two cost estimates. For hnprovetirents to be perliarmed by contractors. two official bids by contractors from the list oft the Collier County Contractor's Search page. located at http.I /apps2colliertpy.m in 'ebaL?esh'ision %'ConCerNdefatdt asrx, are required. Bids from contractors not listed in Collicr County's database of actively licensed contractors will not tie accepted 11)r the SIG program. l or `'do -it- yourself' projects applicant-~ must provide two official cost estimates with clear jdentification of vendors (CRA dues not reimburse labor costs for `'do -it -ym scll" improvements). '1 fie amount of the grant will be determined by the lo%v:st bi1'losse.st price estimate for each itnproveriient though eratitces may actually use any licensed contractor font the database or anti vendor. ANY WORK PL11FORNIED By CONTR.AC'TORS NOT LISTED IN ABOVE DA IA€iASL MI .1, NOT PE ELIGIBLE I OR RLINIBCRSrNtLNT. Project Requirements Eligible .Adivities 01111' exterior improvements are eligible for funJino under this program. All improvements must be at least purtially visible nt the public. either from the public right - ot=wac' or some other liitay visible locutitm or remove a threat to licalth, safety or welfare of persons in the ec icral vicinity. Fligible improvements must result in one or more of the lullowing: (1 ? inert asc the aesthetic appeal of the urea; (2) improve the functionality of the premises; (?) remedy stntctural problems or code violations or (4) aid in business operation (fur min -profit applieattts). 'f tie Brant recipietat will he reimbursed at a rate of $1 from CRA liar every $2 from applicant, up to a maxitiamn award of "S'000 from the CRA. The folloicing Lie e *.amplcs of iniprovemcuts vaich would be eligible li r grant funding. installation of or repair to: • Stucco • Doors • Brick or textured pavement • Exterior lighting • :lwnints • Windows • Stornnvcucr cnhanccmctits • Fainting • Masonry + Shutters • Flecttic�l wink related to exterior 1 igh tim> + Sims • 1'cncing • P,:aofinJ • .Any other improvements su�jcci to CRA approval 2 .� R A Y S H OR E 17i GI I F W a Y WE TRIANGLE Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA Ie ;- — -- -- Exaanples ofother improvcntcnts which qualify for t_nvlt limding include die following: .A} • Rcrnovai of cicteriotated niatcrials • Installation of Old Florida Style architcciural details • Professional d--sign senilss • Parking lot iulprovcntents • Building cicati�hg (sand blastincrpressure washing) • FnhanCement of access (e.g. %diieelchuir ramps) • Relnediution of code violations • Any other improvements subject to CR_A approval. NOTE: Projects listed below are ineligible ror SIG funding. • I he removal of archite.: €orally important details: • installation of aluminum or vitlyl • Property acquisition: shine; • Construction or liee- standing • iniprovelnentsiinstallatitm of buildirnus (including cortstructiou of Sii'tllliInllg pOOl ti.`pili)l 8ie1" Pool nca rooms. Porches, or decks to cares vtd surrounding_ dicks; CSiStin S#tl Cttr'e5); g r • Pluntai,tie or Ilt4tit 113t{l)17 C)'t Statlte5 i7r • Relinancink ofdcbt: iftlln tatnS; • '5N -eat egUit)'; anti • !Loy iVt�i'li bF Cp)T ❑'aC tUiS IH!L 11510 • Improwiltents commenced prior to in database: 'I ), aereement „ith CRA. • Landscaping°: allcx)ts v�tshing 10 impTove landscd!!r nri ca[uurr.ead to apph forthe l.anidscan' tn.prctccmenl Gr W, Required Documentation for Reimbursement Grant funds are disbursed alicr UL% staffvcrify the improvements are compictc (this includes review ol'cerlilicates of occupancy and +'or permits from Collier County as app ?icablc). fo receive eimhursernent. rantees must prone that pa} nlent ii)r „or], was paid DiRLC FLY to ACTIV'FI.Yr T.ICENSED CON I'PLAC I ORS LISTT-T) IN THE. ABOVE DA I ABASL or VENDORS h) persomil clogk or credit card in the name of €llc Tanttfc. tinder 111 circumst iic: v. ill painitni to anliccn;ed COtilriictors.'stibcnntraC!tits or undocumented , codors be reimbursed. Grantees must Pr? <idc receipts or invoices kith the payment amour! indicated CIC LrIy. No „ill he dishUf-S -d for,,wrk paid for Ni iIh cash. Cftantre Orders and Time Extensions Change Orders to Tnerease Funding After a SIG a "ccmC ?lt is execIMM. If a ttrarLee di,tico%,Crs or is othcrwise hiforned of tLmin the approved sits. a char-,e Order Ill :iy be iti.`SLLELI to increase fbndimg not to etceed the maximum a,vard available. Clhan,,e orders roust he re,iuested in tune for staff to process the request and secure approval (allow a minimum of one month prior to 3 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA r. -� �R Ay I HG RE 41t Gf'TE V Y ' . TRIANGLE expiration of grant). IMPORTANT: Change orders cannot be processed within the last tw o weeks of the grant period. Upon successfully completing work under the original STG. grantees ITILM wait one year and may then apply liar additional filnding for work unrelated to the original prnjee£Js]. Time Extensions The MA understands that redevelopment projects can take more time to complete than is originally anticipated, For grantees vvho cannot complete their projects within one year, time extensions may be granted Grantees nccdittg extensions must request the extension within two months of pant expiration. No extensions can he granted within the last two weeks of the grant period. IMPOI(F I T: Grantees must verift, that some activities associated with the itttprovcments have been perliorrracd at least six months after eXecntiotl of the a:rectnent. �BAYSHORE ?] GsTEWr.Y TRIANGLE Bayshoro Gateway Triangle CRA I -. �- - Appendix A: CRA Map Location of CRA CRA Close -Up within Collier County CRA � �. — La or CKAFn =_.cs bLicrCOenlq CRA t, ppend1\--Z:�. 13ayshore Gateway Triangle CRA 1 SIG Application (Detach and suEnut to CRA Applicant Information Granter Name ( __ -- Grantee Address Site .Address Daytime Phone L -Mail Address Bo you man or lease the property? Describe the exisiir:- conditions of ltermWe Phone Project Information site tattach additional sheet's If' C)utline the proposed imp- memCnts in d::tail (attach additional sheets ifneeessarv). CRA STAFF: 1) Attach Wo color photos of each project to be performed. 2) Attach Property Appraiser M. 3) Attach proof of pavillent of pj*t)Rcjtnx cs. 1) Estimated cost of improvements: S 2) Maximum :,rant airard; $ CRA Staff Signature: R AYSH0R GFTFW. - TRIANGL I I6A HO mm if C Y T5 EtN P. E Y TRI NGLE Sayshom Gateway Triangle GRA I - -- - Lessor Owner Authorization for Improvements 1, o T2er of the properte located at understand that who hus a valid lease for the above e listed 1?roperty, has applied for a Site Improvement grant. i uuthoriic said tonant to complete the improvements lisied in the Site Imprm-ment Grant application and to request reimbursement fiends from the Collier Counl,, Community Redevelopment Agency. Siunaturc of( ?�incr Sinuaturc of Owner (ifjointiv owned) STATE OF: COUNTY' OF: Date Date 'IUt foregoing Owner Authorization Form was CXCCLtICd before me this _ duv o I' by , CAVIacr of the propenN localed at echo: OR is per.sonall% known by me who has produced Affix notarial seal as proof of identity. NOtar1 PLIHIC (SiVnaturc) Print Name of Nown Public Conlmllsslon No: M) Commis"ittn expires: _ (S GAYS ti ORE ATEW Y TRIANGLE _.. __._, uer A• �..�._� _ ... .,-- -r-- -a ayshoro Gateway Frlangie Cft41 S.__= .Applicant Commitment of Resources t ever _ owncr(s) I teuant(s) of the property located at _ have the fitnd n,g and ability to he_rin the site hnprovements listed ahov e and have the ability to complete all hnprovements wi €him one year of the approval of the improvement grant by the Collier Count} Ctlmmocnity Kedcvcloprnent Agency. I / we further affirm that pa }anent for all work on app roved improvemcuts witl come do I accounts in my / our name(s) or the namc(s) of entities registered in the State o1 Flan vvhieh 1 1 Ave have 11 11 registered with the state (verification is required). Payment for improvements by from persons or entities not a party to this Grant Application is grounds for disqualification. Signature of Tenant (if leased) Date Signature of Tenatrt (if leased} Date (ifjoindy [eased) S ignaturc of Owner I date Signature of O�Nner Date (if jointly owned) 3 �BAYSHDRf I GT�RIAf GLE Bayshore Gateway Triangie CRA I -,i Grantee hrojeCt Summary & Evaluation fattuchudditiunalsheetsasnec essarv) Project Summary Ilescribc the improvements you made - Vist all N endors ; contraeuirs providing materials or sere ices fiu this project with u?nlsct iafonnatiom Vendor/Service Prrmider Phoae?\umher or Address or Website I I i CrBmcC SiLmanuic Date Grantee Si,,4nature CPA Staff: Color photos of completed project from site r isit must he attached to this report. 11p I $3 ET WRY r ENV TR Eiayshore Gateway Tnangie CRA I _E C ` ment Request On the. Collier County Conununity Redevelopment Agency approved funding in the amount ol'$_ to cover a ponion of the costs listed bclo4v through the Site Improvement Grant program: Cost I hereby con(inn that all items lislod above have been completed as outlined in the Site Iutprovernent t37"ant application subnvtted to the C'RA and authorized by the CRA. Therefore, I am requesting the approved funding in the total arnoutlt of S as approved b} the Grantee SnInaiurc 'Fhc foregoing Payment Request 1•'orM Was executed before me this '(@ by o44iicr of the property located at is personally IinmNji by me - OR _ who has produced AfGa notarial seal as pn00l'ol-idcu tits. Nottu}- Public (Sinaturej Print Nanre of Notary Public Commission No: %IV Ccnntnission expires: Daic day of 4411(1: , IMPORTANT NOTE: NO REIMBURSEMENT WILL BE PROVIDED WITHOUT AT'TACHM THE FOLLOWING: (I) VENDORICO.N'TRACTOR INVOICE / RECEIPT TA— (2) COPY OF CANCT -LUD CHLCK OR CREDIT- CARD V,tL(DATION TO GRANTEE'S ACCOUNT 1-'0 K LVLRY CTr.',11T,),TI..I II r P«f\l1­- 7 GRANT AGREF_ NITNT BETWEEN CRA AND GRANTEE FOR SITE ENUIRONTN ENTS FOR RAYSHORF. GATEWAY TRIANGLE COWNIUNITY F.EDE\TLOPMENT AREA THIS AGREE.ME1:T ENTFRFT) this _ day of _ by and between the Collier County C'ontnunity Redevelopment Agency (hereinafter referred to as "CRX') and (hereinafter ref rred to us "Grantee "). IA'I1NLSSL'ILI: WTTFREAS, in Collier County Ordinance No. 2002-18, the Board of County Commissioners dele-,used authority to the CRA to award and administer C1L'\ grants including contracts G,ith Grantees for CR A Lranb: and WFILKLAS, Grantee has applied for a Site Tmpro%ement Cn-ant in the amount of dollars; and \ FIFREAS, the C: RA leas determined that Grtiitce meets the eligibility requirements and was approNed liar a grant award in the amount of dollars on ( "CRA Approval "). vchich is _��� ol'the costs to Construct the site itnproyements. NOW, JUUL LFORE. in consideration ol' the mutual covenants containod herein and other caluublc consideration. the parties <cg -ee ns l;,llom 1. Granite acknowtedgcs to the CIL -\ that Grantee has raceiv ed a cnpv nV the Collier Counts Community Rcdcvclopnimt.Agcricy Site Improvement Grant I'rogram ha(ormation and Application (hereinaltcr referred to as "Grant Program ") that Grantee has read the Errant Program. and that Grantee ha, had ample opportuniry to dk IISS the Grant Program \N411 grantee's counsel or ad%kor. Grantee Iurihcr acl:no tied <_cs to the C'RI\ that Grantee understw(is urd agrees to abide by it] of the terms and condition of the Grant Progra;u. ?. Grantee is the record owner i terant of property descrihed as Grantee has kt recd to m;akc c:nain improvcmcnts to the propetiy pursuant to 0-,e .rant application suhmitted to the CPA dated attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. — d. Grantee agrees to complete the construction of the SitC Improyttnents within one (1) year of CIL\ approval. Grantee also agrees to fund at leLst 670"o of the costs of the site improvements. Grantee is prohibited from paying contracEors anJ "CIT vendors nith Cash: all payments for approved projects roust be in the forte of a check or credit card dra %in, on funds from Grantee's accounts. Site Imprim mcnt Grant Agect mtt I 2011 5. CRA has approved a grant to Ciranlee in the amount of $ to be administered purst>M11 to the terms of this Agreement based on an estimated cos! o $$ If the actual costs are loss than the estimated costs to construct the site improvements and less than 524.000, the grant amount shall be reduced dollar for dollar in matcivaib C'R4 funds as determined h) ratio ofmatchimg private funds required. 6, l.tnless pica disclosure is included in the grant application, no Grantee, or any immediate relative of Grantee, Shull serve as a contractor or subcimtractor (rr the construction of the Site hnproventents and no Grantee, or any immediate relative of Grantee, shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the site improvements. An immediate relative of Grantee shall include mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter. aunt, uncle and cousin or fatttilp member by marriage to include mother -in -lacy, father-in-law. brother in -law and law Grantee Grantee has verified that all contractors -,vho have provided bids for the approved work are actively licensed by C'ollicr County. (irantoe acl.rtoNvledgcs that the total grant award shall not exceed the sum of hnkest hid; %price quotes for all proiects. Grant funds for work performed by contractors shall only he disbursed upon veri lication that said contractors the actively limiscd by Collier County, 7. Grwtee agrees to obtain all necessary permits and suhmit any required plans to the County's Croivth Management Division. i'pon completion of the Nvork, Grantee shall submit to the CR'\ staff project summary rcport. Roo (2) 5 inch by 10 inch photos oft}te project titer um prove mcnts arc completed, a list of materials and coilsttuetion teclmtiques used, a list of architects and'or contractors. and any other inforrnation specific to the project or requested by the CRA .tall'. The CRA, throu6b its staff; shall confirm that the site unprovcmcuts were comtructed pursuant to the temis of the application approved bN the CR'1. 8. Within foot) -five (4j) days after confirntatinn that the site improvements were constructed pursuant to the tenns of the approved application. Grantee shall he issued a clt =eck in the s amount of the grant. Ilo«-ever. if Grantee fails to make the itnpra%emen!S ptir: cant to the terms of the approved application or if the project is not completed "ilhin one ( I ) year (11T .RA approval, or if (irantce fails to iund at (cast 67 "a of the cost of the Site Itmprm e,ments, the grant shall he deemed auttrmaticall) revoked and Grantee shill he untitled to no funding. 9. This Agreement shall he governed and construed pursuant to the lata of tile State of Florida. 10. '1ltis Agr-cemcrrt contains the entire agreement of the parlies and their representatives and agents, and incorporates all prior understandirtgs, fNhether oral or tiriuen. No chance, modification or antcndmo.nt, or any representation, promise or condition, or mtv waiver, to this Agrcomcni ;hall he bindin.0 ualcss in writing and sieved by a duly authorised uf(icer of the party to he charged. 11. This Ageement is personal to Grantee, and n:at not he assigned or transferred by Grantee or to Grantee's respective heirs. personal representatives, sueeessors or assigns with() the prior mitten cons::ttt of ttie CR ,k. Site Improvement Grant Ag7ccmcnt FY 2011 7 IN \VI'I :NESS WHLRL01:. die panties have executed this .Agreement on the date and year First written above. Ali Witness Signature (-t ) PHntcd:TIN Ped Name Wimess Si,panlre Printed.' I'yped Name ATTF ST: MV1GTiT F. RROCK, Clerk Deputy Clark, Approeed aF ;o fans and lecnisufficiencc: Steven T. Williams .Assistant Cuunt� Anem cy OR,ANTF.F.: R }: Printed T_;Ped Name Ry: PrinteCF)pcd NamC COLLILK CC 1L1N1 Y C 01%PNfUNlTY RFDL V LLOYNILN'1' r %GLNC'Y By: DONNA FTALA_ Chairman Site Improvement Grant Aereenient FY 3011 3 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA I ` L ,1, Sweat Equity Grant Program IBAYSHCRE 'rj' GrRAT E G L E The Sweat Equity Grant Program (SLG) is a redevelopment initiative funded and administered by the BayshorclGatcway I riangle Community Redevelopment .Aeency (CRA) as reimbursement fir materials used for exterior improvements to residential properties within [fie Redevelopment Area. Overview of the Program Tenants and owners of residential properties for which property taxes are paid to the current year and which are located within CR A boundaries may he eligible Ibr s%scal Fquity Grant I'unds. Sweat Equity Grant applications are accepted during two cycles each year: 1 _ October I through Dccenther 30; and 2. May 1 through .full 3 L Once the grant agreement is executed. grantees have 90 days to complete Nork. Grantees are permitted to use SEC; finds as reitnbursenient for the cost ormaterials used to improve the exterior of residential properties ('buildings tmd smTOunding area) as well as c <rStS for delivery ormalerials. Total approved project costs must equal a minimum err S500; the maximum grant aNard is $1,0(10. l ands are not permitted to be used ror `,Neal equity," or cost for labor. This grant program is ideal for CIZ"t residents vdtO want to simply "spruce up'* the outside of their homes_ All improvcmcnts must be at least partially visible to the public, either born the public right -ol =way or some other Ifthly visible location. Grantees generally receive SEC; funds in about 45 days after CRA staff visit tltc site std revietiv all paperv.ork to vcnfy vrantec eli(nbili[y (see Required Documentation For Reimbursement below), Applicant Eligibility SLG RION11C is available for single - family, duplex. triplex. quadriples attd mobile home properties withitl the CILA. Owner- occupied and rental units are both eligible for tiluding. SLG funds for mobile home properties will only fund improvcmcnts to the surrounding area ,_td not to the mobile home itsetf. Applicants may only Stuhtnil one application per year per property. NOI E:: Double - Dipping between SF.0 and SIC: Funds "Double Dipping' hc:Niccn SE.(; and 51(i fu:tdins is prOUNted. Successfiil arplicantt tO cithcr the SF(i or Sufi prcrZmam may only hate one active gr<utt agreement ff attg given rime, Nk7nen ffic cumulative tonal of grant aw; rdti rcachcti SY_{lOG_ ;,ratatces become inelitdble 5 -om SRi and SF(i funds fir thrcc vean_ a,AYSH�RE t? GTRIANGL€ Gateway Triangle GRA i '.:_. __ ._... Cost Estimates For each improvcnicnt to be fiurded applicants must obtain a minima n ol'two cost estitnatcs. The amount of the grant is deternimcd by the sum of the I(m est e Aimatcs for materials. Project Requirements Eligible Activities Oldy exterior improvements are eligible COT funding under this program. As such, all improvements must be at least partially Visible to the public, either from the public right - of -way or some other higlily visible location or remove a tlrn-eut to health, safety or vvellare of persons in the Lencral vicinity. )eligible improvements must do one or more of the rnllovcin�: ( l) increase the aesthetic appeal of the area; ('_) improve the Functionality of the premises; or I 'I) remedy code violations. Projects requsing permitting are not funded through lhis pro. -am (funding may tic available through the Site fill prcn'ement Grant). The following are examples of improvcnnents which tvoutd be cti1 ible for gant ftmding: • Installation ol'or repair to: • Stucco_: • Doors; • Brick or 1CXtttred pavcrncnt; • Fxwrior li,„;h6n,,_ • Awnitias; • \krinilovt's; • Painting: • hiasnnn•: • Shutters: and • !1ny other improvement subject to CIL4 appro. al. Examples of other improvements v.luch quint l'N lire grant funding include the following: • Renlovatl of'deteiiorated materials: • Driveway improvements; • Ruildinn_ cleaning Isand blasiint i pressure «ashin_) • Romediation of code v'ioUions. and • Anv other improvcment sub-Ica u, CR;\ approval. 1C11'E: Projects listed below are ineligible for SEC funding: • lher_mocaloCarchitdur;€tly dctei • Construction A free- standing mportant ls, 1nst:d[arion Ofd IL HIMUM or %imi buildings (including construction of • ncn roar ; ? ?.e to csistw�, st['ttctttres); • ('rejects requiring .? Collier County • An} cork h. eontntctors: perulit; Acl immcmg of debt, tins -t7xed iin nrents: • Landscaping': mce p • Wo.)rk on pools.''pool :ra:; "caveat ec{uily : and • • Improccamnt: commenced prior to Prope aclu;iton; • lntprov emems to mobile homes; executing avreement vv ith C RA. s ;`spplicarTs wishing to irnprnvc arc cncoura, d to Lipph f-ar ih: Litndsc he Itap:ovemen€ i:ranL C9AYSNDRE GATeW:Y _�, ` TRIANG3 f _... Bayshare Gateway Triangle CRA Requirud Documentt+tion for Reimbursement Gant Rinds are disbursed after C'RA staff veri ty the improvements are complete. '1'0 receive reiraburscment. grantees trust prove that payment liar work %vas paid DIRLC 1'LY to VLNDORS by personal check or credit card in the name or the ganlee. Under no circumstance will payment to undocumented vendors be permitted. Grantees must pro6de receipts or invoices with the payment mount indicated clearly. No reimbursement mll he disbursed for work paid for with cash, Change Orders and Time Extensions I he 5LG program is intended to encourage do it ? aui:self improvements that do not rcgttirc perntitting attd eau be perfortned in a short period of time. Due to the nature of these hinds of projects. there will be no change orders or time extensions permiued_ 3. __ _. RAYSH0R { GATE LY- TRIA vGLE ai Bayshwre Gateway Triangle CRA J <: Appendix A: CRA Map Location of CRA CRA Close -Up within Collier County EM s - r I l��.�Fo-�� -�-•r CRA Lt�pr C?.4,c =da Rcads r „CS:ar Couary n Appctldix -A BAYSHORB -l�itf TrRIANGLE rnt't rY�. c f3ayshoro Gateway Triangle at3AJ .... _. _ SLV A.pplicatiOn (Dclach and submit to CI:A office.) CRA STAFF: 1) Attach two color photos of each project to he performed. 2) Attach Property . Appraiser rD. 3) Attach proof of payment of property taxes. 1) Lstirnated cnst of improvements: S 2) Maximum grant award: S CRA Staff Signature: Dalc: 1BAYSH0RE Flt I GxTEW: Y RIANG! E Bayshore Gateway 7riangls CRA 1 Lessor 10,,% ner Authorization for Improvements omner of the property located at understand that ho has a valid lease for the above listed property, has applied liar a Fquit) Grant and authorize said tenant to complete the improkements listed in the Sweat Lquity Grant application and to request reimbursement funds from the Collier Coutrt; C omrnunity Rede%elopment .Agency. Signzalure ol'Otvner Signature of Owner (irjointty omled) STATE OF: Date Date COUNTY 0F: The foregoing Otiner Authorization I orm was e eeuted beRrre me this day of ?Ot ?_ by — : oMtiicr of the pr(Tc,t) located at —is persoualh known b% me OR _ . _ who has produced AtTix notarial seal i as proorof identit }. Ix'ottr) Public (Si�_nature) Pnnt Name ol'Notary Public C ommisslou No: My Coluutission expires: _ 7 1 / we. BAYS H0 GATE c' ®.. FRS IV r Grantee Commitment of Resources I owner(s) / tmant(s) of ti)- property Iocated at have the funding and wilily to hegin the site improvements listed above and have the ability to complete all improvemrnts within one year of the appmval of tine Swcat Equity Uratit by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency. I /eve fitrther aifirnt that payment for all Nvork on approved impro etnents will come t'rom accounts in my / our names) or the name(s) of entities reL *i:;irred in the State of Florida �cltich I / we have incorporated or othemvisc registered with the state (verification is required). Payment for improvements by from persons or entities not a party to this Grant Application is grounds for disqualification. Signature of Tenant (if )eased) Signature of Tenant (ifleased) (if jointly kased) j Signature of Owner Signature of Owner (if jointly owned) Date Date Date Date 3 I B GA Y S H G R E t!t A7 E1N Y TRIkN ;LE Sayshore Gatmay Triangle CRA - -- - - Grantee Project Summ Describe the improvements you made. & E' yaiUatlon tattali additional sheets as necess jest Summary List all vendors rovidiny materials ]itir this project with comact inlirrmation. Vendor Phone Nnmber ur Address or Website Grantee Sig itwe llatc GrI'lilwe Sinaturc Date CPA Staff: Color photos of completed project from site t isit [oust he attached to this report. Ay S H 11 RE "A T Wz Y 7RIk NGLE —Sayshore-Gateway TrIanqIeCP—,A 1-1 _w% Payment Request On the Collier County Cornmunity Redevelopment Agency approved fiinding in the amount of S to CON'Cr a portion of the costs listed belo%% through the Swcat Equity Grant program: Improvement Cost Total I hereby confirm that all it,,rns listed abo%c hake been completed as outlined in the Swcat Equity Grant application submitted to Ihe CRA and authorized 17)), tht! CRA. 11-teref'ore, I am requtsting the approved Funding in the total :amount nI'S as approved b) the CRA, Crniaee'Sitvatuie LTati The foregoing Payment Request Form war} executed execule d bcrorc me this day of 11-00 IN 0w tier of the property located at who: is personally known by ni-, OR who has produced as proof of identity. Affix notarial seal Notary Public (Siana"e) Print Name of'NoLary Public Commission No.- MIN, Commission expires: MIPORIANT NOTE: NO REIMBURSEMENT WILL BE PROVIDED WTITIOUTATI'ACHING1 HE FOLLOWING: (1) VENDOWCONTRACTOR INVOICE / RECEIPF AND (2) COPY OF CANCELLED CITECK OR CREDIT CARD VALIDAI ]ON TO GRAN I LUS AC'C'OUNT FOR EVERY REIMBL-KSABLE EXPENSE. I 2 GRUNT AC:RF.FNIENT BETNVLL:N CRA AND GRANTEE FOR SVtTAT EQ11ITY IMPROVLl49LNTS FOR RAYSHORL/GATLWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENT AREA THIS AGRsLMENT LVTFRED this _ day of by and between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Apcney (hereinafter referred to as "CRA ") kind "hereinafter refen-ed to as "Grantee "). WI TN F. SS F:7 -H: %XITFRF.,AS, in Collier County Ordirtance No. 2002 -18. the Board of County Conunissioners delegated authority to the CRA to award and administer C'RA gnanls including contracts with Grantees for CRA gents; and Ii14F.RF.AS, CRA Ordinance No. (18 -61 reestabiislted the Sweat Equity Improvement Grant: and Was WHEREAS. Gt.2ntee has applied Ibr a Sweat Equity Grant in the wriount of dollars: and 5kgIEREAS, the CP.A has determined that Graatce meets the eligibility requirements and approved for a grant award in the amount of dollars on C 'CIt'1 Approval "). NOW, TIIEREFORF, in consideration of the mutual cowntutts contained herein and other valuable consideration, the parties gn-ee ,ts foilows: 1, Grantee acknowlcdgcs to the CF-,1 that Gram-1 -e has received a copy ol'the Collier County Community Redevelopment AFmcy Sweat Lquit}• Improvement Grant Progam Information and application thereinafter refeT7cd to es -(;rant Program'). that Grantee has rend the Grant Program. and that (_grantee has had ample oppor!unity to discuss the Grant Procram with Grantee's courscf or advisor. Grantee further acknov.ledges to the CRA that Gnjntee tmderstands and agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions of he Grant Proertun. Grantee a_L'rCCS 10 tile terms altd COndi ?ions of the Grant IIrogmtn. 2. Gramee is the record om)er i tenant of property described as 3. Grantee has agreed to make certain improvements to the property pursuant to the tTant application submitted to the CR1 dated attached herein as Fxhihit A and incorporated herein by reference. 4. Grantee agrees tat C0111PIete the Construction of the Svvcat Lqui } Improvements within ninety (1)0) ,jags of CRA approval. Cn.uilee also agt-aes tit provide the sweat equity (labor) to complete the improwilicn?s. Grantee is prohibited li'otn payinIT Pore any improvements Sk�cat Equity GrantAgrccmcnt 1-Y 2011 or materials Funded under this program with cash. All payments for approved projects nvi_st be in the form of a check or credit card drawing on funds from Grantee's accounts. S. CR-A has approved a grant to Grantee in the amount of tip to to he administered pursuant to the terms of this .Agreement based on at estimated cost of Tf the acttml cost of materials is less than this amount and less than $1,(10%1 to construct the improvements, the tyrant arriount shall be reduced dollar fiir dollar in CRA funds; however in no case will the cost ormaterials for improvements be less than $500. C. Grantee agrees that all improvements completed do not require a Collier County permit or permit from any other agency. Upou completion of the work, Crantec shall submit to the CK.A staff a project summary report, two (2) 8 by 10 photos of time property after the improvements are completed. a list of materials and construction techniques used. and any other information specific to rite improvements or requested by the CRA staff. The CILA, though its stafl', shall confirm that the improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the application approved by the CRA. Grantee acknowledees that the total grant award shall not exceed the sun of lowest price quoles thr all projects. 7. Within Corn -five (45) days after confirmation that the impr €,+ veil) ctus were constructed pursuant to the terms of the approved application, Grantee shrill he issued a check in the aunount of the grant. Mmever, if Grantee fails to mate the itttprov etnents pursuanl to the terms of the approved application. or if' the project is not completed within ninety (90) days of CRA approval, or if Grantee fails to make improvements of at least $�00 value, the grant shall be deemed automatically revoked and Grantee shall not be entitled to the arrant. 8. This Agreement shall he toverned and construed pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida. 9. This Agrecnmertt contains the entire agrcentent of the parties ,end their representatives and agents, and incorporates all prior understandings, - ,vhether oral or Avritten. No change. modification or amendment, or any representation. promise or condition. or any waivcr, to this ,lgrccment shall lie binding unless in vvrifing and sitmed by a duly authorized officer of the party to he charged. 10. This Agreement is personal to Grantee, and may not be assigned or transferred by Grantee or to Grantee's respective heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns Without the prior written consent of the CR,1. Sweat Equity Grant Agreement FY 2011 n IN WITNESS A17HLRLOF. the parties leave executed this Agreement on the date and vear fires written above. (l) \Fitness Situiature Prin tetl'Ty ped Name (2) Nitnexs Signature Printed [I vrOd Name ATTEST: D1i IG TT F. BROCK, Clerk Deputy Cleric Approved as to Iorrn and legal suiliciency: Steven 1'. Williat ?is Assistant County Attorney Cr12.ANTFE(s): lly- Printed/Typed Name By: Prinicd;'I \pod Name COO I IFR COUNTY CUMMUNI I Y REDLVI L,OPITFNT.ACTF.NC)' Ry: DC )N--NA FI,AT.A, Chairman Sweat Luuiip Grant Agreement FY 2011 3 18 4 Y H O R E �, T GEW E TRIANGLE ®tea .wsc .. Hayshore Gateway Triangle GRAI :`:a� Shoreline Stabilization Grant Program The Shoreline Stabilization Grant (SSG) Program is a redevelopment initiative funded and administered by the Rayshore Gateway'! riangle Contmtmity Redevelopment Agency (CRA) as partial reimbursement RIT installation or repair for shoreline stabilization improvements such as rip -rap. bulkheads, or seawalls. Overview of the Program The CRA encourages everyone with property, located nn Haldeman Creek to maintain a stabilized shoreline. slowing the rate ofsedimentatiou in the canals. Owners and tenants of residential and commercial properties for which property taxes are paid to the current year along I faldeman Creek within CRA boundaries are eligible to receive SSG funding Pbr shoreline improvements. The SSCr program funds only installation of or repair to rip - rap, bulkheads, or seawalls. Grantees are required to contribute a minimum ol'>0 percent of project costs with a maximum award of SS_OOU. Grantees have twelve months from the date of CRA approval to complete shoreline improvements. All itprovements must be approved by the CRA before grantees commence improvements no fianding will be awarded for work commenced prior to CRA approval. Funds are disbursed after the completed improvements are approved by CRA staff as reimbnr emCnl, Applicant Eligibility Owners and tenatrts of residential and commercial properties on Haldeman Creek may apply 16r SSG, funding. Propertics ("property" is defined by parcel ITT number throunh Collier Cnunty Property .Appraiser) rceciviuig SSG binding for improvements are eligible for only one award fir the life of the program. Bids for Work Grantees maLSt obtain a minimum of two cost estimates front contractors listed in the Collier County database ol'actively licensed tnat•ine seawall and dock construction conttnctors which can be hound online at 1gTt _Z tpps1ecslli r,,oA%not'w )qtT vision/Con Certld fault_lspY. (lids from conlT<ietars not listed in this database will not he accepted liar tite SSG program. No funding, will be awarded ror `do -it yonrsel f" improvemcnta or Io subconuuctors. -[lie amount of the grant cv ill be determined by the lowest bidding contractor for each improvement though grantees may actually use an }' licensed contractor from the database. Permitting Most contrutors handle permit applications altd rile CRA strongly encourages grantees to give careful consideration with regard to permitting. Applicants who -wish to procure permits on their own must first apply through the I'S Army CrnFrs of Enoi!wers at P.O. Pox 4970, 701 San Marco Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida 12212, Applications arc available online at wv iv- usacc.:trmv.ntif. gB S CA AY SFI t7 P.E _I� TRIANGLE tlu•.st+.. 2ayshore Gateway Triangle CP.A I _ •. - , ..; ,. . - >., After obtaining the appropriate permit above. applicant~ must apply for a permit throueb the Florida Department of hnvironnmcntal Protection: FDFP South District_ 2295 Victoria Avenue, Suite 364, Fort lviyers. Florida 33902. /applications are available online at rvraw.dcn.stntc _ t1 us'' i�_ atcr'wetlands.'erp'Iirrnms.trtm. Upon receiving the alim c two permits, applicants must apply ['or a permit from the Collier County Permitting Department at 2800 Noah Horseshoe Drive, Naples_ Florida 34104. Project Requirements E igibie Activities Only the installation of or repair to rip -rap, hulkhcads. or seawalls is eligible for SSG funding under this program. No portion of SSG grants Dray he used to reimburse the cranice for construction ol'or repair to ducks or other related amenities. Grantces who wish to Construct improvements not Ilmded tlrrounh this program are encouraged to inquire about other grant programs oflered by the CR:1. Required Documentation for Reimhur'scmcnt Grant fiords are disbursed after CRA staff verify thai the improvements are complete (this includes ofnccessar\ permits). To receive reimbursement. '!r:mtees must prove that pa } meat for the work was paid DIRECTLY to AC 'I IVLLY LICLNSED CONTR ACTORS LISTLD IN 111E AIiOVF DATARASF. by personal check or credit card in the name of'the g antee. Under no circumstance will payment to suhenntracrors or unlicensed contractors be reinrhtcscd. Grantces must provide reeeipts or invoices with the payment amount cic „rly indicated clearly along reith cancelled cheeks and'ar credit card validations. No rcinrhurscmcnt will ire disbursed liar rvorl: paid for with cash. Change Girders and Time Extensions Charive Orders to increase Funding After the SSG alareemern is executed. if a grantee disco\ er:s pre\iously undiscovered flaw's in the shoreline a clram_e order rnaa he issued to inervase Fn dingriot to exceed the nraxirnum award available. Chang ordCr:, must he rcquestcd in time for staff to process tlme request and secure approval. VNIPOR'fANT: Chany orders cannot he processed Within the lust Im, wcel,s of the grant period. Hine Extensions The CRA understands that rederrelopnmcnl project, can take more time to complete than is origrinally anticipated. For grantees who cannot complete their projects within one year, time extension, may he _ ,-ranted. Grantees needine eXtentiiO s must request the within rwo months of g arnt expiration. No cstcrsions can be _granted within the last two rheeks of the grant period. IMPORTANT': Grantees must vcrifa' that some activities associated with the improvcnacnts have been pert ,rmed ern least six months after execution of the agreement. JIIA�YIHORI G , T C,N Y TRIANGLE Sayshom Gatoway Triangle CRA 1::1- - ih-l" I Appen dix A: CRA Alap I Location of CRA within Collier County ® v r> _ CRA Raidi Coker cou"ry CRA Close-Up fl CRA Pni)nl3,y 'IPA Ron J.& Water B�JuS CRA 6 A Y S H 0 R E p G A T E w Y ?'RI ANGLE -- -. _ -. anal r a • �- �: G�','C'�^.1 Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRAB SSfj Appllcatim lDemch and sulin ii m CPA apace) =applicant Information Grantee Name Grantee Address Site Address i E }niKimn Uhnnr Do ) ou o%wi nr lelLSC the property? Project Information Describe the existing; conditions oftlie site (zittach additional shvcts if necessan'). 01,11ine the prop( +SCd itnproEc!retnS in detail (attach additional sheets ifnecessary CRA s'rAFF: 1) Attach two color photos of eaelE project to he performed. Z) ,Attach Property Appraiser 1D. 3) Attach proof of payment of property taxes. t) Estimated cost of improvements: S 2) A4aaimum grant award: 3) C10. Staff Signaare: Rate: Ia AYSH W a RE TE tti GA-Y TRIANGLE min Bayshore Gateway Trtanglc CRA i';n-- urn it -ianu, u.,�(a,n - u -;;uon _ Lessor/ Owner Authorization for Improvements owner of the property located aT . — understand tltal , wbo has a valid lease for the .shove listed property, has applied 16r a Shoreline Stabilization Grant. T authorirc said tenant to complete the improvements listed in the Shoreline Stabilization Grant application and to request reimbursement funds from the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency. Signature of Owner Date Signature of Owner gate ] ifjointly owned) STATE. OF: COUNTY OF: -- The forcgoing Owner Auihori/ation Form was executed before rue this day of 300 .._ l' }" ON Tier of the pre, pert} located at who: _ is personally kno"n by me OR _ who has produced as proof oFidentit }. Affix notarial scat Notary Public (;Signature) Print�$tmeuFNotury Public Commission No: My Cotnurission expires: _ -� IB A Y S H 0 R E Gh.TEW Y TRI P,NGLE 8ayshore Gateway Triangle CRAl:a i �. *. r., - .... c.,. ,. Applicam Commitment of Resources I 1 eve. _ _ , oej ner(s) / tenant(s) of the property located at _ have the funding and ability to begin the shoreline improvements listed above and have the ability to complete all itttproventents within one year of the approval of the improvement grant by the Collier Conuty Community Redevelopmcttt Agency. I i eve further of rin that payment liar all work on approved improN ements evill come I'rom accounts in my ' our name(s) or the names) of entities registered in the Stale of Florida which I r' we have registered with the state (vcrification is trqu red 1. Payment ['0r improvements by persons or entities not aParty to this Grant Application is grounds for disqualification. Signature of Tenant (i f leased) Signature of Tenant (if ]eased) (if jointly leased) i Sigttaturc ca l Owner Si gmature of Owner (ir jointly owned) Irate Date Date Date 1 (gG nT[wRYYE TRI��NGI.E ___ !11111 rye.. -ate_ Bayshore Gateway Tr[dngle CRA! nr�:;;1 ..di_-:; r- �r. Grantee Project Summary & Eyal atiOt1 (aimch additional sheets as necessary Project Summary Describe the hind of shoreline stabilization improvement performed. List all vendors { contractors providin© materials or services for this project with contact inlbmaation. -phone Number or Address or 4F'ebsitc Vendor! Sen�ice Provider --1 Grantee 5itnaturr' Late Grantee Si.-na(ore Date CtL'l Staff: Color photos of ronipleted project from site i, i \it muet he a[Iached [o Illis rctlurt. Q AY HORE !IS G aTE W. Y TRtl. PlGLE CUII ➢ih �':ar .:+ Pavment Request On __ the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency approved funding in the amount o11 to coves a portion of the costs listed below through the Shoreline Stabilization Grunt Program: Improvement Cost Total - T hereby confirm that all intprovenwnts listed 3bave have been completed as inttiined in the Shoreline Stabilization Grant application submitted to the CRA and authori sed by the CR'v_ Thcrcfa'c. 13111 requesting the aPPrived funding in the total .nount of $ as approved by the Cltkk Grmee SScran:re - Wte The CLregning Pa) meat RI -quest Dorm was executed beftote me this day of _200 11 owner of the properiy located at who: is perso =tall- known by me - OR who has Produced as proof of identil� Affix notarial seal Notary Public (Signature) Print tame of \'otary Public Commission No: My Commission expires: IMPORTANT NOTE: NOREMMURSFNTENT WILL BE PROVIDFD WITHOUT A'1 "rACHING TIIE FOLLOWING: (I) VENDOIUCO_NTRACTOR INVOICE,! RECEIPT AND (2) COPY OF CANCELLED CHECK OR CREDrr CARD VALIDATION TO GRANTEE'S .1CCOIJNT FOR EVERY REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE. GRANT AGRLEMENT BLTR'LEN C'RA AND GRANTEE. FOR SHORELINE STABILIZ -ATION LNLFROAMMENT FOR BAYSITORE/GATFWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPTNILN•r ARTA TITTS AGRFEMEN7' ENTLIZED this day of by and between the Collier County Comtntmity Redevelopment .Agency (hereinafter referred to txs "CRA ") and _ - -_ (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee "). WITNFSSF.TH: WHEREAS, in Collier County Ordinance No. 2002 -38, the Board of County Cc»nmissioners delegated authority to the CRA to acrard and administer CRA grants including contracts with Grantees Im CRA grants: and WHLRL:AS, CRA Ord'uiance No. 08 -61 reestablished the Shoreline Stabilization Improvement Grant; and WHEREAS, Grantee has applied Ior a Shoreline Stabilization Crant in the amount of dollars: and WIIF,RF.AS, [lie CRA has determined that Grantee meets the eligibility requirements and «vas approved fur a ,:rant award in the amount of _ dollars on ("CRA Approval "), which is % of the costs to construct the shoreline improvemcnts. NOW, TITFREFC)RE, in can idcration of the mutual covenants eontain d herein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: I. Grantee acknowledges to the CR:1 that Grantee has received a copy oS'the Collier County Community Shoreline Stabilization Improvement Grant Proeram (hereinafter referred to as ``Grant Program"), that Grantee haws read the Grant Program, and that Grantee has had ample opportunity to discuss the Grant Program with Gantee's counsel or advisor. Grantce rurthcr acknowledges to the CRA that Grantee understands and al*rees to abide by all or the terms and conditions of the Cirant Proeram. Grantee agrees to the terms and conditions of the grant ProLff;tm. _'. Grantee is the record owner/tenant of property described as 3. Grantee has agreed to make shoreline improvements to the property pursuant to the unr.mt application submitted to the CRA dated _ attached hercTto as Exhibit raid inco!porated herein by reference. 4. Grantee agrees to complete the constriction of the Shoreline stabilization improvements within one ( 1) .cur ol'CRA Approval. Ciramtce also agrees to fiord at least 50 11b of the costs of the shoreline in,provemenls. Grantee IS prohibited born paying, fix any Shoreline Stabilization Grant Agreement FY 20i I 1 improvements Funded under this program with cash. All payments for approved projects must he in the form of a check or credit card drawing on funds from Grantee's accounts. 5. CPU% has approved a grant to Grantee in the aJnount of _ to he administered pursuant to the terms of this Agreement haled on an estimated cost of If the aerial costs are less than '1;10.000 to construct the shorclute improvements, the grant amount shall he reduced dollar for dollar in matching CRA funds as determined by ratio of matching private Funds required. 6. Unless prior disclosure is included in the C'r:mt application, no Grantee, or any immediate relative of Grantee, stall serve as a contractor or subcontractor for [he construction of the shoreline improvements and no Grantee, or any imrncdiatc relative of Grantee, sliall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the shoreline improvements. .An immtedinte relative of Grantee shall include mother, father. brother, sister, sun. dagfiter, aunt, uncle and cousin or family member by marriage to include mother- in -lavv. Ihther -in -lave, brother -in -law and sister -in -lave. T Grantee agrees to obtain all necessary permits from the US Army Corps of Diginecrs, Department of Luviromnental Protection and Collier County Growth Management. Upon cumplClion of the work, Grantee shall submit to the CRA static project summary report. lwo (2) 8 inch by 10 inch photos of the completed improventems, a list of materials and construction feeiutiques used, a list of architects and/or contractors, and an}, other information specific to the project or requested by the CRA staff. The CRA, through its staff, shall confirm that the shoreline improvements were constructed pursuant to the terns of the application approved by the CRA. S. Within forty - five (45) days ;tiler conlimtation that the shoreline improvements were constructed pursuant to the terns of the approved ;application. Grantee sliall be issued a check in the amount of the loraut. however. if Grantee fails to stake the improvements pursuant to the temts ol, the approved application, or if the pr(�Icct is not completed within one ( 1) year of CRA approval, or if Grantee luils to fund at least 50 ,o o! the cost of the shoreline iniprovcrnents, the grant shall be deemed automatically revoked and Grantee shall he entitled to no lundinu. 9. This Agreement shall he governed and construed pursumIt to the lavl-s of the State of Florida. 10. 1 his Agreement contains the entire agr:em -nt tit' the parties and their rcprescn tali vcs and agents, and incorporates all prior understandings, witetlter oral or wTi ?en. No cham,e, modilication or amendment. or arty rcprescntatiort. promise or condition, or any waiver, to this .Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and siumcd by it duly authorized offlicer of the party- to he charged. 11. Fhis Agrecm, nt is personal to Grantee. mad may not be assioicd or transferred by Grantee or to Grantee's rcsrcciivc hcirs, personal ropres: ntam cs, successors or assigns without the prior written consent of the C A, Shoreline Stabilisation Grantt Agreemem FY 20 11 2 TN IATTNT;SS NVTTFREOF, the parties have executed [his .Agreement on the date and year first tarittcn above. (1) Witness SiEnature Printed,Typed Name (2) Witness Signuture Yrintedtfilpcd Name .ATI S'1: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk , Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and Iegal sufficiency: Steven T. Williams .Assistant County Attoracy GRANT.F(s): By: Primed/Typed Name By: Printedr" 1 vped Name COLLIER COUNTY CO1vfMt N1TY RFDFN'FLOPNtfENT AGENCY By: T)ONNA FTALA. Chairman Shoreline Stabilization Grant A�orccmcnt FY 2O1 1 ; Landscape Improvement Grant I he Landscape Improvement Grant program (,LIG) is a redevelopmcnt initiative funded and administered by the Rayshore Gatei,kay Triangle C'otmnunity Redevelopment Agency ('CRA) as partial reimbursement liir specific improvements to residential landscapes within the Redevelopment Area. Overview of the Program The CRA encourages everyone within the Redevelopment Ara to landscape their premises with Florida - friendly fecltmques as defined by A Guicle Io F7arid�r -h'r it'rrdtp Landscaping published by Florida Yards h Neighborhoods (F7iw). Additionally, the CRA promotes using plants recommended for the area in Warertrise: Smah Flot -ula Lcmelecapes by the South Florida'vt'ater Manageinent District (SWI Mll). To this end. the UCY prngxam is intended to be a redevelopment tool which rill beautify the area with landscaping strategies that arc ecolog ically sound for the area, Residential properties, Ibr which property taxcs are paid to the current year, located within the CRA boundaries may be eligible to receive LIG funding for approved projects. The I.1G program funds sltall be used only for the purchase ol'matcrials and landscaping see, ices directly related to vegctativc landscapin,. The protlrun requires applicants to contribute a minimum of 50 percent ol'total project costs. The tnaxitnum dOlhtr a%rard under this prognun is $2,500. No funds nluy be used to pay for automatic urigation systems. 'I'M ices of landscape architects. lbtmtains, sttnutcs. Icnecs. pavers or other mteiilar) expenses (sttime of these cxpenscs mighl he covered through the Site Improvement Grant). Projects must be completed xvirlaut a year from the date ol'approval. In order for a project to qualify. some portion of the htndscapc roust be visible to the public, either from the public right- of -w.ry or some other highly visible location. 'I hroueh a partnership het +aectt the CPA and Collier County Extension Services. a klaster Gardener will lie available to (1) assist applicants in pl:uniing the landscapes. (2) review applications to ensure compliance with good landscaping practices, and (+) reyiewv completed projects. Furthermore, grantees are im ited to call on the Master Gardener at array tune during the process Tor project assistam!e. Grantees generally receive LIG funds in about 45 days aller CRA sIaff and a N'lastcr G:udetter from Collier County Extension Services have reviewed the required pup rwork and concluct:d a site visit to t evil: ,,runtcc e.ligibili y. Applicant Eligibility Owners and ten:mts oi'sin,le- family. duplex.:riplex. quadripies and mobile home residential properties ntay apply for 1.I6 Iundinp for Landscaping itnprovenlents. Applicants only submit Drily one application per County Property Appraiser folio number per yeatr. No parcel maN roecivc LIG funding more than once liar the lif- time of the pi ograrn. E 4 Y 5 H O R E G L T E W Y 'J���T� go S® GJ'ti TRIANGLE �' Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRAB •`ear._ Landscape Improvement Grant I he Landscape Improvement Grant program (,LIG) is a redevelopmcnt initiative funded and administered by the Rayshore Gatei,kay Triangle C'otmnunity Redevelopment Agency ('CRA) as partial reimbursement liir specific improvements to residential landscapes within the Redevelopment Area. Overview of the Program The CRA encourages everyone within the Redevelopment Ara to landscape their premises with Florida - friendly fecltmques as defined by A Guicle Io F7arid�r -h'r it'rrdtp Landscaping published by Florida Yards h Neighborhoods (F7iw). Additionally, the CRA promotes using plants recommended for the area in Warertrise: Smah Flot -ula Lcmelecapes by the South Florida'vt'ater Manageinent District (SWI Mll). To this end. the UCY prngxam is intended to be a redevelopment tool which rill beautify the area with landscaping strategies that arc ecolog ically sound for the area, Residential properties, Ibr which property taxcs are paid to the current year, located within the CRA boundaries may be eligible to receive LIG funding for approved projects. The I.1G program funds sltall be used only for the purchase ol'matcrials and landscaping see, ices directly related to vegctativc landscapin,. The protlrun requires applicants to contribute a minimum of 50 percent ol'total project costs. The tnaxitnum dOlhtr a%rard under this prognun is $2,500. No funds nluy be used to pay for automatic urigation systems. 'I'M ices of landscape architects. lbtmtains, sttnutcs. Icnecs. pavers or other mteiilar) expenses (sttime of these cxpenscs mighl he covered through the Site Improvement Grant). Projects must be completed xvirlaut a year from the date ol'approval. In order for a project to qualify. some portion of the htndscapc roust be visible to the public, either from the public right- of -w.ry or some other highly visible location. 'I hroueh a partnership het +aectt the CPA and Collier County Extension Services. a klaster Gardener will lie available to (1) assist applicants in pl:uniing the landscapes. (2) review applications to ensure compliance with good landscaping practices, and (+) reyiewv completed projects. Furthermore, grantees are im ited to call on the Master Gardener at array tune during the process Tor project assistam!e. Grantees generally receive LIG funds in about 45 days aller CRA sIaff and a N'lastcr G:udetter from Collier County Extension Services have reviewed the required pup rwork and concluct:d a site visit to t evil: ,,runtcc e.ligibili y. Applicant Eligibility Owners and ten:mts oi'sin,le- family. duplex.:riplex. quadripies and mobile home residential properties ntay apply for 1.I6 Iundinp for Landscaping itnprovenlents. Applicants only submit Drily one application per County Property Appraiser folio number per yeatr. No parcel maN roecivc LIG funding more than once liar the lif- time of the pi ograrn. dayshore Gateway Trfangla CPA I Rids ror work ;y jBtA Y T E- SHOR EW Y TRIANGLE !Applicants peribnning CRA- approved work thentsehes are required to provide twocompetitive, written cast estimates for all plaits/trees. fertilizers. necessary tools, and mulch. The name and contact inlorrnation I'or the vendors consulted for the estimates must be included. Names of all plants and trees to he included in the landscape and costs for removal of rill exotic Plants and trees must be included in the estimate, Applicants who will use landscape services to assist with landscaping must obtain a minimum of two official bids for comparable work. Grant funds will be determined by the sum ol'lowcst bidding landscape servicers and/or Price estimates for plants. Ineligible expenses for LIG funding: * Services, by landscape architects; • "IIardscape'features such as pavers, fountains, lenccs, etc.: • Purchase and /or installation of automatic irrigation systems: • Purchase or planting ol'incasivc vegetation listed iiy the Florida Lxotic Pest Plant Council's current List of Invasive Plant Species; * Property acquisition; Refinancin- of debt: • "Sweut equily;" and * Improvements commenced Prior to cxceutitng agreement with CRA. Please note: LIG funds will not be released to any applicant whose property, is landscaped with vegetation on the Florida Exotic Post Plant Council's current fist of Invasive Plant Species. Required Documentation for Reimhursement Brant i'unds are disbursed after CRA staff verify the landscaping improventcttts have been completed accordin�. to the stipulations of the LIG program. CR.4 sta[Tgcncrally will consult with the Master Clardener from Collier County Extension Services when making determinations for funding. To receive reimbursement. grantees must prove chat Payment for work % %as paid 01- larCTLY to'\- F.NfInRS or PROFFSSIONAL JARDENTNG SERVICE PROVIDLIL4 by personal check or credit card in the name of the grantee. Under no cireurnstanecs will undocumented expenses be reimbursed. Grantees must provide receipt,~ nr invoiecs tr ith the paVnunt amount clearly indicated. No reimbursement will be disbursed liar worl: paid tier � %ith cash or to unidentificd Payees. I 11 THVE W R TRIANGLE mill i1kii .. Bayshore Getaway Triangle CRA Appendix A: CRA Map Location of CRA CRA Close -up within Collier County �. t- �C +L �Pau ^7o7 C.R4 F,L =;arCZi EUe75 %ads V a7.e, Ec ?Ies i e:alIIer ::au-[y Apperldix -A � IBA MO TEW RE III Gd. Y .• TRIANGLE Bayslmre Gatoway'Rian ®1e CRA I _ i•,...., .. n _; r:, n .• i u.,, LIG Application f IJetach and submit to CRA office.) Grantee Address W3 titne Phone E -Mail Address C Pf-0jeCt 1111`01- MatiOn (attach additional sheets if Descrihc the location I'm the landscaping (c g, linnt hard, along a canal). Do You want to removC anv existing landscaping? Explain. Do You have auarmsiic irri atiun currently? List your goals with your landscaping (e.g. beautification, attract butterflies, etc.). Include all landscaping improvements you would like to perform. Yes I I f vos. desc r ibe the No i condition of the sv CRA STAFF: 1) Attach two color photos of each project to he performed. ?) Attach Property Appraiser ID. 3) Attach proof of paymmt of property loxes. t) Cstiitmted cost of improvements: 3) 3lax -imum grttu( award: 5 CRA s(arrSiCnalure: Date: �BAYSHORE TR Fill =f IAGLE _ p_r_.es. N Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA J., LIC Applicant Agreement to Sound Landscaping Principles 'i'ftc Biyshore Gatewaq Triangle has partnered with Collier County Extension Services and Naples Botanical Gtnden to assist With managing the Landscape Tnprovemeut Grant (LI(i) . A L1G recipients are required to adhere to the guidelines as presented in Twe)-ii ise:.Suuzh Plnrida Tandscapes published by the South Flodda Waler Management District and A G hle to Florida - FriendlIv Lami.vcapin,q published by Florida Yards & Ncis,,Ilborhoodis, All grantees are required to consult s+ith a Master Gardener from Collier County Fztension SeMces by calling ( "';9) 353-4244. A\ ith the Master Gardener. grantees vsill assess conditions for hmdscaping and desrlop a plan for maintenance. The Ma;ler Gardener trill make a minimum aftvvo site visits: during the fast visit, the Master Gardener will analyze site conditions to assist grantee in planning improvements; the second visit occurs alter improvements arc complete and Muster Gardener ensures that illln-M ements are consistent with those landscaping principles intended for use by the LIG grog *rain. Notc: the LIG prohibits irvasive pest plants. All CXistir €g invasive pest plants MUST be removed in order to qualifi, for ftmding (grant funds cover this expense, rnatching requirements ntust lie met and i associated expenses are included in the funding maximum of $g 5901_ During* the grant period, grantees are encouraged to call the CRA and LIG pat,ners for consultation, By signing henna, the applicant verifies bavincr read and understood the above terms and a¢rxes to meet all requirements of the LIG program. Grantee Si:mature Date BAYSHORE G,1TEW. Y 7RlANGLE na,nr': t3ay5hore Gateway TrlangleCRA1. I.essur / Owner AutNnrization for Inapror etnents I, owner of the property located at understand that who has a valid lease for the above listed properly, has applied for a Landscape Improvement Grant. I authorize said tenant to complete the improvements listed in the Landscape Improvement C;rant :.application and to request reimbursement funds from the Collier County Community Redevelopment :Ngency. Signature of Owncr Signature of Owner (iftointly owned) STATE OF: C OU.VTY OF: Date Date The foregoing {)caner :luthoriz:uion Form was eNecamed before me this _ day of 200 by o�'yncr of the property located ut who: is personally known b% me Oil who has produced as proof of identity. Affix notarial seal Notaty Public (Signature) Print \Tame ol'Nolajy Public Commission No: h4y Commission expires:._ _ t3AYIH0RI tj= GATEW - Y �a TRIANGLE Hayshore Gateway Triangle CRAJ d:,-5oe- Applicant Commitment of Resources I / we, _ _ _ -_ , owner(s) l teltanr(s) of the property located at _ have the funding and all other capability necessary to begin the landscaping improvements listed above and have the ability to complete all improvements evithin one year of the approval of the improvement gr:rttt by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency. Vwc agree to maintain the landscape in such a manner that is i consistent with the principles clplaitted in ilatenrise: ,South Florida Lcmdsecrpes and :I Guide io Rorida-Fnendlj Lemdecctf,i,z,g. 1 I we further affirm diet payment fir all work on approved improvements will conic from accounts in mN ' our names) or due narnc(s) of entities registered in the Stale of Florida winch I ; we have incorporated or otherwise registered with the state j (verification is required). Payment lir improvements by from persons or entities not a party to this 1 Grant Application is grounds for disqualification. Signature of Tenant (if leased) Signature of Tenant (if leased) (if jointly leased) Signature of-Owner Signature of Qwner (il• jointly owned) Date Date Date Date 4 awyShore- Gate-way .4 0 R E C AT E W- Y En TRIANGLE CS a�vwF. Grantee Project Suinmkry& Evaluation (allach additional shce(,s ax nocussary) Project Summ.ltry List all plants and trees planted in the proJect. List A -vendors providing materials or sen,ices for this -roliect ',VvitIll contact tact in formation. Vendor Service Provider I Phone Number or Addressor Website List special lechniques uT practices used for this pT(tject (e.g. organic worm castings for fertilizer, ,.xeriscaping. etc.fl Please ez Main. Grantee Signature Date GrallIcL! Si�,'MuLrC DMC CRAL Staff. Alaster Gardener Report and color photos of completed project from site % kit mast he attached to this report. (BAYSH0R£ 11j GATCW Y r- TRIANGLE W23 0ayshore Gateway Triangle GRAI Payment Request Form On the Collier County Community Rcdcvclopment Agency approved funding in the amount of $ to cover a portion of'the costs listed below through the Landscape Improvement (T anl program: Improvement Cost Total — I hereby con limi that all items listed above have been completed as per the Landscape Improvement Grant applicatiotl submitted to the CR k and authorized by the CR.A. Therefore, I am requesting, the approved flutding in the total amount oC$ as approved by the CRA, Grantee Si+matorc nulc- Che forceoing Payment Request Form t�:ts executed before me this day of 200 by o4vner of-the property tocatcd at Who: is p-,F 'sonally known by tile, OR _ who has produced as proof of identity. ACIix notarial seal Nntary PuhlicISi«nanae) Pratt Name of -Nol.-Fy Pui,llc Commission No: P1 Cunt nis,ion c ;pires: GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CRA AND GRANTEE FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEN ENTS FOR 1HAYSIIOREIGATE`ti'AY TRIANGLE REDEVELOPMENTAREA MS AGRL•.F.MENI T ENTERED this day of by and between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (hereinafter referred to as "CRA ") and ___(ltereinaller referred to as "Grantee "). 11 ITNESSE'l'H: WHEREAS, in Collier County Ordinance No. 2_002 -318, the Board of County Commissioners delegated authorit)' to the CRA to award and administer CRA grants including contracts rvith Grantees for CRA grants: and WHEREAS. Ordinance No. 08-61 established the landscape Improvement Grant; and VvIIERFAS, Grantee has applied for a Landscape lrnprovernent Gant in the amount of dollars: and WHEREAS, the CRS has determined that Grantee meets the eligibility retluircments and was approved flor a Lrant award in the ,unount of dollars on ( "C P-A Approval"). NOW.. 1111:RI 'OI E. in consideration or the mutual covenants contained herein and other valuable consideration. the parties agree as :bllows: 1. Grantee acknowledges to the CRA that C;rantec has received a copy of the Collier County Community Redevelopment .Agency i.andwapc bnprovcntcnt Grant Program Information and Application (hereinafter referred to as "Grant Program "), that Grantee has road the Grant Program_, and that Grantee has find ample opporiumty to discuss the Grant Program with Grant.e's counsel or advisor. Grantee further acknowledges to the CRA that Grantee understands and agrees to abide by all of the tcrnr, and conditions of the Grant Program. Grantee aorees to the terms and conditions of the Grant Program. 2. Grantee is the record owner ?tenant of property described as 3. Gnmlee has agreed to make certain iniprovenrents to the property pursuant to the grant application submitted to the CRA dated attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by rererence. 4. Clrantec agrees to complete the construction ol'the landscape improvement, %0thin one (1) year or'CR.A Approval, Graiitce agrees to Rind at least 509t, of the Casts of the Landscape Improvement Grant Akreemcnt FA' 2011 landscape improvements. Grantee is prohibited from paying for any imprnvemcnls funded under (his program with cash: all payments ror approved pm,jects must be in the fop ofa check or credit card drawing on funds from Grantee's accounts. 5. CRA has approved a grant to Grantee in the amount of to be administered pursuant to the tens of this :Agreement based on an estimated cost of Irthe actual cost of materials is less than 55.000 to construct the improvements, the grant amount shall he reduced dollar for dollar in CR A funds as determined by the ratio of matching, private funds required. 6. Grantee agrees to consult with the CRA and Collier County Extension Services (bereinalier "Extension "). Graattce consents to site visit(s) Isom a Master Gardener from Extension and agrees to devise a landscapint plan in accordance with good gardening practices as described in lT wen ise.- ,Sm ah P'lurida Landscape by the South Florida Water Management District and ri Guide to Florid- FriencU }- 1_aneZveaping by Florida Yards and Neighhorhood Program. Grantee also consents to site visits trom a Mister Gardener to assess and inspect the site in accordance with terms of the LIG Program. 7. Grantee understands that all landscaping requires some deg=ree ol'maintenatnce During the initial site visit. Grantee agrees to coop.ratc with Mister Gardener to determine the level of maintenance. required to keep the newly imtallcd landscaping healthy and attractive. Grantee agrees to maintain the landscape in spelt a wary as to ( I ) he consistent Nvith good gardening practices :Ls explained in Waierwise: Sourh Florida l atalctal7iiT and A Guide it) 17orida -hi ieradly Lcnadscap l?C mtd 12) he an atuaetivc nc'ieltborhood .nnenil) contributing to area rcdevcloptnent. F. Grantee understands that landscaping with invasive rest plants pursuant to publications by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council and Native Plant Society is strictly prohibited through this grant and no funding shall he awarded if'mny hindscaping incorpor=ates invasive pest plants. Grantee agrees to remove all ol%asive pest plants that may exist in the existing landscaping. 4. Unless prior disclosure is included in the grant application, no Grantee, or any immediate relative of Grantees shall serve as a contractor or suheontractor for the constniction of the Site improvements and no Cia.^utice. or any ill tanedia!e relative of Grantee, sltall reccivc compensation liar labor toot the construction of tic site improvements. .An immediate relative of Gt uttce shall include mother, father, brother, sister, son. dauahier. aunt. uncle and cousin tit Cannily tnenber by mturia"e to include mother -in -law, father -in -late, brother -in -law and sister -in- law- Grantee has verified that all contractors who have prov ided kids for the approved work are actively licensed h} Collier Counrv. Grantce acknowI -.dgrs !hat the total vnint award shall not exceed the sum of lowest bids /price quotes for all projects. Grant runds for work performed by contractors shall only he dishurscd upon � cri0c ation that said contractors are actively licensed by Collier C'ounn'. Landscape lntproventent Grant Al .rcctncnt FY 2011 10. t.lpon completion of the work. Gnintee shall submit to the CRA staff a projcct summary report, two (2) S inch by 10 inch photos of the landscaping after the project is completed, a plant list and list ofmaterials and landscaping techniques used, and any other infuriation specific to the project or requested by the CRA -,ta1T. 11ie Cltk. through its staff, shall confirm that the improvements were constructed pursuant to the tcmms ofthe application approved by the CRA. 11. Within forty -five (45) days after confirmation that the improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the approved application, Grantee shall he issued a check in the amount of the grant However, if Grmtee faits to make the improvements pursuant to the terms of the approved application, or if the projcct is not completed whilin one (1) year of CRA approval, or if Grantee fails to l "und at least 5090 of the cost of the tumdscape impro- vements, the grant shall be deemed automatically revolved and Grantee shall he entitled to no finding. 12. Tins Ngwcnient shall be governed umd construed pursuant to the laws of the Sufic of Florida. 13. Phis Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and their representatives and agents. turd htcorporates all prior understandings, k%hether oral or written. No change, modification or anicndment, or Lang representation. promise or condition, or any waiver, to this Al,,Teement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized otncer of the party to Ere charged, 14. This Agrecmctmt is personal to Gnumtce. and umay not be assigned or tr,msferred by Grantee or to Grantee's respective heirs, personal representatives. successors or assigns without the prior written consent of the CRA. IN WITNTSS WHEREOF. the parties have executed this Agreement on the date and year first written above. (1) (2) Witness Signature PrintedlTyped Name R'itness Signature Printed "typed Name GRAN 1LL(s): Landscape improvement Grant Agreement NT 2011 R,i: Kntcl-1'Npcd Name By: Printed/Typed Name ATTEST: I)WIGIIT E. BROCK. Clerk , Depuly Clerk :%pprovcd as to form and legal sufficiency: SLcyen T. Williams Assititanl County Attorney COLLIER COUNTY CONIMUNI'1'Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 13v: DONNA FIALA, Chairman Landscape Improverncnt Crant A,n -cment FY 2 [111 6AY5 HORS G rFW TRIANGLE otr ` t3ayshom Gateway Triangle CRA t nt ;;.nn i. � . .....P n , ..�, .,,. � ,i _��. i , �� , nrra� - ---- Commercial Building Improvement Grant Program The Commercial Building Improvement Grant Program (C -BIG) is a redevelopment initiative funded and administered by the Uayshore'Gatcw,fay'l'riangle Cortunnniry Redevelopment Agency (C'K.k) as partial reimbursement for exterior and interior improvements to commercial buildings within the Redcvclopment Area. Overview of the Program Tenants and owners ul'commereial praperties Inr which property taxes are paid to tine current year and which are located %within the CRA boundaries may lie eligible to receive C-BIG funding. loot- for - profit, 501 (c) ( }) and other private entities such as churches, etc., are not eligible for C -1316 funding but may be eligible for grants through the Site Improvement Grant program. The C -BIG program funds both exterior and interior improvements to qualified commercial buildings ht the CRA. Funding for interior improvements is contingent upon grantees performing exterior improvements canting the maximum funding under the C- BIG program. All interior and exterior improvements Horst be approved by the CF-,% prior to commencing any C -BIG- funded projects. All exterior improvements must he visihlc to the public. either from the public right -of -way or stone other highly visible location_ Grantees generally receive C-131G fiutds hi about 45 days after CKA statTvisit the site and review all paperwork (sec Required Paperwork for Reimbursement) arid verify grantee eligibility. Applicant Eligibility Applicants must own a business or a commercial building within the Redevelopment Area (See map in Appendix A). Eligibility criteria are is follows: • kpplicants who are business owners must have a wtdid occupational license at the time of application. • Business owners wfio rent the building or unit space rvlterc their businesses are located must secure ;1 signed Owner AntllOrization Form (aaachcd) from the building owner to construct anprovements. • Business o%vners who rent the building or unit space where their businesses are located are strum h encouraLed to lraec a IuLw guaranteeing a fixed retit. • All property taxes on the site must be current. Applicants may submit only one application a }ear. A business site — defined as the folio number (parcel Ili) ofbusiness location —may receive up to three C- 131GS, not to exceed the maximum allowable amount in effect at the time of the lirst application, subject to availability of funds. Once a business site has received its maximum rundina, it is no louver eligihle for further C-BIG funding for the ,remaining life of tile program (subject to CRA finding availability). Tltis rule aiso applies to applicants in the same vvay: one IBAYSHORE fll. G4TEW'Y Al. TRI, IYGLE v ®G•�rm, applicmit may receive up to three GRIGs up to the maximum amount permitted at the time of the first applicatiott. Rids For Work For each type of improvement to he lunded. applicants trust obtain a minimum of twn bids by contractors from the lit nn the Collier Cintnty C'ontractor's Search page, located at htt p:U aflt?s2. collicr��o��. ttct' vvehanps�`�ision�ConCert ;defmdt asox . Bids from contractors not listed in this database will not be accepted I'm the C -RIG program, The tmnt amount will he equal the sum of the lowest bids (not to exceed S50,000) by all contractors for each improvement though any contractor listed in the above database may he used. Required Documentation for Reimbursement Grant funds are disbursed after CRA staff vcrifF the improvements ctre complete (this includes review of certilicates of occupancy and/or permits from Collier Count}). To receive reimbursement. gramees must prove that payment fitr the improvements was pair to contractror(s) listed in the above datase by check or credit card in the name of the grantee. Linder no eiremnstanec will payment to mitieeased contractors or subcontractors be reimbursed. Granlees must procidc receipts or invoices kith tic payment amount indicated clearly. No reimbursement \\iil he disbursed for \\ork paid for with cash. Project Requirements Exterior Improvements In order to he approved, exterior improvements must result in one or more of the following: (1) increase in the aesthetic appeal of talc area: (2) hnprovement to the functionality of the premises: (3) remedy ol" stru<tttral problems or code violations or (1) aid in business operation. The grantee will be reimbursed 1nr exterior improvements at a S(1 perccnt match, tip to a maximum avv,a d of $10.000. The iitMm ing are examples of improvements eligible lilt grant funding. Installation of or repair to: • Stucco • boors • Brick or textured pavement • F..xterior lighting • 1i\' alms • Windows Sll}nllwatei enhancenienis • Painting • 'vTsonr� • Landscapu?g ltnay require installation of irri _'iai on ) • shtiacrs • F:(cetrical work related to cxtcrior li .htim e S;aas • Fcncing • Roofing • AniT other iutprovcments suhjcct to Clan approval. BAY 5HORE jt GATEW Y Tt� Il TfttANGlE _ :t':•._ Lxamples of other improvemcnts which qualify for grant funding include the following: • Removal ol'delcriorated materi als • Parking lot improvements • Building cleaning (sand blasting /pressure washing) • Courtyard and outside dining design and development • Lnhancenneot of access (e.g. wheelchair ramps) • f)emnlition required to build a new entrance to a building • Rennediation of code violations • .Architectural / engineering services • Landscaping* • Any other improvements subject to CR.A approval. *Landscaping with invasive pest plants listed by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council is strictly prohibited (this list available frnrn CRA). Landscaping iechniqucs as outlined in lValenrise: South Morida Lavdccaires, published by the South Florida Water Management District is encouraged; free copies of ill is manuai nre available at the CiCN office. Special assistance for landscaping is available free of charge lhrou`h Collier County' I- Memion Services. Contact a toaster gardener by calling (2 19) 353 -4244. NOTE: Projects listed below are ineligible for C -RIG runding. • The removal of architecturally important details; • lnstallittion of aluminum or vinyl siding; • Improvements commenced prior to execution ofa�nccmcrtt with CRA; • Purchase or instal €anion of statues or fountains; • Property acquisition; • Any work by non - licensed contractors_ • Construction of free- .standing buildings including cortstruction of neu rooms U) excting structures); • Refinancing cif debt; • Non -fixed improvements: and • Sweat equity. interior Improvements Grantees who %Nish to improve the interior of approved commercial properties may be reimbursed for that work through the C-131G program only if they earn the maximum dollar anwd for exterior improvements. Interior prrjects must be approved at the same time as exterior projects and will be reimbursed at a 50 percent match. up to a maximum award of $"_'0,000. A grantee who fails to perform enough exterior improvements to earn the maximum grant amount will forfeit all reimbursement Gor interior imprmcmcnis. All documentation requirements [Or exterior improvements also apply to interior improvements (sce Rids Car NN'ork and Required Documentation for Reimbursement above). 19 A YS H 0 R E G A T E W Y FE, TRIANGLE i'ltc following is a complete list ofqualified interior improvements • .Asbestos removal • Lightitig itttprovetnents • Paint a Improvements accessary for -DA- • Electrical work to meet code complianee requirements • flooring upgrades and replacement • Plumbing to meet code requirements • Ceiling upgrades or repair. • Temiite darna,e repair No other interior improvements will be approved for funding. Change Orclers and Time Extensions Change Orders to Increase Funding After a C -BIG aereement is executed, ifa grantee discovers flaws in the building related to approved exterior or interior irnprovemenis, a change order may he issued to increase funding not to exceed the maximum award available. Change orders must he requested in time for staff to process the request and secure approval (allow a minimum ol'one month prior to expiration of faant). DWORT:I 1NT: change orders cannot be processed tivithin the last two weeks of the Orton period. Upon successfully completing work under the original C -RIG, grantees roust wait one year ani may then npply ]or additional funding for work unrelated to the original improvcntcnt(s]. Time Extensions The CRA understands tlrat redevelopment projects can take more time to complete than is originally anticipated. For vvantCCS who cannot Complete their projects tivithin one) car. tine extensions may he granted. (i antecs trading extensions nntst request the extension within ttvo tnotttlts of the .;runt's expiration. Note: no extensions can be <uranted within the last two weeks of the et atrt period. MPOIZ'I'= -NT: Grantees roust verify that applications for permits were submitted to Collier County within I'OUT months after execution of the grant a- eemcnt and that consttvction of ImproN emenls commenced within six months after execution of the ;'rant aarecntcnt. Funtling Levels and Matching Requirements Base Funding The base naxinttnll Drum award is $:10.000 with lire following breakdown cif frtnd ng: 1) $30.000 in 50/50 matching funds for exterior improvements: 2) 520,000 in 50, "50 matching funds for interior improvements — absolutely no I'unding for interior improvements will he pemriltcd if grantee does not perform a mininnml of 560.000 of exterior improvements. 4 1 A G AY ' 'E' W" P. TRT�ANGLE lAppendix A: CRA Map & Funding Summary Location of CRA within Collier County CRA Rc4ds CQ!Iiar CowmN I I Fundi g Type LXYLRIOR PROJLC Is: thise Lexe INTLRIOR PROJEC I'S CRA Close-Up CRA Zmr..dary CRA CRA Amount Applicant Match MINIMUNI MINIMUM SI-I 0AI Appcadix-A ? IIIG SE V jTI Y N TRIANGLE 7t Bayshoro Gateway Triangle CRA I Gran [cc Name Grantee Address Daytime _ GRIG ,Application (Detach and submil to CRA oaicc. Applicant Information Site Address A ltern:lte Plante E -Mail Address I)o )ou c?syn or (case the property? Occupational License No. r fifapplicabic) Project Information Describe the existing conditions of the site (attach additional sheeLs if neecssar� ). CRA STAFF: Estimated cost of improvements: S 1) Attach he0 170101' photos of each project to be performe(f. Afaxilntnn grant award: S 2) Attach Property Appraiser 11). Signature: Rate: 3) Attach proofof pm'nrent of pruperl) taxes. I g AYS H0RE �( GATE IN: Y 'J' ��tt TRIANGLE . HI Ii Bayahore Gatmay Triangle CPA 1 . -ucn i , I,I. ,nf� I I, i..1•,,, - ,Wu (..I [It I n, r < , -,(I _.._ Lessor/ Owner Authorization for Improvements 1, _ , owner of the property located at . Understand that who has a valid lease for the above listed property, authorize said tenant to complete the improvements listed wider Section 2 orthe completed Conunercial Building improvement Grant application and to request reimbursement funds from the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency. Signature ol'Owncr Signature of Clwner (ilJoinily owned) STATE OF: COUNTY OT: Date Date The fore«oine Lessor 1 Q%%ner -Authorization Fora was executed belore me this day of _. 200 by oV1,11er o f the property located at Mlo: OR is personally known by me who has produced Affix notarial seal as proof of identity. Notary public (Signature) Print Name of Notary Public Commission No: My C'onunission expires: RY S H O R E ATEW Y �r TRIANGLE Sayshore Gatoway Triangle CRA j ;,., , Applicant Commitment of Rcsourecs I / we, _ owner(s) / tenaait(s) of the commercial property located at have the funding and all other capability necessary to begin the site improvements listed above mid have the ability to complete all improvements within one Year of the approval of the improvement "rant by the Collier County Community R:cdcvclopmcnt Auency. I I we further affirm that payment litr all work on approved improvements will come ti•om accounts in my ? our name(s) or the namc(s) of entities rc"istcrcd in the State of Florida \which I i we have iucorpora(ed or otherwise registered with the state (verification is required). Payment for improvements by li)m persons or entities not a party to this Grant Application is "rounds for disqualification. Signature of Tenant (if leased) Date Sipaturc of Tenant (if }cased) Date (ifjointly. leased) Signature of Owner Si_nature of Owner (ifjointh owned) Date Date r dB A 0 Y e H 0 R E , �TEW Y TRIANGLE Daysbure Gateway Triangle CRA Grantee Project Sutnimjry & Evaluation (altach additional sliccts as flecessary) Project Summary Describe the improvements made. List all vendors / contractors providing mattmals Vendor/Sery ice Provider or services ]'(-)r this project with contact information. Phone Number ur Addmis or Website Grantee -Sianature Date Cirantee Signature Date- C114—k Staff. Color photos of completed project from site visit must be aunclicd to this report. Fr7- ! .rana i ,.. n r. :a ir,r,r�.,n!: nn �a A Y S HORE GATEW - Y TRIANGLE Pad meat Rc ucst On , the Collier County C'onitnunity Redevelopment Agency approved funding in the amount 01'$ to cover a portion of the costs listed below through the Coamercial Building Improvement Grant Program: Improvement Cost Tntal - I herehv confirm that ,itI items listed above have been cumplctcd as ouIIIII l in the Commercial Buildin0. Improvement Grant application Submitted to the ('RA :Ind authorized bs the CRA. I herefore, I am ralucsting [lie approved lillding ill the total amount of S _ a approval by the CRA. C manlcc SiLmature Date The fim-Luoing Paj ment Rcqucst Form was executed before me this daN of 100 by owner of tile property located at Who: is personally known by me OR who hay produced as proof of idetuity. Affix notarial ;seal Notary Public (Simiature) Print Name ofNoTan7 Public Commission No: My Commission expires: IMPORTANT NOTE: NO REIMBUR_SEME:tiT WILL BE PROVIDED WITHOUT ATTACHING THE FOLLOWING: ('t) VENDOR/CONTRACTOR INVOICE 1 RECEIPT AND (2) COPY OF CANCELLED CHECK OR CREDIT CARD VALIDATION TO GRAN'I FE'S ACCOU.N'T FOR EVERY REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE. GRALNT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CRA AND GRANTEE FOR COMMLRCIAL BITII.DINGIMPROYTTIIENTS FOR BAYSHORF, GATEWAY TRIANGLE COMMUNITY REDEY'ELOPN ,,NT AREA THIS AGRL:EMENT ENTERED this _ day of by and between [lie Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (hereinatter referred to ax "CRA") and (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee "). WITNESSETI1: VMFREAS, in Collier County Ordinance No. - 1002 -18, the Board of County C'onunissioners delegated authority to the CRA to award and administer CRA grants including contracts with Grantees for CRA grants; and WHF.RF:AS, Ordinance No. 09 -61 established the Conuncreial Building Improvement Grant; and WI- ILF -LkS, Grantee has applied for a Commercial Building Improvement Grant in the amount of dollars: and ti'w''IIEREAS. the CRA has determined that Grantee meets the eligibility requirements and was approved for a grant award in the amount of dollars on _.__..__ __ _. _ _ • ( "CRA Approval "). NOW, TI-TFREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained hcrein and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as t'ollows: I. Grantee acknowledges to the CRA that Grantee has received a copy of the Collier County Community Redevelnpmcnt .Agency Commercial Building, lmprovcmcnt Grant Prograrn Information and Application (hereinafter referred to as "Grant Program"), that Grantee has read the Grant Program. and that Grantee has had :unple opportunity to discuss the Grant Program with Grantee's counsel or advisor. Grantee further act nowledges to the Cal ,, that Grantee understands and agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions of the ( ;rant Program. Grantce agrees to the temis and condilions ol' the Grant Program. 2. Grantee is the record Durso 1 tenant of prop -rry described as 3. Grantee has agreed to make certain improvetncnts to the proper pursuant to the grant application submitted to thc. CRA dated arrachcd hereto as F>hihit A and incorporated herein by reference. 4. Grantee agrees to complete the ;onstruction of the commercial building itnprovements within one (1) year of CR.,'1 Approval. Grantee also agrees to fund at least of the costs of the commercial building improvcmcnts. Grantee is prohibited from paving Commercial Building Improvement (;rant Agrcrmont pY 2011 contractors and/or vendors tiaith cash. Ail payments litr approved project% must be in the lirrm of a check or credit card drawing on fiends lirom Grantee's accounts. 5. The CWL has approved a gr:alit to G:mtcc in the amount of to to administered pursuant to the terms of this Agreement based on an estimated cost of . lrthe actual casts are less than $ to construct the improvements, the grant amount shall he reduced dollar for dollar in CRA limas as delernnined by ratio of matching private funds required. 6. Unicss prior disclosure is included in the grant application, no Grantee, or any immediate relative of-Granlee, shall serve as a contractor or Snbepnlractor for the construction of the improvements and no Grantee, or any immediate relative of Gtmmtce. shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of tale improvements. An immediate relative of Grantee shall include mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, aunt, uncle and cousin or family member by marriage to include mother -in -law, father -in -law. brother -in -law and sister -in- law. Grantee has verified that all contractors who lt:rve provided bids fbr the approved Work are actively licensed by Collier County. Grantee acknowledges that the total grant award shall not exceed the sum of Iowest bidstpricc quotes for all projects. Gantt fiutds for work performed by contractors shall only he disbursed upon verification that said contractors are actively liecnscd by Collier County. 7. Grantee agrees to obtain all necessary permits and submit any required plaits to the County's GroNNth Managcrnent Division. Upon complexion of the work:. Grantee shall submit to the CRA staff a Project Summary Report, two (?) R inch by 10 inch photos showing the impnevemenls, a list of materials and construction techniques used, a list of architects ar0or Contractors, and any other information specific to the project or requested by the CR'k staff. The Cl2A, tlhrough its staff. shall confirm that the Conunercial 13nilding irnprovcnients were constncted pursuant to the terms of the application approved by the CRA. 8. AN-ithin lZmy -live (45) slays aPler Coll lirmalion that the improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the approved application. the Grantee shall he issued a check in the arnount of die grant. l lowrvcr. if the Grantee fails to snake the improvements pursuant to the terms of the approved application, or if the improvcments arc not completed within ono: ( I ) year of CRA approval, . the grant shall he deemed re%oled and Grantee shall not he entitled to funding. Q. this Agrecnhent shall be governed aid construed pursuvtt io the laws of the State of l lorida. 10. This . Agreement contains the entire ag�reemertl of' the parties and their representatives and aguts. and incorporates all prior understand ne-s, whether oral or written. No change, modification or amendntcttt, or any representation. promise or condition, or arty waiver, to this Agreement shall be hirtding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized ollicer of the party to he cllarged- 11. this Agreement is pc- rsonal to Grantcc. and may not he assiencd or tran,lcrrcd Ehy Grantcc or to Grantee's respceiiie heirs, personal rcpre cmativcs, successors or assi ms svithrntl the prior written consent of-the CRA. Commercial Building Improvement Ciranl A. cement FY X011 ? IN 1A'ITNFSS WHF.RF,OF, the parties have csccutcd this Agreement on the date and year first "krittcn above. (1) Witness Signature Printed +Typed Name Witness Signature Prittted fl'eped Name AITLST: DWIGHT F. BROCK. Clerk Deputy Clerk Approved as to Farm and legal sulTicicnca: Steven T. Williams Assistant Comity Attorney GRAiNTLE(s): By Printed' F\ pcd Name Printc&' Typed Name C.OLLILR COUNTY COMMUNITY RF.DEVETOPMEN'1 AGENCY 13v: DONNA HALA, Chairman Commercial Building Tmpro%ement Cir-ant Agreement FY 2011 3