Agenda 06/22/2010 Item #16B 2 Agenda Item No 1682 June 22,2010 Page 1 of 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners, acting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, to approve Change Order No.6 to Contract No. 08-5073 with RWA, Inc. for the Immokalee Area Master Plan and Related Services in the amount of $75,000 to fund additional work, and approve necessary budget amendment. OBJECTIVE: Recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), acting as the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), to approve Change Order No. 6 to Contract No. 08-5073 with RWA, Inc. for the Immokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) and Related Services in the amount of $75,000 to fund additional work, and approve necessary budget amendment. CONSIDERATIONS: On June 24, 2008, Agenda Item 16G10, Companion companion to Item 16F7, the Board of County Commissioners approved Contract No. 08-5073 with RWA, Inc. for the Immokalee Master Plan Update and Related Services in the amount of $386,175. The extensive and time consuming review and repeated changes to the lAMP required by various reviewing committees and commissions has caused the anticipated approval process to exceed the contractual agreement with RWA, Inc. In order to bring the lAMP process to completion, an additional sum of $75,000 and a six month time extension is required. FISCAL IMPACT: Change Order No.6 is valued at $75,000 and sufficient funds exist in Immokalee Redevelopment Fund (186) to cover this expenditure. Therefore, tax increment funds will be used to pay for this Change Order. CONSISTENCY WITH GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan states that redevelopment plans may be developed for specific areas within the County, and the BCC may consider alternative land use plans, modifications to development standards, and incentives to encourage redevelopment. The Public Realm Plan furthers the programs and projects within the budgetary and policy guidance and directives of the Community Redevelopment Agency and the Board of County Commissioners in furtherance of Objective 1.2 of the current Immokalee Area Master Plan Element of the Growth Management Plan which reads as follows: "Reinstate the former Main Street Program under a new name to provide a means for improving the physical appearance of the commercial building stock along the Main Street corridor, from First Street to Westclox Street." and Policy 1.2.1 states: "The Immokalee Master Plan and Visioning Committee, in coordination with the Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee, shall work with a consultant to develop a plan that focuses on the development and/or redevelopment of commercial structures and businesses along Main Street." Agenda Item No, 1682 June 22, 2010 Page 2 of 7 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient-JBW. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: By unanimous vote during the regular Meeting of the Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board on May 19, 2010, the Advisory Board voted to recommend to the CRA that Change Order No. 6 in the amount of $75,000 to the CRA be approved for the purpose of completing the lAMP Update process. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners accepts the recommendation of the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency to: 1. Approve Change Order No.6 to increase the dollar amount by $75,000 and time duration by six months of Contract No. 08-5073 with RWA, Inc. for the Immokalee Master Plan Update and Related Services, 2. Authorize the Chairman to sign Change Order No.6, 3. Authorize the expenditure of $75,000 from Fund 186, and 4. Approve all necessary budget amendments. PREPARED BY: Bradley Muckel, Project Manager, Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency. Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Agenda Item No, 16B2 June 22, 2010 Page 3 of 7 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1662 Recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners, acting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, to approve Change Order No, 6 to Contract No, 08-5073 with RWA, Inc, for the Immokalee Area Master Plan and Related Services in the amount of $75,000 to fund additional work, and approve necessary budget amendment. 6/22/20109:0000 AM Prepared By Bradley Muckel Immokalee County Redevelopment Agency Project Manager Date Immokalee County Redevelopment Agency 6/10/20108:56:56 AM Approved By Penny Phillippi Immokalee County Redevelopment Agency Executive Director, Immokalee eRA Date Immokalee County Redevelopment Agency 6/10/201011:46 AM Approved By Lyn Wood Administrative Services Division Contracts Specialist Date Purchasing & General Services 6/11/2010 8:24AM Approved By Steve Carnell Administrative Services Division Director ~ Purchasing/General Services Date Purchasing & General Services 6/11/20108:27 AM Approved By Jennifer White County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney 6/14/2010 11 :07 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator County Manager's Office Date Office of Management & Budget 6/14/201011 :27 AM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. County Managers Office COl/nty Manager Date COl/nty Managers Office 6/14/201011:41 AM CHANGE ORDER Agenda Ilem No 1662 June 22, 2010 Page 4 of 7 CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 CONTRACT NO. 08-5073 BCC Date: 06/24/08 Agenda Item: 16.F.7 & 16.G.I0 TO: RWA. Inc. 6610 Willow Park Drive. Suite 200 Naples. FL 34109 DATE: May 28. 20] 0 PROJECT NAME: Immokalee CRA Master Plan & Related Services Under our AGREEMENT dated June 24. 2008. You hereby are authorized and directed to make the following change(s) in accordance with terms and conditions of the Agreement: I. To increase the term of the contract by six months, The original number of project completion days was 873 days. The revised number of contract completiou days is 1056 calandar days. This changes the contract completion date from December 31, 2010 to Juue 30, 2011. 2. The contract amount will be increased by $75,000 due to additional policies required by the RAC, CCPC, staff and community comments during the review process of the Immokalee Area Master Plan. This amount will be paid in twelve equal monthly installments of $6,250 beginning in June, 2010 and cnding June, 2011. FOR THE Additive Sum of: Seventy-five thousand dollars 05.000.00). Original Agreement Amount $ 386.175.00 Sum of Previous Changes $ 237.500.00 This Change Order Adds $ 75.000.00 Present Agreement Amount L._~~_ 698,675.00 -------.- The time for completion shall be rnm~4 by ~ calendar days due to this Change Order. Accordingly, the Contract Time is now 1056 calendar days. The substantial completion date is June 30. 2011 and the final completion date is June 30.201 I . Your acceptance of this Change Order shall constitute a modification to onr Agreement and will be perfonned subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in our Agreement indicated above, as fully as if the same werc repeated in this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to the Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of any and all claims of the Contractor arising out of or related to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs. Accepted: f-1/V.O' d/)" ,2010 CONTRACTOR: RWA,Inr} By: ~_~~ ~ z:::~ tJ_ ~ r Christopher O. Wright, President By: ~ I ~ Agenda Item No, 16B2 June 22, 2010 Page 5 of 7 Date: DNISION ADMINISTRATOR A TrEST: By: N/A Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BY: CONTRACT SPECIALIST I By: '~hi WH Lyn .' ood Approved As To Form and Legal Sufficiency: Sign: ~ ~"0~ Print: S~r0~.lIr(.~ E>.10./-1/1'""L, Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLlliRCOUNTYFLORIDA BY: Fred W . COyle > Chainnan - 2- Agenda Item No, 1682 June 22, 2010 Page 6 of 7 D'XTA1NC ('():'~ SU 1.'1'1 ;\"(i ...... ....., '.L ..a.. June 7, 2010 Ms. Penny Phillippi, Executive Director Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency 310 Alachua Street Immokalee, FL 34142 Subject: Addelldum (Change Order) to COli tract ft8;5073 - the Imltlokalee CRA Master Plan Update & Related Services, for Additional Professiollal Services for Immokalee Area Master Plall Sufficiency Respollses (RWA, 11le. File No. 080093.00,00) Dear Ms, Pltillippi: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this addendum to the existing contract referenced above. These additional professional services are related to Task I - Immokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) Adoption, and Task 2 - Land Development Code Adoption. The addendum is requested due to additional services resulting ITom an expanded scope and unforeseen additional services resulting ITom the public hearing and review process. The additional services inclnde extensive hearings with the CCPC, additional meetings with staff, additional modifications to the Master Plan, additional and unforeseen changes to the land development regulations, the creation of one if not multiple zoning overlays, and the directive to explore protection opportunities for upland species within the Immokalee Urban Area. The additional fees for this work total $75,000,00 and will be billed in 12 equal installments of$6,250.00. The additional work will also require a contract extension until June 30~, 2011. %2 ~. Patrick Vanasse, CP Director of Planning ce: Bradley Muckcl, CRA Project Managcr File 6610 Willow Park Drive, Suite 200, Nap:es, Florida 34109 . (239) 597-0575, Fax: (239) 597-0578 I,w.w.consult-rwa.com CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM Agenda Item No. 16B2 June 22, 2010 r: Page 7 of 7 -to &c:... PROJeCT NAME: Immokalee CRA Maeter Plan PROJECT II: SIDtRFP II: 08-5073 MOO II: AY" 1 POll: 4500101492 DEPARTMENT: CRA NIA PROJECT MANAGER: Pennv Phlllleel WORK ORDER II: NIA CONTRACTORIFIRM NAME: RWA. In. OrIginal ConlraotAmounl: $ 386.175 (Starting Polnl) Current BCC Approved Amount: $ 623,075 (Last Tolal Amount Approved by the !lCC) Current ConlraotAmount: $ 628,280 (Including All Changes Prior To This Modification) Chango Amount: $ 76.000 Revlsod ContraoUWork Order Amount: $ 703,280 (Including This Change Order) Cumulallve Dollar Value of Changes to thla ContracUWork Order:' $ 317,105 Dato of Last BCC Approval 12/16100 Agendaltam /I 16.E13 & 16.G.1 I,j.,? Percentage of the change ovarlundar ourront oonlractamount...'l:fii!!:% Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCe approved arnount).1 / CURRENT COMpLETION DATE ($): ORIGINAL: U/~( !.Lo CURRENT: rho' Ii I I I I I Thla change order will: )j; Add a new Taek for $l~, DUO 0 lnorease Task NumbsI': by -OlherHncreaee the ovaroll contraot amount by $75,000 and 183 oalendar daya. DescrIbe the changers): Addlllonal fundlna and time reaulred to comDlete tha Immoka'ea Area Maater Plan UDdate Drolect. Specify tha reasons for the changa(s) V1. Planned or Elactlve r 2. Unforeseen Conditions r: 3, Quantlty Adjustments r 4. Correction of Error~la'ne, Speclflcatlons or Scopa of Work) r 6, Value Added (0' 6. Schedule AdjulItmenls Note: One or more may be ohecked, depending on the nature of tho change(s). Identify allnegatlve Impacls 10 Ihe project If thIs change order were not proceoeed: The Immokalea Area Master Plan (lAMP) has baen recentlv 8DDroyed bv the Collier Countv PlalllllnCl commlssl~n, It Is atj~clg:~d ~:~:he revieW process bY both tho Collier County Board of Countv Commissioners (BCC) al_dt~hee Flor~~a --:;trt ~-i" of Communltv AffaIrs {DCA} will not be comelete until mld-2011, Therefore: should _-'_ cha 0 or er ~o b" proceesed. the consultant. team would not havo the fundlnq to respond to Cluestlons from both revle~I~~ allencles, which would ultlmatelv stall the process, This change was requested by: r1Contractor/Consultant PI Owner rt Using Department C COES COeslgn Professional rJRegulatory Agency (Specify) r Other (Specify) rYes .fi7 No Thle form is to be I Date: ? - ff'- IC) h -tJ-IO APPROVED BY: REVIEWED BY: Dale: Revised 6 18 09