Agenda 06/22/2010 Item #10E Agenda item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 1 of 152 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve an Agreement for Sale and Purchase with Paul A. Cosentino, Trustee of the Paul A. Cosentino Revocable Trust Dated February 11, 2009 for 8.92 acres under the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Program, at a cost not to exceed $290,500. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval from the Soard of County Commissioners for execution of the attached Agreement for Sale and Purchase (Agreement) between the Board of County Commissioners (Board) and Paul A. Cosentino, Trustee of the Paul A. Cosentino Revocable Trust Dated February 11, 2009 (Seller). CONSIDERATIONS: The Seller's property contains two (2) parcels totaling 8.92 acres and is located within Section 30, Township 48 South, Range 27 East adjacent to Conservation Collier's Rivers Road Preserve. The Rivers Road Preserve is located south of Immokalee Road between Rivers Road and Moulder Drive. Seller's parcels were originally evaluated during Cycle 5 in 2007 and were placed in the Cycle 5 B-list category of the recommended Active Acquisition List by the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee (CCLAAC). On January 29,2008, Agenda Item 10F, the Soard approved the CCLAAC's recommended Active Acquisition List, with changes. The subject parcels were not actively pursued at that time. The Seller's parcels were automatically re-ranked during the next acquisition cycle, Cycle 6, and were recommended for the Cycle 6 A-list. On January 27, 2009, Agenda Item 10E, the Board approved the CCLAAC recommended Active Acquisition List, with changes, and directed staff to actively pursue acquisition of the A-List properties under the Conservation Collier Program. Due to a shortfall of cash in the Conservation Collier Pro9ram, the appraisal and offer process was suspended until late 2009. In October/November 2009, staff contracted with two independent, state-certified, general real estate appraisal firms to appraise Seller's parcels and, on January 5, 2010, extended an offer of $265,000 (Purchase Price), in accordance with the approved Conservation Collier Purchasing Policy. Staff visited the site in February 2010 and found significant solid waste debris on Seller's parcels including an abandoned trailer, a hunt camp structure, construction debris, tires, a metal drum and other assorted materials. Staff requested a quote on the value of the clean-up work and received a quote from a company under contract with the County for $28,150. Additionally, the presence of some types of solid waste, i.e. the metal drum, indicated the potential for contamination, and therefore, the CCLAAC made a unanimous recommendation to require a Phase I Environmental Assessment (at the expense of the County) and if necessary, a Phase II Environmental Assessment (at the expense of the County) be conducted on the parcels and that the County maintains the option to terminate the contract after the completion of either Environmental Assessment. If the County elects to proceed after discovery of any , contamination, Seller will be responsible for all costs of remedial actions. At the February 8, 2010 CCLAAC meeting, Seller challenged the Purchase Price, stating that the Rivers Road parcels in Cycle 5 were valued much higher than the County's current offer. Property values in the area had declined considerably. At the March 8, 2010 CCLAAC meeting, Seller asked for financial assistance with the removal of the solid waste debris due to the low appraisal. Seller had previously agreed to remove solid Agenda Item No. 10E June 22. 2010 Page 2 of 152 waste debris on his property, which is consistent with the action taken by other Cycle 5 Rivers Road property owners, as well as a recent property owner who sold her property to the County for an appraised value of $2,000 less per acre than the appraised value of the Seller's property. For the reasons stated below, the CCLAAC recommended in addition to the Purchase Price, an amount not to exceed $15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Dollars) as monetary allowance towards the cost of removal of solid waste from the property, and if necessary, towards the cost of a Remedial Action Plan (RAP). Seller will need to supply the appropriate copies of invoices, bills, etc. for the specific work agreed upon to the County for County's review and approval. · Acquisition of this property expands an existing preserve, . The price being offered by the County to acquire it is 60% less than what was paid to acquire adjoining parcels, . The Preserve is located in one of the highest mapped recharge areas for the County's Lower Tamiami drinking water aquifer. · The County has purchased property with environmental issues before (Cattle vat on Pepper Ranch) with the goal of cleaning them up for the overall benefit to citizens of protection of ground water resources, · The estimate for County's cost for clean-up of the existing solid waste is twice what has been recommended as the "allowance" to perform this work and Seller has agreed to remediate any possible contamination at his expense - should it be discovered. At the April 12, 2010 CCLAAC meeting, staff informed the committee that although not prohibited under the Conservation Collier Purchasing Policy, providing a monetary allowance to a seller for clean-up of a property has never been done before in the history of the Conservation Collier Program. A committee member noted that the concept of the allowance was based on the fact that the Seller's property was part of the original Rivers Road applications, but was placed on the B-Iist. Since that time, the property's value has decreased substantially (compared to the other acquisitions in the area of the Rivers Road project), which makes an allowance for the clean-up a reasonable request. The attached Agreement provides that should the County elect not to close this transaction for any reason, except for default by the Seller or if the limited Phase II Environmental Assessment results are not acceptable for any reason, the County will pay the Seller $1,325 in liquidated damages. The CCLAAC approved this transaction on June 14, 2010, and voted to recommend Soard approval and execution of the attached Agreement. Pursuant to Ordinance 2007-65, Section 13(8), a Project Design Report for the property is provided herewith. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of acquisition will not exceed $290,500 ($265,000 for the property, $1,714 for Phase I, Environmental Assessment, $1,410 for limited Phase II, Environmental Assessment. up to $15,000 allowance for solid waste cleanup and RAP costs, $5,000 for the appraisal, and approximately $2,376 for the title commitment, title policy, and recording of documents). The funds will be withdrawn from the Conservation Collier Trust Fund (172). As of June 14, 2010, property costs for Conservation Collier properties, including this property and those under contract, total $103,980,183.02. Estimated costs of maintenance in perpetuity for this and all Cycle 6 A-list properties have been considered by the CCLAAC and have been incorporated into the Conservation Collier Long Term Financial Management Plan that will ensure management of all Conservation Collier Preserves in perpetuity. Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 Page 3 of 152 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Fee simple acquisition of conservation lands is consistent with and supports Policy 1.3.1(e) in the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient. - JBW RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending that the Board of County Commissioners authorizes one of the two following options: Option 1: A) Approves the attached Agreement and accepts the Warranty Deed once it has been received and approved by the County Attorney's Office; B) Authorizes the Chairman to execute the Agreement and any and all other County Attorney's Office approved documents related to this transaction; C) Authorizes the County Manager or his designee to prepare related vouchers and Warrants for payment; and D) Directs the County Manager or his designee to proceed to acquire this parcel, to follow all appropriate closing procedures, to record the deed and any and all necessary documents to obtain clear title to this parcel, and to take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure performance under the Agreement. Option 2: Directs the County Manager, or his designee to pursue a new Agreement for Sale and Purchase, that does not include a $15,000 monetary allowance towards the cost of removal of solid waste for the property, with Seller at a cost not to exceed $275,000 and A) Approves the new Agreement and accepts the Warranty Deed once it has been received and approved by the County Attorney's Office; B) Authorizes the Chairman to execute the new Agreement and any and all other County Attorney's Office approved documents related to this transaction; C) Authorizes the County Manager or his designee to prepare related vouchers and Warrants for payment; and D) Directs the County Manager or his designee to proceed to acquire this parcel, to follow all appropriate closing procedures, to record the deed and any and all necessary documents to obtain clear title to this parcel, and to take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure performance under the Agreement. PREPARED BY: Cindy M. Erb, SR/WA, Senior Property Acquisition Specialist, Real Property Management, Department of Facilities Management Agenda item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 Page 4 of 152 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 10E Recommendation to approve an Agreement for Saie and Purchase with Paul A. Cosentino, Trustee of the Paui A. Cosentino Revocabie Trust Dated February 11, 2009 for 8.92 acres under the Conservation Coliier Land Acquisition Program, at a cost not to exceed $290,500. (Melissa Hennig, Environmentai Specialist, Facilities Management) 6/22/2010 9:00:00 AM Meeting Dale: Prepared By Cindy M. Erb Property Acquisition Specialist, Senior Date Administrative Services Division Facilities Management 6/2/20102:41:39 PM Approved By Skip Camp, C.F.M. Director ~ Facilities Management Date Administrative Services Division Facilities Management 6/2/20104:57 PM Approved By Jennifer White Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney 6/2/20105:00 PM Approved By Toni A. Mott Manager - Property Acquisition & Const M Date Administrative Services Division Facilities Management 6/3/20108:26 AM Approved By Alexandra J. Sulecki Environmental Specialist, Senior Date Administrative Services Division Facilities Management 6/3/20104:26 PM Approved By Len Golden Price Administrator - Administrative Services Date Administrative Services Division Administrative Services Division 6/8/2010 2:27 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 6/9120103:38 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date 6/10/20109:37 AM Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 Page 5 of 152 Approved By Therese Stanley Manager - Operations Support - Trans Date Office of Management & Budget Office of Management & Budget 6/11/20104:53 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. County Manager Date County Managers Office County Managers Office 6/14/201010:42 AM ,';,< i',,: ;~v.>: : :,;"",...',- ~ ,t:t'}.;, :,Y"_ ,~ ,"- " ' " ., ':, ',.- ,,', ,- . .: . "> ' . :-' -- . .', ': " " ," , ' ,'. .~' T\le pip~ providel>.habitat for many. types of native wildlife' specJes. MlII\Y bii-ds; . ; includID . hawks wood eckers and wild turk have been' observed b staff diirm"sne. ' .; l', ,g ..', ,p.." " .,.. ey" ,Y. .~N'" ' , VISits mthis area.. Deer and a cottonmouth snake were also observed locally by staff. : There is P.hotogfaphic evidence of the local presence of FlOrida black bear and Ffu!1:da .' Fish arid Wildlife ConserVatii:m conimission telemetry data docnments uSe of the area by '" Fi~~(frpantherS:: .,.;. ,d'; " .".: ,.; ;';/' ~,;:,;.,:~ 1: Q~tly;;there ekists a forested ecological link from The Rivers Road Preserve, ~cli: :~\~};,. :l':,.:,W'o!i1d'mclude the, Cosentino parcels, northward under Immokalee Road via underPaSsI' "'. ". dJriit"tlffi a,preserve areaiD: 'the Twm: Eagle development to Bil-a Rookery sWamp, ~~kscXew,Swlimp SanctuaI); and the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Waters bed limds. T~!he ~ and; directly adj~ining'.~ Rivers Road Preserve isa futurepcons~!l-oq , , .; ,'.', .' cCiqidQ~ n~otiated)via: private sector agreements between the Florida Wildlife Fed~on) . " :::'~~r,: ~:~\a,~i~DiS' BIifr j>ro~e~,' fueland owner. . Adjot'j;ing tcl':~ souili,'are prJserve'f~~~ st.: .; ?f~;: bi;:longmg;1:otlil1 Olde Fll;>rida Golf Club, Acq~tii:m of the Cosentino parcel would '. '1.,.:: ljit increase tIle size of existing contiguous conservation lands and expand private sectot :;,'? ~ ~'L' "'.'"""":-'," ,"'; .e,',,: ..<"., ',.j", -' ".",' " ':: ,,'" .'" .., ", ',.,.'.',' , ';;' , '::..' , " __:' . ^"', " ,,:' "le,' _ ",' .. .:",', "', , "" ,,' . '~;"." efforts to protect a forestedcorridortliat is heavily uSed by wildlife, ' ,'<, "'; '.',"'~' <', ,',-: ' , , " ,',,' ,1. " 'i,:ifr, .~:X, .:: '" ~. :"h",,:~: '. . 'i} . 2 ,,;,,' ~' ./ 1~~~rf':''i~;~;:;'~0:i:;::1~rl;;::''~'' 0 " , .'fo , ; ,:,\~iie: , 'd6JJnil5v "of mv ;m:"An:;;f~ehtary s ~,H-'','J' :';"",' "'. -">',-0,:' '>:, '__',' ,','c, J,"" "', ,-' on'Moulder Driv~:::' X r ';kKYZ'o/V-'j"'-"-;,. "/" '*' ~". <t#?: -', ,0, "'..:" ," verI! Road; but a ~arking onaUDforma ~1~;~~ '~;4 ; j~~ ~0~;~(lrt; i' .1'll&Cosentiiid': "arcel WJ'S'orimn;'l! '~vaIUate C de'S fu' 200J, and lac on "~J;S B;rtis,~l~~~~ r;;~r~~~o];ati~Ufin:cy.ote ~~}~tJY~d fo~ aCqU~~itI9~:~tt ii:': ~~e~fr;ci~ie?"~::a~~~i:f:J :~~~s?~j!Osu~p~~~:a~~fr~~;o~:a}. ".':'ji;;'i;;,~ ;;.~~'''''P'' )~J~~'i~OlQ,' i , '~~~~:<,,;' , :"1"~"'~' ij~; <\~ , b'appeared iI) front of the ~CLAAC~February 2010 to chaUenge the'ap~riUw;f..:5',1; ;~;,~~ ' at was tile basis for the offer made: to hirri for his J:lfOperty~ noting that other Rivers Road 'v:":' '> ':", 'i "1 '," 'r/';'~'" e,',':., '-'.;y.fc;'_'._.,.- -",- ' :,m',:",,_, .', ,,',~,,-' ~o:":,, ',,;, ,,: --,''':,'_''--'\'':;'''-'i'P'',~,." ,_d~ ~~~\f'm':fy ~~b,~~~~u:~:;n~:p~~:ftte1 ~~2~~ ::i~~ ~~ec= =:~~f:~~,:~l'; 'i.,~} lu~s liailshaiply declined bUt w6nl required to m:luee an offur based on the appraiSaL. ,.'" ~ ':,~:::~f:::::..,f~.'~':,':'::>" '"''~,,:;:''' .' '",j -' :'::',.<,';:L'~:,:~,\::: ',,:, _ .', r',;, ", ,',: ;<;1~\" ',:," "'Y';::'>":~ .' sootino, apl'ei1red at the'Mar;;h 2010 CCLAACi meeting, asking for additional, time to . ",;, .l ,'C6!iSiderffi~offyr and also. aSked the CCLAAC: to.dr~~ 'fue, debris removalagree;};ent he ~c ' , , ';j,1JililJpDe~Rer;~007,. ~~e1;l ~is 'Property, was origmally; con'sideroo.': Staff had visited tJi~site,' i . .: "UiJt~m:y,?9 t~. 8fie, foun~i~ign!fic~~:solid ~~te.;!~rir\>n his P,lU'cels, including an;alJ.~pofe~., ' ' 1:J'lliIeq: h~t c.arn{l ~~tures, ;;pnstnIcti,on debr~s, t~~metaldrurn and .other .assort~ mllte~l.s. '; '; , ;$~ 1IJ~~~~an~%~~quently ll:t the Apnl 201~ qgAAC,rneelJpg" wlie~e It)yas agam' '" ".:,:,',;:.i,:., diScussoo;.'the COmmttlee made a recommendatIOn that the? County grant Ii $15,000 ., , , C\~~. }:housanq Dollars) monetarY. allowant:{(above the purch8se price) to,~. ,,~~~pn,~for:~~~oval of the,' debri~., TI)e', pounty ~~ul~"i perf~nn. aJ Phase. I q '~~~tfII~$_Ass.~sment (ESAl and ,a Ph~e;I1 ESA1f ~dicated (A hm1~, PhAse" " "} ,If ~~lS~~. of sOi1Jtest~g ar~~~ a ~1:ta1 ~ 1S ,~ently .~emg pe~onned, ~1th. resu1~r '.,' !,.: /'",:) dU(l ore, a filial: p~e deClSlon:" W!1I ~e mi:tde)r In add1tion to bemg resP9nslbte for; ."!..', ,.;~ ,,' " ebnSiremo1fal.,Mrt COsentind];wi1lb~re 'nsible for an' remediationan&'( .,' ':;i'i::J ';"f?A,!;" ",'tt,: 'su1""~" 'fip"li"""Cl:n'f.~ '1 ",:Ji f"'M.'C" "t" ~r 'a1s'h"'40?,;,"",,:/;,..::;'" Ulreu'asa:re ,'0, ase' ~01 ....S....l<r"~:U'e ounY,can O,C oose.no.c";,,": ' ~~'""li.'il\i"-",,'"'" 'ij;^')""":" '''i',,_::, __"'C,',.' " '-iY" :,-,".-, -'"":,_..,:,,0--,, ,""_'." ',J, _""'''''''' . _, -', ,""', """'"--, , '_''''>q'.' "1."...,";__ , .~ild,' enalfy" , if the Phase IfresultS ffidicite;;on.t3ID.iiia.tionand the Count<< '.," i:'aCijUi~thep~opertywo~jdnotb~bt~neficiai.'.' ;' ," '" .", ."J ;;,;~ki";',c , - - - r:' - , " ~ ,.-." .'(' 3 ~,;~- .'; "~:,!:#:;~",:",,":,,,""~"'~<::~_:';":;'~::''''' ;-:_.:,-..,...,..,fI!~~,<'L;"~:':~""""''"7".' :;c~~_' {"r~~~.'!; :.;:.-.,,','f-._,'\......~'~:-,~ .... ~ CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 0021636??oo & 00217080004 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 9 of 152 AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between PAUL A. COSENTINO, TRUSTEE OF THE PAUL A. COSENTINO REVOCABLE TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 11,2009, whose address is 9893 Coronado Lake Drive, Boynton Beach, FL 33437, (hereinafter referred to as "Seller"), and COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, its successors and assigns, whose address is 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34112, (hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Seller is the owner of that certain parcel of real property (hereinafter referred to as "Property"), located in Collier County, State of Florida, and being more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. WHEREAS, Purchaser is desirous of purchasing the Property, subject to the conditions and other agreements hereinafter set forth, and Seller is agreeable to such sale and to . such conditions and agreements. NOW, THEREFORE. and for and in consideration of the premises and the respective undertakings of the parties hereinafter set forth and the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, it is agreed as follows: I. AGREEMENT 1.01 In consideration of the purchase price and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, -Seller shall sell to Purchaser and Purchaser shall purchase from Seller the Property, described in Exhibit "A". II. PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE 2.01 The purchase price (the "Purchase Price") for the Property shall be Two Hundred Sixty Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($265,000.00), (U.S. Currency) payable at time of closing. 2.02 In addition to the Purchase Price, Purchaser shall provide to Seller at Closing an amount not to exceed Fifteen Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($15,000.00) allowance towards the cost of removal of solid waste, crushing of septic tanks, and, if necessary, a Remedial Action Plan (RAP), and all actions as required by the RAP, as set forth in paragraph 5.04. At least fifteen (15) days prior to Closing, Seller will supply the appropriate copies ()f iOIlQices, bills, etc. for the specific work agreed upon to Purchaser for Purchaser's.l8\1ie\N and approval. rjf',r ,; "'~"'"!::r:~'7~__~.;':':'Y.~C ~'~')fN'"'~""~~:~:'l!l,~~'<::ti!:/:~:I';,c;r-:';'\:;1't;~.-, . .. . , . , . ,"~-;<;-.> " ' -', ,''''.'' .'~~- CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 00216360000& 00217080004 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 10 of 152 III. CLOSING, 3.01 The Closing (THE. "CLOSING DATE", "DATE OF CLOSING", OR "CLOSING") of the transaction shall be held on or before one hundred and twenty (120) days following execution of this Agreement by the Purchaser, or, if required, following written approval from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) that remediation has been completed and complies with Florida laws, or escrow has been provided as set forth in paragraph 3.04, unless extended by mutual written agreement of the parties hereto. The Manager of the Real Property Management Section or designee is authorized to enter into such mutual written agreements on behalf of the County for extensions of up to an additional sixty (60) days without further approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The Closing shall be held at the Collier County Attomey's Office, Administration Building, 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida, The procedure to be followed by the parties in connection with the Closing shall be as follows: 3.011 Seller shall convey a marketable title free of any liens, encumbrances, exceptions, or qualifications. Marketable title shall be determined according to applicable title standards adopted by the Florida Bar and in accordance with law. At the Closing, the Seller shall cause to be delivered to the Purchaser the items specified herein and the following documents and instruments duly executed and acknowledged, in recordable form: 3.0111 Warranty Deed in favor of Purchaser conveying title to the Property, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other than: (a) The lien for current taxes and assessments. (b) Such other easements, r9lltrictions or conditions of record. 3.0112 Combined Purchaser-Seller closing statement. 3.0113 A "Gap," Tax Proration, Owner's and Non-Foreign Affidavit," as required by Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code and as required by the title insurance underwriter in order to insure the "gap" and issue the policy contemplated by the title insurance commitment. 3.0114 A W-9 Form, "Request for Taxpayer Identification and Certification" as required by the Internal Revenue Service. 3.012 At the Closing, the Purchaser, or its assignee, shall cause to be delivered to the Seller the .following: 3.0121 A wire transfer or negotiable instrument in an amount equal to the Purchase Price, plus, if applicable, the additional allowance referenced in paragraph 2.02. No funds shall be disbursed to Seller until 2 "':-1" , . '"?"~""'~.'..:""" . r:',;~-":~:i<'.~:~";:_:~:"~"?,,,,,,,,,,:,,-,~,;:,,,":,,<,".,.. c~'... .-, '''." ;'_ "",,- -;,.;.....,.. "',,--' CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 0021636??oo & 00217080004 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 11 of 152 the Title Company verifIeS that the state of the title to the Property has not changed adversely since the date of the last endorsement to the commitment, referenced in paragraph 4.011 thereto, and the Title Company is irrevocably committed to pay the Purchase Price to Seller and to issue the Owner's title policy to Purchaser in accordance with the commitment immediately after the recording of the deed. 3.0122 Funds payable to the Seller representing the cash payment due at Closing in accordance with Article III hereof, shall be subject to adjustment for prorations as hereinafter set forth. 3.02 Each party shall be responsible for payment of its own attorney's fees. Seller, at its sole cost and expense, shall pay at Closing all documentary stamp taxes due relating to the recording of the Warranty Deed, in accordance with Chapter 201 ,01, Florida Statutes, and the cost of recording any instruments necessary to clear Seller's title to the Property. The cost of the Owner's Form B Title Policy, issued pursuant to the Commitment provided for in paragraph 4.011 below, shall be paid . by Purchaser. The cost of the title commitment shall also be paid by Purchaser. 3.03 Purchaser shall pay for the cost of recording the Warranty Deed. Real Property taxes shall be prorated based on the current year's tax with due allowance made for maximum allowable discount, homestead and any other applicable exemptions and paid by Seller. If Closing occurs at a date which the current year's millage is not fixed, taxes will be prorated based upon such prior year's millage. In the event there is a refund of taxes that Seller has paid, and it is remitted to Purchaser as current owner of the Property, Purchaser shall submit the refund to Seller as soon as practicable. 3.04 If remediation is required, Purchaser may, in its sole discretion, elect that rernediation be completed and approved by FDEP prior to the Closing date, or require Seller to provide escrow in the estimated amount required to complete remediation. Completion of remediation shall consist of the cost and expense of the preparation of the legal description for the affected site, removal and disposal of contaminated soil, consultant fees, permit and application fees to any agency, installation and maintenance of monitoring wells and all necessary equipment and the cost of implementing any engineering and institutional controls. IV. REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS 4.01 Upon execution of this Agreement by both parties or at such other time as specified within this Article, Purchaser and/or Seller, as the case may be, shall perform the following within the times stated, which shall be conditions precedent to the Closing; 4.011 Wrthin fifteen (15) days after the date hereof, Purchaser shall obtain as evidence of title an AL TA Commitment for an Owner's Title Insurance Policy 3 ~ ..... .", . ....,.....- #- " :'-"I{"?~"-:l'\l'\!~:_'':":'~'''~:::' ~'~: '''''~~~~'',,,:,.'t-'l'~.,,~"I!:','~;~''~' :<":,;~,,.,:t"(~". ,,:'"'}?'''''~'.'~'''''':;:'(':'~~Y''~r1';''>r''': ,~<.<': -'~," -f ;~.:~:-~ ,"",~-'" '11"r'7":~.~ CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 00216360000 & 00217080004 Agenda Item NO.10E June 22, 2010 Page 12 of 152 (ALTA Form 8-1970) covering the Property, together with hard copies of all - e)Cceptions shown thereon. Purchaser shall have thirty (30) days, following receipt of the. title insurance commitment, to. notify Seller in writing of any . objection to title other than liens evidencingl110netary obligations, if any, which obligations shall be paid at closing. If the title commitment contains exceptions that make the title unmarketable, Purchaser shall deliver to the Seller written notice of its intention to waive the applicable contingencies or to terminate this Agreement. . 4.012 If Purchaser shall fail to advise the Seller in writing of any such objections in Seller's title in the manner herein required by this Agreement, the title shall be deemed acceptable. Upon notification of Purchaser's objection to title, Seller shall have thirty (30) days to remedy any defects in order to convey good and marketable title, flxcept for liens or monetary obligations which will be satisfied at Closing. Seller, at its sole flxpense, shall use its best efforts to make such title good and marketable. In the event Seller is unable to cure said objections within said time period, Purchaser, by providing written notice to Seller within seven (7) days after expiration of said thirty (30) day period, may accept title as it then is, waiving any objection; or Purchaser may terminate the Agreement. A failure by Purchaser to give such written notice of termination within the time period provided herein shall be deemed an election by Purchaser to accept the exceptions to title as shown in the title commitment. 4.013 Seller agrees to furnish any existing surveys of the Property in Seller's possession to Purchaser within 10 (ten) days of the effective date of this Agreement. Purchaser shall have the option, at its own expense, to obtain a current survey of the Property prepared by a surveyor licensed by the State of Florida. No adjustments to the Purchase Price shall be made based upon any change to the total acreage referenced in Exhibit "A," unless the difference in acreage revealed by survey exceeds 5% of the overall acreage. If the survey provided by Seller or obtained by Purchaser, as certified by a registered Florida surveyor, shows: (a) an encroachment onto the property; or (b) that an improvement located on the Property projects onto lands of others, or (c) lack of legal access to a public roadway, the Purchaser shall notify the Seller in writilig of such encroachment, projection, or lack of legal access, and Seller shall have the option of curing said encroachment or projection, or obtaining legal access to the Property from a public roadway, within sixty (60) days of receipt of said written notice from Purchaser. Purchaser shall have ninety (90) days from the effective date of this Agreement to notify Seller of any such objections. Should Seller elect not to or be' unable to remove the encroachment, projection, or provide legal access to the property within said sixty (60) day period, Purchaser, by providing written notice to Seller within seven (7) days after expiration of said sixty (60) day period, may accept the Property as it then is, waiving any objection to the encroachment, or projection, or lack of legal access, or Purchaser may terminate the Agreement. A failure . . by Purchaser. to give such written notice of termination within the time period 4 ~." .' '?~":-''''':~_'''J'j;'1'"""",^~~'~?'''''~'''P;''3'':;7'?;rr:"--''::"~- -;~."r.,,,, ",;,' .....""'":,~~~"..-'~:,'~::"'~:"'7:;~,~ :.:"if:""r,':'~'~-"';r ._ ;,::;/,(.V~" -:'':';; CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IOENTIFICATION NUMBER: 0021636??oo & 00217080004 Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 13 of 152 provided herein shall be deemed an election by Purchaser to accept the Property with the encroachment, or projection, or lack of legal access. 4.014 Purchaser shall pay for an Environmental Site Assessment Report Phase I and limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment to investigate the soil and groundwater in the vicinity of a drum in the southwest corner of the Property. V. SELLER RijSPONSIBILlTIES 5.01 Prior to Closing, Seller shall remove or cause to be removed from the Property, at Seller's sole cost and expense, subject to the allowance set forth in . . paragraph 2.02, any and all personal property and/or solid waste, trash, rubbish or any other unsightly or offensive materials thereon, including, but not limited to, structures, any tanks and Hazardous Materials in tanks, barrels and equipment, pipelines, or other containers on the Property. 5.02 Prior to Closing, Seller shall, at his own cost and expense, subject to the allowance set forth in paragraph 2.02, pump out, crush and fill all known septic tanks on the Property in accordance with all applicable Collier County and State of Florida requirements. 5.03 Prior to Closing, Seller, at his expen~ shall locate and place aboveground markers indicating the location of all septic tanks, cesspools and water wells located on the Property. 5.04 Depending on the results of the limited Environmental Site Assessment Report Phase II soil testing, remediation may be necessary. If remediation is necessary, Seller at his own cost and expense, will proceed to get his reputable environmental consultant firm to prepare a RAP for written approval by FDEP. The. Seller will arrange and pay at its own cost and expense, subject to the allowance set forth in paragraph 2.02, for all actions as required by the RAP including but not limited to the removal of the quantities of contaminated soil at levels of concentration which require removal, its transportation to an acceptable disposal site and the installation and maintenance of monitoring wells on the Property for a period of time as recommended in the RAP acceptable to Purchaser and approved by FDEP. Once the monitoring shows the contamination plume is stable or shrinking (pursuant to FAC. Ch 62-780), the Seller will have an obligation to work with FDEP to establish and implement institutional and engineering controls over the Property that are provided for by applicable regulations. Seller shall provide Purchaser written approval from FDEP that remediation is complete and complies with Florida laws. Purchaser shall be able to receive the advice from its own environmental consultant that such disposition has satisfactory complied with the law. 5 , ,-"',"~ r," ~'<::':-",' VI. INSPECTION PEBIQD Agenda Item No.10E June 22, 2010 Page 14 of 152 6.01 Purchaser shall have one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of this Agreement, {"Inspection Period'1, to determine through appropriate investigation that: . 1. Soil tests and engineering studies indicate, that the Property can be developed without any abnormal demucking, soil stabilization or foundations. 2. There are no abnormal drainage or environmental requirements to the development Of the Property. 3. The Property is in compliance with all applicable State and Federal environmental laws and the Property i$ free from any pollution or contamination or if contamination is 'present, shall remediate prior to closing or arrange through escrow to provide funds to cover all estimated costs of remediation as . set forth in paragraph 3.04. 4. The Property can be utilized for its intended use and purpose in the Conservation Collier program. 6.02 If Purchaser is not satisfied, for any reason whatsoever, with the results of any investigation,Purchaser shall deliver to Seller prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period, written notice of its intention to waive the applicable contingencies or to terminate this Agreement. If Purchaser fails to notify the Seller in writing of its specific objections as provided herein within the Inspection Period, it shall be deemed that the Purchaser is satisfied with the results of its . .i~vestigations andt,he, C()~ti~9ciesOf this ArticleVl,shall be, deemed waived. In ...."~"",'o-&:,.;..~tPuj.I...:t.flli.l'tO'teiiLi\lnete'thilt Agreementbecaose of'the light Of " inspection, Purchaser shall deliver to Seller copies of all engineering reports and environmental and soil testing results commissioned by Purchaser with respect to the Property. 6,03 Purchaser and its agents, employees and servants shall, at their own risk and expense, have, the right to go upon the Property for the purpose of surveying and conducting site analyses, soil borings and all other necessary investigation. Purchaser shall, in performing such tests, use due care and shall indemnify Seller . on account of any loss or damages occasioned thereby and against any claim made against Seller as a result of Purchaser's entry. Seller shall be notified by Purchaser no less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to said inspection of the Property. VII. INSPECTION 7.01 Seller acknowledges that the Purchaser, or its authorized agents, shall have the right to inspect the Property at any time prior to the Closing. 6 r"'":ij'- " """"~.;" ~_<,.,{,", ,.~~"'f~:"'~1."'f-_!'~~j_~~.';'"~~~~'~-;':;:r'~:""C';':-:""~" '. ." ..'0....,0'1'.';:' n;c.",<"-...-.~::",:lf<',,:,-"~'~,,,;-, CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 00216380000 & 00217080004 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 15 of 152 VIII. POSSESSION 8.01 Purchaser shall be entitled to full possession of the Property at Closing. IX. PRORATION~ 9.01 Ad valorem taxes next due and payable, after closing on the Property, shall be prorated at Closing based upon the gross amount of 2009 taxes, and shall be paid by Seller. X. TERMINATION A~D REMEDIES 10.01 If Seller shall have failed to perform any of the covenants and/or agreements contained herein which are to be performed by Seller, within ten (10) days of written nOtification of such failure, Purchaser may, at its option, terminate thIS Agreement by giving written notice of termination to Seller. Purchaser shall have the right to seek and enforce all rights and remedies available at law or in equity to a contract vendee, including the right to seek specific performance of this Agreement. 10.02 If the Purchaser has not terminated this Agreement pursuant to any of the provisions authorizing such termination, and Purchaser fails to close the transaction contemplated hereby or otherwise fails to perform any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement as required on the part of Purchaser to be performed, provided Seller is not in default, then as Seller's sole remedy, Seller shall have the right to terminate and cancel this Agreement by giving written notice thereof to Purchaser, whereupon one-half percent (1/2%) of the purchase price shall be paid to Seller as liquidated damages which shall be Seller's sole and exclusive remedy, and neither party shall have any further liability or obligation to the other except as set forth in paragraph 12.01, (Real Estate Brokers), hereof. The parties acknowledge and agree that Seller's actual damages in the event of Purchaser's default are uncertain in amount and difficult to ascertain, and that said amount of liquidated damages was reasonably determined by mutual agreement between the parties, and said sum was not intended to be a penalty in nature. 10.03 The parties acknowledge that the remedies described herein and in the other provisions of this Agreement provide mutually satisfactory and sufficient remedies to each of the parties, and take into account the peculiar risks and expenses of each of the parties. 10.04 If Purchaser is not satisfied, for any reason whatsoever, with the results of the limited Environmental Site Assessment Report Phase II, Purchaser may terminate this Agreement, and shall not pay liquidated damages or any costs to Purchaser. 7 ~'T'- , ;,,;l,~'-:o-,"~~:~':'(~"'~;-",'''..:;r~.:.'YO::''-:'' ~>-/,1!";~-:~}"~0r~~""~~""'~'L:~-":'"'l.\3~,~;t- .,l;<'i''1~,~,_c''I::;~~:~..,t--,-.:,:r.:~-:;,:';;'':~''''{~;'ir._':-:-~~~..,~"--~":,,,~ ,_ ";~"("~";~'~ CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 0021636??oo& 00217080004 Agenda Item No, 1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 16 of 152 XI, SI;LLE,R'S AND PURC;HASJ;R'S REeB~ENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES" 11.01 Seller and Purchaser represent and warrant the following: 11.011 Seller and Purchaser have full right and authority to enter into and to execute this Agreement and to undertake all actions and to perform all tasks required of each hereunder. Seller is not presently the subject of a pending, threatened or contemplated bankruptcy proceeding. 11.012 SeUer has full right, power, and authority ,to own and operate the Property, and to execute, deliver, and perform its obligations under this Agreement and the instruments executed in connection herewith, and to consummate the transaction contemplated hereby. All necessary authorizations and approvals have been obtained authorizing Seller and Purchaser to execute and consummate the transaction contemplated hereby. At Closing, certified copies of such approvals shall be delivered to Purchaser and/or Seller, if necessary. 11,013 The warral}ties set forth in this paragraph shall be true on the date of this Agreement and as of the date of Closing. Purchaser's acceptance of a deed to the said Property shall not be deemed to be full performance and discharge of every agreement and obligation on the part of the Seller to be performed purSuant to the provisions of this Agreement. . 11.014 Seller represent$ that it has noknowledgElof any actions, suits, claims, proceedings, litigation or investigations pending or threatened against Seller, at . law, equity or in arbitration before or by any federal, state, municipal or other govemmental instrumentality that relate to this agreement or any other property that could, if continued, adversely affect Seller's ability to sell the Property to Purchaser according to the terms of this Agreement. 11.015 No party or person other than Purchaser has any right or option to acquire.the Property or any portion thereof. 11.016 Until the date fixed for Closing, so long as this Agreement remains in force and effect, Seller shall not encumber or convey any portion .of the Property or any rights therein, nor enter into any agreements granting any person or entity any rights with respect to the Property or any part thereof, without first obtaining the written consent of Purchaser to such conveyance, encumbrance, or agreement which consent may be withheld by Purchaser for any reason whatsoever. B ~~~. ~,:':',::'~~,:;;;~""~~~~'~!P"-;;:-:.?,,>$f~-'::"'~ >~",~,:.,~~,.-."!~.~:.....-, ",., ;c-' ,,~..t.;.'r:; .. ~., "'.:" ,:,..",.~.:":"",^,,,,:-~.~~}~..~.,<-..,... .- CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 00216360000 & 00217080004 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 17 of 152 11.017 Seller represents that there are no incinerators, or cesspools on the Property; all waste, if any, is discharged into a public sanitary sewer system; Seller represents that they have (it has) no knowledge that any pollutants are or have been discharged from the Property, directly or indirectly into any body of water. Seller represents the Property has not been used for the production, handling, storage, transportation, manufacture or disposal of hazardous or toxic substances or wastes, as such terms are defined in applicable laws and regulations, or any other activity that would have toxic results, and no such hazardous or toxic substances are currently used in connection with the operation of the Property,and there is no proceeding or inquiry by any authority with respect thereto. Seller rElpresentsthat they have (it has) no Knowledge that there is ground water contamination on the Property or potential of ground water contamination from neighboring properties. Seller represents no storage tanks for gasoline or any other substances are or were located on the Property at any time during or prior to Seller's ownership thereof. Seller represents that no portion of the Property has been used as a sanitary landfill. 11.018 Seller has no knowledge that the Property and Seller's operations concerning the Property are in violation of any applicable Federal, State or local statute, law or regulation, or of any notice from any governmental body has been served upon Seller claiming any violation of any law, ordinance, code or regulation or requiring or calling attention to the need for any work, repairs, construction, alterations or installation on or in connection with the Property in order to comply with any laws, ordinances, codes or regulation with which Seller has not complied. 11.019 There are no unrecorded restrictions, easements or rights of way (other than existing zoning regulations) that restrict or affect the use of the Property, and there are no maintenance, construction, advertising, management, leasing, employment, service or other contracts affecting the Property. 9 r->". . "-~:!'~~.;:~:,':,~:~"',,?",~;,,r~tr-,r~;\~~..;-':;:"~~?Y':r.,~,._~~::-:~- :: ~'-""'''';~ ''''','-''','~'~'~'~'', '--.. '.,.., ''''.'-'''.~ . ',",',-:,-r CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER, 00216360000 & 00217080004 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 18 of 152 Property to< change from its existing state on the effective date of this Agreement up to and including the Date of Closing. Therefore, Seller agrees not to en~r into any contracts or agreements pertaining to or affecting the Property and not to do any act or omit to perform any act which would change the zoning or physical condition of the Property or the governmental ordinances or laws goveming same. Seller also agrees to notify Purchaser promptly of any change in the facts contained in the foregoing representations and of any notice or proposed change in the zoning, or any other action or notice, that mliiy be proposed or promulgated by any third parties or any governmental authorities having jurisdiction of the development of the property which may restrict or change any other condition ofthe Property. 11.022 At the Closing, Seller shan deliver to Purchaser a statement (hereinafter called the "Closing Representative Statement") reasserting the foregoing representations as of the Date of Closing, which provisions shall survive the Closing. 11.023 Seller represents, warrants and agrees to indemnify, reimburse, defend and hold PurchaSer harmless from any and all costs (including attorney's fees) asserted against, imposed on or incurred by Purchaser, directly or indirectly, pursuant to or in connection with the application of any federal, state, local or common law relating to pollution or protection of the environment which shall be in accordance with, but not limited to, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980,42 U.S.C. Section 9601, et seq., ("CERCLA" or "Superfund"), which was amended and upgraded by the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 ("SARA"),including any amendments or successor in function to these acts. This provision and the rights of Purchaser, hereunder, shall survive Closing and are not deemed satisfied by conveyance of title. 11.024 Any loss and/or damage to the Property between the date of this Agreement and the date of Closing shall be Seller's sole risk and expense. XII. NOTICES 12.01 Any notice, request, demand, instruction or other communication to be given to either party hereunder shall be in writing, sent by facsimile with' automated confirmation of receipt, or by registered, or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: Ifto Purchaser: Alexandra Sulecki, Coordinator Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Program Collier County Facilities Department 3301 Tamiami Trail East - Building W Naples, Florida 34112 10 ~":':"~.:,::3~~.~q-~:....~.':t::,,:S..""!O~.S~<;'''''''~' ,~"'.'~:_-";:'--"" .,'.:: ':"'\~: ' -;.--."" CONSERVATION COLUER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 00216360000 & 00217080004 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 19 of 152 With a copy to: Cindy M. Erb, SRlWA, Senior Property Acquisition Specialist Collier County Real Property Management 3301 Tamiami Trail East - Building W Naples, Florida 34112 Telephone number: 239-252-8991 Fax number: 239-252.8876 If to Seller: Paul A. Cosentino, Tr. 9893 Coronado Lake Drive Boynton Beach, FL 334379 Telephone number: 561-449-3618 Fax number: 12.02 The addressees and numbers for the purpose of this Article may be changed by either party by giving written notice of such change to the other party in the manner provided herein. For the purpose of changing such addresses or addressees only, unless and until such written notice is received, the last addressee and respective address stated herein shall be deemed to continue in effect for all purposes. XIII. REAL EST A Tj:; BROKERS 132.01 Any and all brokerage commissions or fees shall be the sole responsibility of the Seller. Seller shall indemnify Purchaser and hold Purchaser harmless from and against any claim or liability for commission or fees to any broker or any other . person or party claiming to have been engaged by Seller as a real estate broker, salesman or representative, in connection with this Agreement. Seller agrees to pay any and all commissions or fees at closing pursuant to the terms of a separate agreement, if any. XIV. MISCELLANEOUS 14.01 This Agreement may be executed in any manner of counterparts which together shall constitute the agreement of the parties. 14.02 This Agreement and the terms and provisions hereof shall be effective as of the date this Agreement is executed by both parties and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors, successor trustee, and assignees whenever the context so requires or admits. 14.03 Any amendment to this Agreement shall not bind any of the parties hereof unless such amendment is in writing and executed and dated by Purchaser and 11 ! CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 00216360000 & 0021708llOO4 Agenda Itern NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 20 of 152 Seller. Any amendment to this Agreernentshall be binding upon Purchaser and Saller as soon as it has been executed by both parties. 14.04 Captionssnd section. headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience and reference only; in no way do they define, describe, extend or limit the scope or intent of this Agreement or any provisions hereof. 14.05 All terms and words used in this Agreement, regardless of the number and gender in which used, shall be deemed to include any other gender or number as the context or the use thereof may require. 14.06 No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in .writing signed by the party against whom it is asserted, and any waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be applicable only to the specific instance to which it is related and shall not be deemed to be a continuing or Mure waiver as to such provision or a waiver as to any other provision. 14.07 If any date specified in this Agreement falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to which such reference is made shall be extended to the next succeeding business day. . 14.08 Seller is aware of and understands that the "offer" to purchase represented by this Agreement jssubject to acceptance and approval by the Board of County. Commissioners of Collier County, Florida~ 14.09 If the Seller holds the Property in the form of a partnership, limited partnership, corporation, trust or any form of representative capacity whatsoever for others, Seller shall make a written public disclosure, according to Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, under oath, of the name and address of every person having a beneficial interest in the Property before Property held in such capacity is conveyed to Collier County. (If the corporation is registered with the Federal Securities Exchange Commission or registered, pursuant to Chapter 517, Florida Statutes, whose stock is for sale to the general public, it is hereby exempt from the provisions of Chapter 286; Florida Statutes.) 14..10 This Agreement is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. XV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 15~01 This Agreement and the exhibits attached hereto contain the entire agreement betWeen the parties, and no promise, representation, warranty or covenant not included in this Agreement Qr any such referenced agreements has been or is being relied upon by either party. No modification or amendment of this . Agreement shall be of any force or effect unless made in writing and executed and dated by both Purchaser and Seller. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. 12 ~,,~..... t -;.-:}m'.~~~~~'{"'/''I:.-.~,~,~~"~-:~,-:;~~:.,.,.~",-:,,.:t";'+'-, ,," , . ""',\: CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 00216360000 & 00217080004 Agenda Item No. iDE June 22, 2010 Page 21 of 152 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed below. Dated ProjectlAcquisition Approved by BCC: AS TO PURCHASER: DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E.BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: , DePuty Clerk FRED W. COYLE, CHAIRMAN' Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: '. ~'€>\...J~ Jennifer B. White, Assistant County Attorney AS TO SELLER: DA TED::1)1a y Z 7 .).0 10 WITNESSES: , ~J ~s~ AUL A. COSENTINO, TRUSTEE OF THE PAUL A. COSENTINO REVOCABLE TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 11. 2009 IItsY1. L (Prin ~\ .$:a::- -........ ....AuQ.1, JOl2 (St.~ ~ ~(l\\~ (Printed Name) 13 tt:-c:~ ~ ~';'~,1;:-:;~,"\~'~"'i:!7"')!;:::"'"?:'.':i,;',~~.~.4i<:;;:~':~ "--'"',". . .;."",, ,<",,- ~ CONSERVATION COLLIER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 00216360000 & 00217080004 Agenda Item No. 1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 22 of 152 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH HALF (S. %) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE ~) . . OF THE. NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 14) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW ~), LESS THE NORTH 130' FEET . OF THE EAST 335.08 FEET THEREOF, IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, . FLORIDA. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 00216360000 AND THE NORTH HALF (N %) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE 14) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 14) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 14), LESS THE EAST 10 FEET THEREOF, IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 00217080004 14 Agenda Item No. 10E June 22. 2010 r-dY" ".j UI I"" PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 2021 RIVERS ROAD "COSENTINO PROPERTIES" NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PREPARED FOR: Co~'Y Cou.:nt:y - -...-.--. Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Program 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Building W Naples, Florida 34112 PREPARED BY I:;r; I Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. 4100 Center Pointe Drive Suite 112 Fort Myers, Florida 33916 (239) 277-0003 Fax: (239) 277-1211 ] 0-0443/0100 June 3, 2010 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 ~pf152 CONTENTS 1.0 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................ I 2.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... I 2.1 Purpose......... ................. ............................... ............... ............... ......... .......... .......... 2 2.2 Detailed Scope of Services ..................................................................................... 2 2.3 Significant Assumptions ......................................................................................... 3 2.4 Limitations and Exceptions .................................................................................... 3 2.5 Special Terms and Conditions ................................................................................ 4 2.6 User Reliance ........................ ....................... ............ ........ ......... .......... ............. .......4 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Location and Legal Description.............................................................................. 4 3.2 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics ............................................................... 5 3.3 Current Use of the Property .................................................................................... 5 3.4 Descriptions of Structures, Roads, and Other Improvements on the Site............... 5 3.4.1 General Description of Structures .............................................................. 5 3.4.2 Roads................................................................................. ......................... 6 3.4.3 Potable Water Supply................................................................................. 6 3.4.4 Sewage Disposal System............................................................................6 3.5 Current Uses of the Adjoining Properties............................................................... 7 4.0 USER-PROVIDED INFORMATION ................................................................................ 7 4.1 Title Records............................... ..... ..... .......... ..................... .................... ............... 7 4.2 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations ........................................... 7 4.3 Specialized Know ledge.................... ............. ......... ..................................... ............ 7 4.4 Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information............................... 8 4.5 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues ...................................................... 8 4.6 Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant Information .......................................... 9 4.7 Reason for Performing Phase I ............................................................................... 9 4.8 Other ..... ............................... ............. .............................. .......... ...................... ........ 9 5.0 RECORDS REVIEW ..........................................................................................................9 Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Pagei EeT Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22,2010 Page 25 of 152 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.1 Standard Environmental Record Sources...... ............... .... ................................. ......9 5.1.1 Federal Environmental Record Sources ..................................................... 9 5.1.2 State Environmental Record Sources .......................................................11 Additional Environmental Record Sources...........................................................12 Physical Setting Source( s)............. ......................................... .............. ............... ..13 Historical Use Information on the Property.......................................................... ] 4 5.4.1 Topographic Maps .................................................................................... 14 5.4.2 Aerial Photographs ..................................................................................14 5.4.3 Street Directories ...................................................................................... ] 5 5.4.4 Fire Insurance Maps .................................................................................15 Historical Use Information on Adjoining Properties ............................................] 5 5.5.1 Topographic Maps ....................................................................................] 5 5.5.2 Aerial Photographs ..................................................................................15 5.5.3 Street Directories ......................................................................................] 6 5.5.4 Fire Insurance Maps .................................................................................16 6.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE........ ...................................................................................... ] 6 6.1 Methodology and Limiting Conditions................................................................. 17 6.2 General Site Setting ..............................................................................................] 7 6.2.] Current Use(s) of the Property.................................................................. 17 6.2.2 Past Use(s) of the Property .......................................................................17 6.2.3 Current Uses of Adjoining Properties....................................................... 17 6.2.4 Past Uses of Adjoining Properties ............................................................] 7 6.2.5 Current or Past Uses in the Surrounding Area.......................................... 17 6.2.6 Geologic, Hydrogeologic, Hydrologic, and Topographic Conditions.............................................................................. ............... .... 18 6.3 Exterior Observations...... ..................................................................................... ] 8 6.3.1 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products in Connection with Identified Uses.................................................................................. 18 Storage Tanks ............................................... .............................. .............. 19 Odors.......................... _.......................... ................................................... ] 9 Pools of Liquid ............................. ...........................................................] 9 DlUms ................. ........................... ......................................................19 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 Page ii Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 ~f152 6.3.6 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products Containers (Not Necessarily in Connection with Identified Uses) ..................................... 20 6.3.7 Unidentified Substance Containers ..........................................................20 6.3.8 PCBs........ .................... ................................................................. ............ 20 6.3.9 Pits, Ponds, or Lagoons ............................................................................ 20 6.3.10 Stained Soil or Pavement .........................................................................20 6.3.11 Stressed Vegetation .................................................................................. 20 6.3.12 Solid Waste............................................................................................... 21 6.3.13 Wastewater ............................................................................................... 22 6.3.14 Wells......... .............. ...................................... ............. ....... ............ ............ 22 6.3 .15 Septic Systems.............. ..................... ................. ............ .................. ........22 6.4 Interior Observations................ .............................................................. .............. 22 7.0 INTERVIEWS .................................. ............................... ...... ................. ....... ..... .............. 23 7.1 Interviews with Site Contacts ............................................................................... 23 7.2 Interviews with Local Government Officials ....................................................... 24 8.0 FINDINGS..................... ....... ..... ............ ..................... ........................ .... ..................... ..... 24 8.1 Known or Suspect RECs.......................................................................................24 8.2 Historical RECs ....................................................................................................24 8.3 De Minimis Conditions.........................................................................................25 9.0 OPINION.. ..................... ....................... ...................... ......................................... ..... ........ 25 10.0 CONCLUSIONS............. .......................... .......... ................................................ .............. 25 11.0 DEVIA TIONSIDAT A GAPS ........................................................................................... 26 12.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES ..............................................................................................26 13.0 REFERENCES................................ ................... ...... .................................................. ....... 27 14.0 SIGNATURE(S) OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONAL(S) ...................................... Cosentino Property Pbase I ESA.doc Pageiii ECT Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 27 of 152 FIGURES I Site Location Map 2 Site Map (2008 Aerial Photograph) 3 Topographic Map 4 1963 Aerial Photograph 5 1973 Aerial Photograph 6 1985 Aerial Photograph 7 1994 Aerial Photograph 8 2006 Aerial Photograph APPENDICES A Historical Research Documentation B Site Photographs C Qualifications of Environmental Professional D Interview Documentation Page iv Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 FJ!!'C.'1'tf 152 1.0 SUMMARY Environmental Consulting & Technology (ECT) has conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the Cosentino Properties (Subject Property) located at 2021 Rivers Road, Naples, Florida 34120 in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527-05 for Phase I ESA's. The Subject Property consists of two (2) parcels; a northern parcel and a southern parcel (see Figure 2). The northern parcel, which is located at 2021 Rivers Road, is approximately 4 acres in size. The southern parcel, which does not have a listed mailing address, is approximately 4.92 acres in size, making the approximate area of the Subject Property equal to 8.92 acres. The Subject Property is currently undeveloped and covered with natural vegetation including cabbage palms, pines and exotic species. Access to the undeveloped parcel was limited due to extremely dense vegetation. ECT has performed a Phase I ESA in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527-05. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Section 11 of this report. This assessment has revealed evidence of one Suspect recognized environmental condition (REe) associated with the property. This REC is related to a steel drum located in the southwestern portion of the Subject Property. The drum, which was standing alone, was badly corroded and contained approximately 8-inches of liquid that could not be identified by visual inspection. The drum was surrounded by dead, or partially dead vegetation in each direction, indicating a possible release from the drum. 2.0 INTRODUCTION ECT has conducted a Phase I ESA of the Subject Property located at 2021 Rivers Road, Naples, Collier County, Florida (Figure I and 2). As discussed above, the Subject Property consists of two (2) contiguous parcels, with the northern parcel being approximately 4 acres in size, and the southern parcel being approximately 4.92 acres in size. These parcels are currently owned by Mr. Paul Cosentino. Review of historical aerial photography indicates that the Subject Property was developed on a limited basis in the 1970s, '80s and '90s. Aerial photography indicates trails traversing the western portion of the Subject Property, leading to clearings that would indicate the presence of structures. At the present time, the Subject Property is undeveloped and vacant. The property is covered with overgrown, dense vegetation. A cleared line utilized for a power line easement provides access to the northern parcel by way of Rivers Road. Access to the southern portions of the southern parcel is made possible by a clearing that separates the southern parcel from the adjoining parcel to the south. Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 1 Ee, Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 29 of 152 Dense vegetation on the Subject Property consists primarily of cabbage palm, pine and Brazilian pepper. The surrounding area is developed with scattered residential uses and golf course communities. A large portion to the east and south remain undisturbed. An abandoned and demolished wooden structure was identified in the northeast portion of the southern parceL Just to the east of the wooden structure, an abandoned camper was identified. The camper was partially demolished and was abandoned at the time of ECT's site inspection. In the southwest portion of the Subject Property, a 40 to 45-ft. long trailer was identified. Evidence around and adjacent to the trailer indicated that it once was occupied on a seasonal, or a year-round basis. The trailer was abandoned at the time of ECT's site inspection. Several areas with miscellaneous debris piles were also noted during the site inspection. The findings of the site inspection are discussed in further detail herein. 2.1 Purpose The Client, Conservation Collier Program (Collier County Facilities Management Department) requested that ECT conduct a Phase I ESA of the Subject Property. The objective of the Phase I ESA is to identify recognized environmental conditions (RECs) in connection with the property, to the extent feasible pursuant to the processes prescribed in the ASTM E 1527-05 guidelines. The term "REC' as defined by ASTM is the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or the material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground. ground water, or surface water of the property. The term includes hazardous substances or petroleum products even under conditions in compliance with laws. The telm is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a material risk of harm to public health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. This Phase I ESA includes information gathered from federal, state, and local agencies; personal interviews with people familiar with the subject property and surrounding properties; and a site visit conducted by ECT representatives. The report is intended to meet the due diligence requirements of ASTM E- 1527-05. 2.2 Detailed Scope of Services The Phase I ESA conducted by ECT included, but was not limited to, the following serVIces: . a site visit of the subject property to look for evidence of the release(s) of hazardous materials and petroleum products and to assess the potential for on site releases of hazardous materials and petroleum products; . drive-by observations of adjacent propel1ies and the site vicinity; Page 2 Cosentino Property Phase 1 ESA.doc Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 ~f152 . interviews with people familiar with the subject sites, as available; . review of regulatory agency file information; . review of historical documents, as available; and . preparation of a report presenting the Phase I ESA findings including a summary of conclusions and recommendations. 2.3 Significant Assumptions The purpose of this Phase I ESA is to provide appropriate inquiry into the previous use of the Subject Property consistent with good commercial and customary practice in an effort to minimize liability. ECT assumes that the information provided by Mr. Paul Cosentino (Subject Property owner), Ms. Alexandra Sulecki, Coordinator of the Conservation Collier Program, the regulatory database electronic search report provider, and the regulatory agencies is true and reliable. 2.4 Limitations and Exceptions The opinions and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the scope of services, information obtained through the performance of the services, and the schedule as agreed upon by ECT and the party for whom this report was originally prepared. This report is an instrument of professional service and was prepared in accordance with the generally accepted standards and level of skill and care under similar conditions and circumstances established by the environmental consulting industry. No representation, warranty, or guarantee, expressed or implied, is intended or given. To the extent that ECT relied upon any information prepared by other parties not under contract to ECT, ECT makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. This report is expressly for the sole and exclusive use of the party for whom this report was originally prepared for a particular purpose. Only the party for whom this report was originally prepared and/or other specifically named parties have the right to make use of and rely upon this report. Reuse of this report or any portion thereof for other than its intended purpose, or if modified, or if used by third parties, shall be at the user's sole risk. The findings presented in this report apply solely to site conditions existing at the time when ECT's assessment was performed. It must be recognized, however, that an environmental site assessment is intended for the purpose of determining the potential for contamination through limited research and investigative activities and in no way represents a conclusive or complete site characterization. Conditions in other parts of the project site may vary from those at the locations where data were collected. ECT's ability to interpret investigation results is related to the availability of the data and the extent of the investigation activities. As such, 100 percent confidence in environmental site assessment conclusions cannot reasonably be achieved. ECT, therefore, does not provide any guarantees, certifications, or warranties that a property is free from environmental contamination. Furthermore, nothing contained in Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 3 Ee, Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 31 of 152 this document shall relieve any other party of its responsibility to abide by contract documents and applicable laws, codes, regulations, or standards. 2.5 Special Terms and Conditions The scope of work for this Phase I ESA did not include testing of electrical equipment for the potential presence of polych]orinated biphenyls (PCBs) or the assessment of natural hazards such as naturally occurring asbestos or methane gas, assessment of the potentia] presence of radionuclides, or assessment of non-chemical hazards such as the potentia] for damage from earthquakes or floods. This Phase I ESA also did not include an extensive assessment of the environmental compliance status of the Subject Property or a health-based risk assessment. 2.6 User Reliance This Phase I ESA was conducted for the use of and reliance by, the Conservation Collier Program, and may be relied upon only by this party. No use of the information contained in this report by others is permissible without receiving prior written authorization to do so from ECT. ECT is not responsible for independent conclusions, opinions, or recommendations made by others or otherwise based on the findings presented in this report. 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION This section presents a genera] overview of the Subject Property, onsite improvements, and surrounding properties. 3.1 Location and Legal Description The Collier County Property Appraiser's Office information identifies the Subject Property under the following identification numbers and addresses in Nap]es, Collier County, Florida 34120. The owner is also listed below. Subiect Property-Northern Parcel: Owner: Mr. Paul Cosentino; 2120 Rivers Road; Fo]io Number 00216360000; Approximate area is 4 acres; Mr. Cosentino has owned the property since January 2005. Subiect Property-Southern Parcel: Owner: Mr. Paul Cosentino; No listed mailing address; Fo]io Number 002] 7080004; Approximate area is 4.92 acres; Mr. Cosentino has owned the property since January 2005. Page 4 Cosentino Property Phase I ESA,doc Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 ~F>f 152 The Subject Property is approximately 8.92 acres in total. At the time of the site inspection, the two parcels were densely covered with cabbage palm, pines, and Brazilian pepper. Evidence of historical development in the form of an abandoned, and/or partially demolished wooden structure, camper and trailer were observed during the site inspection. A Site Map is included as Figure 2. 3.2 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics A site location map and a site map are presented as Figures I and 2, respectively. North of the Subject Property, the land is developed for limited residential use, or is vacant, undeveloped and densely vegetated. Immokalee Road runs in the east-west direction, approximately 0.6 miles north of the Subject Property. In the eastern direction, the Subject Property is bordered by Rivers Road. Land east of Rivers Road is undeveloped with a mixture oflimited, residential developments. A mixture of undeveloped land and residential development exists to the west of the Subject Property. To the south of the Subject Property, the land is primarily undeveloped and densely vegetated. Very limited residential development is noted south of the Subject Property. It should be noted that Conservation Collier owns approximately 63 acres directly adjoining the Subject Property to the east and south. 3.3 Current Use of the Property The Subject Property is currently vacant and primarily covered with dense vegetation that includes Brazilian pepper, pines, and cabbage palm. Structures and debris observed on the Subject Propelty are discussed further herein. 3.4 Descriptions of Structures, Roads, and Other Improvements on the Site 3.4.1 General Description of Structures Evidence of three (3) structures was observed during ECT's site inspection. The approximate location of these three structures has been identified on the Site Map (Figure 2). The first structure (see Figure 2, Location ID # I) observed was an abandoned wheel- mounted camper located on the eastern side of the property, approximately 75 to 100-ft from Rivers Road. The structure was approximately 30-ft. in length. It was unclear as to whether the camper was ever occupied while on the property, or if it had been dumped on the property. The side of the camper was open and the contents of the camper were weathered due to exposure to the elements. Miscellaneous debris including a sink, television and other smaller, miscellaneous items was observed adjacent to the camper. Photographs are provided in Appendix B. Just west of the camper, an abandoned wooden structure was observed (see Figure 2, Location ID # 2). The wooden structure was partially demolished, or had been destroyed Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 5 ECT Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 33 of 152 by weather and lack of up-keep. Based on the visual inspection, it appeared that the structure had either been utilized seasonally as a hunting camp, or on a year-round basis. The structure included concrete block that was utilized as a foundation, walls that were filled with insulation, and plumbing that was once connected to apparent septic tanks that were buried on the west side of the structure. Evidence of a potable water supply was observed, however a well could not be located in the vicinity of the structure. A fiberglass shower was observed in the structure and other miscellaneous debris was observed adjacent to the structure. Photographs are provided in Appendix B. A third structure in the form ofa 40-fl. (+/-) trailer was observed in the southwest comer of the Subject Property (see Figure 2, Location lD # 6). The trailer appeared to have once been connected to the electric supply that runs along the southern edge of the Subject Property, Additionally, the trailer had connections to a water supply and had apparent connections to a below grade septic system on the west side of the trailer. A water heater was observed just north of the trailer. The exact location of a well that would have provided a water supply was not identified. The west side of the trailer was open and the contents of the trailer, including mattresses, were weathered due to exposure to the elements, Miscellaneous household items and debris, including a bath tub, an old water tank and plastic piping was observed in vicinity of the trailer. The trailer appeared to have been occupied at one point on a year-round, or on a seasonal basis. Photographs are provided in Appendix B. 3.4.2 Roads Access to the subject property was obtained from Rivers Road. Rivers Road runs in the north-south direction and is un-paved in the immediate vicinity of the Subject Property. Access to Rivers Road is obtained via lmmokalee Road which runs in the east-west direction approximately 0.6 miles north of the Subject Property. 3.4.3 Potable Water Supply Evidence of a water supply was observed in the location of the wooden structure (see Figure 2, Location ID # 2) as well as in the location of the trailer in the southwest portion of the Subject Property (see Figure 2, Location lD # 6). However, the exact location of the wells, if any, could not be confirmed during the site inspection. 3.4.4 Sewage Disposal System As previously discussed in Section 3.4.1, apparent septic systems were observed near the abandoned wooden structure in the eastern portion of the Subject Property and near the trailer in the southwestern portion of the Subject Property. In each case, the septic systems appeared to be small, hand-built septic "tanks," constructed out of masonry blocks and covered with a woodcn lid. Apparent plastic pipes that once connected to the septic systems were observed in each location. There were no signs of stressed vegetation or foul odors in the vicinity of the septic systems. Page 6 Cosentino Property Phase I ESA,doc Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 ~F>f 152 3.5 Current Uses of the Adjoining Properties Property to the east and to the south of the Subject Property is densely vegetated, undeveloped with very limited residential use. Properties to the west and north are characterized by limited residential development with portions Wldeveloped, and covered with dense vegetation. Rivers Road delineates the eastern property bOWldary. 4.0 USER-PROVIDED INFORMATION This section identifies information provided by the User to ECT. 4.1 Title Records No title records were provided to ECT by Collier Conservation or Mr. Paul Cosentino. 4.2 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations The site contacts, Ms. Alexandra Sulecki of the Conservation Collier Program and Mr. Paul Cosentino, the current property owner, were asked the following questions as part of the assessment: . Are you aware of any environmental cleanup liens against the property that are filed or recorded under federal, tribal, state or local law? . Are you aware of any activity or land use limitations, such as engineering controls, land use restrictions or institutional controls that are in place at the site and/or have been filed or recorded in a registry Wlder federal, tribal, state or local law? Ms. Sulecki and Mr. Cosentino each responded 'no' to both questions. Ms. Sulecki provided a statement to accompany her response on behalf of the Conservation Collier Program. Her statement can be fOWld in Appendix 0, Interview Documentation. 4.3 Specialized Knowledge Ms. Sulecki and Mr. Cosentino were asked the following questions as part of the assessment: . Do you have any specialized know ledge or experience related to the property or nearby properties? For example, are you involved in the same line of business as the current or former occupants of the property or an adjoining property so that you would have specialized knowledge of the chemicals and processes used by this type of business? Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 7 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Eer Page 35 of 152 . Are you aware of commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the property that would help the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases? For example, as user, a) Do you know the past uses of the property? b) Do you know of specific chemicals that are present or once were present at the property? c) Do you know of spills or other chemical releases that have taken place at the property? d) Do you know of any environmental cleanups that have taken place at the property? . Do you know of any pending, threatened, or past litigation relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or from the property? . Do you know of any pending, threatened, or past administrative proceedings relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or from the property? . Do you know of any notices from any governmental entity regarding any possible violation of environmental laws or possible liability relating to hazardous substances or petroleum products? Mr. Cosentino responded 'no' to each of the above questions. In response to the first and second questions in this Section Ms. Sulecki stated: "...Only that nearby properties we have acquired contained solid waste." Ms. Sulecki responded 'no' to the remainder of the questions in this Section. 4.4 Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information Ms. Sulecki and Mr. Cosentino were asked the following question as part of the assessment: . Based on your knowledge and expelience related to the property, are there any obvious indicators that point to the presence or likely presence of contamination at the property? Mr. Cosentino responded 'no' to the above question. Ms. Sulecki responded 'yes' and included the following statement: "A rusted-out metal 50-gal drum was found on site. Additionally there is significant solid waste onsite including discovered unpermitted old septic systems-2, maybe 3." 4.5 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues Ms. Sulecki and Mr. Cosentino were asked whether the purchase Plice for the property reasonably reflects the fair market value of the property. Page 8 Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Agenda Item No.1 DE June 22, 2010 ~f152 In response Mr. Cosentino stated the following: "I believe the value of the property is far higher than the selling price," In response Ms, Sulecki stated 'no' and included the following statement: "The appraisal value that was the basis for Conservation Collier's offer did not consider valuation reduction for environmental issues." 4.6 Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant Information On behalf of the Conservation Collier Program, Ms. Sulecki was the site contact identified to ECT, 4.7 Reason for Performing Phase I The reason for performing the Phase I ESA is to assess the presence/absence of RECs in anticipation of acquiring the Subject Property to incorporate it into the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Program. 4.8 Other No other information was provided. 5.0 RECORDS REVIEW The following section presents the results of a review of readily ascertainable federal and state regulatory agency files obtained through an electronic search of the records and a historical records review, including aerial photographs, topographic maps, Sanborn fire insurance maps, and city directories pertaining to the subject property, adjacent properties, and proximate properties. 5.1 Standard Environmental Record Sources Regulatory agency database information was obtained from FirstSearch Technology Corporation (FirstSearch), which maps and lists properties in federal and state environmental databases with existing conditions or status that may have the potential to affect the subject site, The report is provided as Appendix A. 5.1.1 Federal Environmental Record Sources The following federal databases were reviewed in accordance with the ASTM E 1527-05 requirements: National Priorities List (NPL; 1.0 mile) The National Priorities List (NPL) is a subset of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLlS) and identifies Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 9 E'er Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 37 of 152 over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund program. An NPL site must meet or surpass a predetermined hazard ranking system score, be chosen as a state's top priority site, or meet three specific criteria set jointly by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Source: U.S. EPA. There are no listed NPL properties within 1.0 mile of the Subject Property. Delisted NPL Site List (NPL; 1.0 mile) The Delisted NPL Site List includes properties that have been delisted from the NPL. There are no de listed NPL properties within 1.0 mile of the Subject Property. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLlS; 0.5 mile) The CERCLlS database contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to EP A by states, municipalities, private companies, and private persons pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The CERCLlS list includes sites that are either proposed for the NPL or in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Source: U.S. EPAlNational Technical Information Service (NTIS). There are no CERCLlS facilities listed within O.S-mile of the Subject Property. CERCLlS-No Further Remedial Action Planned (CERCLlS-NFRAP; 0.50-mile) The CERCLlS-NFRAP database contains data on sites where, following an initial investigation, no contamination was found, contamination was removed quickly without the need for the site to be placed on the NPL, or the contamination was not serious enough to require federal Superfund action or NPL consideration. Source: U.S. EPAlNational Technical Information Service (NTIS). There are no CERCLlS-NFRAP listed properties within 0.5 mile of the Subject Property. Corrective Action Report (CORRACTS; 1.0 mile) The CORRACTS database identifies hazardous waste handlers with Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) correctivc action activity. Source: U.S. EPA. There are no CORRACTS listed facilities within a I.O-mile radius of the Subject Property. Page 10 C(1~cntino Property Phase I ESA.doc Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 ~f152 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) Facilities (0.5-mite) The RCRA TSD Facilities database includes selected information on facilities that generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste, as defmed by RCRA. There are no listed TSD properties within 0.5-mile of the Subject Property. RCRA Generators Lists (Site and Adjoining Properties) RCRA large-quantity generators (LQG) are those facilities that generate at least 1,000 kilograms per month (kg/month) of non-acutely hazardous waste or meet other applicable RCRA requirements. Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) small-quantity generators (SQG) generate between 100 and 1,000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste or meet other applicable RCRA requirements. RCRIS conditionally exempt SQG generate less than 100 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste or meet other applicable RCRA requirements. The Subject Property and adjoining properties are not listed as RCRA facilities. Federal Institutional Control/Engineering Control Registries (Site only) Federal institutional control and engineering control registries were requested in the database search. The Subject Property is not identified on either registry. Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS; Site Only) ERNS is a national database that records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. The database contains information on spill reports made to federal authorities including the U.S. EPA, U.S. Coast Guard, National Response Center, and Department of Transportation. The Subject Property is not listed on the ERNS database. 5.1.2 State Environmental Record Sources The following state databases were reviewed in accordance with the ASTM E 1527-05 requirements: State-Equivalent CERCLlS Hazardous Waste Sites (SHWS/State Sites; 1.0 mite) The state Hazardous Waste database lists potential or confirmed hazardous substance release properties. There are no properties listed on this database within 1.0 mile of the Subject Property. Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 11 EeT Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 39 of 152 State-Equivalent SWF/LF, State Landfill (SW/S; D.5-mile) This database is an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills. These may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Section 2004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. There are no landfills or solid waste facilities listed within 0.5-mile of the Subject Property. State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Database (LUST; D.5-mile) The LUST database is a list ofreported leaking UST incidents. There are no LUST facilities listed within 0.5-mile of the Subject Property. State Registered Underground Storage Tank (UST; Site and Adjoining Properties) This database contains listings for current UST sites. There are no properties listed within 0.25-mile of the Subject Property. State Institutional Control/Engineering Control Registries (Site Only) This database contains registry entries for institutional and engineering controls. There Subject Property is not listed in this database. State Voluntary Cleanup Sites (D.5-mile) This database contains listings for cun'ent voluntat)' cleanup sites. There are no properties listed within 0.5-mile of the Subject Property. State and Tribal Brownfield Sites (D.5-mile) This database contains listings for current Brownfield sites. There are no properties listed within 0.5-mile of the Subject Property. 5.2 Additional Environmental Record Sources Additional database records were provided in the database search report. These are summarized in the database report, presented as Appendix A. The Subject Property was not identified in the databases. Page 12 Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 ~~f152 In addition, ECT compared information concerning the property with the Florida database of Cattle Dip Sites. In the early 1900s cattle tick fever was recognized as a serious problem to the cattle industry in 15 southern and southwestern states, including Florida. The federal government placed quarantine on animals in 1,000 counties in these states, and in 1906 a Cattle Tick Fever Eradication Program was inaugurated. The Florida Legislature, in June 1917, gave authority to the State Live Stock Sanitary Board to govern the control and eradication of this disease. More than 3,500 cattle-dipping vats were constructed in Florida by government mandate. The sites listed in Table I, located in Collier County, were reportedly erected in 1932 and 1933: Table 1. State ID # List of Cattle Dipping Sites, Collier County, Florida 10415 10416 10417 10418 10419 10420 10421 10422 10423 Name State 10 # Name Brown 10424 Naples Burned Pens 10425 Roberts Chokoloskee Is. 10426 Sick Is. Davis Dairy 10427 Trippens Pens Dukes 10428 Walker Fakahatchee 10429 Whiddon Flint 10430 Williams Immokalee 10431 Youngman Dairy Marco Is. Source: FDEP, 1993 Exact locations of most of the sites are typically unknown, but can often be identified by historical aerial photograph review and property title history information. Many of the cattle dip vats were used into the 1960's and 1970's. No indications were found that a cattle-dipping vat ever existed on the subject property. 5.3 Physical Setting Source(s) The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 minute of Corkscrew SW, Florida quadrangle map was reviewed. The Subject Property is at an elevation between 13 and 14 ft above mean sea level. Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 13 Ee, Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 41 of 152 5.4 Historical Use Information on the Property To evaluate historical use of the property, ECT reviewed readily available topographic maps, aerial photographs, street directories, and fire insurance maps. 5.4.1 Topographic Maps ECT reviewed the USGS 7.5-minute series quadrangle maps of Corkscrew SW, Florida dated 1958 and photorevised in 1987. The map was retrieved from ECT files. Two (2) structures are depicted on the Subject Property. The structures appear to be in the approximate location of camp sites, or homes as indicted by historical aerial photography. A copy of the map is provided as Figure 3. 5.4.2 Aerial Photographs A 1963 historical aerial photograph was obtained from the University of Florida's online library. Additional historical aerial photographs were obtained from Florida Department of Transportation for the years 1973, 1985, 1994, and 2006. A 2008 aerial photograph was obtained from the Collier County PropCl1y Appraiser. The photographs were reviewed to identify former land uses on site and in the vicinity of the Subject Property. The photographs consisted of low-altitude, black-and-white or color (where available) photographs. Brief descriptions of the Subject Property and vicinity, as observed in the aerial photographs, are presented below. Figures 4-8 are copies of the aerial photographs. The 2008 aerial photograph is provided as the back-drop to the Site Map, Figure 2. The 1963 aerial photograph indicates that the Subject Property is completely undeveloped and vacant. No overland roads are visible leading to or from the Subject Property. Dense vegetation is observed. The 1973 aerial photograph indicates limited development on the Subject Property. A structure is visible in the eastern portion of the site with a trail leading to it in the north- south direction. On the west side of the Subject Propel1y, a significant trail/road runs generally north and south between an apparent structure in the southwest portion of the property and the street now known as Cannon Blvd. Rivers Road is visible in the aerial photograph, whereas it did not exist in thc 1963 aerial photograph. Review of the 1985 aerial photograph indicates few significant changes on the Subject Property when compared to the 1973 aerial photograph. The apparent structure on the east side of the propel1y is clearly visible. The main trail and cleared areas are clearly visible on the west side of the property. The structure observed in the southwest comer of the property in the 1973 aerial photograph is not clearly identified; however it is most likely disguised by overgrown vegetation in the area. The 1994 aerial photograph indicates significant changes when compared to the 1985 aerial photograph. Trails that werc clearly visible in the 1985 aerial are no longer visible in the 1994 aerial, indicating that they have not been utilized and have been overgrown Page 14 Cosentino Property Phase 1 ESA.doc Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 fJ!!!C.TM 152 with vegetation. Additionally, the structures that were visible in earlier aerials are not evident in the 1994 aerial, as the entire property appears to be covered with dense vegetation. The 2006 aerial photograph is similar to the 1994 aerial photograph, indicating that the site is apparently not in use and is covered in dense vegetation. The 2008 aerial photograph (Figure 2) indicates no significant changes on the Subject Property when compared to the 2006 aerial. No evidence of environmental impairment to the Subject Property was observed from the aerial photography review. 5.4.3 Street Directories Historical city directories were requested through the FirstSearch database report. Historical city directories as published by R. 1. Polk and Company were reported by FirstSearch anywhere from three to six year intervals from 1964 to 2009. The first listing for Rivers Road is in the 200 I directory. 5.4.4 Fire Insurance Maps Sanborn fire insurance maps were requested through the FirstSearch database search. FirstSearch did not identifY any fire insurance map coverage of the subject property. 5.5 Historical Use Information on Adjoining Properties To evaluate the historical use of the adjacent properties, ECT reviewed readily available topographic maps, aerial photographs, street directories, and fire insurance maps. 5.5.1 Topographic Maps A review of the available topographic map indicates that the adjacent roads (Rivers Road and Cannon Boulevard) are depicted. Structures are shown to the west and north of the Subject Property. The buildings and roads have been photorevisions indicating development after 1958. A copy of this map is provided as Figure 3. 5.5.2 Aerial Photographs Adjoining properties appear to be undeveloped and densely vegetated in the 1963 aerial photograph. No overland roads are observed in the vicinity of the adjoining properties. The 1973 aerial photograph indicates limited, apparent residential development to the west, southwest and north of the Subject Property. Various dirt trails and driveways are observed on adjoining properties leading to and from structures. The property to the east Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 15 Ee, Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 43 of 152 appears to be undeveloped, vacant and covered with dense vegetation. Cannon Blvd. are first observed in the 1973 aerial photograph. Rivers Road and A review of the 1985 aerial photograph indicates continued, limited residential development on adjoining properties to the north and west of the Subject Property. An apparent residential development is now observed to the south of the Subject Property. Dirt trails/driveways are clearly visible on adjoining properties. The property to the east remains undeveloped and covered with dense vegetation. A review of the 1994 aerial photograph clearly indicates a residential structure to the south of the Subject Property. Additionally, an apparent residential structure is observed just south of the Subject Property's southwest comer. All other adjoining properties appear to be unchanged when compared to the 1985 aerial photograph. A golf course is evident to the far south of the subject property. The 2006 aerial photograph indicates that the adjoining properties to the south, west and north of the Subject Property appear unchanged when compared to the 1994 aerial photograph. The adjoining property to the east however, is now partially developed with a residence. There are no significant changes observed when comparing the adjoining properties in the 2006 aerial photograph to the 2008 aerial photograph. 5.5.3 Street Directories The first listing for Rivers Road is in the 2001 directory as residential occupants and one church. 5.5.4 Fire Insurance Maps Sanborn fire insurance maps were requested during the FirstSearch database search. FirstSearch did not identify any fire insurance map coverage of the area. 6.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE On May 3, 2010, Mr. Daniel Scippo and Mr. Joseph Hannon, of ECT, performed a reconnaissance-level assessment of the Subject Property to observe general site conditions and indications of the possible releasers) of chemicals to the subsurface. A walkover site inspection was conducted to identify visible evidence of recognized envirornnental conditions. Visual inspection was limited due to dense ground cover on the Subject Property. Photographs taken during ECT's site inspection are included in Appendix B. Mr. Scippo's qualifications are included in Appendix C. Page 16 Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 i!l)J'!>f 152 6.1 Methodology and Limiting Conditions ECT was provided full access to the property. The methodology for the site visit included observing the interior and exteriors of the subject property. Visual inspection was limited due to dense ground cover and accessibility. 6.2 General Site Setting 6.2.1 Current Use(s) of the Property The Subject Property is undeveloped and covered with cabbage palm, Brazilian pepper, pines and many other species. The site inspection indicated that the Subject Property was not in use at the time it was performed. 6.2.2 Past Use(s) of the Property Historical review indicates that the Subject Property was utilized for very limited residential use at some point after 1963, and ceasing to be used at some point after 1985. Structures observed on the property may have been utilized on a year-round basis, or on a seasonal basis. 6.2.3 Current Uses of Adjoining Properties Adjoining properties to the south, west and north are characterized by limited residential development. The property to the east is primarily undeveloped, with one apparent residential development. Much of the adjoining land is utilized for conservation. Collier Conservation owns approximately 63 acres adjoining the Subject Property. These 63 acres are utilized for conservation. Additionally, the 63 acres of conserved land adjoins an additional 299 acre conservation easement owned by the Olde Florida Golf Club located south of the Subject Property. 6.2.4 Past Uses of Adjoining Properties Based on aerial photographs and historical topographic maps, properties adjoining the Subject Property appear to have been vacant and undeveloped until at least 1963. Limited residential development is first observed in the 1973 aerial photograph. 6.2.5 Current or Past Uses in the Surrounding Area Based on aerial photographs and historical topographic maps, the surrounding properties appear to have been either undeveloped or residentially developed, including multiple golf course communities. A large pit is active to the far northwest of the sites, across Immokalee Road. A church is located to the far north of the property. Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page ] 7 Ee, Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 45 of 152 6.2.6 Geologic, Hydrogeologic, Hydrologic, and Topographic Conditions Based on surface topography as interpreted from the USGS 7.5-minute series quadrangle maps of Corkscrew SW, Florida, regional shallow ground water in the site area is anticipated to flow south/southwesterly, entering the drainage system of Collier County, and ultimately discharging to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Collier County lies on the eastern margin of a huge depositional feature known as the Gulf of Mexico Sedimentary Basin, in the Southern Province, which is dominated by carbonate sedimentary rocks. The South Florida Shelf, the major subswface structural feature in the region, is of Cretaceous age and extends from Charlotte County to the north southeastward to Key Largo in Monroe County. The shelf passes under Collier County at a depth of approximately 8,500 feet. The stratigraphy underlying the subject property is predominantly a sand, clay and limestone sequence. The formations include: Undifferentiated Pleistocene sand and shell, the Pliocene Tamiarni Formation, and the Middle Miocene Hawthorn Group. The undifferentiated Pleistocene sediments consist of fine to medium grained quartz sand with varying percentages of shell. The Tarniarni Formation, also considered to be part of the surficial aquifer system, contains sandy and biogenic limestone with variable induration and cement types. It is very fossiliferous (echinoids. corals, bryozoans, mollusks and foraminifera) and contains lime muds. Upper beds often occur as dense authigenic limestone (cap rock). Underlying the Tamiami Formation, at a depth of approximately 120 feet, are the Miocene Coarse Clastics of the upper Hawthorn Group, also considered to be part of the surficial aquifer system. These are very coarse to !,'l"anule sized quartz sediments, usually well rounded and frosted. The clastics, approximately 40 feet thick, are often clayey and grade into and intermix with underlying beds. The Upper Hawthorn ConfIning Zone, approximately 30 feet thick, is mostly composed of low permeability, phosphatic, clayey dolo silts and sands. The zone separates the surficial aquifer system from the underlying Sandstone Aquifer, made up of sandy limestone, sandstones, sandy dolomites, and calcareous sands. The aquifer thins to the south and is less than 20 feet thick beneath the subject property. Beneath the Sandstone Aquifer lies the Lower Carbonate Sequence of the Hawthorn Group, also known as the Mid-Hawthorn Aquifer, at approximately 320 ft below land surface. 6.3 Exterior Observations The following items were looked for, or identification was attempted, as indicated in the ASTM standard. 6.3.1 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products in Connection with Identified Uses The presence of hazardous substances or petroleum products in connection with the Subject Property was investigated. One corroded drum identified in west/southwestern Page 18 Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 ~J'!>f 152 portion of the Subject Property (see Figure 2) was identified as a drum that may have resulted in a petroleum release. A release could not be verified by visual inspection alone. Other than this drum, no other hazardous substances or petroleum products beyond what would be considered de minimis volumes were observed onsite. 6.3.2 Storage Tanks ASTs, USTs or vent pipes, fill pipes, or access ways indicating USTs were looked for during the site visit. No ASTs, USTs, vent pipes, fill pipes, or access ways were observed in the areas that were visually inspected during the site inspection. 6.3.3 Odors The Subject Property was checked for strong, pungent, or noxious odors and their sources during the site visit. No readily noticeable strong, pungent, or noxious odors were encountered in the areas that were visually inspected during the site investigation. 6.3.4 Pools of Liquid Standing surface water and pools or sumps containing liquids likely to contain hazardous substances or petroleum products were looked for during the site inspection. No standing surface water, pools, or sumps were observed in the areas that were visually inspected during the site investigation. 6.3.5 Drums Storage drums were looked for during the site visit. One standing, badly corroded steel drum was observed in the west/southwestern portion of the property (see Figure 2). This particular drum was located approximately 200 (+/ -) feet from the trailer in the southwestern portion of the Subject Property. The drum contained approximately 8- inches of liquid which could not be identified by visual inspection alone. Much of the vegetation on each side of the drum was dead or partially dead. It could not be verified if the dead vegetation may have been the result of a release from the drum, or had resulted naturally. Another steel drum that was partially crushed and partially buried was located in the southern portion of the Subject Property (see Figure 2). The drum appeared to be buried with a pipe adjacent to a concrete block structure that may have once been a septic system or a grey-water system. Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 19 ECT Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 47 of 152 6.3.6 Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products Containers (Not Necessarily in Connection with Identified Uses) Hazardous substances and petroleum products containers were looked for during the site visit. No hazardous substances and petroleum product containers were observed on the subject property in the areas that were visually inspected during the site visit. 6.3.7 Unidentified Substance Containers Open or damaged containers containing unidentified substances suspected of being hazardous substances or petroleum products were looked for during the site visit. Several containers that would be considered solid waste debris were observed and are discussed further herein. The containers did not appear to contain unidentifiable substances. 6.3.8 PCBs Electrical or hydraulic equipment known to contain PCBs or likely to contain PCBs were looked for during the site visit. As indicated in the ASTM standard, fluorescent light ballasts (which mayor may not be present onsite) were not evaluated. A row of utility power poles runs along the southern property boundary. One pole-mounted transformer, know to contain PCBs or likely to contain PCBs, was identified during the site investigation on the southem property line. Some corrosion was observed on the transformer; however the transfOlmer appearcd in good condition with no evidence of leakage. 6.3.9 Pits, Ponds, or Lagoons Pits, ponds, or lagoons on the property were looked for during the site visit. Pits, ponds, or lagoons on properties adjoining the subject property were looked for to the extent they were visually and/or physically observable from the subject sites. No pits or lagoons were observed onsite. 6.3.10 Stained Soil or Pavement Areas of stained soil or pavement were looked for during the site visit. No areas of stained soil were observed during the site visit in the areas that were visually inspected. 6.3.11 Stressed Vegetation Areas of stressed vegetation (from other than insuffieient watering) were looked for during the site visit. Many areas on the Subject Property contained some dead vegetation, much of which may be attributed to the colder than average winter experienced in Southwest Florida during the 2009/201 0 season. Additionally, Ms. Sulecki indicated that Florida Power and Light (FPL) had recently treated exotic species in the area for the purpose of protecting their powcr lines. Page 20 Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 ~p,f 152 As discussed previously in Section 6.3.5, stressed and partially dead vegetation was observed in the immediate vicinity of a steel drum. The cause of the dead vegetation could not be verified by visual inspection alone. No other areas of stressed vegetation were observed in the areas that were visually inspected during the inspection. 6.3.12 Solid Waste Areas that are apparently filled or graded by non-natural causes (or filled by fill of unknown origin) suggesting trash construction debris, demolition debris, or other solid waste disposal, or mounds or depressions suggesting trash or other solid waste disposal were looked for during the site visit. Several areas containing dumped solid waste were observed during the site inspection. The locations discussed below correspond to the locations identified on Figure 2, attached. Location In # 1: The abandoned camper was open and exposed to the elements. Miscellaneous solid waste including a sink, a television and other items from the camper were observed on the ground. Location In # 2: Miscellaneous household debris was observed in the vicinity of the wooden structure including pipes, a car battery, wood, insulation and some trash. Location In # 3: Adjacent to the abandoned wooden structure, a pile of debris was identified. The pile appeared to contained soil waste that was dumped in this location. The waste included scrap wood, a mattress and bed frame, miscellaneous empty plastic buckets, empty paint cans and buckets, and many smaller items. The pile was estimated to be approximately 20-ft. by 3D-ft. by 2-ft deep. A separate pile including tires was also observed in this area. The pile appeared to contain ten, or more tires. Location In # 4: In the south-central portion of the property miscellaneous waste including tires, corroded auto parts and plastic was observed. Location In # 5: This location is discussed previously in Section 6.3.5. Location In # 6: In the vicinity of the trailer in the southwestern portion of the property miscellaneous waste include mattresses (in the trailer), water heaters, a bath tub and other smaller items such as bottles were observed. Location In # 7: This location (drum) is discussed previously in Section 6.3.5. Location In # 8: A tire was observed in this pm1ially cleared area. In addition to the locations described above that were identified by ECT during the site inspection, Ms. Alexandra Sulecki of the Conservation Collier Program notified ECT of an additional area containing solid waste on the Subject Property. The area contained approximately 30 to 40 quart-sized plastic containers of the variety that typically contain Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 21 Ee, Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 49 of 152 motor oil, or some similar type of oil. Ms. Sulecki observed the plastic containers on the property in February 2010, but could not verifY the location on the Subject Property at which they were observed. Ms. Sulecki stated that the plastic containers were empty and appeared to have been dumped on the property as empty containers. Ms. Sulecki provided EeT with a picture of the plastic containers. A copy of the picture has been included in Appendix B. 6.3.13 Wastewater Wastewater or other liquids (including storm water) or any discharge into a drain, ditch, underground injection system, or stream on or adjacent to the subject site were looked for during the site visit. Wastewater was not observed discharging into any drains or underground injections systems. 6.3.14 Wells Wells, including dry wells, inigation wells, injection wells, monitoring wells, abandoned wells, or other wells, were looked for during the site visit. As discussed previously, evidence of water service was observed in the location of the wooden structure as well as at the location of the location of the trailer was observed during the site inspection. However, the exact locations of wells could not be verified. 6.3.15 Septic Systems Indications of onsite septic systems or cesspools were looked for during the site visit. As previously discussed apparent septic systems were observed adjacent to the former wooden structure as well as adjacent to the trailer. There were no signs of stressed vegetation or foul odors in the vicinity of the septie systems. Also, as previously discussed, an apparent steel drum that was pal1ially crushed and partially bUlied was identified in the southern pm1ion of thc Subject Property (see Figure 2). The drum appeared to be buried with a pipe adjacent to a concrcte block structure that may have once been a septic system, or a gray-water system. No evidence of onsite septic systems or cesspools was observed on the remaining property in the areas that were visually inspected. 6.4 Interior Observations The condition of the camper, former wooden structure and trailer has been discussed previously herein. In each case, the stmctures were partially demolished and dilapidated, making visual observation possible without entering the structures. The structures were not safe for entry. Page 22 Cosentino Property Phase r ESA.doc Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 ~f152 7.0 INTERVIEWS 7.1 Interviews with Site Contacts Prior to completion of the Phase I environmental site assessment, ECT interviewed Ms. Sulecki and Mr. Cosentino. Ms. Sulecki and Mr. Cosentino were asked if they knew whether any of the documents below exist and, if so, whether copies would be provided: . Environmental site assessment reports . Environmental audit reports . Environmental permits (for example, solid waste disposal permits, hazardous waste disposal permits, wastewater permits, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits, underground injection permits) . Registrations for USTs and ASTs . Registrations for underground injection systems . Material safety data sheets . Community right-to-know plan . Safety plans; preparedness and prevention plans; spill prevention, countermeasure, and control plans; etc. . Reports regarding hydrogeologic conditions on the property or surrounding area . Notices or other correspondence from any government agency relating to past or current violations of environmental laws with respect to the property or relating to environmental liens encumbering the property . Hazardous waste generator notices or reports . Risk assessments . Recorded Activity Use Limitations Mr. Cosentino did not respond to the above questions. With the exception of the question regarding the hydrogeologic conditions on the property, Ms. SuIecki responded 'no' to the above questions. Regarding a report pertaining to 'hydrogeologic conditions' Ms. Sulecki stated "Yes. Conservation Collier has an upland/wetland survey on adjoining properties." Ms. Sulecki also provided the following statement: "Conservation Collier is not the owner of these parcels, but is seeking this type of information as part of its due diligence in acquiring the parcels." Ms. Sulecki and Mr. Cosentino were asked to answer the following questions as part of the assessment: Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 23 Ee, Agenda Item No.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 51 of 152 . Do you know of any pending, threatened, or past litigation relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or from the property? Do you know of any pending, threatened, or past administrative proceedings relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or from the property? Do you know of any notices from any governmental entity regarding any possible violation of environmental laws or possible liability relating to hazardous substances or petroleum products? . . Ms. Sulecki and Mr. Cosentino each responded 'no' to the above questions. 7.2 Interviews with Local Government Officials With the exception of interviews and discussions with Ms. Sulecki of the Conservation Collier Program, no other local or state government officials were contacted during this investigation. Information obtained through the interviews, historical review, and review of the regulatory agency tiles provided sufficient information for the investigations. 8.0 FINDINGS This section identities known or suspect RECs, historical RECs, and de minimis conditions discovered during the Phase I ESA investigation. 8.1 Known or Suspect RECs As discussed in Section 6.3.5, one standing and badly corroded steel drum was observed in the west/southwestern portion of the property (see Figure 2). This particular drum was located approximately 200 (+/-) feet from the trailer in the southwestern portion of the Subject Property. The drum contained approximately 8-inches of liquid which eould not be identified by visual inspection alone. Much of the vegetation on each side of the drum was dead or partially dead. It could not be verified if the dead vegetation may have been the result of a release from the drum, or had resulted naturally. Given the condition of the drum and the state of the immediately adjacent vegetation, a possible release from the drum could not be dismissed by visual inspection alone. Therefore, the drum is considered a suspect REC. 8.2 Historical RECs No historical RECs were identified during this Phase I ESA Page 24 Cosentino Property Pha~e I ESA.doc Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 FJ!/!C11'flf 152 8.3 De Minimis Conditions The significant amount of debris observed on the Subject Property represents de minimis conditions identified as part of this Phase I ESA. 9.0 OPINION This section presents the environmental professional's opinion(s) of the impact on the property of conditions identified in the findings section. With the exception of the drum identified previously as a Suspect REC, no other evidence was observed to indicate a release of any hazardous materials or petroleum products has occurred on the subject property. There is no evidence that there has been significant use or storage of hazardous materials or petroleum products throughout the historic use of the subject property. Review of historical aerial photography alone does not indicate any environmental impairment to the Subject Property. The amount, type and location of miscellaneous debris also indicate that the property may have been utilized as a dump on an intermittent basis. Dumping was most likely performed illegally. All debris observed on the Subject Property should be removed and disposed of at a proper disposal facility. ECT was unable to visually inspect all portions of the Subject Property due to dense vegetation and ground cover. Attempts were made to inspect areas that may have included activity based on review of historical aerial photography ECT recommends performance a linlited Phase II investigation of the drum previously identified as a Suspect REC. Again, because a possible release from the drum could not be ruled out by visual inspection alone, and given the dead state of the vegetation adjacent to the drum, a limited Phase II investigation is recommended. More specifically, ECT recommends that soil and groundwater adjacent to the drum be investigated for the presence of petroleum constituents. 10.0 CONCLUSIONS ECT has performed a Phase I ESA in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527 of the 2021 Rivers Road property in Naples, Florida. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Section 11 of this report. This assessment has revealed evidence of one Suspect recognized environmental condition (REe) in connection with the property. A limited Phase II ESA is recommended to investigate the Suspect REC. The limited Phase II recommendation is discussed in further detail in Section 9.0. Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 25 Ee, Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 53 of 152 11.0 DEVIATIONS/DATA GAPS The following deviations from the ASTM practice were identified: . The recently-enacted All Appropriate Inquiry standard and ASTM practice indicates that the Tribal equivalent of the CERCLIS, Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill (SWF/LF), Institutional Control/Engineering Controls, Voluntary Cleanup, LUST and Brownfields databases be searched. It is the understanding of ECT that these databases are not available for the State of Florida. Given that all other databases searched did not identifY the subject site, the impact of this deviation is considered negligible with regard to identifying RECs. 12.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES The following additional services were not provided as part of the scope for conducting this phase I ESA: Radon assessment; Asbestos; Lead-based paint; Health and safety; Lead in drinking water; Ecological rcsources; Wetlands; Endangered species; Regulated compliance; Indoor air quality; Cultural and historic resources; Biological agents; and Industrial hygiene; Mold. Page 26 Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc ECT Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 54 of 152 13.0 REFERENCES FirstSearch Technology Corporation Environmental Database Report, Rivers Road, Naples, Florida, 34120, May 4, 2010. FirstSearch, 2008. Sanborn Map Report, Rivers Road, Naples, Florida 34120, May 4, 2010. FirstSearch, 2008. City Directory Review, Rivers Road, Naples, Florida 34120, May 2010. Collier County Property Appraisers Website, 2010. Collier County Property Appraisers, 2008. Rivers Road, Naples, Florida, 34120. Aerial Photographs. Knapp, Michael S., Wm. Scott Bums, and Timothy S. Sharp, Preliminmy Assessment of the Groundwater Resources of Western Collier County, Florida, Technical Publication #86-1, South Florida Water Management District, 1986 U.S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series Topographic Map, 1958 photorevisions 1987. Corkscrew SW, Florida. University of Florida's Website, State University System of Florida, 2008. Aerial Photographs, March 2008. Florida Department of Transportation, 2008. Aerial Photographs Requested, March 24, 2008. Cosentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Page 27 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 55 of 152 ~- =_1 14.0 SIGNATURE(S) OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONAL(S) The environmental assessment described herein was conducted by the undersigned employees of ECT. ECT's investigation consisted solely of the activities described in the Introduction of this report, and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Standard Consulting Services Agreement signed prior to initiation of the assessment, as applicable. I declare that, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definition of environmental professional as defmed in ~312.10 of 40 C.P.R. 312. I, have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject property. I have developed and performed the all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 C.P .R. Part 312. Report Prepared By: ~ . (' I \ '----, (~~ /17 i 1/ " ,\ /"., ) 1;'/ // ;-, ) I / /, " "C ''___. /~., './' \/ .~' ;":">J'// :: // Daniel V. Scippo :~ /~'!/"':!'I I "." /-' '- I...' / I Senior Associate Engineer . Itlt!lllll.llth Report ReViewed and Approved By ,\\\\\"\\(-lr )!i2",,<-, # v ~""'E"II..<Cl1i''''-:- - ! ....~C sC'.... .~~ )On . ,l I ." ~ . - Cli. ~~'4:----- ~ i N' 40 '-: 1 (', '" *! * : * ~ % \ STATE OF ! ~ ~...c.5:~ .. :;; - ~~. A .t:;- ~ L. Duane Dungan, P.G., C.P.G. %~....zORI~~'-::'<3',f :.;a:....;.~~ .........e(j\,'-l ~,\.... ~/;;(JIONAL e.\.. \\\\\.... '/il.'I//:fJIWIII\\' Principal Geologist Consentino Property Phase I ESA.doc Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 56 of 152 Agenda Item No. 1 DE June 22,2010 Page 57 of 152 FIGURES Agenda Item No.1 DE June 22. 2010 Page 58 of 152 APPENDIX A FirstSearch Database Search Report June 22, 2010 Page 59 of 1 52 FirstSearch Technology Corporation Environmental FirstSearcJr Report Ir~~u I --~'-'---""--'-'----"'-'-'---~'-"-------'-""'-'-_.--------_._~._------_." -~-~-~---I Ta~get Property: CONSE~Y A nON COL!-IER , 1 2021 RIVERS ROAD NAPLES FL 34120 Job Number: 100001 Ii .__'1 --------------~ PREPARED FOR: ECT 4100 Center Pointe Drive, Ste 112 Fort Myers, FL 33916 05-04-10 Tel: (407) 265-8900 Fax: (407) 265-8904 Environmental FirstSearch is a registered trademark of FirslScarch Technology Corporation. All right" reserved. Environmental FirstSearch Search Summary Report Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 60 of 152 Target Site: 2021 RIVERS ROAD NAPLES FL 34120 FirstSearch Summary Database Sel Updated Radius Site 1/8 1/4 1/2 1/2> ZIP TOTALS NPL Y 02-23-10 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NFL Delisted Y 02-23-10 0.50 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 CERCLIS Y 04-29-10 0.50 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 NFRAP Y 04-29-10 0.50 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 RCRA COR ACT Y 02-16.10 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCRA TSD Y 02-16-10 0.50 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 RCRA GEN Y 02-16-10 0.25 0 0 0 - - 1 I Federal Brownfield Y 04-19-10 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 0 ERNS Y 04-29-10 0.12 0 0 - - - 50 50 Tribal Lands y 12-01-05 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 1 I State/Tribal Sites y 04-08-10 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 State Spills 90 Y 02-03-10 0.12 0 0 - - - 4 4 StatelTribal SWL y 09-15-09 0.50 0 0 0 0 - 1 1 State/Tribal LUST Y 02-03-10 0.50 0 0 0 0 - 2 2 State/Tribal UST/AST y 02-03-10 0.25 0 0 0 - - 19 19 State/Tribal EC y 03-10-10 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 0 StatelTriballC y 03-10-10 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 0 State/Tribal VCP y NA 0.50 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 StatelTribal Brownfie1ds Y 02-04-10 0.50 0 0 0 0 - 1 I FINDS Y 05-29-09 0.25 0 0 0 - - 149 149 Federal Other Y 01.01-09 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 0 State Other Y 02-03-10 0.25 0 0 0 - - 0 0 FI Map Coverage y 03-26-10 0.12 0 0 - - - 0 0 F ederall CIEC y 03-12.10 0.50 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - TOTALS. 0 0 0 0 0 228 228 Notice of Disclaimer Due to the limitations, constraints, inaccuracies and incompleteness of government infonnation and computer mapping data currently available to FirstSearch Technology Corp., certain conventions have been utilized in preparing the locations of all federal, state and local agency sites residing in FirstSearch Technology Corp.'s databases. All EPA NPL and state landfill sites are depicted by a rectangle approximating their location and size. The boundaries of the rectangles represent the eastern and western most longitudes; the northern and southern most latitudes. As such, the mapped areas may exceed the actual areas and do not represent the actual boundaries of these properties. All other sites are depicted by a point representing their approximate address location and make no attempt to represent the actual areas ofthe associated property. Actual boundaries and locations of individual properties can be found in the files residing at the agency responsible for such infonnation. Waiver of Liability Although FirstSearch Technology Corp. uses its best ellorts to research the actual location of each site, FirstSearch Technology Corp. does not and can not warrant the accuracy of these sites with regard to exact location and size. All authorized users of First Search Technology Corp.'s services proceeding are signifying an understanding of FirstSearch Technology Corp.'s searching and mapping conventions, and agree to waive any and a1l liability claims associated with search and map results showing incomplete and or inaccurate site locations. Environmental FirstSearch Site Information Report Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 61 of 152 Request Date: Requestor Name: Standard: 05-04-10 Dan Scippo ASTM-05 Search Type: Job Number: COORD 10000 I Target Site: 2021 RIVERS ROAD NAPLES FL 34120 Demographics Sites: 228 Non-Geocoded: 228 Population: NA Radon: NA Site Location Longitude: Latitude: De2rees (Decimal) -81.648986 26.265739 14 De2rees (Min/Sec) -8] :38:56 26:] 5:57 Easting: Northing: Zone: UTMs 435195.792 2905111.852 17 Elevation: Comment I Comment: l Additional Requests/Services Adjacent ZIP Codes: 0 Mi]e(s) Services: 11 r=[~- Sel _I i ._ II Fire Insurance Maps , ' Aeriat Photographs Historical T opOS " I City Directories , ~it]e Sear Chi. Env Liens Municipal Reports , I ! I I Online T OpOS ~ . Re uested? Date=:] ZIP Code Cit Name ST Dist/Dir I 'I ~ Yes No No Yes No No No 05-04-10 05-04-10 Agenda Item NO.1 DE Environmental FirstSearch June 22, 2010 Page 62 of 152 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 10000] NAPLES FL 34]20 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir E]evDiff Page No. FINDS AVE MARIA WATER AND WASTEWATER OIL WELLATCAMPKEAIS RD NON GC N/A N/A 110022456484/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS BOXWOOD ]4200 COLLIER BLVD NON GC N/A N/A I] 0033639329/FRS NAPLES FL34120 FINDS BOLERO INT OF VANDERBILT and AIRPO NON GC N/A N/A 1] 0009101578/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS B]G CORKSCREW ISLAND - NAPOLI 22ND AVE NE and DESOT BLVD NON GC N/A N/A ] ] 0032792075/FRS NAPLES FL34]20 FINDS BERMUDA PALMS IMMOKALEE (4985 SANDRA BAY NON GC N/A N/A ] 10035473476/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS BERMUDA PALMS IMMOKALEE (4985 SANDRA RD NON GC N/A N/A ] 10015617199/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS BERKSHIRE LAKES PARCEL E UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A ] 1001 1346301lFRS NAPLES FL FINDS BERKSHIRE LAKES PARCEL E UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A ] 10009134971/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS BELLAGlO APARTMENTS LIVINGSTON RD NON GC N/A N/A ] 10020526]80/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS A VIANO AT NAPLES E SIDE LIVINGSTON RD, S OF NON GC N/A N/A ] ] 0035445845/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS AVE MARlA--TOWN RESIDENTIAL () OIL WELL AT CAMP KEAIS RD NON GC N/A N/A 1 ]OO22833790/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS AVE MARIA--TOWN CORE {) OIL WELL AND CAMP KEAIS R NON GC N/A N/A II0022833825/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS AMERICA S BUSINESS PARK ] E /2 MILE OF OLD US-41 NON GC N/A N/A 110020531771 /FRS NAPLES FL FINDS AVE MARIA--ENTRY ROAD () OIL WELL AT CAMP KEAIS RD NON GC N/A N/A II0022833807/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS BRYNWOOD PRESERVE LIVINGSTON ROAD, SOUTH OF P NON GC N/A N/A ] 10012322780/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS AVE MARIA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS OIL WELL AT KEAIS RD NON GC N/A N/A l10022456518/FRS NAPLESFL34120 FINDS AVE MARIA - - TOWN RESIDENTIAL OIL WELL RD and CAMP KEAIS NON GC N/A N/A 110035471646/FRS NAPLES FL34]20 FINDS AVE MARIA - - TOWN CORE OIL WELL RD and CAMP KEAtS NON GC N/A N/A 110035472244/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS AVE MARIA - - ENTRY RD OIL WELL RD and CAMP KEAIS NON GC N/A N/A l10035472253/FRS NAPLES FL34]20 FINDS AUDUBON SOUTH OUT -PARCEL LOCATED WITHIN THE AUDUBON NON GC N/A N/A IIOO20541243/FRS NAPLES FL Agenda Item NO.1 DE Env~onmenmIF~stSea~h June 22, 2010 Page 63 of 1 52 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 10000 I NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. FINDS AUDUBON SOUTH OUT - PARCEL LOCATED WITHIN THE AUDUBON NON GC N/A N/A 1 100354673 12/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS APRIL CIRCLE IMMOKALEE RD NON GC N/A N/A IIOO09080074/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS AMSOUTH BANK - RATTLESNAKE (HA RATTLESNAKE AND US 4], TRAC NON GC N/A N/A 1l0020541038/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS AMSOUTH BANK - RADIO NW CORNER OF SANTABARBARA NON GC N/A N/A 1] 0020 I 73836/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS AMSOUTH BANK NW CORNER OF SANTABARBARA NON GC N/A N/A 110035468516/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS AMSOUTH BANK RATTLESNAKE and US 4], TRI\C NON GC N/A N/A I 10035462282/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS MANDALA Y PUD N SIDE OF RATTLESNAKE HAMM NON GC N/A N/A 110020531780/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS AVE MARIA--K-12 SCHOOL SITE o OIL WELL AND CAMP KEAIS R NON GC N/A NiA 110022833816/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS COMMUNITY SCHOOL OF NAPLES o UNKNOV./N NON GC N/A N/A I IOO27088755/FRS NAPLES FL RCRAGN VALENCIA GOLF COURSE 11705 DOUBLE EAGLE TRL NON GC NiA N/A FLROOO 120063/VGN NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS HESS STATION 09363 4171 TAMIAMI TRL NON GC NiA N/A 1IOO35691472/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS HERITAGE GREENS GOLF COURSE OFF IMMOKALEE ROAD. 2 MILES NON GC N/A N/A l10035463977/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS HAWTHORNE W OF 951, N OF GRAND LELY 0 NON GC N/A N/A 11OO35461041/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS HAWTHORNE W OF 951, OF GRAND LELY NON GC N/A N/A IIOO22413798/FRS l\' APLES FL FINDS HAMMOCK BAY (FKA MARCO SHORES) MAINSAIL DR NON GC N/A N/A IIOOI2677497/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS GULFVIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL o UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A I 10025854181/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS GORDON RIVER GREENWAY PHASE 1 SECTIONS 2 and 3, TWNSHP 50 NON GC N/A N/A IIOO35456306/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY ATSUNSHIN GOLDEN GATE / SUNSHINE BL YO NON GC N/A N/A 110035452710/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AT SUNSHIN GOLDEN GATE / SUNSHINE PKY NON GC N/A N/A 1] 0020553818/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD CR 876 CR 951-WILSON BLVD NON GC N/A N/A IIOOO9105752/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 Agenda Item No.1 DE Env~onmenmIF~stSearch June 22, 2010 Page 64 of 152 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 100001 NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. FINDS GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD RECONSTRUCT EXISTING RD NON GC N/A N/A I ] 00 I 0 I 22802/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS BRIARWOOD UNIT II UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A 110011346766/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS CORKSCREW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1065 COUNTY 858 RD NON GC N/A N/A 110022224886/FRS NAPLES FL34120 FINDS BRIARWOOD UNIT TWO N OF RADIO 1 MILE RD NON GC N/A N/A 110009080467/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS COLLIER S RESERVE CR 846 and US NON GC N/A N/A 110009079479/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS COLLIER COUNTY VOCATIONAL-TECH o UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A ] ] 0025688343/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS COLLIER COUNTY REGIONAL WTP UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A ] 10013173127/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT RATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK RD and NON GC N/A N/A l10035459786/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS CLASSICS PLANTATION ESTATES- CLASSICS PLANTATION ESTATES NON GC N/A N/A 110012809292/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS CITY GATE PUD NE CORNER OF CR 951 NON GC N/A N/A ] IOO15730538/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS CHARLEE ESTATES PHASE II T AMIAMI TRAIL E and CHlCKEE NON GC N/A N/A 110020174238/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS CHARLEE EST A TES PHASE 2 T AMIAMI TRAIL E and CHICKEE NON GC N/A N/A 110035449459/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS CCPS SCHOOL L WWTF I I I 10 IMMOKALEE RD NON GC N/A N/A I] 0035622056/FRS NAPLES FL34] 20 FINDS CARVER SCHOOL o UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A l10026384543/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS CAMERON COMMONS - UNIT 1 NEC OF CR-95 I and IMMOKALEE NON GC N/A N/A l10037316099/FRS NAPLES FL34120 FINDS ALLIGATOR ALLEY N, SIDE OF DAVIS BLVD. 1/8 NON GC N/A N/A 110035459866/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS CORKSCREW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1065 COUNTY 858 RD NON GC N/A N/A II0036467891/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 ERNS CORNER OF PINE RIDGE AND 1-75 UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A NRC-590403/MOBILE NAPLES FL ERNS NEAR PELICAN ISLE YACHT CLUB NEAR PELICAN ISLE YACHT CLU NON GC N/A N/A NRC-872083/STORAGE TANK NAPLES FL ERNS NAPLES CITY DOCK CITY DOCK NON GC N/A N/A NRC-892914/FIXED NAPLES FL Agenda Item NO.1 DE Environmental FirstSearch June 22, 2010 Page 65 of 152 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 100001 NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. ERNS LEAVING TIN CITY ON NAPLES BAY NON GC N/A N/A NRC-654169/FIXED NAPLES FL ERNS IRECO FLORIDA INC 2 E MILES OF THE TOLLGATE P NON GC N/A N/A 263389/HIGHW A Y RELATED NAPLES FL ERNS INTERSTATE 75, WESTBOUND INTERSTATE 75, WESTBOUND NON GC N/A N/A NRC-550374/MOBILE NAPLES FL ERNS INTERSECTION OF ROUTE 95 I and UNKNO\VN NON GC N/A N/A NRC-767269/MOBILE NAPLES FL ERNS INTERSECTION OF COLLIER BL YO a NON GC N/A N/A NRC-800532/MOBILE NAPLES FL ERNS IN FRONT OF THE PROPERTY 776 K IN FRONT OF THE PROPERTY 77 NON GC N/A N/A NRC-927454/MOBILE NAPLES FL ERNS 1-75 NORTH BOUND AT MILE MARKE UNKNOW~ NON GC N/A N/A NRC-856638/MOBILE NAPLES FL ERNS 1-75 i MILE MARKER 84 1-75 MIl.E MARKER 84 NON GC N/A N/A NRC-543913/MOBILE NAPLES FL ERNS FLEET TRANSPORT INTERSTATE 75 WESTBOUND NON GC N/A N/A 311638/HIGHWAY RELATED NAPLES FL FINDS AMERICA S BUSINESS PARK 1/2 MILE EAST OF OLD U$-41 NON GC N/A N/A llOO35469506/FRS NAPLES FL ERNS DALLAS BOAT CHARTER TEN CITY, NEAR THE GORDAN R NON GC N/A N/A 328 I 74/FIXED FACILITY NAPLES FL ERNS ON DAVIS BLVD NEAR THE INTERSE UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A NRC-850911/STORAGE TANK NAPLES FL ERNS COLLIER COUNTY SOUTH REGIONAL 3835 CITY GATE DR NON GC N/A N/A NRC-923384/FIXED NAPLES FL ERNS COLLIER CNTY PUBLIC SCH. COUGAR BUS MAINTENANCE TERM NON GC N/A N/A 161914/FIXED FACILITY NAPLES FL ERNS COLLIER 8L YD BETWEEN RATTLE UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A NRC-796678/MOBILE NAPLES FL ERNS AUTO AIR NAPLES SHIRLEY 51' NON GC N'A N/A 579008/HIGHW A Y RELATED NAPLES FL ERNS AT THE GORDON RIVER AS IT EMPT UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A NRC~824947/VESSEL NAPLES FL ERNS 4333 20TH STREET NW 4333 20TH ST NW NON GC N/A N/A NRC-889944/FIXED NAPLES FL ERNS 4333 20TH STREET NE 4333 20TH ST NE NON GC N/A N/A NRC -89398 J/FIXED NAPLES FL ERNS 4171 TAMIMITRAIL 4171 TAMIAMI TRL NON GC N!A N/A NRC-909847/FJXED NAPLES FL Agenda Item No. 10E Environmental FirstSearch June 22, 2010 Page 66 of 152 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 100001 NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. ERNS 3419 BOCA CIEGO DRIVE 3419 BOCA CIEGO DR NON GC N/A N/A NRC-928888/FIXED NAPLES FL ERNS 1460 14TH AVE NORTH 1460 14TH AVEN NON GC N/A N/A NRC-893593/FIXED NAPLES FL ERNS 1001 PENT AVE SOUTH NON GC N/A N/A NRC-566141iF1XED NAPLES FL ERNS 10 MILES WEST OF THE COLLIER D UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A NRC-849224/MOBILE NAPLES FL ERNS ESTEY AVE AND BROOKSIDE DR. UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A NRC-777983/FIXED NAPLES FL ERNS MILE 58 ALLIGATOR ALLEY HGW NON GC N/A N/A 479923/HIGHW A Y RELATED NAPLES FL FINDS ALLIGATOR ALLEY 'I, SIDE OF DAVIS BLVD. NON GC N/A N/A 110015730547/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS 7-11 25386 THE SOUTHLAND CORPORA TlON53NON GC N/A N/A 1100 I 0048938/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS 7 - ELEVEN 32231 US 41 and COMMERCIAL DRIVE NON GC N/A N/A I 10035455824/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS 13TH ST SW B/16TH SW/GOLDEN GATE BLVD NON GC N/A N/A 1 1003544901 I/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS 13TH ST SW B/W 16TH SW/GOLDENGATEAVE NON GC N/A N/A IIOO201688511FRS NAPLES FL ERNS MILE 58 ALLIGATOR ALLEY HGW NON GC N/A N/A 474249/UNKNOWN NAPLES FL ERNS 1-75 MILE 53 ALLIGATOR ALLE NON GC N/A N/A 412200/HIGHWAY RELATED NAPLES FL ERNS JOSEPH LN NON GC N/A N/A NRC-634165/MOBlLE NAPLES FL ERNS 175 NON GC N/A N/A 343619IHIGHWAY RELATED NAPLES FL ERNS 1-75 WESTBOUND MM 85 5 MI W NON GC N/A N/A 529849IHIGHW A Y RELATED NAPLES FL ERNS SABLE PALM ROAD 3.5MI E OF NON GC N/A N/A 574268iFIXED FACILITY J..;APLESFL ERNS PLAM DR NON GC N/A N/A NRC-532899/PIPELINE NAPLES FL ERNS NORTH BEAR ISLAND SOUTH PADS- UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A NRC-810016iFIXED NAPLES FL ERNS 58TH AVE NON GC N/A N/A 5638411FIXED FACILITY NAPLES FL 34120 Agenda Item No. 10E Environmental FirstSearch June 22, 2010 Page 67 of 152 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 100001 NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site N ame/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. ERNS NORTH OF INTERSECTION DESOTO B UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A NRC-776998/STORAGE TANK NAPLES FL ERNS MM 89 ON HIGHWAY 17511 MIL NON GC N/A N/A 423154/H]GHWAY RELATED NAPLES FL ERNS UTILlTES SEVICES GROUP 1301 PAGELS US I RD NON GC N/A N/A 225598/FIXED F AC]LITY NAPLES FL ERNS TURNER SEAFOOD N EA R CITY DOCKS NON GC N/A N/A 574302IFIXED FACILITY NAPLES FL ERNS TURNER MARINE UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A 574303/FIXED F AC]LITY NAPLES FL ERNS TRANSPORTSOUTHINC SITE OIL 105 NON GC N/A N/A 542079/UNKNOWN NAPLES FL ERNS TRANSPORTSOUTHINC SITE OIL 105 NON GC N/A N/A 544342/F]XED FACILITY NAPLES FL ERNS SOUTH OF THE 12TH ST. PIER / P NON GC N/A N/A NRC- 716 782IFIXED NAPLES FL ERNS PLANNED PARENTHOOD THE CALLER DID NOT HAVE THE NON GC N/A N/A NRC-516053/F]XED NAPLES FL ERNS PLANNED PARENTHOOD THE CALLER DID NOT HAVE THE NON GC N/A N/A NRC-516035/FIXED NAPLES FL ERNS ON THE LAST BEACH PARKING AREA 01\ THE LAST BEACH PARKING A NON GC N/A N/A NRC-859281/FIXED NAPLES FL ERNS ON THE 5 WEST GULF COURSE 180 1808 IMPERIAL GULF COURSE B NON GC N/A N/A NRC-888724/MOBILE NAPLES FL FINDS MAPLEWOOD UNIT ONE UNKNOWN NON GC NiA N/A 110011346294/FRS NAPLES FL ERNS TAYLOR NON GC N/A N/A NRC-816474/FIXED NAPLES FL FINDS NAPLES WATER DEPT UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A 110013173] 09/FRS NAPLES FL F]NDS SOUTHERN GOLDEN GATES ESTATES- N OF BROKEN WING RANCH NON GC NiA NiA 1100] 5725447/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS SOUTHERN GOLDEN GATES EST A TES N OF BROKEN WING RANCH TO I NON GC N/A N/A 110035477] 32/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS SONNY S REAL PIT BARBECUE NE CRN/AIRPORT-PULLlNG RD!W NON GC NiA N/A I ]0009103335/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS PARKER HANNI FIN CORP 1929 DON 51' NON GC N/A N/A 110035479130/FR$ NAPLES FL FINDS PALMETTO RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL 1655 VICTORY LN NON GC N/A NiA 1] 0036026065/FRS NAPLES FL34]20 Agenda Item No. 10E Environmental FirstSearch June 22, 2010 Page 68 of 152 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 10000 I NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. FINDS ORANGETREE UTILITY CO. UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A I 10013173 I 45iFRS NAPLES FL FINDS ORANGE BLOSSOM RANCH PHASE I A o OIL WELL AND BIG ISLAND R NON GC N/A N/A ] 10024391 I 93iFRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS ORANGE BLOSSOM RANCH - PHASE I UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A l10035682302iFRS NAPLES FL 34]20 FINDS ORANGE BLOSSOM RANCH - PHASE 1 OIL WELL RD and BIG ISLAND NON GC N/A N/A 110035479817/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 F]NDS ORANGE BLOSSOM RANCH - PHASE 1 UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A I 10032773871iFRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS NTGARGIULO - NAPLES TOMATO GRO ]5000 N OLD US 41 NON GC N/A N/A 110035469249iFRS NAPLES FL FINDS FIDDLERS CREEK PHASE IA UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A 110011343796/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS NET REALTY HOLDING TRUST ] 900 N T AMIAMI TRAI NON GC N/A N/A 110035450990/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS ST. AGNES CATHOLIC CHURCH NE CORNER CR 951 and VANDER NON GC N/A N/A 1 IOOI2676899iFRS NAPLES FL FINDS MACASPHALT APAC NAPLES QUARRY NON GC N/A N/A 11 00] 2622563/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS LIVINGSTON ROAD PHASE 11 GOLDEN GATE TO PINE RIDGE NON GC N/A N/A 110009008509IFRS NAPLES FL FINDS LIVINGSTON RD - PHASE 2 GOLDEN GATE TO PINE RlDGE I NON GC N/A N/A l10035465984/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS LIVING WORD FAMILY CHURCH 10910 IMMOKALEE RD NON GC N/A N/A I ]OO37935795/FRS NAPLES FL34120 FINDS LEWIS and CLARK HIGH SCHOOL OIL WELL RD NON GC N/A N/A 110035463021iFRS NAPLES FL FINDS LA URAL OAKS ELEMENTARY 7800 IMMOKALEENAPLES 341]9 NON GC N/A N/A 11002091 lllOiFRS NAPLES FL FINDS LAKE PARK SCHOOL o UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A 110027027848/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS KENSINGTON PARK UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A 110011348201IFRS NAPLES FL FINDS INDIAN LAKES - AKA. OLD CYPR N OF IMMOKALEE and RD NON GC N/A N/A 1100] 5730Q93/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS INDIAN LAKES NORTH OF IMMOKALEE RD. and NON GC N/A N/A 110035467429/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS IMMOKALEE RD. (CR 846) COLLIER CR951 TO 43RD AVENE NON GC N/A N/A 1 100 I 5726767/FRS NAPLES FL Agenda Item NO.1 OE Environmental FirstSearch June 22, 2010 Page 69 of 152 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 100001 NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. FINDS MANDALA Y PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPM NORTH SIDE OF RATTLESNAKE H NON GC N/A N/A 1 IOO35451427/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS NORTHBROOKE DR UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A 1100] 1346285/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS VALENCIA LAKES - PHASE 6A UNKNOWN NON GC NiA N/A ] 10035578559/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 UST LODGE AT THE QUARRY 9395 W AETHERED STONE DR NON GC N/A N/A I] 9809439/0PEN NAPLES FL 34120 UST JOHNSON FARMS SECTION 11, 12 TWNSHP 485 R NON GC N/A N/A ] 19810827/CLOSED :-J APLES FL UST HIGHWAY PAVERS INC-N QUARRY SI SR 951 NON GC N/A N/A I I 8732403/CLOSED NAPLES FL UST DUMP TRUCKS COLLISION IMMOKOLEE RD NON GC N/A N/A ] 19805212/CLOSED NAPLES FL UST DUMP TRUCKS COLLlS]ON IMMOKOLEE RD NON GC N!A N/A 119805213iCWSED NAPLES FL UST COLLIER CNTY-S REVERSE OSMOSIS WELLFIELD RO-19S NON GC N/A N/A I 19810559/0PEN NAPLES FL UST COLLIER CNTY WELLHOUSE 16 13TH ST N ACROSS BRIDGE NON GC N/A N/A 119805411/0PEN NAPLES FL 34120 UST COLLIER CNTY WELLHOUSE ] 3 13TH $1' N ACROSS BRIDGE NON GC N/A N/A I ]9805410/0PEN NAPLES FL 34120 UST COLLIER CNTY SCHOOL BD-PALMElT 1655 VICTORY LN NON GC N/A NiA 1 1 9809988/0PEN NAPLES FL 34120 UST COLLIER CNTY S REVERSE OSMOSIS WELLFIELD RO-3]S NON GC N/A N/A 119810558/0PEN NAPLES FL SPILLS COLLIER CNTY EMS FUEL SPILL ]2724 EAST TAMIAMI TRL NON GC N/A N/A ] ] 9806936/CLOSED NAPLES FL FINDS 51' ATE ROAD 858 NORTH NON GC N/A N/A 1100209721 07/fRS NAPLES FL FINDS SR-93 ALLIGATOR ALLEY - 1-75 S 1-75 S OF EXIT 101 and TOLL NONGC N!A N/A 11003545049]/FRS NAPLES fL F]NDS WESTERN INTERCONNECT PHASE 2 LlVINGSTON RO"..INDUSTRIAL SL NON GC N/A N/A ] ] 0020540208/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS ST AGNES CATHOLIC CHURCH NE CORNER CR 951 and V ANDER NON GC N/A N/A I] 0035453005/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS VALENCIA LAKES - PHASE 6A UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A ] ] 0028290] 4l!FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS V ALENC]A LAKES - PHASE 5A AND BERGAMOT LN NON GC N/A N/A llOO22456527/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 Agenda Item No. 10E Environmental FirstSearch June 22, 2010 Page 70 of 152 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 100001 NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. FINDS VALENCIA GOLF COURSE 11705 DOUBLE EAGLE TRL NON GC N/A N/A 110022433570iFRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS VALENCIA GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB 14020 IMMOKALEE RD NON GC N/A N/A 110022457072iFRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS US41 (SR90); FROM BAREFOOT WIL FROM BAREFOOT WILLIAMS TO S NON GC N/A N/A 110015623627/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS US DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR BEAR ISLAND CAMPGROUND NON GC N/A N/A 1100]0052307/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS THE BOULEVARD SHOPPES NAPLES BLVD NON GC N/A N/A ] 100210 I 9654/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS TERAFINA ONE MILE N OF IMMOKALEE RD. NON GC N/A N/A l10035467438/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS TERAFINA ONE MILE N OF IMMOKALEE RD. NON GC N/A N/A l10015730084/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS STATE RD45 (US41) FROM CR887 TO CR846 NON GC N/A N/A 1I0009103914iFRS NAPLES FL FINDS STATE RD45 (US41) FROM CR846 TO S OF MYRTLE R NON GC N/A N/A 110009103905/FRS NAPLESFL FINDS ESTATES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 5945 EVERGLADES BLVD N NON GC N/A N/A 110036026083/FRS NAPLES FL34120 FINDS ROOKERY BAY RD NON GC N/A N/A 110020972090iFRS NAPLES FL FINDS QUARRY EON IMMOKALEE RD 3600 FEET NON GC N/A N/A 110035461755/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS TWIN EAGLES - PARCEL 102 TWIN EAGLES BLVD NON GC N/A N/A I] 0032757782iFRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS TWIN EAGLES - PARCEL 101 TWIN EAGLES BLVD NON GC N/A N/A 110035498477iFRS NAPLES FL34 I 20 FINDS TWIN EAGLES - PARCEL 10 I TWIN EAGLES BLVD NON GC N/A N/A 110024457194/FRS NAPLES FL34120 F]NDS TUSCANY RESERVE EAST OF LIVINGSTON RD WEST NON GC N/A N/A 1I0035479069/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS TRAIL RIDG E LS41 APPROXIMATELY 114 MIL NON GC N/A N/A l10035470442/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS TRAIL RIDGE o US 41 APPROXIMATELY 114 M NON GC N/A N/A 1I0024385306/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS TlB BANK AT PINE AIR LAKES NAPLES BLVD NON GC N/A N/A 110021024988/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS SITE ID 120210003 E NAPLES FIRE DEPT NON GC N/A N/A 1 I 00069798 I 3/FRS NAPLES FL Agenda Item NO.1 DE Environmental FirstSearch June 22, 2010 Page 71 of 152 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 100001 NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. FINDS SI L VER LAKES UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A llOO11348103/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS SHOPS OF GOLDEN GATE ESTATES GOLDEN GATE and WILSON BL YD NON GC N/A N/A I 10038271599/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS SAINT ANN SCHOOL o UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A ] ]0025943273/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS FIDDLERS CREEK PHASE I B UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A 1] 00 11343661IFRS NAPLES FL FINDS QUARRY LAKE ESTATES MARETEE OFF OF GREENWAY RD NON GC N/A N/A 110020172775/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS US DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR BIG CYPRESS SANCTUARY NON GC N/A N/A ] IOOO9129656/FRS NAPLES FL F]NDS PORT OF THE ISLANDS-SOUTH OFF US 41 SOUTH OF NAPLES NON GC N/A N/A 1100] 0042738IFRS NAPLES FL FINDS PINEWOOD PRlV ATE SCHOOL o UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A ] 10025733605/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS PINE RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARKMSTU UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A I10011347961/FRS NAPLES FL F]NDS PELICAN STRAND PUBLlX SE CORNER OF STRAND BL VD/T A NON GC N/A N/A l10009092365/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS NAPLES SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST C o UNKNOWN NON GC NiA N/A ] 1002563795] /FRS NAPLES FL FINDS NAPLES SANITARY LANDFILL 1 E _5 Ml SR 951 JeT NON GC N/A N/A IIOO13929188/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS NAPLES MUNI UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A l10038015420/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS NAPLES ADULT HIGH SCHOOL o UNKNOV./N NON GC NiA N/A 110025637899/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS MOBIL SERVICE STATION 02 - Al9 40 N.9 TH ST NON GC N/A N/A IlOO35467303iFRS NAPLES FL FINDS MIDDLE SCHOOL EE 4255 lXTH AVENE NON GC N/A N/A 110036026] 45/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS MEDITERRA PHASE THREE EAST - U E OF INTERSECTION OF LIVING NON GC N/A NiA I] 0022413690/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS MARCO LAKES ASR NORTHEAST OF US 41 and SR 9 NON GC N/A N/A IlOo35449404/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS SABAL PALM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4095 I !nH AVE NE NON GC N/A N/A ] ] 0036026 I 09/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 UST COLLIER CNTY NRO ] 9 10425 VANDERBILT BEACH RD NON GC N/A N/A 1198 I0342iOPEN NAPLES FL Agenda Item No.1 DE Environmental FirstSearch June 22, 2010 Page 72 of 152 Sites Summary Report Target Property: 202t RIVERS ROAD JOB: 100001 NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. FINDS EDISON VILLAGE NORTHWEST CORNER OF COLLIER NON GC N/A N/A l100354473S0/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS ECKERD NEC US 41 and NON GC N/A N/A 110015729390/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS EAST NAPLES MIDDLE SCHOOL o UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A I 10027025662/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS DOVE POINTE UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A 11001 1345883/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS DOMINION VIDEO SATELLITE TOLLHOUSE DR NON GC N/A N/A l10020547229/FRS NAPLES FL FINDS CYPRESS WOODS NE CORNER OF 1-75 and IMMOK NON GC N/A N/A l10035468990iFRS NAPLES FL FINDS CORKSCREW SWAMP SANCTUARY 375 SANCTUARY RD NON GC N/A N/A 110035600560iFRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS CORKSCREW MIDDLE SCHOOL 1165 COUNTY 858 RD NON GC N/A N/A ] 10036467971/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 FINDS CORKSCREW MIDDLE SCHOOL 1165 COUNTY 858 RD NON GC N/A N/A 110022102204/FRS NAPLES FL 34120 TRlBALLAND BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS CONT A UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A BIA-34120 FL34120 BROWNFIELD BA YSHORE CULTURAL ARTS CAT AL YT UNKNOWN NON GC N/A N/A BFII0901000/ACTIVE NAPLES FL LUST DUMP TRUCKS COLLISION lMMOKOLEERD NON GC N/A N/A 119805212/F ACILITY CLOSED NAPLES FL FINDS US 41 (SR 90) FROM BAREFOOT WI FROM BAREFOOT WILLIAMS TO S NON GC N/A N/A IIOO35458368/FRS NAPLES FL UST SNL DISTRIBUTION TRUCK ACCIDEN 1-75 MM 67 NON GC N/A N/A 119805527/CLOSED NAPLES FL FINDS US 41/SR 90 BRIDGES 030013 a ST A 23+ 17.28 TO ST A 68+ 12.6 NON GC N/A N/A IIOO09093872/FRS NAPLES FL UST COLLIER CNTY - S REVERSE OSMOS WELLFIELD RO-36S NON GC N/A N/A 119810556/0PEN NAPLES FL UST COLLIER CNTY - S REVERSE OSMOS WELLFIELD RO-33S NON GC N/A NlA 119810557/0PEN NAPLES FL UST COLLIER CNTY - S REVERSE OSMOS WELLF]ELD RO-26S NON GC N/A N/A 119810560/0PEN NAPLES FL UST COLLIER CNTY - S REVERSE OSMOS WELLFIELD RO-20S NON GC N/A N/A 119810562/0PEN NAPLES FL UST COLLIER CNTY - S REVERSE OSMOS WELLFIELD RO-16S NON GC N/A N/A 1 19810563/0PEN NAPLES FL Environmental FirstSearch Sites Summary Report Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 73 of 152 Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD JOB: 100001 NAPLES FL 34120 TOTAL: 228 GEOCODED: 0 NON GEOCODED: 228 SELECTED: 0 Map ID DB Type Site Name/ID/Status Address Dist/Dir ElevDiff Page No. UST COLLIER CNTY - S REVERSE OSMOS WELLFIED RO-23S NON GC N/A N/A I1981056l!OPEN NAPLES FL SWL OLIVA PROPERT]ES 1226 i ] 264 / 1340 WILD TUR NON GC N/A N/A 95603/ACTIVITY NOT PERMITE NAPLES FL 34120 SPILLS TRUCK WRECK IMMOKALEE and WO IMMOKALEE and WOODCREST ROA NON GC N/A N/A 11980664l!CLOSED NAPLES FL34] 20 SPILLS DUMP TRUCKS COLLISION IMMOKOLEE RD NON GC N/A N/A 119805213/CLOSED NAPLES FL SPILLS DUMP TRUCKS COLLISION IMMOKOLEE RD NON GC ~/A N/A Il9805212/CLOSED NAPLES FL FINDS US DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR CENTER TRL NON GC N/A N/A 1] 00 lOO52290/FRS NAPLES FL UST R A BETHEA JR STATE HWY 858 NON GC N/A N/A I I 8837290/CLOSED IMMOKALEE FL 34] 20 LUST DUMP TRUCKS COLLISION IMMOKOLEE RD NON GC N/A N/A 1 I 9805213/F ACILlTY CLOSED NAPLES FL Environmental FirstSearch Descriptions Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 74 of 152 NPL: EPA NATIONAL PRIORITY LIST - The National Priorities List is a list of the worst hazardous waste sites that have been identified by Superfund. Sites are only put on the list after they have been scored using the Hazard Ranking System (HRS), and have been subjected to public comment. Any site on the NPL is eligible for cleanup using Superfund Trust money. A Superfund site is any land in the United States that has been contaminated by hazardous waste and identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) as a candidate for cleanup because it poses a risk to human health and/or the environment. FINAL - Currently on the Final NPL PROPOSED - Proposed for NPL NPL DELISTED: EPA NATIONAL PRIORITY LIST Subset - Database of delisted NPL sites. The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EP A uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. DELISTED - Deleted from the Final NPL CERCLIS: EPA COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY INFORMATION SYSTEM (CERCLIS)- CERCLIS is a database of potential and confinned hazardous waste sites at which the EP A Superfund program has some involvement. It contains sites that are either proposed to be or are on the National Priorities List (NPL) as well as sites that are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. P ART OF NPL- Site is part ofNPL site DELETED - Deleted from the Final NPL FINAL - Currently on the Final NPL NOT PROPOSED - Not on the NPL NOT VALID - Not Valid Site or Incident PROPOSED - Proposed for NPL REMOVED - Removed from Proposed NPL SCAN PLAN - Pre-proposal Site WITHDRAWN - Withdrawn NFRAP: EPA COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY INFORMATION SYSTEM ARCHIVED SITES - database of Archive designated CERCLA sites that, to the best of EP A's knowledge, assessment has been completed and has detennined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL). This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. NFRAP - No Further Remedial Action Plan P - Site is part ofNPL site D - Deleted from the Final NPL F - Currently on the Final NPL N - Not on the NPL 0- Not Valid Site or Incident P - Proposed for NPL R - Removed from Proposed NPL S - Pre-proposal Site W - Withdrawn RCRA COR ACT: EPA RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY INFORMATION SYSTEM SITES - Database of hazardous waste infonnation contained in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAlnfo), a national program management and inventory system about hazardous waste handlers. In general, all generators, transporters, treaters, storers, and disposers of hazardous waste are required to provide information about their activities to state environmental agencies. These agencies, in turn pass on the information to regional and national EP A offices. This regulation is governed by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984. RCRAlnfo facilities that have reported violations and subject to corrective actions. Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 75 of 152 RCRA TSD: EPA RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY INFORMATION SYSTEM TREATMENT, STORAGE, and DISPOSAL FACILITIES. - Database of hazardous waste information contained in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAlnfo), a national program management and inventory system about hazardous waste handlers. In general, all generators, transporters, treaters, starers, and disposers of hazardous waste are required to provide information about their activities to state environmental agencies. These agencies, in turn pass on the information to regional and national EP A offices. This regulation is governed by tile Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984. Facilities that treat, store, dispose, or incinerate hazardous waste. RCRA GEN: EPAlMA DEPICT DEP RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY INFORMATION SYSTEM GENERATORS - Database of hazardous waste information contained in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAlnfo), a national program management and inventory system about hazardous waste handlers. In general, all generators, transporters, treaters, storers, and disposers of hazardous waste are required to provide information about their activities to state environmental agencies. These agencies, in turn pass on the information to regional and national EP A offices. This regulation is governed by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984. Facilities that generate or transport hazardous waste or meet other RCRA requirements. LGN - Large Quantity Generators SGN - Small Quantity Generators VGN - Conditionally Exempt Generator. Included are RAA TS (RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System) and CMEL (Compliance Monitoring & Enforcement List) facilities. CONNECTICUT HAZARDOUS WASTE MAN1FEST - Database of all shipments of hazardous waste within, into or from Connecticut. The data includes date of shipment, transporter and TSD info, and material shipped and quantity. This data is appended to the details of existing generator records. MASSACHUSETTES HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR - database of generators that are regulated under the MA D EP. VQN-MA ~ generates less than 220 pounds or 27 gallons per month of hazardous waste or waste oil. SQN-MA ~ generates 220 to 2,200 pounds or 27 to 270 gallons per month of waste oil. LQG-MA ~ generates greater than 2,200 Ibs of hazardous waste or waste oil per month. ERNS: EPAlNRC EMERGENCY RESPONSE NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (ERNS) - Database of incidents reported to the National Response Center. These incidents include chemical spills, accidents involving chemicals (such as fires or explosions), oil spills, transportation accident... that involve oil or chemicals, releases of radioactive materials, sightings of oil sheens on bodies of water, terrorist incidents involving chemicals, incidents where illegally dumped chemicals have been found, and drills intended to prepare responders to handle these kinds of incidents. Data since January 2001 has been received from the ~ational Response System database as the EP A no longer maintains this data. Tribal Lands: BIA INDIAN LANDS AND NATIVE ENTITIES IN FLORIDA - database of American Indian reservations in Florida. Tribal Lands: DOl/BIA INDIAN LANDS OF THE UNITED STATES - Database of areas with boundaries established by treaty, statute, and (or) executive or court order, recognized by the Federal Government as territory in which American Indian tribes have primary govermnenta1 authority. The Indian Lands of the United States map layer shows areas of 640 acres or more, administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Included are Federally-administered lands within a reservation which mayor may not be considered part of the reservation. BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFlARS CONTACT - Regional contact information for the Bureau of Indian Affairs offices. State/Tribal Sites: FL DERlDEPIEPA FLORIDA SITES LIST - database of identified facilities and/or locations that the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has recognized with potential or existing environmental contamination. SUPERFUND HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES- database that correlates to the NPL list and includes active, de1isted, and Federal sites. State Spills 90: FDEP PETROLEUM CONTAMINATION AND CLEANUP REPORTS - database of contaminated facility reports provide the Facility ID, Facility Type, Owner Information, for facilities that currently have contamioation Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Score, Rank, Operator Informatililllge>d'6 of 152 State/Tribal SWL: FDEP SOLID WASTE FACILITIES LIST - database concerned with the handliog of waste and includes locations identified with solid waste landfilling or associated activities involving the handling of solid waste. The presence of a site on this list does not necessarily indicate existing environmental contamination, but rather the potential. The FDEP assigns scores to the sites based on the threat to human health and the environment. The Rank is determined by the site's Score and reflects the state's priority for remedial action on that site. Typically, the lower the Rank value, the greater the priority for remedial action from the state. State/Tribal LUST: FDEP LEAKlNG UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS LIST - database of petroleum storage tank systems that have reported the possible release of contaminants. Included within this list are sites that are 10 the Florida Early Detection Incentive (EDI) Program, the Abandoned Tank Restoration Program (ATRP) and the Petroleum Liability Insurance Restoration Program (PLIRP). These programs support remedial action or reimbursement for those sites with environmental problems due to leaking fuel storage tanks. Some sites listed in the report have not yet been accepted in these programs. State/Tribal UST/AST: FDEPIEPA STORAGE TANK AND CONTAMINATION MONITORING DATABASE - Database of all storage tank facilities registered with the Department and tracked for active storage tanks, storage tank history, or petroleum cleanup activity. Information includes facility identification number, site location information, and basic storage tank information such as size, placement, substance stored, installation date and current tank status. TRIBAL LAND UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - database of underground storage tanks that are reported to be on Native American lands. These sites are reported to the region 4 office of the EP A by the local tribal governments. The sites can be identified be their 1D: NL-FL- number. StatelTribal EC: FDEP INSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS REGISTRY DATABASE Subset- database of sites that have institutional controls and engineering controls was developed to assist with tracking those properties upon which an institutional control has been imposed pursuant to the provisions contained in Chapters 376 or 403, F.S. For Brownfield sites the ICR has been prepared for the public and local governments to monitor the status of those controls. State/Tribal IC: FDEP INSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS REGISTRY DATABASE - database of institutional controls was developed to assist with tracking those properties upon which an institutional control has been imposed pursuant to the provisions contained in Chapters 376 or 403, F.S. For Brownfield sites the ICR has been prepared for the public and local governments to monitor the status of those controls. State/Tribal VCP: FL DEP VOLUNTARY CLEANUP PROGRAM- A static state wide database of sites that have or may receive a tax credit. Tax credits are issued based on a percentage of the costs of "voluntary" cleanup. In other words, the person conducting cleanup ispaying for it rather than the site being cleaned up using state fundiogthrough the Drycleaning Solvent Cleanup Program. The following three types of sites may be eligible for tax credits:(1) A drycleaning solvent contaminated site eligible for state-fundedsite rehabilitation under s. 376.3078(3), F.S.;(2) A drycleaniog solvent contaminated site at which cleanup isundertaken by the real property owner pursuant to s. 376.3078(10), F.S., if the real property owner is not also, and has never been, the owner or operator of the drycleaning facility where the contamioation exists; or(3) A brown field site in a designated brownfield area under s. 376.80,F.S. StatelTribal Brownfields: FDEP BROWNFIELDS REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DATABASE- database of reports generated from the Brownfield Access Database which tracks the number of designated Brownfield areas, executed Brownfield site rehabilitation agreements, state and federal programs fundiog, and local Brownfield coordinators' contact information FINDS: EPA FACILITY INDEX SYSTEM(FINDS)/FACILITY REGISTRY SYSTEM(FRS) _ The index of identification numbers associated with a property or facility which the EP A has investigated or has been made aware of in conjunction with various regulatory programs. Each record indicates the EP A office that may have files on the site or facility. A Facility Registry System site has an FRS 10 the status field. RADON: NTIS NATIONAL RADON DATABASE - EPA radon data from 1990-1991 national radon project collected for a variety of zip codes across the United States. Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 77 of 152 Federal Other: EPA SECTION SEVEN TRACKING SYSTEM (SSTS) - database of registration and production data for facilities which manufacture pesticides. VAPOR INTRUSION DATABASE - database that records the migration of volatile chemicals from the subsurface into overlying buildings. Volatile chemicals in contaminated sailor groundwater can emit vapors that may migrate tlrrough soil and into indoor air spaces. State Other: FDEP SINKHOLES - database of sinkholes from the Florida Geological Survey Sinkholes. DRYCLEANERS LIST - database of dry cleaning facilities registered with the Department. Information includes facility identification number, site location information, related party (ovvner) information, and facility type and status. Data is taken from the Storage Tank & Contamination Monitoring database, the registration repository of dry cleaner facility data. CATTLE DIPPING VATS - database of vats that were filled with an arsenic solution for the control and eradication of the cattle fever tick. Other pesticides such as DDT where also widely used. This is a static list from 1910 through 1950s. State Other: US DOJ NATIONAL CLANDESTINE LABORATORY REGISTER - Database of addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department"), and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. All sites that are included in this data set will have an id that starts with NCLR. FI Map Coverage: PROPRIET AR Y FIRE INSURANCE MAP A V AlLABILlTY - Database of historical fire insurance map availability. Environmental FirstSearch Database Sources Agenda Item No. 10E June 22,2010 Page 78 of 152 NPL: EPA Environmental Protection Agency Updated quarterly NPL DELISTED: EPA Environmental Protection Agency Updated quarterly CERCLIS: EPA Environmental Protection Agency Updated quarterly NFRAP: EPA Environmental Protection Agency. Updated quarterly RCRA COR ACT: EP A Environmental Protection Agency. Updated quarterly RCRA TSD: EPA Environmental Protection Agency. Updated quarterly RCRA GEN: EPAlMA DEPICT DEP Environmental Protection Agency, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Updated quarterly ERNS: EPA/NRC Environmental Protection Agency Updated annually Trihal Lands: BIA Bureau ofIndian Affairs Updated when available Tribal Lands: DOl/BIA United States Department of the Interior Updated annually State/Tribal Sites: FL DERlDEPIEP A Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Cleanup Updated quarterly Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 79 of 152 State Spills 90: FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protect Updated quarterly State/Tribal SWL: FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection Updated annually State/Tribal LUST: FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection Updated quarterly State/Tribal UST/AST: FDEPIEPA Florida Department of Environmental Protection Updated quarterly State/Tribal EC: FDhL' Florida Department of Environmental Protect Updated quarterly State/TribaIIC: FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protect Updated quarterly State/Tribal VCP: FL DEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection Updated no longer available State/Tribal Brownfields: FDEP The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Waste Management. Updated quarterly FINDS: EP A Environmental Protection Agency Updated annually RADON: NTIS Environmental Protection Agency, National Technical Information Services Updated periodically Federal Other: EP A Environmental Protection Agency Updated quarterly State Other: FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection Storage Tank & Contamination Molitoring. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Cattle Dipping Vats Agenda Item No.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 80 of 152 Updated quarterly State Other: US DOJ U.S. Department of Justice Updated when available FI Map Coverage: PROPRIETARY Library of Congress Catalogue of Maps Published by Sanborn Mapping and Geographic Information Service in February 1988@ ProQuest Other internally produced datasets Updated quarterly Agenda Item NO.1 DE E . I D' ,(" h June 22, 2010 nVlronmenta rlrst>Jearc Page 81 of 152 Street Name Report for Streets within .25 Mile(s) of Target Property Target Property: 2021 RIVERS ROAD NAPLES FL 34120 JOB: 10000 I Street Name DistJDir Street Name DistJDir Cannon Blvd Krape Rd Rivers Rd 0.08 NE 0.24 SW 0.02 NE HISTORICAL FIRE INSURANCE MAPS NO MAPS A V AILABLE 05-04-10 100001 2021 RIVERS ROAD NAPLES FL 34120 A search of FirstSearch Technology Corporation's proprietary database of historical fire insurance map availability confirmed that there are NO MAPS AVAILABLE for the Subject Location as shown above. FirstSearch Technology Corporation's proprietary database of historical fire insurance map availability represents abstracted information from the Sanbom@ Map Company obtained through online access to the U.S. Library of Congress via local libraries. Copyright Policy & Disclaimer Certain Sanborn@ Fire Insurance Maps are copyrighted material and may not be reproduced without the expressed permission of the Sanborn Map Company. FirstSearch Technology Corporation warrants that it will employ its best efforts to maintain and deliver its information in an efficient and timely manner. Customer acknowledges that it understands that FirstSearch Technology Corporation obtains the above information from sources FirstSearch Technology Corporation considers reliable. However, THE WARRANTIES EXPRESSED HEREIN ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness or suitability for a particular purpose (whether or not FirstSearch Technology Corporation may know, have reason to know, or have been advised of such purpose), whether arising by law or by reason of industry custom or usage. ALL SUCH OTHER WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. .~ <lI':~~ if Environmental FirstSearch 1 Mile Radius ASTM Map: NPL, RCRACOR, STATE Sites Agenda Item)~o~..10E ~~ . 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES FL 34120 I~ /--- / /~ / ~/ ~ T nnon Slv Keri 151 nd Road ane ( l Sanborn Ave I Source: 2005 U.s. Census TIGER Files Target Site (Latitude: 26.265739 Longitude: -8Ui489R6).. Identified Site, Multiple Sites, Receptor ,u NPL, DELNPL, Brownfield, Solid Waste Landfill (SWL), Hazardous Wasl~ TribaJIand... Railroads Black Rings Represent 1/4 Mile Radius; R~d Rin:c RcprC"CHI> ~()(J fl. Rddj'lS -$- ~ t3 " r::0] 0:;'1 qf_!4.~.:,.. /':. jm~ ~._. ." Lf .- " =- .. a. .. (Il .... ~ f/I "l:T ~ c: III 0 .. 0. 0:: 0. ~ ClI a III ~ ~ ::t: ~ 0. .. l/l .... Cannon Blvd Environmental FirstSearch .5 Mile Radius ASTM Map: CERCUS, RCRATSD, LUST, SWL 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES FL 34120 Source: 2005 u.s. Census TIGER Files -$- a ill . I:zJ Target Site (Latitude: 26.265739 Longitude: -81.648986) .. Idf' ' Site, Multiple Sites, Receptor.. N1 ~NPL. Brownfield, Solid Waste Landfill (SWL), Hazardous Waste Triballand... Railroads.. Black Rings Represent 1/4 Mile Radius; Rt"d Ring Reprc5enrs ~()O ft. r{3diu$ 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES FL 34120 .(JI( ;;"'...' , c.H'-. ~'.. :,.,J,e ~.- ., (S Environmental FirstSearch .25 Mile Radius ASTM Map: RCRAGEN, ERNS, UST, FED IC/EC, METH LABS annon Blvd <" ... C/l ::u o tll 0. Source: 2005 Us. Census TIGER Files Target Site (Latitude: 26.265739 Longitude: -l!1.648986).. Identified Site, Multiple Sites, Receptor.. NPL, DELNPL, Brownfield, Solid Waste I~andfil1 (SWT .). Ilazardous Waste Tribal1and... Railroads Black Rings Represent 1/4 Mile Radius; Rc.d Ring R~pr~:ic;]h ~l)\lI!. Rddius -$- ~ . .- [77J ~ o.<{ (11''''..'.''.'. ~..'.J e ~ cs Environmental FirstSearch .25 Mile Radius Non-ASTM Map: No Sites Found 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES FL 34120 ;;:. .., IJl ;;0 o tll 0. Source: 2005 U.S. Census TIGER Files -$- a _ . [:Z3 Target Site (Latitude: 26.265739 Longitude: -81.648986) .. Ide ' Site, Multiple Sites, Receptor .. Nt- _NPL, Brownfield, Solid Waste Landfill (SWL), Hazardous Wagte Triballand... National Historic Sites and Landmark Sites.. Railroads .. Black Rings Represent 1/4 Mile Radius; Red Ring Reprc~ent~ ~OIJ fl Rddiu,; [J]D Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 87 of 152 APPENDIX B Site Photographs Agenda Item No. 1 DE View of tires in vicinity of former wooden structuFe I",' ,-~,,,,- J /}.. i~~ ~,' .(e ! 1,-.... ",(,"ll\~.'.. \.' ,." j'}'';'" 'i' \ . ' '. . ", ,.j.... (- .', ." " \ ," .. ..,r,t.....'... -~'iI' i,"r~tF~.:. ",.~1' "' ~ "~ ,~,,"',,'" ~- ,<,_.~"'.;:\!', ''"' t:.,.j.,(.jI ~~-...- ; , ;~.~' f _~ ...."~{.f. .. 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';:~;' -~- ''''-\' <' Ii; "lo' _' ~ t. -~'-:t'"' , ~ \ ," '-I"'" :\_- '~<!' ;-="'="..",...; ~-- x '. , --.-" ...~, .. ;< <,},! f~" l~'.-~ " ". 1.'..../ .'" if i.., . <".. . f ~ I.;. ill <;;,-:,\: '~ "Jt! . i 5 .~.;~:, ; :1' ! " ......_,: m,., , ,.. t\ --~':J"-:\ ~"":~ " ~,~~,,- <<' ;,.. -",'" .. -'~:, -'1', " ,..\-~' """ Debris pile in vicinity of former wooden structure SITE PHOTOGRAPHS COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Source: ECT, 2010 Eel' Environmental Consulting & Technology, Ine. Agenda Item NO.1 DE View of former wooden structure from north """ . ,.~ ,,"- "~ I 1':t~...,. View of apparent septic system adjacent to former wooden structure SITE PHOTOGRAPHS COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Source: ECT.2010 Eel' Environmental Consulting & Technology, Jnc. Agenda Item No.1 DE _. Water pipe and fitting adjacent to former wooden structure View of abandoned camper in eastern portion of property SITE PHOTOGRAPHS COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Source: ECT,2010 Ee, Environmental Consulting &: Technology. lnc. Agenda Item NO.1 DE View of partially buried drum, pipe and masonry basin (southern portion of property) SITE PHOTOGRAPHS COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Source: ECT,2010 Eei" Environmental Consulting & Technology, Ine. Agenda Item No. 10E " " :.;..' ~ View of east side of trailer (southwest portion of property) ~ \ :' ~~ , View of interior of trailer - west side (southwest portion of property) SITE PHOTOGRAPHS COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Source: Eel,2010 Ee, Environmental Consulting & Technology, foe. Agenda Item No. 10E Water heater adjacent to trailer (southwest portion of property) T-' Debris, including a bath tub and wateF heater just west of trailer (southwest portion of property) SITE PHOTOGRAPHS COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAO, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Source: ECT,2010 Eel' Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. Agenda Item No.1 DE View of trailer from north (southwest portion of property) View of corroded steel drum north of trailer (southwest portion of property) SITE PHOTOGRAPHS COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Source: ECT,2010 Ee7' Environmental Consulting & Technology. 'nc. Agenda Item NO.1 DE " ,"':',:)1, ~ ,-'!.:~. ..\:.... View of empty plastic containers in unidentified location of property (Photo and info provided by Conservation Collier Program; taken in February 2010) SITE PHOTOGRAPHS COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Source: ECT, 2010 Ee, Environmental Consulting &: Technology, Inc. Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 96 of 152 APPENDIX C Qualifications of Environmental Professionals . Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 97 of 152 L. DUANE DUNGAN, P.G., C.P.G. Principal Geologist Education B.S., Geology~1llinois State Uni- versity, 1973 Registrations Professional Geologist, Florida, No. PG0000040 Professional Geologist, Illinois, No. 196-000250 Professional Geologist, Alaska, No. 371 Professional Geologist, Indiana, No. 1423 Professional Geologist, Kentucky, No. 756 Professional Geologist, Pennsylva- nia, No. PG-000035-G Professional Geologist, Tennessee, No. 00003260 Professional Geologist, Virginia, No. 2801 000960 Certified Professional Geologist, American Institute of Professional Geologists. No. 4901,1981 Affiliations American Association of Petroleum Geologists American Institute of Professional Geologists Lafayette (La) Geological Society (Life Member) Everglades Geological Society (Past President) Areas of Specialization Hydrogeology, Field Geology, Con- tamination Assessments, Initial Re- medial Actions, Emergency Envi- ronmental Response, Petroleum Geology, Hazardous Mate- rialslWaste Management, Under- ground Storage Tank Management, Industrial and Domestic Wastewater Permitting Assistance, Ground Wa- ter Modeling, Environmental Site Assessments, Quality Assurance 2e, Project Manager; Grove Caretaking Site, Jack M. Berry-Managed major source removal project under the Florida Department of Environmental Pro- tection (FDEP) preapprova1 program which encompassed excavation/disposal of 0,40.000 tons of diesel fuel contaminated soil and 2.5 acres of free product, followed by site restoration. Project Manager; Breitburn Florida, LLC-Oversee all environmental, health, and safety issues for oil and gas exploration and development company with five active oil fields in South Florida, including water use permitting with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Expert Witness; Conservation Collier Program-Conducted general con- sulting and prepared presentation for Collier County Board of County Com- missioners relating to $32,000,000 purchase of large ranch for conservation. Project Manager; Better Roads, Inc.---Conducted assessments of soil and ground water a numerous facilities in Lee, Charlotte, and Collier Counties, Florida. Oversaw environmental closure activities of asphalt plant located in Charlotte County. Florida. Managed numerous Phase I/Phase II ESAs. Project Manager; Big Island Excavating, Inc.~Performed hydrogeologic studies for expansions/pemlits at numerous rock mines in Charlotte, Lee, and Hendry Counties. Florida. Project Geologist; Southwest Florida Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) Site, Selig Enterprises, Inc.--Conducted extensive assessment of site containing DNAPL using both direct push and conventional drilling at a former dry-cleaning site in Fort Myers, Florida. Project Manager; Garden Street Iron & Metal, Inc.-~-Managed remedia- tion of metal recycling yard contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), mandated by EP A District 4. The risk-based corrective action was completed by encapsulation of contaminated area with reinforced concrete. The recycling yard in Fort Myers, Florida, remains active under a long-term monitoring plan. Project Manager; Jack M. Berry, Inc.-Managed numerous projects in La- Belle, Charlotte, Hendry, and Indian River Counties. Projects included indus- trial wastewater permitting assistance, public drinking water system sampling and permitting, development of ground water monitoring plans, contamination assessments of solid waste landfills, conceptual design of Florida's first wet- land treatment system for industrial wastewater, hydrogeologic studies, emer- gency response for fuel spill, petroleum facility closure assessments, assis- tance with hazardous materials issues, and general geological/environmental consulting, Project Manager; ~ational Linen Service--Managed assessment, remedia- tion, and monitoring of site contaminated with dry-cleaning solvents and chemicals; directed emergency response activities for fuel spill; and assessed underground storage tank contamination. Facilities were located in Lee, Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Highlands Counties, Florida. DmrOhll1elllal Corlsttrttg & TecIYJoiogy, Inc. l::CTFrM\STORAGEAOMINIl\STRATlVE TASKS & DOrUMENTS\UUMAN RESOURCES (fORMS & APPLICATlO!\'S),rN HOUSE RESUMES\7-10-09 RESUMES.DUNGAN.DOC-{)31~ 10 . Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 L. DUANE DUNGAN, P.G., 0!1D.~.of152 Page 2 Project Geologist; Mayport Naval Station-Bioremediation of former pesti- cide mixiog area in Jacksonville, Florida, contaminated with DDT, DDE, PCBs, lindane, and other pesticides. Project Manager; Powers Radiator, Inc.-Managed assessment and remed- iation of lead contamioated soil and ground water, and directed RCRA closure of drum storage area in Lee County, Florida. Project Manager; Barron Collier Companies-Assessment and remediation of former fence-post treatment site 10 Collier County, Florida, contaminated with arsenic, chromium, and copper; assessment and remediation of arsenic- contaminated soil and ground water at golf course maintenance facility in Col- lier County, Florida; numerous transactional environmental audits and assess- ments. Conducted deep lithologic test for data submittal to SFWMD and 10- stallation oflivestock well. Project Manager; Edward C. Levy Company---{:onducted assessments of numerous concrete plants in Collier, Charlotte, and Lee Counties, Florida, in- cluding ground-penetrating radar surveys. Project Manager; Multiple Clients-Conducted numerous Phase I and II environmental site assessments and transactional audits throughout South Flor- ida, includiog a listed CERCLAlRCRA site. Project Manager; Confidential Client-Assessed an illegal solid waste land- fill on newly acquired property in Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida. Project Manager; Coral Rock, Inc.-Managed several contamination as- sessments and initial remedial actions for aboveground petroleum storage fa- cilities at a mining facility in Charlotte County, Florida. Project Manager; Fort Myers News-Press-Provided environmental con- sulting services in hazardous waste management. Conducted emissions inven- tory for Title V permitting. Project Manager; Multiple Clients-Continue to manage numerous conta- mination assessments, underground petroleum storage tank closures, and ini- tial remedial actions at service stations, automobile dealerships, marinas, and other commercial locations, as well as at private residences throughout South Florida. Expert Witness; Lee County, FL-Offered expert geologic testimony for Lee County government before hearing examiner concerning proposed dee- pening of rock quarry near Fort Myers, Florida. Field Geologist; Multiple ClientS-Determined lithologic characteristics and aquifer properties during coring and drilling of numerous exploratory and monitoriog wells in Lee, Hendry, Charlotte, Collier, Manatee, Hardee, DeSoto, and Sarasota Counties, Florida. State Regulator; FDEP-Evaluated ground water monitoring plans and data for domestic and industrial wastewater facilities, served on Technical Advi- sory Committee and oversaw drilling activities for underground injection con- trol projects, evaluated ground water modeling submittals and conducted Eel' Environmental ConscdttIg & Jl!chno.logy, Inc. \\ECTFfM\STORAGE\ADMll\INSTRA T1VE TASKS & DfX:UI\1ENTS\HUMAN RESOURCES {FORMS & APPLlCA T10NS)\1N" HOUSE RESUMES\7-10_09 RESUMES\DUNGAN.DOC_--D312] 0 . Agenda Item No. 10E June 22. 2010 L. DUANE DUNGAN, P.G., O!~.!G.Df 152 Page 3 ground water modeling, using PLASM, MODFLOW, DERMAP, and OWlS through FDEP's South District office. State Regulator; FDEP-Managed assessment and monitoring of chromium- contaminated ground water at old leather tanning facility on former military base in Highlands County. Florida. Also discovered and evaluated an under- ground WarId War II waste locomotive oil tank. State Regulator; FDEP-Acted as Authorized Representative of Administra- tor of EP A for purpose of investigating compliance with mobile source provi- sions of the Clean Air Act throughout the State of Florida. State Regulator; FDEP-Discovered and evaluated a toxaphene drum dis- posal site at a golf course in Lee County, Florida. Exploration Geologist; Texaco, Inc.; Union Texas Petroleum; Lyons Pe- troleum, Inc.; Trevus Exploration, Inc.; DRX, Inc.; L. Duane Dungan, Inc.-Responsible for generating drillable prospects for wildcat exploration wells and for development wells in existing oil and gas fields throughout South Louisiana onshore area from 1973 through 1986. Maintained working interests and royalty interests in many prospects generated. Ee, EnvIronnJentaI ConsutttIg & Technology. Ine. ECTFIM.sTORAGEAD\11l\I'\JSTRA lWE TASKS'& DOCUMENTS'.,HUMAJ\ RESOURCES {FORMS & AI'PLlCATIONS)\JN HOUSE RESUMES\7-10-09 RESUM:ES,DUNGAN,DOC, 0.'-1210 . Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 100 of 152 DANIEL V. SCIPPO Associate Engineer /I Education B.S., Civil Engineering Technolo- gy - Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, N.Y., 2001 Affiliations American Society of Civil Engi- neers, Member Florida Engineering Society, Member Registrations HAZWOPER 40-hour EP A Certi- fication Areas of Specialization Land Development, Environmen- tal Remediation Systems, Envi- ronmental Site Assessments, Sur- face and Ground Water Manage- ment Systems Design and Permit- ting, Storm water Quantity and Quality Treatment Systems De- sign, Modeling and Permitting. Project Engineer; Ford Street Canal Filter Marsh, City of Fort Myers, Florida - Design plans preparation, calculations and flow routing modeling for preparation of permitting package for a proposed 7-acre planted aquatic fil- ter marsh within the City of Fort Myers. Project Engineer; Barron-Collier Company.-Conducted a Phase I envi- ronmental site assessment (ESA) for an 11.5 acre parcel in Collier County. Audit and report pcrformed in accordance with the requirements of ASTM Practice E 1527-05, Phase I ESAs and the Division of State Lands (DSL) In- structions for Environmental Assessments of the FDEP, DSL, and Bureau of Land Acquisition. Project Engineer; Stormwater Master Plan, City of Fort Myers, Florida- Perform field inspections of the City's existing stormwater management sys- tem as part of its NPDES requirements. Collect data and review historical stonnwater management reports in the City. Perform design analysis, storm- water quality analysis and modeling utilizing EP A SWMM software. CADD support to provide the City with status of the existing stonnwater management system as well as provide recommendations for mitigation for both water qual- ity and water quantity issues. Project Engineer; Winkler Canal Filter Marsh, City of Fort Myers, Flori- da -Design plans preparation, calculations and permitting for a proposed 4- acre planted aquatic filter marsh within the City of Fort Myers. Project has been pennitted by the South Florida Water Management District. Assistant Project Engineer; Billy Creek Filter Marsh Park, City of Fort Myers, Florida - Assist in design plan preparation, calculations and permit- ting for a 50+-acre planted aquatic filter marsh / starmwater treatment park within the City of Fort Myers. Assistant Project Engineer; North Estero Drainage Improvements, Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida - Assist in design and construction plan prepa- ration, stormwater calculations, modeling and permitting through the SFWMD for the project for surface water management / drainage improvements to ap- proximately 4,600-LF of road ROW in the Town of Fort Myers Beach. Water quality improvements involved the design of below-grade ex filtration systems at multiple locations along the road ROW. Assistant Project Engineer; Lehigh Express Service Station, Lehigh Acres, Florida - Assist in design plan preparation, calculations, and permit- ting through various regulatory agencies for the purpose of obtaining a Lee County Development Order for the project, which is a proposed 4,500-SF gas- oline/diesel service station in Lehigh Acres, Florida. Project Engineer; Palmetto Church of God, Fort Myers, Florida - Assist in design plan preparation, calculations, and permitting through regulatory agencies for the project for the purpose of obtaining site-work and building permits for the project. The project included an addition to the existing church and a new 2,000-SF Fellowship Hall structure, as well as site improvements as required by the City of Fort Myers. Project Engineer/Manager; Water Use Permit Renewal - Berry Citrus, Inc., LaBelle, Florida - Plan preparation, site investigations, calculations, and preparation of application package for a water use permit renewal for the facil- ity via the South Florida Water Management District. . Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 DANIEL V. $'(J}Ipp(}Jf 152 Page 2 Project Engineer/Manager; Water Use Permit Renewal - Punta Rassa Condominium Association, Lee County, Florida - Plan preparation, site in- vestigations, calculations, and preparation of application package for a water use permit renewal for a 5+/- acre condo-association via the South Florida Wa- ter Management District. Project Engineer; Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Jack M. Berry, Inc.-Performed onsite inspections and inventory of existing mate- rials at the bulk citrus storage facility in LaBelle, Florida, for the purpose of updating and revising existing SWPPP for submittal to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Revised language of SWPPP, prepared revised site plans, and performed ansite training of employees for procedures outlined in the SWPPP. Project Engineer; Sunny Grove Nursery, Lee County, Florida - Plan prep- aration, calculations, and water quantity modeling for an 80-acre landscape nursery for the purpose of revising an existing ERP with SFWMD. Project Engineer; Seminis Vegetable Seeds, Inc., Hendry County, Florida - Plan preparation, design, calculations, and water quantity modeling for ERP and Site Development permitting for a 20-acre agricultural research facility in Hendry County, Florida. Project Engineer; Bunche Beach Park Improvements, Lee County, Flori- da - Assist \"ith plan preparation, design, calculations, and water quantity modeling for ERP permitting for a 5(+/-) acre parking / recreation facility in Lee County, Florida. Project Engineer; Turnbull Investments, St. John's County, Florida - As- sist in preparation of environmental resource permit application for a 450+ acre property in S1. John's County, Florida. Permit required as part of en- forcement resolution with the S1. John's River Water Management District. Engineer; Development Review, City of Fort Myers, Florida - Perform re- view of proposed large residential and commercial projects in the City. Re- view water, sewer, drainage and traffic systems for concurrence with the City's existing and proposed utility and traffic systems, as well as to ensure com- pliance with the City's Growth Management Code and the applicable require- ments of all other local, state and national regulatory agencies. Attend pre- development meetings with design engineers, owners and developers to pro- vide input on the City's existing and proposed infrastructure systems. Perform field visits to inspect on-going projects as well as proposed developments within the City. Site Engineer; Brownfields Remediation project in the Town of Brighton, N.Y. - Perform project oversight & site characterization activities; the conta- mination included ACBM and petroleum constituents in soil and groundwater. Remedial activities included ACBM abatement, building demolition, excava- tion, segregation and disposal of contaminated materials, monitoring well ab- andonment and installation, and implementation of a groundwater monitoring program. Site and Design Engineer; Environmental remediation of the Brooks Landing property in the City of Rochester, N.Y. - Perform oversight includ- ing contractor coordination and reporting to the City and NYSDEC. Performed site characterization activities; the contamination included petroleum contami- . Agenda Item No.1 DE June 22, 2010 DANIEL V. $'(}J/pfD'()1f 152 Page 3 nated soil and groundwater and approximately 1,000 CY of trichloroethene (TCE) impacted granular fill material and TCE impacted groundwater. Re- medial activities performed under a design build contract included excavation, segregation and disposal of contaminated materials, monitoring well aban- donment and installation, and installation of HRC@ into open trenches to treat the TCE impacted groundwater. Implemented a groundwater monitoring pro- gram to monitor the TCE contaminated groundwater plume and a ground- wa- ter extraction program to extract free product from the petroleum contaminated groundwater plume. Perform a NYSDEC Petroleum Spill Site Ioactivation (PSSI) Evaluation on residua' petroleum impacted groundwater. Environmental Engineer; Environmental remediation of the Corn Hill Landing Property, City of Rochester, NY. - Perform environmental over- sight for the removal of petroleum-contaminated soils from the property. Coordinate the removal of contaminated soils and contaminated groundwater from the site and collected confmnatory soil samples from within the excava- tion. The project was performed for the purpose of remediating the site such that it will be suitable for future commercial development. Environmental Engineer; Environmental oversight of a building ventilaw tion system at Tim Hortons Restaurant in Gates, N.Y. - Perform oversight as contaminated soil was excavated for the purpose of installing building foo- ters and underground utilities. Responsible for determining the status of soils removed from the subsurface as well as performing oversight of the ventilation system installation. Perform operation, monitoring and maintenance (OM&M) activities for the active foundation ventilation system and prepared weekly en- vironmental summary reports. Environmental Engineer; Environmental remediation at Heberle Disposal Services, Rochester, N.Y. - Perfonn oversight during the excavation ofpe- troleum-contaminated soils from the site. Responsible for collecting confirma- tory ,oil samples. Perform oversight of the installation of three bedrock- monitoring wells. Prepare a closure report to NYSDEC for the property based on the remedial work performed. Environmental Engineer; Brownfields Environmental Remediation of the Former APCO Property, City of Rochester, N.Y. -Assist in the design and bid phase of the August, 2001 Remediation Plan. Responsible for performing design calculations and preparing reports for the City of Rochester as well as the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). Assist in project oversight during several phases of construction, ranging from contaminated soil excavations to the construction of an on-site bio-remediation cell. Responsible for performing surficial and subsurface soil sampling in sus- pected areas of contamination. Also, assist in routine groundwater sampling. The project included the remediation of 6-acres of contaminated surface and subsurface soil, as well as contaminated groundwater plumes. Total project cost was 4.05 million. Environmental Engineer; Soil Vapor Recovery System, Town of Greece, N.Y. - Responsible for design issues, performing weekly O&M visits to the site and for preparing reports for the client and for the NYSDEC. Assist in the design of the system, which involved vapor recovery wells on-site as well as a blower system for the purpose of remediating volatile organic compounds. The vapor recovery system was precluded by a product recovery system. Environmental Engineer; Emerson Power Transmission~Responsible for weekly visits to the facility for the purpose of monitoring a two-phase system . Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 DANIEL V. ~~f 152 Page 4 which removes and treats contaminated ground water and vapors from ansite wells in Ithaca, New York. Assisted in the process of purging other wells on- site and in taking monthly water and vapor samples from the system. Environmental Engineer; City of Rochester-Performed bi-weekly opera- tion and monitoring of a product recovery system in Rochester, New Yark. The O&M involved a compressor/pneumatic pump system, and monitoring product and water levels in the monitoring and recovery wells. Environmental Engineer; Schultz Landfill-Assisted in project oversight for a week-long program that involved the evaluation of the leachate recovery system in Cheektowaga, New York The program included oversight ofa con- fined spaced entry team while an evaluation of the systems components was performed. Also assisted in quarterly purging and sampling of all monitoring and leachate recovery wells onsite. Assistant Design Engineer; Northwest Quadrant Wastewater Treatment Plant - Solids Handling Improvements Project, Monroe County, N.Y. - assist in the design, bid and construction phase of the project. Investigated and implemented clean and economical forms of heating, cooling and controlling odors at the facility. Conduct field visits, collect design data and corresponded with clients and subcontractors during each phase of the project. The project involved the installation of new centrifugal pumps that were used to de-water solid waste; installation and alterations to piping throughout the plant; design of a plate and frame heat exchange system; and the design of a custom biofilter system for the purpose of treating odors at the facility. Assistant Design Engineer; Inflow and Infiltration Study, Town of Gene- va-Responsible for assisting in field visits which involved the inspection of suspected faulty sewers and catch basin systems throughout Geneva, New York. Also assisted in smoke-testing operations and inspected illegal connec- tions to the sanitary sewer system from homes and business throughout the area. Responsible for updating GIS maps of the area and assisting in the prepa- ration of reports for the town. Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 104 of 152 APPENDIX D Interview Documentation Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Pa~'I1Jtiltlf 152 INTERVIEW DOCUMENTATION Ms. Alexandra Sulecki Coordinator, Conservation Collier Program Mr. Cosentino S ubj ect Property Owner Consentino Property Phase I ESA,doc Page D- t Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 106 of 152 4.0 USER-PROVIDED INFORMATION This section identifies information provided by ECT. .-} (( II:S( ov",. I, n' ,""" ( :/{~(~ to , ( /.' . r. {}~'-..e"'/,!r ~<~,.I~.:~ 4.1 Title Records No title records were provided to ECT by the Client. 4.2 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations {J-li>;Lt/i.4/,;Z:&-"'1 assessment: ./7 ........ k i' .,tJ..t..':~Q,{'__c was asked the following questions as part of the . Are you awaFe of any enviFonmental cleanup liens against the property that are fried or Fecorded under federal. tFibal, state or locallaw?,:'/ /'::$ .i, " /', "';" _ /'A: a4~'~</ <'!..../; L~-,. rc. If ,!OJ I-~/'A!..JC ,-I-- t:: -','./ . Are you awaFe of any activity or land use limitations, such as engineering controls, land use Festrictions or institutional controls that are in place at the site and/or have been filed or recorded in a registry undeF fedeFal. tripal,_state or local Jaw? /( >-l ['[,1..f..--.:1_~/'";:/;-'_>,/.: ~ /"-:~~4.,,/./" -~-/.-;,; !:A:''),r-trlAC T!."<j I.//.,.,.",€ J "r---..5~ Yes OF No to each. and' PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS THAT YOU MAY HA VE HERE. '. I -, -;e." '" c "0'<'-'" '1/'--,., (' yX/; CJz.th A-..J v ;.-/'> ',-f..! - - ,i,' F,.; '~1 C-1'! C.":"" A~ >~:~1-'U-R.f h'.n.J__~ , ;', / f. ?;/' "v '-<'/2 0" ~c), - / ~ t. I f. ,,.. -r",,,_". (( .~~. .. - iJ)lL4,J.{, I,' /..-}J.//I'f J:"II':":./"mp, - :;::,,"V.,l /J_.'_',_~1. ~"~-~t_. ~-..t ,J. ~ ' . i J. . - <L' UtA? pt..r', J~.r"" {!.t;-t.{.lL," ./." /!L_Jo.-i TI ctr'.A.11 -, '1< :~< f" hr..' r AIA.4 ~., j;'J.n..()-d,.{./iC '~I ,y;{"c, /~ ':;f SpecializerK.";~~edge w /, -' ( ,;"7' ....': C ~,(,,::tt .f'{: /L. J~./ .(,) dL,.tl-~-t-"'t< 'C". 4.3 /{ Uj-},[,,,;,,,"', "' d (.t Ht"), /,.., /,' 't.'Cj,!A.~""<t was asked the following questions as part of the assessment: . Do you have any specialized knowledge or experience related to the property or neaFby properties? For example, aFe you involved in the same line of business as the curFent OF fonner occupants of the property or an adjoining property so that you would have special~~! ~/o~~f~ ~r, t~;,:2,:~;~~~n~~~c~~~e~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~7 Z~:t~;'i ~c, d' ~ . AFe you aware of commonly ktlown or reasonably ascertainable information about the property that would help the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened Feleases? FOF example, as useF, o'ci'l 4.J 5/~.../' d.e"'..... Do YOIl know the past uses of the property? /h.p. . . Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 107 of 152 . Do you know of specific chemicals that aFe present or once weFe present at the property? />1..(J . Do you know of spills or other chemical Feleases that have taken place at the property? /7!---O Do you know of any environmental cleanups that have taken place at the propeFty? /'1--1'" Do you know of any pending, threatened. or past litigation Felevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on. or from the property? /1,," Do you know of any pending. thFeatened, or past administFative proceedings Felevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in. on, or from the propeFty? .'~'O . . . . Do you know of any notices from any goveFnmental entity regarding any possible violation of environmental laws or possible liability relating to hazaFdous substances or petroleum products? ,J' , Yes or No to each question. and PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS THAT YOU MA Y HA VE HERE. //' . I ,. ..,' . -/ .-/.... L._f7r-;!.,C~';.._"/2!,-1.L~n) L...-_.:::H'..~"';"L.'::"'.(...5 /}-~....~ " /F-'..-f tJ"lAF7 ,- C-r /; f' 7. "-"-"- r!,v, ,"",4 , 4.4 Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information , , ,---t- ..~-j .' .of. i', I .'.', r ,0. was asked the following question as part of the assessment: . Based on your knowledge and experience related to the property. are theFe any obvious indicators that point to the pFesence or likely presence of contamination at the property? t;c,,;,--- Yes or No. -and PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS THA T YOU MAY HAVE HERE. /1 /C. .(~_~ (r. /' ' [. :<. / /l .'1.-- 'j v lLCi.,-r.{ 1" , ,,<.< _~ ~ _~_\ ,-_,./ _","_,,/:.'&.(4_# f.:,~,j ~J -fd"1 ,,\,.._I'.-?//7' t:.(,.,-/' c.' I / I . ..,/: ~/1,,~ ~' -<J-! -~ ,11..1:. r./.{ : /" 1-,:.f~- ";;"1 ..orj J -/. _J_ ',j ,...--:1 - i ;1 ~~(/:L~~:,)i1.< ""&_",,, J./V"-c.,,," "...vd,f . 3' ()../',,", .Q.e./"(, c' ':'::---<'/_'.(""7>" -;:J - "/i"""'/ ~ ' t/ , i 0__1.L~ /4 jA.,lp.o.j/ (,~ ;)-';- !.'/.,nt:?-€<' Ii I.f ZZr j 4.5 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues / ." ... ,_.~-, ,-----O-iC)4.. L .',v'.q. ..(<.. r" ~C..c.<.2,_ " was asked whether the purchase price for this propeFty reasonably reflects the fair market value of the property. Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 108 of 152 Yes OI'1i~and ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS HERE. ~- <1/ .., , ~ 4<' .:/ Vc2<'.;d_ f~("j. (~J-l12 /ztc_ /" ;/--'7'-'- Z . .,-oL.. . /- _ ""/1 / .~ / /; '-,'./ '.- '. //-., ...,(/ I l.,~ ");. "" <,~, L .'....., /~'(J-r-' ....--&C"".'<:1; -f) ,'::) '-~"'r"""' ~ ~('~ 0r'';'.-(::: .,,_()_1 f.____t:""/' ,_.,~,,_:,,"/"'_'- n' ' < {/ . . /J _ 'r- L ~ . /. I'[).--( .-.f ~ t/-d-LA..L<l./L.Ltf-// /'U!.. fi>-'f:I.-/, --' - ..,.,.- ..< --- ,_ /} '" j -tJ.cr --e. Ji {t'?>l -(l /en ..t..", I /...<Ol.~~./::.:.> 7.1 Interviews with Site Contacts Prior to co Jetion of the phase l-environmental site assessment, ECT interviewed I / ,/It '7",( f;"t/i"'~4..-f/"n- L-&-f...."C-lL-t, /'"'/\ r ,t.;::L-.{. tVt"i.-1A (Y),.1'.<.~t2.::. was asked if~he knew whether any of the documents below exist and. if so, whether copies would be provided: . Environmenml site assessment reports Environmenml audit reports ;./ tJ . ! .,~) ,Ai t/ . Environmental permits (for example. solid waste disposal permits, hazardous waste /c / ,1 disposal permits. wastewater permits, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits, underground injection permits) . Registrations for USTs and ASTs / J . RegistFations for underground injection systems j/j) Material safety dam sheets Community right-to-know plan ,.1/0--- ,-?, (I. t /fc.ex--,," a~C-Y Safety plans: pFepaFedness and prevention plans; spill pFevention, countermeasure, and control plans; etc. /J, ., R._ eports Fe~~F~.ing bydrogeologic cQnditi9IJ; on th!; pFope~ or surrounding area '/.5. -, _ 116tf~s ~~~F c~;:sp~Jeniftir'CJ~;~~ ~:r~~ a~:;~~~~;-"(:: ?,"?W,A.<Q1' current violations of environmental laws with respect to the property or Felating to environmental liens encumbering the propeFty /) uo. . Hazardous waste geneFatoF notices or Feports /lL-V . . . . . . Risk assessments , /,1) . RecoFded Activity Use Limitations "rh-/) Yes or No to each. and ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE HERE. /'Jr /./..- 'f" ,,--r L.-~e, L li ',&'(C,/' W(J:..t.~1 -<>, ./?"1..,~' /;<....c /?7A/-"'c" :;' II-.~ / --# / - I...',...'../.. .P- /'tVi ~ J 1::.>"--<-4 "'.... /(u:-t,p-<-,,/:r;li/;; /'i/'.( ,~?\ / ?Jvrl N....."".A-~-<1""- <1.:; J~,,,,./j cj~ ,,;C7 c{<:.L-f c~<2j'''' "C.)J.<<r-n~::ci~__p Y/'.e /,CZA Gc-C:a.. C/ Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 Page 109 of 152 i.'}-l.'.J-t',>v;r..:::UAn, C,':t.,;, was asked to answer the following questions as part of the assessment: . Do you know of any pending, threatened, or past litigation relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, OF from the property? /! i C! . Do you know of any pending, threatened. or past administFative proceedings relevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in. on, or from the property? /Z<::r . Do you know of any notices from any governmental entity regarding any possible violation of environmental laws or possible liability relating to hazardous substances or petroleum products? ) Yes OF No to each, and ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE HERE. /i/;J '" C7 t ~~ --r U'71r:"- in'~~.,,~~ 'i.-; ~ . . Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 110 of 152 4.0 USER-PROVIDED INFORMATION This section identifies infonnation provided by I~ ;1/ f- ECT. C"" -rJ Ci 1/z.l-1SfvL .D~t~ h'; I to 4.1 Title Records No title recoFds were provided to ECr by the Client. 4.2 Environmental liens or Activity and Use limitations (- , ~ I, I jJ. C,r..S t'''1[i ): 0, liz L~:h..<. was asked the following questions as part of the ~~ J assessment; . Are you awaFe of any environmental cleanup liens against the property that are filed or recorded under federal. tribal, state or local law? /J~) . Are you awaFe of any activity or land use limitations, such as engineering controls. land use restrictions or institutional controls that are in place at the site and/or have been filed or recorded in a registry under federal, tribal. state or local law? (V;:? Yes or No 10 each. and PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS THA T YOU M.A" Y HAVE HERE. 4.3 Specialized Knowledge J I Ii ( . -' ri.~ {Jc-,c . ~ c'lA ,-,"'5f'iL Ii':.r loGe v was asked the following questions as paFt of the assessment; . Do you have any specialized knowledge OF experience related to the property or nearby pElperties? For example. are you involved in the same line of business as the current or fonner occupants of the property or an adjoining property so that you would have specialized k.nowledge of the chemicals and processes used by this type of business? IV t> AFC you aware of commonly known or reasonably ascertainable infonnation about tbe property that would help the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases? FOF example. as user, /LI() Do you know the past uses of the property? /(0 . . Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 111 of 152 . Do you know of ,pecific chemicals that are present OF once were present at the property') /,),~ I \.- I........"" Do you know of spills or other chemical releases that have taken place at the property? /')6 Do you know of any environmental cleanups that have taken place at the property? /clo Do you kOJow of any pending, threatened, or past litigation Felevant to hazardous suhstances or petroleum products in, on. or from the property? 1'/ c, Do you know of any pending, thFeatened, or past administrative proceedings Felevant to hazardous substances or petroleum products in. on. or from the property? IL/D Do you know of any notices from any govenunental entity regarding any possible \lolation of environmental laws or possible liability Felating to hazardous substances or petroleum products? 1,-./ I::, . . . . . Yes or No to each question. and PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS THAT YOU MAY IIA VE HERE, 4.4 Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information i-+ J / (J --"I ,I' , J L'~ ,,~ i__'{~>"~_li il.':J -~----------- as:-,essment: -r -i- I !~_l::' i( -twas asked the fClllowing question as part of the . Based on your kOJowledge and experience related to tbe propeFty, are there any obvious indicatoFS that point to the presence or likely presence of contamination at the property? Yes ilr No, and PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS THA T YOU MA Y HAVE HiRE. ('\r ~ , /..., 'v 4,5 Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues C_~,! I /J.. L:...sc;0,) 6.i '1''3..L1..0J'_ was asked whether the purchase price for tl11' propeny re~sollab]y reflects the fair market value of the property. Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Page 112 of 152 I be/I f l)'-C?,; I/~"~_ ~~ t1IsiA,-{h_ th Yes or No, and ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS HERE. V c;, I L~C OJ rlR_ pRCJp--fRF(J /{Jr! 1h~ ~t///l15 lS {)fl.; G(..) '" RECEIVED 7.1 Interviews with Site Contacts JUN fi 1 2010 t:l\Ci~17IE~: :,Jt,Ji;FnV,o\it(l/v SC':.~!E:;:; Prior to completion of the phase I environmental site assessment, ECT interviewed _~~'9U L. II - (' V C; P r\l -; II\] G Te, I ST I, rub/flY') t~ L'L .A . [':0 e 111, 'j 6. 'J'RU:;(.i "was asked if he knew whether any of the documents he10w exist and, jf so, whether copies would be provided: . EnviFonmental site assessment reports . Environmental aud it reports . Environmental permits (for example, solid waste disposal permits, hazardous waste disposal permits. wastewater permits, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits. underground injection permits) . Registrations for USTs and ASTs . Registrations for underground injection systems . M atenal safety data sheets . Comnlllnity righHo-know plan . Safety plans: preparedness and prevention plans; spill pFevention, countermeasure, and control plans: etc. . Rl"Ports regarding hydrogeologic conditions on the property or surrounding area . Notices or otheF corFespondence from any government agency Felating to past or current violations of environmental laws with respect to l'Je property OF relating to environmental liens encumbering the property . Hazardous waste generator notices or Feports . Risk assessments . Recorded Activity Use Limitations Yes (rr No to each, and ANY ADDfTJONAL COMMENTS YOU MA Y HA VE HERE. " Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22. 2010 Page 113 of 152 ,.-., !;!ujj/ J;" f,,1: ,,0 1q /.dc'w," "koJ ~ '""~ ,,, 'o"ow'"' '",";00' ~ P'" of the asses~menr: . Do you know of any pending. threatened, or past litigation Felcvant to hazardom substances or petrolewn products in. on, or from the property? t) 0 Do you kllow of any pending. ll1Featened, or past administrative proceedings relevant to hazardous substallces or petroleum products ill, on. or from the property<' /'c'::) . . Do YilU know of allY notices from any governmental entity regarding any possib'e \';o!arion of environmental Jaws OF possible liability relating to hazardous substances or petroleum pFoducts'l IV,?/ Yc, or Nn ill each. and ANY A.DDITIONAL COMMENTS YOl! MAY HAVE HERE. '~~~_'~~3 ~:"_~Il~, :I ~I... I.' . Y al .. ~ ~ Sp i'~l -r . ',-, ~_d_1i'a " 81 14\+ 5 .. :: _\,::0:4;.\::-_ ...~ I , - '" ..._:~ _ .. i .' 'r.; 1: I _'~'../ , t:z r":~ " J ... '\ w~~. :l~;, ~ ~,.. ;,;':(. ll. !{/' . ,...~: i .. ,., ...._,.. 1rT1~ktI.H Rd:',@~~~"".."";;:.:.lMt'I\('JktI~ R~ . ~ \~~', ~r~\ t\~ H f',o ,f~'h"rJ.;orPlIt kf!Ch Rg --,',... ~-";1'~'~,''1I1~ ~inetard~ i Cijl~,~" ~ t:;t (J"o PjflBR~Rd 1.:,1 H ~ t::~ tl q 'I"l i"i~ \ .... ,,~ , '::1 and~8 Be-<lch'.., .' '. c !._~ . "'..~:-.! ,.~~- RidQe, l;::~ :tJ a...;.:.o; ~ -' ... s: i ~ ~ .:0 ~ !=Jir,f: ~jdpe R~ " ....'. " " ,.., ,. 8ea~ Paw -. - Naples . Municipal i'Airport:" ,r~,+" "m1 "<. i r ~ . , ro z '" " 'ri~ . .. :_,i::. C " g ., '" ~ >; Gelaen ~ BJvO IN I" J; 'I Ii- ... . . '" c.. I I ::'---' '. . - .. ,~ .. il....U ., L. Orang-elreei0t: Oil w"n Rd,-_-C"' ~~' ;\);x ~ lmmqo.:" R~I~ ~ ~ ~ '" GQIoj.,n Gilt... {)Wd;: Go APPROXIMATE SII,OCATION Golden Gat. " ~ k " "' Q. 'n ~ . ~ . ;~:.@: .~, . [ H:;; " . FIGURE 1. SITE LOCATION MAP COSENTINO PROPERTIES.. PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Source: GoogleMaps, 2010 Ee, Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. LEGEND: 1 - ABANDONED CAMPER 2 - ABANDONED / DEMOLISHED WOODEN STRUCTURE 3 - MISC. HOUSEHOLD DEBRIS PILE 4 - MISC. DEBRIS SUCH AS; TIRES, CORRODED AUTO PARTS, PLASTICS, ETC. 5 - BURIED DRUM AND PIPE TO POSSIBLE GRAY WATER SEPTIC SYSTEM 6 - ABANDONED MOBILE HOME TRAILER 7 - CORRODED STEEL DRUM 8 - CLEARING; ONE TIRE OBSERVED FIGURE 2. SITE MAP (2008 Aerial Photograph) COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Ee7' Source: Collier County Property Appraiser. 2008 Environmentol Consulting &: Technology. Inc. U~.. ',\ ......-. 11 ::':::::.. I ........ ~mr:::. II ,,::::::::. II im;:,"= III ~j~~~~ III1 ........... I' m.:::::: p) ......- /j - ,-- 1 I ~ .., ~ '~;v"~L, I ................................-..,......................",' ;/6 .................., ............. .......-................- ..,..........-- . 16-'.:.1.:... ~., -," ~.., ".', .:~.;~...;,.." .;": ~~J! liIr :::.u..:~ -<'. . *':,~> --. >:'''~''~~' .....)0. ~~..:--4 :':":."";;~.~...~, "..:..~:.~ ~ . . . .ol.!!!- .~....... c -01.- ,~ . ~ . 1- i , . . ! ,,/ i - ,:!!,-- -"!:!:........... -4l!<- ~- -- ,'\.It_...... &..... .-~ .lJ-- ~ - '"'- ....w. cl1;:-.- - ~ . . .~ ....... ~. 46-' ~~ ~ -'l!! ---~- ~.... - .!J,,_ - --.l!l:- --. ,.....ill~~ FIGURE 3. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP COSENTINO PROPERTIES.. PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 SO\.Irce: USGS.2004 .,.->.',11. -~-.':. ~ ~<--. ~ 1 I 1 \\ . \1 June 22; 2010 age 0 --,,~I,... \1.. ........... .n........., ....... ..illii_ ...1.!!:- ~~ ~ 4. .4" "- ~ ~ -'ij,.. ...w..- i ...:.\JI~ . - .!.L4- ~~ ~ i'-CJL_ -.;,~--......>oO~ .....w...+'~ ~ ~ ---J._~.- ~ ...~- -".ill' .,~. -~ ---"'...!..J..,- -"".!~ --- I.L. - -- -.-J.'I~",~ -a)I,,--,,--- -~ ,\-- -""~ "~-- .~J,. ,- .*-~ ~ _..-3:', =r- ......u.t;_;; -JJ.I.<..- .~~'- -; ..:..!.l.... Ee, Environmental Consulting & Technology. Inc. ~ ....:..JlJ~ .1""- Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 117 of 152 FIGURE 4. 1963 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 R]VERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Her Environmentol Consulting & Technology. Inc. Source: Urlivcrsity of Florida, 1963 Agenda Item NO.1 DE Page 118 ~f152 FIGURE.. 1878.-aw. P1IOTOGRfPH COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA I CONSERVATION CClWERPROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROllI), NAPlES, COUJER COUNTY, FlORlDf.341211 --- n_ ,___... ___ E'er Enwronmtmtal Consulting &: Technology. Inc. Agenda Item NO.1 OE 10 2 FIGURE 6. 1985 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 R]VERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 ECT Environmental Consulting &: Technology. Inc. Source: FDOT,1985 Agenda Item NO.1 DE FIGtR: 7. 1114.w.J.\.. P11OfOG1WlH COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COWER PROGRAM 2021 RIIIER8 ROAD, IW't.S8, ~ COUNTY, FL.ORIDA. 341211 --- Ee, Environmflntal Consulting &: Technology, Inc. Agenda Item NO.1 OE Page 121 ~f 152 FIGURE 8. 21101.1'&lW. P1101OOfW'H COSEN11NO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA. CONSERVATION COWER PROGRAM 2Il21 RI\IER8 ROAD,IW'LEIl, COWER ccunY, Fl.ORIlllt. 34120 --- E'er Environmfmtol Consulting ct Technology. Inc. Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22. 2010 -- ~....~ '~". ..~.. Page 122 of 152- FIGURE 9. 2008 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE I ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Ee'F Environmental Consulting & Technology. Inc. SOLJrce: FOQT,200B Agenda Item No. 10E June 22. 2010 LIMITED PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 2021 RIVERS ROAD "COSENTINO PROPERTIES" NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PREPARED FOR: <::A>~T Cou.nty t.... _ Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Program 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Building W Naples, Florida 34112 PREPARED BY' I:;r; I Environmental ConsulUng & Technology, Inc. 4 I 00 Center Pointe Drive Suite 112 Fort Myers, Florida 33916 (239) 277-0003 Fax: (239) 277-1211 10-0443/0200 June 3, 2010 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Conservation Collier Program Cosentino Properties 2021 Rivers Road Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 !!!!!V'ailJlge 124 of 152 1::.., I ~COI'IaI.d"nsr.r.cft~IJIC. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THIS LIMITED PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT .......................................... ............................................................................................. 1-1 2. SITE ASSESSMENT FINDINGS....................................................................................................2-1 2.1 SOIL INVESTIGATION ............................................................................................................ 2-1 3. CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 SOIL INVESTIGATION.................................................................................................................... 3-1 4. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 4-1 FIGURES Figure 1. Figure 2. Site Location Map Site Map with Aerial Image TABLES Table 1. Soil Analytical Summary APPENDICES Appendix A - Laboratory Analysis Report Appendix B - Soil Boring Logs Appendix C - Phase II Photographs FTM-1O-0443/0200 06/03/10 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Conservation Collier Program CosentilW PropenJes 2021 Rivers Road Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 125 of 152 Ee, En"'[b.~.tJ~&~y.~ LIMITED PHASE II CERTIFICATION PROJECT NAME: LIMITED PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT "COSENTINO PROPERTIES" COLLIER CONSERVATION PROGRAM COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ECT PROJECT NUMBER: 10-0443/0200 The findings and results of this report are for the sole use and benefit of the Collier Conservation Program. Use of this report by other parties is at their risk and neither Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. nor I am liable for consequences or damage extending there from. I do not attest to the accuracy of items outside of my area of expertise, including, but not limited to, laboratory analysis procedures. SIGNED: Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. // '\ 1./ / j II! /--- i f/ i \ ,/ ,(::.~..../ " L '", ~/' Daniel V. Scippo Senior Associate Engineer ,,' I. ,/ \/ /\, ., ,....._-~ J <(',.//.,.' / /1"" (./~lc/() ( June 3, 2010 ii fTM-IO'{)443!0200 06103/10 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Conservation Collier Program Cosentino Properties 2021Rivers Road Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 ~.oiilIIge 126 of 152 1::-., I ~ConauI'lIng.T"cJtrlofog)'./nc. 1. OBJECTIVES 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THIS LIMITED PHASE 1/ ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT The objective of this Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (LP2 ESA) was to determine the existence of contamination in soil and/or groundwater in an area of concern identified by our Phase I ESA Report for the "Cosentino Properties" at 2021 Rivers Road in Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 (Subject Property), on behalf of the CollieF County Conservation Program, dated June 2010. More specifically, a corroded steel dFWn was identified in the Phase I ESA as a Suspect Recognized Environmental Condition (REC). The drum was labeled a Suspect REC due to its general condition, unidentifiable liquid contents, and the dead, or partially dead vegetation adjacent to the drum, all indicating a possible release of a petroleum product from the drum to the ground in the immediate area of the drum. Given that the drum was steel and 50-gallons in size, it was determined that if it had contained a hazardous, or petroleum substance, that it most likely would have been a petroleum-based substance as opposed to a pesticide, or another type of potentially hazardous chemical. Given the findings of the Phase I ESA, ECT Fecommended an LP2 ESA to investigate the soil and groundwater in the immediate vicinity of the drum. The purpose of the analysis proposed was to determine the existence, or lack theFeof, of petroleum constituents in the soil and groundwater near the drum. The proposed analyses weFe as follows: Volatile Organic Compounds (BTEX/MTBE) by EP A Method 8260, PolynucleaF Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA Method 8270, and Petroleum Range Organics by Method FL-PRO. 1-1 FTM-]0-0443! 0200 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Conservation Collier Program Cosentino Properties lOURivers Road Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 Agenda Item NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 !!V"Il.oliJllge 127 of 152 I/ff:IIIII'I ~eo..ui',,","-n.ehl1Ology.11Il;:.. The scope proposed for investigation included the installation of three (3) soil borings adjacent to the drum to observe the first six-inches of soil from grade. Each soil boring, which was to be completed with the use of a hand auger, was to be screened for organic vapors with an OVA meter. Each boring was to be analyzed visually, checked for odors and screened with the OVA meter. One (I) soil sample was to be collected with soils from the boring indicating the highest OVA reading, if any. Otherwise the soil sample was to be collected from the boring that would most likely be contaminated based on visual observations. Following the installation of the soil borings and the collection of one soil sample, one temporary well was to be installed into the water table for the purpose of collecting a groundwater sample fOF analysis. The tempoFary well was to be installed with two-inch screen, constructed with a sand pack, developed, pUFged and sampled. The well was to be Femoved upon collection of the groundwater sample. A hand augeF was proposed for installation of the temporary wcll. Figure 1 is a general site location map of the Subject Property in Collier County, Florida. Figure 2 is a site map with an aerial image showing the approximate limits of the Subject Property as well as the approximate location at which the Limited Phase II ESA (LP2 ESA) was peFformed. The aeFial image was taken ciFca 2008 and was obtained via the Collier County Property Appraiser's office. Soil Investil!ation (Mav 21. 2010) - Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. (ECT) mobilized to the site on May 21, 20 10 to peFform the Phase II Investigation. Three (3) soil borings weFe installed by use of a hand auger on three (3) sides of the drum. The borings were advanced to 6-inches below land surface (hIs) and the characteristics of the soil from each boring were recorded on the attached Soil Boring Logs (Appendix B). The borings weFe each installed approximately 2 to 4-feet away 1-2 FTM-1O-0443! 0200 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Conservation Collier Program Cosentino Properties 2021Rivers Road Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 Agenda Item No.1 OE June 22,2010 -".Aiillge 128 of 152 1:;-., I &ntranmen1M ~ a r.chnofog)l, Inc. from the drum on the west (SB-West), south (SB-South), and north (SB-North) sides of the drum. An OVA meter was utilized to screen each boring sample for organic vapors. The result of the OVA screening has been included on the attached Soil Boring Logs. Based on visual observations and the OVA screening it, was determined that SB-West, collected approximately 2 to 4-feet away from the drum, would be collected for analysis. It should be noted that on the attached Laboratory Analysis Report (Appendix A), SB- West is referred to as SB-l. Following collection of the soil sample from SB-West, ECT attempted to utilize a hand augur to install a temporary well in the vicinity of the drum. Several attempts to complete a boring deep enough for installation of a temporary well into the groundwater table were made, however the auger borings consistently met with refusal at a depth of 2 to 4-feet bls. A total of approximately fifteen boring attempts were made on all sides of the drum in each direction. The attempts were made from as close to the drum as I-foot, to as far away as 25-feet. Following repeated refusal, it was determined that a layer of cap-rock exists in this particular area, and that installation of temporary well by way of a hand auger was not possible. For the purpose of obtaining a soil sample from an alternate depth, ECT collected one additional boring sample from the soil layer just above the cap rock. This sample, identified as SB-2, was collected at an approximate depth of 1 to 1.5-feet bls, approximately 2 to 4-feet north of the drum. The sample was not screened with the OVA meter and the boring was not recorded on a boring log, but was collected in jars for keeping and for potential analysis. Following discussions with Ms. Alexandra Sulecki of the Conservation Collier Program immediately following completion of the Phase II field work, it was determined that the additional soil sample, SB-2, would be submitted for analysis in lieu of successful collection of a groundwater sample. 1-3 FTM-] 0-0443/0200 Limited Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment Report Conservation Collier Program Cosentino Properties 2021Rivers Road Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 _".~e 129 of 152 1/::-., I 6...__._Jt.al' c-ufflng . ~noIog)', Inc. Each soil sample was analyzed for, and by the following methods: Volatile Organic Compounds (BTEX/MTBE) by EP A Method 8260, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA Method 8270, and Petroleum Range Organics by Method FL-PRO. Soil samples were collected in accordance with FDEP quality assurance protocols, and were placed into pre-cleaned laboratory-supplied containers, packed with wet ice and shipped overnight via FedEx for laboratory analysis by SunLabs, Inc. in Tampa, Florida. The soil laboratory analysis report is also attached in Appendix A. Groundwater Investi2ation (Mav 21. 2010) - As discussed previously, several attempts at installing a temporary well into the water table aquifer were met with refusal at a depth of 2 to 4-feet bls. A temporary groundwater well was not installed. 1-4 FTM-10-0443/0200 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Conservation Collier Program Cosentino Properties 2021 Rivers Road Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 -".Aiillge 130 of 152 1:;-." ~1.lIf Con8tIItmr & l'khnolosw. Inc:. 2. SITE ASSESSMENT FINDINGS 2.1 SOIL INVESTlGA TlON The Limited Phase II ESA included the collection of a total of two (2) soil grab samples for laboratory analysis. These samples were collected by way of a hand auger. SB-West (SB-I) was collected from the top 6-inches from soil approximately 2 to 4-feet west of the drum. SB-2 was collected from soil at a depth of I to 1.5-feet bls, approximately 2 to 4-feet north of the drum. Soil characteristics from each soil boring have been recorded on the attached Soil Boring Logs, Appendix B. OVA readings for each boring, with the exception of SB-2, are provided on the boring logs. In general, the soil collected from SB-West, SB-North and SB-South, all at a depth of 0 to 6-inches bls, was characterized as fine to medium sand and silt, including organics, with an organic odor. The color was characterized as dark gray and black, and the soil was labeled as moist. Petroleum odors were not noted. Soil collected for SB-2 from a depth of 1 to 1.5-feet bls was characterized as fine to medium sand with some silt and little organic material. The color was brown to reddish- brown and the moisture content was described as moist-to-wet. Petroleum odors were not noted. Soil analytical results are summarized in the attached Table 1, Soil Analytical Summary, and the attached Laboratory Analysis Report (Appendix A). The results indicate that all compounds analyzed for in each sample, including all three analytical methods, EP A 8260, EP A 8270 and FL PRO, were either not detected, or in the case of FTM-IO-0443! 0200 2-1 Limited Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment Report Conservation Collier Program Cosentino Properties 2021 Rivers Road Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 _".~e 131 of 152 1/::-., 1 ~ c-uI'''ne .. TKhnology, Inc:. Petroleum Range Organics for SB-West (SB-l) and SB-2, and in the case of the analysis for Acenaphthylene for SB-West (SB-l), the reported values were found to be between the laboratory method detection limits (MDL) and the laboratory practical quantitation limits. In summary the analysis for these two borings indicated that the presence of petroleum constituents was not found to be present at the depths of sample collection. 2-2 FTM-IO-0443! 0200 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Conservation Collier Program Cosentino Propertles 2021 Rivers Road Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 Agenda Item No.1 OE June 22, 2010 ~Aiillge 132 of 152 1:;-., 1 ~ ~. n.chnology,lt'IC. 3. CONCLUSIONS 3.1 Soil Investigation The results of the Limited Phase II sampling that included collection of two (2) soil samples, SB-West (SB-l) and SB-2, taken at depths of 0 to 6-inches bls, and 1 to 1.5-feet bls respectively, indicated that the presence of petroleum constituents in the soil was not found. Several attempts to install a temporary well by way of a hand auger were met with refusal due to an apparent layer of cap-rock that exists in this area at a depth of 2 to 4-feet bls. A temporary well was not installed, and therefore a groundwater sample was not collected for analysis. FTM-lO.0443/0200 3-1 Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report Conservation Collier Program Cosentino Properties 2021 Rivers Road Naples, Collier County, Florida 34120 Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 ~~e1330f152 1/::-., 1 ~ c-.ttlng . -n.etI"oIogy, 1rJe. 4. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS On May 21, 2010, ECT mobilized to the Subject Property to perform a Limited Phase II ESA in the area of drum identified in a Phase I ESA performed on the same property to be a Suspect Recognized Environmental Condition (REe). Soil analytical results for two (2) soil samples, as discussed further in previous sections of this report, indicate that petroleum constituents were not identified in the soil at the specified depths. Although it was planned in the Phase II scope, a temporary groundwater well was not installed, and a subsequent groundwater sample was not collected. However, it is ECT's opinion that if a petroleum-based substance had leaked from the drum and into the soil on which it sits, its constituents would have been detected in the soil at some level by EPA Methods 8260 and 8270, and by Method FL-PRO. Since nothing was detected in either sample, by any of the three analytical methods, ECT feels that it is unlikely that a petroleum-based substance was in the drum and was released to the soil and groundwater in this area. Further investigation in the area of this drum is not recommended. 4-1 FTM-10~0443/ 0200 Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 ~340f152 FIGURES , , . , ., .~ . .. ~ i '" ~. ~ , o ~ . , ." . .:::;cjaenGJISBJIKlI/\' . - r ~7, III L Orang-elree OilI/J~1i Rd" ~~j :I""::.' , lmlTl~ RlrnOiIIlel'rl ~', - i)nde' Se-flch':-; W nL [;111 Im~bkf,lafRd,-@;:'- .: . [~ i ~"-"II"r'It'''')k.iI'''''' Rr!l .. c ~.:.'.'."', ... l(, ,,', r ~ , m z '" " v.:a11l;!r;rbtlf~iI';'hR~ o Q ~ ;l' 00 ~ ~ ~ w .- ~ - ,,\\ 4 A \ '. " '-,"~ !i,j!~... Ridge ~ ~-'; :0 ~, ~ 1,1 t'ineRldgeRd " ~t ,'. , VIneyard s ~ @,. ~ i f'" (,[ G:l!Q<;lnG-iir:'B-NI:tE. G, "', " ~ ~ ~ 0: APPROXIMATE SI~E'i~OCA TION 'h ;;1 i~ '",~ Pirie R:'c~ Rd " Golden Gate BeBf5 Paw 'u.;;~', " ~ , K Naple$ , MunicipD,1 T, ' Airpon-' .j2,~*' ~- "",>: @ W -e~"~~f-,,~-:'@L.=-_~=. ~: ~=-:::-_ FIGURE 1. SITE LOCATION MAP COSENTINO PROPERTIES - LIMITED PHASE II ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 ECT Environmental Consulting de Technology. Inc. Source: Goog~M3P&,2010 Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22. 2010 Page 136 of..152. ,"IGURE2. SITE MAP (2008 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH) COSENTINO PROPERTIES - LIMITED PHASE II ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Ee, Source; FDOT,2008 Environmental Consulting &: Technology, Inc. Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 PaEDJ'!If 152 TABLES >- '" < ,. ,. ~ '" .... < u ;:: >- .... < z < .... <5 '" w .... '" ;! ~ z ~ ~ o l:l: (lI>tjflw ~ .,....n..ooGuollW....O.II. 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"I " g il >, 1 P . .. 1- I 15 .s f ~I ~! - -s.Ol 1 't i If , . 1 2 ] ,. ! ii;;: ! "," ., ~ ~ ~ -"',,, O~ ~ ~~~ " ;;; ~ '!;. "' """" .s f--- ! ~ o .. f "-"'-0 JI ~ ::1;:- N j i ~ ~"~i~ffij}i I ] ~ ,i I , ! I . 1 I 1 , , l . ] I ; ~ i , , ~ j p ]! ,0 ! j ~!i ;!; ., ! 1 , I . , Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22,2010 Et/YiT39 of 152 APPENDIX A Laboratory Analysis Report \1, _\.."1//'- - ....~>~.~ ~:?i, .~ ."...c.;,?r,.{,<,,;,-..... ,'/,,:\-, II \ Sunlabs Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Page 140 of 152 May 28,2010 Jason Coleman Environmental Consulting & Technology 4100 Center Polnte Drive Suite 112 Ft. Myers, FL 33916 Re: SunLabs Project Number: Client Project Description: Dear Mr. Coleman: 100524.08 Cosentino-Phase II Enclosed is the report of laboratory analysis for the following samples: Sample Number 102678 102679 Sample Description --"-.- ---- ------- 8B-1 (0-6") L8B-2 (1-1.5') Date Collected --_._.~.- 5/21/2010 5/21/2010 Copies of the Chain(s)-of-Custody, if received, are attached to this report. If you have any questions or comments concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact us. S~w.~. Michael W. Palmer Vice President, Laboratory Operations Enclosures SunLabs, Inc. Cover Page 1 of 1 5460 Beaumont Center Blvd., Suite 520 Tampa, FL 33634 Unless Otherwise Noted and Where Applicable: Phone: (813) 881-9401 Email: Info@SunLabslnc.com Website: www.SunLabslnc.com These samples _'a receiVM at tho prop'" lempe,',!!",,, and we", anillyz"'l as r"ceived. Tho resl1l,~ herein relate ""Iy \0 11,,, Iiams testad or to tile &am.."," as rece,ved by 1he labomlnry' This '''port shall not be r~produced ""cept In full. withDullh"\Ohitt..r, <>pproval of the lahoratory' Results for all ""lid malfices am ....ported on a dry w~igh! OO&io. All sampleswilll1e dioposed of ""Ihln 45 dflysof ths dale of receipt olllle samples - All samples inthe body (;1 The '''f.>Ort are anvimnrn""lal s~mples All resu~$ in The Qu~llry CDnI,ol (QC)seclion <lIe label"u ~ppr"prialely _ All resull" rneeT the '''qUlr<;'''enTsof the NELAC standardS_ FOOlnQlssa'egivellal th"end 01 Ihe "'pOft _ Unc"rtatntyv~llJe"il'" a,ailaole uponrequ<;st ,\1/, .... '.;-'~' ....,. _"..!. ;.,.c- ....>,-_.._- "II " SunLabs Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22,2010 Report of LaboratorY'14Hi11ysis I I SunLabs Project Number Environmental Consulting & Technology ___ __ ~~ject Description Cosentino-Phase II 100524.08 May 28, 2010 Sun Labs Sample Number 102678 Matrix Soil Sample Designation 58-1 (0-6") Date Collected 5/21/2010 11:45 Date Received 5/22/201009:40 Parameters Method Units Results DiI MDL RL CAS Date/Time Date/Time Factor Number Analyzed Prep Florida Peb'oleum Ranae OraanicslC8-C401 Date Extracted OS/24/10 OS/24/10 1'1:45 Date Analyzed 5/25/2010 1 05/25/10 23:54 C-39 (40-140) FlPRO % 49 1 1.3 OS/25/10 23:54 OS/24/10 14:'15 o-Terpheny! (40-140) FLPRO % 48 1 1.3 8'1-15-1 05/25/10 23:54 OS/2'1(101'lA5 Petroleum Range Organics FlPRO mg/kg 8.8 I 1 6.2 24 05/25/10 23:54 OS/2'1(10 1'lA5 Percent Moisture % Moisture 160.3M % 22 0.13 OS/25/10 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Method 8270 Date Extracted 3550 OS/24/10 OS/2'1/101'1:'15 Date Analyzed 8270 5/26/2010 1 OS/25/1001:12 Terpheny!-d14 (5-139) 8270 % 51 1 DEP-SURR- OS/25/1001:12 OS/2'1/10 1'l:'1~ Acenaphthene 8270 mg/kg 0.0027 U 1 0.0027 0.011 83-32-9 OS/26/1001:12 OS/24/10 1'l:'15 Acenaphthylene 8270 mg/kg 0.0082 I 1 0.0028 0.011 208-96-8 OS/26/1001:12 OS/2'1/10 1'l:'15 Anthracene 8270 mg/kg 0.0022 U 1 0.0022 0.0087 120-12-7 OS/25/1001:12 OS/2'1/10 1'1:'15 Benzo( a)anthracene 8270 mg/kg 0.0019 U 1 0.0019 0.0077 56-55-3 OS/25/1001:12 OS/24/10 1'1:'15 Benzo(a)pyrene 8270 mg/kg 0.0026 U 1 0.0026 0.01 50-32-8 OS/25/1001:12 OS/24/10 1'l:'15 Benzo(b )f1uoranthene 8270 mg/kg 0.0035 U 1 0.0035 0.01'1 205-99-2 OS/26/1001:12 OS/24/10 1'1:45 Benzo( g, h, i )pery!_ene 8270 mg/kg 0.0088 U 1 0.0088 0.035 191-2'1-2 OS/26/1001:12 OS/24/10 14:45 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 8270 mg/kg 0.0024 U 1 0.002'1 0.0097 207-08-9 OS/25/10 01:12 OS/24/10 14:45 Chrysene 8270 mg/kg 0.0015 U 1 0.0015 0.0062 218-01-9 OS/26/1001:12 OS/24/10 14:45 Dlbenzo{ a,h )anthracene 8270 mg/kg 0.0094 U 1 0.0094 0,037 53-70-3 05(26/10 01:12 OS/24/10 14:'15 Fluoranthene 8270 mg/kg 0.0029 U 1 0,0029 0,012 206-44-0 OS/26/10 01:12 OS/2'1/10 1'1:'15 Fluorene 8270 mg/kg 0.0023 U 1 0,0023 0.0092 86-73-7 05(26/10 01:12 OS/24/10 1'1:'15 Indeno( 1 ,2,3-cd)pyrene 8270 mg/kg 0.0092 U 1 0.0092 0.037 193-39-5 OS/26/10 01:12 OS/24/10 1'l:'l5 1-Methylnaphthalene 8270 mg/kg 0.0042 U 1 0.01}'l2 0.017 90-12-0 05(26/10 01:12 OS/2'1/10 1'1:'15 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270 mg/kg 0.0036 U 1 0,0036 0.01'1 91-57'6 OS/26/1001:12 OS/2'1/10 1'1:45 Naphthalene 8270 mg/kg 0.0071 U 1 0.0071 0.028 91-20-3 OS/25/1001:12 OS/24/10 14:45 Phenanthrene 8270 mg/kg 0.0036 U 1 0.0036 0,01'1 85-01-8 OS/26/1001:12 05(24/1014:45 Pyrene 8270 mg/kg 0.0088 U 1 0.0088 0.036 129-00-0 OS/26/1001:12 OS/24/10 14:45 Volatile Oraanic ComDounds lBTEX/MTBEl Date Analyzed OS/28/10 1 OS/28/10 14:37 Toluene-d8 (49~134) 8260 % 98 1 DEP-SURR. OS/28/10 14:37 Benzene 8260 mg/kg 0.00065 U 1 0.000650.0046 71-43-2 OS/28/10 14:37 Ethylbenzene 8260 mg/kg 0.00072 U 1 0,00072: 0.0046 100-41-4 OS/28/10 1'1:37 MTBE 8260 mg/kg 0.0019 U 1 0.0019 0.0072 163'1-0'1-4 OS/28/1014:37 Toluene 8260 mg/kg 0.0027 U 1 0.00270.0087 108-88-3 OS/28/1014:37 Total Xylenes 8260 mg/kg 0.0027 U 1 0.00270.011 1330-20-7 OS/28/101'l:37 I.otal VOA 8260 mg/kg 0.00065 U 1 0.000650.0046 OS/28/101'1:37 SunLabs, Inc. 5460 Beaumont Center Blvd., Suite 520 Tampa, FL 33634 Lahoratm}' ID Number - E84809 Phone: (813) 881-9401 Email: Info@SunLabslnc.com Website: www.SunLabslnc.com Paee I of3 .\ ~_I" .....".,,;..--,.,.- :'~:\~-?:~ '/1\' Sunlabs Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Report of LaboratorY''AHiilYiis SunLabs Project Number ---,.._--- - Environmental consultlngS.-ll- Technology ----.----- .-....- ---...1 f'_rpj~~ Q~~s~pti~~ Cosentino-Phase II __.1 100524.08 ;;>unLabs, Inc. 5460 Beaumont Center Blvd., Suite 520 Tampa, FL 33634 Laboratory ID Number - E84809 Phone: (813) 881-9401 EmaiJ: Info@SunLabslnc.com Website: www.SunLabslnc.com Page2of3 ,\1// ......:;-......<---' :.:}t~,/~ ;;1\" Sunlabs Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 Report of LaboratorY"1Uiilljjis Sun Labs Project Number Environmental Consulting & Technology. Project Description --- -..-- ....._..__._--------_._----~ Cosentino-Phase II i 100524.08 May 28, 2010 Footnotes . I J LCS LCSD MB MS MSD NA Q RL RPD U V SunLabs is not currently NELAC certified for this analyte. The reported value Is between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory practical quantitation limit. The reported value faHed to meet the established quality control enter/a for either precision or accuracy(see cover letter for explanation) Laboratory Control Sample Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate Method Blank Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample not analyzed at client's request. Sample held beyond the accepted holding time. RL(reporting limit) = PQL(practical quantitation limit). Relative Percent Difference Compound was analyzed for but not detected. Indicates that the analyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Laboratory ID Number - ER4809 Phone (813) 881-9401 Email: Info@SunLabslnc.com Website: www.SunLabslnc.com SunLabs, Inc. 5460 Beaumont Center Blvd., Suite 520 Tampa. FL 33634 Pal!e.3 of.3 Agenda Item No. 10E June 22, 2010 Quality Conf'P6rtJtita Project Number --- -"--.- Environmental Consulting & i I 100524.08 Pr~~c!_~~~Cr~P!ion Cosentino-Phase II May 28,2010 Batch No: 04352 Associated Samples Test: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Method 8270 102678,102679 TestCode: 8270PAH-s Compound Blank LCS LCS LCSD 'PO --QC Umfts.- MS MS MSO .PO -.QCLimits... 0" Qualifiers Spike %Ret %Rec % ,PO LCS S~ke "foRec %Rec % 'PO MS R'O Parent Sample Numbsr 102445 102445 Terphenyl:d14 (5:139) 69 % Acena hlhene 0.0021 U m~ 1000 47 38-68 1000 51 51 0 13 38-77 Acenaph!~ylerle 0.0022 U mg/kg 1000 44 39-70 1000 46 46 0 12 45-75 Anthracene 0,0017 U mglkg 1000 51 40-75 100Q 53 51 4 44 36.91 Benzo(a)anlhra::ene 0.0015 U mg~9 1000 59 28.91 1000 55 54 2 39 12-117 Benzo{a)pyrel'le 0.002 U mglkg 1000 55 12.93 1000 47 44 7 46 5.103 Benzo bfluorantoone 0.0027 U m' 1000 60 20.90 1000 52 50 4 52 0-124 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.0069 U mg/kg 1000 60 24-83 1000 45 43 5 67 13-98 Benzo(k)fluoranlhene 0,0019 U mglkg 1000 59 19-105 1000 53 50 6 32 15-112 Chrysene 0_0012 U mg/kg 1000 57 42-87 1000 53 51 4 48 26-117 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0,0073 U mg/kg 1000 57 23-86 1000 45 46 2 37 20-92 Fluoranthene 0.0023 U maiko 1000 57 34-85 1000 58 57 2 52 7-134 Fluorene 0,0018 U mglkg 1000 47 34-72 1000 51 52 2 19 33-84 Indeno(1,2,3-cdJpyrene 0,0072 U mglkg 1000 57 27-86 1000 46 45 2 49 19-99 1-Methylnaphlhalene 0.0033 U mg/kg 1000 49 43-70 1000 50 48 4 17 40-85 2-Methylnap/1thalene 00028 U mglkg 1000 45 39-72 1000 48 47 2 19 41-83 .,-.Na hlhalene 0.0055 U m /k 1000 46 41-65 1000 48 47 2 16 41-74 henanthrene 0,0028 U mglkg 1000 50 29-77 1000 54 54 0 45 13-113 ,~yrene 0.0069 U mg/kg 1000 56 34.86 1000 57 56 2 52 8-132 Batch No: 04353 AssocialedSampl?s Test: Florida Petroleum Range Organics(C8-C40) 102678,102679 TestCode' FIPro-s Compound Blank LCS LCS LCSD ,PO ...QCUmlts... MS MS MSO ,PO ...QCUmits... 0" Qualifiers Spike %Rec %Rec % ,PO LCS Spike %Rec %Rec % ,PO MS RPO Parent Sample Number 102445 102445 ~::: :~:I:~: :~:;;~~~ :: C-39(40.140) 50 % o-Terphel1yl (40-140) 59 % Petroleum Range Organics 48 U mg/kg 850 69 64 25 63-143 850 72 65 10 25 60-140 Batch No: 04430 Associated Samples Test: Volatile Organic Compounds (BTEXlMTBE) 102679 TestCode: BTEX-s Compound Blank LCS LCS LCSD ,PO ...QCLimits-. MS MS MSO 'PO --QC Limits-. 0" Qualifiers Spike %Rec %Rec % ,PO LCS Spike %Rec %Rec % ,PO MS RPO Parem Sample Number ToluenEH:I8149-1341 113 % B~~zel1e_ _ O.QQOI U 1ll9{k9 100 111 107 4 13 83-127 Ethylbel1zene 0.0008 U mglkg 100 121 128 6 8 82-129 ~TB~_ .--'p_,DQ2 .Y_ 1ll9fu! 10..t. _ Jl4 _9.4_ ~ 18 .~f:15L.- --'-- --._---- Toluene 0.003 U mglkg 100 106 104 2 12 73-121 TolalX lenes 0.003 U ~ 100 108 112 4 7 77-126 TotalVOA 0,Q007 U mglkg ,\1/" :~:.'()/:: 'j j\" Sunlabs SunLabs, Inc. 5460 Beaumont Center Blvd., Suite 520 Tampa, FL 33634 Laboratory 10 Number - E84809 Page QC~ 1 of 2 Phone: (813) 881-9401 Email: Info@SunLabslnc.com Website: www.SunLabslnc.com "!,,, ~:.:~~;':'.~ "":;?~~': " "Jj,' Sunlabs Project Number 100524.08 Agenda 11em NO.1 DE June 22, 2010 Quality ContPbrtJiifa Environmental Consulting & Technology Project Desc~ptjon Cosentino-Phase II May 28, 2010 .._"-----~ J . indicates value is outside conlrollimils for %Recovery or greater than acceptance criteria for RPD 1-- Footnotes u Compound was analyzed for but not detected. SunLabs, Inc. 5460 Beaumont Center Blvd., Suite 520 Tampa, FL 33634 Laboratory ID Number - E84809 Page QC-2 of 2 Phone: (813) 881-9401 Email: Info@SunLabslnc.com Website: www.SunLabslnc.com ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ "f ~ ~ ~ ~ ':' 1 ~ Ii ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~. f i t~ i" ;11111 " ill;:::Ji -~ ~6 H,~ CD 'C I~ Q, 0 . ~ O::J "'"' 0'" ~ ,....._.~ ::J " O~!i100 "";'; ",., CD ""<~. g~" ',. if ~g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. i Q51~.~iiI' Ii! ~ z ; ~ - ~ ,---- z . _ Q )> C'lv I' " I ~ ~ I i f j j : H ~ i i f ~W! ,~l ,.rf~r[& ~~4-~ f ! I . f ! I , 6, i !" F'j ~ i J K l ~ ,0, Q Q ~k5' jl~i~ i~ ~,~ i ~ ,~ 0 0 ;;' ;,; ~ (0"':( p ~ 0'" "' ""' .' . . .!:~~,,~- ~ ';.. C1!~ h. ~ ~J f " & 0 CI<~~ 3~ i'~ i v- % % % % % ~ () . S ~ ~i i i i (i)~ 1 ~. IT ~-~ ""X\ E ~~. sf,~ 0.1'- .\~ ~ ~ L~o/: ~ '" ~ :3 '" ~. m :: ~3 50 g g @~c; Ul '" ~ " - ~ fa <f Ii" Q) CXI-' CI.l g~!E'c: -'ii" g ~~ r- '80", .. -co ... 3 :n;:..Cft ~ ~-~~ ~ ~ mt en w3 ~ 5 ~'O · r- 1.. ~ '" 10- f g C)):!J ~ ~ ~~ ~ 8 ~ ~u is! [' ~ ~ ~ " ~ g " ~ ~ ~~~i E 'A--.:-" '" I;I!'I~[ ~ VJ OJ '- OJ C CJ '< -:C:zcn .. .) ~ ~ i;::,. .... (') rv(2 ~:., Z m m '" o m Ul :%J ,. < s:: m r-.. ,,'" ~ ~ :::tJr--i ~ ~:%J 1\;1\-:..( C-'~. [Jl ill m i r\~ t-~. ~;;! '" "1(~'-"r--!aOG'l 5. ;;:'\1$'\ ui" -"'~g} \...Jijl -l ~ 0 r- ~"' ~'('- =r ~ Q. 0 St CD ;tJ [ ~ ~ <;:y l/li'i':%J d ~ ~ d ~ '" r 0' ~"" m '" 3' =r t-- R; .. ~..r= ~ ~ ~ i 5 ~ Ii' ~. zO~8 l, I/' ~ ~~P'fc ~ ~c;; "il' ~ ~ii?I'~~ ~~~ ~ I ~ ~ c;, ;.. ~ ,.,. 0 (/l ..,-~ \\J' -:; ~~S ~t .... - ----- - r- 'T1 :::- ::::::--. Q Q me: C C' fIl Z =I a =I _ ~ ~ ~ "'3 o<!g.....j<1! gJ, tI\ <1! _' \> _ ~ VI C:J .L ~~ , 'f . :5 ~ ~ ~ ;:;; ~ '" '" . ~ " r;:,! ~ .. "' 'rJ ~ l~Ilf\. ~ ~ I 1', ~T"'" 1"':- 1-:- IT I 1,- "'; ~\I \ r I... - 1- I-~.~ * '" 1- 5'-~ ~ "E- ......=lll. I~ I~ ~ VI g' .. V1 a 0 m - "' / I p~ IT 10 c..r: I' . 0 ""tJ ~ fD ~ tJ\ I! ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -/~~~il'~~ ~~' Vr:ng"':g",~ ,N - ~ a ~ ~ t) .. ~ \;i ";:,." - C I"" S!!. ~~~ c; Rrr [;f 3 "E- m o ~ ~. '0 ~ o ~ I No 10E Agenda tem22 2010 June , 2 Page 146 of 15 (') ~ ~ g > 0 3- mCll Rg"f t: - al l>> 3 Q) ~ ~ a Cll =" ";oy '?~I~Ii,~~ ~i~[.9~ ~r;l ~ ~ '+l.... 1',r' ~~~ ~ ~\a :J\I~(:;- 1(\ \t \' ~ f r. r~ \II 1" "i €~~ ~ ..sN~_ ~ ~ -!.. ~ .... ~ "0 g' ~ )> a (i a ::J ::I' ::1. :g (1) r- ;:0 ~ )( i -l ~ E ". :if' 2 to !i ~ cp'" "D ~ :: a ll. ~ !1i' 5" a 0. _ h'J ,"'- ~M L::r i= en c ::l r- III c- .'" :i r o :r III S' So O~ o ~ lJl8. p'< r - o 0)' " a 'ii' ,. "" CD .2. z == ~ ~ ~ ot~~~ I I Z 10 N ... en CIl Co) I" Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 PaiEOT6f 152 APPENDIX B Soil Boring Logs J Eel' SOIL BORING LOG . Iroject & Task #: 10-0443/0200 I Boring #: 58-West Sheet 1 of 1 Date: May 21, 2010 Contractor: ECT, INC. Drillinll"Mllt{>ocf: (Circle One) ...rOJec, Name/uescnptlon: SPT (HSA SSA MR BA OPT "Cosentino Properties" Driller. D. Scippo/J. Coleman Drlllin 9'Ri9: Hand auger 2021 Rivers Road Startt/me: 11:50 AM Completion time: 12:00 PM Naples, Collier County, FL 34120 Surf. Elev: 13.5 It Logged by: DVS S T S I B C DEPTH S SOIL SCREENINGI A Y A N L 0 SCALE Y OVA MEASUREMENTS GENERAL M P M T 0 U (feet below M LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Instru~~~ClrCle) OBSERVATION P E P W N land surface) B AND CONDITIONs' OVA'. FlOor PID NOTES' L L T 0 (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Units: ppR"lCorrec- E E(It) S L ted for baCkground) - OL (O-S~) Dark grey and black fine to medium Sand -!lJ!e. Grab SIImpJe COllected from l' - and Slit wIth Organics; OrganIc odor; Molsl r- Unfiltered = 86.72 land surface to 6-inches blS. FUlered=1.52 Grab sample given designation of - Total Depth == 0.5' bls E- '88-1' - X - - =- - ~ - - - ,. - - - r- - r- 5' - r- - - Grab - - Sample 6' - - Collected - - Fo/ Analysis - r- rromJand T surface to - r- 6-inches bIt - r=- O' - - =- - .. - - - 10' - r- - r- - r- 11' - r- - =- - 12' - - =- - 14' - Borehole Diameter (inches): 3" orG Instrument 10 #: NIA Welllnstallat/on(Circle One): Y Time: Abandonment Method(Circle One): Std. 1 (ppm): BackfiJ)l Grout N/A Other Specify: Backfill wlsoil cuttino. Std. 2 (ppm): , 'T -std pentralion test HSA -hollow stem auger SSA -solid stem auger 3 If OVA used, report readings as follows: . -mud rotary DPT -direct push technology SA -bucket auger TOTAL - FIL TERED = NET '501/ description to Include: uses (symbol & written), grain size, color, secondary components (in %), moisture content (dry, moist, vel) moist, wet, saturated), density/consistency, contacts (gradational or sharp). 4 General observation notes to Include (at a minimum) depth to ground water, presence of odors (distinguish between natural organics Versu f, m oraMic-Sl.. soil discoloration or stain/na. free oroduct. DeTeent recoverv....Q[ cored samo/e Intervals. Agenda Item No.1 OE June 22, 2010 Page 148 of 152 Q:\ECT field forms\SOIL BORING LOGS.xls Eel' SOIL BORING LOG I . Project & Task #: 10-044310200 I Boring #: SB-South Sheet 1 of 1 Date: May 21,2010 Contractor: ECT, INC. Drillin~od': (Circle One) Pi'ojeCfffamenJescnPlfon: SPT HSA SSA MR BA OPT "Cosentino Properties" Driller. D. Sclppo/J. Coleman Drlllind-m6: Hand auger 2021 Rivers Road Starlllme: 12:05 PM Completion time: 12:15 PM Naples, Collier County, FL 34120 Surf. Elev: 13.5 It Logged by: DVS S T S I B C DEPTH S SOIL SCREENINGI A Y A N L 0 SCALE Y OVA MEASUREMENTS GENERAL M P M T 0 U (feet below M LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS Instr~%~~CjrCle) OBSERVATION P E P W N land surface) B AND CONDITIONs' OVA' FID br PID NOTES' L L T 0 (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Units: ppm1Correc- E EIIt\ S L ted lor backaround) - OL (~oG") Dark grey and blacK fine to medium Sand - OVA Sample for analysis not collected - -- - and Slit with Organics; Organic odor; Moist I-- Unfiltered = 9.75 from Ihis boring l' Ffltered a 0.70 - Total Depth:o 0.5' his I- - i-- ~ - I- - t- - 3' - I- - t- - - i- 4' - i- - f-- ,. - I- - ~ - - i- S - i- - i-- 7' - '- - I- - I-- ,. - I- - =- - ~ - - - ~ - - 10' - i- - f-- 11' - i- - I- - I-- IT - I- - I- - ~ 14' - Borehole Diameter (inches): 3" orG Instrument 10 #; N/A Welllnstallallon(Circle One): Y Time: Abandonment Method(Circle One): Std. 1 (ppm): Backlllh Grout NIA Other Soecily: Backfill w/soH cuttinos Std. 2 (ppml: , I SPT -sId pentration test HSA -hollow stem auger SSA -solki stem auger 31f OVA used, report readings as follows: MR .roud rotary OPT ..(jirect push technology SA ~buckef auger TOTAL - FIL TERED = NET 2 Soil description to include: uses (symbol & wrItten), grain size, color, secondary components (in %). moisture content (dry, moist, vel) moist, wet, saturated). density/consistency, contacts (gradational or sharp). 4 General observation notes to Include (at a minimum) depth to ground water, presence of odors (distinguish between natural organics v............r "'etrole"m o,.,-a-;:;'_I soil dis-o/orati--- or "'t"';nlnrr frea nm.d~-;f~"'er~"'nt rpr:.nVA~ of enred samn/e ;ntlllfVal~. Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 Page 149 of 152 Q:\E:.CT field forms\SOIL BORING lOGS.xls J Eel' Iroject & Task #: 10-0443/0200 Date: May 21, 2010 rOJe~, "ame,uescr,puon: "Cosentino Properties" 2021 Rivers Road Naples, Collier County, FL 34120 ST SIBC DEPTH S AY ANLO SCALE Y M P M T 0 U (Ieetb.tow M PEP W N land surface) B L L T 0 E Elft) S L - OL ,. - - " - - .. - - 4' - - " - - 6' - - 7' - - .. - - !I' - - la - - Borehole Diameter (inches): Well Installation (Circle One): 11' - - 12' - - 14' - 3" Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 Page 150 of 152 SOIL BORING LOG IBoring #: SB.North Contractor: ECT, INC. Sheet 1 of 1 LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS AND CONDITIONs' (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSiFICATION SYSTEM Drlllln~od': (Circle One) SPT j HSA) SSA MR BA OPT Drillin~_ Hand auger Completion time: 12:30 PM ft Logged by: DVS SOIL SCREENINGI OVA MEASUREMENTS Instrum!D1.~Circle) OVA3'(FID~" PID Units: pplrJ'{Correc- ted for background) Driller: D. Scippo/J. Coleman Start time: 12:20 PM Surf. Elev: 13.5 GENERAL OBSERVATION NOTEs' (0-6") Dark grey and black fine to medium Sand and Slit with Organics; Organic odor; Moist -QYA -r--Unfillered=5,72 r- r- -r-- r- I- - ,.-- - - -- - - Sample for analysis nol collected Irom Ihis boring Total Depth = 0.5' bls r- r- - ,.-- - - -- r- - -- - - -- - - l- I- -j-- r- - -c-- - Y orG - -- r- Instrument 10 #: Time: N/A Abandonment Method(Circle One): Std. 1Jppm): BackfiJL Grout N/A Other Spec~ Backfill w/soil cuttinos Std. 2 (ppm): . IT -sid pen/ration test HSA Mhollow stem auger SSA -solid stem auger 3" OVA used, report readings as follows: n.~-mud rotary OPT ...<Jirect push technology SA -bucket auger TOTAL _ FILTERED = NET 2 Soil description to include: uses (symbol & wrItten), grain size, c%r, secondary components (In 'Yo), moisture content (dry, moIst, vel) moIst, wet, saturated), density/cons/stsney, contacts (gradational or sharp). .. General observation notes to include (at a minimum) depth to ground water, presence of odors (distinguish between natural organics versus Detro/eum oroanlcs). soil dis~ation or stainina. free oraduct. oercellt!ecovelV of cored samo/e intervals. O:\ECT field forms\SQIL BORING LOGS_xis Agenda Item NO.1 OE June 22, 2010 ~f"I'51 of152 APPENDIX C Phase II Photographs Agenda Item No.1 OE View of drum area from north SITE PHOTOGRAPHS COSENTINO PROPERTIES - PHASE II ESA CONSERVATION COLLIER PROGRAM 2021 RIVERS ROAD, NAPLES, COlliER COUNTY, FLORIDA 34120 Source: ECT,201O Ee, Environmental Consulting & Technology. Ine.