Agenda 06/22/2010 Item # 6A Agenda Item No. 6A June 22, 2010 Page 1 of 4 Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. 3301 East Tamiaml Trail' Naples Flonda 34112' (239) 252-8383' FAX: (239) 252-4010 June 9,2010 Ms. Donna Sadler 630 23rd Street Southwest Naples FL 34117-3226 Re: Public Petition Request regarding the planned installation of a bridge over the canal on 23rd Street Southwest Dear Ms. Sadler: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of June 22, 2010, regarding the above referenced subject. Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion. If the subject matter is currently under litigation or is an on-going Code Enforcement case, the Board will hear the item but will not discuss the item after it has been presented. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of your concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting. The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building "F") of the government complex. Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members. If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. ~incerel;' / J'" #rfl<. .~,.;~ .~ Michael J. Sheffield Assistant to the County Manager MJS/mjb cc: Jeffrey Klatzkow, County Attorney Norman Feder, Growth Management Administrator Travis Gossard, Roads and Bridges Superintendent - e9/22/2ee9 el:12 2393527e54 AgenJ'ffem ~o 6A June 22, 2010 Page 2 of 4 t'f)ltIuesttDScl -'omerPubllcPelltion A""""": CoI4~ /vI/IIJ^i~ COUGAR PSR rNC f'letJae print Neme: j) ON ,AlA 'S,q d 16' ~ Addre8S: <430 01'0 j{d ~ T 'SW' N f'lf2,l E<., F L.. cA II, - 2>~,;l. Co Phone: .jJ.'M-.L./.-ss- '-I~'9 / (eE'l\ -"'<lI-Br'lI) o. orlh8 ~r "bll:l YOU wish to lIID8IIk: ::r~w-E. c'9a.1dlo1C .1iR circle ,.. or no: .. thIa lIUbJlM:t ......... under IItIptJon lit .... time? .. this ..~ rMIbIr" ongoing Code EM'r.DIC8IMIrt _? v_(;) v_@ Nola: If....... .....". .. "'JfW'. the BoMt wll .... the ...... bUt wiD haVe no dItIc:I-lon reglII'dIng the Item...It..... Ill.""" Pleull.......ain in detalthe.-1IOIl VDU are I1IQUMtlna to ....--It /..........1IdlIlIonaI ...- ifl'l8""'--': Sf: € AtI1cl'~A~~R p......_ .,-Ialn in tMhUI the oorJInn VDU 58 8IIklna the r....mmIatlion to ....... (alllad'l addillgnlll D8lJ8 If ,...,...-8...,': 'SEe ,4JT^~'" Ed \",pFR ...-.-..........-- .. .-... .-...-------... ... .... ... - 09/22/2009 01:12 AgendaAll~m If.llo 6A June 22, 20'10 ~~~ ~...J., MA-J'~'~Of4 1::bfJ~A- ~,qd\E~ t415'"'5 -4~'H The reeidenl:s on Z1' ST SW. north d the CII18lare being told th8t . bridge II going to be il\lllll.cl~...... The ....... for this bridge we are being told II that the 'N1Il8............ to be ...... Si108lhe ~ ST SIN Bridge was IdI. died 10 1t~, .1':: ."" .~. ",.IIN Plan, It mIde .... to ~ this new ace "' in ardIr .. .'. of the Yt'hiI8 Blvd. Bridge. ,- ~,:l; '. ~. ~~ _ ',,: .," 1 - . . InstllllirD............ C8nIIIt on ~ ST SW II not ., .IIIJJ8I' to h8Jp with the groMh .....','Mh 2!1' ST SWjult one.net well tI ztd ST SW It c::Joeanll . "rtI,~ 'll.1t) II*1CI money on 8 brtdge R I'OlId 1l'4IO..ments that ...."'1r ~.Il't' . on ~ ST SWID h8ndJe 8UCh., Imp8ttclftnIIIIC. 23M ST ... f. .',., ....14 It wIIh dIIp oi..... cJIIchM due to the ......ag tI GGBJvcI,' . . WhIte BIYd. .. to ....lltl8nts on the eouth aide of the C8I'llII what GGBIYd. Is to the telldentS on the nctlh side or the ClnIII. WIIh rB Bldel ItS oomlng from ell the way out from u f8r as 0eI0t0 Blvd. UlIing GGBlvd., bringing more tnd'lIc I4J to GGBlvd. will just ~ the Blvd. more. The money 88V8d by not lnIblIIing 8 bridge over the ~ ST sw C8'l8I and the road Irr4'l0llWflelltS, COUld go t<MW'd widening WhIt8 Blvd. tr just adding two feet of aephaJt on both Iidea of the lllreet Ilke~. ST SW on the aouth Iide of the canal. . The oanal i, like 8 naluraI O8Iming devi08. ResId8nIlI traveling north on the IOUIh side of the canal mull turn 18ft onto wtite Blvd.. then IUITI rJghl Cll'tO 21ff' ST SW if they wiIh to ... north to GGBlvd. Tl'lIIIIc flawa bIItt<< by not having to come to . Itop tAflHtumIng anlo WhIte BIYd. T~ will ~ up once . bridge II lnatalled eN<< zr- ST.SW bec-.... 8 ...... way IIiop Iigl.......... told _I be instE'lrl11 . The reeidenlll on ~ ST aw, norlI'l of the canl!II d10Ie to live on thiI quiet deed encllllrwt. PuItIng. brtdge CNf1r the canl!II will a.1Q8 0l.I' liwe forever. It wiD take IINIIf our ~ end way of lie as . deed end tItnI8l I haVe IJved on 23M ST SW for twIRly- five yeerI and !!noW how the tnIftIc tIowB on the other llide d the canII.. T.-. C8I'S and trucka wMI b..... 0l611re8l . RniA..on,25I' ST SW, 2J"h ST aw, 2ft' ST SW, n 31- ST SWkneW that thW lIlI8llt .. . ~ street when they bOught lh8Ir nome. WIth a bridge over the cenaI on ~ ST SW..... wiH be II more ba.a1l1d through IIlrIIet and mollt UkeIy !he other ....ullleu lIaJllled. . With the 1311 ST SW Bridge being built, the FIREIEMS has quicker fIOOlJ9" to the south side of the C8'l8I. 2393527054 COJGAR PSR INC I REASONS IMJlElMESTlNG TO SPEAK 89/22/2889 81:14 2393527854 CllJGAR PSR INC PAGE 81 Agendallem No. 6A June 22,2010 Page 4 of 4 ACTIONS IAMASICING THE COMMISSlON TO TAt<E A-TTII: t.o",~ tfI/t/J~8e(c ""i)o",^,~ ~f\d Ic:j( ~ss-~o"l I1m' a81_",~ . _.' '1X1 iD pl. liT reconeider the ir\ItIIIm8I1l of. bridge C/IW the C8fIIl,.:z:ttsrSW. Once" brtdge is in. there ia no tIlTing b8Ck. The 1J1d ST=~. __. . nlldH bridga, only needed for the comenienC8 far the AlP '. " WhIl8 Blvd. Bridge. 1'tlIn.. other ways to dMI YAlh ~- ---...-..-. ...... ..' ..........I9bl'tdge. V\\.I..c....Oll.-toWOUldbelO 1nIIII* '.. ," :.,.......1 bdl.. 1 over the ~ It M ClII'IlII fOr CW tnIfIIc only, no trucb.', WIle Btvd. bridge l*plaoed .. quIcIdJ .. pcrnlhle. . Golden G8IiIt e.- Is the oriy area that is like t:DStlIY. MoIll1llidents move out here for that reeeon, . InsteIlIng bridge8 for belW 00I.18C1Mty should be voted on by the I'8IicIent8 on fNe!IY ...... that h8I been chol" to 1'18\/8 . bl'ldg8 Insl8IIed. . SInce WhIte Blvd. Is the rn&In exit to Collier BMt. fir Ihe r_deI4a on the south aide db aNI, It ehouId be widened HIce GGB/Yd. .... . Money __ bf not InIlaIIlI'IIJ . blidge on 23'" ST SW could be UMd tDWIlI'd widening VIIhIte BMt., If not tcu....., at Ie8st IIIIIde wider.