Agenda 03/09/2010 Item #16D 4 Agenda Item No. 1604 March 9, 2010 Page 1 of 16 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a modification to Disaster Recovery Initiative Agreement #08DB-D3-09-21-01-A03 between the Florida Department of Community Affairs and Collier County and associated contract amendments with subrecipients. This modification will update tbe current project work schedules and extend the grant periods. OBJECTIVE: To approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a modification to Disaster Recovery Initiative Agreement #08DB-D3-09-21-01-A03 between the Florida Department of Community Affairs and Collier County and associated contract amendments with subrecipients. CONSIDERATION: On April 8,2008, through Resolution No. 2008-87, the Board of County Commissioners accepted a federally-funded supplemental disaster recovery subgrant agreement with the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Several hurricane hardening projects were established for funding under the Agreement. - A modification is needed to update the current work schedules for each project and extend the grant periods. The extension will facilitate project close-outs and afford more time to operate the Disaster Recovery Initiative Single Family Rehabilitation Program. This program provides income qualified persons and families with hurricane mitigation activities such as roof replacement and the installation of impact resistant doors and windows. Each project is complete or substantially complete at this time. However, certain subrecipient agreements expired or will soon expire and those projects require additional time for completion. Approval of this item and execution of the attached contract amendments will correct these issues. Current work schedules and contract amendments funded under this Agreement are attached to this item. This modification does not change the funding amounts under the agreements. Rather, the contract amendments will extend the grant periods for two substantially complete projects and update the current project work schedules for the Florida Department of Community Affairs. FISCAL IMPACT: This modification has zero impact on the approved budget for this grant and projects. No general funds are associated with these projects. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Implementation of the Disaster Recovery Initiative will help facilitate efforts to meet the goals, objectives and policies set forth in the Housing Element of the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The modification and contract amendments have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office. They are legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG -- RECOMMENDATION: To approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a modification to Disaster Recovery Initiative Agreement #08DB-D3-09-21-01-A03 between the Florida Department of Community Affairs and Collier County and associated contract amendments with subrecipients. PREPARED BY: Lisa Oien, Grants Support Specialist, Housing and Human Services ___or _____~._ .-..-,.,-.-.-..--.. ...,~..,......_,- .- :lE ~ C> o e:: D. C> III o o II) w - I- - o ..Jz ~~ :lED. (1):.:: 1I)e:: e::0 <~ lL.1- lL.0 c(w ~.., _0 ze:: ~D. :lE :lE o o lL. o I- Z w :lE l- e:: c( D. W o .- o .- o N ClIO o 2 0 :%:1 .coD. cPOZ lL.M- .,. I- ow WC>I- e::OZ c(~W D.1ll- wI-a: e::00 D.WW W..,e:: 1-0 III c(e::~ OD.II) ... cP ... 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'" E >. ~ . > . - u '" Ol C o C '" .c - - t.l .~ o ... 0. Ol ~ o :;;: Ol - o Z Agenda Item No. 16D4 March 9, 2010 Page 8 of 16 -- MODIFICATION NUMBER 4 TO GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN - THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND COLLIER COUNTY This Modification is made and entered into by and between the State of Florida, Department of ComJ;Ilunity Affairs, (the Department"), and Collier County , (the Recipient"), to modify DCA Contract Number 08DB-D3-09-21-0 l-A03 , award dated May 23, 2008 , ("the Agreement"). WHEREAS, the Department and the Recipient entered into the Agreement, pursuant to which the Department provided a grant of $ 2.814.698.15 to Recipient under the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") Program as set forth in the Agreement; WHEREAS, the Department and the Recipient desire to modify the Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties contained herein, the parties agree as follows: -- o Reinstate Agreement l. The Agreement is hereby reinstated as though it had not expired. X Extend Agreement 2. Paragraph 3, Period of Agreement is hereby revised to reflect an ending date of November 13,2010 . X Revise Activity Work Plan 3. The Attachment B, Activity Work Plan section of the Agreement is hereby deleted and is replaced by the revised Attachment B, Activity Work Plan section, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. o Revise Program Budget and Scope of Work 4. The Attachment A, Program Budget and Scope of Work section of the Agreement is hereby deleted and is replaced by the revised Attachment A, the Program Budget and Scope of Work, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. .- - - ,--"~, >~-~._- . .-...... Agenda Item No. 16D4 March 9, 2010 Page 9 of 16 Modification # 4 DCA Contract Number: 08DB-D3-09-21-01-A03 Recipient: Collier County Page 2 o Chauge in Participating Parties 5. The Attachment G, Special Conditions section, is hereby modified to delete all references to " ," as the Participating Party, and replace them with " " as the Participating Party with the understanding that the Recipient and the new Participating Party will enter into a Participating Party Agreement containing provisions and caveats that meet or exceed the conditions agreed to in the Participating Party Agreement between the Recipient and the original Participating Party. o Inclusion of an Unmet Need as Addressed in the Original Application 6. The Attachment A, Program Budget and Scope of Work section of the Agreement is hereby deleted and is replaced by the revised Attachment A, the Program Budget and Scope of Work, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 7. The Attachment B, Activity Work Plan section of the Agreement is hereby deleted and is replaced by the revised Attachment B, Activity Work Plan section, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. o Change in Number of Accomplishments and/or Beneficiaries 8. The Attachment A, Program Budget and Scope of Work section of the Agreement is hereby deleted and is replaced by the revised Attachment A, the Program Budget and Scope of Work, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All provisions of the Agreement and any attachments thereto in conflict with this Modification shall be and are hereby changed to conform to this Modification, effective as of the date of the execution of this Modification by both parties. All provisions not in conflict with this Modification remain in full force and effect, and are to be performed at the level specified in the Agreement. .,".-'-,.',".",''''''- '..,,', Agenda Item No. 16D4 March 9, 2010 Page 10 of 16 .-- Modification # 4 DCA Contract Number: 08DB-D3-09-21-01-A03 Recipient: Collier County Page 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this document as of the dates set herein. Department of Community Affairs Recipient Name: Collier County By: Name: Janice Browning Title: Director, Division of Housing and Community Development By: Name: Fred W. Coyle Title: Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Date: Date: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Attest: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk - By: Colleen Greene Assistant County Attorney ,Deputy Clerk - -_.._._------,..__.~- ---"""-~--'-' _."w........_.._._ Agenda Item No. 16D4 March 9, 2010 Page 11 of 16 EXHIBIT A-I Contract Amendment for Subrecipient Agreement Florida Administrative Code 9BER06-1 CFDA# t4.22S "lmmokalee Helping Our People in Emersencies, Inc." (!HOPE) This amendment, dated . 2010 to the referenced agreement shall be by and between the panies to the originat Agreement, Immokalee Helping Our Poople in Emergencies, Inc. (to be referred to as Subrecipient) and Collier County. a political subdivision of the state of Florida, (to be referred to as "County"). Statement of UnderstandinK RE: Contracl Florida Administrative Code 9BER06-1 CDFA #14.22S "Immokalee Helping Our People in Emergencies, loc". In order to continue the services provided for in the original Agreement document referenced above, the Subrecipient agrees to amend the above referenced Agreement as foUows: Note: Words ~ have been deleted. Words ynderlineq have been added, A. PROJf;CT QE:;CRJPT]ON: One page 17 of23 amend as foUows Final completion date for funded activity shaU be no later than May 13" 2010. G. WORK SCHJm~LES: On page IS and 19 of 23 amend as foUows Task End Date Pennitting rebroary 2010 Retocation (residents) February 2010 Demolition March 20 I g Sile preparation MArch-April 2010 Construction aw-il-Mav 20lQ Utility Hook up Mav 201g Project Comptetion (receipt of Certificate of MaY 13. 20lQ Occupancy) Please nole thaI if any of these activities exceed the timelines by two months a revised work schedule musl be submitted to HHS. Agenda Item No. 16D4 March 9, 2010 Page 12 of 16 - EXHIBIT A-I Contract Amendment for Subrecipient Agreement Florida Administrative Code 9BER06-1 CFDA# 14.228 "Immokalee Helpin8 Our People in Emergencies, Inc." Page 20f2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Subrecipient and the County have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date(s) indicated below. All other tenns and conditions of the agreement shall remain in force. ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: , Deputy Clerk By: Fred W, Coyle, CHAIRMAN First Witness SUBRECIPIENT: Immokalee Helping Our People in Emergencies, Inc. Type/print witness name By: Rick Heers, Executive Director - First Witness TypelPrint Witness name . Approved as to form and gal sufficiency: ~ olleen M. Greene Assistant County Attorney _. - Agenda Item No. 16D4 March 9, 2010 Page 13 of 16 EXHIBIT A-I Contract Amendment for 5ubrecipient Agreement Florida Administrative Code 9BER06-t CFDA# 14.228 "St. Matthew's House. [nc," This amendment, dated . 20 I 0 to the referenced agreement shall be by and between the parties to the original Agreement, 51. Matthew's House, Inc. (to be ",ferred to as Subrecipient) and Collier County, a political subdivision of the stale of Florida, (to be referred to as "County"). Statement of Understandinl RE: Contract Florida Administrative Code 9BER06-1 CDF A #14.228 "51. Matthew's House, Inc." In order to continue the services provided for in the original Agreement document referenced above. the Subrecipient agrees to amend the above rcfe",nced Agreement as follows: Note: Words ~ have been deleted. Words undqjinl1l! have been added. A. PRO,lEC'tJ!j:SCRIPTION: One page 17 of23 amend as follows Final comptetion date for funded activity shall be no later !I.ul!! MI!)'.J3~ 2010, G. WORK SCHF;llULES: On page 18 and 19 of23 amend as follows Task End Date Window Installation (additional windows) Marcb 20 I 0 Prioritize additional hardening activities based on March 2009 funding Rain gutter work and repair March 2010 Dining repairs for hurricane hardening ~ Complete all hardening activities Mav 13,201.0. Please note thai if any of these activities exceed the timellnes by two months a revised work schedule must be submitted to HHS. NOlE: Work sch~l!ul~s are in effect for P1Q&!'!!l11 !I19nitorilli reQuir~l11lIDts ontv <IIld as S1lch are useW HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES as.gen~ ~oals rather than su:i!a.Perforrnance requirements. - Agenda Item No. 16D4 March 9. 2010 Page 14 of 16 --"- EXHIBIT A-I Contra<:t Amendment for Subrecipient Agreement Florida Administrative Code 9BER06-1 CFDA# 14.228 "S!. Matthew's house Inc." Page 2 of2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Subrecipient and the County have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date(s) indicated below. All other tenns and conditions of the agreement shall remain in force, AITEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ,Deputy Clerk By: Fred W. Coyle, CHAIRMAN By: First Witness SUB RECIPIENT: St. Matthew's House Inc, By: Rev, Vann R. Ellison, Executive Director .- Type/print witness name First Witness TypeIPrint Witness name , Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency: Been M, Greene Assistant County Attorney - _._._------~----,. - ~.,," .1 uo...... .1 V.l L.. Agenda Item No. 16D4 March 9, 2010 Page 15 of 16 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1604 Meeting Date: Recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a modification to Disaster Recovery Initiative Agreement #08DB-D3-09.21-01-A03 between the Florida Department of Community Affairs and Collier County and associated contract amendments with subrecipients. This modification will update the current project work schedules and extend the grant periods. 3/9/2010900:00 AM Prepared By Usa Dien Grants Support Specialist Date Public Services Division Human Services 21191201010:35:40 AM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Director - Housing & Human Services Date Public Services Division Human Services 21191201011 :54 AM Approved By Kathy Carpenter Executive Secretary Date Public Services Public Services Admin. 2119120102:13 PM Approved By Marlene J. Foard Grant Development & Mgrnt Coordinator Date Administrative Services Division Administrative Services Division 21231201011 :00 AM Approved By Marla Ramsey Administrator. Public Services Date Public Services Division Public Services Division 2123120101:04 PM Approved By Colleen Greene Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney 2/24/20108:36 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 2/25120109:37 AM Approved By Sherry Pryor Office of Management & Budget ManagemenU Budget Analyst, Senior Date Office of Management & Budget 2126120109:38 AM Approved By -Cl__IIf'.\ A __._.J_'T"~_,,-\T""_...__-,,-11t:^ l.K_.._L ^ "'^1^\1r f'r\-"'Tcor-"'T'T" AL'T""-"'TnAI1rn T"lTTrlT Tr" COT"" ,..",.., ,"'^,^ .1 at;'"' -'-Ul-'- Agenda Item No. 16D4 March 9, 2010 Page 16 of 16 Jeff Klatzkow County Attorney Date - 2/26/20102:08 PM Approved By Mark Isackson ManagemenUBudget Analyst, Senior Date Office of Management & Budget Office of Management & Budget 2/27/20101:28 PM - ,..- r=1_./ln.\ A ___....J_"T"__'"-IT:______.....\1 CI\ ....4'"__._1- 1\ "'\1\11\\1;: ,...,A1I.TC'lT:lI.T'T" A""'T'1\.T~.;.\1rT'\. T'>.TTT'!.T T.........T'" "'l1"'l1""^1 ^ ..-.__..... ,....... --. .,,-' "---- ___,__....."'" ."'U"