Agenda 06/22/2010 Item #16A14 Agenda Item No. 16A14 June 22. 2010 Page 1 of 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to accept a Traffic Signal Warrant Study and approve the installation and operation of a Traffic Signal at the intersection of Rattlesnake Hammock Road (CR864) at Grand Le1y Drive/Skyway Drive, at annual maintenance cost of approximately $3,500.00. OBJECTIVE: To request the Board to accept a Traffic Signal Warrant Study and approve a fully actuated traffic signal be constructed, activated and maintained at the intersection of Rattlesnake Hammock Road (CR864) at Grand Lely Drive/Skyway Drive in accordance with any and all applicable Federal, State, and County standards and specifications governing such traffic control devices. CONSIDERATIONS: Florida Statute 9316.006 provides that the County "may place and maintain such traffic control devices which conform to the manual and specifications of the Department of Transportation upon all streets and highways under their original jurisdiction as they shall deem necessary...to regulate, warn or guide traffic." A traffic engineering study, performed and approved by a Professional Engineer registered to practice in the State of Florida, has concluded with the detennination that the subject intersection meets the minimum warrants for signalization, as set f(lrth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Staff of the County's Traffic Operations Section concurs with that detennination and installation of a traffic signal at this location is within Collier County Access Management Guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: Cost for design, including post-design services, are approximately $48,000.00, while cost for construction of the signal is approximately $245,000.00. Final costs for the work will be reconciled once construction has been completed and all invoices are paid. The developer of Lely Resort will reimburse the County 33.33% of all costs associated with the signalization based upon the Developer's Contribution Agrcement (DCA) recorded on Fcbruary 9, 2004 in O.R. Book 3498, Pagc 233. Upon inspection and acceptance, Collier County will assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of thc signal, including electricity billing, at an average annual maintenance cost of approximately $3,500 per signal location, paid for through the nomml Trame Signal Maintenance, electricity, and Signal Section personnel funds in the annual Traffic Operations 10 1 Funds budget. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has bcen reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office and is lcgally sufficient for Board action-.-SRT. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This action will result in no growth management impact. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners accept a Traffic Signal Warrant Study and approve a fully actuated traffic signal be constructed, activated and maintained at the intersection of Rattlesnakc Hammock Road (CR864) at Grand Lely Drive/Skyway Drive in accordance with any and all applicable Federal, State, and County standards and specifications governing such traffic control devices. - Prepared By: Dale A. Bathon, P.E., Principal Project Manager, Traffic Engineering Department. Attachment: Traffic Signal Warrant Study Agenda Item No. 16A14 June 22. 2010 Page 2 of 8 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 16A14 Item Summary: Recommendation to accept a Traffic Signal Warrant Study and approve the installation and operation of a Traffic Signal at the intersection of Rattlesnake Hammock Road iCR864) at Grand Lely Drive/Skyway Drive, at an annual maintenance cost of approximately $3,500. 6/22/20109:00:00 AM Meeting Date: Approved By Eugene Calvert Project Manager, Principal Date Transportation Division Traffic Operations 6/4/201011:31 AM Approved By Barbara LaPierre Management/Budget Analyst Date Transportation Administration 6/4/2010 3:43 PM Transportation Division Approved By Lisa Taylor Management/Budget Analyst Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 6/7/201010:24 AM Approved By Nick Casalanguida Director - Transportation Planning Date Transportation Division Transportation Planning 6/8/20108:36 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, AICP Administrator - Transportation Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 6/8/2010 9:36 AM Approved By Scott R. Teach Deputy County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney 6/8/20103:10 PM Approved By Najeh Ahmad Director" Transportation Engineering Transportation Engineering & Construction Management Date Transportation Division 6/9/20109:51 AM Approved By Natali Betancur Administrative Assistant Date Transportation Division Transportation Road Maintenance 6/9/201010:52 AM Approved By OMB Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 6/9/20103:44 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. County Manager Date County Managers Office County Managers Office 6/9/2010 5:06 PM Agenda Item No. 16A14 June 22. 2010 Page 3 of 8 ,~~-~----- ~----T' -- I I I I I ..,- i I ___ I I ~. L L ., ..E" JIfit' TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT STUDY Rattlesnake Hammock Road, CR 864 at Grand Lely Drive/ Skyway Drive ';\2" Ji d:,~ I: " '. -: - .,.'- _ _ - .,-. ;.> ~,':',: t ,',f:, ~_ ~: -" l~' tl A..~l;i., --.=--- c: ~ U' AI 7'.. y- Approved By: Eugene Calvert, PE, PTOE TRAFFIC OI'ERATIO'\'S GRO\\TII MANAGEMENT DIVrSIO'i COLLIER COII'\'TY, FLORIDA May 26. 2010 , Agenda Item No. 16A14 June 22. 2010 Page 4 of 8 Traffic Signal Warrant Study Report Rattlesnake Hammock Road (CR 864) at Grand Lely Drive/Skyway Drive BACKGROUND The Collier County Traffic Operations Section has conducted a traffic signal warrant study at the above location. The purpose of the study is to ascertain if the referenced intersection meets signal installation warrant requirements set forth in the Manual on Unil(wn Traffic Control Devices (MUTeD). Thc MUTCD, prepared by thc Fcderal Highway Administration, has been designated by Florida Statutes to govern placement and design oftral1ie signals, signs, and pavement markings on public and private roads within the State of Florida. Through a resolution approved by the Board of County Commissioners, Collier County uses MUTCD Warrant I. Traffic VOIlU11C Warrant and Warrant 7. Crash Experiences Warrant as basic guidelines for traffic signal installation within Collier County. The rcsuits of this traffic signal warrant study arc as 1()lIows: EXISTING CONDITIOI\' LOCATION: The study intersection is located on Rattlesnake Hammock Road (CR 864) which is functionally dassiticd as a major connector and is considered the major- street in the study. Rattlesnakc llammock Road is a two-way, 6-lane divided highway with curbs and gutters on both sides. It connects to the anerial road of ('oilier Boulevard (CR 951) at its east end and Tamiami Trial East (USA I ) at the wcst end. The posted speed limit is 45 mph and the average daily trame volume is 11,881 vehicles (2009 data). The study intersection side streets are local roads providing access to the adjacent communities. :!'UQ-;o;:iWf't!:RII:8C'rI(iN * ~Ir intersection I,ocation Agenda Item No. 16A14 June 22. 2010 Page 5 of 8 Un Sky\-vay Drive, southbound approach, there is one exit lane for all traflLc movements. Sky \Vay' Drive, Snlllhhound /\ppruach On Cirand LeI::: Drive. northbound ~lrproadl. there afC 1\\'(1 [alles. The let! lalle i'i a through and Idt-llIrn combination lam:. v,'hile the ng.ht lane IS ~1Il exclusive rlghi-turn onlJ lane r,;i'..1L..j' ~ ~ I, ~.. ~ ..... !,~,-~ " ','.+.."~- ~ " .,,, , jI/iP"...... .,... --'. ..' I -. ~..'-.".'.... -.....~ ''''''-.,''''''- [,rand 1 .1...:1: ! )r1\T. '-',-;orlhhound .'\pproach Un Rattlesnake Ilaml1llK:k Ro,hl. h\lth caslh~HlI1d and westhound. there arc olle lcn~turn. onL' righl-lUrtl and lhree through l~lfle~; on each dircc!jlln. Agenda Item No 16A14 June 22. 2010 Page 6 of 8 I.'F '''\ .' ~~,,;..-, ~ ~.' rt'" Rattle Snake Hammock Road, Eastbound Approach { . \, <,.~-~'l -'-'--~ Rattle Snake Hammock Road, Westbound Approach SPEED LIMIT: Since the posted speed limit on Rattlesnake Ilammock Road is 45 MPH, according to the MUTeD, 70% of the traffic volume requirements will be used for the analysis. TRAFFCI SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS WARRANT I, EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME: The minimum vehicular volume is intended for application at locations where a large volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason to considering for the installation of a tmffic control signal. The traffic volume data including both major-street and minor-street left turn traffic were Agenda Item No. 16A14 June 22. 2010 Page 7 of 8 collected. To meet Warrant I. hoth major-street and minor-street must meet the minimum volume requirements. The MUTeD states that the right-turn traffic should not be included in the minor-street volume if the movement enters the major-street with minimal conflict. Adequate gaps in the major-street traffic exist to allow right.-turn movement from the minor-streets without excessive delay or conflict. REQUIREMENT: MliTCn. Warrant 1 Condition A: Minimum Vehicular Volume: The MUTeD states that 70% "fthe normal volume requirement may be used when the major street speed exceeds 40 \t1PJ T. !\1inimum required vehicular volumes are: 600 vph (70% ~ 420 vph) f()[ 8 hours on the major-street for the total of both approaches and 150 vph (70% ~ 105 vph) for 8 hOllrs on the minor-street approach in one direction lmly_ A 24- hour trafile volume data of the intersection was collected on March ]0,2009. The highest hourly traffic volumes for minor-street left-turn plus through movements are abstracted and tabulated below. TIME Grand Ld:: Drh'c / Skyway fJdv(' (:\frnor Str(;'et,~;'l RattiesflZikc> Hammol"k Road fi\tsjo:- Str~et} NB(LT+ SH(one Ell WB Tn'al Th~ough) lane, total) ')'hrouuh Tllrollgh 7:00-8:00 56 44 ';02 312 614 8:00-9:00 150 (\1.) 41 I 183 794 9:00-10:00 76 5i 3(16 401 769 10:00-11 :00 94 :,'; ](12 407 769 - 11:00-12:00 ]OJ " 294 349 643 ". 12:00-13:00 i09 .H,l 407 187 794 1:\:00-14:00 '19 41 . c' ,~_ ',"" 795 i4:00-15:00 1.14 ,", ~: :44S 402 847 .-.-- 15:00-16:00 IOl -D 431 420 851 16:00-17:00 ')8 40 462 446 908 17:00-18:00 q::.. .J1l 521 4' 1 982 ni 18:00-19:00 ()4 :'.7 .',57 363 720 ,.-. 19:00-20:00 "' _:, ",.' 267 )JJ __"1'0 20:00-21 :00 79 ~O 2::5 1('"1 418 . 'f,~ Tahld: Traffic'VoluIDl's RESULT: Traffic volume on the major-street (Rnttksnake Hammock Road) met the minimum vehicular volume or 420 vph for I J hours. However. there were only 3 hours Agenda Item No. 16A14 June 22, 2010 Page 8 of 8 met the required 105 vph on thc minor-strcet Warrant requirements are NOT met. REQUIREMENT: MUTCD, Warrant I Condition B: Interruption ofConlinuous Traffic: The MUTCD states that 70% of the normal volume requirement may be used when the major street speed exceeds 40 MPII. Minimum required vehicular volumcs are: 'JOO vph (70% = 630 vph) for 8 hours on major-street (total of both directions) and 75 vph (70% c,~ 53 vph) for 8 hours on minor-street (one direction only), RESUL T: There were total of II hours (from 8:00-19:(0) that the major-street through movements volume (combined both dircetion) met the required 630 vchicle per hour while minor-street. northbound 1et1-turn plus through, met or exceeded the 53 vehicle per hour volume requirements during the same hours. Warrant requirements are MET. WARRANT 7, CRASH EXPERIENCE This Warrant is intended I()r application where the severity and trequency of crashes are the principal reasons to consider installing a traffic control signaL To meet Warrant 7 it must be found that all of the following criteria are met: A. Adequate trial of alternatives with satisfactory observance and enforcement has failed to reduce the crash frequcncy: and B. Five or morc rep011ed crashes. of types susceptible to correction by a traffic control signaL havc occurred within a 12-month period. and c. r;-or each of any 8 hours of an average day. XO~/o of'the required volume of warrant I condition A or wan'ant I condition B exist on the major-street and higher-volume minor-street approach. respectively, to the intersection. RESlJL TS: Thc crash history of the intersection for tbe past three years has been reviewed. There were two crashes occurred in 2009. both are right-angle crashes, In 2008. there were two crashes recorded, one right~anglc and one run-off-road. In 2007, live crashes reported, one of which was a right- angle crash. The crash history of the intersection. as shown in the attached collision diagrams, docs not meet requirement lor Warrant 7, Warrant requirements arc NOT met CONCLl!SION & RECOMMENDATION Based on the collected traffic volume data and crash history review, it is determined that the subject intersection met MLJTCD Warrant J B requirements for traffic signal instaliation, Therefore. it is recommended that the referenccd intersection should be considered for a traftic control signal. "