Agenda 03/09/2010 Item #16B 6 Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 1 of 14 .". EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to coordinate a public available funding. enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Lee County to transit link between Lee and Collier Counties subject to OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval from the Board of County Commissioners to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Lee County to coordinate a public transit link between Lee and Collier Counties subject to available funding. CONSIDERATIONS: There is strong community interest in developing a public transit link between Collier Area Transit in Collier County and LeeTran in Lee County. A Lee/Collier Transit Connection project was identified in the 2008 Transit Development Plan Annual Report as the Number One priority project through public outreach efforts and the MPO process. Both Collier and Lee County have been working together since 2007 in an effort to establish a route that would link both systems. The following paragraphs provide a summary of some of those efforts. -- Public Transit Service Development funds are made available each year through an application process administered by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). In 2007 both Collier County and Lee County submitted Service Development Grant applications for a new route that would provide regional transit connection service between Collier and Lee Counties. The Collier County project proposal requested a three-year 100% project funded award in the amount of $816,512 with no local match. LeeTran also submitted a project proposal for a Public Transit Service Development Grant that year for a similar project with 100% State funding. County staff received a letter dated December 12, 2007 from FDOT's District Modal Development Administrator that stated that the FDOT draft work prof,'ram included a three-year Service Development Program award to Collier County in the amount of $267,511 with a 50% local match for FY08-09. Staff responded to FDOT that the award funding was insufficient to operate this new service and that wc needed 100% State funding. LeeTran responded with the same comments concerning their FDOT Service Development Program award. During months to follow, County staff has worked with FDOT and LeeTran to figure out a way to accomplish the new service within the fiscal constraints of both Counties. FDOT programmed an additional $223,778 Service Development Program funding for FY 09-10 but will not conunit to 100% funding of this project. Therefore alternative funding will be required, including a local match, in order to implement this route. .-. Discussion with LeeTran and FDOT continues in order to finalize the project and to coordinate the details of the final service connection. All parties af,'reed that both jurisdictions would run their own bus with the combined frequency priority of thirty- minute frequencies. A proposal for route alignment and the estimated cost to operate - ~"-"'."---~ .~.,..".- . ",-.' " -~"'''- .,..,...--......."...,..,-., Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 2 of 14 have been developed. The proposed route would run south along US 41 from Coconut Point Mall to lmmokalee Road/Creekside with the following provisions. . The proposed Route could connect with Routes IA & IB providing an alternative transfer location for riders coming from or going to Lee County. LeeTran will adjust their schedule accordingly. . The proposed Route will operate days and times when connections between systems are possible including limited Sunday service. . Both Lee and Collier Transit systems will be responsible for the development, operation and maintenance 0 f bus shelters and passenger amenities within their jurisdiction. Unfortunately in March 2009 FOOT notified Collier and Lee County that the $267,511 Service Development Grant funding allocated for FY08-09 was being deleted from the work prol,>ram, which mcans that the funding is no longer available for this project. Funding is still available for FY 09-10 in the amount of $223,778. In order to show our commitment to cstablishing a transit link both counties have worked together to prepare the attached interlocal agrcement, which will allow the establishment of route when funding can be secured. All the provisions noted above have been incorporated into the attached interlocal Agreement. _.'~' On January 5, 2010 the Lee County Board of County Commissioners approved entering into the lnterlocal Agrecment with Collier County and has executed the agreement, forwarding it to Collier County for the Board to do the same. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact with this request because the Resolution is intended to define how the route will be established and coordinated if budgeted. When actual funding is identified a separate Board action would be required. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action-SRT. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Consistent with Objective 10 and 12 of the Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve entcring into anlnterlocal Agreement with Lee County for the establishment of how public transit service into Lee County would be undertaken if budgeted and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. Prepared By: Michelle Edwards Arnold, Director of Alternative Transportation Modes Department .""", Attachment: (I) lnterlocal Agreement executed by Lee County; Exhibit A to Agreement - Map of proposed Route - -/:'- - ~~ . Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 3 of 14 - COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1686 Recommendation to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Lee County to coordinate a public transit link between Lee and Collier Counties subject to available funding. 3/9/20109:00:00 AM Meeting Date: Approved By Michelle Edwards Arnold Director - Alt Transportation Modes Date Transportation Division Alternative Transportation Modes 2/16/2010 5:45 PM Approved By Scott R. Teach Deputy County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney 2/17/201012:25 PM Approved By Barbara LaPierre Management/Budget Analyst Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 2/24/201011:30 AM Approved By '"..~ Norm E. Feder, AICP Administrator" Transportation Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 2/24/2010 2:06 PM Approved By Glama Carter Planner, Principal Date Transportation Division Alternative Transportation Modes 2/24/20102:15 PM Approved By Lisa Taylor Management/Budget Analyst Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 2/24/20103:46 PM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Executive Secretary Date Transportation Division Transportation Administration 2/24/20103:59 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 2/25/20109:10 AM Approved By Mark Isackson Management/Budget Analyst, Senior Date -..-. Office of Management & Budget Office of Management & Budget 2/27/201011:52 AM .c::1_./1f"-.\" ____.J_'T"__...\T""u____.....\1Cil }'6_.__'- {'\ "'''1il\1r. f"-r'l."l..lClT"""l..l'T" "f"-T"""l..TT"\4\1f~ 'T"Tl ""l..TClTlA '-'/"1/",,,1" "--- .~_.. Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 4 of 14 . 1NTEMO(Al......-r FOIl T1tMIIf SllMClIEYWEIN COWIR CXJUN1Y .v.LH aMftY This INTERLClCAL AGREEMENT Is IlIItde on this Z010 by Ind between the coweJ COUNTY BOARD Of COUNtY COMMISSIONERS for pvrposes of this Asrellll1ent d/b/a <:oilier Arel Transit (CAT) 10CIted It 3301 East Tlmlaml Tr"'. Naples. Floridl 34112. hereinlfter rete"" to IS 'CAl", and LEE COUNTY BOAM> OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS d/b/I LHTran. located It 6035 landin, View Road. Fort Myers, Florldl. 33907 hereinafter refwred to IS .....TrwI: c:ollec:tlvely the 'Partles" hereto. WHEREAS, CAT provides transpol'tlltlon services within ColUer County. Florida. and LaeTran pl'OYldes puOllc transportlllon services within Lee COUnty, Florida; Ind WHEREAS, CAT and leeTrln desire to Implement inter-c;ounty public: transit servtee between COllier County and lee County; and WHEREAS. the Intet"-c:ounty transit service is In the best Interest of the citizens of both ColUer COUnty and lee County by providln, Mora efllcIent tnns,ortatlon services. NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of the forepIlII and IS set forth herein, the sufflcMmcy and adequacy of which the parties lIdcnowIellp, the Parties ...... . folows: SecIIOII One ....-c-.ty,.... 5eMcIeI 1.1 CA1' and leeTran will nc:h provllle trallslt service between Cllller County and lee County" the U$41 Contclor. 1lI0re ~ descrlHlf In Exhibit "A"1thdled hereto and ~MnlIIt; and C7b . 1-5-10 .....1019 ..,' '-~."", -.", . , , . Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 5 of 14 . . ~" 5ec:tIon Two Term 2.1 ThIs IIltIrIcIQf A&rHment will commence on October 1. 2009. throulh September 30, 2010. If said execution of Interlocll Ap'eement occurs Ifter October 1, 2009, It will become retrolCtlve wlth all terms and condftlon havll'l. the effective date of OCtober 1, 2009. This Interlocat Aareement will automatlQllv renew for one-year terms unless otherwise terminated PUI'$UIIIt to Section Eight: Termlnlltlan herein. Sec:tIon TIne ruptslnd OII/IIIt1ons 3.1 CAT and LeeTran wtlleach be responsible for tralnln. Its own system employees IIIld no employee of one system will operate a bus belOllllIll to the other system wtth the IlIlceptlon of an emerpnc:y situation rellltln. to public: safety. _. 3.2 CAT and LeeTran radio dispatchers will c:oordtnllte neces5IIy servlce adjustments, ..ch communlcatln& with their own empfoyees. CAT anti LeeTran radio dispatchers will communtc:llte with each other and their respective bus operltorS when It 15 In the best Interest of customer service and public safety. 3.3 CAT and ....Tran dlspatCh.rs will c:oordlnlte responses to saMc:e Interruptions to minimize custom.r delIvs. Such responses will Include the temporary use of an extra bus and/or driver when felSlble. CAT and LeeTran supervisors will also plOYlde this transportation In the event thllt a stancl-by bus operator lIIld/or bus are not lIVlIfflble. 3.4 In the ~ of iIII Kddent, Incfdent Otr other refIIted em...lIC\I.the respecttve dlspatdters will first notffy the 911 CaR Center located In the Jurisdiction of the lICCldent or .~).8....ncy. -" I I ....2019 L,...i~, ~. '" ,-' ,'" ,,' .-....~"~-,.. ''''''''''''. :,.:~' ,,' '". --."",,,-- ."-"-'~ -, --_. ,'~'_--..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...~"-~,,,", ~,-~-'.. _._.--,-,''''''-'--- . Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9. 2010 Page 6 of 14 '. 3.5 The first system supervisor to an1vtt at an Will coordInea with relevant emerpnc:v Hl'VIcu, their respective cItIpa1cher and proy\de assIIhInce to the aktecl bus operator and/<< custo/lllfS until such time as the appropriate supervII8f by Jurlsdlctlon arrives at the stene. In the event that one system does not h_ the resources to dispatch a supenAsor, then the r..pondlns supervisor wlI obtain the pertinent InfomlatIDn (pictures, names, witness Information I relBting to the lICCident for a basic InvestiBatIon and communicate this Information to their respective dispatcher. LeeTran and CAT clIspatchers wIH communicate with each other to coonIIMte Joint efforts when appHcable under this sectlon In the Interest of pubHc safety IIIId customer servlce. The rupectlve dispatchers wiN communlcllte with their respective street supervtsors and bus operators when at all possible. Typical and accepted translllndustry protc-lJlDls wtN be followed to address ellCh event. 3.6 each svstem supervisor will provide assistance on service reIIted Issues to the bus operator throush the respective dispatchers. 3.7 Upon request. each party will provide to the other party rldel'shlp reportS In a manner consistent with senerally accepted trINlt report!nS methods. 3.8 For the purpose of complyinl with Collier County's Ioeel slBn resulatlons, LeeTran qr_ to supply vehicles, Includlns spares, with no advertisement when possible to op8Qte an thedellenated route. 3.9 Compliance with the Americans with Dlsabllttles Act (ADA) for the purposes of provldlnl 5fiVk:e under "s InterIocal Asreemetlt will be the responslblllty of..m respective Jurisdiction. Both jurlslfic:tIons wlII coordinate die pI'O'Jision of ADA services as.~. ..... . of 9 ~"":' ~ '". "'0 Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 7 of 14 . , .-. s.ceIltIllour Colt .n',...... 4.1 All bus step locations lIonl the deslln.ted route will be consllleretl common bus stops by both CAT ItId leeT~n. However, CAT and I.eeT~n will retain sep.me financial responslblllty for schedule and route brodlures, bus stop sllns, bus shelters, bus stop benches, trash containers, bicycle racks, publle Informetlon dlstrlbutlon .nd other relIted expenses related to services within their respectlve county. 4.2 CAT and leeT,.n win be responsible for malnt81nlnl lIII bus stops, shehers, benches and rel8tecl amenities, Indudlnc trash collection, wtthln their respectIYe county alonl the deslCnated route. Alencles will coordinate wtth each other to monitor the appe.rance and m.ifttenance of SlId amenities. _."~ 4.3 Each jurisdiction will provide marketlnc of the route IncIu4II11 developlnl Information materllls In order to promote ridership. 4.4 CAT ItId leeTl'lIn will retain Indlvldull responsibility for collectlnC llIId reportllll performance dltllllld other statistics as required by the Florida Department of Transportation and the Fecle~1 Transit Administration. SectIon five F_ 5.1 CAT ItId leeTran will each rebln Independent control over fates and fate c:oltec:tlon. 5.2 AI fares citarBed to pllSSllllprs a_ the deslpated route will M based upon an acreed upon fare ItructuN and subject to the f'oIIowlnl. .._. "II" of 9 . . , ","-, > ..;" -..-', Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 8 of 14 . a, No tnnsfers will be hOMred between the CAT IIIld LeeTI'Ift systems. Each rwpactl\HI jurisdiction wiN honor valkl prepaid PMMS. permits. tickets and transf.rs for p-ncers boIFdInt the systelll from which the prepeld fllre or transfer wes !sIu.d. b. , . I 5.3 NothInI herein wUl limit either party from acloptlnl or lmend1n8 feres and releted rults eppllc:llble to the HfVlces provided by either party. , , , , , , , SectIon SIx GonmlIlI '- 6.1 This Alreement will be lovemed by the laws of the State of Florida. 6.2 All service provided under this asreement will comply with FIorIde Rule 14.90 as amended. 5ed1on SevM I . I 7.1 For clelms erlsInlln tort and within the limits provided In SectIon 768.28, Florida Statutft, HCh perty wIlIlndemnlfy, defend, AVe and hold harmless the other perty. all Its officers. asenu or employees from all suits, actions, claims, demands, IleblIlty of any nature whetsoever artslnl due to lIlY nqllpnt act, omission or commission of t111t other party. Its Sllbamtrectors, epntI or employees. NeIther the pertIes hereto nor or lIlY of Its epI'It$ wIH be liable under this section for dMl1apS arlslnl out of Injury or damep to ,..ns or property to the extent caused by the IOIe nqIlcence of the other party. Its officers, apnts or employees. The parties ... thll tills sectIOn will not wahle or exceed the beneftt or 4lmlts provtcled In Olapter 761.28. Florida stItuteS. as may be alMftded from tIm. to time. I , I i I I I . i I i I ....sot9 . -0 ,.:..or , -,- ,., - -,. -,.. Agen<:la'1iem r'ro:"'I'1'iBb March 9, 2010 Page 9 of 14 . . - ~ ..... T~ 8.1 ThIs .........t tin be termlMad by either party upon prwIdIns ninety (901 deys prior written noace of such termlnlltion to the other party. 8.2 Section Sellen: Indemnlflcetlon wl" survive the dates and terms of this AIfeement. Section NIne FORI ~ _. 9.1 NeIther pWty will be beble for eny edjustments to pII~IA4Ints or devIetIons in or part'" or complete MIIpeIlSlon of performllllce, hlIure of perfonmtnce or eny "-au without IIm1tlltlons resultln8 fromstrllles or lebar disputes. work stOPPIPS. fire, explollons, weter. the elemenu, IICtS of God (lndudln& without IlmbtIon. hurrlClnes or wind, rU1s, floods or IIshtnlnll. IICtS of eMl or military authorities or public enemy or other causes beyond the party's control whether or not similar to the for.... SectIon Ten ModIfIaItIon 10.1 Thls..-t will not be modified e_pt by written Instrument sl8ned by both pertles. SectfoIIIIIwn AIIIpment 11.1 this Apument will be blndlnl upon end Inure to the benefit of the successors and ISIIIns of tile p...... hereto, but neither pany rillY esslp this ~ or any rWrts hereunder without ftrst obtaInInc the written CDIlIIftt of the ather. .....' at, I \ d . . ...... _ ,.,.' ,~. "k_....., , ".,.,:.;ii;..,~:;.. ~ ~,~ ~"'"''''"''''''''''' . ""'- ,.yo'- ,- ..,,~--,.... "--,_....._~-_..."....- - ---,-- "~-"",'-- Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 10 of 14 . 54IdI.- ..... --- 12.1 AIt nCIlIceI to be pen hentUl'lCler will be 5Ufftc:lent If pen In WI'Idnt In pel1Oll, or by retlltenld or certIfled 1IlIl1, return recelpt requested posUp prepaid. In elther case, such notIc:e will be IcIdressed to the respective party lit Its postalllCldress or at sllCha1iher address as neb party may herelfter clesIInIIte In wrItIns. Notices by mill will be deemed effective and complete It the time of maN receipt In accordance herewith. Notice will be unt to the partIes lit the addras IiIo1m1Ir1 the opaninl paraBFlIph of this AlRament. CAT TI'UlIt MMlIpr CoIIMr Aru TI'IllSIt (CATI 3301 Eat TamlMtl Trail ~Ies, PIorlda 34112 leeTran Translt Oepll'tment DIrector lee County TranJIt, LHTI1IrI 6035 landlns VIew RDId fort Myers, florlda 33907 SecItIoI'I ThIrteen HeedInp 13.1 A" sec:dons end descriptive subheadlnl5 of pal'llll'lPhs of the AlrHment are Insertecl for convenience only and wHl not affect the construction or thelntlf'lM'8'lltlon hereof. SectIon t'ouI1-. PartIelIlMllllllly 14.1 If lIlY provision of this A8r'HlTlent Is held Inwlid. the provision will be _rlllle and the relhelnder of the "",",,*,t will not be lIffected. In such an instance. the remainder WCJUIcI then continue to conform to the terms and .....Irements of applicable Iew. ""'7 of 9 h~,,,,,.,,,..~ill;..:.;;":,.~:s::-.,-,,;,, _.',,< . ~ "-', , ~- ,-" ."'~",...- ':',-" -' Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 11 of 14 Sec:tkNr,",-, DIIpute "-Iutlon 15.1 Anv dIIpuWs II1sIn8 froIll this """,,,em thlIt ClIIl not b. resollIed bV the PIrtle5 mlY be settled throu8h arbitration of the dlsplltld mattm by foIIowln8the fl(OCedvres II set form In Section 44.104, florida Statutes, or thl Parties mllV utlllze anv otMr IepI remedies available to lither Petty with respect to thl disputed matters. Sectlon ...... ~ 16.1 Each .nc:v director, or other employee as mav be destenated In wrItIns by the respective Countv Administrator, will serve as the Desl8neted Representative, and Is authorized to lSSume edmInlstradw duties associated with the Implementation of this ."Ihlnt. Anv disputes which mllV ar1se over anv provision of this Acreement, not setlsfltc:torllv resolved between the DesIInated Representatives, will be referred to the I"IIpeCtIve County Administrator or hlslher de.... .....af9 . . Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 12 of 14 , IN WITNess WHlttEOF, the parties h_ CIUSeCI these present to be cIuIy executed by authorized IS of the dlltl cl\Id above. ATTEST: 0WIIht Eo 8rodl C1ertl of CIrcuIt Coun 8y: ApprowclllS to fam! IIId IepI By: SCott R. THCh De~ County Attorney ATTEST: DiilutY CIIrIt , -, ~". - . ...~...... , ~ . ~. ,~:.:.J."' '.".n ...... . BOARD Of COUNTY RS OF COWER COUNlY, FLORIDA 8y: Clair BOARD OF COUNTY COMMl5SIONERS OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bv: Clllr By: CountY AttorMy' ~ "hf9 - ,c'--' ~.. Agenda Item No. 1686 March 9, 2010 Page 13 of 14 .. . - __. '".i.:'....-<-.-,.._-,... "'l., I_ ; -;::'" ';-'~ , < ~~~,-, '. .,' _S,> , -~" "'. ' " :;'. ' """'-""'--:'."- ',,'"), . .-- '\; ,..,-'..t ,.,,_. 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