Agenda 06/22/2010 Item #16B 1 Agenda Item No. 1681 June 22, 2010 Page 1 of 27 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Request that the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) approve the application and recipient agreement for the Immokalee CRA Commercial Facade Improvement Grant Program for reimbursement of $20,000 for facade improvements to Jack & Lil's Unisex Salon located at 324 South Second Street in Immokalee, Florida. OBJECTIVE: To approve the Commercial Fac;:ade Grant Application and Agreement between the Collier County CRA and Jack & Lil's Unisex Salon in the amount of $20,000 for improvements to their owned commercial property located at 324 South Second Street in Immokalee, Florida. CONSIDERATIONS: On July 22, 2008, Agenda Item 8G, at Public Hearing, the Board of County Commissioners approved Ordinance No. 08-40 amending Ordinance No. 2002-38 in order to create a Commercial Fac;:ade Improvement Grant Program within the geographical limits of the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency. The purpose of the Fac;:ade Improvement Grant Program is to increase commercial occupancy rates and property values within the CRA while revitalizing the overall appearance of the Immokalee Urban Designated Area. Eligible applicants can receive grant funding up to $20,000 as reimbursement, using a one-half (%)-to-1 match with equal applicant funding for fac;:ade improvements to commercial structures. Jack & UI's Unisex Salon has met all the criteria for reimbursement as required by the application process approved by the CRA and the BCC for fac;:ade improvements to their commercial property located at 324 South Second Street in Immokalee, Florida. Exhibit A represents the Application submitted for approval and Exhibit B is the Recipient Agreement. Back up documentation attached to this Executive Summary includes: Applicant Commitment of Resources Form (Exhibit C), Proof of Ownership (Exhibit D), Property Tax Payment Verification (Exhibit E), Proof of Property Insurance (Exhibit F), Contractor Bids (Exhibit G), Conceptual Rendering (Exhibit H), Business Tax Receipt (Exhibit I) and Photos of Existing Conditions (Exhibit J). FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient budget exists within the FY2010 Immokalee CRA Trust Fund (186) to satisfy this new grant application. This fac;:ade grant project total is $40,200 and the grant request is $20,000. CONSISTENCY WITH GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN: The Immokalee Commercial Fac;:ade Grant Program furthers the programs and projects within the budgetary and policy guidance and directives of the Community Redevelopment Agency and the Board of County Commissioners in furtherance of Policy 4.2 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan which reads as follows: "....The Immokalee Area Master Plan addresses conservation, future land use, population, recreation, transportation, housing, and the local economy. Major purposes of the Master Plan Agenda Item No. 1681 June 22, 2010 Page 2 of 27 are coordination of land uses and transportation planning, redevelopment or renewal of blighted areas, and the promotion of econDmic development." LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This Executive Summary has been reviewed for legal sufficiency and is legally sufficient for Board actiDn. STW ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: During the regular January 26,2009 meeting, the Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board approved a motion to allow theCRA Executive Director to approve applications for the Commercial Fayade Grant Program to be submitted to the CRA Board for final approval, and that upon approval by CRA Executive Director, the applications will be ratified by the eRA Advisory Board. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend that the Collier County Redevelopment Agency approve the application and recipient agreement for the Immokalee Community RedevelDpment Agency (CRA) Commercial Fayade Improvement Grant Program for reimbursement of $20,000 to Jack & Lil's Unisex Salon for improvements to their commercial property located at 324 South Second Street in Immokalee, Florida. PREPARED BY: Bradley Muckel, Project Manager Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Agenda Item No, 1681 June 22, 2010 Page 3 of 27 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16B1 Request that the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) approve the application and recipient agreement for the Immokalee CRA Commercial Faade Improvement Grant Program for reimbursement of $20,000 for faade improvements to Jack & Lils Unisex Salon located at 324 South Second Street in Immokalee. Florida.' 6/22/2010900:00 AM Prepared By Bradley Muckel Immokalee County Redevelopment Agency Project Manager Immokalee County Redevelopment Agency Date 6/2/20102:11:23 PM Approved By Penny Phillippi Immokalee County Redevelopment Agency Executive Director, Immokalee eRA Immokafee County Redevelopment Agency Date 6/3/20109:47 AM Approved By Steven Williams County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney 6/10/20103:03 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator County Manager's Office Date Office of Management & Budget 6/10/20103:30 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. County Managers Office County Manager Date County Managers Office 6/10/20104:10 PM ~MMOKAlEE f'" RA Coler (ounly ((JCIlfllunily ~ tledovcloprncnt ^!Ji'rl(Y Date or Application: /! I /1"" ..:-/ \.' 1;"1'; Immokalee eRA Ii 'J;",,, 'I il ; , d" " ~ 'f ,: I ' Commercial Fal;ade Grant Application Applicant Information Grantee Name (company): Jackie & Lil's Unisex Salon Grantee Address:324 South Second Street, Immokalee, Florida 34142 Site Address: 326 South Second Street, Immokalee, Florida 34142 Daytime Phoue: 239.657.5431 E-Mail Address: If\l!';'nale Phone: 239.657.2410 Do you own or lease the property? Own Occupational License No. 742797 ~ Authorized Representative Print: L / II / A'?1 ):!"A';<'?rlaL'"rl . ~'AI.' " / Authorized Representative Signature: ~ j ~.-, Pt'oicct Information .-.------- .- Describe the exist in J conditions of the site (attach additional sheets if necessary). Peeling paint, deteriorated mansard roof, old plate glass windows, and cracked stucco. rovements in detail (attach additional sheets ifnecessar ). Per R Cubed Design plaus 08-237, dated l0130/08: Install new archways on second level, demo rotten wood, replace canopy framing on first level, replace two windows with impact, replace canopy shingles, new shingles 011 second level with overhang, repair stucco, pressure wash and paint. List Approved Contractors and All1uunts. The Chester Group (CGC 1504933): $40,200 IlEQtlmEIl ATTAClIME~TS FHOM AI'I'L1(,A~T: I) Om' l'\;lilllah' i..'<ll"1l Irolll T\\'~-'- l'HIlI ractor" lor each projl'l'1. 1 hl'\\_ ultllr;1t'lo]", 1\11 JS'l ill' li~;tL'd Illlhl' onlinc ditl.tl)it<;l.' ~.I_l:.!..~.~.S.l>J.!lli~l!.~~j_!!!L~]~~ 2) BUSllH'_...... ()Wlll'r,: copy or IIlTllpaliollallilTll'{', eRA STAFF: 1) AlIach two color photos of each project to be performed. 2) AlIach I'roperty Appraiser m. Estimated cost of improvements: Maximum grallt award: $40,200 $20.000 r9MMERCIAL FACADE IMPIWVlCMENT j'ROGRAM ImCJPIENT AGREEMENT TIllS AGREEMENT ENTERED Ihis _ day of , __ hy and between Ihe Collier County COlllmunity Re(levelopment Agency (CRA) (Iml11okAlee) (hereinAfter reterred 10 as "CRA") And .lack & Lil's Unisex Salon (compAny) (hcl'einAner referred to as "GRANTEE"), \V ITN ES SETH: WHEREAS, in Col1ier County Ordinance No. 2002-38, as mnended July 22, 2008, hy OrdinAnce 2008-40, the l30ard of COllnty COlllmissioners dclegated authority to the CRA to aword ami mll11inister CRA programs and aWArds including contracts wilh business GRANTEES within the boundaries oflhe Immokalee CRA Jor eRA grAnts; and WHEREAS, thc CRA Commcreial Facade Improvcmcnt Progrmn (hereinaner refcrred to as the Jla~Ade Program) allows for the use of CRA funds, in eonjnnetion with private investments, for certain improvements to eonllllercial structures loealed wilhinthe bonndaries of the Jmmokalee eRA; and WHEREAS, the intent of the Fneade Program is to increase commercial occupancy rates and property values within the CRA while revitalizing 1he overall appeamnee of the Immokalee Area; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE has applied for a fa~ade grunt in the amount of 20,000 dollars; and WHEREAS, the CIL<\ has determiued that GRANTEE meets the eligibility requirements nnd was approved for 0 Fll~ade Progrllln award in the amounl of _ZQ,Q91L dollars on ~_.' ("CRA Appmval"). NOW, THEREFORE, in eonsiderution of the mutual covenants contained herein and other valuahle consideration, the porties agree os follows: 1. GRANTEE acknowledges to the eRA that GRANTEE hus received II copy of the Fll~Hde Pl'Ogrmn, Ihat GRANTEE hus rend the Flll'ade Program Policies und Procedures doeulllent, ami that GRANTEE hns hlld llIllple opportunity to discuss the FHyode Pl'Ogram with GRANTEE'S counselor advisor. GRANTEE f\lIlher aekllowledges to Ihe eRA that GRANTEE lInderstnnds nnd agrces to nbide by all of the terms ami conditions of the l'al'ade I'rogrnm. GRANTEE agrees to the terms und conditions of the Fa~ade Progralll attached hereto as Exhibit A und incorporated herein by reference, -1- 2. GRANTEE is the record owner oj' properly deserihed as: _ Lots 16 and 17. Block A of J3ondnran' Snhdivision nt lmmokn1ce. Plat hook I. Pagc 83. Puhlie Records of Collier Connty. 3. GRANTEE has agreed to make eerlain improvements to the property pursuant to the Fa,ade Program application submilled to the eRA dated allaehed hereto as Exhihit B mlel ineorpornted herein by reference. 4. CRA has approved un all'md 10 GRANTEE in the amOlml of $20.000 to be administered ptll'suant 10 the terms oflhis Agrcemcnt bnsed OUUll e"imuted cost of$.1Q.,:?OO. 5. Unless prior disclosure is included in the grant appliention, no GRANTEE, or any immediate relnlive of ClRANTEE, shall serve as a contractor 01' subcontractor for thc eonstl'l1clion of the improvements and no GRANTEE or any immediate relative of GRANTEE, shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the improvements. An immediate relative of GRANTEE shall include mother, father, brothcr, sister, annt, uncle and cousin or family member by marriage 10 include mothel'.in-Ia\\', father.in-law, brother.in-Inw nnd sistel'.in- In\\'. GRANTEE has veri lied that all eontmelors who hnve provided bids for the npprovcd work are netively licensed by Collier Count)' nnd GRANTEE agrees that all labor will be perlormed only hy the 101l'es' bidding contractor. 6. GRANTEE agrees to obtain allneecssnry permits and snbmitllny reqnired plans to the Coliier County Communit)' Development ond EnviJ'Onmentol Services Division. Upon completion of the work, ClRANTEE slwll submit a closeout package to the CJ(A which will include all lIpplicable (cleetrieal, struetmal, fire, plumbing, etc.) nnal inspeetiou verification thlll1 Colllcr Count)' fiuiJding Inspection Division. The CRA, through its stllff, shllll eonnrm thnt the improvements were constructed plll'suant to thc terms of this agreement approved b)' the eRA and shllll create lllinal report to include digital color photogrnphs oflhe project beforc lInd after completion. 7. Within forly-l1ve (45) days lIner confirmation that the improvements were constructed pmsullnt to the terllls of the approved application, (;RANTEE sl",11 be iss\led a check in the amount of the award. Ilowcver, if GRANTEE foils to make the improvements pmsuantto the terms of this agrecment, including construction slllrl within 90 da)'s of exeeulion of the gl'l1ntagreement and completion within 12 Illonths of the cxec\ltion of the grnnt agreement, the llIvnrd shall be deemed revoked and GRANTEE shall be entillcd to no funding. B. of rlorida, This Agreement shall be governed and eonslnled p\llsuant to the laws orthe State 9. This Agreement, along with it~ incorporated attachmentsl contnins the entire ngl'ccmcl1t of the parties find their representatives one! agentsl and incorpol'Htcs nil prior undc.rslHlltlings, whether oral or written. No chllllgC, Illodifiention 01' nmcnchnclll, or !lilY reprcscntntioll, promise or condition, or fill)' wniver, to this Agrccmcnl shull be binding unless ill writing and signcd by a d\ll)' authorizcd ornecr of the party to bc charged. <~ - 10. This Agrccmcnt is pcrsonal (0 GRANTEE, and may not bc assigncd or trnnsfcrrcd by GRANTEE 01' (0 GRANTEE'S resjlectivc heirs, pcrsonal rcprcscntalives, snccessors 01' "ssigns without the prio)' writtcn conscnl of Ihc CRA. IN WITNESS \VII EREOr, Ihc Plll'lies have cxcclllcd this Agrcemcnt on the tlmc Hnd ycar first writtcn above. , . (1) ,,{". ",,/ /:' L':._--......,~ ( .:::(.t. ,'..-' /' Witllcs~'klgl1nlllrc ORANTEE(s): -.P' . By:19~i?i';".o.~ . .\...!J..\..-l.?...fl:~:E!:!::~~_, "-."j ! I , r..:;,~;/(./I...,/ /-,1.)(/( ( Prinledl1Yilcd NflInc ,-l.. III, 11 '!!---J:< v e C :HJ[t,;'1 Prinlcdfr)'ped Nmnc , ,,<Ii,."/ ..:{), i.1 'j-I ",/",. .' >" , / "., r' /./, , .,.' / /'i-' (2?.1L~!)L../!.r'~i~(-dL0d;~'-,~ . .Wltness,Slgnature // ! ) (/I" "j,',. ' I .... . .' , '.,k" I) I I '-h' . "I, \-. .J--,--+- .1... I Prinlcdffy 1<:<1 Name ~I , I Title nnll Company -------_._~-_..- By: Prinlc<VT)1)('(1 Nome A'ITEST: DW1GI/T E. BROCK, Clcrk COLLIER COUNTY COMMUN1TY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY , DCjluty Clcrk By: Commissioner Fiolo, Chnil'lllflll AppJD\'cd ns to J(mn fllld legal sunicicl1cy: Sleven T. Williams Assistlllll COUllt)' Allol'llc)' oSt\l\\b This Agl'('cIIICU( Is (0 he slgued HlIlI witnessed AFTEH CUA .';lnff hfl!; fOlllul the npplicoHolI In he complc:tc. - 3. c"",."...f.M,$ ,-( ~,,:t......~,t(J' Agenda Item No. 10,,1 June 22, 2010 Page 8 of 27 IMMOKALEE eRA Community P.edevdoprm:nt Agency fThe phaowull Homel Immokalee CRA I Commercial Fac;:adelmprovement Grant Application Applicant Commitment of Resources 1/ we, L; II io10 (;;,e.<'eMMJ ____, owner(s) / tenant(s) of the commercial property located at -'LA{ ).~f~ Si:("wj Sf, I.,",k,.,{.u, have the funding and all other capability necessary to begin the site improvements listed above and have the ability to complete all improvements within one year of the approval of the improvement grant by the Collier County Community Redevelopmen1 Agency. I I we fmiher affirm that payment for all work on approved improvements will come from accounts in my I our name(s) or the name(s) of entities registered in the State of Florida which I / we have incorporated or otherwise registered with the state (verification is required). Payment for improvements by from persons or entities not a party to this Grant Application is grounds for disqualification. N/It Signature of Tenant (ifleased) Date Signature of Ten ant (ifleased) (if jointly leased) Date ,'1", /' , )''\ (:{........._~.L~~ "'~t-.. (~Q .,,, Signature of Owner ""=-c., , Date Signa1ure of Owner (if jointly owned) Date ITj f-l W II (f) (]) H i-" OJ 1-' '"'1 00) 1'1 II 0~ t'J (]) X HI..... n' hi I--' l'rJ .f>, 0) II " tx:lto t:1OJ Hf-' H 1'1'1.0 f-l 01 II '"'1 lTJ -.J r-rJ " f-3(f) o OJ "J ::J I--' --J II 'TJ >-3 CO o " 'OCf> o pJ 1411 :~J I--' rot) II PJ lJ:J() o ",- rt '"'1 r-rJ I_I 1'01-' 1'0 II II ro c: Ii ;'J f-J. r-I) 0 o H 1-' 0.tJ PJ 1-' "'J f-l N II ''d Il1 HO (l)rl" <rl" ~ .1>- .f>, ,f>, ,f>, "".1>- W '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. 1_' 1-.\ 1--' I--' ,..) 0 W Ul lJ1 ,1>-1'0\.01'00 '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. I-' 1--' 1-' 1,-\ i-I 1-.1 1_' OOOOC'OO 1b..~I~~~t::..~W '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. I-I I--' 1-' 1-' 0 0 0) lJ1lJ1""N~)NO '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. I--' 1-' I--' 1-' I-' I-' I--' 0000000 o 01 1_.1 to 'JlIglmda Item No. 1681 '0 " " (]) 1-1 H June 22. 2010 n' ru <. lQ (]) ~ Page 9 of 27 I--~ f-'.f-'.<j ~ "" W W W W W '-0 f-'. (l)::;j H '-. '-.'-.'-.'-.'-.O::J:S::JUl~1-' 1'0 N 1'0 I--' I--' Ul rt. f-'. (,\. Z \.0 co 0) W co CO ('\' :::l!3 '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. (]) f-'. f-"lQ rt M 1"'\ 1-' 1-' 1-' I-I 1--> 0.!3 :.=J 0 o 0 0 CJ 0 PJ OJ tJ tr '''J t'J lQ lQ PJ OJ ~J I-I) (l) (l) 1--' 1",' M WWWWWHl OJ"P:J '-. '-. '-. '-. '-. (]) 1-3 :::s 'e' 1'-.)1'-.)1'01-'1-'0 II () ~ CO 0"1 W co CO .1' 1-] (l) Z '-. '-. '-. '-. '-.1-" Ul" 1--'1--'1--'1--'1--'< (j) OOOOO(]) rt L-l l-l 1:-1 L--i 'D 'T) t-] '(J 0 to t.O ,.<: ,-<: ,-] H 'D 'D Cf> ~t-1N 7) I--' II 1-' 000 N f-' \.01--'1'01'0 >-300'" --JWNW\.OW--JWCONN-.JW'-.::J7J~ O"I\.OW\.OO"IWOlI-'O\.O\.OOl\.OOrtMN--J H f-3 1--' 0'l o I-'7)W"'" t::l "(l){J1W.!!l rl'u s=: 0 Ii In :j ZZ /-I' 00 rl" f-'.'-.'-. ('I' pl OJ H (j)!38 ::s ~ n' n' '5 o 0 ~/-I' HlI;,g~ ()O"O H(])S=: (j) b"::J O.f-'.rt f-" n- rtUl:::J Ul s=: !3 0' (]) t..., 1:--1 W ro 0"1 0\ W co 0\ (J1 w ro 0\ 1--' U) (]) H f-'. 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Ii '~:Il'd. /A4 ~"'n.d. /l.W L'.t ",,,...1 1M ,i~/I'm-, 110.< IU' of _)I ,u"~,, ,~ll ~I.ouU .,1 ,.r.,uF/, ,,,,_1, ,/..,;&. ~:.. U,m "1>>1," ,~! '~th.:d...lll.A.o Mlu A""II<u",..!N~ 'f-.... .. " ~..... i I Ma{k this '!.Went -seoond , : H1twccn I ,tEVY CLAIR d ZETTlE MAE CLAIR, husband I of .the ,Countv of ollier in the State of party qf the first pa' t, and . ERNEST N. EID~~ and LILLIAN E. FREEMAN, husband and wifo _' .._at tl!eif:ountll of_ C.ollier in the State of li'lori(la \'. p(.l..rtl~ fhe uecund (:,.rt, - .- '-_ itnesseth, that the said party of the first part, jor and In oonsideratlon 0 tiwl.", of !ren ( 10.00) and O.V.C'. : Dollars, to 1im in hand pa' by the said party of the second pa.-t, the receipf whereof i.. hereby aCknoU/ledsted, ha.s ranted, bar~ained and sold ta the said party of the second part his fheifs and assiJn forever, the followin1 desoribed land. situate lyinJ! and being in the COljnty of 0111 er , State of FiOridl to wit: .. ~... .Lots I at I I ! of th I w:~ i"""-l i ~ Q- I~l...:;:l C1~ 1_1....0 "'-, 1_ 0'-' QLL. ,~ "',- ~:..: I N ~5 1Z~ I N ....u .. ....'" c~ N wu .~t.\- day of May .1. D. 19 62. and wHe Florid" '-~ i ti ~o 1...- AJ : -.. ~lVV-f- vf)a-~ --;;-- e t7;C:/-;ry h; /U ,/7/ /? . u'=:f-.kh::---6.-- 'I I n II II 1\ Stq,te lof Florid Co1lnIYt,Of Oolli i . I EREBY eER I officer duly alahori I I '!Le'tY Clair Z"ttie Mae Clair, hueca.nll 6mll Wife, I to meiwell known' >,ii len.own to me to be the individuals deSC~.ibed in and who \ executF'd the rOJ:,~It:o'n4:peed, and they aclenowled{ed before me that tney I ex~ClfJ'~"t .llI1ihlj freely and volun tarily for the purpcses ,therein upressed. , I ; WITNESS'".mu itd {and ot1lcial seal at Immok.alee t _ "^.. ~ 1: ~ ~ --"-L---- -H 1 f , , IFY, 1'hat on this duy personally appeare.d be/ore ed to administer oaths alld talee acknowledgments, 1He! an Print Map Page 1 of I '''(~I. 'ubdh11Ion' Aetl.I,200918InehUlb,nJ Atll.I,JOOfllfEEr, 8ulldll\Vfoo1pllnll ColJI.rCoutlly Folio Number: 2437Q.4BOO06 Name: FREEMAN, LILLIAN Stroot# & Name: 326 2ND ST S Legal Doscriptlon: BONDURANT elK AWTS 16 + 17 02004. Co:lier Coynly p(Op~rty Appraiser. VI'ni:a the Collier COlJnty Property ApPllllser Is Gommllled 10 prov!d:nl1 the mosll1GClllale ,rod up.{o-dale informalion, no walTanties e~p'"ued or imp:ied are provided forthlldala herein, ilsuse, oril5 inlerpl&lelion. http://WWVI..collierappraiscr.com/webmap/mapprint.aspx?title=&orient =LANDSCAPE&pa... 2/12/20 I 0 DetaIls Page 1 of 1 Property Recol'd Ii Sketches I: Trim Notices i II , II II ! I ( I , I I I 1 ~ Parcel No.11243704Boo06 Current Ownership Property Addressl1326 2ND ST S ~ Owner Namell FREEMAN, LILLIAN Addressesll PO BOX 212 CltylllMMOKALEE II State II FL ZIpl134143 - 212 Legalll BONDURANT BLK A LOTS 16 + 17 Section Township Range Acres 4 47 29 0.23 Sub No. 193900 II BONDURANT "llU$e COQ~ 12 II IMPROVED COMMERCIAL Map No. II Strap No. II 2E04 II 193900 A 162E04 11"ll1"1..lllll!l.!H~re.a11 "ll~ II Total IISChool1 II 5 II 9.2241 1114.4631 115.239 I I*See,lnstruclions_foLCaICl,JlaliOas 1 2009 Final Tax Roll (Subject to Change) Latest Sales History If all Values shown below equnt 0 this parcel wns created after the Flnill Tax Roll I Land Value II $ 6.324.00 I (+) Improved Value II $ 154,069.00 I (=) Just Value II $160.413.00 I H SOH Exempt Value & Other Exemptions II $ 10,490.00 I (=) Assessed Value II $ 149,923.00 I (-) HOll1estet\d .md other Exempt Villue II $ 39,363.00 I (=) Taxable Value II S 110.560.00 I (=) School Taxablo Vi1luo (Used for School Taxes) II S 135,560.00 SOH - "Save Our Homes" exempt value due to cap on assessment increases. Date Book - Page Amount The Information is Updated Weekly. http://www.collierappraiser.com/RecorclDetail.asp?Map= N 0&1' 0 lioID=0000024 3 70480006 2/12/2010 c c I:] c C I\J .r LIJ "'" C .r Do C CI C IT' c c c C nJ I:] .... IT' nJ .... c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c i- 0() ~ \--l IT' Cl'>>~ ~l!li3 r- .."'1 . .......... o '.'''' , )> ',' ::u ai",~~ . r::; m,o ---, . ''-Q) ~ [:l, ~ "~'" >< "'~ o 0. o 01.' ,... fii o i 1 ii j';'..~ ~i ';;'7,;': lIJ~ 0", Z... o~ Co> ~g ~~ lIJ !;( )> ,... ~ ~ Ol + ~ ... .. f .. ~ ~ .. ~ il! Uli~ ~~I ! i! ~ . ! ~ '" b ~ Ol N .. .' ~ .. WNOO.... 11 $~~t:" ~~Cli:m I ~:t IU)> ~~ i~ !lio . C ..... .......a. ~~ m ". t.)OJCD ri' o (D OUl '_:' om ",iDbiD ..f:. 0.........(,,) t. 0(0....(0 ;1;: " III j:l ~~i ~ "'...'" OO~ ~ I o '" '" "'...... ,'. ""'<DOl'" OJ (0)..... ".:. O)o.......oo.....~o =--c.. Nu.o:"":"'oi..Jm~ ::r; .....NCJ)I\)COO.....ow j!: :"'.... j;-.... ll!.'" ~~~1~8~h ,~ ",!11m l5g"lIl/O'" P.... . Ji~'l . .", J!.... 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PO Box 100507 Florence, SC 29502-0507 "..';:...."-l'"O~Il'JOOlll :"Mr;, 000000077127642 ..:fJ)~ /,t 1\/.. ,\:( ( ......--_._-----~ 11,11",111"111"11111,,111,,1111,,,,111,,111,,111111,,1,11,11,,1111,,1 1652-11 FREEMAN & FREEMAN PO BOX 212 IMMOKALEE, FL 34143-0212 1"11"1"1",11,1"1"1/,1/,,,,,1,1,,,11,,1,1,,,11,,1,11,,,11 Agency: 0018544 BRUCE HENDRY INSURANCE For customer service call: 1-800..777.7458 or go online at W\WJ.primeratepfc.com This notice is your regular billing statement. II does not replace or modify any other notices which you have received or may receive regarding your obligations to Prime Rale, $624.54 02115/2010 A late charge in the amount of $29.74 will be added to your account on 02/15/2010 Prime Rate announces its affiliation with MoneyGram. You may now make your Prime Rate payment at one of 30,000 nation-wide locations, including Wal-mart and CVS. In order to make your payment at any MoneyGram location, you will need Prime Rate's receiver Code. 6991 our name, city and state (Prime Rate, Florence, South Carolina) and your account number, Call1-800.926.9400 for the nearest MoneyGram location, lEARAlONG PERFORA110N, RETAIN TOP f'OR1ION FOflYOUH f'Ucmms. RETum. BOTTOM PORTION IN [t/V[LOF'[ PI{OVIDEO Owner: Property: Ulliam Freeman 326 South 2nd Street Immokalee, FL 34142 ESTIMAtE EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION Demo Rolled Wood Replace Canopy Framing Windows (2) Impact Glass Replace Canopy Shingles Stucco Repair Pressure Wash & Paint General Conditions Permit Overhead & Profit Total Cost This Estimate is Per Plans #08-237 ~ ~'H''ft:;;''.',. ,--:: r e .,_.._,~<) CHESTER GROL!lr."JI 69 Norwood AVI!, NI! , Unit B Atlanta, OA 30317 Phona, 404-371-8140 - Fax: 404-547-4364 State Certified General Contractor License No. CGC1504933 Quanity 341Sq Ft 341 Sq Ft 2 341 Sq Ft 1800Sq Ft 4104 Sq Ft $ 2,500.00 $10,800.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 5,600.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 1,000.00 $6,000.00 $ 40,200.00 Cc Ce.q ofF s3?~t:' Agenda Item No.. 1131:l1 June 22, 2010 Page 15 of 27 Contractor Certification Detail Page , Palle 1 of 1 Agenda Item 'f\Io, 1OB1 June 22. 2010 Page 16 of 27 ~ Collier COUll t Y : Fl OI\IDA . Class Code: 1010 GENERAL CONTR.- CERTIFIED Contractor Details Class Description: Certification Number: Original Issue Dnlc: Certification Status: Expil'f1tion Date: COllllty Comp Card: 33996 4/13/2009 ACTIVE 8/31/20 I 0 Slale Number: CGC 1504933 Slate Expiration Dale: 8/31/2010 Doing Bnsiness As: THE CHESTER GROUP, INC Mailing Address: 69 NORWOOD AVE, NE #B ATLANTA, GA 30317- Phone: (404)371-8140 Fax: (404)549-4384 ll<lCk Copyright@2003-2007CollierCoontyGovernment.3301 C, IOllllami Tm!!, Naples, FL 34112 I Phone 239-774-8999 Sile Mop I Privacy Policy and Disclaimer I Websile developed by Vision Internet http://apps2,colliergov ,net/we bApps/v isi on/col1cert/Detai l.aspx ?cert=3 3 996 2/26/20] 0 www.sunbiz.ol'g - Department of State Page 1 of2 Agenda Item 'No 16B 1 June 22, 2010 Page 17 of 27 Home Contact Us E.Flling Services Document Searches Forms Help Previous on List Next on Lis! Return To List !Entlty Name Search I FSUbmlil No Events No Name History Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation THE CHESTER GROUP, INC. Filing Information Document Number P02000130312 FEIIEIN Number 900054419 Date Flied 12/10/2002 State FL Status ACTIVE Principal Address 69 NORWOOD AVE UNITB ATLANTA GA 30317 Changed 04/28/2009 Mailing Address 69 NORWOOD AVE UNITB ATLANTA GA 30317 Changed 04/28/2009 Registered Agent Name & Address CHESTER, CANDICE R 1441 NW 137 ST MIAMI FL 33167 US Name Changed: 04/28/2009 Address Changed: 04/28/2009 OfficerlDirector Detail Name & Address Tille P CHESTER, WALLACE B 69 NOWOOD AVE ATLANTA GA 30317 Annual Reports Report Year Flied Date 2007 04/17/2007 2008 OS/20/2008 http://sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFlL&inq_ doc__ number=P02000 130312&in... 2/12/2010 www.sunbiz.org - Department of State Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No, 1681 June 22. 2010 Page 18 of 27 2009 04/28/2009 Document Images 04/28/2009 -- ANNUALBJ;;POfU ii. VieWilnjl!ge"I/'l~Of.fQro1~k ".1 OS/20/2008:c.At-INlJ.ALBEP.QRT :',"c'.si1~W'rm~glIl~PQ'ff~rln);("-'" '.1 04/j7/20Q? .- ANNUAl RE;:P'OBI i .::'Viewifu$~ejh f>Dfipilii~L':' :1 04/28/2006 -, ANNUAL R"PORT i, i yieW'im~iie-jnPQ.f'i'ion;;~C I 04/29/2005 -- ANNUAL REPORT i:'.'View:Jm~ii~ln',piii'f9tiMi~ '-'1 Q210712.o05." OfflDir Re~lgn~lion i /!:VI~wlli1aiiilnPQ~:f~iii1i!j'~ , 04/26/2004 -- ANNUALR8'ORT i::\ilew:fiW!ge:Ir;;i:iQfi:ioiitia\i;: ".., I 04/28/2003:c ANNUAL REPORT i'-::'Yj~Vi!;n~ge:tn;POfMrmat::'-i"1 12/10/2002 -- Dome~ticPfOm:-\iiew ilii-~ge:iliippj:i-form~t.. :, I Note: This is not official record. See documents if question or conflict. I , Previous on List Next on L.Jg Return Ttllf.! No Events No Name History IEntity Name Search I Siiiimlt;j I Home I Contact us I Document Searches I E.FHing Services I Forms I Help I Copyright and PrIvacy Pollclos Copyright (Q 2007 State of Florida, Department of State. http://sun biz.ol'g/scl'ipts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&inq_ doc _ number=P02000 130312&in... 2/12/2010 cc r;1- <t. J<, tll/ r Agenda'1r.\"m No 1'613~ June 22. 2010 Page 19 of 27 IMMOKALEE AIR PO BOX 5252 IMMOKALEE, F!. 34143 #CBC 060508 Estimate Date Estimate # 2/23/20 to 1038 Name I Address Lillian Freeman 326 S. 2nd St. Immokalee. Fl. 34142 Account # Project Item Description Cost Tolal Permits 1,100.00 t,100.00 Demolition 341 sq. ft. 1,950.00 1,950.00 Framing 341 sq. ft, 11,820.00 11,820.00 Canopy Install new canopy 2,750.00 2,750,00 Stucco 1800 sq. ft, 6,000.00 6,000.00 Pressure wash 4104 sq. ft. 2,200.00 2,200.00 PAINT Paint exterior 4104 sq 5,000.00 5,000.00 Windows InstaH 2 impact windows@ 975.00 ea. 1,975.00 1,975.00 General conditions 1,975.00 t,975.00 Profit & Overhead 6,325.00 6,325.00 Estimated per plan 1/ 08-237 Total $41,095.00 Contractor Certification Detail Page Agenda 1t~~I1\l;t3\ June 22, 2010 Page 20 of 27 ~_ 1~ ~ Collier County , - FIORIDA- . Contractor Details Class Code: 1110 Class Description: BUILDING CONTR.-CERTlFIED Certification Number: 23449 OriginallsslIe Date: 3/2812002 Cerlification Status: ACTIVE Expiration Date: 8/31/2010 County Comp Card: Doing BlIsiness As: IMMOKAU;E AIR & APPLlANCE,INC. Mailing Address: P. O. BOX 5252 IMMOKALEE, FL 34143- Pbone: (239)657-3478 Fa" (239)657-3361 Hack State NUIll ber: CBC 060508 State Expiration Date: 8/3112010 Copyright@2003-2001 Collier County Governmenl. 330 I E. lorniolTl; Trail. Naples. FL 34112 I Pbone 239-774-8999 Site Map) Privacy Policy and Disclaimer I Websife developed by Vision Internef hUp:/ / apps2. col I iergo v .nct/webApps/visi ani concert/Detail.aspx '/cert=23 44 9 2/26/2010 www.sunbiz.org - Depal1ment of State Agenda Itf~J ?tB!J June 22, 2010 Page 21 of 27 Home Contact Us E.Flllng Services Document Searches Forms Help Previous on List Next on List .Return To List IEntity Name Search I ! Sul>mill Events No Name History Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation IMMOKALEE AIR & APPLIANCE, INC. Filing Information Document Numbsr P99000015224 FEI/EIN Numbsr 593570775 Date Flied 02/15/1999 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event REINSTATEMENT Event Date Flied 12/29/2000 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 103 NEW MARKET RD IMMOKALEE FL 34142 Mailing Address P.O. BOX 5252 IMMOKALEE FL 34143 Changed 12/29/2000 Registered Agent Name & Address GARCIA, MARIO A PRES 911 MADISON AVE IMMOKALEE FL 34142 US Name Changed: 02/22/2010 Address Changed: 01105/2005 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Tille PRES GARCIA, MARIO A SR 911 MADISON AVE IMMOKALEE FL 34142 US Annual Reports Report Year Flied Date 2008 01/11/2008 2009 03/25/2009 http://sunbiz,org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&ing_ doc.number=P990000 I 5224&in... 2/26/20 10 www,sunbiz.org - Depat1ment of State Agenda ItJ'ri1~o2~ June 22, 2010 Page 22 of 27 2010 02/22/2010 Document Images 02/22/20100: ANNUAL R.!"PQRJ i ;',;~:ViawJiMii~jnet?.iii(pim~!i,;J,", I 03/25/2009 :~Ai'lNVAL RE;PORT i ' ,':\tf~wJ!i1~gilil:P~Fjiir;n~~f: ,(': I 011111.20118 -- .6NNUAL REPoRT I:, ... Yi~W 1/(i~li~Ja;p,i;jF:fiiiiiJili;;-.'il OJ!Q8/.200Z -- ANNUAL REPORTI,: "Viewi\ii\~9~ilii:pl;l~:I~1ffiai;;" I Q<!!P51.20QjJ-- ANNU6L BEPoRT I '. .,YiaW!m~ll~in:/"PJi,(il(i;il'~i:~ I 0110.51.2005 -- ANN!JALBI<E'ORT i j f\..liewji\i~g;j~W;iQff,;f~tm~t;.i! I Q3124/20Q4 -- Ai'JNUALREPORT I' ,', tVlel'fjm~gtlin ~i;!!r(c:innil(,-i;i I 01/29/2093 :- /lJ'JNUAL REPORT ! ,.' 'Vlevil!il~gli;ineMfonne!i:r::1 01110/2002 -- ANNUAL REPORT! ' ''.Yiaw!/i18i~:'I1Pploi:lqr#iilt::'-: I 9.2/23/2001 --ANNUAL REPORT I 'j '., viewlini!g~Ti1@iiFIQrl1l~\:-1 12/2$/2000 -- REINSTATEMENT I,. ',' ':Vjawitil;ge'iitP~F:(Qn\1~\:/'<'l 02/15/199f! -- DOIl1!lslic Profit 1':View.l;r\ljgelnPOff,;fiil\lie~:.:: '. 'I I Note: This is not official record. See documents if question or conflict I Pravlous on List Next on List Return To List Events No Nama History IEntity Name Search I I SUQlJ1it 1 I Home I Contact us I Document Searches I E~FUln9 Services r Forms I Help 1 Copyright and Privacy Policies Copyright @ 2007 State of Florida, Department of State. http://Sllnbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFJ L&inq_ doc _1l1lmber=P990000 J 5224&in." 2/26/2010 ~fi!IL~~. 'U~"Sl.affiU.Scoo::9tE~tZ::E ~ ~ . b~ ~ ~ NOllY AONIDI h'3N , = all' ~f~ ~- !! t ~ Ii; , , NVJ'i3BlllIi/'l1~ :!e!~ 0 ~ . .." .. . . Agenda Item No, 6B 1 June 22, 010 Page 23 f 27 2; FROM %~nkfrJ;i011O 16B1 June 22. 2010 (THU)FSB 182010 o:28/ST. e:2a/Ho.75~~~~f271 COLLIER COUNTY BUSINESS TAX BUSINESS TAX NUMBER: 742428 COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR - 2800 N, HORSESHOE DRIVE - NAPLES FLORIDA 34104 - (239) 252-2477 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: wWl'I,colllertex,com THIS RECEIPT EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 LEGAL.FORM . ".", , 'cOfiPOMTIl:l~~ t\[ , ..' '\ \V~' . .../ . I -., ,,~";\'" >.. ,~". ~"" ~. </i':;";~CKIE & LIL'S UNISEX SA c..5" ,,/, "Il",t \ I'FR~EMAN & FREEMAN INC f ,t '. ,l . POBQX212 ~ ~ i { ~, ;....') ,; \'~~,:)~._) ". : IMM~KALEE ->I '" .t~j"'...... ) CLASSIFICATIONllARBER SHOP ,.A " ,,,. '" <'. /' CLASSIFICATION CODE: 03605401 '~'~! I "..". ". .,;~..... ;<<~ 0,... This document Is a business tax only. This Is nol certification that IiCenreelrqUjlUue~., 'C~ ("",." ..,," n does not p9fmit the licensee to violate any existing regulatory zoning laws~"~~,i 8JJ1Je1-JXl~.n.ty orellles nor does It exempt the IlcenS9:El from any other taxes or permlt!J that may be reqUired by law. LOCATION: 326 S 2NO ST ZONED: BUSINESS PHONE: 657.2410 STATE lIC: BS0008516 DISPLAY AT PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION FAILURE TO 00 SO IS CONTRARY TO LOCAL LAWS. . THIS TAX IS NON.REFUNDABLE . FL 34143 DATE AMOUNT RECEIPT 0712012009 30,00 2094.40 1,. t"?; )4,.a.-":~11 '(', "?,, MI,,& ;~llqV~' T"" Agenda Item No. 1681 June 22, 2010 Page 25 of 27 COLLIER COUNTY BUSINESS TAX BUSINESS TAX NUMBER: 742797 COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR. 2800 N. HORSESHOE DRIVE - NAPLES FLORIDA 34104 - (239)252-2471 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: YfflW,collienax.com THIS RECEIPT EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30. 2010 DISPLAY AT PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR PUBUC INSPECTION FAILURE TO DO SO IS CONTRARY TO LOCAL LAWS. L~~l-~RM--',,~_. .. " THIS TAXIS NON-REFUNDABLE - ./~~TI~Ot>,. / V............ VA."" ""0" 'v, ".~ ....... r Ii"\. ~C.. KIE & L1L'S UNtSEX SALON ,', ..... "";" ;'1", .I' to, ."<;;;~," ....., ....,\.. 'I'IlEEMAN & FREEMAN INC ,........ I ..,. .....,'-. i.: "11. I , li,/ ',' \ '* I ! Ii ".' I ',POIfOX212 i (. l' I 1 \ __ <1 ;~ ~-: ~. I : IMM~Iv.LEE '" ..-'a.... 'I''' . .,,. } I ." .....~,' -11 J CLASSIFICATIONRETAlL SALES \> ... ,/' ~,."" CLASSIFICATION CODE: 03900001 . "-:!..J... ...'...... "'" ........ "q,' This dOC\Jmenlla 8 business tax only. This II not urtlficallon that li08nJeelt"qujJ(tei. e -0., ,.' It doe' not permn the licensee to violal. any .xistlng regulalory zoning "1.~iItlII "lf1e~lIii'lV' or cille, nor doe. n exempt th. llcens.. from any oth.r taxes or pormll. thai m.y be reqOlrild'by1aw. LOCATION: 326 S 2ND ST ZONED: BUSINESS PHONE: 857-2410 FL 34143 DATE AMOUNT RECEIPT 0712012009 30.00 2095.40 ,fMJUf -;?t, ,A?~ ~ "Y fA] LD ':J vt D v \ d Z~e.LGQO~L'ON'e~IS '~S/L.:e OLOZ ~ 83~(nH~) ...o~... ~ -~ "\ --.: '-) <. db' ,;;;;;: ./-. ,,(.~.. ,(.- fi'>.-- Ii'" /""",-,-- -llioi,::c.Lh-r~.. := , . i) ~ ~' ...... _0 ,'" .......